c c 02/27/04 - Added values: c c nuc_max - Max number of user-coded functions. c ntl_max - Max number of table functions. (already defined) c npl_max - Max number of polynomial functions. c nsf_max - Max number of segmented functions. c nrg_max - Max number of registry values. c c c 03/27/03 - Added nev_max (number of element vertices). c nne_max was used in itn, itb, etc. This was c too large, since at most 4 are used. c c 03/09/03 - Added some parameters for higher order. c Also arranged parameters into groups. c c 05/23/02 - Added table bounds. c c These parameters (all of the form xxxx_max) are used for defining c the maximum numbers of equations, boundary conditions, zones, etc. c allowed in the code (particularly in readop and seta). This file c must be included (using the line "include 'params.max'") before c including any of the following files: c c common.eqs (storage for interpreted equations) c common.bcs (storage for boundary conditions) c common.tre (storage for trees) c common.ins (storage for instruction list) c common.stc (storage for stored constants) c common.all List of names for base functions. c common.ho Storage of higher-order info. c c Order of finite element spaces. c ------------------------------- c c iqp_max - Order indicator for finite elements. c lp_kmax - Maximum "kick" order. c lp_lmax - Maximum number of p-refinement levels. c c Note: Using maximum lp_kmax & lp_lmax gives c c nns_max = 1+(lp_kmax+1)*2^(lp_lmax-1) c c Then, iqp_max = 1 gives c c 2*nqs_max-1 >= 2*(nns_max-1) c c Any combination of k & lp with 1+(k+1)*2^(lp-1) <= nns_max is ok. c parameter(iqp_max =4 ) parameter(lp_kmax =2 ) parameter(lp_lmax =5 ) c c Geometry c -------- c c nz_max - Maximum number of zones allowed. c ns_max - Maximum number of boundary numbers in domain. c parameter(nz_max =10) parameter(ns_max =20) c c nev_max - Maximum number of vertices per element. c nns_max - Maximum number of nodes/element side. c nqs_max - Maximum number of quadrature points/element side. c * nqb_max - Maximum number of quadrature points (edge). c parameter(nev_max=4 ) parameter(nns_max=10) parameter(nqs_max=10) c parameter(nqb_max=2 ) Obsolete. Same as nqs_max. c c nne_max - Maximum number of nodes/element. c nne_max - Maximum number of nodes/element. c nqp_max - Maximum number of quadrature points (element). c parameter(nne_max=nns_max*nns_max) parameter(nqp_max=nqs_max*nqs_max) c c Equation reading, processing & storage. c --------------------------------------- c c ncl_max - Maximum number of continuation lines allowed. c ntr_max - Maximum number of storage for trees. c nin_max - Maximum size of instruction list. c parameter(ncl_max=5 ) parameter(ntr_max=20000) parameter(nin_max=20000) c c ncn_max - Maximum number of named constants. c nbf_max - Maximum number of base functions. c nfn_max - Maximum number of defined functions. c nun_max - Maximum number of unknowns allowed c nmt_max - Maximum number of matrices. c nsc_max - Maximum number of stored constants. c c nis_max - Maximum number of initialization specs. c parameter(ncn_max=50) parameter(nbf_max=50) parameter(nfn_max=100) parameter(nun_max=10) parameter(nmt_max=50) parameter(nsc_max=5000) c parameter(nis_max=50) c c ne_max - Average number of entries per matrix. c nme_max - Maximum total number of matrix entries. c parameter(ne_max=4) parameter(nme_max=nmt_max*ne_max) c c nam_max - Maximum number of names allowed. c parameter(nam_max=ncn_max+nbf_max+nun_max+nfn_max+nmt_max) c c neq_max - Maximum number of equations allowed c nbc_max - Maximum number of boundary conditions. c nt_max - Maximum average number of terms per equation. c ntx_max - Maximum number of terms per equation. c ntb_max - Maximum number of terms allowed in bc's. c parameter(neq_max=50) parameter(nbc_max=50) parameter(nt_max =50) parameter(ntx_max=500) parameter(ntq_max=neq_max*nt_max) parameter(ntb_max=nt_max*nbc_max) c c ntl_max - Maximum number of tables. c ntd_max - Maximum space for table data. c parameter(ntl_max=10) parameter(ntd_max=100*ntl_max) c c 02/27/04 c c nuc_max - Max number of user-coded functions. c npl_max - Max number of polynomial functions. c nsf_max - Max number of segmented functions. c nrg_max - Max number of registry values. c c ntl_max - Maximum number of tables. c ntd_max - Maximum space for table data. c parameter(nuc_max=50) parameter(npl_max=50) parameter(npd_max=10*npl_max) parameter(nsf_max=50) parameter(nsd_max=10*nsf_max) parameter(nrg_max=100)