Thu Nov 8 17:34:26 2018 mesh_test: FENICS/Python version Demonstrate some properties of meshes. mesh_test1: Generate meshes with various options. Plotting a UnitIntervalMesh Graphics saved as "unitintervalmesh.png" Plotting a RectangleMesh Graphics saved as "rectanglemesh.png" Plotting a UnitCubeMesh Graphics saved as "unitcubemesh.png" UnitCubeMesh created 144 cells. Plotting a Circle Minus Rectangle Mesh Graphics saved as "circleminusrectanglemesh.png" Plot a mesh created from an XML file Graphics saved as "cape.png" cape.xml created 6408 cells. mesh_test2: Create just one mesh, and query it. Plotting an example mesh. Graphics saved as "example_mesh.png" my_mesh.num_vertices ( ) = 12. my_mesh.num_cells ( ) = 12. my_mesh.num_edges ( ) = 0. my_mesh.num_faces ( ) = 12. my_mesh.num_facets ( ) = 0. Call my_mesh.init(), which defines the extra information. my_mesh.num_vertices ( ) = 12. my_mesh.num_cells ( ) = 12. my_mesh.num_edges ( ) = 23. my_mesh.num_faces ( ) = 12. my_mesh.num_facets ( ) = 23. my_mesh.hmin() = 0.600925 my_mesh.hmax() = 0.600925 my_mesh.ufl_cell() = triangle my_mesh.coordinates(): [[ 0. 0. ] [ 0.5 0. ] [ 1. 0. ] [ 0. 0.33333333] [ 0.5 0.33333333] [ 1. 0.33333333] [ 0. 0.66666667] [ 0.5 0.66666667] [ 1. 0.66666667] [ 0. 1. ] [ 0.5 1. ] [ 1. 1. ]] my_mesh.cells(): [[ 0 1 3] [ 1 3 4] [ 1 2 5] [ 1 4 5] [ 3 4 7] [ 3 6 7] [ 4 5 7] [ 5 7 8] [ 6 7 9] [ 7 9 10] [ 7 8 11] [ 7 10 11]] mesh_test: Normal end of execution. Thu Nov 8 17:34:27 2018