program main !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! MAIN is the main program for DISPLAY3. ! ! Discussion: ! ! DISPLAY3 reads graphics data from FLOW programs and makes plots. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! "Primitive" parameters, that depend on nothing else. ! integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxbou = 500 integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxnpe = 6 integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxnx = 81 integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxny = 51 integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxobj = 37 integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxpar = 15 ! ! Parameters that depend on primitive parameters. ! integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxelm = 2*(maxnx-1)*(maxny-1) integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxnp = (2*maxnx-1)*(2*maxny-1) integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxsen = 2*maxpar character ( len = 10 ) arrow real bval character ( len = 6 ) chrint character ( len = 80 ) command real cp(maxnp) real delx real dely character ( len = 10 ) dev real dudxn(maxnp) real dudyn(maxnp) real dvdxn(maxnp) real dvdyn(maxnp) logical echo logical eflag(maxelm) logical eflagu(maxelm) character ( len = 2 ) eqn(3,maxnp) real etaref(maxnpe) character ( len = 80 ) fildat character ( len = 80 ) filgrf character ( len = 80 ) filelm character ( len = 80 ) filinp character ( len = 20 ) filtyp real grace real gval integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) icmax integer ( kind = 4 ) icmin integer ( kind = 4 ) icolor(maxobj) integer ( kind = 4 ) icomp integer ( kind = 4 ) idata integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) ifile logical inside integer ( kind = 4 ) iplot character isay integer ( kind = 4 ) iset integer ( kind = 4 ) isotri(maxelm) integer ( kind = 4 ) itable integer ( kind = 4 ) itemp integer ( kind = 4 ) iwork1(maxelm) integer ( kind = 4 ) iwork2(maxnp) integer ( kind = 4 ) iwrite integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) jbound(5,maxbou) integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmax integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmin integer ( kind = 4 ) jfile integer ( kind = 4 ) jtemp integer ( kind = 4 ) k character ( len = 30 ) labelx character ( len = 30 ) labely logical lbar integer ( kind = 4 ) lenc integer ( kind = 4 ) lens integer ( kind = 4 ) lent integer ( kind = 4 ) line(maxobj) logical lppro logical lptpro logical lupro logical lutpro logical lvpro logical lvtpro integer ( kind = 4 ) nbound integer ( kind = 4 ) ncon integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem logical nflag(maxnp) logical nflag0(maxnp) integer ( kind = 4 ) node(maxnpe,maxelm) logical none integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) npar integer ( kind = 4 ) npe integer ( kind = 4 ) nprof(2*maxny-1) integer ( kind = 4 ) nsen integer ( kind = 4 ) nset integer ( kind = 4 ) nx integer ( kind = 4 ) nxskip integer ( kind = 4 ) ny integer ( kind = 4 ) nyskip character ( len = 30 ) object(maxobj) logical ovrlay real p(maxnp,0:maxsen) real para(maxpar) real ptar(maxnp) real rho(maxnp) real rmach(maxnp) real rval real s(maxnp) logical s_eqi real s2(maxnp) real scalee real scalen real scalev logical show(maxobj) real smax real smin real srange character ( len = 80 ) string real t(maxnp) real temp character ( len = 40 ) title character ( len = 40 ) title2 real u(maxnp,0:maxsen) real utar(maxnp) real v(maxnp,0:maxsen) real vtar(maxnp) real x1max real x1maxc real x1min real x1minc real x2max real x2min real x4max real x4min real xc(maxnp) real xmax real xmin real xprof real xsiref(maxnpe) real xsmax real xsmin real xtmax real xtmin real y1max real y1maxc real y1min real y1minc real y2max real y2min real y4max real y4min real yc(maxnp) real ymax real ymin real ysmax real ysmin real ytmax real ytmin ! call timestamp ( ) ! ! Greetings! ! call hello ( maxbou, maxelm, maxnp, maxnpe, maxnx, maxny, maxobj, & maxpar, maxsen ) ! ! Set initial values. ! call init ( arrow, cp, delx, dely, dev, dudxn, dudyn, dvdxn, dvdyn, echo, & eflag, eflagu, eqn, etaref, fildat, filgrf,filinp,filtyp,grace,icmax,icmin, & icolor,icomp,idata,ifile,iplot,iset,itable,iwrite,jcmax, & jcmin,labelx,labely,lbar,line,lppro,lptpro,lupro, & lutpro,lvpro,lvtpro,maxelm,maxnp,maxnpe,maxny,maxobj, & maxpar,maxsen,nbound,ncon,nelem,nflag,nflag0,node, & np,npe,nprof,nsen,nset,nxskip,ny,nyskip,object,ovrlay,p,rho,rmach,scalee, & scalen,scalev,show,smax,smin,title,title2,u,v,x1max,x1min, & x2max,x2min,x4max,x4min,xc,xprof,xsiref,xsmax,xsmin,y1max, & y1min,y2max,y2min,y4max,y4min,yc,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! Open the file to contain a copy of the user input commands. ! open ( unit = 17, file = filinp, status = 'replace', & access = 'sequential', & form = 'formatted' ) ! ! Get command from user ! 10 continue write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'? ("H" for help)' read(*,'(a)',end = 80,err=80)command call s_blank_delete ( command ) write ( 17, '(a)' ) trim ( command ) if ( echo ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) trim ( command ) end if if ( command == ' ' ) then go to 10 end if ! ! A: advance, read next set of data from file. ! if ( s_eqi ( command,'a') ) then if ( s_eqi ( filtyp, 'FLOW' ) ) then call advanc ( delx,dely,echo,eflag,eqn,grace,ifile,iset,isotri, & jbound,maxbou,maxelm,maxnp,maxnpe,maxny,maxpar,maxsen, & nbound,nelem,nflag,nflag0,node,np,npar,npe,nprof,nsen, & nset,nx,ny,p,para,ptar,rho,srange,u,utar,v, & vtar,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xc,xmax, & xmin,xsmax,xsmin,xtmax,xtmin,y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,yc, & ymax,ymin,ysmax,ysmin,ytmax,ytmin) end if idata = 1 ! ! ARROWS = : Choose solid or line. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:5),'arrow') ) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'arrow=') ) then arrow = command(7:) else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:7),'arrows=') ) then arrow = command(8:) else write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'DISPLAY - Input request:' write(*,*)' Choose HOLLOW, LINE, SOLID for arrows.' read(*,'(a)')arrow write(17,'(a)')arrow if ( echo ) then write(*,'(a)')arrow end if end if write(*,*)' The arrow option is now ARROW = ' // trim ( arrow ) ! ! B: show boundary. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command, 'B' ) ) then show(1) = .not. show(1) if ( show(1) ) then write(*,*)'The boundary will be shown.' else write(*,*)'The boundary will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! BACK: show the background ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4), 'BACK' ) ) then show(21) = if ( show(21) ) then write(*,*)'The background will be shown.' else write(*,*)'The background will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! BAR: Switch display of color bar. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command, 'BAR' ) ) then lbar = .not.lbar if ( lbar ) then write(*,*)'The color bar will be shown.' else write(*,*)'The color bar will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! BH: bottom half. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'BH') ) then ysmax = ysmin+0.5*(ysmax-ysmin) call pltbox ( grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax,xsmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! BL: bottom left quarter. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'BL') ) then xsmax = xsmin+0.5*(xsmax-xsmin) ysmax = ysmin+0.5*(ysmax-ysmin) call pltbox ( grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax,xsmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! BC: bottom center quarter. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'BC') ) then temp = 0.25*(xsmax-xsmin) xsmin = xsmin+temp xsmax = xsmax-temp ysmax = ysmin+0.5*(ysmax-ysmin) call pltbox ( grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax,xsmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! BR: bottom right quarter. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'br') ) then xsmin = xsmin+0.5*(xsmax-xsmin) ysmax = ysmin+0.5*(ysmax-ysmin) call pltbox ( grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax,xsmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! C: choose colors. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'c') ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' Number Color Name' write(*,*)' ' do i = 1,maxobj write(*,'(1x,i2,2x,i3,2x,a)')i,icolor(i),object(i) end do write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Enter an object number, and a color number.' read(*,*,end = 90,err=90)itemp,jtemp write(17,*)itemp,jtemp if ( echo ) then write(*,*)itemp,jtemp end if if ( 1 <= itemp.and.itemp <= maxobj ) then icolor(itemp) = jtemp else write(*,*)'Your object number was out of bounds.' end if ! ! CC: choose color contour labels ! ! For some strange reason, in order to make the color table ! active, we have to call NEWFRM! ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:2),'cc') ) then if ( dev == ' ' ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Please use the DEV command first!' go to 10 end if if ( s_eqi ( command(1:3),'cc=') ) then read(command(4:),*,end = 90,err=90)itable else write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Built in color tables include:' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'1 low black to high white.' write(*,*)'2 low blue to high yellow.' write(*,*)'3 low red, high blue, with bands between.' write(*,*)'4 low red, yellow, green, blue, high white.' write(*,*)'5 low white, blue, green, yellow, high red' write(*,*)'6 low blue to high red.' write(*,*)'7 linear table between 2 user colors.' write(*,*)'8 linear table between N user colors.' write(*,*)'9 low white to high black.' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Enter a color table index between 1 and 9,' write(*,*)'or 0 to enter a color table from a file.' read(*,*,end = 90,err=90)itable write(17,*)itable if ( echo ) then write(*,*)itable end if end if call get_tab ( dev,echo,filgrf,grace,icmax,icmin,ierror,iplot,itable,ovrlay ) if ( itable == 1.or.itable == 9 ) then jcmax = 200 jcmin = 32 else jcmax = 255 jcmin = 2 end if write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Lowest color used will be JCMIN = ',jcmin write(*,*)'Highest color used will be JCMAX = ',jcmax ! ! CH: center half. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'ch') ) then temp = 0.25*(xsmax-xsmin) xsmin = xsmin+temp xsmax = xsmax-temp call pltbox ( grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax,xsmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! COLOR ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'color') ) then write(*,*)'Enter the color index between 0 and 255' read(*,*,end = 90,err=90)i write(17,*)i if ( echo ) then write(*,*)i end if write(*,*)'Enter(R,G,B)' write(*,*)'Note: (0,0,0) is black, (1,1,1) is white!' read(*,*,end = 90,err=90)rval,gval,bval write(17,*)rval,gval,bval if ( echo ) then write(*,*)rval,gval,bval end if call setclr(i,bval,gval,rval) ! ! CP: draw CP contour lines. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'cp') ) then show(29) = if ( show(29) ) then write(*,*)'CP contours will be plotted.' else write(*,*)'CP contours will NOT be plotted.' end if ! ! CPC: draw CP colors. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'cpc') ) then show(32) = if ( show(32) ) then write(*,*)'CP colors will be plotted.' else write(*,*)'CP colors will NOT be plotted.' end if ! ! CTAB ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'ctab') ) then call preplt ( dev,echo,filgrf,icmax,icmin,iplot,itable,ovrlay ) call cbox ( grace ) ! ! If the user hadn't already graphed anything, X1MIN = X1MAX=0 is ! possible. Set to a default. ! if ( x1min == x1max ) then x1min = 0.0 x1max = 1.0 else if ( y1min == y1max ) then y1min = 0.0 y1max = 1.0 end if call setwcd ( x1min,y1min,x1max,y1max,ierror ) call buzz ( dev, x1minc, x1maxc, y1minc, y1maxc ) ! ! DAT = : specify the data file to be read. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:3),'DAT') ) then filtyp = 'flow' if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'dat=') ) then fildat = command(5:) else if ( ifile > 0 ) then close(unit = 2) write(*,*)'OpnFil is closing the old file '// trim ( fildat ) end if write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Enter the name of the new input data file:' read(*,'(a)',err = 90,end=90) fildat write(17,'(a)') trim ( fildat ) if ( echo ) then write(*,'(a)') trim ( fildat ) end if end if call opnfil ( fildat, ifile, iset ) if ( ifile == -2)go to 110 if ( ifile == -1)go to 100 iset = 0 20 continue call plot_file_read ( eqn,ierror,ifile,iset,isotri,maxelm,maxnp, & maxnpe,maxny,maxpar,maxsen,nelem,node,np,npar,npe,nprof, & nsen,nx,ny,p,para,ptar,rho,u,utar,v,vtar,xc,xprof,yc) if ( ierror == 0 ) then iset = iset+1 go to 20 end if nset = iset string = 'This file contains '//chrint(nset)//' data sets.' call s_blanks_delete ( string) write ( *, '(a)') trim ( string ) xsmin = 0.0 xsmax = 0.0 ysmin = 0.0 ysmax = 0.0 ! ! DB: debug output. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'db') ) then call node_data_print ( maxnp,maxsen,nflag,np,p,u,v,xc,yc ) ! ! 'DEV = ' Choose the graphics device. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:3),'dev') ) then if ( dev /= ' ' ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Display - Error!' write(*,*)' You have already chosen device '// trim ( dev ) write(*,*)' You may not change your mind!' go to 10 end if if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'dev=') ) then dev = trim ( command(5:) ) else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Enter the graphics device desired.' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' CGMB output to a CGM binary file.' write ( *, * ) ' PS output to a PostScript file.' write ( *, * ) ' XWS output to an X window screen.' read(*,'(a)',end = 90, err=90 ) dev write ( 17, '(a)' ) dev if ( echo ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) dev end if end if if ( s_eqi ( dev(1:3),'cgm') ) then dev = 'cgmb' write(*,*)'Output will be to a CGM binary file "display.cgm".' else if ( s_eqi ( dev,'ps') ) then write(*,*)'Output will be to a PostScript file "".' else if ( s_eqi ( dev,'xws') ) then write(*,*)'Output will be to an X window screen.' else write(*,*)'Your device '// trim ( dev ) //' was not recognized!' dev = ' ' end if ! ! DJE = : specify the JEFF element file to be read. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:3),'dje') ) then filtyp = 'jeff' if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'dje=') ) then filelm = command(5:) else write(*,*)'Enter the name of the element data file.' read(*,'(a)')filelm write(17,'(a)')filelm if ( echo ) then write(*,'(a)')filelm end if end if call rdelj(filelm,ifile,maxelm,maxnp,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,npe) xsmin = 0.0 xsmax = 0.0 ysmin = 0.0 ysmax = 0.0 ! ! DJN = : specify the JEFF node file to be read. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:3),'djn') ) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'djn=' ) ) then fildat = command(5:) else write(*,*)'Enter the name of the node data file.' read(*,'(a)')fildat write(17,'(a)') trim ( fildat ) if ( echo ) then write(*,'(a)') trim ( fildat ) end if end if call adjeff(delx,dely,eflag,eqn,fildat,grace,ifile,isotri, & jbound,jfile,maxbou,maxelm,maxnp,maxnpe,nbound,nelem,nflag,nflag0, & node,np,npe,nset,nx,ny,p,rho,srange,u,v,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xc, & xmax,xmin,xsmax,xsmin,xtmax,xtmin,y1max,y1min, & y2max,y2min,yc,ymax,ymin,ysmax,ysmin,ytmax,ytmin) ! ! DTEC = : specify the TECPLOT data file to be read. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'dtec') ) then filtyp = 'tecplot' if ( s_eqi ( command(1:5),'dtec=') ) then filelm = command(6:) else write(*,*)'Enter the name of the TECPLOT data file.' read(*,'(a)')filelm write(17,'(a)')filelm if ( echo ) then write(*,'(a)')filelm end if end if call rdtec(cp,filelm,ifile,maxelm,maxnp,maxnpe,nelem,node, & np,npe,nx,ny,rho,rmach,u,v,xc,yc) xsmin = 0.0 xsmax = 0.0 ysmin = 0.0 ysmax = 0.0 nset = 1 ifile = 2 ! ! We assume all triangles are nonisoperimetric. ! do i = 1,nelem isotri(i) = 0 end do ! ! Initially, all elements will be visible. ! do i = 1,nelem eflag(i) = .true. end do do i = 1,np nflag(i) = .true. nflag0(i) = .true. end do ! ! We give default values to the equations. ! do i = 1,np eqn(1,i) = 'U' eqn(2,i) = 'V' eqn(3,i) = 'P' end do ! ! Check element orientation. ! call element_check(maxnpe,nelem,node,np,npe,xc,yc) ! ! Determine the region size. ! call region_size ( delx,dely,grace,nelem,nflag,np,srange, & x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xc,xmax,xmin,xsmax,xsmin,xtmax,xtmin,y1max, & y1min,y2max,y2min,yc,ymax,ymin,ysmax,ysmin,ytmax,ytmin) ! ! Set the location of boundary edges. ! call boundary_set(eqn,jbound,maxbou,maxnpe,nbound,nelem,node,np,npe) ! ! E: show elements. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'e').or.s_eqi ( command,'elements') ) then show(2) = if ( show(2) ) then write(*,*)'Elements will be shown.' else write(*,*)'Elements will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! EC: show element colors. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'ec') ) then show(20) = if ( show(20) ) then write(*,*)'Element colors will be shown.' else write(*,*)'Element colors will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! EN: Show element numbers ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'en') ) then show(28) = if ( show(28) ) then write(*,*)'Element numbers will be shown.' else write(*,*)'Element numbers will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! EX: Define example problem. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:2),'ex') ) then if ( ifile > 0 ) then close(unit = 2) write(*,*)'OpnFil is closing the old file '// trim ( fildat ) end if fildat = ' ' call exdat(eqn,isotri,maxelm,maxnp,maxnpe,maxny,maxpar, & maxsen,nelem,node,np,npar,nprof, & nx,ny,p,para,ptar,u,utar,v,vtar,xc,xprof,yc) do i = 1,np nflag(i) = .true. nflag0(i) = .true. end do do i = 1,nelem eflag(i) = .true. end do ! ! Determine the region size. ! call region_size ( delx,dely,grace,nelem,nflag,np,srange, & x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xc,xmax,xmin,xsmax,xsmin,xtmax,xtmin,y1max, & y1min,y2max,y2min,yc,ymax,ymin,ysmax,ysmin,ytmax,ytmin) call boundary_set(eqn,jbound,maxbou,maxnpe,nbound,nelem,node,np,npe) idata = 1 nset = 1 string = 'This example includes '//chrint(nset)//' data sets.' call s_blanks_delete ( string) write(*,'(1x,a)') trim ( string ) ! ! ECHO: switch the echo option ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'echo') ) then echo = .not.echo if ( echo ) then write(*,'(a)') trim ( command ) write(*,*)'User input will be echoed.' else write(*,*)'User input will NOT be echoed.' end if ! ! F: switch the frame option ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'f') ) then show(3) = if ( show(3) ) then write(*,*)'The frame will be shown.' else write(*,*)'The frame will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! FILE = : set the name of the graphics output file. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'file') ) then if ( iplot > 0 ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Display - Warning:' write(*,*)' It is too late to specify a plot file name.' else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:5),'file=') ) then filgrf = command(6:) else write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Enter the plot file name.' read(*,'(a)',err = 90,end=90)filgrf write(17,'(a)') trim ( filgrf ) if ( echo ) then write(*,'(a)') trim ( filgrf ) end if end if write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'DISPLAY - Note:' write(*,*)' The plot file will be named '//filgrf ! ! FILTYP = : set the type of the input file. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'filtyp') ) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:7),'filtyp=') ) then filtyp = command(8:) else write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Enter the file type (FLOW, JEFF or TECPLOT).' read(*,'(a)',err = 90,end=90)filtyp write(17,'(a)')filtyp if ( echo ) then write(*,'(a)')filtyp end if end if write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'DISPLAY - Note:' write(*,*)' The input file type is set to '//filtyp ! ! FRAME: show the frame ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'frame') ) then show(3) = .true. write(*,*)'DISPLAY - Note:' write(*,*)' A frame will be shown around the picture.' ! ! FULL: show full picture. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'full') ) then xsmax = xtmax xsmin = xtmin ysmax = ytmax ysmin = ytmin call pltbox(grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax,xsmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! G: create current graph. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'g') ) then call graph ( arrow,cp,delx,dely,dev,dudxn,dudyn,dvdxn,dvdyn,echo,eflag, & eflagu,etaref,filgrf,filtyp,icmax,icmin,icolor,icomp,iplot,isotri, & itable,iwork1,iwork2,jbound,jcmax,jcmin,lbar,line,maxbou,maxnp,maxnpe, & maxobj,maxsen,nbound,ncon,nelem,nflag,nflag0,node,np, & npe,nxskip,ny,nyskip,object,ovrlay,p,rho,rmach,s,s2,scalee, & scalen,scalev,show,smax,smin,srange,t,title,title2,u,v,x1max,x1min, & x2max,x2min,xc,xprof,xsiref,xsmax,xsmin,y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min, & yc,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! GRACE = : set the grace margin. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:5),'grace') ) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'grace=') ) then read(command(7:),*,err = 90,end=90)grace else write(*,*)'Enter the grace margin:' read(*,*)grace write(17,*)grace if ( echo ) then write(*,*)grace end if end if write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'DISPLAY - Note:' write(*,*)' The grace margin was set to GRACE = ',grace call pltbox(grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax,xsmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! HELLO: print program version, data, and maxima: ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'hello') ) then call hello(maxbou,maxelm,maxnp,maxnpe,maxnx,maxny,maxobj,maxpar,maxsen) ! ! HELP: help ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'h').or.s_eqi ( command,'help') ) then call help(echo) ! ! ICMAX = : set the maximum available color index. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'icmax=') ) then read(command(7:),*,err = 90,end=90)icmax if ( icmax > 255 ) then write(*,*)'ICMAX must be no more than 255' icmax = 255 end if write(*,*)'Maximum available color set to ',icmax ! ! ICMIN = : set the minimum available color index. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'icmin=') ) then read(command(7:),*,err = 90,end=90)icmin if ( icmin < 2 ) then write(*,*)'ICMIN must be at least 2.' icmin = 2 end if write(*,*)'Minimum available color set to ',icmin ! ! ICOMP = : set the sensitivity component. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:5),'icomp') ) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'icomp=') ) then read(command(7:),*,err = 90,end=90)itemp else write(*,*)'Enter the sensitivity component:' read(*,*)itemp write(17,*)itemp if ( echo ) then write(*,*)itemp end if end if if ( 0 == itemp ) then write(*,*)'Primitive variables will be displayed.' else if ( 1 <= itemp.and.itemp <= npar ) then icomp = itemp write(*,*)'Sensitivity component set to ',icomp else if ( npar+1 <= itemp.and.itemp <= 2*npar ) then icomp = itemp write(*,*)'Finite difference component set to ',icomp-npar else write(*,*)'Display - Warning!' write(*,*)' Your command ICOMP = ',itemp write(*,*)' was ignored, because ICOMP must be' write(*,*)' 0 for the primitive variables,' write(*,*)' between 1 and ',npar,' for disc. sens.' write(*,*)' between ',npar+1,' and ',2*npar,' fin. dif.' end if ! ! INIT: set variables to initial (zero!) values. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'init') ) then call init ( arrow,cp,delx,dely,dev,dudxn,dudyn,dvdxn,dvdyn,echo,eflag, & eflagu,eqn,etaref,fildat,filgrf,filinp,filtyp,grace,icmax,icmin, & icolor,icomp,idata,ifile,iplot,iset,itable,iwrite,jcmax, & jcmin,labelx,labely,lbar,line,lppro,lptpro,lupro, & lutpro,lvpro,lvtpro,maxelm,maxnp,maxnpe,maxny,maxobj, & maxpar,maxsen,nbound,ncon,nelem,nflag,nflag0,node, & np,npe,nprof,nsen,nset,nxskip,ny,nyskip,object,ovrlay,p,rho, & rmach,scalee, & scalen,scalev,show,smax,smin,title,title2,u,v,x1max,x1min, & x2max,x2min,x4max,x4min,xc,xprof,xsiref,xsmax,xsmin,y1max, & y1min,y2max,y2min,y4max,y4min,yc,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! IWRITE = : set the debugging output level. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:7),'iwrite=') ) then read(command(8:),*,err = 90,end=90)iwrite write(*,*)'Debugging level set to ',iwrite ! ! JCMAX = : set the maximum used color index. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'jcmax=') ) then read(command(7:),*,err = 90,end=90)jcmax if ( jcmax > 255 ) then jcmax = 255 write(*,*)'JCMAX must be no more than 255.' end if write(*,*)'Maximum used color set to ',jcmax ! ! JCMIN = : set the minimum used color index. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'jcmin=') ) then read(command(7:),*,err = 90,end=90)jcmin if ( jcmin < 2 ) then jcmin = 2 write(*,*)'JCMIN must be no less than 2.' end if write(*,*)'Minimum used color set to ',jcmin ! ! KV: show kinematic velocity vectors. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'kv') ) then show(8) = if ( show(8) ) then write(*,*)'Kinematic velocities will be shown.' else write(*,*)'Kinematic velocities will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! KVMAG: show kinematic velocity magnitude contours. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'kvmag') ) then show(10) = if ( show(10) ) then write(*,*)'Kinematic velocity magnitudes will be shown.' else write(*,*)'Kinematic velocity magnitudes will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! KVMAGC: show velocity magnitude color plots. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'kvmagc') ) then show(14) = if ( show(14) ) then write(*,*)'Kinematic velocity magnitude colors will be shown.' else write(*,*)'Kinematic velocity magnitude colors will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! KVX: show X kinematic velocity contours. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'kvx') ) then show(15) = if ( show(15) ) then write(*,*)'X kinematic velocity contours will be shown.' else write(*,*)'X kinematic velocity contours will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! KVXC: show X kinematic velocity color contours. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'kvxc') ) then show(17) = if ( show(17) ) then write(*,*)'X kinematic velocity color contours will be shown.' else write(*,*)'X kinematic velocity color contours will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! KVY: show Y kinematic velocity contours. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'kvy') ) then show(16) = if ( show(16) ) then write(*,*)'Y kinematic velocity contours will be shown.' else write(*,*)'Y kinematic velocity contours will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! KVYC: show Y kinematic velocity color contours. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'kvyc') ) then show(18) = if ( show(18) ) then write(*,*)'Y kinematic velocity color contours will be shown.' else write(*,*)'Y kinematic velocity color contours will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! L: list current values ! else if ( (s_eqi ( command,'l')).or. & ( s_eqi (command(1:4),'list')) ) then call list(delx,dely,dev,echo,fildat,grace,icmax,icmin,icolor, & icomp,idata,ifile,iplot,iset,itable,iwrite,jbound, & maxbou,maxnp,maxobj,maxpar,maxsen,nbound,ncon,nelem,np,npar, & npe,nset,nx,nxskip,ny,nyskip,object,p,scalev,show,& title,title2,u,v,x2max,x2min,xmax,xmin,xprof,xsmax,xsmin,ymax, & ymin,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! LH: left half. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'lh') ) then xsmax = xsmin+0.5*(xsmax-xsmin) temp = 0.25*(ysmax-ysmin) call pltbox(grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax,xsmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! LINE: choose line type. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'line') ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' Number Linetype Name' write(*,*)' ' do i = 1,maxobj write(*,'(1x,i2,2x,i3,2x,a)')i,line(i),object(i) end do write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Enter an object number, and a line type.' write(*,*)'0 = Solid black, 1=dashed black,' write(*,*)'2 = Solid color, 3=dashed color.' read(*,*,end = 90,err=90)itemp,jtemp write(17,*)itemp,jtemp if ( echo ) then write(*,*)itemp,jtemp end if if ( 1 <= itemp.and.itemp <= maxobj ) then line(itemp) = jtemp else write(*,*)'Your object number was out of bounds.' end if ! ! MACH: draw mach contour lines. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'mach') ) then show(30) = if ( show(30) ) then write(*,*)'Mach contours will be plotted.' else write(*,*)'Mach contours will NOT be plotted.' end if ! ! MACHC: draw density colors. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'machc') ) then show(33) = if ( show(33) ) then write(*,*)'Mach colors will be plotted.' else write(*,*)'Mach colors will NOT be plotted.' end if ! ! MC: middle center quarter. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'mc') ) then temp = 0.25*(xsmax-xsmin) xsmin = xsmin+temp xsmax = xsmax-temp temp = 0.25*(ysmax-ysmin) ysmax = ysmax-temp ysmin = ysmin+temp call pltbox(grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax,xsmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! MH: middle half. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'mh') ) then temp = 0.25*(ysmax-ysmin) ysmax = ysmax-temp ysmin = ysmin+temp call pltbox(grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax,xsmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! ML: middle left quarter. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'ml') ) then xsmax = xsmin+0.5*(xsmax-xsmin) temp = 0.25*(ysmax-ysmin) ysmax = ysmax-temp ysmin = ysmin+temp call pltbox(grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax,xsmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! MR: middle right quarter. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'mr') ) then xsmin = xsmin+0.5*(xsmax-xsmin) temp = 0.25*(ysmax-ysmin) ysmax = ysmax-temp ysmin = ysmin+temp call pltbox(grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax,xsmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! MV: show kinematic velocity vectors. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'mv') ) then show(35) = if ( show(35) ) then write(*,*)'Mass velocities will be shown.' else write(*,*)'Mass velocities will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! MVMAG: show mass velocity magnitude contours. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'mvmag') ) then show(36) = if ( show(36) ) then write(*,*)'Mass velocity magnitudes will be shown.' else write(*,*)'Mass velocity magnitudes will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! MVMAGC: show mass magnitude color plots. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'mvmagc') ) then show(37) = if ( show(37) ) then write(*,*)'Mass velocity magnitude colors will be shown.' else write(*,*)'Mass velocity magnitude colors will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! N: show nodes ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'n') ) then show(4) = if ( show(4) ) then write(*,*)'Nodes will be shown.' else write(*,*)'Nodes will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! NCON = : Set the number of contour lines. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'ncon') ) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:5),'ncon=') ) then read(command(6:),*,err = 90,end=90)ncon write(*,*)'Number of contour lines set to ',ncon else write(*,*)'Enter number of contour lines.' read(*,*)ncon write(17,*)ncon if ( echo ) then write(*,*)ncon end if end if ! ! NN: Show node numbers ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'nn') ) then show(27) = if ( show(27) ) then write(*,*)'Node numbers will be shown.' else write(*,*)'Node numbers will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! NOFRAME: no frame, please ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'noframe') ) then show(3) = .false. write(*,*)'No frame will be shown around the picture.' ! ! NXSKIP = : skip value for column nodes. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:7),'nxskip=') ) then read(command(8:),*,err = 90,end=90)itemp if ( itemp <= 0 ) then write(*,*)'Error! NXSKIP must be 1 or more!' else nxskip = itemp write(*,*)'Skip value for column nodes is ',nxskip end if ! ! NYSKIP = : skip value for row nodes. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:7),'nyskip=') ) then read(command(8:),*,err = 90,end=90)itemp if ( itemp <= 0 ) then write(*,*)'Error! NYSKIP must be 1 or more!' else nyskip = itemp write(*,*)'Skip value for row nodes is ',nyskip end if ! ! OVERLAY: Switch the overlay value. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'overlay') ) then ovrlay = .not.ovrlay if ( ovrlay ) then write(*,*)'Plots will be overlayed until next OVERLAY.' else write(*,*)'This overlay plot is done.' call newfrm end if ! ! P: show pressure contours. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'p') ) then show(5) = if ( show(5) ) then write(*,*)'Pressures will be shown.' else write(*,*)'Pressures will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! PC: show pressure color plots. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'pc') ) then show(12) = if ( show(12) ) then write(*,*)'Pressure colors will be shown.' else write(*,*)'Pressure colors will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! PPRO: draw P profile ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'ppro') ) then lppro = .not.lppro if ( lppro ) then write(*,*)'Pressure will be shown in profile.' else write(*,*)'Pressure will NOT be shown in profile.' end if ! ! PROGRAF: show a graph of the profile data. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'prograf') ) then call pgraf(dev,echo,filgrf,icmax,icmin,icolor,iplot,itable, & labelx,labely,lppro,lptpro,lupro,lutpro,lvpro,lvtpro,maxnp,maxobj, & maxsen,np,nprof,ny,ovrlay,p,ptar,show,title,title2,u,utar,v, & vtar,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,x4max,x4min,y1max,y1min,y2max, & y2min,y4max,y4min,yc) ! ! PROF: show profile line. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'prof') ) then show(19) = if ( show(19) ) then write(*,*)'The profile line will be shown.' else write(*,*)'The profile line will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! PTPRO: draw P target profile ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'ptpro') ) then lptpro = .not.lptpro if ( lptpro ) then write(*,*)'Target pressure will be shown in profile.' else write(*,*)'Target pressure will NOT be shown in profile.' end if ! ! Q: quit. ! QU: QUIT NOW! ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:1), 'Q' ) ) then if ( s_eqi ( command(2:2), 'U' ) ) then command = 'Y' else write ( *, * ) 'Enter "Y" to confirm you want to quit!' read ( *, '(a)' ) command write ( 17, '(a)' ) trim ( command ) if ( echo ) then write(*,'(a)') trim ( command ) end if end if if ( s_eqi ( command, 'Y' ) ) then call quit ( dev, ifile, iplot ) end if ! ! RH: right half. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'rh') ) then temp = 0.50*(xsmax-xsmin) xsmin = xsmin+temp call pltbox ( grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax,xsmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! RHO: draw density contour lines. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'rho') ) then show(31) = if ( show(31) ) then write(*,*)'Rho contours will be plotted.' else write(*,*)'Rho contours will NOT be plotted.' end if ! ! RHOC: draw density colors. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'rhoc') ) then show(34) = if ( show(34) ) then write(*,*)'Rho colors will be plotted.' else write(*,*)'Rho colors will NOT be plotted.' end if ! ! S: show stream lines ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'s').or. s_eqi ( command(1:6),'stream') ) then show(6) = if ( show(6) ) then write(*,*)'Stream lines will be shown.' else write(*,*)'Stream lines will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! SC: show stream colors ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'sc') ) then show(22) = if ( show(22) ) then write(*,*)'Stream colors will be shown.' else write(*,*)'Stream colors will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! SCALEE = : set the element number scale factor. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:7),'scalee=') ) then read ( command(8:),*,err = 90,end=90)scalee write(*,*)'Element number scale factor set to ',scalee ! ! SCALEN = : set the node number scale factor. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:7),'scalen=') ) then read(command(8:),*,err = 90,end=90)scalen write(*,*)'Node number scale factor set to ',scalen ! ! SCALEV = : set the velocity vector scale. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:7),'scalev=') ) then read(command(8:),*,err = 90,end=90)scalev write(*,*)'Velocity vector scale factor set to ',scalev ! ! SMAX = : enter contour maximum value. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:5),'smax=') ) then read(command(6:),*,err = 90,end=90)smax else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'smax') ) then write(*,*)'Enter the contour maximum range:' read(*,*,end = 80)smax write(17,*)smax if ( echo ) then write(*,*)smax end if ! ! SMIN = : enter contour minimum value. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:5),'smin=') ) then read(command(6:),*,err = 90,end=90)smin else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'smin') ) then write(*,*)'Enter the contour minimum range:' read(*,*,end = 80)smin write(17,*)smin if ( echo ) then write(*,*)smin end if ! ! TC: top center quarter. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'tc') ) then temp = 0.25*(xsmax-xsmin) xsmin = xsmin+temp xsmax = xsmax-temp ysmin = ysmin+0.5*(ysmax-ysmin) call pltbox(grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax,xsmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! TH: top half ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'th') ) then ysmin = ysmin+0.5*(ysmax-ysmin) call pltbox(grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax,xsmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! TITLE2 = : enter subtitle ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:7),'title2=') ) then title2 = command(8:) else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'title2') ) then write(*,*)'Enter the subtitle:' read(*,'(a)',end = 80)title2 write(17,'(a)') trim ( title2 ) if ( echo ) then write(*,'(a)') trim ( title2 ) end if ! ! TITLE = : enter title ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'title=') ) then title = command(7:) else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:5),'title') ) then write(*,*)'Enter the plot title:' read(*,'(a)',end = 80)title write(17,'(a)') trim ( title ) if ( echo ) then write(*,'(a)') trim ( title ) end if ! ! TL: top left quarter. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'tl') ) then xsmax = xsmin+0.5*(xsmax-xsmin) ysmin = ysmin+0.5*(ysmax-ysmin) call pltbox(grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax,xsmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! TR: top right quarter. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'tr') ) then xsmin = xsmin+0.5*(xsmax-xsmin) ysmin = ysmin+0.5*(ysmax-ysmin) call pltbox(grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax,xsmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! UPRO: draw U profile ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'upro') ) then lupro = .not.lupro if ( lupro ) then write(*,*)'Horizontal velocity will be shown in profile.' else write(*,*)'Horizontal velocity will NOT be shown in profile.' end if ! ! UTPRO: draw U target profile ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'utpro') ) then lutpro = .not.lutpro if ( lutpro ) then write(*,*)'Target horizontal velocity will be shown in profile.' else write(*,*)'Target horizontal velocity will NOT be shown in profile.' end if ! ! UV: show unit velocity direction vectors. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'uv') ) then show(9) = if ( show(9) ) then write(*,*)'Unit velocity vectors will be shown.' else write(*,*)'Unit velocity vectors will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! VE: set visible elements. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'ve') ) then call element_visibility(eflagu,nelem) write(*,*)'Do you want to adjust the data limits' write(*,*)'to focus on the visible elements?' read(*,'(a1)')isay write(17,'(a1)')isay if ( echo ) then write(*,'(a1)')isay end if if ( s_eqi ( isay,'y') ) then none = .true. do i = 1,nelem if ( eflagu(i) ) then do j = 1,npe k = node(j,i) if ( none ) then xsmin = xc(k) xsmax = xc(k) ysmin = yc(k) ysmax = yc(k) none = .false. else xsmin = min(xsmin,xc(k)) xsmax = max(xsmax,xc(k)) ysmin = min(ysmin,yc(k)) ysmax = max(ysmax,yc(k)) end if end do end if end do if ( none ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'DISPLAY - Warning!' write(*,*)' No visible elements were found!' else call pltbox(grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax, & xsmin,y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) end if end if ! ! VN: set visible nodes. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'vn') ) then call viznod ( echo, np, nflag0 ) ! ! VND: set visible nodes by distance. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'vnd') ) then call viznd ( echo, np, nflag0, xc, yc ) ! ! VORT: show vorticity ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'vort') ) then show(11) = if ( show(11) ) then write(*,*)'Vorticity contours will be shown.' else write(*,*)'Vorticity contours will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! VORTC: show vorticity color plots. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'vortc') ) then show(13) = if ( show(13) ) then write(*,*)'Vorticity colors will be shown.' else write(*,*)'Vorticity colors will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! VPRO: draw V profile ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'vpro') ) then lvpro = .not.lvpro if ( lvpro ) then write(*,*)'Vertical velocity will be shown in profile.' else write(*,*)'Vertical velocity will NOT be shown in profile.' end if ! ! VTPRO: draw V target profile ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'vtpro') ) then lvtpro = .not.lvtpro if ( lvtpro ) then write(*,*)'Target vertical velocity will be shown in profile.' else write(*,*)'Target vertical velocity will NOT be shown in profile.' end if ! ! X: set the data window. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'x') ) then call get_win(echo,grace,srange,xmax,xmin,x1max,x1min,x2max, & x2min,xsmax,xsmin,ymax,ymin,y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! XC: show X coordinate contours. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'xc') ) then show(25) = if ( show(25) ) then write(*,*)'X coordinate contours will be shown.' else write(*,*)'X coordinate contours will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! XCC: show X coordinate color plots. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'xcc') ) then show(23) = if ( show(23) ) then write(*,*)'X coordinate colors will be shown.' else write(*,*)'X coordinate colors will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! XPROF = : reset location of profile line (til next step is read!). ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'xprof=') ) then read(command(7:),*,err = 90,end=90)xprof write(*,*)'X coordinate of profile reset to ',xprof ! ! YC: show Y coordinate contours. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'yc') ) then show(26) = if ( show(26) ) then write(*,*)'Y coordinate contours will be shown.' else write(*,*)'Y coordinate contours will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! YCC: show Y coordinate color plots. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'ycc') ) then show(24) = if ( show(24) ) then write(*,*)'Y coordinate colors will be shown.' else write(*,*)'Y coordinate colors will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! #: a comment ! else if ( command(1:1) == '#' ) then ! ! Unrecognized command. ! else write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'DISPLAY - Warning!' write(*,*)' DISPLAY did not recognize your command:' write(*,'(2x,''"'',a,''"'')') trim ( command ) end if ! ! Go back, and get next command. ! go to 10 80 continue write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'DISPLAY - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Error or end of file reading user input!' call quit(dev,ifile,iplot) 90 continue write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'DISPLAY - Serious error!' write(*,*)' Error reading user input!' command = ' ' go to 10 100 continue write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'DISPLAY - Serious error!' write(*,*)' The input file you named could not be opened!' command = ' ' go to 10 110 continue write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'DISPLAY - Serious error!' write(*,*)' End of file, or error occurred, while trying' write(*,*)' to read the input file you named.' command = ' ' go to 10 end subroutine adjeff ( delx,dely,eflag,eqn,fildat,grace,ifile,isotri,jbound, & jfile,maxbou,maxelm,maxnp,maxnpe,nbound,nelem,nflag,nflag0,node,np,npe, & nset,nx,ny,p,rho,srange,u,v,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xc,xmax,xmin,xsmax, & xsmin,xtmax,xtmin,y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,yc,ymax,ymin,ysmax,ysmin, & ytmax,ytmin) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ADJEFF reads the node data for a Jeff plot. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real DELX, the X spacing between nodes. In some cases, ! this spacing is modified to create isoparametric elements. ! ! Input, real DELY, the Y spacing between nodes. In some cases, ! this spacing is modified to create isoparametric elements. ! ! Output, logical EFLAG(MAXELM). ! EFLAG is used to "flag" which elements are to be displayed. ! If EFLAG(I) is TRUE, then element I should be displayed. ! ! Output, character ( len = 2 ) EQN(3,NP). ! EQN records the "type" of each equation that will be generated, and ! which is associated with an unknown. Note that most boundary ! conditions do not result in an equation. The current values are: ! ! 'U' The horizontal momentum equation. ! 'UW' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! 'V' The vertical momentum equation. ! 'VW' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! 'P' The continuity equation. ! 'PB' The condition P = 0 applied at (XMAX,YMAX). ! ! Input, character ( len = 80 ) FILDAT. ! The name of the data file to be read in, which contains ! the information defining the mesh and the physical ! parameters. ! ! Input, real GRACE. ! The size of the "grace" margin on the plot. ! ! IFILE Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IFILE. ! Records the status of the data file whose name is FILDAT. ! ! ISOTRI Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) ISOTRI(MAXELM). ! ! 0, if element I is not isoparametric. ! 1 or 2, if element I is isoparametric. ! ! JBOUND Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) JBOUND(5,MAXBOU) ! ! For each line segment of the boundary: ! ! JBOUND(1,I) contains the element number; ! ! JBOUND(2,I) contains the local node number of one corner ! of the element, which forms the edge; ! ! JBOUND(2,I) contains the "next" node along the edge. ! If the element is linear, this is the other corner node. ! If the element is quadratic, this is the midside node along ! the edge. ! ! JBOUND(4,I) contains the "next" node along the edge. ! If the element is linear, this is 0. ! If the element is quadratic, this is the other corner node ! along the edge. ! ! JBOUND(5,I) contains: ! 0 if the boundary is a wall (U = V=0); ! 1 if the boundary is open. ! ! JFILE Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) JFILE, an error indicator. ! JFILE is 2 if the file was successfully opened and read. ! (If not, then RdNod actually halts execution!) ! ! MAXBOU Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXBOU. ! The amount of storage available for the IBOUND array. ! ! MAXELM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXELM. ! The maximum number of elements which the program can ! handle. ! ! MAXNP Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNP, the maximum number of nodes. ! ! MAXNPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNPE. ! MAXNPE is the maximum number of nodes per element. ! ! MAXNY Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNY, the maximum allowed value of NY. ! ! NBOUND Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NBOUND. ! The number of points (XBOUND(I),YBOUND(I)) used to ! define the boundary. ! ! NELEM Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! The number of elements. ! ! NFLAG Output, logical NFLAG(MAXNP). ! ! NFLAG is used to "flag" which nodes are active, ! that is, to be displayed, and which not, in the graph. ! ! NODE Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(MAXNPE,MAXELM), or NODE(MAXNPE,NELEM). ! NODE contains, for each element, the global node numbers ! of its NPE nodes. ! ! For linear elements (NPE = 3), the order of the nodes probably ! doesn't matter, but we will draw them this way: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! / | ! / | ! 1-------3 ! ! For quadratic elements (NPE = 6), the nodes must be given in a ! particular order, which is as follows: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1---6---3 ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! NPE Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPE. ! NPE is the number of nodes per element, which should be ! 3 for linear elements and 6 for quadratics. ! ! NSET Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NSET. ! The number of sets of data contained in the data file. ! ! NX Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NX. ! Determines the number of nodes and elements in the X ! direction. There will be 2*NX-1 nodes, 2*NX-2 elements. ! ! NY Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NY. ! Determines the number of nodes and elements in the Y ! direction. There will be 2*NY-1 nodes, 2*NY-2 elements. ! ! P Output, real P(MAXNP,0:MAXPAR). ! ! P(I,0) is the pressure at node I. ! ! P(I,J) is the sensitivity of the pressure with respect ! to parameter J. ! ! SRANGE Output, real SRANGE. ! The maximum of XSMAX-XSMIN and YSMAX-YSMIN. ! This gives the size of a square containing the data ! window. ! ! U Output, real U(MAXNP,MAXPAR). ! ! U(I,0) is the horizontal fluid velocity at node I. ! ! U(I,J) is the sensitivity of the horizontal velocity with ! respect to parameter J. ! ! V Output, real V(MAXNP,MAXPAR). ! ! V(I,0) is the vertical fluid velocity at node I. ! ! V(I,J) is the sensitivity of the vertical velocity with ! respect to parameter J. ! ! X1MAX, ! X1MIN Output, real X1MAX, X1MIN, the maximum and minimum X ! coordinates of the plot, which includes a small grace margin. ! ! X2MAX, ! X2MIN Output, real X2MAX, X2MIN, the maximum and minimum X ! coordinates that should be used for plotting. No plotting ! commands should exceed these values. This is where the ! "frame" might be drawn. ! ! XC Output, real XC(MAXNP). ! XC contains the X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! XMAX Output, real XMAX. ! The maximum X coordinate of all the nodes. ! The maximum entry in the XC array. ! ! XMIN Output, real XMIN. ! The minimum X coordinate of all the nodes. ! The minimum entry in the XC array. ! ! XSMAX Output, real XSMAX. ! The maximum X coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! XSMAX defaults to XMAX, but can be made smaller to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! XSMIN Output, real XSMIN. ! The minimum X coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! XSMIN defaults to XMIN, but can be made larger to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! Y1MAX, ! Y1MIN Output, real Y1MAX, Y1MIN, the maximum and minimum Y ! coordinates of the plot, which includes a small grace margin. ! ! Y2MAX, ! Y2MIN Output, real Y2MAX, Y2MIN, the maximum and minimum Y ! coordinates that should be used for plotting. No plotting ! commands should exceed these values. This is where the ! "frame" might be drawn. ! ! YC Output, real YC(MAXNP). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! ! YMAX Output, real YMAX. ! The maximum Y coordinate of all the nodes. ! The maximum value attained by the YC array. ! ! YMIN Output, real YMIN. ! The minimum Y coordinate of all the nodes. ! The minimum value attained by the YC array. ! ! YSMAX Output, real YSMAX. ! The maximum Y coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! YSMAX defaults to YMAX, but can be made smaller to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! YSMIN Output, real YSMIN. ! The minimum Y coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! YSMIN defaults to YMIN, but can be made larger to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxbou integer ( kind = 4 ) maxelm integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnp integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnpe ! real delx real dely logical eflag(maxelm) character ( len = 2 ) eqn(3,maxnp) character ( len = 80 ) fildat real grace integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ifile logical inside integer ( kind = 4 ) isotri(maxelm) integer ( kind = 4 ) jbound(5,maxbou) integer ( kind = 4 ) jfile integer ( kind = 4 ) nbound integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem logical nflag(maxnp) logical nflag0(maxnp) integer ( kind = 4 ) node(maxnpe,maxelm) integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) npe integer ( kind = 4 ) nset integer ( kind = 4 ) nx integer ( kind = 4 ) ny real p(maxnp) real rho(maxnp) real srange real u(maxnp) real v(maxnp) real xc(maxnp) real xmax real xmin real x1max real x1min real x2max real x2min real xsmax real xsmin real xtmax real xtmin real yc(maxnp) real ymax real ymin real y1max real y1min real y2max real y2min real ysmax real ysmin real ytmax real ytmin ! ! Read nodal data. ! call rdnod ( fildat, jfile, np, p, rho, u, v, xc, yc ) nset = 1 ifile = 2 ! ! The values for NX, and NY are just dummy values for now. ! nx = 1 ny = 1 ! ! We assume all triangles are nonisoperimetric. ! isotri(1:nelem) = 0 ! ! Initially, all elements will be visible. ! do i = 1,nelem eflag(i) = .true. end do ! do i = 1,np nflag(i) = .true. nflag0(i) = .true. end do ! ! We give default values to the equations. ! do i = 1,np eqn(1,i) = 'U' eqn(2,i) = 'V' eqn(3,i) = 'P' end do write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'AdJeff - Note:' write(*,*)' The node data has been read.' ! ! Check element orientation. ! call element_check(maxnpe,nelem,node,np,npe,xc,yc) ! ! Determine the region size. ! call region_size ( delx,dely,grace,nelem,nflag,np,srange, & x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xc,xmax,xmin,xsmax,xsmin,xtmax,xtmin,y1max, & y1min,y2max,y2min,yc,ymax,ymin,ysmax,ysmin,ytmax,ytmin) ! ! Set the location of boundary edges. ! call boundary_set(eqn,jbound,maxbou,maxnpe,nbound,nelem,node,np,npe) return end subroutine advanc ( delx,dely,echo,eflag,eqn,grace,ifile,iset,isotri, & jbound,maxbou,maxelm,maxnp,maxnpe,maxny,maxpar,maxsen,nbound, & nelem,nflag,nflag0,node,np,npar,npe,nprof,nsen,nset,nx,ny,p, & para,ptar,rho,srange,u,utar,v,vtar,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xc, & xmax,xmin,xsmax,xsmin,xtmax,xtmin,y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,yc, & ymax,ymin,ysmax,ysmin,ytmax,ytmin) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ADVANC responds to a user's "A" command by asking which step we are ! to advance to, and then reading the information for that step. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 07 January 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Output, real DELX, the X spacing between nodes. In some cases, ! this spacing is modified to create isoparametric elements. ! ! Output, real DELY, the Y spacing between nodes. In some cases, ! this spacing is modified to create isoparametric elements. ! ! Output, logical EFLAG(MAXELM). ! EFLAG is used to "flag" which elements are to be displayed. ! If EFLAG(I) is TRUE, then element I should be displayed. ! ! Output, character ( len = 2 ) EQN(3,NP). ! EQN records the "type" of each equation that will be generated, and ! which is associated with an unknown. Note that most boundary ! conditions do not result in an equation. The current values are: ! ! 'U' The horizontal momentum equation. ! 'UW' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! 'V' The vertical momentum equation. ! 'VW' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! 'P' The continuity equation. ! 'PB' The condition P = 0 applied at (XMAX,YMAX). ! ! Input, real GRACE. ! The size of the "grace" margin on the plot. ! ! IFILE Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IFILE. ! Records the status of the data file whose name is FILDAT. ! ! -2, an error occurred while reading from the file. ! -1, the file could not be opened. ! 0, no file is currently open. ! 1, a file has been opened, but not read from. ! 2, data has been read from a file. ! ! ISET Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) ISET. ! The data set being examined from the file. If no file ! is open, or if no data set has been read, then ISET is ! zero. ! ! ISOTRI Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) ISOTRI(MAXELM). ! ! 0, if element I is not isoparametric. ! 1 or 2, if element I is isoparametric. ! ! JBOUND Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) JBOUND(5,MAXBOU) ! ! For each line segment of the boundary: ! ! JBOUND(1,I) contains the element number; ! ! JBOUND(2,I) contains the local node number of one corner ! of the element, which forms the edge; ! ! JBOUND(2,I) contains the "next" node along the edge. ! If the element is linear, this is the other corner node. ! If the element is quadratic, this is the midside node along ! the edge. ! ! JBOUND(4,I) contains the "next" node along the edge. ! If the element is linear, this is 0. ! If the element is quadratic, this is the other corner node ! along the edge. ! ! JBOUND(5,I) contains: ! 0 if the boundary is a wall (U = V=0); ! 1 if the boundary is open. ! ! MAXBOU Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXBOU. ! The amount of storage available for the IBOUND array. ! ! MAXELM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXELM. ! The maximum number of elements which the program can ! handle. ! ! MAXNP Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNP, the maximum number of nodes. ! ! MAXNPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNPE. ! MAXNPE is the maximum number of nodes per element. ! ! MAXPAR Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXPAR. ! The maximum number of parameters the program can handle. ! ! NBOUND Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NBOUND. ! The number of points (XBOUND(I),YBOUND(I)) used to ! define the boundary. ! ! NELEM Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! The number of elements. ! ! NFLAG Output, logical NFLAG(MAXNP). ! ! NFLAG is used to "flag" which nodes are active, ! that is, to be displayed, and which not, in the graph. ! ! NODE Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(MAXNPE,MAXELM), or NODE(MAXNPE,NELEM). ! NODE contains, for each element, the global node numbers ! of its NPE nodes. ! ! For linear elements (NPE = 3), the order of the nodes probably ! doesn't matter, but we will draw them this way: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! / | ! / | ! 1-------3 ! ! For quadratic elements (NPE = 6), the nodes must be given in a ! particular order, which is as follows: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1---6---3 ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! NPAR Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPAR. ! The number of parameters. ! ! NPE Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPE. ! NPE is the number of nodes per element, which should be ! 3 for linear elements and 6 for quadratics. ! ! NPROF Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPROF(MY). ! Records the indices of the nodes that lie along the profile ! line. ! ! NSET Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NSET. ! The number of sets of data contained in the data file. ! ! NX Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NX. ! Determines the number of nodes and elements in the X ! direction. There will be 2*NX-1 nodes, 2*NX-2 elements. ! ! NY Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NY. ! Determines the number of nodes and elements in the Y ! direction. There will be 2*NY-1 nodes, 2*NY-2 elements. ! ! P Output, real P(MAXNP,0:MAXPAR). ! ! P(I,0) is the pressure at node I. ! ! P(I,J) is the sensitivity of the pressure with respect ! to parameter J. ! ! PARA Output, real PARA(MAXPAR). ! The value of the parameters. ! ! PTAR Output, real PTAR(MAXNP) ! The pressure field associated with the target solution, at ! node I. ! ! SRANGE Output, real SRANGE. ! The maximum of XSMAX-XSMIN and YSMAX-YSMIN. ! This gives the size of a square containing the data ! window. ! ! U Output, real U(MAXNP,MAXPAR). ! ! U(I,0) is the horizontal fluid velocity at node I. ! ! U(I,J) is the sensitivity of the horizontal velocity with ! respect to parameter J. ! ! UTAR Output, real UTAR(MAXNP) ! The horizontal velocity field associated with the target ! solution, at node I. ! ! V Output, real V(MAXNP,MAXPAR). ! ! V(I,0) is the vertical fluid velocity at node I. ! ! V(I,J) is the sensitivity of the vertical velocity with ! respect to parameter J. ! ! VTAR Output, real VTAR(MAXNP) ! The vertical velocity field associated with the target solution, ! at node I. ! ! X1MAX, ! X1MIN Output, real X1MAX, X1MIN, the maximum and minimum X ! coordinates of the plot, which includes a small grace margin. ! ! X2MAX, ! X2MIN Output, real X2MAX, X2MIN, the maximum and minimum X ! coordinates that should be used for plotting. No plotting ! commands should exceed these values. This is where the ! "frame" might be drawn. ! ! XC Output, real XC(MAXNP). ! The X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! XMAX Output, real XMAX. ! The maximum X coordinate of all the nodes. ! The maximum entry in the XC array. ! ! XMIN Output, real XMIN. ! The minimum X coordinate of all the nodes. ! The minimum entry in the XC array. ! ! XSMAX Output, real XSMAX. ! The maximum X coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! XSMAX defaults to XMAX, but can be made smaller to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! XSMIN Output, real XSMIN. ! The minimum X coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! XSMIN defaults to XMIN, but can be made larger to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! Y1MAX, ! Y1MIN Output, real Y1MAX, Y1MIN, the maximum and minimum Y ! coordinates of the plot, which includes a small grace margin. ! ! Y2MAX, ! Y2MIN Output, real Y2MAX, Y2MIN, the maximum and minimum Y ! coordinates that should be used for plotting. No plotting ! commands should exceed these values. This is where the ! "frame" might be drawn. ! ! YC Output, real YC(MAXNP). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! ! YMAX Output, real YMAX. ! The maximum Y coordinate of all the nodes. ! The maximum value attained by the YC array. ! ! YMIN Output, real YMIN. ! The minimum Y coordinate of all the nodes. ! The minimum value attained by the YC array. ! ! YSMAX Output, real YSMAX. ! The maximum Y coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! YSMAX defaults to YMAX, but can be made smaller to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! YSMIN Output, real YSMIN. ! The minimum Y coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! YSMIN defaults to YMIN, but can be made larger to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxbou integer ( kind = 4 ) maxelm integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnp integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnpe integer ( kind = 4 ) maxny integer ( kind = 4 ) maxpar integer ( kind = 4 ) maxsen ! character ( len = 6 ) chrint real delx real dely logical echo logical eflag(maxelm) character ( len = 2 ) eqn(3,maxnp) real grace integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) ifile logical inside integer ( kind = 4 ) iset integer ( kind = 4 ) isotri(maxelm) integer ( kind = 4 ) iwant integer ( kind = 4 ) jbound(5,maxbou) integer ( kind = 4 ) nbound integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem logical nflag(maxnp) logical nflag0(maxnp) integer ( kind = 4 ) node(maxnpe,maxelm) integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) npar integer ( kind = 4 ) npe integer ( kind = 4 ) nprof(2*maxny-1) integer ( kind = 4 ) nsen integer ( kind = 4 ) nset integer ( kind = 4 ) nx integer ( kind = 4 ) ny real p(maxnp,0:maxsen) real para(maxpar) real ptar(maxnp) real rho(maxnp) real srange character ( len = 80 ) string real u(maxnp,0:maxsen) real utar(maxnp) real v(maxnp,0:maxsen) real vtar(maxnp) real x1max real x1min real x2max real x2min real xc(maxnp) real xmax real xmin real xprof real xsmax real xsmin real xtmax real xtmin real y1max real y1min real y2max real y2min real yc(maxnp) real ymax real ymin real ysmax real ysmin real ytmax real ytmin ! ! ADVANC expects to use 6 node quadrilaterals. ! npe = 6 ! if ( nset <= 0 ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Advanc - Error!' write(*,*)' Please use the "DAT" command first, to define' write(*,*)' a data file to read!' return end if ! ! Get the desired step number. ! 10 continue write(*,*)' ' string = 'There are a total of '//chrint(nset)//' steps in the data file.' call s_blanks_delete ( string) write(*,'(1x,a)') write(*,*)'What step would you like to see?' read(*,*,err = 60,end=60)iwant write(17,*)iwant if ( echo ) then write(*,*)iwant end if if ( iwant <= 0 ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Sorry, the step must be positive!' go to 10 else if ( iwant > nset ) then write(*,*)' ' string = 'Sorry, the step must be no greater than '// chrint(nset) call s_blanks_delete ( string) write(*,'(1x,a)')string go to 10 end if ! ! Advance to the desired step. ! ! If this REWIND doesn't work, you may have to close and then reopen. ! rewind 2 do iset = 0, iwant-1 call plot_file_read ( eqn,ierror,ifile,iset,isotri,maxelm,maxnp, & maxnpe,maxny,maxpar,maxsen,nelem,node,np,npar,npe,nprof, & nsen,nx,ny,p,para,ptar,rho,u,utar,v,vtar,xc,xprof,yc) if ( ierror /= 0 ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'ADVANC - Serious error!' write(*,*)' Error occurred while trying to reach a desired' write(*,*)' step. We were reading information for step' write(*,*)iset return end if end do nflag(1:np) = .true. nflag0(1:np) = .true. eflag(1:nelem) = .true. write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'ADVANC - Note:' write(*,*)' Read data for step ',iwant ! ! Check the orientation of the elements. ! call element_check ( maxnpe, nelem, node, np, npe, xc, yc ) ! ! Determine the region size. ! call region_size ( delx,dely,grace,nelem,nflag,np,srange, & x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xc,xmax,xmin,xsmax,xsmin,xtmax,xtmin,y1max, & y1min,y2max,y2min,yc,ymax,ymin,ysmax,ysmin,ytmax,ytmin ) ! ! Compute the location of boundary edges. ! call boundary_set ( eqn, jbound, maxbou, maxnpe, nbound, nelem, node, & np, npe ) return 60 continue write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'ADVANC - Serious error!' write(*,*)' Error while reading user input.' write(*,*)' ' return end subroutine arrlin ( xstart, ystart, xtip, ytip ) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ARRLIN can be used to make a line drawing of an arrow at any point ! on a graph. ! ! The arrow will stretch between two user specified points. ! ! The "head" of the arrow may be fatter or thinner than expected ! if the X and Y scales of the graph are not in the same ! proportions. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! XSTART, ! YSTART Input, real XSTART, YSTART, the starting point for the ! arrow. ! ! XTIP, ! YTIP Input, real XTIP, YTIP, the end point for the arrow. ! ! ! left ! |\ ! | \ ! start ------- base tip ! | / ! |/ ! rite ! real pi parameter (pi = 3.1415926) ! real alpha real del real dist real theta real xbase real xleft real xrite real xstart real xtip real ybase real yleft real yrite real ystart real ytip ! ! if ( xstart == xtip.and.ystart == ytip)return theta = 0.5*pi-atan2(2.0,1.0) dist = sqrt((xtip-xstart)**2+(ytip-ystart)**2) alpha = atan2(ytip-ystart,xtip-xstart) del = sqrt(5.0)*dist/3.0 call movcgm(xstart,ystart) xbase = xstart+dist*cos(alpha)*2.0/3.0 ybase = ystart+dist*sin(alpha)*2.0/3.0 call drwcgm(xbase,ybase) xleft = xstart+del*cos(alpha-theta) yleft = ystart+del*sin(alpha-theta) call drwcgm(xleft,yleft) call drwcgm(xtip,ytip) xrite = xstart+del*cos(alpha+theta) yrite = ystart+del*sin(alpha+theta) call drwcgm(xrite,yrite) call drwcgm(xbase,ybase) return end subroutine arrgon ( arrow, xstart, ystart, xtip, ytip ) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ARRGON can be used to make a polygonal drawing of an arrow at any ! point on a graph. ! ! The arrow will stretch between two user specified points. ! ! The "head" of the arrow may be fatter or thinner than expected ! if the X and Y scales of the graph are not in the same ! proportions. ! ! It might be nice to include an "OUTLINE" option that draws the ! arrow outline in black, and fills it with the current color. ! ! By the way, the current color should either be a constant, ! or depend on the velocity magnitude, choosable by the user. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! XSTART, ! YSTART Input, real XSTART, YSTART, the starting point for the ! arrow. ! ! XTIP, ! YTIP Input, real XTIP, YTIP, the end point for the arrow. ! ! ! left ! 5 ! |\ ! 7--------------6 \ ! start base 4tip ! 1--------------2 / ! |/ ! 3 ! rite ! real pi parameter (pi = 3.1415926) ! integer ( kind = 4 ) npts parameter (npts = 7) ! real alpha character ( len = 10 ) arrow real dist logical s_eqi real theta real xpts(npts+1) real xstart real xtip real ypts(npts+1) real ystart real ytip ! ! if ( xstart == xtip.and.ystart == ytip ) then return end if dist = sqrt((xtip-xstart)**2+(ytip-ystart)**2) theta = 0.5*pi-atan2(2.0,1.0) alpha = atan2(ytip-ystart,xtip-xstart) xpts(1) = xstart + dist*sin(alpha)/10.0 ypts(1) = ystart - dist*cos(alpha)/10.0 xpts(2) = xstart + dist*sin(alpha)/10.0 + dist*cos(alpha)*2.0/3.0 ypts(2) = ystart - dist*cos(alpha)/10.0 + dist*sin(alpha)*2.0/3.0 xpts(3) = xstart + dist*sqrt(5.0)*cos(alpha-theta)/3.0 ypts(3) = ystart + dist*sqrt(5.0)*sin(alpha-theta)/3.0 xpts(4) = xtip ypts(4) = ytip xpts(5) = xstart + dist*sqrt(5.0)*cos(alpha+theta)/3.0 ypts(5) = ystart + dist*sqrt(5.0)*sin(alpha+theta)/3.0 xpts(6) = xstart - dist*sin(alpha)/10.0 + dist*cos(alpha)*2.0/3.0 ypts(6) = ystart + dist*cos(alpha)/10.0 + dist*sin(alpha)*2.0/3.0 xpts(7) = xstart - dist*sin(alpha)/10.0 ypts(7) = ystart + dist*cos(alpha)/10.0 xpts(8) = xpts(1) ypts(8) = ypts(1) if ( s_eqi ( arrow,'hollow') ) then call plylin(npts+1,xpts,ypts) end if if ( s_eqi ( arrow,'solid') ) then call plygon(npts,xpts,ypts) end if return end subroutine bfl ( ielem, in, w, dwdx, dwdy, maxnpe, nelem, node, np, xc, & xq, yc, yq ) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! BFL evaluates a particular linear basis function at a point ! in a nonisoparametric element. ! ! ^ ! | 2 ! | /| ! Y | / | ! | / | ! | 1---3 ! | ! +------------> ! X ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! IELEM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IELEM, the number of the element we are ! examining. This will be a value between 1 and NELEM. ! ! IN Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IN, the number of the basis function we ! want. This will be a value between 1 and 3. ! ! W, ! DWDX, ! DWDY Output, real W, DWDX, DWDY, the value of the ! IN-th basis function and its X and Y derivatives, at the ! given point. ! ! MAXNPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNPE. ! MAXNPE is the maximum number of nodes per element. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(MAXNPE,MAXELM), or NODE(MAXNPE,NELEM). ! NODE contains, for each element, the global node numbers ! of its NPE nodes. ! ! For linear elements (NPE = 3), the order of the nodes probably ! doesn't matter, but we will draw them this way: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! / | ! / | ! 1-------3 ! ! For quadratic elements (NPE = 6), the nodes must be given in a ! particular order, which is as follows: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1---6---3 ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! XC Input, real XC(NP), the X coordinates of the ! nodes. ! ! XQ Input, real XQ, the X coordinate of the point ! where the basis function is to be evaluated. ! ! YC Input, real YC(NP), the Y coordinates of the nodes ! ! YQ Input, real YQ, the Y coordinate of the point wher ! the basis function is to be evaluated. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnpe integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! real d real dwdx real dwdy integer ( kind = 4 ) i1 integer ( kind = 4 ) i2 integer ( kind = 4 ) i3 integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) in integer ( kind = 4 ) in1 integer ( kind = 4 ) in2 integer ( kind = 4 ) in3 integer ( kind = 4 ) node(maxnpe,nelem) real w real xc(np) real xq real yc(np) real yq ! ! IN1, IN2, and IN3 are the local node numbers of the three ! corner nodes. ! in1 = in in2 = mod(in,3)+1 in3 = mod(in+1,3)+1 ! ! I1, I2, I3 are the global node numbers. ! i1 = node(in1,ielem) i2 = node(in2,ielem) i3 = node(in3,ielem) d = (xc(i2)-xc(i1))*(yc(i3)-yc(i1))-(xc(i3)-xc(i1))*(yc(i2)-yc(i1)) if ( d == 0.0 ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'BFL - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' D = 0' write(*,*)' Element IELEM = ',ielem write(*,*)' I1, XC(I1), YC(I1) = ',i1,xc(i1),yc(i1) write(*,*)' I2, XC(I2), YC(I2) = ',i2,xc(i2),yc(i2) write(*,*)' I3, XC(I3), YC(I3) = ',i3,xc(i3),yc(i3) stop end if dwdx = (yc(i2)-yc(i3))/d dwdy = (xc(i3)-xc(i2))/d w = 1.0 + dwdx*(xq-xc(i1)) + dwdy*(yq-yc(i1)) return end subroutine bfq ( ielem,in,w,dwdx,dwdy,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,xc,xq,yc,yq ) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! BFQ evaluates a particular quadratic basis function at a point ! in a nonisoparametric element. ! ! ^ ! | 2 ! | /| ! Y | 4 5 ! | / | ! | 1-6-3 ! | ! +------------> ! X ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! IELEM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IELEM, the number of the element we are ! examining. This will be a value between 1 and NELEM. ! ! IN Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IN, the number of the basis function we ! want. This will be a value between 1 and 6. Functions ! 1 through 3 are associated with corners, 4 though 6 ! with sides. ! ! W, ! DWDX, ! DWDY Output, real W, DWDX, DWDY, the value of the ! IN-th basis function and its X and Y derivatives, at the ! given point. ! ! MAXNPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNPE. ! MAXNPE is the maximum number of nodes per element. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(MAXNPE,MAXELM), or NODE(MAXNPE,NELEM). ! NODE contains, for each element, the global node numbers ! of its NPE nodes. ! ! For linear elements (NPE = 3), the order of the nodes probably ! doesn't matter, but we will draw them this way: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! / | ! / | ! 1-------3 ! ! For quadratic elements (NPE = 6), the nodes must be given in a ! particular order, which is as follows: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1---6---3 ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! XC Input, real XC(NP), the X coordinates of the ! nodes. ! ! XQ Input, real XQ, the X coordinate of the point ! where the basis function is to be evaluated. ! ! YC Input, real YC(NP), the Y coordinates of the nodes ! ! YQ Input, real YQ, the Y coordinate of the point wher ! the basis function is to be evaluated. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnpe integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! real c real d real dwdx real dwdy integer ( kind = 4 ) i1 integer ( kind = 4 ) i2 integer ( kind = 4 ) i3 integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) in integer ( kind = 4 ) in1 integer ( kind = 4 ) in2 integer ( kind = 4 ) in3 integer ( kind = 4 ) node(maxnpe,nelem) real s real t real w real xc(np) real xq real yc(np) real yq ! ! Case 1: We are inquiring about a basis function associated ! with a corner. ! ! Notice that the basis function W is zero exactly if ! T is 0 or T is 1/2. ! ! IN1, IN2, and IN3 are the local node numbers of the three ! corner nodes, and I1, I2 and I3 are the corresponding ! global node numbers, which are used to look up the X and ! Y coordinates of the nodes. ! if ( 1 <= <= 3 ) then in1 = in in2 = mod(in,3)+1 in3 = mod(in+1,3)+1 i1 = node(in1,ielem) i2 = node(in2,ielem) i3 = node(in3,ielem) d = (xc(i2)-xc(i1))*(yc(i3)-yc(i1))-(xc(i3)-xc(i1))*(yc(i2)-yc(i1)) if ( d == 0.0 ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'BFQ - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' D = 0' write(*,*)' Element IELEM = ',ielem write(*,*)' I1, XC(I1), YC(I1) = ',i1,xc(i1),yc(i1) write(*,*)' I2, XC(I2), YC(I2) = ',i2,xc(i2),yc(i2) write(*,*)' I3, XC(I3), YC(I3) = ',i3,xc(i3),yc(i3) stop end if t = 1.0+( (xq -xc(i1))*(yc(i2)-yc(i3)) & +(xc(i3)-xc(i2))*(yq -yc(i1)) )/d w = t*(2.0*t-1.0) dwdx = (yc(i2)-yc(i3))*(4.0*t-1.0)/d dwdy = (xc(i3)-xc(i2))*(4.0*t-1.0)/d ! ! Case 2: We are inquiring about a basis function associated ! with a midpoint. ! else if ( in >= <= 6 ) then in1 = in-3 in2 = mod(in-3,3)+1 in3 = mod(in-2,3)+1 i1 = node(in1,ielem) i2 = node(in2,ielem) i3 = node(in3,ielem) d = (xc(i2)-xc(i1))*(yc(i3)-yc(i1)) & -(xc(i3)-xc(i1))*(yc(i2)-yc(i1)) if ( d == 0.0 ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'BFQ - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' D = 0' write(*,*)' Element IELEM = ',ielem write(*,*)' I1, XC(I1), YC(I1) = ',i1,xc(i1),yc(i1) write(*,*)' I2, XC(I2), YC(I2) = ',i2,xc(i2),yc(i2) write(*,*)' I3, XC(I3), YC(I3) = ',i3,xc(i3),yc(i3) stop end if c = (xc(i3)-xc(i2))*(yc(i1)-yc(i2))-(xc(i1)-xc(i2))*(yc(i3)-yc(i2)) if ( c == 0.0 ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'BFQ - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' C = 0' write(*,*)' Element IELEM = ',ielem write(*,*)' I1, XC(I1), YC(I1) = ',i1,xc(i1),yc(i1) write(*,*)' I2, XC(I2), YC(I2) = ',i2,xc(i2),yc(i2) write(*,*)' I3, XC(I3), YC(I3) = ',i3,xc(i3),yc(i3) stop end if t = 1.0+( (xq -xc(i1))*(yc(i2)-yc(i3))+(xc(i3)-xc(i2))*(yq -yc(i1)) )/d s = 1.0+( (xq -xc(i2))*(yc(i3)-yc(i1))+(xc(i1)-xc(i3))*(yq -yc(i2)) )/c w = 4.0 * s*t dwdx = 4.0 * ((yc(i3)-yc(i1))*t/c + (yc(i2)-yc(i3))*s/d) dwdy = 4.0 * ((xc(i1)-xc(i3))*t/c + (xc(i3)-xc(i2))*s/d) else write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'BFQ - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Request for basis function IN = ',in write(*,*)' but IN must be between 1 and 6.' stop end if return end subroutine bfrefl ( w,dwdx,dwdy,detadx,detady,dxsidx,dxsidy,eta,iq,xsi ) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! BFREFL evaluates one of the three linear basis functions, ! and its X and Y derivatives, at a particular point (X,Y) ! in a particular element, by referring to the corresponding ! points (XSI,ETA) in the reference triangle. ! ! It is assumed that we already know the value of the jacobian ! of the isoparametric transformation between the (XSI, ETA) and ! (X, Y) spaces. The four entries of the jacobian are ! symbolically named DETADX, DETADY, DXSIDX and DXSIDY, and ! we know that the jacobian gives us the following relation ! between derivatives with respect to XSI and ETA, and derivatives ! with respect to X and Y: ! ! dF/dX = dF/dXsi dXsi/dX + dF/dEta dEta/dX ! dF/dY = dF/dXsi dXsi/dY + dF/dEta dEta/dY ! ! Here is a graph of the (XSI, ETA) reference triangle we will ! use. ! ! ^ ! | ! 1 + 2 ! | /| ! ETA | / | ! | / | ! 0 + 1---3 ! | ! +----+---+---> ! 0 1 ! ! XSI ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! W, ! DWDX, ! DWDY Output, real W, DWDX, DWDY, the value of the basis ! function, and its derivatives with respect to X and Y, at ! the point (ETA,XSI). ! ! DETADX, ! DETADY Input, real DETADX, DETADY, the partial derivative ! d ETA/d X and d ETA/d Y at (ETA,XSI). ! ! DXSIDX, ! DXSIDY Input, real DXSIDX, DXSIDY, the partial derivative ! d XSI/d X and d XSI/d Y at (ETA,XSI). ! ! ETA Input, real ETA, the local ETA coordinate ! at which the basis information is desired. ! ! IQ Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IQ, the local node number, between 1 and ! 3, whose basis function is being evaluated. ! ! XSI Input, real XSI, the local XSI coordinate ! at which the basis information is desired. ! real detadx real detady real dwdeta real dwdx real dwdxsi real dwdy real dxsidx real dxsidy real eta integer ( kind = 4 ) iq real w real xsi ! if ( iq == 1 ) then w = 1.0-xsi dwdxsi = -1.0 dwdeta = 0.0 else if ( iq == 2 ) then w = eta dwdxsi = 0.0 dwdeta = 1.0 else if ( iq == 3 ) then w = xsi-eta dwdxsi = 1.0 dwdeta = -1.0 else write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'BFRefL - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Request for basis function IQ = ',iq write(*,*)' but IQ must be between 1 and 3.' stop end if dwdx = dwdxsi*dxsidx+dwdeta*detadx dwdy = dwdxsi*dxsidy+dwdeta*detady return end subroutine bfrefq ( w,dwdx,dwdy,detadx,detady,dxsidx,dxsidy,eta,iq,xsi ) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! BFREFQ evaluates one of the six quadratic basis functions, ! and its X and Y derivatives, at a particular point in a ! finite element, by referring to the reference triangle. ! ! The point we are interested in is referred to by its coordinates ! in the reference triangle. That is, we are given coordinates ! (XSI, ETA), even though, physically, we are interested ! in points in (X, Y) space. ! ! It is assumed that we already know the value of the jacobian ! of the isoparametric transformation between the (XSI, ETA) and ! (X, Y) spaces. The four entries of the jacobian are ! symbolically named DETADX, DETADY, DXSIDX and DXSIDY, and ! we know that the jacobian gives us the following relation ! between derivatives with respect to XSI and ETA, and derivatives ! with respect to X and Y: ! ! d F(X,Y)/dX (d XSI/dX d ETA/dX ) ( d F(XSI, ETA)/d XSI ) ! d F(X,Y)/dY = (d XSI/dY d ETA/dY ) * ( d F(XSI, ETA)/d ETA ) ! ! Here is a graph of the (XSI, ETA) reference triangle we will ! use. ! ! ^ ! | ! 1 + 2 ! | /| ! ETA | 4 5 ! | / | ! 0 + 1-6-3 ! | ! +----+---+---> ! 0 1 ! ! XSI ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! W, ! DWDX, ! DWDY Output, real W, DWDX, DWDY, the value of the basis ! function, and its derivatives with respect to X and Y, at ! the point (XSI,ETA). ! ! DETADX, ! DETADY Input, real DETADX, DETADY, the partial derivatives ! d ETA/d X and d ETA/d Y at (XSI,ETA). ! ! DXSIDX, ! DXSIDY Input, real DXSIDX, DXSIDY, the partial derivatives ! d XSI/d X and d XSI/d Y at (XSI,ETA). ! ! ETA Input, real ETA, the ETA coordinate of the point. ! ! IQ Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IQ, the local node number, between 1 and 6, ! whose basis function is being evaluated. ! ! XSI Input, real XSI, the XSI coordinate of the point. ! real detadx real detady real dwdeta real dwdx real dwdxsi real dwdy real dxsidx real dxsidy real eta integer ( kind = 4 ) iq real w real xsi ! ! Find the formula for the desired basis function, and evaluate it. ! Also evaluate the partial derivatives d/d XSI and d/d ETA. ! ! Basis function 1 is zero if XSI = 0.5 or XSI=1. ! if ( iq == 1 ) then w = (2.0*xsi-1.0) * (xsi-1.0) dwdxsi = -3.0+4.0*xsi dwdeta = 0.0 ! ! Basis function 2 is zero if ETA = 0 or ETA=0.5. ! else if ( iq == 2 ) then w = eta * (2.0*eta-1.0) dwdxsi = 0.0 dwdeta = -1.0+4.0*eta ! ! Basis function 3 is zero if XSI = ETA, or XSI=ETA+0.5 ! else if ( iq == 3 ) then w = (xsi-eta) * (2.0*xsi-2.0*eta-1.0) dwdxsi = -1.0+4.0*xsi-4.0*eta dwdeta = 1.0-4.0*xsi+4.0*eta ! ! Basis function 4 is zero if ETA = 0 or XSI=1. ! else if ( iq == 4 ) then w = 4.0 * eta * (1.0-xsi) dwdxsi = -4.0*eta dwdeta = 4.0-4.0*xsi ! ! Basis function 5 is zero if ETA = 0 or XSI=ETA. ! else if ( iq == 5 ) then w = 4.0 * eta * (xsi-eta) dwdxsi = 4.0*eta dwdeta = 4.0*xsi-8.0*eta ! ! Basis function 6 is zero if XSI = ETA or XSI=1. ! else if ( iq == 6 ) then w = 4.0 * (xsi-eta) * (1.0-xsi) dwdxsi = 4.0-8.0*xsi+4.0*eta dwdeta = -4.0+4.0*xsi else write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'BFRefQ - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Illegal value of IQ = ',iq stop end if ! ! Convert the d/d XSI and d/d ETA derivatives to d/d X and d/d Y. ! dwdx = dwdxsi*dxsidx+dwdeta*detadx dwdy = dwdxsi*dxsidy+dwdeta*detady return end subroutine boundary_set ( eqn,jbound,maxbou,maxnpe,nbound,nelem,node,np,npe ) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! BOUNDARY_SET deduces which edges of the finite element triangle constitute ! boundaries of the region. ! ! It does this stupidly, by considering each element, and then each ! edge of that element, and seeing if it occurs (in the opposite ! orientation) in any other element. ! ! For large regions, SETBND is bound to be slow. If you know ! where your boundaries occur, then you might want to replace ! BOUND by a simpler routine. However, SETBND is guaranteed ! to work for a wide variety of regions. ! ! If an edge only occurs in one element, and no velocities ! are specified along it, then it is a wall, and we record it ! as a boundary. ! ! Only edges formed by the three corner nodes are considered. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! EQN Input, character ( len = 2 ) EQN(3,NP). ! EQN records the "type" of each equation that will be generated, and ! which is associated with an unknown. Note that most boundary ! conditions do not result in an equation. The current values are: ! ! 'U' The horizontal momentum equation. ! 'UW' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! 'V' The vertical momentum equation. ! 'VW' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! 'P' The continuity equation. ! 'PB' The condition P = 0 applied at (XMAX,YMAX). ! ! JBOUND Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) JBOUND(5,MAXBOU) ! ! For each line segment of the boundary: ! ! JBOUND(1,I) contains the element number; ! ! JBOUND(2,I) contains the local node number of one corner ! of the element, which forms the edge; ! ! JBOUND(2,I) contains the "next" node along the edge. ! If the element is linear, this is the other corner node. ! If the element is quadratic, this is the midside node along ! the edge. ! ! JBOUND(4,I) contains the "next" node along the edge. ! If the element is linear, this is 0. ! If the element is quadratic, this is the other corner node ! along the edge. ! ! JBOUND(5,I) contains: ! 0 if the boundary is a wall (U = V=0); ! 1 if the boundary is open. ! ! MAXBOU Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXBOU. ! The amount of storage available for the IBOUND array. ! ! MAXNPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNPE. ! MAXNPE is the maximum number of nodes per element. ! ! NBOUND Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NBOUND. ! The number of points (XBOUND(I),YBOUND(I)) used to ! define the boundary. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! The number of elements. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(MAXNPE,MAXELM), or NODE(MAXNPE,NELEM). ! NODE contains, for each element, the global node numbers ! of its NPE nodes. ! ! For linear elements (NPE = 3), the order of the nodes probably ! doesn't matter, but we will draw them this way: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! / | ! / | ! 1-------3 ! ! For quadratic elements (NPE = 6), the nodes must be given in a ! particular order, which is as follows: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1---6---3 ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! NPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPE. ! NPE is the number of nodes per element, which should be ! 3 for linear elements and 6 for quadratics. integer ( kind = 4 ) maxbou integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnpe integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! character ( len = 2 ) eqn(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) jbound(5,maxbou) integer ( kind = 4 ) jp1 integer ( kind = 4 ) k integer ( kind = 4 ) l integer ( kind = 4 ) lp1 integer ( kind = 4 ) m1 integer ( kind = 4 ) m2 integer ( kind = 4 ) n1 integer ( kind = 4 ) n2 integer ( kind = 4 ) nbound integer ( kind = 4 ) nedge integer ( kind = 4 ) node(maxnpe,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) npe ! if ( npe == 3 ) then nedge = 3 else if ( npe == 4 ) then nedge = 4 else if ( npe == 6 ) then nedge = 3 end if nbound = 0 ! ! For each element I... ! do i = 1,nelem ! ! ...consider, for J = 1 to NEDGE, edges of the form ! (N1, N2) = (NODE(J,I), NODE(J+1,I))... ! do j = 1,nedge n1 = node(j,i) jp1 = j+1 if ( j == nedge)jp1 = 1 n2 = node(jp1,i) ! ! ...and now, for each element K,... ! do k = 1,nelem ! ! ...where K is different from I, ... ! if ( k /= i ) then ! ! ...consider, for L = 1 to NEDGE, edges of the form ! (M1, M2) = (NODE(L,K), NODE(L+1,K))... ! do l = 1,nedge m1 = node(l,k) lp1 = l+1 if ( l == nedge)lp1 = 1 m2 = node(lp1,k) ! ! And if (N1, N2) = (M1, M2), or (N1, N2) = (M2, M1), then skip out. ! if ( (m1 == n1.and.m2 == n2) .or. (m1 == n2.and.m2 == n1) ) then go to 10 end if end do end if end do ! ! Otherwise, the pair (N1, N2) occurs in no other element. Therefore, ! it is a boundary edge. ! if ( nbound >= maxbou ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'SETBND - Warning!' write(*,*)' Ran out of space to store boundary!' write(*,*)' Currently using ',nbound,' boundary edges.' return end if ! ! Increment the number of boundary edges found, and store ! the indices of the element, the first node, the middle node ! (if quadratic), and the second node. ! nbound = nbound+1 jbound(1,nbound) = i jbound(2,nbound) = j if ( npe == 3 ) then jbound(3,nbound) = jp1 else if ( npe == 4 ) then jbound(3,nbound) = jp1 else if ( npe == 6 ) then jbound(3,nbound) = j+3 end if if ( npe == 3 ) then jbound(4,nbound) = 0 else if ( npe == 4 ) then jbound(4,nbound) = 0 else if ( npe == 6 ) then jbound(4,nbound) = jp1 end if ! ! Now try to figure out what kind of boundary segment it is. ! ! It is OPEN if there is an unknown U velocity at either end node ! which does not correspond to a wall, ! or there is a specified U velocity at either end node. ! if ( eqn(1,n1) == 'UW'.and.eqn(1,n2) == 'UW' ) then jbound(5,nbound) = 0 else jbound(5,nbound) = 1 end if 10 continue end do end do write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'SETBND - Note:' write(*,*)' Found NBOUND = ',nbound,' boundary edges.' return end subroutine boundary_show ( eflag, etaref, isotri, jbound, line, maxbou, maxnpe, & maxobj, nbound, nelem, nflag, node, np, npe, xc, xsiref, yc ) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! BOUNDARY_SHOW displays the boundary. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, logical EFLAG(NELEM), flags the elements to be displayed. ! If EFLAG(I) is TRUE, then element I should be displayed. ! ! ETAREF Input, real ETAREF(MAXNPE). ! The ETA coordinates of the nodes of the reference triangle. ! ! ISOTRI Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ISOTRI(NELEM). ! ! 0, if element I is not isoparametric. ! 1 or 2, if element I is isoparametric. ! ! JBOUND Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) JBOUND(5,MAXBOU) ! ! For each line segment of the boundary: ! ! JBOUND(1,I) contains the element number; ! ! JBOUND(2,I) contains the local node number of one corner ! of the element, which forms the edge; ! ! JBOUND(2,I) contains the "next" node along the edge. ! If the element is linear, this is the other corner node. ! If the element is quadratic, this is the midside node along ! the edge. ! ! JBOUND(4,I) contains the "next" node along the edge. ! If the element is linear, this is 0. ! If the element is quadratic, this is the other corner node ! along the edge. ! ! JBOUND(5,I) contains: ! 0 if the boundary is a wall (U = V=0); ! 1 if the boundary is open. ! ! MAXBOU Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXBOU. ! The amount of storage available for the IBOUND array. ! ! MAXNPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNPE. ! MAXNPE is the maximum number of nodes per element. ! ! NBOUND Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NBOUND. ! The number of points (XBOUND(I),YBOUND(I)) used to ! define the boundary. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! NFLAG Input, logical NFLAG(NP). ! ! NFLAG is used to "flag" which nodes are active, ! that is, to be displayed, and which not, in the graph. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(MAXNPE,MAXELM), or NODE(MAXNPE,NELEM). ! NODE contains, for each element, the global node numbers ! of its NPE nodes. ! ! For linear elements (NPE = 3), the order of the nodes probably ! doesn't matter, but we will draw them this way: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! / | ! / | ! 1-------3 ! ! For quadratic elements (NPE = 6), the nodes must be given in a ! particular order, which is as follows: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1---6---3 ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! NPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPE. ! NPE is the number of nodes per element, which should be ! 3 for linear elements and 6 for quadratics. ! ! XC Input, real XC(NP). ! The X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! XSIREF Input, real XSIREF(MAXNPE). ! The XSI coordinates of the nodes of the reference ! triangle. ! ! YC Input, real YC(NP). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxbou integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnpe integer ( kind = 4 ) maxobj integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! logical eflag(nelem) real etaref(maxnpe) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) isotri(nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) j1 integer ( kind = 4 ) j2 integer ( kind = 4 ) jbound(5,maxbou) integer ( kind = 4 ) jhi integer ( kind = 4 ) line(maxobj) integer ( kind = 4 ) nbound logical nflag(np) integer ( kind = 4 ) ng1 integer ( kind = 4 ) ng2 integer ( kind = 4 ) ng3 integer ( kind = 4 ) node(maxnpe,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) npe real x1 real x2 real x3 real xc(np) real xsiref(maxnpe) real xtemp real y1 real y2 real y3 real yc(np) real ytemp ! ! Draw the line segments: ! for linears: from node N1 to node N2; ! for quadratics: from node N1 to N2, and from N2 to N3. ! ! ! Consider the I-th triangle edge that lies on the boundary. ! do i = 1,nbound ! ! Retrieve the element number IELEM of the triangle that contains ! the edge. ! ielem = jbound(1,i) ! ! If the element is visible, then proceed, else skip to next ! triangle edge. ! if ( eflag(ielem) ) then ! ! Boundary stretch is part of nonisoparametric element. ! if ( npe == 3 .or. npe == 4 .or. isotri(ielem) == 0 ) then ng1 = node(jbound(2,i),ielem) ng2 = node(jbound(3,i),ielem) if ( npe == 3 ) then ng3 = 0 else if ( npe == 4 ) then ng3 = 0 else ng3 = node(jbound(4,i),ielem) end if ! ! Draw a solid line, if requested. ! if ( line(1) == 0 .or. line(1) == 2 ) then if ( nflag(ng1) .and. nflag(ng2) ) then call movcgm(xc(ng1),yc(ng1)) call drwcgm(xc(ng2),yc(ng2)) end if if ( npe == 6 ) then if ( nflag(ng2).and.nflag(ng3) ) then call movcgm(xc(ng2),yc(ng2)) call drwcgm(xc(ng3),yc(ng3)) end if end if ! ! Draw a solid wall. ! else if ( jbound(5,i) == 0 ) then if ( nflag(ng1).and.nflag(ng2) ) then call movcgm(xc(ng1),yc(ng1)) call drwcgm(xc(ng2),yc(ng2)) end if if ( npe == 6 ) then if ( nflag(ng2).and.nflag(ng3) ) then call movcgm(xc(ng2),yc(ng2)) call drwcgm(xc(ng3),yc(ng3)) end if end if ! ! Draw an dashed open boundary. ! else if ( nflag(ng1).and.nflag(ng2) ) then call movcgm(xc(ng1),yc(ng1)) xtemp = xc(ng1)+0.25*(xc(ng2)-xc(ng1)) ytemp = yc(ng1)+0.25*(yc(ng2)-yc(ng1)) call drwcgm(xtemp,ytemp) xtemp = xc(ng1)+0.75*(xc(ng2)-xc(ng1)) ytemp = yc(ng1)+0.75*(yc(ng2)-yc(ng1)) call movcgm(xtemp,ytemp) call drwcgm(xc(ng2),yc(ng2)) end if if ( npe == 6 ) then if ( nflag(ng2).and.nflag(ng3) ) then call movcgm(xc(ng2),yc(ng2)) xtemp = xc(ng2)+0.25*(xc(ng3)-xc(ng2)) ytemp = yc(ng2)+0.25*(yc(ng3)-yc(ng2)) call drwcgm(xtemp,ytemp) xtemp = xc(ng2)+0.75*(xc(ng3)-xc(ng2)) ytemp = yc(ng2)+0.75*(yc(ng3)-yc(ng2)) call movcgm(xtemp,ytemp) call drwcgm(xc(ng3),yc(ng3)) end if end if end if end if ! ! Boundary stretch that is part of an isoparametric element. ! else if ( npe == 6 ) then jhi = 2 end if do j = 1,jhi j1 = jbound(j+1,i) j2 = jbound(j+2,i) x1 = xsiref(j1) y1 = etaref(j1) x2 = xsiref(j2) y2 = etaref(j2) if ( line(1) == 0 .or. line(1) == 2 ) then call isoln6(x1,y1,x2,y2,ielem,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,npe,xc,yc) else if ( jbound(5,i) == 0 ) then call isoln6(x1,y1,x2,y2,ielem,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,npe,xc,yc) else x1 = xsiref(j1) y1 = etaref(j1) x3 = x1+0.25*(x2-x1) y3 = y1+0.25*(y2-y1) call isoln6(x1,y1,x3,y3,ielem,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,npe,xc,yc) x3 = x1+0.75*(x2-x1) y3 = y1+0.75*(y2-y1) call isoln6(x3,y3,x2,y2,ielem,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,npe,xc,yc) end if end if end do end if end if end do return end subroutine box ( xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! BOX draws a rectangle whose corners are specified by the user. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! The rectangle drawn by box has the corners: ! ! (XMIN,YMAX) (XMAX,YMAX) ! ! (XMIN,YMIN) (XMAX,YMIN) ! ! BOX can be used to place a rectangle anywhere in the picture. ! However, BOX may also be used to place a rectangle around the ! entire picture, producing a "frame". ! ! The DRAWCGM routine PLYLIN is used to draw the box, and hence ! the color of the line may be set by calling the DRAWCGM routine ! LINCLR first. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 07 March 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real XMIN, XMAX, the minimum and maximum X ! coordinates of the box. ! ! Input, real YMIN, YMAX, the minimum and maximum Y ! coordinates of the box. ! integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: npoints = 5 ! real x(npoints) real xmax real xmin real y(npoints) real ymax real ymin ! x(1) = xmin y(1) = ymin x(2) = xmax y(2) = ymin x(3) = xmax y(3) = ymax x(4) = xmin y(4) = ymax x(5) = xmin y(5) = ymin call plylin ( npoints, x, y ) return end subroutine buzz ( dev, x1min, x1max, y1min, y1max ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! BUZZ is just "busy work" to force XWS to draw the whole picture. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! BUZZ seems to fix a problem that occurs when the XWS interface is ! used. In that case, the last bit of the graph is not drawn. So ! here, we just make the last bit of the graph something we don't ! care about. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 01 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, character ( len = * ) DEV, the graphics output device: ! cgmb - CGM binary file. ! ps - PostScript file. ! XWS - X window screen (interactive). ! ! Input, real X1MIN, X1MAX, the minimum and maximum X ! coordinates of the plot, which includes a small grace margin. ! ! Input, real Y1MIN, Y1MAX, the minimum and maximum Y ! coordinates of the plot, which includes a small grace margin. ! character ( len = * ) dev integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) icolor logical s_eqi real x1max real x1min real y1max real y1min ! if ( s_eqi ( dev, 'XWS' ) ) then icolor = 0 icolor = 1 call linclr ( icolor ) do i = 1, 10000 call box ( x1min, x1max, y1min, y1max ) end do end if return end subroutine ch_cap ( c ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! CH_CAP capitalizes a single character. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 19 July 1998 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input/output, character C, the character to capitalize. ! character c integer ( kind = 4 ) itemp ! itemp = ichar ( c ) if ( 97 <= itemp .and. itemp <= 122 ) then c = char ( itemp - 32 ) end if return end subroutine cbar ( icolor,jcmax,jcmin,maxobj,ncon,smax,smin,srange,x1,x2,y1,y2) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! CBAR draws a color bar in the rectangle whose corners are ! (X1,Y1) and (X2,Y2). ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! ICOLOR Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ICOLOR(MAXOBJ). ! ICOLOR contains the color index for each object. ! ! JCMAX, ! JCMIN Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) JCMAX, JCMIN, the maximum and ! minimum color indices to use in the color bar. ! ! MAXOBJ Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXOBJ. ! The number of graphical "objects". ! ! NCON Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCON, the number of color contour ! regions drawn, and hence, the number of colors ! to be displayed in the color bar. ! ! SMAX, ! SMIN Input, real SMAX, SMIN, the maximum and minimum ! values of the quantity whose color contours are ! being drawn. These numbers will be printed along ! with the color bar. ! ! SRANGE Input, real SRANGE. ! The maximum of XSMAX-XSMIN and YSMAX-YSMIN. ! This gives the size of a square containing the data ! window. ! ! X1, ! X2, ! Y1, ! Y2 Input, real X1, X2, Y1, Y2, specify the minimum and ! maximum X and Y coordinates of the color bar. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxobj ! real angle character ( len = 14 ) chrrel character ( len = 14 ) chrtmp real cwide character ( len = 6 ) flush integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) icolor(maxobj) integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmax integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmin integer ( kind = 4 ) jcolor integer ( kind = 4 ) lent integer ( kind = 4 ) ncon real pwide real smax real smin real srange real x real x1 real x2 real xcorn(5) real xl real xr real y real y1 real y2 real ycorn(5) ! ! ycorn(1) = y1 ycorn(2) = y1 ycorn(3) = y2 ycorn(4) = y2 ycorn(5) = y1 call linclr(icolor(1)) do i = 0,ncon xl = ((ncon+1-i)*x1+i*x2)/real(ncon+1) xr = ((ncon-i)*x1+(i+1)*x2)/real(ncon+1) xcorn(1) = xl xcorn(2) = xr xcorn(3) = xr xcorn(4) = xl xcorn(5) = xl jcolor = int(((ncon-i)*jcmin+i*jcmax)/real(ncon)) call filclr(jcolor) call plygon(4,xcorn,ycorn) call plylin(5,xcorn,ycorn) end do ! ! Print labels for the lowest and highest contours. ! cwide = 0.9*srange/40.0 chrtmp = chrrel(smin) call s_blank_delete ( chrtmp) lent = len_trim ( chrtmp ) angle = 0.0 x = x1 y = y1-1.5*cwide pwide = srange flush = 'left' call s_plot(angle,cwide,pwide,chrtmp(1:lent),x,y,flush) chrtmp = chrrel(smax) call s_blank_delete ( chrtmp) lent = len_trim ( chrtmp ) angle = 0.0 x = x2 y = y1-1.5*cwide pwide = srange flush = 'right' call s_plot(angle,cwide,pwide,chrtmp(1:lent),x,y,flush) return end subroutine cbox ( grace ) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! CBOX draws a 16 by 16 box, filling each entry with a color ! from the current color table. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real GRACE. ! The size of the "grace" margin on the plot. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) npoly parameter (npoly = 5) ! real grace integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) icolor integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) j real x(npoly) real x1max real x1min real x2max real x2min real y(npoly) real y1max real y1min real y2max real y2min ! ! Set the coordinate system to be 0 < = X <= 16.0, ! and 0.0 < = Y <= 16.0 ! x2min = 0.0 x2max = 16.0 y2min = 0.0 y2max = 16.0 x1min = x2min-grace*(x2max-x2min) x1max = x2max+grace*(x2max-x2min) y1min = y2min-grace*(y2max-y2min) y1max = y2max+grace*(y2max-y2min) call setwcd(x1min,y1min,x1max,y1max,ierror) ! ! Draw the color boxes. ! icolor = 0 do i = 1,16 y(1) = 16-i y(2) = 16-i y(3) = 17-i y(4) = 17-i do j = 1,16 call filclr(icolor) icolor = icolor+1 x(1) = j-1 x(2) = j x(3) = j x(4) = j-1 call plygon(4,x,y) end do end do ! ! Draw black lines around the boxes. ! icolor = 1 call linclr(icolor) do i = 1,16 y(1) = 16-i y(2) = 17-i y(3) = 17-i y(4) = 16-i y(5) = y(1) do j = 1,16 x(1) = j-1 x(2) = j-1 x(3) = j x(4) = j x(5) = x(1) call plylin(5,x,y) end do end do return end function chrint ( intval ) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! CHRINT accepts an integer and returns in CHRINT the 6-character ! representation of the integer, right justified, or '******' if ! the integer is too large or negative to fit in six positions. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! INTVAL Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) INTVAL, an integer variable to be ! converted. ! ! CHRINT Output (through function value), character*6 CHRINT, a 6 ! character representation of the integer, right justified. ! Thus, if INTVAL = 1,CHRINT=' 1'. CHRINT must be ! declared "character CHRINT*6" in the calling program. ! character ( len = 6 ) chrint character ( len = 6 ) chrtmp integer ( kind = 4 ) intval ! if ( intval > 999999 ) then chrtmp = '******' else if ( intval < -99999 ) then chrtmp = '-*****' else write(chrtmp,'(i6)')intval end if chrint = chrtmp return end function chrrel ( rval ) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! CHRREL accepts a real number in RVAL and returns in CHRREL a ! 14-character right-justified representation of that number. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! RVAL Input, real RVAL, a real number. ! ! CHRREL Output (through function value), character ( len = 14 ) CHRREL, ! a right-justified character variable containing the ! representation of RVAL, using a G14.6 format. ! character ( len = 14 ) chrrel character ( len = 14 ) chrtmp real rval ! ! ! We can't seem to write directly into CHRREL because of compiler ! quibbles. ! if ( real(int(rval)) == rval.and.abs(rval) < 1.0E+13 ) then write(chrtmp,'(i14)')int(rval) else write(chrtmp,'(g14.6)')rval end if chrrel = chrtmp return end subroutine conc3 ( eflag,jcmax,jcmin,maxnpe,ncon,nelem,node,np,s, & smax,smin,xc,yc) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! CONC3 uses color to indicate all the points which have a function ! value between given limits. ! ! CONC3 is used for quantities associated with a 3 node finite element. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! EFLAG Input, logical EFLAG(NELEM). ! EFLAG is used to "flag" which elements are to be displayed. ! If EFLAG(I) is TRUE, then element I should be displayed. ! ! ETAREF Input, real ETAREF(MAXNPE). ! The ETA coordinates of the nodes of the reference ! triangle. ! ! ISOTRI Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) ISOTRI(NELEM). ! ! 0, if element I is not isoparametric. ! 1 or 2, if element I is isoparametric. ! ! JCMAX, ! JCMIN Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) JCMAX, JCMIN, the maximum and minimum color ! indices to use for contours. ! ! MAXNPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNPE. ! MAXNPE is the maximum number of nodes per element. ! ! NCON Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCON, the number of color contours to use. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! The number of elements. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(MAXNPE,MAXELM), or NODE(MAXNPE,NELEM). ! NODE contains, for each element, the global node numbers ! of its NPE nodes. ! ! For linear elements (NPE = 3), the order of the nodes probably ! doesn't matter, but we will draw them this way: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! / | ! / | ! 1-------3 ! ! For quadratic elements (NPE = 6), the nodes must be given in a ! particular order, which is as follows: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1---6---3 ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! NPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPE. ! NPE is the number of nodes per element, which should be ! 3 for linear elements and 6 for quadratics. ! ! S Input, real S(NP). ! S is a scalar quantity associated with the nodes. ! This routine only looks at the values associated with ! corner element nodes. ! ! SMAX, ! SMIN Input, real SMAX, SMIN, the maximum and minimum values of S. ! ! XC Input, real XC(NP). ! The X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! XSIREF Input, real XSIREF(MAXNPE). ! The XSI coordinates of the nodes of the reference ! triangle. ! ! YC Input, real YC(NP). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnpe integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! logical eflag(nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) i1 integer ( kind = 4 ) i2 integer ( kind = 4 ) i3 integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmax integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmin integer ( kind = 4 ) ncon integer ( kind = 4 ) node(maxnpe,nelem) real s(np) real smax real smin real xc(np) real yc(np) ! do i = 1,nelem if ( eflag(i) ) then i1 = node(1,i) i2 = node(2,i) i3 = node(3,i) call tricno(i1,i2,i3,jcmax,jcmin,ncon,np,s,smax,smin,xc,yc) end if end do return end subroutine conc4 ( eflag,jcmax,jcmin,maxnpe,ncon,nelem,node,np,s, & smax,smin,xc,yc) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! CONC4 uses color to indicate all the points which have a function ! value between given limits. ! ! CONC4 is used for quantities associated with a nonisoparametric ! rectangular 4 node finite element. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! EFLAG Input, logical EFLAG(NELEM). ! EFLAG is used to "flag" which elements are to be displayed. ! If EFLAG(I) is TRUE, then element I should be displayed. ! ! ETAREF Input, real ETAREF(MAXNPE). ! The ETA coordinates of the nodes of the reference ! triangle. ! ! ISOTRI Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) ISOTRI(NELEM). ! ! 0, if element I is not isoparametric. ! 1 or 2, if element I is isoparametric. ! ! JCMAX, ! JCMIN Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) JCMAX, JCMIN, the maximum and minimum color ! indices to use for contours. ! ! MAXNPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNPE. ! MAXNPE is the maximum number of nodes per element. ! ! NCON Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCON, the number of color contours to use. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! The number of elements. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(MAXNPE,MAXELM), or NODE(MAXNPE,NELEM). ! NODE contains, for each element, the global node numbers ! of its NPE nodes. ! ! For linear elements (NPE = 3), the order of the nodes probably ! doesn't matter, but we will draw them this way: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! / | ! / | ! 1-------3 ! ! For quadratic elements (NPE = 6), the nodes must be given in a ! particular order, which is as follows: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1---6---3 ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! NPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPE. ! NPE is the number of nodes per element, which should be ! 3 for linear elements and 6 for quadratics. ! ! S Input, real S(NP). ! S is a scalar quantity associated with the nodes. ! This routine only looks at the values associated with ! corner element nodes. ! ! SMAX, ! SMIN Input, real SMAX, SMIN, the maximum and minimum values of S. ! ! XC Input, real XC(NP). ! The X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! XSIREF Input, real XSIREF(MAXNPE). ! The XSI coordinates of the nodes of the reference ! triangle. ! ! YC Input, real YC(NP). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnpe integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! logical eflag(nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) i1 integer ( kind = 4 ) i2 integer ( kind = 4 ) i3 integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmax integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmin integer ( kind = 4 ) ncon integer ( kind = 4 ) node(maxnpe,nelem) real s(np) real smax real smin real xc(np) real yc(np) ! do i = 1,nelem if ( eflag(i) ) then i1 = node(1,i) i2 = node(2,i) i3 = node(3,i) call tricno(i1,i2,i3,jcmax,jcmin,ncon,np,s,smax,smin,xc,yc) i1 = node(3,i) i2 = node(4,i) i3 = node(1,i) call tricno(i1,i2,i3,jcmax,jcmin,ncon,np,s,smax,smin,xc,yc) end if end do return end subroutine conc6 ( eflag,etaref,isotri,jcmax,jcmin,maxnpe,ncon, & nelem,node,np,npe,s,smax,smin,xc,xsiref,yc ) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! CONC6 uses color to indicate all the points which have a ! function value greater than a given value. ! ! CONC6 is used for quantities associated with the six ! corner nodes of a 6 node finite element, in particular, ! vorticity or velocity magnitude. ! ! CONC6 breaks this triangular element up into four three ! node triangles for further treatment. ! ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! 4--5 ! /| /| ! / |/ | ! 1--6--3 ! ! Thus, the four triangles are defined by the nodes as follows: ! ! Triangle Nodes ! ! 1 1, 4, 6 ! 2 2, 5, 4 ! 3 3, 6, 5 ! 4 4, 5, 6 ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! EFLAG Input, logical EFLAG(NELEM). ! EFLAG is used to "flag" which elements are to be displayed. ! If EFLAG(I) is TRUE, then element I should be displayed. ! ! ETAREF Input, real ETAREF(MAXNPE). ! The ETA coordinates of the nodes of the reference ! triangle. ! ! ISOTRI Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) ISOTRI(NELEM). ! ! 0, if element I is not isoparametric. ! 1 or 2, if element I is isoparametric. ! ! JCMAX, ! JCMIN Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) JCMAX, JCMIN, the maximum and minimum color ! indices to use for contours. ! ! MAXNPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNPE. ! MAXNPE is the maximum number of nodes per element. ! ! NCON Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCON, the number of contours to draw. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! The number of elements. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(MAXNPE,MAXELM), or NODE(MAXNPE,NELEM). ! NODE contains, for each element, the global node numbers ! of its NPE nodes. ! ! For linear elements (NPE = 3), the order of the nodes probably ! doesn't matter, but we will draw them this way: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! / | ! / | ! 1-------3 ! ! For quadratic elements (NPE = 6), the nodes must be given in a ! particular order, which is as follows: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1---6---3 ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! NPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPE. ! NPE is the number of nodes per element, which should be ! 3 for linear elements and 6 for quadratics. ! ! S Input, real S(NP), the value of S at each node. ! ! SMAX, ! SMIN Input, real SMAX, SMIN, the maximum and minimum values of S. ! ! XC Input, real XC(NP), the X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! XSIREF Input, real XSIREF(MAXNPE). ! The XSI coordinates of the nodes of the reference ! triangle. ! ! YC Input, real YC(NP), the Y coordinates of the nodes. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnpe integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! logical eflag(nelem) real eta1 real eta2 real eta3 real etaref(maxnpe) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) i1 integer ( kind = 4 ) i2 integer ( kind = 4 ) i3 integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) isotri(nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmax integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmin integer ( kind = 4 ) ncon integer ( kind = 4 ) node(maxnpe,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) npe integer ( kind = 4 ) nsub(4,3) real s(np) real s1 real s2 real s3 real smax real smin real xc(np) real xsi1 real xsi2 real xsi3 real xsiref(maxnpe) real yc(np) ! nsub(1,1) = 1 nsub(1,2) = 4 nsub(1,3) = 6 nsub(2,1) = 2 nsub(2,2) = 5 nsub(2,3) = 4 nsub(3,1) = 3 nsub(3,2) = 6 nsub(3,3) = 5 nsub(4,1) = 4 nsub(4,2) = 5 nsub(4,3) = 6 ! ! Draw the contour line by searching over each element. ! do i = 1,nelem ielem = i if ( eflag(i) ) then if ( npe == 3.or.isotri(i) == 0 ) then do j = 1,4 i1 = node(nsub(j,1),i) i2 = node(nsub(j,2),i) i3 = node(nsub(j,3),i) call tricno(i1,i2,i3,jcmax,jcmin,ncon,np,s,smax,smin,xc,yc) end do else do j = 1,4 i1 = node(nsub(j,1),i) i2 = node(nsub(j,2),i) i3 = node(nsub(j,3),i) eta1 = etaref(nsub(j,1)) eta2 = etaref(nsub(j,2)) eta3 = etaref(nsub(j,3)) s1 = s(i1) s2 = s(i2) s3 = s(i3) xsi1 = xsiref(nsub(j,1)) xsi2 = xsiref(nsub(j,2)) xsi3 = xsiref(nsub(j,3)) call tricis(eta1,eta2,eta3,ielem,jcmax,jcmin,maxnpe, & ncon,nelem,node,np,npe,s1,s2,s3,smax,smin,xc,xsi1, & xsi2,xsi3,yc) end do end if end if end do return end subroutine conc63 ( eflag,etaref,isotri,jcmax,jcmin,maxnpe,ncon, & nelem,node,np,npe,s,smax,smin,xc,xsiref,yc) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! CONC63 uses color to indicate all the points which have a function ! value between given limits. ! ! CONC63 is used for quantities associated with the three corner nodes ! of a 6 node finite element, in particular, pressure. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! EFLAG Input, logical EFLAG(NELEM). ! EFLAG is used to "flag" which elements are to be displayed. ! If EFLAG(I) is TRUE, then element I should be displayed. ! ! ETAREF Input, real ETAREF(MAXNPE). ! The ETA coordinates of the nodes of the reference ! triangle. ! ! ISOTRI Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) ISOTRI(NELEM). ! ! 0, if element I is not isoparametric. ! 1 or 2, if element I is isoparametric. ! ! JCMAX, ! JCMIN Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) JCMAX, JCMIN, the maximum and minimum color ! indices to use for contours. ! ! MAXNPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNPE. ! MAXNPE is the maximum number of nodes per element. ! ! NCON Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCON, the number of color contours to use. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! The number of elements. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(MAXNPE,MAXELM), or NODE(MAXNPE,NELEM). ! NODE contains, for each element, the global node numbers ! of its NPE nodes. ! ! For linear elements (NPE = 3), the order of the nodes probably ! doesn't matter, but we will draw them this way: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! / | ! / | ! 1-------3 ! ! For quadratic elements (NPE = 6), the nodes must be given in a ! particular order, which is as follows: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1---6---3 ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! NPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPE. ! NPE is the number of nodes per element, which should be ! 3 for linear elements and 6 for quadratics. ! ! S Input, real S(NP). ! S is a scalar quantity associated with the nodes. ! This routine only looks at the values associated with ! corner element nodes. ! ! SMAX, ! SMIN Input, real SMAX, SMIN, the maximum and minimum values of S. ! ! XC Input, real XC(NP). ! The X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! XSIREF Input, real XSIREF(MAXNPE). ! The XSI coordinates of the nodes of the reference ! triangle. ! ! YC Input, real YC(NP). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnpe integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! logical eflag(nelem) real eta1 real eta2 real eta3 real etaref(maxnpe) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) i1 integer ( kind = 4 ) i2 integer ( kind = 4 ) i3 integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) isotri(nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmax integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmin integer ( kind = 4 ) ncon integer ( kind = 4 ) node(maxnpe,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) npe real s(np) real s1 real s2 real s3 real smax real smin real xc(np) real xsi1 real xsi2 real xsi3 real xsiref(maxnpe) real yc(np) ! ! Search over each element, and if it is visible, then ! call the appropriate nonisoperimetric or isoperimetric routine. ! do i = 1,nelem if ( eflag(i) ) then ielem = i i1 = node(1,ielem) i2 = node(2,ielem) i3 = node(3,ielem) if ( isotri(i) == 0 ) then call tricno(i1,i2,i3,jcmax,jcmin,ncon,np,s,smax,smin,xc,yc) else eta1 = etaref(1) eta2 = etaref(2) eta3 = etaref(3) s1 = s(i1) s2 = s(i2) s3 = s(i3) xsi1 = xsiref(1) xsi2 = xsiref(2) xsi3 = xsiref(3) call tricis(eta1,eta2,eta3,ielem,jcmax,jcmin,maxnpe,ncon, & nelem,node,np,npe,s1,s2,s3,smax,smin,xc,xsi1,xsi2, & xsi3,yc) end if end if end do return end subroutine conl3 ( eflag,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,s,scon,xc,yc) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! CONL3 draws a contour line of a scalar in a 3 node element. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnpe integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! logical eflag(nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) n1 integer ( kind = 4 ) n2 integer ( kind = 4 ) n3 integer ( kind = 4 ) node(maxnpe,nelem) real s(np) real s1 real s2 real s3 real scon real smax real smin real x1 real x2 real x3 real xc(np) real y1 real y2 real y3 real yc(np) ! ! Draw the contour line by searching over each element. ! do i = 1,nelem if ( eflag(i) ) then n1 = node(1,i) x1 = xc(n1) y1 = yc(n1) s1 = s(n1) n2 = node(2,i) x2 = xc(n2) y2 = yc(n2) s2 = s(n2) n3 = node(3,i) x3 = xc(n3) y3 = yc(n3) s3 = s(n3) smin = min(s1,s2,s3) smax = max(s1,s2,s3) if ( smin <= scon.and.scon <= smax ) then call crosst(s1,s2,s3,scon,x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3) end if end if end do return end subroutine conl4 ( eflag,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,s,scon,xc,yc) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! CONL4 draws a contour line of a scalar in a 4 node nonisoparametric element. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! EFLAG Input, logical EFLAG(NELEM). ! EFLAG is used to "flag" which elements are to be displayed. ! If EFLAG(I) is TRUE, then element I should be displayed. ! ! MAXNPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNPE. ! MAXNPE is the maximum number of nodes per element. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! The number of elements. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(MAXNPE,MAXELM), or NODE(MAXNPE,NELEM). ! NODE contains, for each element, the global node numbers ! of its NPE nodes. ! ! For linear elements (NPE = 3), the order of the nodes probably ! doesn't matter, but we will draw them this way: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! / | ! / | ! 1-------3 ! ! For quadratic elements (NPE = 6), the nodes must be given in a ! particular order, which is as follows: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1---6---3 ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! S Input, real S(NP). ! S is a scalar quantity associated with the nodes. ! ! SCON Input, real SCON. ! SCON is the value associated with the contour line. ! ! XC Input, real XC(NP). ! The X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! YC Input, real YC(NP). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnpe integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! logical eflag(nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) n1 integer ( kind = 4 ) n2 integer ( kind = 4 ) n3 integer ( kind = 4 ) n4 integer ( kind = 4 ) node(maxnpe,nelem) real s(np) real s1 real s2 real s3 real s4 real scon real smax real smin real x1 real x2 real x3 real x4 real xc(np) real y1 real y2 real y3 real y4 real yc(np) ! ! Look at a particular element, IELEM. ! do i = 1,nelem ! ! Is the element visible? ! if ( eflag(i) ) then n1 = node(1,i) x1 = xc(n1) y1 = yc(n1) s1 = s(n1) n2 = node(2,i) x2 = xc(n2) y2 = yc(n2) s2 = s(n2) n3 = node(3,i) x3 = xc(n3) y3 = yc(n3) s3 = s(n3) n4 = node(4,i) x4 = xc(n4) y4 = yc(n4) s4 = s(n4) smin = min(s1,s2,s3,s4) smax = max(s1,s2,s3,s4) if ( smin <= scon.and.scon <= smax ) then call crossr(s1,s2,s3,s4,scon,x1,x2,x3,x4,y1,y2,y3,y4) end if end if end do return end subroutine conl6 ( eflag,etaref,isotri,maxnpe,nelem,node, & np,npe,s,scon,xc,xsiref,yc) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! CONL6 draws a contour line of a scalar in a six node triangular element. ! ! ! CONL6 SHOULD BE REWRITTEN SO THAT THE NUMBER OF SUBTRIANGLES ! MAY BE EASILY VARIED...I JUST NEED TO DEFINE THE X, Y, S ! values of each subtriangle. ! ! ! The original six node quadratic element is broken up into four ! three node elements, which are treated as though they were ! linear: ! ! ^ ! | 2 ! | /| ! | / | ! ETA | 4--5 ! | /| /| ! | / |/ | ! | 1--6--3 ! | ! +------------> ! XSI ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! EFLAG Input, logical EFLAG(NELEM). ! EFLAG is used to "flag" which elements are to be displayed. ! If EFLAG(I) is TRUE, then element I should be displayed. ! ! ETAREF Input, real ETAREF(MAXNPE). ! The ETA coordinates of the nodes of the reference ! triangle. ! ! ISOTRI Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) ISOTRI(NELEM). ! ! 0, if element I is not isoparametric. ! 1 or 2, if element I is isoparametric. ! ! MAXNPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNPE. ! MAXNPE is the maximum number of nodes per element. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! The number of elements. ! ! NFLAG Input, logical NFLAG(NP). ! ! NFLAG is used to "flag" which nodes are active, ! that is, to be displayed, and which not, in the graph. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(MAXNPE,MAXELM), or NODE(MAXNPE,NELEM). ! NODE contains, for each element, the global node numbers ! of its NPE nodes. ! ! For linear elements (NPE = 3), the order of the nodes probably ! doesn't matter, but we will draw them this way: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! / | ! / | ! 1-------3 ! ! For quadratic elements (NPE = 6), the nodes must be given in a ! particular order, which is as follows: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1---6---3 ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! NPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPE. ! NPE is the number of nodes per element, which should be ! 3 for linear elements and 6 for quadratics. ! ! S Input, real S(NP). ! S is a scalar quantity associated with the nodes. ! ! SCON Input, real SCON. ! SCON is the value associated with the contour line. ! ! XC Input, real XC(NP). ! The X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! XSIREF Input, real XSIREF(MAXNPE). ! The XSI coordinates of the nodes of the reference ! triangle. ! ! YC Input, real YC(NP). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnpe integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! logical eflag(nelem) real etaref(maxnpe) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) icross integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem logical inside integer ( kind = 4 ) isotri(nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) k integer ( kind = 4 ) lines(3,4,2) integer ( kind = 4 ) m1 integer ( kind = 4 ) m2 integer ( kind = 4 ) n1 integer ( kind = 4 ) n2 integer ( kind = 4 ) n3 integer ( kind = 4 ) n4 integer ( kind = 4 ) n5 integer ( kind = 4 ) n6 integer ( kind = 4 ) node(maxnpe,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) npe real s(np) real s1 real s2 real s3 real s4 real s5 real s6 real scon real smax real smin real x1 real x2 real x3 real x4 real x5 real x6 real xc(np) real xsiref(maxnpe) real xx(6) real y1 real y2 real y3 real y4 real y5 real y6 real yc(np) real yy(6) ! ! List the local node numbers, which define the three lines, ! which make up each of the four triangles which subdivide ! the original 6 node triangular element 3 node triangles. ! lines(1,1,1) = 1 lines(1,1,2) = 4 lines(2,1,1) = 4 lines(2,1,2) = 6 lines(3,1,1) = 6 lines(3,1,2) = 1 lines(1,2,1) = 2 lines(1,2,2) = 4 lines(2,2,1) = 4 lines(2,2,2) = 5 lines(3,2,1) = 5 lines(3,2,2) = 2 lines(1,3,1) = 3 lines(1,3,2) = 5 lines(2,3,1) = 5 lines(2,3,2) = 6 lines(3,3,1) = 6 lines(3,3,2) = 3 lines(1,4,1) = 4 lines(1,4,2) = 5 lines(2,4,1) = 5 lines(2,4,2) = 6 lines(3,4,1) = 6 lines(3,4,2) = 4 ! ! Draw the contour line by searching over each element. ! do i = 1,nelem ! ! Is the entire element visible? ! if ( eflag(i) ) then ! ! Is the element non-isoparametric? ! if ( isotri(i) == 0 ) then n1 = node(1,i) x1 = xc(n1) y1 = yc(n1) s1 = s(n1) n2 = node(2,i) x2 = xc(n2) y2 = yc(n2) s2 = s(n2) n3 = node(3,i) x3 = xc(n3) y3 = yc(n3) s3 = s(n3) n4 = node(4,i) x4 = xc(n4) y4 = yc(n4) s4 = s(n4) n5 = node(5,i) x5 = xc(n5) y5 = yc(n5) s5 = s(n5) n6 = node(6,i) x6 = xc(n6) y6 = yc(n6) s6 = s(n6) smin = min(s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6) smax = max(s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6) if ( smin <= scon.and.scon <= smax ) then call crosst(s1,s4,s6,scon,x1,x4,x6,y1,y4,y6) call crosst(s4,s2,s5,scon,x4,x2,x5,y4,y2,y5) call crosst(s6,s5,s3,scon,x6,x5,x3,y6,y5,y3) call crosst(s5,s6,s4,scon,x5,x6,x4,y5,y6,y4) end if ! ! Code for isoparametric: ! else ! ! Search each of the four three-node subtriangles. ! do k = 1,4 icross = 0 ! ! Look on each side of the subtriangle. ! do j = 1,3 m1 = lines(j,k,1) n1 = node(m1,i) m2 = lines(j,k,2) n2 = node(m2,i) s1 = s(n1) s2 = s(n2) if ( inside ( s1, scon, s2 ) ) then x1 = xsiref(m1) y1 = etaref(m1) x2 = xsiref(m2) y2 = etaref(m2) ! ! Consider 4 cases: ! ! A) S1 = S2=SCON, whole side is an intersection. ! B) S1 = SCON, then only a "glancing" intersection. Ignore. ! C) S2 = SCON, ignore. ! D) SCON strictly between S1 and S2. Find single point. ! if ( s1 == s2 ) then icross = icross+1 xx(icross) = x1 yy(icross) = y1 icross = icross+1 xx(icross) = x2 yy(icross) = y2 else if ( s1 == scon ) then else if ( s2 == scon ) then else icross = icross+1 xx(icross) = x1+(scon-s1)*(x2-x1)/(s2-s1) yy(icross) = y1+(scon-s1)*(y2-y1)/(s2-s1) end if end if end do ! ! The only possibilities are: ! ! 2 crossings, on different sides. ! 2 crossings, on the same side, meaning the whole side has ! the value. ! 6 crossings, meaning the entire element has the value. ! ! For now, we will ignore the 6 crossing case. ! if ( icross == 1 ) then write(*,*)'That''s strange, ICROSS = 1' else if ( icross == 2 ) then ielem = i if ( npe == 3 ) then call plylin(2,xx,yy) else call isoln6(xx(1),yy(1),xx(2),yy(2),ielem,maxnpe, & nelem,node,np,npe,xc,yc) end if else if ( icross > 2 ) then write(*,*)'That''s strange, ICROSS = ',icross end if end do end if end if end do return end subroutine conl63 ( eflag,etaref,isotri,maxnpe,nelem,node,np, & npe,s,scon,xc,xsiref,yc) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! CONL63 draws a single contour line of a scalar quantity associated ! only with the three corner nodes of a six node element. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! EFLAG Input, logical EFLAG(NELEM). ! EFLAG is used to "flag" which elements are to be displayed. ! If EFLAG(I) is TRUE, then element I should be displayed. ! ! ETAREF Input, real ETAREF(MAXNPE). ! The ETA coordinates of the nodes of the reference ! triangle. ! ! ISOTRI Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) ISOTRI(NELEM). ! ! 0, if element I is not isoparametric. ! 1 or 2, if element I is isoparametric. ! ! MAXNPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNPE. ! MAXNPE is the maximum number of nodes per element. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! The number of elements. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(MAXNPE,MAXELM), or NODE(MAXNPE,NELEM). ! NODE contains, for each element, the global node numbers ! of its NPE nodes. ! ! For linear elements (NPE = 3), the order of the nodes probably ! doesn't matter, but we will draw them this way: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! / | ! / | ! 1-------3 ! ! For quadratic elements (NPE = 6), the nodes must be given in a ! particular order, which is as follows: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1---6---3 ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! NPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPE. ! NPE is the number of nodes per element, which should be ! 3 for linear elements and 6 for quadratics. ! ! S Input, real S(NP). ! S is a scalar quantity associated with the nodes. ! This routine only looks at the values associated with ! corner element nodes. ! ! Currently, S will only be pressure. ! ! SCON Input, real SCON. ! SCON is the value associated with the contour line. ! ! XC Input, real XC(NP). ! The X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! XSIREF Input, real XSIREF(MAXNPE). ! The XSI coordinates of the nodes of the reference ! triangle. ! ! YC Input, real YC(NP). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnpe integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! logical eflag(nelem) real etaref(maxnpe) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) icross integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem logical inside integer ( kind = 4 ) isotri(nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) jp1 integer ( kind = 4 ) n1 integer ( kind = 4 ) n2 integer ( kind = 4 ) n3 integer ( kind = 4 ) node(maxnpe,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) npe real s(np) real s1 real s2 real s3 real scon real smax real smin real x1 real x2 real x3 real xc(np) real xsiref(maxnpe) real xx(3) real y1 real y2 real y3 real yc(np) real yy(3) ! ! Draw the contour line by searching over each element. ! do i = 1,nelem ! ! Is the element visible? ! if ( eflag(i) ) then ! ! Code for a nonisoparametric element: ! if ( isotri(i) == 0 ) then n1 = node(1,i) x1 = xc(n1) y1 = yc(n1) s1 = s(n1) n2 = node(2,i) x2 = xc(n2) y2 = yc(n2) s2 = s(n2) n3 = node(3,i) x3 = xc(n3) y3 = yc(n3) s3 = s(n3) smin = min(s1,s2,s3) smax = max(s1,s2,s3) if ( smin <= scon.and.scon <= smax ) then call crosst(s1,s2,s3,scon,x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3) end if else icross = 0 ! ! Conside the side of the triangle associated with node J and JP1. ! do j = 1,3 n1 = node(j,i) x1 = xsiref(j) y1 = etaref(j) s1 = s(n1) jp1 = j+1 if ( jp1 > 3)jp1 = 1 n2 = node(jp1,i) x2 = xsiref(jp1) y2 = etaref(jp1) s2 = s(n2) ! ! Does the contour value pass between the values at the two ends? ! if ( inside ( s1, scon, s2 ) ) then if ( s1 == s2 ) then ielem = i call isoln6(x1,y1,x2,y2,ielem,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,npe,xc,yc) else icross = icross+1 xx(icross) = x1+(scon-s1)*(x2-x1)/(s2-s1) yy(icross) = y1+(scon-s1)*(y2-y1)/(s2-s1) end if end if end do ! ! If we found two crossings, draw the line. ! if ( icross == 1 ) then write(*,*)'That''s strange, ICROSS = ',icross else if ( icross == 2 ) then ielem = i call isoln6(xx(1),yy(1),xx(2),yy(2),ielem,maxnpe,nelem, & node,np,npe,xc,yc) else if ( icross > 2 ) then write(*,*)'That''s strange, ICROSS = ',icross end if end if end if end do return end subroutine cross ( px,py,qx,qy,sl,sm,sh,scon,xl,xm,xh,yl,ym,yh) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! CROSS finds the two places where the value S = SCON occurs on a ! triangle. The corners of the triangle are (XL,YL), (XM,YM) and ! (XH,YH), and the associated S values are SL, SM and SH. It ! must be the case that SL < = SM <= SH. ! ! CROSS returns two points: ! ! (PX,PY), which occurs on one of the two sides that include ! (XM,YM), and ! (QX,QY), which occurs on the side between (XL,YL) and (XH,YH). ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! PX, ! PY Output, real PX, PY, the X and Y coordinates of a point ! at which S = SCON, lying on a side of the triangle which ! ends at (XM,YM). ! ! QX, ! QY Output, real QX, QY, the X and Y coordinates of a point ! at which S = SCON, lying on the side of the triangle which ! lies between (XL,YL) and (XH,YH). ! ! SL, ! SM, ! SH Input, real SL, SM, SH, the low, medium, and high values ! of S, associated with the three corners. ! ! SCON Input, real SCON, the value of S for which a contour line ! is sought. ! ! XL, ! XM, ! XH Input, real XL, XM, XH, the X coordinates of the nodes ! at which the low, medium and high values of S occur. ! ! YL, ! YM, ! YH Input, real YL, YM, YH, the Y coordinates of the nodes ! at which the low, medium and high values of S occur. ! real px real py real qx real qy real scon real sl real sm real sh real xl real xm real xh real yl real ym real yh ! if ( scon < sl ) then px = xl py = yl qx = xl qy = yl else if ( scon >= sh ) then px = xh py = yh qx = xh qy = yh else if ( scon < sm ) then px = xl+(scon-sl)*(xm-xl)/(sm-sl) py = yl+(scon-sl)*(ym-yl)/(sm-sl) else px = xm+(scon-sm)*(xh-xm)/(sh-sm) py = ym+(scon-sm)*(yh-ym)/(sh-sm) end if qx = xl+(scon-sl)*(xh-xl)/(sh-sl) qy = yl+(scon-sl)*(yh-yl)/(sh-sl) end if return end subroutine crossl ( icross,s1,s2,scon,x1,x2,xc,y1,y2,yc) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! CROSSL is given the coordinates of two points in the plane, and ! the values of a quantity S there. It is assumed that S varies ! linearly along the line through the two points. ! ! CROSSL is also given a desired value SC of S, and is supposed ! to seek a point, lying between the two given points, at which ! this value of S is achieved. ! ! ! ICROSS Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) ICROSS. ! ! -3, X1 = X2 and Y1=Y2. ! -2, S1 and S2 and SC are equal. ! -1, S1 and S2 are equal, and no crossing was found. ! ! 0, S1 and S2 are distinct, and no crossing was found. ! ! 1, S1 and S2 are distinct, and a crossing was found. ! 2, S1 and S2 are distinct, and S1 = SC. ! 3, S2 and S2 are distinct, and S2 = SC. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! S1, ! S2 Input, real S1, S2, the values of S at (X1,Y1) and (X2,Y2). ! ! SC Input, real SC, the S value at which a crossing is sought. ! ! X1, ! X2 Input, real X1, X2, the X coordinates of the two endpoints. ! ! XC Output, real XC. ! If ICROSS = 1, 2 or 3, then XC is the X coordinate of the crossing. ! Otherwise XC is 0. ! ! Y1, ! Y2 Input, real Y1, Y2, the Y coordinates of the two endpoints. ! ! YC Output, real YC. ! If ICROSS = 1, 2, or 3, then YC is the Y coordinate of the crossing. ! Otherwise YC is 0. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) icross logical inside real s1 real s2 real scon real x1 real x2 real xc real y1 real y2 real yc ! ! xc = 0.0 yc = 0.0 ! ! Are the two points distinct? ! if ( x1 == x2.and.y1 == y2 ) then icross = -3 write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'CROSSL - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' X1 = X2=',x1 write(*,*)' Y1 = Y2=',y1 stop end if ! ! Are the two S values distinct? ! if ( s1 == s2 ) then if ( scon == s1 ) then icross = -2 else icross = -1 end if return end if ! ! Where does SCON fit in? ! if ( s2 == scon ) then icross = 3 xc = x2 yc = y2 else if ( s1 == scon ) then icross = 2 xc = x1 yc = y1 else if ( inside ( s1, scon, s2 ) ) then icross = 1 xc = x1+(scon-s1)*(x2-x1)/(s2-s1) yc = y1+(scon-s1)*(y2-y1)/(s2-s1) else icross = 0 end if return end subroutine crossr ( s1,s2,s3,s4,scon,x1,x2,x3,x4,y1,y2,y3,y4) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! CROSSR is given the coordinates of the corners of a rectangle, ! and the values of a scalar quantity S at those corners. ! ! It is also given SCON, a special value of S. ! ! CROSSR divides the rectangle into two triangles, and then ! calls CROSST to draw contour lines, if any, to represent those ! locations within the rectangle, which would have the value SCON. ! ! Here is how the rectangle is divided into two triangles before ! calling CROSST: ! ! 2---3 ! | /| ! | / | ! |/ | ! 1---4 ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! S1, ! S2, ! S3, ! S4 Input, real S1, S2, S3, S4, the values of S at the corneers. ! ! SCON Input, real SCON, the contour value of S. ! ! X1, ! X2, ! X3, ! X4 Input, real X1, X2, X3, X4, the values of X at the corners. ! ! Y1, ! Y2, ! Y3, ! Y4 Input, real Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, the values of Y at the corners. ! real s1 real s2 real s3 real s4 real scon real x1 real x2 real x3 real x4 real y1 real y2 real y3 real y4 ! call crosst(s1,s2,s3,scon,x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3) call crosst(s3,s4,s1,scon,x3,x4,x1,y3,y4,y1) return end subroutine crosst ( s1,s2,s3,scon,x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! CROSST is given the coordinates of the corners of a triangle, ! and the values of a scalar quantity S at those corners. ! ! It is also given SCON, a special value of S. ! ! CROSST uses linear interpolation to extend the definition of S ! to the entire triangle, and then tries to draw a contour line, ! if any, to represent those locations within the triangle, which ! would have the value SCON. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! S1, ! S2, ! S3 Input, real S1, S2, S3, the values of S at the corneers. ! ! SCON Input, real SCON, the contour value of S. ! ! X1, ! X2, ! X3 Input, real X1, X2, X3, the values of X at the corners. ! ! Y1, ! Y2, ! Y3 Input, real Y1, Y2, Y3, the values of Y at the corners. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) icross integer ( kind = 4 ) npts real s1 real s2 real s3 real scon real x1 real x2 real x3 real xc real xpts(3) real y1 real y2 real y3 real yc real ypts(3) ! npts = 0 call crossl(icross,s1,s2,scon,x1,x2,xc,y1,y2,yc) if ( icross == -2 ) then call movcgm(x1,y1) call drwcgm(x2,y2) else if ( icross == 1 ) then npts = npts+1 xpts(npts) = xc ypts(npts) = yc end if call crossl(icross,s2,s3,scon,x2,x3,xc,y2,y3,yc) if ( icross == -2 ) then call movcgm(x1,y1) call drwcgm(x2,y2) else if ( icross == 1 ) then npts = npts+1 xpts(npts) = xc ypts(npts) = yc end if call crossl(icross,s3,s1,scon,x3,x1,xc,y3,y1,yc) if ( icross == -2 ) then call movcgm(x1,y1) call drwcgm(x2,y2) else if ( icross == 1 ) then npts = npts+1 xpts(npts) = xc ypts(npts) = yc end if ! ! If we found two crossings, draw the line. ! if ( npts == 1 ) then write(*,*)'That''s strange, just one crossing!' else if ( npts == 2 ) then call plylin(npts,xpts,ypts) else if ( npts > 2 ) then write(*,*)'That''s strange, NPTS = ',npts end if return end subroutine defalt ( delx,dely,eflag,eflagu,etaref,fildat,filinp, & grace,icmax,icmin,icolor,itable,jcmax,jcmin,lbar,line, & lppro,lptpro,lupro,lutpro,lvpro,lvtpro,maxelm,maxnp,maxnpe, & maxobj,ncon,nflag,nflag0,npe, & nxskip,nyskip,object,ovrlay,scalee,scalen, & scalev,show,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min, & x4max,x4min,xsiref,y1max,y1min,y2max, & y2min,y4max,y4min) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! DEFALT sets certain data to default values. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real DELX, the X spacing between nodes. In some cases, ! this spacing is modified to create isoparametric elements. ! ! Input, real DELY, the Y spacing between nodes. In some cases, ! this spacing is modified to create isoparametric elements. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxelm integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnp integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnpe integer ( kind = 4 ) maxobj ! real delx real dely logical eflag(maxelm) logical eflagu(maxelm) real etaref(maxnpe) character ( len = 80 ) fildat character ( len = 80 ) filinp real grace integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) icmax integer ( kind = 4 ) icmin integer ( kind = 4 ) icolor(maxobj) integer ( kind = 4 ) itable integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmax integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmin logical lbar integer ( kind = 4 ) line(maxobj) logical lppro logical lptpro logical lupro logical lutpro logical lvpro logical lvtpro integer ( kind = 4 ) ncon logical nflag(maxnp) logical nflag0(maxnp) integer ( kind = 4 ) npe integer ( kind = 4 ) nxskip integer ( kind = 4 ) nyskip character ( len = 30 ) object(maxobj) logical ovrlay real scalee real scalen real scalev logical show(maxobj) real x1max real x1min real x2max real x2min real x4max real x4min real xsiref(maxnpe) real y1max real y1min real y2max real y2min real y4max real y4min ! delx = 1.0 dely = 1.0 do i = 1,maxelm eflag(i) = .true. eflagu(i) = .true. end do fildat = 'display.dat' filinp = 'display.inp' grace = 0.05 icmax = 255 icmin = 2 do i = 1,maxobj icolor(i) = 1 end do icolor(20) = 127 icolor(21) = 0 itable = 9 jcmax = 255 jcmin = 2 lbar = .true. do i = 1,maxobj line(i) = 2 end do line(1) = 2 lppro = .false. lptpro = .false. lupro = .false. lutpro = .false. lvpro = .false. lvtpro = .false. ncon = 9 do i = 1,maxnp nflag(i) = .true. nflag0(i) = .true. end do npe = maxnp nxskip = 1 nyskip = 1 object(1) = 'boundary' object(2) = 'element' object(3) = 'frame' object(4) = 'nodes' object(5) = 'pressure' object(6) = 'stream lines' object(7) = 'title' object(8) = 'velocity vectors' object(9) = 'unit velocity vectors' object(10) = 'velocity magnitude contours' object(11) = 'vorticity contours' object(12) = 'pressure colors' object(13) = 'vorticity colors' object(14) = 'velocity magnitude colors' object(15) = 'X velocity contours' object(16) = 'Y velocity contours' object(17) = 'X velocity colors' object(18) = 'Y velocity colors' object(19) = 'profile line' object(20) = 'element colors' object(21) = 'background' object(22) = 'stream colors' object(23) = 'X coordinate colors' object(24) = 'Y coordinate colors' object(25) = 'X coordinate contours' object(26) = 'Y coordinate contours' object(27) = 'node numbers' object(28) = 'element numbers' ovrlay = .false. scalee = 1.0 scalen = 1.0 scalev = 1.0 do i = 1,maxobj show(i) = .false. end do show(1) = .true. show(3) = .false. show(7) = .true. x2max = 1.0 x2min = 0.0 x4max = 0.95 x4min = 0.05 y2max = 1.0 y2min = 0.0 y4max = 0.95 y4min = 0.05 ! ! Set things that depend on other things. ! call setref(etaref,maxnpe,npe,xsiref) x1max = x2max+grace*(x2max-x2min) x1min = x2min-grace*(x2max-x2min) y1max = y2max+grace*(y2max-y2min) y1min = y2min-grace*(y2max-y2min) return end subroutine delete ( filnam ) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! DELETE deletes a file. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! FILNAM Input, character ( len = * ) FILNAM, the file to be deleted. ! character ( len = * ) filnam ! open(unit = 99,file=filnam,status='old',err=10) close(unit = 99,status='delete',err=10) 10 continue return end subroutine doaxes ( labelx,labely,title,title2,x4max,x4min, & xdmax,xdmin,y4max,y4min,ydmax,ydmin) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! DOAXES places the title, the axes, and the axis labels. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! LABELX, ! LABELY Input, character ( len = 30 ) LABELX, LABELY. For profile plots, these ! contain labels for the X and Y axes. ! ! TITLE Input, character ( len = 40 ) TITLE. ! A title for the plots. ! ! TITLE2 Input, character ( len = 40 ) TITLE2. ! A subtitle used in the profile plots. ! ! X4MAX, ! X4MIN Input, real X4MAX, X4MIN, the maximum and minimum X ! coordinates that are used for the plot, not including axes. ! ! For profile graphs, X2MIN = 0.20, X2MAX=0.80. ! ! XDMAX, ! XDMIN Input, real XDMAX, XDMIN, the maximum and minimum values ! to print out on the X axis. ! ! Y4MAX, ! Y4MIN Input, real Y4MAX, Y4MIN, the maximum and minimum Y ! coordinates that are used for the plot, not including axes. ! ! For profile graphs, Y2MIN = 0.20, Y2MAX=0.80. ! ! YDMAX, ! YDMIN Input, real YDMAX, YDMIN, the maximum and minimum values ! to print out on the Y axis. ! real angle character ( len = 14 ) chrrel character ( len = 14 ) ctemp real cwide real dshsiz real eps character ( len = 6 ) flush character ( len = * ) labelx character ( len = * ) labely integer ( kind = 4 ) lent integer ( kind = 4 ) nval real pwide character ( len = * ) title character ( len = * ) title2 real x4max real x4min real xdmax real xdmin real xtemp real xval(2) real y4max real y4min real ydmax real ydmin real ytemp real yval(2) ! ! Draw the title. ! lent = len_trim ( title ) if ( lent > 0 ) then angle = 0.0 cwide = 0.02 pwide = 1.0 xtemp = 0.5 ytemp = 0.90 flush = 'center' call s_plot(angle,cwide,pwide,title(1:lent),xtemp,ytemp,flush) end if ! ! Draw the subtitle. ! lent = len_trim ( title2 ) if ( lent > 0 ) then angle = 0.0 cwide = 0.015 pwide = 1.0 xtemp = 0.5 ytemp = 0.86 flush = 'center' call s_plot(angle,cwide,pwide,title2(1:lent),xtemp,ytemp,flush) end if ! ! Draw the X label. ! lent = len_trim ( labelx ) if ( lent > 0 ) then angle = 0.0 cwide = 0.015 pwide = 1.0 xtemp = 0.5 ytemp = 0.15 flush = 'center' call s_plot(angle,cwide,pwide,labelx(1:lent),xtemp,ytemp,flush) end if ! ! Draw the Y label. ! lent = len_trim ( labely ) if ( lent > 0 ) then angle = 90 cwide = 0.015 pwide = 1.0 xtemp = 0.15 ytemp = 0.5 flush = 'center' call s_plot(angle,cwide,pwide,labely(1:lent),xtemp,ytemp,flush) end if ! ! Draw the X axis, and label it. ! eps = 0.025 call movcgm(x4min-eps,y4min) call drwcgm(x4max,y4min) ctemp = chrrel(xdmin) call s_blank_delete ( ctemp) lent = len_trim ( ctemp ) angle = 0.0 cwide = 0.010 pwide = 1.0 xtemp = x4min ytemp = y4min-2*cwide flush = 'left' call s_plot(angle,cwide,pwide,ctemp(1:lent),xtemp,ytemp,flush) ctemp = chrrel(xdmax) call s_blank_delete ( ctemp) lent = len_trim ( ctemp ) angle = 0.0 cwide = 0.010 pwide = 1.0 xtemp = x4max ytemp = y4min-2*cwide flush = 'right' call s_plot(angle,cwide,pwide,ctemp(1:lent),xtemp,ytemp,flush) ! ! Draw the Y axis, and label it. ! call movcgm(x4min,y4min-eps) call drwcgm(x4min,y4max) ctemp = chrrel(ydmin) call s_blank_delete ( ctemp) lent = len_trim ( ctemp ) angle = 90 cwide = 0.010 pwide = 1.0 xtemp = x4min-2*cwide ytemp = y4min flush = 'left' call s_plot(angle,cwide,pwide,ctemp(1:lent),xtemp,ytemp,flush) ctemp = chrrel(ydmax) call s_blank_delete ( ctemp) lent = len_trim ( ctemp ) angle = 90.0 cwide = 0.010 pwide = 1.0 xtemp = x4min-2*cwide ytemp = y4max flush = 'right' call s_plot(angle,cwide,pwide,ctemp(1:lent),xtemp,ytemp,flush) ! ! If zero occurs within the Y range, draw a dashed horizontal axis line. ! if ( ydmin < 0.0.and.0.0 < ydmax ) then ytemp = y4min+(y4max-y4min)*(0.0-ydmin)/(ydmax-ydmin) dshsiz = 0.005 nval = 2 xval(1) = x4min yval(1) = ytemp xval(2) = x4max yval(2) = ytemp call dshlin(nval,xval,yval,dshsiz) end if return end subroutine dshlin ( n,x,y,dshsiz) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! DSHLIN draws a dashed line connecting a series of points. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! N Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) N, the number of points to be connected. ! ! X, ! Y Input, real X(N), Y(N), the X and Y coordinates of the ! points. ! ! DSHSIZ Input, real DSHSIZ, the length, in the X, Y coordinate ! system, of the dashed lines. If it is negative or zero, ! an error occurs. ! ! Warning: If the X and Y coordinates use different scale ! factors, then dashes at different angles will seem to ! have different lengths. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) n ! real dist real dshsiz integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) ndash real x(n) real xnew real xold real xxnew real xxold real y(n) real ynew real yold real yynew real yyold ! ! ! Make sure that DSIZE is positive. ! if ( dshsiz <= 0.0 ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'DSHLIN - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' The parameter DSHSIZ must be positive.' write(*,*)' but the input value is ',dshsiz return end if ! xnew = x(1) ynew = y(1) do i = 2,n xold = xnew yold = ynew xnew = x(i) ynew = y(i) dist = sqrt( (xnew-xold)**2 + (ynew-yold)**2 ) if ( dist > 0.0 ) then ndash = int((dist/dshsiz)+1) if ( mod(ndash,4) /= 0 ) then ndash = ndash+(4-mod(ndash,4)) end if if ( ndash <= 3)ndash = 4 ! ! Desired pattern is: ! ! X0 - dash - blank - blank - dash - dash - blank - blank - dash - X1 ! do j = 1,ndash if ( mod(j,4) == 0.or.mod(j,4) == 1 ) then xxold = ( (ndash+1-j)*xold + (j-1)*xnew) / real(ndash) yyold = ( (ndash+1-j)*yold + (j-1)*ynew) / real(ndash) xxnew = ( (ndash-j)*xold + j*xnew) / real(ndash) yynew = ( (ndash-j)*yold + j*ynew) / real(ndash) call movcgm(xxold,yyold) call drwcgm(xxnew,yynew) end if end do end if end do return end subroutine element_check ( maxnpe, nelem, node, np, npe, xc, yc ) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ELEMENT_CHECK checks elements for correct orientation. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNPE, the maximum number of nodes per element. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! The number of elements. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(MAXNPE,MAXELM), or NODE(MAXNPE,NELEM). ! NODE contains, for each element, the global node numbers ! of its NPE nodes. ! ! For linear elements (NPE = 3), the order of the nodes probably ! doesn't matter, but we will draw them this way: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! / | ! / | ! 1-------3 ! ! For quadratic elements (NPE = 6), the nodes must be given in a ! particular order, which is as follows: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1---6---3 ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! XC Input, real XC(NP). ! The X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! YC Input, real YC(NP). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnpe integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! real area integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) itemp integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) j1 integer ( kind = 4 ) j2 integer ( kind = 4 ) nedge integer ( kind = 4 ) neg integer ( kind = 4 ) node(maxnpe,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) npe integer ( kind = 4 ) npos integer ( kind = 4 ) nzer real xc(np) real yc(np) ! neg = 0 npos = 0 nzer = 0 if ( npe == 3 ) then nedge = 3 else if ( npe == 4 ) then nedge = 4 else if ( npe == 6 ) then nedge = 3 end if do i = 1,nelem ! ! Compute the area; ! The area is not correct for 6 node triangles, nor for ! isoparametric elements. ! area = 0.0 do j = 1,nedge j1 = node(j,i) if ( j < nedge ) then j2 = node(j+1,i) else j2 = node(1,i) end if area = area+(yc(j1)+yc(j2))*(xc(j2)-xc(j1)) end do if ( area == 0.0 ) then nzer = nzer+1 if ( nzer < 10 ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'ELMCHK - Warning' write(*,*)' Element ',I,' has zero area.' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Nloc Nglob X(N), Y(N)' write(*,*)' ' do j = 1,npe write(*,'(2i6,2g14.6)')j,node(j,i),xc(node(j,i)),yc(node(j,i)) end do else if ( nzer == 10 ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'ELMCHK - Warning!' write(*,*)' This is the TENTH element with zero area.' write(*,*)' No more warnings will be printed.' end if ! ! Reverse the node ordering for elements with negative area. ! else if ( area < 0.0 ) then neg = neg+1 do j = 1,npe/2 itemp = node(j,i) node(j,i) = node(npe+1-j,i) node(npe+1-j,i) = itemp end do else npos = npos+1 end if end do if ( nzer > 0 ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'ELEMENT_CHECK - Warning!' write(*,*)' Elements with zero orientation = ',nzer write(*,*)' Do NOT plot this data!' else if ( neg > 0 ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'ELEMENT_CHECK - Note:' write(*,*)' Reoriented ',neg,' elements.' end if return end subroutine element_color ( eflag, etaref, isotri, maxnpe, nelem, node, np, & npe, xc, xsiref, yc ) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ELEMENT_COLOR colors in the elements. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! For isoparametric elements of higher than linear order, we ! generate extra points between the standard nodes, and ! approximate the curved elements by polygons. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, logical EFLAG(NELEM), flags elements to display. ! If EFLAG(I) is TRUE, then element I should be displayed. ! ! ETAREF Input, real ETAREF(MAXNPE). ! The ETA coordinates of the nodes of the reference ! triangle. ! ! ISOTRI Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) ISOTRI(NELEM). ! ! 0, if element I is not isoparametric. ! 1 or 2, if element I is isoparametric. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! The number of elements. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(MAXNPE,MAXELM), or NODE(MAXNPE,NELEM). ! NODE contains, for each element, the global node numbers ! of its NPE nodes. ! ! For linear elements (NPE = 3), the order of the nodes probably ! doesn't matter, but we will draw them this way: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! / | ! / | ! 1-------3 ! ! For quadratic elements (NPE = 6), the nodes must be given in a ! particular order, which is as follows: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1---6---3 ! ! NPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPE. ! NPE is the number of nodes per element, which should be ! 3 for linear elements and 6 for quadratics. ! ! ! XC Input, real XC(NP), the X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! XSIREF Input, real XSIREF(MAXNPE). ! The XSI coordinates of the nodes of the reference ! triangle. ! ! YC Input, real YC(NP), the Y coordinates of the nodes. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnpe integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! logical eflag(nelem) real etaref(maxnpe) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) iglobal integer ( kind = 4 ) ilocal integer ( kind = 4 ) isotri(nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) nod(6) integer ( kind = 4 ) node(maxnpe,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) npe integer ( kind = 4 ) npts real xc(np) real xpoly(6) real xsiref(maxnpe) real yc(np) real ypoly(6) ! ! NOD integer ( kind = 4 ) NOD(6), contains a list of the local node ! numbers, in the order that we want to visit them, while ! drawing the outline of the element. ! if ( npe == 3 ) then nod(1) = 1 nod(2) = 2 nod(3) = 3 else if ( npe == 4 ) then nod(1) = 1 nod(2) = 2 nod(3) = 3 nod(4) = 4 else if ( npe == 6 ) then nod(1) = 1 nod(2) = 4 nod(3) = 2 nod(4) = 5 nod(5) = 3 nod(6) = 6 end if npts = 6 do i = 1,nelem ielem = i ! ! If element is "visible": ! if ( eflag(i) ) then ! ! If element is 3 or 4 node, or non-isoparametric: ! if ( npe == 3.or.npe == 4.or.isotri(i) == 0 ) then do j = 1,npe ilocal = nod(j) iglobal = node(ilocal,i) xpoly(j) = xc(iglobal) ypoly(j) = yc(iglobal) end do call plygon(npe,xpoly,ypoly) ! ! If element is isoparametric: ! else do j = 1,npe ilocal = nod(j) xpoly(j) = xsiref(ilocal) ypoly(j) = etaref(ilocal) end do if ( npe == 6 ) then call isogn6(ypoly,ielem,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,npe,npts,xc,xpoly,yc) end if end if end if end do return end subroutine element_line ( eflag,etaref,isotri,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,npe, & xc,xsiref,yc) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ELEMENT_LINE draws the elements of the grid. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! For isoparametric elements of higher than linear order, we ! generate extra points between the standard nodes, and ! approximate the curved boundaries by a sequence of short ! straight lines. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, logical EFLAG(NELEM), flags elements to display. ! If EFLAG(I) is TRUE, then element I should be displayed. ! ! Input, real ETAREF(MAXNPE), the ETA coordinates of the nodes of the ! reference triangle. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) ISOTRI(NELEM). ! 0, if element I is not isoparametric. ! 1 or 2, if element I is isoparametric. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNPE, the maximum number of nodes per element. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(MAXNPE,MAXELM), or NODE(MAXNPE,NELEM). ! NODE contains, for each element, the global node numbers of nodes. ! For linear elements (NPE = 3), the order of the nodes probably ! doesn't matter, but we will draw them this way: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! / | ! / | ! 1-------3 ! ! For quadratic elements (NPE = 6), the nodes must be given in a ! particular order, which is as follows: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1---6---3 ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! NPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPE. ! NPE is the number of nodes per element, which should be ! 3 for linear elements and 6 for quadratics. ! ! XC Input, real XC(NP), the X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! XSIREF Input, real XSIREF(MAXNPE). ! The XSI coordinates of the nodes of the reference ! triangle. ! ! YC Input, real YC(NP), the Y coordinates of the nodes. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnpe integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! logical eflag(nelem) real etaref(maxnpe) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) iglobal integer ( kind = 4 ) ilocal integer ( kind = 4 ) isotri(nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) jglobal integer ( kind = 4 ) jlocal integer ( kind = 4 ) jp1 integer ( kind = 4 ) nod(6) integer ( kind = 4 ) node(maxnpe,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) npe real xc(np) real xi real xj real xsiref(maxnpe) real yc(np) real yi real yj ! ! NOD integer ( kind = 4 ) NOD(6), contains a list of the local node ! numbers, in the order that we want to visit them, while ! drawing the outline of the element. ! if ( npe == 3 ) then nod(1) = 1 nod(2) = 2 nod(3) = 3 else if ( npe == 4 ) then nod(1) = 1 nod(2) = 2 nod(3) = 3 nod(4) = 4 else if ( npe == 6 ) then nod(1) = 1 nod(2) = 4 nod(3) = 2 nod(4) = 5 nod(5) = 3 nod(6) = 6 end if do i = 1, nelem ! ! If element is "visible": ! if ( eflag(i) ) then ! ! If element is non-isoparametric: ! if ( npe == 3 .or. npe == 4 .or. isotri(i) == 0 ) then ilocal = nod(1) iglobal = node(ilocal,i) call movcgm(xc(iglobal),yc(iglobal)) do j = 1, npe if ( j < npe ) then jp1 = j+1 else jp1 = 1 end if jlocal = nod(jp1) jglobal = node(jlocal,i) call drwcgm(xc(jglobal),yc(jglobal)) end do ! ! If element is isoparametric: ! else ilocal = nod(1) xi = xsiref(ilocal) yi = etaref(ilocal) do j = 1,npe if ( j < npe ) then jp1 = j+1 else jp1 = 1 end if jlocal = nod(jp1) xj = xsiref(jlocal) yj = etaref(jlocal) ielem = i call isoln6(xi,yi,xj,yj,ielem,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,npe,xc,yc) xi = xj yi = yj end do end if end if end do return end subroutine element_visibility ( eflagu, nelem ) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ELEMENT_VISIBILITY allows the user to specify which elements are visible. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input/output, logical EFLAGU(NELEM). ! EFLAGU is used to "flag" which elements the user wants to see. ! If EFLAGU(I) is TRUE, then element I should be displayed. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem ! logical eflagu(nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ihi integer ( kind = 4 ) ilo integer ( kind = 4 ) itemp ! write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ELEMENT_VISIBILITY - Set visibility of elements.' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' First, we hide ALL elements.' write ( *, * ) ' ' eflagu(1:nelem) = .false. 10 continue write(*,*)' Enter a range of visible elements ELO, EHI,' write(*,*)' or 0, 0 to stop.' read(*,*,err = 20,end=20)ilo,ihi if ( ilo <= 0.or.ilo > nelem)return if ( ihi <= 0.or.ihi > nelem)return if ( ilo > ihi ) then itemp = ilo ilo = ihi ihi = itemp end if do i = ilo,ihi eflagu(i) = .true. end do go to 10 20 continue write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'VIZELM - Serious error!' write(*,*)' Error reading user input!' return end subroutine exdat ( eqn,isotri,maxelm,maxnp,maxnpe,maxny,maxpar, & maxsen,nelem,node,np,npar,nprof,nx,ny,p,para,ptar,u,utar,v, & vtar,xc,xprof,yc ) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! EXDAT sets up data that defines a simple example problem. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 11 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Output, character ( len = 2 ) EQN(3,NP). ! EQN records the "type" of each equation that will be generated, and ! which is associated with an unknown. Note that most boundary ! conditions do not result in an equation. The current values are: ! ! 'U' The horizontal momentum equation. ! 'UW' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! 'V' The vertical momentum equation. ! 'VW' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! 'P' The continuity equation. ! 'PB' The condition P = 0 applied at (XMAX,YMAX). ! ! ISOTRI Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) ISOTRI(NELEM). ! ! 0, if element I is not isoparametric. ! 1 or 2, if element I is isoparametric. ! ! MAXELM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXELM. ! The maximum number of elements which the program can ! handle. ! ! MAXNP Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNP, the maximum number of nodes. ! ! MAXNPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNPE. ! MAXNPE is the maximum number of nodes per element. ! ! MAXPAR Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXPAR. ! The maximum number of parameters the program can handle. ! ! NELEM Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! The number of elements. ! ! NODE Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(MAXNPE,MAXELM), or NODE(MAXNPE,NELEM). ! NODE contains, for each element, the global node numbers ! of its NPE nodes. ! ! For linear elements (NPE = 3), the order of the nodes probably ! doesn't matter, but we will draw them this way: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! / | ! / | ! 1-------3 ! ! For quadratic elements (NPE = 6), the nodes must be given in a ! particular order, which is as follows: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1---6---3 ! ! NP Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! NPAR Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPAR. ! The number of parameters. ! ! NPROF Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPROF(MY). ! Records the indices of the nodes that lie along the ! profile line. ! ! NX Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NX. ! Determines the number of nodes and elements in the X ! direction. There will be 2*NX-1 nodes, 2*NX-2 elements. ! ! NY Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NY. ! Determines the number of nodes and elements in the Y ! direction. There will be 2*NY-1 nodes, 2*NY-2 elements. ! ! P Output, real P(MAXNP,0:MAXPAR). ! ! P(I,0) is the pressure at node I. ! ! P(I,J) is the sensitivity of the pressure with respect ! to parameter J. ! ! PARA Output, real PARA(MAXPAR). ! The value of the parameters. ! ! PTAR Output, real PTAR(MAXNP) ! The pressure field associated with the target solution, at ! node I. ! ! U Output, real U(MAXNP,MAXPAR). ! ! U(I,0) is the horizontal fluid velocity at node I. ! ! U(I,J) is the sensitivity of the horizontal velocity with ! respect to parameter J. ! ! UTAR Output, real UTAR(MAXNP) ! The horizontal velocity field associated with the target ! solution, at node I. ! ! V Output, real V(MAXNP,MAXPAR). ! ! V(I,0) is the vertical fluid velocity at node I. ! ! V(I,J) is the sensitivity of the vertical velocity with ! respect to parameter J. ! ! VTAR Output, real VTAR(MAXNP) ! The vertical velocity field associated with the target ! solution, at node I. ! ! XC Output, real XC(MAXNP). ! The X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! XPROF Output, real XPROF. ! The X coordinate of the profile line. ! ! YC Output, real YC(MAXNP). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxelm integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnp integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnpe integer ( kind = 4 ) maxny integer ( kind = 4 ) maxpar integer ( kind = 4 ) maxsen ! character ( len = 2 ) eqn(3,maxnp) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ip integer ( kind = 4 ) isotri(maxelm) integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) k integer ( kind = 4 ) kk integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) node(maxnpe,maxelm) integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) npar integer ( kind = 4 ) nprof(2*maxny-1) integer ( kind = 4 ) nx integer ( kind = 4 ) ny real p(maxnp,0:maxsen) real para(maxpar) real ptar(maxnp) real u(maxnp,0:maxsen) real utar(maxnp) real v(maxnp,0:maxsen) real vtar(maxnp) real xc(maxnp) real xlen real xprof real yc(maxnp) real ylen ! nx = 5 ny = 4 nelem = 2*(nx-1)*(ny-1) np = (2*nx-1)*(2*ny-1) write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'ExDat - Setting up the sample problem.' write(*,*)' NX = ',nx write(*,*)' NY = ',ny write(*,*)' NP = ',np write(*,*)' NELEM = ',nelem xlen = 10.0 ylen = 3.0 k = 0 kk = 0 do i = 1,2*nx-1 do j = 1,2*ny-1 k = k+1 xc(k) = (i-1)*xlen/real(2*nx-2) yc(k) = (j-1)*ylen/real(2*ny-2) u(k,0) = 4.0*yc(k)*(ylen-yc(k))/(ylen*ylen) v(k,0) = 64.0*yc(k)*(ylen-yc(k))*(0.5*ylen-yc(k))/(ylen**3) p(k,0) = ylen-yc(k) utar(k) = u(k,0) vtar(k) = v(k,0) ptar(k) = p(k,0) if ( j == 1.or.j == 2*ny-1 ) then eqn(1,k) = 'UW' else eqn(1,k) = 'U' end if if ( j == 1.or.j == 2*ny-1 ) then eqn(2,k) = 'VW' else eqn(2,k) = 'V' end if if ( i /= 2*nx-1.or.j /= 2*ny-1 ) then eqn(3,k) = 'P' else eqn(3,k) = 'PB' end if if ( i == 4 ) then kk = kk+1 nprof(kk) = k xprof = xc(k) end if end do end do isotri(1:nelem) = 0 k = 0 do i = 1,2*nx-3,2 do j = 1,2*ny-3,2 ip = (i-1)*(2*ny-1)+j k = k+1 node(1,k) = ip node(2,k) = ip+2 node(3,k) = ip+2*(2*ny-1)+2 node(4,k) = ip+1 node(5,k) = ip+(2*ny-1)+2 node(6,k) = ip+(2*ny-1)+1 k = k+1 node(1,k) = ip node(2,k) = ip+2*(2*ny-1)+2 node(3,k) = ip+2*(2*ny-1) node(4,k) = ip+(2*ny-1)+1 node(5,k) = ip+2*(2*ny-1)+1 node(6,k) = ip+(2*ny-1) end do end do npar = 1 para(1) = 17.0 return end subroutine fegrad ( dudxn,dudyn,isotri,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,npe,u,xc,yc) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! FEGRAD is given a finite element mesh, and the value of a quantity ! U at each finite element node. It seeks an approximation to the ! partial derivatives dUdX and dUdY at each such node. However, ! the finite element representation of U is only continuous, not ! continously differentiable, at the nodes, which lie on the element ! boundaries. Therefore, the value of dUdX and dUdY depends on which ! element the node is assumed to lie in. ! ! For each node, FEGRAD evaluates dUdX and dUdY in every element ! that contains the node, and then averages the results, to give a ! reasonable estimate for the value of the derivatives. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! DUDXN Output, DOUBLE PRECISION DUDXN(NP), an estimate for the ! partial derivative dUdX at each node. ! ! DUDXY Output, DOUBLE PRECISION DUDXY(NP), an estimate for the ! partial derivative dUdY at each node. ! ! ISOTRI Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ISOTRI(MAXELM). ! ! 0, if element I is not isoparametric. ! 1 or 2, if element I is isoparametric. ! ! MAXNPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNPE. ! MAXNPE is the maximum number of nodes per element. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! The number of elements. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(MAXELM,MAXNPE), or NODE(MAXELM,NPE). ! NODE contains, for each element, the global node numbers ! of its NPE nodes. ! ! For linear elements (NPE = 3), the order of the nodes probably ! doesn't matter, but we will draw them this way: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! / | ! / | ! 1-------3 ! ! For quadratic elements (NPE = 6), the nodes must be given in a ! particular order, which is as follows: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1---6---3 ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! NPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPE. ! NPE is the number of nodes per element, which should be ! 3 for linear elements and 6 for quadratics. ! ! U Input, real U(MAXNP). ! U(I) is the value of the quantity U at node I. ! ! XC Input, real XC(MAXNP). ! XC contains the X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! YC Input, real YC(MAXNP). ! YC contains the Y coordinates of the nodes. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnx integer ( kind = 4 ) maxny ! parameter (maxnx = 81) parameter (maxny = 25) ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnp parameter (maxnp = (2*maxnx-1)*(2*maxny-1)) ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnpe integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! real det real detadx real detady real dudx real dudxn(np) real dudy real dudyn(np) real dwdx real dwdy real dxdeta real dxdxsi real dxsidx real dxsidy real dydeta real dydxsi real eta real etan(6) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) ip integer ( kind = 4 ) iq integer ( kind = 4 ) isotri(nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) jp integer ( kind = 4 ) jq integer ( kind = 4 ) node(maxnpe,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) npe integer ( kind = 4 ) numel(maxnp) real u(np) real w real xc(np) real xq real xsi real xsin(6) real yc(np) real yq ! if ( np > maxnp ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'FEGRAD - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' NP exceeds MAXNP.' write(*,*)' NP = ',np write(*,*)' MAXNP = ',maxnp stop end if if ( npe == 3 ) then etan(1) = 0.0 etan(2) = 1.0 etan(3) = 0.0 xsin(1) = 0.0 xsin(2) = 1.0 xsin(3) = 1.0 else if ( npe == 6 ) then etan(1) = 0.0 etan(2) = 1.0 etan(3) = 0.0 etan(4) = 0.5 etan(5) = 0.5 etan(6) = 0.0 xsin(1) = 0.0 xsin(2) = 1.0 xsin(3) = 1.0 xsin(4) = 0.5 xsin(5) = 1.0 xsin(6) = 0.5 end if ! ! Estimate dUdX and dUdY at each node. ! ! We have a problem, because these quantities are not continuously ! defined in all directions at nodes, which lie on the border between ! two or more elements. ! ! In order to assign some reasonable value to these quantities, ! we look at each node, count the number of elements in which it ! lies, evaluate the quantity within each element, and average the ! result. ! do i = 1,np numel(i) = 0 dudxn(i) = 0.0 dudyn(i) = 0.0 end do ! ! Loop over all the elements. ! do ielem = 1,nelem ! ! At each node in the element, estimate dUdX and dUdY. ! do iq = 1,npe ip = node(iq,ielem) xq = xc(ip) yq = yc(ip) eta = etan(iq) xsi = xsin(iq) if ( isotri(ielem) /= 0 ) then if ( npe == 3 ) then call tranl3(det,detadx,detady,dxdeta,dxdxsi,dxsidx,dxsidy, & dydeta,dydxsi,eta,ielem,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,npe,xc, & xsi,yc) else if ( npe == 4 ) then call tranl4(det,detadx,detady,dxdeta,dxdxsi,dxsidx,dxsidy, & dydeta,dydxsi,eta,ielem,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,npe,xc, & xsi,yc) else if ( npe == 6 ) then call tranq6(det,detadx,detady,dxdeta,dxdxsi,dxsidx,dxsidy, & dydeta,dydxsi,eta,ielem,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,npe,xc, & xsi,yc) end if end if ! ! Compute dUdX and dUdY by summing over the weighted derivatives of the ! local finite element basis functions. Here, we use the fact that the ! value of U at node JQ is the coefficient of the finite element basis ! function associated with that node. ! dudx = 0.0 dudy = 0.0 do jq = 1,npe jp = node(jq,ielem) if ( isotri(ielem) == 0 ) then if ( npe == 3 ) then call bfl ( ielem,jq,w,dwdx,dwdy,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,xc,xq,yc,yq) else if ( npe == 6 ) then call bfq ( ielem,jq,w,dwdx,dwdy,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,xc,xq,yc,yq) end if else if ( npe == 3 ) then call bfrefl(w,dwdx,dwdy,detadx,detady,dxsidx,dxsidy,eta,jq,xsi) else if ( npe == 6 ) then call bfrefq(w,dwdx,dwdy,detadx,detady,dxsidx,dxsidy,eta,jq,xsi) end if end if dudx = dudx+u(jp)*dwdx dudy = dudy+u(jp)*dwdy end do ! ! Add the estimates for dUdX and dUdY to the running total. ! Count how many estimates we have made at each node, ! so that we can average them later. ! dudxn(ip) = dudxn(ip)+dudx dudyn(ip) = dudyn(ip)+dudy numel(ip) = numel(ip)+1 end do end do ! ! Take the average value of the quantities over all the ! different elements along whose boundaries they are defined. ! do i = 1,np if ( numel(i) == 0 ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'FEGRAD - Warning!' write(*,*)' Node ',i,' occurs in no element!' else dudxn(i) = dudxn(i)/real(numel(i)) dudyn(i) = dudyn(i)/real(numel(i)) end if end do return end subroutine file_column_count ( file_name, ncolumn ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! FILE_COLUMN_COUNT counts the number of columns in the first line of a file. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The file is assumed to be a simple text file. ! ! Most lines of the file is presumed to consist of NCOLUMN words, separated ! by spaces. There may also be some blank lines, and some comment lines, ! which have a "#" in column 1. ! ! The routine tries to find the first non-comment non-blank line and ! counts the number of words in that line. ! ! If all lines are blanks or comments, it goes back and tries to analyze ! a comment line. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 June 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, character ( len = * ) FILE_NAME, the name of the file. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCOLUMN, the number of columns assumed to be in the file. ! implicit none ! character ( len = * ) file_name logical got_one integer ( kind = 4 ) ios integer ( kind = 4 ) iunit character ( len = 256 ) line integer ( kind = 4 ) ncolumn ! ! Open the file. ! call get_unit ( iunit ) open ( unit = iunit, file = file_name, status = 'old', form = 'formatted', & access = 'sequential', iostat = ios ) if ( ios /= 0 ) then ncolumn = - 1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'FILE_COLUMN_COUNT - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Could not open the file:' write ( *, '(4x,a)' ) '"' // trim ( file_name ) // '".' return end if ! ! Read one line, but skip blank lines and comment lines. ! got_one = .false. do read ( iunit, '(a)', iostat = ios ) line if ( ios /= 0 ) then exit end if if ( len_trim ( line ) == 0 ) then cycle end if if ( line(1:1) == '#' ) then cycle end if got_one = .true. exit end do if ( .not. got_one ) then rewind ( iunit ) do read ( iunit, '(a)', iostat = ios ) line if ( ios /= 0 ) then exit end if if ( len_trim ( line ) == 0 ) then cycle end if got_one = .true. exit end do end if close ( unit = iunit ) if ( .not. got_one ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'FILE_COLUMN_COUNT - Warning!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' The file does not seem to contain any data.' ncolumn = 0 return end if call word_count ( line, ncolumn ) return end subroutine file_line_count ( file_name, nline ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! FILE_LINE_COUNT counts the number of lines in a file. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The file is assumed to be a simple text file. ! ! Blank lines and comment lines, which begin with '#', are not counted. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 June 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, character ( len = * ) FILE_NAME, the name of the file. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NLINE, the number of lines found in the file. ! If the file could not be opened, then NLINE is returned as -1. ! implicit none ! character ( len = * ) file_name integer ( kind = 4 ) ios integer ( kind = 4 ) iunit character ( len = 256 ) line integer ( kind = 4 ) nline logical, parameter :: verbose = .false. ! nline = 0 ! ! Open the file. ! call get_unit ( iunit ) open ( unit = iunit, file = file_name, status = 'old', form = 'formatted', & access = 'sequential', iostat = ios ) if ( ios /= 0 ) then nline = - 1 if ( verbose ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'FILE_LINE_COUNT - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Could not open the file:' write ( *, '(4x,a)' ) '"' // trim ( file_name ) // '".' end if return end if ! ! Count the lines. ! do read ( iunit, '(a)', iostat = ios ) line if ( ios /= 0 ) then exit end if if ( len_trim ( line ) == 0 ) then cycle end if if ( line(1:1) == '#' ) then cycle end if nline = nline + 1 end do close ( unit = iunit ) return end subroutine fillin ( narray,x1,x2,xarray) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! FILLIN fills XARRAY with a set of values that vary linearly ! between X1 and X2. ! ! Normally, XARRAY will include the endpoints X1 and X2. Thus, to ! generate the points 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, ..., 0.9, 1.0, you would ! pass ! ! X1 = 0.0, X2=1.0, NARRAY=11. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! NARRAY Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NARRAY, the number of points to generate. ! If NARRAY = 1, then XARRAY(1)=0.5*(X1+X2). ! ! X1, ! X2 Input, real X1, X2, the endpoints of the list of values. ! ! XARRAY Output, real XARRAY(NARRAY), evenly spaced values with ! XARRAY(1) = X1 and XARRAY(NARRAY)=X2. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) narray ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i real x1 real x2 real xarray(narray) ! if ( narray <= 0 ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'FillIn - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' NARRAY is not positive!' stop else if ( narray == 1 ) then xarray(1) = 0.5*(x1+x2) else xarray(1) = x1 do i = 2,narray-1 xarray(i) = ((narray-i)*x1+(i-1)*x2)/real(narray-1) end do xarray(narray) = x2 end if return end subroutine fillin2 ( nfill,np1,x1,x2) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! FILLIN2 accepts an array X1 of NP1 points, and computes a new ! array X2, which includes all the points X1, plus NFILL new ! points between each pair, with NFILL more points after the last ! entry. The inserted points are linearly interpolated. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! NFILL Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NFILL, the number of fillin points to ! insert between every pair of points. ! ! NP1 Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP1, the number of data points in the ! input vector X1. ! ! X1 Input, real X1(NP1), the data, between which fillin ! points are to be inserted. ! ! X2 Output, real X2((NFILL+1)*NP1), the X1 data, with ! linearly interpolated fillin points. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) nfill integer ( kind = 4 ) np1 ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) np2 real x1(np1) real x2((nfill+1)*np1) real xhi real xlo ! if ( np1 <= 0 ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'FILLIN2 - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' NP1 is not positive!' stop else np2 = 0 do i = 1,np1 xlo = x1(i) if ( i < np1 ) then xhi = x1(i+1) else xhi = x1(1) end if do j = 0,nfill np2 = np2+1 x2(np2) = ((nfill+1-j)*xlo+j*xhi)/real(nfill+1) end do end do end if return end subroutine flushl ( string ) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! FLUSHL flushes a string left. ! ! For instance: ! ! Input Output ! ! ' Hello' 'Hello ' ! ' Hi there! ' 'Hi there! ' ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! STRING Input/output, character ( len = * ) STRING. ! ! On input, STRING is a string of characters. ! ! On output, any initial blank characters in STRING ! have been cut, and pasted back onto the end. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) lchar integer ( kind = 4 ) nonb character null character ( len = * ) string ! ! ! Check the length of the string to the last nonblank. ! If nonpositive, return. ! lchar = len_trim ( string ) if ( lchar <= 0)return null = char(0) ! ! Find the occurrence of the first nonblank. ! do i = 1,lchar nonb = i if ( string(i:i) /= ' '.and. string(i:i) /= null)go to 10 end do return 10 continue ! ! Shift the string left. ! do i = 1,lchar+1-nonb string(i:i) = string(i+nonb-1:i+nonb-1) end do ! ! Blank out the end of the string. ! do i = lchar-nonb+2,lchar string(i:i) = ' ' end do return end subroutine fsize ( nflag,np,r,rtmax,rtmin,rvmax,rvmin) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! FSIZE computes the maximum and minimum entries of a real array ! defined at the nodes. Only "flagged" values are considered. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! NFLAG Input, logical NFLAG(NP). ! ! NFLAG is used to "flag" which nodes are visible. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! R Input, real R(NP), the real array to be examined. ! ! RTMAX, ! RTMIN Output, real RTMAX, RTMIN, the maximum and minimum values ! encountered in R. ! ! RVMAX, ! RVMIN Output, real RVMAX, RVMIN, the maximum and minimum values ! of R at visible nodes. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i logical nflag(np) real r(np) real rtmax real rtmin real rvmax real rvmin logical startrt logical startrv ! startrt = .false. rtmax = 0.0 rtmin = 0.0 startrv = .false. rvmax = 0.0 rvmin = 0.0 do i = 1,np if ( startrt ) then rtmin = min(rtmin,r(i)) rtmax = max(rtmax,r(i)) else startrt = .true. rtmin = r(i) rtmax = r(i) end if if ( nflag(i) ) then if ( startrv ) then rvmin = min(rvmin,r(i)) rvmax = max(rvmax,r(i)) else startrv = .true. rvmin = r(i) rvmax = r(i) end if end if end do return end subroutine get_inc ( ielem,jloc,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,npe,rho,sinc,u,v,xc,yc) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GET_INC is used by STREAM, to compute SINC, the stream function ! increment in moving from local node JLOC to local node JLOC+1 in ! element IELEM. ! ! Question: What do you mean by KLOC, since it's not an argument? ! ! Here is a picture of a linear triangular element (NPE = 3): ! ! A ! | 2 ! | /| ! E | / | ! T | / | ! A | / | ! | / | ! | 1-----3 ! | ! +-----------> ! XSI ! ! and here is a picture of a linear rectangular element (NPE = 4): ! ! A ! | ! E | ! T | 2-----3 ! A | | | ! | | | ! | 1-----4 ! | ! +-----------> ! XSI ! ! and here is a picture of a quadratic element (NPE = 6): ! ! A ! | 2 ! | /| ! E | / | ! T | 4 5 ! A | / | ! | / | ! | 1--6--3 ! | ! +-----------> ! XSI ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! IELEM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IELEM, the element we are examining. ! ! JLOC Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) JLOC, the local node number of interest. ! ! MAXNPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNPE. ! MAXNPE is the maximum number of nodes per element. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! The number of elements. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(MAXNPE,MAXELM), or NODE(MAXNPE,NELEM). ! NODE contains, for each element, the global node numbers ! of its NPE nodes. ! ! For linear elements (NPE = 3), the order of the nodes probably ! doesn't matter, but we will draw them this way: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! / | ! / | ! 1-------3 ! ! For quadratic elements (NPE = 6), the nodes must be given in a ! particular order, which is as follows: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1---6---3 ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! NPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPE. ! NPE is the number of nodes per element, which should be ! 3 for linear elements and 6 for quadratics. ! ! SINC Output, real SINC, the increment in the stream function. ! ! U, ! V Input, real U(NP), V(NP), the horizontal and vertical ! velocities at each node. ! ! XC Input, real XC(NP). ! The X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! YC Input, real YC(NP). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) ngauss ! parameter (ngauss = 3) ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnpe integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! real dels real det real detads real detadx real detady real dxdeta real dxdxsi real dxsids real dxsidx real dxsidy real dydeta real dydxsi real eta integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) igauss integer ( kind = 4 ) jloc integer ( kind = 4 ) node(maxnpe,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) npe real rho(np) real rhoval real sinc real u(np) real uval real v(np) real vval real wq(ngauss) real xc(np) real xq(ngauss) real xsi real yc(np) ! ! Get the Gauss weights and abscissas for the interval [-1,1]. ! xq(1) = -0.77459666 xq(2) = 0.0 xq(3) = 0.77459666 wq(1) = 5.0/9.0 wq(2) = 8.0/9.0 wq(3) = 5.0/9.0 ! ! Compute the line integral along one side of the element. ! sinc = 0.0 do igauss = 1,3 if ( npe == 3 ) then if ( jloc == 1 ) then xsi = (xq(igauss)+1.0)/4.0 eta = (xq(igauss)+1.0)/4.0 dxsids = sqrt(2.0)/2.0 detads = sqrt(2.0)/2.0 dels = sqrt(2.0)/2.0 else if ( jloc == 2 ) then xsi = 1.0 eta = (xq(igauss)+3.0)/4.0 dxsids = 0.0 detads = -1.0 dels = 0.5 else if ( jloc == 3 ) then xsi = (xq(igauss)+3.0)/4.0 eta = 0.0 dxsids = -1.0 detads = 0.0 dels = 0.5 end if call tranl3(det,detadx,detady,dxdeta,dxdxsi,dxsidx,dxsidy, & dydeta,dydxsi,eta,ielem,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,npe,xc,xsi,yc) else if ( npe == 4 ) then if ( jloc == 1 ) then xsi = 0.0 eta = (xq(igauss)+1.0)/2.0 dxsids = 0.0 detads = 1.0 dels = 1.0 else if ( jloc == 2 ) then xsi = (xq(igauss)+1.0)/2.0 eta = 1.0 dxsids = 1.0 detads = 0.0 dels = 1.0 else if ( jloc == 3 ) then xsi = 1.0 eta = (1.0-xq(igauss))/2.0 dxsids = 0.0 detads = -1.0 dels = 1.0 else if ( jloc == 4 ) then xsi = (1.0-xq(igauss))/2.0 eta = 0.0 dxsids = 0.0 detads = -1.0 dels = 1.0 end if call tranl4(det,detadx,detady,dxdeta,dxdxsi,dxsidx,dxsidy, & dydeta,dydxsi,eta,ielem,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,npe,xc,xsi,yc) else if ( npe == 6 ) then if ( jloc == 1 ) then xsi = (xq(igauss)+1.0)/4.0 eta = (xq(igauss)+1.0)/4.0 dxsids = sqrt(2.0)/2.0 detads = sqrt(2.0)/2.0 dels = sqrt(2.0)/2.0 else if ( jloc == 4 ) then xsi = (xq(igauss)+3.0)/4.0 eta = (xq(igauss)+3.0)/4.0 dxsids = sqrt(2.0)/2.0 detads = sqrt(2.0)/2.0 dels = sqrt(2.0)/2.0 else if ( jloc == 2 ) then xsi = 1.0 eta = (xq(igauss)+3.0)/4.0 dxsids = 0.0 detads = -1.0 dels = 0.5 else if ( jloc == 5 ) then xsi = 1.0 eta = (xq(igauss)+1.0)/4.0 dxsids = 0.0 detads = -1.0 dels = 0.5 else if ( jloc == 3 ) then xsi = (xq(igauss)+3.0)/4.0 eta = 0.0 dxsids = -1.0 detads = 0.0 dels = 0.5 else if ( jloc == 6 ) then xsi = (xq(igauss)+1.0)/4.0 eta = 0.0 dxsids = -1.0 detads = 0.0 dels = 0.5 end if call tranq6(det,detadx,detady,dxdeta,dxdxsi,dxsidx,dxsidy, & dydeta,dydxsi,eta,ielem,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,npe,xc,xsi,yc) end if ! ! Evaluate U and V at the Gauss point. ! call ueval(detadx,detady,dxsidx,dxsidy,eta,ielem, & maxnpe,nelem,node,np,npe,rho,rhoval,u,uval,v,vval,xsi) ! ! Compute the contribution to the increment. ! sinc = sinc+0.5*dels*wq(igauss)*rhoval & *((-vval*dxdxsi+uval*dydxsi)*dxsids & +(-vval*dxdeta+uval*dydeta)*detads ) end do return end subroutine get_map3 ( a,b,c,f,x,y ) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GET_MAP3 computes the mapping coefficients defined by the nodes ! of a linear isoparametric element. ! ! The resulting interpolating mapping has the form: ! ! F(X,Y) = A*X + B*Y + C ! ! which is taken to hold only in the given element. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! A, ! B, ! C Output, real A, B, C, the mapping coefficients ! defined by the nodes. ! ! F Input, real F(3), the value of the function to be interpolated, ! at each of the three nodes. ! ! X Input, real X(3), the X coordinates of the three nodes ! of a linear isoparametric element, given in the standard ! order. ! ! Y Input, real Y(3), the Y coordinates of the three nodes ! of a linear isoparametric element, given in the standard ! order. ! real a real b real c real denom real f(3) real x(3) real y(3) ! denom = -x(2)*x(3)+x(3)*y(2)-x(3)*y(1)+x(1)*y(3)-x(1)*y(2)+x(2)*y(1) a = ( f(1)*(y(3)-y(2))+f(2)*(y(1)-y(3))+f(3)*(y(2)-y(1)) )/denom b = ( f(1)*(x(3)-x(2))+f(2)*(x(1)-x(3))+f(3)*(x(2)-x(1)) )/denom c = ( f(1)*(x(2)*y(3)-x(3)*y(2))+f(2)*(x(3)*y(1)-x(1)*y(3)) & +f(3)*(x(1)*y(2)-x(2)*y(1)) )/denom return end subroutine get_map6 ( a,b,c,d,e,f,x ) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GET_MAP6 computes the mapping coefficients defined by the nodes ! of a quadratic isoparametric element. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! A, ! B, ! C, ! D, ! E, ! F Output, real A, B, C, D, E, F, the mapping coefficients ! defined by the nodes. ! ! X Input, real X(6), the X (or Y) coordinates of the six nodes ! of a quadratic isoparametric element, given in the standard ! order. ! real a real b real c real d real e real f real x(6) ! a = 2.0*x(1)+2.0*x(3)-4.0*x(6) b = -4.0*x(3)-4.0*x(4)+4.0*x(5)+4.0*x(6) c = 2.0*x(2)+2.0*x(3)-4.0*x(5) d = -3.0*x(1) - x(3)+4.0*x(6) e = -x(2)+ x(3)+4.0*x(4)-4.0*x(6) f = x(1) return end subroutine get_tab ( dev,echo,filgrf,grace,icmax,icmin,ierror,iplot,itable,ovrlay) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GET_TAB gets the color table choice from the user. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! DEV Input, character*10 DEV. ! The graphics output device to be used. Current legal ! values for DEV include: ! ! cgmb - CGM binary file. ! ps - PostScript file. ! xws - X window screen (interactive). ! ! FILGRF Input, character ( len = 80 ) FILGRF, the name of the output ! graphics file. ! ! Input, real GRACE. ! The size of the "grace" margin on the plot. ! ! ICMAX, ! ICMIN Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ICMAX, ICMIN, the maximum and minimum color ! indices to use in color contour graphics. ! ! IERROR Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IERROR, error flag. ! 0, no error occurred. ! nonzero, an error occurred. ! ! IPLOT Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPLOT. ! The number of plots made so far. ! ! ITABLE Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) ITABLE, the desired color table. ! ! 1: low black to high white ! 2: low blue to high yellow ! 3: low red, high blue, with bands between. ! 4: low red, yellow, green, blue, high white. ! 5: low white, blue, green, yellow, high red. ! 6: low blue to high red ! 7: linear table between 2 user colors. ! 8: linear table between N user colors. ! 9: low white to high black. ! ! OVRLAY Input, logical OVRLAY. ! If OVRLAY is true, then the next time that a plot is ! requested, a "new frame" command is suppressed, so that ! the new plot is shown on top of the previous one. ! character ( len = 10 ) dev logical echo character ( len = 80 ) filcol character ( len = 80 ) filgrf real grace integer ( kind = 4 ) icmax integer ( kind = 4 ) icmin integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) iplot integer ( kind = 4 ) itable logical ovrlay real x1max real x1min real y1max real y1min ! if ( itable == 0 ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'GETTAB - Input request:' write(*,*)' Enter name of color table file.' read(*,'(a)',err = 90,end=90)filcol write(17,'(a)')filcol if ( echo ) then write(*,'(a)')filcol end if call getctb(icmin,icmax,filcol,ierror) end if call preplt(dev,echo,filgrf,icmax,icmin,iplot,itable,ovrlay) call settab(echo,icmax,icmin,itable) if ( dev == 'xws' ) then call cbox(grace) call setwcd(x1min,y1min,x1max,y1max,ierror) call buzz ( dev, x1min, x1max, y1min, y1max ) end if return 90 continue write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'GetTab - Error' ierror = 1 return end subroutine get_unit ( iunit ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! GET_UNIT returns a free FORTRAN unit number. ! ! Discussion: ! ! A "free" FORTRAN unit number is an integer between 1 and 99 which ! is not currently associated with an I/O device. A free FORTRAN unit ! number is needed in order to open a file with the OPEN command. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 02 March 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IUNIT. ! ! If IUNIT = 0, then no free FORTRAN unit could be found, although ! all 99 units were checked (except for units 5 and 6). ! ! Otherwise, IUNIT is an integer between 1 and 99, representing a ! free FORTRAN unit. Note that GET_UNIT assumes that units 5 and 6 ! are special, and will never return those values. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ios integer ( kind = 4 ) iunit logical lopen iunit = 0 do i = 1, 99 if ( i /= 5 .and. i /= 6 ) then inquire ( unit = i, opened = lopen, iostat = ios ) if ( ios == 0 ) then if ( .not. lopen ) then iunit = i return end if end if end if end do return end subroutine get_win ( echo,grace,srange,xmax,xmin,x1max,x1min,x2max, & x2min,xsmax,xsmin,ymax,ymin,y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GET_WIN responds to the "W" command by telling the user ! the current window, and getting the new value from the ! user. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real GRACE. ! The size of the "grace" margin on the plot. ! ! SRANGE Output, real SRANGE. ! The maximum of XSMAX-XSMIN and YSMAX-YSMIN. ! This gives the size of a square containing the data ! window. ! ! XMAX Input, real XMAX. ! The maximum X coordinate of all the nodes. ! The maximum entry in the XC array. ! ! XMIN Input, real XMIN. ! The minimum X coordinate of all the nodes. ! The minimum entry in the XC array. ! ! X1MAX, ! X1MIN Input/output, real X1MAX, X1MIN, the maximum and minimum X ! coordinates of the plot, which includes a small grace margin. ! ! X2MAX, ! X2MIN Input/output, real X2MAX, X2MIN, the maximum and minimum X ! coordinates that should be used for plotting. No plotting ! commands should exceed these values. This is where the ! "frame" might be drawn. ! ! XSMAX Input/output, real XSMAX. ! The maximum X coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! XSMAX defaults to XMAX, but can be made smaller to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! XSMIN Input/output, real XSMIN. ! The minimum X coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! XSMIN defaults to XMIN, but can be made larger to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! Y1MAX, ! Y1MIN Input/output, real Y1MAX, Y1MIN, the maximum and minimum Y ! coordinates of the plot, which includes a small grace margin. ! ! Y2MAX, ! Y2MIN Input/output, real Y2MAX, Y2MIN, the maximum and minimum Y ! coordinates that should be used for plotting. No plotting commands ! should exceed these values. This is where the "frame" might be ! drawn. ! ! YMAX Input, real YMAX. ! The maximum Y coordinate of all the nodes. ! The maximum value attained by the YC array. ! ! YMIN Input, real YMIN. ! The minimum Y coordinate of all the nodes. ! The minimum value attained by the YC array. ! ! YSMAX Input/output, real YSMAX. ! The maximum Y coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! YSMAX defaults to YMAX, but can be made smaller to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! YSMIN Input/output, real YSMIN. ! The minimum Y coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! YSMIN defaults to YMIN, but can be made larger to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! logical echo real grace real srange real x1max real x1min real x2max real x2min real xmax real xmin real xsmax real xsmin real y1max real y1min real y2max real y2min real ymax real ymin real ysmax real ysmin ! 10 continue write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'GetWin:' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' Total picture coordinates:' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)x1min,' X1MIN < = X <= X1MAX ',x1max write(*,*)y1min,' Y1MIN < = Y <= Y1MAX ',y1max write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' Graphing area coordinates:' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)x2min,' X2MIN < = X <= X2MAX ',x2max write(*,*)y2min,' Y2MIN < = Y <= Y2MAX ',y2max write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' Displayed data coordinates:' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)xsmin,' XSMIN < = X <= XSMAX ',xsmax write(*,*)ysmin,' YSMIN < = Y <= YSMAX',ysmax write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' Data coordinates:' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)xmin,' < = X <= ',xmax write(*,*)ymin,' < = Y <= ',ymax write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' Enter new displayed data coordinates for X and Y:' write(*,*)' Use the order Xsmin, Xsmax, Ysmin, Ysmax:' read(*,*,err = 20,end=20)xsmin,xsmax,ysmin,ysmax write(17,*)xsmin,xsmax,ysmin,ysmax if ( echo ) then write(*,*)xsmin,xsmax,ysmin,ysmax end if ! ! Compute box containing data. ! call pltbox(grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax,xsmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) return 20 continue write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'GETWIN - Warning!' write(*,*)' Your input was not acceptable!' write(*,*)' Please try again!' write(*,*)' ' go to 10 end subroutine gquad ( wq, xq ) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GQUAD returns the weights and abscissas for a 1 dimensional, ! 3 point Gauss quadrature rule defined on the interval [-1,1]. ! ! The integral of a function F(X) over the interval [-1,1] ! ! Integral (-1 to 1) F(X) DX ! ! may then be approximated by ! ! Sum (I = 1 to 3) WQ(I) * F(XQ(I)) ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! WQ Output, real WQ(3). ! WQ(I) is the weight factor corresponding to the ! I-th quadrature point. ! ! XQ Output, real XQ(3). ! XQ(I) is the I-th quadrature point. ! real wq(3) real xq(3) ! xq(1) = -0.77459666 xq(2) = 0.0 xq(3) = 0.77459666 wq(1) = 5.0/9.0 wq(2) = 8.0/9.0 wq(3) = 5.0/9.0 return end subroutine graph ( arrow, cp, delx, dely, dev, dudxn, dudyn, dvdxn, dvdyn, & echo,eflag, & eflagu,etaref,filgrf,filtyp,icmax,icmin,icolor,icomp,iplot,isotri, & itable,iwork1,iwork2,jbound,jcmax,jcmin,lbar,line,maxbou,maxnp,maxnpe, & maxobj,maxsen,nbound,ncon,nelem,nflag,nflag0,node,np,npe, & nxskip,ny,nyskip,object,ovrlay,p,rho,rmach,s,s2,scalee,scalen,scalev, & show,smax,smin,srange,t,title,title2,u,v,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xc,xprof, & xsiref,xsmax,xsmin,y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,yc,ysmax,ysmin) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GRAPH draws the graph. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real DELX, the X spacing between nodes. In some cases, ! this spacing is modified to create isoparametric elements. ! ! Input, real DELY, the Y spacing between nodes. In some cases, ! this spacing is modified to create isoparametric elements. ! ! DEV Input, character*10 DEV. ! The graphics output device to be used. Current legal ! values for DEV include: ! ! cgmb - CGM binary file. ! ps - PostScript file. ! xws - X window screen (interactive). ! ! EFLAG Input, logical EFLAG(NELEM). ! EFLAG is used to "flag" which elements are to be displayed. ! If EFLAG(I) is TRUE, then element I should be displayed. ! ! EFLAGU Input, logical EFLAGU(NELEM), allows the user to mark ! certain elements not to be displayed. ! ! ETAREF Input, real ETAREF(NPE). ! The ETA coordinates of the nodes of the reference ! triangle. ! ! FILGRF Input, character ( len = 80 ) FILGRF, the name of the output ! graphics file. ! ! ICMAX, ! ICMIN Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ICMAX, ICMIN, the maximum and minimum color ! indices to use in color contour graphics. ! ! ICOLOR Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ICOLOR(MAXOBJ). ! ICOLOR contains the color index for each object. ! ! ICOMP Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ICOMP. ! The component of the flow to be studied. ! ! ICOMP = 0 studies the basic flow. ! ICOMP = I studies the sensitivity with respect to ! parameter I. ! ! IPLOT Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPLOT. ! The number of plots made so far. ! ! ISOTRI Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ISOTRI(NELEM). ! ! 0, if element I is not isoparametric. ! 1 or 2, if element I is isoparametric. ! ! ITABLE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ITABLE, the desired color table. ! ! 1: low black to high white ! 2: low blue to high yellow ! 3: low red, high blue, with bands between. ! 4: low red, yellow, green, blue, high white. ! 5: low white, blue, green, yellow, high red. ! 6: low blue to high red ! 7: linear table between 2 user colors. ! 8: linear table between N user colors. ! 9: low white to high black. ! ! IWORK1 Workspace, integer IWORK1(NELEM). ! ! IWORK2 Workspace, integer IWORK2(NP). ! ! JBOUND Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) JBOUND(5,MAXBOU) ! ! For each line segment of the boundary: ! ! JBOUND(1,I) contains the element number; ! ! JBOUND(2,I) contains the local node number of one corner ! of the element, which forms the edge; ! ! JBOUND(2,I) contains the "next" node along the edge. ! If the element is linear, this is the other corner node. ! If the element is quadratic, this is the midside node along ! the edge. ! ! JBOUND(4,I) contains the "next" node along the edge. ! If the element is linear, this is 0. ! If the element is quadratic, this is the other corner node ! along the edge. ! ! JBOUND(5,I) contains: ! 0 if the boundary is a wall (U = V=0); ! 1 if the boundary is open. ! ! JCMAX, ! JCMIN Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) JCMAX, JCMIN, the maximum and minimum color ! indices to use for contours. ! ! LBAR Input, logical LBAR, .TRUE. if the color bar may be drawn, ! .FALSE. if it should not be drawn. ! ! MAXBOU Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXBOU. ! The amount of storage available for the IBOUND array. ! ! MAXNP Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNP, the maximum number of nodes. ! ! MAXNPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNPE. ! MAXNPE is the maximum number of nodes per element. ! ! MAXOBJ Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXOBJ. ! The number of graphical "objects" including: ! ! MAXPAR Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXPAR, the maximum number of parameters. ! ! NBOUND Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NBOUND. ! The number of points (XBOUND(I),YBOUND(I)) used to ! define the boundary. ! ! NCON Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCON, the number of contours to draw. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! Input, logical NFLAG(MAXNP), flags nodes which are active, ! that is, to be displayed, and which not, in the graph. ! ! Input, logical NFLAG0(MAXNP), a user-defined node visibility flag. ! ! Local, logical NFLAG1(MAXNP), flags nodes which are within the ! current window of [XSMIN,XSMAX] by [YSMIN,YSMAX]. ! ! Local, logical NFLAG2(MAXNP), flags nodes which are element corner nodes. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(MAXNPE,MAXELM), or NODE(MAXNPE,NELEM). ! NODE contains, for each element, the global node numbers ! of its NPE nodes. ! ! For linear elements (NPE = 3), the order of the nodes probably ! doesn't matter, but we will draw them this way: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! / | ! / | ! 1-------3 ! ! For quadratic elements (NPE = 6), the nodes must be given in a ! particular order, which is as follows: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1---6---3 ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP. ! NP is the total number of nodes. ! ! NPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPE. ! NPE is the number of nodes per element, which should be ! 3 for linear elements and 6 for quadratics. ! ! NXSKIP Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NXSKIP. ! NXSKIP is used to "thin" out a vector plot. ! ! If NXSKIP = 1, then a standard vector plot is made. ! ! Otherwise, in the X direction, vectors are drawn only ! in columns 1, 1+NXSKIP, 1+2*NXSKIP and so on. ! ! NY Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NY. ! Determines the number of nodes and elements in the Y ! direction. There will be 2*NY-1 nodes, 2*NY-2 elements. ! ! NYSKIP Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NYSKIP. ! NYSKIP is used to "thin" out a vector plot. ! ! If NYSKIP = 1, then a standard vector plot is made. ! ! Otherwise, in the Y direction, vectors are drawn only ! in rows 1, 1+NYSKIP, 1+2*NYSKIP and so on. ! ! OBJECT Input, character ( len = 30 ) OBJECT(MAXOBJ), the names of the ! graphical objects. ! ! OVRLAY Input, logical OVRLAY. ! If OVRLAY is true, then the next time that a plot is ! requested, a "new frame" command is suppressed, so that ! the new plot is shown on top of the previous one. ! ! P Input, real P(MAXNP,0:MAXPAR). ! ! P(I,0) is the pressure at node I. ! ! P(I,J) is the sensitivity of the pressure with respect ! to parameter J. ! ! S Workspace, real S(MAXNP). ! S is used to store the stream function, or certain other ! scalar functions derived from the basic flow. ! ! SCALEE Input, real SCALEE. ! The scale factor for the element numbers, with default value 1. ! ! SCALEN Input, real SCALEN. ! The scale factor for the node numbers, with default value 1. ! ! SCALEV Input, real SCALEV. ! A scale factor for velocity vectors. This starts out at 1.0. ! ! SHOW Input, logical SHOW(MAXOBJ). ! Contains, for each object, a flag determining whether it ! is to be shown or not. ! ! SRANGE Input, real SRANGE. ! The maximum of XSMAX-XSMIN and YSMAX-YSMIN. ! This gives the size of a square containing the data ! window. ! ! T Workspace, real T(MAXNP). ! ! TITLE Input, character ( len = 40 ) TITLE. ! A title for the plots. ! ! TITLE2 Input, character ( len = 40 ) TITLE2. ! A subtitle used in the profile plots. ! ! U Input, real U(MAXNP,MAXPAR). ! ! U(I,0) is the horizontal fluid velocity at node I. ! ! U(I,J) is the sensitivity of the horizontal velocity with ! respect to parameter J. ! ! V Input, real V(MAXNP,MAXPAR). ! ! V(I,0) is the vertical fluid velocity at node I. ! ! V(I,J) is the sensitivity of the vertical velocity with ! respect to parameter J. ! ! X1MAX, ! X1MIN Input, real X1MAX, X1MIN, the maximum and minimum X ! coordinates of the plot, which includes a small grace margin. ! ! X2MAX, ! X2MIN Input, real X2MAX, X2MIN, the maximum and minimum X coordinates that ! should be used for plotting. No plotting commands should ! exceed these values. This is where the "frame" might be drawn. ! ! XC Input, real XC(MAXNP). ! The X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! XPROF Input, real XPROF. ! The X coordinate of the profile line. ! ! XSIREF Input, real XSIREF(NPE). ! The XSI coordinates of the nodes of the reference ! triangle. ! ! XSMAX Input, real XSMAX. ! The maximum X coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! XSMAX defaults to XMAX, but can be made smaller to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! XSMIN Input, real XSMIN. ! The minimum X coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! XSMIN defaults to XMIN, but can be made larger to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! Y1MAX, ! Y1MIN Input, real Y1MAX, Y1MIN, the maximum and minimum Y ! coordinates of the plot, which includes a small grace margin. ! ! Y2MAX, ! Y2MIN Input, real Y2MAX, Y2MIN, the maximum and minimum Y coordinates that ! should be used for plotting. No plotting commands should ! exceed these values. This is where the "frame" might be drawn. ! ! YC Input, real YC(MAXNP). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! ! YSMAX Input, real YSMAX. ! The maximum Y coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! YSMAX defaults to YMAX, but can be made smaller to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! YSMIN Input, real YSMIN. ! The minimum Y coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! YSMIN defaults to YMIN, but can be made larger to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxbou integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnp integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnpe integer ( kind = 4 ) maxobj integer ( kind = 4 ) maxsen integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) npe ! real angle character ( len = 10 ) arrow character ( len = 6 ) chrtmp real cp(np) real csize real cwide real delx real dely character ( len = 10 ) dev real dshsiz real dudxn(np) real dudyn(np) real dvdxn(np) real dvdyn(np) logical echo logical eflag(nelem) logical eflagu(nelem) real etaref(npe) character ( len = 80 ) filgrf logical filled character ( len = 20 ) filtyp character ( len = 6 ) flush integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) iblack integer ( kind = 4 ) icmax integer ( kind = 4 ) icmin integer ( kind = 4 ) icol integer ( kind = 4 ) icolor(maxobj) integer ( kind = 4 ) icomp integer ( kind = 4 ) ido logical inside integer ( kind = 4 ) iplot integer ( kind = 4 ) irow character isay integer ( kind = 4 ) isotri(nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) itable integer ( kind = 4 ) iwork1(nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) iwork2(np) integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) jbound(5,maxbou) integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmax integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmin integer ( kind = 4 ) jcolor integer ( kind = 4 ) k logical lbar integer ( kind = 4 ) lent logical s_eqi integer ( kind = 4 ) line(maxobj) integer ( kind = 4 ) maxe integer ( kind = 4 ) maxn integer ( kind = 4 ) mine integer ( kind = 4 ) minn integer ( kind = 4 ) nbound integer ( kind = 4 ) ncon logical nflag(np) logical nflag0(np) logical nflag1(np) logical nflag2(np) integer ( kind = 4 ) node(maxnpe,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) nonzer integer ( kind = 4 ) np_vis integer ( kind = 4 ) npts integer ( kind = 4 ) nval integer ( kind = 4 ) nvize integer ( kind = 4 ) nxskip integer ( kind = 4 ) ny integer ( kind = 4 ) nyskip character ( len = 30 ) object(maxobj) logical ovrlay real p(maxnp,0:maxsen) real pwide real rho(np) real rmach(np) real s(np) real s2(np) real scalee real scalen real scalev real scon logical show(maxobj) real smax real smin real srange real stmax real stmin real svmax real svmin real t(np) character ( len = * ) title character ( len = * ) title2 real u(maxnp,0:maxsen) real uvmag real v(maxnp,0:maxsen) real vecscl real vtmax real vtmin real vvmax real vvmin real x real x1 real x1max real x1min real x2 real x2max real x2min real xc(np) real xsiref(npe) real xprof real xsmax real xsmin real xval(4) real y real y1 real y1max real y1min real y2 real y2max real y2min real yc(np) real ysmax real ysmin real yval(4) ! ! Determine NFLAG1, which says which nodes are within the current window. ! do i = 1, np if ( inside ( xsmin, xc(i), xsmax ) .and. & inside ( ysmin, yc(i), ysmax ) ) then nflag1(i) = .true. else nflag1(i) = .false. end if end do ! ! Determine NFLAG2, which says which nodes are not being skipped. ! do i = 1, np if ( s_eqi ( filtyp, 'FLOW' ) ) then irow = 1 + mod(i-1,(2*ny-1)) icol = 1 + ((i-1)/(2*ny-1)) else irow = 1 + mod(i-1,ny) icol = 1 + (i-1)/ny end if if ( mod(irow-1,nyskip) /= 0 .or. mod((icol-1),nxskip) /= 0 ) then nflag2(i) = .false. else nflag2(i) = .true. end if end do ! ! Report how many nodes are visible. ! np_vis = 0 minn = np+1 maxn = 0 do i = 1, np if ( nflag0(i) .and. nflag1(i) .and. nflag2(i) ) then nflag(i) = .true. np_vis = np_vis+1 minn = min(minn,i) maxn = max(maxn,i) else nflag(i) = .false. end if end do if ( np_vis /= np ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'GRAPH - Note:' write ( *, * ) ' NOT ALL NODES WILL BE VISIBLE!' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' The number of nodes is ', np write ( *, * ) ' The number of visible nodes is ', np_vis write ( *, * ) ' They range from ',minn,' through ',maxn end if ! ! Report how many elements are visible. ! An element is only visible if the user wants to see it (EFLAGU), ! and all its nodes lie within the window (NFLAG1). ! nvize = 0 mine = nelem+1 maxe = 0 do i = 1, nelem eflag(i) = eflagu(i) do j = 1,npe if ( eflag(i) ) then k = node(j,i) if ( .not.nflag1(k) ) then eflag(i) = .false. end if end if end do if ( eflag(i) ) then nvize = nvize+1 mine = min(mine,i) maxe = max(maxe,i) end if end do if ( nvize /= nelem ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'GRAPH - Note:' write ( *, * ) ' NOT ALL ELEMENTS WILL BE VISIBLE!' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' The number of elements is ', nelem write ( *, * ) ' There are ', nvize, ' elements visible.' write ( *, * ) ' They range from ', mine,' through ', maxe end if ! ! Prepare for the new plot. ! call preplt ( dev, echo, filgrf, icmax, icmin, iplot, itable, ovrlay ) ! ! Set the scale of the picture. ! We allow ourselves more or less a one percent margin. ! xval(1) = x1min yval(1) = y1min xval(2) = x1max yval(2) = y1max call setscl(xval,yval,2) ! ! Draw a box around the region. ! if ( show(3) ) then call linclr ( icolor(3) ) call box ( x2min, x2max, y2min, y2max ) end if ! ! Draw the background ! if ( show(21) ) then call filclr(icolor(21)) xval(1) = x1min yval(1) = y1min xval(2) = x1max yval(2) = y1min xval(3) = x1max yval(3) = y1max xval(4) = x1min yval(4) = y1max npts = 4 call plygon(npts,xval,yval) end if ! ! Draw the titles. ! if ( show(7) ) then lent = len_trim ( title ) if ( lent > 0 ) then angle = 0.0 cwide = 0.9*srange/40 x = 0.5*(xsmax+xsmin) y = ysmax+3.0*cwide call linclr(icolor(7)) pwide = srange flush = 'center' call s_plot(angle,cwide,pwide,title(1:lent),x,y,flush) end if lent = len_trim ( title2 ) if ( lent > 0 ) then angle = 0.0 cwide = 0.9*srange/40 x = 0.5*(xsmax+xsmin) y = ysmax+1.5*cwide call linclr(icolor(7)) pwide = srange flush = 'center' call s_plot(angle,cwide,pwide,title2(1:lent),x,y,flush) end if end if ! ! COLOR CONTOURS ARE DRAWN HERE. ! ! ! CPC: draw CP color contours. ! if ( show(32) ) then do i = 1,np s(i) = cp(i) nflag(i) = nflag0(i).and.nflag1(i) end do call fsize(nflag,np,s,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) if ( stmax > stmin ) then call setsiz(echo,object(32),smax,smin,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) if ( npe == 3 ) then call conc3(eflag,jcmax,jcmin,maxnpe,ncon,nelem,node,np,s,smax,smin,xc,yc) else if ( npe == 4 ) then call conc4(eflag,jcmax,jcmin,maxnpe,ncon,nelem,node,np,s,smax,smin,xc,yc) else if ( npe == 6 ) then call conc6(eflag,etaref,isotri,jcmax,jcmin,maxnpe,ncon, & nelem,node,np,npe,s,smax,smin,xc,xsiref,yc) end if if ( lbar ) then x1 = x2min x2 = x2max y1 = y2max y2 = y1max call cbar(icolor,jcmax,jcmin,maxobj,ncon,smax,smin,srange,x1,x2,y1,y2) end if else write(*,*)' ' write(*,'(a)')'GRAPH - Warning!' write(*,*)' Could not display '//object(12) write(*,*)' All data values were equal.' end if end if ! ! EC: draw the element colors. ! if ( show(20) ) then call filclr(icolor(20)) call element_color ( eflag, etaref, isotri, maxnpe, nelem, node, np, & npe, xc, xsiref, yc ) end if ! ! KVMAGC: draw kinematic velocity magnitude color contours. ! if ( show(14) ) then do i = 1,np s(i) = sqrt(u(i,icomp)**2+v(i,icomp)**2) nflag(i) = nflag0(i).and.nflag1(i) end do call fsize(nflag,np,s,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) if ( stmax > stmin ) then call setsiz(echo,object(14),smax,smin,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) call conc6(eflag,etaref,isotri,jcmax,jcmin,maxnpe,ncon, & nelem,node,np,npe,s,smax,smin,xc,xsiref,yc) if ( lbar ) then x1 = x2min x2 = x2max y1 = y2max y2 = y1max call cbar(icolor,jcmax,jcmin,maxobj,ncon,smax,smin,srange,x1,x2,y1,y2) end if else write(*,*)' ' write(*,'(a)')'GRAPH - Warning!' write(*,*)' Could not display '//object(14) write(*,*)' All data values were equal.' end if end if ! ! KVXC: draw X kinematic velocity color contours. ! if ( show(17) ) then do i = 1,np nflag(i) = nflag0(i).and.nflag1(i) s(i) = u(i,icomp) end do call fsize(nflag,np,s,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) if ( stmax > stmin ) then call setsiz(echo,object(17),smax,smin,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) call conc6(eflag,etaref,isotri,jcmax,jcmin,maxnpe,ncon, & nelem,node,np,npe,s,smax,smin,xc,xsiref,yc) if ( lbar ) then x1 = x2min x2 = x2max y1 = y2max y2 = y1max call cbar(icolor,jcmax,jcmin,maxobj,ncon,smax,smin,srange,x1,x2,y1,y2) end if else write(*,*)' ' write(*,'(a)')'GRAPH - Warning!' write(*,*)' Could not display '//object(17) write(*,*)' All data values were equal.' end if end if ! ! KVYC: draw Y kinematic velocity color contours. ! if ( show(18) ) then do i = 1,np nflag(i) = nflag0(i).and.nflag1(i) s(i) = v(i,icomp) end do call fsize(nflag,np,s,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) if ( stmax > stmin ) then call setsiz(echo,object(18),smax,smin,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) call conc6(eflag,etaref,isotri,jcmax,jcmin,maxnpe,ncon, & nelem,node,np,npe,s,smax,smin,xc,xsiref,yc) if ( lbar ) then x1 = x2min x2 = x2max y1 = y2max y2 = y1max call cbar(icolor,jcmax,jcmin,maxobj,ncon,smax,smin,srange,x1,x2,y1,y2) end if else write(*,*)' ' write(*,'(a)')'GRAPH - Warning!' write(*,*)' Could not display '//object(18) write(*,*)' All data values were equal.' end if end if ! ! MACHC: draw Mach color contours. ! if ( show(33) ) then do i = 1,np s(i) = rmach(i) nflag(i) = nflag0(i).and.nflag1(i) end do call fsize(nflag,np,s,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) if ( stmax > stmin ) then call setsiz(echo,object(33),smax,smin,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) if ( npe == 3 ) then call conc3(eflag,jcmax,jcmin,maxnpe,ncon,nelem,node,np,s,smax,smin,xc,yc) else if ( npe == 4 ) then call conc4(eflag,jcmax,jcmin,maxnpe,ncon,nelem,node,np,s,smax,smin,xc,yc) else if ( npe == 6 ) then call conc6(eflag,etaref,isotri,jcmax,jcmin,maxnpe,ncon, & nelem,node,np,npe,s,smax,smin,xc,xsiref,yc) end if if ( lbar ) then x1 = x2min x2 = x2max y1 = y2max y2 = y1max call cbar(icolor,jcmax,jcmin,maxobj,ncon,smax,smin,srange,x1,x2,y1,y2) end if else write(*,*)' ' write(*,'(a)')'GRAPH - Warning!' write(*,*)' Could not display '//object(12) write(*,*)' All data values were equal.' end if end if ! ! MVMAGC: draw mass velocity magnitude color contours. ! if ( show(37) ) then do i = 1,np s(i) = rho(i)*sqrt(u(i,icomp)**2+v(i,icomp)**2) nflag(i) = nflag0(i).and.nflag1(i) end do call fsize(nflag,np,s,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) if ( stmax > stmin ) then call setsiz(echo,object(37),smax,smin,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) call conc6(eflag,etaref,isotri,jcmax,jcmin,maxnpe,ncon, & nelem,node,np,npe,s,smax,smin,xc,xsiref,yc) if ( lbar ) then x1 = x2min x2 = x2max y1 = y2max y2 = y1max call cbar(icolor,jcmax,jcmin,maxobj,ncon,smax,smin,srange,x1,x2,y1,y2) end if else write(*,*)' ' write(*,'(a)')'GRAPH - Warning!' write(*,*)' Could not display '//object(37) write(*,*)' All data values were equal.' end if end if ! ! PC: draw pressure color contours. ! if ( show(12) ) then if ( npe == 6 ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'GRAPH - Question:' write(*,*)' Use linear elements to graph pressure?' read(*,'(a)')isay write(17,'(a)')isay if ( echo ) then write(*,'(a)')isay end if end if do i = 1,np s(i) = p(i,icomp) nflag(i) = nflag0(i).and.nflag1(i) end do call fsize(nflag,np,s,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) if ( stmax > stmin ) then call setsiz(echo,object(12),smax,smin,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) if ( npe == 3 ) then call conc3(eflag,jcmax,jcmin,maxnpe,ncon,nelem,node,np,s,smax,smin,xc,yc) else if ( npe == 4 ) then call conc4(eflag,jcmax,jcmin,maxnpe,ncon,nelem,node,np,s,smax,smin,xc,yc) else if ( npe == 6 ) then if ( s_eqi ( isay,'n') ) then call conc6(eflag,etaref,isotri,jcmax,jcmin,maxnpe,ncon, & nelem,node,np,npe,s,smax,smin,xc,xsiref,yc) else call conc63(eflag,etaref,isotri,jcmax,jcmin,maxnpe, & ncon,nelem,node,np,npe,s,smax,smin,xc,xsiref,yc) end if end if if ( lbar ) then x1 = x2min x2 = x2max y1 = y2max y2 = y1max call cbar(icolor,jcmax,jcmin,maxobj,ncon,smax,smin,srange,x1,x2,y1,y2) end if else write(*,*)' ' write(*,'(a)')'GRAPH - Warning!' write(*,*)' Could not display '//object(12) write(*,*)' All data values were equal.' end if end if ! ! RHOC: draw Rho color contours. ! if ( show(34) ) then do i = 1,np s(i) = rho(i) nflag(i) = nflag0(i).and.nflag1(i) end do call fsize(nflag,np,s,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) if ( stmax > stmin ) then call setsiz(echo,object(34),smax,smin,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) if ( npe == 3 ) then call conc3(eflag,jcmax,jcmin,maxnpe,ncon,nelem,node,np,s,smax,smin,xc,yc) else if ( npe == 4 ) then call conc4(eflag,jcmax,jcmin,maxnpe,ncon,nelem,node,np,s,smax,smin,xc,yc) else if ( npe == 6 ) then call conc6(eflag,etaref,isotri,jcmax,jcmin,maxnpe,ncon, & nelem,node,np,npe,s,smax,smin,xc,xsiref,yc) end if if ( lbar ) then x1 = x2min x2 = x2max y1 = y2max y2 = y1max call cbar(icolor,jcmax,jcmin,maxobj,ncon,smax,smin,srange,x1,x2,y1,y2) end if else write(*,*)' ' write(*,'(a)')'GRAPH - Warning!' write(*,*)' Could not display '//object(12) write(*,*)' All data values were equal.' end if end if ! ! SC: draw stream color contours. ! if ( show(22) ) then call stream(iwork1,iwork2,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,npe,rho,s, & u(1,icomp),v(1,icomp),xc,yc) do i = 1,np nflag(i) = nflag0(i).and.nflag1(i) end do call fsize(nflag,np,s,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) if ( stmax > stmin ) then call setsiz(echo,object(22),smax,smin,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) call conc6(eflag,etaref,isotri,jcmax,jcmin,maxnpe,ncon, & nelem,node,np,npe,s,smax,smin,xc,xsiref,yc) if ( lbar ) then x1 = x2min x2 = x2max y1 = y2max y2 = y1max call cbar(icolor,jcmax,jcmin,maxobj,ncon,smax,smin,srange,x1,x2,y1,y2) end if else write(*,*)' ' write(*,'(a)')'GRAPH - Warning!' write(*,*)' Could not display '//object(22) write(*,*)' All data values were equal.' end if end if ! ! VORTC: draw vorticity color contours. ! Vorticity is defined on the kinematic velocities. ! if ( show(13) ) then call fegrad ( dudxn,dudyn,isotri,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,npe,u(1,icomp),xc,yc) call fegrad ( dvdxn,dvdyn,isotri,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,npe,v(1,icomp),xc,yc) do i = 1,np s(i) = dvdxn(i)-dudyn(i) end do do i = 1,np nflag(i) = nflag0(i).and.nflag1(i) end do call fsize(nflag,np,s,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) if ( stmax > stmin ) then call setsiz(echo,object(13),smax,smin,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) call conc6(eflag,etaref,isotri,jcmax,jcmin,maxnpe,ncon, & nelem,node,np,npe,s,smax,smin,xc,xsiref,yc) if ( lbar ) then x1 = x2min x2 = x2max y1 = y2max y2 = y1max call cbar(icolor,jcmax,jcmin,maxobj,ncon,smax,smin,srange,x1,x2,y1,y2) end if else write(*,*)' ' write(*,'(a)')'GRAPH - Warning!' write(*,*)' Could not display '//object(13) write(*,*)' All data values were equal.' end if end if ! ! XCC: draw X coordinate contours. ! if ( show(23) ) then do i = 1,np nflag(i) = nflag0(i).and.nflag1(i) s(i) = xc(i) end do call fsize(nflag,np,s,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) if ( stmax > stmin ) then call setsiz(echo,object(23),smax,smin,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) call conc6(eflag,etaref,isotri,jcmax,jcmin,maxnpe,ncon, & nelem,node,np,npe,s,smax,smin,xc,xsiref,yc) if ( lbar ) then x1 = x2min x2 = x2max y1 = y2max y2 = y1max call cbar(icolor,jcmax,jcmin,maxobj,ncon,smax,smin,srange,x1,x2,y1,y2) end if else write(*,*)' ' write(*,'(a)')'GRAPH - Warning!' write(*,*)' Could not display '//object(23) write(*,*)' All data values were equal.' end if end if ! ! YCC: draw Y coordinate contours. ! if ( show(24) ) then do i = 1,np nflag(i) = nflag0(i).and.nflag1(i) s(i) = yc(i) end do call fsize(nflag,np,s,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) if ( stmax > stmin ) then call setsiz(echo,object(24),smax,smin,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) call conc6(eflag,etaref,isotri,jcmax,jcmin,maxnpe,ncon, & nelem,node,np,npe,s,smax,smin,xc,xsiref,yc) if ( lbar ) then x1 = x2min x2 = x2max y1 = y2max y2 = y1max call cbar(icolor,jcmax,jcmin,maxobj,ncon,smax,smin,srange,x1,x2,y1,y2) end if else write(*,*)' ' write(*,'(a)')'GRAPH - Warning!' write(*,*)' Could not display '//object(24) write(*,*)' All data values were equal.' end if end if ! ! SIMPLE LINES ARE DRAWN HERE. ! ! Draw the boundary. ! if ( show(1) ) then if ( line(1) == 0 .or. line(1) == 1 ) then iblack = 1 call linclr(iblack) else call linclr(icolor(1)) end if nflag(1:np) = nflag1(1:np) call boundary_show ( eflag, etaref, isotri, jbound, line, maxbou, maxnpe, & maxobj, nbound, nelem, nflag, node, np, npe, xc, xsiref, yc ) end if ! ! Draw the profile line. ! if ( show(19) ) then call linclr(icolor(19)) dshsiz = 0.02 nval = 2 xval(1) = xprof yval(1) = 0.0 xval(2) = xprof yval(2) = 3.0 call dshlin(nval,xval,yval,dshsiz) end if ! ! N: draw the nodes. ! if ( show(4) ) then call linclr(icolor(4)) filled = .false. csize = 0.005*srange do i = 1,np if ( nflag0(i).and.nflag1(i).and.nflag2(i) ) then call circle(xc(i),yc(i),csize,filled) end if end do end if ! ! NN: draw the node numbers. ! if ( show(27) ) then angle = 0.0 cwide = 0.025*srange*scalen pwide = srange flush = 'center' call linclr(icolor(27)) do i = 1,np if ( nflag0(i).and.nflag1(i).and.nflag2(i) ) then x = xc(i) y = yc(i) write(chrtmp,'(i6)')i call flushl(chrtmp) lent = len_trim ( chrtmp ) call s_plot(angle,cwide,pwide,chrtmp(1:lent),x,y,flush) end if end do end if ! ! E: draw the element boundaries. ! if ( show(2) ) then call linclr ( icolor(2) ) call element_line ( eflag, etaref, isotri, maxnpe, nelem, node, np, npe, & xc, xsiref, yc ) end if ! ! EN: draw the element numbers. ! if ( show(28) ) then angle = 0.0 cwide = 0.025*srange*scalee pwide = srange flush = 'center' call linclr(icolor(28)) do i = 1,nelem if ( eflag(i) ) then x = (xc(node(1,i))+xc(node(2,i))+xc(node(3,i)))/3.0 y = (yc(node(1,i))+yc(node(2,i))+yc(node(3,i)))/3.0 write(chrtmp,'(i6)')i call flushl(chrtmp) lent = len_trim ( chrtmp ) call s_plot(angle,cwide,pwide,chrtmp(1:lent),x,y,flush) end if end do end if ! ! CONTOUR LINES ARE DRAWN HERE. ! ! CP: draw CP contours. ! if ( show(29) ) then call linclr(icolor(29)) do i = 1,np nflag(i) = nflag0(i).and.nflag1(i) s(i) = cp(i) end do call fsize(nflag,np,s,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) if ( stmax > stmin ) then call setsiz(echo,object(29),smax,smin,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) do i = 1,ncon scon = ((ncon+1-i)*smin+i*smax)/real(ncon+1) if ( show(32) ) then jcolor = 1 else if ( line(5) == 0 ) then jcolor = 1 else jcolor = int(((ncon-i)*jcmin+i*jcmax)/real(ncon)) end if call linclr(jcolor) if ( npe == 3 ) then call conl3(eflag,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,s,scon,xc,yc) else if ( npe == 4 ) then call conl4(eflag,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,s,scon,xc,yc) else if ( npe == 6 ) then call conl6(eflag,etaref,isotri,maxnpe,nelem,node,np, & npe,s,scon,xc,xsiref,yc) end if end do else write(*,*)' ' write(*,'(a)')'GRAPH - Warning!' write(*,*)' Could not display '//object(5) write(*,*)' All data values were equal to ',smin end if end if ! ! KVMAG: draw kinematic velocity magnitude line contours. ! if ( show(10) ) then call linclr(icolor(10)) do i = 1,np nflag(i) = nflag0(i).and.nflag1(i) s(i) = sqrt(u(i,icomp)**2+v(i,icomp)**2) end do call fsize(nflag,np,s,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) if ( stmax > stmin ) then call setsiz(echo,object(10),smax,smin,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) do i = 1,ncon scon = ((ncon+1-i)*smin+i*smax)/real(ncon+1) if ( show(14) ) then jcolor = 1 else if ( line(10) == 0 ) then jcolor = 1 else jcolor = int(((ncon-i)*jcmin+i*jcmax)/real(ncon)) end if call linclr(jcolor) if ( npe == 3 ) then call conl3(eflag,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,s,scon,xc,yc) else if ( npe == 4 ) then call conl4(eflag,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,s,scon,xc,yc) else if ( npe == 6 ) then call conl6(eflag,etaref,isotri,maxnpe,nelem,node, & np,npe,s,scon,xc,xsiref,yc) end if end do else write(*,*)' ' write(*,'(a)')'GRAPH - Warning!' write(*,*)' Could not display '//object(10) write(*,*)' All data values were equal to ',smin end if end if ! ! KVX: draw X kinematic velocity line contours. ! if ( show(15) ) then call linclr(icolor(15)) do i = 1,np nflag(i) = nflag0(i).and.nflag1(i) s(i) = u(i,icomp) end do call fsize(nflag,np,s,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) if ( stmax > stmin ) then call setsiz(echo,object(15),smax,smin,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) do i = 1,ncon scon = ((ncon+1-i)*smin+i*smax)/real(ncon+1) if ( show(17) ) then jcolor = 1 else if ( line(15) == 0 ) then jcolor = 1 else jcolor = int(((ncon-i)*jcmin+i*jcmax)/real(ncon)) end if call linclr(jcolor) if ( npe == 3 ) then call conl3(eflag,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,s,scon,xc,yc) else if ( npe == 4 ) then call conl4(eflag,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,s,scon,xc,yc) else if ( npe == 6 ) then call conl6(eflag,etaref,isotri,maxnpe,nelem,node, & np,npe,s,scon,xc,xsiref,yc) end if end do else write(*,*)' ' write(*,'(a)')'GRAPH - Warning!' write(*,*)' Could not display '//object(15) write(*,*)' All data values were equal to ',smin end if end if ! ! KVY: draw Y kinematic velocity line contours. ! if ( show(16) ) then call linclr(icolor(16)) do i = 1,np nflag(i) = nflag0(i).and.nflag1(i) s(i) = v(i,icomp) end do call fsize(nflag,np,s,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) if ( stmax > stmin ) then call setsiz(echo,object(16),smax,smin,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) do i = 1,ncon scon = ((ncon+1-i)*smin+i*smax)/real(ncon+1) if ( show(18) ) then jcolor = 1 else if ( line(16) == 0 ) then jcolor = 1 else jcolor = int(((ncon-i)*jcmin+i*jcmax)/real(ncon)) end if call linclr(jcolor) if ( npe == 3 ) then call conl3(eflag,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,s,scon,xc,yc) else if ( npe == 4 ) then call conl4(eflag,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,s,scon,xc,yc) else if ( npe == 6 ) then call conl6(eflag,etaref,isotri,maxnpe,nelem,node, & np,npe,s,scon,xc,xsiref,yc) end if end do else write(*,*)' ' write(*,'(a)')'GRAPH - Warning!' write(*,*)' Could not display '//object(16) write(*,*)' All data values were equal to ',smin end if end if ! ! MACH: draw Mach contours. ! if ( show(30) ) then call linclr(icolor(30)) do i = 1,np nflag(i) = nflag0(i).and.nflag1(i) s(i) = rmach(i) end do call fsize(nflag,np,s,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) if ( stmax > stmin ) then call setsiz(echo,object(30),smax,smin,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) do i = 1,ncon scon = ((ncon+1-i)*smin+i*smax)/real(ncon+1) if ( show(33) ) then jcolor = 1 else if ( line(5) == 0 ) then jcolor = 1 else jcolor = int(((ncon-i)*jcmin+i*jcmax)/real(ncon)) end if call linclr(jcolor) if ( npe == 3 ) then call conl3(eflag,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,s,scon,xc,yc) else if ( npe == 4 ) then call conl4(eflag,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,s,scon,xc,yc) else if ( npe == 6 ) then call conl6(eflag,etaref,isotri,maxnpe,nelem,node,np, & npe,s,scon,xc,xsiref,yc) end if end do else write(*,*)' ' write(*,'(a)')'GRAPH - Warning!' write(*,*)' Could not display '//object(5) write(*,*)' All data values were equal to ',smin end if end if ! ! MVMAG: draw mass velocity magnitude line contours. ! if ( show(36) ) then call linclr(icolor(36)) do i = 1,np nflag(i) = nflag0(i).and.nflag1(i) s(i) = rho(i)*sqrt(u(i,icomp)**2+v(i,icomp)**2) end do call fsize(nflag,np,s,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) if ( stmax > stmin ) then call setsiz(echo,object(36),smax,smin,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) do i = 1,ncon scon = ((ncon+1-i)*smin+i*smax)/real(ncon+1) if ( show(37) ) then jcolor = 1 else if ( line(36) == 0 ) then jcolor = 1 else jcolor = int(((ncon-i)*jcmin+i*jcmax)/real(ncon)) end if call linclr(jcolor) if ( npe == 3 ) then call conl3(eflag,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,s,scon,xc,yc) else if ( npe == 4 ) then call conl4(eflag,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,s,scon,xc,yc) else if ( npe == 6 ) then call conl6(eflag,etaref,isotri,maxnpe,nelem,node, & np,npe,s,scon,xc,xsiref,yc) end if end do else write(*,*)' ' write(*,'(a)')'GRAPH - Warning!' write(*,*)' Could not display '//object(36) write(*,*)' All data values were equal to ',smin end if end if ! ! P: draw pressure contours. ! There is a slight complication, because pressure on quadratic elements ! is often actually linear. ! if ( show(5) ) then call linclr(icolor(5)) if ( npe == 6 ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'GRAPH - Question:' write(*,*)' Use linear elements to graph pressure?' read(*,'(a)')isay write(17,'(a)')isay if ( echo ) then write(*,'(a)')isay end if end if do i = 1,np nflag(i) = nflag0(i).and.nflag1(i) s(i) = p(i,icomp) end do call fsize(nflag,np,s,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) if ( stmax > stmin ) then call setsiz(echo,object(5),smax,smin,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) do i = 1,ncon scon = ((ncon+1-i)*smin+i*smax)/real(ncon+1) if ( show(12) ) then jcolor = 1 else if ( line(5) == 0 ) then jcolor = 1 else jcolor = int(((ncon-i)*jcmin+i*jcmax)/real(ncon)) end if call linclr(jcolor) if ( npe == 3 ) then call conl3(eflag,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,s,scon,xc,yc) else if ( npe == 4 ) then call conl4(eflag,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,s,scon,xc,yc) else if ( npe == 6 ) then if ( s_eqi ( isay,'n') ) then call conl6(eflag,etaref,isotri,maxnpe,nelem,node,np, & npe,s,scon,xc,xsiref,yc) else call conl63(eflag,etaref,isotri,maxnpe,nelem, & node,np,npe,s,scon,xc,xsiref,yc) end if end if end do else write(*,*)' ' write(*,'(a)')'GRAPH - Warning!' write(*,*)' Could not display '//object(5) write(*,*)' All data values were equal to ',smin end if end if ! ! RHO: draw RHO contours. ! if ( show(31) ) then call linclr(icolor(31)) do i = 1,np nflag(i) = nflag0(i).and.nflag1(i) s(i) = rho(i) end do call fsize(nflag,np,s,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) if ( stmax > stmin ) then call setsiz(echo,object(31),smax,smin,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) do i = 1,ncon scon = ((ncon+1-i)*smin+i*smax)/real(ncon+1) if ( show(34) ) then jcolor = 1 else if ( line(5) == 0 ) then jcolor = 1 else jcolor = int(((ncon-i)*jcmin+i*jcmax)/real(ncon)) end if call linclr(jcolor) if ( npe == 3 ) then call conl3(eflag,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,s,scon,xc,yc) else if ( npe == 4 ) then call conl4(eflag,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,s,scon,xc,yc) else if ( npe == 6 ) then call conl6(eflag,etaref,isotri,maxnpe,nelem,node,np, & npe,s,scon,xc,xsiref,yc) end if end do else write(*,*)' ' write(*,'(a)')'GRAPH - Warning!' write(*,*)' Could not display '//object(5) write(*,*)' All data values were equal to ',smin end if end if ! ! S: draw stream lines. ! if ( show(6) ) then call linclr(icolor(6)) call stream(iwork1,iwork2,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,npe,rho,s, & u(1,icomp),v(1,icomp),xc,yc) do i = 1,np nflag(i) = nflag0(i).and.nflag1(i) end do call fsize(nflag,np,s,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) if ( stmax > stmin ) then call setsiz(echo,object(6),smax,smin,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) do i = 1,ncon scon = ((ncon+1-i)*smin+i*smax)/real(ncon+1) if ( show(22) ) then jcolor = 1 else if ( line(6) == 0 ) then jcolor = 1 else jcolor = int(((ncon-i)*jcmin+i*jcmax)/real(ncon)) end if call linclr(jcolor) if ( npe == 3 ) then call conl3(eflag,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,s,scon,xc,yc) else if ( npe == 4 ) then call conl4(eflag,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,s,scon,xc,yc) else if ( npe == 6 ) then call conl6(eflag,etaref,isotri,maxnpe,nelem,node, & np,npe,s,scon,xc,xsiref,yc) end if end do else write(*,*)' ' write(*,'(a)')'GRAPH - Warning!' write(*,*)' Could not display '//object(6) write(*,*)' All data values were equal to ',smin end if end if ! ! VORT: draw vorticity contours. ! if ( show(11) ) then call linclr(icolor(11)) call fegrad(dudxn,dudyn,isotri,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,npe,u(1,icomp),xc,yc) call fegrad(dvdxn,dvdyn,isotri,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,npe,v(1,icomp),xc,yc) do i = 1,np s(i) = dvdxn(i)-dudyn(i) end do do i = 1,np nflag(i) = nflag0(i).and.nflag1(i) end do call fsize(nflag,np,s,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) if ( stmax > stmin ) then call setsiz(echo,object(11),smax,smin,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) do i = 1,ncon scon = ((ncon+1-i)*smin+i*smax)/real(ncon+1) if ( show(13) ) then jcolor = 1 else if ( line(11) == 0 ) then jcolor = 1 else jcolor = int(((ncon-i)*jcmin+i*jcmax)/real(ncon)) end if call linclr(jcolor) if ( npe == 3 ) then call conl3(eflag,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,s,scon,xc,yc) else if ( npe == 4 ) then call conl4(eflag,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,s,scon,xc,yc) else if ( npe == 6 ) then call conl6(eflag,etaref,isotri,maxnpe,nelem,node, & np,npe,s,scon,xc,xsiref,yc) end if end do else write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'GRAPH - Warning!' write(*,'(a)')' Could not display '//object(11) write(*,*)' All data values were equal to ',smin end if end if ! ! XC: draw X coordinate contours. ! if ( show(25) ) then call linclr(icolor(25)) do i = 1,np nflag(i) = nflag0(i).and.nflag1(i) s(i) = xc(i) end do call fsize(nflag,np,s,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) if ( stmax > stmin ) then call setsiz(echo,object(25),smax,smin,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) do i = 1,ncon scon = ((ncon+1-i)*smin+i*smax)/real(ncon+1) if ( show(17) ) then jcolor = 1 else if ( line(25) == 0 ) then jcolor = 1 else jcolor = int(((ncon-i)*jcmin+i*jcmax)/real(ncon)) end if call linclr(jcolor) if ( npe == 3 ) then call conl3(eflag,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,s,scon,xc,yc) else if ( npe == 4 ) then call conl4(eflag,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,s,scon,xc,yc) else if ( npe == 6 ) then call conl6(eflag,etaref,isotri,maxnpe,nelem,node, & np,npe,s,scon,xc,xsiref,yc) end if end do else write(*,*)' ' write(*,'(a)')'GRAPH - Warning!' write(*,*)' Could not display '//object(25) write(*,*)' All data values were equal to ',smin end if end if ! ! YC: draw Y coordinate contours. ! if ( show(26) ) then call linclr(icolor(26)) do i = 1,np nflag(i) = nflag0(i).and.nflag1(i) s(i) = yc(i) end do call fsize(nflag,np,s,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) if ( stmax > stmin ) then call setsiz(echo,object(26),smax,smin,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) do i = 1,ncon scon = ((ncon+1-i)*smin+i*smax)/real(ncon+1) if ( show(17) ) then jcolor = 1 else if ( line(26) == 0 ) then jcolor = 1 else jcolor = int(((ncon-i)*jcmin+i*jcmax)/real(ncon)) end if call linclr(jcolor) if ( npe == 3 ) then call conl3(eflag,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,s,scon,xc,yc) else if ( npe == 4 ) then call conl4(eflag,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,s,scon,xc,yc) else if ( npe == 6 ) then call conl6(eflag,etaref,isotri,maxnpe,nelem,node, & np,npe,s,scon,xc,xsiref,yc) end if end do else write(*,*)' ' write(*,'(a)')'GRAPH - Warning!' write(*,*)' Could not display '//object(26) write(*,*)' All data values were equal ',smin end if end if ! ! VECTOR PLOTS BEGIN HERE ! ! ! KV: draw kinematic velocity vectors. ! if ( show(8) ) then call linclr(icolor(8)) write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'GRAPH - Note:' write ( *, '(a,i3)' ) ' The line color was set to ', icolor(8) do i = 1, np nflag(i) = nflag0(i) .and. nflag1(i) .and. nflag2(i) end do do i = 1, np s(i) = u(i,icomp) s2(i) = v(i,icomp) end do call vsize ( nflag, np, nxskip, ny, nyskip, s, s2, vtmax, vtmin, & vvmax, vvmin ) if ( vtmax /= 0.0 ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'GRAPH - Note:' write(*,*)' Norms of all kinematic velocity range from ', & vtmin,' to ',vtmax write(*,*)' Norms of visible kinematic velocity range from ', & vvmin,' to ',vvmax vecscl = scalev*0.5*min(nxskip*delx,nyskip*dely)/vtmax if ( line(8) == 0 ) then ido = 0 else ido = 1 end if ido = 0 if ( s_eqi ( arrow,'solid') ) then jcolor = icolor(8) call filclr(jcolor) else if ( s_eqi ( arrow,'hollow') ) then jcolor = 0 call filclr(jcolor) jcolor = 1 call linclr(jcolor) end if call vector(arrow,ido,jcmax,jcmin,ncon,nflag,np,vecscl,s,s2,vtmax, & vtmin,xc,yc) if ( lbar.and.line(8) /= 0 ) then x1 = x2min x2 = x2max y1 = y2max y2 = y1max call cbar(icolor,jcmax,jcmin,maxobj,ncon,vtmax,vtmin,srange,x1,x2,y1,y2) end if else write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'GRAPH - Warning!' write(*,*)' Could not display '//object(8) write(*,*)' All values were ',vtmax end if end if ! ! MV: draw mass velocity vectors. ! if ( show(35) ) then call linclr(icolor(35)) write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'GRAPH - Note:' write(*,*)' The line color was set to ',icolor(35) do i = 1,np nflag(i) = nflag0(i).and.nflag1(i).and.nflag2(i) end do do i = 1,np s(i) = rho(i)*u(i,icomp) s2(i) = rho(i)*v(i,icomp) end do call vsize(nflag,np,nxskip,ny,nyskip,s,s2,vtmax,vtmin,vvmax,vvmin) if ( vtmax /= 0.0 ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'GRAPH - Note:' write(*,*)' Norms of all mass velocity range from ',vtmin,' to ',vtmax write(*,*)' Norms of visible mass velocity range from ', & vvmin,' to ',vvmax vecscl = scalev*0.5*min(nxskip*delx,nyskip*dely)/vtmax if ( line(35) == 0 ) then ido = 0 else ido = 1 end if ido = 0 call vector ( arrow,ido,jcmax,jcmin,ncon,nflag,np,vecscl, & s,s2,vtmax,vtmin,xc,yc) if ( lbar.and.line(35) /= 0 ) then x1 = x2min x2 = x2max y1 = y2max y2 = y1max call cbar(icolor,jcmax,jcmin,maxobj,ncon,vtmax,vtmin,srange, & x1,x2,y1,y2) end if else write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'GRAPH - Warning!' write(*,*)' Could not display '//object(35) write(*,*)' All values were ',vtmax end if end if ! ! UV: draw velocity direction vectors. ! if ( show(9) ) then call linclr(icolor(9)) nonzer = 0 do i = 1,np nflag(i) = nflag0(i).and.nflag1(i).and.nflag2(i) uvmag = sqrt(u(i,icomp)**2+v(i,icomp)**2) if ( uvmag /= 0.0 ) then nonzer = nonzer+1 s(i) = u(i,icomp)/uvmag t(i) = v(i,icomp)/uvmag else s(i) = 0.0 t(i) = 0.0 end if end do call vsize(nflag,np,nxskip,ny,nyskip,u(1,icomp),v(1,icomp), & vtmax,vtmin,vvmax,vvmin) if ( nonzer > 0 ) then vecscl = scalev*0.5*min(nyskip*delx,nxskip*dely) if ( line(9) == 0 ) then ido = 0 else ido = 1 end if ido = 0 call vector ( arrow,ido,jcmax,jcmin,ncon,nflag,np,vecscl, & s,t,vtmax,vtmin,xc,yc) if ( lbar.and.line(9) /= 0 ) then x1 = x2min x2 = x2max y1 = y2max y2 = y1max call cbar(icolor,jcmax,jcmin,maxobj,ncon,vtmax,vtmin,srange, & x1,x2,y1,y2) end if else write(*,*)' ' write(*,'(a)')'GRAPH - Warning!' write(*,*)' Could not display '//object(9) write(*,*)' All data values were zero.' end if end if ! ! Pause, if we are doing X-Windows. ! call buzz ( dev, x1min, x1max, y1min, y1max ) return end subroutine hello ( maxbou, maxelm, maxnp, maxnpe, maxnx, maxny, maxobj, & maxpar, maxsen ) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! HELLO prints out the program name, date, and purpose. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 10 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXBOU, the amount of storage available for the IBOUND array. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXELM, the maximum number of elements. ! MAXELM is derived from other maxima: ! ! MAXELM = 2 * (MAXNX-1) * (MAXNY-1) ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNP, the maximum number of nodes. ! ! MAXNP = (2 * MAXNX - 1) * (2 * MAXNY - 1) ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNPE, the maximum number of nodes per element, that is, ! the maximum legal value for NPE. ! ! Currently, MAXNPE is set to 6, and the program expects NPE ! to be 3 or 6. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNX, the maximum value allowed for NX, the number of nodes ! in the X direction. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNY, the maximum value allowed for NY, the number of nodes ! in the Y direction. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXOBJ, the number of graphical "objects". ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXPAR, the maximum number of parameters. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxbou integer ( kind = 4 ) maxelm integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnp integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnpe integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnx integer ( kind = 4 ) maxny integer ( kind = 4 ) maxobj integer ( kind = 4 ) maxpar integer ( kind = 4 ) maxsen ! write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'HELLO!' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' DISPLAY was last modified on 12 January 2001.' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' DISPLAY produces X Window, PostScript or CGM' write(*,*)' graphics output from the data of the 2D finite ' write(*,*)' element programs FLOW and ARBY.' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' Scalars are displayed using contour lines or colors.' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' Vectors are displayed as scaled or unit vectors.' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' Line or color contours of stream function,' write(*,*)' magnitude, X and Y components, and so on, ' write(*,*)' are also available.' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' DISPLAY''s built-in maxima:' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' Number of boundary edges, MAXBOU = ',maxbou write(*,*)' Number of nodes per element, MAXNPE = ',maxnpe write(*,*)' Number of X nodes, MAXNX = ',maxnx write(*,*)' Number of Y nodes, MAXNY = ',maxny write(*,*)' Number of "objects", MAXOBJ = ',maxobj write(*,*)' Number of parameters, MAXPAR = ',maxpar write(*,*)' Number of sensitivities, MAXSEN = ',maxsen write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' DISPLAY''s derived maxima:' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' Number of elements, MAXELM = ',maxelm write(*,*)' MAXELM = 2 * (MAXNX-1) * (MAXNY-1)' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' Number of nodes, MAXNP = ',maxnp write(*,*)' MAXNP = (2 * MAXNX - 1) * (2 * MAXNY - 1)' write(*,*)' ' return end subroutine help ( echo ) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! HELP prints out a list of commands. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! logical echo character isay ! write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Commands:' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'TH MH BH top, middle, bottom halves.' write(*,*)'LH CH RH left, center, right halves.' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'TL TC TR top left, center, right quarters.' write(*,*)'ML MC MR middle left, center, right quarters.' write(*,*)'BL BC BR bottom left, center, right quarters.' write(*,*)'X choose arbitrary X, Y subwindow.' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'FULL return to full picture.' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Echo echo user commands to output file.' write(*,*)'EX set up example.' write(*,*)'PROF show profile line.' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'VE set visible elements.' write(*,*)'VN set visible nodes by index.' write(*,*)'VND set visible nodes by distance.' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'PROGRAF Show a profile plot.' write(*,*)'PPRO show pressure in profiles.' write(*,*)'PTPRO show target pressure in profiles.' write(*,*)'UPRO show horizontal velocity in profiles.' write(*,*)'UTPRO show target horizontal velocity in profiles.' write(*,*)'VPRO show vertical velocity in profiles.' write(*,*)'VTPRO show target vertical velocity in profiles.' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'RETURN for more..., Q to quit' read(*,'(a1)',err = 10,end=10)isay write(17,'(1x,a1)')isay if ( echo ) then write(*,'(a1)')isay end if if ( isay /= ' ')return write(*,*)'B show boundary.' write(*,*)'BACK show plot background.' write(*,*)'BAR show color bar.' write(*,*)'E, EC show elements or element colors.' write(*,*)'EN show element numbers.' write(*,*)'FRAME show frame.' write(*,*)'KV kinematic velocity vectors.' write(*,*)'KVMAG, KVMAGC line/color kinematic velocity magnitude contours.' write(*,*)'KVX, KVXC line/color horizontal velocity contours.' write(*,*)'KVY, KVYC line/color vertical velocity contours.' write(*,*)'MV mass velocity vectors.' write(*,*)'MVMAG, MVMAGC line/color mass velocity magnitude contours.' write(*,*)'N show nodes.' write(*,*)'NN show node numbers.' write(*,*)'NOFRAME Don''t show a frame.' write(*,*)'P, PC line/color pressure contours.' write(*,*)'S, SC stream line/color contours.' write(*,*)'UV unit velocity vectors.' write(*,*)'VORT, VORTC line/color vorticity contours.' write(*,*)'XC, XCC line/color X coordinate.' write(*,*)'YC, YCC line/color Y coordinate.' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'RETURN for more..., Q to quit' read(*,'(a1)',err = 10,end=10)isay write(17,'(1x,a1)')isay if ( echo ) then write(*,'(a)')isay end if if ( isay /= ' ')return write(*,*)'ARROW = HOLLOW, LINE or SOLID.' write(*,*)'CC = Choose a color table.' write(*,*)'DAT = Specify the FLOW input data file.' write(*,*)'DJE = Read JEFF element file.' write(*,*)'DJN = Read JEFF node file.' write(*,*)'DEV = Choose plotting output.' write(*,*)'DTEC = Read TECPLOT data file.' write(*,*)'FILE = Name the graphics output file.' write(*,*)'FILTYP = Specify input type (FLOW/JEFF/TECPLOT).' write(*,*)'GRACE = Set grace margin.' write(*,*)'ICMAX = Set maximum available color.' write(*,*)'ICMIN = Set minimum available color.' write(*,*)'JCMAX = Set maximum used color.' write(*,*)'JCMIN = Set minimum used color.' write(*,*)'ICOMP = Set sensitivity component.' write(*,*)'IRFORM = Set input file format.' write(*,*)'IWRITE = Set debugging output level.' write(*,*)'LINE Set line type of any object.' write(*,*)'NCON = Set number of contour levels.' write(*,*)'NXSKIP = Set skip value for column nodes.' write(*,*)'NYSKIP = Set skip value for row nodes.' write(*,*)'SCALEE = Set a scale factor for element numbers.' write(*,*)'SCALEN = Set a scale factor for node numbers.' write(*,*)'SCALEV = Set velocity scale factor.' write(*,*)'SMAX = Set contour maximum value.' write(*,*)'SMIN = Set contour minimum value.' write(*,*)'TITLE = Set plot title.' write(*,*)'TITLE2 = Set plot subtitle.' write(*,*)'XPROF = Set X coordinate of profile.' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'RETURN for more..., Q to quit' read(*,'(a1)',err = 10,end=10)isay write(17,'(1x,a1)')isay if ( echo ) then write(*,'(a)')isay end if if ( isay /= ' ')return write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'A advance to a particular step.' write(*,*)'C choose colors.' write(*,*)'COLOR choose one color index.' write(*,*)'CTAB show current color table.' write(*,*)'DB print U,V,P at visible nodes.' write(*,*)'Help help (print this list)' write(*,*)'HELLO print program data, version, maxima.' write(*,*)'INIT initialize all data to zero.' write(*,*)'LIST list current values.' write(*,*)'OVERLAY overlay next plots.' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'# Begin a comment line.' write(*,*)'G go! create current graph.' write(*,*)'Q quit.' write(*,*)'QY quit NOW.' write(*,*)' ' 10 continue return end subroutine init ( arrow,cp,delx,dely,dev,dudxn,dudyn,dvdxn,dvdyn,echo,eflag, & eflagu,eqn,etaref,fildat,filgrf,filinp,filtyp,grace,icmax,icmin,icolor, & icomp,idata,ifile,iplot,iset,itable,iwrite,jcmax,jcmin,labelx,labely,lbar, & line,lppro,lptpro,lupro,lutpro,lvpro,lvtpro,maxelm,maxnp,maxnpe,maxny, & maxobj,maxpar,maxsen,nbound,ncon,nelem,nflag,nflag0,node, & np,npe,nprof,nsen,nset,nxskip,ny,nyskip,object,ovrlay,p,rho,rmach,scalee, & scalen,scalev,show,smax,smin,title,title2,u,v,x1max,x1min, & x2max,x2min,x4max,x4min,xc,xprof,xsiref,xsmax,xsmin,y1max, & y1min,y2max,y2min,y4max,y4min,yc,ysmax,ysmin) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! INIT initializes the values of data. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real DELX, the X spacing between nodes. In some cases, ! this spacing is modified to create isoparametric elements. ! ! Input, real DELY, the Y spacing between nodes. In some cases, ! this spacing is modified to create isoparametric elements. ! ! DEV Output, character*10 DEV. ! The graphics output device to be used. Current legal ! values for DEV include: ! ! cgmb - CGM binary file. ! ps - PostScript file. ! xws - X window screen (interactive). ! ! Output, logical EFLAG(MAXELM). ! EFLAG is used to "flag" which elements are to be displayed. ! If EFLAG(I) is TRUE, then element I should be displayed. ! ! EFLAGU Output, logical EFLAGU(NELEM). ! EFLAGU is used to "flag" which elements the user wants to see. ! If EFLAGU(I) is TRUE, then element I should be displayed. ! ! Output, character ( len = 2 ) EQN(3,NP). ! EQN records the "type" of each equation that will be generated, and ! which is associated with an unknown. Note that most boundary ! conditions do not result in an equation. The current values are: ! ! 'U' The horizontal momentum equation. ! 'UW' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! 'V' The vertical momentum equation. ! 'VW' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! 'P' The continuity equation. ! 'PB' The condition P = 0 applied at (XMAX,YMAX). ! ! ETAREF Output, real ETAREF(MAXNPE). ! The ETA coordinates of the nodes of the reference ! triangle. ! ! FILDAT Output, character ( len = 80 ) FILDAT. ! The name of the data file to be read in, which contains ! the information defining the mesh and the physical ! parameters. ! ! FILGRF Output, character ( len = 80 ) FILGRF, the name of the output ! graphics file. ! ! FILINP Output, character ( len = 80 ) FILINP. ! The name of a file in which will be placed a copy of the ! input typed by the user while running Display. ! ! GRACE Output, real GRACE. ! The size of the "grace" margin on the plot. ! ! ICMAX, ! ICMIN Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) ICMAX, ICMIN, the maximum and ! minimum color indices to use in the color bar. ! ! ICOLOR Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) ICOLOR(MAXOBJ). ! Contains the color indexes for each object. ! However, in some cases, ICOLOR is actual a color table ! index. ! ! ICOMP Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) ICOMP. ! The component of the flow to be studied. ! ! ICOMP = 0 studies the basic flow. ! ICOMP = I studies the sensitivity with respect to ! parameter I. ! ! IDATA Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IDATA. ! 0, no problem has been defined. ! nonzero, a problem has been defined. ! ! IFILE Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IFILE. ! Records the status of the data file whose name is FILDAT. ! ! -2, an error occurred while reading from the file. ! -1, the file could not be opened. ! 0, no file is currently open. ! 1, a file has been opened, but not read from. ! 2, data has been read from a file. ! ! IPLOT Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPLOT. ! The number of plots made so far. ! ! ISET Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) ISET. ! The data set being examined from the file. If no file ! is open, or if no data set has been read, then ISET is ! zero. ! ! ITABLE Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) ITABLE, the desired color table. ! ! 1: low black to high white ! 2: low blue to high yellow ! 3: low red, high blue, with bands between. ! 4: low red, yellow, green, blue, high white. ! 5: low white, blue, green, yellow, high red. ! 6: low blue to high red ! 7: linear table between 2 user colors. ! 8: linear table between N user colors. ! 9: low white to high black. ! ! IWRITE Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IWRITE. ! Controls debugging output. ! ! 0 means no such output. ! 1 means some. ! 2 means a lot. ! ! JCMAX, ! JCMIN Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) JCMAX, JCMIN, the maximum and minimum color ! indices to use for contours. ! ! LABELX, ! LABELY Output, character ( len = 30 ) LABELX, LABELY. For profile plots, these ! contain labels for the X and Y axes. ! ! LBAR Output, logical LBAR, .TRUE. if the color bar may be shown, ! .FALSE. if it should not be shown. ! ! LINE Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) LINE(MAXOBJ). ! LINE allows the user to specify or change the line type ! for each object. Only some objects actually have a line ! type, and the choices for a line type depend on the object. ! ! Here is the list: ! ! 0, solid black lines. ! 1, dashed black lines. ! 2, solid lines of current color. ! 3, dashed lines of current color. ! ! LPPRO Output, logical LPPRO. ! If TRUE, then the computed pressure should be displayed ! in profile plots. ! ! LPTPRO Output, logical LPTPRO. ! If TRUE, then the target pressure should be displayed ! in profile plots. ! ! LUPRO Output, logical LUPRO. ! If TRUE, then the computed horizontal velocity should be displayed ! in profile plots. ! ! LUTPRO Output, logical LUTPRO. ! If TRUE, then the target horizontal velocity should be displayed ! in profile plots. ! ! LVPRO Output, logical LVPRO. ! If TRUE, then the computed vertical velocity should be displayed ! in profile plots. ! ! LVTPRO Output, logical LVTPRO. ! If TRUE, then the target vertical velocity should be displayed ! in profile plots. ! ! MAXELM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXELM. ! The maximum number of elements which the program can ! handle. ! ! MAXNP Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNP. ! The maximum number of nodes which the program can handle. ! ! MAXNY Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNY. ! The maximum value allowed for NY. ! ! MAXOBJ Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXOBJ. ! The number of graphical "objects". ! ! MAXPAR Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXPAR, the maximum number of parameters. ! ! NBOUND Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NBOUND. ! The number of points (XBOUND(I),YBOUND(I)) used to ! define the boundary. ! ! NCON Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCON. ! The number of contour lines to be drawn. This is ! initialized to 12, but may be changed by the user. ! ! NELEM Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! NFLAG Output, logical NFLAG(MAXNP). ! ! NFLAG is used to "flag" which nodes are active, ! that is, to be displayed, and which not, in the graph. ! ! NODE Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(MAXNPE,MAXELM), or NODE(MAXNPE,NELEM). ! NODE contains, for each element, the global node numbers ! of its NPE nodes. ! ! For linear elements (NPE = 3), the order of the nodes probably ! doesn't matter, but we will draw them this way: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! / | ! / | ! 1-------3 ! ! For quadratic elements (NPE = 6), the nodes must be given in a ! particular order, which is as follows: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1---6---3 ! ! NP Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP. ! NP is the total number of nodes. ! ! NPE Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPE. ! NPE is the number of nodes per element, which should be ! 3 for linear elements and 6 for quadratics. ! ! NPROF Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPROF(MY). ! Records the indices of the nodes that lie along the profile line. ! ! NSET Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NSET. ! The number of sets of data contained in the data file. ! ! NXSKIP Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NXSKIP. ! NXSKIP is used to "thin" out a vector plot. ! ! If NXSKIP = 1, then a standard vector plot is made. ! ! Otherwise, in the X direction, vectors are drawn only ! in columns 1, 1+NXSKIP, 1+2*NXSKIP and so on. ! ! NY Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NY, the number of elements in the Y direction. ! ! NYSKIP Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NYSKIP. ! NYSKIP is used to "thin" out a vector plot. ! ! If NYSKIP = 1, then a standard vector plot is made. ! ! Otherwise, in the Y direction, vectors are drawn only ! in rows 1, 1+NYSKIP, 1+2*NYSKIP and so on. ! ! OBJECT Output, character ( len = 30 ) OBJECT(MAXOBJ), the names of the ! graphical objects. ! ! OVRLAY Output, logical OVRLAY. ! If OVRLAY is true, then the next time that a plot is ! requested, a "new frame" command is suppressed, so that ! the new plot is shown on top of the previous one. ! ! P Input, real P(MAXNP,0:2*MAXPAR). ! ! P(I,0) is the pressure at node I. ! ! P(I,J) is the sensitivity of the pressure with respect ! to parameter J. ! ! SCALEE Output, real SCALEE. ! The scale factor for the element numbers, with default value 1. ! ! SCALEN Output, real SCALEN. ! The scale factor for the node numbers, with default value 1. ! ! SCALEV Output, real SCALEV. ! A scale factor for velocity vectors. This starts out at 1.0. ! ! SHOW Output, logical SHOW(MAXOBJ). ! Contains, for each object, a flag determining whether it ! is to be shown or not. ! ! TITLE Output, character ( len = 40 ) TITLE. ! A title for the plots. ! ! TITLE2 Output, character ( len = 40 ) TITLE2. ! A subtitle used in the profile plots. ! ! U Output, real U(MAXNP,MAXPAR). ! ! U(I,0) is the horizontal fluid velocity at node I. ! ! U(I,J) is the sensitivity of the horizontal velocity with ! respect to parameter J. ! ! V Output, real V(MAXNP,MAXPAR). ! ! V(I,0) is the vertical fluid velocity at node I. ! ! V(I,J) is the sensitivity of the vertical velocity with ! respect to parameter J. ! ! X1MAX, ! X1MIN Output, real X1MAX, X1MIN, the maximum and minimum X ! coordinates of the plot, which includes a small grace margin. ! ! X2MAX, ! X2MIN Output, real X2MAX, X2MIN, the maximum and minimum X ! coordinates that should be used for plotting. No plotting ! commands should exceed these values. This is where the ! "frame" might be drawn. ! ! X4MAX, ! X4MIN Output, real X4MAX, X4MIN, the maximum and minimum X ! coordinates that are used for the plot, not including axes. ! ! For profile graphs, X2MIN = 0.20, X2MAX=0.80. ! ! XC Output, real XC(MAXNP). ! The X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! XPROF Output, real XPROF. ! The X coordinate of the profile line. ! ! XSIREF Output, real XSIREF(MAXNPE). ! The XSI coordinates of the nodes of the reference ! triangle. ! ! XSMAX Output, real XSMAX. ! The maximum X coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! XSMAX defaults to XMAX, but can be made smaller to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! XSMIN Output, real XSMIN. ! The minimum X coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! XSMIN defaults to XMIN, but can be made larger to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! Y1MAX, ! Y1MIN Output, real Y1MAX, Y1MIN, the maximum and minimum Y ! coordinates of the plot, which includes a small grace margin. ! ! Y2MAX, ! Y2MIN Output, real Y2MAX, Y2MIN, the maximum and minimum Y ! coordinates that should be used for plotting. No plotting ! commands should exceed these values. This is where the ! "frame" might be drawn. ! ! Y4MAX, ! Y4MIN Output, real Y4MAX, Y4MIN, the maximum and minimum Y ! coordinates that are used for the plot, not including axes. ! ! For profile graphs, Y4MIN = 0.20, Y4MAX=0.80. ! ! YC Output, real YC(MAXNP). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! ! YSMAX Output, real YSMAX. ! The maximum Y coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! YSMAX defaults to YMAX, but can be made smaller to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! YSMIN Output, real YSMIN. ! The minimum Y coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! YSMIN defaults to YMIN, but can be made larger to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxelm integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnp integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnpe integer ( kind = 4 ) maxny integer ( kind = 4 ) maxobj integer ( kind = 4 ) maxpar integer ( kind = 4 ) maxsen ! character ( len = 10 ) arrow real cp(maxnp) real delx real dely character ( len = 10 ) dev real dudxn(maxnp) real dudyn(maxnp) real dvdxn(maxnp) real dvdyn(maxnp) logical echo logical eflag(maxelm) logical eflagu(maxelm) character ( len = 2 ) eqn(3,maxnp) real etaref(maxnpe) character ( len = 80 ) fildat character ( len = 80 ) filgrf character ( len = 80 ) filinp character ( len = 20 ) filtyp real grace integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) icmax integer ( kind = 4 ) icmin integer ( kind = 4 ) icolor(maxobj) integer ( kind = 4 ) icomp integer ( kind = 4 ) idata integer ( kind = 4 ) ifile integer ( kind = 4 ) iplot integer ( kind = 4 ) iset integer ( kind = 4 ) itable integer ( kind = 4 ) iwrite integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmax integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmin character ( len = * ) labelx character ( len = * ) labely logical lbar integer ( kind = 4 ) line(maxobj) logical lppro logical lptpro logical lupro logical lutpro logical lvpro logical lvtpro integer ( kind = 4 ) nbound integer ( kind = 4 ) ncon integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem logical nflag(maxnp) logical nflag0(maxnp) integer ( kind = 4 ) node(maxnpe,maxelm) integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) npe integer ( kind = 4 ) nprof(2*maxny-1) integer ( kind = 4 ) nxskip integer ( kind = 4 ) ny integer ( kind = 4 ) nyskip integer ( kind = 4 ) nsen integer ( kind = 4 ) nset character ( len = 30 ) object(maxobj) logical ovrlay real p(maxnp,0:maxsen) real rho(maxnp) real rmach(maxnp) real scalee real scalen real scalev logical show(maxobj) real smax real smin character ( len = 40 ) title character ( len = 40 ) title2 real u(maxnp,0:maxsen) real v(maxnp,0:maxsen) real xprof real x1max real x1min real x2max real x2min real x4max real x4min real xc(maxnp) real xsiref(maxnpe) real xsmax real xsmin real y1max real y1min real y2max real y2min real y4max real y4min real yc(maxnp) real ysmax real ysmin ! arrow = 'line' cp(1:maxnp) = 0.0 delx = 1.0 dely = 1.0 dev = ' ' do i = 1,maxnp dudxn(i) = 0.0 end do do i = 1,maxnp dudyn(i) = 0.0 end do do i = 1,maxnp dvdxn(i) = 0.0 end do do i = 1,maxnp dvdyn(i) = 0.0 end do do i = 1,3 do j = 1,maxnp eqn(i,j) = ' ' end do end do echo = .false. do i = 1,maxelm eflag(i) = .true. eflagu(i) = .true. end do fildat = 'display.dat' filgrf = ' ' filinp = 'display.inp' filtyp = 'flow' grace = 0.05 icmax = 255 icmin = 2 ! ! Set the default colors for the objects. ! do i = 1,maxobj icolor(i) = 1 end do icolor(20) = 127 icolor(21) = 0 icomp = 0 idata = 0 ifile = 0 iplot = 0 iset = 0 itable = 9 iwrite = 0 ! ! For gray scale color tables, avoid extremes of all white or all black. ! jcmax = 255 jcmin = 2 labelx = ' ' labely = ' ' lbar = .true. ! ! Set default line type to solid lines of current color. ! Boundary is dashed, current color. ! do i = 1,maxobj line(i) = 2 end do line(1) = 2 lppro = .false. lptpro = .false. lupro = .false. lutpro = .false. lvpro = .false. lvtpro = .false. nbound = 0 ncon = 9 nelem = 0 do i = 1,maxnp nflag(i) = .true. nflag0(i) = .true. end do do i = 1,maxnpe do j = 1,maxelm node(i,j) = 0 end do end do np = 0 npe = maxnpe do i = 1,2*maxny-1 nprof(i) = 0 end do nxskip = 1 ny = 0 nyskip = 1 nsen = 0 nset = 0 object(1) = 'boundary' object(2) = 'element' object(3) = 'frame' object(4) = 'nodes' object(5) = 'pressure' object(6) = 'stream lines' object(7) = 'title' object(8) = 'kinematic velocity vectors' object(9) = 'unit velocity vectors' object(10) = 'kinematic velocity magnitude contours' object(11) = 'vorticity contours' object(12) = 'pressure colors' object(13) = 'vorticity colors' object(14) = 'kinematic velocity magnitude colors' object(15) = 'X kinematic velocity contours' object(16) = 'Y kinematic velocity contours' object(17) = 'X kinematic velocity colors' object(18) = 'Y kinematic velocity colors' object(19) = 'profile line' object(20) = 'element colors' object(21) = 'background' object(22) = 'stream colors' object(23) = 'X coordinate colors' object(24) = 'Y coordinate colors' object(25) = 'X coordinate contours' object(26) = 'Y coordinate contours' object(27) = 'node numbers' object(28) = 'element numbers' object(29) = 'Cp contours' object(30) = 'Mach contours' object(31) = 'Rho contours' object(32) = 'Cp colors' object(33) = 'Mach colors' object(34) = 'Rho colors' object(35) = 'Mass velocity vectors' object(36) = 'Mass velocity magnitude contours' object(37) = 'Mass velocity magnitude colors' ovrlay = .false. do i = 1,maxnp do j = 0,2*maxpar p(i,j) = 0.0 end do end do do i = 1,maxnp rho(i) = 0.0 end do do i = 1,maxnp rmach(i) = 0.0 end do scalee = 1.0 scalen = 1.0 scalev = 1.0 do i = 1,maxobj show(i) = .false. end do show(1) = .true. show(3) = .false. show(7) = .true. smax = 0.0 smin = 0.0 title = ' ' title2 = ' ' do i = 1,maxnp do j = 0,2*maxpar u(i,j) = 0.0 v(i,j) = 0.0 end do end do x2max = 1.0 x2min = 0.0 x4max = 0.95 x4min = 0.05 do i = 1,maxnp xc(i) = 0.0 end do xprof = 0.0 xsmax = 0.0 xsmin = 0.0 y2max = 1.0 y2min = 0.0 y4max = 0.95 y4min = 0.05 do i = 1,maxnp yc(i) = 0.0 end do ysmax = 0.0 ysmin = 0.0 ! ! Set things that depend on other things. ! call setref(etaref,maxnpe,npe,xsiref) x1max = x2max+grace*(x2max-x2min) x1min = x2min-grace*(x2max-x2min) y1max = y2max+grace*(y2max-y2min) y1min = y2min-grace*(y2max-y2min) return end function inside ( x1, xmid, x2 ) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! INSIDE reports whether XMID is, or is not, between X1 and X2. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! X1, ! XMID, ! X2 Input, real X1, XMID, X2, three values to be tested. ! ! INSIDE Output, logical INSIDE. ! ! INSIDE will be .TRUE. if XMID is "inside" the interval ! spanned by X1 and X2. That is, if ! ! X1 < = XMID <= X2 ! or ! X2 < = XMID <= X1 ! ! Otherwise, INSIDE will be .FALSE. ! logical inside real x1 real x2 real xmid ! if ( (x1 <= xmid.and.xmid <= x2).or.(x1 >= xmid.and.xmid >= x2) ) then inside = .true. else inside = .false. end if return end subroutine isogn6 ( etagon,ielem,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,npe,npts,xc,xsigon,yc) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ISOGN6 draws a filled polygon in a six node isoparametric element. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! ETAGON Input, real ETAGON(NPTS), the ETA coordinates of the ! vertices of the polygon. ! ! IELEM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IELEM, the element in which we are working. ! ! MAXNPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNPE. ! MAXNPE is the maximum number of nodes per element. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(MAXNPE,MAXELM), or NODE(MAXNPE,NELEM). ! NODE contains, for each element, the global node numbers ! of its NPE nodes. ! ! For linear elements (NPE = 3), the order of the nodes probably ! doesn't matter, but we will draw them this way: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! / | ! / | ! 1-------3 ! ! For quadratic elements (NPE = 6), the nodes must be given in a ! particular order, which is as follows: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1---6---3 ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! NPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPE. ! NPE is the number of nodes per element, which should be ! 3 for linear elements and 6 for quadratics. ! ! NPTS Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPTS, the number of vertices in the polygon. ! ! XC Input, real XC(NP). ! The X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! XSIGON Input, real XSIGON(NPTS), the XSI coordinates of the ! vertices of the polygon. ! ! YC Input, real YC(NP). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxpts2 parameter (maxpts2 = 100) ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnpe integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) npts ! real a1 real a2 real b1 real b2 real c1 real c2 real d1 real d2 real e1 real e2 real eta real etagon(npts) real etagon2(maxpts2) real f1 real f2 integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) nfill integer ( kind = 4 ) node(maxnpe,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) npe integer ( kind = 4 ) npts2 real xc(np) real xgon(maxpts2) real xn(6) real x real xsi real xsigon(npts) real xsigon2(maxpts2) real yc(np) real ygon(maxpts2) real yn(6) real y ! ! Get XN(*), YN(*), the images of the nodes of the reference triangle. ! do i = 1,npe xn(i) = xc(node(i,ielem)) yn(i) = yc(node(i,ielem)) end do ! ! Get the coefficients of the map from the reference triangle ! to the image triangle. ! call get_map6(a1,b1,c1,d1,e1,f1,xn) call get_map6(a2,b2,c2,d2,e2,f2,yn) ! ! Insert two extra points between every pair of original ones. ! ! nfill = 2 nfill = 0 npts2 = (nfill+1)*npts if ( npts2 > maxpts2 ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'ISOGN6 - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' The input polygon has too many points!' stop end if ! ! Insert 2 fillin points between each pair of points. ! call fillin2(nfill,npts,xsigon,xsigon2) call fillin2(nfill,npts,etagon,etagon2) ! ! Compute the images of the points. ! do i = 1,npts2 xsi = xsigon2(i) eta = etagon2(i) x = a1*xsi**2+b1*xsi*eta+c1*eta**2+d1*xsi+e1*eta+f1 y = a2*xsi**2+b2*xsi*eta+c2*eta**2+d2*xsi+e2*eta+f2 xgon(i) = x ygon(i) = y end do call plygon(npts2,xgon,ygon) return end subroutine isoln3 ( xa, ya, xb, yb ) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ISOLN3 draws a line between two points in a linear isoparametric element. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The line is straight in the original, reference, ! element, and will be straight in the image element. ! ! ISOLN3 is given the locations of the points (XA,YA) and ! (XB,YB), which are presumed to lie inside of the same element. ! ! ISOLN3 draws a line between these points. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! XA, ! YA Input, real XA, YA, the first point to be connected. ! ! XB, ! YB Input, real XB, YB, the second point to be connected. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) narray parameter (narray = 2) ! real xa real xb real xarray(narray) real ya real yb real yarray(narray) ! xarray(1) = xa yarray(1) = ya xarray(2) = xb yarray(2) = yb ! ! Draw the image points. ! call plylin(narray,xarray,yarray) return end subroutine isoln6 ( xa,ya,xb,yb,ielem,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,npe,xc,yc) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ISOLN6 draws a line between two points in a quadratic isoparametric ! element. The line is straight in the original, reference, ! element, but will probably be curved in the image element. ! ! ISOLN6 is given the locations of the points (XA,YA) and ! (XB,YB), which are presumed to lie inside of element IELEM. ! ! ISOLN6 then creates an interpolated array of NARRAY points, ! (XDREF(I), YDREF(I)) stretching from (XA,YA) to (XB,YB). ! ! Then, ISOLN6 computes the image location of each point, ! and calls PLYLIN to draw the line connecting these points. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! XA, ! YA Input, real XA, YA, the first point to be connected. ! ! XB, ! YB Input, real XB, YB, the second point to be connected. ! ! IELEM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IELEM, the element in which we are working. ! ! MAXNPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNPE. ! MAXNPE is the maximum number of nodes per element. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(MAXNPE,MAXELM), or NODE(MAXNPE,NELEM). ! NODE contains, for each element, the global node numbers ! of its NPE nodes. ! ! For linear elements (NPE = 3), the order of the nodes probably ! doesn't matter, but we will draw them this way: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! / | ! / | ! 1-------3 ! ! For quadratic elements (NPE = 6), the nodes must be given in a ! particular order, which is as follows: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1---6---3 ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! NPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPE. ! NPE is the number of nodes per element, which should be ! 3 for linear elements and 6 for quadratics. ! ! XC Input, real XC(NP). ! The X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! YC Input, real YC(NP). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) narray parameter (narray = 5) ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnpe integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! real a1 real a2 real b1 real b2 real c1 real c2 real d1 real d2 real e1 real e2 real f1 real f2 integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) node(maxnpe,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) npe real xa real xb real xc(np) real xdimage(narray) real xdref(narray) real xn(6) real ya real yb real yc(np) real ydimage(narray) real ydref(narray) real yn(6) ! ! Locate the images of the nodes of the reference triangle. ! do i = 1,npe xn(i) = xc(node(i,ielem)) yn(i) = yc(node(i,ielem)) end do ! ! Get the coefficients of the map. ! call get_map6(a1,b1,c1,d1,e1,f1,xn) call get_map6(a2,b2,c2,d2,e2,f2,yn) ! ! Interpolate between the X and Y data reference values. ! call fillin(narray,xa,xb,xdref) call fillin(narray,ya,yb,ydref) ! ! Map each point on the reference line to the image line. ! do i = 1,narray xdimage(i) = a1*xdref(i)**2+b1*xdref(i)*ydref(i) & +c1*ydref(i)**2+d1*xdref(i)+e1*ydref(i)+f1 ydimage(i) = a2*xdref(i)**2+b2*xdref(i)*ydref(i) & +c2*ydref(i)**2+d2*xdref(i)+e2*ydref(i)+f2 end do ! ! Draw the image points. ! call plylin(narray,xdimage,ydimage) return end subroutine list ( delx,dely,dev,echo,fildat,grace,icmax,icmin,icolor, & icomp,idata,ifile,iplot,iset,itable,iwrite,jbound,maxbou,maxnp, & maxobj,maxpar,maxsen,nbound,ncon,nelem,np,npar,npe,nset,nx,nxskip,ny, & nyskip,object,p,scalev,show,title,title2,u,v,x2max,x2min,xmax,xmin, & xprof,xsmax,xsmin,ymax,ymin,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! LIST prints out the values of the variables of interest to the user. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real DELX, the X spacing between nodes. In some cases, ! this spacing is modified to create isoparametric elements. ! ! Input, real DELY, the Y spacing between nodes. In some cases, ! this spacing is modified to create isoparametric elements. ! ! DEV Input, character*10 DEV. ! The graphics output device to be used. Current legal ! values for DEV include: ! ! cgmb - CGM binary file. ! ps - PostScript file. ! xws - X window screen (interactive). ! ! Input, character ( len = 80 ) FILDAT. ! The name of the data file to be read in, which contains ! the information defining the mesh and the physical ! parameters. ! ! ICMAX, ! ICMIN Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ICMAX, ICMIN, the maximum and minimum color ! indices to use in color contour graphics. ! ! ICOLOR Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ICOLOR(MAXOBJ). ! Contains the color indexes for each object. ! However, in some cases, ICOLOR is actual a color table ! index. ! ! ICOMP Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ICOMP. ! The component of the flow to be studied. ! ! ICOMP = 0 studies the basic flow. ! ICOMP = I studies the sensitivity with respect to ! parameter I. ! ! IDATA Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IDATA. ! 0, no problem has been defined. ! nonzero, a problem has been defined. ! ! IFILE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IFILE. ! Records the status of the data file whose name is FILDAT. ! ! -2, an error occurred while reading from the file. ! -1, the file could not be opened. ! 0, no file is currently open. ! 1, a file has been opened, but not read from. ! 2, data has been read from a file. ! ! IPLOT Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPLOT. ! The number of plots made so far. ! ! ISET Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ISET. ! The data set being examined from the file. If no file ! is open, or if no data set has been read, then ISET is ! zero. ! ! ITABLE Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) ITABLE, the desired color table. ! ! 1: low black to high white ! 2: low blue to high yellow ! 3: low red, high blue, with bands between. ! 4: low red, yellow, green, blue, high white. ! 5: low white, blue, green, yellow, high red. ! 6: low blue to high red ! 7: linear table between 2 user colors. ! 8: linear table between N user colors. ! 9: low white to high black. ! ! IWRITE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IWRITE. ! Controls debugging output. ! ! 0 means no such output. ! 1 means some. ! 2 means a lot. ! ! JBOUND Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) JBOUND(5,MAXBOU) ! ! For each line segment of the boundary: ! ! JBOUND(1,I) contains the element number; ! ! JBOUND(2,I) contains the local node number of one corner ! of the element, which forms the edge; ! ! JBOUND(2,I) contains the "next" node along the edge. ! If the element is linear, this is the other corner node. ! If the element is quadratic, this is the midside node along ! the edge. ! ! JBOUND(4,I) contains the "next" node along the edge. ! If the element is linear, this is 0. ! If the element is quadratic, this is the other corner node ! along the edge. ! ! JBOUND(5,I) contains: ! 0 if the boundary is a wall (U = V=0); ! 1 if the boundary is open. ! ! MAXBOU Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXBOU. ! The amount of storage available for the IBOUND array. ! ! MAXNP Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNP, the maximum number of nodes. ! ! MAXOBJ Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXOBJ. ! The number of graphical "objects". ! ! NBOUND Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NBOUND. ! The number of points (XBOUND(I),YBOUND(I)) used to ! define the boundary. ! ! NCON Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCON, the number of contours to draw. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! The number of elements. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! NPAR Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPAR. ! The number of parameters. ! ! NSET Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NSET. ! The number of sets of data contained in the data file. ! ! NX Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NX. ! Determines the number of nodes and elements in the X ! direction. There will be 2*NX-1 nodes, 2*NX-2 elements. ! ! NXSKIP Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NXSKIP. ! NXSKIP is used to "thin" out a vector plot. ! ! If NXSKIP = 1, then a standard vector plot is made. ! ! Otherwise, in the X direction, vectors are drawn only ! in columns 1, 1+NXSKIP, 1+2*NXSKIP and so on. ! ! NY Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NY. ! Determines the number of nodes and elements in the Y ! direction. There will be 2*NY-1 nodes, 2*NY-2 elements. ! ! NYSKIP Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NYSKIP. ! NYSKIP is used to "thin" out a vector plot. ! ! If NYSKIP = 1, then a standard vector plot is made. ! ! Otherwise, in the Y direction, vectors are drawn only ! in rows 1, 1+NYSKIP, 1+2*NYSKIP and so on. ! ! OBJECT Input, character ( len = 30 ) OBJECT(MAXOBJ), the names of the ! graphical objects. ! ! P Input, real P(MAXNP,0:MAXPAR), the pressure at node I ! is contained in P(I,0). P(I,J) contains ! the sensitivity of pressure with respect to parameter J, for ! J = 1 to NPAR. ! ! SCALEV Input, real SCALEV. ! A scale factor for velocity vectors. This starts out at 1.0. ! ! SHOW Input, logical SHOW(MAXOBJ). ! Contains, for each object, a flag determining whether it ! is to be shown or not. ! ! TITLE Input, character ( len = 40 ) TITLE. ! A title for the plots. ! ! TITLE2 Input, character ( len = 40 ) TITLE2. ! A subtitle used in the profile plots. ! ! U, ! V Input, real U(MAXNP,0:MAXPAR), V(MAXNP,0:MAXPAR), ! the horizontal and vertical velocity at node I ! are contained in U(I,0) and V(I,0). U(I,J) contains ! the sensitivity of horizontal velocity with respect to parameter J, ! for J = 1 to NPAR, and similarly for V. ! ! X2MAX, ! X2MIN Input, real X2MAX, X2MIN, the maximum and minimum X coordinates that ! should be used for plotting. No plotting commands should ! exceed these values. This is where the "frame" might be drawn. ! ! XMAX Input, real XMAX. ! The maximum X coordinate of all the nodes. ! The maximum entry in the XC array. ! ! XMIN Input, real XMIN. ! The minimum X coordinate of all the nodes. ! The minimum entry in the XC array. ! ! XPROF Input, real XPROF. ! The X coordinate of the profile line. ! ! XSMAX Input, real XSMAX. ! The maximum X coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! XSMAX defaults to XMAX, but can be made smaller to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! XSMIN Input, real XSMIN. ! The minimum X coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! XSMIN defaults to XMIN, but can be made larger to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! Y2MAX, ! Y2MIN Input, real Y2MAX, Y2MIN, the maximum and minimum Y coordinates that ! should be used for plotting. No plotting commands should ! exceed these values. This is where the "frame" might be drawn. ! ! YMAX Output, real YMAX. ! The maximum Y coordinate of all the nodes. ! ! YMIN Output, real YMIN. ! The minimum Y coordinate of all the nodes. ! ! YSMAX Input, real YSMAX. ! The maximum Y coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! YSMAX defaults to YMAX, but can be made smaller to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! YSMIN Input, real YSMIN. ! The minimum Y coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! YSMIN defaults to YMIN, but can be made larger to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxbou integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnp integer ( kind = 4 ) maxobj integer ( kind = 4 ) maxpar integer ( kind = 4 ) maxsen integer ( kind = 4 ) npar ! real delx real dely character ( len = 10 ) dev logical echo character ( len = 80 ) fildat real grace integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) icmax integer ( kind = 4 ) icmin integer ( kind = 4 ) icolor(maxobj) integer ( kind = 4 ) icomp integer ( kind = 4 ) idata integer ( kind = 4 ) ifile integer ( kind = 4 ) iplot character isay integer ( kind = 4 ) iset integer ( kind = 4 ) itable integer ( kind = 4 ) iwrite integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) jbound(5,maxbou) integer ( kind = 4 ) lenc integer ( kind = 4 ) lent logical s_eqi character ( len = 10 ) name integer ( kind = 4 ) nbound integer ( kind = 4 ) ncon integer ( kind = 4 ) nxskip integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) npe integer ( kind = 4 ) nyskip integer ( kind = 4 ) nset integer ( kind = 4 ) nx integer ( kind = 4 ) ny character ( len = 30 ) object(maxobj) real p(maxnp,0:maxsen) real pmax real pmin real scalev logical show(maxobj) character ( len = 40 ) title character ( len = 40 ) title2 real u(maxnp,0:maxsen) real umax real umin real v(maxnp,0:maxsen) real vmax real vmin real x2max real x2min real xmax real xmin real xprof real xsmax real xsmin real ymax real ymin real y2max real y2min real ysmax real ysmin ! 10 continue write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Type the name of the variable to be displayed,' write(*,*)'BLANK to return to the main program, ' write(*,*)'? for a list of variable names.' write(*,*)' ' read(*,'(a)',end = 40,err=40)name write(17,'(a)')name if ( echo ) then write(*,'(a)')name end if if ( name == ' ')return if ( name == '?' ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'LIST:' write(*,*)' The following variables may be listed:' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' DELX, DELY, DEV, FILDAT, GRACE, ICMAX,' write(*,*)' ICMIN,' write(*,*)' ICOLOR, ICOMP, IDATA, IFILE, IPLOT,' write(*,*)' ISET, ITABLE, JBOUND, MAXPAR, NBOUND, NCON,' write(*,*)' NXSKIP, NELEM, NP, NPAR, NPE, NYSKIP,' write(*,*)' NSET,' write(*,*)' NX,' write(*,*)' NY, OBJECT, P, PMAX, PMIN, SCALEV, ' write(*,*)' SHOW,' write(*,*)' TITLE, TITLE2, UMAX, UMIN, VMAX, VMIN,' write(*,*)' X2MAX, X2MIN, XMAX, XMIN, XPROF, ' write(*,*)' XSMAX, XSMIN, YMAX, YMIN, Y2MAX, Y2MIN, ' write(*,*)' YSMAX, YSMIN' go to 10 end if if ( s_eqi ( name,'iset').or.s_eqi ( name,'nset') ) then if ( ifile == 1 ) then lenc = len_trim ( fildat ) write(*,'(1x,a)')fildat(1:lenc) write(*,*)'The data file contains ',nset,' data sets.' else if ( ifile == 2 ) then write(*,*)'The data file contains ',nset,' data sets.' write(*,*)'We have currently read data set ',iset end if end if ! ! Print the value of the given variable. ! if ( s_eqi ( name,'delx') ) then write(*,*)'The nominal X spacing is DELX = ',delx else if ( s_eqi ( name,'dely') ) then write(*,*)'The nominal Y spacing is DELY = ',dely else if ( s_eqi ( name,'dev') ) then if ( dev == ' ' ) then write(*,*)'No graphics output device has been chosen.' else write(*,*)'Graphics output is of type DEV = ',dev end if else if ( s_eqi ( name,'fildat') ) then lenc = len_trim ( fildat ) write(*,*)'The current data file is FILDAT = '//fildat(1:lenc) else if ( s_eqi ( name,'grace') ) then write(*,*)'The grace margin is GRACE = ',grace else if ( s_eqi ( name,'icmax') ) then write(*,*)'Maximum index from table is ICMAX = ',icmax else if ( s_eqi ( name,'icmin') ) then write(*,*)'Minimum index from table is ICMIN = ',icmin else if ( s_eqi ( name,'idata') ) then if ( idata == 0 ) then write(*,*)'No problem has been defined, IDATA = ',idata else write(*,*)'A problem has been defined, IDATA = ',idata end if else if ( s_eqi ( name,'ifile') ) then if ( ifile == 0 ) then write(*,*)'IFILE = 0, No data file has been opened.' else if ( ifile == 1 ) then write(*,*)'IFILE = 1, A data file has been opened.' else if ( ifile == 2 ) then write(*,*)'IFILE = 2, A data file has been read' end if else if ( s_eqi ( name,'iplot') ) then write(*,*)'IPLOT = ',iplot,' plots have been made so far.' else if ( s_eqi ( name,'itable') ) then write(*,*)'Color table used for area fill is ITABLE = ',itable else if ( s_eqi ( name,'iwrite') ) then write(*,*)'Debugging level IWRITE = ',iwrite else if ( s_eqi ( name,'maxpar') ) then write(*,*)'Maximum number of parameters MAXPAR = ',maxpar else if ( s_eqi ( name,'nbound') ) then write(*,*)'Number of boundary segments NBOUND = ',nbound else if ( s_eqi ( name,'ncon') ) then write(*,*)'Number of contour levels NCON = ',ncon else if ( s_eqi ( name,'nelem') ) then write(*,*)'There are NELEM = ',nelem,' elements.' else if ( s_eqi ( name,'np') ) then write(*,*)'There are NP = ',np,' nodes.' else if ( s_eqi ( name,'npar') ) then write(*,*)'The number of parameters is NPAR = ',npar else if ( s_eqi ( name,'npe') ) then write(*,*)'The number of nodes per element, NPE = ',npe else if ( s_eqi ( name,'nx') ) then write(*,*)'There are NX = ',nx,' elements in X direction.' else if ( s_eqi ( name,'nxskip') ) then write(*,*)'Skip value for column nodes is NXSKIP = ',nxskip else if ( s_eqi ( name,'ny') ) then write(*,*)'There are NY = ',ny,' elements in the Y direction.' else if ( s_eqi ( name,'nyskip') ) then write(*,*)'Skip value for row nodes is NYSKIP = ',nyskip else if ( s_eqi ( name,'p') ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Nodal pressures I, P(I)' write(*,*)' ' do i = 1,np write(*,*)i,p(i,icomp) end do else if ( s_eqi ( name,'pmax').or.s_eqi ( name,'pmin') ) then call rrange(np,p(1,icomp),pmax,pmin) write(*,*)'PMIN = ',pmin,' PMAX=',pmax else if ( s_eqi ( name,'scalev') ) then write(*,*)'Scale factor for velocities is SCALEV = ',scalev else if ( s_eqi ( name,'title') ) then lent = len_trim ( title ) if ( lent > 0 ) then write(*,*)'Title:'//title else write(*,*)'No title has been assigned.' end if else if ( s_eqi ( name,'title2') ) then lent = len_trim ( title2 ) if ( lent > 0 ) then write(*,*)'Title2:'//title2 else write(*,*)'No subtitle has been assigned.' end if else if ( s_eqi ( name,'umax').or.s_eqi ( name,'umin') ) then call rrange(np,u(1,icomp),umax,umin) write(*,*)'UMIN = : ',umin,' UMAX=',umax else if ( s_eqi ( name,'vmax').or.s_eqi ( name,'vmin') ) then call rrange(np,v(1,icomp),vmax,vmin) write(*,*)'VMIN = ',vmin,' VMAX=',vmax else if ( s_eqi ( name,'x2max').or.s_eqi ( name,'x2min') ) then write(*,*)'X2MIN = ',x2min,' X2MAX=',x2max else if ( s_eqi ( name,'xmax').or.s_eqi ( name,'xmin') ) then write(*,*)'XMIN = ',xmin,' XMAX=',xmax else if ( s_eqi ( name,'xsmax').or.s_eqi ( name,'xsmin') ) then write(*,*)'XSMIN = ',xsmin,' XSMAX=',xsmax else if ( s_eqi ( name,'xprof') ) then write(*,*)'Profile line at XPROF = ',xprof else if ( s_eqi ( name,'y2max').or.s_eqi ( name,'y2min') ) then write(*,*)'Y2MIN = ',y2min,' Y2MAX=',y2max else if ( s_eqi ( name,'ymax').or.s_eqi ( name,'ymin') ) then write(*,*)'YMIN = ',ymin,' YMAX=',ymax else if ( s_eqi ( name,'ysmax').or.s_eqi ( name,'ysmin') ) then write(*,*)'YSMIN = ',ysmin,' YSMAX=',ysmax end if ! ! Color and visibility information. ! if ( s_eqi ( name,'object').or. & s_eqi ( name,'show').or. & s_eqi ( name,'icolor').or. & s_eqi ( name,'*') ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' Object Show? Icolor' write(*,*)' ' do i = 1,maxobj write(*,'(a25,2x,l1,2x,i3)') object(i),show(i),icolor(i) end do end if if ( s_eqi ( name,'icomp').or.s_eqi ( name,'*') ) then write(*,*)' ' if ( icomp == 0 ) then write(*,*)'We are displaying the basic solution.' else if ( 1 <= icomp.and.icomp <= npar ) then write(*,*)'We are displaying the sensitivity of the' write(*,*)'basic solution with respect to parameter ',icomp else if ( npar+1 <= icomp.and.icomp <= 2*npar ) then write(*,*)'We are displaying the gradient of the basic' write(*,*)'solution with respect to parameter ',icomp-npar end if end if if ( s_eqi ( name,'jbound') ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' I Element Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Type' write(*,*)' ' do i = 1,nbound write(*,*)i,(jbound(j,i),j = 1,5) if ( mod(i,22) == 0 ) then read(*,'(a)')isay write(17,'(a)')isay if ( echo ) then write(*,'(a)')isay end if if ( isay /= ' ')go to 10 end if end do end if 40 continue go to 10 end subroutine node_data_print ( maxnp, maxsen, nflag, np, p, u, v, xc, yc ) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! NODE_DATA_PRINT prints values at all the visible nodes. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! MAXNP Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNP, the maximum number of nodes. ! ! MAXPAR Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXPAR, the maximum number of parameters. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! P, ! U, ! V Input, real P(MAXNP,0:MAXPAR), U(MAXNP,0:MAXPAR), V(MAXNP,0:MAXPAR), ! the pressure, horizontal, and vertical velocity at node I ! are contained in P(I,0), U(I,0) and V(I,0). P(I,J) contains ! the sensitivity of pressure with respect to parameter J, for ! J = 1 to NPAR, and similarly for U and V. ! ! XC Input, real XC(NP). ! The X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! YC Input, real YC(NP). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnp integer ( kind = 4 ) maxsen integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i logical nflag(maxnp) real p(maxnp,0:maxsen) real u(maxnp,0:maxsen) real v(maxnp,0:maxsen) real xc(np) real yc(np) ! write(12,*)' ' write(12,*)'I, XC(I), YC(I)' write(12,*)'U, V, P' write(12,*)' ' do i = 1,np if ( nflag(i) ) then write(12,*)' ' write(12,'(i14,2g14.6)')i,xc(i),yc(i) write(12,'(3g14.6)')u(i,0),v(i,0),p(i,0) end if end do return end subroutine opnfil ( fildat,ifile,iset ) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! OPNFIL does the housekeeping associated with opening a new data file. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, character ( len = 80 ) FILDAT. ! The name of the data file to be read in, which contains ! the information defining the mesh and the physical ! parameters. ! ! IFILE Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IFILE. ! Records the status of the data file whose name is FILDAT. ! ! -2, an error occurred while reading from the file. ! -1, the file could not be opened. ! 0, no file is currently open. ! 1, a file has been opened, but not read from. ! 2, data has been read from a file. ! ! ISET Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) ISET. ! The data set being examined from the file. If no file ! is open, or if no data set has been read, then ISET is ! zero. ! character ( len = 6 ) chrint character ( len = 80 ) fildat integer ( kind = 4 ) ifile integer ( kind = 4 ) iset integer ( kind = 4 ) lenc ! ifile = 0 iset = 0 ! ! Open the file, count the number of data sets, and close it. ! open(unit = 2,file=fildat,form='formatted',access='sequential', & status = 'old',err=20) ifile = 1 lenc = len_trim ( fildat ) write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'OPNFIL - Note:' write(*,*)' Opening the new file '//fildat(1:lenc) return 20 continue write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'OPNFIL - Serious error!' write(*,*)' The input file could not be opened.' write(*,*)' ' ifile = -1 return end subroutine pgraf ( dev,echo,filgrf,icmax,icmin,icolor,iplot,itable, & labelx,labely,lppro,lptpro,lupro,lutpro,lvpro,lvtpro,maxnp,maxobj, & maxsen,np,nprof,ny,ovrlay,p,ptar,show,title,title2,u,utar,v,vtar,x1max, & x1min,x2max,x2min,x4max,x4min,y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,y4max,y4min,yc) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! PGRAF makes a graph of the flow profile. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! DEV Input, character*10 DEV. ! The graphics output device to be used. Current legal ! values for DEV include: ! ! cgmb - CGM binary file. ! ps - PostScript file. ! xws - X window screen (interactive). ! ! FILGRF Input, character ( len = 80 ) FILGRF, the name of the output ! graphics file. ! ! ICMAX, ! ICMIN Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) ICMAX, ICMIN, the maximum and ! minimum color indices to use in the color bar. ! ! ICOLOR Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ICOLOR(MAXOBJ). ! Contains the color indexes for each object. ! However, in some cases, ICOLOR is actual a color table ! index. ! ! IPLOT Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPLOT. ! The number of plots made so far. ! ! ITABLE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ITABLE, the desired color table. ! ! 1: low black to high white ! 2: low blue to high yellow ! 3: low red, high blue, with bands between. ! 4: low red, yellow, green, blue, high white. ! 5: low white, blue, green, yellow, high red. ! 6: low blue to high red ! 7: linear table between 2 user colors. ! 8: linear table between N user colors. ! 9: low white to high black. ! ! LABELX, ! LABELY Input, character ( len = 30 ) LABELX, LABELY. For profile plots, these ! contain labels for the X and Y axes. ! ! LPPRO Input, logical LPPRO. ! If TRUE, then the computed pressure should be displayed ! in profile plots. ! ! LPTPRO Input, logical LPTPRO. ! If TRUE, then the target pressure should be displayed ! in profile plots. ! ! LUPRO Input, logical LUPRO. ! If TRUE, then the computed horizontal velocity should be displayed ! in profile plots. ! ! LUTPRO Input, logical LUTPRO. ! If TRUE, then the target horizontal velocity should be displayed ! in profile plots. ! ! LVPRO Input, logical LVPRO. ! If TRUE, then the computed vertical velocity should be displayed ! in profile plots. ! ! LVTPRO Input, logical LVTPRO. ! If TRUE, then the target vertical velocity should be displayed ! in profile plots. ! ! MAXNP Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNP, the maximum number of nodes. ! ! MAXOBJ integer MAXOBJ. ! The number of graphical "objects". ! ! MAXPAR Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXPAR. ! The maximum number of parameters the program can handle. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! NPROF Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPROF(MY). ! Records the indices of the nodes that lie along the profile line. ! ! NY Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NY, the number of elements in the Y direction. ! ! OVRLAY Input, logical OVRLAY. ! If OVRLAY is true, then the next time that a plot is ! requested, a "new frame" command is suppressed, so that ! the new plot is shown on top of the previous one. ! ! P Input, real P(MAXNP,0:2*MAXPAR). ! ! P(I,0) is the pressure at node I. ! ! P(I,J) is the sensitivity of the pressure with respect ! to parameter J. ! ! PTAR Input, real PTAR(MAXNP) ! The pressure field associated with the target solution, at ! node I. ! ! SHOW Input, logical SHOW(MAXOBJ). ! Contains, for each object, a flag determining whether it ! is to be shown or not. ! ! TITLE Input, character ( len = 40 ) TITLE. ! A title for the plots. ! ! TITLE2 Input, character ( len = 40 ) TITLE2. ! A subtitle used in the profile plots. ! ! U Input, real U(MAXNP,MAXPAR). ! ! U(I,0) is the horizontal fluid velocity at node I. ! ! U(I,J) is the sensitivity of the horizontal velocity with ! respect to parameter J. ! ! UTAR Input, real UTAR(MAXNP) ! The horizontal velocity field associated with the target ! solution, at node I. ! ! V Input, real V(MAXNP,MAXPAR). ! ! V(I,0) is the vertical fluid velocity at node I. ! ! V(I,J) is the sensitivity of the vertical velocity with ! respect to parameter J. ! ! VTAR Input, real VTAR(MAXNP) ! The vertical velocity field associated with the target solution, ! at node I. ! ! X1MAX, ! X1MIN Input, real X1MAX, X1MIN, the maximum and minimum X ! coordinates of the plot, which includes a small grace margin. ! ! X2MAX, ! X2MIN Input, real X2MAX, X2MIN, the maximum and minimum X coordinates that ! should be used for plotting. No plotting commands should ! exceed these values. This is where the "frame" might be drawn. ! ! X4MAX, ! X4MIN Input, real X4MAX, X4MIN, the maximum and minimum X ! coordinates that are used for the plot, not including axes. ! ! For profile graphs, X2MIN = 0.20, X2MAX=0.80. ! ! Y1MAX, ! Y1MIN Input, real Y1MAX, Y1MIN, the maximum and minimum Y ! coordinates of the plot, which includes a small grace margin. ! ! Y2MAX, ! Y2MIN Input, real Y2MAX, Y2MIN, the maximum and minimum Y coordinates that ! should be used for plotting. No plotting commands should ! exceed these values. This is where the "frame" might be drawn. ! ! Y4MAX, ! Y4MIN Input, real Y4MAX, Y4MIN, the maximum and minimum Y ! coordinates that are used for the plot, not including axes. ! ! For profile graphs, Y2MIN = 0.20, Y2MAX=0.80. ! ! YC Input, real YC(NP). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxval parameter (maxval = 200) ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnp integer ( kind = 4 ) maxobj integer ( kind = 4 ) maxsen integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) ny ! character ( len = 10 ) dev real dshsiz logical echo character ( len = 80 ) filgrf integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) icmax integer ( kind = 4 ) icmin integer ( kind = 4 ) icolor(maxobj) integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) iplot integer ( kind = 4 ) itable character ( len = 30 ) labelx character ( len = 30 ) labely logical lppro logical lptpro logical lunset logical lupro logical lutpro logical lvpro logical lvtpro integer ( kind = 4 ) nprof(2*ny-1) integer ( kind = 4 ) nval logical ovrlay real p(maxnp,0:maxsen) real pmax real pmin real ptar(np) real ptmax real ptmin logical show(maxobj) character ( len = 40 ) title character ( len = 40 ) title2 real u(maxnp,0:maxsen) real umax real umin real utar(np) real utmax real utmin real v(maxnp,0:maxsen) real vmax real vmin real vtar(np) real vtmax real vtmin real x1max real x1min real x2max real x2min real x4max real x4min real xdmax real xdmin real xval(maxval) real xwval(maxval) real y1max real y1min real y2max real y2min real y4max real y4min real yc(np) real ydmax real ydmin real yval(maxval) real ywval(maxval) ! dshsiz = 0.025 ! call preplt(dev,echo,filgrf,icmax,icmin,iplot,itable,ovrlay) ! ! Set the scale of the picture. ! We allow ourselves more or less a one percent margin. ! xval(1) = x1min yval(1) = y1min xval(2) = x1max yval(2) = y1max call setscl(xval,yval,2) ! ! Set coordinates. ! x4min = 0.20 x4max = 0.80 y4min = 0.20 y4max = 0.80 ! ! The graphics package will use coordinates in the range 0 to 1. ! call setwcd(x1min,y1min,x1max,y1max,ierror) ! ! Draw a box around the region. ! if ( show(3) ) then call linclr(icolor(3)) call box(x2min,x2max,y2min,y2max) end if lunset = .false. ydmin = 0.0 ydmax = 0.0 ! ! Compute the maximum and minimum value of P along the line. ! if ( lppro ) then call profp(maxval,np,nprof,nval,ny,p,xdmax,xdmin,xval,yc, & pmax,pmin,yval) if ( lunset ) then ydmin = pmin ydmax = pmax lunset = .false. else ydmin = min(pmin,ydmin) ydmax = max(pmax,ydmax) end if end if ! ! Compute the maximum and minimum value of PTAR along the line. ! if ( lptpro ) then call profp(maxval,np,nprof,nval,ny,ptar,xdmax,xdmin,xval,yc, & ptmax,ptmin,yval) if ( lunset ) then ydmin = ptmin ydmax = ptmax lunset = .false. else ydmin = min(ptmin,ydmin) ydmax = max(ptmax,ydmax) end if end if ! ! Compute the maximum and minimum value of U along the line. ! if ( lupro ) then call profuv(maxval,np,nprof,nval,ny,u,xdmax,xdmin,xval,yc, & umax,umin,yval) if ( lunset ) then ydmin = umin ydmax = umax lunset = .false. else ydmin = min(umin,ydmin) ydmax = max(umax,ydmax) end if end if ! ! Compute the maximum and minimum value of UTAR along the line. ! if ( lutpro ) then call profuv(maxval,np,nprof,nval,ny,utar,xdmax,xdmin,xval,yc, & utmax,utmin,yval) if ( lunset ) then ydmin = utmin ydmax = utmax lunset = .false. else ydmin = min(utmin,ydmin) ydmax = max(utmax,ydmax) end if end if ! ! Compute the maximum and minimum value of V along the line. ! if ( lvpro ) then call profuv(maxval,np,nprof,nval,ny,v,xdmax,xdmin,xval,yc, & vmax,vmin,yval) if ( lunset ) then ydmin = vmin ydmax = vmax lunset = .false. else ydmin = min(vmin,ydmin) ydmax = max(vmax,ydmax) end if end if ! ! Compute the maximum and minimum value of VTAR along the line. ! if ( lvtpro ) then call profuv(maxval,np,nprof,nval,ny,vtar,xdmax,xdmin,xval,yc, & vtmax,vtmin,yval) if ( lunset ) then ydmin = vtmin ydmax = vtmax lunset = .false. else ydmin = min(vtmin,ydmin) ydmax = max(vtmax,ydmax) end if end if ! ! Copy P into XVAL, YVAL, convert to screen coordinates, and draw. ! if ( lppro ) then call profp(maxval,np,nprof,nval,ny,p,xdmax,xdmin,xval,yc,pmax,pmin,yval) do i = 1,nval xwval(i) = x4min+(xval(i)-xdmin)*(x4max-x4min)/(xdmax-xdmin) ywval(i) = y4min+(yval(i)-ydmin)*(y4max-y4min)/(ydmax-ydmin) end do call plylin(nval,xwval,ywval) end if ! ! Copy PTAR into XVAL, YVAL, convert to screen coordinates, and ! draw with a dashed line. ! if ( lptpro ) then call profp(maxval,np,nprof,nval,ny,ptar,xdmax,xdmin,xval,yc,ptmax,ptmin,yval) do i = 1,nval xwval(i) = x4min+(xval(i)-xdmin)*(x4max-x4min)/(xdmax-xdmin) ywval(i) = y4min+(yval(i)-ydmin)*(y4max-y4min)/(ydmax-ydmin) end do call dshlin(nval,xwval,ywval,dshsiz) end if ! ! Copy U into XVAL, YVAL, convert to screen coordinates, and draw. ! if ( lupro ) then call profuv(maxval,np,nprof,nval,ny,u,xdmax,xdmin,xval,yc,umax,umin,yval) do i = 1,nval xwval(i) = x4min+(xval(i)-xdmin)*(x4max-x4min)/(xdmax-xdmin) ywval(i) = y4min+(yval(i)-ydmin)*(y4max-y4min)/(ydmax-ydmin) end do call plylin(nval,xwval,ywval) end if ! ! Copy UTAR into XVAL, YVAL, convert to screen coordinates, and ! draw with a dashed line. ! if ( lutpro ) then call profuv(maxval,np,nprof,nval,ny,utar,xdmax,xdmin,xval,yc, & utmax,utmin,yval) do i = 1,nval xwval(i) = x4min+(xval(i)-xdmin)*(x4max-x4min)/(xdmax-xdmin) ywval(i) = y4min+(yval(i)-ydmin)*(y4max-y4min)/(ydmax-ydmin) end do call dshlin(nval,xwval,ywval,dshsiz) end if ! ! Copy V into XVAL, YVAL, convert to screen coordinates, and draw. ! if ( lvpro ) then call profuv(maxval,np,nprof,nval,ny,v,xdmax,xdmin,xval,yc, & vmax,vmin,yval) do i = 1,nval xwval(i) = x4min+(xval(i)-xdmin)*(x4max-x4min)/(xdmax-xdmin) ywval(i) = y4min+(yval(i)-ydmin)*(y4max-y4min)/(ydmax-ydmin) end do call plylin(nval,xwval,ywval) end if ! ! Copy VTAR into XVAL, YVAL, convert to screen coordinates, and ! draw with a dashed line. ! if ( lvtpro ) then call profuv(maxval,np,nprof,nval,ny,vtar,xdmax,xdmin,xval,yc, & vtmax,vtmin,yval) do i = 1,nval xwval(i) = x4min+(xval(i)-xdmin)*(x4max-x4min)/(xdmax-xdmin) ywval(i) = y4min+(yval(i)-ydmin)*(y4max-y4min)/(ydmax-ydmin) end do call dshlin(nval,xwval,ywval,dshsiz) end if ! ! Draw the title, the axes, the axis labels. ! labelx = 'Y coordinate on profile line' call doaxes(labelx,labely,title,title2,x4max,x4min, & xdmax,xdmin,y4max,y4min,ydmax,ydmin) ! ! Pause, if we are doing X-Windows. ! call buzz ( dev, x1min, x1max, y1min, y1max ) return end subroutine plot_file_read ( eqn, ierror, ifile, iset, isotri, maxelm, maxnp, & maxnpe, maxny, maxpar, maxsen, nelem, node, np, npar, npe, nprof, nsen, nx, & ny, p, para, ptar, rho, u, utar, v, vtar, xc, xprof, yc ) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! PLOT_FILE_READ reads a plot file defining the mesh and the flow variables. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 10 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Output, character ( len = 2 ) EQN(3,NP). ! EQN records the "type" of each equation that will be generated, and ! which is associated with an unknown. Note that most boundary ! conditions do not result in an equation. The current values are: ! ! 'U' The horizontal momentum equation. ! 'UW' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! 'V' The vertical momentum equation. ! 'VW' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! 'P' The continuity equation. ! 'PB' The condition P = 0 applied at (XMAX,YMAX). ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IERROR. ! 0, no error. ! 1, if we run out of data on any read. ! 2, format error. ! 3, other error. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IFILE. ! Records the status of the data file whose name is FILDAT. ! ! -2, an error occurred while reading from the file. ! -1, the file could not be opened. ! 0, no file is currently open. ! 1, a file has been opened, but not read from. ! 2, data has been read from a file. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ISET. ! The data set being examined from the file. If no file ! is open, or if no data set has been read, then ISET is zero. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) ISOTRI(MAXELM). ! ! 0, if element I is not isoparametric. ! 1 or 2, if element I is isoparametric. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXELM. ! The maximum number of elements which the program can handle. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNP, the maximum number of nodes. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNPE. ! MAXNPE is the maximum number of nodes per element. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNY, the maximum allowed value of NY. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXPAR. ! The maximum number of parameters the program can handle. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(MAXNPE,MAXELM), or NODE(MAXNPE,NELEM). ! NODE contains, for each element, the global node numbers ! of its NPE nodes. ! ! For linear elements (NPE = 3), the order of the nodes probably ! doesn't matter, but we will draw them this way: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! / | ! / | ! 1----3 ! ! For quadratic elements (NPE = 6), the nodes must be given in a ! particular order, which is as follows: ! ! 2 ! / | ! / | ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1--6--3 ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPAR, the number of parameters. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPE. ! NPE is the number of nodes per element, which should be ! 3 for linear elements and 6 for quadratics. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPROF(MY). ! Records the indices of the nodes that lie along the profile line. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NX. ! Determines the number of nodes and elements in the X ! direction. There will be 2*NX-1 nodes, 2*NX-2 elements. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NY. ! Determines the number of nodes and elements in the Y ! direction. There will be 2*NY-1 nodes, 2*NY-2 elements. ! ! Output, real P(MAXNP,0:MAXPAR). ! P(I,0) is the pressure at node I. ! P(I,J) is the sensitivity of the pressure with respect ! to parameter J. ! ! Output, real PARA(MAXPAR). ! The value of the parameters. ! ! Output, real PTAR(MAXNP) ! The pressure field associated with the target solution, at node I. ! ! Output, real U(MAXNP,MAXPAR). ! U(I,0) is the horizontal fluid velocity at node I. ! U(I,J) is the sensitivity of the horizontal velocity with ! respect to parameter J. ! ! Output, real UTAR(MAXNP) ! The horizontal velocity field associated with the target ! solution, at node I. ! ! Output, real V(MAXNP,MAXPAR). ! V(I,0) is the vertical fluid velocity at node I. ! V(I,J) is the sensitivity of the vertical velocity with ! respect to parameter J. ! ! Output, real VTAR(MAXNP) ! The vertical velocity field associated with the target solution, at node I. ! ! Output, real XC(MAXNP). ! The X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! Output, real XPROF. ! The X coordinate of the profile line. ! ! Output, real YC(MAXNP). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxelm integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnp integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnpe integer ( kind = 4 ) maxny integer ( kind = 4 ) maxpar integer ( kind = 4 ) maxsen ! character ( len = 2 ) eqn(3,maxnp) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) icheck integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) ifile integer ( kind = 4 ) iset integer ( kind = 4 ) isotri(maxelm) integer ( kind = 4 ) j character ( len = 6 ) name integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) node(maxnpe,maxelm) integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) npar integer ( kind = 4 ) npe integer ( kind = 4 ) nprof(2*maxny-1) integer ( kind = 4 ) nsen integer ( kind = 4 ) nx integer ( kind = 4 ) ny real p(maxnp,0:maxsen) real para(maxpar) real ptar(maxnp) real rho(maxnp) real u(maxnp,0:maxsen) real utar(maxnp) real v(maxnp,0:maxsen) real vtar(maxnp) real xc(maxnp) real xprof real yc(maxnp) ! icheck = 0 ierror = 0 name = 'nelem' read ( 2, *, end = 33, err=30 ) nelem if ( nelem > maxelm ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'PLOT_FILE_READ - Serious error!' write(*,*)' NELEM is larger than MAXELM!' write(*,*)' NELEM = ',nelem write(*,*)' MAXELM = ',maxelm write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' Display cannot handle this input file!' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' Increase MAXNX and MAXNY,' write(*,*)' recompile Display, and try again!' write(*,*)' ' stop end if name = 'np' read(2,*,end = 10,err=30)np if ( np > maxnp ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'PLOT_FILE_READ - Serious error!' write(*,*)' NP is larger than MAXNP!' write(*,*)' NP = ',np write(*,*)' MAXNP = ',maxnp write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' DISPLAY cannot handle this input file!' write(*,*)' ' stop end if name = 'npar' read(2,*,end = 10,err=30)npar if ( npar > maxpar ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'PLOT_FILE_READ - Serious error!' write(*,*)' NPAR is larger than MAXPAR!' write(*,*)' NPAR = ',npar write(*,*)' MAXPAR = ',maxpar write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' DISPLAY cannot handle this input file!' stop end if name = 'npe' read(2,*,end = 10,err=30) npe if ( npe /= 3.and.npe /= 6 ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'PLOT_FILE_READ - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' NPE must be 3 or 6,' write(*,*)' but the input value is NPE = ',npe write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' DISPLAY cannot handle this input file!' stop end if name = 'nsen' read(2,*,end = 10,err=30)nsen name = 'nx' read(2,*,end = 10,err=30)nx name = 'ny' read(2,*,end = 10,err=30)ny name = 'p(i,0)' do i = 1,np read(2,*,end = 10,err=30)p(i,0) end do name = 'u(i,0)' do i = 1,np read(2,*,end = 10,err=30)u(i,0) end do name = 'v(i,0)' do i = 1,np read(2,*,end = 10,err=30)v(i,0) end do name = 'isotri' do i = 1,nelem read(2,*,end = 10,err=30)isotri(i) end do name = 'node' do i = 1,npe do j = 1,nelem read(2,*,end = 10,err=30)node(i,j) end do end do name = 'nprof' do i = 1,2*ny-1 read(2,*,end = 10,err=30)nprof(i) end do name = 'para' do i = 1,npar read(2,*,end = 10,err=30)para(i) end do do j = 1,nsen name = 'p(i,j)' do i = 1,np read(2,*,end = 10,err=30)p(i,j) end do name = 'u(i,j)' do i = 1,np read(2,*,end = 10,err=30)u(i,j) end do name = 'v(i,j)' do i = 1,np read(2,*,end = 10,err=30)v(i,j) end do end do rho(1:np) = 1.0 name = 'xc' do i = 1,np read(2,*,end = 10,err=30)xc(i) end do name = 'xprof' read(2,*,end = 10,err=30)xprof name = 'yc' do i = 1,np read(2,*,end = 10,err=30)yc(i) end do name = 'eqn' do i = 1,np read(2,'(3a2)',end = 10,err=30)eqn(1,i),eqn(2,i),eqn(3,i) end do name = 'icheck' read(2,*,end = 10,err=30)icheck if ( icheck /= 1953 ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'PLOT_FILE_READ - Warning!' write(*,*)' The data in this file seems wrong!' write(*,*)' ' ierror = 4 return end if ifile = 2 ! ! If this is the first data set in the file, we assume it's the ! target data, so we save copies of P, U and V. ! if ( iset == 0 ) then do i = 1,np utar(i) = u(i,0) vtar(i) = v(i,0) ptar(i) = p(i,0) end do end if return 33 continue ierror = 1 write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'PLOT_FILE_READ - Note:' write(*,*)' Reached the end of the file.' return 10 continue ierror = 3 write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'PLOT_FILE_READ - Warning!' write(*,*)' Reached end of file while reading ' // trim ( name ) write(*,*)' This file may be unusable!' return 30 continue ierror = 2 write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'PLOT_FILE_READ - Warning!' write(*,*)' Format error while reading '// trim ( name ) write(*,*)' This file may be unusable!' return end subroutine pltbox ( grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax, & xsmin,y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! PLTBOX computes a square box containing the data. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real GRACE. ! The size of the "grace" margin on the plot. ! ! SRANGE Output, real SRANGE. ! The maximum of XSMAX-XSMIN and YSMAX-YSMIN. ! This gives the size of a square containing the data ! window. ! ! X1MAX, ! X1MIN Output, real X1MAX, X1MIN, the maximum and minimum X ! coordinates of the plot, which includes a small grace margin. ! ! X2MAX, ! X2MIN Output, real X2MAX, X2MIN, the maximum and minimum X coordinates that ! should be used for plotting. No plotting commands should ! exceed these values. This is where the "frame" might be drawn. ! ! XSMAX Input, real XSMAX. ! The maximum X coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! XSMAX defaults to XMAX, but can be made smaller to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! XSMIN Input, real XSMIN. ! The minimum X coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! XSMIN defaults to XMIN, but can be made larger to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! Y1MAX, ! Y1MIN Output, real Y1MAX, Y1MIN, the maximum and minimum Y ! coordinates of the plot, which includes a small grace margin. ! ! Y2MAX, ! Y2MIN Output, real Y2MAX, Y2MIN, the maximum and minimum Y coordinates that ! should be used for plotting. No plotting commands should ! exceed these values. This is where the "frame" might be drawn. ! ! YSMAX Input, real YSMAX. ! The maximum Y coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! YSMAX defaults to YMAX, but can be made smaller to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! YSMIN Input, real YSMIN. ! The minimum Y coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! YSMIN defaults to YMIN, but can be made larger to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! real grace real srange real x1max real x1min real x2max real x2min real xsmax real xsmin real y1max real y1min real y2max real y2min real ysmax real ysmin ! srange = max(xsmax-xsmin,ysmax-ysmin) if ( srange <= 0.0 ) then srange = 1.0 end if x2min = 0.5*(xsmin+xsmax)-0.5*srange x2max = 0.5*(xsmin+xsmax)+0.5*srange y2min = 0.5*(ysmin+ysmax)-0.5*srange y2max = 0.5*(ysmin+ysmax)+0.5*srange x1min = x2min-grace*(x2max-x2min) x1max = x2max+grace*(x2max-x2min) y1min = y2min-grace*(y2max-y2min) y1max = y2max+grace*(y2max-y2min) write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'PLTBOX - Note:' write(*,*)' New total picture coordinates:' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)x1min,' X1MIN < = X <= X1MAX ',x1max write(*,*)y1min,' Y1MIN < = Y <= Y1MAX ',y1max write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' New graphing area coordinates:' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)x2min,' X2MIN < = X <= X2MAX ',x2max write(*,*)y2min,' Y2MIN < = Y <= Y2MAX ',y2max write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' New data window coordinates:' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)xsmin,' XSMIN < = X <= XSMAX ',xsmax write(*,*)ysmin,' YSMIN < = Y <= YSMAX ',ysmax return end subroutine preplt ( dev,echo,filgrf,icmax,icmin,iplot,itable,ovrlay) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! PREPLT should be called before doing each plot. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! DEV Input, character*10 DEV. ! The graphics output device to be used. Current legal ! values for DEV include: ! ! cgmb - CGM binary file. ! ps - PostScript file. ! xws - X window screen (interactive). ! ! FILGRF Input/output, character ( len = 80 ) FILGRF, the name of the output ! graphics file. ! ! ICMAX, ! ICMIN Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ICMAX, ICMIN. ! The maximum and minimum color indices to be used from ! the color table. The color table contains 256 colors, ! but color indices 1 and 2 are black and white, and for some ! reason, the predefined DRAWCGM tables generally only ! use 2-200 for sensible colors. ! ! Of course the entries in the color table are "off by one". ! The first entry is for color 0, and the 256-th entry for ! color 255. ! ! IPLOT Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPLOT. ! The number of plots made so far. ! ! If IPLOT is less than or equal to 1, it is reset to 1. ! ! ITABLE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ITABLE, the desired color table. ! ! 1: low black to high white ! 2: low blue to high yellow ! 3: low red, high blue, with bands between. ! 4: low red, yellow, green, blue, high white. ! 5: low white, blue, green, yellow, high red. ! 6: low blue to high red ! 7: linear table between 2 user colors. ! 8: linear table between N user colors. ! 9: low white to high black. ! ! OVRLAY Input, logical OVRLAY. ! If OVRLAY is true, then the next time that a plot is ! requested, a "new frame" command is suppressed, so that ! the new plot is shown on top of the previous one. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) nval parameter (nval = 2) ! character ( len = * ) dev logical echo character ( len = 80 ) filgrf integer ( kind = 4 ) icmax integer ( kind = 4 ) icmin integer ( kind = 4 ) icolor integer ( kind = 4 ) iplot integer ( kind = 4 ) itable logical linit logical ovrlay real xval(nval) real yval(nval) ! save linit ! data linit /.false./ ! ! If it's the first picture, then ! ! Choose an output device, ! Give the output file a name, ! Initialize the graphics package. ! if ( .not.linit ) then linit = .true. if ( dev == ' ' ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'PrePlt - Warning!' write(*,*)' No output device was specified.' write(*,*)' PostScript output will be generated.' dev = 'ps' end if call device(dev) if ( dev == 'cgmb' ) then if ( filgrf == ' ' ) then filgrf = 'display.cgm' end if call outfil(filgrf) else if ( dev == 'ps' ) then if ( filgrf == ' ' ) then filgrf = '' end if call outfil(filgrf) end if if ( itable == 0 ) then itable = 1 end if call settab(echo,icmax,icmin,itable) call grfini xval(1) = 0.0 xval(2) = 1.0 yval(1) = 0.0 yval(2) = 1.0 call setscl(xval,yval,nval) icolor = 1 call linclr(icolor) call filclr(icolor) ! ! Else, if it's a later picture, ! ! Issue a "new frame" command, unless an overlay was requested. ! else if ( .not.ovrlay ) then call newfrm end if end if iplot = iplot+1 return end subroutine profp ( maxval,np,nprof,nval,ny,p,xdmax,xdmin,xval,yc, & ydmax,ydmin,yval) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! PROFP considers each node along the profile line, and copies ! the Y coordinate into XVAL, and the value of pressure into YVAL. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! MAXVAL Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXVAL, the maximum number of profile nodes ! that can be handled. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! NPROF Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPROF(MY). ! Records the indices of the nodes that lie along the profile ! line. ! ! NVAL Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NVAL, the number of profile nodes which ! were handled. ! ! NY Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NY, the number of elements in the Y direction. ! ! P Input, real P(NP), the value of the pressure at each node. ! ! XDMAX, ! XDMIN Output, real XDMAX, XDMIN, the maximum and minimum values of ! Y along the profile line. ! ! XVAL Output, real XVAL(2*(NY-1)), the Y coordinates of the profile nodes. ! ! YC Input, real YC(NP). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! ! YDMAX, ! YDMIN Output, real YDMAX, YDMIN, the maximum and minimum values of ! P along the profile line. ! ! YVAL Output, real PVAL(2*(NY-1)), the value of P at each of the profile ! nodes. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxval integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) ny ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) n1 integer ( kind = 4 ) n3 integer ( kind = 4 ) nprof(2*ny-1) integer ( kind = 4 ) nval real p(np) real p1 real p3 real xdmax real xdmin real xval(maxval) real y1 real y3 real yc(np) real ydmax real ydmin real yval(maxval) ! ! Compute the value of P along the line. ! nval = 0 do i = 1,2*ny-3,2 n1 = nprof(i) n3 = nprof(i+2) y1 = yc(n1) y3 = yc(n3) p1 = p(n1) p3 = p(n3) nval = nval+1 xval(nval) = y1 yval(nval) = p1 nval = nval+1 xval(nval) = y3 yval(nval) = p3 end do ! ! Compute the range of the data. ! call rrange(nval,xval,xdmax,xdmin) call rrange(nval,yval,ydmax,ydmin) return end subroutine profuv ( maxval,np,nprof,nval,ny,u,xdmax,xdmin,xval,yc, & ydmax,ydmin,yval) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! PROFUV considers each node along the profile line, and copies ! the Y coordinate into XVAL, and the value of horizontal velocity ! into YVAL. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! MAXVAL Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXVAL, the maximum number of profile nodes ! that can be handled. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! NPROF Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPROF(MY). ! Records the indices of the nodes that lie along the profile ! line. ! ! NVAL Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NVAL, the number of profile nodes which ! were handled. ! ! NY Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NY, the number of elements in the Y direction. ! ! U Input, real U(NP), the value of the horizontal velocity at ! each node. ! ! XDMAX, ! XDMIN Output, real XDMAX, XDMIN, the maximum and minimum values of ! Y along the profile line. ! ! XVAL Output, real XVAL(2*(NY-1)), the Y coordinates of the profile nodes. ! ! YC Input, real YC(NP). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! ! YDMAX, ! YDMIN Output, real YDMAX, YDMIN, the maximum and minimum values of ! U along the profile line. ! ! YVAL Output, real PVAL(2*(NY-1)), the value of U at each of the profile ! nodes. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxval integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) ny ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) n1 integer ( kind = 4 ) n2 integer ( kind = 4 ) n3 integer ( kind = 4 ) nprof(2*ny-1) integer ( kind = 4 ) nval real u(np) real u1 real u2 real u3 real xdmax real xdmin real xval(maxval) real y1 real y2 real y3 real yc(np) real ydmax real ydmin real yval(maxval) ! ! Compute the value of U along the line. ! nval = 0 do i = 1,2*ny-3,2 n1 = nprof(i) n2 = nprof(i+1) n3 = nprof(i+2) y1 = yc(n1) y2 = yc(n2) y3 = yc(n3) u1 = u(n1) u2 = u(n2) u3 = u(n3) nval = nval+1 xval(nval) = y1 yval(nval) = u1 nval = nval+1 xval(nval) = y2 yval(nval) = u2 nval = nval+1 xval(nval) = y3 yval(nval) = u3 end do ! ! Compute the range of the data. ! call rrange(nval,xval,xdmax,xdmin) call rrange(nval,yval,ydmax,ydmin) return end subroutine quit ( dev,ifile,iplot ) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! QUIT shuts down the program. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! DEV Input, character*10 DEV. ! The graphics output device to be used. Current legal ! values for DEV include: ! ! cgmb - CGM binary file. ! ps - PostScript file. ! xws - X window screen (interactive). ! ! IFILE Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IFILE. ! Records the status of the data file whose name is FILDAT. ! ! -2, an error occurred while reading from the file. ! -1, the file could not be opened. ! 0, no file is currently open. ! 1, a file has been opened, but not read from. ! 2, data has been read from a file. ! ! IPLOT Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPLOT. ! The number of plots made so far. ! character ( len = * ) dev integer ( kind = 4 ) ifile integer ( kind = 4 ) iplot logical s_eqi ! write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'DISPLAY - Note.' write(*,*)' DISPLAY is stopping now.' write(*,*)' A copy of your commands is in "display.inp".' if ( iplot > 0 ) then call grfcls end if if ( ifile > 0 ) then close(unit = 2) end if if ( .not. s_eqi ( dev, 'CGMB' ) ) then call delete('cgmout') end if close(unit = 17) stop end subroutine rdelj ( filelm,ifile,maxelm,maxnp,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,npe) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! RDELJ reads a JEFF element file. ! ! A JEFF element file contains information about the ! organization of the nodes into elements. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! FILELM Input, character ( len = 80 ) FILELM, the name of the file ! containing the element information. ! ! IFILE Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IFILE. ! Records the status of the data file whose name is FILDAT. ! ! -2, an error occurred while reading from the file. ! -1, the file could not be opened. ! 0, no file is currently open. ! 1, a file has been opened, but not read from. ! 2, data has been read from a file. ! ! MAXELM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXELM, the maximum number of elements ! allowed. ! ! MAXNP Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNP, the maximum number of nodes ! allowed. ! ! MAXNPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNPE. ! MAXNPE is the maximum number of nodes per element. ! ! NELEM Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! NODE Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(MAXNPE,MAXELM), or NODE(MAXNPE,NELEM). ! NODE contains, for each element, the global node numbers ! of its NPE nodes. ! ! For linear elements (NPE = 3), the order of the nodes probably ! doesn't matter, but we will draw them this way: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! / | ! / | ! 1-------3 ! ! For quadratic elements (NPE = 6), the nodes must be given in a ! particular order, which is as follows: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1---6---3 ! ! NP Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! NPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPE. ! NPE is the number of nodes per element, which should be ! 3 for linear elements and 6 for quadratics. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxelm integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnpe ! character ( len = 80 ) filelm integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) ifile integer ( kind = 4 ) itemp(6) integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnp integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) node(maxnpe,maxelm) integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) npe ! ! Open the data file. ! open(unit = 2,file=filelm,status='old',err=50) ! ! Initialize number of elements, number of nodes. ! ielem = 0 np = 0 ! ! Read the number of nodes per element. ! read(2,*,end = 30,err=40)nelem if ( nelem <= 0 ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'RDELJ - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' This problem has zero elements!' stop end if if ( nelem > maxelm ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'RDELJ - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' This problem has too many elements!' write(*,*)' Number of elements NELEM = ',nelem write(*,*)' DISPLAY can handle up to MAXELM = ',maxelm stop end if read(2,*,end = 30,err=40)npe if ( npe /= 3.and.npe /= 4.and.npe /= 6 ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'RDELJ - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Legal values of NPE are 3, 4 and 6.' write(*,*)' User input value is NPE = ',npe stop end if ! ! Try to read the next line of the file. ! 10 continue read(2,*,end = 30,err=40)(itemp(j),j=1,npe) ielem = ielem+1 if ( ielem > nelem ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'RDELJ - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' This problem has too many elements!' write(*,*)' Current element number IELEM = ',ielem write(*,*)' Declared number of elements NELEM = ',nelem stop end if do j = 1,npe if ( itemp(j) <= 0 ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'RDELJ - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Element ',ielem,' has an illegal node.' write(*,*)' Local node number ',j,' has index ',itemp(j) stop end if end do do i = 1,npe np = max(np,itemp(i)) node(i,ielem) = itemp(i) end do go to 10 ! ! End of file. ! 30 continue close(unit = 2) if ( nelem /= ielem ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'RDELJ - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Number of elements declared was NELEM = ',nelem write(*,*)' Number of elements was IELEM = ',ielem stop end if if ( np > maxnp ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'RDELJ - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' This problem has too many nodes!' write(*,*)' Number of nodes NP = ',np write(*,*)' DISPLAY can handle up to MAXNP = ',maxnp stop end if if ( np <= 0 ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'RDELJ - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' This problem has NP = ',np write(*,*)' but the number of nodes must be positive!' stop end if ! ! All seems well. ! ifile = 2 write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'RDELJ - Note:' write(*,*)' There are NELEM = ',nelem,' elements,' write(*,*)' and NP = ',np,' nodes.' return ! ! Error while reading. ! 40 continue close(unit = 2) write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'RDELJ - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' A READ "ERR" condition occurred.' stop ! ! Could not open file. ! 50 continue write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'RDELJ - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Could not open the element file!' stop end subroutine rdnod ( fildat,jfile,np,p,rho,u,v,xc,yc) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! RDNOD reads a JEFF file containing information about data at nodes. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, character ( len = * ) FILDAT, the file containing the data. ! This file should be a "plain text" file. ! ! JFILE Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) JFILE, an error indicator. ! JFILE is 2 if the file was successfully opened and read. ! (If not, then this routine actually halts execution!) ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! P, ! U, ! V, ! XC, ! YC Output, real P(NP), U(NP), V(NP), XC(NP), YC(NP). ! The pressure, horizontal and vertical velocities, ! and X and Y coordinates of each node. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! character ( len = 80 ) fildat integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) jfile real p(np) real rho(np) real u(np) real v(np) real xc(np) real yc(np) ! open(unit = 2,file=fildat,status='old',err=20) do i = 1,np read(2,*,end = 30)xc(i),yc(i),u(i),v(i),p(i) rho(i) = 1.0 end do close(unit = 2) write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'RDNOD - Note:' write(*,*)' Read the node data.' jfile = 2 return 20 continue write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'RDNOD - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Could not open the node file.' stop 30 continue write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'RDNOD - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' READ error while reading node data.' stop end subroutine rdtec ( cp,filelm,ifile,maxelm,maxnp,maxnpe,nelem,node, & np,npe,nx,ny,rho,rmach,u,v,xc,yc) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! RDTEC reads a TECPLOT data file. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxelm integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnp integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnpe ! real cp(maxnp) character ( len = 80 ) filelm integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) ifile integer ( kind = 4 ) ip integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) node(maxnpe,maxelm) integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) npe integer ( kind = 4 ) nx integer ( kind = 4 ) ny real rho(maxnp) real rmach(maxnp) real u(maxnp) real v(maxnp) real xc(maxnp) real yc(maxnp) ! ! Open the data file. ! open(unit = 2,file=filelm,status='old',err=50) ! ! Initialize number of elements, number of nodes. ! ielem = 0 np = 0 ! ! Skip the title line. ! read(2,*) read(2,*) read(2,'(22x,i7,6x,i7)')nx,ny write(*,*)'NX = ',nx write(*,*)'NY = ',ny np = nx*ny if ( np > maxnp ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'RDTEC - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' This problem has too many nodes!' write(*,*)' Number of nodes NP = ',np write(*,*)' DISPLAY can handle up to MAXNP = ',maxnp stop end if nelem = (nx-1)*(ny-1) if ( nelem > maxelm ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'RDTEC - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' This problem has too many elements!' write(*,*)' Number of elements NELEM = ',nelem write(*,*)' DISPLAY can handle up to MAXELM = ',maxelm stop end if npe = 4 ! ! Make up elements. ! ielem = 0 do i = 1,nx-1 do j = 1,ny-1 ielem = ielem+1 node(1,ielem) = j +ny*(i-1) node(2,ielem) = j+1 +ny*(i-1) node(3,ielem) = j+1+ny +ny*(i-1) node(4,ielem) = j +ny +ny*(i-1) end do end do ! ! Read data, and reorganize to my node numbering. ! do j = 1,ny do i = 1,nx ip = j+(i-1)*ny read(2,*)xc(ip),yc(ip),rho(ip),u(ip),v(ip),cp(ip),rmach(ip) end do end do close(unit = 2) ! ! All seems well. ! ifile = 2 write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'RDTEC - Note:' write(*,*)' There are NELEM = ',nelem,' elements,' write(*,*)' and NP = ',np,' nodes.' return ! ! Could not open file. ! 50 continue write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'RDTEC - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Could not open the element file!' stop end subroutine rrange ( n,x,xmax,xmin) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! RRANGE returns the maximum and minimum values in an array. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! N Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) N, the number of entries in the array. ! ! X Input, real X(N), the array. ! ! XMAX, ! XMIN Output, real XMAX, XMIN, the maximum and minimum values ! that occur in the array. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) n ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i real x(n) real xmax real xmin ! xmax = x(1) xmin = x(1) do i = 2,n xmax = max(x(i),xmax) xmin = min(x(i),xmin) end do return end subroutine region_size ( delx, dely, grace, nelem, nflag, np, srange, x1max, & x1min, x2max, x2min, xc, xmax, xmin, xsmax, xsmin, xtmax, xtmin, y1max, & y1min, y2max, y2min, yc, ymax, ymin, ysmax, ysmin, ytmax, ytmin ) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! REGION_SIZE computes the size of the region. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real DELX, the X spacing between nodes. In some cases, ! this spacing is modified to create isoparametric elements. ! ! Input, real DELY, the Y spacing between nodes. In some cases, ! this spacing is modified to create isoparametric elements. ! ! Input, real GRACE. ! The size of the "grace" margin on the plot. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! The number of elements. ! ! NFLAG Output, logical NFLAG(MAXNP). ! ! NFLAG is used to "flag" which nodes are active, ! that is, to be displayed, and which not, in the graph. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! SRANGE Output, real SRANGE, the maximum of the height and width ! of the data in physical coordinates. ! ! SRANGE = MAX( XSMAX-XSMIN, YSMAX-YSMIN ) ! ! X1MAX, ! X1MIN Output, real X1MAX, X1MIN, the maximum and minimum X ! coordinates of the plot, which includes a small grace margin. ! ! X2MAX, ! X2MIN Output, real X2MAX, X2MIN, the maximum and minimum X ! coordinates that should be used for plotting. No plotting ! commands should exceed these values. This is where the ! "frame" might be drawn. ! ! XC Input, real XC(MAXNP). ! The X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! XMAX Output, real XMAX. ! The maximum X coordinate of all the nodes. ! The maximum entry in the XC array. ! ! XMIN Output, real XMIN. ! The minimum X coordinate of all the nodes. ! The minimum entry in the XC array. ! ! XSMAX Output, real XSMAX. ! The maximum X coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! XSMAX defaults to XMAX, but can be made smaller to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! XSMIN Output, real XSMIN. ! The minimum X coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! XSMIN defaults to XMIN, but can be made larger to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! Y1MAX, ! Y1MIN Output, real Y1MAX, Y1MIN, the maximum and minimum Y ! coordinates of the plot, which includes a small grace margin. ! ! Y2MAX, ! Y2MIN Output, real Y2MAX, Y2MIN, the maximum and minimum Y ! coordinates that should be used for plotting. No plotting ! commands should exceed these values. This is where the ! "frame" might be drawn. ! ! YC Input, real YC(MAXNP). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! ! YMAX Output, real YMAX. ! The maximum Y coordinate of all the nodes. ! The maximum value attained by the YC array. ! ! YMIN Output, real YMIN. ! The minimum Y coordinate of all the nodes. ! The minimum value attained by the YC array. ! ! YSMAX Output, real YSMAX. ! The maximum Y coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! YSMAX defaults to YMAX, but can be made smaller to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! YSMIN Output, real YSMIN. ! The minimum Y coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! YSMIN defaults to YMIN, but can be made larger to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! real delx real dely real grace integer ( kind = 4 ) iwant integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem logical nflag(np) real srange real x1max real x1min real x2max real x2min real xc(np) real xmax real xmin real xsmax real xsmin real xtmax real xtmin real xvmax real xvmin real y1max real y1min real y2max real y2min real yc(np) real ymax real ymin real ysmax real ysmin real ytmax real ytmin real yvmax real yvmin ! ! Find the maximum and minimum values of X and Y. ! call fsize ( nflag, np, xc, xtmax, xtmin, xvmax, xvmin ) call fsize ( nflag, np, yc, ytmax, ytmin, yvmax, yvmin ) xmax = xvmax xmin = xvmin ymax = yvmax ymin = yvmin ! ! DELX and DELY are estimates for the X and Y dimensions of the ! region. For various reasons, we are going to behave as though ! the region were a square. ! delx = sqrt((xmax-xmin)*(ymax-ymin)/nelem) dely = delx write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'RSIZE:' write(*,*) ' Total physical data coordinates:' write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) xtmin,' = XTMIN <= X <= XTMAX = ',xtmax write(*,*) ytmin,' = YTMIN <= Y <= YTMAX = ',ytmax write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) ' Visible physical data coordinates:' write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) xmin,' = XMIN <= X <= XMAX = ',xmax write(*,*) ymin,' = YMIN <= Y <= YMAX = ',ymax ! ! In order to allow display of data from repeated steps with a ! fixed window, we will only reset the window if it hasn't been ! set already. ! if ( xsmin /= xsmax .and. ysmin /= ysmax .and. & xmin <= xsmax .and. xsmin <= xmax .and. & ymin <= ysmax .and. ysmin <= ymin ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'REGION_SIZE:' write ( *, * ) ' 0 to keep region size from previous plot.' write ( *, * ) ' 1 to recompute region size from current data.' read ( *, * ) iwant if ( iwant == 0 ) then return end if end if write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'RSIZE - Note:' write(*,*)' Setting data window to physical window!' ! ! Data window starts out the same as physical window. ! xsmax = xmax xsmin = xmin ysmax = ymax ysmin = ymin ! ! Compute box containing data. ! call pltbox(grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax,xsmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) return end subroutine s_blank_delete ( s ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! S_BLANK_DELETE removes blanks from a string, left justifying the remainder. ! ! Discussion: ! ! All TAB characters are also removed. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 26 July 1998 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input/output, character ( len = * ) S, the string to be transformed. ! character c integer ( kind = 4 ) iget integer ( kind = 4 ) iput integer ( kind = 4 ) nchar character ( len = * ) s character, parameter :: TAB = char ( 9 ) ! iput = 0 nchar = len_trim ( s ) do iget = 1, nchar c = s(iget:iget) if ( c /= ' ' .and. c /= TAB ) then iput = iput + 1 s(iput:iput) = c end if end do s(iput+1:nchar) = ' ' return end subroutine s_blanks_delete ( s ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! S_BLANKS_DELETE replaces consecutive blanks by one blank. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The remaining characters are left justified and right padded with blanks. ! TAB characters are converted to spaces. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 26 July 1998 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input/output, character ( len = * ) S, the string to be transformed. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) j character newchr character oldchr character ( len = * ) s character, parameter :: TAB = char ( 9 ) ! j = 0 newchr = ' ' do i = 1, len ( s ) oldchr = newchr newchr = s(i:i) if ( newchr == TAB ) then newchr = ' ' end if s(i:i) = ' ' if ( oldchr /= ' ' .or. newchr /= ' ' ) then j = j + 1 s(j:j) = newchr end if end do return end function s_eqi ( s1, s2 ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! S_EQI is a case insensitive comparison of two strings for equality. ! ! Example: ! ! S_EQI ( 'Anjana', 'ANJANA' ) is .TRUE. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 14 April 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, character ( len = * ) S1, S2, the strings to compare. ! ! Output, logical S_EQI, the result of the comparison. ! character c1 character c2 integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) len1 integer ( kind = 4 ) len2 integer ( kind = 4 ) lenc logical s_eqi character ( len = * ) s1 character ( len = * ) s2 ! len1 = len ( s1 ) len2 = len ( s2 ) lenc = min ( len1, len2 ) s_eqi = .false. do i = 1, lenc c1 = s1(i:i) c2 = s2(i:i) call ch_cap ( c1 ) call ch_cap ( c2 ) if ( c1 /= c2 ) then return end if end do do i = lenc + 1, len1 if ( s1(i:i) /= ' ' ) then return end if end do do i = lenc + 1, len2 if ( s2(i:i) /= ' ' ) then return end if end do s_eqi = .true. return end subroutine s_plot ( angle, cwide, pwide, s, x, y, flush ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! S_PLOT plots a character string onto a graphics image. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! The string can be at any angle and at any size. ! ! The plot is assumed to be of size PWIDE by PHITE, although PHITE ! itself is not input. ! ! This routine must be modified to work with a particular graphics package. ! The current code calls two routines: ! MOVCGM ( X, Y ) moves to a point (X,Y) in the plot; ! DRWCGM ( X, Y ) draws a line from the current point to (X,Y). ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 November 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real ANGLE, the angle in degrees at which the ! string is to be drawn. 0 is typical. 90 degrees would ! cause the string to be written from top to bottom. ! ! Input, real CWIDE, the width of the characters. This ! is measured in the same units as the plot width PWIDE. ! For PWIDE = 1, a plot size of 0.025 would be reasonable, ! since 40 characters would fit, but 2.0 would be nonsense. ! ! Input, real PWIDE, the width of the plot, in the same ! units as CWIDE. ! ! Input, character ( len = * ) S, contains the text to be plotted. ! Only characters with ASCII codes between 32 and 126 will actually ! be plotted. Any other characters are "unprintable", and will be ! plotted as blanks. ! ! Input, real X, Y, the coordinates of a point which ! determines where the string is drawn. The string will ! be drawn starting at, centered or, or ending at (X,Y), ! depending on the value of FLUSH. ! ! Input, character ( len = * ) FLUSH, a string which specifies how to ! place the string. Only the first character of FLUSH is examined, and ! the case of the character is not important. ! ! 'L' - the string will be drawn flush left. ! 'C' - the string will be centered. ! 'R' - the string will be drawn flush right. ! real, parameter :: PI = 3.1415926535 real, parameter :: DEG_TO_RAD = PI / 180.0 ! real angle real ca character c real cwide character ( len = * ) flush integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) iascii integer ( kind = 4 ) icr integer ( kind = 4 ), save, dimension ( 1617 ) :: ifont integer ( kind = 4 ) ip integer ( kind = 4 ) ipen integer ( kind = 4 ), save, dimension ( 95 ) :: ipoint integer ( kind = 4 ) iv integer ( kind = 4 ) nchar integer ( kind = 4 ) nmax integer ( kind = 4 ) nvec real pwide logical rotate character ( len = * ) s real sa real scl2 real x real xb real xc real xcopy real xnew real xold real xrot real xt real y real yb real yc real ycopy real ynew real yold real yrot real yt ! ! IPOINT is a pointer array into IFONT. ! ! IPOINT(I) records where the "strokes" for character I begin ! in the IFONT array. ! data ( ipoint(i), i = 1, 95 ) / & 1, 3, 26, 45, 66, 102, 130, 156, 166, 186, 206, 222, 233, & 249, 255, 267, 273, 293, 306, 328, 353, 363, 383, 411, 423, 457, & 483, 506, 533, 541, 552, 560, 587, 625, 638, 665, 683, 699, 714, & 727, 754, 770, 786, 805, 818, 826, 838, 848, 868, 884, 909, 930, & 956, 967, 981, 989,1001,1012,1025,1035,1045,1051,1061,1069,1075, & 1081,1108,1131,1149,1172,1194,1214,1243,1260,1284,1307,1323,1336, & 1364,1381,1401,1424,1447,1464,1486,1499,1516,1524,1536,1547,1560, & 1570,1586,1592,1608 / ! ! IFONT contains the strokes defining the various symbols. ! data ( ifont(i), i = 1, 396 ) / & 1, 0, 2,10,11, 9,22,10,23,11,22,10,11, 0, 9, 7, 9, 9,11, 9,11, 7, & 9, 7, 0, 2, 8,17, 7,23, 9,23, 8,17, 0,14,17,13,23,15,23,14,17, 0, & 4, 9,23, 7, 7, 0,13,23,11, 7, 0, 5,17,15,17, 0, 5,13,15,13, 0, 3, & 15,19,13,21, 9,21, 7,19, 7,17, 9,15,13,15,15,13,15,11,13, 9, 9, 9, & 7,11, 0, 9,23, 9, 7, 0,13,23,13, 7, 0, 3, 5,23, 9,23, 9,19, 5,19, & 5,23, 0,17,23, 5, 7, 0,13, 7,13,11,17,11,17, 7,13, 7, 0, 1,17, 7, & 7,17, 7,19, 9,21,13,21,15,19,15,17, 5,13, 5,11, 9, 7,13, 7,17,15, & 0, 1,10,17, 9,23,11,23,10,17, 0, 1,12,23,11,21,10,19, 9,17, 9,15, & 9,13,10,11,11, 9,12, 7, 0, 1,12,23,13,21,14,19,15,17,15,15,15,13, & 14,11,13, 9,12, 7, 0, 3, 7,15,15,15, 0,13,19, 9,11, 0, 9,19,13,11, & 0, 2, 7,15,15,15, 0,11,19,11,11, 0, 1,11, 7, 9, 7, 9, 9,11, 9,11, & 7,11, 6,10, 4, 0, 1, 7,15,15,15, 0, 1, 9, 7, 9, 9,11, 9,11, 7, 9, & 7, 0, 1,15,23, 7, 7, 0, 1, 9,23,13,23,15,19,15,11,13, 7, 9, 7, 7, & 11, 7,19, 9,23, 0, 2, 7,21, 9,23, 9, 7, 0, 7, 7,11, 7, 0, 1, 5,21, & 9,23,15,23,17,21,17,19,15,17, 7,13, 5,10, 5, 7,17, 7, 0, 2, 5,23, & 17,23,15,17,13,15, 9,15, 0,13,15,17,13,17,10,14, 7, 8, 7, 5,10, 0, & 1,13, 7,13,23, 5,13,17,13, 0, 1,17,23, 5,23, 5,17,13,17,17,15,17, & 11,13, 7, 9, 7, 5,11, 0, 1,17,19,13,23, 9,23, 5,19, 5,13, 9,15,13 / data ( ifont(i), i = 397, 792 ) / & 15,17,13,17,11,13, 7, 9, 7, 5,11, 5,13, 0, 1, 5,19, 5,23,17,23,11, & 15,11, 7, 0, 1, 8,15, 6,17, 6,21, 8,23,14,23,16,21,16,17,14,15, 8, & 15, 5,13, 5, 9, 8, 7,14, 7,17, 9,17,13,14,15, 0, 1,17,17,15,15, 7, & 15, 5,17, 5,21, 7,23,15,23,17,21,17,11,15, 7, 7, 7, 5,11, 0, 2, 9, & 13, 9,15,11,15,11,13, 9,13, 0, 9, 7, 9, 9,11, 9,11, 7, 9, 7, 0, 2, & 9,13, 9,15,11,15,11,13, 9,13, 0,11, 7, 9, 7, 9, 9,11, 9,11, 7,11, & 6,10, 4, 0, 1,17,21, 5,15,17, 9, 0, 2, 7,15,15,15, 0, 7, 9,15, 9, & 0, 1, 5,21,17,15, 5, 9, 0, 2, 7,21, 9,23,13,23,15,21,15,19,11,15, & 11,11, 0,10, 7,10, 9,12, 9,12, 7,10, 7, 0, 1,13, 7, 9, 7, 5,11, 5, & 19, 9,23,13,23,17,19,17,11,15, 9,13,11,12,10,10,10, 9,11, 9,15,10, & 16,12,16,13,15,13,11, 0, 2, 5, 7,11,23,17, 7, 0, 8,15,14,15, 0, 2, & 5, 7, 5,23,15,23,17,21,17,17,15,15, 5,15, 0,15,15,17,13,17, 9,15, & 7, 5, 7, 0, 1,17,19,13,23, 9,23, 5,19, 5,11, 9, 7,13, 7,17,11, 0, & 1, 5, 7, 5,23,13,23,17,19,17,11,13, 7, 5, 7, 0, 2,17,23, 5,23, 5, & 7,17, 7, 0, 5,15,12,15, 0, 2, 5, 7, 5,23,17,23, 0, 5,15,12,15, 0, & 2,17,19,13,23, 9,23, 5,19, 5,11, 9, 7,13, 7,17,11,17,15,13,15, 0, & 17,11,17, 7, 0, 3, 5, 7, 5,23, 0, 5,15,17,15, 0,17,23,17, 7, 0, 3, & 9,23,13,23, 0,11,23,11, 7, 0, 9, 7,13, 7, 0, 2,15,23,15,11,12, 7 / data ( ifont(i), i = 793, 1188 ) / & 8, 7, 5,11, 5,13, 0,13,23,17,23, 0, 2, 5, 7, 5,23, 0,17,23, 5,15, & 17, 7, 0, 1, 5,23, 5, 7,17, 7, 0, 1, 5, 7, 5,23,11,11,17,23,17, 7, & 0, 1, 5, 7, 5,23,17, 7,17,23, 0, 1,17,19,13,23, 9,23, 5,19, 5,11, & 9, 7,13, 7,17,11,17,19, 0, 1, 5, 7, 5,23,13,23,17,21,17,17,13,15, & 5,15, 0, 2,17,19,13,23, 9,23, 5,19, 5,11, 9, 7,13, 7,17,11,17,19, & 0,13,11,17, 7, 0, 2, 5, 7, 5,23,13,23,17,21,17,17,13,15, 5,15, 0, & 13,15,17, 7, 0, 1,17,19,13,23, 9,23, 5,20, 5,18, 9,15,13,15,17,12, & 17,10,13, 7, 9, 7, 5,10, 0, 2, 5,23,17,23, 0,11,23,11, 7, 0, 1, 5, & 23, 5,10, 8, 7,14, 7,17,10,17,23, 0, 1, 5,23,11, 7,17,23, 0, 1, 5, & 23, 8, 7,11,17,14, 7,17,23, 0, 2, 5,23,17, 7, 0,17,23, 5, 7, 0, 2, & 5,23,11,13,17,23, 0,11,13,11, 7, 0, 1, 5,23,17,23, 5, 7,17, 7, 0, & 1,11,23, 7,23, 7, 7,11, 7, 0, 1, 7,23,15, 7, 0, 1, 7,23,11,23,11, & 7, 7, 7, 0, 1, 7,21,11,23,15,21, 0, 1, 5, 3,17, 3, 0, 1, 9,23,13, & 19, 0, 2, 7,14, 9,15,13,15,15,14,15, 7, 0,15,12, 9,12, 7,11, 7, 8, & 9, 7,13, 7,15, 8, 0, 2, 7,23, 7, 7, 0, 7,13, 9,15,13,15,15,13,15, & 9,13, 7, 9, 7, 7, 9, 0, 1,15,13,13,15, 9,15, 7,13, 7, 9, 9, 7,13, & 7,15, 9, 0, 2,15,13,13,15, 9,15, 7,13, 7, 9, 9, 7,13, 7,15, 9, 0, & 15,23,15, 7, 0, 1, 7,11,15,11,15,13,13,15, 9,15, 7,13, 7, 9, 9, 7 / data ( ifont(i), i = 1189, 1584 ) / & 13, 7,15, 9, 0, 3, 9, 7, 9,23,13,23,13,22, 0, 8,15,12,15, 0, 8, 7, & 11, 7, 0, 2,15,13,13,15, 9,15, 7,13, 7, 9, 9, 7,13, 7,15, 9, 0,15, & 13,15, 3,13, 1, 9, 1, 7, 3, 0, 2, 7, 7, 7,23, 0, 7,14, 9,15,13,15, & 15,14,15, 7, 0, 3, 9,15,11,15,11, 7, 0, 9, 7,13, 7, 0, 9,17, 9,19, & 11,19,11,17, 9,17, 0, 2, 9,15,11,15,11, 1, 7, 1, 7, 3, 0, 9,17,11, & 17,11,19, 9,19, 9,17, 0, 3, 7, 7, 7,23, 0,15,15, 7,10, 0, 9,11,15, & 7, 0, 2, 9,23,11,23,11, 7, 0, 9, 7,13, 7, 0, 3, 7,15, 7, 7, 0, 7, & 14, 8,15,10,15,11,14,11, 7, 0,11,14,12,15,14,15,15,14,15, 7, 0, 2, & 7, 7, 7,15, 0, 7,14, 9,15,13,15,15,14,15, 7, 0, 1, 7,13, 9,15,13, & 15,15,13,15, 9,13, 7, 9, 7, 7, 9, 7,13, 0, 2, 7,13, 9,15,13,15,15, & 13,15, 9,13, 7, 9, 7, 7, 9, 0, 7,14, 7, 1, 0, 2,15,13,13,15, 9,15, & 7,13, 7, 9, 9, 7,13, 7,15, 9, 0,15,14,15, 1, 0, 2, 7,15, 9,15, 9, & 7, 0, 9,13,11,15,13,15,15,13, 0, 1,15,13,13,15, 9,15, 7,13, 9,11, & 13,11,15, 9,13, 7, 9, 7, 7, 9, 0, 2, 9,23, 9, 7,11, 7, 0, 7,17,11, & 17, 0, 2, 7,15, 7, 9, 9, 7,13, 7,15, 9, 0,15,15,15, 7, 0, 1, 7,15, & 11, 7,15,15, 0, 1, 7,15, 9, 7,11,11,13, 7,15,15, 0, 2, 7,15,15, 7, & 0, 7, 7,15,15, 0, 2, 7,15,11, 7, 0,15,15,10, 5, 7, 1, 0, 1, 7,15, & 15,15, 7, 7,15, 7, 0, 1,11,23, 7,23, 9,17, 7,15, 9,13, 7, 7,11, 7 / data ( ifont(i), i = 1585, 1617 ) / & 0, 1, 9,23, 9, 7, 0, 1, 7,23,11,23, 9,17,11,15, 9,13,11, 7, 7, 7, & 0, 1, 5,21, 7,23,15,21,17,23, 0 / ! nchar = len_trim ( s ) if ( pwide <= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'S_PLOT - Serious error!' write ( *, * ) ' The plot width PWIDE is negative!' write ( *, * ) ' PWIDE = ', pwide return end if ! ! Chop titles that are too long. To do this, we need to know the ! width of the plot (PWIDE) in same units as CWIDE. ! nmax = int ( pwide / cwide ) if ( nchar > nmax ) then nchar = nmax end if ! ! Shift string if centering or right flush option used. ! if ( flush(1:1) == 'l' .or. flush(1:1) == 'L' ) then xcopy = x ycopy = y else if ( flush(1:1) == 'c' .or. flush(1:1) == 'C' ) then xcopy = x - 0.5 * nchar * cwide * cos ( angle * DEG_TO_RAD ) ycopy = y - 0.5 * nchar * cwide * sin ( angle* DEG_TO_RAD ) else if ( flush(1:1) == 'r' .or. flush(1:1) == 'R' ) then xcopy = x - nchar * cwide * cos ( angle * DEG_TO_RAD ) ycopy = y - nchar * cwide * sin ( angle * DEG_TO_RAD ) else xcopy = x ycopy = y end if ! ! Note that screen coordinates are used. ! Thus a width of 0.1 is intended to mean 1/10 of screen size. ! ! Set the scale factor for character height. ! scl2 = cwide / 16.0 ! ! Set the starting point for the line of text, the lower left ! corner of the first character. ! ! Set the origin about which rotation is performed. ! xb = xcopy xrot = xcopy yb = ycopy yrot = ycopy ! ! Get trig functions if rotation required, converting from ! degrees to radians. ! if ( angle == 0.0 ) then rotate = .false. else ca = cos ( angle * DEG_TO_RAD ) sa = sin ( angle * DEG_TO_RAD ) rotate = .true. end if ! ! Loop over all characters in the string. ! do icr = 1, nchar xold = x yold = y xnew = x ynew = y ! ! Get the ASCII code for the character and shift by 31 so that ! the first printable character becomes code 1. ! c = s(icr:icr) iascii = ichar ( c ) - 31 ! ! Replace any nonprintable characters with blanks. ! if ( iascii < 1 .or. iascii > 95 ) then iascii = 1 end if ! ! Get the pointer to this character in font table. ! ip = ipoint(iascii) ! ! Get the number of "vectors" required to draw the character. ! Here "vectors" means the number of times the pen is lowered, not ! the number of pen strokes. ! ! For blanks, this number is 1, due to the way the ! algorithm is coded. ! nvec = ifont(ip) ! ! Loop over all required pen movements. ! do iv = 1, nvec ipen = 3 ip = ip + 1 do while ( ifont(ip) /= 0 ) xc = xb + scl2 * ( ifont(ip) - 1 ) yc = yb + scl2 * ( ifont(ip+1) - 7 ) ! ! Apply rotation if necessary. ! if ( rotate ) then xt = xc - xrot yt = yc - yrot xc = xrot + ca * xt - sa * yt yc = yrot + sa * xt + ca * yt end if ! ! Plot the pen stroke. ! if ( ipen == 3 ) then xnew = xc ynew = yc else xold = xnew yold = ynew xnew = xc ynew = yc call movcgm ( xold, yold ) call drwcgm ( xnew, ynew ) end if ipen = 2 ip = ip + 2 end do end do ! ! Advance the base to compensate for character just drawn. ! xb = xb + cwide end do return end subroutine serene ( type,ve,vn,vne,vnw,vs,vse,vsw,vw,vterp) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! SERENE evaluates an interpolating function which is defined on ! a serendipity quadrilateral, or on a section of one. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! TYPE Input, character ( len = 2 ) TYPE, tells SERENE the geometry of the ! finite element that surrounds the point of interest. The options ! are displayed in the following table, which suggests the meaning ! of each option by its position: ! ! | | ! NW* N * NE ! | | ! -*-*-*-*-*- ! | | ! W * C * E ! | | ! -*-*-*-*-*- ! | | ! SW* S * SE ! | | ! ! VE, ! VN, ! VNE, ! VNW, ! VS, ! VSE, ! VSW, ! VW Input, real VE, VN, VNE, VNW, VS, VSE, VSW, VW, ! are the values of the function at the nodes to the east, ! north, northeast, northwest, south, southeast, southwest and ! west of the point of interest. if the finite element is of ! type 'C', then all 8 values are needed. However, if the ! finite element is of type 'SE', for instance, then only three ! values are needed, namely VE, VN, and VNW, since these are ! the only node positions defined in such a finite element. ! ! VTERP Output, real VTERP, the interpolated value of the ! function at the point of interest. ! real eta real pe real pn real pne real pnw real ps real pse real psw real pw character ( len = 2 ) type real ve real vn real vne real vnw real vs real vse real vsw real vw real vterp real xsi ! ! To make this routine more general, simply pass in the ! values of XSI and ETA at which the interpolated value ! is desired. By setting XSI = ETA=0, we are asking for the interpolated ! value at the center of the finite element. ! ! xsi = 0.0 eta = 0.0 ! ! 8 node center ! ! Polynomial space is spanned by: ! 1 ! x y ! x^2 xy y^2 ! x^2y xy^2 ! ! ! ^ 1 4--7--3 ! | ! ! ! E ! ! ! T 0 8 X 6 ! A ! ! ! | ! ! ! V -1 1--5--2 ! ! -1 0 1 ! ! <---XSI---> ! if ( type == 'C' ) then psw = -0.25*(1.0-xsi)*(1.0-eta)*(1.0+xsi+eta) pse = -0.25*(1.0+xsi)*(1.0-eta)*(1.0-xsi+eta) pne = -0.25*(1.0+xsi)*(1.0+eta)*(1.0-xsi-eta) pnw = -0.25*(1.0-xsi)*(1.0+eta)*(1.0+xsi-eta) ps = 0.5*(1.0-xsi)*(1.0+xsi)*(1.0-eta) pe = 0.5*(1.0+xsi)*(1.0+eta)*(1.0-eta) pn = 0.5*(1.0-xsi)*(1.0+xsi)*(1.0+eta) pw = 0.5*(1.0-xsi)*(1.0+eta)*(1.0-eta) ! ! 5 node side ! ! ^ 1 ! | ! E ! T 0 8 X 6 ! A ! ! ! | ! ! ! V -1 1--5--2 ! ! -1 0 1 ! ! <---XSI---> ! else if ( type == 'N' ) then psw = 0.5*(xsi-1.0)*(1.0+xsi+eta) pse = -0.5*(xsi+1.0)*(1.0-xsi+eta) ps = -(xsi+1.0)*(xsi-1.0) pe = 0.5*(xsi+1.0)*(eta+1.0) pw = -0.5*(xsi-1.0)*(eta+1.0) ! ! ^ 1 4--7 ! | ! ! E ! ! T 0 8 X ! A ! ! | ! ! V -1 1--5 ! ! -1 0 1 ! ! <---XSI---> ! else if ( type == 'E' ) then pse = 0.5*(eta-1.0)*(1.0+xsi+eta) pne = -0.5*(eta+1.0)*(1.0+xsi-eta) ps = -0.5*(xsi+1.0)*(eta-1.0) pn = 0.5*(xsi+1.0)*(eta+1.0) pw = -(eta+1.0)*(eta-1.0) ! ! 5 node side ! ! ^ 1 7--3 ! | ! ! E ! ! T 0 X 6 ! A ! ! | ! ! V -1 5--2 ! ! -1 0 1 ! ! <---XSI---> ! else if ( type == 'W' ) then pse = 0.5*(eta-1.0)*(1.0-xsi+eta) pne = -0.5*(eta+1.0)*(1.0-xsi-eta) ps = 0.5*(xsi-1.0)*(eta-1.0) pe = -(eta-1.0)*(eta+1.0) pn = -0.5*(xsi-1.0)*(eta+1.0) ! ! 5 node side ! ! ^ 1 4--7--3 ! | ! ! ! E ! ! ! T 0 8 X 6 ! A ! | ! V -1 ! ! -1 0 1 ! ! <---XSI---> ! else if ( type == 'S' ) then pne = -0.5*(xsi+1.0)*(1.0-xsi-eta) pnw = 0.5*(xsi-1.0)*(1.0+xsi-eta) pe = -0.5*(eta-1.0)*(xsi+1.0) pn = -(xsi+1.0)*(xsi-1.0) pw = 0.5*(eta-1.0)*(xsi-1.0) ! ! 3 node corner ! ! Polynomial space is spanned by: ! 1 ! x y ! ! ! ^ 1 ! | ! E ! T 0 8 X ! A ! ! | ! ! V -1 1--5 ! ! -1 0 1 ! ! <---XSI---> ! else if ( type == 'NE' ) then psw = -(1.0+xsi+eta) ps = (xsi+1.0) pw = (eta+1.0) ! ! 3 node corner ! ! Polynomial space is spanned by: ! 1 ! x y ! ! ^ 1 ! | ! E ! T 0 X 6 ! A ! ! | ! ! V -1 5--2 ! ! -1 0 1 ! ! <---XSI---> ! else if ( type == 'NW' ) then pse = -(1.0-xsi+eta) ps = -(xsi-1.0) pe = (eta+1.0) ! ! 3 node corner ! ! Polynomial space is spanned by: ! 1 ! x y ! ! ! ^ 1 4--7 ! | ! ! E ! ! T 0 8 X ! A ! | ! V -1 ! ! -1 0 1 ! ! <---XSI---> ! else if ( type == 'SE' ) then pnw = -(1.0+xsi-eta) pn = (xsi+1.0) pw = -(eta-1.0) ! ! 3 node corner ! ! Polynomial space is spanned by: ! 1 ! x y ! ! ^ 1 7--3 ! | ! ! E ! ! T 0 X 6 ! A ! | ! V -1 ! ! -1 0 1 ! ! <---XSI---> ! else if ( type == 'SW' ) then pne = -(1.0-xsi-eta) pe = -(eta-1.0) pn = -(xsi-1.0) end if ! vterp = vsw*psw+vse*pse+vne*pne+vnw*pnw+vs*ps+ve*pe+vn*pn+vw*pw return end subroutine setref ( etaref,maxnpe,npe,xsiref) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! SETREF returns the values of XSI and ETA for the defining nodes ! of a six node isoparametric element. ! ! ^ ! | 2 ! | /| ! ETA | 4 5 ! | / | ! | 1-6-3 ! | ! +------------> ! XSI ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! ETAREF Output, real ETAREF(MAXNPE). ! The ETA coordinates of the nodes of the reference ! triangle. ! ! MAXNPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNPE. ! MAXNPE is the maximum number of nodes per element. ! ! NPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPE. ! NPE is the number of nodes per element, which should be ! 3 for linear elements and 6 for quadratics. ! ! XSIREF Output, real XSIREF(MAXNPE). ! The XSI coordinates of the nodes of the reference ! triangle. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnpe ! real etaref(maxnpe) integer ( kind = 4 ) npe real xsiref(maxnpe) ! if ( npe == 3 ) then xsiref(1) = 0.0 etaref(1) = 0.0 xsiref(2) = 1.0 etaref(2) = 1.0 xsiref(3) = 1.0 etaref(3) = 0.0 else if ( npe == 4 ) then xsiref(1) = 0.0 etaref(1) = 0.0 xsiref(2) = 0.0 etaref(2) = 1.0 xsiref(3) = 1.0 etaref(3) = 1.0 xsiref(4) = 1.0 etaref(4) = 0.0 else if ( npe == 6 ) then xsiref(1) = 0.0 etaref(1) = 0.0 xsiref(2) = 1.0 etaref(2) = 1.0 xsiref(3) = 1.0 etaref(3) = 0.0 xsiref(4) = 0.5 etaref(4) = 0.5 xsiref(5) = 1.0 etaref(5) = 0.5 xsiref(6) = 0.5 etaref(6) = 0.0 else write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'SETREF - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Legal values of NPE are 3, 4 and 6.' write(*,*)' Input value of NPE is ',npe stop end if return end subroutine setsiz ( echo,name,smax,smin,stmax,stmin,svmax,svmin) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! SETSIZ offers the user a chance to adjust the range of a contour plot. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! NAME Input, character ( len = * ) , the name of the variable. ! ! SMAX, ! SMIN Input/output, real SMAX, SMIN. ! ! On input, SMAX and SMIN are the maximum and minimum values ! attained by the variable. ! ! On output, SMAX and SMIN may have been changed by the ! user to more suitable values. ! logical echo character isay logical s_eqi character ( len = * ) name real smax real smin real stmax real stmin real svmax real svmin ! ! write(*,*)' ' write(*,'(1x,a)')name write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'SETSIZ - Input request:' write(*,*)' Previous range was ',smin, ' to ',smax write(*,*)' Total data range is ',stmin,' to ',stmax write(*,*)' Visible data range is ',svmin,' to ',svmax write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' T = total (default), V=visible, P=previous, U=user' read(*,'(a)',err = 10,end=10)isay write(17,'(a)')isay if ( echo ) then write(*,'(a)')isay end if if ( s_eqi ( isay,'u') ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' Enter new minimum and maximum values for contours.' read(*,*,end = 10,err=10)smin,smax write(17,*)smin,smax if ( echo ) then write(*,*)smin,smax end if else if ( s_eqi ( isay,'v') ) then smin = svmin smax = svmax else if ( s_eqi ( isay,'p') ) then else smin = stmin smax = stmax end if write(*,*)' Current range is ',smin, ' to ',smax return 10 continue write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'SETSIZ - Warning!' write(*,*)' There was trouble reading your input,' write(*,*)' so it was ignored.' smax = stmax smin = stmin return end subroutine settab ( echo,icmax,icmin,itable) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! SETTAB replaces SETCTB, the DRAWCGM routine for setting up the color tables. ! ! So SETTAB sets the colors between ICMIN and ICMAX, which ! should typically be 2 and 255. ! ! SETTAB will also set the values of color 0 to white, and ! color 1 to black. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! ICMAX Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ICMAX, the maximum color index to be set. ! ! ICMIN Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ICMIN, the minimum color index to be set. ! ! ITABLE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ITABLE, the desired table. ! ! 1: low black to high white ! 2: low blue to high yellow ! 3: low red, high blue, with bands between. ! 4: low red, yellow, green, blue, high white. ! 5: low white, blue, green, yellow, high red. ! 6: low blue to high red ! 7: linear table between 2 user colors. ! 8: linear table between n user colors. ! 9: low white to high black. ! real pi parameter (pi = 3.1415926) ! real bhi real blo real bval logical echo real ghi real glo real gval integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) icmax integer ( kind = 4 ) icmin integer ( kind = 4 ) icol1 integer ( kind = 4 ) icol2 integer ( kind = 4 ) itable real rhi real rlo real rval real theta ! 1996 continue ! ! 1: Low black to high white ! if ( itable == 1 ) then do i = icmin,icmax bval = real(i-icmin)/real(icmax-icmin) gval = real(i-icmin)/real(icmax-icmin) rval = real(i-icmin)/real(icmax-icmin) call setclr(i,bval,gval,rval) end do ! ! 2: Low blue to high yellow. ! else if ( itable == 2 ) then do i = icmin,icmax rval = real(i-icmin)/real(icmax-icmin) gval = real(i-icmin)/real(icmax-icmin) bval = (icmax-i)/real(icmax-icmin) call setclr(i,bval,gval,rval) end do ! ! 3: Low red, high blue, with bands between. ! else if ( itable == 3 ) then do i = icmin,icmax theta = 0.5*pi*real(i-icmin)/real(icmax-icmin) rval = cos(theta)**2 bval = sin(theta)**2 gval = 0.8*sin(10.0*theta)**6 call setclr(i,bval,gval,rval) end do ! ! 4: Low red, yellow, green, blue, high white. ! else if ( itable == 4 ) then do i = icmin,icmax theta = 4.0*real(i-icmin)/real(icmax-icmin) rval = exp(-(theta-1.0)**2)+exp(-(theta-4.0)**2) gval = exp(-(theta-2.0)**2)+exp(-(theta-4.0)**2) bval = exp(-(theta-3.0)**2)+exp(-(theta-4.0)**2) if ( rval > 1.0)rval = 1.0 if ( gval > 1.0)gval = 1.0 if ( bval > 1.0)bval = 1.0 call setclr(i,bval,gval,rval) end do ! ! 5: Low white, blue, green, yellow, high red. ! else if ( itable == 5 ) then do i = icmin,icmax theta = 4.0*real(icmax-i)/real(icmax-icmin) rval = exp(-(theta-1.0)**2)+exp(-(theta-4.0)**2) gval = exp(-(theta-2.0)**2)+exp(-(theta-4.0)**2) bval = exp(-(theta-3.0)**2)+exp(-(theta-4.0)**2) if ( rval > 1.0)rval = 1.0 if ( gval > 1.0)gval = 1.0 if ( bval > 1.0)bval = 1.0 call setclr(i,bval,gval,rval) end do ! ! 6: Low blue to high red ! else if ( itable == 6 ) then do i = icmin,icmax rval = real(i-icmin)/real(icmax-icmin) gval = 0.0 bval = (icmax-i)/real(icmax-icmin) call setclr(i,bval,gval,rval) end do ! ! 7: Interpolate between two values. ! else if ( itable == 7 ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'SETTAB - Input request:' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' Enter Rlo, Glo, Blo, Rhi, Ghi, Bhi' write(*,*)' Note: 0,0,0 is black, and 1,1,1 is white!' write(*,*)' ' read(*,*,end = 1952,err=1964)rlo,glo,blo,rhi,ghi,bhi write(17,*)rlo,glo,blo,rhi,ghi,bhi if ( echo ) then write(*,*)rlo,glo,blo,rhi,ghi,bhi end if if ( rlo < 0.0)rlo = 0.0 if ( rhi > 1.0)rhi = 1.0 if ( glo < 0.0)glo = 0.0 if ( ghi > 1.0)ghi = 1.0 if ( blo < 0.0)blo = 0.0 if ( bhi > 1.0)bhi = 1.0 do i = icmin,icmax rval = (rlo*(icmax-i)+rhi*(i-icmin))/real(icmax-icmin) gval = (glo*(icmax-i)+ghi*(i-icmin))/real(icmax-icmin) bval = (blo*(icmax-i)+bhi*(i-icmin))/real(icmax-icmin) call setclr(i,bval,gval,rval) end do ! ! 8: Interpolate between several values. ! else if ( itable == 8 ) then icol1 = icmin write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'SETTAB - Input request:' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' Enter (R, G, B) for color index ',icol1 write(*,*)' (0, 0, 0) is black.' write(*,*)' (1, 1, 1) is white.' read(*,*)rlo,glo,blo write(17,*)rlo,glo,blo if ( echo ) then write(*,*)rlo,glo,blo end if if ( rlo < 0.0)rlo = 0.0 if ( glo < 0.0)glo = 0.0 if ( blo < 0.0)blo = 0.0 10 continue write(*,*)' Enter index of next color to set' write(*,*)' between ',icol1+1,' and ',icmax read(*,*)icol2 write(17,*)icol2 if ( echo ) then write(*,*)icol2 end if if ( icol2 <= icol1.or.icol2 > icmax ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'SETTAB - Warning!' write(*,*)' Your color index was not accepted!' go to 10 end if write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Enter (R, G, B) for color index ',icol2 read(*,*)rhi,ghi,bhi write(17,*)rhi,ghi,bhi if ( echo ) then write(*,*)rhi,ghi,bhi end if if ( rhi > 1.0)rhi = 1.0 if ( ghi > 1.0)ghi = 1.0 if ( bhi > 1.0)bhi = 1.0 do i = icol1,icol2 rval = (rlo*(icol2-i)+rhi*(i-icol1))/real(icol2-icol1) gval = (glo*(icol2-i)+ghi*(i-icol1))/real(icol2-icol1) bval = (blo*(icol2-i)+bhi*(i-icol1))/real(icol2-icol1) call setclr(i,bval,gval,rval) end do if ( icol2 < icmax ) then icol1 = icol2 rlo = rhi glo = ghi blo = bhi go to 10 end if ! ! 9: Low white to high black ! else if ( itable == 9 ) then do i = icmin,icmax bval = real(icmax-i)/real(icmax-icmin) gval = real(icmax-i)/real(icmax-icmin) rval = real(icmax-i)/real(icmax-icmin) call setclr(i,bval,gval,rval) end do ! ! Unknown table. ! else write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'SETTAB - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Legal color table indices are ' write(*,*)' between 1 and 8. Your value was ',itable end if ! ! Background color 0 is to be white. ! i = 0 rval = 1.0 gval = 1.0 bval = 1.0 call setclr(i,rval,gval,bval) ! ! Foreground color 1 is to be black. ! i = 1 rval = 0.0 gval = 0.0 bval = 0.0 call setclr(i,rval,gval,bval) return 1952 continue write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'SETTAB - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Unexpected end of file!' stop 1964 continue write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'SETTAB - Warning!' write(*,*)' Illegal format for input data!' write(*,*)' Try again!' go to 1996 end subroutine stream ( ie,in,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,npe,rho,s,u,v,xc,yc) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! STREAM assigns the value of the stream function to each node ! in a finite element grid, given the horizontal and vertical ! velocities at those nodes. ! ! The stream function PSI(X,Y) is related to the mass velocity ! (RHO*U,RHO*V) by ! ! Curl PSI = (RHO*U,RHO*V) ! ! That is, ! ! RHO*U = d PSI/d Y ! RHO*V = -d PSI/d X ! ! To recover the stream function, we pick node ILOC = 1 in ! element IELEM = 1, with global index IGLOB, and set PSI there to ! zero. ! ! Now we check all other nodes in the element, using the fact that ! PSI is defined by a line integral: ! ! PSI(XSI1,ETA1) ! ! = PSI(XSI0,ETA0) + Integral (S0 to S1) d PSI/d S dS. ! ! = PSI(XSI0,ETA0) + Integral (S0 to S1) ! ( dPSI/dX * dX/dXSI + dPSI/dY * dY/dXSI dXSI/dS ! + dPSI/dX * dX/dETA + dPSI/dY * dY/dETA dETA/dS ) dS ! ! = PSI(XSI0,ETA0) + Integral (S0 to S1) ! ( (-RHO*V dX/dXSI + RHO*U dY/dXSI) dXSI/dS ! + (-RHO*V dX/dETA + RHO*U dY/dETA) dETA/dS ) dS. ! ! Once all the nodes in this element are done, we find another ! element, which has some nodes done and some not. We compute ! the line integrals from a known node to the unknown nodes ! to complete this element. ! ! This process is repeated until all elements are complete. ! ! This routine makes no assumptions about the global numbering of ! the nodes and elements. Instead, once it has computed all the ! stream function values for a given element, it searches for any ! other element which has some nodes with defined values and some ! without, because that is an element which can be "finished". ! This process is repeated until all elements are done. The only ! way it could fail is if the elements are not simply connected. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! IE Workspace, integer IE(NELEM). ! ! IN Workspace, integer IN(NP). ! ! MAXNPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNPE. ! MAXNPE is the maximum number of nodes per element. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the actual number of elements. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(MAXNPE,MAXELM), or NODE(MAXNPE,NELEM). ! NODE contains, for each element, the global node numbers ! of its NPE nodes. ! ! For linear elements (NPE = 3), the order of the nodes probably ! doesn't matter, but we will draw them this way: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! / | ! / | ! 1-------3 ! ! For quadratic elements (NPE = 6), the nodes must be given in a ! particular order, which is as follows: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1---6---3 ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! NPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPE. ! NPE is the number of nodes per element, which should be ! 3 for linear elements and 6 for quadratics. ! ! S Output, real S(NP), the value of the stream function at ! each node. Node 1 will always have a zero value of S. ! ! U, ! V Input, real U(NP), V(NP), the value of the horizontal and ! vertical velocities at each node. ! ! XC, ! YC Input, real XC(NP), YC(NP), the X and Y coordinates of ! each node. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnpe integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ie(nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) iglob integer ( kind = 4 ) iloc integer ( kind = 4 ) in(np) integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) jglob integer ( kind = 4 ) jloc integer ( kind = 4 ) kglob integer ( kind = 4 ) kloc logical l0 logical l1 integer ( kind = 4 ) nexnod(6,5) integer ( kind = 4 ) next integer ( kind = 4 ) node(maxnpe,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) npe real rho(np) real s(np) real sinc real u(np) real v(np) real xc(np) real yc(np) ! if ( npe == 3 ) then nexnod(1,1) = 2 nexnod(1,2) = 3 nexnod(2,1) = 3 nexnod(2,2) = 1 nexnod(3,1) = 1 nexnod(3,2) = 2 else if ( npe == 4 ) then nexnod(1,1) = 2 nexnod(1,2) = 3 nexnod(1,3) = 4 nexnod(2,1) = 3 nexnod(2,2) = 4 nexnod(2,3) = 1 nexnod(3,1) = 4 nexnod(3,2) = 1 nexnod(3,3) = 2 nexnod(4,1) = 1 nexnod(4,2) = 2 nexnod(4,3) = 3 else if ( npe == 6 ) then nexnod(1,1) = 4 nexnod(1,2) = 2 nexnod(1,3) = 5 nexnod(1,4) = 3 nexnod(1,5) = 6 nexnod(2,1) = 5 nexnod(2,2) = 3 nexnod(2,3) = 6 nexnod(2,4) = 1 nexnod(2,5) = 4 nexnod(3,1) = 6 nexnod(3,2) = 1 nexnod(3,3) = 4 nexnod(3,4) = 2 nexnod(3,5) = 5 nexnod(4,1) = 2 nexnod(4,2) = 5 nexnod(4,3) = 3 nexnod(4,4) = 6 nexnod(4,5) = 1 nexnod(5,1) = 3 nexnod(5,2) = 6 nexnod(5,3) = 1 nexnod(5,4) = 4 nexnod(5,5) = 2 nexnod(6,1) = 1 nexnod(6,2) = 4 nexnod(6,3) = 2 nexnod(6,4) = 5 nexnod(6,5) = 3 end if ! ! Zero out the stream function. ! do i = 1,np s(i) = 0.0 end do ! ! Zero out the vector that records that the stream function ! has been computed at a given node. ! do i = 1,np in(i) = 0 end do ! ! Zero out the vector that records that the stream function ! has been computed at all nodes of a given element. ! do i = 1,nelem ie(i) = 0 end do ! ! Set S of local node 1 of element 1 to 0. ! ielem = 1 iloc = 1 iglob = node(iloc,ielem) s(iglob) = 0.0 in(iglob) = 1 ! ! Work on given element IE, for which we know that local node ! INOD has a computed value of S. ! Fill in the value of S at all nodes where it is still unknown. ! 10 continue kloc = iloc kglob = node(kloc,ielem) ! ! Supposing that we know the stream function at local node JLOC ! of element IELEM, work your way around the element from there, ! checking successive nodes. ! do next = 1,npe-1 jloc = kloc jglob = kglob kloc = nexnod(iloc,next) kglob = node(kloc,ielem) ! ! If the next node KLOC in the element does not have its stream ! function computed, then call GETINC to compute it. ! if ( in(kglob) == 0 ) then call get_inc(ielem,jloc,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,npe,rho,sinc,u,v,xc,yc) s(kglob) = s(jglob)+sinc in(kglob) = 1 end if end do ! ! Now that all the nodes in element IELEM have been done, mark the ! element as done. ! ie(ielem) = 1 ! ! Now seek an element which is not known to be done, containing ! some elements which are known and some which are not. ! do i = 1,nelem if ( ie(i) == 0 ) then l1 = .false. l0 = .false. do j = 1,npe jglob = node(j,i) if ( in(jglob) == 0 ) then l0 = .true. else iloc = j l1 = .true. end if end do if ( l0.and.l1 ) then ielem = i go to 10 end if ! ! It's possible for an element to be done without our knowing it ! beforehand. If so, mark it now. ! if ( l1 ) then ie(i) = 1 end if end if end do return end subroutine timestamp ( ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! TIMESTAMP prints the current YMDHMS date as a time stamp. ! ! Example: ! ! May 31 2001 9:45:54.872 AM ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 31 May 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! None ! implicit none ! character ( len = 8 ) ampm integer ( kind = 4 ) d character ( len = 8 ) date integer ( kind = 4 ) h integer ( kind = 4 ) m integer ( kind = 4 ) mm character ( len = 9 ), parameter, dimension(12) :: month = (/ & 'January ', 'February ', 'March ', 'April ', & 'May ', 'June ', 'July ', 'August ', & 'September', 'October ', 'November ', 'December ' /) integer ( kind = 4 ) n integer ( kind = 4 ) s character ( len = 10 ) time integer ( kind = 4 ) values(8) integer ( kind = 4 ) y character ( len = 5 ) zone ! call date_and_time ( date, time, zone, values ) y = values(1) m = values(2) d = values(3) h = values(5) n = values(6) s = values(7) mm = values(8) if ( h < 12 ) then ampm = 'AM' else if ( h == 12 ) then if ( n == 0 .and. s == 0 ) then ampm = 'Noon' else ampm = 'PM' end if else h = h - 12 if ( h < 12 ) then ampm = 'PM' else if ( h == 12 ) then if ( n == 0 .and. s == 0 ) then ampm = 'Midnight' else ampm = 'AM' end if end if end if write ( *, '(a,1x,i2,1x,i4,2x,i2,a1,i2.2,a1,i2.2,a1,i3.3,1x,a)' ) & trim ( month(m) ), d, y, h, ':', n, ':', s, '.', mm, trim ( ampm ) return end subroutine tranl3 ( det,detadx,detady,dxdeta,dxdxsi,dxsidx,dxsidy, & dydeta,dydxsi,eta,ielem,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,npe,xc,xsi,yc) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! TRANL3 calculates the transformation which maps the reference ! element in (XSI,ETA) space into a particular (isoparametric) ! element in (X,Y) space, in the case of linear elements. ! ! We know everything about the (isoparametric) element once we ! specify the location of its three nodes. ! ! TRANL3 computes the entries of the jacobian of the transformation ! and the determinant of the jacobian. Essentially, the jacobian ! records the relationship between derivatives with respect to XSI ! and ETA and a point in the reference element, and derivatives ! with respect to X and Y of the same function as defined in the ! isoparametric element. ! ! The four entries of the jacobian are symbolically named DETADX, ! DETADY, DXSIDX and DXSIDY, and we know that the jacobian gives ! us the following relation between derivatives with respect to ! XSI and ETA, and derivatives with respect to X and Y: ! ! d F(X,Y)/dX (d XSI/dX d ETA/dX ) ( d F(XSI, ETA)/d XSI ) ! d F(X,Y)/dY = (d XSI/dY d ETA/dY ) * ( d F(XSI, ETA)/d ETA ) ! ! Here is a graph of the (XSI, ETA) reference triangle we will ! use. ! ! ^ ! | ! 1 + 2 ! | /| ! ETA | / | ! | / | ! 0 + 1---3 ! | ! +----+---+---> ! 0 1 ! ! XSI ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! DET Output, real DET, the determinant of the jacobian of the ! transformation between the reference and isoparametric ! elements. ! ! DETADX, ! DETADY Output, real DETADX, DETADY, the partial derivatives ! d ETA/d X and d ETA/d Y at (XSI,ETA). ! ! DXDETA, ! DXDXSI Output, real DXDETA, DXDXSI, the partial derivatives ! d X/d ETA, d X/d XSI evaluated at (XSI,ETA). ! ! DXSIDX, ! DXSIDY Output, real DXSIDX, DXSIDY, the partial derivatives ! d XSI/d X and d XSI/d Y at (XSI,ETA). ! ! DYDETA, ! DYDXSI Output, real DYDETA, DYDXSI, the partial derivatives ! d Y/d ETA, d Y/d XSI evaluated at (XSI,ETA). ! ! ETA Input, real ETA, the ETA coordinate of the point. ! ! IELEM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IELEM, the number of the isoparametric ! element we are examining. ! ! MAXNPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNPE. ! MAXNPE is the maximum number of nodes per element. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(MAXNPE,MAXELM), or NODE(MAXNPE,NELEM). ! NODE contains, for each element, the global node numbers ! of its NPE nodes. ! ! For linear elements (NPE = 3), the order of the nodes probably ! doesn't matter, but we will draw them this way: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! / | ! / | ! 1-------3 ! ! For quadratic elements (NPE = 6), the nodes must be given in a ! particular order, which is as follows: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1---6---3 ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! NPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPE. ! NPE is the number of nodes per element, which should be ! 3 for linear elements and 6 for quadratics. ! ! XC Input, real XC(NP), the X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! XSI Input, real XSI, the XSI coordinate of the point. ! ! YC Input, real YC(NP), the Y coordinates of the nodes. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnpe integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! real a1 real a2 real b1 real b2 real c1 real c2 real det real detadx real detady real dxdeta real dxdxsi real dxsidx real dxsidy real dydeta real dydxsi real eta integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) node(maxnpe,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) npe real x(3) real xc(np) real xsi real xval real y(3) real yc(np) real yval ! ! Pick off the X, Y coordinates of the nodes and store them ! in two short lists. ! do i = 1,npe x(i) = xc(node(i,ielem)) y(i) = yc(node(i,ielem)) end do ! ! Set the coefficients in the transformation ! ! (XSI,ETA) --> (X,Y). ! ! The mapping has the form: ! ! X(XSI,ETA) = A1 * XSI + B1 * ETA + C1 ! ! Y(XSI,ETA) = A2 * XSI + B2 * ETA + C2 ! a1 = -x(1) + x(3) b1 = x(2) - x(3) c1 = x(1) xval = a1*xsi+b1*eta+c1 a2 = -y(1) + y(3) b2 = y(2) - y(3) c2 = y(1) yval = a2*xsi+b2*eta+c2 ! ! Compute the partial derivatives at the point (XSI,ETA). ! This is the jacobian matrix ! ! J: (XSI,ETA) --> (X,Y). ! dxdxsi = a1 dxdeta = b1 dydxsi = a2 dydeta = b2 ! ! Compute the determinant of the jacobian matrix: ! ! J: (XSI,ETA) --> (X,Y) ! det = dxdxsi*dydeta-dxdeta*dydxsi ! ! Watch out for a zero determinant. ! if ( det == 0.0 ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'TRANL3 - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' The jacobian J: (XSI,ETA) --> (X,Y) is singular!' write(*,*)' This occurred for element number ',ielem write(*,*)' Local coordinates:',xsi,eta write(*,*)' Global coordinates:',xval,yval write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' The X, Y nodes were:' write(*,*)' ' do i = 1,npe write(*,*)x(i),y(i) end do stop end if ! ! Compute ! ! d ETA/d X, d ETA/d Y, d XSI/d X, d XSI/d Y ! ! by inverting the jacobian matrix ! ! J: (XSI,ETA) --> (X,Y) ! ! to get the jacobian matrix ! ! J: (X,Y) --> (XSI,ETA). ! ! This uses the simple fact that the inverse of ! ! (a b) ! (c d) ! ! is ! ! 1/(ad-bc) * ( d -b) ! (-c a) ! dxsidx = dydeta/det dxsidy = -dxdeta/det detadx = -dydxsi/det detady = dxdxsi/det return end subroutine tranl4 ( det,detadx,detady,dxdeta,dxdxsi,dxsidx,dxsidy, & dydeta,dydxsi,eta,ielem,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,npe,xc,xsi,yc) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! TRANL4 calculates the transformation which maps the reference ! element in (XSI,ETA) space into a particular (isoparametric) ! element in (X,Y) space, in the case of linear elements. ! ! We know everything about the (isoparametric) element once we ! specify the location of its nodes. ! ! TRANL4 computes the entries of the jacobian of the transformation ! and the determinant of the jacobian. Essentially, the jacobian ! records the relationship between derivatives with respect to XSI ! and ETA and a point in the reference element, and derivatives ! with respect to X and Y of the same function as defined in the ! isoparametric element. ! ! The four entries of the jacobian are symbolically named DETADX, ! DETADY, DXSIDX and DXSIDY, and we know that the jacobian gives ! us the following relation between derivatives with respect to ! XSI and ETA, and derivatives with respect to X and Y: ! ! d F(X,Y)/dX (d XSI/dX d ETA/dX ) ( d F(XSI, ETA)/d XSI ) ! d F(X,Y)/dY = (d XSI/dY d ETA/dY ) * ( d F(XSI, ETA)/d ETA ) ! ! Here is a graph of the (XSI, ETA) reference triangle we will ! use. ! ! ^ ! | ! 1 + 2 ! | /| ! ETA | / | ! | / | ! 0 + 1---3 ! | ! +----+---+---> ! 0 1 ! ! XSI ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! DET Output, real DET, the determinant of the jacobian of the ! transformation between the reference and isoparametric ! elements. ! ! DETADX, ! DETADY Output, real DETADX, DETADY, the partial derivatives ! d ETA/d X and d ETA/d Y at (XSI,ETA). ! ! DXDETA, ! DXDXSI Output, real DXDETA, DXDXSI, the partial derivatives ! d X/d ETA, d X/d XSI evaluated at (XSI,ETA). ! ! DXSIDX, ! DXSIDY Output, real DXSIDX, DXSIDY, the partial derivatives ! d XSI/d X and d XSI/d Y at (XSI,ETA). ! ! DYDETA, ! DYDXSI Output, real DYDETA, DYDXSI, the partial derivatives ! d Y/d ETA, d Y/d XSI evaluated at (XSI,ETA). ! ! ETA Input, real ETA, the ETA coordinate of the point. ! ! IELEM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IELEM, the number of the isoparametric ! element we are examining. ! ! MAXNPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNPE. ! MAXNPE is the maximum number of nodes per element. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(MAXNPE,MAXELM), or NODE(MAXNPE,NELEM). ! NODE contains, for each element, the global node numbers ! of its NPE nodes. ! ! For linear elements (NPE = 3), the order of the nodes probably ! doesn't matter, but we will draw them this way: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! / | ! / | ! 1-------3 ! ! For quadratic elements (NPE = 6), the nodes must be given in a ! particular order, which is as follows: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1---6---3 ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! NPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPE. ! NPE is the number of nodes per element, which should be ! 3 for linear elements and 6 for quadratics. ! ! XC Input, real XC(NP), the X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! XSI Input, real XSI, the XSI coordinate of the point. ! ! YC Input, real YC(NP), the Y coordinates of the nodes. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnpe integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! real a1 real a2 real b1 real b2 real c1 real c2 real d1 real d2 real det real detadx real detady real dxdeta real dxdxsi real dxsidx real dxsidy real dydeta real dydxsi real eta integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) node(maxnpe,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) npe real x(4) real xc(np) real xsi real xval real y(4) real yc(np) real yval ! ! Pick off the X, Y coordinates of the local nodes that make up ! element IELEM, and store them in two short lists, X and Y. ! do i = 1,npe x(i) = xc(node(i,ielem)) y(i) = yc(node(i,ielem)) end do ! ! Set the coefficients in the transformation ! ! (XSI,ETA) --> (X,Y). ! ! The mapping has the form: ! ! X(XSI,ETA) = A1 * XSI + B1 * XSI*ETA + C1 * ETA + D1 ! ! Y(XSI,ETA) = A2 * XSI + B2 * XSI*ETA + C2 * ETA + D2 ! a1 = - x(1) + x(4) b1 = x(1) - x(2) + x(3) - x(4) c1 = - x(1) + x(2) d1 = x(1) xval = a1*xsi+b1*xsi*eta+c1*eta+d1 a2 = - y(1) + y(4) b2 = y(1) - y(2) + y(3) - y(4) c2 = - y(1) + y(2) d2 = y(1) yval = a2*xsi+b2*xsi*eta+c2*eta+d2 ! ! Compute the partial derivatives at the point (XSI,ETA). ! This is the jacobian matrix ! ! J: (XSI,ETA) --> (X,Y). ! dxdxsi = a1+b1*eta dxdeta = b1*xsi+c1 dydxsi = a2+b2*eta dydeta = b2*xsi+c2 ! ! Compute the determinant of the jacobian matrix: ! ! J: (XSI,ETA) --> (X,Y) ! det = dxdxsi*dydeta-dxdeta*dydxsi ! ! Watch out for a zero determinant. ! if ( det == 0.0 ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'TRANL4 - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' The jacobian J: (XSI,ETA) --> (X,Y) is singular!' write(*,*)' This occurred for element IELEM ',ielem write(*,*)' Local coordinates XSI, ETA = :',xsi,eta write(*,*)' Global coordinates: X,Y = ',xval,yval write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' The local X, Y element nodes were:' write(*,*)' ' do i = 1,npe write(*,*)i,x(i),y(i) end do stop end if ! ! Compute ! ! d ETA/d X, d ETA/d Y, d XSI/d X, d XSI/d Y ! ! by inverting the jacobian matrix ! ! J: (XSI,ETA) --> (X,Y) ! ! to get the jacobian matrix ! ! J: (X,Y) --> (XSI,ETA). ! ! This uses the simple fact that the inverse of ! ! (a b) ! (c d) ! ! is ! ! 1/(ad-bc) * ( d -b) ! (-c a) ! dxsidx = dydeta/det dxsidy = -dxdeta/det detadx = -dydxsi/det detady = dxdxsi/det return end subroutine tranq6 ( det,detadx,detady,dxdeta,dxdxsi,dxsidx,dxsidy, & dydeta,dydxsi,eta,ielem,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,npe,xc,xsi,yc) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! TRANQ6 calculates the transformation which maps the reference ! element in (XSI,ETA) space into a particular isoparametric ! element in (X,Y) space, in the case of quadratic elements. ! ! We know everything about the isoparametric element once we ! specify the location of its six nodes. ! ! TRANQ6 computes the entries of the jacobian of the transformation ! and the determinant of the jacobian. Essentially, the jacobian ! records the relationship between derivatives with respect to XSI ! and ETA and a point in the reference element, and derivatives ! with respect to X and Y of the same function as defined in the ! isoparametric element. ! ! The four entries of the jacobian are symbolically named DETADX, ! DETADY, DXSIDX and DXSIDY, and we know that the jacobian gives ! us the following relation between derivatives with respect to ! XSI and ETA, and derivatives with respect to X and Y: ! ! d F(X,Y)/dX (d XSI/dX d ETA/dX ) ( d F(XSI, ETA)/d XSI ) ! d F(X,Y)/dY = (d XSI/dY d ETA/dY ) * ( d F(XSI, ETA)/d ETA ) ! ! Here is a graph of the (XSI, ETA) reference triangle we will ! use. ! ! ^ ! | ! 1 + 2 ! | /| ! ETA | 4 5 ! | / | ! 0 + 1-6-3 ! | ! +----+---+---> ! 0 1 ! ! XSI ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Output, real DET, the determinant of the jacobian of the ! transformation between the reference and isoparametric ! elements. ! ! DETADX, ! DETADY Output, real DETADX, DETADY, the partial derivatives ! d ETA/d X and d ETA/d Y at (XSI,ETA). ! ! DXDETA, ! DXDXSI Output, real DXDETA, DXDXSI, the partial derivatives ! d X/d ETA, d X/d XSI evaluated at (XSI,ETA). ! ! DXSIDX, ! DXSIDY Output, real DXSIDX, DXSIDY, the partial derivatives ! d XSI/d X and d XSI/d Y at (XSI,ETA). ! ! DYDETA, ! DYDXSI Output, real DYDETA, DYDXSI, the partial derivatives ! d Y/d ETA, d Y/d XSI evaluated at (XSI,ETA). ! ! ETA Input, real ETA, the ETA coordinate of the point. ! ! IELEM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IELEM, the number of the isoparametric ! element we are examining. ! ! MAXNPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNPE. ! MAXNPE is the maximum number of nodes per element. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(MAXNPE,MAXELM), or NODE(MAXNPE,NELEM). ! NODE contains, for each element, the global node numbers ! of its NPE nodes. ! ! For linear elements (NPE = 3), the order of the nodes probably ! doesn't matter, but we will draw them this way: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! / | ! / | ! 1-------3 ! ! For quadratic elements (NPE = 6), the nodes must be given in a ! particular order, which is as follows: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1---6---3 ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! NPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPE. ! NPE is the number of nodes per element, which should be ! 3 for linear elements and 6 for quadratics. ! ! XC Input, real XC(NP), the X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! XSI Input, real XSI, the XSI coordinate of the point. ! ! YC Input, real YC(NP), the Y coordinates of the nodes. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnpe integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! real a1 real a2 real b1 real b2 real c1 real c2 real d1 real d2 real det real detadx real detady real dxdeta real dxdxsi real dxsidx real dxsidy real dydeta real dydxsi real e1 real e2 real eta real f1 real f2 integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) node(maxnpe,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) npe real x(6) real xc(np) real xsi real xval real y(6) real yc(np) real yval ! ! Pick off the X, Y coordinates of the nodes and store them ! in two short lists. ! do i = 1,npe x(i) = xc(node(i,ielem)) y(i) = yc(node(i,ielem)) end do ! ! Set the coefficients in the transformation ! ! (XSI,ETA) --> (X,Y). ! ! The mapping has the form: ! ! X(XSI,ETA) = A1 * XSI**2 + B1 * XSI*ETA + C1 * ETA**2 ! + D1 * XSI + E1 * ETA + F1 ! ! Y(XSI,ETA) = A2 * XSI**2 + B2 * XSI*ETA + C2 * ETA**2 ! + D2 * XSI + E2 * ETA + F2 ! a1 = 2.0*x(1)+2.0*x(3)-4.0*x(6) b1 = -4.0*x(3)-4.0*x(4)+4.0*x(5)+4.0*x(6) c1 = 2.0*x(2)+2.0*x(3)-4.0*x(5) d1 = -3.0*x(1)- x(3)+4.0*x(6) e1 = -x(2)+ x(3)+4.0*x(4)-4.0*x(6) f1 = x(1) xval = a1*xsi**2+b1*xsi*eta+c1*eta**2+d1*xsi+e1*eta+f1 a2 = 2.0*y(1)+2.0*y(3)-4.0*y(6) b2 = -4.0*y(3)-4.0*y(4)+4.0*y(5)+4.0*y(6) c2 = 2.0*y(2)+2.0*y(3)-4.0*y(5) d2 = -3.0*y(1) -y(3)+4.0*y(6) e2 = -y(2)+ y(3)+4.0*y(4)-4.0*y(6) f2 = y(1) yval = a2*xsi**2+b2*xsi*eta+c2*eta**2+d2*xsi+e2*eta+f2 ! ! Compute the partial derivatives at the point (XSI,ETA). ! This is the jacobian matrix ! ! J: (XSI,ETA) --> (X,Y). ! dxdxsi = 2.0*a1*xsi + b1*eta + d1 dxdeta = b1*xsi + 2.0*c1*eta + e1 dydxsi = 2.0*a2*xsi + b2*eta + d2 dydeta = b2*xsi + 2.0*c2*eta + e2 ! ! Compute the determinant of the jacobian matrix: ! ! J: (XSI,ETA) --> (X,Y) ! det = dxdxsi*dydeta-dxdeta*dydxsi ! ! Watch out for a zero determinant. ! if ( det == 0.0 ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'TRANQ6 - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' The jacobian J: (XSI,ETA) --> (X,Y) is singular!' write(*,*)' This occurred for element number ',ielem write(*,*)' Local coordinates:',xsi,eta write(*,*)' Global coordinates:',xval,yval write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' The X, Y nodes were:' write(*,*)' ' do i = 1,npe write(*,*)x(i),y(i) end do stop end if ! ! Compute ! ! d ETA/d X, d ETA/d Y, d XSI/d X, d XSI/d Y ! ! by inverting the jacobian matrix ! ! J: (XSI,ETA) --> (X,Y) ! ! to get the jacobian matrix ! ! J: (X,Y) --> (XSI,ETA). ! ! This uses the simple fact that the inverse of ! ! (a b) ! (c d) ! ! is ! ! 1/(ad-bc) * ( d -b) ! (-c a) ! dxsidx = dydeta/det dxsidy = -dxdeta/det detadx = -dydxsi/det detady = dxdxsi/det return end subroutine tricis ( eta1,eta2,eta3,ielem,jcmax,jcmin,maxnpe,ncon,nelem,node, & np,npe,s1,s2,s3,smax,smin,xc,xsi1,xsi2,xsi3,yc) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! TRICIS draws color contours for a quantity defined at three points ! which lie on or within a standard isoparametric element. The ! case of linear isoparametrics is NOT handled by this routine. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! ETA1, ! ETA2, ! ETA3 Input, real ETA1, ETA2, ETA3, the ETA coordinates of the ! three nodes. ! ! IELEM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IELEM, the element within which we are working. ! ! JCMAX, ! JCMIN Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) JCMAX, JCMIN, the maximum and minimum color ! indices to use for contours. ! ! MAXNPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNPE. ! MAXNPE is the maximum number of nodes per element. ! ! NCON Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCON, the number of color contours to use. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! The number of elements. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(MAXNPE,MAXELM), or NODE(MAXNPE,NELEM). ! NODE contains, for each element, the global node numbers ! of its NPE nodes. ! ! For linear elements (NPE = 3), the order of the nodes probably ! doesn't matter, but we will draw them this way: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! / | ! / | ! 1-------3 ! ! For quadratic elements (NPE = 6), the nodes must be given in a ! particular order, which is as follows: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1---6---3 ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! NPE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPE. ! NPE is the number of nodes per element, which should be ! 3 for linear elements and 6 for quadratics. ! ! S1, ! S2, ! S3 Input, real S1, S2, S3, the values of the quantity S at the ! three nodes. ! ! SMAX, ! SMIN Input, real SMAX, SMIN, the maximum and minimum values of S. ! ! XC Input, real XC(NP). ! The X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! XSI1, ! XSI2, ! XSI3 Input, real XSI1, XSI2, XSI3, the XSI coordinates of the ! three nodes. ! ! YC Input, real YC(NP). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnpe integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! real eta1 real eta2 real eta3 real etagon(5) real etah real etal real etam integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmax integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmin integer ( kind = 4 ) jcolor integer ( kind = 4 ) ncon integer ( kind = 4 ) node(maxnpe,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) npe integer ( kind = 4 ) npts real px real pxold real py real pyold real qx real qxold real qy real qyold real s1 real s2 real s3 real sc1 real sc2 real sh real sl real sm real smax real smin real xc(np) real xsi1 real xsi2 real xsi3 real xsigon(5) real xsih real xsil real xsim real yc(np) ! if ( s1 <= s2.and.s2 <= s3 ) then sl = s1 sm = s2 sh = s3 etal = eta1 etam = eta2 etah = eta3 xsil = xsi1 xsim = xsi2 xsih = xsi3 else if ( s1 <= s3.and.s3 <= s2 ) then sl = s1 sm = s3 sh = s2 etal = eta1 etam = eta3 etah = eta2 xsil = xsi1 xsim = xsi3 xsih = xsi2 else if ( s2 <= s1.and.s1 <= s3 ) then sl = s2 sm = s1 sh = s3 etal = eta2 etam = eta1 etah = eta3 xsil = xsi2 xsim = xsi1 xsih = xsi3 else if ( s2 <= s3.and.s3 <= s1 ) then sl = s2 sm = s3 sh = s1 etal = eta2 etam = eta3 etah = eta1 xsil = xsi2 xsim = xsi3 xsih = xsi1 else if ( s3 <= s1.and.s1 <= s2 ) then sl = s3 sm = s1 sh = s2 etal = eta3 etam = eta1 etah = eta2 xsil = xsi3 xsim = xsi1 xsih = xsi2 else if ( s3 <= s2.and.s2 <= s1 ) then sl = s3 sm = s2 sh = s1 etal = eta3 etam = eta2 etah = eta1 xsil = xsi3 xsim = xsi2 xsih = xsi1 end if do i = 0,ncon sc1 = ((ncon+1-i)*smin+i*smax)/real(ncon+1) sc2 = ((ncon-i)*smin+(i+1)*smax)/real(ncon+1) ! ! Check that some data in the triangle lies in the range [SC1,SC2). ! if ( max(sc1,sl) <= min(sc2,sh) ) then jcolor = int(((ncon-i)*jcmin+i*jcmax)/real(ncon)) call filclr(jcolor) ! ! Take care of possibility that entire triangle formed by the ! three points lies within the color contour. ! if ( sc1 <= < sc2 ) then npts = 3 xsigon(1) = xsil etagon(1) = etal xsigon(2) = xsim etagon(2) = etam xsigon(3) = xsih etagon(3) = etah if ( npe == 6 ) then call isogn6(etagon,ielem,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,npe,npts,xc,xsigon,yc) end if ! ! Find (PXOLD,PYOLD) and (QXOLD,QYOLD), where the line S = SC1 crosses ! the triangle. ! else call cross(px,py,qx,qy,sl,sm,sh,sc1,xsil,xsim,xsih,etal,etam,etah) pxold = px pyold = py qxold = qx qyold = qy ! ! Find (PX,PY) and (QX,QY), where the line S = SC2 crosses the triangle. ! call cross(px,py,qx,qy,sl,sm,sh,sc2,xsil,xsim,xsih,etal,etam,etah) ! ! Now draw the polygon formed by these four points, plus possibly ! the point (XM,YM). ! npts = 4 xsigon(1) = pxold etagon(1) = pyold xsigon(2) = qxold etagon(2) = qyold xsigon(3) = qx etagon(3) = qy xsigon(4) = px etagon(4) = py if ( sc1 <= <= sc2 ) then npts = 5 xsigon(5) = xsim etagon(5) = etam end if if ( npe == 6 ) then call isogn6(etagon,ielem,maxnpe,nelem,node,np,npe,npts,xc,xsigon,yc) end if end if end if end do return end subroutine tricno ( i1,i2,i3,jcmax,jcmin,ncon,np,s,smax,smin,x,y) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! TRICNO is given a (non-isoperimetric) triangle, formed by nodes I1, ! I2, and I3 and the value of the quantity S at these nodes. ! ! Discussion: ! ! That portion of the triangle which is greater than contour value ! value SCON(I) but less than SCON(I+1) is to be filled in with ! color I. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) I1, I2, I3, the numbers of three nodes that ! form the triangle under consideration. ! ! JCMAX, ! JCMIN Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) JCMAX, JCMIN, the maximum and minimum color ! indices to use for contours. ! ! NCON Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCON, the number of color contours to use. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! S Input, real S(NP). ! S is a scalar quantity associated with the nodes. ! This routine only looks at the values associated with ! corner element nodes. ! ! SMAX, ! SMIN Input, real SMAX, SMIN, the maximum and minimum values of S. ! ! X Input, real X(NP). ! The X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! Y Input, real Y(NP). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) i1 integer ( kind = 4 ) i2 integer ( kind = 4 ) i3 integer ( kind = 4 ) ih integer ( kind = 4 ) il integer ( kind = 4 ) im integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmax integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmin integer ( kind = 4 ) jcolor integer ( kind = 4 ) ncon integer ( kind = 4 ) npts real px real pxold real py real pyold real qx real qxold real qy real qyold real s(np) real s1 real s2 real s3 real sc1 real sc2 real sh real sl real sm real smax real smin real x(np) real xh real xl real xm real xpoly(5) real y(np) real yh real yl real ym real ypoly(5) ! s1 = s(i1) s2 = s(i2) s3 = s(i3) if ( s1 <= s2.and.s2 <= s3 ) then il = i1 im = i2 ih = i3 else if ( s1 <= s3.and.s3 <= s2 ) then il = i1 im = i3 ih = i2 else if ( s2 <= s1.and.s1 <= s3 ) then il = i2 im = i1 ih = i3 else if ( s2 <= s3.and.s3 <= s1 ) then il = i2 im = i3 ih = i1 else if ( s3 <= s1.and.s1 <= s2 ) then il = i3 im = i1 ih = i2 else if ( s3 <= s2.and.s2 <= s1 ) then il = i3 im = i2 ih = i1 end if sl = s(il) sm = s(im) sh = s(ih) xl = x(il) xm = x(im) xh = x(ih) yl = y(il) ym = y(im) yh = y(ih) do i = 0,ncon sc1 = ((ncon+1-i)*smin+i*smax)/real(ncon+1) sc2 = ((ncon-i)*smin+(i+1)*smax)/real(ncon+1) ! ! Check that some data in the triangle lies in the range [SC1,SC2). ! ! Warning: the next comparison should be .LE., not .LT.! ! if ( max(sl,sc1) <= min(sh,sc2) ) then jcolor = int(((ncon-i)*jcmin+i*jcmax)/real(ncon)) call filclr(jcolor) ! ! Take care of the possibility that the entire triangle lies in ! the contour. ! if ( sc1 <= < sc2 ) then npts = 3 xpoly(1) = xl ypoly(1) = yl xpoly(2) = xm ypoly(2) = ym xpoly(3) = xh ypoly(3) = yh call plygon(npts,xpoly,ypoly) ! ! Find (PXOLD,PYOLD) and (QXOLD,QYOLD), where the line S = SC1 crosses ! the triangle. ! else call cross(px,py,qx,qy,sl,sm,sh,sc1,xl,xm,xh,yl,ym,yh) pxold = px pyold = py qxold = qx qyold = qy ! ! Find (PX,PY) and (QX,QY), where the line S = SC2 crosses the triangle. ! call cross(px,py,qx,qy,sl,sm,sh,sc2,xl,xm,xh,yl,ym,yh) ! ! Now draw the polygon formed by these four points, plus possibly ! the point (XM,YM). ! npts = 4 xpoly(1) = pxold ypoly(1) = pyold xpoly(2) = qxold ypoly(2) = qyold xpoly(3) = qx ypoly(3) = qy xpoly(4) = px ypoly(4) = py if ( sc1 <= <= sc2 ) then npts = 5 xpoly(5) = xm ypoly(5) = ym end if call plygon(npts,xpoly,ypoly) end if end if end do return end subroutine ueval ( detadx,detady,dxsidx,dxsidy,eta,ielem,maxnpe, & nelem,node,np,npe,rho,rhoval,u,uval,v,vval,xsi) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! UEVAL evaluates velocities at any point in a six node quadratic element. ! ! Discussion: ! ! PERHAPS YOU WANT TO APPROXIMATE RHO*U directly, rather ! than RHO and U separately! ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 14 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real DETADX, DETADY, DXSIDX, DXSIDY, the derivatives ! d ETA/d X, d ETA/d Y, d XSI/d X and d XSI/d Y at (XSI,ETA). ! ! Input, real ETA, the second local coordinate of the point ! where the velocity is desired. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IELEM, the number of the element in which the ! point (XSI,ETA) lies. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNPE. ! MAXNPE is the maximum number of nodes per element. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(MAXNPE,MAXELM), or NODE(MAXNPE,NELEM). ! NODE contains, for each element, the global node numbers ! of its NPE nodes. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPE. ! NPE is the number of nodes per element, which should be ! 3 for linear elements and 6 for quadratics. ! ! Input, real U(NP), the horizontal velocity at each node. ! ! Output, real UVAL, the horizontal velocity at the point with ! local coordinates (XSI,ETA). ! ! Input, real V(NP), the vertical velocity at each node. ! ! Output, real VVAL, the vertical velocity at the point ! with local coordinates (XSI,ETA). ! ! Input, real XSI, the first local coordinate of the point ! where the velocity is desired. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnpe integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! real detadx real detady real dwdx real dwdy real dxsidx real dxsidy real eta integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) iq integer ( kind = 4 ) jq integer ( kind = 4 ) node(maxnpe,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) npe real rho(np) real rhoval real u(np) real uval real v(np) real vval real w real xsi ! rhoval = 0.0 uval = 0.0 vval = 0.0 do iq = 1, npe if ( npe == 3 ) then call bfrefl(w,dwdx,dwdy,detadx,detady,dxsidx,dxsidy,eta,iq,xsi) else if ( npe == 4 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'UEVAL - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Code for the 4 node element has not been written.' stop else if ( npe == 6 ) then call bfrefq(w,dwdx,dwdy,detadx,detady,dxsidx,dxsidy,eta,iq,xsi) end if jq = node(iq,ielem) rhoval = rhoval+w*rho(jq) uval = uval+w*u(jq) vval = vval+w*v(jq) end do return end subroutine vector ( arrow, ido, jcmax, jcmin, ncon, nflag, np, vecscl, & u, v, vmax, vmin, xc, yc ) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! VECTOR draws a vector field. ! ! Discussion: ! ! An arrow pointing in the direction (U(I), V(I)) is drawn at the ! point (XC(I),YC(I)). The arrow's length is scaled by VECSCL. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 10 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, logical NFLAG(NP). ! NFLAG is used to "flag" which nodes are active, ! that is, to be displayed, and which not, in the graph. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! Input, real VECSCL. ! A scale factor for velocity vectors. This starts out at 1.0. ! ! Input, real U(NP). ! U(I) is the horizontal fluid velocity at node I, or, ! perhaps, the sensitivity of the horizontal velocity ! with respect to parameter J. ! ! Input, real V(NP). ! V(I) is the vertical fluid velocity at node I, or, ! perhaps, the sensitivity of the vertical velocity ! with respect to parameter J. ! ! Input, real XC(NP). ! The X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! Input, real YC(NP). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! character ( len = 10 ) arrow integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) icon integer ( kind = 4 ) ido integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmax integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmin integer ( kind = 4 ) jcolor logical s_eqi integer ( kind = 4 ) ncon logical nflag(np) real u(np) real v(np) real vecscl real vmag real vmax real vmin real xc(np) real xtip real yc(np) real ytip ! do i = 1, np if ( nflag(i) ) then if ( ido == 1 ) then vmag = sqrt(u(i)**2+v(i)**2) icon = 1+int(real(ncon)*(vmag-vmin)/(vmax-vmin)) icon = max(icon,1) icon = min(icon,ncon) jcolor = int(((ncon-icon)*jcmin+icon*jcmax)/real(ncon)) call linclr(jcolor) end if xtip = xc(i)+vecscl*u(i) ytip = yc(i)+vecscl*v(i) if ( s_eqi ( arrow,'line') ) then call arrlin(xc(i),yc(i),xtip,ytip) else if ( s_eqi ( arrow,'solid') .or. s_eqi ( arrow,'hollow') ) then call arrgon(arrow,xc(i),yc(i),xtip,ytip) else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'VECTOR - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Illegal option ARROW = ' // arrow stop end if end if end do return end subroutine viznd ( echo,np,nflag0,xc,yc) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! VIZND sets the visibility of nodes by minimum distance. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The user sets a minimum distance. The routine picks the nodes ! to display based on the requirement that they be at least this ! distance apart. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! Input/output, logical NFLAG0(MAXNP), a user-defined node visibility flag. ! ! Input, real XC(NP). ! The X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! Input, real YC(NP). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! real dismin real disnod logical echo integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) noff real temp logical nflag0(np) real xc(np) real yc(np) ! write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'VIZND:' write(*,*)' Give a minimum separation for visible nodes.' read(*,*)dismin write(17,*)dismin if ( echo ) then write(*,*)dismin end if temp = dismin**2 noff = 0 do i = 1,np nflag0(i) = .true. do j = 1,i-1 if ( nflag0(j) ) then disnod = (xc(i)-xc(j))**2+(yc(i)-yc(j))**2 if ( disnod < temp ) then nflag0(i) = .false. noff = noff+1 go to 10 end if end if end do 10 continue end do write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'VIZND - Note:' write(*,*)' Out of ',np,' nodes,' write(*,*)' you have turned off ',noff write(*,*)' leaving ',np-noff return end subroutine viznod ( echo, np, nflag0 ) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! VIZNOD sets the visibility of nodes by index. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 January 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! Input/output, logical NFLAG0(MAXNP), a user-defined node visibility flag. ! ! Input, real XC(NP). ! The X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! Input, real YC(NP). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! logical echo integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) itemp integer ( kind = 4 ) nhi integer ( kind = 4 ) nlo integer ( kind = 4 ) non logical nflag0(np) ! write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'VIZNOD - Note:' write(*,*)' All nodes will be invisible by default.' write(*,*)' Now specify ranges of node numbers that should' write(*,*)' be visible. To finish, give a range of 0,0.' write(*,*)' ' do i = 1,np nflag0(i) = .false. end do 10 continue write(*,*)' Enter low node, high node:' read(*,*,err = 30)nlo,nhi write(17,*)nlo,nhi if ( echo ) then write(*,*)nlo,nhi end if if ( nlo > nhi ) then itemp = nlo nlo = nhi nhi = itemp end if if ( nlo <= 0.and.nhi <= 0 ) then go to 20 else if ( nlo > np ) then write(*,*)' Your low node was greater than ',NP else if ( nhi > np ) then write(*,*)' Your high node was greater than ',NP else do i = nlo,nhi nflag0(i) = .true. end do end if go to 10 ! ! Count up the nodes that are on. ! 20 continue non = 0 do i = 1,np if ( nflag0(i) ) then non = non+1 end if end do write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' Out of ',np,' nodes,' write(*,*)' you have turned on ',non write(*,*)' turning off ',np-non return 30 continue write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'VIZNOD' write ( *, * ) 'OUCH!' go to 10 end subroutine vsize ( nflag, np, nxskip, ny, nyskip, u, v, vtmax, vtmin, & vvmax, vvmin ) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! VSIZE computes the maximum visible velocity components. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The component maxima are needed in order to properly scale ! velocity arrows. ! ! No arrow will be drawn if: ! ! The node associated with the vector quantity has been ! rendered "invisible" via NFLAG. ! ! The user has requested that the node be skipped via ! NXSKIP or NYSKIP. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, logical NFLAG(NP). ! NFLAG is used to "flag" which nodes are active, ! that is, to be displayed, and which not, in the graph. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NXSKIP. ! NXSKIP is used to "thin" out a vector plot. ! If NXSKIP = 1, then a standard vector plot is made. ! Otherwise, in the X direction, vectors are drawn only ! in columns 1, 1+NXSKIP, 1+2*NXSKIP and so on. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NY. ! Determines the number of nodes and elements in the Y ! direction. There will be 2*NY-1 nodes, 2*NY-2 elements. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NYSKIP. ! NYSKIP is used to "thin" out a vector plot. ! If NYSKIP = 1, then a standard vector plot is made. ! Otherwise, in the Y direction, vectors are drawn only ! in rows 1, 1+NYSKIP, 1+2*NYSKIP and so on. ! ! Input, real U(MAXNP). ! U(I) is the horizontal fluid velocity at node I, or, ! perhaps, the sensitivity of the horizontal velocity ! with respect to parameter J. ! ! Input, real V(MAXNP). ! V(I) is the vertical fluid velocity at node I, or, ! perhaps, the sensitivity of the vertical velocity ! with respect to parameter J. ! ! Output, real VTMAX, VTMIN, ! the largest and smallest Euclidean norms of all the velocity vectors. ! ! Output, real VVMAX, VVMIN, ! the largest and smallest Euclidean norms of the visible velocity vectors. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! logical draw integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) icol integer ( kind = 4 ) irow logical lfirst integer ( kind = 4 ) nxskip logical nflag(np) integer ( kind = 4 ) nyskip integer ( kind = 4 ) ny real u(np) real v(np) real vmag real vtmax real vtmin real vvmax real vvmin ! vtmax = 0.0E+00 vtmin = 0.0E+00 vvmax = 0.0E+00 vvmin = 0.0E+00 lfirst = .true. do i = 1, np vmag = sqrt ( u(i)**2 + v(i)**2 ) if ( i == 1 ) then vtmax = vmag vtmin = vmag else vtmax = max ( vtmax, vmag ) vtmin = min ( vtmin, vmag ) end if ! ! Figure out whether the node is to be skipped because of ! the value of NFLAG. ! if ( nflag(i) ) then ! ! Figure out whether the node is to be skipped because of ! the value of NYSKIP or NXSKIP. ! draw = .true. irow = 1 + mod ( i - 1, ( 2 * ny - 1 ) ) if ( mod ( irow - 1, nyskip ) /= 0 ) then draw = .false. end if icol = 1 + ( ( i - 1 ) / ( 2 * ny - 1 ) ) if ( mod ( ( icol - 1 ), nxskip ) /= 0 ) then draw = .false. end if if ( draw ) then if ( lfirst ) then vvmax = vmag vvmin = vmag lfirst = .false. else vvmax = max ( vvmax, vmag ) vvmin = min ( vvmin, vmag ) end if end if end if end do return end subroutine word_count ( s, nword ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! WORD_COUNT counts the number of "words" in a string. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 14 April 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, character ( len = * ) S, the string to be examined. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NWORD, the number of "words" in the string. ! Words are presumed to be separated by one or more blanks. ! implicit none ! logical blank integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) lens integer ( kind = 4 ) nword character ( len = * ) s ! nword = 0 lens = len ( s ) if ( lens <= 0 ) then return end if blank = .true. do i = 1, lens if ( s(i:i) == ' ' ) then blank = .true. else if ( blank ) then nword = nword + 1 blank = .false. end if end do return end