12 January 2011 8:24:57.503 AM PS_WRITE_PRB FORTRAN90 version Demonstrate the use of the PS_WRITE utilities. TEST01 Demonstrate a simple line graph. Normal end of TEST01 TEST02 Mark every 10th point of a graph. Normal end of TEST02 TEST03 Plot a curve and a grid. Normal end of TEST03 TEST04 Draw an ellipse and a circle. Normal end of TEST04 TEST05 Draw a bifolium. Normal end of TEST05 TEST06 Draw an ellipse and a circle. Normal end of TEST06 TEST07 Draw a triangular grid. Normal end of TEST07 TEST08 Draw a grid with some boxes filled. Normal end of TEST08 TEST09 Draw a bifolium. Write it in an encapsulated PostScript file. Normal end of TEST09 TEST10 PS_SETTING_PRINT prints the current PS_WRITE settings. PS_SETTING_PRINT: The current internal PS_WRITE setting values: Scale factor from user to PS, ALPHA = 216.000 Blue fill RGB value, FILL_BLUE = 0.700000 Green fill RGB value, FILL_GREEN = 0.700000 RED fill RGB value, FILL_RED = 0.700000 Font size, FONT_SIZE = 0.500000 Blue line RGB value, LINE_BLUE = 0.00000 Green line RGB value, LINE_GREEN = 0.00000 Red line RGB value, LINE_RED = 0.00000 Line width, LINE_WIDTH = 1 Number of pages, NUM_PAGES = 0 PostScript minimum X point, PXMIN = 36 PostScript minimum Y point, PYMIN = 234 Current internal state, STATE = 0 Current FORTRAN unit, UNIT = 0 Current X location, XCUR = 0.500000 Minimum X value, XMIN = -1.25000 Maximum X value, XMAX = 1.25000 Current Y location, YCUR = 0.500000 Minimum Y value, YMIN = -0.250000 Maximum Y value, YMAX = 1.25000 Normal end of TEST10 TEST11 PS_MARK_CIRLES marks points with an open circle. PS_MARK_DISKS marks points with an closed disk. Normal end of TEST11 TEST12 PS_MARK_POINT marks points with a tiny point. Normal end of TEST12 PS_WRITE_PRB Normal end of execution. 12 January 2011 8:24:57.614 AM