quad_mesh_order1_display_test 02-Mar-2019 16:51:28 quad_mesh_order1_display_test: MATLAB version Test quad_mesh_order1_display. 02-Mar-2019 16:51:28 QUAD_MESH_ORDER1_DISPLAY: MATLAB version Read and plot piecewise constant data on a quadrilateral mesh. This program expects to find three files to read: * a node file, * an element file, * a value file (one value per element) It reads the files and displays a plot. Read the header of "pool_nodes.txt". Spatial dimension DIM_NUM = 2 Number of points NODE_NUM = 28 Read the data in "pool_nodes.txt". First 5 nodes: Row: 1 2 Col 1 0.000000 0.000000 2 4.000000 0.000000 3 6.000000 0.000000 4 10.000000 0.000000 5 12.000000 0.000000 Read the header of "pool_elements.txt". Element order = 4 Number of elements ELEMENT_NUM = 18 Read the data in "pool_elements.txt". First 10 elements: Row: 1 2 3 4 Col 1 1 2 9 8 2 2 3 10 9 3 3 4 11 10 4 4 5 12 11 5 5 6 13 12 6 6 7 14 13 7 8 9 16 15 8 9 10 17 16 9 10 11 18 17 10 11 12 19 18 MESH_BASE_ONE: The element indexing appears to be 1-based! No conversion is necessary. Read the header of "pool_values.txt". Spatial dimension = 1 Number of values = 18 Read the data in "pool_values.txt". First 5 values: Row: 1 Col 1 2.000000 2 5.000000 3 7.000000 4 11.000000 5 12.000000 Here is a 3D image of the data. Use the 3D-Rotate menu item to examine the picture. QUAD_MESH_ORDER1_DISPLAY: Normal end of execution. 02-Mar-2019 16:51:39 quad_mesh_order1_display_test: Normal end of execution. 02-Mar-2019 16:51:39 diary off