June 22 2002 1:08:02.072 PM CVT_BASIS Arrange a set of PDE solution data into clusters. Null cluster policy: 0, do nothing, accept null clusters; 1, reset center to a random data point; 2, reset center to random point in hull; NULL_CLUSTER_POLICY = 0 RANDOM_INITIALIZE Initialize RANDOM_NUMBER with user SEED = 12345678 What is the run type? RUN_TYPE = 6 For RUN_TYPE = 6, read in the steady state solution from "STEADY.TXT" and, letting SS be the steady state solution, subtract 5/3 SS from solutions 1 through 250 subtract 1/3 SS from solutions 251 through 500. We do NOT normalize the result. What is the name of the XY data file? The file "/math/WWW/f_src/cvt_basis_cavity/xy.txt" contains 1681 lines. X minimum : 0.00000 X maximum : 1.00000 Y minimum : 0.00000 Y maximum : 1.00000 What is the name of the steady state file? Steady state information was read from the file "/math/WWW/f_src/cvt_basis_cavity/steady.txt". Steady max norm = 3.00000 Steady l2 norm = 33.7950 What is the name of the first solution file? We believe the number of solution files is 500 The data is stored in an M by N matrix. The "spatial" dimension M is 3362 The number of data points N is 500 All the data has been read into POINT. Enter lower and upper number of clusters The program will try to determine the minimum energy of a clustering, for cluster sizes in the range: 16 16 Enter the number of different random cluster configurations to check For each number of clusters, the number of distinct initial random configurations to be checked will be 15 Enter the number of energy iterations For each initial random configuration, the number of times the program will recompute the cluster centers, cluster components, and energy is 30 Enter 0 to use raw data, 1 to use normalized data. NORMAL = 0 Data will NOT be normalized. Number of clusters allowed: 16 1 Initial_RAW 24604.7 0 HMEANS_RAW 2749.54 14 KMEANS_RAW 1367.80 21 2 Initial_RAW 24497.9 0 HMEANS_RAW 2749.54 17 KMEANS_RAW 1367.80 21 3 Initial_RAW 24567.3 0 HMEANS_RAW 2749.54 19 KMEANS_RAW 1367.80 21 4 Initial_RAW 24622.8 0 HMEANS_RAW 2749.54 20 KMEANS_RAW 1367.80 21 5 Initial_RAW 24601.6 0 HMEANS_RAW 2749.54 20 KMEANS_RAW 1367.80 21 6 Initial_RAW 24656.5 0 HMEANS_RAW 3822.85 15 KMEANS_RAW 834.856 22 7 Initial_RAW 24542.3 0 HMEANS_RAW 1837.30 22 KMEANS_RAW 1367.80 18 8 Initial_RAW 24508.7 0 HMEANS_RAW 2749.54 19 KMEANS_RAW 1367.80 21 9 Initial_RAW 24492.3 0 HMEANS_RAW 2749.54 15 KMEANS_RAW 1367.80 21 10 Initial_RAW 24758.2 0 HMEANS_RAW 1834.51 21 KMEANS_RAW 1367.80 18 11 Initial_RAW 24477.8 0 HMEANS_RAW 4358.50 19 KMEANS_RAW 1367.80 22 12 Initial_RAW 24469.0 0 HMEANS_RAW 2749.54 20 KMEANS_RAW 1367.80 21 13 Initial_RAW 24581.0 0 HMEANS_RAW 2138.01 20 KMEANS_RAW 1367.80 20 14 Initial_RAW 24735.2 0 HMEANS_RAW 2749.54 15 KMEANS_RAW 1367.80 21 15 Initial_RAW 24480.4 0 HMEANS_RAW 2749.54 16 KMEANS_RAW 1367.80 21 ANALYSIS_RAW: Computed energy range for given cluster size: (The minimum and maximum should be close if we're taking enough iterations.) Cluster Minimum Maximum Size Energy Energy 16 834.8563 1367.8027 Energy table: Cluster Energy Size Energy /point Sqrt(E/Pt) 16 834.8563 1.6697 1.2922 CLUSTER_CENSUS Individual cluster population and energy Index Population Percentage Energy Percentage Min Max 1 1 0 0.00000 0 1 1 2 8 1 223.125 26 251 258 3 1 0 0.00000 0 2 2 4 2 0 3.18104 0 3 4 5 3 0 5.06125 0 5 7 6 18 3 180.326 21 259 276 7 38 7 173.213 20 277 314 8 4 0 5.62754 0 8 11 9 6 1 9.11582 1 12 17 10 186 37 156.254 18 315 500 11 8 1 10.0913 1 18 25 12 11 2 11.8025 1 26 36 13 39 7 14.6541 1 76 114 14 16 3 14.5168 1 37 52 15 136 27 13.5871 1 115 250 16 23 4 14.3014 1 53 75 ------ --- ------------ --- Total 500 100 834.856 100 1 500 CVT_BASIS: Writing cluster generators to individual files. Write file gen_001.txt Write file gen_002.txt Write file gen_003.txt Write file gen_004.txt Write file gen_005.txt Write file gen_006.txt Write file gen_007.txt Write file gen_008.txt Write file gen_009.txt Write file gen_010.txt Write file gen_011.txt Write file gen_012.txt Write file gen_013.txt Write file gen_014.txt Write file gen_015.txt Write file gen_016.txt CVT_BASIS Normal end of execution. June 22 2002 1:18:59.452 PM