# points.delaunay.txt # created at April 16 2004 10:24:19.758 AM # # Spatial dimension M = 3 # Number of points N = 12 # # The data was created by the FORTRAN90 DELAUNAY_2D program. # The node data was read from points.txt by RTABLE_DATA_READ.F90. # The spatial dimension of the node data was 2 # The number of nodes was 10 # # The Delaunay triangulation was computed by RTRIS2_LMAP. # The data was written to points.delaunay.txt by ITABLE_TRIANGULATION_WRITE.F90. # 6 5 10 6 10 4 5 6 7 7 6 4 1 5 7 4 10 3 7 4 3 3 10 8 9 3 8 7 3 2 1 7 2 2 3 9