CVT_MAIN A sample problem for the probabilistic Centroidal Voronoi Tesselation algorithm. Today's date: 20010419 Today's time: 091342.427 Given a region in 2D or 3D, the problem is to determine GENERATORS, a set of points which define a division of the region into Voronoid cells, which are also CENTROIDS of the Voronoi cells. Geometry parameters: ------------------- The spatial dimension is NDIM = 3 The minimum corner of the bounding box is: 0.000000000000000E+000 0.000000000000000E+000 0.000000000000000E+000 The maximum corner of the bounding box is: 100.000000000000 100.000000000000 20.0000000000000 DIATOM is not called; a simple routine determines the region. CVT Algorithm parameters: ------------------------- The number of Voronoi cells to generate: 512 Number of iterations to determine CVT: 10 Number of sampling points per Voronoi cell: 5000 Voronoi cell generators are initialized by Halton. Moment parameters: ------------------ Number of sampling points per Voronoi cell: 5000 The volume of the region is given. It is specified as REGION_VOLUME = 34000.0000000000 Nearest Neighbor Search parameters: ----------------------------------- The nearest neighbor search is speeded up by using bins. The bounding box is to be divided up into bins. The number of bins is : 25 25 5 Miscellaneous parameters: ------------------------ Generator and moment output files will NOT be written. RANDOM_INITIALIZE Initialize RANDOM_NUMBER with arbitrary SEED = 635704426 Volume of bounding box is 200000.000000000 Given volume of region is 34000.0000000000 Estimated volume of region is 34029.8055901134 Elapsed CPU time, CPU_TIME: 1818.127 seconds. Elapsed CPU time, ETIME: 1818.207 seconds. Elapsed time, SYSTEM_CLOCK: 5090.764 seconds. CVT_MAIN Normal end of execution.