# INPUT.615 15 March 1995 # # Compute the sensitivities and the gradient at one point. # # 1 bump parameter. # 1 inflow parameter. # 1 RE parameter. # plot_file=graphics_615.dat march_file=none ibump=2 ijac=1 iopt(1)=1 iopt(2)=1 iopt(3)=1 iplot=-1 ishapb=2 ishapf=2 itype=0 iwrite=3 maxnew=10 maxstp=11 nparb=1 nparf=1 nquad=7 nx=11 ny=4 para1(1)=0.25 para1(2)=0.25 para1(3)=5.0 partar(1)=0.5 partar(2)=0.5 partar(3)=10.0 tolnew=0.0000000001 tolopt=0.000000001 wateb=0.0 watep=0.0 wateu=1.0 watev=0.0 xbleft=1.0 xbltar=1.0 xbrite=3.0 xbrtar=3.0 xprof=3.0 ybleft=0.0 ybltar=0.0 ybrite=0.0 ybrtar=0.0 go stop