MODULE Global_Adaptive_Algorithm USE Precision_Model USE internal_types USE Volume_Computation USE Region_Processor Implicit NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC :: Global_Adapt, Global_Adapt_Extrap PRIVATE :: Epsalg CONTAINS SUBROUTINE Global_Adapt(DIMENS,CINFO,UINFO,NRVERT,NIINFO,NRINFO, & VERTIC,RGTYPE,Integrand,RESTART,VALUE, & ABSERR,NEVAL,IFAIL,RSTORE,ISTORE) USE DS_ROUTINES, ONLY: DSGET, DSSPUT, DSSUM, DSFREE !***BEGIN PROLOGUE Global_Adapt !***DATE WRITTEN 901114 (YYMMDD) !***REVISION DATE 910503 (YYMMDD) !***REVISION DATE 950503 (YYMMDD) (Fortran90 transformation) !***REVISION DATE 970611 (YYMMDD) (more Fortran90) !***REVISION DATE 980324 (YYMMDD) (MDIV removed) !***AUTHOR ! Ronald Cools, Dept. of Computer Science, ! Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Celestijnenlaan 200A, ! B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium ! Email: ! !***PURPOSE Computation of integrals over a collection of regions. ! !***DESCRIPTION ! Global_Adapt repeatedly ! subdivides the region with greatest estimated error ! and estimates the integrals and the errors over the ! new sub-regions until the error request is met or ! MAXPTS function evaluations have been used. ! ! Input parameters ! ---------------- ! ! DIMENS Integer. ! The dimension of the region of integration. ! NRVERT Integer. ! The number of vertices to determine a region. ! NRSUB Integer. ! A region is divided into NRSUB subregions. ! NUMFUN Integer. ! Number of components of the integral. ! NIINFO Integer. ! The number of integers used to save information about ! the region. ! Conventions for info-record: ! info-record(5) = 1 if there was asymptotic behaviour when the ! region was processed before. ! = 0 otherwise ! info-record(4) = information on best direction for future division ! info-record(3) = number of the original region where this ! region is a part of ! info-record(2) = (volume of orinal region)/ ! (volume of this region) ! info-record(1) = type of region ! NRINFO Integer. ! The number of reals used to save information about ! the region. ! VERTIC Real array of dimension (DIMENS,NRVERT,NUMRGN). ! VER(1,K,L), VER(2,K,L),..., VER(DIMENS,K,L) are the x, y, ... ! coordinates respectively of vertex K of region L, where ! K = 1,...,NRVERT and L = 1,...,NUMRGN. ! RGTYPE Integer array of dimension (NUMRGN). ! RGTYPE(L) describes the type of region L. ! NUMRGN Integer. ! The number of given regions. ! MINPTS Integer. ! The minimum allowed number of function evaluations. ! MAXPTS Integer. ! The maximum allowed number of function evaluations. ! Integrand Externally declared function for computing ! all components of the integrand at the given ! evaluation point. ! It must be compatible with the following interface: ! INTERFACE ! FUNCTION Integrand(NUMFUN,X) ! USE Precision_Model ! INTEGER NUMFUN ! REAL(stnd) X(:) ! REAL(stnd) Integrand(NUMFUN) ! END ! END INTERFACE ! Input parameters: ! X(1) The x-coordinate of the evaluation point. ! X(2) The y-coordinate of the evaluation point. ! ... ! X(DIMENS) The z-coordinate of the evaluation point. ! NUMFUN Integer that defines the number of ! components of I. ! ! EPSABS Real. ! Requested absolute error. ! EPSREL Real. ! Requested relative error. ! ! RESTART Boolean. ! If RESTART = FALSE, this is the first attempt to compute ! the integral. ! If RESTART = TRUE, ! then we restart a previous attempt. ! In this case the only parameters for Global_Adapt that may ! be changed (with respect to the previous call of Global_Adapt) ! are MINPTS, MAXPTS, EPSABS, EPSREL and RESTART. ! MINPTS Integer. ! Minimum number of integrand function evaluations. ! MAXPTS Integer. ! Maximum number of integrand function evaluations. ! ! Output parameters ! ----------------- ! ! VALUE Real array of dimension NUMFUN. ! Approximations to all components of the integral. ! (It is an input parameter if RESTART=.true.) ! ABSERR Real array of dimension NUMFUN. ! Estimates of absolute errors. ! (It is an input parameter if RESTART=.true.) ! NEVAL Integer. ! Number of function evaluations used by Global_Adapt. ! IFAIL Integer. ! IFAIL = 0 for normal exit. ! ! ABSERR(K) <= EPSABS or ! ABSERR(K) <= ABS(VALUE (K))*EPSREL with MAXPTS or less ! function evaluations for all values of K, ! 1 <= K <= NUMFUN . ! ! IFAIL = 1 if MAXPTS was too small for Global_Adapt ! to obtain the required accuracy. In this case Global_Adapt ! returns values of VALUE with estimated absolute ! errors ABSERR. ! ! IFAIL = 2 if the region collection was not large enough ! to obtain the required accuracy. In this case Global_Adapt ! returns values of VALUE with estimated absolute ! errors ABSERR. ! ! IFAIL > 10000 : Failure of the heap-maintaining routines. ! This should never happen ! ! If IFAIL = 1000X this is IFAIL = X of DSINIT. ! !***ROUTINES CALLED Process_Region,DSSPUT,DSGET,DSFREE !***END PROLOGUE Global_Adapt ! ! ! Global variables ! INTERFACE FUNCTION Integrand(NUMFUN,X) RESULT(Value) USE Precision_Model INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: NUMFUN REAL(kind=stnd), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: X REAL(kind=stnd), DIMENSION(NUMFUN) :: Value END FUNCTION Integrand END INTERFACE TYPE(integrator_info), INTENT(IN) :: CINFO TYPE(user_info), INTENT(IN) :: UINFO LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: RESTART INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: DIMENS,NRVERT,NIINFO,NRINFO INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: RGTYPE INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: NEVAL,IFAIL INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN OUT) :: ISTORE REAL(kind=stnd), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: VERTIC REAL(kind=stnd), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN OUT):: VALUE ,ABSERR REAL(kind=stnd), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN OUT):: RSTORE ! ! Local automatic variables. ! INTEGER, DIMENSION(NIINFO) :: INFOLD INTEGER, DIMENSION(NIINFO,CINFO%NRSUB) :: INFNEW REAL(kind=stnd), DIMENSION(DIMENS,NRVERT) :: VEROLD REAL(kind=stnd), DIMENSION(DIMENS,NRVERT,CINFO%NRSUB) :: VERNEW REAL(kind=stnd), DIMENSION(UINFO%NUMFUN) :: VALOLD, ERROLD REAL(kind=stnd), DIMENSION(UINFO%NUMFUN,CINFO%NRSUB) :: VALNEW, ERRNEW REAL(kind=stnd), DIMENSION(NRINFO) :: RINFOL REAL(kind=stnd), DIMENSION(NRINFO,CINFO%NRSUB) :: RINFNE ! ! Local variables ! ! NUM Integer. ! The number of points used by the basic rule in DRLGIN. ! MAXSUB Integer. ! The maximum number of regions that Process_Region may return ! OUTSUB Integer ! The number of regions returned by Process_Region ! INTEGER :: I,INFORM,L,NUM,MAXSUB,OUTSUB,NUMFUN ! !***FIRST EXECUTABLE STATEMENT ! NUMFUN = UINFO%NUMFUN NEVAL = 0 IF (.NOT.RESTART) THEN ! ! Initialize the set of given regions. ! Compute estimates for integrals and errors for these regions. ! VALUE = 0 ABSERR = 0 DO I = 1,UINFO%NUMRGN ! ! Initialise a region record ! RINFOL(1) = VOLUME(DIMENS,RGTYPE(I),VERTIC(:,:,I)) RINFOL(2:NRINFO) = 0 ! assignment to zero-sized array is legal INFOLD(1) = RGTYPE(I) INFOLD(2) = 1 INFOLD(3) = I INFOLD(4:NIINFO) = 0 ! ! Apply the basic rule to each given region. ! CALL Process_Region(DIMENS,CINFO,NRVERT,1,NUMFUN,Integrand, & VERTIC(:,:,I),INFOLD,RINFOL, & UINFO%MAXPTS-NEVAL,OUTSUB,VERNEW, & INFNEW,RINFNE,VALNEW,ERRNEW,NUM,INFORM) IF (INFORM /= 0) THEN IFAIL = INFORM RETURN END IF NEVAL = NEVAL + NUM ! ! Adjust VALUE and ABSERR. ! VALUE = VALUE + VALNEW(:,1) ABSERR = ABSERR + ERRNEW(:,1) ! ! Store the results. ! CALL DSSPUT(VERTIC(:,:,I),VALNEW(:,1),ERRNEW(:,1), & INFNEW(:,1),RINFNE(:,1),ISTORE,RSTORE,IFAIL) IF (IFAIL /= 0) THEN RETURN END IF END DO END IF ! ! Check for termination: ! IF the number of points used is smaller than a user suplied minimum ! OR ! IF the estimated error of one of the approximations is too large, ! THEN continue the proces. ! DO IF (NEVAL >= UINFO%MINPTS) THEN IF ( ALL( ABSERR < MAX(UINFO%EPSREL*ABS(VALUE),UINFO%EPSABS) ) ) THEN IFAIL = 0 IF ( .NOT. RESTART ) THEN CALL DSSUM(VALUE ,ABSERR,ISTORE,RSTORE,IFAIL) END IF RETURN END IF END IF ! ! If there is enough space to do further subdivisions ! and it is allowed to do more function evaluations ... ! Determine the maximum number of subregions after subdivsion ! It should be o.k. to use dsfree()+1 but this is safer. MAXSUB = MIN(DSFREE(ISTORE),cinfo%NRSUB) IF ((MAXSUB >= 1) .AND. (UINFO%MAXPTS > NEVAL)) THEN ! ! ... then prepare to apply the basic rule over each subregion ! produced by dividing the region with greatest error. ! ! ! Pick the region from the collection. ! CALL DSGET(VEROLD,VALOLD,ERROLD,INFOLD,RINFOL,ISTORE,RSTORE,IFAIL) IF (IFAIL > 0) THEN RETURN END IF ! ! Process the region ! CALL Process_Region(DIMENS,CINFO,NRVERT,MAXSUB,NUMFUN,Integrand,& VEROLD,INFOLD,RINFOL,UINFO%MAXPTS-NEVAL,OUTSUB, & VERNEW,INFNEW,RINFNE,VALNEW,ERRNEW,NUM,INFORM) NEVAL = NEVAL + NUM IF (INFORM /= 0) THEN ! ! Restore data structure ! CALL DSSPUT(VEROLD,VALOLD,ERROLD,INFOLD,RINFOL,ISTORE, & RSTORE,IFAIL) CALL DSSUM(VALUE ,ABSERR,ISTORE,RSTORE,IFAIL) IFAIL = INFORM RETURN END IF ! ! Adjust VALUE and ABSERR ! VALUE = VALUE - VALOLD + SUM( VALNEW(:,1:OUTSUB), 2 ) ABSERR = ABSERR - ERROLD + SUM( ERRNEW(:,1:OUTSUB), 2 ) ! ! Store the results. ! DO L = 1,OUTSUB CALL DSSPUT(VERNEW(:,:,L),VALNEW(:,L),ERRNEW(:,L), & INFNEW(:,L),RINFNE(:,L),ISTORE,RSTORE,IFAIL) IF (IFAIL /= 0) THEN RETURN END IF END DO ELSE ! ! ... else there was not enough space available to reach the ! requested accuracy or the maximum number of points ! allowed is reached. ! CALL DSSUM(VALUE ,ABSERR,ISTORE,RSTORE,IFAIL) IF (UINFO%MAXPTS <= NEVAL) THEN IFAIL = 1 ELSE IFAIL = 2 END IF RETURN END IF END DO ! Check for termination RETURN END SUBROUTINE Global_Adapt SUBROUTINE Global_Adapt_Extrap(DIMENS,CINFO,UINFO,NRVERT,NIINFO,NRINFO,& VERTIC,RGTYPE,Integrand,RESTART,VALUE, & ABSERR,NEVAL,IFAIL,RSTORE,ISTORE,MEM) USE DS_ROUTINES, ONLY: DSGET, DSSPUT, DSSUM, DSFREE, DSUPUT, DSPINT !***BEGIN PROLOGUE Global_Adapt_Extrap !***DATE WRITTEN 9xxxxx (YYMMDD) !***REVISION DATE 970613 (YYMMDD) !***REVISION DATE 980324 (YYMMDD) !***REVISION DATE 990609 (YYMMDD) !***AUTHOR ! Ronald Cools, Dept. of Computer Science, ! Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Celestijnenlaan 200A, ! B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium ! Email: ! !***PURPOSE Computation of integrals over a collection of regions. ! !***DESCRIPTION ! Global_Adapt_Extrap repeatedly subdivides the large ! region with greatest estimated error, estimates the ! integrals and the errors over the new sub-regions ! and sometimes employs the epsilon algorithm to speed ! up convergence, until the error request is met or ! MAXPTS function evaluations have been used. ! ! Input parameters ! ---------------- ! ! DIMENS Integer. ! The dimension of the region of integration. ! NRVERT Integer. ! The number of vertices to determine a region. ! NRSUB Integer. ! A region is divided into NRSUB subregions. ! NUMFUN Integer. ! Number of components of the integral. ! NIINFO Integer. ! The number of integers used to save information about ! the region. ! Conventions for info-record: ! info-record(5) = 1 if there was asymptotic behaviour when the ! region was processed before. ! = 0 otherwise ! info-record(4) = information on best direction for future division ! info-record(3) = number of the original region where this ! region is a part of ! info-record(2) = (volume of original region)/ ! (volume of this region) ! info-record(1) = type of region ! NRINFO Integer. ! The number of reals used to save information about ! the region. ! VERTIC Real array of dimension (DIMENS,NRVERT,NUMRGN). ! VER(1,K,L), VER(2,K,L),..., VER(DIMENS,K,L) are the x, y, ... ! coordinates respectively of vertex K of region L, where ! K = 1,...,NRVERT and L = 1,...,NUMRGN. ! RGTYPE Integer array of dimension (NUMRGN). ! RGTYPE(L) describes the type of region L. ! NUMRGN Integer. ! The number of given regions. ! MINPTS Integer. ! The minimum allowed number of function evaluations. ! MAXPTS Integer. ! The maximum allowed number of function evaluations. ! Integrand Externally declared function for computing ! all components of the integrand at the given ! evaluation point. ! It must be compatible with the following interface: ! INTERFACE ! FUNCTION Integrand(NUMFUN,X) ! USE Precision_Model ! INTEGER NUMFUN ! REAL(kind=stnd) X(:) ! REAL(kind=stnd) Integrand(NUMFUN) ! END ! END INTERFACE ! Input parameters: ! X(1) The x-coordinate of the evaluation point. ! X(2) The y-coordinate of the evaluation point. ! ... ! X(DIMENS) The z-coordinate of the evaluation point. ! NUMFUN Integer that defines the number of ! components of I. ! ! EPSABS Real. ! Requested absolute error. ! EPSREL Real. ! Requested relative error. ! ! RESTART Boolean. ! If RESTART = FALSE, this is the first attempt to compute ! the integral. ! If RESTART = TRUE, ! then we restart a previous attempt. ! In this case the only parameters for Global_Adapt_Extrap that may ! be changed (with respect to the previous call of Global_Adapt_Extrap) ! are MINPTS, MAXPTS, EPSABS, EPSREL and RESTART. ! MINPTS Integer. ! Minimum number of integrand function evaluations. ! MAXPTS Integer. ! Maximum number of integrand function evaluations. ! ! Output parameters ! ----------------- ! ! VALUE Real array of dimension NUMFUN. ! Approximations to all components of the integral. ! (It is an input parameter if RESTART=.true.) ! ABSERR Real array of dimension NUMFUN. ! Estimates of absolute errors. ! (It is an input parameter if RESTART=.true.) ! NEVAL Integer. ! Number of function evaluations used by Global_Adapt_Extrap. ! IFAIL Integer. ! IFAIL = 0 for normal exit. ! ! ABSERR(K) <= EPSABS or ! ABSERR(K) <= ABS(VALUE (K))*EPSREL with MAXPTS or less ! function evaluations for all values of K, ! 1 <= K <= NUMFUN . ! ! IFAIL = 1 if MAXPTS was too small for Global_Adapt_Extrap ! to obtain the required accuracy. In this case Global_Adapt_Extrap ! returns values of VALUE with estimated absolute ! errors ABSERR. ! ! IFAIL = 2 if the region collection was not large enough ! to obtain the required accuracy. In this case Global_Adapt_Extrap ! returns values of VALUE with estimated absolute ! errors ABSERR. ! ! IFAIL > 10000 : Failure of the heap-maintaining routines. ! This should never happen ! ! If IFAIL = 1000X this is IFAIL = X of DSINIT. ! !***ROUTINES CALLED Process_Region,DSSPUT,DSGET,DSFREE !***END PROLOGUE Global_Adapt_Extrap ! ! ! Global variables ! INTERFACE FUNCTION Integrand(NUMFUN,X) RESULT(Value) USE Precision_Model INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: NUMFUN REAL(kind=stnd), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: X REAL(kind=stnd), DIMENSION(NUMFUN) :: Value END FUNCTION Integrand END INTERFACE TYPE(integrator_info), INTENT(IN) :: CINFO TYPE(user_info), INTENT(IN) :: UINFO TYPE(epsalg_mem), INTENT(IN OUT) :: MEM LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: RESTART INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: DIMENS,NRVERT,NIINFO,NRINFO INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: RGTYPE INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: NEVAL,IFAIL INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN OUT) :: ISTORE REAL(kind=stnd), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: VERTIC REAL(kind=stnd), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN OUT):: VALUE , ABSERR REAL(kind=stnd), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN OUT):: RSTORE ! ! Local automatic variables. ! INTEGER, DIMENSION(NIINFO) :: INFOLD INTEGER, DIMENSION(NIINFO,CINFO%NRSUB) :: INFNEW REAL(kind=stnd), DIMENSION(DIMENS,NRVERT) :: VEROLD REAL(kind=stnd), DIMENSION(DIMENS,NRVERT,CINFO%NRSUB) :: VERNEW REAL(kind=stnd), DIMENSION(UINFO%NUMFUN) :: VALOLD, ERROLD, & BNDEC, ERLAST, ERRO4, ERRBND REAL(kind=stnd), DIMENSION(UINFO%NUMFUN,CINFO%NRSUB) :: VALNEW,ERRNEW REAL(kind=stnd), DIMENSION(NRINFO) :: RINFOL REAL(kind=stnd), DIMENSION(NRINFO,CINFO%NRSUB) :: RINFNE ! ! Local variables ! ! NUM Integer. ! The number of points used by the basic rule in DRLGIN. ! MAXSUB Integer. ! The maximum number of regions that Process_Region may return ! OUTSUB Integer ! The number of regions returned by Process_Region ! NRRCOPY Integer array. ! Number of elements in RCOPY ! ERLARG Real array ! The sum of the error-estimates of the 'big' regions ! MAXERRORPOOL Real ! The maximum error over a 'small' region ! INTEGER :: I,INFORM,J,L,OUTSUB,STATUS INTEGER :: NUM,MAXSUB,NUMFUN,NRES LOGICAL :: ready2extrap REAL(kind=stnd) :: MAXHELP REAL(kind=stnd), PARAMETER :: EPRN = 5.0_stnd*EPSILON(MAXHELP) ! !***FIRST EXECUTABLE STATEMENT ! NUMFUN = UINFO%NUMFUN NEVAL = 0 NRES = 0 IF (.NOT.RESTART) THEN ! ! Initialize the set of given regions. ! Compute estimates for integrals and errors for these regions. ! IF ( ASSOCIATED(MEM%RCOPY) ) THEN DEALLOCATE( MEM%RCOPY,MEM%NRRCOPY,MEM%RESLA,MEM%ERLARG, & MEM%RESULT1,MEM%ABSERR1 ) END IF VALUE = 0 ABSERR = 0 DO I = 1,UINFO%NUMRGN ! ! Initialise a region record ! RINFOL(1) = VOLUME(DIMENS,RGTYPE(I),VERTIC(:,:,I)) RINFOL(2:NRINFO) = 0 INFOLD(1) = RGTYPE(I) INFOLD(2) = 1 INFOLD(3) = I INFOLD(4:NIINFO) = 0 ! ! Apply the basic rule to each given region. ! CALL Process_Region(DIMENS,CINFO,NRVERT,1,NUMFUN,Integrand, & VERTIC(:,:,I),INFOLD,RINFOL,UINFO%MAXPTS-NEVAL, & OUTSUB,VERNEW,INFNEW,RINFNE,VALNEW,ERRNEW,NUM,INFORM) IF (INFORM /= 0) THEN IFAIL = INFORM RETURN END IF NEVAL = NEVAL + NUM ! ! Adjust VALUE and ABSERR. ! VALUE = VALUE + VALNEW(:,1) ABSERR = ABSERR + ERRNEW(:,1) ! ! Store the results. ! CALL DSSPUT(VERTIC(:,:,I),VALNEW(:,1),ERRNEW(:,1), & INFNEW(:,1),RINFNE(:,1),ISTORE,RSTORE,IFAIL) IF (IFAIL /= 0) THEN write(unit=*,fmt=*) "DSSPUT error 4" STOP END IF END DO END IF IF (NEVAL >= UINFO%MINPTS) THEN IF ( ALL( ABSERR < MAX(UINFO%EPSREL*ABS(VALUE),UINFO%EPSABS) ) ) THEN IFAIL = 0 IF ( .NOT. RESTART ) THEN CALL DSSUM(VALUE,ABSERR,ISTORE,RSTORE,IFAIL) END IF RETURN END IF END IF IF ( ( .NOT. RESTART ) .OR. ( RESTART .AND. ( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(MEM%RCOPY) ) ) ) THEN ALLOCATE( MEM%RCOPY(EPSTABLENGHT,UINFO%NUMFUN),MEM%RESLA(UINFO%NUMFUN,3), & MEM%ERLARG(UINFO%NUMFUN), MEM%NRRCOPY(UINFO%NUMFUN), & MEM%RESULT1(UINFO%NUMFUN),MEM%ABSERR1(UINFO%NUMFUN), & STAT=status ) IF (status /= 0) THEN write(unit=*,fmt=*) "Problem allocating real workspace." STOP END IF MEM%RESLA = 0 ! RC 23-7-2001 MEM%NRRCOPY = 1 MEM%DIVLEVEL = 2 MEM%ERRORMAXPOOL = 0 MEM%RCOPY (1,:) = VALUE MEM%ERLARG = ABSERR MEM%HEURISTIC_USED = .FALSE. MEM%EPSABS = UINFO%EPSABS MEM%EPSREL = UINFO%EPSREL ELSE CALL DSSUM(VALUE,ABSERR,ISTORE,RSTORE,IFAIL) IF ( ((UINFO%EPSABS < MEM%EPSABS) .OR. (UINFO%EPSREL < MEM%EPSREL)) & .AND. MEM%HEURISTIC_USED ) THEN ! ! Restarting with higher precision requests might confuse ! the heuristic. Hence a new extrapolation table is started! ! This is reliable, but usually very expensive. ! The advice is NOT to use this! ! MEM%NRRCOPY = 1 MEM%DIVLEVEL = 2 MEM%ERRORMAXPOOL = 0 ! This is redundant MEM%RCOPY (1,:) = VALUE MEM%ERLARG = ABSERR MEM%HEURISTIC_USED = .FALSE. MEM%EPSABS = UINFO%EPSABS MEM%EPSREL = UINFO%EPSREL END IF END IF ! ! End of preparation. Now we can really start ! CALL DSGET(VEROLD,VALOLD,ERROLD,INFOLD,RINFOL,ISTORE,RSTORE,IFAIL) ready2extrap = .false. DO ! ! If there is enough space to do further subdivisions ! and it is allowed to do more function evaluations ... ! Determine the maximum number of subregions after subdivsion ! It should be o.k. to use dsfree()+1 but this is safer. ! MAXSUB = MIN(DSFREE(ISTORE),cinfo%NRSUB) IF ( (CINFO%UNIFORM_SUBDIV .AND. (MAXSUB /= cinfo%NRSUB)) .OR. & ( MAXSUB < 2) .OR. (UINFO%MAXPTS <= NEVAL)) THEN ! ! ... there was not enough space available to reach the ! requested accuracy or the maximum number of points ! allowed is reached. ! CALL DSSPUT(VEROLD,VALOLD,ERROLD,INFOLD,RINFOL,ISTORE,RSTORE,IFAIL) CALL DSSUM(VALUE,ABSERR,ISTORE,RSTORE,IFAIL) IF ( ALL(MEM%NRRCOPY > 3) ) THEN ! Why 3 in this statement ? IF ( ALL(MEM%ABSERR1 < ABSERR) ) THEN ! Refine ABSERR = MEM%ABSERR1 VALUE = MEM%RESULT1 END IF END IF IFAIL = 1 RETURN ELSE ! ... then prepare to apply the basic rule over each subregion ! produced by dividing the region with greatest errors. ! I = 1 ! While no parallel computing is implemented yet IF ( .NOT. ready2extrap ) THEN IF (MAXVAL(ABS(ERROLD)) < MEM%ERRORMAXPOOL ) THEN ! ! Process the region ! DO J = 1, UINFO%NUMFUN ERRBND(J) = MAX(UINFO%EPSABS,UINFO%EPSREL*ABS(VALUE(J)),EPRN*ABS(VALUE(J))) BNDEC(J) = MAX( EPRN*(ABS(VALUE(J))), & MIN(0.1_stnd*ERRBND(J),0.001_stnd*ABS(VALUE(J)))) END DO ! The following test is the reason why restarting is so difficult. ready2extrap = ALL(MEM%ERLARG < BNDEC) IF ( ready2extrap ) THEN ! ! Ready for an extrapolation step. Restore first. ! MEM%HEURISTIC_USED = .TRUE. CALL DSSPUT(VEROLD,VALOLD,ERROLD, & INFOLD,RINFOL,ISTORE,RSTORE,IFAIL) IF ( IFAIL /= 0 ) THEN write(unit=*,fmt=*) "DSSPUT-1 error ",ifail STOP END IF END IF END IF IF ( .NOT. ready2extrap ) THEN CALL Process_Region(DIMENS,CINFO,NRVERT,MAXSUB,NUMFUN, & Integrand,VEROLD,INFOLD, & RINFOL,UINFO%MAXPTS-NEVAL,OUTSUB, & VERNEW,INFNEW,RINFNE,VALNEW,ERRNEW,NUM,INFORM) IF (INFORM /= 0) THEN ! ! Restore data structure ! CALL DSSPUT(VEROLD,VALOLD,ERROLD,INFOLD,RINFOL, & ISTORE,RSTORE,IFAIL) IF (IFAIL /= 0) THEN write(unit=*,fmt=*) "DSSPUT error 2" STOP END IF CALL DSSUM(VALUE,ABSERR,ISTORE,RSTORE,IFAIL) IF (((ALL(MEM%NRRCOPY > 3)) .AND. (DIMENS > 1) ) .OR. & ((ALL(MEM%NRRCOPY > 5)) .AND. (DIMENS == 1))) THEN IF ( ALL(MEM%ABSERR1 < ABSERR) ) THEN ! Refine ABSERR = MEM%ABSERR1 VALUE = MEM%RESULT1 END IF END IF IFAIL = INFORM RETURN END IF NEVAL = NEVAL + NUM ERRO4 = 0 DO J = 1, OUTSUB ERRO4 = ERRO4 + ERRNEW(:,J) END DO ERLAST = ERROLD MEM%ERLARG = MEM%ERLARG - ERLAST IF (INFNEW(2,1) < MEM%DIVLEVEL) THEN MEM%ERLARG = MEM%ERLARG + ERRO4 END IF ! ! Adjust VALUE and ABSERR ! VALUE = VALUE - VALOLD ABSERR = ABSERR - ERROLD DO L = 1,OUTSUB VALUE = VALUE + VALNEW(:,L) ABSERR = ABSERR + ERRNEW(:,L) END DO ! ! Store the results. ! DO L = 1,OUTSUB IF ( INFNEW(2,1) >= MEM%DIVLEVEL ) THEN MAXHELP = MAXVAL(ERRNEW(:,L)) MEM%ERRORMAXPOOL = MAX(MEM%ERRORMAXPOOL,MAXHELP) CALL DSUPUT(VERNEW(:,:,L),VALNEW(:,L), & ERRNEW(:,L),INFNEW(:,L), & RINFNE(:,L),ISTORE,RSTORE,IFAIL) IF (IFAIL /= 0) THEN WRITE(unit=*,fmt=*) "DSUPUT-1 error ", ifail STOP END IF ELSE CALL DSSPUT(VERNEW(:,:,L),VALNEW(:,L), & ERRNEW(:,L),INFNEW(:,L), & RINFNE(:,L),ISTORE,RSTORE,IFAIL) IF (IFAIL /= 0) THEN WRITE(unit=*,fmt=*) "DSSPUT error 3" STOP END IF END IF END DO ! HIER EVENTUEEL OOK OP TERMINATIE TESTEN CALL DSGET(VEROLD,VALOLD,ERROLD, & INFOLD,RINFOL,ISTORE,RSTORE,IFAIL) ready2extrap = (IFAIL /= 0) ! sorted list is empty END IF END IF IF ( ready2extrap ) THEN MEM%NRRCOPY = MEM%NRRCOPY + 1 DO J = 1,NUMFUN MEM%RCOPY (MEM%NRRCOPY(J),J) = VALUE(J) END DO CALL DSPINT(ISTORE,RSTORE) MEM%ERRORMAXPOOL = 0 MEM%DIVLEVEL = MEM%DIVLEVEL + 1 IF (ALL(MEM%NRRCOPY == 2)) THEN !Dit is niet echt juist MEM%RESLA(:,3) = VALUE MEM%ERLARG = ABSERR ELSE DO J = 1,NUMFUN CALL EPSALG(MEM%NRRCOPY(J),MEM%RCOPY(:,J),MEM%RESULT1(J), & MEM%ABSERR1(J),MEM%RESLA(J,:),NRES,DIMENS) END DO MEM%ABSERR1 = MEM%ABSERR1 + MEM%ERLARG MEM%ERLARG = ABSERR IF ( .NOT. ALL( (ABSERR-MEM%ABSERR1) > 0 )) THEN IF (ALL((UINFO%EPSREL*ABS(VALUE)-ABSERR) > 0) .OR. & (ALL((UINFO%EPSABS-ABSERR) > 0 )) ) THEN IFAIL = 0 RETURN END IF ELSE IF (ALL((UINFO%EPSREL*ABS(MEM%RESULT1)-MEM%ABSERR1)>0) & .OR. (ALL((UINFO%EPSABS-MEM%ABSERR1)>0))) THEN ABSERR = MEM%ABSERR1 VALUE = MEM%RESULT1 IFAIL = 0 RETURN END IF END IF END IF CALL DSGET(VEROLD,VALOLD,ERROLD,INFOLD,RINFOL,ISTORE,RSTORE,IFAIL) ready2extrap = (IFAIL /= 0) ! sorted list is empty END IF END IF END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE Global_Adapt_Extrap !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE Epsalg(n, epstab, value, abserr, res3last, nres, dimens) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !***DATE WRITTEN 961024 (YYMMDD) !***REVISION DATE 990610 (YYMMDD) (Init. value added) !***AUTHOR !***BEGIN PROLOGUE epsalg !***PURPOSE ! The routine transforms a given sequence of approximations ! using the epsilon algorithm of P. Wynn. ! An estimate of the absolute error is also given. ! the condensed epsilon table is computed. Only those ! elements needed for the computation of the next diagonal ! are preserved. !***DESCRIPTION ! ON ENTRY ! N integer ! epstab(n) contains the new element in the ! first column of the epsilon table. ! ! EPSTAB real ( stnd ) one dimensional array of dimension epstablenght ! containing the elements of two lower diagonals of the ! triangular epsilon table. the elements are numbered ! starting at the right-hand corner of the triangle. ! the dimension should be at least (limexp+2). ! ! RES3LAST real ( stnd ) one dimensional array ! previous result ! ! NRES integer ( only used if DIMENS==1 ) ! number of calls to the routine ! (should be zero at first call) ! ! DIMENS integer ! the dimension of the integration problem ! ! ON RETURN ! ! VALUE real ( stnd ) ! resulting approximation to the integral ! ! ABSERR real ( stnd ) ! estimate of the absolute error ! !***REFERENCES ! Algorithm 612 TRIEX: ! Integration over a triangle using nonlinear extrapolation, ! E. de Doncker, ACM TOMS, Vol 10, No. 1, March 1984, Pages 17-22 !***ROUTINES CALLED !***END PROLOGUE Epsalg !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! EPMACH the largest relative space ! OFLOW the largest positive magnitude integer, intent( in ) :: dimens integer, intent( in out ) :: n ! Changing n will give problems if NUMFUN > 1 integer, intent( in out ) :: nres real (kind=stnd ), dimension(:), intent( in out ) :: res3last real (kind=stnd ), intent( out ) :: value, abserr real (kind=stnd ), dimension (:), intent( in out ) :: epstab real (kind=stnd ), parameter :: one = 1.0_stnd real (kind=stnd ), parameter :: epmach = EPSILON ( one ), & oflow = HUGE ( one ), & five = 5.0_stnd ! The following constant is derived from one defined in ! module internal_types: integer, parameter :: limexp = EPSTABLENGHT - 2 real (kind=stnd ) :: delta1, delta2, delta3, epsinf, error, & err1, err2, err3, e0, e1, e2, e3, e1abs, res, ss, tol1, & tol2, tol3 integer :: i, ib, ib2, k1, newelm, num ! ! limexp is the maximum number of elements the epsilon ! table can contain. if this number is reached, the upper ! diagonal of the epsilon table is deleted. ! ( epstab is of dimension (limexp+2) at least.) ! ! list of major variables ! ----------------------- ! ! E0 the 4 elements on which the ! E1 computation of a new element in ! E2 the epsilon table is based ! E3 E0 ! E3 E1 NEW ! E2 ! NEWELM number of elements to be computed in the new ! diagonal ! ERROR error = abs(e0-e1)+abs(e1-e2)+abs(e2-new) ! VALUE the element in the new diagonal with least error ! NUM a copy of the original value of N ! !***FIRST EXECUTABLE STATEMENT abserr = oflow value = epstab(n) IF ( dimens == 1 ) THEN ! ! Since our implementation of epsalg is taken from Triex, for dimens==1 ! some modifications have to be made to simulate dqelg from ! quadpack/dqags ! nres = nres + 1 IF ( n < 3 ) THEN abserr = max(abserr, five*epmach*abs(value)) return END IF END IF epstab( n + 2 ) = epstab( n ) epstab( n ) = oflow newelm = ( n - 1 ) / 2 num = n k1 = n do i = 1, newelm res = epstab( k1 + 2 ) e2 = res e1 = epstab( k1 - 1 ) e0 = epstab( k1 - 2 ) e1abs = abs( e1 ) delta2 = e2 - e1 err2 = abs( delta2 ) tol2 = max( abs( e2 ), e1abs ) * epmach delta3 = e1 - e0 err3 = abs( delta3 ) tol3 = max( e1abs, abs( e0 ) ) * epmach if ( .NOT. (err2 > tol2 .OR. err3 > tol3 ) ) then ! ! if e0, e1 and e2 are equal to within machine ! accuracy, convergence is assumed. ! value = e2 ! abserr = abs(e1-e0)+abs(e2-e1) ! value = res abserr = err2 + err3 abserr = max ( abserr, five * epmach * abs ( value ) ) return else e3 = epstab( k1 ) epstab( k1 ) = e1 delta1 = e1 - e3 err1 = abs( delta1 ) tol1 = max( e1abs, abs( e3 ) ) * epmach ! ! if two elements are very close to each other, omit ! a part of the table by adjusting the value of n. ! if ( err1 <= tol1 .OR. err2 <= tol2 .OR. err3 <= tol3 ) then n = i + i - 1 exit else ss = one / delta1 + one / delta2 - one / delta3 epsinf = abs( ss * e1 ) ! ! test to detect irregular behaviour in the table, and ! eventually omit a part of the table adjusting the value ! of n. ! if ( epsinf > 0.1e-03_stnd ) then ! ! compute a new element and eventually adjust ! the value of value ! res = e1 + one / ss epstab( k1 ) = res k1 = k1 - 2 error = err2 + abs( res - e2 ) + err3 if ( .NOT. ( error > abserr ) )then abserr = error value = res end if else n = i + i - 1 exit end if end if end if end do ! ! shift the table ! if (n == limexp) then n = 2 * ( limexp / 2 ) - 1 end if if ( modulo(num,2) == 0 ) then ib = 2 else ib = 1 end if do i = 1, newelm + 1 ib2 = ib + 2 epstab ( ib ) = epstab ( ib2 ) ib = ib2 end do if ( num /= n ) then epstab(1:n) = epstab(num-n+1:num) end if SELECT CASE (DIMENS) CASE (1) if ( nres < 4 ) then res3last(nres) = value abserr = oflow abserr = max( abserr, five*epmach*abs(value) ) RETURN end if ! ! compute error estimate ! abserr = abs(value-res3last(3))+abs(value-res3last(2))+abs(value-res3last(1)) CASE DEFAULT ! ! compute error estimate ! abserr = abs ( value - res3last(3) ) END SELECT abserr = max ( abserr, five * epmach * abs ( value ) ) res3last(1:2) = res3last(2:3) res3last(3) = value RETURN END SUBROUTINE Epsalg END MODULE Global_Adaptive_Algorithm