1 November 2011 10:08:06.226 AM HERMITE_PRB FORTRAN90 version Test the HERMITE library. TEST01 HERMITE computes the Hermite interpolant to data. Here, f(x) = 1 + 2x + 3x^2. HERMITE_DEMO Compute coefficients CD of the Hermite polynomial interpolant to given data (x,y,yp). Data: X Y Y' 1 0.0000 1.0000 2.0000 2 1.0000 6.0000 8.0000 3 2.0000 17.0000 14.0000 Difference table for interpolant: XD YD 1 0.0000 1.0000 2 0.0000 2.0000 3 1.0000 3.0000 4 1.0000 0.0000 5 2.0000 0.0000 6 2.0000 0.0000 Difference table for derivative: XDP YDP 1 0.0000 2.0000 2 0.0000 6.0000 3 0.0000 0.0000 4 0.0000 0.0000 5 0.0000 0.0000 Hermite interpolating polynomial: p(x) = 3.00000 * x ^ 2 + 2.00000 * x + 1.00000 Data Versus Interpolant: X Y H YP HP 1 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 2.0000 2.0000 2 1.0000 6.0000 6.0000 8.0000 8.0000 3 2.0000 17.0000 17.0000 14.0000 14.0000 TEST02 HERMITE computes the Hermite interpolant to data. Here, f(x) = 6 + 5x + 4x^2 + 3x^3 + 2x^4 + x^5. HERMITE_DEMO Compute coefficients CD of the Hermite polynomial interpolant to given data (x,y,yp). Data: X Y Y' 1 0.0000 6.0000 5.0000 2 1.0000 21.0000 35.0000 3 2.0000 120.0000 201.0000 Difference table for interpolant: XD YD 1 0.0000 6.0000 2 0.0000 5.0000 3 1.0000 10.0000 4 1.0000 10.0000 5 2.0000 6.0000 6 2.0000 1.0000 Difference table for derivative: XDP YDP 1 0.0000 5.0000 2 0.0000 8.0000 3 0.0000 9.0000 4 0.0000 8.0000 5 0.0000 5.0000 Hermite interpolating polynomial: p(x) = 1.00000 * x ^ 5 + 2.00000 * x ^ 4 + 3.00000 * x ^ 3 + 4.00000 * x ^ 2 + 5.00000 * x + 6.00000 Data Versus Interpolant: X Y H YP HP 1 0.0000 6.0000 6.0000 5.0000 5.0000 2 1.0000 21.0000 21.0000 35.0000 35.0000 3 2.0000 120.0000 120.0000 201.0000 201.0000 TEST03 HERMITE computes the Hermite interpolant to data. Here, f(x) is a fifth order polynomial with random coefficients, and the abscissas are random. Random abscissas 1: 0.21841830 2: 0.95631758 3: 0.82950923 Random polynomial coefficients. 1: 0.56169544 2: 0.41530708 3: 0.66118735E-01 4: 0.25757779 5: 0.10995679 6: 0.43828998E-01 HERMITE_DEMO Compute coefficients CD of the Hermite polynomial interpolant to given data (x,y,yp). Data: X Y Y' 1 0.2184 0.6585 0.4861 2 0.9563 1.3716 1.8164 3 0.8295 1.1680 1.4115 Difference table for interpolant: XD YD 1 0.2184 0.6585 2 0.2184 0.4861 3 0.9563 0.6509 4 0.9563 0.6791 5 0.8295 0.2493 6 0.8295 0.0438 Difference table for derivative: XDP YDP 1 0.0000 0.4153 2 0.0000 0.1322 3 0.0000 0.7727 4 0.0000 0.4398 5 0.0000 0.2191 Hermite interpolating polynomial: p(x) = 0.438290E-01 * x ^ 5 + 0.109957 * x ^ 4 + 0.257578 * x ^ 3 + 0.661187E-01 * x ^ 2 + 0.415307 * x + 0.561695 Data Versus Interpolant: X Y H YP HP 1 0.2184 0.6585 0.6585 0.4861 0.4861 2 0.9563 1.3716 1.3716 1.8164 1.8164 3 0.8295 1.1680 1.1680 1.4115 1.4115 TEST04 HERMITE computes the Hermite interpolant to data. Here, f(x) is the Runge function and the data is evaluated at equally spaced points. As N increases, the maximum error grows. N Max | F(X) - H(F(X)) | 3 0.530048 5 0.223403 7 0.390862 9 1.13792 11 3.83581 13 13.9642 15 53.4249 TEST05 HERMITE computes the Hermite interpolant to data. Here, f(x) is the Runge function and the data is evaluated at Chebyshev points. As N increases, the maximum error goes down. N Max | F(X) - H(F(X)) | 3 0.530048 5 0.325238 7 0.180448 9 0.950617E-01 11 0.480707E-01 13 0.237723E-01 15 0.114442E-01 TEST06: HERMITE_BASIS_0 and HERMITE_BASIS_1 evaluate the Hermite global polynomial basis functions of type 0: associated with function values, and of type 1: associated with derivative values. Interpolate y = x^3 + x^2 + x + 1. XD Y(XD) Y'(XD) 0.000 1.000 1.000 10.00 1111. 321.0 XV Y(XV) H(XV) 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 4.000 4.000 2.000 15.00 15.00 3.000 40.00 40.00 4.000 85.00 85.00 5.000 156.0 156.0 6.000 259.0 259.0 7.000 400.0 400.0 8.000 585.0 585.0 9.000 820.0 820.0 10.00 1111. 1111. TEST07: HERMITE_INTERPOLANT_RULE is given a set of N abscissas for a Hermite interpolant and returns N pairs of quadrature weights for function and derivative values at the abscissas. I X W(F(X)) W(F'(X)) 1 0.00000 -66.6667 -150.000 2 5.00000 53.3333 -266.667 3 10.0000 23.3333 -33.3333 Use the quadrature rule over interval 0.00000 to 10.0000 Estimate integral of 1 = 10.0000 Estimate integral of X = 50.0000 Estimate integral of X^2 = 333.333 Estimate integral of SIN(X) = -261.511 I X W(F(X)) W(F'(X)) 1 0.00000 -6.66667 -1.50000 2 0.500000 5.33333 -2.66667 3 1.00000 2.33333 -0.333333 Use the quadrature rule over interval 0.00000 to 1.00000 Estimate integral of 1 = 1.00000 Estimate integral of X = 0.500000 Estimate integral of X^2 = 0.333333 Estimate integral of SIN(X) = 0.500048 I X W(F(X)) W(F'(X)) 1 0.00000 -0.260271E+11 -0.461959E+10 2 1.00000 -0.129730E+13 -0.374681E+12 3 2.00000 -0.143117E+14 -0.631919E+13 4 3.00000 -0.524034E+14 -0.382830E+14 5 4.00000 -0.611016E+14 -0.101787E+15 6 5.00000 0.153665E+14 -0.129255E+15 7 6.00000 0.673925E+14 -0.801827E+14 8 7.00000 0.382127E+14 -0.236405E+14 9 8.00000 0.764733E+13 -0.302886E+13 10 9.00000 0.513565E+12 -0.137316E+12 11 10.0000 0.752948E+10 -0.126888E+10 Use the quadrature rule over interval 0.00000 to 10.0000 Estimate integral of 1 = 9.98964 Estimate integral of X = 49.7728 Estimate integral of X^2 = 332.017 Estimate integral of SIN(X) = 1147.56 I X W(F(X)) W(F'(X)) 1 0.00000 -0.260271E+10 -0.461959E+08 2 0.100000 -0.129730E+12 -0.374681E+10 3 0.200000 -0.143117E+13 -0.631919E+11 4 0.300000 -0.524034E+13 -0.382830E+12 5 0.400000 -0.611016E+13 -0.101787E+13 6 0.500000 0.153665E+13 -0.129255E+13 7 0.600000 0.673925E+13 -0.801827E+12 8 0.700000 0.382127E+13 -0.236405E+12 9 0.800000 0.764733E+12 -0.302886E+11 10 0.900000 0.513565E+11 -0.137316E+10 11 1.00000 0.752948E+09 -0.126888E+08 Use the quadrature rule over interval 0.00000 to 1.00000 Estimate integral of 1 = 0.999183 Estimate integral of X = 0.501650 Estimate integral of X^2 = 0.334020 Estimate integral of SIN(X) = 0.459241 I X W(F(X)) W(F'(X)) 1 0.00000 -0.306432E+12 -0.233178E+10 2 0.244717E-01 0.196461E+12 -0.876510E+10 3 0.954915E-01 0.513319E+11 -0.740794E+10 4 0.206107 0.218086E+11 -0.589147E+10 5 0.345492 0.104125E+11 -0.463078E+10 6 0.500000 0.478847E+10 -0.371920E+10 7 0.654508 0.124726E+10 -0.309863E+10 8 0.793893 -0.227985E+10 -0.269011E+10 9 0.904508 -0.930372E+10 -0.243423E+10 10 0.975528 -0.438263E+11 -0.229381E+10 11 1.00000 0.757919E+11 -0.562265E+09 Use the quadrature rule over interval 0.00000 to 1.00000 Estimate integral of 1 = 0.999954 Estimate integral of X = 0.499973 Estimate integral of X^2 = 0.333320 Estimate integral of SIN(X) = 0.459680 TEST08 HERMITE_INTERPOLANT sets up the Hermite interpolant. HERMITE_INTERPOLANT_VALUE evaluates it. Consider data for y=sin(x) at x=0,1,2,3,4. In the following table, there should be perfect agreement between F and H, and F' and H' at the data points X = 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. In between, H and H' approximate F and F'. I X(I) F(X(I)) H(X(I)) F'(X(I)) H'(X(I)) 1 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 1.00000 2 0.250000 0.247404 0.247407 0.968912 0.968921 3 0.500000 0.479426 0.479428 0.877583 0.877575 4 0.750000 0.681639 0.681639 0.731689 0.731683 5 1.00000 0.841471 0.841471 0.540302 0.540302 6 1.25000 0.948985 0.948985 0.315322 0.315324 7 1.50000 0.997495 0.997495 0.707372E-01 0.707368E-01 8 1.75000 0.983986 0.983986 -0.178246 -0.178247 9 2.00000 0.909297 0.909297 -0.416147 -0.416147 10 2.25000 0.778073 0.778073 -0.628174 -0.628172 11 2.50000 0.598472 0.598473 -0.801144 -0.801143 12 2.75000 0.381661 0.381661 -0.924302 -0.924304 13 3.00000 0.141120 0.141120 -0.989992 -0.989992 14 3.25000 -0.108195 -0.108194 -0.994130 -0.994124 15 3.50000 -0.350783 -0.350781 -0.936457 -0.936451 16 3.75000 -0.571561 -0.571559 -0.820559 -0.820567 17 4.00000 -0.756802 -0.756802 -0.653644 -0.653644 HERMITE_PRB Normal end of execution. 1 November 2011 10:08:06.229 AM