January 2 2011 5:22:44.128 PM DQED_PRB4 FORTRAN90 version A test for DQED This example uses reverse communication. The stable isotope problem for the alligator. We assume an alligator has 6 kinds of prey, and that the concentrations of isotopic C13 and N15 are known in the prey and in the alligator. We want to determine dietary proportions X1 through X6 so that the isotope values in the alligator can be explained in terms of how much of what prey it eats. Our model: (C_All) = (C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 ) * (X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6)' (N_All) = (N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 ) Our computed answer X: 0.00000 0.335465 0.186226 0.00000 0.351095 0.127213 The residual of the fitted data, FNORM = 0.366205E-14 Sum of variables = 1.00000 Number of model evaluations NITERS = 3 DQED output flag IGO = 2 DQED_PRB4 Normal end of execution. January 2 2011 5:22:44.129 PM