7 September 2008 9:33:54.193 AM SMDLIB_FONTS FORTRAN90 version. Create the single SMDLIB binary font database from a collection of ASCII font files. SMDLIB_FONTS incorporates all the fonts into one direct access file. SMDLIB_FONTS: Enter: * the name of the next ASCII font file to process, or * RETURN if done. Reading "stdtri02.fnt". Reading "stddup03.fnt". Reading "itatri04.fnt". Reading "scrsim05.fnt". Reading "scrcom06.fnt". Reading "uncial07.fnt". Reading "grkcom08.fnt". Reading "stdgot09.fnt". Reading "scrgot10.fnt". Reading "stdsim11.fnt". Reading "stdcom12.fnt". Reading "grksim13.fnt". Reading "itacom14.fnt". Reading "stddup15.fnt". Reading "mathem16.fnt". Reading "grkcom17.fnt". Reading "itasim18.fnt". Reading "stylex19.fnt". Reading "romanl20.fnt". Reading "clasic21.fnt". Reading "romanb22.fnt". SMDLIB_FONTS - Warning! No more fonts can be processed. The output file is being closed now. SMDLIB_FONTS: The file "smdlib_fonts.dat" was created. This direct access font file fonts 2 through  SMDLIB_FONTS: Normal end of execution. 7 September 2008 9:33:54.351 AM