module dream use rand_generator use pdf_density implicit none ! -- Private variables private par_dim, range, ob_dim, & nchain, max_gen, npair, jumpstep, restart_flag, & nCR, CR, CR_ind, pCR, L_CR, Dis_CR, & Gel_Ru_R, printstep, GR_count, conv_flag, GR_threshold, & jumprate_table, jumprate, jump_num, jump_dim, & Z, fit, Zp, AR, & mnor_dim, uni_dim, mnor_ind, uni_ind, mnor_mean, cov_mat, parm, logdet, & prior_den ! -- Private subroutines private likelihood, & get_prior_sample, & prior_density, & gen_candidate, & outofbound, & init_CR, & choose_CR, & update_CR_dis, & update_pCR, & comp_std, & choose_jumprate, & comp_diff, & Gel_Ru, & Output, & get_unit !***************************************************** ! PARAMETER DEFINITION !***************************************************** ! Number of parameters integer :: par_dim ! Range of each parameter real :: range( 2, 1000 ) ! observed data character(50) :: ob_file integer :: ob_dim real*8, allocatable :: ob_data(:) ! Number of Markov chains integer :: nchain ! Maximum generations for a single chain integer :: max_gen ! Number of pairs of chains to generate candidate samples integer :: npair ! Number of steps to reset jump rate Gamma integer :: jumpstep ! Restart the chain from last generation of last time simulation or not character(10) :: restart_flag !*** Other variables used in this module ! Crossover parameters integer :: nCR real :: CR(20) integer :: CR_ind real :: pCR(20) integer :: L_CR(20) real :: Dis_CR(20) ! Gelman Rubin R statistic used to check MC convergence real, allocatable :: Gel_Ru_R(:,:) integer :: printstep integer :: GR_count logical :: conv_flag real :: GR_threshold ! Jump rate table real, allocatable :: jumprate_table(:) real :: jumprate integer :: jump_num integer, allocatable :: jump_dim(:) ! Markov chain real, allocatable :: Z(:,:,:) real, allocatable :: fit(:,:) real, allocatable :: Zp(:) ! Acceptance rate real :: AR ! Define the prior density type type density character*40 :: type ! prior density type integer :: numrealpar ! number of density parameters real :: realpar(2) ! array to save density parameters end type density ! Variables for multinormal density integer :: mnor_dim, uni_dim integer :: mnor_ind(1000), uni_ind(1000) real, allocatable :: mnor_mean(:) ! mean vector real, allocatable :: cov_mat(:,:) ! covariance matrix real, allocatable :: parm(:) ! used for calculate inverse covariance matrix of multi-normal distribution real :: logdet ! log determinant of covariance matrix type( density ), allocatable :: prior_den(:) contains !************************************************************************************** ! ! FUNCTIONS FOR INITIALIZATING CHAINS ! !************************************************************************************** !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** Read input parameters from the input file subroutine read_vars( ) implicit none integer :: iunit integer :: i call get_unit(iunit) open(iunit, file = '' ) read(iunit,*) read(iunit,*) par_dim read(iunit,*) read(iunit,*) range(1,1:par_dim) read(iunit,*) read(iunit,*) range(2,1:par_dim) read(iunit,*) read(iunit,*) max_gen read(iunit,*) read(iunit,*) nchain read(iunit,*) read(iunit,'(a50)') ob_file read(iunit,*) read(iunit,*) ob_dim read(iunit,*) read(iunit,*) npair read(iunit,*) read(iunit,*) nCR read(iunit,*) read(iunit,*) jumpstep read(iunit,*) read(iunit,*) printstep read(iunit,*) read(iunit,*) GR_threshold read(iunit,*) read(iunit,*) restart_flag close(iunit) end subroutine !********************************************************** ! import observation data subroutine import_observ() implicit none integer :: iunit, i allocate( ob_data( ob_dim ) ) call get_unit( iunit ) open(iunit, file = trim(ob_file) ) read(iunit,*) do i = 1, ob_dim read(iunit,*) ob_data(i) end do close(iunit) end subroutine !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** Start markov chains subroutine init_chain( ) implicit none integer :: i, j, iunit, dummyi allocate( Z(par_dim, nchain, max_gen) ) allocate( fit( nchain, max_gen ) ) allocate( Zp( par_dim) ) ! if restart the chain, continue the chain from the last sample of last time simulation if( trim(restart_flag) == 'yes' )then call get_unit( iunit ) open(iunit, file = 'Restart.out' ) read(iunit,*) do i = 1, nchain read(iunit, *)dummyi, fit(i,1), Z(:,i,1) end do close(iunit) ! initialize the chain from a centrain prior distribution else do i =1, nchain Z(:,i,1) = get_prior_sample( ) fit(i,1) = likelihood( Z(:,i,1) ) end do end if end subroutine !************************************************************************************** ! ! FUNCTIONS TO CALCULATE LOG LIKELIHOOD ! !************************************************************************************** !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** Compute log likelihood function function likelihood( Zx ) !use ifport implicit none real :: Zx(par_dim) real :: likelihood,pi integer :: i pi=3.1415926 !-------- TEST -------------------- !case 1: 10-D bimodal distribution likelihood = log(1.0/3.0/(2.0*pi)*exp(-0.5d0*sum((Zx+5.0d0)**2)) + 2.0/3.0/(2.0*pi)*exp(-0.5d0*sum((Zx-5.0d0)**2)) ) end function !************************************************************************************** ! ! FUNCTIONS ABOUT PRIOR INFORMATION ! !************************************************************************************** !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** Read prior information subroutine init_prior( ) implicit none integer :: iunit, i, cov_dim allocate( prior_den( par_dim ) ) ! number of parameters have multinormal distribution mnor_dim = 0 ! number of parameters have univariate distribution uni_dim = 0 call get_unit(iunit) ! In the file specify the prior distribution open(iunit, file = '' ) read(iunit,*) do i = 1, par_dim read(iunit, '(a20)') prior_den(i)%type read(iunit,*) prior_den(i)%numrealpar, prior_den(i)%realpar(1:prior_den(i)%numrealpar) if( trim(prior_den(i)%type) == 'multinormal') then mnor_dim = mnor_dim + 1 mnor_ind(mnor_dim) = i else uni_dim = uni_dim + 1 uni_ind(uni_dim) = i end if end do close(iunit) if( mnor_dim == 1 )then write(*,*) '*** ERROR: Only one parameter follows multinormal distribution. please use normal instead!' stop elseif( mnor_dim > 1 )then allocate( mnor_mean( mnor_dim ) ) allocate( cov_mat(mnor_dim, mnor_dim) ) allocate( parm( mnor_dim*(mnor_dim+3)/2+1 ) ) ! read the covariance matrix of the multinormal density from matrix_file input block call get_unit(iunit) open(iunit, file = 'covmatrix.dat' ) read(iunit,*) read(iunit,*) cov_dim if( cov_dim /= mnor_dim )then write(*,*) '*** ERROR: Covariance Matrix dimension in matrix file must be the same with & the number of parameters having multinormal density type in MCMC_Prior_PDF block!' stop end if do i = 1, mnor_dim read(iunit,*) cov_mat(i,:) end do close(iunit) ! collect the mean values of the multinormal desity do i = 1, mnor_dim mnor_mean(i) = prior_den(mnor_ind(i))%realpar(1) end do call setgmn( mnor_dim, mnor_mean, cov_mat, parm, logdet) end if end subroutine !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** Get a Sample from the specified prior distribution to start MCMC function get_prior_sample( ) implicit none real :: get_prior_sample( par_dim ) integer :: i real :: work(mnor_dim) real :: tmp(mnor_dim) ! generate samples follow univariate density if( uni_dim > 0 )then do i = 1, uni_dim select case( trim(prior_den(uni_ind(i))%type) ) case('uniform') get_prior_sample(uni_ind(i)) = genunf( prior_den(uni_ind(i))%realpar(1), & prior_den(uni_ind(i))%realpar(2) ) case('normal') get_prior_sample(uni_ind(i)) = gennor( prior_den(uni_ind(i))%realpar(1), & prior_den(uni_ind(i))%realpar(2) ) case('beta') get_prior_sample(uni_ind(i)) = genbet( prior_den(uni_ind(i))%realpar(1), & prior_den(uni_ind(i))%realpar(2) ) case('chi-square') get_prior_sample(uni_ind(i)) = genchi( prior_den(uni_ind(i))%realpar(1) ) case('inv-chi-square') get_prior_sample(uni_ind(i)) = gengam( 0.5, 0.5*prior_den(uni_ind(i))%realpar(1) ) if( get_prior_sample(uni_ind(i)) .ne. 0.0 ) then get_prior_sample(uni_ind(i)) = 1.0 / get_prior_sample(uni_ind(i)) end if case('scaled-inv-chi-square') get_prior_sample(uni_ind(i)) = gengam( 0.5*prior_den(uni_ind(i))%realpar(1) & *prior_den(uni_ind(i))%realpar(2), & 0.5*prior_den(uni_ind(i))%realpar(1) ) if( get_prior_sample(uni_ind(i)) .ne. 0.0 ) then get_prior_sample(uni_ind(i)) = 1.0 / get_prior_sample(uni_ind(i)) end if case('gamma') get_prior_sample(uni_ind(i)) = gengam( prior_den(uni_ind(i))%realpar(1), & prior_den(uni_ind(i))%realpar(2) ) case('inv-gamma') get_prior_sample(uni_ind(i)) = gengam( prior_den(uni_ind(i))%realpar(1), & prior_den(uni_ind(i))%realpar(2) ) if( get_prior_sample(uni_ind(i)) .ne. 0.0 ) then get_prior_sample(uni_ind(i)) = 1.0 / get_prior_sample(uni_ind(i)) end if case('exponential') get_prior_sample(uni_ind(i)) = genexp( prior_den(uni_ind(i))%realpar(1) ) case default write(*,*)'*** ERROR: unknown density type!' stop end select end do end if ! generate samples follow multinormal density if( mnor_dim > 1 )then call genmn( parm, tmp, work ) do i = 1, mnor_dim get_prior_sample(mnor_ind(i)) = tmp(i) end do end if end function !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** Compute density values of the specified prior density type to calculate Metropolis ratio function prior_density( rval ) implicit none real :: rval( par_dim ) real :: prior_density integer :: i real :: tmp( mnor_dim ) prior_density = 1.0 ! calculate density values for univariate density if( uni_dim > 0 )then do i = 1, uni_dim select case( trim(prior_den(uni_ind(i))%type) ) case('uniform') prior_density = prior_density & * getpdfunf( prior_den(uni_ind(i))%realpar(1), & prior_den(uni_ind(i))%realpar(2), rval(uni_ind(i)) ) case('normal') prior_density = prior_density & * getpdfnor( prior_den(uni_ind(i))%realpar(1), & prior_den(uni_ind(i))%realpar(2), rval(uni_ind(i)) ) case('beta') prior_density = prior_density & * getpdfbet( prior_den(uni_ind(i))%realpar(1), & prior_den(uni_ind(i))%realpar(2), rval(uni_ind(i)) ) case('chi-square') prior_density = prior_density & * getpdfchi( prior_den(uni_ind(i))%realpar(1), rval(uni_ind(i)) ) case('inv-chi-square') prior_density = prior_density & * getpdfinvchi( prior_den(uni_ind(i))%realpar(1), rval(uni_ind(i)) ) case('scaled-inv-chi-square') prior_density = prior_density & * getpdfscinvchi( prior_den(uni_ind(i))%realpar(1), & prior_den(uni_ind(i))%realpar(2), rval(uni_ind(i)) ) case('gamma') prior_density = prior_density & * getpdfgam( prior_den(uni_ind(i))%realpar(1), & prior_den(uni_ind(i))%realpar(2), rval(uni_ind(i)) ) case('inv-gamma') prior_density = prior_density & * getpdfinvgam( prior_den(uni_ind(i))%realpar(1), & prior_den(uni_ind(i))%realpar(2), rval(uni_ind(i)) ) case('exponential') prior_density = prior_density & * getpdfexp( prior_den(uni_ind(i))%realpar(1), rval(uni_ind(i)) ) end select end do end if ! calculate density values for multinormal density if( mnor_dim > 1 )then do i = 1, mnor_dim tmp(i) = rval(mnor_ind(i)) end do prior_density = getpdfmnor( mnor_dim, mnor_mean(1:mnor_dim), cov_mat, logdet, tmp ) end if end function !************************************************************************************** ! ! FUNCTIONS ABOUT DREAM ALGORITHM ! !************************************************************************************** !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** Use DREAM algorithm to get a candicate parameter sample subroutine DREAM_algm( ) implicit none integer :: i, j, accept, Zp_count real :: ratio Zp_count = 0 accept = 0 ! Initialize the CR values call init_CR() do i = 2, max_gen do j = 1, nchain ! Choose a CR value call choose_CR( ) ! Generate a candidate call gen_candidate( i, j ) Zp_count = Zp_count + 1 ! Compute log likelihood function fit(j,i) = likelihood( Zp ) ! Compute the metroplis ratio ratio = min( exp( ( fit(j,i) + log( prior_density(Zp) ) ) - ( fit(j,i-1) + log( prior_density(Z(:,j,i-1)) ) ) ), 1.0 ) if( ratio >= rand_uni01() )then Z(:,j,i) = Zp accept = accept + 1 else Z(:,j,i) = Z(:,j,i-1) fit(j,i) = fit(j,i-1) end if ! Update CR distance if( conv_flag .eqv. .false. .and. nCR > 1 )then call update_CR_dis( i, j ) end if end do ! Update the multinomial distribution of CR if( conv_flag .eqv. .false. .and. nCR > 1 .and. mod(i,10)==0 ) then call update_pCR( i ) end if ! Compute Gelman Rubin R and export result if( mod(i, printstep) == 0 )then call Gel_Ru(i) call Output( i-printstep+1, i ) end if ! Outlier test if( conv_flag .eqv. .false. .and. mod(i,10) == 0 )then call outliertest( i ) end if end do ! Compute the acceptance rate AR = dfloat(accept) / dfloat(Zp_count) end subroutine !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** Generate candidate parameter samples subroutine gen_candidate( gen_num, chain_num ) implicit none integer :: gen_num, chain_num integer :: R(2, npair) real :: noise_e(par_dim), b, eps(par_dim) integer :: i b=0.0 ! used to calculate e follow U(-b,b) ! Pick n pairs of other chains for crossover do i = 1, npair R(:,i) = rand_R( nchain ) do while ( R(1,i) == R(2,i) .or. R(1,i) == chain_num .or. R(2,i) == chain_num ) R(:,i) = rand_R( nchain ) end do end do ! Determine a jump rate call choose_jumprate( gen_num ) ! Calculate e in eq.4 of Vrugt et al. 2009 noise_e = b * (2 * rand_uni01_dim(par_dim) - 1) ! Get epsilon value from multinormal distribution do i =1, par_dim eps(i) = gennor(0.0, 1.0e-10) end do ! Generate the candidate sample based on eq.4 of Vrugt et al. 2009 Zp = Z(:,chain_num,gen_num-1) + (1.0 + noise_e) * jumprate * comp_diff(gen_num, chain_num, R) + eps ! Check whether candidate sample is out of parameter bound call outofbound( ) end subroutine !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** Out of parameter bound test ! Test whether generated candidate sample is out of the bound set by users ! if it is out of bound then fold the sample into the bound subroutine outofbound( ) implicit none integer :: i do i = 1, par_dim if( Zp(i) < range(1,i) )then Zp(i) = range(2,i) - range(1,i) + Zp(i) else if( Zp(i) > range(2,i) )then Zp(i) = range(1,i) - range(2,i) + Zp(i) end if ! Just in case the sample is still outside bound if( Zp(i) < range(1,i) .or. Zp(i) > range(2,i) )then Zp(i) = range(1,i) + rand_uni01() * ( range(2,i) - range(1,i) ) end if end do end subroutine !********************* Compute crossover probability CR ******************************* !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** initialize the CR values subroutine init_CR( ) implicit none integer :: i do i = 1, nCR CR(i) = dfloat(i) / dfloat(nCR) pCR(i) = 1.0d0 / dfloat(nCR) L_CR(i) = 1 Dis_CR(i) = 1.0d0 end do pCR(nCR) = 1.0d0 - sum(pCR(1:nCR-1)) end subroutine !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** choose a CR value subroutine choose_CR() implicit none integer :: tmp_ind(nCR) integer :: i if( nCR == 1 ) then CR_ind = 1 else call genmul(1, pCR(1:nCR), nCR, tmp_ind) do i = 1, nCR if( tmp_ind(i) == 1 ) then CR_ind = i exit end if end do end if end subroutine !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** update CR distance subroutine update_CR_dis( gen_num, chain_num ) implicit none integer :: gen_num, chain_num real :: std( par_dim ) integer :: i ! Compute standard deviation for all parameters std = comp_std( gen_num ) L_CR(CR_ind) = L_CR(CR_ind) + 1 do i = 1, par_dim Dis_CR(CR_ind) = Dis_CR(CR_ind) + ( Z(i, chain_num, gen_num ) - Z(i, chain_num, gen_num-1) )**2 / std(i)**2 end do end subroutine !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** update CR probabilities subroutine update_pCR( gen_num ) implicit none integer :: i, gen_num do i = 1, nCR-1 pCR(i) = (Dis_CR(i)/L_CR(i)) / sum(Dis_CR(1:nCR) / L_CR(1:nCR)) end do pCR(nCR) = 1.0d0 - sum( pCR(1:nCR-1) ) end subroutine !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** compute standard deviation function comp_std( gen_num ) implicit none integer :: gen_num real :: comp_std( par_dim ) real :: mean( par_dim ) integer :: i do i = 1, par_dim mean(i) = sum( sum( Z(i,:,1:gen_num),1 ), 1) / nchain / gen_num comp_std(i) = sqrt(sum( sum( (Z(i,:,1:gen_num) - mean(i))**2, 1), 1 ) / (nchain*gen_num-1) ) end do end function !************************* Compute jump rate Gamma ************************************ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** Initiailize the jump rate table subroutine init_jumprate( ) implicit none integer :: i allocate( jump_dim( par_dim ) ) allocate( jumprate_table( par_dim ) ) do i = 1, par_dim jumprate_table(i) = 2.38d0 / sqrt( 2.0d0 * npair * i ) end do end subroutine !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** Choose a jump rate from the jump rate table subroutine choose_jumprate( gen_num ) implicit none integer :: i integer :: gen_num ! Determine the dimensions that will be updated jump_num = 0 jump_dim = 0 do i = 1, par_dim if( rand_CR( ) > 1-CR(CR_ind) )then jump_num = jump_num + 1 jump_dim(jump_num) = i end if end do ! Calculate general jump rate if( jump_num == 0 )then jumprate = 0.0 else jumprate = jumprate_table(jump_num) endif ! If parameter dimension is 1, 2, or 3, fix the jump rate to 0.6 if( par_dim == 1 .or. par_dim == 2 .or. par_dim == 3 )then jumprate = 0.6 end if ! Determine if do a long jump if( mod(gen_num-1,jumpstep) == 0 )then jumprate = 0.98 return end if end subroutine !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** Calculate the differential evoluation function comp_diff( gen_num, chain_num, R ) implicit none integer :: gen_num, chain_num real :: comp_diff( par_dim ) integer :: R(2, npair) integer :: i, j ! Do differential evolution Zp = Z(:,chain_num,gen_num-1) ! Produce the difference of the pairs used for population evolution comp_diff = 0.0 do i = 1, npair do j = 1, jump_num comp_diff(jump_dim(j)) = comp_diff(jump_dim(j)) & + (Z(jump_dim(j),R(1,i),gen_num-1) & -Z(jump_dim(j),R(2,i),gen_num-1)) end do end do end function !************************************************************************************** ! ! FUNCTIONS ABOUT CONVERGENCE CRETERIA GELMAN-RUBIN R ! !************************************************************************************** !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** Initialize the Gelman Rubin statistic subroutine init_GR() implicit none allocate( Gel_Ru_R( par_dim, max_gen ) ) GR_count = 0 conv_flag = .false. end subroutine !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** Compute Gelman Rubin statistics R used to check convergence subroutine Gel_Ru( gen_num ) implicit none integer :: gen_num real :: mean_chain( nchain ) real :: mean_all real :: S( nchain ) real :: W_var, B_var, Var integer :: i, j, ind0 GR_count = GR_count + 1 ind0 = 0.5d0*gen_num do i = 1, par_dim do j = 1, nchain mean_chain(j) = sum( Z(i,j,ind0:gen_num) ) / dfloat(ind0) end do mean_all = sum( mean_chain ) / nchain B_var = dfloat(ind0) / dfloat( nchain - 1 ) * sum( (mean_chain - mean_all)**2 ) do j = 1, nchain S(j) = sum( (Z(i,j,ind0:gen_num) - mean_chain(j))**2 ) / (ind0 - 1.0d0) end do W_var = sum(S) / nchain Var = dfloat(ind0-1)/dfloat(ind0) * W_var + B_var / dfloat(ind0) Gel_Ru_R( i, GR_count ) = sqrt( Var / W_var ) end do conv_flag = .true. do i = 1, par_dim if( Gel_Ru_R( i, GR_count ) > GR_threshold )then conv_flag = .false. exit end if end do if (conv_flag .eqv. .true.) write(*,*)'Converged at iteration: ',gen_num end subroutine !************************************************************************************** ! ! FUNCTIONS FOR EXPORTING RESULTS ! !************************************************************************************** !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** Write parameter samples into file subroutine Output( ind1, ind2 ) implicit none integer :: ind1, ind2 integer :: iunit, i, j character*10 :: ic ! write parameter samples of all chains do i = 1, nchain ! open file if( ind1 == 1 )then write(ic,'(i2.2)') i call get_unit( iunit ) open(iunit, file = 'ParSamples._chain'//trim(ic),STATUS='REPLACE') write(iunit,11)trim(ic) else write(ic,'(i2.2)') i call get_unit( iunit ) open(iunit, file = 'ParSamples._chain'//trim(ic),STATUS='OLD', position = 'append') end if ! Write loglikelihood function and parameter samples do j = ind1, ind2 write(iunit,10)j, fit(i,j), Z(:,i,j) end do ! close file close(iunit) end do ! write Gelman-Rubin R ! open file if( ind1 == 1 )then call get_unit( iunit ) open( iunit, file = 'Gel_Ru.out',STATUS='REPLACE' ) write(iunit,21) else open( iunit, file = 'Gel_Ru.out', STATUS='OLD', position = 'append' ) end if ! Write Gelman-Rubin statistic R write(iunit,20) printstep*GR_count, Gel_Ru_R(:,GR_count) ! close file close(iunit) 11 format(1x,'"MONITORED PARAMETER SAMPLE VALUES AND ASSOCIATED LOG LIKELIHOOD FUNCTION VALUES FOR CHAIN # ',A,'"') 21 format(1x,'"MONITORED PARAMETER INTER-CHAINS GELMAN RUBIN R STATISTIC"') 10 format(1x,i7,6x,es14.7,6x,1000(es14.7,2x)) 20 format(1x,i9,6x,1000(f14.4,2x)) end subroutine !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** Write the last parameter samples into restart file used for the next time simulation subroutine OutputRestart( ) implicit none integer :: iunit, i, j call get_unit( iunit ) open( iunit, file = 'Restart.out' ) write(iunit,11) do i = 1, nchain write(iunit,10)i, fit(i, max_gen), Z(:,i,max_gen) end do close(iunit) 10 format(1x,i7,7x,es14.7,6x,1000(es14.7,2x)) 11 format(1x,'"PARAMETER VALUES OF THE LAST GENERATION FOR ALL CHAINS FOR USE IN RESTARTING THE CHAINS"') ! Print out the acceptance rate on creen. write(*,*)'The acceptance rate is: ', AR end subroutine !************************************************************************************** ! ! FUNCTIONS TO DETECT OUTLIER CHAIN ! !************************************************************************************** !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ******* Test outlier chain in burn-in period subroutine outliertest( gen_num ) implicit none integer :: gen_num real :: avg(nchain) real :: avg_tmp(nchain) integer :: i, j integer :: ind1, ind2 real :: IQR, Q1, Q3 integer :: best(1) do i = 1,nchain avg(i) = sum( fit(i, gen_num/2:gen_num) ) / size( fit(i, gen_num/2:gen_num) ) end do best = maxloc( avg ) avg_tmp = avg call sort( nchain, avg_tmp ) ind1 = nchain * 0.25 + 1 ind2 = nchain * 0.75 + 1 Q1 = avg_tmp(ind1) Q3 = avg_tmp(ind2) IQR = Q3 - Q1 do i = 1, nchain if( avg(i) < Q1 - 2.0 * IQR )then Z(:,i,gen_num) = Z(:,best(1),gen_num) fit(i, gen_num/2:gen_num) = fit(best(1), gen_num/2:gen_num) write(*,201)i,gen_num,best(1) end if end do 201 FORMAT(2X,'Chain ',i2,' is an outlier chain at iteration ',i10, / & ' its samples at this iteration are replaced by those from the chain ',i2,' with the largest log likelihood function.'/) end subroutine outliertest !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !****** Sorting an array in ascending order ************ !****** called by subroutine outliertest ************** SUBROUTINE SORT(n,a) implicit none integer :: i, j, k integer :: n real :: a(n), tmp do i = 1, n-1 do j = i+1, n if( a(i) > a(j) )then tmp = a(i) a(i) = a(j) a(j) = tmp end if end do end do end subroutine sort !********************************************************** subroutine get_unit ( iunit ) implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ios integer ( kind = 4 ) iunit logical lopen iunit = 0 do i = 1, 99 if ( i /= 5 .and. i /= 6 .and. i /= 9 ) then inquire ( unit = i, opened = lopen, iostat = ios ) if ( ios == 0 ) then if ( .not. lopen ) then iunit = i return end if end if end if end do return end subroutine end module