March 13 2003 9:11:52.062 AM FLOW5 Last modified on 01 June 2000. Maximum problem grid size : MAXNX = 41 MAXNY = 13 FLOW5: The flow region is CAVITY Number of horizontal elements, NX = 11 Number of vertical elements, NY = 11 Maximum number of Newton iterations, MAXNEW = 10 Newton iteration tolerance, TOLNEW = 0.100000E-09 FLOW5: The number of elements, NELEM = 200 The number of nodes, NP = 441 FLOW5: The number of unknowns is NEQN = 1003 FLOW5: Lower bandwidth NLBAND = 102 Required matrix rows NROW = 307 Maximum matrix rows, MAXROW = 377 FLOW5: NEWTON computed the Navier Stokes solution. Norm of maximum velocity, UVNORM = 1.00000 Norm of maximum pressure, PNORM = 100.338 FLOW5: Wrote the TECPLOT data file. FLOW5: Wrote the DISPLAY data files. FLOW5: Normal end of execution. March 13 2003 9:11:52.782 AM