5 February 2008 2:51:08.356 PM SGE_MOD_PRB FORTRAN90 version. A calling program for a demonstration of the use of modules. The matrix A: 0.9976 0.4806 0.2180 0.6619 0.8557 0.5668 0.0738 0.1332 0.0161 0.4013 0.9659 0.0054 0.9005 0.6509 0.2069 0.7479 0.3471 0.3868 0.6464 0.9685 0.3674 0.3422 0.4455 0.3230 0.5984 The right hand side vector: 1 9.538879 2 3.184682 3 7.315990 4 10.030720 5 6.672272 The matrix determinant is -0.370504E-01 The solution vector: 1 1.000001 2 2.000002 3 3.000000 4 4.000000 5 4.999998 SGE_MOD_PRB Normal end of execution. 5 February 2008 2:51:08.358 PM