Sparse Grid Interpolation Toolbox Previous page


Evaluate the sparse grid interpolant at a single point.

spsurfun is provided for conveniece to be used as an alternative to spinterp, where the point Y to be evaluated is given as a row or column vector. This functional form is often adopted by multivariate optimization algorithms in Matlab.

Note that this form allows the evaluation of the sparse grid interpolant at a single point only. Therefore, It is recommended to use spinterp instead if multiple evaluations of the interpolant can be performed simultaneously.


IP = spsurfun(Y,Z)
[IP,IPGRAD] = spsurfun(Y,Z)


IP = spsurfun(Y,Z) Computes the interpolated value IP at the single point [Y1, ..., YD] for the sparse grid interpolant Z.

[IP,IPGRAD] = spsurfun(...) Computes the interpolated value IP and the gradient vector IPGRAD.

Two additional options are available with spsurfun that are set by adding a field to the structure Z:


The following code shows how to use spsurfun. Note that as opposed to the spinterp syntax, the second argument is the sparse grid interpolant, not the first one.

f = inline('x.^2 + y.^2 - 2.*z');
z = spvals(f,3,[],spset('GridType','Chebyshev'));
[ip,ipgrad] = spinterp(z, 0.5, 0.2, 0.2)
[ip,ipgrad] = spsurfun([0.5, 0.2, 0.2], z)
in =
ipgrad = 
    [3x1 double]
ip =
ipgrad =

See the help page on sparse grid optimization for an example where spsurfun is used with an optimization method from Mathwork's Optimization Toolbox.

See Also
