9 March 2016 1:19:31.088 PM CVT_BASIS_FLOW FORTRAN90 version Arrange a set of PDE solution data into clusters. This NEW version of the code handles up to 10 families of data. Null cluster policy: 0, do nothing, accept null clusters; 1, reset center to a random data point; 2, reset center to random point in hull; NULL_CLUSTER_POLICY = 1 RANDOM_INITIALIZE Initialize RANDOM_NUMBER with user SEED = 123456789 The variable RUN_TYPE determines preprocessing: * 1, NO steady state file, no preprocessing; * 2, NO steady state file, no preprocessing; * 3, steady state file; subtract 1/3 SS from solution 1 subtract 5/3 SS from solutions 2 through 201 subtract 1/3 SS from solutions 202 through 401. do NOT normalize the data. use all the data. * 4, steady state file; subtract 1/3 SS from solution 1 subtract 5/3 SS from solutions 2 through 201 subtract 1/3 SS from solutions 202 through 401. do NOT normalize the data; then discard the EVEN numbered data files. * 5, steady state file; subtract 1/3 SS from solution 1 subtract 5/3 SS from solutions 2 through 201 subtract 1/3 SS from solutions 202 through 401. then NORMALIZE the data; use all the data. * 6, steady state file; subtract 5/3 SS from solutions 1 through 250 subtract 1/3 SS from solutions 251 through 500. do NOT normalize the data. use all the data. * 7, steady state file; subtract 5/3 SS from solutions 1 through 250 subtract 1/3 SS from solutions 251 through 500. then NORMALIZE the data; use all the data. * 8, steady state file; subtract 5/3 SS from solutions 1 through 250 subtract 1/3 SS from solutions 251 through 500. do NOT normalize the data. then discard the ODD numbered data files. * 9, steady state file; subtract 5/3 SS from solutions 1 through 400 subtract 1/3 SS from solutions 401 through 800. do NOT normalize the data. use all the data. What is the run type (1 through 9)? RUN_TYPE = 6 What is the XY data file name (or NONE)? The file "/home/jburkardt/public_html/datasets/tcell_flow/xy.txt" contains the coordinates of 4961 with spatial dimension 2. X minimum : 0.00000 X maximum : 1.00000 Y minimum : 0.00000 Y maximum : 1.00000 What is the name of the steady state file or "none"? Steady state information was read from the file "/home/jburkardt/public_html/datasets/tcell_flow/steady.txt". It is time to read sets of solution files. We assume that a series of solution files exists, with "consecutive" names, like fred001.txt, fred002,txt, ... Just specify the FIRST name in the series, and the program will read them all. The program can read another series of data if you specify yet another first name, or you can type "none" when there are no more file series. What is the first solution file (in the first series)? What is the first solution file (in the NEXT series) or "NONE"? The number of initial solution files is 1 The total number of solution files is 500 The data is stored in an M by N matrix. The "spatial" dimension M is 9922 The number of data points N is 500 Processing files starting with "/home/jburkardt/public_html/datasets/tcell_flow/up001.txt". All the data has been read into POINT. Enter lower and upper number of clusters DEBUG: CLUSTER_LO = 4 cluster_hi = 4 The program will try to determine the minimum energy of a clustering, for cluster sizes in the range: 4 4 Enter the number of different random cluster configurations to check For each number of clusters, the number of distinct initial random configurations to be checked will be 15 Enter the number of energy iterations For each initial random configuration, the number of times the program will recompute the cluster centers, cluster components, and energy is 30 Enter element file for mass matrix preconditioning or "none". Enter 0 to use raw data, 1 to use normalized data. NORMAL = 0 Data will NOT be normalized. Number of clusters allowed: 4 1 Initial_RAW 49952.4 0 HMEANS_RAW 9870.07 19 KMEANS_RAW 9854.83 3 2 Initial_RAW 50144.7 0 HMEANS_RAW 9851.86 17 KMEANS_RAW 9837.15 3 3 Initial_RAW 50484.9 0 HMEANS_RAW 9851.86 17 KMEANS_RAW 9837.15 3 4 Initial_RAW 50482.2 0 HMEANS_RAW 9870.07 19 KMEANS_RAW 9854.83 3 5 Initial_RAW 49150.1 0 HMEANS_RAW 11956.1 8 KMEANS_RAW 9837.15 13 6 Initial_RAW 50685.6 0 HMEANS_RAW 9856.81 14 KMEANS_RAW 9837.15 3 7 Initial_RAW 50535.6 0 HMEANS_RAW 11956.1 8 KMEANS_RAW 9837.15 13 8 Initial_RAW 49920.1 0 HMEANS_RAW 9851.86 17 KMEANS_RAW 9837.15 3 9 Initial_RAW 49800.1 0 HMEANS_RAW 9870.07 16 KMEANS_RAW 9854.83 3 10 Initial_RAW 50565.0 0 HMEANS_RAW 9870.07 15 KMEANS_RAW 9854.83 3 11 Initial_RAW 50106.7 0 HMEANS_RAW 11956.1 8 KMEANS_RAW 9837.15 13 12 Initial_RAW 50661.0 0 HMEANS_RAW 9851.86 19 KMEANS_RAW 9837.15 3 13 Initial_RAW 49598.7 0 HMEANS_RAW 9851.86 16 KMEANS_RAW 9837.15 3 14 Initial_RAW 50374.7 0 HMEANS_RAW 9875.02 13 KMEANS_RAW 9854.83 3 15 Initial_RAW 50570.6 0 HMEANS_RAW 9856.81 9 KMEANS_RAW 9837.15 3 ANALYSIS_RAW: Computed energy range for given cluster size: (The minimum and maximum should be close if we're taking enough iterations.) Number of Minimum Maximum Clusters Energy Energy 4 9837.1496 9854.8255 Energy table: Number of Energy Clusters Energy /point Sqrt(E/Pt) 4 9837.1496 19.6743 4.4356 CLUSTER_CENSUS Individual cluster population and energy Index Population Percentage Energy Percentage Min Max 1 24 4 3658.12 37 251 274 2 12 2 1306.38 13 1 12 3 34 6 1086.23 11 13 46 4 430 86 3786.42 38 47 500 ------ --- ------------ --- Total 500 100 9837.15 100 1 500 CVT_BASIS_FLOW: Ready to write the cluster generators to files. Do you want comments in the header of the file? (These begin with the "#" character.) (Y/N) Enter Y or N: The output files will NOT include a commented header. Writing first file gen_001.txt Writing last file gen_004.txt CPU_TIME (seconds): Mass matrix: 0.00000 CVT: 19.7880 Total: 19.7880 CVT_BASIS_FLOW Normal end of execution. 9 March 2016 1:20:06.719 PM