February 19 2002 1:24:08.314 PM CRYSTAL_QED: Version of 29 October 1996 CRYSTAL_QED seeks a set of parameters that minimize a cost functional associated with a crystallization problem. LIWORK, integer workspace size = 138 LWORK, real workspace size = 1316 Initial parameter values: 1, 1.49999999999999994E-2 2, 2.99999999999999989E-2 3, 4.59999999999999992E-2 4, 7.00000000000000067E-2 5, 0.10000000000000001 6, 0.14000000000000001 7, 0.17999999999999999 Just call the function evaluator once. FUNC: Input parameters: 1 0.150000E-01 2 0.300000E-01 3 0.460000E-01 4 0.700000E-01 5 0.100000 6 0.140000 7 0.180000 PRDAT: B, Crucible radius = 0.177800 BIRAD, thermal coefficient = 0.818284E-04 BO, the Bond number = 1072.51 CAPPA, wall function constant = 0.418700 CFO, time scale = 0.948981E-05 CVN, ADAPT cell volume weight = 200000. DELT, time step in seconds = 0.948981E-03 DTM, dimensionless time step = 100.000 FCSL = CS/CL = 1.00000 FKSL = FKS/FKL = 0.343750 FMA, Marangoni number FMA = -1000.00 FR, Froude number = 0.100000E-09 FRSL = RHOS/RHOL = 1.00000 GRASH, Grashof number = 0.100000E+08 ICOST, cost functional = 1 ICRYS, maximum I of crystal = 42 INTURB, turbulence option = 0 IPRINT, printing option = 0 JCRYS, maximum J of crystal = 22 L0, number of I nodes = 62 LAST, number of zone iterations on each time step = 40 LASTT, number of time steps = 2 M0, number of J nodes = 42 MODE, 0 cartesian, 1 axisymmetric = 1 NBOT, number of boundary points = 9 ORTH, ADAPT orthogonality weight = 50000.0 PR, Prandtl number PR = 0.150000E-01 RA, Rayleigh number = 150000. RBD = FMA/RA = -0.666667E-02 RDTM, = 1/DTM or 0 = 0.00000 RECB, crucible Reynolds number = 0.00000 RECT, crystal Reynolds number = 0.00000 RHOCON, density constant = 1.00000 SMOOTH, ADAPT smoothness weight = 0.100000E-03 STEL, liquid Stefan number STEL = 0.166667E-01 STES, solid Stefan number STES = 0.888889E-01 TANCA = 1.00000 TANCA2 = 1.00000 TEND, dimensionless end time = 200.000 TF, crystal melting temperature = 1683.00 TINIT, dimensionless start time = 0.00000 TW, the wall temperature = 1713.00 VAVE, desired average velocity = 1850.00 WEBER = FR*BO = 0.107251E-06 XLEN = problem region length = 1.20000 YLEN = problem region height = 1.00000 Characteristic velocity FNU/B = 0.168729E-05 Variable Nonlinear Linear Iterations Iterations U velocity 5 3 V velocity 5 3 Pressure 1 1 Corrected pressure 1 1 Temperature 3 3 Rotational velocity 3 3 Turbulent dissipation 3 3 Turbulent energy 3 3 Magnetic stream function 1 1 Stream function 1 1 HEY, ABOUT TO CALL RSWRIT. RSWRIT: Writing restart information. HEY, ABOUT TO CALL WRTEC. WRTEC - Note: TECPLOT data written to tecplot.txt FUNC: COST = 1359.90 Two-norm of residual is 1359.90 CRYSTAL_QED: Total elapsed CPU time = 184.652 seconds, = 3.07754 minutes. CRYSTAL_QED: Normal end of execution.