# INPUT796.TXT 12 January 2001 # # Optimization run. # # The target flow is generated with a quadratic bump, but the optimization # is carried out with a linear bump. # # The profile was at 3, but I changed it to 4. # # The IBUMP parameter seems to affect this run a lot. # plot_file = plot796.txt march_file = none ibump = 0 igrad = 1 ijac = 1 iopt(1) = 1 iopt(2) = 1 iopt(3) = 1 iopt(4) = 1 iopt(5) = 0 # # IPLOT negative: only plot the target and final result. # iplot = -1 ishapb = 1 ishapbt = 2 ishapf = 2 ishapft = 2 istep1 = 0 istep2 = 0 itype = 7 # iwrite = 2 maxnew = 10 maxstp = 30 nparb = 3 nparf = 1 nx = 41 ny = 13 para1(1) = 0.5 para1(2) = 1.638 para1(3) = 0.885 para1(4) = 0.823 para1(5) = 1.0 partar(1) = 0.5 partar(2) = 0.75 partar(3) = 1.0 partar(4) = 0.75 partar(5) = 1.0 tolnew = 0.00001 tolopt = 0.00001 wateu = 1.0 watev = 0.0 watep = 0.0 wateb = 0.0 xbleft = 1.0 xbltar = 1.0 xbrite = 4.0 xbrtar = 4.0 xprof = 4.0 ybleft = 0.0 ybltar = 0.0 ybrite = 0.0 ybrtar = 0.0 go stop