16 January 2014 8:10:01.138 PM LINE_INTEGRALS_PRB FORTRAN90 version Test the LINE_INTEGRALS library. TEST01 Compare exact and estimated integrals over the length of the unit line in 1D. Number of sample points used is 4192 E MC-Estimate Exact Error 0 1.00000 1.00000 0.00E+00 1 0.498925 0.500000 0.11E-02 2 0.332937 0.333333 0.40E-03 3 0.250201 0.250000 0.20E-03 4 0.200574 0.200000 0.57E-03 5 0.167439 0.166667 0.77E-03 6 0.143718 0.142857 0.86E-03 7 0.125885 0.125000 0.88E-03 8 0.111981 0.111111 0.87E-03 9 0.100832 0.100000 0.83E-03 10 0.916921E-01 0.909091E-01 0.78E-03 LINE_INTEGRALS_PRB Normal end of execution. 16 January 2014 8:10:01.140 PM