program main !******************************************************************************* ! !! FLOW4 solves a steady viscous 2D Navier-Stokes flow using finite elements. ! ! ! NX = 11, 21, 31, 41, 61, 81, 121, 161, ! NY = 4, 7, 10, 13, 19, 25, 37, 49, ! H = 1, 1/4, 1/6, 1/8, 1/12, 1/16, 1/24, 1/32, ! 0.5, 0.25, 0.166, 0.125, 0.083, 0.0625, 0.04166, 0.03125, ! ! 17 August 1999 ! ! Retrieved FLOW4 from floppy disk. The data had "rotted". There were ! some losses, particulary in subroutine GETDER. Right now, I just ! want to see how the options I used in the Newton iteration, so I'm ! not panicked. ! ! 08 May 1996 ! ! Trying to solve at RE = 100, I'm getting failures. I think I ! could do this, if I turn off the Newton rejection... ! ! 07 May 1996 ! ! Well, I've forgotten where I was on this code, but I need to make ! some runs for optimization over RE and over the Bump. I'm having ! a little trouble getting it started up again. ! ! Getting an index out of bounds error...Tried to run on SUN, ! but missing damn "_CG92_USED_" symbolic name, somehow. ! The only way I could avoid it was to compile everything at once. ! ! 10 November 1995 ! ! Well, I slaved away on the routine to compute the differences ! between U,V,P on a coarse and a fine grid (really so that I ! could, in turn, look at sensitivities) and I'm getting poor ! convergence. I haven't plotted it yet, but it doesn't look good. ! I think I'll can this whole project shortly. ! ! 09 November 1995 ! ! I am worried that my cubic bump is not "consistent" with my ! quadratic elements. So for my comparison runs I'm going to ! look at quadratic bumps only, for a while. ! ! 02 November 1995 ! ! 7 node quadrature routine is in, ready to test. ! ! 01 November 1995 ! ! My studies of the convergence behavior of U don't show H**2 convergence. ! I am going to check this by adding the option of 7 point Gaussian ! quadrature, but this will be a mess. ! ! 26 October 1995 ! ! Got back Cray 615 run: ! ! NX = 11, NY=4, CPU=4 seconds. ! DS-FDC (U,V,P) = (0.177348, 0.132730, 0.124550) ! Try full size problem. ! ! 25 October 1995 ! ! From the SIAM meeting: ! ! "Can decompose any vector field into the gradient of a scalar field ! and something else." -- I could use this fact to compute a ! stream function of vector fields that don't quite satisfy the ! divergence condition, such as Jennifer's least squares flows. ! ! From the SIAM meeting: ! ! "Blah, blah, blah, convert the problem to a quadratic program, ! which only needs the gradients of the cost functional, and solve ! it, so you don't care about consistency between the cost functional ! and the gradients." ! ! From the SIAM meeting: (Matthias) ! ! "SQP method only uses gradients of cost functional." ! ! Lagrangian L(y,g,lambda) = J + (lambda,C(y,g)) ! ! Kuhn Tucker conditions: ! ! Grady J + Cy Lambda = 0 (adjoint) ! Gradg J + Cg Lambda = 0 (gradient) ! C(y,g) = 0 (state) ! ! Use Newton method on this system. ! ! Big goal for San Francisco: ! Slides of O(H) or O(H^2) behavior of (U_ALPHA)^H and (U^H)_ALPHA. ! ! 20 October 1995 ! ! Renamed: ! ! ISHAPB -> IBSCAN ! ISHAPBT -> IBSTAR ! ISHAPF -> IFSCAN ! ISHAPFT -> IFSTAR ! XBLEFT -> XBLCAN ! XBRITE -> XBRCAN ! YBLEFT -> YBLCAN ! YBLEFT -> YBRCAN ! ! 13 October 1995 ! ! I am interested in examining the Zienkiewicz-Zhou method again. ! I suspect that the reason I saw little improvement was that I ! was comparing the finite differences to the discretized sensitivities, ! when I don't know that the finite differences converge to the ! true solution at any particular rate, and I suspect the discretized ! sensitivities converge at an O(h*h) rate. ! ! To verify this, I am going to solve the problem at a sequence of ! values of h, compute dudy in various ways, and look at the behavior ! of dudy as h goes to zero. ! ! If this doesn't work, then I will look at the behavior of U ! as H goes to zero, which should surely show H**2 behavior. ! ! ALSO, I think my serendipity scheme is open to question. I compute ! dUdY on the original grid, then interpolate using serendipity. ! But I don't pass in the X, Y coordinates, so I'm treating dUdY as ! a "basic" variable, when only U should be so treated. So I may ! have to make a new version that can compute dUdY on a serendipity ! element, given U. ! ! 19 August 1995 ! ! Y12M was a big loss. For large problems, the amount of fillin must ! have increased dramatically. I ended up needed as much space as with ! a banded solver. ! ! Then I tried SLAP, and got, as usual with iterative schemes, no ! convergence. ! ! Then I considered GBSOL, and discovered that I had already given up ! on that in June, because GBSOL does not save the LU factors. It is ! a one shot solver only. ! ! Now I am back to a very early project, which is to rewrite SGBFA ! and SGBSL to use a small in core workspace, and a disk file. I have ! actually got it to solve a small problem. Now I have to test it out ! on FLOW. ! ! Switched NODE(I,J) to NODE(J,I) in DISPLAY, FLOW3 and FLOW4. ! ! 14 August 1995 ! ! I am having some success with Y12M. I have gotten it to solve ! a small system, and to solve two systems with the same matrix. ! ! 10 August 1995 ! ! I'm getting an error from NDRV, which looks as though it's ! caused by the fact that the pressure equations don't have ! a pressure coefficient, in other words, the diagonal entry ! of the matrix is zero. ! ! I am going to run a simple test example, but if that bears ! out my suspicion, then either I can't use YALMAT, or I'll have ! to try some sort of fancy manipulation to solve for ! the pressures first. (Matthias did suggest something along ! these lines). ! ! YALMAT routine NDRV fails on the matrix ! ! 1 0 0 ! 0 0 1 ! 0 1 1 ! ! complaining that it has a zero pivot in column 2. ! ! The second alternative is to try ITPACK or NSPCG. ! ! 09 August 1995 ! ! After some exasperation, redimensioned INDX from INDX(MAXNP,3) to ! INDX(3,MAXNP) which makes life easier. ! ! 27 July 1995 ! ! Starting FLOW4.F, archiving FLOW3.F, which had all that optimization ! stuff in it. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 28 January 2009 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! integer, parameter :: maxnpe = 6 integer, parameter :: maxnx = 21 integer, parameter :: maxny = 7 ! ! The assignment of MAXROW should really read (maxrow = 28*min(nx,ny)). ! integer, parameter :: maxdim = 3 integer, parameter :: maxrow = 29 * maxny integer, parameter :: maxelm = 2*(maxnx-1)*(maxny-1) integer, parameter :: maxeqn = 2*(2*maxnx-1)*(2*maxny-1)+maxnx*maxny integer, parameter :: maxnp = (2*maxnx-1)*(2*maxny-1) integer, parameter :: maxparf = 5 integer, parameter :: maxparb = 5 integer, parameter :: maxpar = maxparb+maxparf+1 integer, parameter :: liv = 60 integer, parameter :: lv = 78+maxpar*(maxpar+21)/2 integer, parameter :: maxquad = 7 real ( kind = 8 ) a(maxrow,maxeqn) real ( kind = 8 ) area(maxquad,maxelm) real ( kind = 8 ) base(maxpar,maxdim) real ( kind = 8 ) cost real ( kind = 8 ) costar real ( kind = 8 ) costb real ( kind = 8 ) costp real ( kind = 8 ) costu real ( kind = 8 ) costv real ( kind = 8 ) dir(maxpar,maxdim) real ( kind = 8 ) dopt(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) dpara3(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) dparsn(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) dparfd(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) dparfdc(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) dpdyn(maxnp) real ( kind = 8 ) dpdy2(maxnp) real ( kind = 8 ) dpdy3(maxnp) real ( kind = 8 ) dpdy4(maxnp) real ( kind = 8 ) dudyn(maxnp) real ( kind = 8 ) dudy2(maxnp) real ( kind = 8 ) dudy3(maxnp) real ( kind = 8 ) dudy4(maxnp) real ( kind = 8 ) dudy5(maxnp) real ( kind = 8 ) dvdyn(maxnp) real ( kind = 8 ) dvdy2(maxnp) real ( kind = 8 ) dvdy3(maxnp) real ( kind = 8 ) dvdy4(maxnp) real ( kind = 8 ) dydpn(maxnp,maxparb) real ( kind = 8 ) epsdif character ( len = 2 ) eqn(maxeqn) real ( kind = 8 ) etan(6) real ( kind = 8 ) etaq(maxquad) character ( len = 30 ) fileg character ( len = 30 ) filet real ( kind = 8 ) g(maxeqn) real ( kind = 8 ) g1(maxeqn) real ( kind = 8 ) g2(maxeqn) real ( kind = 8 ) g3(maxeqn) real ( kind = 8 ) gdif(maxeqn,maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) gdifc(maxeqn,maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) gold(maxeqn) real ( kind = 8 ) gopt(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) gradf(maxeqn,maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) gtar(maxeqn) real ( kind = 8 ) hx real ( kind = 8 ) hy integer i integer ibc integer icunit integer ifs integer ifscan integer ifstar integer ibs integer ibscan integer ibstar integer ibump integer idfd integer ido integer ids integer ierror integer ifds integer igrad integer igunit integer ijac integer indx(3,maxnp) integer info integer iopt(maxpar) integer ip integer ipivot(maxeqn) integer iplot integer isotri(maxelm) integer istep1 integer istep2 integer itar integer itemp integer itunit integer itype integer iuval integer ivopt(liv) integer iwrite integer j integer jjac integer jstep1 integer jstep2 logical lmat logical lval integer maxnew integer maxstp integer ndim integer nelem integer neqn integer nlband integer node(maxnpe,maxelm) integer nopt integer np integer npar integer nparb integer nparbt integer nparf integer npe integer nprof(2*maxny-1) integer nquad integer nrow integer nstep3 integer numel(maxnp) integer numstp integer nx integer ny real ( kind = 8 ) para(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) para1(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) para2(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) para3(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) partar(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) phi(maxquad,6,10,maxelm) real ( kind = 8 ) res(maxeqn) real ( kind = 8 ) sens(maxeqn,maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) splbmp(4,maxparb+2,0:maxparb) real ( kind = 8 ) splflo(4,maxparf+2,0:maxparf) character ( len = 20 ) syseqn real ( kind = 8 ) taubmp(maxparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) tauflo(maxparf+2) character ( len = 30 ) title real ( kind = 8 ) tolnew real ( kind = 8 ) tolopt real ( kind = 8 ) u(maxnp) real ( kind = 8 ) u1 real ( kind = 8 ) u1max real ( kind = 8 ) u2 real ( kind = 8 ) u2max real ( kind = 8 ) vopt(lv) real ( kind = 8 ) wateb real ( kind = 8 ) wateb1 real ( kind = 8 ) wateb2 real ( kind = 8 ) watep real ( kind = 8 ) wateu real ( kind = 8 ) watev real ( kind = 8 ) wquad(maxquad) real ( kind = 8 ) xbl real ( kind = 8 ) xblcan real ( kind = 8 ) xbltar real ( kind = 8 ) xbr real ( kind = 8 ) xbrcan real ( kind = 8 ) xbrtar real ( kind = 8 ) xc(maxnp) real ( kind = 8 ) xopt(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) xquad(maxquad,maxelm) real ( kind = 8 ) xprof real ( kind = 8 ) xsin(6) real ( kind = 8 ) xsiq(maxquad) real ( kind = 8 ) y2max real ( kind = 8 ) ybl real ( kind = 8 ) yblcan real ( kind = 8 ) ybltar real ( kind = 8 ) ybr real ( kind = 8 ) ybrcan real ( kind = 8 ) ybrtar real ( kind = 8 ) yc(maxnp) real ( kind = 8 ) yquad(maxquad,maxelm) real ( kind = 8 ) yval ! call timestamp ( ) ! ! Say hello. ! call hello ( maxnx, maxny ) ! ! Initialize the variables. ! call init(area,cost,costar,costb,costp,costu,costv,dopt,dpara3,dparsn, & dparfd,dparfdc,dpdyn,dudyn,dvdyn,dydpn,epsdif,eqn,etan,fileg,filet, & g,g1,g2,g3,gdif,gold,gopt,gradf,gtar,ibc,ifscan,ifstar,ibscan,ibstar, & ibump,idfd,ids,ierror,ifds,igrad,igunit,ijac,indx,iopt,iplot,isotri, & istep1,istep2,itar,itunit,itype,ivopt,iwrite,jjac,jstep1,jstep2,liv,lv, & maxelm,maxeqn,maxnew,maxnp,maxpar,maxparb,maxquad,maxstp,node,nopt,npar, & nparb,nparf,npe,nquad,nstep3,nx,ny,para1,para2,para3,partar,sens,syseqn, & tolnew,tolopt,vopt,wateb,wateb1,wateb2,watep,wateu,watev,xblcan,xbltar, & xbrcan,xbrtar,xprof,xsin,yblcan,ybltar,ybrcan,ybrtar) ! ! Read the user input. ! 20 continue call input(epsdif,fileg,filet,ibc,ifscan,ifstar,ibscan,ibstar,ibump,idfd, & ids,ierror,ifds,igrad,ijac,iopt,iplot,istep1,istep2,itar,itype,iwrite, & jjac,jstep1,jstep2,maxnew,maxpar,maxstp,npar,nparb,nparf,nquad,nstep3,nx, & ny,para1,para2,para3,partar,syseqn,tolnew,tolopt,wateb,wateb1,wateb2, & watep,wateu,watev,xblcan,xbltar,xbrcan,xbrtar,xprof,yblcan,ybltar,ybrcan, & ybrtar) if ( ierror == 0 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'FLOW4 - GO signal from user input.' else write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'FLOW4 - STOP signal from user.' if ( itunit /= 0 ) then close ( unit = itunit ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'FLOW4 - Note:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Closing the marching file ' // trim ( filet ) end if if ( igunit /= 0 ) then close ( unit = igunit ) write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'FLOW4 - Note:' write ( *, * ) ' Closing the graphics file ' // trim ( fileg ) end if write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'FLOW4 - End of execution.' write ( *, * ) ' ' stop end if ! ! Set the number of optimization variables. ! nopt = sum ( iopt(1:npar) ) nelem = 2*(nx-1)*(ny-1) np = (2*nx-1)*(2*ny-1) write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'FLOW4 - Note.' write ( *, * ) ' Number of elements, NELEM = ',nelem write ( *, * ) ' Number of nodes, NP = ',np write ( *, * ) ' Number of nodes per element, NPE = ',npe ! ! Check the data. ! call chkdat(ibump,idfd,ids,ifds,igrad,ijac,iopt,itype,jjac,maxpar,maxparb, & maxparf,nopt,npar,nparb,nparf,nstep3,para1,partar,xblcan,xbrcan) ! ! Print the problem information. ! call prdat(epsdif,fileg,filet,ibc,ifscan,ifstar,ibscan,ibstar,ibump,idfd, & ids,ifds,igrad,ijac,iopt,iplot,istep1,istep2,itar,itype,iwrite,jjac, & jstep1,jstep2,maxnew,maxpar,maxstp,nopt,npar,nparb,nparf,nquad,nstep3,nx, & ny,para1,para2,para3,partar,syseqn,tolnew,tolopt,wateb,wateb1,wateb2, & watep,wateu,watev,xblcan,xbltar,xbrcan,xbrtar,xprof,yblcan,ybltar,ybrcan, & ybrtar) ! ! Open the plot file. ! call pltopn(fileg,igunit,iplot) ! ! Open the marching file. ! call maropn(filet,itunit) ! ! Solve the optimization problem, ! which involves repeated evaluation of the functional ! at various flow solutions (U,V,P)+(FLO,BUM,REY). ! lval = .true. call lmemry('set','target',lval) ifs = ifstar ibs = ibstar xbl = xbltar xbr = xbrtar ybl = ybltar ybr = ybrtar ! ! Set up the elements and nodes. ! write ( *, * ) 'ibump = ',ibump write ( *, * ) 'maxeqn = ',maxeqn write ( *, * ) 'nelem = ',nelem write ( *, * ) 'np = ',np write ( *, * ) 'nx = ',nx write ( *, * ) 'ny = ',ny hx = 10.0D+00 / real (2*(nx-1), kind = 8 ) hy = 3.0D+00 / real (2*(ny-1), kind = 8 ) write ( *, * ) 'HX = ',hx write ( *, * ) 'HY = ',hy call setnod(eqn,ibump,indx,isotri,maxeqn,nelem,neqn,node,np,nx,ny,xbl,xbr) ! ! Find points on velocity profile sampling line. ! itemp = nint ( ( 2.0D+00 * real(nx-1, kind = 8 ) * xprof ) / 10.0D+00 ) do i = 1,2*ny-1 ip = itemp*(2*ny-1)+i nprof(i) = ip end do ! ! Get matrix bandwidth. ! call setban(indx,maxrow,nelem,nlband,node,np,nrow) write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'FLOW4 - Note:' write ( *, * ) ' Lower bandwidth NLBAND = ',nlband write ( *, * ) ' Total bandwidth = ',2*nlband+1 write ( *, * ) ' Required matrix rows NROW = ',nrow write ( *, * ) ' MAXROW = ',maxrow if ( itar == 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'FLOW4 - Note:' write ( *, * ) ' Computing the target solution.' para(1:npar) = partar(1:npar) g(1:neqn) = 0.0D+00 ! ! Get the flow solution G. ! call flosol(a,area,eqn,etaq,g,g2,ifs,ibs,ierror,ijac,indx,ipivot,isotri, & iwrite,jjac,maxnew,nelem,neqn,nlband,node,np,npar,nparb,nparf,nquad, & nrow,nx,ny,para,phi,res,splbmp,splflo,syseqn,taubmp,tauflo,tolnew, & wquad,xbl,xbr,xc,xquad,xsiq,ybl,ybr,yc,yquad) if ( ierror/= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'FLOW4 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' FloSol could not compute the target solution.' go to 16 else gtar(1:neqn) = g(1:neqn) end if ! ! Compute the cost function J. ! call getcst(cost,costb,costp,costu,costv,g,gtar,ibs,indx,neqn,np,nparb, & nprof,ny,splbmp,taubmp,wateb,watep,wateu,watev,xbl,xbr,ybl,ybr,yc) if ( iwrite == 1 ) then write ( *, * ) 'Cost:',cost else if ( iwrite >= 2 ) then title = 'Cost' call prcost2(cost,costb,costp,costu,costv,title,wateb,watep,wateu,watev) end if ! ! Compute the finite difference vectors GDIF. ! call getgrd(a,area,cost,dpara3,epsdif,eqn,etaq,g,g1,g2,gdif,gtar,ifs, & ibs,ierror,ijac,indx,iopt,ipivot,isotri,iwrite,jjac,maxeqn,maxnew, & nelem,neqn,nlband,node,np,npar,nparb,nparf,nprof,nquad,nrow,nx,ny, & para,phi,res,splbmp,splflo,syseqn,taubmp,tauflo,tolnew,wateb,watep, & wateu,watev,wquad,xbl,xbr,xc,xquad,xsiq,ybl,ybr,yc,yquad) if ( ierror /= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'FLOW4 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' GetGrd returns IERROR = ',ierror stop end if numstp = 0 ! ! Get dPdY, dUdY and dVdY. ! call getdu(dpdyn,dudyn,dvdyn,etan,g,indx,isotri,nelem,neqn,node,np, & numel,xc,xsin,yc) ! ! Get dPdY2, dUdY2, and dVdY2, the ZZ corrections. ! call getdu2(dudyn,dudy2,np,nx,ny) call getdu2(dvdyn,dvdy2,np,nx,ny) call getdu2(dpdyn,dpdy2,np,nx,ny) ! ! Get dPdY3, dUdY3, and dVdY3, the serendipity corrections. ! call getdu3(dudyn,dudy3,np,nx,ny) call getdu3(dvdyn,dvdy3,np,nx,ny) call getdu3(dpdyn,dpdy3,np,nx,ny) ! ! Get dPdY4, dUdY4, and dVdY4, the ZZ modified corrections. ! call getdu4(dudyn,dudy4,np,nx,ny) call getdu4(dvdyn,dvdy4,np,nx,ny) call getdu4(dpdyn,dpdy4,np,nx,ny) ! ! Get dUdY5, the second serendipity corrections. ! do i = 1,np u(i) = g(indx(1,i)) end do call getdu5(dudyn,dudy5,np,nx,ny,u,xc,yc) ! ! Compute the correction term GRADF, and the GDIFC, the corrected ! finite difference estimate of the sensitivity. ! call getfix(dpdyn,dudyn,dvdyn,dydpn,gradf,ibs,indx,iopt,maxeqn,np,npar, & nparb,nparf,splbmp,taubmp,xbl,xbr,xc,yc) do i = 1,neqn do j = 1,npar gdifc(i,j) = gdif(i,j) - gradf(i,j) end do end do ! ! Get the discretized sensitivities. ! lmat = .false. call lmemry('get','have_fp',lmat) if ( .not.lmat ) then call fp(a,area,eqn,g,indx,nelem,neqn,nlband,node,np,npar,nparb,nparf, & nquad,nrow,para,phi,syseqn) call sgbtrf(neqn,neqn,nlband,nlband,a,nrow,ipivot,info) if ( info/= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'FLOW4 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Jacobian factorization failed.' write ( *, * ) ' SGBTRF returns nonzero INFO = ',info else lmat = .true. call lmemry('set','have_fp',lmat) end if end if if ( lmat ) then call getsen(a,area,dudyn,dvdyn,eqn,g,ibc,ifs,ibs,indx,iopt,ipivot, & maxeqn,nelem,neqn,nlband,node,np,npar,nparb,nparf,nquad,nrow, & phi,sens,splbmp,splflo,taubmp,tauflo,xc,yc) end if gold(1:neqn) = g(1:neqn) if ( iwrite == 1 ) then write ( *, * ) 'Cost: ',cost else if (iwrite >= 2 ) then title = 'Cost' call prcost2(cost,costb,costp,costu,costv,title,wateb,watep,wateu,watev) end if call getder(dparfd,g,gtar,ibs,indx,maxeqn,neqn,np,npar,nparb,nparf, & nprof,ny,gdif,splbmp,taubmp,wateb,watep,wateu,watev,xbl,xbr,ybl,ybr,yc) call getder(dparfdc,g,gtar,ibs,indx,maxeqn,neqn,np,npar,nparb,nparf, & nprof,ny,gdifc,splbmp,taubmp,wateb,watep,wateu,watev,xbl,xbr,ybl,ybr,yc) call getder(dparsn,g,gtar,ibs,indx,maxeqn,neqn,np,npar,nparb,nparf,nprof, & ny,sens,splbmp,taubmp,wateb,watep,wateu,watev,xbl,xbr,ybl,ybr,yc) call prsol(dpara3,dparfd,dparfdc,dparsn,g,g2,gdif,gdifc,idfd,ids,ifds, & indx,iwrite,maxeqn,neqn,np,npar,nparb,nparf,numstp,para,sens) costar = cost else if (itar == 1 ) then write ( *, * ) 'FLOW4 - Note:' write ( *, * ) ' Calling GetTar2 to get target data.' nparbt = 0 ibs = 0 call setxy(ibs,np,nparbt,nx,ny,splbmp,taubmp,xbltar,xbrtar,xc,ybltar, & ybrtar,yc) g(1:neqn) = 0.0D+00 u1max = 9.0D+00 / 4.0D+00 y2max = ( 6.0D+00 -2.0D+00 * sqrt ( 3.0D+00 ) ) / 4.0D+00 u2max = ( 3.0D+00 - y2max ) * ( 1.5D+00 - y2max ) * y2max do i = 1,2*ny-1 iuval = indx(1,nprof(i)) yval = real(i-1, kind = 8 )*3.0D+00 / real (2*ny-2, kind = 8 ) yc(nprof(i)) = yval u1 = (3.0D+00-yval)*yval/u1max u2 = (3.0D+00-yval)*(1.5D+00-yval)*yval/u2max g(iuval) = partar(1)*u1+partar(2)*u2 end do ! ! Compute the cost, relative to zero. ! gtar(1:neqn) = 0.0D+00 call discst(costp,costu,costv,g,gtar,indx,neqn,np,nprof,ny,yc) cost = costu costar = cost gtar(1:neqn) = g(1:neqn) end if ! ! HARDCODE OPTION: ! Write comparison data to file. ! ido = -1 if ( ido == 0 ) then icunit = 17 open ( unit = icunit, file = 'compare.dat', form = 'formatted', & access = 'sequential', status = 'replace' ) call writes(ibs,icunit,nelem,neqn,np,nparb,nquad,nx,ny,xbl,xbr) call writev(area,g,indx,isotri,icunit,nelem,neqn,node,np,nparb,nquad, & splbmp,taubmp,xc,yc) close ( unit = icunit ) write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Wrote comparison data to file COMP.DAT.' write ( *, * ) 'Stopping now.' stop end if ! ! Write target information to plot file. ! ! HARDCODE OPTION: ! Plot uncorrected finite difference sensitivities GDIF, ! or corrected finite difference sensitivities GDIFC. ! if ( iplot /= 0 ) then ido = 1 if ( ido == 0 ) then call pltwrt(eqn,g,gdif,igunit,indx,isotri,iwrite,maxeqn,nelem,neqn, & node,np,npar,npe,nprof,nx,ny,para,sens,xc,xprof,yc) else if (ido == 1 ) then call pltwrt(eqn,g,gdifc,igunit,indx,isotri,iwrite,maxeqn,nelem,neqn, & node,np,npar,npe,nprof,nx,ny,para,sens,xc,xprof,yc) end if end if ! ! Turn off target calculation flag. ! lval = .false. call lmemry('set','target',lval) lmat = .false. call lmemry('set','have_fp',lmat) ! ! Set data specific to the optimization. ! ifs = ifscan ibs = ibscan xbl = xblcan xbr = xbrcan ybl = yblcan ybr = ybrcan ! ! Set the elements and nodes. ! if ( xblcan /= xbltar .or. xbrcan /= xbrtar .or. & yblcan /= ybltar .or. ybrcan /= ybrtar ) then call setnod(eqn,ibump,indx,isotri,maxeqn,nelem,neqn,node,np,nx,ny,xbl,xbr) end if ! ! The user only wanted to compute the target point, and nothing more. ! if ( itype == 0 ) then go to 20 ! ! Is this a march? ! else if (itype == 1.or.itype== 2.or.itype==4 ) then if ( itype == 1 ) then ndim = 1 else if (itype == 2 ) then ndim = 2 else if (itype ==4 ) then ndim = 3 end if call march(a,area,base,dir,dpara3,dparsn,dparfd,dparfdc,dpdyn,dudyn, & dvdyn,dydpn,epsdif,eqn,etan,etaq,g,g1,g2,g3,gdif,gdifc,gold,gradf, & gtar,ibc,ifs,ibs,idfd,ids,ifds,igunit,ijac,indx,iopt,ipivot,iplot, & isotri,istep1,istep2,itunit,iwrite,jjac,jstep1,jstep2,maxeqn,maxnew, & maxstp,ndim,nelem,neqn,nlband,node,np,npar,nparb,nparf,npe,nprof, & nquad,nrow,nstep3,numel,nx,ny,para,para1,para2,para3,phi,res,sens, & splbmp,splflo,syseqn,taubmp,tauflo,tolnew,wateb,wateb1,wateb2,watep, & wateu,watev,wquad,xbl,xbr,xc,xprof,xquad,xsin,xsiq,ybl,ybr,yc,yquad ) ! ! ...or a sensitivity optimization? ! ...or an optimization using function values only? ! else if (itype ==3.or.itype==7 ) then do i = 1,npar para(i) = para1(i) end do call qsolve(a,area,dopt,dpara3,dparfd,dparfdc,dparsn,dpdyn,dudyn,dvdyn, & dydpn,epsdif,eqn,etan,etaq,g,g1,g2,gdif,gdifc,gold,gopt,gradf,gtar, & ibc,ifs,ibs,idfd,ids,ifds,igrad,igunit,ijac,indx,iopt,ipivot,iplot, & isotri,itunit,itype,ivopt,iwrite,jjac,liv,lv,maxeqn,maxnew,maxstp, & nelem,neqn,nlband,node,nopt,np,npar,nparb,nparf,npe,nprof,nquad,nrow, & numel,nx,ny,para,phi,res,sens,splbmp,splflo,syseqn,taubmp,tauflo, & tolnew,tolopt,vopt,wateb,watep,wateu,watev,wquad,xbl,xbr,xc,xopt,xprof, & xquad,xsin,xsiq,ybl,ybr,yc,yquad) else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'FLOW4 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Unknown value of ITYPE = ',itype stop end if 16 continue ! ! If an error occurred, then wipe out the current data. ! if ( ierror/= 0 ) then ierror = 0 write ( *, * ) 'FLOW4 - Clearing error flag after failure.' end if ! ! See if user wishes to change variables and continue run. ! go to 20 end subroutine bmpbc(dudyn,dvdyn,ibs,ip,iparb,np,nparb,shape,splbmp,taubmp, & ubc,vbc,xc) !******************************************************************************* ! !! BMPBC computes the value of the boundary conditions for the ! horizontal and vertical velocity sensitivities with respect ! to a given shape parameter. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! IP Input, the global node number. ! ! IPARB Input, integer IPARB, the bump parameter with respect to ! which the sensitivities are desired. ! ! UBC Output, the boundary condition for the horizontal velocity ! sensitivity. ! ! VBC Output, the boundary condition for the vertical velocity ! sensitivity. ! ! integer np ! real ( kind = 8 ) dudyn(np) real ( kind = 8 ) dvdyn(np) integer ibs integer ip integer iparb integer jderiv integer nparb real ( kind = 8 ) shape real ( kind = 8 ) splbmp(4,nparb+2,0:nparb) real ( kind = 8 ) taubmp(nparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) ubc real ( kind = 8 ) vbc real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) ! ! Determine the value of the "basis" shape function associated ! with parameter IPARB, evaluated at node IP. ! if ( ibs == 1 ) then call plval1(iparb+1,nparb+2,xc(ip),taubmp,shape) else if (ibs == 2 ) then call pqval1(iparb+1,nparb+2,xc(ip),taubmp,shape) else if (ibs ==3 ) then jderiv = 0 call ppvalu(taubmp,splbmp(1,1,iparb),nparb+1,4,xc(ip),jderiv,shape) end if ubc = -dudyn(ip)*shape vbc = -dvdyn(ip)*shape return end subroutine bmpbc1(g,ibs,indx,ip,iparb,neqn,np,nparb,shape,splbmp,taubmp, & ubc,vbc,xc,yc) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! BMPBC1 computes the value of the boundary conditions for the ! horizontal and vertical velocity sensitivities with respect ! to a given shape parameter using a two point finite difference ! formula. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! G Input, real G(MAXEQN), the finite element ! coefficients. ! ! IP Input, the global node number. ! ! IPARB Input, integer IPARB, the bump parameter with respect to ! which the sensitivities are desired. ! ! UBC Output, the boundary condition for the horizontal velocity ! sensitivity. ! ! VBC Output, the boundary condition for the vertical velocity ! sensitivity. ! ! integer neqn integer np ! real ( kind = 8 ) dudy real ( kind = 8 ) dvdy real ( kind = 8 ) g(neqn) integer ibs integer ihor integer ihorn integer indx(3,np) integer ip integer iparb integer iver integer ivern integer jderiv integer nparb real ( kind = 8 ) shape real ( kind = 8 ) splbmp(4,nparb+2,0:nparb) real ( kind = 8 ) taubmp(nparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) ubc real ( kind = 8 ) vbc real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) ! ! Determine the value of the "basis" shape function associated ! with parameter IPARB, evaluated at node IP. ! if ( ibs == 1 ) then call plval1(iparb+1,nparb+2,xc(ip),taubmp,shape) else if (ibs == 2 ) then call pqval1(iparb+1,nparb+2,xc(ip),taubmp,shape) else if (ibs ==3 ) then jderiv = 0 call ppvalu(taubmp,splbmp(1,1,iparb),nparb+1,4,xc(ip),jderiv,shape) end if ! ! Estimate dUdY and dVdY at the node. ! ihor = indx(1,ip) ihorn = indx(1,ip+1) dudy = (g(ihorn)-g(ihor))/(yc(ip+1)-yc(ip)) iver = indx(2,ip) ivern = indx(2,ip+1) dvdy = (g(ivern)-g(iver))/(yc(ip+1)-yc(ip)) ! ! Set the boundary conditions. ! ubc = -dudy*shape vbc = -dvdy*shape return end subroutine bmpbc2(g,ibs,indx,ip,iparb,neqn,np,nparb,shape,splbmp,taubmp, & ubc,vbc,xc,yc) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! BMPBC2 computes the value of the boundary conditions for the ! horizontal and vertical velocity sensitivities with respect ! to a given shape parameter using a three point finite difference ! formula. ! ! We derive that formula from the following Taylor series: ! ! u0 = u0 ! u1 = u0 + h1 u0' + h1**2 u0"/2 + O(h1**3) ! u2 = u0 + h2 u0' + h2**2 u0"/2 + O(h2**3) ! ! arriving at: ! ! u0' = (h1**2 u2 - h2**2 u1 + (h2**2-h1**2) u0) / (h1*h2*(h1-h2)) ! + O(max(h1,h2)**2) ! ! Note that these Taylor series are really only valid when all three ! nodes lie in one element, so that U is a smooth polynomial. This ! is not true for midside nodes, though to correct this would be ! painful. ! ! When all three nodes do lie in one element, and if u is at ! most a quadratic function, then the formula should be exact. ! This is the case for the velocities U and V at a node. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! G Input, real G(MAXEQN), the finite element ! coefficients. ! ! IP Input, the global node number. ! ! IPARB Input, integer IPARB, the bump parameter with respect to ! which the sensitivities are desired. ! ! UBC Output, the boundary condition for the horizontal velocity ! sensitivity. ! ! VBC Output, the boundary condition for the vertical velocity ! sensitivity. ! ! integer neqn integer np ! real ( kind = 8 ) dudy real ( kind = 8 ) dvdy real ( kind = 8 ) g(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) h1 real ( kind = 8 ) h2 integer ibs integer indx(3,np) integer ip integer iparb integer jderiv integer nparb real ( kind = 8 ) shape real ( kind = 8 ) splbmp(4,nparb+2,0:nparb) real ( kind = 8 ) taubmp(nparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) u0 real ( kind = 8 ) u1 real ( kind = 8 ) u2 real ( kind = 8 ) ubc real ( kind = 8 ) v0 real ( kind = 8 ) v1 real ( kind = 8 ) v2 real ( kind = 8 ) vbc real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) ! ! Determine the value of the "basis" shape function associated ! with parameter IPARB, evaluated at node IP. ! if ( ibs == 1 ) then call plval1(iparb+1,nparb+2,xc(ip),taubmp,shape) else if (ibs == 2 ) then call pqval1(iparb+1,nparb+2,xc(ip),taubmp,shape) else if (ibs ==3 ) then jderiv = 0 call ppvalu(taubmp,splbmp(1,1,iparb),nparb+1,4,xc(ip),jderiv,shape) end if ! ! Estimate dUdY and dVdY at the node. ! h1 = yc(ip+1)-yc(ip) h2 = yc(ip+2)-yc(ip) u0 = g(indx(1,ip)) u1 = g(indx(1,ip+1)) u2 = g(indx(1,ip+2)) dudy = (h1**2*u2-h2**2*u1+(h2**2-h1**2)*u0)/(h1*h2*(h1-h2)) v0 = g(indx(2,ip)) v1 = g(indx(2,ip+1)) v2 = g(indx(2,ip+2)) dvdy = (h1**2*v2-h2**2*v1+(h2**2-h1**2)*v0)/(h1*h2*(h1-h2)) ! ! Set the boundary conditions. ! ubc = -dudy*shape vbc = -dvdy*shape return end subroutine bmpcst(costb,ibs,nparb,splbmp,taubmp,xbl,xbr,ybl,ybr) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! BMPCST evaluates the cost of the bump control. ! ! The bump connects the points (XBL,YBL) and (XBR,YBR). ! ! Compute its "cost" by comparing its slope to the slope of the ! straight line that connects those two points. ! ! COSTB = Integral (XBL <= X <= XBR) (Bump'(X) - Line'(X))**2 dX ! ! Here, Bump(X) represents the function describing the shape ! of the bump, and Line(X) represents the straight line which ! simply joins the two endpoints, (XBL,YBL) and (XBR,YBR). ! ! This integral is approximated by numerical integration. ! ! The interval between XBL and XBR is divided into NPARB+1 ! intervals, over each of which the bump's height is described ! by a cubic. ! ! For each such interval, pick NQUAD1 quadrature points, ! evaluate the derivative of the bump function there, and ! subtract the slope of the straight line. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! COSTB Output, real COSTB. ! ! COSTB is the integral of the difference of the ! derivatives of the straight line joining the two straight line ! line segments of the bottom, and the bump that is ! actually drawn there. ! ! This measures the cost of bump control. ! ! integer nparb ! integer, parameter :: nquad1 = 5 ! real ( kind = 8 ) costb real ( kind = 8 ) cprime integer i integer ibs integer j integer jderiv real ( kind = 8 ) slope real ( kind = 8 ) splbmp(4,nparb+2,0:nparb) real ( kind = 8 ) taubmp(nparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) wquad1(nquad1) real ( kind = 8 ) xbl real ( kind = 8 ) xbr real ( kind = 8 ) xleft real ( kind = 8 ) xquad1(nquad1) real ( kind = 8 ) xrite real ( kind = 8 ) xx real ( kind = 8 ) ybl real ( kind = 8 ) ybr real ( kind = 8 ) yvec(nparb+2) ! costb = 0.0D+00 if ( nparb == 0)return if ( xbl>= xbr)return ! ! Get the Gauss weights and abscissas. ! call gquad1(nquad1,wquad1,xquad1) ! ! Get the slope of the line joining the endpoints of the bump. ! slope = (ybr-ybl)/(xbr-xbl) do i = 1,nparb+1 xleft = (real(nparb+2-i, kind = 8 )*xbl & +real(i-1, kind = 8 )*xbr) & /real(nparb+1, kind = 8 ) xrite = (real(nparb+1-i, kind = 8 )*xbl+real(i, kind = 8 )*xbr)/real(nparb+1, kind = 8 ) do j = 1,nquad1 xx = 0.5*((1.0+xquad1(j))*xrite+(1.0-xquad1(j))*xleft) if ( ibs == 1 ) then yvec(1:nparb+2) = splbmp(1,1:nparb+2,0) call pldx(nparb+2,xx,taubmp,cprime,yvec) else if (ibs == 2 ) then yvec(1:nparb+2) = splbmp(1,1:nparb+2,0) call pqdx(nparb+2,xx,taubmp,cprime,yvec) else if (ibs ==3 ) then jderiv = 1 call ppvalu(taubmp,splbmp,nparb+1,4,xx,jderiv,cprime) end if costb = costb+0.5*wquad1(j)*(xrite-xleft)*(cprime-slope)**2 end do end do return end subroutine bmpder(dpara,ibs,npar,nparb,nparf,splbmp,taubmp,wateb,xbl,xbr, & ybl,ybr) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! BMPDER evaluates the derivative of the cost of the bump control ! with respect to the parameters. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! integer npar integer nparb ! integer, parameter :: nquad1 = 5 ! real ( kind = 8 ) cprime real ( kind = 8 ) dpara(npar) integer i integer ibs integer j integer jderiv integer k integer nparf real ( kind = 8 ) slope real ( kind = 8 ) splbmp(4,nparb+2,0:nparb) real ( kind = 8 ) taubmp(nparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) temp real ( kind = 8 ) wateb real ( kind = 8 ) wquad1(nquad1) real ( kind = 8 ) xbl real ( kind = 8 ) xbr real ( kind = 8 ) xleft real ( kind = 8 ) xquad1(nquad1) real ( kind = 8 ) xrite real ( kind = 8 ) xx real ( kind = 8 ) ybl real ( kind = 8 ) ybr real ( kind = 8 ) yvec(nparb+2) ! if ( nparb == 0)return if ( xbr<= xbl)return ! ! Get the Gauss weights and abscissas. ! call gquad1(nquad1,wquad1,xquad1) ! ! Get the slope of the straight line connecting the endpoints. ! slope = (ybr-ybl)/(xbr-xbl) do i = 1,nparb+1 xleft = (real(nparb+2-i, kind = 8 )*xbl+real(i-1, kind = 8 )*xbr)/real(nparb+1, kind = 8 ) xrite = (real(nparb+1-i, kind = 8 )*xbl+real(i, kind = 8 )*xbr)/real(nparb+1, kind = 8 ) do j = 1,nquad1 xx = 0.5*((1.0+xquad1(j))*xrite+(1.0-xquad1(j))*xleft) if ( ibs == 1 ) then yvec(1:nparb+2) = splbmp(1,1:nparb+2,0) call pldx(nparb+2,xx,taubmp,cprime,yvec) else if (ibs == 2 ) then yvec(1:nparb+2) = splbmp(1,1:nparb+2,0) call pqdx(nparb+2,xx,taubmp,cprime,yvec) else if (ibs ==3 ) then jderiv = 1 call ppvalu(taubmp,splbmp,nparb+1,4,xx,jderiv,cprime) end if do k = 1,nparb if ( ibs == 1 ) then call pldx1(k+1,nparb+2,xx,taubmp,temp) else if (ibs == 2 ) then call pqdx1(k+1,nparb+2,xx,taubmp,temp) else if (ibs ==3 ) then jderiv = 1 call ppvalu(taubmp,splbmp(1,1,k),nparb+1,4,xx,jderiv,temp) end if dpara(nparf+k) = dpara(nparf+k)+wateb*wquad1(j)* & (xrite-xleft)*(cprime-slope)*temp end do end do end do return end subroutine bmpsen(dudyn,dvdyn,eqn,f,g,ibc,ibs,indx,ipar,neqn,np,nparb,nparf, & splbmp,taubmp,xc,yc) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! BMPSEN sets up the right hand side F associated with the ! sensitivities of a given flow solution (U,V,P) with respect to the ! IPAR-th bump parameter. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! integer neqn integer np integer nparf ! real ( kind = 8 ) dudyn(np) real ( kind = 8 ) dvdyn(np) character ( len = 2 ) eqn(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) f(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) g(neqn) integer i integer ibc integer ibs integer ihor integer indx(3,np) integer ip integer ipar integer iparb integer iver integer nparb real ( kind = 8 ) shape real ( kind = 8 ) splbmp(4,nparb+2,0:nparb) real ( kind = 8 ) taubmp(nparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) ubc real ( kind = 8 ) vbc real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) ! iparb = ipar-nparf do i = 1,neqn f(i) = 0.0D+00 end do do ip = 1,np ihor = indx(1,ip) if ( eqn(ihor) =='UB' ) then if ( ibc == 0 ) then call bmpbc(dudyn,dvdyn,ibs,ip,iparb,np,nparb,shape,splbmp,taubmp, & ubc,vbc,xc) else if (ibc == 1 ) then call bmpbc1(g,ibs,indx,ip,iparb,neqn,np,nparb,shape,splbmp,taubmp, & ubc,vbc,xc,yc) else if (ibc == 2 ) then call bmpbc2(g,ibs,indx,ip,iparb,neqn,np,nparb,shape,splbmp,taubmp, & ubc,vbc,xc,yc) else if (ibc ==3 ) then call bmpbc(dudyn,dvdyn,ibs,ip,iparb,np,nparb,shape,splbmp,taubmp, & ubc,vbc,xc) end if f(ihor) = ubc end if iver = indx(2,ip) if ( eqn(iver) =='VB' ) then if ( ibc == 0 ) then call bmpbc(dudyn,dvdyn,ibs,ip,iparb,np,nparb,shape,splbmp,taubmp, & ubc,vbc,xc) else if (ibc == 1 ) then call bmpbc1(g,ibs,indx,ip,iparb,neqn,np,nparb,shape,splbmp,taubmp, & ubc,vbc,xc,yc) else if (ibc == 2 ) then call bmpbc2(g,ibs,indx,ip,iparb,neqn,np,nparb,shape,splbmp,taubmp, & ubc,vbc,xc,yc) else if (ibc ==3 ) then call bmpbc(dudyn,dvdyn,ibs,ip,iparb,np,nparb,shape,splbmp,taubmp, & ubc,vbc,xc) end if f(iver) = vbc end if end do return end subroutine bmpspl(ibs,npar,nparb,nparf,par,splbmp,taubmp,xbl,xbr,ybl,ybr) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! BMPSPL sets up or updates the spline data that describes the bump. ! ! It does this for the target parameters and the feasible parameters. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! IBS Input, integer IBS. ! 1, the bump is modeled by C0 linear splines. ! 2, the bump is modeled by C0 quadratic splines. ! 3, the bump is modeled by C1 cubic splines. ! ! integer npar integer nparb integer nparf ! integer i integer ibcbeg integer ibcend integer ibs integer ipar real ( kind = 8 ) par(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) splbmp(4,nparb+2,0:nparb) real ( kind = 8 ) taubmp(nparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) xbl real ( kind = 8 ) xbr real ( kind = 8 ) ybl real ( kind = 8 ) ybr ! if ( nparb<= 0)return ! ! Set up the bump arrays, including: ! ! TAUBMP, containing the abscissas, which never change, ! SPLBMP(1,I,0), the location of the bump at abscissa I, ! SPLBMP(1,I,IPAR), the I-th coefficient of the partial derivative ! of the bump shape with respect to the IPAR-th bump parameter. ! do i = 1,nparb+2 taubmp(i) = (real(nparb+2-i, kind = 8 )*xbl+real(i-1, kind = 8 )*xbr)/real(nparb+1, kind = 8 ) end do splbmp(1,1,0) = ybl do i = 2, nparb+1 splbmp(1,i,0) = par(nparf+i-1) end do splbmp(1,nparb+2,0) = ybr if ( ibs == 3 ) then do i = 1,nparb+2 do ipar = 1,nparb if ( ipar+1/= i ) then splbmp(1,i,ipar) = 0.0D+00 else splbmp(1,i,ipar) = 1.0D+00 end if end do end do ibcbeg = 0 ibcend = 0 do i = 0,nparb call cubspl(taubmp,splbmp(1,1,i),nparb+2,ibcbeg,ibcend) end do end if return end subroutine bsp(q,dqdx,dqdy,ielem,iq,nelem,node,np,xc,xq,yc,yq) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! BSP computes the value and spatial derivatives of the linear basis ! functions associated with pressure. ! ! ! Here is a picture of a typical finite element associated with ! pressure: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! / | ! 1---3 ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Q Output, real Q, the value of the IQ-th basis ! function at the point with global coordinates (XQ,YQ). ! ! DQDX, ! DQDY Output, real DQDX, DQDY, the X and Y ! derivatives of the IQ-th basis function at the point ! with global coordinates (XQ,YQ). ! ! IELEM Input, integer IELEM, the global element number about which ! we are inquiring. ! ! IQ Input, integer IQ, the index of the desired basis ! function. This is also the node of the reference ! triangle which is associated with the basis function. ! ! Basis function IQ is 1 at node IQ, and zero at the ! other two nodes. ! ! NELEM Input, integer NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! NODE Input, integer NODE(6,NELEM). NODE(J,I) is ! the global node number of the J-th node in the I-th ! element. ! ! NP Input, integer NP, the number of nodes. ! ! XC Input, real XC(NP), the global X coordinates ! of the element nodes. ! ! XQ Input, real XQ, the global X coordinate of ! the point in which we are interested. ! ! YC Input, real YC(NP), the global Y coordinates ! of the element nodes. ! ! YQ Input, real YQ, the global Y coordinate of ! the point in which we are interested. ! ! integer nelem integer np ! real ( kind = 8 ) q real ( kind = 8 ) dqdx real ( kind = 8 ) dqdy real ( kind = 8 ) d integer i1 integer i2 integer i3 integer ielem integer iq integer iq1 integer iq2 integer iq3 integer node(6,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xq real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yq ! if ( iq<>6 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'BSP - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' The requested basis function is IQ = ',iq write ( *, * ) ' but only values from 1 to 6 are legal.' stop else if (iq>=<=6 ) then q = 0.0D+00 dqdx = 0.0D+00 dqdy = 0.0D+00 return end if iq1 = iq iq2 = mod(iq,3)+1 iq3 = mod(iq+1,3)+1 i1 = node(iq1,ielem) i2 = node(iq2,ielem) i3 = node(iq3,ielem) d = (xc(i2)-xc(i1))*(yc(i3)-yc(i1))-(xc(i3)-xc(i1))*(yc(i2)-yc(i1)) dqdx = (yc(i2)-yc(i3))/d dqdy = (xc(i3)-xc(i2))/d q = 1.0 + dqdx*(xq-xc(i1)) + dqdy*(yq-yc(i1)) return end subroutine ch_cap ( c ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! CH_CAP capitalizes a single character. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 19 July 1998 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input/output, character C, the character to capitalize. ! character c integer itemp ! itemp = ichar ( c ) if ( 97 <= itemp .and. itemp <= 122 ) then c = char ( itemp - 32 ) end if return end subroutine chkdat(ibump,idfd,ids,ifds,igrad,ijac,iopt,itype,jjac,maxpar, & maxparb,maxparf,nopt,npar,nparb,nparf,nstep3,para1,partar,xblcan,xbrcan) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! CHKDAT performs some simple checks on the input data. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! integer maxpar ! integer i integer ibump integer idfd integer ids integer ifds integer igrad integer ijac integer iopt(maxpar) integer itype integer jjac integer maxparb integer maxparf integer nopt integer npar integer nparb integer nparf integer nstep3 real ( kind = 8 ) para1(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) partar(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) sum real ( kind = 8 ) xblcan real ( kind = 8 ) xbrcan ! ! IBUMP ! if ( ibump<0.or.ibump>3 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ChkDat - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' IBUMP is out of bounds!' write ( *, * ) ' Current value of IBUMP = ',ibump write ( *, * ) ' Legal values must be between 0 and 3.' stop end if ! ! IGRAD ! if ( igrad<0.or.igrad>4 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ChkDat - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' IGRAD must be between 0 and 4,' write ( *, * ) ' but your value is ',igrad stop end if if ( igrad == 0 ) then if ( itype ==3 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ChkDat - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' A cost gradient approximation MUST be made' write ( *, * ) ' when ITYPE = ',itype write ( *, * ) ' but you have chosen IGRAD = ',igrad stop end if else if (igrad == 1 ) then if ( ids == 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ChkDat - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Your cost gradient choice IGRAD = ',igrad write ( *, * ) ' requires a nonzero value of IDS,' write ( *, * ) ' but your value is IDS = ',ids stop end if else if (igrad == 2 ) then if ( ifds == 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ChkDat - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Your cost gradient choice IGRAD = ',igrad write ( *, * ) ' requires a nonzero value of IFDS,' write ( *, * ) ' but your value is IFDS = ',ifds stop end if else if (igrad ==3 ) then if ( ifds == 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ChkDat - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Your cost gradient choice IGRAD = ',igrad write ( *, * ) ' requires a nonzero value of IFDS,' write ( *, * ) ' but your value is IFDS = ',ifds stop end if else if (igrad ==4 ) then if ( idfd == 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ChkDat - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Your cost gradient choice IGRAD = ',igrad write ( *, * ) ' requires a nonzero value of IDFD,' write ( *, * ) ' but your value is IDFD = ',idfd stop end if end if ! ! IJAC ! if ( ijac<1 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ChkDat - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' IJAC is out of bounds!' write ( *, * ) ' Current value of IJAC = ',ijac write ( *, * ) ' Legal values must be 1 or greater.' stop end if ! ! IOPT ! do i = 1,npar if ( iopt(i)/= 0.and.iopt(i)/=1 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Chkdat - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' IOPT(*) must be 0 or 1, but' write ( *, * ) ' IOPT(',I,') = ',iopt(i) stop end if end do ! ! ITYPE ! if ( itype<0.or.itype>7 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ChkDat - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Illegal value of ITYPE = ',itype write ( *, * ) ' Legal values are between 0 and 7.' write ( *, * ) ' ChkDat forces a STOP!' stop end if ! ! JJAC ! if ( jjac<0.or.jjac>2 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ChkDat - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Illegal value of JJAC = ',jjac write ( *, * ) ' Legal values are between 0 and 2.' write ( *, * ) ' ChkDat forces a STOP!' stop end if ! ! NOPT ! if ( nopt<= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ChkDat - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' The number of free parameters, NOPT = ',nopt write ( *, * ) ' but this value should be positive!' end if ! ! NPAR ! if ( npar>maxpar ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ChkDat - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' NPAR is out of bounds!' write ( *, * ) ' Current value of NPAR = ',npar write ( *, * ) ' Maximum legal value, MAXPARA = ',maxpar stop end if ! ! NPARB ! if ( nparb<0.or.nparb>maxparb ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ChkDat - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' NPARB is out of bounds!' write ( *, * ) ' Input value of NPARB = ',nparb write ( *, * ) ' Maximum legal value, MAXPARB = ',maxparb stop end if ! ! NPARF ! if ( nparf<= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ChkDat - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' NPARF is out of bounds!' write ( *, * ) ' The input value of NPARF is ',nparf write ( *, * ) ' But NPARF must be at least 1.' stop end if if ( nparf>maxparf ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ChkDat - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' NPARF is too big!' write ( *, * ) ' Input value of NPARF = ',nparf write ( *, * ) ' Maximum legal value, MAXPARF = ',maxparf stop end if ! ! NSTEP3 ! if ( itype ==4 ) then if ( nstep3<1 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ChkDat - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Nonpositive value for NSTEP3 = ',nstep3 stop else if (nstep3 == 1 ) then write ( *, * ) 'ChkDat - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' NSTEP3 = 1 is an unusual value!' end if end if ! ! PARA1(1:NPARF) ! sum = 0.0D+00 do i = 1,nparf sum = sum+abs(para1(i)) end do if ( sum == 0.0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ChkDat - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' All PARA1 inflows are zero.' stop end if ! ! PARA1(NPARF+NPARB+1), the value of NU_INV. ! if ( para1(nparf+nparb+1)<0.0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ChkDat - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' NU_INV entry of PARA1 is negative.' write ( *, * ) ' This is being changed to one.' para1(nparf+nparb+1) = 1.0D+00 end if ! ! PARTAR(1:NPARF) ! sum = 0.0D+00 do i = 1,nparf sum = sum+abs(partar(i)) end do if ( sum == 0.0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ChkDat - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' All PARTAR inflows are zero.' stop end if ! ! PARTAR(NPARF+NPARB+1), the value of NU_INV. ! if ( partar(nparf+nparb+1)<0.0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ChkDat - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' NU_INV entry of PARTAR is negative.' write ( *, * ) ' This is being changed to one.' partar(nparf+nparb+1) = 1.0D+00 end if ! ! XBLEFT, XBRITE ! if ( nparb>0 ) then if ( xblcan>= xbrcan ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ChkDat - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' XBLEFT >= XBRITE.' write ( *, * ) ' XBLEFT = ',xblcan write ( *, * ) ' XBRITE = ',xbrcan stop end if end if return end subroutine chrctd(string,dval,ierror,lchar) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! CHRCTD accepts a string of characters, and tries to extract a ! real real number from the initial part of the ! string. ! ! CHRCTD will read as many characters as possible until it reaches ! the end of the string, or encounters a character which cannot be ! part of the number. ! ! Legal input is: ! ! 1 blanks, ! 2 '+' or '-' sign, ! 3 integer part, ! 4 decimal point, ! 5 fraction part, ! 6 'E' or 'e' or 'D' or 'd', exponent marker, ! 7 exponent sign, ! 8 exponent integer part, ! 9 exponent decimal point, ! 10 exponent fraction part, ! 11 blanks, ! 12 final comma, ! ! with most quantities optional. ! ! Example: ! ! STRING DVAL ! ! '1' 1.0D+00 ! ' 1 ' 1.0D+00 ! '1A' 1.0D+00 ! '12,34,56' 12.0D+00 ! ' 34 7' 34.0D+00 ! '-1E2ABCD' -100.0D+00 ! '-1X2ABCD' -1.0D+00 ! ' 2E-1' 0.2 ! '23.45' 23.45 ! '-4.2E+2' -420.0D+00 ! '17d2' 1700.0D+00 ! '-14e-2' -0.14 ! 'e2' 100.0D+00 ! '-12.73e-9.23' -12.73 * 10.0**(-9.23) ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! STRING Input, CHARACTER*(*) STRING, the string containing the ! data to be read. Reading will begin at position 1 and ! terminate at the end of the string, or when no more ! characters can be read to form a legal real. Blanks, ! commas, or other nonnumeric data will, in particular, ! cause the conversion to halt. ! ! DVAL Output, real DVAL, the value that was read ! from the string. ! ! IERROR Output, integer IERROR, error flag. ! ! 0, no errors occurred. ! ! 1, 2, 6 or 7, the input number was garbled. The ! value of IERROR is the last type of input successfully ! read. For instance, 1 means initial blanks, 2 means ! a plus or minus sign, and so on. ! ! LCHAR Output, integer LCHAR, the number of characters read from ! STRING to form the number, including any terminating ! characters such as a trailing comma or blanks. ! ! character chrtmp real ( kind = 8 ) dval integer ierror integer ihave integer isgn integer iterm integer jbot integer jsgn integer jtop integer lchar logical s_eqi integer nchar integer ndig real ( kind = 8 ) rbot real ( kind = 8 ) rexp real ( kind = 8 ) rtop character ( len = * ) string ! nchar = len(string) ierror = 0 dval = 0.0D+00 lchar = -1 isgn = 1 rtop = 0.0D+00 rbot = 1.0D+00 jsgn = 1 jtop = 0 jbot = 1 ihave = 1 iterm = 0 10 continue lchar = lchar+1 chrtmp = string(lchar+1:lchar+1) ! ! Blank character. ! if ( chrtmp ==' ' ) then if ( ihave == 2.or.ihave==6.or.ihave==7 ) then iterm = 1 else if (ihave>1 ) then ihave = 11 end if ! ! Comma ! else if (chrtmp ==',' ) then if ( ihave/= 1 ) then iterm = 1 ihave = 12 lchar = lchar+1 end if ! ! Minus sign. ! else if (chrtmp =='-' ) then if ( ihave == 1 ) then ihave = 2 isgn = -1 else if (ihave ==6 ) then ihave = 7 jsgn = -1 else iterm = 1 end if ! ! Plus sign. ! else if (chrtmp =='+' ) then if ( ihave == 1 ) then ihave = 2 else if (ihave ==6 ) then ihave = 7 else iterm = 1 end if ! ! Decimal point. ! else if (chrtmp =='.' ) then if ( ihave<4 ) then ihave = 4 else if (ihave>= 6.and.ihave<=8 ) then ihave = 9 else iterm = 1 end if ! ! Exponent marker. ! else if (s_eqi(chrtmp,'e').or.s_eqi(chrtmp,'d') ) then if ( ihave<6 ) then ihave = 6 else iterm = 1 end if ! ! Digit. ! else if (ihave<11.and.lge(chrtmp,'0').and.lle(chrtmp,'9') ) then if ( ihave<= 2 ) then ihave = 3 else if (ihave ==4 ) then ihave = 5 else if (ihave ==6.or.ihave==7 ) then ihave = 8 else if (ihave ==9 ) then ihave = 10 end if read(chrtmp,'(i1)')ndig if ( ihave ==3 ) then rtop = 10*rtop+ndig else if (ihave ==5 ) then rtop = 10*rtop+ndig rbot = 10*rbot else if (ihave ==8 ) then jtop = 10*jtop+ndig else if (ihave == 10 ) then jtop = 10*jtop+ndig jbot = 10*jbot end if ! ! Anything else is regarded as a terminator. ! else iterm = 1 end if ! ! If we haven't seen a terminator, and we haven't examined the ! entire string, go get the next character. ! if ( iterm/= 1.and.lchar+1len1)return if ( i>len2)return if ( i+len3-1<= len1 ) then if ( string(i:i+len3-1) ==strng3)return end if strng2(i:i) = string(i:i) go to 10 end subroutine cubspl(tau,c,n,ibcbeg,ibcend) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! CUBSPL is given data and boundary conditions for a cubic ! spline, and computes information that defines that cubic ! spline. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! FORTRAN90 version by John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! TAU Input, real TAU(N), the abscissas or X values of ! the data points. The entries of TAU are assumed to be ! strictly increasing. ! ! N Input, integer N, the number of data points. N is ! assumed to be at least 2. ! ! C Input/output, real C(4,N). ! ! On input, if IBCBEG or IBCBEG is 1 or 2, then C(2,1) ! or C(2,N) should have been set to the desired derivative ! values, as described further under IBCBEG and IBCEND. ! ! On output, C contains the polynomial coefficients of ! the cubic interpolating spline with interior knots ! TAU(2) through TAU(N-1). ! ! In the interval interval (TAU(I), TAU(I+1)), the spline ! F is given by ! ! F(X) = C(1,I)+H*C(2,I)+(1/2)*H*H*C(3,I) ! +(1/6)*H*H*H*C(4,I) ! ! where H = X - TAU(I). The routine PPVALU may be used to ! evaluate F or its derivatives from TAU, C, L = N-1, ! and K = 4. ! ! IBCBEG, ! IBCEND Input, integer IBCBEG, IBCEND, boundary condition ! indicators. ! ! IBCBEG = 0 means no boundary condition at TAU(1) is given. ! In this case, the "not-a-knot condition" is used. That ! is, the jump in the third derivative across TAU(2) is ! forced to zero. Thus the first and the second cubic ! polynomial pieces are made to coincide. ! ! IBCBEG = 1 means that the slope at TAU(1) is to equal the ! input value C(2,1). ! ! IBCBEG = 2 means that the second derivative at TAU(1) is ! to equal C(2,1). ! ! IBCEND = 0, 1, or 2 has analogous meaning concerning the ! boundary condition at TAU(N), with the additional ! information taken from C(2,N). ! ! integer n ! real ( kind = 8 ) c(4,n) real ( kind = 8 ) divdf1 real ( kind = 8 ) divdf3 real ( kind = 8 ) dtau real ( kind = 8 ) g integer i integer ibcbeg integer ibcend integer j integer m real ( kind = 8 ) tau(n) ! ! A tridiagonal linear system for the unknown slopes S(I) of ! F at TAU(I), I = 1,..., N, is generated and then solved by Gauss ! elimination, with S(I) ending up in C(2,I), for all I. ! ! C(3,*) and C(4,*) are used initially for temporary storage. ! ! Store first differences of the TAU sequence in C(3,*). ! ! Store first divided difference of data in C(4,*). ! do m = 2,n c(3,m) = tau(m)-tau(m-1) c(4,m) = (c(1,m)-c(1,m-1))/c(3,m) end do ! ! Construct the first equation from the boundary condition, of ! the form: ! ! C(4,1)*S(1) + C(3,1)*S(2) = C(2,1) ! if ( ibcbeg == 1 ) then c(4,1) = 1.0D+00 c(3,1) = 0.0D+00 go to 60 end if if ( ibcbeg<= 1 ) then ! ! No condition at left end and N = 2. ! if ( n<= 2 ) then c(4,1) = 1.0D+00 c(3,1) = 1.0D+00 c(2,1) = 2.0*c(4,2) go to 120 end if ! ! Not-a-knot condition at left end and N is greater than 2. ! c(4,1) = c(3,3) c(3,1) = c(3,2)+c(3,3) c(2,1) = ((c(3,2)+2.0*c(3,1))*c(4,2)*c(3,3)+c(3,2)**2*c(4,3))/c(3,1) go to 70 end if ! ! Second derivative prescribed at left end. ! c(4,1) = 2.0D+00 c(3,1) = 1.0D+00 c(2,1) = 3.0*c(4,2)-c(3,2)/2.0*c(2,1) 60 continue if ( n == 2)go to 120 ! ! If there are interior knots, generate the corresponding ! equations and carry out the forward pass of Gauss elimination, ! after which the M-th equation reads: ! ! C(4,M)*S(M) + C(3,M)*S(M+1) = C(2,M). ! 70 continue do m = 2,n-1 g = -c(3,m+1)/c(4,m-1) c(2,m) = g*c(2,m-1)+3.0*(c(3,m)*c(4,m+1)+c(3,m+1)*c(4,m)) c(4,m) = g*c(3,m-1)+2.0*(c(3,m)+c(3,m+1)) end do ! ! Construct last equation from the second boundary condition, of ! the form ! ! (-G*C(4,N-1))*S(N-1) + C(4,N)*S(N) = C(2,N) ! ! If slope is prescribed at right end, one can go directly to ! back-substitution, since the C array happens to be set up just ! right for it at this point. ! if ( ibcend == 1)go to 160 if ( ibcend>1)go to 110 ! ! Not-a-knot and N >= 3, and either N>3 or also not-a-knot ! at left end point. ! if ( n/= 3.or.ibcbeg/=0 ) then g = c(3,n-1)+c(3,n) c(2,n) = ((c(3,n)+2.0*g)*c(4,n)*c(3,n-1)+c(3,n)**2*(c(1,n-1)-c(1,n-2)) & /c(3,n-1))/g g = -g/c(4,n-1) c(4,n) = c(3,n-1) c(4,n) = g*c(3,n-1)+c(4,n) c(2,n) = (g*c(2,n-1)+c(2,n))/c(4,n) go to 160 end if ! ! Either (N = 3 and not-a-knot also at left) or (N=2 and not not-a- ! knot at left end point). ! 100 continue c(2,n) = 2.0*c(4,n) c(4,n) = 1.0D+00 g = -1.0/c(4,n-1) c(4,n) = g*c(3,n-1)+c(4,n) c(2,n) = (g*c(2,n-1)+c(2,n))/c(4,n) go to 160 ! ! Second derivative prescribed at right endpoint. ! 110 continue c(2,n) = 3.0*c(4,n)+c(3,n)/2.0*c(2,n) c(4,n) = 2.0D+00 g = -1.0/c(4,n-1) c(4,n) = g*c(3,n-1)+c(4,n) c(2,n) = (g*c(2,n-1)+c(2,n))/c(4,n) go to 160 120 continue if ( ibcend/= 1 ) then if ( ibcend>1 ) then c(2,n) = 3.0*c(4,n)+c(3,n)/2.0*c(2,n) c(4,n) = 2.0D+00 g = -1.0/c(4,n-1) c(4,n) = g*c(3,n-1)+c(4,n) c(2,n) = (g*c(2,n-1)+c(2,n))/c(4,n) go to 160 end if if ( ibcbeg>0)go to 100 ! ! Not-a-knot at right endpoint and at left endpoint and N = 2. ! c(2,n) = c(4,n) end if ! ! Carry out the back substitution ! 160 continue do j = n-1,1,-1 c(2,j) = (c(2,j)-c(3,j)*c(2,j+1))/c(4,j) end do ! ! Generate cubic coefficients in each interval, that is, the ! derivatives at its left endpoint, from value and slope at its !endpoints. ! do i = 2,n dtau = c(3,i) divdf1 = (c(1,i)-c(1,i-1))/dtau divdf3 = c(2,i-1)+c(2,i)-2.0*divdf1 c(3,i-1) = 2.0*(divdf1-c(2,i-1)-divdf3)/dtau c(4,i-1) = (divdf3/dtau)*(6.0/dtau) end do return end subroutine discst(costp,costu,costv,g,gtar,indx,neqn,np,nprof,ny,yc) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! DISCST computes the discrepancy integrals along the profile line. ! ! Discussion: ! ! There are discrepancy integrals for the pressure, ! horizontal and vertical velocities. ! ! This integration scheme assumes that the profile line, and ! the element sides that define it, are straight. Otherwise, ! the integration scheme used is not correct. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! integer, parameter :: nquad1 = 5 ! integer neqn integer np integer ny ! real ( kind = 8 ) bval real ( kind = 8 ) costp real ( kind = 8 ) costu real ( kind = 8 ) costv real ( kind = 8 ) g(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) gtar(neqn) integer i integer ii integer indx(3,np) integer j integer k integer npol integer nprof(2*ny-1) real ( kind = 8 ) pcof(2) real ( kind = 8 ) pval real ( kind = 8 ) ucof(3) real ( kind = 8 ) uval real ( kind = 8 ) vcof(3) real ( kind = 8 ) vval real ( kind = 8 ) wquad1(nquad1) real ( kind = 8 ) xquad1(nquad1) real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yhi real ( kind = 8 ) ylo real ( kind = 8 ) ypol(3) real ( kind = 8 ) yval ! ! Get the weights and abscissas to approximate a line integral. ! call gquad1(nquad1,wquad1,xquad1) ! ! Compute the integral of the difference squared between the ! current velocity and the target values. ! costu = 0.0D+00 costv = 0.0D+00 ! ! The line along which we integrate is broken into NY-1 ! subintervals, over each of which, U and V are represented ! by quadratic functions. ! do i = 1,ny-1 ! ! Get the values of U and V at the beginning, middle, and !end of the subinterval. Use these to compute the quadratic ! representation of U and V for any point on the subinterval. ! ylo = yc(nprof(2*i-1)) yhi = yc(nprof(2*i+1)) npol = 3 do k = 1,npol ii = 2*i-2+k ypol(k) = yc(nprof(ii)) j = indx(1,nprof(ii)) ucof(k) = g(j)-gtar(j) j = indx(2,nprof(ii)) vcof(k) = g(j)-gtar(j) end do ! ! Evaluate the discrepancy at each quadrature point. ! do j = 1,nquad1 call rint_to_rint ( -1.0D+00, +1.0D+00, xquad1(j), ylo, yhi, yval ) uval = 0.0D+00 vval = 0.0D+00 do k = 1,npol call lbase(k,npol,bval,ypol,yval) uval = uval+bval*ucof(k) vval = vval+bval*vcof(k) end do costu = costu + 0.5 * wquad1(j)*(yhi-ylo)*uval**2 costv = costv + 0.5 * wquad1(j)*(yhi-ylo)*vval**2 end do end do ! ! Compute the square root of the integral of the difference ! squared between the current pressure and the target values. ! costp = 0.0D+00 do i = 1,ny-1 ylo = yc(nprof(2*i-1)) yhi = yc(nprof(2*i+1)) npol = 2 do k = 1,npol ii = 2*i-3+2*k ypol(k) = yc(nprof(ii)) j = indx(3,nprof(ii)) if ( j<= 0 ) then pcof(k) = 0.0D+00 else pcof(k) = g(j)-gtar(j) end if end do do j = 1,nquad1 call rint_to_rint ( -1.0D+00, +1.0D+00, xquad1(j), ylo, yhi, yval ) pval = 0.0D+00 do k = 1,npol call lbase(k,npol,bval,ypol,yval) pval = pval+bval*pcof(k) end do costp = costp+0.5*wquad1(j)*(yhi-ylo)*pval**2 end do end do return end subroutine disder(dpara,g,gtar,indx,maxeqn,neqn,np,npar,nprof,ny,sens, & watep,wateu,watev,yc) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! DISDER computes the derivative of the discrepancy integrals for the ! pressure, horizontal and vertical velocities, with respect to the ! various parameters. ! ! In practice, the dummy parameter DPARA will actually be DPARA1 or ! DPARA2, and the dummy input parameter SENS will actually be SENS or ! GDIF, depending on which estimate of the cost derivatives is ! desired. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! DPARA Input/output, real DPARA(NPAR). ! ! DPARA contains the derivatives of the cost function with ! respect to the various parameters. In particular, ! DPARA(I) = D cost / D parameter(I). ! ! integer, parameter :: mpar = 10 integer, parameter :: nquad1 = 5 ! integer maxeqn integer neqn integer np integer npar integer ny ! real ( kind = 8 ) bval real ( kind = 8 ) dpara(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) dpcof(mpar,mpar) real ( kind = 8 ) dpval(mpar) real ( kind = 8 ) ducof(mpar,mpar) real ( kind = 8 ) duval(mpar) real ( kind = 8 ) dvcof(mpar,mpar) real ( kind = 8 ) dvval(mpar) real ( kind = 8 ) g(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) gtar(neqn) integer i integer ii integer indx(3,np) integer j integer k integer l integer npol integer nprof(2*ny-1) real ( kind = 8 ) pcof(2) real ( kind = 8 ) pval real ( kind = 8 ) sens(maxeqn,npar) real ( kind = 8 ) ucof(3) real ( kind = 8 ) uval real ( kind = 8 ) vcof(3) real ( kind = 8 ) vval real ( kind = 8 ) watep real ( kind = 8 ) wateu real ( kind = 8 ) watev real ( kind = 8 ) wquad1(nquad1) real ( kind = 8 ) xquad1(nquad1) real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yhi real ( kind = 8 ) ylo real ( kind = 8 ) ypol(3) real ( kind = 8 ) yval ! if ( npar>mpar ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'DisDer - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' The number of parameters is too high.' write ( *, * ) ' This routine can handle NPAR = ',mpar write ( *, * ) ' Your problem has NPAR = ',npar stop end if ! ! Get the Gauss weights and abscissas to approximate a line ! integral. ! call gquad1(nquad1,wquad1,xquad1) ! ! The line along which we integrate is broken into NY-1 ! subintervals, over each of which, U and V are represented ! by quadratic functions. ! do i = 1,ny-1 ! ! Get the values of U and V at the beginning, middle, and !end of the subinterval. Use these to compute the quadratic ! representation of U and V for any point on the subinterval. ! ylo = yc(nprof(2*i-1)) yhi = yc(nprof(2*i+1)) npol = 3 do k = 1,npol ii = 2*i-2+k ypol(k) = yc(nprof(ii)) j = indx(1,nprof(ii)) ucof(k) = g(j)-gtar(j) do l = 1,npar ducof(k,l) = sens(j,l) end do j = indx(2,nprof(ii)) vcof(k) = g(j)-gtar(j) do l = 1,npar dvcof(k,l) = sens(j,l) end do end do ! ! Evaluate the discrepancy at each quadrature point. ! do j = 1,nquad1 call rint_to_rint ( -1.0D+00, +1.0D+00, xquad1(j), ylo, yhi, yval ) uval = 0.0D+00 vval = 0.0D+00 do l = 1,npar duval(l) = 0.0D+00 dvval(l) = 0.0D+00 end do do k = 1,npol call lbase(k,npol,bval,ypol,yval) uval = uval+bval*ucof(k) vval = vval+bval*vcof(k) do l = 1,npar duval(l) = duval(l)+bval*ducof(k,l) dvval(l) = dvval(l)+bval*dvcof(k,l) end do end do do l = 1,npar dpara(l) = dpara(l)+0.5*wquad1(j)*(yhi-ylo) & *2.0*(wateu*uval*duval(l)+watev*vval*dvval(l)) end do end do end do ! ! Compute the square root of the integral of the difference ! squared between the current pressure and the target values. ! do i = 1,ny-1 ylo = yc(nprof(2*i-1)) yhi = yc(nprof(2*i+1)) npol = 2 do k = 1,npol ii = 2*i-3+2*k ypol(k) = yc(nprof(ii)) j = indx(3,nprof(ii)) if ( j<= 0 ) then pcof(k) = 0.0D+00 else pcof(k) = g(j)-gtar(j) end if do l = 1,npar if ( j<= 0 ) then dpcof(k,l) = 0.0D+00 else dpcof(k,l) = sens(j,l) end if end do end do do j = 1,nquad1 call rint_to_rint ( -1.0D+00, +1.0D+00, xquad1(j), ylo, yhi, yval ) pval = 0.0D+00 do l = 1,npar dpval(l) = 0.0D+00 end do do k = 1,npol call lbase(k,npol,bval,ypol,yval) pval = pval+bval*pcof(k) do l = 1,npar dpval(l) = dpval(l)+bval*dpcof(k,l) end do end do do l = 1,npar dpara(l) = dpara(l)+0.5*wquad1(j)*(yhi-ylo)*2.0*watep*pval*dpval(l) end do end do end do return end subroutine floduv(ifs,ipar,nparf,splflo,tauflo,ubc,vbc,yy) ! !*************************************************************************** ! !! FLODUV sets the derivative of the parabolic inflow in terms of ! the value of the inflow parameters. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! UBC Output, real UBC. ! The value of the partial derivative of the horizontal ! boundary velocity component with respect to a given ! parameter at the specified point. ! ! VBC Output, real VBC. ! The value of the partial derivative of the vertical ! boundary velocity component with respect to a given ! parameter at the specified point. ! ! integer nparf ! integer ifs integer ipar integer jderiv real ( kind = 8 ) splflo(4,nparf+2,0:nparf) real ( kind = 8 ) tauflo(nparf+2) real ( kind = 8 ) ubc real ( kind = 8 ) vbc real ( kind = 8 ) yy ! ubc = 0.0D+00 vbc = 0.0D+00 ! ! Handle the case where there is only one inflow parameter, and it ! is specified as a constant. ! if ( nparf<= 0.and.ipar== 0 ) then ubc = 4.0*(3.0-yy)*yy/(9.0) return end if if ( ipar<1.or.ipar>nparf)return ! ! Evaluate the basis function which is zero at the other parameters ! and 1 at parameter IPAR. ! if ( ifs == 1 ) then call plval1(ipar+1,nparf+2,yy,tauflo,ubc) else if (ifs == 2 ) then call pqval1(ipar+1,nparf+2,yy,tauflo,ubc) else if (ifs ==3 ) then jderiv = 0 call ppvalu(tauflo,splflo(1,1,ipar),nparf+1,4,yy,jderiv,ubc) else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'FloDUV - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Illegal value of ISHAPF = ',ifs stop end if return end subroutine flosen(eqn,f,ifs,indx,ipar,neqn,np,nparf,splflo,tauflo,yc) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! FLOSEN sets up the right hand side F associated with the ! sensitivities of a given flow solution (U,V,P) with ! respect to the IPAR-th inflow parameter. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! F Output, real F(NEQN), the right hand ! side of the sensitivity equations associated with ! the IPAR-th inflow parameter. ! ! integer neqn integer np integer nparf ! character ( len = 2 ) eqn(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) f(neqn) integer i integer ifs integer ihor integer indx(3,np) integer ip integer ipar integer iver real ( kind = 8 ) splflo(4,nparf+2,0:nparf) real ( kind = 8 ) tauflo(nparf+2) real ( kind = 8 ) ubc real ( kind = 8 ) vbc real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) ! do i = 1,neqn f(i) = 0.0D+00 end do do ip = 1,np ihor = indx(1,ip) if ( eqn(ihor) =='UI' ) then call floduv(ifs,ipar,nparf,splflo,tauflo,ubc,vbc,yc(ip)) f(ihor) = ubc end if iver = indx(2,ip) if ( eqn(iver) =='VI' ) then call floduv(ifs,ipar,nparf,splflo,tauflo,ubc,vbc,yc(ip)) f(iver) = vbc end if end do return end subroutine flosol(a,area,eqn,etaq,g,g2,ifs,ibs,ierror,ijac,indx,ipivot, & isotri,iwrite,jjac,maxnew,nelem,neqn,nlband,node,np,npar,nparb,nparf, & nquad,nrow,nx,ny,para,phi,res,splbmp,splflo,syseqn,taubmp,tauflo,tolnew, & wquad,xbl,xbr,xc,xquad,xsiq,ybl,ybr,yc,yquad) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! FLOSOL is given a set of flow parameters in PARA, and an ! approximate solution vector G, and proceeds to set up the ! constraints associated with PARA, and use Newton iteration ! to correct G to a solution that satisfies the constraints ! to within some tolerance. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Output, real G(NEQN), the computed solution vector, in which are stored ! pressures and velocities. ! ! Output, integer IERROR, an error flag. ! 0 means no error, nonzero means an error. ! integer nelem integer neqn integer np integer npar integer nparb integer nparf integer nquad integer nrow integer nx integer ny ! real ( kind = 8 ) a(nrow,neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) area(nquad,nelem) character ( len = 2 ) eqn(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) etaq(nquad) real ( kind = 8 ) g(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) g2(neqn) integer ifs integer ibs integer ierror integer ijac integer indx(3,np) integer ipivot(neqn) integer isotri(nelem) integer iwrite integer jjac logical s_eqi integer maxnew integer nlband integer node(6,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) para(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) phi(nquad,6,10,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) res(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) splbmp(4,nparb+2,0:nparb) real ( kind = 8 ) splflo(4,nparf+2,0:nparf) character ( len = 20 ) syseqn real ( kind = 8 ) taubmp(nparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) tauflo(nparf+2) real ( kind = 8 ) tolnew real ( kind = 8 ) wquad(nquad) real ( kind = 8 ) xbl real ( kind = 8 ) xbr real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xquad(nquad,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) xsiq(nquad) real ( kind = 8 ) ybl real ( kind = 8 ) ybr real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yquad(nquad,nelem) ! external s_eqi ! ! Set the spline coefficients for the bump. ! call bmpspl(ibs,npar,nparb,nparf,para,splbmp,taubmp,xbl,xbr,ybl,ybr) ! ! Set the spline coefficients for the inflow. ! call flospl(ifs,npar,nparf,para,splflo,tauflo) ! ! Set the X and Y coordinates of the nodes that form the grid. ! call setxy(ibs,np,nparb,nx,ny,splbmp,taubmp,xbl,xbr,xc,ybl,ybr,yc) ! ! Set the quadrature points, which move every step if there ! are bump parameters. ! if ( nquad ==3 ) then call setq3(area,etaq,isotri,nelem,node,np,nquad,wquad,xc, & xquad,xsiq,yc,yquad) else if (nquad ==7 ) then call setq7(area,etaq,isotri,nelem,node,np,nquad,wquad,xc, & xquad,xsiq,yc,yquad) end if ! ! Set the value of the basis functions at all quadrature points. ! call setbas(area,etaq,isotri,nelem,node,np,nquad,phi,xc,xquad,xsiq,yc,yquad) ! ! Try to solve the full nonlinear system. ! call newton(a,area,eqn,g,g2,ifs,ierror,ijac,indx,ipivot,iwrite,jjac,maxnew, & nelem,neqn,nlband,node,np,npar,nparb,nparf,nquad,nrow,para,phi,res,splflo, & syseqn,tauflo,tolnew,yc) if ( ierror/= 0.and.s_eqi(syseqn,'NavierStokes') ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'FloSol - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' Newton failed on '//syseqn write ( *, * ) ' The parameters at which failure occurred:' write ( *, * ) ' ' call prpar(nparb,nparf,para) syseqn = 'Stokes' write ( *, * ) ' Switching to '//syseqn ! ! Try to solve the linearized system. ! call newton ( a, area, eqn, g, g2, ifs, ierror, ijac, indx, ipivot, & iwrite,jjac,maxnew, & nelem,neqn,nlband,node,np,npar,nparb,nparf,nquad,nrow,para,phi,res, & splflo,syseqn,tauflo,tolnew,yc) syseqn = 'NavierStokes' if ( ierror/= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'FloSol - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Newton failed!' write ( *, * ) ' The parameters at which failure occurred:' write ( *, * ) ' ' call prpar(nparb,nparf,para) ierror = 1 return end if end if return end subroutine flospl(ifs,npar,nparf,par,splflo,tauflo) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! FLOSPL sets up or updates the spline data that describes the inflow. ! ! It does this for the target parameters and the feasible parameters. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! integer npar integer nparf ! integer i integer ibcbeg integer ibcend integer ifs integer ihi integer ipar real ( kind = 8 ) par(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) splflo(4,nparf+2,0:nparf) real ( kind = 8 ) tauflo(nparf+2) ! ! Set up the abscissas in TAUFLO, which will be evenly spaced. ! If there are no flow parameters, then we generate three evenly ! spaced nodes. ! ihi = nparf+2 do i = 1,ihi tauflo(i) = real(i-1, kind = 8 )*3.0/real(ihi-1, kind = 8 ) end do ! ! Set up the coefficient arrays, including ! SPLFLO(1,I,0), the strength of the inflow at abscissa I, ! SPLFLO(1,I,IPAR), the I-th coefficient of the partial derivative ! of the inflow with respect to the IPAR-th inflow parameter. ! if ( ifs == 1.or.ifs== 2 ) then do i = 1,nparf+2 if ( i == 1 ) then splflo(i,1,0) = 0.0D+00 else if (2<= i.and.i<=nparf+1 ) then splflo(i,1,0) = par(i-1) else if (i ==nparf+2 ) then splflo(i,1,0) = 0.0D+00 end if end do else if (ifs ==3 ) then do i = 1,nparf+2 if ( i == 1 ) then splflo(1,i,0) = 0.0D+00 else if (2<= i.and.i<=nparf+1 ) then splflo(1,i,0) = par(i-1) else if (i ==nparf+2 ) then splflo(1,i,0) = 0.0D+00 end if do ipar = 1,nparf if ( ipar+1/= i ) then splflo(1,i,ipar) = 0.0D+00 else splflo(1,i,ipar) = 1.0D+00 end if end do end do ibcbeg = 0 ibcend = 0 do i = 0,nparf call cubspl(tauflo,splflo(1,1,i),nparf+2,ibcbeg,ibcend) end do end if return end subroutine flouv(ifs,nparf,splflo,tauflo,ubc,vbc,yy) ! !*************************************************************************** ! !! FLOUV computes the specified boundary values of velocity for a ! given position as determined by the value of the parameters. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! integer nparf ! integer ifs integer jderiv real ( kind = 8 ) splflo(4,nparf+2,0:nparf) real ( kind = 8 ) tauflo(nparf+2) real ( kind = 8 ) ubc real ( kind = 8 ) vbc real ( kind = 8 ) yy ! if ( ifs == 1 ) then call plval(nparf+2,yy,tauflo,ubc,splflo) else if (ifs == 2 ) then call pqval(nparf+2,yy,tauflo,ubc,splflo) else if (ifs ==3 ) then jderiv = 0 call ppvalu(tauflo,splflo(1,1,0),nparf+1,4,yy,jderiv,ubc) else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'FloUV - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Illegal value of ISHAPF = ',ifs stop end if vbc = 0.0D+00 return end subroutine fp ( a, area, eqn, g, indx, nelem, neqn, nlband, node, np, & npar, nparb, nparf, nquad, nrow, para, phi, syseqn ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! FP sets up a matrix associated with Navier-Stokes or Stokes flow. ! ! Discussion: ! ! If the calling routine is trying to solve the Stokes equations, ! (which are linearized Navier-Stokes equations), then ! this routine sets up the appropriate system matrix. ! ! If the calling routine is trying to solve the nonlinear Navier-Stokes ! equations, then this routine computes the jacobian of the ! finite element form of the Navier Stokes equations. ! ! The differentiated finite element Navier Stokes functions have ! the form: ! ! ! d U-Eqn/d U-Coef: ! ! Integral ! ! dWj/dx * dWi/dx + dWj/dy * dWi/dy ! + nu_inv * (Wj*dUold/dx + Uold*dWj/dx+ Vold*dWj/dy) * Wi dx dy ! ! d U-Eqn/d V-Coef: ! ! Integral ! ! nu_inv * Wj*dUold/dy * Wi dx dy ! ! d U-Eqn/d P-Coef: ! ! Integral ! ! nu_inv * dQj/dx * Wi dx dy ! ! d V-Eqn/d U-Coef: ! ! Integral ! ! nu_inv * Wj*dVold/dx * Wi dx dy ! ! d V-Eqn/d V-Coef: ! ! Integral ! ! dWj/dx * dWi/dx + dWj/dy * dWi/dy ! + nu_inv * (Uold*dWj/dx + Wj*dVold/dy + Vold*dWj/dy) * Wi dx dy ! ! d V-Eqn/d P-Coef: ! ! Integral ! ! nu_inv * dQj/dy * Wi dx dy ! ! d P-Eqn/d U-Coef: ! ! Integral ! ! dWj/dx * Qi dx dy ! ! d P-Eqn/d V-Coef: ! ! Integral ! ! dWj/dy * Qi dx dy ! ! ! The Stokes equations have the form: ! ! ! d U-Eqn/d U-Coef: ! ! Integral ! ! dWj/dx * dWi/dx + dWj/dy * dWi/dy dx dy ! ! d U-Eqn/d P-Coef: ! ! Integral ! ! nu_inv * dQj/dx * Wi dx dy ! ! d V-Eqn/d V-Coef: ! ! Integral ! ! dWj/dx * dWi/dx + dWj/dy * dWi/dy dx dy ! ! d V-Eqn/d P-Coef: ! ! Integral ! ! nu_inv * dQj/dy * Wi dx dy ! ! d P-Eqn/d U-Coef: ! ! Integral ! ! dWj/dx * Qi dx dy ! ! d P-Eqn/d V-Coef: ! ! Integral ! ! dWj/dy * Qi dx dy ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! A Output, real A(NROW,NEQN), contains the ! value of D F(I)/D X(J) for each of the NEQN residual ! functions F(I) with respect to each of the unknown ! coefficients X(J). ! ! AREA Input, real AREA(3,NELEM). ! ! AREA contains a common factor multiplying the term associated ! with a quadrature point in a given element, namely, ! ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! ! or, if the element is isoperimetric, ! ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = DET * Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! ! Here Ar(IELEM) represents the area of element IELEM. ! ! EQN Input, character ( len = 2 ) EQN(NEQN). ! EQN records the "type" of each equation that will be generated, and ! which is associated with an unknown. Note that most boundary ! conditions do not result in an equation. The current values are: ! ! 'U' The horizontal momentum equation. ! 'UB' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on the bump. ! 'UI' The condition U = UInflow(Y,Lambda) at the inflow. ! 'UW' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! ! 'V' The vertical momentum equation. ! 'VB' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on the bump. ! 'VI' The condition V = VInflow(Y,Lambda) at the inflow. ! 'VW' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! ! 'P' The continuity equation. ! 'PB' The condition P = 0 applied at (XMAX,YMAX). ! ! G Input, real G(NEQN). ! ! G is the current solution vector, in which are stored ! the finite element coefficients that define the velocity ! and pressure functions, U, V and P. ! ! INDX Input, integer INDX(3,NP). ! ! INDX(I,J) contains, for each node J, the index of U, V and P at ! that node, or 0 or a negative value. ! ! If K = INDX(I,J) is positive, then the value of the degree ! of freedom is stored in the solution vector entry G(K), ! and an equation will be generated to determine its value. ! ! If INDX(I,J) is not positive, then no equation is ! generated to determine for variable I at node J, either because ! the variable is specified in some other way, or because ! (in the case of pressure), there is no coefficient associated ! with that node. ! ! NELEM Input, integer NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! NEQN Input, integer NEQN, the number of finite element equations used ! to define the horizontal and vertical velocities and the ! pressure. ! ! NLBAND Input, integer NLBAND. ! ! The lower bandwidth of the matrix A. The zero structure of A ! is assumed to be symmetric, and so NLBAND is also the upper ! bandwidth of A. ! ! NODE Input, integer NODE(6,NELEM). ! ! NODE(I,J) contains, for an element J, the global node index of ! the element node whose local number is I. ! ! The local ordering of the nodes is suggested by this diagram: ! ! 2 ! /| ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1-6-3 ! ! NP Input, integer NP, the number of nodes used to define the finite ! element mesh. NP = (2*NX-1)*(2*NY-1). ! ! NPAR Input, integer NPAR. ! ! The number of parameters. NPAR = NPARF + NPARB + 1. ! ! The parameters control the shape of the inflow, ! the shape of the bump obstacle, and the strength of the ! flow. ! ! NPARB Input, integer NPARB. ! ! The number of parameters associated with the position and ! shape of the bump. ! ! Note that if NPARB = 0, the bump is replaced by a flat wall. ! ! NPARF Input, integer NPARF. ! ! NPARF is the number of parameters associated with the ! inflow. NPARF must be at least 1. ! ! NROW Input, integer NROW. ! ! The number of rows need to store the matrix A, using the ! LINPACK/LAPACK general banded storage format. NROW must be ! at least 3*NLBAND+1. ! ! PARA Input, real PARA(NPAR). ! ! PARA is the current set of parameter values, including the ! inverse viscosity, the flow parameters, and the bump parameters. ! ! PHI Input, real PHI(NQUAD,6,10,NELEM). ! ! PHI contains the value of a basis function, its derivative, ! or other information, evaluated at a quadrature point. ! ! For a particular element I, quadrature point J, and basis ! function K, we use the following shorthand for the 10 ! entries of PHI: ! ! W, dWdX, dWdY ! Q, dQdX, dQdY ! dXsidX, dXsidY, dEtadX, dEtadY ! ! W is the quadratic basis function associated with velocity, ! Q the linear basis function associated with pressure, ! Xsi and Eta the reference coordinates for the point. ! ! In particular, PHI(J,K,1,I) is the value of the quadratic ! basis function associated with local node K in element I, ! evaluated at quadrature point J. ! ! Note that PHI(J,K,4,I) = PHI(J,K,5,I)=PHI(J,K,6,I)=0 for ! K = 4, 5, or 6, since there are only three linear basis ! functions. ! ! SYSEQN Input, character ( len = 20 ) SYSEQN. ! ! Input to the FX and FP routines, SYSEQN is either 'NavierStokes' ! or 'Stokes', and specifies which state equation is to be set up. ! ! integer nelem integer neqn integer np integer npar integer nparf integer nquad integer nrow ! real ( kind = 8 ) a(nrow,neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) ar real ( kind = 8 ) area(nquad,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) dpdx real ( kind = 8 ) dpdy real ( kind = 8 ) dqjdx real ( kind = 8 ) dqjdy real ( kind = 8 ) dudx real ( kind = 8 ) dudy real ( kind = 8 ) dvdx real ( kind = 8 ) dvdy real ( kind = 8 ) dwidx real ( kind = 8 ) dwidy real ( kind = 8 ) dwjdx real ( kind = 8 ) dwjdy character ( len = 2 ) eqn(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) g(neqn) integer i integer ielem integer ihor integer indx(3,np) integer ip integer iprs integer iq integer iquad integer iuse integer iver integer j integer jhor integer jp integer jprs integer jq integer jver logical s_eqi integer nlband integer node(6,nelem) integer nparb real ( kind = 8 ) pold real ( kind = 8 ) para(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) phi(nquad,6,10,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) qi real ( kind = 8 ) nu_inv character ( len = * ) syseqn real ( kind = 8 ) term real ( kind = 8 ) uold real ( kind = 8 ) vold real ( kind = 8 ) wi real ( kind = 8 ) wj ! external s_eqi ! nu_inv = para(nparf+nparb+1) do i = 1,nrow do j = 1,neqn a(i,j) = 0.0D+00 end do end do ! ! Approximate the integral by summing over all elements. ! do ielem = 1,nelem ! ! Evaluate the integrand at the quadrature points. ! do iquad = 1,nquad ar = area(iquad,ielem) ! ! For the given quadrature point, evaluate P, U and V. ! call uvalq(dpdx,dpdy,dudx,dudy,dvdx,dvdy,g,ielem,indx, & iquad,nelem,neqn,node,np,nquad,pold,phi,uold,vold) ! ! Consider each node in the element. ! do iq = 1,6 ip = node(iq,ielem) wi = phi(iquad,iq,1,ielem) dwidx = phi(iquad,iq,2,ielem) dwidy = phi(iquad,iq,3,ielem) qi = phi(iquad,iq,4,ielem) ihor = indx(1,ip) iver = indx(2,ip) iprs = indx(3,ip) ! ! Now compute the derivatives of the functions associated ! with U, V and P, with respect to the coefficients associated ! with basis vectors at each node of the element. ! do jq = 1,6 jp = node(jq,ielem) wj = phi(iquad,jq,1,ielem) dwjdx = phi(iquad,jq,2,ielem) dwjdy = phi(iquad,jq,3,ielem) dqjdx = phi(iquad,jq,5,ielem) dqjdy = phi(iquad,jq,6,ielem) jhor = indx(1,jp) jver = indx(2,jp) jprs = indx(3,jp) ! ! Contributions of the JHOR horizontal velocity to the U, V, and ! P equations. ! iuse = ihor-jhor+2*nlband+1 if ( eqn(ihor) == 'U' ) then if ( s_eqi(syseqn,'NavierStokes') ) then term = ar * ( dwjdx * dwidx + dwjdy * dwidy + & nu_inv * ( wj * dudx + uold * dwjdx + vold * dwjdy ) * wi ) else if (s_eqi(syseqn,'Stokes') ) then term = ar * ( dwjdx * dwidx + dwjdy * dwidy ) end if a(iuse,jhor) = a(iuse,jhor) + term end if if ( eqn(iver) == 'V' ) then if ( s_eqi(syseqn,'NavierStokes') ) then iuse = iver - jhor+2*nlband+1 term = ar * nu_inv * wj * dvdx * wi a(iuse,jhor) = a(iuse,jhor)+term end if end if if ( 0 < iprs ) then if ( eqn(iprs) == 'P' ) then iuse = iprs-jhor+2*nlband+1 term = ar * dwjdx * qi a(iuse,jhor) = a(iuse,jhor)+term end if end if ! ! Contributions of the JVER vertical velocity variable to the ! U, V and P equations. ! if ( eqn(ihor) == 'U' ) then if ( s_eqi(syseqn,'NavierStokes') ) then iuse = ihor-jver+2*nlband+1 term = ar * nu_inv * wj * dudy * wi a(iuse,jver) = a(iuse,jver)+term end if end if iuse = iver-jver+2*nlband+1 if ( eqn(iver) == 'V' ) then if ( s_eqi(syseqn,'NavierStokes') ) then term = ar * ( dwjdx * dwidx + dwjdy * dwidy & +nu_inv * ( uold * dwjdx + wj * dvdy + vold * dwjdy ) * wi ) else if (s_eqi(syseqn,'Stokes') ) then term = ar * ( dwjdx * dwidx + dwjdy * dwidy ) end if a(iuse,jver) = a(iuse,jver) + term end if if ( iprs>0 ) then if ( eqn(iprs) == 'P' ) then iuse = iprs-jver+2*nlband+1 term = ar * dwjdy * qi a(iuse,jver) = a(iuse,jver)+term end if end if ! ! Contributions of the JPRS pressure to the U and V equations. ! if ( jprs>0 ) then if ( eqn(ihor) =='U' ) then iuse = ihor-jprs+2*nlband+1 term = ar * nu_inv * dqjdx * wi a(iuse,jprs) = a(iuse,jprs)+term end if if ( eqn(iver) =='V' ) then iuse = iver-jprs+2*nlband+1 term = ar * nu_inv * dqjdy * wi a(iuse,jprs) = a(iuse,jprs)+term end if end if end do end do end do end do ! ! Set up the equations that enforce boundary conditions. ! do ip = 1,np ihor = indx(1,ip) iver = indx(2,ip) iprs = indx(3,ip) if ( eqn(ihor) =='UB'.or.eqn(ihor)=='UI'.or.eqn(ihor)=='UW' ) then a(2*nlband+1,ihor) = 1.0D+00 end if if ( eqn(iver) =='VB'.or.eqn(iver)=='VI'.or.eqn(iver)=='VW' ) then a(2*nlband+1,iver) = 1.0D+00 end if if ( iprs>0 ) then if ( eqn(iprs) =='PB' ) then a(2*nlband+1,iprs) = 1.0D+00 end if end if end do return end subroutine fx ( area,eqn,g,ifs,indx,nelem,neqn,node,np,npar,nparb,nparf, & nquad,para,phi,res,splflo,syseqn,tauflo,yc) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! FX computes the residual of the Navier Stokes or Stokes equations. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The Navier Stokes equations have the form: ! ! Integral ! ! dU/dx * dW/dx + dU/dy * dW/dy ! + nu_inv * (U*dU/dx + V*dU/dy + dP/dx) * W dx dy = 0 ! ! Integral ! ! dV/dx * dW/dx + dV/dy * dW/dy ! + nu_inv * (U*dV/dx + V*dV/dy + dP/dy) * W dx dy = 0 ! ! Integral ! ! (dU/dx + dV/dy) * Q dx dy = 0 ! ! The Stokes equations have the form: ! ! Integral ! ! dU/dx * dW/dx + dU/dy * dW/dy + nu_inv * dP/dx * W dx dy = 0 ! ! Integral ! ! dV/dx * dW/dx + dV/dy * dW/dy + nu_inv * dP/dy * W dx dy = 0 ! ! Integral ! ! (dU/dx + dV/dy) * Q dx dy = 0 ! ! Here W is a basis function for U and V, and Q is a basis ! function for P. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real AREA(3,NELEM), contains a common factor multiplying the ! term associated with a quadrature point in a given element, namely, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! or, if the element is isoperimetric, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = DET * Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! Here Ar(IELEM) represents the area of element IELEM. ! ! EQN Input, character ( len = 2 ) EQN(NEQN). ! EQN records the "type" of each equation that will be generated, and ! which is associated with an unknown. Note that most boundary ! conditions do not result in an equation. The current values are: ! ! 'U' The horizontal momentum equation. ! 'UB' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on the bump. ! 'UI' The condition U = UInflow(Y,Lambda) at the inflow. ! 'UW' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! ! 'V' The vertical momentum equation. ! 'VB' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on the bump. ! 'VI' The condition V = VInflow(Y,Lambda) at the inflow. ! 'VW' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! ! 'P' The continuity equation. ! 'PB' The condition P = 0 applied at (XMAX,YMAX). ! ! G Input, real G(NEQN). ! ! G is the current solution vector, in which are stored ! the finite element coefficients that define the velocity ! and pressure functions, U, V and P. ! ! IFS Input, integer IFS. ! 1, the inflow is modeled by C0 linear splines. ! 2, the inflow is modeled by C0 quadratic splines. ! 3, the inflow is modeled by C1 cubic splines. ! ! INDX Input, integer INDX(3,NP). ! ! INDX(I,J) contains, for each node J, the index of U, V and P at ! that node, or 0 or a negative value. ! ! If K = INDX(I,J) is positive, then the value of the degree ! of freedom is stored in the solution vector entry G(K), ! and an equation will be generated to determine its value. ! ! If INDX(I,J) is not positive, then no equation is ! generated to determine for variable I at node J, either because ! the variable is specified in some other way, or because ! (in the case of pressure), there is no coefficient associated ! with that node. ! ! NELEM Input, integer NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! NEQN Input, integer NEQN, the number of finite element equations used ! to define the horizontal and vertical velocities and the ! pressure. ! ! NODE Input, integer NODE(6,NELEM). ! ! NODE(I,J) contains, for an element J, the global node index of ! the element node whose local number is I. ! ! The local ordering of the nodes is suggested by this diagram: ! ! 2 ! /| ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1-6-3 ! ! NP Input, integer NP, the number of nodes used to define the finite ! element mesh. NP = (2*NX-1)*(2*NY-1). ! ! NPAR Input, integer NPAR. ! ! The number of parameters. NPAR = NPARF + NPARB + 1. ! ! The parameters control the shape of the inflow, ! the shape of the bump obstacle, and the strength of the ! flow. ! ! NPARB Input, integer NPARB. ! ! The number of parameters associated with the position and ! shape of the bump. ! ! Note that if NPARB = 0, the bump is replaced by a flat wall. ! ! NPARF Input, integer NPARF. ! ! NPARF is the number of parameters associated with the ! inflow. NPARF must be at least 1. ! ! NQUAD Input, integer NQUAD, the number of quadrature points. ! ! PARA Input, real PARA(NPAR). ! ! PARA is the current set of parameter values, including the ! inverse viscosity, the flow parameters, and the bump parameters. ! ! PHI Input, real PHI(NQUAD,6,10,NELEM). ! ! PHI contains the value of a basis function, its derivative, ! or other information, evaluated at a quadrature point. ! ! For a particular element I, quadrature point J, and basis ! function K, we use the following shorthand for the 10 ! entries of PHI: ! ! W, dWdX, dWdY ! Q, dQdX, dQdY ! dXsidX, dXsidY, dEtadX, dEtadY ! ! W is the quadratic basis function associated with velocity, ! Q the linear basis function associated with pressure, ! Xsi and Eta the reference coordinates for the point. ! ! In particular, PHI(J,K,1,I) is the value of the quadratic ! basis function associated with local node K in element I, ! evaluated at quadrature point J. ! ! Note that PHI(J,K,4,I) = PHI(J,K,5,I)=PHI(J,K,6,I)=0 for ! K = 4, 5, or 6, since there are only three linear basis ! functions. ! ! RES Output, real RES(NEQN), contains the value ! of the residual. ! ! SPLFLO Input, real SPLFLO(4,NPARF+2,0:NPARF). ! ! SPLFLO contains the spline coefficients for the inflow ! in SPLFLO(*,*,0). ! ! SYSEQN Input, character ( len = 20 ) SYSEQN. ! ! Input to the FX and FP routines, SYSEQN is either 'NavierStokes' ! or 'Stokes', and specifies which state equation is to be set up. ! ! TAUFLO Input, real TAUFLO(NPARF+2). ! ! TAUFLO contains the location of the spline abscissas for ! the inflow. There are NPARF+2 of them, because the end ! values of the spline are constrained to have particular ! values. ! ! YC Input, real YC(NP). ! ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! ! integer nelem integer neqn integer np integer npar integer nparf integer nquad ! real ( kind = 8 ) ar real ( kind = 8 ) area(nquad,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) dpdx real ( kind = 8 ) dpdy real ( kind = 8 ) dudx real ( kind = 8 ) dudy real ( kind = 8 ) dvdx real ( kind = 8 ) dvdy real ( kind = 8 ) dwidx real ( kind = 8 ) dwidy character ( len = 2 ) eqn(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) g(neqn) integer i integer ifs integer ielem integer ihor integer indx(3,np) integer ip integer iprs integer iq integer iquad integer iver logical s_eqi integer node(6,nelem) integer nparb real ( kind = 8 ) p real ( kind = 8 ) para(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) phi(nquad,6,10,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) qi real ( kind = 8 ) res(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) nu_inv real ( kind = 8 ) splflo(4,nparf+2,0:nparf) character ( len = 20 ) syseqn real ( kind = 8 ) tauflo(nparf+2) real ( kind = 8 ) u real ( kind = 8 ) ubc real ( kind = 8 ) v real ( kind = 8 ) vbc real ( kind = 8 ) wi real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) ! external s_eqi ! nu_inv = para(nparf+nparb+1) res(1:neqn) = 0.0D+00 ! ! Consider an element. ! do ielem = 1,nelem ! ! Evaluate the integrand at the quadrature points. ! do iquad = 1,nquad ar = area(iquad,ielem) ! ! Evaluate P, U and V. ! call uvalq(dpdx,dpdy,dudx,dudy,dvdx,dvdy,g,ielem,indx, & iquad,nelem,neqn,node,np,nquad,p,phi,u,v) ! ! Look at nearby basis functions. ! do iq = 1,6 ip = node(iq,ielem) wi = phi(iquad,iq,1,ielem) dwidx = phi(iquad,iq,2,ielem) dwidy = phi(iquad,iq,3,ielem) qi = phi(iquad,iq,4,ielem) ! ! The horizontal velocity equations. ! ihor = indx(1,ip) if ( eqn(ihor) == 'U' ) then if ( s_eqi ( syseqn, 'NavierStokes') ) then res(ihor) = res(ihor) + ar * ( dudx * dwidx + dudy * dwidy & + nu_inv * ( u * dudx + v * dudy + dpdx ) * wi ) else if ( s_eqi ( syseqn, 'Stokes' ) ) then res(ihor) = res(ihor) + ar * ( dudx * dwidx + dudy * dwidy & + nu_inv * dpdx * wi ) end if else if ( eqn(ihor) =='UB' ) then res(ihor) = g(ihor) else if ( eqn(ihor) =='UI' ) then call flouv ( ifs, nparf, splflo, tauflo, ubc, vbc, yc(ip) ) res(ihor) = g(ihor) - ubc else if ( eqn(ihor) =='UW' ) then res(ihor) = g(ihor) end if ! ! The vertical velocity equations. ! iver = indx(2,ip) if ( eqn(iver) == 'V' ) then if ( s_eqi ( syseqn, 'NavierStokes' ) ) then res(iver) = res(iver) + ar * ( dvdx * dwidx + dvdy * dwidy & + nu_inv * ( u * dvdx + v * dvdy + dpdy ) * wi ) else if ( s_eqi ( syseqn, 'Stokes' ) ) then res(iver) = res(iver) + ar * ( dvdx * dwidx + dvdy * dwidy & + nu_inv * dpdy * wi ) end if else if ( eqn(iver) =='VB' ) then res(iver) = g(iver) else if ( eqn(iver) =='VI' ) then call flouv ( ifs, nparf, splflo, tauflo, ubc, vbc, yc(ip) ) res(iver) = g(iver) - vbc else if ( eqn(iver) =='VW' ) then res(iver) = g(iver) end if ! ! The pressure equations. ! iprs = indx(3,ip) if ( 0 < iprs ) then if ( eqn(iprs) =='P' ) then res(iprs) = res(iprs) + ar * ( dudx + dvdy ) * qi else if ( eqn(iprs) =='PB' ) then res(iprs) = g(iprs) end if end if end do end do end do return end subroutine getcst(cost,costb,costp,costu,costv,g,gtar,ibs,indx,neqn,np, & nparb,nprof,ny,splbmp,taubmp,wateb,watep,wateu,watev,xbl,xbr,ybl,ybr,yc) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! GETCST is given the value of the solution, G, the target ! solution GTAR, and information about the shape of the bump, ! and returns the value of the overall and individual cost ! functions. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! integer neqn integer np integer nparb integer ny ! real ( kind = 8 ) cost real ( kind = 8 ) costb real ( kind = 8 ) costp real ( kind = 8 ) costu real ( kind = 8 ) costv real ( kind = 8 ) g(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) gtar(neqn) integer ibs integer indx(3,np) integer nprof(2*ny-1) real ( kind = 8 ) splbmp(4,nparb+2,0:nparb) real ( kind = 8 ) taubmp(nparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) wateb real ( kind = 8 ) watep real ( kind = 8 ) wateu real ( kind = 8 ) watev real ( kind = 8 ) xbl real ( kind = 8 ) xbr real ( kind = 8 ) ybl real ( kind = 8 ) ybr real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) ! call bmpcst(costb,ibs,nparb,splbmp,taubmp,xbl,xbr,ybl,ybr) call discst(costp,costu,costv,g,gtar,indx,neqn,np,nprof,ny,yc) cost = wateb*costb+watep*costp+wateu*costu+watev*costv return end subroutine getder(dpara,g,gtar,ibs,indx,maxeqn,neqn,np,npar,nparb,nparf, & nprof,ny,sens,splbmp,taubmp,wateb,watep,wateu,watev,xbl,xbr,ybl,ybr,yc) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! GETDER returns the derivatives of the cost with respect to the parameters. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! DPARA Output, real DPARA(NPAR), the partial ! derivative of the cost with respect to each parameter, ! computed using sensitivities or finite differences. ! integer maxeqn integer neqn integer np integer npar integer nparb integer nparf integer ny ! real ( kind = 8 ) dpara(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) g(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) gtar(neqn) integer i integer ibs integer indx(3,np) integer nprof(2*ny-1) real ( kind = 8 ) sens(maxeqn,npar) real ( kind = 8 ) splbmp(4,nparb+2,0:nparb) real ( kind = 8 ) taubmp(nparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) wateb real ( kind = 8 ) watep real ( kind = 8 ) wateu real ( kind = 8 ) watev real ( kind = 8 ) xbl real ( kind = 8 ) xbr real ( kind = 8 ) ybl real ( kind = 8 ) ybr real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) return end subroutine getdu(dpdyn,dudyn,dvdyn,etan,g,indx,isotri,nelem,neqn,node,np, & numel,xc,xsin,yc) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! GETDU uses the finite element method to estimate the value of ! the spatial derivatives dPdY, dUdY and dVdY at every node. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! integer nelem integer neqn integer np ! real ( kind = 8 ) det real ( kind = 8 ) detadx real ( kind = 8 ) detady real ( kind = 8 ) dpdx real ( kind = 8 ) dpdy real ( kind = 8 ) dpdyn(np) real ( kind = 8 ) dudx real ( kind = 8 ) dudy real ( kind = 8 ) dudyn(np) real ( kind = 8 ) dvdx real ( kind = 8 ) dvdy real ( kind = 8 ) dvdyn(np) real ( kind = 8 ) dxsidx real ( kind = 8 ) dxsidy real ( kind = 8 ) eta real ( kind = 8 ) etan(6) real ( kind = 8 ) g(neqn) integer ielem integer indx(np,3) integer ip integer iq integer isotri(nelem) integer node(nelem,6) integer numel(np) real ( kind = 8 ) p real ( kind = 8 ) u real ( kind = 8 ) v real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xq real ( kind = 8 ) xsi real ( kind = 8 ) xsin(6) real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yq ! ! Estimate dUdY, dVdY, dPdY at each node. ! ! We have a problem, because these quantities are not continuously ! defined in all directions at nodes, which lie on the border between ! two or more elements. ! ! In order to assign some reasonable value to these quantities, ! we look at each node, count the number of elements in which it ! lies, evaluate the quantity within each element, and average the ! result. ! do ip = 1,np numel(ip) = 0 dpdyn(ip) = 0.0D+00 dudyn(ip) = 0.0D+00 dvdyn(ip) = 0.0D+00 end do do ielem = 1,nelem do iq = 1,6 ip = node(ielem,iq) numel(ip) = numel(ip)+1 xq = xc(ip) yq = yc(ip) eta = etan(iq) xsi = xsin(iq) if ( isotri(ielem) == 2 ) then call trans(det,detadx,detady,dxsidx,dxsidy,eta,ielem,nelem,node,np, & xc,xsi,yc) end if call uval(detadx,detady,dpdx,dpdy,dudx,dudy,dvdx,dvdy, & dxsidx,dxsidy,eta,g,ielem,indx,isotri,nelem,neqn, & node,np,p,u,v,xc,xq,xsi,yc,yq) dpdyn(ip) = dpdyn(ip)+dpdy dudyn(ip) = dudyn(ip)+dudy dvdyn(ip) = dvdyn(ip)+dvdy end do end do ! ! Take the average value of the quantities over all the ! different elements along whose boundaries they are defined. ! do ip = 1,np dpdyn(ip) = dpdyn(ip)/real(numel(ip), kind = 8 ) dudyn(ip) = dudyn(ip)/real(numel(ip), kind = 8 ) dvdyn(ip) = dvdyn(ip)/real(numel(ip), kind = 8 ) end do return end subroutine getdu2 ( dudyn, dudy2, np, nx, ny ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! GETDU2 is damaged code. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! integer, parameter :: maxdat = 12 integer, parameter :: ncoef = 100 ! integer np ! real ( kind = 8 ) ac(maxdat,6) real ( kind = 8 ) ae(maxdat,6) real ( kind = 8 ) an(maxdat,6) real ( kind = 8 ) as(maxdat,6) real ( kind = 8 ) atac(ncoef,ncoef) real ( kind = 8 ) atae(ncoef,ncoef) real ( kind = 8 ) atan(ncoef,ncoef) real ( kind = 8 ) atas(ncoef,ncoef) real ( kind = 8 ) ataw(ncoef,ncoef) real ( kind = 8 ) aw(maxdat,6) real ( kind = 8 ) b(ncoef) real ( kind = 8 ) dat(maxdat) real ( kind = 8 ) dudyn(np) real ( kind = 8 ) dudy2(np) integer i integer ic integer icol integer ie integer iee integer in integer ine integer inee integer info integer inne integer inw integer ipivc(ncoef) integer ipive(ncoef) integer ipivn(ncoef) integer ipivs(ncoef) integer ipivw(ncoef) integer irow integer is integer ise integer iss integer issw integer isw integer isww integer iw integer iww integer j integer k integer ndat integer nodat(maxdat) integer nrhs integer nx integer ny real ( kind = 8 ) x real ( kind = 8 ) xdat(maxdat) real ( kind = 8 ) y real ( kind = 8 ) ydat(maxdat) ! ! Copy the data ! do i = 1,np dudy2(i) = dudyn(i) end do ! ! Here is a picture of the element patch around a node on the ! northern boundary: ! ! ! WW---W----C----E----EE ! | /| /| ! | / | / | ! | / | / | ! | / | / | ! SWW SW S SE . ! | / | / | ! | / | / | ! | / | / | ! |/ |/ | ! SSWW-SSW--SS---.----. ! ! NORTH ! ndat = 7 xdat(1) = 0.0D+00 ydat(1) = 1.0D+00 xdat(2) = 1.0D+00 ydat(2) = 0.0D+00 xdat(3) = 1.0D+00 ydat(3) = 1.0D+00 xdat(4) = 1.0D+00 ydat(4) = 2.0D+00 xdat(5) = 2.0D+00 ydat(5) = 1.0D+00 xdat(6) = 3.0D+00 ydat(6) = 1.0D+00 xdat(7) = 3.0D+00 ydat(7) = 2.0D+00 ! ! Compute matrix of basis polynomials (1,x,y,x**2,xy,y**2) evaluated ! at the data points. ! do i = 1,ndat an(i,1) = 1.0D+00 an(i,2) = xdat(i) an(i,3) = ydat(i) an(i,4) = xdat(i)**2 an(i,5) = xdat(i)*ydat(i) an(i,6) = ydat(i)**2 end do ! ! Compute the normal equations matrix. ! do i = 1,ncoef do j = 1,ncoef atan(i,j) = 0.0D+00 do k = 1,ndat atan(i,j) = atan(i,j)+an(k,i)*an(k,j) end do end do end do ! ! Factor the normal equations matrix. ! call sgetrf(ncoef,ncoef,atan,ncoef,ipivn,info) if ( info/= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'GetDU2 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' SGETRF returned INFO = ',info write ( *, * ) ' while factoring matrix ATAN.' stop end if ! ! EAST ! ! Here is a picture of the element patch around a node ! on the eastern boundary: ! ! .----.----NN ! | /| ! | / | ! | / | ! | / | ! . NW N ! | / | ! | / | ! | / | ! |/ | ! WW---W----C ! | /| ! | / | ! | / | ! | / | ! SWW SW S ! | / | ! | / | ! | / | ! |/ | ! SSWW-SSW--SS ! ndat = 7 xdat(1) = 0.0D+00 ydat(1) = 1.0D+00 xdat(2) = 1.0D+00 ydat(2) = 0.0D+00 xdat(3) = 1.0D+00 ydat(3) = 1.0D+00 xdat(4) = 1.0D+00 ydat(4) = 2.0D+00 xdat(5) = 1.0D+00 ydat(5) = 3.0D+00 xdat(6) = 2.0D+00 ydat(6) = 1.0D+00 xdat(7) = 2.0D+00 ydat(7) = 3.0D+00 ! ! Compute matrix of basis polynomials (1,x,y,x**2,xy,y**2) evaluated ! at the data points. ! do i = 1,ndat ae(i,1) = 1.0D+00 ae(i,2) = xdat(i) ae(i,3) = ydat(i) ae(i,4) = xdat(i)**2 ae(i,5) = xdat(i)*ydat(i) ae(i,6) = ydat(i)**2 end do ! ! Compute the normal equations matrix. ! do i = 1,ncoef do j = 1,ncoef atae(i,j) = 0.0D+00 do k = 1,ndat atae(i,j) = atae(i,j)+ae(k,i)*ae(k,j) end do end do end do ! ! Factor the normal equations matrix. ! call sgetrf(ncoef,ncoef,atae,ncoef,ipive,info) if ( info/= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'GetDU2 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' SGETRF returned INFO = ',info write ( *, * ) ' while factoring matrix ATAE.' stop end if ! ! WEST ! ! Here is a picture of the element patch around a node on the ! western boundary: ! ! NN---NNE--NNEE ! | /| ! | / | ! | / | ! | / | ! N NE NEE ! | / | ! | / | ! | / | ! |/ | ! C----E----EE ! | /| ! | / | ! | / | ! | / | ! S SE . ! | / | ! | / | ! | / | ! |/ | ! SS---.----. ! ndat = 7 xdat(1) = 2.0D+00 ydat(1) = 1.0D+00 xdat(2) = 2.0D+00 ydat(2) = 3.0D+00 xdat(3) = 3.0D+00 ydat(3) = 1.0D+00 xdat(4) = 3.0D+00 ydat(4) = 2.0D+00 xdat(5) = 3.0D+00 ydat(5) = 3.0D+00 xdat(6) = 3.0D+00 ydat(6) = 4.0D+00 xdat(7) = 4.0D+00 ydat(7) = 3.0D+00 ! ! Compute matrix of basis polynomials (1,x,y,x**2,xy,y**2) evaluated ! at the data points. ! do i = 1,ndat aw(i,1) = 1.0D+00 aw(i,2) = xdat(i) aw(i,3) = ydat(i) aw(i,4) = xdat(i)**2 aw(i,5) = xdat(i)*ydat(i) aw(i,6) = ydat(i)**2 end do ! ! Compute the normal equations matrix. ! do i = 1,ncoef do j = 1,ncoef ataw(i,j) = 0.0D+00 do k = 1,ndat ataw(i,j) = ataw(i,j)+aw(k,i)*aw(k,j) end do end do end do ! ! Factor the normal equations matrix. ! call sgetrf(ncoef,ncoef,ataw,ncoef,ipivw,info) if ( info/= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'GetDU2 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' SGETRF returned INFO = ',info write ( *, * ) ' while factoring matrix ATAW.' stop end if ! ! SOUTH ! ! Here is a picture of the element patch around a node on the ! southern boundary: ! ! .----.----NN---NNE--NNEE ! | /| /| ! | / | / | ! | / | / | ! | / | / | ! . NW N NE NEE ! | / | / | ! | / | / | ! | / | / | ! |/ |/ | ! WW---W----C----E----EE ! ndat = 7 xdat(1) = 1.0D+00 ydat(1) = 2.0D+00 xdat(2) = 1.0D+00 ydat(2) = 3.0D+00 xdat(3) = 2.0D+00 ydat(3) = 3.0D+00 xdat(4) = 3.0D+00 ydat(4) = 2.0D+00 xdat(5) = 3.0D+00 ydat(5) = 3.0D+00 xdat(6) = 3.0D+00 ydat(6) = 4.0D+00 xdat(7) = 4.0D+00 ydat(7) = 3.0D+00 ! ! Compute matrix of basis polynomials (1,x,y,x**2,xy,y**2) evaluated ! at the data points. ! do i = 1,ndat as(i,1) = 1.0D+00 as(i,2) = xdat(i) as(i,3) = ydat(i) as(i,4) = xdat(i)**2 as(i,5) = xdat(i)*ydat(i) as(i,6) = ydat(i)**2 end do ! ! Compute the normal equations matrix. ! do i = 1,ncoef do j = 1,ncoef atas(i,j) = 0.0D+00 do k = 1,ndat atas(i,j) = atas(i,j)+as(k,i)*as(k,j) end do end do end do ! ! Factor the normal equations matrix. ! call sgetrf(ncoef,ncoef,atas,ncoef,ipivs,info) if ( info /= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'GetDU2 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' SGETRF returned INFO = ',info write ( *, * ) ' while factoring matrix ATAS.' stop end if ! ! CENTRAL. ! ndat = 12 xdat(1) = 0.0D+00 ydat(1) = 1.0D+00 xdat(2) = 1.0D+00 ydat(2) = 0.0D+00 xdat(3) = 1.0D+00 ydat(3) = 1.0D+00 xdat(4) = 1.0D+00 ydat(4) = 2.0D+00 xdat(5) = 1.0D+00 ydat(5) = 3.0D+00 xdat(6) = 2.0D+00 ydat(6) = 1.0D+00 xdat(7) = 2.0D+00 ydat(7) = 3.0D+00 xdat(8) = 3.0D+00 ydat(8) = 1.0D+00 xdat(9) = 3.0D+00 ydat(9) = 2.0D+00 xdat(10) = 3.0D+00 ydat(10) = 3.0D+00 xdat(11) = 3.0D+00 ydat(11) = 4.0D+00 xdat(12) = 4.0D+00 ydat(12) = 3.0D+00 ! ! Compute matrix of basis polynomials (1,x,y,x**2,xy,y**2) evaluated ! at the data points. ! do i = 1,ndat ac(i,1) = 1.0D+00 ac(i,2) = xdat(i) ac(i,3) = ydat(i) ac(i,4) = xdat(i)**2 ac(i,5) = xdat(i)*ydat(i) ac(i,6) = ydat(i)**2 end do ! ! Compute the normal equations matrix. ! do i = 1,ncoef do j = 1,ncoef atac(i,j) = 0.0D+00 do k = 1,ndat atac(i,j) = atac(i,j)+ac(k,i)*ac(k,j) end do end do end do ! ! Factor the normal equations matrix. ! call sgetrf(ncoef,ncoef,atac,ncoef,ipivc,info) if ( info /= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'GetDU2 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' SGETRF returned INFO = ',info write ( *, * ) ' while factoring matrix ATAC.' stop end if ! ! Each computation has its "center" at a pressure node, so we ! can organize our do loops by counting through each presure node. ! do icol = 1,nx do irow = 1,ny ic = 2*(icol-1)*(2*ny-1)+(2*irow-1) isww = ic-2*(2*ny-1)-1 iww = isww+1 issw = ic-(2*ny-1)-2 isw = issw+1 iw = isw+1 inw = iw+1 iss = ic-2 is = iss+1 in = ic+1 ise = ic+(2*ny-1)-1 ie = ise+1 ine = ie+1 inne = ine+1 iee = ic+2*(2*ny-1) inee = iee+1 ! ! CASE: CORNER NODES, SKIP EM ! if ( icol == 1.and.irow== 1 ) then else if (icol == 1.and.irow==ny ) then else if (icol ==nx.and.irow== 1 ) then else if (icol ==nx.and.irow==ny ) then ! ! CASE: THE NORTHERN BOUNDARY ! else if (irow ==ny ) then nodat(1) = isww nodat(2) = issw nodat(3) = isw nodat(4) = iw nodat(5) = is nodat(6) = ise nodat(7) = ie ndat = 7 ! ! Copy out the value of dUdY at the data points. ! do i = 1,ndat dat(i) = dudyn(nodat(i)) end do ! ! Compute right hand side of normal equations. ! do i = 1,ncoef b(i) = 0.0D+00 do j = 1,ndat b(i) = b(i)+an(j,i)*dat(j) end do end do ! ! Solve the normal equations. ! nrhs = 1 call sgetrs('N',ncoef,nrhs,atan,ncoef,ipivn,b,ncoef,info) ! ! Now evaluate the least squares polynomial at the nodes. ! if ( icol == 2 ) then x = 0.0D+00 y = 2.0D+00 call lspoly(b,ncoef,x,y,dudy2(iww)) end if x = 2.0D+00 y = 2.0D+00 call lspoly(b,ncoef,x,y,dudy2(ic)) if ( icol ==nx-1 ) then x = 4.0D+00 y = 2.0D+00 call lspoly(b,ncoef,x,y,dudy2(iee)) end if ! ! CASE: THE EASTERN BOUNDARY ! else if (icol ==nx ) then nodat(1) = isww nodat(2) = issw nodat(3) = isw nodat(4) = iw nodat(5) = inw nodat(6) = is nodat(7) = in ndat = 7 ! ! Copy out the value of dUdY at the data points. ! do i = 1,ndat dat(i) = dudyn(nodat(i)) end do ! ! Compute right hand side of normal equations. ! do i = 1,ncoef b(i) = 0.0D+00 do j = 1,ndat b(i) = b(i)+ae(j,i)*dat(j) end do end do ! ! Solve the normal equations. ! nrhs = 1 call sgetrs('N',ncoef,nrhs,atae,ncoef,ipive,b,ncoef,info) ! ! Now evaluate the least squares polynomial at the nodes. ! x = 2.0D+00 y = 2.0D+00 call lspoly(b,ncoef,x,y,dudy2(ic)) ! ! CASE: THE WESTERN BOUNDARY ! else if (icol == 1 ) then nodat(1) = is nodat(2) = in nodat(3) = ise nodat(4) = ie nodat(5) = ine nodat(6) = inne nodat(7) = inee ndat = 7 ! ! Copy out the value of dUdY at the data points. ! do i = 1,ndat dat(i) = dudyn(nodat(i)) end do ! ! Compute right hand side of normal equations. ! do i = 1,ncoef b(i) = 0.0D+00 do j = 1,ndat b(i) = b(i)+aw(j,i)*dat(j) end do end do ! ! Solve the normal equations. ! nrhs = 1 call sgetrs('N',ncoef,nrhs,ataw,ncoef,ipivw,b,ncoef,info) ! ! Now evaluate the least squares polynomial at the nodes. ! x = 2.0D+00 y = 2.0D+00 call lspoly(b,ncoef,x,y,dudy2(ic)) ! ! CASE: THE SOUTHERN BOUNDARY ! else if (irow == 1 ) then nodat(1) = iw nodat(2) = inw nodat(3) = in nodat(4) = ie nodat(5) = ine nodat(6) = inne nodat(7) = inee ndat = 7 ! ! Copy out the value of dUdY at the data points. ! do i = 1,ndat dat(i) = dudyn(nodat(i)) end do ! ! Compute right hand side of normal equations. ! do i = 1,ncoef b(i) = 0.0D+00 do j = 1,ndat b(i) = b(i)+as(j,i)*dat(j) end do end do ! ! Solve the normal equations. ! nrhs = 1 call sgetrs('N',ncoef,nrhs,atas,ncoef,ipivs,b,ncoef,info) ! ! Now evaluate the least squares polynomial at the nodes. ! if ( icol == 2 ) then x = 0.0D+00 y = 2.0D+00 call lspoly(b,ncoef,x,y,dudy2(iww)) end if x = 2.0D+00 y = 2.0D+00 call lspoly(b,ncoef,x,y,dudy2(ic)) if ( icol ==nx-1 ) then x = 4.0D+00 y = 2.0D+00 call lspoly(b,ncoef,x,y,dudy2(iee)) end if ! ! CASE: CENTRAL ! else nodat(1) = isww nodat(2) = issw nodat(3) = isw nodat(4) = iw nodat(5) = inw nodat(6) = is nodat(7) = in nodat(8) = ise nodat(9) = ie nodat(10) = ine nodat(11) = inne nodat(12) = inee ndat = 12 ! ! Copy out the value of dUdY at the data points. ! do i = 1,ndat dat(i) = dudyn(nodat(i)) end do ! ! Compute right hand side of normal equations. ! do i = 1,ncoef b(i) = 0.0D+00 do j = 1,ndat b(i) = b(i)+ac(j,i)*dat(j) end do end do ! ! Solve the normal equations. ! nrhs = 1 call sgetrs('N',ncoef,nrhs,atac,ncoef,ipivc,b,ncoef,info) ! ! Now evaluate the least squares polynomial at the nodes. ! x = 2.0D+00 y = 2.0D+00 call lspoly(b,ncoef,x,y,dudy2(ic)) end if end do end do return end subroutine getdu3(dudyn,dudy3,np,nx,ny) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! GETDU3 uses interpolating serendipity quadrilaterals in an attempt ! to improve the accuracy of the computed values of dPdY, dUdY and ! dVdY at every node. ! ! Note a possible objection to this scheme: we are treating ! dUdY as primary data, instead of U. Perhaps, instead, we should ! read in the U values, and then compute dUdY in the serendipity ! element. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! integer np ! real ( kind = 8 ) dudyn(np) real ( kind = 8 ) dudy3(np) integer i integer ic integer icol integer ie integer in integer ine integer inw integer irow integer is integer ise integer isw integer iw integer nx integer ny character ( len = 2 ) type real ( kind = 8 ) ve real ( kind = 8 ) vn real ( kind = 8 ) vne real ( kind = 8 ) vnw real ( kind = 8 ) vs real ( kind = 8 ) vse real ( kind = 8 ) vsw real ( kind = 8 ) vw ! do i = 1,np dudy3(i) = dudyn(i) end do ! do icol = 1,nx do irow = 1,ny ic = 2*(icol-1)*(2*ny-1)+(2*irow-1) isw = ic-(2*ny-1)-1 iw = isw+1 inw = iw+1 is = ic-1 in = ic+1 ise = ic+(2*ny-1)-1 ie = ise+1 ine = ie+1 if ( 1<=<=np ) then ve = dudyn(ie) else ve = 0.0D+00 end if if ( 1<=<=np ) then vn = dudyn(in) else vn = 0.0D+00 end if if ( 1<= ine.and.ine<=np ) then vne = dudyn(ine) else vne = 0.0D+00 end if if ( 1<= inw.and.inw<=np ) then vnw = dudyn(inw) else vnw = 0.0D+00 end if if ( 1<=<=np ) then vs = dudyn(is) else vs = 0.0D+00 end if if ( 1<= ise.and.ise<=np ) then vse = dudyn(ise) else vse = 0.0D+00 end if if ( 1<= isw.and.isw<=np ) then vsw = dudyn(isw) else vsw = 0.0D+00 end if if ( 1<= iw.and.iw<=np ) then vw = dudyn(iw) else vw = 0.0D+00 end if ! ! CASE: CORNER NODES ! if ( icol == 1.and.irow== 1 ) then type = 'SW' else if (icol == 1.and.irow==ny ) then type = 'NW' else if (icol ==nx.and.irow== 1 ) then type = 'SE' else if (icol ==nx.and.irow==ny ) then type = 'NE' else if (irow ==ny ) then type = 'N' else if (icol ==nx ) then type = 'E' else if (icol == 1 ) then type = 'W' else if (irow == 1 ) then type = 'S' else type = 'C' end if call serene(type,ve,vn,vne,vnw,vs,vse,vsw,vw,dudy3(ic)) end do end do return end subroutine getdu4(dudyn,dudy4,np,nx,ny) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! GETDU4 uses the Zienkiewicz-Zhou technique to attempt to improve the ! accuracy of the computed values of dPdY, dUdY and dVdY at corner ! nodes. ! ! It differs from GETDU2 in that it also modifies the values of ! dUdY at the midside nodes. ! ! Here is a picture of the element patch around an interior node "C": ! ! .----.----NN---NNE--NNEE ! | /| /| ! | / | / | ! | / | / | ! | / | / | ! . NW N NE NEE ! | / | / | ! | / | / | ! | / | / | ! |/ |/ | ! WW---W----C----E----EE ! | /| /| ! | / | / | ! | / | / | ! | / | / | ! SWW SW S SE . ! | / | / | ! | / | / | ! | / | / | ! |/ |/ | ! SSWW-SSW--SS---.----. ! ! The midside nodes SWW, SSW, SW, W, NW, S, N, SE, E, NE, NNE, NEE ! are all quadrature points, at which a higher rater of convergence ! is expected in the solution. The nodes labeled SSWW, WW, SS, C, ! NN, EE and NNEE are corner nodes, whose values of dUdY we wish ! to improve. On this step, we will try to compute improved values ! of the node "C", and the side nodes. The step will be repeated ! so that every pressure node gets to be the "C" node of a patch ! (except for corner nodes). Nodes labeled "." are not included in ! the patch, and are shown only for completeness. ! ! The value of the quantity dUdY at each of the midside nodes is ! taken as data, to be fitted by a least squares polynomial based ! on the six basis functions (1, x, y, x*x, x*y, y*y). For the ! case where the node C is in the interior of the region, this ! makes 12 equations in 6 unknowns. ! ! The above diagram is assigned "logical" coordinates that ! range from 0 <= x,y <= 4, with SWW having coordinates (0,1) ! and C having coordinates (2,2). (These are really a sort of ! XSI, ETA coordinate system, rather than a "physical" X, Y ! system.) ! ! Using standard discrete least squares methods, we write our ! original set of equations as ! ! AC x = b ! ! where x is the set of 6 unknown polynomial coefficients, ! row i of matrix AC is the value of (1, x, y, x*x, x*y, y*y) ! at the i-th of our 12 quadrature points. ! ! To get a solvable system, we multiply by the transpose of AC, ! getting the square system known as the normal equations: ! ! ACT AC x = ACT b ! ! The matrix ACT AC only has to be set up and factored once, and ! we can use the factors over and over for all the patches ! associated with interior nodes. (If we really like this method, ! we should stop using the normal equations and use instead ! a QR routine like the LINPACK SQRDC/SQRSL). ! ! Once the coefficients of the polynomial are found, the least ! squares polynomial may be evaluated at any point in the ! "patch" of six elements. In this routine, we choose to ! evaluate the polynomial only at the point C, and use this ! value in place of the value computed by the finite element ! method. The values at the midside nodes are unchanged. ! ! Special treatment must be made for nodes which lie on the ! north, east, west or south sides, or in the corners. ! ! In the case of side nodes, we simply adapt the process to ! account for 7 data values, using the six basis functions. ! ! In the case of a corner node, we simply apply the relevant ! value computed for the patch along the north or south boundary ! nearest to the node. ! ! In particular, separate matrices AN, AE, AW and AS must be set ! up to represent the least squares linear systems that occur for ! nodes which lie along the north, east, west or south boundaries. ! ! ! Since the midside nodes can occur in more than one element, ! we ADD the improved estimate to a running total, and average ! later. ! ! Note: this routine explicitly assumes that the nodes are ordered ! from top to bottom, then from left to right, as in this example: ! ! 5 10 15 ! 4 9 14 ! 3 8 13 ! 2 7 12 ! 1 6 11 ! ! It also assumes that EVERY node has an associated value of DUDYN, ! and that the pressure nodes, at which we will smooth the value of ! DUDYN, are exactly those nodes in an odd row and odd column. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! DUDYN Input/output, REAL DUDYN(NP). ! ! On input, DUDYN contains the original value of DUDY at ! every node. ! ! On output, DUDYN contains the smoothed values of dUdY. ! ! NP Input, INTEGER NP, the number of nodes. ! ! NX Input, INTEGER NX, the number of columns of pressure nodes ! in the X direction. The actual number of columns of nodes ! is 2*NX-1. ! ! NY Input, INTEGER NY, the number of rows of pressure nodes ! in the Y direction. The actual number of rows of nodes ! is 2*NY-1. ! integer, parameter :: ncoef = 6 integer, parameter :: npmax = 7889 ! integer np ! real ( kind = 8 ) ac(12,ncoef) real ( kind = 8 ) ae(7,ncoef) real ( kind = 8 ) an(7,ncoef) real ( kind = 8 ) as(7,ncoef) real ( kind = 8 ) aw(7,ncoef) real ( kind = 8 ) atac(ncoef,ncoef) real ( kind = 8 ) atae(ncoef,ncoef) real ( kind = 8 ) atan(ncoef,ncoef) real ( kind = 8 ) atas(ncoef,ncoef) real ( kind = 8 ) ataw(ncoef,ncoef) real ( kind = 8 ) b(ncoef) real ( kind = 8 ) dat(12) real ( kind = 8 ) dudyn(np) real ( kind = 8 ) dudy4(np) integer i integer ic integer icol integer ie integer iee integer in integer ine integer inee integer info integer inn integer inne integer inw integer ipivc(ncoef) integer ipive(ncoef) integer ipivn(ncoef) integer ipivs(ncoef) integer ipivw(ncoef) integer irow integer is integer ise integer iss integer issw integer isw integer isww integer iw integer iww integer j integer k integer ndat integer nodat(12) integer nrhs integer nrep(npmax) integer nx integer ny real ( kind = 8 ) temp real ( kind = 8 ) x real ( kind = 8 ) xdatc(12) real ( kind = 8 ) xdatn(7) real ( kind = 8 ) xdate(7) real ( kind = 8 ) xdatw(7) real ( kind = 8 ) xdats(7) real ( kind = 8 ) y real ( kind = 8 ) ydatc(12) real ( kind = 8 ) ydatn(7) real ( kind = 8 ) ydate(7) real ( kind = 8 ) ydatw(7) real ( kind = 8 ) ydats(7) ! nrep(1:np) = 0 dudy4(1:np) = 0.0D+00 if ( npmax < np ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'GetDU4 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' NP must be less than NPMAX, but' write ( *, * ) ' NP = ',np write ( *, * ) ' NPMAX = ',npmax write ( *, * ) ' Change NP or NPMAX and try again!' stop end if ! ! Here is a picture of the element patch around a node on the ! northern boundary: ! ! ! WW---W----C----E----EE ! | /| /| ! | / | / | ! | / | / | ! | / | / | ! SWW SW S SE . ! | / | / | ! | / | / | ! | / | / | ! |/ |/ | ! SSWW-SSW--SS---.----. ! ! NORTH ! ndat = 7 xdatn(1) = 0.0D+00 ydatn(1) = 1.0D+00 xdatn(2) = 1.0D+00 ydatn(2) = 0.0D+00 xdatn(3) = 1.0D+00 ydatn(3) = 1.0D+00 xdatn(4) = 1.0D+00 ydatn(4) = 2.0D+00 xdatn(5) = 2.0D+00 ydatn(5) = 1.0D+00 xdatn(6) = 3.0D+00 ydatn(6) = 1.0D+00 xdatn(7) = 3.0D+00 ydatn(7) = 2.0D+00 ! ! Compute matrix of basis polynomials (1,x,y,x**2,xy,y**2) evaluated ! at the data points. ! do i = 1,ndat an(i,1) = 1.0D+00 an(i,2) = xdatn(i) an(i,3) = ydatn(i) an(i,4) = xdatn(i)**2 an(i,5) = xdatn(i)*ydatn(i) an(i,6) = ydatn(i)**2 end do ! ! Compute the normal equations matrix. ! do i = 1,ncoef do j = 1,ncoef atan(i,j) = 0.0D+00 do k = 1,ndat atan(i,j) = atan(i,j)+an(k,i)*an(k,j) end do end do end do ! ! Factor the normal equations matrix. ! call sgetrf(ncoef,ncoef,atan,ncoef,ipivn,info) if ( info/= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'GetDU4 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' SGETRF returned INFO = ',info write ( *, * ) ' while factoring matrix ATAN.' stop end if ! ! EAST ! ! Here is a picture of the element patch around a node ! on the eastern boundary: ! ! .----.----NN ! | /| ! | / | ! | / | ! | / | ! . NW N ! | / | ! | / | ! | / | ! |/ | ! WW---W----C ! | /| ! | / | ! | / | ! | / | ! SWW SW S ! | / | ! | / | ! | / | ! |/ | ! SSWW-SSW--SS ! ndat = 7 xdate(1) = 0.0D+00 ydate(1) = 1.0D+00 xdate(2) = 1.0D+00 ydate(2) = 0.0D+00 xdate(3) = 1.0D+00 ydate(3) = 1.0D+00 xdate(4) = 1.0D+00 ydate(4) = 2.0D+00 xdate(5) = 1.0D+00 ydate(5) = 3.0D+00 xdate(6) = 2.0D+00 ydate(6) = 1.0D+00 xdate(7) = 2.0D+00 ydate(7) = 3.0D+00 ! ! Compute matrix of basis polynomials (1,x,y,x**2,xy,y**2) evaluated ! at the data points. ! do i = 1,ndat ae(i,1) = 1.0D+00 ae(i,2) = xdate(i) ae(i,3) = ydate(i) ae(i,4) = xdate(i)**2 ae(i,5) = xdate(i)*ydate(i) ae(i,6) = ydate(i)**2 end do ! ! Compute the normal equations matrix. ! do i = 1,ncoef do j = 1,ncoef atae(i,j) = 0.0D+00 do k = 1,ndat atae(i,j) = atae(i,j)+ae(k,i)*ae(k,j) end do end do end do ! ! Factor the normal equations matrix. ! call sgetrf(ncoef,ncoef,atae,ncoef,ipive,info) if ( info/= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'GetDU4 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' SGETRF returned INFO = ',info write ( *, * ) ' while factoring matrix ATAE.' stop end if ! ! WEST ! ! Here is a picture of the element patch around a node on the ! western boundary: ! ! NN---NNE--NNEE ! | /| ! | / | ! | / | ! | / | ! N NE NEE ! | / | ! | / | ! | / | ! |/ | ! C----E----EE ! | /| ! | / | ! | / | ! | / | ! S SE . ! | / | ! | / | ! | / | ! |/ | ! SS---.----. ! ndat = 7 xdatw(1) = 2.0D+00 ydatw(1) = 1.0D+00 xdatw(2) = 2.0D+00 ydatw(2) = 3.0D+00 xdatw(3) = 3.0D+00 ydatw(3) = 1.0D+00 xdatw(4) = 3.0D+00 ydatw(4) = 2.0D+00 xdatw(5) = 3.0D+00 ydatw(5) = 3.0D+00 xdatw(6) = 3.0D+00 ydatw(6) = 4.0D+00 xdatw(7) = 4.0D+00 ydatw(7) = 3.0D+00 ! ! Compute matrix of basis polynomials (1,x,y,x**2,xy,y**2) evaluated ! at the data points. ! do i = 1,ndat aw(i,1) = 1.0D+00 aw(i,2) = xdatw(i) aw(i,3) = ydatw(i) aw(i,4) = xdatw(i)**2 aw(i,5) = xdatw(i)*ydatw(i) aw(i,6) = ydatw(i)**2 end do ! ! Compute the normal equations matrix. ! do i = 1,ncoef do j = 1,ncoef ataw(i,j) = 0.0D+00 do k = 1,ndat ataw(i,j) = ataw(i,j)+aw(k,i)*aw(k,j) end do end do end do ! ! Factor the normal equations matrix. ! call sgetrf(ncoef,ncoef,ataw,ncoef,ipivw,info) if ( info/= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'GetDU4 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' SGETRF returned INFO = ',info write ( *, * ) ' while factoring matrix ATAW.' stop end if ! ! SOUTH ! ! Here is a picture of the element patch around a node on the ! southern boundary: ! ! .----.----NN---NNE--NNEE ! | /| /| ! | / | / | ! | / | / | ! | / | / | ! . NW N NE NEE ! | / | / | ! | / | / | ! | / | / | ! |/ |/ | ! WW---W----C----E----EE ! ndat = 7 xdats(1) = 1.0D+00 ydats(1) = 2.0D+00 xdats(2) = 1.0D+00 ydats(2) = 3.0D+00 xdats(3) = 2.0D+00 ydats(3) = 3.0D+00 xdats(4) = 3.0D+00 ydats(4) = 2.0D+00 xdats(5) = 3.0D+00 ydats(5) = 3.0D+00 xdats(6) = 3.0D+00 ydats(6) = 4.0D+00 xdats(7) = 4.0D+00 ydats(7) = 3.0D+00 ! ! Compute matrix of basis polynomials (1,x,y,x**2,xy,y**2) evaluated ! at the data points. ! do i = 1,ndat as(i,1) = 1.0D+00 as(i,2) = xdats(i) as(i,3) = ydats(i) as(i,4) = xdats(i)**2 as(i,5) = xdats(i)*ydats(i) as(i,6) = ydats(i)**2 end do ! ! Compute the normal equations matrix. ! do i = 1,ncoef do j = 1,ncoef atas(i,j) = 0.0D+00 do k = 1,ndat atas(i,j) = atas(i,j)+as(k,i)*as(k,j) end do end do end do ! ! Factor the normal equations matrix. ! call sgetrf(ncoef,ncoef,atas,ncoef,ipivs,info) if ( info/= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'GetDU4 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' SGETRF returned INFO = ',info write ( *, * ) ' while factoring matrix ATAS.' stop end if ! ! CENTRAL. ! ndat = 12 xdatc(1) = 0.0D+00 ydatc(1) = 1.0D+00 xdatc(2) = 1.0D+00 ydatc(2) = 0.0D+00 xdatc(3) = 1.0D+00 ydatc(3) = 1.0D+00 xdatc(4) = 1.0D+00 ydatc(4) = 2.0D+00 xdatc(5) = 1.0D+00 ydatc(5) = 3.0D+00 xdatc(6) = 2.0D+00 ydatc(6) = 1.0D+00 xdatc(7) = 2.0D+00 ydatc(7) = 3.0D+00 xdatc(8) = 3.0D+00 ydatc(8) = 1.0D+00 xdatc(9) = 3.0D+00 ydatc(9) = 2.0D+00 xdatc(10) = 3.0D+00 ydatc(10) = 3.0D+00 xdatc(11) = 3.0D+00 ydatc(11) = 4.0D+00 xdatc(12) = 4.0D+00 ydatc(12) = 3.0D+00 ! ! Compute matrix of basis polynomials (1,x,y,x**2,xy,y**2) evaluated ! at the data points. ! do i = 1,ndat ac(i,1) = 1.0D+00 ac(i,2) = xdatc(i) ac(i,3) = ydatc(i) ac(i,4) = xdatc(i)**2 ac(i,5) = xdatc(i)*ydatc(i) ac(i,6) = ydatc(i)**2 end do ! ! Compute the normal equations matrix. ! do i = 1,ncoef do j = 1,ncoef atac(i,j) = 0.0D+00 do k = 1,ndat atac(i,j) = atac(i,j)+ac(k,i)*ac(k,j) end do end do end do ! ! Factor the normal equations matrix. ! call sgetrf(ncoef,ncoef,atac,ncoef,ipivc,info) if ( info/= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'GetDU4 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' SGETRF returned INFO = ',info write ( *, * ) ' while factoring matrix ATAC.' stop end if ! ! Each computation has its "center" at a pressure node, so we ! can organize our do loops by counting through each presure node. ! do icol = 1,nx do irow = 1,ny ic = 2*(icol-1)*(2*ny-1)+(2*irow-1) isww = ic-2*(2*ny-1)-1 iww = isww+1 issw = ic-(2*ny-1)-2 isw = issw+1 iw = isw+1 inw = iw+1 iss = ic-2 is = iss+1 in = ic+1 inn = ic+2 ise = ic+(2*ny-1)-1 ie = ise+1 ine = ie+1 inne = ine+1 iee = ic+2*(2*ny-1) inee = iee+1 ! ! CASE: CORNER NODES, SKIP EM ! if ( icol == 1.and.irow== 1 ) then else if (icol == 1.and.irow==ny ) then else if (icol ==nx.and.irow== 1 ) then else if (icol ==nx.and.irow==ny ) then ! ! CASE: THE NORTHERN BOUNDARY ! else if (irow ==ny ) then nodat(1) = isww nodat(2) = issw nodat(3) = isw nodat(4) = iw nodat(5) = is nodat(6) = ise nodat(7) = ie ndat = 7 ! ! Copy out the value of dUdY at the data points. ! do i = 1,ndat dat(i) = dudyn(nodat(i)) end do ! ! Compute right hand side of normal equations. ! do i = 1,ncoef b(i) = 0.0D+00 do j = 1,ndat b(i) = b(i)+an(j,i)*dat(j) end do end do ! ! Solve the normal equations. ! nrhs = 1 call sgetrs('N',ncoef,nrhs,atan,ncoef,ipivn,b,ncoef,info) ! ! Now evaluate the least squares polynomial at the nodes. ! if ( icol == 2 ) then x = 0.0D+00 y = 2.0D+00 call lspoly(b,ncoef,x,y,temp) nrep(iww) = nrep(iww)+1 dudy4(iww) = dudy4(iww)+temp x = 0.0D+00 y = 1.0D+00 call lspoly(b,ncoef,x,y,temp) nrep(isww) = nrep(isww)+1 dudy4(isww) = dudy4(isww)+temp end if do i = 1,ndat x = xdatn(i) y = ydatn(i) call lspoly(b,ncoef,x,y,temp) nrep(nodat(i)) = nrep(nodat(i))+1 dudy4(nodat(i)) = dudy4(nodat(i))+temp end do x = 2.0D+00 y = 2.0D+00 call lspoly(b,ncoef,x,y,temp) nrep(ic) = nrep(ic)+1 dudy4(ic) = dudy4(ic)+temp if ( icol ==nx-1 ) then x = 4.0D+00 y = 2.0D+00 call lspoly(b,ncoef,x,y,temp) nrep(iee) = nrep(iee)+1 dudy4(iee) = dudy4(iee)+temp end if ! ! CASE: THE EASTERN BOUNDARY ! else if (icol ==nx ) then nodat(1) = isww nodat(2) = issw nodat(3) = isw nodat(4) = iw nodat(5) = inw nodat(6) = is nodat(7) = in ndat = 7 ! ! Copy out the value of dUdY at the data points. ! do i = 1,ndat dat(i) = dudyn(nodat(i)) end do ! ! Compute right hand side of normal equations. ! do i = 1,ncoef b(i) = 0.0D+00 do j = 1,ndat b(i) = b(i)+ae(j,i)*dat(j) end do end do ! ! Solve the normal equations. ! nrhs = 1 call sgetrs('N',ncoef,nrhs,atae,ncoef,ipive,b,ncoef,info) ! ! Now evaluate the least squares polynomial at the nodes. ! if ( irow ==ny-1 ) then x = 2.0D+00 y = 4.0D+00 call lspoly(b,ncoef,x,y,temp) nrep(inn) = nrep(inn)+1 dudy4(inn) = dudy4(inn)+temp end if if ( irow ==ny-1 ) then x = 2.0D+00 y = 1.0D+00 call lspoly(b,ncoef,x,y,temp) nrep(is) = nrep(is)+1 dudy4(is) = dudy4(is)+temp x = 2.0D+00 y = 0.0D+00 call lspoly(b,ncoef,x,y,temp) nrep(iss) = nrep(iss)+1 dudy4(iss) = dudy4(iss)+temp end if do i = 1,ndat x = xdate(i) y = ydate(i) call lspoly(b,ncoef,x,y,temp) nrep(nodat(i)) = nrep(nodat(i))+1 dudy4(nodat(i)) = dudy4(nodat(i))+temp end do x = 2.0D+00 y = 2.0D+00 call lspoly(b,ncoef,x,y,temp) nrep(ic) = nrep(ic)+1 dudy4(ic) = dudy4(ic)+temp ! ! CASE: THE WESTERN BOUNDARY ! else if (icol == 1 ) then nodat(1) = is nodat(2) = in nodat(3) = ise nodat(4) = ie nodat(5) = ine nodat(6) = inne nodat(7) = inee ndat = 7 ! ! Copy out the value of dUdY at the data points. ! do i = 1,ndat dat(i) = dudyn(nodat(i)) end do ! ! Compute right hand side of normal equations. ! do i = 1,ncoef b(i) = 0.0D+00 do j = 1,ndat b(i) = b(i)+aw(j,i)*dat(j) end do end do ! ! Solve the normal equations. ! nrhs = 1 call sgetrs('N',ncoef,nrhs,ataw,ncoef,ipivw,b,ncoef,info) ! ! Now evaluate the least squares polynomial at the nodes. ! if ( irow ==ny-1 ) then x = 2.0D+00 y = 4.0D+00 call lspoly(b,ncoef,x,y,temp) nrep(inn) = nrep(inn)+1 dudy4(inn) = dudy4(inn)+temp x = 3.0D+00 y = 4.0D+00 call lspoly(b,ncoef,x,y,temp) nrep(inne) = nrep(inne)+1 dudy4(inne) = dudy4(inne)+temp end if if ( irow == 2 ) then x = 2.0D+00 y = 0.0D+00 call lspoly(b,ncoef,x,y,temp) nrep(iss) = nrep(iss)+1 dudy4(iss) = dudy4(iss)+temp end if do i = 1,ndat x = xdatw(i) y = ydatw(i) call lspoly(b,ncoef,x,y,temp) nrep(nodat(i)) = nrep(nodat(i))+1 dudy4(nodat(i)) = dudy4(nodat(i))+temp end do x = 2.0D+00 y = 2.0D+00 call lspoly(b,ncoef,x,y,temp) nrep(ic) = nrep(ic)+1 dudy4(ic) = dudy4(ic)+temp ! ! CASE: THE SOUTHERN BOUNDARY ! else if (irow == 1 ) then nodat(1) = iw nodat(2) = inw nodat(3) = in nodat(4) = ie nodat(5) = ine nodat(6) = inne nodat(7) = inee ndat = 7 ! ! Copy out the value of dUdY at the data points. ! do i = 1,ndat dat(i) = dudyn(nodat(i)) end do ! ! Compute right hand side of normal equations. ! do i = 1,ncoef b(i) = 0.0D+00 do j = 1,ndat b(i) = b(i)+as(j,i)*dat(j) end do end do ! ! Solve the normal equations. ! nrhs = 1 call sgetrs('N',ncoef,nrhs,atas,ncoef,ipivs,b,ncoef,info) ! ! Now evaluate the least squares polynomial at the nodes. ! if ( icol == 2 ) then x = 0.0D+00 y = 2.0D+00 call lspoly(b,ncoef,x,y,temp) nrep(iww) = nrep(iww)+1 dudy4(iww) = dudy4(iww)+temp end if do i = 1,ndat x = xdats(i) y = ydats(i) call lspoly(b,ncoef,x,y,temp) nrep(nodat(i)) = nrep(nodat(i))+1 dudy4(nodat(i)) = dudy4(nodat(i))+temp end do if ( icol ==nx-1 ) then x = 4.0D+00 y = 2.0D+00 call lspoly(b,ncoef,x,y,temp) nrep(iee) = nrep(iee)+1 dudy4(iee) = dudy4(iee)+temp x = 4.0D+00 y = 3.0D+00 call lspoly(b,ncoef,x,y,temp) nrep(inee) = nrep(inee)+1 dudy4(inee) = dudy4(inee)+temp end if x = 2.0D+00 y = 2.0D+00 call lspoly(b,ncoef,x,y,temp) nrep(ic) = nrep(ic)+1 dudy4(ic) = dudy4(ic)+temp ! ! CASE: CENTRAL ! else nodat(1) = isww nodat(2) = issw nodat(3) = isw nodat(4) = iw nodat(5) = inw nodat(6) = is nodat(7) = in nodat(8) = ise nodat(9) = ie nodat(10) = ine nodat(11) = inne nodat(12) = inee ndat = 12 ! ! Copy out the value of dUdY at the data points. ! do i = 1,ndat dat(i) = dudyn(nodat(i)) end do ! ! Compute right hand side of normal equations. ! do i = 1,ncoef b(i) = 0.0D+00 do j = 1,ndat b(i) = b(i)+ac(j,i)*dat(j) end do end do ! ! Solve the normal equations. ! nrhs = 1 call sgetrs('N',ncoef,nrhs,atac,ncoef,ipivc,b,ncoef,info) ! ! Now evaluate the least squares polynomial at the nodes. ! do i = 1,ndat x = xdatc(i) y = ydatc(i) call lspoly(b,ncoef,x,y,temp) nrep(nodat(i)) = nrep(nodat(i))+1 dudy4(nodat(i)) = dudy4(nodat(i))+temp end do x = 2.0D+00 y = 2.0D+00 call lspoly(b,ncoef,x,y,temp) nrep(ic) = nrep(ic)+1 dudy4(ic) = dudy4(ic)+temp end if end do end do ! ! Average the smoothed data. ! do i = 1,np if ( nrep(i) == 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'GetDU4 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' NREP <= 0 for node ',I stop end if dudy4(i) = dudy4(i)/real(nrep(i), kind = 8 ) end do return end subroutine getdu5(dudyn,dudy5,np,nx,ny,u,xc,yc) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! GETDU5 uses interpolating serendipity quadrilaterals in an attempt ! to improve the accuracy of the computed values of dPdY, dUdY and ! dVdY at every node. ! ! GETDU5 interpolates the U values, and then compute dUdY in the ! serendipity element. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! integer np ! real ( kind = 8 ) dudyn(np) real ( kind = 8 ) dudy5(np) integer i integer ic integer icol integer irow integer nx integer ny character ( len = 2 ) type real ( kind = 8 ) u(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) ! ! Copy DUDYN. ! Most of the values of DUDYN will not be changed. ! do i = 1,np dudy5(i) = dudyn(i) end do ! do icol = 1,nx do irow = 1,ny ic = 2*(icol-1)*(2*ny-1)+(2*irow-1) if ( icol == 1.and.irow== 1 ) then type = 'SW' else if (icol == 1.and.irow==ny ) then type = 'NW' else if (icol ==nx.and.irow== 1 ) then type = 'SE' else if (icol ==nx.and.irow==ny ) then type = 'NE' else if (irow ==ny ) then type = 'N' else if (icol ==nx ) then type = 'E' else if (icol == 1 ) then type = 'W' else if (irow == 1 ) then type = 'S' else type = 'C' end if if ( ic == 15 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'GETDU5 - Note:' write ( *, * ) ' Type of IC is '//type end if call sertrn(dudy5(ic),ic,np,ny,type,u,xc,yc) end do end do return end subroutine getfix(dpdyn,dudyn,dvdyn,dydpn,gradf,ibs,indx,iopt,maxeqn,np, & npar,nparb,nparf,splbmp,taubmp,xbl,xbr,xc,yc) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! GETFIX corrects the finite difference estimate of the sensitivities. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! integer maxeqn integer np integer npar integer nparb integer nparf ! real ( kind = 8 ) dpdyn(np) real ( kind = 8 ) dudyn(np) real ( kind = 8 ) dvdyn(np) real ( kind = 8 ) dydpn(np,nparb) real ( kind = 8 ) gradf(maxeqn,npar) integer ibs integer ihor integer indx(3,np) integer iopt(npar) integer ip integer ipar integer iparb integer iprs integer iver integer jderiv real ( kind = 8 ) shape real ( kind = 8 ) splbmp(4,nparb+2,0:nparb) real ( kind = 8 ) taubmp(nparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) xbl real ( kind = 8 ) xbr real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xq real ( kind = 8 ) ybot real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yq ! ! Compute dYdParameter ! do ip = 1,np xq = xc(ip) yq = yc(ip) do iparb = 1,nparb dydpn(ip,iparb) = 0.0D+00 ! ! Nodes only move if their X coordinate is (strictly) between XBL ! and XBR. ! if ( xbl0 ) then gradf(iprs,ipar) = dpdyn(ip)*dydpn(ip,ipar-nparf) end if end do end if end do return end subroutine getgrd(a,area,cost,dpara3,epsdif,eqn,etaq,g,g1,g2,gdif,gtar,ifs, & ibs,ierror,ijac,indx,iopt,ipivot,isotri,iwrite,jjac,maxeqn,maxnew,nelem, & neqn,nlband,node,np,npar,nparb,nparf,nprof,nquad,nrow,nx,ny,para,phi,res, & splbmp,splflo,syseqn,taubmp,tauflo,tolnew,wateb,watep,wateu,watev,wquad, & xbl,xbr,xc,xquad,xsiq,ybl,ybr,yc,yquad) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! GETGRD uses finite differences to compute GDIF, an estimate of the ! partial derivatives of the state variables with respect to the ! parameters. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! ! PARA should contain the current parameter values, ! G the corresponding state variables, and ! COST the resulting cost. ! ! integer maxeqn integer nelem integer neqn integer np integer npar integer nparb integer nparf integer nquad integer nrow integer nx integer ny ! real ( kind = 8 ) a(nrow,neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) area(nquad,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) cost real ( kind = 8 ) cost1 real ( kind = 8 ) costb real ( kind = 8 ) costp real ( kind = 8 ) costu real ( kind = 8 ) costv real ( kind = 8 ) dpara3(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) epsdif character ( len = 2 ) eqn(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) etaq(nquad) real ( kind = 8 ) g(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) g1(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) g2(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) gdif(maxeqn,npar) real ( kind = 8 ) gtar(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) h integer i integer ifs integer ibs integer ieqn integer ierror integer ijac integer indx(3,np) integer iopt(npar) integer ipar integer ipivot(neqn) integer isotri(nelem) integer iwrite integer jjac logical lgdif integer maxnew integer nlband integer node(6,nelem) integer nprof(2*ny-1) real ( kind = 8 ) one real ( kind = 8 ) para(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) phi(nquad,6,10,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) psave real ( kind = 8 ) res(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) splbmp(4,nparb+2,0:nparb) real ( kind = 8 ) splflo(4,nparf+2,0:nparf) character ( len = 20 ) syseqn real ( kind = 8 ) taubmp(nparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) tauflo(nparf+2) real ( kind = 8 ) tolnew real ( kind = 8 ) wateb real ( kind = 8 ) watep real ( kind = 8 ) wateu real ( kind = 8 ) watev real ( kind = 8 ) wquad(nquad) real ( kind = 8 ) xbl real ( kind = 8 ) xbr real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xquad(nquad,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) xsiq(nquad) real ( kind = 8 ) ybl real ( kind = 8 ) ybr real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yquad(nquad,nelem) ! ! Set a logical flag, so that all routines know that we are doing ! a finite difference computation. ! lgdif = .true. call lmemry('set','fd_grad',lgdif) ! ! Consider each parameter. ! do ipar = 1,npar ! ! If the parameter is allowed to vary, ! if ( iopt(ipar) == 1 ) then do i = 1,neqn g1(i) = g(i) end do ! ! ...then perturb the parameter by the amount H. ! psave = para(ipar) one = 1.0D+00 h = epsdif*sign(one,psave)*(abs(psave)+one) para(ipar) = para(ipar)+h ! ! Solve the flow problem. ! call flosol(a,area,eqn,etaq,g1,g2,ifs,ibs,ierror,ijac,indx,ipivot, & isotri,iwrite,jjac,maxnew,nelem,neqn,nlband,node,np,npar,nparb,nparf, & nquad,nrow,nx,ny,para,phi,res,splbmp,splflo,syseqn,taubmp,tauflo, & tolnew,wquad,xbl,xbr,xc,xquad,xsiq,ybl,ybr,yc,yquad) if ( ierror/= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'GetGrd - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' FloSol returns IERROR = ',ierror lgdif = .false. call lmemry('set','fd_grad',lgdif) return end if ! ! Set the estimate of dG/dP(Ipar) ! do ieqn = 1,neqn gdif(ieqn,ipar) = (g1(ieqn)-g(ieqn))/h end do ! ! Compute the COST of the perturbed solution and evaluate the ! finite difference quotient. ! call getcst(cost1,costb,costp,costu,costv,g1,gtar,ibs,indx,neqn,np, & nparb,nprof,ny,splbmp,taubmp,wateb,watep,wateu,watev,xbl,xbr,ybl,ybr,yc) dpara3(ipar) = (cost1-cost)/h ! ! Restore the value of the parameter. ! para(ipar) = psave ! ! If the parameter is not varied, set dG/dP(Ipar) and DPARA3 to zero. ! else do ieqn = 1,neqn gdif(ieqn,ipar) = 0.0D+00 end do dpara3(ipar) = 0.0D+00 end if end do ! ! Restore old data. ! call flosol(a,area,eqn,etaq,g,g2,ifs,ibs,ierror,ijac,indx,ipivot,isotri, & iwrite,jjac,maxnew,nelem,neqn,nlband,node,np,npar,nparb,nparf,nquad,nrow, & nx,ny,para,phi,res,splbmp,splflo,syseqn,taubmp,tauflo,tolnew,wquad,xbl, & xbr,xc,xquad,xsiq,ybl,ybr,yc,yquad) if ( ierror/= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'GetGrd - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' FloSol returns IERROR = ',ierror lgdif = .false. call lmemry('set','fd_grad',lgdif) return end if ! ! Turn off the flag that warns other routines we are doing a ! finite difference computation. ! lgdif = .false. call lmemry('set','fd_grad',lgdif) return end subroutine getsen(a,area,dudyn,dvdyn,eqn,g,ibc,ifs,ibs,indx,iopt,ipivot, & maxeqn,nelem,neqn,nlband,node,np,npar,nparb,nparf,nquad,nrow,phi,sens, & splbmp,splflo,taubmp,tauflo,xc,yc) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! GETSEN computes the sensitivities of the state variables U, V and ! P with respect to the parameters. ! ! It assumes that the jacobian matrix A has already been factored. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! A Input, real A(NROW,NEQN), contains the ! value of D F(I)/D X(J) for each of the NEQN residual ! functions F(I) with respect to each of the unknown ! coefficients X(J). ! ! SENS Output, real SENS(MAXEQN,NPAR). ! ! SENS(I,J) contains the sensitivity of the I-th unknown ! with respect to the J-th parameter. ! ! integer maxeqn integer nelem integer neqn integer np integer npar integer nparb integer nparf integer nquad integer nrow ! real ( kind = 8 ) a(nrow,neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) area(nquad,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) dudyn(np) real ( kind = 8 ) dvdyn(np) character ( len = 2 ) eqn(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) g(neqn) integer i integer ibc integer ifs integer ibs integer indx(3,np) integer info integer iopt(npar) integer ipar integer ipivot(neqn) integer nlband integer node(6,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) phi(nquad,6,10,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) sens(maxeqn,npar) real ( kind = 8 ) splbmp(4,nparb+2,0:nparb) real ( kind = 8 ) splflo(4,nparf+2,0:nparf) real ( kind = 8 ) taubmp(nparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) tauflo(nparf+2) real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) ! ! Set up the right hand sides. ! do ipar = 1,npar if ( iopt(ipar) == 1 ) then if ( 1<= ipar.and.ipar<=nparf ) then call flosen(eqn,sens(1,ipar),ifs,indx,ipar,neqn,np,nparf,splflo, & tauflo,yc) else if (nparf+1<= ipar.and.ipar<=nparf+nparb ) then call bmpsen(dudyn,dvdyn,eqn,sens(1,ipar),g,ibc,ibs,indx,ipar,neqn, & np,nparb,nparf,splbmp,taubmp,xc,yc) else if (ipar ==nparf+nparb+1 ) then call reysen(area,eqn,g,indx,nelem,neqn,node,np,nquad,phi,sens(1,ipar)) end if else do i = 1,neqn sens(i,ipar) = 0.0D+00 end do end if end do ! ! Solve the linear systems. ! call sgbtrs('N',neqn,nlband,nlband,npar,a,nrow,ipivot,sens,maxeqn,info) if ( info/= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'GetSen - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' Failure solving for sensitivity ',ipar write ( *, * ) ' SGBTRS returns nonzero INFO = ',info end if return end subroutine gquad1(nquad1,wquad1,xquad1) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! GQUAD1 returns the weights and abscissas for a 1 dimensional, ! 3 or 5 point Gauss quadrature rule defined on the interval [-1,1]. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! The integral of a function F(X) over the interval [-1,1] ! ! Integral ( -1 <= X <= 1 ) F(X) dX ! ! may then be approximated by ! ! Sum ( 1 <= I <= NQUAD1) WQUAD1(I) * F(XQUAD1(I)) ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer NQUAD1, the quadrature order. ! Only values of 3 or 5 are legal. ! ! Output, real WQUAD1(NQUAD1), the quadrature weights. ! ! Output, real XQUAD1(NQUAD1), the quadrature points. ! ! integer nquad1 ! real ( kind = 8 ) wquad1(nquad1) real ( kind = 8 ) xquad1(nquad1) ! if ( nquad1 == 3 ) then xquad1(1) = -0.7745966692D+00 xquad1(2) = 0.0D+00 xquad1(3) = 0.7745966692D+00 wquad1(1) = 5.0D+00/9.0D+00 wquad1(2) = 8.0D+00/9.0D+00 wquad1(3) = 5.0D+00/9.0D+00 else if ( nquad1 == 5 ) then xquad1(1) = -0.906179845938664D+00 xquad1(2) = -0.538469310105683D+00 xquad1(3) = 0.0D+00 xquad1(4) = 0.538469310105683D+00 xquad1(5) = 0.906179845938664D+00 wquad1(1) = 0.236926885056189D+00 wquad1(2) = 0.478628670499366D+00 wquad1(3) = 0.568888888888889D+00 wquad1(4) = 0.478628670499366D+00 wquad1(5) = 0.236926885056189D+00 else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'GQuad1 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' An illegal value of NQUAD1 was input.' write ( *, * ) ' Only NQUAD1 = 3 or 5 are legal.' write ( *, * ) ' The input value was ',nquad1 write ( *, * ) ' The code is stopping now.' stop end if return end subroutine hello(maxnx,maxny) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! HELLO prints the program name, date, and computer name. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! character ( len = 8 ) date integer maxnx integer maxny character ( len = 10 ) time ! call date_and_time ( date, time ) write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Flow4' write ( *, * ) ' This is the version of 09 May 1996.' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Today''s date: ', date write ( *, * ) ' Today''s time: ', time write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' The maximum problem size is ',maxnx,' by ',maxny return end function ilaenv(ispec,name,opts,n1,n2,n3,n4) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! ILAENV is called from the LAPACK routines to choose problem-dependent ! parameters for the local environment. See ISPEC for a description of ! the parameters. ! ! This version provides a set of parameters which should give good, ! but not optimal, performance on many of the currently available ! computers. Users are encouraged to modify this subroutine to set ! the tuning parameters for their particular machine using the option ! and problem size information in the arguments. ! ! This routine will not function correctly if it is converted to all ! lower case. Converting it to all upper case is allowed. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Arguments ! ========= ! ! ISPEC (input) INTEGER ! Specifies the parameter to be returned as the value of ! ILAENV. ! = 1: the optimal blocksize; if this value is 1, an unblocked ! algorithm will give the best performance. ! = 2: the minimum block size for which the block routine ! should be used; if the usable block size is less than ! this value, an unblocked routine should be used. ! = 3: the crossover point (in a block routine, for N less ! than this value, an unblocked routine should be used) ! = 4: the number of shifts, used in the nonsymmetric ! eigenvalue routines ! = 5: the minimum column dimension for blocking to be used; ! rectangular blocks must have dimension at least k by m, ! where k is given by ILAENV(2,...) and m by ILAENV(5,...) ! = 6: the crossover point for the SVD (when reducing an m by n ! matrix to bidiagonal form, if max(m,n)/min(m,n) exceeds ! this value, a QR factorization is used first to reduce ! the matrix to a triangular form.) ! = 7: the number of processors ! = 8: the crossover point for the multishift QR and QZ methods ! for nonsymmetric eigenvalue problems. ! ! NAME (input) CHARACTER*(*) ! The name of the calling subroutine, in either upper case or ! lower case. ! ! OPTS (input) CHARACTER*(*) ! The character options to the subroutine NAME, concatenated ! into a single character string. For example, UPLO = 'U', ! TRANS = 'T', and DIAG = 'N' for a triangular routine would ! be specified as OPTS = 'UTN'. ! ! N1 (input) INTEGER ! N2 (input) INTEGER ! N3 (input) INTEGER ! N4 (input) INTEGER ! Problem dimensions for the subroutine NAME; these may not all ! be required. ! ! (ILAENV) (output) INTEGER ! >= 0: the value of the parameter specified by ISPEC ! < 0: if ILAENV = -k, the k-th argument had an illegal value. ! ! Further Details ! =============== ! ! The following conventions have been used when calling ILAENV from the ! LAPACK routines: ! 1) OPTS is a concatenation of all of the character options to ! subroutine NAME, in the same order that they appear in the ! argument list for NAME, even if they are not used in determining ! the value of the parameter specified by ISPEC. ! 2) The problem dimensions N1, N2, N3, N4 are specified in the order ! that they appear in the argument list for NAME. N1 is used ! first, N2 second, and so on, and unused problem dimensions are ! passed a value of -1. ! 3) The parameter value returned by ILAENV is checked for validity in ! the calling subroutine. For example, ILAENV is used to retrieve ! the optimal blocksize for STRTRI as follows: ! ! NB = ILAENV( 1, 'STRTRI', UPLO // DIAG, N, -1, -1, -1 ) ! IF( NB.LE.1 ) NB = MAX( 1, N ) ! character ( len = * ) name, opts integer ilaenv integer ispec, n1, n2, n3, n4 logical cname, sname character c1 character ( len = 2 ) c2, c4 character ( len = 3 ) c3 character ( len = 6 ) subnam integer i, ic, iz, nb, nbmin, nx ! .. ! .. Intrinsic Functions .. intrinsic char, ichar, int, min, real ! .. ! .. Executable Statements .. ! go to ( 100, 100, 100, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800 ) ispec ! ! Invalid value for ISPEC ! ilaenv = -1 return ! 100 continue ! ! Convert NAME to upper case if the first character is lower case. ! ilaenv = 1 subnam = name ic = ichar( subnam( 1:1 ) ) iz = ichar( 'z' ) if ( iz ==90 .or. iz== 122 ) then ! ! ASCII character set ! if ( ic>= 97 .and. ic<=122 ) then subnam( 1:1 ) = char( ic-32 ) do 10 i = 2, 6 ic = ichar( subnam( i:i ) ) if ( ic>= 97 .and. ic<=122 ) & subnam( i:i ) = char( ic-32 ) 10 continue end if ! else if ( iz == 233 .or. iz== 169 ) then ! ! EBCDIC character set ! if ( ( ic>= 129 .and. ic<=137 ) .or. & ( ic>= 145 .and. ic<=153 ) .or. & ( ic>= 162 .and. ic<=169 ) ) then subnam( 1:1 ) = char( ic+64 ) do 20 i = 2, 6 ic = ichar( subnam( i:i ) ) if ( ( ic>= 129 .and. ic<=137 ) .or. & ( ic>= 145 .and. ic<=153 ) .or. & ( ic>= 162 .and. ic<=169 ) ) & subnam( i:i ) = char( ic+64 ) 20 continue end if ! else if ( iz == 218 .or. iz==250 ) then ! ! Prime machines: ASCII+128 ! if ( ic>= 225 .and. ic<=250 ) then subnam( 1:1 ) = char( ic-32 ) do 30 i = 2, 6 ic = ichar( subnam( i:i ) ) if ( ic>= 225 .and. ic<=250 ) & subnam( i:i ) = char( ic-32 ) 30 continue end if end if ! c1 = subnam( 1:1 ) sname = c1=='s' .or. c1=='d' cname = c1=='c' .or. c1=='z' if ( .not.( cname .or. sname ) ) return c2 = subnam( 2:3 ) c3 = subnam( 4:6 ) c4 = c3( 2:3 ) ! go to ( 110, 200, 300 ) ispec ! 110 continue ! ! ISPEC = 1: block size ! ! In these examples, separate code is provided for setting NB for ! real and complex. We assume that NB will take the same value in ! single or real. ! nb = 1 ! if ( c2 =='ge' ) then if ( c3 =='trf' ) then if ( sname ) then nb = 64 else nb = 64 end if else if ( c3 =='qrf' .or. c3=='rqf' .or. c3=='lqf' .or. c3=='qlf' ) then if ( sname ) then nb = 32 else nb = 32 end if else if ( c3 =='hrd' ) then if ( sname ) then nb = 32 else nb = 32 end if else if ( c3 =='brd' ) then if ( sname ) then nb = 32 else nb = 32 end if else if ( c3 =='tri' ) then if ( sname ) then nb = 64 else nb = 64 end if end if else if ( c2 =='po' ) then if ( c3 =='trf' ) then if ( sname ) then nb = 64 else nb = 64 end if end if else if ( c2 =='sy' ) then if ( c3 =='trf' ) then if ( sname ) then nb = 64 else nb = 64 end if else if ( sname .and. c3 =='trd' ) then nb = 1 else if ( sname .and. c3 =='gst' ) then nb = 64 end if else if ( cname .and. c2 =='he' ) then if ( c3 =='trf' ) then nb = 64 else if ( c3 =='trd' ) then nb = 1 else if ( c3 =='gst' ) then nb = 64 end if else if ( sname .and. c2 =='or' ) then if ( c3( 1:1 ) =='g' ) then if ( c4 =='qr' .or. c4=='rq' .or. c4=='lq' .or. & c4 =='ql' .or. c4=='hr' .or. c4=='tr' .or. & c4 =='br' ) then nb = 32 end if else if ( c3( 1:1 ) =='m' ) then if ( c4 =='qr' .or. c4=='rq' .or. c4=='lq' .or. & c4 =='ql' .or. c4=='hr' .or. c4=='tr' .or. & c4 =='br' ) then nb = 32 end if end if else if ( cname .and. c2 =='un' ) then if ( c3( 1:1 ) =='g' ) then if ( c4 =='qr' .or. c4=='rq' .or. c4=='lq' .or. & c4 =='ql' .or. c4=='hr' .or. c4=='tr' .or. & c4 =='br' ) then nb = 32 end if else if ( c3( 1:1 ) =='m' ) then if ( c4 =='qr' .or. c4=='rq' .or. c4=='lq' .or. & c4 =='ql' .or. c4=='hr' .or. c4=='tr' .or. & c4 =='br' ) then nb = 32 end if end if else if ( c2 =='gb' ) then if ( c3 =='trf' ) then if ( sname ) then if ( n4<= 64 ) then nb = 1 else nb = 32 end if else if ( n4<= 64 ) then nb = 1 else nb = 32 end if end if end if else if ( c2 =='pb' ) then if ( c3 =='trf' ) then if ( sname ) then if ( n2<= 64 ) then nb = 1 else nb = 32 end if else if ( n2<= 64 ) then nb = 1 else nb = 32 end if end if end if else if ( c2 =='tr' ) then if ( c3 =='tri' ) then if ( sname ) then nb = 64 else nb = 64 end if end if else if ( c2 =='la' ) then if ( c3 =='uum' ) then if ( sname ) then nb = 64 else nb = 64 end if end if else if ( sname .and. c2 =='st' ) then if ( c3 =='ebz' ) then nb = 1 end if end if ilaenv = nb return ! 200 continue ! ! ISPEC = 2: minimum block size ! nbmin = 2 if ( c2 =='ge' ) then if ( c3 =='qrf' .or. c3=='rqf' .or. c3=='lqf' .or.c3=='qlf' ) then if ( sname ) then nbmin = 2 else nbmin = 2 end if else if ( c3 =='hrd' ) then if ( sname ) then nbmin = 2 else nbmin = 2 end if else if ( c3 =='brd' ) then if ( sname ) then nbmin = 2 else nbmin = 2 end if else if ( c3 =='tri' ) then if ( sname ) then nbmin = 2 else nbmin = 2 end if end if else if ( c2 =='sy' ) then if ( c3 =='trf' ) then if ( sname ) then nbmin = 2 else nbmin = 2 end if else if ( sname .and. c3 =='trd' ) then nbmin = 2 end if else if ( cname .and. c2 =='he' ) then if ( c3 =='trd' ) then nbmin = 2 end if else if ( sname .and. c2 =='or' ) then if ( c3( 1:1 ) =='g' ) then if ( c4 =='qr' .or. c4=='rq' .or. c4=='lq' .or. & c4 =='ql' .or. c4=='hr' .or. c4=='tr' .or. & c4 =='br' ) then nbmin = 2 end if else if ( c3( 1:1 ) =='m' ) then if ( c4 =='qr' .or. c4=='rq' .or. c4=='lq' .or. & c4 =='ql' .or. c4=='hr' .or. c4=='tr' .or. & c4 =='br' ) then nbmin = 2 end if end if else if ( cname .and. c2 =='un' ) then if ( c3( 1:1 ) =='g' ) then if ( c4 =='qr' .or. c4=='rq' .or. c4=='lq' .or. & c4 =='ql' .or. c4=='hr' .or. c4=='tr' .or. & c4 =='br' ) then nbmin = 2 end if else if ( c3( 1:1 ) =='m' ) then if ( c4 =='qr' .or. c4=='rq' .or. c4=='lq' .or. & c4 =='ql' .or. c4=='hr' .or. c4=='tr' .or. & c4 =='br' ) then nbmin = 2 end if end if end if ilaenv = nbmin return ! 300 continue ! ! ISPEC = 3: crossover point ! nx = 0 if ( c2 =='ge' ) then if ( c3 =='qrf' .or. c3=='rqf' .or. c3=='lqf' .or. c3=='qlf' ) then if ( sname ) then nx = 128 else nx = 128 end if else if ( c3 =='hrd' ) then if ( sname ) then nx = 128 else nx = 128 end if else if ( c3 =='brd' ) then if ( sname ) then nx = 128 else nx = 128 end if end if else if ( c2 =='sy' ) then if ( sname .and. c3 =='trd' ) then nx = 1 end if else if ( cname .and. c2 =='he' ) then if ( c3 =='trd' ) then nx = 1 end if else if ( sname .and. c2 =='or' ) then if ( c3( 1:1 ) =='g' ) then if ( c4 =='qr' .or. c4=='rq' .or. c4=='lq' .or. & c4 =='ql' .or. c4=='hr' .or. c4=='tr' .or. & c4 =='br' ) then nx = 128 end if end if else if ( cname .and. c2 =='un' ) then if ( c3( 1:1 ) =='g' ) then if ( c4 =='qr' .or. c4=='rq' .or. c4=='lq' .or. & c4 =='ql' .or. c4=='hr' .or. c4=='tr' .or. & c4 =='br' ) then nx = 128 end if end if end if ilaenv = nx return ! 400 continue ! ! ISPEC = 4: number of shifts (used by xHSEQR) ! ilaenv = 6 return ! 500 continue ! ! ISPEC = 5: minimum column dimension (not used) ! ilaenv = 2 return ! 600 continue ! ! ISPEC = 6: crossover point for SVD (used by xGELSS and xGESVD) ! ilaenv = int( real( min ( n1, n2 ), kind = 8 ) * 1.6D+00 ) return ! 700 continue ! ! ISPEC = 7: number of processors (not used) ! ilaenv = 1 return ! 800 continue ! ! ISPEC = 8: crossover point for multishift (used by xHSEQR) ! ilaenv = 50 return ! ! End of ILAENV ! end subroutine init(area,cost,costar,costb,costp,costu,costv,dopt,dpara3,dparsn, & dparfd,dparfdc,dpdyn,dudyn,dvdyn,dydpn,epsdif,eqn,etan,fileg,filet,g,g1,g2, & g3,gdif,gold,gopt,gradf,gtar,ibc,ifscan,ifstar,ibscan,ibstar,ibump,idfd, & ids,ierror,ifds,igrad,igunit,ijac,indx,iopt,iplot,isotri,istep1,istep2,itar, & itunit,itype,ivopt,iwrite,jjac,jstep1,jstep2,liv,lv,maxelm,maxeqn,maxnew, & maxnp,maxpar,maxparb,maxquad,maxstp,node,nopt,npar,nparb,nparf,npe,nquad, & nstep3,nx,ny,para1,para2,para3,partar,sens,syseqn,tolnew,tolopt,vopt,wateb, & wateb1,wateb2,watep,wateu,watev,xblcan,xbltar,xbrcan,xbrtar,xprof,xsin, & yblcan,ybltar,ybrcan,ybrtar) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! INIT initializes the parameters. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! integer liv integer lv integer maxelm integer maxeqn integer maxnp integer maxpar integer maxparb integer maxquad ! real ( kind = 8 ) area(maxquad,maxelm) real ( kind = 8 ) cost real ( kind = 8 ) costar real ( kind = 8 ) costb real ( kind = 8 ) costp real ( kind = 8 ) costu real ( kind = 8 ) costv real ( kind = 8 ) dopt(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) dpara3(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) dparsn(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) dparfd(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) dparfdc(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) dpdyn(maxnp) real ( kind = 8 ) dudyn(maxnp) real ( kind = 8 ) dvdyn(maxnp) real ( kind = 8 ) dydpn(maxnp,maxparb) real ( kind = 8 ) epsdif character ( len = 2 ) eqn(maxeqn) real ( kind = 8 ) etan(6) character ( len = 30 ) fileg character ( len = 30 ) filet real ( kind = 8 ) g(maxeqn) real ( kind = 8 ) g1(maxeqn) real ( kind = 8 ) g2(maxeqn) real ( kind = 8 ) g3(maxeqn) real ( kind = 8 ) gdif(maxeqn,maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) gold(maxeqn) real ( kind = 8 ) gopt(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) gradf(maxeqn,maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) gtar(maxeqn) integer i integer ibc integer ifscan integer ifstar integer ibscan integer ibstar integer ibump integer idfd integer ids integer ierror integer ifds integer igrad integer igunit integer ijac integer indx(3,maxnp) integer iopt(maxpar) integer iplot integer isotri(maxelm) integer istep1 integer istep2 integer itar integer itunit integer itype integer ivopt(liv) integer iwrite integer j integer jjac integer jstep1 integer jstep2 logical lval integer maxnew integer maxstp integer node(6,maxelm) integer nopt integer npar integer nparb integer nparf integer npe integer nquad integer nstep3 integer nx integer ny real ( kind = 8 ) para1(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) para2(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) para3(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) partar(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) sens(maxeqn,maxpar) character ( len = 20 ) syseqn real ( kind = 8 ) tolnew real ( kind = 8 ) tolopt real ( kind = 8 ) vopt(lv) real ( kind = 8 ) wateb real ( kind = 8 ) wateb1 real ( kind = 8 ) wateb2 real ( kind = 8 ) watep real ( kind = 8 ) wateu real ( kind = 8 ) watev real ( kind = 8 ) xblcan real ( kind = 8 ) xbltar real ( kind = 8 ) xbrcan real ( kind = 8 ) xbrtar real ( kind = 8 ) xprof real ( kind = 8 ) xsin(6) real ( kind = 8 ) yblcan real ( kind = 8 ) ybltar real ( kind = 8 ) ybrcan real ( kind = 8 ) ybrtar ! ! Initialize the logical flags. ! lval = .false. call lmemry('init','nothing',lval) ! ! Add the names of individual logical flags. ! lval = .false. call lmemry('name','fd_grad',lval) call lmemry('name','have_fp',lval) call lmemry('name','target',lval) ! ! Assign initial values to the flags. ! lval = .false. call lmemry('set','fd_grad',lval) lval = .false. call lmemry('set','have_fp',lval) lval = .false. call lmemry('set','target',lval) ! ! Set plain old variables. ! area(1:maxquad,1:maxelm) = 0.0D+00 cost = 0.0D+00 costar = 0.0D+00 costb = 0.0D+00 costp = 0.0D+00 costu = 0.0D+00 costv = 0.0D+00 dopt(1:maxpar) = 1.0D+00 do i = 1,maxpar dpara3(i) = 0.0D+00 dparfd(i) = 0.0D+00 dparfdc(i) = 0.0D+00 dparsn(i) = 0.0D+00 end do do i = 1,maxnp dpdyn(i) = 0.0D+00 dudyn(i) = 0.0D+00 dvdyn(i) = 0.0D+00 end do do i = 1,maxnp do j = 1,maxparb dydpn(i,j) = 0.0D+00 end do end do epsdif = 2.0E-07 eqn(1:maxeqn) = '??' etan(1) = 0.0D+00 etan(2) = 1.0D+00 etan(3) = 0.0D+00 etan(4) = 0.5 etan(5) = 0.5 etan(6) = 0.0D+00 fileg = 'display.dat' filet = 'march.txt' g(1:maxeqn) = 0.0D+00 g1(1:maxeqn) = 0.0D+00 g2(1:maxeqn) = 0.0D+00 g3(1:maxeqn) = 0.0D+00 gold(1:maxeqn) = 0.0D+00 gopt(1:maxpar) = 0.0D+00 do i = 1,maxeqn do j = 1,maxpar gdif(i,j) = 0.0D+00 end do end do gradf(1:maxeqn,1:maxpar) = 0.0D+00 gtar(1:maxeqn) = 0.0D+00 ibc = 0 ifscan = 2 ifstar = 2 ibscan = 2 ibstar = 2 ibump = 2 idfd = 1 ids = 1 ierror = 0 ifds = 1 igrad = 1 igunit = 0 ijac = 1 indx(1:3,1:maxnp) = 0 iopt(1:maxpar) = 0 iplot = 0 do i = 1,maxelm isotri(i) = 0 end do istep1 = 1 istep2 = 1 itar = 0 itunit = 0 itype = 3 ivopt(1:liv) = 0 iwrite = 0 jjac = 1 jstep1 = 1 jstep2 = 1 maxnew = 10 maxstp = 10 do i = 1,6 do j = 1,maxelm node(i,j) = 0 end do end do nopt = 0 npar = 1 nparb = 0 nparf = 0 npe = 6 nquad = 3 nstep3 = 0 nx = 11 ny = 4 para1(1:maxpar) = 0.0D+00 para2(1:maxpar) = 0.0D+00 para3(1:maxpar) = 0.0D+00 partar(1:maxpar) = 0.0D+00 sens(1:maxeqn,1:maxpar) = 0.0D+00 syseqn = 'NavierStokes' tolnew = 0.0000000001D+00 tolopt = 0.00000000001D+00 vopt(1:lv) = 0.0D+00 wateb = 1.0D+00 wateb1 = 0.0D+00 wateb2 = 1.0D+00 watep = 1.0D+00 wateu = 1.0D+00 watev = 1.0D+00 xblcan = 1.0D+00 xbltar = 1.0D+00 xbrcan = 3.0D+00 xbrtar = 3.0D+00 xprof = 3.0D+00 xsin(1) = 0.0D+00 xsin(2) = 1.0D+00 xsin(3) = 1.0D+00 xsin(4) = 0.5D+00 xsin(5) = 1.0D+00 xsin(6) = 0.5D+00 yblcan = 0.0D+00 ybltar = 0.0D+00 ybrcan = 0.0D+00 ybrtar = 0.0D+00 return end subroutine input(epsdif,fileg,filet,ibc,ifscan,ifstar,ibscan,ibstar,ibump, & idfd,ids,ierror,ifds,igrad,ijac,iopt,iplot,istep1,istep2,itar,itype,iwrite, & jjac,jstep1,jstep2,maxnew,maxpar,maxstp,npar,nparb,nparf,nquad,nstep3,nx,ny, & para1,para2,para3,partar,syseqn,tolnew,tolopt,wateb,wateb1,wateb2,watep, & wateu,watev,xblcan,xbltar,xbrcan,xbrtar,xprof,yblcan,ybltar,ybrcan,ybrtar) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! INPUT takes symbolic commands of the form "name = value" and ! carries them out, assigning values to program variables. ! ! ! For information on the meaning and legal values of the variables, ! please refer to the glossary! ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! integer maxpar ! real ( kind = 8 ) epsdif character ( len = 30 ) fileg character ( len = 30 ) filet integer ibc integer ifscan integer ifstar integer ibscan integer ibstar integer ibump integer idfd integer ids integer ierror integer ifds integer igrad integer ijac integer iopt(maxpar) integer iplot integer istep1 integer istep2 integer itar integer itype integer ival integer iwrite integer jjac integer jstep1 integer jstep2 integer lchar integer lchar2 logical s_eqi integer maxnew integer maxstp character ( len = 80 ) name integer npar integer nparb integer nparf integer nquad integer nrec integer nstep3 integer nx integer ny real ( kind = 8 ) para1(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) para2(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) para3(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) partar(maxpar) character ( len = 80 ) rhs character ( len = 20 ) syseqn real ( kind = 8 ) tolnew real ( kind = 8 ) tolopt real ( kind = 8 ) value real ( kind = 8 ) wateb real ( kind = 8 ) wateb1 real ( kind = 8 ) wateb2 real ( kind = 8 ) watep real ( kind = 8 ) wateu real ( kind = 8 ) watev real ( kind = 8 ) xblcan real ( kind = 8 ) xbltar real ( kind = 8 ) xbrcan real ( kind = 8 ) xbrtar real ( kind = 8 ) xprof real ( kind = 8 ) yblcan real ( kind = 8 ) ybltar real ( kind = 8 ) ybrcan real ( kind = 8 ) ybrtar ! write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Input - Note:' write ( *, * ) ' Reading user input file.' write ( *, * ) ' ' nrec = 0 ! ! Read the next line of input. ! 10 continue call namels(name,ierror,rhs,value) lchar = len_trim ( name ) if ( ierror == 0 ) then ! ! Echo the input line. If the input quantity had an "integer" ! name, then print it as an integer. ! if ( s_eqi(name(1:4),'file') ) then lchar2 = len_trim ( rhs ) write(*,'(a,'' = '',a)')name(1:lchar),rhs(1:lchar2) else if (s_eqi(name(1:6),'syseqn') ) then lchar2 = len_trim ( rhs ) write(*,'(a,'' = '',a)')name(1:lchar),rhs(1:lchar2) else if ((lge(name(1:1),'I').and.lle(name(1:1),'N')).or. & (lge(name(1:1),'i').and.lle(name(1:1),'n')) ) then write(*,'(a,'' = '',i14)')name(1:lchar),int(value) else write(*,'(a,'' = '',g14.6)')name(1:lchar),value end if if ( s_eqi(name,'epsdif') ) then epsdif = value else if (s_eqi(name,'fileg') ) then fileg = rhs(1:30) else if (s_eqi(name,'filet') ) then filet = rhs(1:30) else if (s_eqi(name,'ibc') ) then ibc = int(value) else if (s_eqi(name,'ibump') ) then ibump = int(value) else if (s_eqi(name,'idfd') ) then idfd = int(value) else if (s_eqi(name,'ids') ) then ids = int(value) else if (s_eqi(name,'ifds') ) then ifds = int(value) else if (s_eqi(name,'igrad') ) then igrad = int(value) else if (s_eqi(name,'ijac') ) then ijac = int(value) else if (s_eqi(name(1:5),'iopt(') ) then call chrcti(name(6:),ival,ierror,lchar) if ( ierror/= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Input - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' ChrCTI returned nonzero error flag!' stop end if if ( ival<1.or.ival>maxpar ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Input - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Index of IOPT is out of bounds!' stop end if iopt(ival) = int(value) else if (s_eqi(name,'iplot') ) then iplot = int(value) else if (s_eqi(name,'ishapb') ) then ibscan = int(value) else if (s_eqi(name,'ishapbt') ) then ibstar = int(value) else if (s_eqi(name,'ishapf') ) then ifscan = int(value) else if (s_eqi(name,'ishapft') ) then ifstar = int(value) else if (s_eqi(name,'istep1') ) then istep1 = int(value) else if (s_eqi(name,'istep2') ) then istep2 = int(value) else if (s_eqi(name,'itar') ) then itar = int(value) else if (s_eqi(name,'itype') ) then itype = int(value) else if (s_eqi(name,'iwrite') ) then iwrite = int(value) else if (s_eqi(name,'jjac') ) then jjac = int(value) else if (s_eqi(name,'jstep1') ) then jstep1 = int(value) else if (s_eqi(name,'jstep2') ) then jstep2 = int(value) else if (s_eqi(name,'maxnew') ) then maxnew = int(value) else if (s_eqi(name,'maxstp') ) then maxstp = int(value) else if (s_eqi(name,'nparb') ) then nparb = int(value) npar = nparf+nparb+1 else if (s_eqi(name,'nparf') ) then nparf = int(value) npar = nparf+nparb+1 else if (s_eqi(name,'nquad') ) then nquad = int(value) if ( nquad/= 3.and.nquad/=7 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Input - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' NQUAD must be 3 or 7.' write ( *, * ) ' Your value was ',nquad stop end if else if (s_eqi(name,'nstep3') ) then nstep3 = int(value) else if (s_eqi(name,'nx') ) then nx = int(value) else if (s_eqi(name,'ny') ) then ny = int(value) else if (s_eqi(name(1:6),'para1(') ) then call chrcti(name(7:),ival,ierror,lchar) if ( ierror /= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Input - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' ChrCTI returned nonzero error flag!' stop end if if ( ival<1.or.ival>maxpar ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Input - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Index of PARA1 is out of bounds!' stop end if para1(ival) = value else if (s_eqi(name(1:6),'para2(') ) then call chrcti(name(7:),ival,ierror,lchar) if ( ierror/= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Input - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' ChrCTI returned nonzero error flag!' stop end if if ( ival<1.or.ival>maxpar ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Input - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Index of PARA2 is out of bounds!' stop end if para2(ival) = value else if (s_eqi(name(1:6),'para3(') ) then call chrcti(name(7:),ival,ierror,lchar) if ( ierror/= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Input - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' ChrCTI returned nonzero error flag!' stop end if if ( ival<1.or.ival>maxpar ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Input - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Index of PARA3 is out of bounds!' stop end if para3(ival) = value else if (s_eqi(name(1:7),'partar(') ) then call chrcti(name(8:),ival,ierror,lchar) if ( ierror/= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Input - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' ChrCTI returned nonzero error flag!' stop end if if ( ival<1.or.ival>maxpar ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Input - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Index of PARTAR is out of bounds!' stop end if partar(ival) = value else if (s_eqi(name,'syseqn') ) then syseqn = rhs(1:20) else if (s_eqi(name,'tolnew') ) then tolnew = value else if (s_eqi(name,'tolopt') ) then tolopt = value else if (s_eqi(name,'wateu') ) then wateu = value else if (s_eqi(name,'watev') ) then watev = value else if (s_eqi(name,'watep') ) then watep = value else if (s_eqi(name,'wateb') ) then wateb = value else if (s_eqi(name,'wateb1') ) then wateb1 = value else if (s_eqi(name,'wateb2') ) then wateb2 = value else if (s_eqi(name,'xbleft') ) then xblcan = value else if (s_eqi(name,'xbltar') ) then xbltar = value else if (s_eqi(name,'xbrite') ) then xbrcan = value else if (s_eqi(name,'xbrtar') ) then xbrtar = value else if (s_eqi(name,'xprof') ) then xprof = value else if (s_eqi(name,'ybleft') ) then yblcan = value else if (s_eqi(name,'ybltar') ) then ybltar = value else if (s_eqi(name,'ybrite') ) then ybrcan = value else if (s_eqi(name,'ybrtar') ) then ybrtar = value ! ! Unknown name. ! else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Input - Unknown variable!' write ( *, * ) ' Variable name = '//name(1:lchar) write ( *, * ) ' Assigned value = ',value write ( *, * ) ' ' end if ! ! IERROR = 2, possible "STOP" or "GO" statement. ! else if (ierror == 2 ) then if ( s_eqi(name,'go') ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'GO command!' ierror = 0 return else if (s_eqi(name,'stop') ) then ierror = 1 write ( *, * ) 'STOP command!' return else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Input - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' NameLS error of type ',ierror write ( *, * ) ' Card follows:' write(*,'(a)')name write ( *, * ) ' ' stop end if ! ! IERROR = 1, blank line. ! else if (ierror == 1 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' ! ! IERROR = 3, or 4, miscellaneous error. ! else if (ierror ==3.or.ierror==4 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Input - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' NameLS error of type ',ierror write ( *, * ) ' ' ! ! IERROR = 6, comment. ! else if (ierror ==6 ) then write(*,'(a)')name(1:lchar) ! ! IERROR = 5, hard end of input. ! else if (ierror ==5 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Input - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' "Hard" end of input.' write ( *, * ) ' A total of ',nrec,' records were read.' write ( *, * ) ' ' return ! ! IERROR = 7, "soft" end of input. ! else if (ierror ==7 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Input - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' "Soft" end of input.' write ( *, * ) ' A total of ',nrec,' records were read.' return ! ! Unrecognized error. ! else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Input - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Unrecognized error from NameLS.' write ( *, * ) ' IERROR = ',ierror write ( *, * ) ' Forcing a STOP!' stop end if nrec = nrec+1 go to 10 end subroutine interv(xt,lxt,x,left,mflag) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! INTERV computes LEFT, the maximum value of I so that ! ! 1 <= I <= XT ! ! and ! ! XT(I) <= X. ! ! The routine is designed to be efficient in the common situation ! that it is called repeatedly, with X taken from an increasing ! or decreasing sequence. ! ! This will happen when a piecewise polynomial is to be graphed. ! The first guess for LEFT is therefore taken to be the value ! returned at the previous call and stored in the local variable ! ILO. ! ! A first check ascertains that ILO < LXT. This is necessary ! since the present call may have nothing to do with the previous ! call. Then, if XT(ILO) <= X < XT(ILO+1), we set LEFT=ILO ! and are done after just three comparisons. ! ! Otherwise, we repeatedly double the difference ISTEP = IHI-ILO ! while also moving ILO and IHI in the direction of X, until ! XT(ILO) <= X < XT(IHI) ! after which we use bisection to get, in addition, ILO+1 = IHI. ! LEFT = ILO is then returned. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! FORTRAN90 version by John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! XT Input, real XT(LXT), a nondecreasing sequence of ! values. ! ! LXT Input, integer LXT, the dimension of XT. ! ! X Input, real X, the point whose location with ! respect to the sequence XT is to be determined. ! ! LEFT, ! MFLAG Output, integer LEFT, integer MFLAG, whose value is ! ! 1 -1 if X < XT(1) ! I 0 if XT(I) <= X < XT(I+1) ! LXT 1 if XT(LXT) <= X ! ! In particular, MFLAG = 0 is the 'usual' case. MFLAG/=0 ! indicates that X lies outside the half open interval ! XT(1)<= Y= lxt ) then if ( x>= xt(lxt))go to 110 if ( lxt<= 1 ) then mflag = -1 left = 1 return end if ilo = lxt-1 ihi = lxt end if ! if (x >= xt(ihi))go to 40 if ( x>= xt(ilo) ) then mflag = 0 left = ilo return end if ! ! Now X < XT(ILO). Decrease ILO to capture X. ! istep = 1 31 continue ihi = ilo ilo = ihi - istep if ( ilo > 1 ) then if (x >= xt(ilo))go to 50 istep = istep*2 go to 31 end if ilo = 1 if ( x XT(IHI). Increase IHI to capture X. ! 40 continue istep = 1 41 continue ilo = ihi ihi = ilo + istep if ( ihi= xt(lxt))go to 110 ihi = lxt ! ! Now XT(ILO) <= X < XT(IHI). Narrow the interval. ! 50 continue middle = (ilo + ihi)/2 if ( middle ==ilo ) then mflag = 0 left = ilo return end if ! ! It is assumed that MIDDLE = ILO in case IHI = ILO+1. ! if ( x>= xt(middle) ) then ilo = middle else ihi = middle end if go to 50 ! ! Set output and return. ! 110 continue mflag = 1 if ( x ==xt(lxt) ) then mflag = 0 end if do left = lxt,1,-1 if ( xt(left)dmax ) then isamax = i dmax = abs(dx(ix)) ix = ix + incx end if end do return ! 20 dmax = abs(dx(1)) do i = 2,n if ( abs(dx(i))>dmax ) then isamax = i dmax = abs(dx(i)) end if end do return end subroutine lbase(ival,npol,pval,xpol,xval) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! LBASE evalualates the IVAL-th Lagrange polynomial. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! IVAL Input, integer IVAL, the polynomial to evaluate. ! IVAL should be between 1 and NPOL. ! ! NPOL Input, integer NPOL, the number of points that define ! the Lagrange polynomials. ! ! PVAL Output, real PVAL, the value of the IVAL-th ! Lagrange polynomial at the point XVAL. ! ! XPOL Input, real XPOL(NPOL), the abscissas of the ! Lagrange polynomials. The entries in XPOL should be ! distinct. ! ! XVAL Input, real XVAL, the point at which the ! IVAL-th Lagrange polynomial is to be evaluated. ! ! integer npol ! integer i integer ival real ( kind = 8 ) pval real ( kind = 8 ) xpol(npol) real ( kind = 8 ) xval ! pval = 1.0D+00 do i = 1,npol if ( i/= ival ) then pval = pval*(xval-xpol(i))/(xpol(ival)-xpol(i)) end if end do return end subroutine lmemry(action,name,lval) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! LMEMRY allows the user to define the name of a logical variable, ! set it, increment it, or get the value. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! ACTION Input, Character*(*) ACTION, desired action. ! ! 'Init', reset all values to FALSE, wipe out all names. ! 'Name', add a variable of the given name. ! 'Not', replace value of NAME by NOT.NAME. ! 'Set', set variable NAME to LVAL. ! 'Get', return value of NAME in LVAL. ! ! NAME Input, Character*(*) NAME, the name of the variable. ! ! LVAL Input/output, Logical LVAL. ! ! For the 'Set' command, LVAL must contain the set value. ! ! For the 'Get' command, LVAL will contain the value of the ! named variable on output. ! integer, parameter :: maxnam = 100 ! character ( len = * ) action integer i integer lenc logical lval logical, save, dimension ( maxnam ) :: lvals logical s_eqi character ( len = * ) name character ( len = 20 ) names(maxnam) integer numnam ! save names save numnam ! lenc = len_trim ( name ) ! ! Initialize everything. ! if ( s_eqi(action,'init') ) then numnam = 0 do i = 1,maxnam lvals(i) = .false. names(i) = ' ' end do ! ! Name something. ! else if (s_eqi(action,'name') ) then do i = 1,numnam if ( s_eqi(name,names(i)) ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'LMemry - Warning!' write(*,'('' There is ALREADY a variable '',a)') name(1:lenc) return end if end do if ( numnam= 97 .and. inta<=122 ) inta = inta - 32 if ( intb>= 97 .and. intb<=122 ) intb = intb - 32 ! else if ( zcode == 233 .or. zcode== 169 ) then ! ! EBCDIC is assumed - ZCODE is the EBCDIC code of either lower or ! upper case 'Z'. ! if ( inta>= 129 .and. inta<=137 .or. & inta>= 145 .and. inta<=153 .or. & inta>= 162 .and. inta<=169 ) inta = inta + 64 if ( intb>= 129 .and. intb<=137 .or. & intb>= 145 .and. intb<=153 .or. & intb>= 162 .and. intb<=169 ) intb = intb + 64 ! else if ( zcode == 218 .or. zcode==250 ) then ! ! ASCII is assumed, on Prime machines - ZCODE is the ASCII code ! plus 128 of either lower or upper case 'Z'. ! if ( inta>= 225 .and. inta<=250 ) inta = inta - 32 if ( intb >= 225 .and. intb <= 250 ) intb = intb - 32 end if lsame = ( inta == intb ) return end subroutine lspoly(coef,ncoef,x,y,val) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! LSPOLY evaluates a polynomial in (1, x, y, x*x, xy, y*y) at a given point (x,y). ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! integer ncoef ! real ( kind = 8 ) coef(ncoef) real ( kind = 8 ) val real ( kind = 8 ) x real ( kind = 8 ) y ! val = coef(1) + coef(2)*x + coef(3)*y+ coef(4)*x*x + coef(5)*x*y + coef(6)*y*y return end subroutine march(a,area,base,dir,dpara3,dparsn,dparfd,dparfdc,dpdyn,dudyn, & dvdyn,dydpn,epsdif,eqn,etan,etaq,g,g1,g2,g3,gdif,gdifc,gold,gradf,gtar,ibc, & ifs,ibs,idfd,ids,ifds,igunit,ijac,indx,iopt,ipivot,iplot,isotri,istep1, & istep2,itunit,iwrite,jjac,jstep1,jstep2,maxeqn,maxnew,maxstp,ndim,nelem, & neqn,nlband,node,np,npar,nparb,nparf,npe,nprof,nquad,nrow,nstep3,numel,nx, & ny,para,para1,para2,para3,phi,res,sens,splbmp,splflo,syseqn,taubmp, & tauflo,tolnew,wateb,wateb1,wateb2,watep,wateu,watev,wquad,xbl,xbr,xc,xprof, & xquad,xsin,xsiq,ybl,ybr,yc,yquad) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! MARCH carries out a one, two or three dimensional "march". ! ! In a one dimensional march: ! ! Step: ParNew ! ! IStep1 Para1 ! IStep2 Para2 ! ! Para(IStep) = ( (IStep2-IStep)*Para1 + (IStep-IStep1)*Para2) ! / (IStep2-IStep1) ! ! In a two dimensional march: ! ! Step: ParNew ! ! IStep1, JStep1 Para1 ! IStep2, JStep2 Para3 ! ! Para(Istep,Jstep) = Para1 + (IStep-IStep1)*Dir1 ! + (J (JStep-JStep1)*Dir2 ! ! The vector Para2 is used to determine the orthogonal directions Dir1 ! and Dir2. Dir1 is the direction from Para1 to Para2. Dir2 is the ! vector which is normal to Dir1 and passes through Para3. ! ! In a three dimensional march: ! ! Step: ParNew WateB ! ! IStep1, JStep1, 1 Para1 WateB1 ! IStep2, JStep2, 1 Para3 WateB1 ! ! IStep1, JStep1, NStep3 Para1 WateB2 ! IStep2, JStep2, NStep3 Para3 WateB2 ! ! Para(IStep,JStep.KStep) = Para1 + (IStep-IStep1)*Dir1 ! + (JStep-JStep1)*Dir2 ! WateB(IStep,JStep,KStep) = ((NStep3-KStep)*WateB1+(KStep-1)*WateB2) ! / (NStep3-1) ! ! The vector Para2 is used to determine the orthogonal directions Dir1 ! and Dir2. Dir1 is the direction from Para1 to Para2. Dir2 is the ! vector which is normal to Dir1 and passes through Para3. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! integer maxeqn integer ndim integer nelem integer neqn integer np integer npar integer nparb integer nparf integer nquad integer nrow integer nx integer ny ! real ( kind = 8 ) a(nrow,neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) area(nquad,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) base(npar,ndim) real ( kind = 8 ) cost real ( kind = 8 ) costb real ( kind = 8 ) costp real ( kind = 8 ) costu real ( kind = 8 ) costv real ( kind = 8 ) dir(npar,ndim) real ( kind = 8 ) dist(3) real ( kind = 8 ) dpara3(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) dparsn(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) dparfd(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) dparfdc(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) dpdyn(np) real ( kind = 8 ) dudyn(np) real ( kind = 8 ) dvdyn(np) real ( kind = 8 ) dydpn(np,nparb) real ( kind = 8 ) epsdif character ( len = 2 ) eqn(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) etan(6) real ( kind = 8 ) etaq(nquad) real ( kind = 8 ) g(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) g1(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) g2(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) g3(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) gdif(maxeqn,npar) real ( kind = 8 ) gdifc(maxeqn,npar) real ( kind = 8 ) gold(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) gpoptfd(3) real ( kind = 8 ) gpoptsn(3) real ( kind = 8 ) gpopt3(3) real ( kind = 8 ) gradf(maxeqn,npar) real ( kind = 8 ) gtar(neqn) integer i integer ibc integer ifs integer ibs integer idfd integer ids integer ierror integer ifds integer igunit integer ijac integer indx(3,np) integer info integer iopt(npar) integer ipar integer ipivot(neqn) integer iplot integer isotri(nelem) integer istep integer istep1 integer istep2 integer itunit integer iwrite integer j integer jjac integer jstep integer jstep1 integer jstep2 integer kstep logical lmat integer maxnew integer maxstp integer nlband integer node(6,nelem) integer npe integer nprof(2*ny-1) integer nstep1 integer nstep2 integer nstep3 integer numel(np) integer numstp real ( kind = 8 ) para(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) para1(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) para2(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) para3(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) phi(nquad,6,10,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) res(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) sens(maxeqn,npar) real ( kind = 8 ) splbmp(4,nparb+2,0:nparb) real ( kind = 8 ) splflo(4,nparf+2,0:nparf) character ( len = 20 ) syseqn real ( kind = 8 ) taubmp(nparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) tauflo(nparf+2) character ( len = 30 ) title real ( kind = 8 ) tolnew real ( kind = 8 ) wateb real ( kind = 8 ) wateb1 real ( kind = 8 ) wateb2 real ( kind = 8 ) watep real ( kind = 8 ) wateu real ( kind = 8 ) watev real ( kind = 8 ) wquad(nquad) real ( kind = 8 ) xbl real ( kind = 8 ) xbr real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xprof real ( kind = 8 ) xquad(nquad,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) xsin(6) real ( kind = 8 ) xsiq(nquad) real ( kind = 8 ) ybl real ( kind = 8 ) ybr real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yquad(nquad,nelem) ! if ( maxstp<= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'MARCH - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' No marching steps were requested!' return end if write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'MARCH - Note:' write ( *, * ) ' Begin march!' numstp = 0 gpoptfd(1:3) = 0.0D+00 gpoptsn(1:3) = 0.0D+00 gpopt3(1:3) = 0.0D+00 ! ! Set up certain marching indices and variables so that they ! are correct no matter whether this is a 1, 2 or 3 dimensional march. ! if ( ndim == 1 ) then jstep1 = 1 jstep2 = 1 nstep1 = maxstp nstep2 = 1 nstep3 = 1 wateb1 = wateb wateb2 = wateb else if (ndim == 2 ) then nstep1 = maxstp nstep2 = maxstp nstep3 = 1 else if (ndim ==3 ) then nstep1 = maxstp nstep2 = maxstp wateb1 = wateb wateb2 = wateb end if ! if ( itunit/= 0 ) then write(itunit,*)'NSTEP1 = ',nstep1 write(itunit,*)'NSTEP2 = ',nstep2 write(itunit,*)'NSTEP3 = ',nstep3 end if ! ! Compute the direction vectors for the marching plane. ! In 3 dimensions, we only compute two direction vectors, since the ! bump weight is assumed to be the only variable in the third ! direction. ! do ipar = 1,npar dir(ipar,1) = para2(ipar)-para1(ipar) if ( ndim>= 2 ) then dir(ipar,2) = para3(ipar)-para1(ipar) end if if ( ndim>= 3 ) then dir(ipar,3) = 0.0D+00 end if end do ! ! Set up the vectors that span the marching space. ! do i = 1,npar base(i,1) = para2(i)-para1(i) if ( ndim>= 2 ) then base(i,2) = para3(i)-para1(i) end if if ( ndim>= 3 ) then base(i,3) = 0.0D+00 end if end do ! ! Use orthonormalization to get a marching basis. ! call probas(base,npar,ndim) ! ! Compute DIST, the length of a single marching step in each direction. ! if ( ndim == 1 ) then dist(1) = 0.0D+00 do j = 1,npar dist(1) = dist(1)+(para2(j)-para1(j))**2 end do dist(1) = sqrt(dist(1)) dist(1) = dist(1)/real(istep2-istep1, kind = 8 ) else if (ndim == 2.or.ndim==3 ) then do j = 1,npar dir(j,1) = para3(j)-para1(j) end do write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'March: Para3-Para1:' write ( *, * ) ' ' call prpar(nparb,nparf,dir) call projec(base,npar,2,dir,dist) dist(1) = dist(1)/real(istep2-istep1, kind = 8 ) dist(2) = dist(2)/real(jstep2-jstep1, kind = 8 ) write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'March: Distances = ',dist(1),dist(2) end if ! ! Now do the marching. ! do kstep = 1,nstep3 write(itunit,*)'KSTEP = ',kstep if ( nstep3>1 ) then wateb = (real(nstep3-kstep, kind = 8 )*wateb1+real(kstep-1, kind = 8 )*wateb2)/ real(nstep3-1, kind = 8 ) write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'March - Value of WATEB is now ',wateb end if ! ! Because of special nature of the third dimension, we ! wait til now to start G and PARNEW at zero. ! do i = 1,neqn g(i) = 0.0D+00 end do ! ! Now compute MAXSTP lines of solutions, each containing ! MAXSTP points. ! do jstep = 1,nstep2 write ( *, * ) 'JSTEP = ',jstep do istep = 1,nstep1 write(*,'(1x,3i6)')istep,jstep,kstep write(itunit,*)'ISTEP = ',istep ! ! Copy the old solution and parameters. ! do i = 1,neqn gold(i) = g(i) end do ! ! Set the current parameters, PARA. ! if ( ndim == 1 ) then do j = 1,npar para(j) = ( real(istep2-istep, kind = 8 )*para1(j) + real(istep-istep1, kind = 8 )*para2(j) ) & / real(istep2-istep1, kind = 8 ) end do else do j = 1,npar para(j) = para1(j)+(istep-istep1)*dist(1)*base(j,1) & +(jstep-jstep1)*dist(2)*base(j,2) end do end if ! ! For the first step along a line of solutions, retrieve the ! solution computed on the previous line. ! if ( istep == 1.and.jstep/=1 ) then do i = 1,neqn g(i) = g3(i) end do end if ! ! Compute the flow variables G that correspond to PARNEW. ! call flosol(a,area,eqn,etaq,g,g2,ifs,ibs,ierror,ijac,indx,ipivot, & isotri,iwrite,jjac,maxnew,nelem,neqn,nlband,node,np,npar,nparb, & nparf,nquad,nrow,nx,ny,para,phi,res,splbmp,splflo,syseqn,taubmp, & tauflo,tolnew,wquad,xbl,xbr,xc,xquad,xsiq,ybl,ybr,yc,yquad) ! ! Get the cost function J. ! call getcst(cost,costb,costp,costu,costv,g,gtar,ibs,indx,neqn,np, & nparb,nprof,ny,splbmp,taubmp,wateb,watep,wateu,watev,xbl,xbr,ybl, & ybr,yc) ! ! Get the finite difference sensitivities dU/dPARA. ! call getgrd(a,area,cost,dpara3,epsdif,eqn,etaq,g,g1,g2,gdif,gtar, & ifs,ibs,ierror,ijac,indx,iopt,ipivot,isotri,iwrite,jjac,maxeqn, & maxnew,nelem,neqn,nlband,node,np,npar,nparb,nparf,nprof,nquad, & nrow,nx,ny,para,phi,res,splbmp,splflo,syseqn,taubmp,tauflo,tolnew, & wateb,watep,wateu,watev,wquad,xbl,xbr,xc,xquad,xsiq,ybl, & ybr,yc,yquad) ! ! Get dPdY, dUdY and dVdY, compute the correction term ! GRADF, and the GDIFC, the corrected finite difference estimate ! of the sensitivity. ! call getdu(dpdyn,dudyn,dvdyn,etan,g,indx,isotri,nelem,neqn,node,np, & numel,xc,xsin,yc) call getfix(dpdyn,dudyn,dvdyn,dydpn,gradf,ibs,indx,iopt,maxeqn,np, & npar,nparb,nparf,splbmp,taubmp,xbl,xbr,xc,yc) do i = 1,neqn do j = 1,npar gdifc(i,j) = gdif(i,j)-gradf(i,j) end do end do ! ! Get the discretized sensitivities. ! lmat = .false. call lmemry('get','have_fp',lmat) if ( .not.lmat ) then call fp(a,area,eqn,g,indx,nelem,neqn,nlband,node,np,npar,nparb, & nparf,nquad,nrow,para,phi,syseqn) call sgbtrf(neqn,neqn,nlband,nlband,a,nrow,ipivot,info) if ( info/= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'March - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Jacobian factorization failed.' write ( *, * ) ' SGBTRF returns nonzero INFO = ',info else lmat = .true. call lmemry('set','have_fp',lmat) end if end if if ( lmat ) then call getsen(a,area,dudyn,dvdyn,eqn,g,ibc,ifs,ibs,indx,iopt,ipivot, & maxeqn,nelem,neqn,nlband,node,np,npar,nparb,nparf,nquad,nrow, & phi,sens,splbmp,splflo,taubmp,tauflo,xc,yc) end if ! ! For the first step along a line of solutions, save the ! solution for use on the next line. ! if ( istep == 1 ) then do i = 1,neqn g3(i) = g(i) end do end if if ( iwrite == 1 ) then write ( *, * ) 'Cost:',cost else if (iwrite>= 2 ) then title = 'Cost' call prcost2(cost,costb,costp,costu,costv,title,wateb,watep, & wateu,watev) end if ! ! Print stuff. ! numstp = numstp+1 call getder(dparfd,g,gtar,ibs,indx,maxeqn,neqn,np,npar,nparb,nparf, & nprof,ny,gdif,splbmp,taubmp,wateb,watep,wateu,watev,xbl,xbr,ybl, & ybr,yc) call getder(dparfdc,g,gtar,ibs,indx,maxeqn,neqn,np,npar,nparb,nparf, & nprof,ny,gdifc,splbmp,taubmp,wateb,watep,wateu,watev,xbl,xbr,ybl, & ybr,yc) call getder(dparsn,g,gtar,ibs,indx,maxeqn,neqn,np,npar,nparb,nparf, & nprof,ny,sens,splbmp,taubmp,wateb,watep,wateu,watev,xbl,xbr,ybl, & ybr,yc) call prsol(dpara3,dparfd,dparfdc,dparsn,g,g2,gdif,gdifc,idfd,ids,ifds, & indx,iwrite,maxeqn,neqn,np,npar,nparb,nparf,numstp,para,sens) if ( itunit/= 0 ) then call projec(base,npar,ndim,dpara3,gpopt3) call projec(base,npar,ndim,dparfd,gpoptfd) call projec(base,npar,ndim,dparsn,gpoptsn) write(itunit,*)'COST = ',cost write(itunit,'(1x,6g14.6)')(para(i),i = 1,npar) write(itunit,'(1x,5g14.6)')(gpoptsn(i),i = 1,ndim) write(itunit,'(1x,5g14.6)')(gpoptfd(i),i = 1,ndim) write(itunit,'(1x,5g14.6)')(gpopt3(i),i = 1,ndim) end if ! ! Shall we save DISPLAY graphics information to a file? ! if ( iplot<0 ) then if ( (istep ==istep1.and.jstep==jstep1.and.kstep== 1).or. & (istep ==istep2.and.jstep==jstep2.and.kstep==nstep3) ) then call pltwrt(eqn,g,gdif,igunit,indx,isotri,iwrite,maxeqn,nelem, & neqn,node,np,npar,npe,nprof,nx,ny,para,sens,xc,xprof,yc) end if end if end do end do end do ! ! The last record in a marching file that includes finite differences ! should be the lengths of the sides. ! if ( itunit/= 0 ) then write(itunit,'(1x,5g14.6)')(dist(i),i = 1,ndim) end if return end subroutine maropn(filet,itunit) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! MAROPN opens the marching file. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! FILET Input, character ( len = 30 ) FILET. ! ! FILET contains the name of the file into which the marching ! information will be stored. If FILET = 'none', or ' ', then ! no marching file is opened. ! ! ITUNIT Output, integer ITUNIT. ! ! The FORTRAN unit used for writing data to the marching file. ! ! character ( len = 30 ) filet integer itunit logical s_eqi ! ! Return immediately if no marching file was requested. ! if ( s_eqi(filet,'none').or.filet ==' ' ) then itunit = 0 return end if if ( itunit == 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'MarOpn - Note:' write ( *, * ) ' Opening the marching file FILET = ' // trim ( filet ) write ( *, * ) ' ' ! ! Delete any old copy of the file. ! itunit = 12 open ( unit = itunit, file=filet,status='unknown',form='formatted', & access = 'sequential',err=10) return ! ! Write a warning if the file could not be opened. ! 10 continue write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'MarOpn - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' The marching file could not be opened.' itunit = 0 ! ! Marching file is already open. ! else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'MarOpn - Note:' write ( *, * ) ' The marching file is already opened.' write ( *, * ) ' New information will be appended.' end if return end subroutine namels ( name, ierror, rhs, value ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! NAMELS reads a line of "namelist" data. ! ! Discussion: ! ! This routine reads a line of user input which is similar in form ! to NAMELIST input, and returns the name of the variable ! and its value. ! ! NAMELS is a simple routine, and can only handle simple input. ! In particular, it cannot handle: ! ! multiple assignments on one line, ! a single assignment extended over multiple lines, ! assignments to character or complex variables, ! assignments to arrays. ! ! Typical input would be of the form: ! ! name = value ! ! including, for instance: ! ! a = 1.0D+00 ! n = -17 ! scale = +5.3E-2 ! ! Spaces are ignored, and case is not important. Integer values ! will be returned as real, but this is never a ! problem as long as the integers are "small". ! ! If a line begins with the character "#", it is assumed to be ! a comment, and is ignored. IERROR is returned as 6. ! ! If a line begins with the characters "end-of-input", it is ! assumed to be an "end-of-input" marker, and IERROR is returned ! as 7. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! NAME Output, character ( len = * ) NAME. ! ! NAME contains the left hand side of the assignment ! statement. ! ! Normally, this will be the name of a variable. ! ! If the input line was blank, then NAME will equal ' '. ! ! If an error occurred while trying to process the ! input line, NAME will contain the text of the line.. ! ! If the line began with "#", then NAME will contain the ! text of the line. ! ! If the line equals "end-of-input", then NAME will contain ! the text of the line. ! ! IERROR Output, integer IERROR. ! ! 0, no errors were detected. ! 1, the line was blank. ! 2, the line did not contain an " = " sign. ! 3, the line did not contain a variable name to the ! left of the " = " sign. ! 4, the right hand side of the assignment did not make ! sense. ! 5, end of input. ! 6, the line began with "#", signifying a comment. ! The text of the line is returned in NAME. ! 7, the line began with "end-of-input". ! ! VALUE Output, real VALUE. ! ! VALUE contains the right hand side of the assignment ! statement. ! ! Normally, this will be a real value. ! ! But if the input line was blank, or if an error occurred ! while trying to process the input line, or if input ! terminated, then VALUE will simply be set to 0. ! ! integer ierror integer lchar logical s_eqi character ( len = 80 ) line character ( len = * ) name integer nchar character ( len = 80 ) rhs real ( kind = 8 ) value ! ! Set default values ! ierror = 0 name = ' ' value = 0.0D+00 ! ! Read a line ! read(*,'(a)',end = 20)line ! ! Empty lines are OK ! if ( len_trim ( line ) <= 0 ) then ierror = 1 return end if ! ! Check for comment. ! if ( line(1:1) =='#' ) then ierror = 6 name = line return end if ! ! Check for "end-of-line". ! if ( s_eqi(line,'end-of-input') ) then ierror = 7 name = line return end if ! ! Does the line contain an = sign? ! if ( index(line,' = ')<=0 ) then ierror = 2 value = 0 name = line return end if ! ! Find the name of the variable to be assigned. ! call chrup2(line,name,' = ') call chrdb1(name) if ( len_trim ( name ) <= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'NameLS - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' The following input line was ignored, because' write ( *, * ) ' there was no variable name on the left hand' write ( *, * ) ' side of the assignment statement:' write(*,'(a)')line write ( *, * ) ' ' ierror = 3 return end if ! ! Read the value, as a real number. ! nchar = index(line,'=') rhs = line(nchar+1:) if ( s_eqi(name(1:4),'file'))return if ( s_eqi(name(1:6),'syseqn'))return call chrctd(line(nchar+1:),value,ierror,lchar) if ( ierror/= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'NameLS - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' The following input line was ignored, because' write ( *, * ) ' the right hand side of the assignment statement' write ( *, * ) ' did not seem to make sense:' write(*,'(a)')line write ( *, * ) ' ' ierror = 4 end if return ! ! On end of input, return. ! 20 continue write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'NameLS - Reached end of input.' write ( *, * ) ' ' ierror = 5 return end subroutine newton ( a, area, eqn, g, g2, ifs, ierror, ijac, indx, ipivot, & iwrite, jjac, maxnew, nelem, neqn, nlband, node, np, npar, nparb, & nparf, nquad, nrow, para, phi, res, splflo, syseqn, tauflo, tolnew, & yc ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! NEWTON seeks a solution G of the nonlinear state equations. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The exact solution would have a zero residual, as computed by ! the routine FX. NEWTON uses Newton's method to seek a solution ! whose maximum residual is no more than TOLNEW. The routine FP ! is used to compute the Jacobian of the residual functions. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! integer nelem integer neqn integer np integer npar integer nparf integer nquad integer nrow ! real ( kind = 8 ) a(nrow,neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) area(nquad,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) dmax character ( len = 2 ) eqn(neqn) logical falter real ( kind = 8 ) g(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) g2(neqn) integer i integer ifs integer isamax integer idmax integer ierror integer ijac integer indx(3,np) integer info integer ipivot(neqn) integer irmax integer iter integer iwrite integer ixmax integer jjac logical leval logical lgdif logical lmat logical ltarg logical lzero integer maxnew integer nlband integer node(6,nelem) integer nparb integer nsys real ( kind = 8 ) para(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) phi(nquad,6,10,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) res(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) rmax real ( kind = 8 ) rmax0 real ( kind = 8 ) rmax2 real ( kind = 8 ) splflo(4,nparf+2,0:nparf) character ( len = 20 ) syseqn real ( kind = 8 ) tauflo(nparf+2) real ( kind = 8 ) tolnew real ( kind = 8 ) xmax real ( kind = 8 ) xmax0 real ( kind = 8 ) xmax2 real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) ! ! Initialize the flag that notes whether we have evaluated the ! jacobian during this process. ! leval = .false. ! ! Find out if this is a finite difference calculation. ! lgdif = .false. call lmemry('get','fd_grad',lgdif) ! ! Find out if this is a target calculation. ! ltarg = .false. call lmemry('get','target',ltarg) ! ! Find out if we have a valid, factored, jacobian available. ! lmat = .false. call lmemry('get','have_fp',lmat) nsys = 1 falter = .false. ! ! If there is no inflow, then the answer is easy. G = 0. ! For some reason, the code has trouble figuring this out, ! so make it easy for it! ! lzero = .true. do i = 1,nparf if ( para(i)/= 0.0)lzero=.false. end do if ( lzero ) then do i = 1,neqn g(i) = 0.0D+00 end do return end if ! ! Based on the user input quantities JJAC and KJAC, and ! LGDIF, which tells us whether we are calculating a finite difference, ! and LMAT, which tells us whether we have a valid jacobian, ! determine the frequency with which we expect to update ! the jacobian during this process. ! ! We may revise this value if the process fails. ! if ( jjac == 0 ) then lmat = .false. else if (jjac == 1 ) then if ( .not.lgdif ) then lmat = .false. end if else if (jjac == 2 ) then end if ! ! Start G2 at G. ! Update G2, if necessary, so that it always contains the point ! with the lowest residual. ! do i = 1,neqn g2(i) = g(i) end do ! ! If the first Newton iteration failed, you may want to try again ! by coming back here. ! 10 continue ierror = 0 iter = 0 ! ! Compute the norm of the initial X value. ! ixmax = isamax(neqn,g,1) xmax = abs(g(ixmax)) xmax0 = xmax xmax2 = xmax if ( 4 <= iwrite ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Newton - MaxNorm(X) = ',xmax,' index=',ixmax end if ! ! Evaluate the residual of the initial X value. ! call fx(area,eqn,g,ifs,indx,nelem,neqn,node,np,npar, & nparb,nparf,nquad,para,phi,res,splflo,syseqn,tauflo,yc) irmax = isamax(neqn,res,1) rmax = abs(res(irmax)) rmax0 = rmax rmax2 = rmax if ( 4 <= iwrite ) then write ( *, * ) 'Newton - MaxNorm(FX) = ',rmax,' index=',irmax end if ! ! Accept the point immediately, ! if FX is small enough, and ! this is NOT a finite difference point. ! ! In this case, the jacobian will not be evaluated and factored. ! if ( rmax <= tolnew.and.(.not.lgdif) ) then if ( 3 <= iwrite ) then write ( *, * ) 'Newton - Iterate ',iter,' accepted immediately.' end if return end if ! ! The initial X value is NOT acceptable. We must carry out ! Newton iteration, and attempt to improve it. ! do iter = 1, maxnew ! ! If we have a valid, factored jacobian already, then we may ! reuse it, if it's not too old, and if we're allowed. ! if ( lmat ) then if ( jjac == 0 ) then lmat = .false. else if (jjac == 1 ) then if ( (.not.lgdif).and.mod(iter-1,ijac) == 0 ) then lmat = .false. end if else if (jjac == 2 ) then end if end if ! ! If it's time, evaluate and factor the jacobian. ! if ( .not.lmat ) then call fp(a,area,eqn,g,indx,nelem,neqn,nlband, & node,np,npar,nparb,nparf,nquad,nrow,para,phi,syseqn) call sgbtrf(neqn,neqn,nlband,nlband,a,nrow,ipivot,info) if ( info /= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Newton - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' The jacobian is singular.' write ( *, * ) ' SGBTRF returns INFO = ',info ierror = 1 return end if leval = .true. lmat = .true. call lmemry('set','have_fp',lmat) end if ! ! Solve the linear system A*DX = RES ! call sgbtrs('N',neqn,nlband,nlband,nsys,a,nrow,ipivot,res,neqn,info) if ( info/= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Newton - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' SGBTRS returns nonzero INFO = ',info ierror = 1 return end if idmax = isamax(neqn,res,1) dmax = abs(res(idmax)) if ( iwrite>= 4 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Newton - MaxNorm(DX) = ',dmax,' Index=',idmax end if ! ! Update the estimated solution G. ! lzero = .true. do i = 1,nparf if ( para(i) /= 0.0 ) then lzero=.false. end if end do if ( lzero ) then g(1:neqn) = 0.0D+00 else do i = 1,neqn g(i) = g(i)-res(i) end do end if ! ! Compute the norm of the updated solution G. ! ixmax = isamax(neqn,g,1) xmax = abs(g(ixmax)) if ( 4 <= iwrite ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Newton - MaxNorm(X) = ',xmax,' index=',ixmax end if ! ! Evaluate the residual RES of the current estimated solution. ! call fx(area,eqn,g,ifs,indx,nelem,neqn,node,np,npar, & nparb,nparf,nquad,para,phi,res,splflo,syseqn,tauflo,yc) irmax = isamax(neqn,res,1) rmax = abs(res(irmax)) if ( iwrite>= 4 ) then write ( *, * ) 'Newton - MaxNorm(FX) = ',rmax,' index=',irmax end if ! ! If RMAX is less than RMAX2, copy current G into G2. ! if ( rmax= 4.or.falter ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Newton - Note:' write ( *, * ) ' Iterate ',iter,' accepted.' end if return end if ! ! Reject the iterate if the residual has grown too large. ! if ( rmax>10.0*(rmax0+tolnew).and.iter>1 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Newton - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' Residual too big on step ',iter write ( *, * ) ' Initial residual = ',rmax0 write ( *, * ) ' Current residual = ',rmax go to 20 end if end do ! ! The iteration has failed to converge, or may actually ! have been terminated early. ! 20 continue ierror = 1 write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Newton - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' No Newton convergence after ',iter,' steps.' write ( *, * ) ' The final stepsize was ',dmax write ( *, * ) ' The initial X norm was ',xmax0 write ( *, * ) ' The final X norm was ',xmax write ( *, * ) ' The initial residual norm was ',rmax0 write ( *, * ) ' The final residual norm was ',rmax ! ! If the Newton process did not converge, and we are using the ! very miserly jacobian method, then set a flag to evaluate the ! jacobian and try again. ! ! But we will only do this if we did not already evaluate the ! jacobian during this particular process. ! if ( jjac == 0 ) then else if (jjac == 1 ) then else if (jjac == 2 ) then if ( .not.leval ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Newton - Note:' write ( *, * ) ' Retrying Newton process with new jacobian.' do i = 1,neqn g(i) = g2(i) end do rmax0 = rmax2 xmax0 = xmax2 lmat = .false. falter = .true. go to 10 end if end if write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Newton - Note:' write ( *, * ) ' The failed Newton process could not be retried.' if ( lgdif ) then write ( *, * ) ' This is a finite difference point calculation.' else write ( *, * ) ' This is NOT a finite difference point calculation.' end if if ( ltarg ) then write ( *, * ) ' This is a target point calculation.' else write ( *, * ) ' This is NOT a target point calculation.' end if return end subroutine pldx(nvec,xval,xvec,yder,yvec) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PLDX evaluates the derivative of a piecewise linear function with ! respect to its argument at a given point. ! ! Note that if XVAL falls to the left of XVEC(1), then YDER = 0, ! and similarly, if XDER is greater than XVEC(NVEC), YVAL = 0. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! NVEC Input, integer NVEC, the number of abscissas and coefficients ! that define the piecewise linear. NVEC must be odd, and ! at least 3. ! ! XVAL Input, real XVAL, the point at which the ! derivative with respect to X is to be evaluated. ! ! XVEC Input, real XVEC(NVEC), the abscissas of the ! function. These should be distinct and in ascending order. ! ! YDER Output, real YDER, the value of the derivative of ! the piecewise linear function with respect to X, at the point ! XVAL. ! ! YVEC Input, real YVEC(NVEC), the value of the ! piecewise linear function at each of the abscissas. ! ! integer nvec ! integer i integer ival real ( kind = 8 ) xval real ( kind = 8 ) xvec(nvec) real ( kind = 8 ) yder real ( kind = 8 ) yvec(nvec) ! ! Step 1: Check if XVAL lies outside the intervals. ! if ( xval<= xvec(1) ) then yder = 0 return else if (xval>= xvec(nvec) ) then yder = 0 return end if ! ! Step 2: Find index I so that XVEC(I) <= XVAL < XVEC(I+1) ! do i = 1,nvec-1 if ( xvec(i)<= xval.and.xval<=xvec(i+1) ) then ival = i go to 10 end if end do write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PLVal - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Could not bracket XVAL = ',xval stop 10 continue ! ! Step 3: Evaluate the slope of the linear function at XVAL. ! i = ival yder = (yvec(i+1)-yvec(i))/(xvec(i+1)-xvec(i)) return end subroutine pldx1 ( ivec, nvec, xval, xvec, yder ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PLDX1 evaluates the derivative of a piecewise linear basis polynomial. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The piecewise linear basis polynomial is 1 at the IVEC-th node, ! and 0 at all the other nodes. ! ! Note that if XVAL falls to the left of XVEC(1), then YDER = 0, ! and similarly, if XVAL is greater than XVEC(NVEC), YDER = 0. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer IVEC, the coefficient with respect to which ! the partial derivative is desired. ! ! Input, integer NVEC, the number of abscissas and coefficients ! that define the piecewise linear. NVEC must be odd, and ! at least 3. ! ! Input, real XVAL, the point at which the function ! is to be evaluated. ! ! Input, real XVEC(NVEC), the abscissas of the ! function. These should be distinct and in ascending order. ! ! Output, real YDER, the value of the derivative of ! the piecewise linear function at the point XVAL. ! ! integer nvec ! integer i integer ival integer ivec real ( kind = 8 ) xval real ( kind = 8 ) xvec(nvec) real ( kind = 8 ) yder ! ! Step 1: Check if XVAL lies outside the intervals. ! if ( xval <= xvec(1) ) then yder = 0.0D+00 return else if ( xvec(nvec) <= xval ) then yder = 0.0D+00 return end if ! ! Step 2: Find index I so that XVEC(I) <= XVAL < XVEC(I+1) ! ival = -1 do i = 1, nvec-1 if ( xvec(i) <= xval .and. xval <= xvec(i+1) ) then ival = i exit end if end do if ( ival < 1 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PLDX1 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Could not bracket XVAL = ', xval stop end if ! ! Step 3: Evaluate the slope of the IVEC-th linear function at XVAL. ! if ( ival == ivec ) then yder = ( 0.0D+00 - 1.0D+00 ) / ( xvec(ival+1) - xvec(ival) ) else if ( ival+1 == ivec ) then yder = ( 1.0D+00 - 0.0D+00 ) / ( xvec(ival+1) - xvec(ival) ) else yder = 0.0D+00 end if return end subroutine pltopn(fileg,igunit,iplot) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PLTOPN opens the plotting file. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! FILEG Input, character ( len = 30 ) FILEG. ! ! FILEG contains the name of the file into which the DISPLAY ! graphics information will be stored. ! ! IGUNIT Input/output, integer IGUNIT. ! ! On input, if IGUNIT is zero, then the routine believes ! that the graphics unit has not yet been opened. ! ! If the FORTRAN unit has already been opened, then IGUNIT ! should be nonzero, and the routine will know not to try ! to open the file, since it is already open. ! ! On output, IGUNIT is the FORTRAN unit used for writing data ! to the plotfile FILEG. ! ! IPLOT Input/output, integer IPLOT. ! ! On input, IPLOT has been set by the user. On output, IPLOT ! may have been reset to 0, if the graphics file could not ! be opened. ! ! IPLOT controls whether or not graphics files ! suitable for use with DISPLAY will be created. ! ! IPLOT = 0 means no such file will be created. ! ! IPLOT>0 means plot data will be generated for each step ! which is evenly divisible by IPLOT, or which is less than ! or equal to IPLOT. ! ! IPLOT = -1 means plot data will be generated for the target, the ! first and the last steps only. ! ! character ( len = 30 ) fileg integer igunit integer iplot ! if ( iplot/= 0 ) then ! ! If IGUNIT is not zero, then the graphics unit has already ! been opened. ! if ( igunit == 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PltOpn - Note:' write ( *, * ) ' Opening the plot file ' // trim ( fileg ) write ( *, * ) ' ' ! ! Delete any old copy of the file. ! igunit = 11 open(unit = igunit,file=fileg,status='unknown',form='formatted', & access = 'sequential',err=10) return ! ! Write a warning if the plot file could not be opened. ! 10 continue write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PltOpn - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' The plot file could not be opened.' write ( *, * ) ' Resetting IPLOT to 0.' igunit = 0 iplot = 0 ! ! Else plotfile is already open. ! else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PltOpn - Note' write ( *, * ) ' The plot file is already open.' write ( *, * ) ' New information will be appended to it.' end if end if return end subroutine pltwrt(eqn,g,gdif,igunit,indx,isotri,iwrite,maxeqn, & nelem,neqn,node,np,npar,npe,nprof,nx,ny,para,sens,xc,xprof,yc) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PLTWRT writes information to a file which can be used to create graphics images. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! integer maxeqn integer nelem integer neqn integer np integer npar integer ny ! character ( len = 2 ) ctemp character ( len = 2 ) eqn(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) g(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) gdif(maxeqn,npar) integer i integer icheck integer igunit integer ihor integer indx(3,np) integer ip integer ipar integer iprs integer, save :: iset = 0 integer isotri(nelem) integer iver integer iwrite integer j integer node(6,nelem) integer npe integer nprof(2*ny-1) integer nx real ( kind = 8 ) para(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) rtemp real ( kind = 8 ) rtemp2 real ( kind = 8 ) sens(maxeqn,npar) real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xprof real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) ! iset = iset + 1 ! ! Number of elements, nodes, parameters, ! elements in the X direction, elements in the Y direction. ! write(igunit,*)nelem write(igunit,*)np write(igunit,*)npar write(igunit,*)npe write(igunit,*)nx write(igunit,*)ny ! ! Pressures, P. ! do ip = 1,np iprs = indx(3,ip) if ( iprs<= 0 ) then rtemp = 0.0D+00 else rtemp = g(iprs) end if write(igunit,*)rtemp end do ! ! Horizontal velocities, U. ! do ip = 1,np ihor = indx(1,ip) write(igunit,*)g(ihor) end do ! ! Vertical velocities, V ! do ip = 1,np iver = indx(2,ip) write(igunit,*)g(iver) end do ! ! Indicator of element type (isoparametric or not). ! do i = 1,nelem write(igunit,*)isotri(i) end do ! ! Nodes that make up each element. ! do i = 1,6 do j = 1,nelem write(igunit,*)node(i,j) end do end do ! ! Indices of the nodes along the profile line. ! do i = 1,2*ny-1 write(igunit,*)nprof(i) end do ! ! Parameters. ! do i = 1,npar write(igunit,*)para(i) end do ! ! Pressure sensitivities, dP/dpar ! do ipar = 1,npar do ip = 1,np iprs = indx(3,ip) rtemp = 0.0D+00 rtemp2 = 0.0D+00 if ( iprs>0 ) then rtemp = sens(iprs,ipar) rtemp2 = gdif(iprs,ipar) end if write(igunit,*)rtemp,rtemp2 end do ! ! Horizontal velocity sensitivities, dU/dpar ! do ip = 1,np ihor = indx(1,ip) write(igunit,*)sens(ihor,ipar),gdif(ihor,ipar) end do ! ! Vertical velocity sensitivities, dV/dpar ! do ip = 1,np iver = indx(2,ip) write(igunit,*)sens(iver,ipar),gdif(iver,ipar) end do end do ! ! X coordinates of nodes. ! do i = 1,np write(igunit,*)xc(i) end do ! ! X coordinate of profile line. ! write(igunit,*)xprof ! ! Y coordinates of nodes. ! do i = 1,np write(igunit,*)yc(i) end do ! ! Nodal equation types. ! do i = 1,np ihor = indx(1,i) iver = indx(2,i) iprs = indx(3,i) if ( iprs<= 0 ) then ctemp = ' ' else ctemp = eqn(iprs) end if write(igunit,'(3a2)')eqn(ihor),eqn(iver),ctemp end do ! ! Write a check at the the end. ! icheck = 1953 write(igunit,*)icheck if ( iwrite>= 1 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PltWrt wrote data set ',iset,' to file.' end if return end subroutine plval(nvec,xval,xvec,yval,yvec) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PLVAL evaluates a piecewise linear function at a given point. ! ! Note that if XVAL falls to the left of XVEC(1), then YVAL = YVEC(1), ! and similarly, if XVAL is greater than XVEC(NVEC), YVAL = YVEC(NVEC). ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! NVEC Input, integer NVEC, the number of abscissas and coefficients ! that define the piecewise linear. NVEC must be at least 1. ! ! XVAL Input, real XVAL, the point at which the function ! is to be evaluated. ! ! XVEC Input, real XVEC(NVEC), the abscissas of the ! function. These should be distinct and in ascending order. ! ! YVAL Output, real YVAL, the value of the piecewise ! linear function at the point XVAL. ! ! YVEC Input, real YVEC(NVEC), the value of the piecewise ! function at each of the abscissas. ! ! integer nvec ! integer i integer ival real ( kind = 8 ) xval real ( kind = 8 ) xvec(nvec) real ( kind = 8 ) yval real ( kind = 8 ) yvec(nvec) ! ! Step 1: Check if XVAL lies outside the intervals. ! if ( xval<= xvec(1) ) then yval = yvec(1) return else if (xval>= xvec(nvec) ) then yval = yvec(nvec) return end if ! ! Step 2: Find index I so that XVEC(I) <= XVAL < XVEC(I+1) ! do i = 1,nvec-1 if ( xvec(i)<= xval.and.xval<=xvec(i+1) ) then ival = i go to 10 end if end do write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PLVal - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Could not bracket XVAL = ',xval stop 10 continue ! ! Step 3: Evaluate the linear function at XVAL. ! i = ival if ( xval == xvec(i+1) ) then yval = yvec(i+1) else if (xval == xvec(i) ) then yval = yvec(i) else yval = ( yvec(i)*(xvec(i+1)-xval)+yvec(i+1)*(xval-xvec(i)) ) & / (xvec(i+1)-xvec(i)) end if return end subroutine plval1(ivec,nvec,xval,xvec,yval) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PLVAL1 evaluates the piecewise linear polynomial which is 1 ! at node IVEC and 0 at the other nodes. ! ! Note that if XVAL falls to the left of XVEC(1), then YVAL = 0, ! and similarly, if XVAL is greater than XVEC(NVEC), YVAL = 0. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! IVEC Input, integer IVEC, the coefficient with respect to which ! the partial derivative is desired. ! ! NVEC Input, integer NVEC, the number of abscissas and coefficients ! that define the piecewise linear. NVEC must be odd, and ! at least 3. ! ! XVAL Input, real XVAL, the point at which the function ! is to be evaluated. ! ! XVEC Input, real XVEC(NVEC), the abscissas of the ! function. These should be distinct and in ascending order. ! ! YDER Output, real YDER, the value of the derivative of ! the piecewise linear function at the point XVAL. ! ! integer nvec ! integer i integer ival integer ivec real ( kind = 8 ) xval real ( kind = 8 ) xvec(nvec) real ( kind = 8 ) yval ! ! Step 1: Check if XVAL lies outside the intervals. ! if ( xval<= xvec(1) ) then yval = 0.0D+00 return else if (xval>= xvec(nvec) ) then yval = 0.0D+00 return end if ! ! Step 2: Find index I so that XVEC(I) <= XVAL < XVEC(I+1) ! do i = 1,nvec-1 if ( xvec(i)<= xval.and.xval<=xvec(i+1) ) then ival = i go to 10 end if end do write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PLVAL1 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Could not bracket XVAL = ',xval stop 10 continue ! ! Step 3: Determine the index of the left endpoint of the least and ! greatest intervals that IVEC can affect. ! i = ival if ( ival == ivec ) then if ( xval == xvec(ival) ) then yval = 1.0D+00 else yval = (xvec(ival+1)-xval)/(xvec(ival+1)-xvec(ival)) end if else if (ival+1 == ivec ) then if ( xval == xvec(ival+1) ) then yval = 1.0D+00 else yval = (xval-xvec(ival)) / (xvec(ival+1)-xvec(ival)) end if else yval = 0.0D+00 end if return end subroutine ppvalu(break,coef,l,k,x,jderiv,value) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PPVALU calculates the value at X of the JDERIV-th derivative of ! the piecewise polynomial function F from its piecewise ! polynomial representation. ! ! The interval index I, appropriate for X, is found through a ! call to INTERV. The formula above for the JDERIV-th derivative ! of F is then evaluated by nested multiplication. ! ! The J-th derivative of F is given by: ! ! (d**j)f(x) = coef(j+1,i) ! + h*(coef(j+2,i) ! + h*(...(coef(k-1,i) + ! + h*coef(k,i)/(k-j-1))/(k-j-2) ... )/2)/1 ! ! with ! ! H = X - BREAK(I) ! ! and ! ! i = max( 1 , max( j , break(j) <= x , 1 <= j <= l ) ). ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! BREAK, ! COEF, ! L Input, real BREAK(L+1), REAL COEF(*), integer L, for ! piecewise polynomial representation of the function F to ! be evaluated. ! ! K Input, integer K, the order of the polynomial pieces ! that make up the function F. The most usual value for ! K is 4, signifying a piecewise cubic polynomial. ! ! X Input, real X, the point at which to evaluate F or ! of its derivatives. ! ! JDERIV Input, integer JDERIV, the order of the derivative to be ! evaluated. If JDERIV is 0, then F itself is evaluated, ! which is actually the most common case. It is assumed ! that JDERIV is zero or positive. ! ! VALUE Output, real VALUE, the value of the JDERIV-th ! derivative of F at X. ! ! integer k integer l ! real ( kind = 8 ) break(l) real ( kind = 8 ) coef(k,l) real ( kind = 8 ) fmmjdr real ( kind = 8 ) h integer i integer jderiv integer m integer ndummy real ( kind = 8 ) value real ( kind = 8 ) x ! value = 0.0D+00 fmmjdr = k-jderiv ! ! Derivatives of order K or higher are identically zero. ! if ( k<= jderiv)return ! ! Find the index I of the largest breakpoint to the left of X. ! call interv(break,l+1,x,i,ndummy) ! ! Evaluate the JDERIV-th derivative of the I-th polynomial piece ! at X. ! h = x-break(i) m = k 10 continue value = (value/fmmjdr)*h+coef(m,i) m = m-1 fmmjdr = fmmjdr-1 if ( fmmjdr>0.0D+00 )go to 10 return end subroutine pqdx(nvec,xval,xvec,yder,yvec) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PQDX evaluates the derivative of a piecewise quadratic function with ! respect to its argument at a given point. ! ! Note that if XDER falls to the left of XVEC(1), then YVAL = 0, ! and similarly, if XVAL is greater than XVEC(NVEC), YDER = 0. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! NVEC Input, integer NVEC, the number of abscissas and coefficients ! that define the piecewise quadratic. NVEC must be odd, and ! at least 3. ! ! XVAL Input, real XVAL, the point at which the ! derivative with respect to X is to be evaluated. ! ! XVEC Input, real XVEC(NVEC), the abscissas of the ! function. These should be distinct and in ascending order. ! ! YDER Output, real YDER, the value of the derivative ! of the piecewise quadratic function with respect to X, ! at the point XVAL. ! ! YVEC Input, real YVEC(NVEC), the value of the piecewise ! quadratic function at each of the abscissas. ! ! integer nvec ! integer i integer ival real ( kind = 8 ) xval real ( kind = 8 ) xvec(nvec) real ( kind = 8 ) yder real ( kind = 8 ) yvec(nvec) ! ! Step 0: Check data. ! if ( nvec<3 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PQDX - Fatal error.' write ( *, * ) ' NVEC is ',nvec write ( *, * ) ' but NVEC must be at least 3.' stop end if if ( mod(nvec,2)/= 1 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PQDX - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Even value of NVEC = ',nvec stop end if ! ! Step 1: Find odd index I so that XVEC(I) <= XVAL < XVEC(I+2) ! if ( xval<= xvec(1) ) then yder = yvec(1) return else if (xval>= xvec(nvec) ) then yder = yvec(nvec) return end if do i = 1,nvec-2,2 if ( xvec(i)<= xval.and.xval<=xvec(i+2) ) then ival = i go to 10 end if end do write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PQDX - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Could not bracket XVAL = ',xval stop 10 continue ! ! Step 2: Evaluate the derivative of the quadratic function at XVAL. ! i = ival yder = yvec(i)*(2*xval-xvec(i+1)-xvec(i+2)) & /((xvec(i)-xvec(i+1))*(xvec(i)-xvec(i+2))) & +yvec(i+1)*(2*xval-xvec(i)-xvec(i+2)) & /((xvec(i+1)-xvec(i))*(xvec(i+1)-xvec(i+2))) & +yvec(i+1)*(2*xval-xvec(i)-xvec(i+2)) & /((xvec(i+1)-xvec(i))*(xvec(i+1)-xvec(i+2))) return end subroutine pqdx1(ivec,nvec,xval,xvec,yder) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PQDX1 evaluates the X derivative of the piecewise quadratic ! polynomial which is 1 at the IVEC-th node and 0 at the others. ! ! Note that if XVAL falls to the left of XVEC(1), then YDER = 0, ! and similarly, if XVAL is greater than XVEC(NVEC), YDER = 0. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! IVEC Input, integer IVEC, the coefficient with respect to which ! the partial derivative is desired. ! ! NVEC Input, integer NVEC, the number of abscissas and coefficients ! that define the piecewise quadratic. NVEC must be odd, and ! at least 3. ! ! XVAL Input, real XVAL, the point at which the function ! be evaluated. ! ! XVEC Input, real XVEC(NVEC), the abscissas of the ! function. These should be distinct and in ascending order. ! ! YDER Output, real YDER, the value of the derivative of ! the piecewise quadratic function at the point XVAL. ! ! integer nvec ! integer i integer ihi integer ilo integer ival integer ivec real ( kind = 8 ) xval real ( kind = 8 ) xvec(nvec) real ( kind = 8 ) yder ! ! Step 0: Check data. ! if ( nvec<3 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PQDX1 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' NVEC = ',nvec write ( *, * ) ' but NVEC must be at least 3.' stop end if if ( mod(nvec,2)/= 1 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PQDX1 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Even value of NVEC = ',nvec stop end if ! ! Step 1: Find odd index I so that XVEC(I) <= XVAL < XVEC(I+2) ! if ( xval<= xvec(1) ) then yder = 0 return else if (xval>= xvec(nvec) ) then yder = 0 return end if do i = 1,nvec-2,2 if ( xvec(i)<= xval.and.xval<=xvec(i+2) ) then ival = i go to 10 end if end do write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PQDX1 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Could not bracket XVAL = ',xval stop 10 continue ! ! Step 2: Determine the index of the left endpoint of the least and ! greatest intervals that IVEC can affect. ! if ( mod(ivec,2) == 0 ) then ilo = ivec-1 ihi = ivec-1 else ilo = max(ivec-2,1) ihi = ivec end if ! ! Step 3: If XVAL is outside of the intervals that IVEC can affect, ! the derivative is zero. ! if ( ivalihi ) then yder = 0 return end if ! ! Step 3: Evaluate the derivative of the quadratic function at XVAL. ! i = ival if ( ivec ==ival ) then yder = (2*xval-xvec(i+1)-xvec(i+2))/((xvec(i)-xvec(i+1))*(xvec(i)-xvec(i+2))) else if (ivec ==ival+1 ) then yder = (2*xval-xvec(i)-xvec(i+2))/((xvec(i+1)-xvec(i))*(xvec(i+1)-xvec(i+2))) else if (ivec ==ival+2 ) then yder = (2*xval-xvec(i)-xvec(i+1))/((xvec(i+2)-xvec(i))*(xvec(i+2)-xvec(i+1))) else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PQDX1 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' IVEC = ',ivec write ( *, * ) ' IVAL = ',ival end if return end subroutine pqval(nvec,xval,xvec,yval,yvec) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PQVAL evaluates a piecewise quadratic function at a given point. ! ! ! The piecewise quadratic is defined by NVEC values, where NVEC ! is odd, and at least 3. The function is defined by specifying ! a list of nodes XVEC(I), and specifying its value YVEC(I) at each ! node. ! ! The function will be a quadratic polynomial over each of ! (NVEC-1)/2 intervals that are made up a set of three consecutive ! nodes, with the first one odd. Thus, XVEC(1), XVEC(2) and XVEC(3) ! lie in the first interval. ! ! At the odd nodes, the quadratic that defines the function may ! change, but the function remains continuous there, though not ! differentiable. ! ! Note that if XVAL falls to the left of XVEC(1), then YVAL = YVEC(1), ! and similarly, if XVAL is greater than XVEC(NVEC), YVAL = YVEC(NVEC). ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! NVEC Input, integer NVEC, the number of abscissas and coefficients ! that define the piecewise quadratic. ! ! NVEC must be odd, and at least 3. ! ! XVAL Input, real XVAL, the point at which the function ! is be evaluated. ! ! XVEC Input, real XVEC(NVEC), the abscissas of the ! function. These should be distinct and in ascending order. ! ! YVAL Output, real YVAL, the value of the piecewise ! quadratic function at the point XVAL. ! ! YVEC Input, real YVEC(NVEC), the value of the ! piecewise quadratic function at each of the abscissas. ! ! integer nvec ! integer i integer ival real ( kind = 8 ) xval real ( kind = 8 ) xvec(nvec) real ( kind = 8 ) yval real ( kind = 8 ) yvec(nvec) ! ! Step 0: Check data. ! if ( nvec<3 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PQVal - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Value of NVEC = ',nvec write ( *, * ) ' but NVEC must be at least 3.' stop end if if ( mod(nvec,2)/= 1 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PQVal - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Even value of NVEC = ',nvec stop end if ! ! Step 1: Find odd index I so that XVEC(I) <= XVAL < XVEC(I+2) ! if ( xval<= xvec(1) ) then yval = yvec(1) return else if (xval>= xvec(nvec) ) then yval = yvec(nvec) return end if do i = 1,nvec-2,2 if ( xvec(i)<= xval.and.xval<=xvec(i+2) ) then ival = i go to 10 end if end do write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PQVal - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Could not bracket XVAL = ',xval write ( *, * ) ' There are ',nvec,' nodes.' write ( *, * ) ' First node is at ',xvec(1) write ( *, * ) ' Last node is at ',xvec(nvec) do i = 1,nvec write ( *, * ) xvec(i) end do stop 10 continue ! ! Step 2: Evaluate the quadratic function at XVAL. ! i = ival yval = yvec(i)*(xval-xvec(i+1)) * (xval-xvec(i+2)) & /((xvec(i)-xvec(i+1))*(xvec(i)-xvec(i+2))) & +yvec(i+1)*(xval-xvec(i)) * (xval-xvec(i+2)) & /((xvec(i+1)-xvec(i))*(xvec(i+1)-xvec(i+2))) & +yvec(i+2)*(xval-xvec(i)) * (xval-xvec(i+1)) & /((xvec(i+2)-xvec(i))*(xvec(i+2)-xvec(i+1))) return end subroutine pqval1(ivec,nvec,xval,xvec,yval) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PQVAL1 evaluates the piecewise quadratic polynomial which is 1 ! at node IVEC and 0 at the other nodes. ! ! Note that if XVAL falls to the left of XVEC(1), then YVAL = 0, ! and similarly, if XVAL is greater than XVEC(NVEC), YVAL = 0. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! IVEC Input, integer IVEC, the coefficient with respect to which ! the partial derivative is desired. ! ! NVEC Input, integer NVEC, the number of abscissas and coefficients ! that define the piecewise quadratic. NVEC must be odd, and ! at least 3. ! ! XVAL Input, real XVAL, the point at which the function ! is to be evaluated. ! ! XVEC Input, real XVEC(NVEC), the abscissas of the ! function. These should be distinct and in ascending order. ! ! YDER Output, real YDER, the value of the derivative of ! the piecewise quadratic function at the point XVAL. ! ! integer nvec ! integer i integer ihi integer ilo integer ival integer ivec real ( kind = 8 ) xval real ( kind = 8 ) xvec(nvec) real ( kind = 8 ) yval ! ! Step 0: Check data. ! if ( nvec<3 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PQVal1 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Value of NVEC is ',nvec write ( *, * ) ' but NVEC must be at least 3.' stop end if if ( mod(nvec,2)/= 1 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PQVal1 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Even value of NVEC = ',nvec stop end if ! ! Step 1: Find odd index I so that XVEC(I) <= XVAL < XVEC(I+2) ! if ( xval<= xvec(1) ) then yval = 0.0D+00 return else if (xval>= xvec(nvec) ) then yval = 0.0D+00 return end if do i = 1,nvec-2,2 if ( xvec(i)<= xval.and.xval<=xvec(i+2) ) then ival = i go to 10 end if end do write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PQVal1 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Could not bracket XVAL = ',xval stop 10 continue ! ! Step 2: Determine the index of the left endpoint of the least and ! greatest intervals that IVEC can affect. ! if ( mod(ivec,2) == 0 ) then ilo = ivec-1 ihi = ivec-1 else ilo = max(ivec-2,1) ihi = ivec end if ! ! Step 3: If XVAL is outside of the intervals that IVEC can affect, ! the value is zero. ! if ( ivalihi ) then yval = 0 return end if ! ! Step 3: Evaluate the quadratic function at XVAL. ! i = ival if ( ivec ==ival ) then yval = (xval-xvec(i+1)) * (xval-xvec(i+2)) & /((xvec(i)-xvec(i+1))*(xvec(i)-xvec(i+2))) else if (ivec ==ival+1 ) then yval = (xval-xvec(i)) * (xval-xvec(i+2)) & /((xvec(i+1)-xvec(i))*(xvec(i+1)-xvec(i+2))) else if (ivec ==ival+2 ) then yval = (xval-xvec(i)) * (xval-xvec(i+1)) & /((xvec(i+2)-xvec(i))*(xvec(i+2)-xvec(i+1))) else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PQVal1 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' IVEC = ',ivec write ( *, * ) ' IVAL = ',ival end if return end subroutine prcost2(cost,costb,costp,costu,costv,title,wateb,watep,wateu,watev) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PRCOST2 prints out the current cost function. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! real ( kind = 8 ) cost real ( kind = 8 ) costb real ( kind = 8 ) costp real ( kind = 8 ) costu real ( kind = 8 ) costv integer llen character ( len = * ) title real ( kind = 8 ) wateb real ( kind = 8 ) watep real ( kind = 8 ) wateu real ( kind = 8 ) watev ! llen = len_trim ( title ) write ( *, * ) ' ' if ( llen>0 ) then write(*,'(a)')title(1:llen) end if write(*,'(a)')'PrCost: B P' // & ' U V' write(*,'(a,g11.4)')' Cost function: ',cost write(*,'(a,4g10.3)')' Component costs: ',costb,costp,costu,costv write(*,'(a,4g10.3)')' Weighted costs: ',wateb*costb, & watep*costp,wateu*costu,watev*costv return end subroutine prcsen(dpara,npar,title) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PRCSEN prints out the cost sensitivities. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! DPARA Input, real DPARA(NPAR). ! ! DPARA contains an estimate for the derivatives of the cost ! function with respect to the various parameters. ! ! DPARA(I) = D cost / D parameter(I). ! ! NPAR Input, integer NPAR. ! ! The number of parameters. NPAR = NPARF + NPARB + 1. ! ! The parameters control the shape of the inflow, ! the shape of the bump obstacle, and the strength of the ! flow. ! ! integer npar ! real ( kind = 8 ) dpara(npar) integer i integer ihi integer ilo character ( len = * ) title ! write ( *, * ) ' ' write(*,'(a)')title write ( *, * ) ' ' do ilo = 1,npar,5 ihi = min(ilo+4,npar) write(*,'(5g13.5)')(dpara(i),i = ilo,ihi) end do return end subroutine prdat(epsdif,fileg,filet,ibc,ifscan,ifstar,ibscan,ibstar,ibump, & idfd,ids,ifds,igrad,ijac,iopt,iplot,istep1,istep2,itar,itype,iwrite,jjac, & jstep1,jstep2,maxnew,maxpar,maxstp,nopt,npar,nparb,nparf,nquad,nstep3,nx, & ny,para1,para2,para3,partar,syseqn,tolnew,tolopt,wateb,wateb1,wateb2,watep, & wateu,watev,xblcan,xbltar,xbrcan,xbrtar,xprof,yblcan,ybltar,ybrcan,ybrtar) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PRDAT prints the user input file data. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! integer maxpar ! real ( kind = 8 ) epsdif character ( len = 30 ) fileg character ( len = 30 ) filet integer i integer ibc integer ifscan integer ifstar integer ibscan integer ibstar integer ibump integer idfd integer ids integer ifds integer igrad integer ijac integer iopt(maxpar) integer iplot integer istep1 integer istep2 integer itar integer itype integer iwrite integer jjac integer jstep1 integer jstep2 integer maxnew integer maxstp integer nopt integer npar integer nparb integer nparf integer nquad integer nstep3 integer nx integer ny real ( kind = 8 ) para1(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) para2(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) para3(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) partar(maxpar) character ( len = 20 ) syseqn real ( kind = 8 ) tolnew real ( kind = 8 ) tolopt character ( len = 6 ) type real ( kind = 8 ) wateb real ( kind = 8 ) wateb1 real ( kind = 8 ) wateb2 real ( kind = 8 ) watep real ( kind = 8 ) wateu real ( kind = 8 ) watev real ( kind = 8 ) xblcan real ( kind = 8 ) xbltar real ( kind = 8 ) xbrcan real ( kind = 8 ) xbrtar real ( kind = 8 ) xprof real ( kind = 8 ) yblcan real ( kind = 8 ) ybltar real ( kind = 8 ) ybrcan real ( kind = 8 ) ybrtar character ( len = 3 ) yesno ! write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PrDat - Note:' write ( *, * ) ' Values of user-definable variables:' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Number of horizontal elements, NX = ',nx write ( *, * ) ' Number of vertical elements, NY = ',ny write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' NPARF = ',nparf,' inflow parameters' write ( *, * ) ' NPARB = ',nparb,' bump parameters' write ( *, * ) ' NPARR = 1 inverse viscosity parameters.' write ( *, * ) ' NPAR = ',npar,' total parameters' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Variable Type Free to Vary?' write ( *, * ) ' ' do i = 1,npar if ( i<= nparf ) then type = 'Inflow' else if (i<= nparf+nparb ) then type = 'Shape' else type = 'Nu_Inv' end if if ( iopt(i) == 0 ) then yesno = 'No' else yesno = 'Yes' end if write(*,'(3x,i5,2x,a6,2x,a3)')i,type,yesno end do write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' NOPT = ',nopt,' optimization parameters.' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' NQUAD, number of quadrature points = ',nquad ! ! Target data. ! write ( *, * ) ' ' if ( itar == 0 ) then write ( *, * ) 'The target data is computed from a flow.' write ( *, * ) ' ' if ( ibstar == 1 ) then write ( *, * ) 'Target bump modeled by C0 linear splines.' else if (ibstar == 2 ) then write ( *, * ) 'Target bump modeled by C0 quadratic splines.' else if (ibstar ==3 ) then write ( *, * ) 'Target bump modeled by C1 cubic splines.' end if if ( ifstar == 1 ) then write ( *, * ) 'Target inflow modeled by C0 linear splines.' else if (ifstar == 2 ) then write ( *, * ) 'Target inflow modeled by C0 quadratic splines.' else if (ifstar ==3 ) then write ( *, * ) 'Target inflow modeled by C1 cubic splines.' end if if ( nparb > 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Target bump from x,y = ',xbltar,ybltar write ( *, * ) ' to x,y = ',xbrtar,ybrtar end if write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Parameter values at target point:' call prpar(nparb,nparf,partar) else if (itar == 1 ) then write ( *, * ) 'The target data is an arbitrary formula.' end if ! ! Feasible data. ! write ( *, * ) ' ' if ( ibscan == 1 ) then write ( *, * ) 'Bump modeled by C0 piecewise linears.' else if (ibscan == 2 ) then write ( *, * ) 'Bump modeled by C0 piecewise quadratics.' else if (ibscan ==3 ) then write ( *, * ) 'Bump modeled by C1 cubic splines.' end if if ( ifscan == 1 ) then write ( *, * ) 'Inflow modeled by C0 piecewise linears.' else if (ibscan == 2 ) then write ( *, * ) 'Inflow modeled by C0 piecewise quadratics.' else if (ibscan ==3 ) then write ( *, * ) 'Inflow modeled by C1 cubic splines.' end if if ( nparb>0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' Feasible bump from x,y = ',xblcan,yblcan write ( *, * ) ' to x,y = ',xbrcan,ybrcan end if write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' The flow discrepancy is measured at XPROF = ',xprof ! ! Cost function. ! write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Cost function is weighted sum of these costs:' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' U, V and P discrepancies at profile line,' write ( *, * ) ' SQRT(Integral (InflowSlope)**2 ),' write ( *, * ) ' SQRT(Integral (BumpSlope-LineSlope)**2).' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Weight factors:' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Bump control cost, WATEB = ',wateb write ( *, * ) ' Pressure discrepancy, WATEP = ',watep write ( *, * ) ' U discrepancy, WATEU = ',wateu write ( *, * ) ' V discrepancy, WATEV = ',watev ! ! Data relating to Newton iteration. ! write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Generation of starting point for Newton:' write ( *, * ) 'Perturbation used for finite differences is ',epsdif write ( *, * ) ' ' if ( jjac == 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' JJAC = 0, update the jacobian for regular points' write ( *, * ) ' and for finite difference points. A new point' write ( *, * ) ' always gets a new jacobian.' else if (jjac == 1 ) then write ( *, * ) ' JJAC = 1, do NOT update the jacobian for' write ( *, * ) ' finite difference points. A new regular point' write ( *, * ) ' always gets a new jacobian.' else if (jjac == 2 ) then write ( *, * ) ' JJAC = 2, Only update the jacobian when necessary.' end if if ( ijac == 1 ) then write ( *, * ) ' IJAC = 1, Jacobian is evaluated on every step.' else if (ijac>1 ) then write ( *, * ) ' IJAC = N, Jacobian is evaluated on steps' write ( *, * ) ' 0, N, 2*N, 3*N, ...' end if write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Up to MAXNEW = ',maxnew,' Newton iterations.' write ( *, * ) ' TOLNEW, Newton iteration tolerance = ',tolnew ! ! Data relating to continuation. ! ! ! Derivative information. ! write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Derivative information:' write ( *, * ) ' ' if ( ids == 0 ) then write ( *, * ) 'Discretized sensitivities will NOT be computed.' else write ( *, * ) 'Discretized sensitivities will be computed.' end if if ( ifds == 0 ) then write ( *, * ) 'Finite difference sensitivities will NOT be computed.' else write ( *, * ) 'Finite difference sensitivities will be computed.' end if if ( idfd == 0 ) then write ( *, * ) 'Direct cost finite differences will NOT be computed.' else write ( *, * ) 'Direct cost finite differences will be computed.' end if ! ! Cost gradient approximation. ! write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Cost gradient approximation option IGRAD = ',igrad if ( igrad == 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' No cost gradient approximation is made.' else if (igrad == 1 ) then write ( *, * ) ' Chain rule on discretized sensitivities.' else if (igrad == 2 ) then write ( *, * ) ' Chain rule on finite difference sensitivities.' else if (igrad ==3 ) then write ( *, * ) ' Chain rule on corrected finite difference sensitivities.' else if (igrad ==4 ) then write ( *, * ) ' Direct finite differences.' end if write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ITYPE = ',itype ! ! ITYPE = 0, just the target. ! if ( itype == 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' Just compute the target point.' ! ! ITYPE = 1, 1D March ! else if (itype == 1 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' This is a 1D march.' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' The first parameter set will be associated with' write ( *, * ) ' point number ',istep1 write ( *, * ) ' The second with point ',istep2 write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' The first parameter set:' write ( *, * ) ' ' call prpar(nparb,nparf,para1) write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' The second parameter set:' write ( *, * ) ' ' call prpar(nparb,nparf,para2) ! ! ITYPE = 2, 2D March ! else if (itype == 2 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' This is a 2D march.' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' The first parameter set will be associated with' write ( *, * ) ' point number ',istep1,jstep1 write ( *, * ) ' The third with point ',istep2,jstep2 write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' The first parameter set:' write ( *, * ) ' ' call prpar(nparb,nparf,para1) write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' The second parameter set:' write ( *, * ) ' ' call prpar(nparb,nparf,para2) write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Third parameter set:' write ( *, * ) ' ' call prpar(nparb,nparf,para3) ! ! ITYPE = 3, Optimization. ! else if (itype ==3 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' This is an optimization run.' write ( *, * ) ' TOLOPT, optimization tolerance = ',tolopt write ( *, * ) ' At most ',maxstp,' optimization steps will be used.' write ( *, * ) ' The starting parameter set:' write ( *, * ) ' ' call prpar(nparb,nparf,para1) ! ! ITYPE = 4, 3D March ! else if (itype ==4 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'This is a 3D march.' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'The first parameter set will be associated with' write ( *, * ) 'point number ',istep1,jstep1 write ( *, * ) 'The third with point ',istep2,jstep2 write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' The first parameter set:' write ( *, * ) ' ' call prpar(nparb,nparf,para1) write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'The second parameter set:' write ( *, * ) ' ' call prpar(nparb,nparf,para2) write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Third parameter set:' write ( *, * ) ' ' call prpar(nparb,nparf,para3) write ( *, * ) ' ' if ( nstep3>1 ) then write ( *, * ) 'The penalty parameter WATEB will vary from ', & wateb1,' to ',wateb2,' in ',nstep3,' steps.' else if (nstep3 == 1 ) then write ( *, * ) 'This is an unusual march, since NSTEP3 = 1.' write ( *, * ) 'The penalty parameter WATEB will be set to', & wateb1,' and cannot march to ',wateb2 end if write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'The values of the functional will be written' write ( *, * ) 'to the text file:' write(*,'(5x,a)')filet ! ! ITYPE = 5, one step Navier-Stokes solve. ! else if (itype ==5 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'This is a one-step Navier Stokes solution.' write ( *, * ) ' ' ! ! ITYPE = 7, Optimization. ! else if (itype ==7 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' This is an optimization run.' write ( *, * ) ' TOLOPT, optimization tolerance = ',tolopt write ( *, * ) ' At most ',maxstp,' optimization steps will be used.' write ( *, * ) ' The starting parameters:' write ( *, * ) ' ' call prpar(nparb,nparf,para1) write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Internal approximations to the gradient are made.' end if write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'IBC = ',ibc if ( ibc == 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' Bump sensitivity boundary condition uses' write ( *, * ) ' finite element estimate of dUdY, dVdY.' else if (ibc == 1 ) then write ( *, * ) ' Bump sensitivity boundary condition uses' write ( *, * ) ' two point finite difference estimate of ' write ( *, * ) ' dUdY, dVdY.' else if (ibc == 2 ) then write ( *, * ) ' Bump sensitivity boundary condition uses' write ( *, * ) ' three point finite difference estimate of ' write ( *, * ) ' dUdY, dVdY.' else if (ibc ==3 ) then write ( *, * ) ' Bump sensitivity boundary condition uses' write ( *, * ) ' data from run on a finer grid.' end if write ( *, * ) ' ' if ( ibump == 0 ) then write ( *, * ) 'IBUMP = 0:' write ( *, * ) ' No isoparametric elements will be used.' write ( *, * ) ' Y coordinates of midside nodes above the bump' write ( *, * ) ' will be adjusted to preserve straight sides.' else if (ibump == 1 ) then write ( *, * ) 'IBUMP = 1:' write ( *, * ) ' Isoparametric elements directly on bump.' write ( *, * ) ' Y coordinates of midside nodes above the bump' write ( *, * ) ' will be adjusted to preserve straight sides.' else if (ibump == 2 ) then write ( *, * ) 'IBUMP = 2:' write ( *, * ) ' All elements above bump are isoparametric.' write ( *, * ) ' Y coordinates of midside nodes above the bump' write ( *, * ) ' need not lie on a straight line.' else if (ibump ==3 ) then write ( *, * ) 'IBUMP = 3:' write ( *, * ) ' All elements are isoparametric.' write ( *, * ) ' Y coordinates of midside nodes above the bump' write ( *, * ) ' need not lie on a straight line.' else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PrDat - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Unexpected value of IBUMP = ',ibump stop end if write ( *, * ) ' ' if ( iplot<0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' DISPLAY graphics written for target and ' write ( *, * ) ' last points.' else if (iplot == 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' DISPLAY graphics file is not written.' else write ( *, * ) ' DISPLAY graphics written every ',iplot,' points.' end if if ( iplot/= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' Graphics data will be written to the file:' write(*,'(1x,a)')fileg end if write ( *, * ) ' Diagnostic output option, IWRITE = ',iwrite write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' The flow system to be solved is '//syseqn return end subroutine prgs2(area,gdif,gdifc,gradf,indx,iopt,maxeqn,nelem,np,npar,nquad, & ny,sens,xc,yc) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PRGS2 prints out the maximum entries in the finite difference and ! sensitivity vectors, and the maximum difference. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! integer maxeqn integer nelem integer np integer npar integer nquad ! real ( kind = 8 ) area(nquad,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) flarea real ( kind = 8 ) gdif(maxeqn,npar) real ( kind = 8 ) gdifc(maxeqn,npar) real ( kind = 8 ) gradf(maxeqn,npar) integer i integer icol integer ielem integer ieqn integer indx(3,np) integer iopt(npar) integer ipar integer ipmax integer irow integer iumax integer ivmax integer j character ( len = 15 ) label integer npmax integer numax integer nvmax integer ny real ( kind = 8 ) pmax real ( kind = 8 ) psum real ( kind = 8 ) sens(maxeqn,npar) real ( kind = 8 ) umax real ( kind = 8 ) usum real ( kind = 8 ) val real ( kind = 8 ) vmax real ( kind = 8 ) vsum real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) ! ! Compute the current flow area. ! flarea = 0.0D+00 do ielem = 1,nelem do i = 1,nquad flarea = flarea+area(i,ielem) end do end do ! write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PrGS2, compute Maximum (Sensitivity-Finite Difference)' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Par Var L1-Norm Max-Norm Index Node ' // & 'X Y Row Column' do i = 1,6 write ( *, * ) ' ' if ( i == 1 ) then label = 'Sens' else if (i == 2 ) then label = 'FD' else if (i ==3 ) then label = 'FD-FDFix' else if (i ==4 ) then label = 'FDFix' else if (i ==5 ) then label = 'FD-Sens' else if (i ==6 ) then label = 'FD-FDFix-Sens' end if do ipar = 1,npar if ( iopt(ipar) == 1 ) then ieqn = 0 ipmax = 0 iumax = 0 ivmax = 0 npmax = 0 numax = 0 nvmax = 0 pmax = 0.0D+00 umax = 0.0D+00 vmax = 0.0D+00 psum = 0.0D+00 usum = 0.0D+00 vsum = 0.0D+00 do j = 1,np ieqn = ieqn+1 if ( i == 1 ) then val = sens(ieqn,ipar) else if (i == 2 ) then val = gdif(ieqn,ipar) else if (i ==3 ) then val = gdifc(ieqn,ipar) else if (i ==4 ) then val = gradf(ieqn,ipar) else if (i ==5 ) then val = sens(ieqn,ipar)-gdif(ieqn,ipar) else if (i ==6 ) then val = sens(ieqn,ipar)-gdifc(ieqn,ipar) end if usum = usum+abs(val) if ( abs(val)>= umax ) then umax = abs(val) numax = j iumax = ieqn end if ieqn = ieqn+1 if ( i == 1 ) then val = sens(ieqn,ipar) else if (i == 2 ) then val = gdif(ieqn,ipar) else if (i ==3 ) then val = gdifc(ieqn,ipar) else if (i ==4 ) then val = gradf(ieqn,ipar) else if (i ==5 ) then val = sens(ieqn,ipar)-gdif(ieqn,ipar) else if (i ==6 ) then val = sens(ieqn,ipar)-gdifc(ieqn,ipar) end if vsum = vsum+abs(val) if ( abs(val)>= vmax ) then vmax = abs(val) nvmax = j ivmax = ieqn end if if ( indx(3,j)>0 ) then ieqn = ieqn+1 if ( i == 1 ) then val = sens(ieqn,ipar) else if (i == 2 ) then val = gdif(ieqn,ipar) else if (i ==3 ) then val = gdifc(ieqn,ipar) else if (i ==4 ) then val = gradf(ieqn,ipar) else if (i ==5 ) then val = sens(ieqn,ipar)-gdif(ieqn,ipar) else if (i ==6 ) then val = sens(ieqn,ipar)-gdifc(ieqn,ipar) end if psum = psum+abs(val) if ( abs(val)>= pmax ) then pmax = abs(val) npmax = j ipmax = ieqn end if end if end do ! ! Normalize L1 quantities by dividing by current flow area. ! usum = usum/flarea vsum = vsum/flarea psum = psum/flarea write ( *, * ) ' ' icol = ((numax-1)/(2*ny-1))+1 irow = numax-(icol-1)*(2*ny-1) write(*,'(a15,1x,i1,1x,a1,2g11.3,2i6,2f8.3,2i4)')label,ipar,'U',usum, & umax,iumax,numax,xc(numax),yc(numax),irow,icol icol = ((nvmax-1)/(2*ny-1))+1 irow = nvmax-(icol-1)*(2*ny-1) write(*,'(a15,1x,i1,1x,a1,2g11.3,2i6,2f8.3,2i4)')label,ipar,'V',vsum, & vmax,ivmax,nvmax,xc(nvmax),yc(nvmax),irow,icol icol = ((npmax-1)/(2*ny-1))+1 irow = npmax-(icol-1)*(2*ny-1) write(*,'(a15,1x,i1,1x,a1,2g11.3,2i6,2f8.3,2i4)')label,ipar,'P',psum, & pmax,ipmax,npmax,xc(npmax),yc(npmax),irow,icol end if end do end do return end subroutine probas(base,m,n) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PROBAS accepts N vectors of length M, when N <= M, and orthonormalizes the vectors. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! BASE Input/output, real BASE(M,N). ! ! On input, the columns of BASE contain N vectors, each of ! length M, which span a space of dimension N. ! ! On output, the columns of BASE form a basis for the same ! space, that is, the columns are of unit Euclidean norm, and ! orthogonal. ! ! M Input, integer M, the dimension of the higher order space. ! ! N Input, integer N, the dimension of the lower order space. ! ! integer m integer n ! real ( kind = 8 ) base(m,n) integer i integer j integer k real ( kind = 8 ) temp ! ! For each column J: ! do j = 1,n ! ! ...consider a previous column, I, ... do i = 1,j-1 ! ! ...compute the projection of column J onto column I... ! temp = 0.0D+00 do k = 1,m temp = temp+base(k,i)*base(k,j) end do ! ! ...subtract off this projection... ! do k = 1,m base(k,j) = base(k,j)-temp*base(k,i) end do end do ! ! Then compute the Euclidean norm of what's left of column J... ! temp = 0.0D+00 do i = 1,m temp = temp+base(i,j)**2 end do temp = sqrt(temp) ! ! ...and normalize the column. ! if ( temp>0.0D+00 ) then do i = 1,m base(i,j) = base(i,j)/temp end do else write ( *, * ) 'ProBas - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' Column ',j,' of the basis is now 0.' end if end do return end subroutine projec(base,m,n,vecm,vecn) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PROJEC computes the projection of an M vector into an N dimensional subspace. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! BASE Input, real BASE(M,N). The columns of BASE ! contain N vectors, each of length M, which form the ! orthonormal basis for a space of dimension N. ! ! M Input, integer M, the dimension of the higher order space. ! ! N Input, integer N, the dimension of the lower order space. ! ! VECM Input, real VECM(M), is an M dimensional vector. ! ! VECN Output, real VECN(N), the projection of VECM into ! the lower dimensional space. These values represent ! coordinates in the lower order space. ! ! integer m integer n ! real ( kind = 8 ) base(m,n) integer j integer k real ( kind = 8 ) vecm(m) real ( kind = 8 ) vecn(n) ! ! The J-th coordinate of the projection of the vector ! is simply the dot product of the vector with basis vector J. ! do j = 1,n vecn(j) = 0.0D+00 do k = 1,m vecn(j) = vecn(j)+vecm(k)*base(k,j) end do end do return end subroutine prpar(nparb,nparf,para) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PRPAR prints out the current parameters. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! integer nparb integer nparf ! integer i integer ihi integer ilo real ( kind = 8 ) para(nparf+nparb+1) ! write ( *, * ) ' ' do ilo = 1,nparf,5 ihi = min(ilo+4,nparf) if ( ilo == 1 ) then write(*,'('' Inflow '',5g14.6)')(para(i),i = ilo,ihi) else write(*,'('' '',5g14.6)')(para(i),i = ilo,ihi) end if end do do ilo = nparf+1,nparf+nparb,5 ihi = min(nparf+ilo+4,nparf+nparb) if ( ilo ==nparf+1 ) then write(*,'('' Bump '',5g14.6)')(para(i),i = ilo,ihi) else write(*,'('' '',5g14.6)')(para(i),i = ilo,ihi) end if end do write(*,'('' NU_INV '',5g14.6)')para(nparf+nparb+1) return end subroutine prpuv(g,indx,neqn,np,pnorm,unorm,vnorm) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PRPUV prints out the nodal values of the finite differences and sensitivities. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! integer neqn integer np ! real ( kind = 8 ) g(neqn) integer i integer indx(3,np) integer j real ( kind = 8 ) pnorm real ( kind = 8 ) unorm real ( kind = 8 ) vnorm ! pnorm = 0.0D+00 unorm = 0.0D+00 vnorm = 0.0D+00 do i = 1,np j = indx(1,i) unorm = max(unorm,abs(g(j))) j = indx(2,i) vnorm = max(vnorm,abs(g(j))) j = indx(3,i) if ( j>0 ) then pnorm = max(pnorm,abs(g(j))) end if end do return end subroutine prsol(dpara3,dparfd,dparfdc,dparsn,g,g2,gdif,gdifc,idfd,ids,ifds, & indx,iwrite,maxeqn,neqn,np,npar,nparb,nparf,numstp,para,sens) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PRSOL prints out information about a single solution. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! integer maxeqn integer neqn integer np integer npar integer nparb integer nparf ! real ( kind = 8 ) dpara3(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) dparfd(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) dparfdc(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) dparsn(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) g(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) g2(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) gdif(maxeqn,npar) real ( kind = 8 ) gdifc(maxeqn,npar) integer i integer idfd integer ids integer ifds integer indx(3,np) integer iwrite integer j integer numstp real ( kind = 8 ) para(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) pnorm real ( kind = 8 ) sens(maxeqn,npar) character ( len = 70 ) title real ( kind = 8 ) unorm real ( kind = 8 ) vnorm ! ! Print out stuff. ! if ( iwrite>= 2 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Parameters at step ',numstp call prpar(nparb,nparf,para) end if ! ! Temporary stuff. ! if ( iwrite>= 3 ) then call prpuv(g,indx,neqn,np,pnorm,unorm,vnorm) write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'U norm = ',unorm write ( *, * ) 'V norm = ',vnorm write ( *, * ) 'P norm = ',pnorm do i = 1,npar write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Parameter ',i call prpuv(sens(1,i),indx,neqn,np,pnorm,unorm,vnorm) write ( *, * ) ' ' write(*,'(a,3g14.6)')'Disc Sens:',unorm,vnorm,pnorm call prpuv(gdif(1,i),indx,neqn,np,pnorm,unorm,vnorm) write(*,'(a,3g14.6)')'Fin Dif :',unorm,vnorm,pnorm call prpuv(gdifc(1,i),indx,neqn,np,pnorm,unorm,vnorm) write(*,'(a,3g14.6)')'Fin Dif C:',unorm,vnorm,pnorm do j = 1,neqn g2(j) = sens(j,i)-gdifc(j,i) end do call prpuv(g2,indx,neqn,np,pnorm,unorm,vnorm) write(*,'(a,3g14.6)')'DS-FDC: ',unorm,vnorm,pnorm end do end if ! ! Print finite difference sensitivity. ! if ( ifds/= 0 ) then if ( iwrite>= 2 ) then title = 'Chain rule on finite difference sensitivities:' call prcsen(dparfd,npar,title) end if end if ! ! Print adjustment to finite difference sensitivity. ! if ( ifds/= 0 ) then if ( iwrite>= 2 ) then title = 'Chain rule on corrected finite difference sens:' call prcsen(dparfdc,npar,title) end if end if ! ! Print discretized sensitivity. ! if ( ids/= 0 ) then if ( iwrite>= 2 ) then title = 'Chain rule on discretized sensitivities:' call prcsen(dparsn,npar,title) end if end if ! ! Print direct finite difference. ! if ( idfd/= 0 ) then if ( iwrite>= 2 ) then title = 'Direct finite differences:' call prcsen(dpara3,npar,title) end if end if return end subroutine prspl(nspl,spl,tau) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PRSPL prints the raw spline data for the simple cases ISHAPE = 1 or 2. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! integer nspl ! integer i real ( kind = 8 ) spl(nspl) real ( kind = 8 ) tau(nspl) ! write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PrSpl' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Raw spline data.' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'I, TAU(I), SPL(I)' do i = 1,nspl write ( *, * ) i,tau(i),spl(i) end do return end subroutine prspln(jderiv,ipar,ishape,npts,npar,spl,tau,xhi,xlo) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PRSPLN prints out the value of a spline function or one of its ! derivatives at evenly spaced points between given limits. ! ! It can also print out the value or derivatives of one of the ! "Lagrangian" spline functions, associated with any of NPAR ! parameters. ! ! The IPAR-th Lagrangian spline is 1 at the point associated with ! the IPAR-th parameter, and 0 at the points associated with the ! other parameters. Using the notation S(IPAR)(X) for the value ! of the IPAR-th Lagrangian spline at the point X, we can write: ! ! S(X) = Sum (IPAR=1 to NPAR) C(IPAR) * S(IPAR)(X) ! ! where S(X) is our resulting spline, which has the value C(IPAR) ! at the IPAR-th point. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! integer npar ! integer i integer ipar integer ishape integer jderiv integer npts real ( kind = 8 ) spl(4,npar+2,0:npar) real ( kind = 8 ) tau(npar+2) real ( kind = 8 ) xhi real ( kind = 8 ) xlo real ( kind = 8 ) xx real ( kind = 8 ) yvec(npar+2) real ( kind = 8 ) yy ! intrinsic real ! if ( npts<1 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PrSpln - Serious error!' write ( *, * ) ' NPTS must be at least 1, but you entered ',npts return end if write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PrSpln:' write ( *, * ) ' ' do i = 1,npts if ( npts == 1 ) then xx = 0.5 * (xlo+xhi) else xx = ( real(npts-i, kind = 8 )*xlo + real(i-1, kind = 8 )*xhi ) / real(npts-1, kind = 8 ) end if if ( ishape == 1 ) then if ( ipar == 0 ) then if ( jderiv == 0 ) then yvec(1:npar+2) = spl(1,1:npar+2,0) call plval(npar+2,xx,tau,yy,yvec) else yvec(1:npar+2) = spl(1,1:npar+2,0) call pldx(npar+2,xx,tau,yy,yvec) end if else call plval1(ipar+1,npar+2,xx,tau,yy) end if else if (ishape == 2 ) then if ( ipar == 0 ) then if ( jderiv == 0 ) then call pqval(npar+2,xx,tau,yy,spl) else call pqdx(npar+2,xx,tau,yy,spl) end if else call pqval1(ipar+1,npar+2,xx,tau,yy) end if else if (ishape ==3 ) then call ppvalu(tau,spl(1,1,ipar),npar+1,4,xx,jderiv,yy) end if write(*,'(2g12.4)')xx,yy end do return end subroutine qbf(ielem,in,w,dwdx,dwdy,nelem,node,np,xc,xq,yc,yq) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! QBF evaluates a particular quadratic basis function at a point ! in a nonisoparametric element. ! ! ^ ! | 2 ! | /| ! Y | 4 5 ! | / | ! | 1-6-3 ! | ! +------------> ! X ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! IELEM Input, integer IELEM, the number of the element we are ! examining. This will be a value between 1 and NELEM. ! ! IN Input, integer IN, the number of the basis function we ! want. This will be a value between 1 and 6. Functions ! 1 through 3 are associated with corners, 4 though 6 ! with sides. ! ! W, ! DWDX, ! DWDY Output, real W, DWDX, DWDY, the value of the ! IN-th basis function and its X and Y derivatives, at the ! given point. ! ! NELEM Input, integer NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! NODE Input, integer NODE(6,NELEM), contains the numbers ! of the nodes that make up each element. Element number ! I is associated with nodes NODE(1,I) through NODE(6,I). ! ! NP Input, integer NP, the number of nodes. ! ! XC Input, real XC(NP), the X coordinates of the ! nodes. ! ! XQ Input, real XQ, the X coordinate of the point ! where the basis function is to be evaluated. ! ! YC Input, real YC(NP), the Y coordinates of the nodes ! ! YQ Input, real YQ, the Y coordinate of the point wher ! the basis function is to be evaluated. ! ! integer nelem integer np ! real ( kind = 8 ) c real ( kind = 8 ) d real ( kind = 8 ) dwdx real ( kind = 8 ) dwdy integer i1 integer i2 integer i3 integer ielem integer in integer in1 integer in2 integer in3 integer node(6,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) s real ( kind = 8 ) t real ( kind = 8 ) w real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xq real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yq ! ! Case 1: We are inquiring about a basis function associated ! with a corner. ! ! Notice that the basis function W is zero exactly if ! T is 0 or T is 1/2. ! ! IN1, IN2, and IN3 are the local node numbers of the three ! corner nodes, and I1, I2 and I3 are the corresponding ! global node numbers, which are used to look up the X and ! Y coordinates of the nodes. ! if ( 1<=<=3 ) then in1 = in in2 = mod(in,3)+1 in3 = mod(in+1,3)+1 i1 = node(in1,ielem) i2 = node(in2,ielem) i3 = node(in3,ielem) d = (xc(i2)-xc(i1))*(yc(i3)-yc(i1))-(xc(i3)-xc(i1))*(yc(i2)-yc(i1)) if ( d == 0.0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'QBF - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' D = 0' write ( *, * ) ' Element IELEM = ',ielem write ( *, * ) ' I1, XC(I1), YC(I1) = ',i1,xc(i1),yc(i1) write ( *, * ) ' I2, XC(I2), YC(I2) = ',i2,xc(i2),yc(i2) write ( *, * ) ' I3, XC(I3), YC(I3) = ',i3,xc(i3),yc(i3) stop end if t = 1.0D+00+( (xq -xc(i1))*(yc(i2)-yc(i3))+(xc(i3)-xc(i2))*(yq -yc(i1)) )/d w = t*(2.0D+00*t-1.0D+00) dwdx = (yc(i2)-yc(i3))*(4.0D+00*t-1.0D+00)/d dwdy = (xc(i3)-xc(i2))*(4.0D+00*t-1.0D+00)/d ! ! Case 2: We are inquiring about a basis function associated ! with a midpoint. ! else if (in>=<=6 ) then in1 = in-3 in2 = mod(in-3,3)+1 in3 = mod(in-2,3)+1 i1 = node(in1,ielem) i2 = node(in2,ielem) i3 = node(in3,ielem) d = (xc(i2)-xc(i1))*(yc(i3)-yc(i1))-(xc(i3)-xc(i1))*(yc(i2)-yc(i1)) if ( d == 0.0D+00 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'QBF - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' D = 0' write ( *, * ) ' Element IELEM = ',ielem write ( *, * ) ' I1, XC(I1), YC(I1) = ',i1,xc(i1),yc(i1) write ( *, * ) ' I2, XC(I2), YC(I2) = ',i2,xc(i2),yc(i2) write ( *, * ) ' I3, XC(I3), YC(I3) = ',i3,xc(i3),yc(i3) stop end if c = (xc(i3)-xc(i2))*(yc(i1)-yc(i2))-(xc(i1)-xc(i2))*(yc(i3)-yc(i2)) if ( c == 0.0D+00 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'QBF - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' C = 0' write ( *, * ) ' Element IELEM = ',ielem write ( *, * ) ' I1, XC(I1), YC(I1) = ',i1,xc(i1),yc(i1) write ( *, * ) ' I2, XC(I2), YC(I2) = ',i2,xc(i2),yc(i2) write ( *, * ) ' I3, XC(I3), YC(I3) = ',i3,xc(i3),yc(i3) stop end if t = 1.0D+00+( (xq -xc(i1))*(yc(i2)-yc(i3))+(xc(i3)-xc(i2))*(yq -yc(i1)) )/d s = 1.0D+00+( (xq -xc(i2))*(yc(i3)-yc(i1))+(xc(i1)-xc(i3))*(yq -yc(i2)) )/c w = 4.0D+00 * s*t dwdx = 4.0D+00 * ((yc(i3)-yc(i1))*t/c + (yc(i2)-yc(i3))*s/d) dwdy = 4.0D+00 * ((xc(i1)-xc(i3))*t/c + (xc(i3)-xc(i2))*s/d) else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'QBF - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Request for basis function IN = ',in write ( *, * ) ' but IN must be between 1 and 6.' stop end if return end subroutine qsolve(a,area,dopt,dpara3,dparfd,dparfdc,dparsn,dpdyn,dudyn,dvdyn, & dydpn,epsdif,eqn,etan,etaq,g,g1,g2,gdif,gdifc,gold,gopt,gradf,gtar,ibc,ifs, & ibs,idfd,ids,ifds,igrad,igunit,ijac,indx,iopt,ipivot,iplot,isotri,itunit, & itype,ivopt,iwrite,jjac,liv,lv,maxeqn,maxnew,maxstp,nelem,neqn,nlband,node, & nopt,np,npar,nparb,nparf,npe,nprof,nquad,nrow,numel,nx,ny,para,phi,res,sens, & splbmp,splflo,syseqn,taubmp,tauflo,tolnew,tolopt,vopt,wateb,watep,wateu, & watev,wquad,xbl,xbr,xc,xopt,xprof,xquad,xsin,xsiq,ybl,ybr,yc,yquad) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! QSOLVE carries out the optimization algorithm for a fixed grid, ! and computes finite differences or sensitivities to use in the ! optimization. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! integer liv integer lv integer maxeqn integer nelem integer neqn integer np integer npar integer nparb integer nparf integer nquad integer nrow integer nx integer ny ! real ( kind = 8 ) a(nrow,neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) area(nquad,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) cgrad real ( kind = 8 ) cost real ( kind = 8 ) costb real ( kind = 8 ) costp real ( kind = 8 ) costu real ( kind = 8 ) costv real ( kind = 8 ) dopt(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) dpara3(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) dparfd(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) dparfdc(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) dparsn(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) dpdyn(np) real ( kind = 8 ) dudyn(np) real ( kind = 8 ) dvdyn(np) real ( kind = 8 ) dydpn(np,nparb) real ( kind = 8 ) epsdif character ( len = 2 ) eqn(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) etan(6) real ( kind = 8 ) etaq(nquad) real ( kind = 8 ) g(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) g1(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) g2(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) gdif(maxeqn,npar) real ( kind = 8 ) gdifc(maxeqn,npar) real ( kind = 8 ) gold(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) gopt(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) gradf(maxeqn,npar) real ( kind = 8 ) gtar(neqn) integer i integer ibc integer ifs integer ibs integer idfd integer ids integer ierror integer ifds integer igrad integer igunit integer ijac integer indx(3,np) integer info integer iopt(npar) integer ipivot(neqn) integer iplot integer isotri(nelem) integer itunit integer itype integer ival integer ivopt(liv) integer iwrite integer j integer jjac integer jopt logical lmat integer maxnew integer maxstp integer nfail integer nlband integer node(6,nelem) integer nopt integer npe integer nprof(2*ny-1) integer numel(np) integer numstp real ( kind = 8 ) para(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) phi(nquad,6,10,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) res(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) sens(maxeqn,npar) real ( kind = 8 ) splbmp(4,nparb+2,0:nparb) real ( kind = 8 ) splflo(4,nparf+2,0:nparf) character ( len = 20 ) syseqn real ( kind = 8 ) taubmp(nparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) tauflo(nparf+2) character ( len = 70 ) title real ( kind = 8 ) tolnew real ( kind = 8 ) tolopt real ( kind = 8 ) vopt(lv) real ( kind = 8 ) wateb real ( kind = 8 ) watep real ( kind = 8 ) wateu real ( kind = 8 ) watev real ( kind = 8 ) wquad(nquad) real ( kind = 8 ) xbl real ( kind = 8 ) xbr real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xopt(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) xprof real ( kind = 8 ) xquad(nquad,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) xsin(6) real ( kind = 8 ) xsiq(nquad) real ( kind = 8 ) ybl real ( kind = 8 ) ybr real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yquad(nquad,nelem) ! ! Initialize some things. ! nfail = 0 numstp = 0 ! ! Set default values for the optimizer, and override some of them. ! ival = 2 call deflt(ival,ivopt,liv,lv,vopt) if ( tolopt>0.0D+00 ) then vopt(31) = tolopt vopt(32) = tolopt vopt(33) = tolopt vopt(34) = tolopt vopt(37) = tolopt end if ivopt(1) = 12 ivopt(19) = 0 g(1:neqn) = 0.0D+00 gold(1:neqn) = 0.0D+00 do i = 1,npar dpara3(i) = 0.0D+00 dparfd(i) = 0.0D+00 dparfdc(i) = 0.0D+00 dparsn(i) = 0.0D+00 end do ! ! Optimization loop ! 10 continue ! ! Call the optimizer to get a new set of parameter values, PARA. ! cgrad = 0.0D+00 jopt = 0 do i = 1,npar if ( iopt(i) == 1 ) then jopt = jopt+1 xopt(jopt) = para(i) if ( itype ==3 ) then if ( igrad == 1 ) then gopt(jopt) = dparsn(i) else if (igrad == 2 ) then gopt(jopt) = dparfd(i) else if (igrad ==3 ) then gopt(jopt) = dparfdc(i) else if (igrad ==4 ) then gopt(jopt) = dpara3(i) end if cgrad = max(cgrad,abs(gopt(jopt))) end if end if end do 11 continue if ( itype ==3 ) then call sumit(dopt,cost,gopt,ivopt,liv,lv,nopt,vopt,xopt) else if (itype ==7 ) then call snoit(dopt,cost,ivopt,liv,lv,nopt,vopt,xopt) end if jopt = 0 do i = 1,npar if ( iopt(i) == 1 ) then jopt = jopt+1 para(i) = xopt(jopt) end if end do ! ! Did the optimizer converge, so that we're done? ! if ( ivopt(1)>= 3.and.ivopt(1)<=8 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'QSolve - Convergence to a minimizer was achieved!' write ( *, * ) ' IVOPT(1) = ',ivopt(1) go to 20 ! ! ...or did the optimizer find a serious problem, so that we're ! "finished"? ! else if (ivopt(1)>8 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'QSolve - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' IVOPT(1) = ',ivopt(1) go to 20 ! ! The optimizer has not converged, and it hasn't had a failure. ! ! The optimizer has returned a new, rough, guess for the ! minimizer, and wants us to evaluate the cost function there. ! ! To do this, we must find the flow solution (U,V,P) corresponding ! to the given parameters. ! else if (ivopt(1) == 1.or.(ivopt(1)== 2.and.itype==7) ) then numstp = numstp+1 ! ! Get the flow solution (U,V,P). ! call flosol(a,area,eqn,etaq,g,g2,ifs,ibs,ierror,ijac,indx,ipivot,isotri, & iwrite,jjac,maxnew,nelem,neqn,nlband,node,np,npar,nparb,nparf,nquad, & nrow,nx,ny,para,phi,res,splbmp,splflo,syseqn,taubmp,tauflo,tolnew, & wquad,xbl,xbr,xc,xquad,xsiq,ybl,ybr,yc,yquad) ! ! Get the cost function J. ! call getcst(cost,costb,costp,costu,costv,g,gtar,ibs,indx,neqn,np,nparb, & nprof,ny,splbmp,taubmp,wateb,watep,wateu,watev,xbl,xbr,ybl,ybr,yc) if ( ivopt(1) == 2.and.itype==7)go to 10 ! ! Get the finite difference sensitivities dU/dPARA. ! call getgrd(a,area,cost,dpara3,epsdif,eqn,etaq,g,g1,g2,gdif,gtar,ifs,ibs, & ierror,ijac,indx,iopt,ipivot,isotri,iwrite,jjac,maxeqn,maxnew,nelem, & neqn,nlband,node,np,npar,nparb,nparf,nprof,nquad,nrow,nx,ny,para,phi, & res,splbmp,splflo,syseqn,taubmp,tauflo,tolnew,wateb,watep,wateu,watev, & wquad,xbl,xbr,xc,xquad,xsiq,ybl,ybr,yc,yquad) ! ! Get dPdY, dUdY and dVdY, compute the correction term ! GRADF, and the GDIFC, the corrected finite difference estimate ! of the sensitivity. ! call getdu(dpdyn,dudyn,dvdyn,etan,g,indx,isotri,nelem,neqn,node,np,numel, & xc,xsin,yc) call getfix(dpdyn,dudyn,dvdyn,dydpn,gradf,ibs,indx,iopt,maxeqn,np,npar, & nparb,nparf,splbmp,taubmp,xbl,xbr,xc,yc) do i = 1,neqn do j = 1,npar gdifc(i,j) = gdif(i,j)-gradf(i,j) end do end do ! ! Get the discretized sensitivities. ! lmat = .false. call lmemry('get','have_fp',lmat) if ( .not.lmat ) then call fp(a,area,eqn,g,indx,nelem,neqn,nlband,node, & np,npar,nparb,nparf,nquad,nrow,para,phi,syseqn) call sgbtrf(neqn,neqn,nlband,nlband,a,nrow,ipivot,info) if ( info/= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'QSolve - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Jacobian factorization failed.' write ( *, * ) ' SGBTRF returns nonzero INFO = ',info else lmat = .true. call lmemry('set','have_fp',lmat) end if end if if ( lmat ) then call getsen(a,area,dudyn,dvdyn,eqn,g,ibc,ifs,ibs,indx,iopt,ipivot, & maxeqn,nelem,neqn,nlband,node,np,npar,nparb,nparf,nquad,nrow, & phi,sens,splbmp,splflo,taubmp,tauflo,xc,yc) end if if ( ierror/= 0 ) then nfail = nfail+1 if ( nfail<= 1 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'QSolve - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' SolCon returns IERROR = ',ierror write ( *, * ) ' Requesting that SUMIT try a smaller step.' ivopt(2) = 1 go to 11 else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'QSolve - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' SolCon returns IERROR = ',ierror return end if else nfail = 0 end if gold(1:neqn) = g(1:neqn) ! ! Print stuff out. ! if ( iwrite<2 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'QSolve - Point ',numstp call prpar(nparb,nparf,para) end if if ( iwrite == 1 ) then write ( *, * ) 'Cost: ',cost else if (iwrite>= 2 ) then title = 'Cost' call prcost2(cost,costb,costp,costu,costv,title,wateb,watep,wateu,watev) end if call getder(dparfd,g,gtar,ibs,indx,maxeqn,neqn,np,npar,nparb,nparf,nprof, & ny,gdif,splbmp,taubmp,wateb,watep,wateu,watev,xbl,xbr,ybl,ybr,yc) call getder(dparfdc,g,gtar,ibs,indx,maxeqn,neqn,np,npar,nparb,nparf, & nprof,ny,gdifc,splbmp,taubmp,wateb,watep,wateu,watev,xbl,xbr, & ybl,ybr,yc) call getder(dparsn,g,gtar,ibs,indx,maxeqn,neqn,np,npar,nparb,nparf,nprof, & ny,sens,splbmp,taubmp,wateb,watep,wateu,watev,xbl,xbr,ybl,ybr,yc) call prsol(dpara3,dparfd,dparfdc,dparsn,g,g2,gdif,gdifc,idfd,ids,ifds, & indx,iwrite,maxeqn,neqn,np,npar,nparb,nparf,numstp,para,sens) if ( iwrite>= 3 ) then call prgs2(area,gdif,gdifc,gradf,indx,iopt,maxeqn,nelem, & np,npar,nquad,ny,sens,xc,yc) end if if ( itunit /= 0 ) then write(itunit,'(1x,6g14.6)') cost, para(1:npar) write(itunit,'(1x,5g14.6)') dparsn(1:npar) write(itunit,'(1x,5g14.6)') dparfd(1:npar) write(itunit,'(1x,5g14.6)') dpara3(1:npar) end if if ( iplot>0.and.mod(numstp,iplot) == 0 ) then call pltwrt(eqn,g,gdif,igunit,indx,isotri,iwrite,maxeqn,nelem,neqn, & node,np,npar,npe,nprof,nx,ny,para,sens,xc,xprof,yc) end if if ( numstp>= maxstp ) then if ( iwrite<2 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'QSolve - Point ',numstp call prpar(nparb,nparf,para) write ( *, * ) 'Cost:',cost end if write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'QSolve - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' Number of steps exceeded.' go to 20 end if go to 10 ! ! Did the optimizer ask us to return the derivative values ! associated with the current set of parameters? ! else if (ivopt(1) == 2 ) then go to 10 ! ! We can't figure out what SUMIT is trying to tell us. ! else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'QSolve - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' Unknown value of IVOPT(1) = ',ivopt(1) go to 20 end if 20 continue ! ! If IPLOT < 0, we want to write out graphics information ! for the last point computed. ! if ( iplot<0 ) then call pltwrt(eqn,g,gdif,igunit,indx,isotri,iwrite,maxeqn,nelem,neqn,node, & np,npar,npe,nprof,nx,ny,para,sens,xc,xprof,yc) end if return end subroutine refbsp(q,dqdx,dqdy,detadx,detady,iq,dxsidx,dxsidy,eta,xsi) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! REFBSP evaluates one of the three linear basis functions, ! and its X and Y derivatives, at a particular point (X,Y) ! in a particular element, by referring to the corresponding ! points (XSI,ETA) in the reference triangle. ! ! It is assumed that we already know the value of the jacobian ! of the isoparametric transformation between the (XSI, ETA) and ! (X, Y) spaces. The four entries of the jacobian are ! symbolically named DETADX, DETADY, DXSIDX and DXSIDY, and ! we know that the jacobian gives us the following relation ! between derivatives with respect to XSI and ETA, and derivatives ! with respect to X and Y: ! ! dF/dX = dF/dXsi dXsi/dX + dF/dEta dEta/dX ! dF/dY = dF/dXsi dXsi/dY + dF/dEta dEta/dY ! ! Here is a graph of the (XSI, ETA) reference triangle we will ! use. ! ! ^ ! | ! 1 + 2 ! | /| ! ETA | / | ! | / | ! 0 + 1---3 ! | ! +----+---+---> ! 0 1 ! ! XSI ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Q, ! DQDX, ! DQDY Output, real Q, DQDX, DQDY, the value of the basis ! function, and its derivatives with respect to X and Y, at ! the point (ETA,XSI). ! ! DETADX, ! DETADY Input, real DETADX, DETADY, the partial derivative ! d ETA/d X and d ETA/d Y at (ETA,XSI). ! ! IQ Input, integer IQ, the local node number, between 1 and ! 3, whose basis function is being evaluated. ! ! DXSIDX, ! DXSIDY Input, real DXSIDX, DXSIDY, the partial derivative ! d XSI/d X and d XSI/d Y at (ETA,XSI). ! ! ETA, ! XSI Input, real ETA, XSI, the local coordinates of the ! at which the basis information is desired. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) detadx real ( kind = 8 ) detady real ( kind = 8 ) dqdeta real ( kind = 8 ) dqdx real ( kind = 8 ) dqdxsi real ( kind = 8 ) dqdy real ( kind = 8 ) dxsidx real ( kind = 8 ) dxsidy real ( kind = 8 ) eta integer iq real ( kind = 8 ) q real ( kind = 8 ) xsi ! if ( iq == 1 ) then q = 1.0D+00-xsi dqdxsi = -1.0D+00 dqdeta = 0.0D+00 else if (iq == 2 ) then q = eta dqdxsi = 0.0D+00 dqdeta = 1.0D+00 else if (iq ==3 ) then q = xsi-eta dqdxsi = 1.0D+00 dqdeta = -1.0D+00 else if (iq>=<=6 ) then q = 0.0D+00 dqdxsi = 0.0D+00 dqdeta = 0.0D+00 else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'RefBSP - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Request for basis function IQ = ',iq write ( *, * ) ' but IQ must be between 1 and 6.' stop end if dqdx = dqdxsi*dxsidx+dqdeta*detadx dqdy = dqdxsi*dxsidy+dqdeta*detady return end subroutine refqbf(w,dwdx,dwdy,detadx,detady,dxsidx,dxsidy,eta,iq,xsi) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! REFQBF evaluates one of the six quadratic basis functions, ! and its X and Y derivatives, at a particular point in a ! particular element, by referring to the reference triangle. ! ! The point we are interested in is referred to by its coordinates ! in the reference triangle. That is, we are given coordinates ! (XSI, ETA), even though, physically, we are interested ! in points in (X, Y) space. ! ! It is assumed that we already know the value of the jacobian ! of the isoparametric transformation between the (XSI, ETA) and ! (X, Y) spaces. The four entries of the jacobian are ! symbolically named DETADX, DETADY, DXSIDX and DXSIDY, and ! we know that the jacobian gives us the following relation ! between derivatives with respect to XSI and ETA, and derivatives ! with respect to X and Y: ! ! d F(X,Y)/dX (d XSI/dX d ETA/dX ) ( d F(XSI, ETA)/d XSI ) ! d F(X,Y)/dY = (d XSI/dY d ETA/dY ) * ( d F(XSI, ETA)/d ETA ) ! ! Here is a graph of the (XSI, ETA) reference triangle we will ! use. ! ! ^ ! | ! 1 + 2 ! | /| ! ETA | 4 5 ! | / | ! 0 + 1-6-3 ! | ! +----+---+---> ! 0 1 ! ! XSI ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! W, ! DWDX, ! DWDY Output, real W, DWDX, DWDY, the value of the basis ! function, and its derivatives with respect to X and Y, at ! the point (XSI,ETA). ! ! DETADX, ! DETADY Input, real DETADX, DETADY, the partial derivative ! d ETA/d X and d ETA/d Y at (XSI,ETA). ! ! DXSIDX, ! DXSIDY Input, real DXSIDX, DXSIDY, the partial derivative ! d XSI/d X and d XSI/d Y at (XSI,ETA). ! ! ETA Input, real ETA, the ETA coordinate of the point. ! ! IQ Input, integer IQ, the local node number, between 1 and ! 6, whose basis function is being evaluated. ! ! XSI Input, real XSI, the XSI coordinate of the point. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) detadx real ( kind = 8 ) detady real ( kind = 8 ) dwdeta real ( kind = 8 ) dwdx real ( kind = 8 ) dwdxsi real ( kind = 8 ) dwdy real ( kind = 8 ) dxsidx real ( kind = 8 ) dxsidy real ( kind = 8 ) eta integer iq real ( kind = 8 ) w real ( kind = 8 ) xsi ! ! Evaluate W, the quadratic basis function. ! Evaluate DWDXSI and DWDETA, the partial derivatives d W/d XSI ! and d W/d ETA. ! ! Basis 1 is zero if XSI = 0.5 or XSI=1. ! if ( iq == 1 ) then w = (2.0D+00*xsi-1.0D+00) * (xsi-1.0D+00) dwdxsi = -3.0D+00+4.0D+00*xsi dwdeta = 0.0D+00 ! ! Basis 2 is zero if ETA = 0 or ETA=0.5. ! else if (iq == 2 ) then w = eta * (2.0D+00*eta-1.0D+00) dwdxsi = 0.0D+00 dwdeta = -1.0D+00+4.0D+00*eta ! ! Basis 3 is zero if XSI = ETA, or XSI=ETA+0.5 ! else if (iq ==3 ) then w = (xsi-eta) * (2.0D+00*xsi-2.0D+00*eta-1.0D+00) dwdxsi = -1.0D+00+4.0D+00*xsi-4.0D+00*eta dwdeta = 1.0D+00-4.0D+00*xsi+4.0D+00*eta ! ! Basis 4 is zero if ETA = 0 or XSI=1. ! else if (iq ==4 ) then w = 4.0D+00 * eta * (1.0D+00-xsi) dwdxsi = -4.0D+00*eta dwdeta = 4.0D+00-4.0D+00*xsi ! ! Basis 5 is zero if ETA = 0 or XSI=ETA. ! else if (iq ==5 ) then w = 4.0D+00 * eta * (xsi-eta) dwdxsi = 4.0D+00*eta dwdeta = 4.0D+00*xsi-8.0D+00*eta ! ! Basis 6 is zero if XSI = ETA or XSI=1. ! else if (iq ==6 ) then w = 4.0D+00 * (xsi-eta) * (1.0D+00-xsi) dwdxsi = 4.0D+00-8.0D+00*xsi+4.0D+00*eta dwdeta = -4.0D+00+4.0D+00*xsi ! ! Stop if we were given an unexpected value of IQ. ! else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'RefQBF - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' A basis function index must be between 1 and 6,' write ( *, * ) ' but you input the value IQ = ',iq stop end if ! ! Convert the d W/d XSI and d W/d ETA derivatives to d W/d X ! and d W/d Y. ! dwdx = dwdxsi*dxsidx + dwdeta*detadx dwdy = dwdxsi*dxsidy + dwdeta*detady return end subroutine reysen(area,eqn,g,indx,nelem,neqn,node,np,nquad,phi,rhs) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! REYSEN sets up the right hand side RHS associated with the first ! order sensitivities with respect to the NU_INV parameter of a ! given state function (U,V,P). ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! AREA Input, real AREA(NQUAD,NELEM). ! ! AREA contains a common factor multiplying the term associated ! with a quadrature point in a given element, namely, ! ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! ! or, if the element is isoperimetric, ! ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = DET * Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! ! Here Ar(IELEM) represents the area of element IELEM. ! ! EQN Input, character ( len = 2 ) EQN(MAXEQN). ! EQN records the "type" of each equation that will be generated, and ! which is associated with an unknown. Note that most boundary ! conditions do not result in an equation. The current values are: ! ! 'U' The horizontal momentum equation. ! 'UB' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on the bump. ! 'UI' The condition U = UInflow(Y,Lambda) at the inflow. ! 'UW' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! ! 'V' The vertical momentum equation. ! 'VB' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on the bump. ! 'VI' The condition V = VInflow(Y,Lambda) at the inflow. ! 'VW' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! ! 'P' The continuity equation. ! 'PB' The condition P = 0 applied at (XMAX,YMAX). ! ! G Input, real G(NEQN), the finite element ! coefficients for the state functions (U,V,P). ! ! INDX Input, integer INDX(3,NP). ! ! INDX(I,J) contains, for each node J, the index of U, V and P at ! that node, or 0 or a negative value. ! ! If K = INDX(I,J) is positive, then the value of the degree ! of freedom is stored in the solution vector entry G(K). ! ! If INDX(I,J) is positive, then that means that a degree of ! freedom for variable I (U, V or P) is associated with node ! J, and an equation will be generated to determine its value. ! ! If INDX(I,J) is not positive, then no equation is ! generated to determine for variable I at node J. ! ! NELEM Input, integer NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! NEQN Input, integer NEQN, the number of finite element equations used ! to define the horizontal and vertical velocities and the ! pressure. ! ! NODE Input, integer NODE(6,NELEM). ! ! NODE(I,J) contains, for an element J, the global node index of ! the element node whose local number is I. ! ! The local ordering of the nodes is suggested by this diagram: ! ! 2 ! /| ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1-6-3 ! ! NP Input, integer NP, the number of nodes used to define the finite ! element mesh. NP = (2*NX-1)*(2*NY-1). ! ! NQUAD Input, integer NQUAD, the number of quadrature points used to ! approximate the integrals in the finite element versions of ! the state equations. ! ! NQUAD is usually 3, but can also be 7. ! ! PHI real PHI(NQUAD,6,10,NELEM). ! ! PHI contains the value of a basis function, its derivative, ! or other information, evaluated at a quadrature point. ! ! For a particular element I, quadrature point J, and basis ! function K, we use the following shorthand for the ten ! entries of PHI: ! ! W, dWdX, dWdY ! Q, dQdX, dQdY ! dXsidX, dXsidY, dEtadX, dEtadY ! ! W is the quadratic basis function associated with velocity, ! Q the linear basis function associated with pressure, ! Xsi and Eta the reference coordinates for the point. ! ! In particular, PHI(J,K,1,I) is the value of the quadratic ! basis function associated with local node K in element I, ! evaluated at quadrature point J. ! ! Note that PHI(J,K,4,I) = PHI(J,K,5,I)=PHI(J,K,6,I)=0 for ! K = 4, 5, or 6, since there are only three linear basis ! functions. ! ! RHS Output, real RHS(NEQN), the right hand ! side of the first order sensitivity equations associated ! with the NU_INV parameter. ! ! REYSEN sets up the right hand side F associated with the ! sensitivities of a given flow solution (U,V,P) with ! respect to the NU_INV parameter. ! ! F Output, real F(NEQN), the right hand ! side of the sensitivity equations associated with ! the NU_INV parameter. ! ! integer nelem integer neqn integer np integer nquad ! real ( kind = 8 ) ar real ( kind = 8 ) area(nquad,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) dpdx real ( kind = 8 ) dpdy real ( kind = 8 ) dudx real ( kind = 8 ) dudy real ( kind = 8 ) dvdx real ( kind = 8 ) dvdy character ( len = 2 ) eqn(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) g(neqn) integer i integer ielem integer ihor integer indx(3,np) integer ip integer iq integer iquad integer iver integer node(6,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) p real ( kind = 8 ) phi(nquad,6,10,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) rhs(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) u real ( kind = 8 ) v real ( kind = 8 ) wi ! ! Zero out the right hand side vector. ! rhs(1:neqn) = 0.0D+00 ! ! Approximate the integrated state equations by adding the ! contribution from element IELEM. ! do ielem = 1,nelem ! ! In element IELEM, approximate the integral by moving to ! quadrature point IQUAD and evaluating the state solution (U,V,P) ! and its spatial derivatives. ! do iquad = 1,nquad ar = area(iquad,ielem) call uvalq(dpdx,dpdy,dudx,dudy,dvdx,dvdy,g,ielem,indx, & iquad,nelem,neqn,node,np,nquad,p,phi,u,v) ! ! Now consider a node with local index IQ, and global index IP, ! whose quadratic basis function evaluated at the quadrature point ! IQUAD has value WI. Evaluate the right hand sides of equations ! IHOR and IVER and add the contribution to the total. ! do iq = 1,6 ip = node(iq,ielem) wi = phi(iquad,iq,1,ielem) ihor = indx(1,ip) if ( eqn(ihor) =='U' ) then rhs(ihor) = rhs(ihor)-ar*(u*dudx+v*dudy+dpdx)*wi end if iver = indx(2,ip) if ( eqn(iver) =='V' ) then rhs(iver) = rhs(iver)-ar*(u*dvdx+v*dvdy+dpdy)*wi end if end do end do end do return end subroutine rint_to_rint ( rmin, rmax, r, r2min, r2max, r2 ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! RINT_TO_RINT maps a real interval to another real interval. ! ! Discussion: ! ! R2 : = R2MIN + ( R2MAX - R2MIN ) * ( R - RMIN ) / ( RMAX - RMIN ) ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 01 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real RMIN, RMAX, the first real range. ! ! Input, real R, the real number to be converted. ! ! Input, real R2MAX, R2MIN, the second real range. ! ! Output, real R2, the corresponding value in the range [R2MIN,R2MAX]. ! real ( kind = 8 ) r real ( kind = 8 ) rmax real ( kind = 8 ) rmin real ( kind = 8 ) r2 real ( kind = 8 ) r2max real ( kind = 8 ) r2min ! if ( rmax == rmin ) then r2 = ( r2max + r2min ) / 2.0D+00 else r2 = ( ( ( rmax - r ) * r2min + ( r - rmin ) * r2max ) / ( rmax - rmin ) ) end if return end function s_eqi ( s1, s2 ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! S_EQI is a case insensitive comparison of two strings for equality. ! ! Example: ! ! S_EQI ( 'Anjana', 'ANJANA' ) is .TRUE. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 14 April 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, character ( len = * ) S1, S2, the strings to compare. ! ! Output, logical S_EQI, the result of the comparison. ! character c1 character c2 integer i integer len1 integer len2 integer lenc logical s_eqi character ( len = * ) s1 character ( len = * ) s2 ! len1 = len ( s1 ) len2 = len ( s2 ) lenc = min ( len1, len2 ) s_eqi = .false. do i = 1, lenc c1 = s1(i:i) c2 = s2(i:i) call ch_cap ( c1 ) call ch_cap ( c2 ) if ( c1 /= c2 ) then return end if end do do i = lenc + 1, len1 if ( s1(i:i) /= ' ' ) then return end if end do do i = lenc + 1, len2 if ( s2(i:i) /= ' ' ) then return end if end do s_eqi = .true. return end subroutine scopy(n,dx,incx,dy,incy) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SCOPY copies a vector, x, to a vector, y. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! real ( kind = 8 ) dx(*) real ( kind = 8 ) dy(*) integer i integer incx integer incy integer ix integer iy integer m integer n ! if ( n<= 0)return if ( incx == 1.and.incy== 1)go to 20 ix = 1 iy = 1 if ( incx<0)ix = (-n+1)*incx + 1 if ( incy<0)iy = (-n+1)*incy + 1 do i = 1,n dy(iy) = dx(ix) ix = ix + incx iy = iy + incy end do return ! 20 m = mod(n,7) do i = 1,m dy(i) = dx(i) end do do i = m+1,n,7 dy(i) = dx(i) dy(i + 1) = dx(i + 1) dy(i + 2) = dx(i + 2) dy(i + 3) = dx(i + 3) dy(i + 4) = dx(i + 4) dy(i + 5) = dx(i + 5) dy(i + 6) = dx(i + 6) end do return end function sdot(n,dx,incx,dy,incy) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SDOT forms the dot product of two vectors. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! real ( kind = 8 ) sdot real ( kind = 8 ) dtemp real ( kind = 8 ) dx(*) real ( kind = 8 ) dy(*) integer i integer incx integer incy integer ix integer iy integer m integer n ! sdot = 0.0D+00 dtemp = 0.0D+00 if ( n<= 0)return if ( incx == 1.and.incy== 1)go to 20 if ( incx<0 ) then ix = (-n+1)*incx + 1 else ix = 1 end if if ( incy<0 ) then iy = (-n+1)*incy + 1 else iy = 1 end if do i = 1,n dtemp = dtemp + dx(ix)*dy(iy) ix = ix + incx iy = iy + incy end do sdot = dtemp return ! 20 m = mod(n,5) do i = 1,m dtemp = dtemp + dx(i)*dy(i) end do do i = m+1,n,5 dtemp = dtemp + dx(i)*dy(i) + dx(i + 1)*dy(i + 1) + & dx(i + 2)*dy(i + 2) + dx(i + 3)*dy(i + 3) + dx(i + 4)*dy(i + 4) end do sdot = dtemp return end subroutine serene(type,ve,vn,vne,vnw,vs,vse,vsw,vw,vterp) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SERENE evaluates an interpolating function which is defined on ! a serendipity quadrilateral, or on a section of one. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! TYPE Input, CHARACTER*2 TYPE, tells SERENE the geometry of the ! finite element that surrounds the point of interest. The options ! are displayed in the following table, which suggests the meaning ! of each option by its position: ! ! | | ! NW* N * NE ! | | ! -*-*-*-*-*- ! | | ! W * C * E ! | | ! -*-*-*-*-*- ! | | ! SW* S * SE ! | | ! ! VE, ! VN, ! VNE, ! VNW, ! VS, ! VSE, ! VSW, ! VW Input, real VE, VN, VNE, VNW, VS, VSE, VSW, VW, ! are the values of the function at the nodes to the east, ! north, northeast, northwest, south, southeast, southwest and ! west of the point of interest. if the finite element is of ! type 'C', then all 8 values are needed. However, if the ! finite element is of type 'SE', for instance, then only three ! values are needed, namely VE, VN, and VNW, since these are ! the only node positions defined in such a finite element. ! ! VTERP Output, real VTERP, the interpolated value of the ! function at the point of interest. ! real ( kind = 8 ) eta real ( kind = 8 ) pe real ( kind = 8 ) pn real ( kind = 8 ) pne real ( kind = 8 ) pnw real ( kind = 8 ) ps real ( kind = 8 ) pse real ( kind = 8 ) psw real ( kind = 8 ) pw character ( len = 2 ) type real ( kind = 8 ) ve real ( kind = 8 ) vn real ( kind = 8 ) vne real ( kind = 8 ) vnw real ( kind = 8 ) vs real ( kind = 8 ) vse real ( kind = 8 ) vsw real ( kind = 8 ) vw real ( kind = 8 ) vterp real ( kind = 8 ) xsi ! ! To make this routine more general, simply pass in the ! values of XSI and ETA at which the interpolated value ! is desired. By setting XSI = ETA=0, we are asking for the interpolated ! value at the center of the finite element. ! ! xsi = 0.0D+00 eta = 0.0D+00 ! ! 8 node center ! ! Polynomial space is spanned by: ! 1 ! x y ! x^2 xy y^2 ! x^2y xy^2 ! ! ! ^ 1 4--7--3 ! | ! ! ! E ! ! ! T 0 8 X 6 ! A ! ! ! | ! ! ! V -1 1--5--2 ! ! -1 0 1 ! ! <---XSI---> ! if ( type =='C' ) then psw = -0.25D+00*(1.0-xsi)*(1.0-eta)*(1.0+xsi+eta) pse = -0.25D+00*(1.0+xsi)*(1.0-eta)*(1.0-xsi+eta) pne = -0.25D+00*(1.0+xsi)*(1.0+eta)*(1.0-xsi-eta) pnw = -0.25D+00*(1.0-xsi)*(1.0+eta)*(1.0+xsi-eta) ps = 0.5D+00*(1.0-xsi)*(1.0+xsi)*(1.0-eta) pe = 0.5D+00*(1.0+xsi)*(1.0+eta)*(1.0-eta) pn = 0.5D+00*(1.0-xsi)*(1.0+xsi)*(1.0+eta) pw = 0.5D+00*(1.0-xsi)*(1.0+eta)*(1.0-eta) ! ! 5 node side ! ! ^ 1 ! | ! E ! T 0 8 X 6 ! A ! ! ! | ! ! ! V -1 1--5--2 ! ! -1 0 1 ! ! <---XSI---> ! else if (type =='N' ) then psw = 0.5D+00*(xsi-1.0D+00)*(1.0D+00+xsi+eta) pse = -0.5D+00*(xsi+1.0D+00)*(1.0D+00-xsi+eta) ps = -(xsi+1.0D+00)*(xsi-1.0D+00) pe = 0.5*(xsi+1.0)*(eta+1.0) pw = -0.5*(xsi-1.0)*(eta+1.0) ! ! ^ 1 4--7 ! | ! ! E ! ! T 0 8 X ! A ! ! | ! ! V -1 1--5 ! ! -1 0 1 ! ! <---XSI---> ! else if (type =='E' ) then pse = 0.5D+00*(eta-1.0)*(1.0+xsi+eta) pne = -0.5D+00*(eta+1.0)*(1.0+xsi-eta) ps = -0.5D+00*(xsi+1.0)*(eta-1.0) pn = 0.5D+00*(xsi+1.0)*(eta+1.0) pw = -(eta+1.0D+00)*(eta-1.0D+00) ! ! 5 node side ! ! ^ 1 7--3 ! | ! ! E ! ! T 0 X 6 ! A ! ! | ! ! V -1 5--2 ! ! -1 0 1 ! ! <---XSI---> ! else if (type =='W' ) then pse = 0.5D+00*(eta-1.0)*(1.0-xsi+eta) pne = -0.5D+00*(eta+1.0)*(1.0-xsi-eta) ps = 0.5D+00*(xsi-1.0)*(eta-1.0) pe = -(eta-1.0)*(eta+1.0) pn = -0.5D+00*(xsi-1.0)*(eta+1.0) ! ! 5 node side ! ! ^ 1 4--7--3 ! | ! ! ! E ! ! ! T 0 8 X 6 ! A ! | ! V -1 ! ! -1 0 1 ! ! <---XSI---> ! else if (type =='S' ) then pne = -0.5D+00*(xsi+1.0)*(1.0-xsi-eta) pnw = 0.5D+00*(xsi-1.0)*(1.0+xsi-eta) pe = -0.5D+00*(eta-1.0)*(xsi+1.0) pn = -(xsi+1.0)*(xsi-1.0) pw = 0.5D+00*(eta-1.0)*(xsi-1.0) ! ! 3 node corner ! ! Polynomial space is spanned by: ! 1 ! x y ! ! ! ^ 1 ! | ! E ! T 0 8 X ! A ! ! | ! ! V -1 1--5 ! ! -1 0 1 ! ! <---XSI---> ! else if (type =='NE' ) then psw = -(1.0D+00+xsi+eta) ps = (xsi+1.0D+00) pw = (eta+1.0D+00) ! ! 3 node corner ! ! Polynomial space is spanned by: ! 1 ! x y ! ! ^ 1 ! | ! E ! T 0 X 6 ! A ! ! | ! ! V -1 5--2 ! ! -1 0 1 ! ! <---XSI---> ! else if (type =='NW' ) then pse = -(1.0D+00-xsi+eta) ps = -(xsi-1.0D+00) pe = (eta+1.0D+00) ! ! 3 node corner ! ! Polynomial space is spanned by: ! 1 ! x y ! ! ! ^ 1 4--7 ! | ! ! E ! ! T 0 8 X ! A ! | ! V -1 ! ! -1 0 1 ! ! <---XSI---> ! else if (type =='SE' ) then pnw = -(1.0D+00+xsi-eta) pn = (xsi+1.0D+00) pw = -(eta-1.0D+00) ! ! 3 node corner ! ! Polynomial space is spanned by: ! 1 ! x y ! ! ^ 1 7--3 ! | ! ! E ! ! T 0 X 6 ! A ! | ! V -1 ! ! -1 0 1 ! ! <---XSI---> ! else if (type =='SW' ) then pne = -(1.0D+00-xsi-eta) pe = -(eta-1.0D+00) pn = -(xsi-1.0D+00) end if ! vterp = vsw*psw+vse*pse+vne*pne+vnw*pnw+vs*ps+ve*pe+vn*pn+vw*pw return end subroutine sertrn(dudy,ic,np,ny,type,u,xc,yc) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SERTRN computes the value of dUdY at the central node of an ! isoparametric serendipity element. ! ! In some cases, the serendipity element may be incomplete, ! having only 5 or 3 nodes instead of the expected 8. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! DUDY Output, real DUDY, the value of dUdY at the ! central node. ! ! IC Input, integer IC, the global node number of the central ! node. ! ! NP Input, integer NP, the number of nodes. ! ! NY Input, integer NY, the number of nodes in the Y direction. ! ! TYPE Input, character TYPE*2, a code for the sort of serendipity ! element we are given, which is suggested by the following ! diagram, where the value of TYPE is placed at the position ! of the central node in each possible serendipity element. ! ! NW . N . NE ! | | ! .--.--.--.--. ! | | ! W . C . E ! | | ! .--.--.--.--. ! | | ! SW . S . SE ! ! XC Input, real XC(NP), the X coordinates of the ! nodes. ! ! YC Input, real YC(NP), the Y coordinates of the ! nodes. ! ! integer np ! real ( kind = 8 ) det real ( kind = 8 ) detady real ( kind = 8 ) dpsideta(8) real ( kind = 8 ) dpsidxsi(8) real ( kind = 8 ) dudy real ( kind = 8 ) dxdeta real ( kind = 8 ) dxdxsi real ( kind = 8 ) dxsidy real ( kind = 8 ) dydeta real ( kind = 8 ) dydxsi real ( kind = 8 ) eta integer i integer ic integer mp integer nfunc integer nodes(8) integer ny real ( kind = 8 ) psi(8) character type*2 real ( kind = 8 ) u(np) real ( kind = 8 ) uval real ( kind = 8 ) x(8) real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xsi real ( kind = 8 ) xval real ( kind = 8 ) y(8) real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yval ! if ( ic == 15 ) then write ( *, * ) 'ic = ',ic end if mp = 2*ny-1 ! ! We are going to calculate at XSI = ETA=0.0D+00 ! xsi = 0.0D+00 eta = 0.0D+00 ! ! Evaluate the basis functions and derivatives at (XSI,ETA). ! ! ! ^ 1 4--7--3 ! | ! ! ! E ! ! ! T 0 8 X 6 ! A ! ! ! | ! ! ! V -1 1--5--2 ! ! -1 0 1 ! ! <---XSI---> ! if ( type =='C' ) then nfunc = 8 psi(1) = -0.25D+00*(1.0-xsi)*(1.0-eta)*(1.0+xsi+eta) psi(2) = -0.25D+00*(1.0+xsi)*(1.0-eta)*(1.0-xsi+eta) psi(3) = -0.25D+00*(1.0+xsi)*(1.0+eta)*(1.0-xsi-eta) psi(4) = -0.25D+00*(1.0-xsi)*(1.0+eta)*(1.0+xsi-eta) psi(5) = 0.5D+00*(1.0-xsi)*(1.0+xsi)*(1.0-eta) psi(6) = 0.5D+00*(1.0+xsi)*(1.0+eta)*(1.0-eta) psi(7) = 0.5D+00*(1.0-xsi)*(1.0+xsi)*(1.0+eta) psi(8) = 0.5D+00*(1.0-xsi)*(1.0+eta)*(1.0-eta) dpsidxsi(1) = -0.25D+00*(1.0-eta)*(-eta-2.0*xsi) dpsidxsi(2) = -0.25D+00*(1.0-eta)*(eta-2.0*xsi) dpsidxsi(3) = -0.25D+00*(1.0+eta)*(-eta-2.0*xsi) dpsidxsi(4) = -0.25D+00*(1.0+eta)*(eta-2.0*xsi) dpsidxsi(5) = 0.5D+00*(1.0-eta)*(-2.0*xsi) dpsidxsi(6) = 0.5D+00*(1.0+eta)*(1.0-eta) dpsidxsi(7) = 0.5D+00*(1.0+eta)*(-2.0*xsi) dpsidxsi(8) = -0.5D+00*(1.0+eta)*(1.0-eta) dpsideta(1) = -0.25*(1.0-xsi)*(-xsi-2.0*eta) dpsideta(2) = -0.25*(1.0+xsi)*(xsi-2.0*eta) dpsideta(3) = -0.25*(1.0+xsi)*(-xsi-2.0*eta) dpsideta(4) = -0.25*(1.0-xsi)*(xsi-2.0*eta) dpsideta(5) = -0.5*(1.0-xsi)*(1.0+xsi) dpsideta(6) = 0.5*(1.0+xsi)*(-2.0*eta) dpsideta(7) = 0.5*(1.0-xsi)*(1.0+xsi) dpsideta(8) = 0.5*(1.0-xsi)*(-2.0*eta) nodes(1) = ic-mp-1 nodes(2) = ic+mp-1 nodes(3) = ic+mp+1 nodes(4) = ic-mp+1 nodes(5) = ic-1 nodes(6) = ic+mp nodes(7) = ic+1 nodes(8) = ic-mp ! ! 5 node side ! ! ^ 1 ! | ! E ! T 0 8 X 6 ! A ! ! ! | ! ! ! V -1 1--5--2 ! ! -1 0 1 ! ! <---XSI---> ! else if (type =='N' ) then nfunc = 5 psi(1) = 0.5*(xsi-1.0)*(1.0+xsi+eta) psi(2) = -0.5*(xsi+1.0)*(1.0-xsi+eta) psi(3) = -(xsi+1.0)*(xsi-1.0) psi(4) = 0.5*(xsi+1.0)*(eta+1.0) psi(5) = -0.5*(xsi-1.0)*(eta+1.0) dpsidxsi(1) = 0.5*( 2.0*xsi+eta) dpsidxsi(2) = -0.5*(-2.0*xsi+eta) dpsidxsi(3) = -2.0*xsi dpsidxsi(4) = 0.5*(eta+1.0) dpsidxsi(5) = -0.5*(eta+1.0) dpsideta(1) = 0.5*(xsi-1.0) dpsideta(2) = -0.5*(xsi+1.0) dpsideta(3) = 0.0D+00 dpsideta(4) = 0.5*(xsi+1.0) dpsideta(5) = -0.5*(xsi-1.0) nodes(1) = ic-mp-1 nodes(2) = ic+mp-1 nodes(3) = ic-1 nodes(4) = ic+mp nodes(5) = ic-mp ! ! ^ 1 4--7 ! | ! ! E ! ! T 0 8 X ! A ! ! | ! ! V -1 1--5 ! ! -1 0 1 ! ! <---XSI---> ! else if (type =='E' ) then nfunc = 5 psi(1) = 0.5*(eta-1.0)*(1.0+xsi+eta) psi(2) = -0.5*(eta+1.0)*(1.0+xsi-eta) psi(3) = -0.5*(xsi+1.0)*(eta-1.0) psi(4) = 0.5*(xsi+1.0)*(eta+1.0) psi(5) = -(eta+1.0)*(eta-1.0) dpsidxsi(1) = 0.5*(eta-1.0) dpsidxsi(2) = -0.5*(eta+1.0) dpsidxsi(3) = -0.5*(eta-1.0) dpsidxsi(4) = 0.5*(eta+1.0) dpsidxsi(5) = 0.0D+00 dpsideta(1) = 0.5*(xsi+2.0*eta) dpsideta(2) = -0.5*(xsi-2.0*eta) dpsideta(3) = -0.5*(xsi+1.0) dpsideta(4) = 0.5*(xsi+1.0) dpsideta(5) = -2.0*eta nodes(1) = ic-mp-1 nodes(2) = ic-mp+1 nodes(3) = ic-1 nodes(4) = ic+1 nodes(5) = ic-mp ! ! 5 node side ! ! ^ 1 7--3 ! | ! ! E ! ! T 0 X 6 ! A ! ! | ! ! V -1 5--2 ! ! -1 0 1 ! ! <---XSI---> ! else if (type =='W' ) then nfunc = 5 psi(1) = 0.5*(eta-1.0)*(1.0-xsi+eta) psi(2) = -0.5*(eta+1.0)*(1.0-xsi-eta) psi(3) = 0.5*(xsi-1.0)*(eta-1.0) psi(4) = -(eta-1.0)*(eta+1.0) psi(5) = -0.5*(xsi-1.0)*(eta+1.0) dpsidxsi(1) = -0.5*(eta-1.0) dpsidxsi(2) = 0.5*(eta+1.0) dpsidxsi(3) = 0.5*(eta-1.0) dpsidxsi(4) = 0.0D+00 dpsidxsi(5) = -0.5*(eta+1.0) dpsideta(1) = 0.5*(-xsi+2.0*eta) dpsideta(2) = -0.5*(-xsi-2.0*eta) dpsideta(3) = 0.5*(xsi-1.0) dpsideta(4) = -2.0*eta dpsideta(5) = -0.5*(xsi-1.0) nodes(1) = ic+mp-1 nodes(2) = ic+mp+1 nodes(3) = ic-1 nodes(4) = ic+mp nodes(5) = ic+1 ! ! 5 node side ! ! ^ 1 4--7--3 ! | ! ! ! E ! ! ! T 0 8 X 6 ! A ! | ! V -1 ! ! -1 0 1 ! ! <---XSI---> ! else if (type =='S' ) then nfunc = 5 psi(1) = -0.5*(xsi+1.0)*(1.0-xsi-eta) psi(2) = 0.5*(xsi-1.0)*(1.0+xsi-eta) psi(3) = -0.5*(eta-1.0)*(xsi+1.0) psi(4) = -(xsi+1.0)*(xsi-1.0) psi(5) = 0.5*(eta-1.0)*(xsi-1.0) dpsidxsi(1) = -0.5*(-2.0*xsi-eta) dpsidxsi(2) = 0.5*( 2.0*xsi-eta) dpsidxsi(3) = -0.5*(eta-1.0) dpsidxsi(4) = -2.0*xsi dpsidxsi(5) = 0.5*(eta-1.0) dpsideta(1) = 0.5*(xsi+1.0) dpsideta(2) = -0.5*(xsi-1.0) dpsideta(3) = -0.5*(xsi+1.0) dpsideta(4) = 0.0D+00 dpsideta(5) = 0.5*(xsi-1.0) nodes(1) = ic+mp+1 nodes(2) = ic-mp+1 nodes(3) = ic+mp nodes(4) = ic+1 nodes(5) = ic-mp ! ! ^ 1 ! | ! E ! T 0 8 X ! A ! ! | ! ! V -1 1--5 ! ! -1 0 1 ! ! <---XSI---> ! else if (type =='NE' ) then nfunc = 3 psi(1) = -(1.0D+00+xsi+eta) psi(2) = (xsi+1.0D+00) psi(3) = (eta+1.0D+00) dpsidxsi(1) = -1.0D+00 dpsidxsi(2) = 1.0D+00 dpsidxsi(3) = 0.0D+00 dpsideta(1) = -1.0D+00 dpsideta(2) = 0.0D+00 dpsideta(3) = 1.0D+00 nodes(1) = ic-mp-1 nodes(2) = ic-1 nodes(3) = ic-mp ! ! ^ 1 ! | ! E ! T 0 X 6 ! A ! ! | ! ! V -1 5--2 ! ! -1 0 1 ! ! <---XSI---> ! else if (type =='NW' ) then nfunc = 3 psi(1) = -(1.0D+00-xsi+eta) psi(2) = -(xsi-1.0D+00) psi(3) = (eta+1.0D+00) dpsidxsi(1) = 1.0D+00 dpsidxsi(2) = -1.0D+00 dpsidxsi(3) = 0.0D+00 dpsideta(1) = -1.0D+00 dpsideta(2) = 0.0D+00 dpsideta(3) = 1.0D+00 nodes(1) = ic+mp-1 nodes(2) = ic-1 nodes(3) = ic+mp ! ! ^ 1 4--7 ! | ! ! E ! ! T 0 8 X ! A ! | ! V -1 ! ! -1 0 1 ! ! <---XSI---> ! else if (type =='SE' ) then nfunc = 3 psi(1) = -(1.0D+00+xsi-eta) psi(2) = (xsi+1.0D+00) psi(3) = -(eta-1.0D+00) dpsidxsi(1) = -1.0D+00 dpsidxsi(2) = 1.0D+00 dpsidxsi(3) = 0.0D+00 dpsideta(1) = 1.0D+00 dpsideta(2) = 0.0D+00 dpsideta(3) = -1.0D+00 nodes(1) = ic-mp+1 nodes(2) = ic+1 nodes(3) = ic-mp ! ! ^ 1 7--3 ! | ! ! E ! ! T 0 X 6 ! A ! | ! V -1 ! ! -1 0 1 ! ! <---XSI---> ! else if (type =='SW' ) then nfunc = 3 psi(1) = -(1.0D+00-xsi-eta) psi(2) = -(eta-1.0D+00) psi(3) = -(xsi-1.0D+00) dpsidxsi(1) = 1.0D+00 dpsidxsi(2) = 0.0D+00 dpsidxsi(3) = -1.0D+00 dpsideta(1) = 1.0D+00 dpsideta(2) = -1.0D+00 dpsideta(3) = 0.0D+00 nodes(1) = ic+mp+1 nodes(2) = ic+mp nodes(3) = ic+1 end if ! ! Get the X, Y coordinates of the nodes. ! do i = 1,nfunc x(i) = xc(nodes(i)) y(i) = yc(nodes(i)) end do ! ! Evaluate the mapping X(XSI,ETA), Y(XSI,ETA). ! xval = 0.0D+00 yval = 0.0D+00 do i = 1,nfunc xval = xval+x(i)*psi(i) yval = yval+y(i)*psi(i) end do ! ! Compute the partial derivatives ! ! DXDXSI(XSI,ETA), DXDETA(XSI,ETA) ! DYDXSI(XSI,ETA), DYDETA(XSI,ETA) ! ! This is the jacobian matrix ! ! J: (XSI,ETA) --> (X,Y). ! dxdxsi = 0.0D+00 dxdeta = 0.0D+00 dydxsi = 0.0D+00 dydeta = 0.0D+00 do i = 1,nfunc dxdxsi = dxdxsi+x(i)*dpsidxsi(i) dxdeta = dxdeta+x(i)*dpsideta(i) dydxsi = dydxsi+y(i)*dpsidxsi(i) dydeta = dydeta+y(i)*dpsideta(i) end do ! ! Compute the determinant of the jacobian matrix: ! det = dxdxsi*dydeta-dxdeta*dydxsi if ( det == 0.0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SERTRN - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' The jacobian J: (XSI,ETA) --> (X,Y) is singular!' write ( *, * ) ' This occurred for node IC = ',ic write ( *, * ) ' Local coordinates XSI,ETA = ',xsi,eta write ( *, * ) ' Global coordinates X,Y = ',xval,yval write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' The X, Y nodes were:' write ( *, * ) ' ' do i = 1,8 write ( *, * ) x(i),y(i) end do stop end if ! ! Compute ! ! d ETA/d X, d ETA/d Y, ! d XSI/d X, d XSI/d Y ! ! by inverting the jacobian matrix ! ! J: (XSI,ETA) --> (X,Y) ! ! to get the jacobian matrix ! ! J: (X,Y) --> (XSI,ETA). ! ! This uses the simple fact that the inverse of ! ! (a b) ! (c d) ! ! is ! ! 1/(ad-bc) * ( d -b) ! (-c a) ! ! dxsidx = dydeta/det dxsidy = -dxdeta/det ! detadx = -dydxsi/det detady = dxdxsi/det ! ! Now evaluate dUdY at the central "non-node": ! uval = 0.0D+00 dudy = 0.0D+00 do i = 1,nfunc uval = uval+u(nodes(i))*psi(i) dudy = dudy+u(nodes(i))*(dpsidxsi(i)*dxsidy+dpsideta(i)*detady) end do return end subroutine setban(indx,maxrow,nelem,nlband,node,np,nrow) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SETBAN computes NLBAND, the lower band width of the Jacobian matrix, ! and NROW, the total number of rows required to store the matrix ! in LINPACK general band storage format. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! INDX Input, integer INDX(3,NP). ! ! INDX(I,J) contains, for each node J, the index of U, V and P at ! that node, or 0 or a negative value. ! ! If K = INDX(I,J) is positive, then the value of the degree ! of freedom is stored in the solution vector entry G(K), ! and an equation will be generated to determine its value. ! ! If INDX(I,J) is not positive, then no equation is ! generated to determine for variable I at node J, either because ! the variable is specified in some other way, or because ! (in the case of pressure), there is no coefficient associated ! with that node. ! ! MAXROW Input, integer MAXROW. ! ! The first dimension of the matrix A. ! ! NELEM Input, integer NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! NLBAND Output, integer NLBAND. ! ! The lower bandwidth of the matrix A. The zero structure of A ! is assumed to be symmetric, and so NLBAND is also the upper ! bandwidth of A. ! ! NODE Input, integer NODE(6,NELEM). ! ! NODE(I,J) contains, for an element J, the global node index of ! the element node whose local number is I. ! ! The local ordering of the nodes is suggested by this diagram: ! ! 2 ! /| ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1-6-3 ! ! NP Input, integer NP, the number of nodes used to define the finite ! element mesh. NP = (2*NX-1)*(2*NY-1). ! ! NROW Output, integer NROW. ! ! The number of rows need to store the matrix A, using the ! LINPACK/LAPACK general banded storage format. NROW must be ! at least 3*NLBAND+1. ! ! integer nelem integer np ! integer i integer ielem integer indx(3,np) integer ip integer ipp integer iq integer iqq integer iuk integer iukk integer j integer maxrow integer nlband integer node(6,nelem) integer nrow ! nlband = 0 do ielem = 1,nelem do iq = 1,6 ip = node(iq,ielem) do iuk = 1,3 i = indx(iuk,ip) if ( i>0 ) then do iqq = 1,6 ipp = node(iqq,ielem) do iukk = 1,3 j = indx(iukk,ipp) if ( j>0 ) then if ( j-i>nlband ) then nlband = j-i end if end if end do end do end if end do end do end do nrow = 3*nlband+1 if ( nrow>maxrow ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SetBan - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' NROW is too large! NROW = ',nrow write ( *, * ) ' The maximum allowed is MAXROW = ',maxrow stop end if return end subroutine setbas(area,etaq,isotri,nelem,node,np,nquad,phi,xc,xquad,xsiq, & yc,yquad) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SETBAS computes the value of the basis functions at each ! quadrature point. The basis functions are computed and saved ! in this way for efficiency. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real AREA(NQUAD,NELEM). ! AREA contains the area of each element. These values are ! needed when computed the integrals associated with the ! finite element method. ! For runs in which the region is allowed to change from ! step to step, AREA must be recalculated at each step. ! ! ISOTRI Input, integer ISOTRI(NELEM). ! 0, the element is NOT isoparametric. The six node ! triangle has straight sides. ! 1, the element is isoparametric. The six node triangle ! has curved sides. Many computations involving such an ! element must be computed by using a reference triangle, ! and evaluating the jacobian of a transformation between ! that triangle and the element. ! ! NELEM Input, integer NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! NODE Input, integer NODE(6,NELEM), contains the numbers ! of the nodes that make up each element. Element number ! I is associated with nodes NODE(1,I) through NODE(6,I). ! ! NP Input, integer NP, the number of nodes. ! ! PHI Output, real PHI(NQUAD,6,10,NELEM), ! contains lots of basis function values. In particular, ! ! PHI(I,J,K,1) contains the value of the basis function ! associated with velocity (U or V), in the I-th element, ! at the J-th quadrature point, associated with the ! K-th node. ! ! PHI(I,J,K,2) contains the X derivative, and ! PHI(I,J,K,3) contains the Y derivative. ! ! PHI(I,J,K,4) contains the value of the basis function ! associated with pressure (P) in the I-th element, ! at the J-th quadrature point, associated with the ! K-th node. ! ! XC Input, real XC(NP), contains the X coordinates ! of the nodes. ! ! XQUAD Input, real XQUAD(NQUAD,NELEM), contains the ! X coordinates of the quadrature points in a given element. ! ! YC Input, real YC(NP), contains the Y coordinates ! of the nodes. ! ! YQUAD Input, real YQUAD(NQUAD,NELEM), contains the ! Y coordinates of the quadrature points in a given element. ! ! integer nelem integer np integer nquad ! real ( kind = 8 ) area(nquad,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) det real ( kind = 8 ) detadx real ( kind = 8 ) detady real ( kind = 8 ) dqdx real ( kind = 8 ) dqdy real ( kind = 8 ) dwdx real ( kind = 8 ) dwdy real ( kind = 8 ) dxsidx real ( kind = 8 ) dxsidy real ( kind = 8 ) eta real ( kind = 8 ) etaq(nquad) integer ielem integer iq integer isotri(nelem) integer j integer node(6,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) phi(nquad,6,10,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) q real ( kind = 8 ) w real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xquad(nquad,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) xq real ( kind = 8 ) xsi real ( kind = 8 ) xsiq(nquad) real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yquad(nquad,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) yq ! ! Consider a particular element, ! and a particular quadrature point (XQ,YQ) in that element. ! ! Compute, at (XQ,YQ), the local values of the jacobian matrix ! and its determinant. ! ! Adjust the AREA array ! do ielem = 1,nelem do j = 1,nquad xq = xquad(j,ielem) yq = yquad(j,ielem) if ( isotri(ielem) == 2 ) then eta = etaq(j) xsi = xsiq(j) call trans(det,detadx,detady,dxsidx,dxsidy,eta,ielem,nelem,node, & np,xc,xsi,yc) area(j,ielem) = det*area(j,ielem) end if ! ! Now consider each of the basis functions associated with a ! node in the given element. ! do iq = 1,6 ! ! If the element is NOT isoparametric, compute the basis values ! directly. ! ! For isoparametric elements, use the reference triangle method. ! if ( isotri(ielem) == 0.or.isotri(ielem)== 1 ) then call bsp(q,dqdx,dqdy,ielem,iq,nelem,node,np,xc,xq,yc,yq) call qbf(ielem,iq,w,dwdx,dwdy,nelem,node,np,xc,xq,yc,yq) dxsidx = 1.0D+00 dxsidy = 0.0D+00 detadx = 0.0D+00 detady = 1.0D+00 else call refqbf(w,dwdx,dwdy,detadx,detady,dxsidx,dxsidy,eta,iq,xsi) call refbsp(q,dqdx,dqdy,detadx,detady,iq,dxsidx,dxsidy,eta,xsi) end if ! ! Store the values into PHI. ! phi(j,iq,1,ielem) = w phi(j,iq,2,ielem) = dwdx phi(j,iq,3,ielem) = dwdy phi(j,iq,4,ielem) = q phi(j,iq,5,ielem) = dqdx phi(j,iq,6,ielem) = dqdy phi(j,iq,7,ielem) = dxsidx phi(j,iq,8,ielem) = dxsidy phi(j,iq,9,ielem) = detadx phi(j,iq,10,ielem) = detady end do end do end do return end subroutine setnod(eqn,ibump,indx,isotri,maxeqn,nelem,neqn,node,np,nx,ny, & xbl,xbr) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SETNOD assigns numbers to the nodes. ! ! It numbers the elements, decides which elements shall be ! isoparametric, (ISOTRI) and assigns six nodes to each (NODE). ! ! It associates global unknown indices with each node (INDX). ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! integer maxeqn integer nelem integer np ! character ( len = 2 ) eqn(maxeqn) integer ibump integer icol integer icol2 integer ielem integer indx(3,np) integer ip integer irow integer irow2 integer isotri(nelem) integer nbleft integer nbrite integer neqn integer node(6,nelem) integer nx integer ny real ( kind = 8 ) xbl real ( kind = 8 ) xbr ! ! Compute the global node numbers that will be assigned to the ! beginning and ending of the bump. These numbers are only used to ! determine which elements are isoparametric. ! ! Here, we explicitly assume the region is 10.0 units long. ! nbleft = nint(xbl*(2*nx-2)/10.0)+1 nbrite = nint(xbr*(2*nx-2)/10.0)+1 ! ! Consider each of the NP nodes, which logically lie in an MX by MY ! rectangular array. A pair of new elements must be generated every ! time we reach a node that lies in an odd row and column, (except for ! the top row, and last column, of course). At every node, we ! will have to decide how many equations to generate. ! ielem = 0 neqn = 0 do ip = 1,np ! ! Determine the row and column of this node, and also whether each ! of these quantities is odd or even. ! icol = ((ip-1)/(2*ny-1))+1 irow = mod((ip-1),2*ny-1)+1 icol2 = mod(icol,2) irow2 = mod(irow,2) ! ! If both the row and the column are odd, and we're not in the last ! column or top row, then we can define two new triangular elements ! based at the node. ! ! Given the following arrangement of nodes, for instance: ! ! 05 10 15 20 25 ! 04 09 14 19 24 ! 03 08 13 18 23 ! 02 07 12 17 22 ! 01 06 11 16 21 ! ! when we arrive at node 13, we will define ! ! element 7: (25, 13, 15, 19, 14, 20) ! element 8: (13, 25, 23, 19, 24, 18) ! if ( (irow2 == 1.and.icol2== 1).and.(icol/=2*nx-1).and.(irow/=2*ny-1) ) then ielem = ielem+1 node(1,ielem) = ip+2*(2*ny-1)+2 node(2,ielem) = ip node(3,ielem) = ip+2 node(4,ielem) = ip+(2*ny-1)+1 node(5,ielem) = ip+1 node(6,ielem) = ip+(2*ny-1)+2 if ( ibump == 0 ) then if ( icol>= nbleft.and.icol= nbleft.and.icol= nbleft.and.icol= nbleft.and.icol=nbleft.and.icol= nbleft.and.icol= nbleft.and.icolmaxeqn ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SetNod - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Too many unknowns!' write ( *, * ) ' Processing node IP = ',ip write ( *, * ) ' The maximum allowed is MAXEQN = ',maxeqn write ( *, * ) ' This problem requires NEQN = ',neqn+2 stop end if ! ! Now determine what equations to associate with this node. ! ! The node lies on the left hand inflow boundary. ! The horizontal and vertical velocities are specified. ! if ( icol == 1.and.1nbleft.and.icol=nbrite).or.irow== 2*ny-1 ) then neqn = neqn+1 indx(1,ip) = neqn eqn(neqn) = 'UW' neqn = neqn+1 indx(2,ip) = neqn eqn(neqn) = 'VW' ! ! The node is a normal interior node. ! The horizontal and vertical velocities are unknown. ! else neqn = neqn+1 indx(1,ip) = neqn eqn(neqn) = 'U' neqn = neqn+1 indx(2,ip) = neqn eqn(neqn) = 'V' end if ! ! On nodes in an odd row and column, add a pressure equation. ! if ( irow2 == 1.and.icol2== 1 ) then neqn = neqn+1 if ( neqn>maxeqn ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SetNod - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Too many unknowns!' write ( *, * ) ' Processing node IP = ',ip write ( *, * ) ' The maximum allowed is MAXEQN = ',maxeqn write ( *, * ) ' This problem requires NEQN = ',neqn stop end if indx(3,ip) = neqn eqn(neqn) = 'P' else indx(3,ip) = 0 end if end do ! ! The last equation, which is guaranteed to be a pressure equation, ! is replaced by a pressure boundary condition, associated with ! an unknown. (Even though we know this pressure will be zero). ! eqn(neqn) = 'PB' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SetNod - Note:' write ( *, * ) ' The number of unknowns is NEQN = ',neqn return end subroutine setq3(area,etaq,isotri,nelem,node,np,nquad,wquad,xc,xquad, & xsiq,yc,yquad) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SETQ3 sets the abscissas and weights for a three point quadrature ! rule on a triangle. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! AREA Output, real AREA(NQUAD,NELEM). ! ! XQUAD Output, real XQUAD(NQUAD,NELEM). ! ! The X coordinates of the quadrature points for ! each element. ! ! YQUAD Output, real YQUAD(NQUAD,NELEM). ! ! The Y coordinates of the quadrature points for ! each element. ! ! integer nelem integer np integer nquad ! real ( kind = 8 ) area(nquad,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) eta real ( kind = 8 ) etaq(nquad) integer i integer ielem integer ip1 integer ip2 integer ip3 integer iquad integer isotri(nelem) integer node(6,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) wquad(nquad) real ( kind = 8 ) x real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xquad(nquad,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) xsi real ( kind = 8 ) xsiq(nquad) real ( kind = 8 ) y real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yquad(nquad,nelem) ! ! Set the weights. ! do i = 1,nquad wquad(i) = 1.0D+00/6.0D+00 end do ! ! Set the quadrature points in the reference element. ! xsiq(1) = 0.5D+00 etaq(1) = 0.5D+00 xsiq(2) = 1.0D+00 etaq(2) = 0.5D+00 xsiq(3) = 0.5D+00 etaq(3) = 0.0D+00 ! ! Set the X, Y coordinates of quadrature points for each element. ! do ielem = 1,nelem do i = 1,nquad xsi = xsiq(i) eta = etaq(i) call xofxsi(eta,ielem,nelem,node,np,x,xc,xsi,y,yc) xquad(i,ielem) = x yquad(i,ielem) = y end do ! ! We only calculate true areas for nonisoparametric elements. ! ip1 = node(1,ielem) ip2 = node(2,ielem) ip3 = node(3,ielem) do iquad = 1,nquad if ( isotri(ielem) == 0.or.isotri(ielem)== 1 ) then area(iquad,ielem) = wquad(iquad)*abs( & (yc(ip1)+yc(ip2))*(xc(ip2)-xc(ip1)) & +(yc(ip2)+yc(ip3))*(xc(ip3)-xc(ip2)) & +(yc(ip3)+yc(ip1))*(xc(ip1)-xc(ip3)) ) else area(iquad,ielem) = wquad(iquad) end if end do end do return end subroutine setq7(area,etaq,isotri,nelem,node,np,nquad,wquad,xc,xquad, & xsiq,yc,yquad) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SETQ7 sets the abscissas and weights for a seven point quadrature ! rule on a triangle. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! AREA Output, real AREA(NQUAD,NELEM). ! ! XQUAD Output, real XQUAD(NQUAD,NELEM). ! ! The X coordinates of the quadrature points for ! each element. ! ! YQUAD Output, real YQUAD(NQUAD,NELEM). ! ! The Y coordinates of the quadrature points for ! each element. ! ! integer nelem integer np integer nquad ! real ( kind = 8 ) area(nquad,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) eta real ( kind = 8 ) etaq(nquad) integer i integer ielem integer ip1 integer ip2 integer ip3 integer iquad integer isotri(nelem) integer node(6,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) wquad(nquad) real ( kind = 8 ) x real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xquad(nquad,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) xsi real ( kind = 8 ) xsiq(nquad) real ( kind = 8 ) y real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yquad(nquad,nelem) ! ! Set the weights. ! wquad(1) = 0.1125165D+00 wquad(2) = (155.0D+00+sqrt(15.0D+00))/2400.0D+00 wquad(3) = (155.0D+00+sqrt(15.0D+00))/2400.0D+00 wquad(4) = (155.0D+00+sqrt(15.0D+00))/2400.0D+00 wquad(5) = (155.0D+00-sqrt(15.0D+00))/2400.0D+00 wquad(6) = (155.0D+00-sqrt(15.0D+00))/2400.0D+00 wquad(7) = (155.0D+00-sqrt(15.0D+00))/2400.0D+00 ! ! WQUAD(1) is approximate. Revise it to force the weights ! to sum to 1/2. ! wquad(1) = 0.5D+00 do i = 2,7 wquad(1) = wquad(1)-wquad(i) end do ! ! Set the quadrature abscissas for the standard element. ! xsiq(1) = 1.0D+00/3.0D+00 etaq(1) = 1.0D+00/3.0D+00 xsiq(2) = (6.0D+00+sqrt(15.0))/21.0D+00 etaq(2) = (6.0D+00+sqrt(15.0))/21.0D+00 xsiq(3) = (9.0D+00-2.0*sqrt(15.0))/21.0D+00 etaq(3) = (6.0D+00+sqrt(15.0))/21.0D+00 xsiq(4) = (6.0D+00+sqrt(15.0))/21.0D+00 etaq(4) = (9.0D+00-2.0*sqrt(15.0))/21.0D+00 xsiq(5) = (6.0D+00-sqrt(15.0))/21.0D+00 etaq(5) = (6.0D+00-sqrt(15.0))/21.0D+00 xsiq(6) = (9.0D+00+2.0*sqrt(15.0))/21.0D+00 etaq(6) = (6.0D+00-sqrt(15.0))/21.0D+00 xsiq(7) = (6.0D+00-sqrt(15.0))/21.0D+00 etaq(7) = (9.0D+00+2.0*sqrt(15.0))/21.0D+00 ! ! Now reset the quadrature abscissas for our nonstandard element. ! do i = 1,nquad xsiq(i) = 1.0D+00-xsiq(i) end do ! ! Set the X, Y coordinates of quadrature points for each element. ! do ielem = 1,nelem do i = 1,nquad xsi = xsiq(i) eta = etaq(i) call xofxsi(eta,ielem,nelem,node,np,x,xc,xsi,y,yc) xquad(i,ielem) = x yquad(i,ielem) = y end do ! ! We only calculate true areas for nonisoparametric elements. ! ip1 = node(1,ielem) ip2 = node(2,ielem) ip3 = node(3,ielem) do iquad = 1,nquad if ( isotri(ielem) == 0.or.isotri(ielem)== 1 ) then area(iquad,ielem) = wquad(iquad)*abs( & (yc(ip1)+yc(ip2))*(xc(ip2)-xc(ip1)) & +(yc(ip2)+yc(ip3))*(xc(ip3)-xc(ip2)) & +(yc(ip3)+yc(ip1))*(xc(ip1)-xc(ip3)) ) else area(iquad,ielem) = wquad(iquad) end if end do end do return end subroutine setxy(ibs,np,nparb,nx,ny,splbmp,taubmp,xbl,xbr,xc,ybl,ybr,yc) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SETXY sets the X and Y coordinates of the nodes. ! ! ! This version of SETXY assumes that the nodes are numbered ! in "stacks", starting with the least X and Y coordinates, ! then fixing X and running through all values of Y, then ! increasing X to the next value and running through all ! values of Y, and so on. For example: ! ! 5 10 15 ! 4 9 14 ! 3 8 13 ! 2 7 12 ! 1 6 11 ! ! This allows us to treat the vectors XC and YC as two dimensional ! arrays, instead of the one dimensional vectors they are declared ! to be. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! integer np integer nparb integer nx integer ny integer i integer ibs integer ip integer j integer jderiv real ( kind = 8 ) splbmp(4,nparb+2,0:nparb) real ( kind = 8 ) taubmp(nparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) x real ( kind = 8 ) xbl real ( kind = 8 ) xbr real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) y real ( kind = 8 ) ybl real ( kind = 8 ) ybot real ( kind = 8 ) ybr real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) ip = 0 do i = 1,2*nx-1 x = real ( i - 1, kind = 8 ) * 10.0D+00 & / real ( 2 * nx - 2, kind = 8 ) if ( abs(x-xbl)*(2*nx-2)<= 0.5D+00 ) then x = xbl else if (abs(x-xbr)*(2*nx-2)<= 0.5D+00 ) then x = xbr end if do j = 1,2*ny-1 ip = ip+1 if ( x<= xbl ) then ybot = ybl else if (x>= xbl.and.x<=xbr ) then if ( ibs == 1 ) then call plval(nparb+2,x,taubmp,ybot,splbmp) else if (ibs == 2 ) then call pqval(nparb+2,x,taubmp,ybot,splbmp) else if (ibs ==3 ) then jderiv = 0 call ppvalu(taubmp,splbmp(1,1,0),nparb+1,4,x,jderiv,ybot) end if else ybot = ybr end if y = (real(2*ny-1-j, kind = 8 )*ybot+real(j-1, kind = 8 )*3.0D+00)/real(2*ny-2, kind = 8 ) xc(ip) = x yc(ip) = y end do end do return end subroutine sgbtf2(m,n,kl,ku,ab,ldab,ipiv,info) !******************************************************************************* ! !! SGBTF2 computes an LU factorization of a real m-by-n band matrix A ! using partial pivoting with row interchanges. ! ! This is the unblocked version of the algorithm, calling Level 2 BLAS. ! ! ! Parameters: ! ! ! M (input) INTEGER ! The number of rows of the matrix A. M >= 0. ! ! N (input) INTEGER ! The number of columns of the matrix A. N >= 0. ! ! KL (input) INTEGER ! The number of subdiagonals within the band of A. KL >= 0. ! ! KU (input) INTEGER ! The number of superdiagonals within the band of A. KU >= 0. ! ! AB (input/output) real array, dimension (LDAB,N) ! On entry, the matrix A in band storage, in rows KL+1 to ! 2*KL+KU+1; rows 1 to KL of the array need not be set. ! The j-th column of A is stored in the j-th column of the ! array AB as follows: ! AB(kl+ku+1+i-j,j) = A(i,j) for max(1,j-ku)<=i<=min(m,j+kl) ! ! On exit, details of the factorization: U is stored as an ! upper triangular band matrix with KL+KU superdiagonals in ! rows 1 to KL+KU+1, and the multipliers used during the ! factorization are stored in rows KL+KU+2 to 2*KL+KU+1. ! See below for further details. ! ! LDAB (input) INTEGER ! The leading dimension of the array AB. LDAB >= 2*KL+KU+1. ! ! IPIV (output) INTEGER array, dimension (min(M,N)) ! The pivot indices; for 1 <= i <= min(M,N), row i of the ! matrix was interchanged with row IPIV(i). ! ! INFO (output) INTEGER ! = 0: successful exit ! < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value ! > 0: if INFO = +i, U(i,i) is exactly zero. The factorization ! has been completed, but the factor U is exactly ! singular, and division by zero will occur if it is used ! to solve a system of equations. ! ! Further Details ! =============== ! ! The band storage scheme is illustrated by the following example, when ! M = N = 6, KL = 2, KU = 1: ! ! On entry: On exit: ! ! * * * + + + * * * u14 u25 u36 ! * * + + + + * * u13 u24 u35 u46 ! * a12 a23 a34 a45 a56 * u12 u23 u34 u45 u56 ! a11 a22 a33 a44 a55 a66 u11 u22 u33 u44 u55 u66 ! a21 a32 a43 a54 a65 * m21 m32 m43 m54 m65 * ! a31 a42 a53 a64 * * m31 m42 m53 m64 * * ! ! Array elements marked * are not used by the routine; elements marked ! + need not be set on entry, but are required by the routine to store ! elements of U, because of fill-in resulting from the row ! interchanges. ! integer info, kl, ku, ldab, m, n integer ipiv( * ) real ( kind = 8 ) ab( ldab, * ) real ( kind = 8 ), parameter :: one = 1.0D+00 real ( kind = 8 ), parameter :: zero = 0.0D+00 ! .. ! .. Local Scalars .. integer i, j, jp, ju, km, kv ! .. ! .. External Functions .. integer isamax external isamax ! .. ! .. External Subroutines .. external sger, sscal, sswap, xerbla ! .. ! .. Intrinsic Functions .. intrinsic max, min ! .. ! .. Executable Statements .. ! ! KV is the number of superdiagonals in the factor U, allowing for ! fill-in. ! kv = ku + kl ! ! Test the input parameters. ! info = 0 if ( m<0 ) then info = -1 else if ( n<0 ) then info = -2 else if ( kl<0 ) then info = -3 else if ( ku<0 ) then info = -4 else if ( ldab0 ) then ! ! Compute multipliers. ! call sscal( km, one / ab( kv+1, j ), ab( kv+2, j ), 1 ) ! ! Update trailing submatrix within the band. ! if ( ju>j ) call sger( km, ju-j, -one, ab( kv+2, j ), 1, & ab( kv, j+1 ), ldab-1, ab( kv+1, j+1 ), ldab-1 ) end if else ! ! If pivot is zero, set INFO to the index of the pivot ! unless a zero pivot has already been found. ! if ( info == 0 ) info = j end if 40 continue return ! ! End of SGBTF2 ! end subroutine sgbtrf(m,n,kl,ku,ab,ldab,ipiv,info) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SGBTRF computes an LU factorization of a real m-by-n band matrix A ! using partial pivoting with row interchanges. ! ! This is the blocked version of the algorithm, calling Level 3 BLAS. ! ! Parameters: ! ! M (input) INTEGER ! The number of rows of the matrix A. M >= 0. ! ! N (input) INTEGER ! The number of columns of the matrix A. N >= 0. ! ! KL (input) INTEGER ! The number of subdiagonals within the band of A. KL >= 0. ! ! KU (input) INTEGER ! The number of superdiagonals within the band of A. KU >= 0. ! ! AB (input/output) real array, dimension (LDAB,N) ! On entry, the matrix A in band storage, in rows KL+1 to ! 2*KL+KU+1; rows 1 to KL of the array need not be set. ! The j-th column of A is stored in the j-th column of the ! array AB as follows: ! AB(kl+ku+1+i-j,j) = A(i,j) for max(1,j-ku)<=i<=min(m,j+kl) ! ! On exit, details of the factorization: U is stored as an ! upper triangular band matrix with KL+KU superdiagonals in ! rows 1 to KL+KU+1, and the multipliers used during the ! factorization are stored in rows KL+KU+2 to 2*KL+KU+1. ! See below for further details. ! ! LDAB (input) INTEGER ! The leading dimension of the array AB. LDAB >= 2*KL+KU+1. ! ! IPIV (output) INTEGER array, dimension (min(M,N)) ! The pivot indices; for 1 <= i <= min(M,N), row i of the ! matrix was interchanged with row IPIV(i). ! ! INFO (output) INTEGER ! = 0: successful exit ! < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value ! > 0: if INFO = +i, U(i,i) is exactly zero. The factorization ! has been completed, but the factor U is exactly ! singular, and division by zero will occur if it is used ! to solve a system of equations. ! ! Further Details ! =============== ! ! The band storage scheme is illustrated by the following example, when ! M = N = 6, KL = 2, KU = 1: ! ! On entry: On exit: ! ! * * * + + + * * * u14 u25 u36 ! * * + + + + * * u13 u24 u35 u46 ! * a12 a23 a34 a45 a56 * u12 u23 u34 u45 u56 ! a11 a22 a33 a44 a55 a66 u11 u22 u33 u44 u55 u66 ! a21 a32 a43 a54 a65 * m21 m32 m43 m54 m65 * ! a31 a42 a53 a64 * * m31 m42 m53 m64 * * ! ! Array elements marked * are not used by the routine; elements marked ! + need not be set on entry, but are required by the routine to store ! elements of U because of fill-in resulting from the row interchanges. ! integer info, kl, ku, ldab, m, n integer ipiv( * ) real ( kind = 8 ) ab( ldab, * ) ! .. Parameters .. real ( kind = 8 ), parameter :: one = 1.0E+0 real ( kind = 8 ), parameter :: zero = 0.0E+0 integer, parameter :: nbmax = 64 integer, parameter :: ldwork = nbmax + 1 ! .. ! .. Local Scalars .. integer i, i2, i3, ii, ip, j, j2, j3, jb, jj, jm, jp integer ju, k2, km, kv, nb, nw real ( kind = 8 ) temp ! .. ! .. Local Arrays .. real ( kind = 8 ) work13( ldwork, nbmax ), work31( ldwork, nbmax ) ! .. ! .. External Functions .. integer isamax, ilaenv external isamax, ilaenv ! .. ! .. External Subroutines .. external scopy, sgbtf2, sgemm, sger, slaswp, sscal,sswap, strsm, xerbla ! .. ! .. Intrinsic Functions .. intrinsic max, min ! .. ! .. Executable Statements .. ! ! KV is the number of superdiagonals in the factor U, allowing for ! fill-in ! kv = ku + kl ! ! Test the input parameters. ! info = 0 if ( m<0 ) then info = -1 else if ( n<0 ) then info = -2 else if ( kl<0 ) then info = -3 else if ( ku<0 ) then info = -4 else if ( ldabkl ) then ! ! Use unblocked code ! call sgbtf2( m, n, kl, ku, ab, ldab, ipiv, info ) else ! ! Use blocked code ! ! Zero the superdiagonal elements of the work array WORK13 ! do j = 1, nb do i = 1, j - 1 work13( i, j ) = zero end do end do ! ! Zero the subdiagonal elements of the work array WORK31 ! do 40 j = 1, nb do 30 i = j + 1, nb work31( i, j ) = zero 30 continue 40 continue ! ! Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting ! ! Set fill-in elements in columns KU+2 to KV to zero ! do 60 j = ku + 2, min( kv, n ) do 50 i = kv - j + 2, kl ab( i, j ) = zero 50 continue 60 continue ! ! JU is the index of the last column affected by the current ! stage of the factorization ! ju = 1 ! do 180 j = 1, min( m, n ), nb jb = min( nb, min( m, n )-j+1 ) ! ! The active part of the matrix is partitioned ! ! A11 A12 A13 ! A21 A22 A23 ! A31 A32 A33 ! ! Here A11, A21 and A31 denote the current block of JB columns ! which is about to be factorized. The number of rows in the ! partitioning are JB, I2, I3 respectively, and the numbers ! of columns are JB, J2, J3. The superdiagonal elements of A13 ! and the subdiagonal elements of A31 lie outside the band. ! i2 = min( kl-jb, m-j-jb+1 ) i3 = min( jb, m-j-kl+1 ) ! ! J2 and J3 are computed after JU has been updated. ! ! Factorize the current block of JB columns ! do 80 jj = j, j + jb - 1 ! ! Set fill-in elements in column JJ+KV to zero ! if ( jj+kv<= n ) then do 70 i = 1, kl ab( i, jj+kv ) = zero 70 continue end if ! ! Find pivot and test for singularity. KM is the number of ! subdiagonal elements in the current column. ! km = min( kl, m-jj ) jp = isamax( km+1, ab( kv+1, jj ), 1 ) ipiv( jj ) = jp + jj - j if ( ab( kv+jp, jj )/= zero ) then ju = max( ju, min( jj+ku+jp-1, n ) ) if ( jp/= 1 ) then ! ! Apply interchange to columns J to J+JB-1 ! if ( jp+jj-1jj ) call sger( km, jm-jj, -one, ab( kv+2, jj ), 1, & ab( kv, jj+1 ), ldab-1,ab( kv+1, jj+1 ), ldab-1 ) else ! ! If pivot is zero, set INFO to the index of the pivot ! unless a zero pivot has already been found. ! if ( info == 0 ) info = jj end if ! ! Copy current column of A31 into the work array WORK31 ! nw = min( jj-j+1, i3 ) if ( nw>0 ) call scopy( nw, ab(kv+kl+1-jj+j,jj), 1, & work31(1,jj-j+1), 1 ) 80 continue if ( j+jb<= n ) then ! ! Apply the row interchanges to the other blocks. ! j2 = min( ju-j+1, kv ) - jb j3 = max( 0, ju-j-kv+1 ) ! ! Use slaswp to apply the row interchanges to A12, A22, and ! A32. ! call slaswp( j2, ab( kv+1-jb, j+jb ), ldab-1, 1, jb, ipiv(j), 1 ) ! ! Adjust the pivot indices. ! do 90 i = j, j + jb - 1 ipiv( i ) = ipiv( i ) + j - 1 90 continue ! ! Apply the row interchanges to A13, A23, and A33 ! columnwise. ! k2 = j - 1 + jb + j2 do 110 i = 1, j3 jj = k2 + i do 100 ii = j + i - 1, j + jb - 1 ip = ipiv( ii ) if ( ip/= ii ) then temp = ab( kv+1+ii-jj, jj ) ab( kv+1+ii-jj, jj ) = ab( kv+1+ip-jj, jj ) ab( kv+1+ip-jj, jj ) = temp end if 100 continue 110 continue ! ! Update the relevant part of the trailing submatrix ! if ( j2>0 ) then ! ! Update A12 ! call strsm( 'left', 'lower', 'no transpose', 'unit', & jb, j2, one, ab( kv+1,j), ldab-1, ab(kv+1-jb, j+jb ), ldab-1 ) ! if ( i2>0 ) then ! ! Update A22 ! call sgemm( 'no transpose', 'no transpose', i2, j2, & jb, -one, ab( kv+1+jb, j ), ldab-1, & ab( kv+1-jb, j+jb ), ldab-1, one, & ab( kv+1, j+jb ), ldab-1 ) end if ! if ( i3>0 ) then ! ! Update A32 ! call sgemm( 'no transpose', 'no transpose', i3, j2, & jb, -one, work31, ldwork, & ab( kv+1-jb, j+jb ), ldab-1, one, & ab( kv+kl+1-jb, j+jb ), ldab-1 ) end if end if ! if ( j3>0 ) then ! ! Copy the lower triangle of A13 into the work array ! WORK13 ! do 130 jj = 1, j3 do 120 ii = jj, jb work13( ii, jj ) = ab( ii-jj+1, jj+j+kv-1 ) 120 continue 130 continue ! ! Update A13 in the work array ! call strsm( 'left', 'lower', 'no transpose', 'unit', & jb, j3, one, ab( kv+1, j ), ldab-1, & work13, ldwork ) ! if ( i2>0 ) then ! ! Update A23 ! call sgemm( 'no transpose', 'no transpose', i2, j3, & jb, -one, ab( kv+1+jb, j ), ldab-1, & work13, ldwork, one, ab( 1+jb, j+kv ), & ldab-1 ) end if ! if ( i3>0 ) then ! ! Update A33 ! call sgemm( 'no transpose', 'no transpose', i3, j3, & jb, -one, work31, ldwork, work13, & ldwork, one, ab( 1+kl, j+kv ), ldab-1 ) end if ! ! Copy the lower triangle of A13 back into place ! do 150 jj = 1, j3 do 140 ii = jj, jb ab( ii-jj+1, jj+j+kv-1 ) = work13( ii, jj ) 140 continue 150 continue end if else ! ! Adjust the pivot indices. ! do 160 i = j, j + jb - 1 ipiv( i ) = ipiv( i ) + j - 1 160 continue end if ! ! Partially undo the interchanges in the current block to ! restore the upper triangular form of A31 and copy the upper ! triangle of A31 back into place ! do 170 jj = j + jb - 1, j, -1 jp = ipiv( jj ) - jj + 1 if ( jp/= 1 ) then ! ! Apply interchange to columns J to JJ-1 ! if ( jp+jj-10 )call scopy( nw, work31( 1, jj-j+1 ), 1, & ab( kv+kl+1-jj+j, jj ), 1 ) 170 continue 180 continue end if ! return ! ! End of SGBTRF ! end subroutine sgbtrs(trans,n,kl,ku,nrhs,ab,ldab,ipiv,b,ldb,info) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SGBTRS solves a system of linear equations ! A * X = B or A' * X = B ! with a general band matrix A using the LU factorization computed ! by SGBTRF. ! ! Parameters: ! ! TRANS (input) CHARACTER*1 ! Specifies the form of the system of equations. ! = 'N': A * X = B (No transpose) ! = 'T': A'* X = B (Transpose) ! = 'C': A'* X = B (Conjugate transpose = Transpose) ! ! N (input) INTEGER ! The order of the matrix A. N >= 0. ! ! KL (input) INTEGER ! The number of subdiagonals within the band of A. KL >= 0. ! ! KU (input) INTEGER ! The number of superdiagonals within the band of A. KU >= 0. ! ! NRHS (input) INTEGER ! The number of right hand sides, i.e., the number of columns ! of the matrix B. NRHS >= 0. ! ! AB (input) real array, dimension (LDAB,N) ! Details of the LU factorization of the band matrix A, as ! computed by SGBTRF. U is stored as an upper triangular band ! matrix with KL+KU superdiagonals in rows 1 to KL+KU+1, and ! the multipliers used during the factorization are stored in ! rows KL+KU+2 to 2*KL+KU+1. ! ! LDAB (input) INTEGER ! The leading dimension of the array AB. LDAB >= 2*KL+KU+1. ! ! IPIV (input) INTEGER array, dimension (N) ! The pivot indices; for 1 <= i <= N, row i of the matrix was ! interchanged with row IPIV(i). ! ! B (input/output) real array, dimension (LDB,NRHS) ! On entry, the right hand side vectors B for the system of ! linear equations. ! On exit, the solution vectors, X. ! ! LDB (input) INTEGER ! The leading dimension of the array B. LDB >= max(1,N). ! ! INFO (output) INTEGER ! = 0: successful exit ! < 0: if INFO = -k, the k-th argument had an illegal value ! character trans integer info, kl, ku, ldab, ldb, n, nrhs ! .. ! .. Array Arguments .. integer ipiv( * ) real ( kind = 8 ) ab( ldab, * ), b( ldb, * ) ! ! .. Parameters .. real ( kind = 8 ), parameter :: one = 1.0E+0 ! .. ! .. Local Scalars .. logical lnoti, notran integer i, j, kd, l, lm ! .. ! .. External Functions .. logical lsame external lsame ! .. ! .. External Subroutines .. external sgemv, sger, sswap, stbsv, xerbla ! .. ! .. Intrinsic Functions .. intrinsic max, min ! .. ! .. Executable Statements .. ! ! Test the input parameters. ! info = 0 notran = lsame( trans, 'n' ) if ( .not.notran .and. .not.lsame( trans, 't' ) .and. .not. & lsame( trans, 'c' ) ) then info = -1 else if ( n<0 ) then info = -2 else if ( kl<0 ) then info = -3 else if ( ku<0 ) then info = -4 else if ( nrhs<0 ) then info = -5 else if ( ldab<( 2*kl+ku+1 ) ) then info = -7 else if ( ldb0 ! if ( notran ) then ! ! Solve A*X = B. ! ! Solve L*X = B, overwriting B with X. ! ! L is represented as a product of permutations and unit lower ! triangular matrices L = P(1) * L(1) * ... * P(n-1) * L(n-1), ! where each transformation L(i) is a rank-one modification of ! the identity matrix. ! if ( lnoti ) then do 10 j = 1, n - 1 lm = min( kl, n-j ) l = ipiv( j ) if ( l/= j )call sswap( nrhs, b( l, 1 ), ldb, b( j, 1 ), ldb ) call sger( lm, nrhs, -one, ab( kd+1, j ), 1, b( j, 1 ), & ldb, b( j+1, 1 ), ldb ) 10 continue end if ! do 20 i = 1, nrhs ! ! Solve U*X = B, overwriting B with X. ! call stbsv( 'upper', 'no transpose', 'non-unit', n, kl+ku, & ab, ldab, b( 1, i ), 1 ) 20 continue ! else ! ! Solve A'*X = B. ! do 30 i = 1, nrhs ! ! Solve U'*X = B, overwriting B with X. ! call stbsv( 'upper', 'transpose', 'non-unit', n, kl+ku, ab, & ldab, b( 1, i ), 1 ) 30 continue ! ! Solve L'*X = B, overwriting B with X. ! if ( lnoti ) then do 40 j = n - 1, 1, -1 lm = min( kl, n-j ) call sgemv( 'transpose', lm, nrhs, -one, b( j+1, 1 ), & ldb, ab( kd+1, j ), 1, one, b( j, 1 ), ldb ) l = ipiv( j ) if ( l/= j ) & call sswap( nrhs, b( l, 1 ), ldb, b( j, 1 ), ldb ) 40 continue end if end if return ! ! End of SGBTRS ! end subroutine sgemm(transa,transb,m,n,k,alpha,a,lda,b,ldb,beta,c,ldc) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SGEMM performs one of the matrix-matrix operations ! ! C : = alpha*op( A )*op( B ) + beta*C, ! ! where op( X ) is one of ! ! op( X ) = X or op( X ) = X', ! ! alpha and beta are scalars, and A, B and C are matrices, with op( A ) ! an m by k matrix, op( B ) a k by n matrix and C an m by n matrix. ! ! Parameters: ! ! TRANSA - CHARACTER*1. ! On entry, TRANSA specifies the form of op( A ) to be used in ! the matrix multiplication as follows: ! ! TRANSA = 'N' or 'n', op( A ) = A. ! ! TRANSA = 'T' or 't', op( A ) = A'. ! ! TRANSA = 'C' or 'c', op( A ) = A'. ! ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! TRANSB - CHARACTER*1. ! On entry, TRANSB specifies the form of op( B ) to be used in ! the matrix multiplication as follows: ! ! TRANSB = 'N' or 'n', op( B ) = B. ! ! TRANSB = 'T' or 't', op( B ) = B'. ! ! TRANSB = 'C' or 'c', op( B ) = B'. ! ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! M - INTEGER. ! On entry, M specifies the number of rows of the matrix ! op( A ) and of the matrix C. M must be at least zero. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! N - INTEGER. ! On entry, N specifies the number of columns of the matrix ! op( B ) and the number of columns of the matrix C. N must be ! at least zero. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! K - INTEGER. ! On entry, K specifies the number of columns of the matrix ! op( A ) and the number of rows of the matrix op( B ). K must ! be at least zero. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! ALPHA - real. ! On entry, ALPHA specifies the scalar alpha. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! A - real array of DIMENSION ( LDA, ka ), where ka is ! k when TRANSA = 'N' or 'n', and is m otherwise. ! Before entry with TRANSA = 'N' or 'n', the leading m by k ! part of the array A must contain the matrix A, otherwise ! the leading k by m part of the array A must contain the ! matrix A. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! LDA - INTEGER. ! On entry, LDA specifies the first dimension of A as declared ! in the calling (sub) program. When TRANSA = 'N' or 'n' then ! LDA must be at least max( 1, m ), otherwise LDA must be at ! least max( 1, k ). ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! B - real array of DIMENSION ( LDB, kb ), where kb is ! n when TRANSB = 'N' or 'n', and is k otherwise. ! Before entry with TRANSB = 'N' or 'n', the leading k by n ! part of the array B must contain the matrix B, otherwise ! the leading n by k part of the array B must contain the ! matrix B. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! LDB - INTEGER. ! On entry, LDB specifies the first dimension of B as declared ! in the calling (sub) program. When TRANSB = 'N' or 'n' then ! LDB must be at least max( 1, k ), otherwise LDB must be at ! least max( 1, n ). ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! BETA - real. ! On entry, BETA specifies the scalar beta. When BETA is ! supplied as zero then C need not be set on input. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! C - real array of DIMENSION ( LDC, n ). ! Before entry, the leading m by n part of the array C must ! contain the matrix C, except when beta is zero, in which ! case C need not be set on entry. ! On exit, the array C is overwritten by the m by n matrix ! ( alpha*op( A )*op( B ) + beta*C ). ! ! LDC - INTEGER. ! On entry, LDC specifies the first dimension of C as declared ! in the calling (sub) program. LDC must be at least ! max( 1, m ). ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! ! Level 3 Blas routine. ! ! -- Written on 8-February-1989. ! Jack Dongarra, Argonne National Laboratory. ! Iain Duff, AERE Harwell. ! Jeremy Du Croz, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. ! Sven Hammarling, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. ! ! character transa, transb integer m, n, k, lda, ldb, ldc real ( kind = 8 ) alpha, beta real ( kind = 8 ) a( lda, * ), b( ldb, * ), c( ldc, * ) ! .. External Functions .. logical lsame external lsame ! .. External Subroutines .. external xerbla ! .. Intrinsic Functions .. intrinsic max ! .. Local Scalars .. logical nota, notb integer i, info, j, l, nrowa, nrowb real ( kind = 8 ) temp ! .. Parameters .. real ( kind = 8 ), parameter :: one = 1.0D+00 real ( kind = 8 ), parameter :: zero = 0.0D+00 ! .. ! .. Executable Statements .. ! ! Set NOTA and NOTB as true if A and B respectively are not ! transposed and set NROWA, NCOLA and NROWB as the number of rows ! and columns of A and the number of rows of B respectively. ! nota = lsame( transa, 'n' ) notb = lsame( transb, 'n' ) if ( nota ) then nrowa = m else nrowa = k end if if ( notb ) then nrowb = k else nrowb = n end if ! ! Test the input parameters. ! info = 0 if ( ( .not.nota ).and. & ( .not.lsame( transa, 'c' ) ).and. & ( .not.lsame( transa, 't' ) ) ) then info = 1 else if ( ( .not.notb ).and. & ( .not.lsame( transb, 'c' ) ).and. & ( .not.lsame( transb, 't' ) ) ) then info = 2 else if ( m <0 ) then info = 3 else if ( n <0 ) then info = 4 else if ( k <0 ) then info = 5 else if ( lda0 ) then kx = 1 else kx = 1 - ( lenx - 1 )*incx end if if ( incy>0 ) then ky = 1 else ky = 1 - ( leny - 1 )*incy end if ! ! Start the operations. In this version the elements of A are ! accessed sequentially with one pass through A. ! ! First form y : = beta*y. ! if ( beta/= one ) then if ( incy == 1 ) then if ( beta ==zero ) then do 10, i = 1, leny y( i ) = zero 10 continue else do 20, i = 1, leny y( i ) = beta*y( i ) 20 continue end if else iy = ky if ( beta ==zero ) then do 30, i = 1, leny y( iy ) = zero iy = iy + incy 30 continue else do 40, i = 1, leny y( iy ) = beta*y( iy ) iy = iy + incy 40 continue end if end if end if if ( alpha ==zero )return if ( lsame( trans, 'n' ) ) then ! ! Form y : = alpha*A*x + y. ! jx = kx if ( incy == 1 ) then do 60, j = 1, n if ( x( jx )/= zero ) then temp = alpha*x( jx ) do 50, i = 1, m y( i ) = y( i ) + temp*a( i, j ) 50 continue end if jx = jx + incx 60 continue else do 80, j = 1, n if ( x( jx )/= zero ) then temp = alpha*x( jx ) iy = ky do 70, i = 1, m y( iy ) = y( iy ) + temp*a( i, j ) iy = iy + incy 70 continue end if jx = jx + incx 80 continue end if else ! ! Form y : = alpha*A'*x + y. ! jy = ky if ( incx == 1 ) then do 100, j = 1, n temp = zero do 90, i = 1, m temp = temp + a( i, j )*x( i ) 90 continue y( jy ) = y( jy ) + alpha*temp jy = jy + incy 100 continue else do 120, j = 1, n temp = zero ix = kx do 110, i = 1, m temp = temp + a( i, j )*x( ix ) ix = ix + incx 110 continue y( jy ) = y( jy ) + alpha*temp jy = jy + incy 120 continue end if end if ! return ! ! End of DGEMV . ! end subroutine sger( m, n, alpha, x, incx, y, incy, a, lda ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SGER performs the rank 1 operation ! ! A : = alpha*x*y' + A, ! ! where alpha is a scalar, x is an m element vector, y is an n element ! vector and A is an m by n matrix. ! ! Parameters: ! ! M - INTEGER. ! On entry, M specifies the number of rows of the matrix A. ! M must be at least zero. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! N - INTEGER. ! On entry, N specifies the number of columns of the matrix A. ! N must be at least zero. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! ALPHA - real. ! On entry, ALPHA specifies the scalar alpha. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! X - real array of dimension at least ! ( 1 + ( m - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ). ! Before entry, the incremented array X must contain the m ! element vector x. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! INCX - INTEGER. ! On entry, INCX specifies the increment for the elements of ! X. INCX must not be zero. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! Y - real array of dimension at least ! ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCY ) ). ! Before entry, the incremented array Y must contain the n ! element vector y. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! INCY - INTEGER. ! On entry, INCY specifies the increment for the elements of ! Y. INCY must not be zero. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! A - real array of DIMENSION ( LDA, n ). ! Before entry, the leading m by n part of the array A must ! contain the matrix of coefficients. On exit, A is ! overwritten by the updated matrix. ! ! LDA - INTEGER. ! On entry, LDA specifies the first dimension of A as declared ! in the calling (sub) program. LDA must be at least ! max( 1, m ). ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! ! Level 2 Blas routine. ! ! -- Written on 22-October-1986. ! Jack Dongarra, Argonne National Lab. ! Jeremy Du Croz, Nag Central Office. ! Sven Hammarling, Nag Central Office. ! Richard Hanson, Sandia National Labs. ! real ( kind = 8 ) alpha integer incx, incy, lda, m, n real ( kind = 8 ) a( lda, * ), x( * ), y( * ) ! .. Parameters .. real ( kind = 8 ), parameter :: zero = 0.0D+00 ! .. Local Scalars .. real ( kind = 8 ) temp integer i, info, ix, j, jy, kx ! .. External Subroutines .. external xerbla ! .. Intrinsic Functions .. intrinsic max ! .. ! .. Executable Statements .. ! ! Test the input parameters. ! info = 0 if ( m<0 ) then info = 1 else if ( n<0 ) then info = 2 else if ( incx == 0 ) then info = 5 else if ( incy == 0 ) then info = 7 else if ( lda0 ) then jy = 1 else jy = 1 - ( n - 1 )*incy end if if ( incx == 1 ) then do 20, j = 1, n if ( y( jy )/= zero ) then temp = alpha*y( jy ) do 10, i = 1, m a( i, j ) = a( i, j ) + x( i )*temp 10 continue end if jy = jy + incy 20 continue else if ( incx>0 ) then kx = 1 else kx = 1 - ( m - 1 )*incx end if do 40, j = 1, n if ( y( jy )/= zero ) then temp = alpha*y( jy ) ix = kx do 30, i = 1, m a( i, j ) = a( i, j ) + x( ix )*temp ix = ix + incx 30 continue end if jy = jy + incy 40 continue end if ! return ! ! End of sger . ! end subroutine sgetf2(m,n,a,lda,ipiv,info) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SGETF2 computes an LU factorization of a general m-by-n matrix A ! using partial pivoting with row interchanges. ! ! The factorization has the form ! A = P * L * U ! where P is a permutation matrix, L is lower triangular with unit ! diagonal elements (lower trapezoidal if m > n), and U is upper ! triangular (upper trapezoidal if m < n). ! ! This is the right-looking Level 2 BLAS version of the algorithm. ! ! Parameters: ! ! M (input) INTEGER ! The number of rows of the matrix A. M >= 0. ! ! N (input) INTEGER ! The number of columns of the matrix A. N >= 0. ! ! A (input/output) real array, dimension (LDA,N) ! On entry, the m by n matrix to be factored. ! On exit, the factors L and U from the factorization ! A = P*L*U; the unit diagonal elements of L are not stored. ! ! LDA (input) INTEGER ! The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,M). ! ! IPIV (output) INTEGER array, dimension (min(M,N)) ! The pivot indices; for 1 <= i <= min(M,N), row i of the ! matrix was interchanged with row IPIV(i). ! ! INFO (output) INTEGER ! = 0: successful exit ! < 0: if INFO = -k, the k-th argument had an illegal value ! > 0: if INFO = k, U(k,k) is exactly zero. The factorization ! has been completed, but the factor U is exactly ! singular, and division by zero will occur if it is used ! to solve a system of equations. ! INTEGER INFO, LDA, M, N ! .. ! .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER IPIV( * ) real ( kind = 8 ) A( LDA, * ) ! .. Parameters .. real ( kind = 8 ) ONE, ZERO PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0E+0, ZERO = 0.0E+0 ) ! .. ! .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER J, JP ! .. ! .. External Functions .. INTEGER ISAMAX EXTERNAL ISAMAX ! .. ! .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL sger, sscal, sswap, XERBLA ! .. ! .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MAX, MIN ! .. ! .. Executable Statements .. ! ! Test the input parameters. ! INFO = 0 IF( M < 0 ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( N < 0 ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( LDA < MAX( 1, M ) ) THEN INFO = -4 END IF IF( INFO /= 0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'sgetf2', -INFO ) RETURN END IF ! ! Quick return if possible ! IF( M.EQ.0 .OR. N.EQ.0 ) RETURN ! DO 10 J = 1, MIN( M, N ) ! ! Find pivot and test for singularity. ! JP = J - 1 + ISAMAX( M-J+1, A( J, J ), 1 ) IPIV( J ) = JP IF( A( JP, J ) /= ZERO ) THEN ! ! Apply the interchange to columns 1:N. ! IF( JP /= J ) call sswap( N, A( J, 1 ), LDA, A( JP, 1 ), LDA ) ! ! Compute elements J+1:M of J-th column. ! IF( J < M ) call sscal( M-J, ONE / A( J, J ), A( J+1, J ), 1 ) ! ELSE IF( INFO.EQ.0 ) THEN ! INFO = J END IF ! IF( J < MIN( M, N ) ) THEN ! ! Update trailing submatrix. ! call sger( M-J, N-J, -ONE, A( J+1, J ), 1, A( J, J+1 ), LDA, & A( J+1, J+1 ), LDA ) END IF 10 CONTINUE RETURN ! ! End of sgetf2 ! END subroutine sgetrf( M, N, A, LDA, IPIV, INFO ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SGETRF computes an LU factorization of a general M-by-N matrix A ! using partial pivoting with row interchanges. ! ! The factorization has the form ! A = P * L * U ! where P is a permutation matrix, L is lower triangular with unit ! diagonal elements (lower trapezoidal if m > n), and U is upper ! triangular (upper trapezoidal if m < n). ! ! This is the right-looking Level 3 BLAS version of the algorithm. ! ! Parameters: ! ! M (input) INTEGER ! The number of rows of the matrix A. M >= 0. ! ! N (input) INTEGER ! The number of columns of the matrix A. N >= 0. ! ! A (input/output) real array, dimension (LDA,N) ! On entry, the M-by-N matrix to be factored. ! On exit, the factors L and U from the factorization ! A = P*L*U; the unit diagonal elements of L are not stored. ! ! LDA (input) INTEGER ! The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,M). ! ! IPIV (output) INTEGER array, dimension (min(M,N)) ! The pivot indices; for 1 <= i <= min(M,N), row i of the ! matrix was interchanged with row IPIV(i). ! ! INFO (output) INTEGER ! = 0: successful exit ! < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value ! > 0: if INFO = i, U(i,i) is exactly zero. The factorization ! has been completed, but the factor U is exactly ! singular, and division by zero will occur if it is used ! to solve a system of equations. ! INTEGER INFO, LDA, M, N INTEGER IPIV( * ) real ( kind = 8 ) A( LDA, * ) real ( kind = 8 ) ONE PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0E+0 ) ! .. ! .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, IINFO, J, JB, NB ! .. ! .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL sgemm, sgetf2, slaswp, strsm, XERBLA ! .. ! .. External Functions .. INTEGER ILAENV EXTERNAL ILAENV ! .. ! .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MAX, MIN ! .. ! .. Executable Statements .. ! ! Test the input parameters. ! INFO = 0 IF( M < 0 ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( N < 0 ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( LDA < MAX( 1, M ) ) THEN INFO = -4 END IF IF( INFO /= 0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'SGETRF', -INFO ) RETURN END IF ! ! Quick return if possible ! IF( M.EQ.0 .OR. N.EQ.0 ) RETURN ! ! Determine the block size for this environment. ! NB = ILAENV( 1, 'SGETRF', ' ', M, N, -1, -1 ) IF( NB.LE.1 .OR. NB.GE.MIN( M, N ) ) THEN ! ! Use unblocked code. ! call sgetf2( M, N, A, LDA, IPIV, INFO ) ELSE ! ! Use blocked code. ! DO 20 J = 1, MIN( M, N ), NB JB = MIN( MIN( M, N )-J+1, NB ) ! ! Factor diagonal and subdiagonal blocks and test for exact ! singularity. ! call sgetf2( M-J+1, JB, A( J, J ), LDA, IPIV( J ), IINFO ) ! ! Adjust INFO and the pivot indices. ! IF( INFO.EQ.0 .AND. IINFO.GT.0 ) INFO = IINFO + J - 1 DO 10 I = J, MIN( M, J+JB-1 ) IPIV( I ) = J - 1 + IPIV( I ) 10 CONTINUE ! ! Apply interchanges to columns 1:J-1. ! call slaswp( J-1, A, LDA, J, J+JB-1, IPIV, 1 ) ! IF( J+JB.LE.N ) THEN ! ! Apply interchanges to columns J+JB:N. ! call slaswp( N-J-JB+1, A( 1, J+JB ), LDA, J, J+JB-1, IPIV, 1 ) ! ! Compute block row of U. ! call strsm( 'Left', 'Lower', 'No transpose', 'Unit', JB, & N-J-JB+1, ONE, A( J, J ), LDA, A( J, J+JB ), & LDA ) IF( J+JB.LE.M ) THEN ! ! Update trailing submatrix. ! call sgemm( 'No transpose', 'No transpose', M-J-JB+1, & N-J-JB+1, JB, -ONE, A( J+JB, J ), LDA, & A( J, J+JB ), LDA, ONE, A( J+JB, J+JB ), & LDA ) END IF END IF 20 CONTINUE END IF RETURN ! ! End of SGETRF ! END subroutine sgetrs( TRANS, N, NRHS, A, LDA, IPIV, B, LDB, INFO ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SGETRS solves a system of linear equations ! A * X = B or A' * X = B ! with a general N-by-N matrix A using the LU factorization computed ! by SGETRF. ! ! Parameters: ! ! TRANS (input) CHARACTER*1 ! Specifies the form of the system of equations: ! = 'N': A * X = B (No transpose) ! = 'T': A'* X = B (Transpose) ! = 'C': A'* X = B (Conjugate transpose = Transpose) ! ! N (input) INTEGER ! The order of the matrix A. N >= 0. ! ! NRHS (input) INTEGER ! The number of right hand sides, i.e., the number of columns ! of the matrix B. NRHS >= 0. ! ! A (input) real array, dimension (LDA,N) ! The factors L and U from the factorization A = P*L*U ! as computed by SGETRF. ! ! LDA (input) INTEGER ! The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,N). ! ! IPIV (input) INTEGER array, dimension (N) ! The pivot indices from SGETRF; for 1<= i<=N, row i of the ! matrix was interchanged with row IPIV(i). ! ! B (input/output) real array, dimension (LDB,NRHS) ! On entry, the right hand side matrix B. ! On exit, the solution matrix X. ! ! LDB (input) INTEGER ! The leading dimension of the array B. LDB >= max(1,N). ! ! INFO (output) INTEGER ! = 0: successful exit ! < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value ! ! ===================================================================== ! CHARACTER TRANS INTEGER INFO, LDA, LDB, N, NRHS INTEGER IPIV( * ) real ( kind = 8 ) A( LDA, * ), B( LDB, * ) real ( kind = 8 ) ONE PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0E+0 ) ! .. ! .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL NOTRAN ! .. ! .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME ! .. ! .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL slaswp, strsm, XERBLA ! .. ! .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MAX ! .. ! .. Executable Statements .. ! ! Test the input parameters. ! INFO = 0 NOTRAN = LSAME( TRANS, 'N' ) IF( .NOT.NOTRAN .AND. .NOT.LSAME( TRANS, 'T' ) .AND. .NOT. & LSAME( TRANS, 'C' ) ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( N < 0 ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( NRHS < 0 ) THEN INFO = -3 ELSE IF( LDA < MAX( 1, N ) ) THEN INFO = -5 ELSE IF( LDB < MAX( 1, N ) ) THEN INFO = -8 END IF IF( INFO /= 0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'SGETRS', -INFO ) RETURN END IF ! ! Quick return if possible ! IF( N.EQ.0 .OR. NRHS.EQ.0 ) RETURN ! IF( NOTRAN ) THEN ! ! Solve A * X = B. ! ! Apply row interchanges to the right hand sides. ! call slaswp( NRHS, B, LDB, 1, N, IPIV, 1 ) ! ! Solve L*X = B, overwriting B with X. ! call strsm( 'Left', 'Lower', 'No transpose', 'Unit', N, NRHS, & ONE, A, LDA, B, LDB ) ! ! Solve U*X = B, overwriting B with X. ! call strsm( 'Left', 'Upper', 'No transpose', 'Non-unit', N, & NRHS, ONE, A, LDA, B, LDB ) ELSE ! ! Solve A' * X = B. ! ! Solve U'*X = B, overwriting B with X. ! call strsm( 'Left', 'Upper', 'Transpose', 'Non-unit', N, NRHS, & ONE, A, LDA, B, LDB ) ! ! Solve L'*X = B, overwriting B with X. ! call strsm( 'Left', 'Lower', 'Transpose', 'Unit', N, NRHS, ONE, & A, LDA, B, LDB ) ! ! Apply row interchanges to the solution vectors. ! CALL SLASWP( NRHS, B, LDB, 1, N, IPIV, -1 ) END IF ! RETURN END subroutine slaswp(n,a,lda,k1,k2,ipiv,incx) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SLASWP performs a series of row interchanges on the matrix A. ! One row interchange is initiated for each of rows K1 through K2 of A. ! ! Parameters: ! ! N (input) INTEGER ! The number of columns of the matrix A. ! ! A (input/output) real array, dimension (LDA,N) ! On entry, the matrix of column dimension N to which the row ! interchanges will be applied. ! On exit, the permuted matrix. ! ! LDA (input) INTEGER ! The leading dimension of the array A. ! ! K1 (input) INTEGER ! The first element of IPIV for which a row interchange will ! be done. ! ! K2 (input) INTEGER ! The last element of IPIV for which a row interchange will ! be done. ! ! IPIV (input) INTEGER array, dimension (M*abs(INCX)) ! The vector of pivot indices. Only the elements in positions ! K1 through K2 of IPIV are accessed. ! IPIV(K) = L implies rows K and L are to be interchanged. ! ! INCX (input) INTEGER ! The increment between successive values of IPIV. If IPIV ! is negative, the pivots are applied in reverse order. ! integer incx, k1, k2, lda, n integer ipiv( * ) real ( kind = 8 ) a( lda, * ) integer i, ip, ix ! .. ! .. External Subroutines .. external sswap ! .. ! .. Executable Statements .. ! ! Interchange row I with row IPIV(I) for each of rows K1 through K2. ! if ( incx == 0 ) return if ( incx>0 ) then ix = k1 else ix = 1 + ( 1-k2 )*incx end if if ( incx == 1 ) then do 10 i = k1, k2 ip = ipiv( i ) if ( ip/= i ) call sswap( n, a( i, 1 ), lda, a( ip, 1 ), lda ) 10 continue else if ( incx>1 ) then do 20 i = k1, k2 ip = ipiv( ix ) if ( ip/= i ) call sswap( n, a( i, 1 ), lda, a( ip, 1 ), lda ) ix = ix + incx 20 continue else if ( incx<0 ) then do 30 i = k2, k1, -1 ip = ipiv( ix ) if ( ip/= i ) call sswap( n, a( i, 1 ), lda, a( ip, 1 ), lda ) ix = ix + incx 30 continue end if ! return end subroutine sscal(n,da,dx,incx) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SSCAL scales a vector by a constant. ! ! ! Parameters: ! real ( kind = 8 ) da real ( kind = 8 ) dx(*) integer i integer incx integer ix integer m integer n ! if ( n<= 0)return if ( incx == 1)go to 20 ! if ( incx<0 ) then ix = (-n+1)*incx + 1 else ix = 1 end if do i = 1,n dx(ix) = da*dx(ix) ix = ix + incx end do return ! 20 m = mod(n,5) do i = 1,m dx(i) = da*dx(i) end do do i = m+1,n,5 dx(i) = da*dx(i) dx(i + 1) = da*dx(i + 1) dx(i + 2) = da*dx(i + 2) dx(i + 3) = da*dx(i + 3) dx(i + 4) = da*dx(i + 4) end do return end subroutine sswap(n,dx,incx,dy,incy) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SSWAP interchanges two vectors. ! ! ! Parameters: ! real ( kind = 8 ) dtemp real ( kind = 8 ) dx(*) real ( kind = 8 ) dy(*) integer i integer incx integer incy integer ix integer iy integer m integer n ! if ( n<= 0)return if ( incx == 1.and.incy== 1)go to 20 ! ix = 1 iy = 1 if ( incx<0)ix = (-n+1)*incx + 1 if ( incy<0)iy = (-n+1)*incy + 1 do i = 1,n dtemp = dx(ix) dx(ix) = dy(iy) dy(iy) = dtemp ix = ix + incx iy = iy + incy end do return ! 20 m = mod(n,3) do i = 1,m dtemp = dx(i) dx(i) = dy(i) dy(i) = dtemp end do do i = m+1,n,3 dtemp = dx(i) dx(i) = dy(i) dy(i) = dtemp dtemp = dx(i + 1) dx(i + 1) = dy(i + 1) dy(i + 1) = dtemp dtemp = dx(i + 2) dx(i + 2) = dy(i + 2) dy(i + 2) = dtemp end do return end subroutine stbsv(uplo,trans,diag,n,k,a,lda,x,incx) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! STBSV solves one of the systems of equations ! ! A*x = b, or A'*x = b, ! ! where b and x are n element vectors and A is an n by n unit, or ! non-unit, upper or lower triangular band matrix, with ( k + 1 ) ! diagonals. ! ! No test for singularity or near-singularity is included in this ! routine. Such tests must be performed before calling this routine. ! ! Parameters: ! ! UPLO - CHARACTER*1. ! On entry, UPLO specifies whether the matrix is an upper or ! lower triangular matrix as follows: ! ! UPLO = 'U' or 'u' A is an upper triangular matrix. ! ! UPLO = 'L' or 'l' A is a lower triangular matrix. ! ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! TRANS - CHARACTER*1. ! On entry, TRANS specifies the equations to be solved as ! follows: ! ! TRANS = 'N' or 'n' A*x = b. ! ! TRANS = 'T' or 't' A'*x = b. ! ! TRANS = 'C' or 'c' A'*x = b. ! ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! DIAG - CHARACTER*1. ! On entry, DIAG specifies whether or not A is unit ! triangular as follows: ! ! DIAG = 'U' or 'u' A is assumed to be unit triangular. ! ! DIAG = 'N' or 'n' A is not assumed to be unit ! triangular. ! ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! N - INTEGER. ! On entry, N specifies the order of the matrix A. ! N must be at least zero. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! K - INTEGER. ! On entry with UPLO = 'U' or 'u', K specifies the number of ! super-diagonals of the matrix A. ! On entry with UPLO = 'L' or 'l', K specifies the number of ! sub-diagonals of the matrix A. ! K must satisfy 0 <= K. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! A - real array of DIMENSION ( LDA, n ). ! Before entry with UPLO = 'U' or 'u', the leading ( k + 1 ) ! by n part of the array A must contain the upper triangular ! band part of the matrix of coefficients, supplied column by ! column, with the leading diagonal of the matrix in row ! ( k + 1 ) of the array, the first super-diagonal starting at ! position 2 in row k, and so on. The top left k by k triangle ! of the array A is not referenced. ! The following program segment will transfer an upper ! triangular band matrix from conventional full matrix storage ! to band storage: ! ! DO 20, J = 1, N ! M = K + 1 - J ! DO 10, I = MAX( 1, J - K ), J ! A( M + I, J ) = matrix( I, J ) ! 10 CONTINUE ! 20 CONTINUE ! ! Before entry with UPLO = 'L' or 'l', the leading ( k + 1 ) ! by n part of the array A must contain the lower triangular ! band part of the matrix of coefficients, supplied column by ! column, with the leading diagonal of the matrix in row 1 of ! the array, the first sub-diagonal starting at position 1 in ! row 2, and so on. The bottom right k by k triangle of the ! array A is not referenced. ! The following program segment will transfer a lower ! triangular band matrix from conventional full matrix storage ! to band storage: ! ! DO 20, J = 1, N ! M = 1 - J ! DO 10, I = J, MIN( N, J + K ) ! A( M + I, J ) = matrix( I, J ) ! 10 CONTINUE ! 20 CONTINUE ! ! Note that when DIAG = 'U' or 'u' the elements of the array A ! corresponding to the diagonal elements of the matrix are not ! referenced, but are assumed to be unity. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! LDA - INTEGER. ! On entry, LDA specifies the first dimension of A as declared ! in the calling (sub) program. LDA must be at least ! ( k + 1 ). ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! X - real array of dimension at least ! ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ). ! Before entry, the incremented array X must contain the n ! element right-hand side vector b. On exit, X is overwritten ! with the solution vector x. ! ! INCX - INTEGER. ! On entry, INCX specifies the increment for the elements of ! X. INCX must not be zero. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! ! Level 2 Blas routine. ! ! -- Written on 22-October-1986. ! Jack Dongarra, Argonne National Lab. ! Jeremy Du Croz, Nag Central Office. ! Sven Hammarling, Nag Central Office. ! Richard Hanson, Sandia National Labs. ! ! integer incx, k, lda, n character diag, trans, uplo real ( kind = 8 ) a( lda, * ), x( * ) real ( kind = 8 ), parameter :: zero = 0.0D+00 ! .. Local Scalars .. real ( kind = 8 ) temp integer i, info, ix, j, jx, kplus1, kx, l logical nounit ! .. External Functions .. logical lsame external lsame ! .. External Subroutines .. external xerbla ! .. Intrinsic Functions .. intrinsic max, min ! .. ! .. Executable Statements .. ! ! Test the input parameters. ! info = 0 if ( .not.lsame( uplo , 'u' ).and. & .not.lsame( uplo , 'l' ) ) then info = 1 else if ( .not.lsame( trans, 'n' ).and. & .not.lsame( trans, 't' ).and. & .not.lsame( trans, 'c' ) ) then info = 2 else if ( .not.lsame( diag , 'u' ).and. & .not.lsame( diag , 'n' ) ) then info = 3 else if ( n<0 ) then info = 4 else if ( k<0 ) then info = 5 else if ( lda<( k + 1 ) ) then info = 7 else if ( incx == 0 ) then info = 9 end if if ( info/= 0 ) then call xerbla( 'stbsv ', info ) return end if ! ! Quick return if possible. ! if ( n == 0 ) return ! nounit = lsame( diag, 'n' ) ! ! Set up the start point in X if the increment is not unity. This ! will be ( N - 1 )*INCX too small for descending loops. ! if ( incx<= 0 ) then kx = 1 - ( n - 1 )*incx else if ( incx/= 1 ) then kx = 1 end if ! ! Start the operations. In this version the elements of A are ! accessed by sequentially with one pass through A. ! if ( lsame( trans, 'n' ) ) then ! ! Form x : = inv( A )*x. ! if ( lsame( uplo, 'u' ) ) then kplus1 = k + 1 if ( incx == 1 ) then do 20, j = n, 1, -1 if ( x( j )/= zero ) then l = kplus1 - j if ( nounit ) x( j ) = x( j )/a( kplus1, j ) temp = x( j ) do 10, i = j - 1, max( 1, j - k ), -1 x( i ) = x( i ) - temp*a( l + i, j ) 10 continue end if 20 continue else kx = kx + ( n - 1 )*incx jx = kx do 40, j = n, 1, -1 kx = kx - incx if ( x( jx )/= zero ) then ix = kx l = kplus1 - j if ( nounit ) & x( jx ) = x( jx )/a( kplus1, j ) temp = x( jx ) do 30, i = j - 1, max( 1, j - k ), -1 x( ix ) = x( ix ) - temp*a( l + i, j ) ix = ix - incx 30 continue end if jx = jx - incx 40 continue end if else if ( incx == 1 ) then do 60, j = 1, n if ( x( j )/= zero ) then l = 1 - j if ( nounit ) & x( j ) = x( j )/a( 1, j ) temp = x( j ) do 50, i = j + 1, min( n, j + k ) x( i ) = x( i ) - temp*a( l + i, j ) 50 continue end if 60 continue else jx = kx do 80, j = 1, n kx = kx + incx if ( x( jx )/= zero ) then ix = kx l = 1 - j if ( nounit ) & x( jx ) = x( jx )/a( 1, j ) temp = x( jx ) do 70, i = j + 1, min( n, j + k ) x( ix ) = x( ix ) - temp*a( l + i, j ) ix = ix + incx 70 continue end if jx = jx + incx 80 continue end if end if else ! ! Form x : = inv( A')*x. ! if ( lsame( uplo, 'u' ) ) then kplus1 = k + 1 if ( incx == 1 ) then do 100, j = 1, n temp = x( j ) l = kplus1 - j do 90, i = max( 1, j - k ), j - 1 temp = temp - a( l + i, j )*x( i ) 90 continue if ( nounit ) temp = temp/a( kplus1, j ) x( j ) = temp 100 continue else jx = kx do 120, j = 1, n temp = x( jx ) ix = kx l = kplus1 - j do 110, i = max( 1, j - k ), j - 1 temp = temp - a( l + i, j )*x( ix ) ix = ix + incx 110 continue if ( nounit ) temp = temp/a( kplus1, j ) x( jx ) = temp jx = jx + incx if ( j>k ) kx = kx + incx 120 continue end if else if ( incx == 1 ) then do 140, j = n, 1, -1 temp = x( j ) l = 1 - j do 130, i = min( n, j + k ), j + 1, -1 temp = temp - a( l + i, j )*x( i ) 130 continue if ( nounit ) temp = temp/a( 1, j ) x( j ) = temp 140 continue else kx = kx + ( n - 1 )*incx jx = kx do 160, j = n, 1, -1 temp = x( jx ) ix = kx l = 1 - j do 150, i = min( n, j + k ), j + 1, -1 temp = temp - a( l + i, j )*x( ix ) ix = ix - incx 150 continue if ( nounit ) temp = temp/a( 1, j ) x( jx ) = temp jx = jx - incx if ( ( n - j )>= k ) kx = kx - incx 160 continue end if end if end if return end subroutine strsm(side,uplo,transa,diag,m,n,alpha,a,lda,b,ldb) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! STRSM solves one of the matrix equations ! ! op( A )*X = alpha*B, or X*op( A ) = alpha*B, ! ! where alpha is a scalar, X and B are m by n matrices, A is a unit, or ! non-unit, upper or lower triangular matrix and op( A ) is one of ! ! op( A ) = A or op( A ) = A'. ! ! The matrix X is overwritten on B. ! ! Parameters: ! ! SIDE - CHARACTER*1. ! On entry, SIDE specifies whether op( A ) appears on the left ! or right of X as follows: ! ! SIDE = 'L' or 'l' op( A )*X = alpha*B. ! ! SIDE = 'R' or 'r' X*op( A ) = alpha*B. ! ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! UPLO - CHARACTER*1. ! On entry, UPLO specifies whether the matrix A is an upper or ! lower triangular matrix as follows: ! ! UPLO = 'U' or 'u' A is an upper triangular matrix. ! ! UPLO = 'L' or 'l' A is a lower triangular matrix. ! ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! TRANSA - CHARACTER*1. ! On entry, TRANSA specifies the form of op( A ) to be used in ! the matrix multiplication as follows: ! ! TRANSA = 'N' or 'n' op( A ) = A. ! ! TRANSA = 'T' or 't' op( A ) = A'. ! ! TRANSA = 'C' or 'c' op( A ) = A'. ! ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! DIAG - CHARACTER*1. ! On entry, DIAG specifies whether or not A is unit triangular ! as follows: ! ! DIAG = 'U' or 'u' A is assumed to be unit triangular. ! ! DIAG = 'N' or 'n' A is not assumed to be unit ! triangular. ! ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! M - INTEGER. ! On entry, M specifies the number of rows of B. M must be at ! least zero. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! N - INTEGER. ! On entry, N specifies the number of columns of B. N must be ! at least zero. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! ALPHA - real. ! On entry, ALPHA specifies the scalar alpha. When alpha is ! zero then A is not referenced and B need not be set before ! entry. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! A - real array of DIMENSION ( LDA, k ), where k is m ! when SIDE = 'L' or 'l' and is n when SIDE = 'R' or 'r'. ! Before entry with UPLO = 'U' or 'u', the leading k by k ! upper triangular part of the array A must contain the upper ! triangular matrix and the strictly lower triangular part of ! A is not referenced. ! Before entry with UPLO = 'L' or 'l', the leading k by k ! lower triangular part of the array A must contain the lower ! triangular matrix and the strictly upper triangular part of ! A is not referenced. ! Note that when DIAG = 'U' or 'u', the diagonal elements of ! A are not referenced either, but are assumed to be unity. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! LDA - INTEGER. ! On entry, LDA specifies the first dimension of A as declared ! in the calling (sub) program. When SIDE = 'L' or 'l' then ! LDA must be at least max( 1, m ), when SIDE = 'R' or 'r' ! then LDA must be at least max( 1, n ). ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! B - real array of DIMENSION ( LDB, n ). ! Before entry, the leading m by n part of the array B must ! contain the right-hand side matrix B, and on exit is ! overwritten by the solution matrix X. ! ! LDB - INTEGER. ! On entry, LDB specifies the first dimension of B as declared ! in the calling (sub) program. LDB must be at least ! max( 1, m ). ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! ! Level 3 Blas routine. ! ! ! -- Written on 8-February-1989. ! Jack Dongarra, Argonne National Laboratory. ! Iain Duff, AERE Harwell. ! Jeremy Du Croz, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. ! Sven Hammarling, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. ! character side, uplo, transa, diag integer m, n, lda, ldb real ( kind = 8 ) alpha real ( kind = 8 ) a( lda, * ), b( ldb, * ) ! .. External Functions .. logical lsame external lsame ! .. External Subroutines .. external xerbla ! .. Intrinsic Functions .. intrinsic max ! .. Local Scalars .. logical lside, nounit, upper integer i, info, j, k, nrowa real ( kind = 8 ) temp ! .. Parameters .. real ( kind = 8 ), parameter :: one = 1.0D+00 real ( kind = 8 ), parameter :: zero = 0.0D+00 ! .. ! .. Executable Statements .. ! ! Test the input parameters. ! lside = lsame( side , 'l' ) if ( lside ) then nrowa = m else nrowa = n end if nounit = lsame( diag , 'n' ) upper = lsame( uplo , 'u' ) ! info = 0 if ( ( .not.lside ).and. & ( .not.lsame( side , 'r' ) ) ) then info = 1 else if ( ( .not.upper ).and. & ( .not.lsame( uplo , 'l' ) ) ) then info = 2 else if ( ( .not.lsame( transa, 'n' ) ).and. & ( .not.lsame( transa, 't' ) ).and. & ( .not.lsame( transa, 'c' ) ) ) then info = 3 else if ( ( .not.lsame( diag , 'u' ) ).and. & ( .not.lsame( diag , 'n' ) ) ) then info = 4 else if ( m <0 ) then info = 5 else if ( n <0 ) then info = 6 else if ( lda ! 0 1 ! ! XSI ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! DET Output, real DET, the determinant of the jacobian ! of the transformation between the reference and isoparametric ! elements. ! ! DETADX, ! DETADY Output, real DETADX, DETADY, the partial ! derivative d ETA/d X and d ETA/d Y at (XSI,ETA). ! ! DXSIDX, ! DXSIDY Output, real DXSIDX, DXSIDY, the partial ! derivative d XSI/d X and d XSI/d Y at (XSI,ETA). ! ! ETA Input, real ETA, the ETA coordinate of the point. ! ! IELEM Input, integer IELEM, the number of the isoparametric ! element we are examining. ! ! NELEM Input, INTEGER NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! NODE Input, integer NODE(6,NELEM), contains the numbers ! of the nodes that make up each element. Element number ! I is associated with nodes NODE(1,I) through NODE(6,I). ! ! NP Input, integer NP, the number of nodes. ! ! XC Input, real XC(NP), the X coordinates of the ! nodes. ! ! XSI Input, real XSI, the XSI coordinate of the point. ! ! YC Input, real YC(NP), the Y coordinates of the ! nodes. ! ! integer nelem integer np ! real ( kind = 8 ) a1 real ( kind = 8 ) a2 real ( kind = 8 ) b1 real ( kind = 8 ) b2 real ( kind = 8 ) c1 real ( kind = 8 ) c2 real ( kind = 8 ) d1 real ( kind = 8 ) d2 real ( kind = 8 ) det real ( kind = 8 ) detadx real ( kind = 8 ) detady real ( kind = 8 ) dxdeta real ( kind = 8 ) dxdxsi real ( kind = 8 ) dxsidx real ( kind = 8 ) dxsidy real ( kind = 8 ) dydeta real ( kind = 8 ) dydxsi real ( kind = 8 ) e1 real ( kind = 8 ) e2 real ( kind = 8 ) eta real ( kind = 8 ) f1 real ( kind = 8 ) f2 integer i integer ielem integer node(6,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) x real ( kind = 8 ) xn(6) real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xsi real ( kind = 8 ) y real ( kind = 8 ) yn(6) real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) ! ! Pick off the X, Y coordinates of the nodes and store them ! in two short lists. ! do i = 1,6 xn(i) = xc(node(i,ielem)) yn(i) = yc(node(i,ielem)) end do ! ! Set the coefficients in the transformation ! ! (XSI,ETA) --> (X,Y). ! ! The mapping has the form: ! ! X(XSI,ETA) = A1 * XSI**2 + B1 * XSI*ETA + C1 * ETA**2 ! + D1 * XSI + E1 * ETA + F1 ! ! Y(XSI,ETA) = A2 * XSI**2 + B2 * XSI*ETA + C2 * ETA**2 ! + D2 * XSI + E2 * ETA + F2 ! a1 = 2.0D+00*xn(1)+2.0D+00*xn(3)-4.0D+00*xn(6) b1 = -4.0D+00*xn(3)-4.0D+00*xn(4)+4.0D+00*xn(5)+4.0D+00*xn(6) c1 = 2.0D+00*xn(2)+2.0D+00*xn(3)-4.0D+00*xn(5) d1 = -3.0D+00*xn(1) -xn(3)+4.0D+00*xn(6) e1 = -xn(2) +xn(3)+4.0D+00*xn(4)-4.0D+00*xn(6) f1 = xn(1) a2 = 2.0D+00*yn(1)+2.0D+00*yn(3)-4.0D+00*yn(6) b2 = -4.0D+00*yn(3)-4.0D+00*yn(4)+4.0D+00*yn(5)+4.0D+00*yn(6) c2 = 2.0D+00*yn(2)+2.0D+00*yn(3)-4.0D+00*yn(5) d2 = -3.0D+00*yn(1) -yn(3)+4.0D+00*yn(6) e2 = -yn(2) +yn(3)+4.0D+00*yn(4)-4.0D+00*yn(6) f2 = yn(1) ! ! Compute the partial derivatives at the point (XSI,ETA). ! This is the jacobian matrix ! ! J: (XSI,ETA) --> (X,Y). ! dxdxsi = 2.0D+00*a1*xsi + b1*eta + d1 dxdeta = b1*xsi + 2.0D+00*c1*eta + e1 dydxsi = 2.0D+00*a2*xsi + b2*eta + d2 dydeta = b2*xsi + 2.0D+00*c2*eta + e2 ! ! Compute the determinant of the jacobian matrix: ! ! J: (XSI,ETA) --> (X,Y) ! det = dxdxsi*dydeta-dxdeta*dydxsi ! ! Watch out for a zero determinant. ! if ( det == 0.0D+00 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Trans - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' The jacobian J: (XSI,ETA) --> (X,Y) is singular!' write ( *, * ) ' This occurred for element number ',ielem write ( *, * ) ' Local coordinates XSI,ETA = ',xsi,eta x = a1*xsi**2+b1*xsi*eta+c1*eta**2+d1*xsi+e1*eta+f1 y = a2*xsi**2+b2*xsi*eta+c2*eta**2+d2*xsi+e2*eta+f2 write ( *, * ) ' Global coordinates X,Y = ',x,y write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' The X, Y nodes were:' write ( *, * ) ' ' do i = 1,6 write ( *, * ) xn(i),yn(i) end do stop end if ! ! Compute ! ! d ETA/d X, d ETA/d Y, d XSI/d X, d XSI/d Y ! ! by inverting the jacobian matrix ! ! J: (XSI,ETA) --> (X,Y) ! ! to get the jacobian matrix ! ! J: (X,Y) --> (XSI,ETA). ! ! This uses the simple fact that the inverse of ! ! (a b) ! (c d) ! ! is ! ! 1/(ad-bc) * ( d -b) ! (-c a) ! dxsidx = dydeta / det dxsidy = -dxdeta / det detadx = -dydxsi / det detady = dxdxsi / det return end subroutine upvalq(dppdx,dppdy,dupdx,dupdy,dvpdx,dvpdy,gp,ielem,indx,iquad, & nelem,neqn,node,np,nquad,phi,pp,up,vp) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! UPVALQ evaluates the sensitivities of the velocities and pressure, ! and their X and Y derivatives, at a quadrature point in a given ! element. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! integer nelem integer neqn integer np integer nquad ! real ( kind = 8 ) coef real ( kind = 8 ) dppdx real ( kind = 8 ) dppdy real ( kind = 8 ) dqdx real ( kind = 8 ) dqdy real ( kind = 8 ) dupdx real ( kind = 8 ) dupdy real ( kind = 8 ) dvpdx real ( kind = 8 ) dvpdy real ( kind = 8 ) dwdx real ( kind = 8 ) dwdy real ( kind = 8 ) gp(neqn) integer ielem integer indx(3,np) integer ip integer iq integer iquad integer iun integer node(6,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) phi(nquad,6,10,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) pp real ( kind = 8 ) q real ( kind = 8 ) up real ( kind = 8 ) vp real ( kind = 8 ) w ! ! Start all the functions at zero. ! pp = 0.0D+00 up = 0.0D+00 vp = 0.0D+00 dppdx = 0.0D+00 dppdy = 0.0D+00 dupdx = 0.0D+00 dupdy = 0.0D+00 dvpdx = 0.0D+00 dvpdy = 0.0D+00 ! ! Now each of these functions is represented as the sum of ! coefficients times basis functions. In this particular ! element, at this particular quadrature point, we know that ! exactly 6 basis functions are nonzero. So if ! we simply look up the values of the basis functions (and ! their X and Y derivatives), and multiply by the appropriate ! coefficients, we can evaluate the functions. ! ! W, DWDX and DWDY represent the value of a quadratic basis ! function and its X and Y derivative. ! ! Q, DQDX and DQDY represent the value of a linear basis ! function and its X and Y derivatives. ! do iq = 1,6 w = phi(iquad,iq,1,ielem) dwdx = phi(iquad,iq,2,ielem) dwdy = phi(iquad,iq,3,ielem) q = phi(iquad,iq,4,ielem) dqdx = phi(iquad,iq,5,ielem) dqdy = phi(iquad,iq,6,ielem) ! ! Now that we have the basis function values, we need to look ! up the coefficient COEF that multiplies the basis function. ! ip = node(iq,ielem) iun = indx(1,ip) coef = gp(iun) up = up+coef*w dupdx = dupdx+coef*dwdx dupdy = dupdy+coef*dwdy iun = indx(2,ip) coef = gp(iun) vp = vp+coef*w dvpdx = dvpdx+coef*dwdx dvpdy = dvpdy+coef*dwdy iun = indx(3,ip) if ( iun>0 ) then coef = gp(iun) pp = pp+coef*q dppdx = dppdx+coef*dqdx dppdy = dppdy+coef*dqdy end if end do return end subroutine uval(detadx,detady,dpdx,dpdy,dudx,dudy,dvdx,dvdy,dxsidx,dxsidy, & eta,g,ielem,indx,isotri,nelem,neqn,node,np,p,u,v,xc,xq,xsi,yc,yq) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! UVAL evaluates the velocities and pressure at an arbitrary point. ! ! ! If the element is not isoparametric, then UVAL requires the ! physical X and Y coordinates of the point. ! ! If the element is isoparametric, UVAL requires the XSI, ETA ! coordinates of the point. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real DETADX, DETADY, the partial derivative ! d ETA/d X and d ETA/d Y at (XSI,ETA). ! ! Input, real DXSIDX, DXSIDY, the partial derivative ! d XSI/d X and d XSI/d Y at (XSI,ETA). ! ! Input, real ETA, the ETA coordinate of the point, ! needed only if the element is isoparametric. ! ! Input, real G(NEQN), the computed solution vector, in which are stored ! pressures and velocities. ! ! Input, integer IELEM, the element in which the point lies ! at which the quantities are desired. ! ! Input, real XQ, the X coordinate of the point. ! ! Input, real XSI, the XSI coordinate of the point, ! needed only if the element is isoparametric. ! ! Input, real YQ, the Y coordinate of the point. ! integer nelem integer neqn integer np ! real ( kind = 8 ) coef real ( kind = 8 ) detadx real ( kind = 8 ) detady real ( kind = 8 ) dpdx real ( kind = 8 ) dpdy real ( kind = 8 ) dqdx real ( kind = 8 ) dqdy real ( kind = 8 ) dudx real ( kind = 8 ) dudy real ( kind = 8 ) dvdx real ( kind = 8 ) dvdy real ( kind = 8 ) dwdx real ( kind = 8 ) dwdy real ( kind = 8 ) dxsidx real ( kind = 8 ) dxsidy real ( kind = 8 ) eta real ( kind = 8 ) g(neqn) integer ielem integer indx(3,np) integer ip integer iq integer isotri(nelem) integer iun integer node(6,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) p real ( kind = 8 ) q real ( kind = 8 ) u real ( kind = 8 ) v real ( kind = 8 ) w real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xq real ( kind = 8 ) xsi real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yq ! p = 0.0D+00 u = 0.0D+00 v = 0.0D+00 dpdx = 0.0D+00 dpdy = 0.0D+00 dudx = 0.0D+00 dudy = 0.0D+00 dvdx = 0.0D+00 dvdy = 0.0D+00 do iq = 1,6 ! ! Evaluate the basis functions W and Q, and their derivatives ! DQDX, DQDY, DWDX, DWDY at XQ, YQ. ! if ( isotri(ielem) == 0.or.isotri(ielem)== 1 ) then call qbf(ielem,iq,w,dwdx,dwdy,nelem,node,np,xc,xq,yc,yq) call bsp(q,dqdx,dqdy,ielem,iq,nelem,node,np,xc,xq,yc,yq) else call refqbf(w,dwdx,dwdy,detadx,detady,dxsidx,dxsidy,eta,iq,xsi) call refbsp(q,dqdx,dqdy,detadx,detady,iq,dxsidx,dxsidy,eta,xsi) end if ! ! Compute the coefficients at the node at XP, YP. ! ip = node(iq,ielem) iun = indx(1,ip) coef = g(iun) u = u+coef*w dudx = dudx+coef*dwdx dudy = dudy+coef*dwdy iun = indx(2,ip) coef = g(iun) v = v+coef*w dvdx = dvdx+coef*dwdx dvdy = dvdy+coef*dwdy iun = indx(3,ip) if ( iun>0 ) then coef = g(iun) p = p+coef*q dpdx = dpdx+coef*dqdx dpdy = dpdy+coef*dqdy end if end do return end subroutine uvalq(dpdx,dpdy,dudx,dudy,dvdx,dvdy,g,ielem,indx,iquad,nelem, & neqn,node,np,nquad,p,phi,u,v) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! UVALQ evaluates the velocities and pressure at a quadrature point. ! ! ! UVALQ also evaluates the X and Y derivatives of the quantities. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! DPDX, ! DPDY Output, real DPDX, DPDY, the derivatives of the ! pressure function with respect to X and Y. ! ! DUDX, ! DUDY Output, real DUDX, DUDY, the derivatives of the ! horizontal velocity function with respect to X and Y. ! ! DVDX, ! DVDY Output, real DVDX, DVDY, the derivatives of the ! vertical velocity function with respect to X and Y. ! ! P Output, real P, the value of the pressure. ! ! U Output, real U, the value of the horizontal ! velocity. ! ! V Output, real V, the value of the vertical ! velocity. ! ! integer nelem integer neqn integer np integer nquad ! real ( kind = 8 ) coef real ( kind = 8 ) dpdx real ( kind = 8 ) dpdy real ( kind = 8 ) dqdx real ( kind = 8 ) dqdy real ( kind = 8 ) dudx real ( kind = 8 ) dudy real ( kind = 8 ) dvdx real ( kind = 8 ) dvdy real ( kind = 8 ) dwdx real ( kind = 8 ) dwdy real ( kind = 8 ) g(neqn) integer ielem integer indx(3,np) integer ip integer iq integer iquad integer iun integer node(6,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) p real ( kind = 8 ) phi(nquad,6,10,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) q real ( kind = 8 ) u real ( kind = 8 ) v real ( kind = 8 ) w ! ! Start all the functions at zero. ! p = 0.0D+00 u = 0.0D+00 v = 0.0D+00 dpdx = 0.0D+00 dpdy = 0.0D+00 dudx = 0.0D+00 dudy = 0.0D+00 dvdx = 0.0D+00 dvdy = 0.0D+00 ! ! Now each of these functions is represented as the sum of ! coefficients times basis functions. In this particular ! element, at this particular quadrature point, we know that ! exactly 6 basis functions are nonzero. So if ! we simply look up the values of the basis functions (and ! their X and Y derivatives), and multiply by the appropriate ! coefficients, we can evaluate the functions. ! ! W, DWDX and DWDY represent the value of a quadratic basis ! function and its X and Y derivative. ! ! Q, DQDX and DQDY represent the value of a linear basis ! function and its X and Y derivatives. ! do iq = 1,6 w = phi(iquad,iq,1,ielem) dwdx = phi(iquad,iq,2,ielem) dwdy = phi(iquad,iq,3,ielem) q = phi(iquad,iq,4,ielem) dqdx = phi(iquad,iq,5,ielem) dqdy = phi(iquad,iq,6,ielem) ! ! Now that we have the basis function values, we need to look ! up the coefficient COEF that multiplies the basis function. ! ip = node(iq,ielem) iun = indx(1,ip) coef = g(iun) u = u+coef*w dudx = dudx+coef*dwdx dudy = dudy+coef*dwdy iun = indx(2,ip) coef = g(iun) v = v+coef*w dvdx = dvdx+coef*dwdx dvdy = dvdy+coef*dwdy iun = indx(3,ip) if ( iun>0 ) then coef = g(iun) p = p+coef*q dpdx = dpdx+coef*dqdx dpdy = dpdy+coef*dqdy end if end do return end subroutine whodat (a,area,eqn,etaq,g,g2,ifs,ibs,ierror,ijac,indx,ipivot, & isotri,iwrite,jjac,maxnew,nelem,neqn,nlband,node,np,npar,nparb,nparf, & nquad,nrow,nx,ny,para,phi,res,splbmp,splflo,syseqn,taubmp,tauflo,tolnew, & wquad,xbl,xbr,xc,xquad,xsiq,ybl,ybr,yc,yquad) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! WHODAT is damaged code. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! integer nelem integer neqn integer np integer npar integer nparb integer nparf integer nquad integer nrow integer nx integer ny ! real ( kind = 8 ) a(nrow,neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) area(nquad,nelem) character ( len = 2 ) eqn(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) etaq(nquad) real ( kind = 8 ) g(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) g2(neqn) integer ifs integer ibs integer ierror integer ijac integer indx(3,np) integer ipivot(neqn) integer isotri(nelem) integer iwrite integer jjac logical s_eqi integer maxnew integer nlband integer node(6,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) para(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) phi(nquad,6,10,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) res(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) splbmp(4,nparb+2,0:nparb) real ( kind = 8 ) splflo(4,nparf+2,0:nparf) character ( len = 20 ) syseqn real ( kind = 8 ) taubmp(nparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) tauflo(nparf+2) real ( kind = 8 ) tolnew real ( kind = 8 ) wquad(nquad) real ( kind = 8 ) xbl real ( kind = 8 ) xbr real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xquad(nquad,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) xsiq(nquad) real ( kind = 8 ) ybl real ( kind = 8 ) ybr real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yquad(nquad,nelem) ! external s_eqi ! ! Set the spline coefficients for the bump. ! call bmpspl(ibs,npar,nparb,nparf,para,splbmp,taubmp,xbl,xbr,ybl,ybr) ! ! Set the spline coefficients for the inflow. ! call flospl(ifs,npar,nparf,para,splflo,tauflo) ! ! Set the X and Y coordinates of the nodes that form the grid. ! call setxy(ibs,np,nparb,nx,ny,splbmp,taubmp,xbl,xbr,xc,ybl,ybr,yc) ! ! Set the quadrature points, which move every step if there ! are bump parameters. ! if ( nquad ==3 ) then call setq3(area,etaq,isotri,nelem,node,np,nquad,wquad,xc,xquad,xsiq,yc,yquad) else if (nquad ==7 ) then call setq7(area,etaq,isotri,nelem,node,np,nquad,wquad,xc,xquad,xsiq,yc,yquad) end if ! ! Set the value of the basis functions at all quadrature points. ! call setbas(area,etaq,isotri,nelem,node,np,nquad,phi,xc,xquad,xsiq,yc,yquad) ! ! Try to solve the full nonlinear system. ! call newton(a,area,eqn,g,g2,ifs,ierror,ijac,indx,ipivot,iwrite,jjac,maxnew, & nelem,neqn,nlband,node,np,npar,nparb,nparf,nquad,nrow,para,phi,res,splflo, & syseqn,tauflo,tolnew,yc) if ( ierror/= 0.and.s_eqi(syseqn,'NavierStokes') ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'FloSol - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' Newton failed on '//syseqn write ( *, * ) ' The parameters at which failure occurred:' write ( *, * ) ' ' call prpar(nparb,nparf,para) syseqn = 'Stokes' write ( *, * ) ' Switching to '//syseqn ! ! Try to solve the linearized system. ! call newton(a,area,eqn,g,g2,ifs,ierror,ijac,indx,ipivot,iwrite,jjac,maxnew, & nelem,neqn,nlband,node,np,npar,nparb,nparf,nquad,nrow,para,phi,res, & splflo,syseqn,tauflo,tolnew,yc) syseqn = 'NavierStokes' if ( ierror/= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'FloSol - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Newton failed!' write ( *, * ) ' The parameters at which failure occurred:' write ( *, * ) ' ' call prpar(nparb,nparf,para) ierror = 1 return end if end if return end subroutine writes(ibs,iunit,nelem,neqn,np,nparb,nquad,nx,ny,xbl,xbr) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! WRITES writes out scalar data for use by SAMPLE2. ! ! ! SAMPLE2 compares the solution on different grids. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! integer ibs integer iunit integer nelem integer neqn integer np integer nparb integer nquad integer nx integer ny character ( len = 30 ) string real ( kind = 8 ) xbl real ( kind = 8 ) xbr ! string = 'ibs:' write(iunit,'(a)')string write(iunit,*)ibs string = 'nelem:' write(iunit,'(a)')string write(iunit,*)nelem string = 'neqn:' write(iunit,'(a)')string write(iunit,*)neqn string = 'np:' write(iunit,'(a)')string write(iunit,*)np string = 'nparb:' write(iunit,'(a)')string write(iunit,*)nparb string = 'nquad:' write(iunit,'(a)')string write(iunit,*)nquad string = 'nx:' write(iunit,'(a)')string write(iunit,*)nx string = 'ny:' write(iunit,'(a)')string write(iunit,*)ny string = 'xbl:' write(iunit,'(a)')string write(iunit,*)xbl string = 'xbr:' write(iunit,'(a)')string write(iunit,*)xbr return end subroutine writev(area,g,indx,isotri,iunit,nelem,neqn,node,np,nparb,nquad, & splbmp,taubmp,xc,yc) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! WRITEV writes out vector data for use by SAMPLE2. ! ! Discussion: ! ! SAMPLE2 compares the solution on different grids. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! integer nelem integer neqn integer np integer nparb integer nquad ! real ( kind = 8 ) area(nquad,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) g(neqn) integer i integer indx(3,np) integer isotri(nelem) integer iunit integer j integer k integer node(6,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) splbmp(4,nparb+2,0:nparb) character ( len = 40 ) string real ( kind = 8 ) taubmp(nparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) ! string = '((area(i,j),j=1,nelem),i=1,nquad):' write(iunit,'(a)')string do i = 1,nquad do j = 1,nelem write(iunit,*)area(i,j) end do end do string = '(g(i),i=1,neqn):' write(iunit,'(a)')string do i = 1,neqn write(iunit,*)g(i) end do string = '((indx(i,j),j=1,np),i=1,3):' write(iunit,'(a)')string do i = 1,3 do j = 1,np write(iunit,*)indx(i,j) end do end do string = '(isotri(i),i=1,nelem):' write(iunit,'(a)')string do i = 1,nelem write(iunit,*)isotri(i) end do string = '((node(i,j),j=1,nelem),i=1,6):' write(iunit,'(a)')string do i = 1,6 do j = 1,nelem write(iunit,*)node(i,j) end do end do string = '(((splbmp(i,j,k),k=0,nparb),j=1,nparb+2),i=1,4):' write(iunit,'(a)')string do i = 1,4 do j = 1,nparb+2 do k = 0,nparb write(iunit,*)splbmp(i,j,k) end do end do end do string = '(taubmp(i),i=1,nparb+2):' write(iunit,'(a)')string do i = 1,nparb+2 write(iunit,*)taubmp(i) end do string = '(xc(i),i=1,np):' write(iunit,'(a)')string do i = 1,np write(iunit,*)xc(i) end do string = '(yc(i),i=1,np):' write(iunit,'(a)')string do i = 1,np write(iunit,*)yc(i) end do return end subroutine xerbla(srname,info) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! XERBLA is an error handler for the LAPACK routines. ! It is called by an LAPACK routine if an input parameter has an ! invalid value. A message is printed and execution stops. ! ! Installers may consider modifying the STOP statement in order to ! call system-specific exception-handling facilities. ! ! Parameters: ! ! SRNAME (input) CHARACTER*6 ! The name of the routine which called XERBLA. ! ! INFO (input) INTEGER ! The position of the invalid parameter in the parameter list ! of the calling routine. ! character ( len = 6 ) srname integer info ! write( *, fmt = 9999 )srname, info ! stop ! 9999 format( ' ** on entry to ', a6, ' parameter number ', i2, ' had ', & 'an illegal value' ) end subroutine xofxsi(eta,ielem,nelem,node,np,x,xc,xsi,y,yc) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! XOFXSI is given the XSI, ETA coordinates of a point in an ! isoparametric element and determines its X, Y coordinates. ! ! Here is a graph of the (XSI, ETA) reference triangle we will use. ! ! ^ ! | ! 1 + 2 ! | /| ! ETA | 4 5 ! | / | ! 0 + 1-6-3 ! | ! +----+---+---> ! 0 1 ! ! XSI ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! ETA Input, real ETA, the ETA coordinate of the point. ! ! IELEM Input, integer IELEM, the number of the isoparametric ! element we are examining. ! ! NELEM Input, integer NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! NODE Input, integer NODE(6,NELEM), contains the numbers ! of the nodes that make up each element. Element number ! I is associated with nodes NODE(1,I) through NODE(6,I). ! ! NP Input, integer NP, the number of nodes. ! ! X Output, real X, the X coordinate of the point. ! ! XC Input, real XC(NP), the X coordinates of the ! nodes. ! ! XSI Input, real XSI, the XSI coordinate of the point. ! ! Y Output, real Y, the Y coordinate of the point. ! ! YC Input, real YC(NP), the Y coordinates of the ! nodes. ! ! integer nelem integer np real ( kind = 8 ) a1 real ( kind = 8 ) a2 real ( kind = 8 ) b1 real ( kind = 8 ) b2 real ( kind = 8 ) c1 real ( kind = 8 ) c2 real ( kind = 8 ) d1 real ( kind = 8 ) d2 real ( kind = 8 ) e1 real ( kind = 8 ) e2 real ( kind = 8 ) eta real ( kind = 8 ) f1 real ( kind = 8 ) f2 integer i integer ielem integer node(6,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) x real ( kind = 8 ) xn(6) real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xsi real ( kind = 8 ) y real ( kind = 8 ) yn(6) real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) ! ! Pick off the X, Y coordinates of the nodes and store them ! in two short lists. ! do i = 1,6 xn(i) = xc(node(i,ielem)) yn(i) = yc(node(i,ielem)) end do ! ! Set the coefficients in the transformation ! ! (XSI,ETA) --> (X,Y). ! ! The mapping has the form: ! ! X(ETA,XSI) = A1 * XSI**2 + B1 * XSI*ETA + C1 * ETA**2 ! + D1 * XSI + E1 * ETA + F1 ! ! Y(ETA,XSI) = A2 * XSI**2 + B2 * XSI*ETA + C2 * ETA**2 ! + D2 * XSI + E2 * ETA + F2 ! a1 = 2.0D+00*xn(1)+2.0D+00*xn(3)-4.0D+00*xn(6) b1 = -4.0D+00*xn(3)-4.0D+00*xn(4)+4.0D+00*xn(5)+4.0D+00*xn(6) c1 = 2.0D+00*xn(2)+2.0D+00*xn(3)-4.0D+00*xn(5) d1 = -3.0D+00*xn(1) -xn(3)+4.0D+00*xn(6) e1 = -xn(2) +xn(3)+4.0D+00*xn(4)-4.0D+00*xn(6) f1 = xn(1) a2 = 2.0D+00*yn(1)+2.0D+00*yn(3)-4.0D+00*yn(6) b2 = -4.0D+00*yn(3)-4.0D+00*yn(4)+4.0D+00*yn(5)+4.0D+00*yn(6) c2 = 2.0D+00*yn(2)+2.0D+00*yn(3)-4.0D+00*yn(5) d2 = -3.0D+00*yn(1) -yn(3)+4.0D+00*yn(6) e2 = -yn(2) +yn(3)+4.0D+00*yn(4)-4.0D+00*yn(6) f2 = yn(1) x = a1*xsi**2 + b1*xsi*eta + c1*eta**2 + d1*xsi + e1*eta + f1 y = a2*xsi**2 + b2*xsi*eta + c2*eta**2 + d2*xsi + e2*eta + f2 return end