Module CubatureRule_General USE Precision_Model, ONLY: stnd USE internal_types USE QuadratureRule USE CubatureRule_T2 USE CubatureRule_T3 USE CubatureRule_Tn USE CubatureRule_C2 USE CubatureRule_C3 USE CubatureRule_Cn Implicit NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC :: Rule_General, Rule_Cost CONTAINS SUBROUTINE Rule_General(DIMENS,CINFO,VER,IINFO,RINFO,NUMFUN,Integrand, & BASVAL,RGNERR,NUM,IFAIL) !***BEGIN PROLOGUE Rule_General !***DATE WRITTEN 901114 (YYMMDD) !***REVISION DATE 970507 (YYMMDD) !***REVISION DATE 980330 (YYMMDD) (1D added) !***REVISION DATE 980406 (YYMMDD) (dcuhre added) !***REVISION DATE 990527 (YYMMDD) (F conversion) !***REVISION DATE 000814 (YYMMDD) (rule selection for Cn changed) !***REVISION DATE 010829 (YYMMDD) (init IFAIL) !***REVISION DATE 020716 (YYMMDD) (rule selection for Cn changed)) !***AUTHOR ! Ronald Cools, Dept. of Computer Science, ! Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Celestijnenlaan 200A, ! B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium ! Email: ! !***PURPOSE To compute basic integration rule values and ! corresponding error estimates. !***DESCRIPTION Rule_General selects a basic integration rule ! suitable for the given region. ! ! Input parameters ! ---------------- ! ! DIMENS Integer ! The dimension of the region ! VER Real array of dimension (DIMENS,NRVERT). ! The coordinates of the vertices of the region. ! NUMFUN Integer ! Number of components of the vector integrand. ! CINFO Type integrator_info ! Paramaters to select proper integration rule. ! IINFO Integer array ! RINFO Real array ! The 2 arrays contain additional information about the ! subregion. See MODULE Global_Adaptive_Algorithm ! for details. ! Integrand Externally declared subroutine for computing ! all components of the integrand at the given ! evaluation point. ! It must have parameters (X,NUMFUN,FUNVLS) ! Input parameters: ! X(1) The x-coordinate of the evaluation point. ! X(2) The y-coordinate of the evaluation point. ! NUMFUN Integer that defines the number of ! components of I. ! Output parameter: ! FUNVLS Real array of dimension NUMFUN ! that defines NUMFUN components of the integrand. ! ! ! Output parameters ! ----------------- ! ! BASVAL Real array of dimension NUMFUN. ! The values for the basic rule for each component ! of the integrand. ! RGNERR Real array of dimension NUMFUN. ! The error estimates for each component of the integrand. ! NUM Integer. ! The number of function evaluations used. ! IFAIL Integer. ! IFAIL = 0 on normal exit. ! IFAIL = 5 if a given type of region is not supported. ! IINFO Integer array. ! RINFO Real array. ! The 2 arrays contain additional information about the ! subregion. See MODULE Global_Adaptive_Algorithm ! for details. ! !***ROUTINES CALLED Integrand !***END PROLOGUE Rule_General ! ! Global variables. ! INTERFACE FUNCTION Integrand(NUMFUN,X) RESULT(Value) USE Precision_Model INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: NUMFUN REAL(kind=stnd), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: X REAL(kind=stnd), DIMENSION(NUMFUN) :: Value END FUNCTION Integrand END INTERFACE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: NUMFUN,DIMENS INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: NUM,IFAIL INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN OUT) :: IINFO REAL(kind=STND), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN) :: VER REAL(kind=STND), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(OUT) :: BASVAL, RGNERR REAL(kind=STND), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN OUT) :: RINFO TYPE(integrator_info), INTENT(IN) :: cinfo ! ! Local variables ! ! KEY Integer. ! Rule selection parameter for DREPRO ! TUNE Real. ! Requested reliability of DREPRO: 0 <= TUNE <= 1 ! RGTYPE Integer ! Indicates the type of region: ! RGTYPE = 1 => the region is a simplex ! RGTYPE = 2 => the region is a hyperrectangle ! RGTYPE = 3 => the region is an octahedron ! Note: If DIMENS=1 then RGTYPE=1 and RGTYPE=2 are equivalent ! INTEGER :: RGTYPE,KEY REAL(kind=STND) :: TUNE ! KEY = CINFO%KEY TUNE = CINFO%TUNE RGTYPE = IINFO(1) IFAIL = 0 SELECT CASE (RGTYPE) CASE (Simplex) IF (DIMENS == 1) THEN CALL Dqk_drv(KEY,VER,NUMFUN,Integrand,BASVAL,RGNERR,NUM) ELSE IF (DIMENS > 3) THEN CALL Rule_Tn(TUNE,DIMENS,VER,RINFO(1),NUMFUN,Integrand,KEY,BASVAL,RGNERR,NUM) ELSE IF ((KEY >= 1) .AND. (KEY <= 4)) THEN CALL Rule_Tn(TUNE,DIMENS,VER,RINFO(1),NUMFUN,Integrand,KEY,BASVAL,RGNERR,NUM) ELSE IF (DIMENS == 2) THEN CALL Rule_T2a(VER,RINFO(1),NUMFUN,Integrand,BASVAL,RGNERR,NUM) ELSE ! IF (DIMENS == 3) THEN CALL Rule_T3a(VER,RINFO(1),NUMFUN,Integrand,BASVAL,RGNERR,NUM) END IF CASE (Hyperrectangle) IF (DIMENS == 1) THEN CALL Dqk_drv(KEY,VER,NUMFUN,Integrand,BASVAL,RGNERR,NUM) ELSE IF (DIMENS > 3) THEN CALL Rule_Cn(KEY,DIMENS,VER,IINFO,RINFO(1),NUMFUN,Integrand,BASVAL,RGNERR,NUM) ELSE IF ((KEY >= 3) .AND. (KEY <= 4)) THEN CALL Rule_Cn(KEY,DIMENS,VER,IINFO,RINFO(1),NUMFUN,Integrand,BASVAL,RGNERR,NUM) ELSE IF (DIMENS == 2) THEN CALL Rule_C2a(VER,IINFO,RINFO(1),NUMFUN,Integrand,BASVAL,RGNERR,NUM) ELSE ! IF (DIMENS == 3) THEN CALL Rule_C3a(VER,IINFO,RINFO(1),NUMFUN,Integrand,BASVAL,RGNERR,NUM) END IF CASE DEFAULT IFAIL = 5 NUM = 0 END SELECT RETURN END SUBROUTINE Rule_General FUNCTION Rule_Cost( DIMENS, RGTYPE, KEY ) RESULT(RULCLS) ! ! Integer function for computing the number of function values ! needed by the local integration rule. ! Input parameters are NOT checked! ! ! Global variables ! ! DIMENS Integer number of dimensions. ! RGTYPE Integer type of integration region. ! KEY Integer type of integration rule. ! INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: DIMENS, RGTYPE, KEY INTEGER :: RULCLS ! ! Local Variables ! INTEGER :: NKEY SELECT CASE (RGTYPE) CASE (Simplex) IF ( DIMENS == 1 ) THEN SELECT CASE (KEY) CASE(:1) RULCLS = 15 CASE(2) RULCLS = 21 CASE(3) RULCLS = 31 CASE(4) RULCLS = 41 CASE(5) RULCLS = 51 CASE(6:) RULCLS = 61 END SELECT ELSE IF ( (DIMENS > 3) .OR. ((KEY >= 1) .AND. (KEY <= 4)) ) THEN ! ! Compute RULCLS for DIMENS-simplex rules. ! IF ( KEY == 0 ) THEN NKEY = 3 ELSE NKEY = KEY END IF ! First count the Grundmann and Moller points. RULCLS = DIMENS + 2 IF ( NKEY > 1 ) THEN RULCLS = ( DIMENS + 3 )*RULCLS/2 END IF IF ( NKEY > 2 ) THEN RULCLS = ( DIMENS + 4 )*RULCLS/3 END IF IF ( NKEY > 3 ) THEN RULCLS = ( DIMENS + 5 )*RULCLS/4 END IF ! Add those from the degree 5 Stroud rule. RULCLS = RULCLS + DIMENS + 1 IF ( NKEY > 1 ) THEN RULCLS = RULCLS + DIMENS + 1 END IF IF ( NKEY > 2 ) THEN RULCLS = RULCLS + ( DIMENS + 1 )*DIMENS END IF ! Add those of the degree 7 Mysovskikh rule. IF ( NKEY > 3 ) THEN RULCLS = RULCLS + 3*( DIMENS + 1 )*( DIMENS + 2 )/2 END IF ! subtract a generator if DIMENS == 3 IF ((DIMENS == 3) .AND. (NKEY > 2)) THEN RULCLS = RULCLS - ((DIMENS+1)*DIMENS)/2 END IF ELSE IF ( DIMENS == 2 ) THEN RULCLS = 37 ELSE ! IF ( DIMENS == 3 ) THEN RULCLS = 43 END IF CASE (Hyperrectangle) ! ! Compute RULCLS for DIMENS-hyperrectangle rules. ! IF ( DIMENS == 1) THEN SELECT CASE( KEY ) CASE(:1) RULCLS = 15 CASE(2) RULCLS = 21 CASE(3) RULCLS = 31 CASE(4) RULCLS = 41 CASE(5) RULCLS = 51 CASE(6:) RULCLS = 61 END SELECT ELSE IF ((DIMENS > 3) .OR. (KEY == 3) .OR. (KEY == 4)) THEN IF ( KEY == 4 ) THEN RULCLS = 1 + 4*2*DIMENS + 2*DIMENS* (DIMENS-1) + 4*DIMENS* (DIMENS-1) + & 4*DIMENS* (DIMENS-1)* (DIMENS-2)/3 + 2**DIMENS ELSE RULCLS = 1 + 3*2*DIMENS + 2*DIMENS* (DIMENS-1) + 2**DIMENS END IF ELSE IF (DIMENS == 2) THEN RULCLS = 37 ELSE ! IF (DIMENS == 3) THEN RULCLS = 89 END IF END SELECT RETURN END FUNCTION Rule_Cost END MODULE CubatureRule_General