# FLOW3_08.INP # # 12 May 1996 # # Control the flow profile, but not the size of the control # parameters. # # Compare to FLOW3_01.INP, and hope that IGRAD=2 converges... # plot_file=flow3_08_plt.txt march_file=flow3_08_mar.txt ibump=2 igrad=2 ijac=1 iopt(1)=1 iopt(2)=1 iopt(3)=1 iopt(4)=1 iopt(5)=0 iplot=0 itype=3 iwrite=1 maxnew=10 maxstp=50 nparb=3 nparf=1 nx=21 ny=7 para1(1)=0.0001 para1(2)=0 para1(3)=0 para1(4)=0 para1(5)=1.0 partar(1)=0.5 partar(2)=0.375 partar(3)=0.5 partar(4)=0.375 partar(5)=1.0 tolnew=0.0000000001 tolopt=0.00000000001 wateu=1.0 watev=0.0 watep=0.0 wateb=0.0 xbleft=1.0 xbltar=1.0 xbrite=3.0 xbrtar=3.0 xprof=3.0 ybleft=0.0 ybltar=0.0 ybrite=0.0 ybrtar=0.0 go stop