13-Dec-2018 08:49:40 CIRCLES_TEST: MATLAB version Test the CIRCLES library. CIRCLES_TEST01: Draw one circle. Here we draw one circle of radius 3, centered at (5,10). Matlab doesn't set axes equal by default, so circles may not look like circles until you declare |axis equal|. cla circles ( 5, 10, 3 ) axis equal Image saved as "circles_test01.png" CIRCLES_TEST02: Draw 10 circles at x = 1:10, y = 5, of radius 2. They will automatically be of varying colors. cla circles ( 1:10, 5, 2 ) axis equal Image saved as "circles_test02.png" CIRCLES_TEST03: Draw 5 circles at x = 5, y = 15, of radiuses 1:5 specifying FaceColor None, resulting in hollow or open circles. cla circles ( 3, 15, 1:5, 'FaceColor', 'None' ) axis equal Image saved as "circles_test03.png" CIRCLES_TEST04: Draw green circles of various locations and sizes. x = 22:27; y = [5,15,12,25,3,18]; r = [3 4 5 5 7 3]; cla circles ( x, y, r, 'FaceColor', 'Green' ) axis equal Image saved as "circles_test04.png" CIRCLES_TEST05: Draw a circle at x = 5, y = 10, of radius 3. Specify the edge color and linewidth. cla circles ( 5, 10, 3, 'edgecolor', [.5 .2 .9], ... 'linewidth', 4 ) axis equal Image saved as "circles_test05.png" CIRCLES_TEST06: Draw a grid of circles. cla lat = repmat ( (10:-1:1)', 1, 10 ); lon = repmat ( 1:10, 10, 1 ); r = rand ( size ( lat ) ); circles ( lon, lat, r, 'edgecolor', 'b', ... 'facecolor', [0.7255 0.6353 0.5059] ); axis equal Image saved as "circles_test06.png" CIRCLES_TEST07: Overlay a parabolic line of semitransparent circles on a grid of circles. cla lat = repmat ( (10:-1:1)', 1, 10 ); lon = repmat ( 1:10, 10, 1 ); r = rand ( size ( lat ) ); circles ( lon, lat, r, 'edgecolor', 'b', ... 'facecolor', [0.7255 0.6353 0.5059] ); x = 1:.5:10; y = ( x / 4 ) .^ 2; circles ( x, y, .3, 'edgecolor', 'k', ... 'facecolor', [0.0078 0.5765 0.5255], 'facealpha', .4 ); axis equal Image saved as "circles_test07.png" CIRCLES_TEST08: Circles have corners. This script approximates circles as polygons with. 1000 vertices. If all those corners are too complex for your picture, you can reduce the number of points used to make each circle. Or if 1000 points is not high enough resolution, you can increase the number of points. Or if you'd like to draw triangles or squares or pentagons, you can significantly reduce the number of points. Let's try drawing an 8-sided stop sign: cla h = circles ( 1, 1, 10, 'vertices', 8, 'color', 'red' ); axis equal Image saved as "circles_test08.png" CIRCLES_TEST09: The stop sign in the previous test needs to be rotated. cla h = circles ( 1, 1, 10, 'vertices', 8, .. 'color', 'red', 'rot', 45/2 ); text ( 1, 1, 'STOP', 'fontname','helvetica CY', ... 'horizontalalignment', 'center', 'fontsize', 120, ... 'color', 'w', 'fontweight', 'bold' ) axis equal Image saved as "circles_test09.png" CIRCLES_TEST10: Rotation can be a scalar or a matrix. Plot some squares declaring arbitrary rotation corresponding to each square cla circles ( [1 3 5 7], 2, 1, 'vertices', 4, ... 'rot', [0 45 35 23.1] ); axis equal Image saved as "circles_test10.png" CIRCLES_TEST11: Draw a grid of circles, use a color map, and color each circle according to sqrt(x^2+y^2). cla c = colormap ( 'jet' ); [ m, ~ ] = size ( c ); r = 0.075; r = 0.075; zmin = 0.0; zmax = sqrt ( 8.0 ); hold on; for i = 0 : 8; x = i / 4.0; for j = 0 : 8; y = j / 4.0; z = sqrt ( x * x + y * y ); indx = fix ( ( m - 1 ) * ( z - zmin ) / ( zmax - zmin ) ) + 1; circles ( x, y, r, 'facecolor', c(indx,1:3) ); end end axis equal hold off Image saved as "circles_test11.png" CIRCLES_TEST: Normal end of execution. 13-Dec-2018 08:50:43 >>