CPLOT.DICT 02 May 1996 This file contains a list of the important variables in the CPLOT program, and their definitions. c c*********************************************************************** c COST REAL COST, the value of the cost functional associated with this solution. COST2 REAL COST2, the value of the cost functional associated with the second solution. CVFLAG LOGICAL CVFLAG(MAXL,MAXM). CVFLAG is used to "flag" which control volumes are "naturally" visible. A control volume (I,J) is visible if its corner nodes ALL have NCFLAG(I,J) TRUE. The indices of these corner nodes are: [I,J], [I+1,J], [I,J+1] and [I+1,J+1]. DELX REAL DELX. The X spacing between nodes. In some cases, this spacing is modified to create isoparametric elements. DELY REAL DELY. The Y spacing between nodes. In some cases, this spacing is modified to create isoparametric elements. DEV CHARACTER*10 DEV. The graphics output device to be used. Current legal values for DEV include: cgmb - CGM binary file. ps - PostScript file. xws - X window screen (interactive). DSHSIZ REAL DSHSIZ, the length, in the X, Y coordinate system, of the dashed lines. If it is negative or zero, an error occurs. Warning: If the X and Y coordinates use different scale factors, then dashes at different angles will seem to have different lengths. DXCDP REAL DXCDP(MAXL,MAXM), the difference between the second and first values of XC. DXDP REAL DXDP(MAXL,MAXM), the difference between the second and first values of X. DYCDP REAL DYCDP(MAXL,MAXM), the difference between the second and first values of YC. DYDP REAL DYDP(MAXL,MAXM), the difference between the second and first values of Y. E REAL E(MAXL,MAXM), the magnetic stream function. FILDAT CHARACTER*80 FILDAT. The name of the data file to be read in, which contains the information defining the mesh and the physical parameters. FILGRF CHARACTER*80 FILGRF, the name of the output graphics file. FILINP CHARACTER*80 FILINP. The name of a file in which will be placed a copy of the input typed by the user while running Display. GAMT REAL GAMT(MAXL,MAXM), the diffusion coefficient. GRACE REAL GRACE. The size of the "grace" margin on the plot. ICMAX INTEGER ICMAX, the maximum color index to use in color contour graphics. ICMIN INTEGER ICMIN, the minimum color index to use in color contour graphics. ICOLOR INTEGER ICOLOR(MAXOBJ). Contains the color indexes for each object. However, in some cases, ICOLOR is actual a color table index. ICRYS1 Input, INTEGER ICRYS, the I coordinate of the row of corner nodes that define the bottom of the crystal. ICRYS2 Input, INTEGER ICRYS, the I coordinate of the row of corner nodes that define the top of the crystal. IPLOT INTEGER IPLOT. The number of plots made so far. ITABLE INTEGER ITABLE, the desired color table. 1: low black to high white 2: low blue to high yellow 3: low red, high blue, with bands between. 4: low red, yellow, green, blue, high white. 5: low white, blue, green, yellow, high red. 6: low blue to high red 7: linear table between 2 user colors. 8: linear table between N user colors. 9: low white to high black. JCMAX, JCMIN INTEGER JCMAX, JCMIN, the maximum and minimum color indices to use in the color bar. JCRYS1 INTEGER JCRYS1, the J coordinate of the column of corner nodes that define the left side of the crystal. For an undoubled region, J=1. JCRYS2 INTEGER JCRYS2, the J coordinate of the column of corner nodes that define the right side of the crystal. KCRYS INTEGER KCRYS(MAXL,MAXM), 0, if control volume (I,J) is away from the crystal. 1, if control volume (I,J) is on the external crystal boundary. 2, if control volume (I,J) is on the internal crystal boundary. 3, if control volume (I,J) is in the crystal interior. KMELT INTEGER KMELT(MAXL,MAXM), 0, if control volume (I,J) is away from the melt. 1, if control volume (I,J) is on the external melt boundary. 2, if control volume (I,J) is on the internal melt boundary. 3, if control volume (I,J) is in the melt interior. KVOID INTEGER KVOID(MAXL,MAXM), 0, if control volume (I,J) is away from the void. 1, if control volume (I,J) is on the external void boundary. 2, if control volume (I,J) is on the internal void boundary. 3, if control volume (I,J) is in the void interior. L INTEGER L, the number of rows of data. LBAR LOGICAL LBAR, is .TRUE. if the color bar should be shown. LFLAG LOGICAL LFLAG(MAXL,MAXM), .TRUE. if primary node (I,J) lies within the visible data, .FALSE. otherwise. LGOPEN LOGICAL LGOPEN. LGOPEN is TRUE if a graphics file has been opened via a call to GRFINI (and hence should be closed by GRFCLS). LGOPEN is FALSE if a graphics file is not open. M INTEGER M, the number of columns of data. MAXBOT INTEGER MAXBOT, the maximum number of crucible nodes allowed. MAXL, MAXM INTEGER MAXL, MAXM, the maximum allowed number of rows and columns of data. MAXOBJ INTEGER MAXOBJ. The number of graphical "objects". NBOT INTEGER NBOT, the number of crucible nodes. NCON INTEGER NCON, the number of color contour regions drawn, and hence, the number of colors to be displayed in the color bar. NCFLAG LOGICAL NCFLAG(MAXL,MAXM). NCFLAG is used to "flag" which corner nodes are "naturally" visible. A corner node [I,J] is generally visible if its coordinates XC(I,J) and YC(I,J) satisfy: XSMIN <= XC(I,J) <= XSMAX YSMIN <= YC(I,J) <= YSMAX. NPFLAG LOGICAL NPFLAG(MAXL,MAXM). NPFLAG is used to "flag" which primary nodes are "naturally" visible. A primary node (I,J) is generally visible if its control volume CV(I,J) is visible, as recorded by CVFLAG. NXSKIP INTEGER NXSKIP. NXSKIP is used to "thin" out a vector plot. If NXSKIP=1, then a standard vector plot is made. Otherwise, in the X direction, vectors are drawn only in columns 1, 1+NXSKIP, 1+2*NXSKIP and so on. NYSKIP INTEGER NYSKIP. NYSKIP is used to "thin" out a vector plot. If NYSKIP=1, then a standard vector plot is made. Otherwise, in the Y direction, vectors are drawn only in rows 1, 1+NYSKIP, 1+2*NYSKIP and so on. OBJECT CHARACTER*25 OBJECT(MAXOBJ), the names of the graphical objects. OVRLAY LOGICAL OVRLAY. If OVRLAY is true, then the next time that a plot is requested, a "new frame" command is suppressed, so that the new plot is shown on top of the previous one. P REAL P(MAXL,MAXM), the pressure. PC REAL PC(MAXL,MAXM), the corrected pressure. PSI REAL PSI(MAXL,MAXM), the stream function. REFLEC LOGICAL REFLEC, .TRUE. if the region is reflected, .FALSE. otherwise. RUETA, RUKSI REAL RUETA(MAXL,MAXM), RUKSI(MAXL,MAXM), the the momentum in the ETA and KSI directions. SCALECV REAL SCALECV. A scale factor for the control volume numbers, which has a default value of 1. SCALENB REAL SCALENB. A scale factor for the size of the nodes that define the crucible shape, which has a default value of 1. SCALENC REAL SCALENC. A scale factor for the size of the corner nodes, which has a default value of 1. SCALENP REAL SCALENP. A scale factor for the size of the primary nodes, which has a default value of 1. SCALEV REAL SCALEV. A scale factor for velocity vectors. This starts out at 1.0. SHOW LOGICAL SHOW(MAXOBJ). Contains, for each object, a flag determining whether it is to be shown or not. SMAX, SMIN REAL SMAX, SMIN, the maximum and minimum values of the quantity whose color contours are being drawn. These numbers will be printed along with the color bar. SRANGE REAL SRANGE. The maximum of XSMAX-XSMIN and YSMAX-YSMIN. This gives the size of a square containing the data window. T REAL T(MAXL,MAXM), the temperature. TE REAL TE(MAXL,MAXM), the turbulent epsilon. TITLE CHARACTER*40 TITLE. A title for the plots. TITLE2 CHARACTER*40 TITLE2. A subtitle used in the profile plots. TK REAL TK(MAXL,MAXM), the turbulent K. TNOW REAL TNOW, the current time. TNOW2 REAL TNOW2, the second time. U REAL U(MAXL,MAXM), the horizontal velocity. V REAL V(MAXL,MAXM), the vertical velocity. VECSCL REAL VECSCL. A scale factor for velocity vectors. This starts out at 1.0. VPFLAG LOGICAL VPFLAG(MAXL,MAXM), a flag which determines whether data the primary node (I,J) should be displayed. VPFLAG(I,J) is TRUE by default, by the user may reset its value implicitly via the VPN option. VMAG REAL VMAG(MAXL,MAXM), the velocity magnitude. VORT REAL VORT(MAXL,MAXM), the vorticity. W REAL W(MAXL,MAXM), the axial velocity. X1MAX, X1MIN REAL X1MAX, X1MIN, the maximum and minimum X coordinates of the plot, which includes a small grace margin. X2MAX, X2MIN REAL X2MAX, X2MIN, the maximum and minimum X coordinates that should be used for plotting. No plotting commands should exceed these values. This is where the "frame" might be drawn. XBOT REAL XBOT(NBOT). XBOT contains the X coordinates of the crucible bottom nodes. XC REAL XC(MAXL,MAXM). XC contains the X coordinates of the corner nodes. XMAX REAL XMAX. The maximum X coordinate of all the nodes. The maximum entry in the XC array. XMIN REAL XMIN. The minimum X coordinate of all the nodes. The minimum entry in the XC array. XP REAL XP(MAXL,MAXM). XP contains the X coordinates of the primary nodes. XSMAX REAL XSMAX. The maximum X coordinate of the data to be displayed. XSMAX defaults to XMAX, but can be made smaller to focus on a portion of the region. XSMIN REAL XSMIN. The minimum X coordinate of the data to be displayed. XSMIN defaults to XMIN, but can be made larger to focus on a portion of the region. Y1MAX, Y1MIN REAL Y1MAX, Y1MIN, the maximum and minimum Y coordinates of the plot, which includes a small grace margin. Y2MAX, Y2MIN REAL Y2MAX, Y2MIN, the maximum and minimum Y coordinates that should be used for plotting. No plotting commands should exceed these values. This is where the "frame" might be drawn. YBOT REAL YBOT(NBOT). YBOT contains the Y coordinates of the crucible bottom nodes. YC REAL YC(MAXL,MAXM). YC contains the Y coordinates of the corner nodes. YMAX REAL YMAX. The maximum Y coordinate of all the nodes. The maximum value attained by the YC array. YMIN REAL YMIN. The minimum Y coordinate of all the nodes. The minimum value attained by the YC array. YP REAL YP(MAXL,MAXM). YP contains the Y coordinates of the primary nodes. YSMAX REAL YSMAX. The maximum Y coordinate of the data to be displayed. YSMAX defaults to YMAX, but can be made smaller to focus on a portion of the region. YSMIN REAL YSMIN. The minimum Y coordinate of the data to be displayed. YSMIN defaults to YMIN, but can be made larger to focus on a portion of the region.