Use minimum degree ordering on A'*A. Factor time = 0.00 Factor flops = 5.889000e+04 Mflops = 50.77 Solve time = 0.00 Solve flops = 4.418400e+04 Mflops = 249.76 #NZ in factor L = 5889 #NZ in factor U = 5566 #NZ in L+U = 11055 L\U MB 0.139 total MB needed 0.571 expansions -1 13 March 2014 9:07:09.606 PM C_HB FORTRAN90/OpenMP version CGSSV factors and solves a linear system using single precision complex arithmetic. Matrix data read from file. Matrix order N = 400 Matrix nonzeros NNZ = 1920 First 10 entries of computed solution: -0.200029 -2.00013 -0.199623 -1.99989 -0.199623 -1.99989 -0.199961 -2.00030 -0.200030 -2.00013 -0.200098 -1.99996 -0.200098 -1.99996 -0.200030 -2.00013 -0.200030 -2.00013 -0.200466 -1.99900 C_HB: Normal end of execution. 13 March 2014 9:07:09.612 PM