4 December 2016 8:48:55.671 AM ROOT_RC_PRB: FORTRAN90 version Test the ROOT_RC library. X XERR FX FERR -2.10000 1.59515 -0.504846 0.100000E+31 1.38010 1.59515 9.73172 0.100000E+31 -10.6850 1.38010 2.18582 10.2366 -2.76280 10.6850 0.342921 2.69067 0.598856 2.76280 0.649905 1.84290 0.146236 0.598856 0.743313 1.53592 -0.708192E-02 0.146236 0.739094 0.934077E-01 -0.143746E-04 0.708192E-02 0.739085 0.891887E-01 0.354947E-09 0.143746E-04 Uncertainty in F(X) less than tolerance ROOT_RC_PRB: Normal end of execution. 4 December 2016 8:48:55.671 AM