03-Mar-2019 08:18:43 quadrature_golub_welsch_test: MATLAB version Test quadrature_golub_welsch. quadrature_golub_welsch_test01: Compute points and weights for Gauss quadrature with the Chebyshev Type 1 weight w(x) = 1/sqrt(1-x^2). Order N = 5 Interval = [-1,1] Abscissas: 1: -0.951057 2: -0.587785 3: 2.26221e-18 4: 0.587785 5: 0.951057 Weights: 1: 0.628319 2: 0.628319 3: 0.628319 4: 0.628319 5: 0.628319 a = -1 quadrature_golub_welsch_test02: Compute points and weights for Gauss quadrature with the Chebyshev Type 2 weight w(x) = sqrt(1-x^2). Order N = 5 Interval = [-1,1] Abscissas: 1: -0.866025 2: -0.5 3: 5.95249e-17 4: 0.5 5: 0.866025 Weights: 1: 0.1309 2: 0.392699 3: 0.523599 4: 0.392699 5: 0.1309 quadrature_golub_welsch_test03: Compute points and weights for Gauss quadrature with the Gegenbauer weight w(x) = (1-x^2)^alpha. Order N = 5 ALPHA = 0.25 Interval = [-1,1] Abscissas: 1: -0.885526 2: -0.518146 3: 6.84469e-18 4: 0.518146 5: 0.885526 Weights: 1: 0.171047 2: 0.43055 3: 0.544843 4: 0.43055 5: 0.171047 quadrature_golub_welsch_test04: Compute points and weights for Gauss quadrature with the generalized Hermite weight w(x) = |x|^alpha * exp(-x^2). ALPHA = 2 Order N = 5 Interval = (-oo,+oo) bj = 1.22474 1.00000 1.58114 1.41421 0.00000 mu0 = 0.88623 Abscissas: 1: -2.3175 2: -1.27639 3: 5.11203e-16 4: 1.27639 5: 2.3175 Weights: 1: 0.0288027 2: 0.313028 3: 0.202566 4: 0.313028 5: 0.0288027 quadrature_golub_welsch_test05: Compute points and weights for Gauss quadrature with the generalized Laguerre weight w(x) = x^alpha * exp(-x). Order N = 5 ALPHA = 2 Interval = [0,+oo) mu0 = 2 Abscissas: 1: 1.03111 2: 2.83721 3: 5.62029 4: 9.68291 5: 15.8285 Weights: 1: 0.520917 2: 1.06671 3: 0.38355 4: 0.0285642 5: 0.000262713 quadrature_golub_welsch_test06: Compute points and weights for Gauss quadrature with the Hermite weight w(x) = exp(-x^2). Order N = 5 Interval = (-oo,+oo) bj = 0.50000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 bj = 0.50000 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 bj = 0.50000 1.00000 1.50000 0.00000 0.00000 bj = 0.50000 1.00000 1.50000 2.00000 0.00000 Abscissas: 1: -2.02018 2: -0.958572 3: 2.40258e-16 4: 0.958572 5: 2.02018 Weights: 1: 0.0199532 2: 0.393619 3: 0.945309 4: 0.393619 5: 0.0199532 quadrature_golub_welsch_test07: Compute points and weights for Gauss quadrature with the Jacobi weight w(x) = (1-x^2)^alpha*(1+x)^beta Order N = 5 ALPHA = 0.25 BETA = 0.75 Interval = [-1,1] Abscissas: 1: -0.835553 2: -0.446113 3: 0.062007 4: 0.552614 5: 0.894318 Weights: 1: 0.0874589 2: 0.330899 3: 0.538382 4: 0.495706 5: 0.213635 quadrature_golub_welsch_test08: Compute points and weights for Gauss quadrature with the Laguerre weight w(x) = exp(-x). Order N = 5 Interval = [0,+oo) Abscissas: 1: 0.26356 2: 1.4134 3: 3.59643 4: 7.08581 5: 12.6408 Weights: 1: 0.521756 2: 0.398667 3: 0.0759424 4: 0.00361176 5: 2.337e-05 quadrature_golub_welsch_test09: Compute points and weights for Gauss quadrature with the Legendre weight w(x) = 1. Order N = 5 Interval = [-1,1] Abscissas: 1: -0.90618 2: -0.538469 3: -1.08185e-16 4: 0.538469 5: 0.90618 Weights: 1: 0.236927 2: 0.478629 3: 0.568889 4: 0.478629 5: 0.236927 quadrature_golub_welsch_TEST: Normal end of execution. 03-Mar-2019 08:18:43