11 May 2010 8:08:18.942 AM SINT_TEST FORTRAN90 version Test the FFTPACK5 Sine Transform routines. TEST01 For real fast sine transforms, 1D, SINT1I initializes the transforms, SINT1F does a forward transforms; SINT1B does a backward transforms. The number of data items is N = 4096 The original data: 1 0.15441427E-01 2 0.52405602 3 0.80930066 4 0.91671026 5 0.14975941 6 0.64746253E-02 7 0.81902778 8 0.40008637 9 0.25180870 10 0.14908369 The FFT coefficients: 1 0.63174033 2 -.50661963E-03 3 0.20499378 4 0.37456874E-02 5 0.13336287 6 -.30891683E-02 7 0.94992638E-01 8 -.88718403E-02 9 0.68625592E-01 10 -.18615942E-01 The retrieved data: 1 0.18086851E-01 2 0.52409309 3 0.81036377 4 0.91665316 5 0.15040898 6 0.64504296E-02 7 0.81948835 8 0.40001872 9 0.25209671 10 0.14910299 DSINT_TEST For double precision fast sine transforms, 1D, DSINT1I initializes the transforms, DSINT1F does a forward transforms; DSINT1B does a backward transforms. The number of data items is N = 4096 The original data: 1 0.15441427E-01 2 0.52405601 3 0.80930069 4 0.91671028 5 0.14975941 6 0.64746253E-02 7 0.81902779 8 0.40008638 9 0.25180872 10 0.14908369 The FFT coefficients: 1 0.63174028 2 -.50663656E-03 3 0.20499196 4 0.37457104E-02 5 0.13336144 6 -.30891874E-02 7 0.94990862E-01 8 -.88718314E-02 9 0.68624023E-01 10 -.18616016E-01 The retrieved data: 1 0.15441427E-01 2 0.52405601 3 0.80930069 4 0.91671028 5 0.14975941 6 0.64746253E-02 7 0.81902779 8 0.40008638 9 0.25180872 10 0.14908369 SINT_TEST Normal end of execution. 11 May 2010 8:08:18.994 AM