mnist_neural_test 04-Feb-2019 09:06:38 MNIST_NEURAL_TEST MATLAB version. Test MNIST_NEURAL. MNIST_NEURAL_TEST MATLAB example Demonstrate a neural network that analyzes the MNIST digit image classification problem. Retrieving data from "/Applications/" labelCount = 10×2 table Label Count _____ _____ 0 1000 1 1000 2 1000 3 1000 4 1000 5 1000 6 1000 7 1000 8 1000 9 1000 ans = 28 28 accuracy = 0.9948 The neural network classification accuracy on the training data was 0.9948 Training progress plot saved as "training_progress.png" MNIST_NEURAL_TEST Normal end of execution. MNIST_NEURAL_TEST Normal end of execution. 04-Feb-2019 09:06:56