>> sparse_grid_laguerre_dataset ( 2, 3 ) 11-Oct-2007 16:56:09 SPARSE_GRID_LAGUERRE_DATASET MATLAB version Compute the abscissas and weights of a quadrature rule associated with a sparse grid derived from a Smolyak construction based on 1D Gauss-Laguerre rules. Inputs to the program include: DIM_NUM, the spatial dimension. (typically in the range of 2 to 10) LEVEL_MAX, the "level" of the sparse grid. (typically in the range of 0, 1, 2, 3, ... Output from the program includes: A printed table of the abscissas and weights. * A set of 3 files that define the quadrature rule. "lag_d?_level?_r.txt", a file of the ranges. "lag_d?_level?_w.txt", a file of the weights; "lag_d?_level?_x.txt", a file of the abscissas; Spatial dimension requested is = 2 LEVEL_MIN = 2 LEVEL_MAX = 3 The number of distinct abscissas in the quadrature rule is determined from the spatial dimension DIM_NUM and the level LEVEL_MAX. For the given input, this value will be = 95 First 10 grid points: Row: 1 2 Col 1 0.193044 1.000000 2 1.026665 1.000000 3 2.567877 1.000000 4 4.900353 1.000000 5 8.182153 1.000000 6 12.734180 1.000000 7 19.395728 1.000000 8 0.415775 0.415775 9 2.294280 0.415775 10 6.289945 0.415775 First 10 weights: 1 -0.409319 2 -0.421831 3 -0.147126 4 -0.020634 5 -0.001074 6 -0.000016 7 -0.000000 8 -0.505653 9 -0.198052 10 -0.007388 Weights sum to 0.9999999999999989 Correct value is 1.0000000000000000 Creating R file = "lag_d2_level3_r.txt". Creating W file = "lag_d2_level3_w.txt". Creating X file = "lag_d2_level3_x.txt". SPARSE_GRID_LAGUERRE_DATASET: Normal end of execution. 11-Oct-2007 16:56:09 >>