program main !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! MAIN is a test suite for Part I : I/O routines. ! ! tests the following : gen5pt.f, prtmt, readmt, amd pltmt. ! 1) generates a 100 x 100 5pt matrix, ! 2) prints it with a given format in file 'first.mat' ! 3) reads the matrix from 'first.mat' using readmat ! 4) prints it again in file 'second.mat' in a different format ! 5) makes 4 pic files to show the different options of pltmt. ! these are in job0.pic, job01.pic, job10.pic, job11.pic ! coded by Y. Saad, RIACS, 08/31/1989. ! implicit none integer, parameter :: nxmax = 20 integer, parameter :: nmx = nxmax * nxmax real ( kind = 8 ) a(7*nmx) character ( len = 2 ) guesol integer i integer ia(nmx) integer iau(nmx) integer ierr integer ifmt integer iout integer j integer ja(7*nmx) integer job integer k character ( len = 8 ) key integer mode integer n integer ncol integer nmax integer nnz integer nrhs integer nrow integer nx integer ny integer nz integer nzmax real ( kind = 8 ) rhs(3*nmx) real ( kind = 8 ) stencil(7) character ( len = 72 ) title character ( len = 3 ) type call timestamp ( ) WRITE(*,*)' ' WRITE(*,*)'SPARSEKIT_PRB05' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' FORTRAN90 version' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' WRITE(*,*)'A set of tests for SPARSKIT' WRITE(*,*)' ' open (unit=7,file='first.mat',STATUS='replace') open (unit=8,file='second.mat',STATUS='replace') open (unit=20,file='job00.pic',STATUS='replace') open (unit=21,file='job01.pic',STATUS='replace') open (unit=22,file='job10.pic',STATUS='replace') open (unit=23,file='job11.pic',STATUS='replace') ! ! dimension of grid ! nx = 10 ny = 10 nz = 1 ! ! generate grid problem. ! call gen57pt (nx,ny,nz,a,ja,ia,iau,stencil) ! ! create the Harwell-Boeing matrix. Start by defining title, ! and type. them define format and print it. ! write (title,9) nx, ny 9 format('Five-point matrix on a square region', & ' using a ',I2,' by ',I2,' grid *SPARSKIT*') key = 'Fivept10' type= 'RSA' n = nx*ny*nz ifmt = 5 job = 3 guesol = 'GX' ! ! define a right hand side of ones, an initial guess of two's ! and an exact solution of three's. ! do k=1, 3*n rhs(k) = real( 1 + (k-1)/n ) end do call prtmt (n,n,a,ja,ia,rhs,guesol,title,key,type,ifmt,job,7) ! ! read it again in same matrix a, ja, ia ! nmax = nmx nzmax = 7*nmx do k=1, 3*n rhs(k) = 0.0 end do job = 3 rewind 7 nrhs = 3*n call readmt (nmax,nzmax,job,7,a,ja,ia,rhs,nrhs,guesol, & nrow,ncol,nnz,title,key,type,ierr) WRITE(*,*)'ierr = ',ierr,' nrhs ', nrhs ! ! matrix read. print it again in a different format ! ifmt = 102 ncol = nrow job = 3 call prtmt (nrow,ncol,a,ja,ia,rhs,guesol,title,key,type, & ifmt,job,8) ! ! print four pic files ! mode = 0 do i=1, 2 do j=1, 2 job = (i-1)*10 +j-1 iout = 20+(i-1)*2+j-1 call pltmt(nrow,ncol,mode,ja,ia,title,key,type,job,iout) end do end do CLOSE(UNIT=7) CLOSE(UNIT=8) CLOSE(UNIT=20) CLOSE(UNIT=21) CLOSE(UNIT=22) CLOSE(UNIT=23) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'SPARSEKIT_PRB05' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Normal end of execution.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' call timestamp ( ) stop end function afun (x,y,z) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! AFUN ??? ! implicit none real ( kind = 8 ) afun, x,y, z afun = -1.0 return end function bfun (x,y,z) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! BFUN ??? ! implicit none real ( kind = 8 ) bfun, x,y, z bfun = -1.0 return end function cfun (x,y,z) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! CFUN ??? ! implicit none real ( kind = 8 ) cfun, x,y, z cfun = -1.0 return end function dfun (x,y,z) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DFUN ??? ! implicit none real ( kind = 8 ) dfun, gamma, x,y, z data gamma /100.0/ dfun = 10.0 return end function efun (x,y,z) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! EFUN ??? ! implicit none real ( kind = 8 ) efun, gamma, x,y, z data gamma /100.0/ efun = 0.0 return end function ffun (x,y,z) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! FFUN ??? ! implicit none real ( kind = 8 ) ffun, x,y, z ffun = 0.0 return end function gfun (x,y,z) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! GFUN ??? ! implicit none real ( kind = 8 ) gfun, x,y, z gfun = 0.0 return end