24-Dec-2018 08:58:32 CVT_1D_LUMPING MATLAB version Use lumping to implement a version of Lloyd's algorithm in the 1D interval [-1,1]. Number of generators is 33 Number of iterations is 1000 Number of samples is 4000000 Initial generators (Chebyshev Zero nodes): 1 -0.998867 2 -0.989821 3 -0.971812 4 -0.945001 5 -0.909632 6 -0.866025 7 -0.814576 8 -0.755750 9 -0.690079 10 -0.618159 11 -0.540641 12 -0.458227 13 -0.371662 14 -0.281733 15 -0.189251 16 -0.095056 17 0.000000 18 0.095056 19 0.189251 20 0.281733 21 0.371662 22 0.458227 23 0.540641 24 0.618159 25 0.690079 26 0.755750 27 0.814576 28 0.866025 29 0.909632 30 0.945001 31 0.971812 32 0.989821 33 0.998867 Saved graphics file "density.png" Saved graphics file "energy_033_c.png" Saved graphics file "motion_033_c.png" Saved graphics file "evolution_033_c.png" CVT data: K G H rho H^3 mu H 1 -1.0000 0.004597 0.1541 0.5362 2 -0.9908 0.0136 0.001022 0.1007 3 -0.9728 0.02248 0.0009124 0.09699 4 -0.9459 0.03116 0.0008854 0.09603 5 -0.9104 0.03956 0.0008747 0.09564 6 -0.8668 0.0476 0.0008694 0.09544 7 -0.8152 0.05521 0.0008663 0.09533 8 -0.7563 0.06232 0.0008644 0.09526 9 -0.6906 0.06886 0.0008632 0.09521 10 -0.6186 0.07479 0.0008624 0.09518 11 -0.5410 0.08003 0.0008618 0.09516 12 -0.4585 0.08455 0.0008613 0.09515 13 -0.3719 0.08831 0.000861 0.09514 14 -0.2819 0.09127 0.0008608 0.09513 15 -0.1894 0.0934 0.0008607 0.09512 16 -0.0951 0.09469 0.0008606 0.09512 17 0.0000 0.09509 0.0008599 0.09509 18 0.0951 0.09464 0.0008592 0.09507 19 0.1893 0.09336 0.0008594 0.09507 20 0.2818 0.09123 0.0008596 0.09508 21 0.3717 0.08828 0.0008598 0.09509 22 0.4583 0.08453 0.0008602 0.0951 23 0.5408 0.08001 0.0008607 0.09512 24 0.6184 0.07478 0.0008613 0.09515 25 0.6903 0.06886 0.0008623 0.09518 26 0.7561 0.06232 0.0008636 0.09523 27 0.8150 0.05522 0.0008655 0.0953 28 0.8665 0.04762 0.0008687 0.09542 29 0.9102 0.03959 0.0008741 0.09561 30 0.9457 0.0312 0.0008849 0.09601 31 0.9726 0.02253 0.000912 0.09697 32 0.9908 0.01365 0.001021 0.1007 33 0.9999 0.004644 0.07649 0.4245 Chebyshev Zero Node data for comparison K G H rho H^3 mu H 1 -0.9989 0.005656 0.001679 0.1189 2 -0.9898 0.01353 0.0008589 0.09506 3 -0.9718 0.02241 0.0008589 0.09506 4 -0.9450 0.03109 0.0008589 0.09506 5 -0.9096 0.03949 0.0008589 0.09506 6 -0.8660 0.04753 0.0008589 0.09506 7 -0.8146 0.05514 0.0008589 0.09506 8 -0.7557 0.06225 0.0008589 0.09506 9 -0.6901 0.0688 0.0008589 0.09506 10 -0.6182 0.07472 0.0008589 0.09506 11 -0.5406 0.07997 0.0008589 0.09506 12 -0.4582 0.08449 0.0008589 0.09506 13 -0.3717 0.08825 0.0008589 0.09506 14 -0.2817 0.09121 0.0008589 0.09506 15 -0.1893 0.09334 0.0008589 0.09506 16 -0.0951 0.09463 0.0008589 0.09506 17 0.0000 0.09506 0.0008589 0.09506 18 0.0951 0.09463 0.0008589 0.09506 19 0.1893 0.09334 0.0008589 0.09506 20 0.2817 0.09121 0.0008589 0.09506 21 0.3717 0.08825 0.0008589 0.09506 22 0.4582 0.08449 0.0008589 0.09506 23 0.5406 0.07997 0.0008589 0.09506 24 0.6182 0.07472 0.0008589 0.09506 25 0.6901 0.0688 0.0008589 0.09506 26 0.7557 0.06225 0.0008589 0.09506 27 0.8146 0.05514 0.0008589 0.09506 28 0.8660 0.04753 0.0008589 0.09506 29 0.9096 0.03949 0.0008589 0.09506 30 0.9450 0.03109 0.0008589 0.09506 31 0.9718 0.02241 0.0008589 0.09506 32 0.9898 0.01353 0.0008589 0.09506 33 0.9989 0.005656 0.001679 0.1189 ||G-ChebyshevZero|| = 0.00331178 Saved CVT coordinates in file "cvt_033_c.txt" Saved Chebyshev Zero node coordinates in file "chebyzero_033.txt" Iteration required 28.5501 seconds. CVT_1D_LUMPING Normal end of execution. 24-Dec-2018 08:59:03 Output saved in "output_033_c.txt"