/*! \file Copyright (c) 2003, The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from U.S. Dept. of Energy) All rights reserved. The source code is distributed under BSD license, see the file License.txt at the top-level directory. */ /* * -- SuperLU routine (version 5.0) -- * Univ. of California Berkeley, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, * and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. * October 15, 2003 * */ #include "slu_cdefs.h" #define HANDLE_SIZE 8 /* kind of integer to hold a pointer. Use 64-bit. */ typedef long long int fptr; typedef struct { SuperMatrix *L; SuperMatrix *U; int *perm_c; int *perm_r; } factors_t; void c_fortran_cgssv_(int *iopt, int *n, int *nnz, int *nrhs, complex *values, int *rowind, int *colptr, complex *b, int *ldb, fptr *f_factors, /* a handle containing the address pointing to the factored matrices */ int *info) { /* * This routine can be called from Fortran. * * iopt (input) int * Specifies the operation: * = 1, performs LU decomposition for the first time * = 2, performs triangular solve * = 3, free all the storage in the end * * f_factors (input/output) fptr* * If iopt == 1, it is an output and contains the pointer pointing to * the structure of the factored matrices. * Otherwise, it it an input. * */ SuperMatrix A, AC, B; SuperMatrix *L, *U; int *perm_r; /* row permutations from partial pivoting */ int *perm_c; /* column permutation vector */ int *etree; /* column elimination tree */ SCformat *Lstore; NCformat *Ustore; int i, panel_size, permc_spec, relax; trans_t trans; mem_usage_t mem_usage; superlu_options_t options; SuperLUStat_t stat; factors_t *LUfactors; GlobalLU_t Glu; /* Not needed on return. */ int *rowind0; /* counter 1-based indexing from Frotran arrays. */ int *colptr0; trans = NOTRANS; if ( *iopt == 1 ) { /* LU decomposition */ /* Set the default input options. */ set_default_options(&options); /* Initialize the statistics variables. */ StatInit(&stat); /* Adjust to 0-based indexing */ if ( !(rowind0 = intMalloc(*nnz)) ) ABORT("Malloc fails for rowind0[]."); if ( !(colptr0 = intMalloc(*n+1)) ) ABORT("Malloc fails for colptr0[]."); for (i = 0; i < *nnz; ++i) rowind0[i] = rowind[i] - 1; for (i = 0; i <= *n; ++i) colptr0[i] = colptr[i] - 1; cCreate_CompCol_Matrix(&A, *n, *n, *nnz, values, rowind0, colptr0, SLU_NC, SLU_C, SLU_GE); L = (SuperMatrix *) SUPERLU_MALLOC( sizeof(SuperMatrix) ); U = (SuperMatrix *) SUPERLU_MALLOC( sizeof(SuperMatrix) ); if ( !(perm_r = intMalloc(*n)) ) ABORT("Malloc fails for perm_r[]."); if ( !(perm_c = intMalloc(*n)) ) ABORT("Malloc fails for perm_c[]."); if ( !(etree = intMalloc(*n)) ) ABORT("Malloc fails for etree[]."); /* * Get column permutation vector perm_c[], according to permc_spec: * permc_spec = 0: natural ordering * permc_spec = 1: minimum degree on structure of A'*A * permc_spec = 2: minimum degree on structure of A'+A * permc_spec = 3: approximate minimum degree for unsymmetric matrices */ permc_spec = options.ColPerm; get_perm_c(permc_spec, &A, perm_c); sp_preorder(&options, &A, perm_c, etree, &AC); panel_size = sp_ienv(1); relax = sp_ienv(2); cgstrf(&options, &AC, relax, panel_size, etree, NULL, 0, perm_c, perm_r, L, U, &Glu, &stat, info); if ( *info == 0 ) { Lstore = (SCformat *) L->Store; Ustore = (NCformat *) U->Store; printf("No of nonzeros in factor L = %d\n", Lstore->nnz); printf("No of nonzeros in factor U = %d\n", Ustore->nnz); printf("No of nonzeros in L+U = %d\n", Lstore->nnz + Ustore->nnz); cQuerySpace(L, U, &mem_usage); printf("L\\U MB %.3f\ttotal MB needed %.3f\n", mem_usage.for_lu/1e6, mem_usage.total_needed/1e6); } else { printf("cgstrf() error returns INFO= %d\n", *info); if ( *info <= *n ) { /* factorization completes */ cQuerySpace(L, U, &mem_usage); printf("L\\U MB %.3f\ttotal MB needed %.3f\n", mem_usage.for_lu/1e6, mem_usage.total_needed/1e6); } } /* Save the LU factors in the factors handle */ LUfactors = (factors_t*) SUPERLU_MALLOC(sizeof(factors_t)); LUfactors->L = L; LUfactors->U = U; LUfactors->perm_c = perm_c; LUfactors->perm_r = perm_r; *f_factors = (fptr) LUfactors; /* Free un-wanted storage */ SUPERLU_FREE(etree); Destroy_SuperMatrix_Store(&A); Destroy_CompCol_Permuted(&AC); SUPERLU_FREE(rowind0); SUPERLU_FREE(colptr0); StatFree(&stat); } else if ( *iopt == 2 ) { /* Triangular solve */ /* Initialize the statistics variables. */ StatInit(&stat); /* Extract the LU factors in the factors handle */ LUfactors = (factors_t*) *f_factors; L = LUfactors->L; U = LUfactors->U; perm_c = LUfactors->perm_c; perm_r = LUfactors->perm_r; cCreate_Dense_Matrix(&B, *n, *nrhs, b, *ldb, SLU_DN, SLU_C, SLU_GE); /* Solve the system A*X=B, overwriting B with X. */ cgstrs (trans, L, U, perm_c, perm_r, &B, &stat, info); Destroy_SuperMatrix_Store(&B); StatFree(&stat); } else if ( *iopt == 3 ) { /* Free storage */ /* Free the LU factors in the factors handle */ LUfactors = (factors_t*) *f_factors; SUPERLU_FREE (LUfactors->perm_r); SUPERLU_FREE (LUfactors->perm_c); Destroy_SuperNode_Matrix(LUfactors->L); Destroy_CompCol_Matrix(LUfactors->U); SUPERLU_FREE (LUfactors->L); SUPERLU_FREE (LUfactors->U); SUPERLU_FREE (LUfactors); } else { fprintf(stderr,"Invalid iopt=%d passed to c_fortran_cgssv()\n",*iopt); exit(-1); } }