POLYOMINO_ENUMERATE, a MATLAB program which enumerates chiral, fixed and free polyominoes of moderate order.
POLYOMINO_ENUMERATE does not compute anything; it simply stores a list of counts for polyominoes of orders 0 through 28, and when given a particular order, returns the corresponding number of polyominoes.
A polyomino is formed by connecting a number of unit squares. The order of a polyomino is the number of squares used in its formation. When we ask how many polyominoes there are of a specific order, we must state whether we distinguish two polyominoes which differ only in reflection or rotation.
For "chiral" or "one-sided" polyominoes, we do not regard rotations as producing a distinct polyomino;
for "fixed" polyominoes, reflections and rotations can produce a polyomino that is regarded as distinct;
For "free" polyominoes, we do not regard reflections or rotations as producing a distinct polyomino;.
Counts are given for chiral, fixed, and free polyominoes. Note, also, that for orders of 7 and more, the counts include polyominoes that have "holes".
The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.