area_under_curve_test is a MATLAB function which tests area_under_curve.
area_under_curve, a MATLAB function which displays the area under a curve, that is, the points (x,y) between the X axis and the curve Y=F(X).
F1 is the function y=3/4 (1-x^2), between -1.5 and +1.5.
area_under_curve ( -1.5, +1.5, @f1, 'Y=3/4(1-x^2)' )
F2 is the function y=2x between 0.0 and +1.0.
area_under_curve ( 0.0, 1.0, @f2, 'Y=2*x' )
F3 is the function y=exp(-x) between 0.0 and +3.0.
area_under_curve ( 0.0, 3.0, @f3, 'Y=e^{-x}' )
F4 is the function y=exp(-0.5*(x-5)^2) between 0.0 and +7.0.
area_under_curve ( 0.0, 7.0, @f4, 'Y=Gaussian(x,\mu=5,\sigma=1)' )