
fem2d_scalar_display_test, a MATLAB program which calls fem2d_scalar_display() to read datafiles describing a set of nodes, their triangulation, and the value of a scalar quantity at each node, and create a graphics file of the corresponding surface plot, which is then displayed using the MATLAB graphics system.


The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.

Related Data and Programs:

fem2d_scalar_display, a MATLAB program which reads information about nodes, elements and nodal values for a 2D finite element method (FEM) and creates a surface plot of U(X,Y), using the MATLAB graphics system.

Source Code:

ELL is an L-shaped region on which the function U=X^2+Y^2 is defined.

SPIKE is a circular region on which a solution of the Poisson equation forms an off-centered spike.

Last revised on 05 May 2019.