program main !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! MAIN is the main program for CRYSTAL_PLOT. ! ! Discussion: ! ! CRYSTAL_PLOT creats plots from the output of the CRYSTAL program. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxbot = 20 integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxl = 64 integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxobj = 46 integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxm = 2*maxl-1 real b1jbl(maxm) real b2jbl(maxm) real b3jbl(maxl) character ( len = 40 ) command real cost real cost2 character ( len = 8 ) date real delx real dely character ( len = 10 ) dev real dxcdp(maxl,maxm) real dxdp(maxl,maxm) real dycdp(maxl,maxm) real dydp(maxl,maxm) real e(maxl,maxm) logical echo character ( len = 80 ) fildat character ( len = 80 ) filgrf character ( len = 80 ) filinp real gamt(maxl,maxm) real grace integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) icmax integer ( kind = 4 ) icmin integer ( kind = 4 ) icolor(maxobj) integer ( kind = 4 ) icrys1 integer ( kind = 4 ) icrys2 integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) iplot integer ( kind = 4 ) itable integer ( kind = 4 ) itemp integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmax integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmin integer ( kind = 4 ) jcrys1 integer ( kind = 4 ) jcrys2 integer ( kind = 4 ) jtemp integer ( kind = 4 ) kcrys(maxl,maxm) integer ( kind = 4 ) kmelt(maxl,maxm) integer ( kind = 4 ) kvoid(maxl,maxm) integer ( kind = 4 ) l logical lbar integer ( kind = 4 ) lenc logical lflag(maxl,maxm) logical lgopen logical lnei integer ( kind = 4 ) m integer ( kind = 4 ) nbot logical ncflag(maxl,maxm) integer ( kind = 4 ) ncon logical nflag(maxl,maxm) logical npflag(maxl,maxm) integer ( kind = 4 ) nxskip integer ( kind = 4 ) nyskip character ( len = 25 ) object(maxobj) logical ovrlay real p(maxl,maxm) real pc(maxl,maxm) real psi(maxl,maxm) logical reflec real rueta(maxl,maxm) real ruksi(maxl,maxm) logical s_eqi real s1(maxl,maxm) real s2(maxl,maxm) real scalecv real scalenb real scalenc real scalenp real scalev logical show(maxobj) real srange real t(maxl,maxm) real te(maxl,maxm) real temp real tempa(maxl,maxm) character ( len = 10 ) time character ( len = 80 ) title character ( len = 80 ) title2 real tk(maxl,maxm) real tnow real tnow2 real u(maxl,maxm) real v(maxl,maxm) logical vpflag(maxl,maxm) real vmag(maxl,maxm) real vort(maxl,maxm) real w(maxl,maxm) real x1max real x1min real x2max real x2min real xbot(maxbot) real xc(maxl,maxm) real xmax real xmin real xp(maxl,maxm) real xsmax real xsmin real xtmax real xtmin real y1max real y1min real y2max real y2min real ybot(maxbot) real yc(maxl,maxm) real ymax real ymin real yp(maxl,maxm) real ysmax real ysmin real ytmax real ytmin call timestamp ( ) call hello ! ! Initialize data. ! call init(b1jbl,b2jbl,b3jbl,cost,cost2,delx,dely,dev,echo,fildat,filgrf, & filinp,grace,icmax,icmin,icolor,icrys1,icrys2,iplot,itable,jcmax, & jcmin,jcrys1,jcrys2,l,lbar,m,maxbot,maxl,maxm,maxobj,nbot,ncflag, & ncon,nflag,npflag,nxskip,nyskip,object,ovrlay,p,pc,psi,reflec,scalecv, & scalenb,scalenc,scalenp,scalev,show,title,title2,u,v,vpflag,vmag,vort, & x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xbot,xc,xmax,xmin,xp,xsmax,xsmin,xtmax,xtmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ybot,yc,ymax,ymin,yp,ysmax,ysmin,ytmax,ytmin) open ( unit = 17, file = filinp, status = 'replace' ) ! ! Get the next command. ! 10 continue write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) '? ("H" for help)' read(*,'(a)',end = 50,err=50)command call flushl(command) write(17,'(a)') trim ( command ) if ( echo ) then write(*,'(a)') trim ( command ) end if if ( command == ' ') then go to 10 end if 11 continue ! ! AXis: show axis of symmetry. ! if ( s_eqi ( command(1:2),'ax') ) then show(28) = if ( show(28) ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'The axis of symmetry will be shown.' else write ( *, '(a)' ) 'The axis of symmetry will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! BOundary: show boundary. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:2),'bo') ) then show(1) = if ( show(1) ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'The boundary will be shown.' else write ( *, '(a)' ) 'The boundary will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! BAr: Switch display of color bar. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:2),'ba') ) then lbar = .not.lbar if ( lbar ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'The color bar will be shown.' else write ( *, '(a)' ) 'The color bar will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! BH: bottom half. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command, 'bh' ) ) then ysmax = ysmin + 0.5E+00 * ( ysmax - ysmin ) call pltbox ( grace, srange, x1max, x1min, x2max, x2min, xsmax, xsmin, & y1max, y1min, y2max, y2min, ysmax, ysmin ) ! ! BL: bottom left quarter. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'bl') ) then xsmax = xsmin+0.5*(xsmax-xsmin) ysmax = ysmin+0.5*(ysmax-ysmin) call pltbox(grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax,xsmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! BC: bottom center quarter. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'bc') ) then temp = 0.25*(xsmax-xsmin) xsmin = xsmin+temp xsmax = xsmax-temp ysmax = ysmin+0.5*(ysmax-ysmin) call pltbox(grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax,xsmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! BR: bottom right quarter. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'br') ) then xsmin = xsmin+0.5*(xsmax-xsmin) ysmax = ysmin+0.5*(ysmax-ysmin) call pltbox(grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax,xsmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! C: choose colors. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'c') ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Number Color Name' write ( *, * ) ' ' do i = 1,maxobj write(*,'(1x,i2,2x,i3,2x,a)')i,icolor(i),object(i) end do write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Enter an object number, and a color number.' read(*,*,end = 50,err=50)itemp,jtemp write(17,*)itemp,jtemp if ( echo ) then write ( *, * ) itemp,jtemp end if if ( 1 <= itemp .and. itemp <= maxobj ) then icolor(itemp) = jtemp else write ( *, * ) 'Your object number was out of bounds.' end if ! ! CC: choose color contour labels ! ! For some strange reason, in order to make the color table ! active, we have to call NEWFRM! ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:2),'cc') ) then if ( dev == ' ' ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'CRYSTAL_PLOT - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' Please use the "DEV" command to choose' write ( *, * ) ' a device, and THEN the "CC" command.' go to 10 end if if ( s_eqi ( command(1:3),'cc = ') ) then read(command(4:),*,err = 50,end=50)itable else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Built in color tables include:' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) '1 low black to high white.' write ( *, * ) '2 low blue to high yellow.' write ( *, * ) '3 low red, high blue, with bands between.' write ( *, * ) '4 low red, yellow, green, blue, high white.' write ( *, * ) '5 low white, blue, green, yellow, high red' write ( *, * ) '6 low blue to high red.' write ( *, * ) '7 linear scale between 2 user colors.' write ( *, * ) '8 linear scale between N user colors.' write ( *, * ) '9 low white to high black.' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Enter a color table index between 1 and 9,' write ( *, * ) 'or 0 to enter a color table from a file.' read(*,*,end = 50,err=50)itable write(17,*)itable if ( echo ) then write ( *, * ) itable end if end if call gettab(dev,echo,filgrf,grace,icmax,icmin,ierror, & iplot,itable,lgopen,ovrlay) if ( itable == 1 .or. itable == 9 ) then jcmax = 200 jcmin = 32 else jcmax = 255 jcmin = 2 end if write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Lowest color used will be JCMIN = ',jcmin write ( *, * ) 'Highest color used will be JCMAX = ',jcmax ! ! CH: center half. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'ch') ) then temp = 0.25*(xsmax-xsmin) xsmin = xsmin+temp xsmax = xsmax-temp call pltbox(grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax,xsmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! CP: show corrected pressure contours. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'cp') ) then show(5) = if ( show(5) ) then write ( *, * ) 'Corrected pressures will be shown.' else write ( *, * ) 'Corrected pressures will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! CPC: show corrected pressure color plots. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'cpc') ) then show(12) = if ( show(12) ) then write ( *, * ) 'Corrected pressure colors will be shown.' else write ( *, * ) 'Corrected pressure colors will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! CRUcible: show crucible wall. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:3),'cru') ) then show(19) = if ( show(19) ) then write ( *, * ) 'The crucible wall will be shown.' else write ( *, * ) 'The crucible wall will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! CRYB: show the crystal boundary. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'cryb') ) then show(20) = if ( show(20) ) then write ( *, * ) 'The crystal boundary will be shown.' else write ( *, * ) 'The crystal boundary will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! CRYS: display items in the crystal. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'crys') .or. s_eqi ( command,'crystal') ) then show(39) = if ( show(39) ) then write ( *, * ) 'Items within the crystal will be shown.' else write ( *, * ) 'Items within the crystal will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! CRYSC: display shaded crystal. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'crysc') ) then show(44) = if ( show(44) ) then write ( *, * ) 'The crystal interior will be colored.' else write ( *, * ) 'The crystal interior will NOT be colored.' end if ! ! CV: show control volumes. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'cv') ) then show(2) = if ( show(2) ) then write ( *, * ) 'Control volumes will be shown.' else write ( *, * ) 'Control volumes will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! CVN: show control volume numbers. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'cvn') ) then show(43) = if ( show(43) ) then write ( *, * ) 'Control volume numbers will be shown.' else write ( *, * ) 'Control volume numbers will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! DAT = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:3),'dat') ) then 20 continue if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'dat = ') ) then fildat = command(5:) else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Enter the name of the new input data file:' read(*,'(a)',err = 50,end=50)fildat write(17,'(a)') trim ( fildat ) if ( echo ) then write(*,'(a)') trim ( fildat ) end if end if open(unit = 10,file=fildat,status='old',err=60) call rsread(b1jbl,b2jbl,b3jbl,cost,e,gamt,icrys1,icrys2,jcrys1,jcrys2, & kcrys,kmelt,kvoid,l,m,maxbot,maxl,maxm,nbot,p,pc,psi,rueta,ruksi,t, & te,tk,tnow,u,v,vmag,vort,w,xbot,xc,xp,ybot,yc,yp) close(unit = 10) reflec = .false. write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'CRYSTAL_PLOT - Note:' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Region is ',l,' rows wide and ',m,' rows high.' write ( *, * ) ' Time is ',tnow write ( *, * ) ' Cost function is ',cost write ( *, * ) ' ICRYS1 = ',icrys1 write ( *, * ) ' ICRYS2 = ',icrys2 write ( *, * ) ' JCRYS1 = ',jcrys1 write ( *, * ) ' JCRYS2 = ',jcrys2 call rsize(delx,dely,grace,l,m,maxl,maxm,ncflag,npflag,srange,vpflag, & xc,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xmax,xmin,xsmax,xsmin,yc,y1max, & y1min,y2max,y2min,ymax,ymin,ysmax,ysmin) xtmax = xsmax xtmin = xsmin ytmax = ysmax ytmin = ysmin ! ! 'DEV = ' Choose the graphics device. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:3),'dev') ) then if ( dev /= ' ' ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'CRYSTAL_PLOT - Error!' write ( *, * ) ' You have already chosen device '//dev write ( *, * ) ' You may not change your mind!' go to 10 end if if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'dev = ') ) then dev = trim ( command(5:) ) else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Enter the graphics device desired.' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Options include:' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'CGMB output to a CGM binary file.' write ( *, * ) 'PS output to a PostScript file.' write ( *, * ) 'XWS output to an X window screen.' read(*,'(a)',end = 50,err=50)dev write(17,'(a)') trim ( dev ) if ( echo ) then write(*,'(a)') trim ( dev ) end if end if if ( s_eqi ( dev(1:3),'cgm') ) then dev = 'cgmb' write ( *, * ) 'Output will be to a CGM binary file "cplot.cgm".' else if ( s_eqi ( dev,'ps') ) then write ( *, * ) 'Output will be to a PostScript file "".' else if ( s_eqi ( dev,'xws') ) then write ( *, * ) 'Output will be to an X window screen.' else write ( *, * ) 'Your device '//dev//' was not recognized!' dev = ' ' end if ! ! DIF ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:3),'dif') ) then 30 continue write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Enter the name of the first input data file:' read(*,'(a)',err = 50,end=50)fildat write(17,'(a)') trim ( fildat ) if ( echo ) then write(*,'(a)') trim ( fildat ) end if open(unit = 10,file=fildat,status='old',err=70) call rsread(b1jbl,b2jbl,b3jbl,cost,e,gamt,icrys1,icrys2,jcrys1,jcrys2, & kcrys,kmelt,kvoid,l,m,maxbot,maxl,maxm,nbot,p,pc,psi,rueta,ruksi,t, & te,tk,tnow,u,v,vmag,vort,w,xbot,xc,xp,ybot,yc,yp) close(unit = 10) reflec = .false. 40 continue write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Enter the name of the second input data file:' read(*,'(a)',err = 50,end=50)fildat write(17,'(a)') trim ( fildat ) if ( echo ) then write(*,'(a)') trim ( fildat ) end if open(unit = 10,file=fildat,status='old',err=80) call rsdiff(cost2,dxcdp,dxdp,dycdp,dydp,e,gamt,l,m,maxl,maxm,nbot,p,pc, & psi,rueta,ruksi,t,te,tempa,tk,tnow2,u,v,vmag,vort,w,xc,xp,yc,yp) close(unit = 10) write ( *, * ) 'Region is ',l,' rows wide and ',m,' rows high.' write ( *, * ) 'Time 1 is ',tnow write ( *, * ) 'Time 2 is ',tnow2 write ( *, * ) 'Cost function 1 is ',cost write ( *, * ) 'Cost function 2 is ',cost2 write ( *, * ) 'ICRYS1 = ',icrys1 write ( *, * ) 'JCRYS2 = ',jcrys2 call rsize(delx,dely,grace,l,m,maxl,maxm,ncflag,npflag,srange,vpflag, & xc,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xmax,xmin,xsmax,xsmin,yc,y1max, & y1min,y2max,y2min,ymax,ymin,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! DOUBLE ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:3),'dou') ) then reflec = .true. write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'The region will be reflected around the Y axis.' call double(e,gamt,jcrys1,jcrys2,kcrys,kmelt,kvoid,l,m, & maxbot,maxl,maxm,nbot,ncflag,npflag,p,pc,psi,rueta,ruksi, & t,te,tk,u,v,vmag,vort,vpflag,w,xbot,xc,xp,ybot,yc,yp) write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'CRYSTAL_PLOT - Note:' write ( *, * ) & ' The doubled region is ',l,' rows wide and ', m,' rows high.' ! ! Force recomputation of the plot window by setting XSMIN = XSMAX=0. ! xsmin = 0.0 xsmax = 0.0 call rsize(delx,dely,grace,l,m,maxl,maxm,ncflag,npflag, & srange,vpflag,xc,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xmax,xmin,xsmax,xsmin,yc,y1max, & y1min,y2max,y2min,ymax,ymin,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! DXCDP: show (dXCdP,dYCdP) vector plots. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:3),'dxc') ) then show(27) = if ( show(27) ) then write ( *, * ) '(dXCdP,dYCdP) vector plots will be shown.' else write ( *, * ) '(dXCdP,dYCdP) vector plots will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! ECHO User input will be echoed to the output file. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'echo') ) then echo = .not.echo if ( echo ) then write(17,'(a)')command if ( echo ) then write(*,'(a)')command end if write ( *, * ) 'User input will be echoed to the output file.' else write ( *, * ) 'User input will NOT be echoed to the output file.' end if ! ! FILE = : set the name of the graphics output file. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'file') ) then if ( iplot > 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Display - Warning:' write ( *, * ) ' It is too late to specify a plot file name.' else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:5),'file = ') ) then filgrf = trim ( command(6:) ) else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Enter the plot file name.' read(*,'(a)',err = 50,end=50)filgrf write(17,'(a)') trim ( filgrf ) if ( echo ) then write(*,'(a)') trim ( filgrf ) end if end if ! ! FRAME: show the frame ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'frame') ) then show(3) = .true. write ( *, * ) 'A frame will be shown around the picture.' ! ! FS: show free surface. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:2),'fs') ) then show(21) = if ( show(21) ) then write ( *, * ) 'The free surface will be shown.' else write ( *, * ) 'The free surface will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! FULL: show full picture. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'full') ) then ! ! Force recomputation of the plot window by setting XSMIN = XSMAX=0. ! xsmin = 0.0 xsmax = 0.0 call rsize(delx,dely,grace,l,m,maxl,maxm,ncflag,npflag,srange,vpflag, & xc,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xmax,xmin,xsmax,xsmin,yc,y1max, & y1min,y2max,y2min,ymax,ymin,ysmax,ysmin) call pltbox(grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax,xsmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! GRACE = : set the grace margin. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:5),'grace') ) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'grace = ') ) then read(command(7:),*,err = 90,end=90)grace else write ( *, * ) 'Enter the grace margin:' read(*,*)grace write(17,*)grace if ( echo ) then write ( *, * ) grace end if end if write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'CRYSTAL_PLOT - Note:' write ( *, * ) ' The grace margin was set to GRACE = ',grace call pltbox(grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax,xsmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! GRAPH ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:1),'g') ) then if ( l < 1 .or. ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Whoa! Please read data with the DAT command!' else if ( dev == ' ' ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Please use the DEV command first!' else call graph(delx,dely,dev,dxcdp,dycdp,echo,filgrf,gamt,icmax, & icmin,icolor,icrys1,icrys2,iplot,itable,jcmax,jcmin,jcrys1, & jcrys2,kcrys,kmelt,kvoid,l,lbar,lflag,lgopen,m,maxbot,maxl, & maxm,maxobj,nbot,ncflag, & ncon,nflag,npflag,nxskip,nyskip,object,ovrlay,p,pc,psi,s1,s2, & scalecv,scalenb,scalenc,scalenp,scalev,show, & srange,t,te,title,title2,tk,u,v,vpflag,vmag,vort,w, & x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xbot,xc,xp,xsmax,xsmin,y1max,y1min, & y2max,y2min,ybot,yc,yp,ysmax,ysmin) end if ! ! HALF ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'half') ) then reflec = .false. write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'The region will NOT be reflected around the Y axis.' call half(e,gamt,jcrys1,jcrys2,kcrys,kmelt,kvoid,l,m, & maxbot,maxl,maxm,nbot,ncflag,npflag,p,pc,psi,rueta,ruksi, & t,te,tk,u,v,vmag,vort,vpflag,w,xbot,xc,xp,ybot,yc,yp) write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'CRYSTAL_PLOT - Note:' write ( *, * ) ' The undoubled region is ',l,' rows wide and ', & m,' rows high.' ! ! Force recomputation of the plot window by setting XSMIN = XSMAX=0. ! xsmin = 0.0 xsmax = 0.0 call rsize(delx,dely,grace,l,m,maxl,maxm,ncflag,nflag,srange,vpflag, & xc,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xmax,xmin,xsmax,xsmin,yc,y1max, & y1min,y2max,y2min,ymax,ymin,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! HELP ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:1),'h') ) then call help ! ! ICMAX = : set the maximum available color index. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'icmax = ') ) then read(command(7:),*,err = 50,end=50)icmax if ( icmax > 255 ) then write ( *, * ) 'ICMAX must be no more than 255' icmax = 255 end if write ( *, * ) 'Maximum available color set to ',icmax ! ! ICMIN = : set the minimum available color index. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'icmin = ') ) then read(command(7:),*,err = 50,end=50)icmin if ( icmin < 2 ) then write ( *, * ) 'ICMIN must be no less than 2' icmin = 2 end if write ( *, * ) 'Minimum color set to ',icmin ! ! JCMAX = : set the maximum used color index. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'jcmax = ') ) then read(command(7:),*,err = 50,end=50)jcmax if ( jcmax > 255 ) then write ( *, * ) 'JCMAX must be no more than 255.' jcmax = 255 end if write ( *, * ) 'Maximum used color set to ',jcmax ! ! JCMIN = : set the minimum used color index. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'jcmin = ') ) then read(command(7:),*,err = 50,end=50)jcmin if ( jcmin < 2 ) then write ( *, * ) 'JCMIN must be no less than 2.' jcmin = 2 end if write ( *, * ) 'Minimum used color set to ',jcmin ! ! LH: left half. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'lh') ) then xsmax = xsmin+0.5*(xsmax-xsmin) temp = 0.25*(ysmax-ysmin) call pltbox(grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax,xsmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! MC: middle center quarter. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'mc') ) then temp = 0.25*(xsmax-xsmin) xsmin = xsmin+temp xsmax = xsmax-temp temp = 0.25*(ysmax-ysmin) ysmax = ysmax-temp ysmin = ysmin+temp call pltbox(grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax,xsmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! MELT: display items in the melt. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'melt') ) then show(40) = if ( show(40) ) then write ( *, * ) 'Items within the melt will be shown.' else write ( *, * ) 'Items within the melt will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! MELTC: display shaded melt. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'meltc') ) then show(45) = if ( show(45) ) then write ( *, * ) 'The interior of the melt will be colored.' else write ( *, * ) 'The interior of the melt will NOT be colored.' end if ! ! MH: middle half. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'mh') ) then temp = 0.25*(ysmax-ysmin) ysmax = ysmax-temp ysmin = ysmin+temp call pltbox(grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax,xsmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! ML: middle left quarter. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'ml') ) then xsmax = xsmin+0.5*(xsmax-xsmin) temp = 0.25*(ysmax-ysmin) ysmax = ysmax-temp ysmin = ysmin+temp call pltbox(grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax,xsmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! MR: middle right quarter. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'mr') ) then xsmin = xsmin+0.5*(xsmax-xsmin) temp = 0.25*(ysmax-ysmin) ysmax = ysmax-temp ysmin = ysmin+temp call pltbox(grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax,xsmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! NB: show nodes on bottom that define crucible shape. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'nb') ) then show(34) = if ( show(34) ) then write ( *, * ) 'Nodes on bottom will be shown.' else write ( *, * ) 'Nodes on bottom will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! NC: show corner nodes ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'nc') ) then show(29) = if ( show(29) ) then write ( *, * ) 'Corner nodes will be shown.' else write ( *, * ) 'Corner nodes will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! NCON = : Set the number of contour lines. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'ncon') ) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:5),'ncon = ') ) then read(command(6:),*,err = 50,end=50)ncon write ( *, * ) 'Number of contour lines set to ',ncon else write ( *, * ) 'Enter number of contour lines.' read(*,*)ncon write(17,*)ncon if ( echo ) then write ( *, * ) ncon end if end if ! ! NOFRAME: no frame, please ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'noframe') ) then show(3) = .false. write ( *, * ) 'No frame will be shown around the picture.' ! ! NP: show primary nodes ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'np') ) then show(4) = if ( show(4) ) then write ( *, * ) 'Primary nodes will be shown.' else write ( *, * ) 'Primary nodes will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! NXSKIP = : skip value for column nodes. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:7),'nxskip = ') ) then read(command(8:),*,err = 50,end=50)itemp if ( itemp <= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) 'Error! NXSKIP must be 1 or more!' else nxskip = itemp write ( *, * ) 'Skip value for column nodes is ',nxskip end if ! ! NYSKIP = : skip value for row nodes. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:7),'nyskip = ') ) then read(command(8:),*,err = 50,end=50)itemp if ( itemp <= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) 'Error! NYSKIP must be 1 or more!' else nyskip = itemp write ( *, * ) 'Skip value for row nodes is ',nyskip end if ! ! OVERLAY: Switch the overlay value. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'overlay') ) then ovrlay = .not.ovrlay if ( ovrlay ) then write ( *, * ) 'Plots will be overlayed until next OVERLAY.' else write ( *, * ) 'This overlay plot is done.' call newfrm end if ! ! P: show pressure contours. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'p') ) then show(5) = if ( show(5) ) then write ( *, * ) 'Pressures will be shown.' else write ( *, * ) 'Pressures will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! PC: show pressure color plots. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'pc') ) then show(12) = if ( show(12) ) then write ( *, * ) 'Pressure colors will be shown.' else write ( *, * ) 'Pressure colors will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! Q = Quit. ! QY = QUIT NOW! ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:1),'q') ) then if ( s_eqi ( command(2:2),'y') ) then command = 'y' else write ( *, * ) 'Enter "y" to confirm you want to quit!' read(*,'(a)')command call flushl(command) write(17,'(a)') trim ( command ) if ( echo ) then write(*,'(a)') trim ( command ) end if end if if ( s_eqi ( command,'y') ) then if ( lgopen ) then call grfcls if ( lnei ( dev, 'cgmb' ) ) then call delete ( 'cgmout' ) end if end if close(unit = 17) stop end if ! ! RH: right half. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'rh') ) then temp = 0.50*(xsmax-xsmin) xsmin = xsmin+temp call pltbox(grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax,xsmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! S: show stream lines ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'s') ) then show(6) = if ( show(6) ) then write ( *, * ) 'Stream lines will be shown.' else write ( *, * ) 'Stream lines will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! SC: show stream colors ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'sc') ) then show(35) = if ( show(35) ) then write ( *, * ) 'Stream colors will be shown.' else write ( *, * ) 'Stream colors will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! SCALENB = : set the bottom node scale. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:8),'scalenb = ') ) then read(command(9:),*,err = 50,end=50)scalenb write ( *, * ) 'Scale factor for bottom nodes set to ',scalenb ! ! SCALENC = : set the corner node scale. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:8),'scalenc = ') ) then read(command(9:),*,err = 50,end=50)scalenc write ( *, * ) 'Scale factor for corner nodes set to ',scalenc ! ! SCALENP = : set the primary node scale. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:8),'scalenp = ') ) then read(command(9:),*,err = 50,end=50)scalenp write ( *, * ) 'Scale factor for primary nodes set to ',scalenp ! ! SCALEV = : set the velocity vector scale. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:7),'scalev = ') ) then read(command(8:),*,err = 50,end=50)scalev write ( *, * ) 'Velocity vector scale factor set to ',scalev ! ! TC: top center quarter. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'tc') ) then temp = 0.25*(xsmax-xsmin) xsmin = xsmin+temp xsmax = xsmax-temp ysmin = ysmin+0.5*(ysmax-ysmin) call pltbox(grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax,xsmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! TE: show turbulent epsilon contours. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'te') ) then show(22) = if ( show(22) ) then write ( *, * ) 'Turbulent epsilon will be shown.' else write ( *, * ) 'Turbulent epsilon will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! TEMP: show temperature contours. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'temp') ) then show(11) = if ( show(11) ) then write ( *, * ) 'Temperatures will be shown.' else write ( *, * ) 'Temperatures will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! TEMPC: show temperature colors. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'tempc') ) then show(13) = if ( show(13) ) then write ( *, * ) 'Temperature colors will be shown.' else write ( *, * ) 'Temperature colors will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! TH: top half ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'th') ) then ysmin = ysmin+0.5*(ysmax-ysmin) call pltbox(grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax,xsmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! TITLE2 = : enter subtitle ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:7),'title2 = ') ) then title2 = trim ( command(8:) ) else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'title2') ) then write ( *, * ) 'Enter the subtitle:' read(*,'(a)',end = 50)title2 write(17,'(a)') trim ( title2 ) if ( echo ) then write(*,'(a)') trim ( title2 ) end if ! ! TITLE = : enter title ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'title = ') ) then title = trim ( command(7:) ) else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:5),'title') ) then write ( *, * ) 'Enter the plot title:' read(*,'(a)',end = 50)title write(17,'(a)') trim ( title ) if ( echo ) then write(*,'(a)') trim ( title ) end if ! ! TK: show turbulent kinetic energy contours. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'tk') ) then show(23) = if ( show(23) ) then write ( *, * ) 'Turbulent KE will be shown.' else write ( *, * ) 'Turbulent KE will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! TL: top left quarter. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'tl') ) then xsmax = xsmin+0.5*(xsmax-xsmin) ysmin = ysmin+0.5*(ysmax-ysmin) call pltbox(grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax,xsmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! TR: top right quarter. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'tr') ) then xsmin = xsmin+0.5*(xsmax-xsmin) ysmin = ysmin+0.5*(ysmax-ysmin) call pltbox(grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax,xsmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! U: show unit velocity direction vectors. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'u') ) then show(9) = if ( show(9) ) then write ( *, * ) 'Unit velocity direction field will be shown.' else write ( *, * ) 'Unit velocity direction field will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! V: show velocity vectors. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'v') ) then show(8) = if ( show(8) ) then write ( *, * ) 'Velocities will be shown.' else write ( *, * ) 'Velocities will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! VIS: show viscosity contours. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'vis') ) then show(24) = if ( show(24) ) then write ( *, * ) 'Viscosity contours will be in next plot.' else write ( *, * ) 'Viscosity contours will NOT be in next plot.' end if ! ! VM: show velocity magnitude contours. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'vm') ) then show(36) = if ( show(36) ) then write ( *, * ) 'Velocity magnitudes will be shown.' else write ( *, * ) 'Velocity magnitudes will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! VMC: show velocity magnitude colors. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'vmc') ) then show(37) = if ( show(37) ) then write ( *, * ) 'Velocity magnitude colors will be shown.' else write ( *, * ) 'Velocity magnitude colors will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! VOID: display items in the void. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'void') ) then show(38) = if ( show(38) ) then write ( *, * ) 'Items in the void will be shown.' else write ( *, * ) 'Items in the void will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! VOIDC: display shaded void. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'voidc') ) then show(46) = if ( show(46) ) then write ( *, * ) 'The void will be colored.' else write ( *, * ) 'The void will NOT be colored.' end if ! ! VORT: show vorticity contours. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'vort') ) then show(41) = if ( show(41) ) then write ( *, * ) 'Vorticity contours will be shown.' else write ( *, * ) 'Vorticity contours will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! VORTC: show vorticity colors. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'vortc') ) then show(42) = if ( show(42) ) then write ( *, * ) 'Vorticity colors will be shown.' else write ( *, * ) 'Vorticity colors will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! VPN: set visible primary nodes. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'vpn') ) then call vizpn(echo,l,m,maxl,maxm,vpflag,xp,yp) ! ! W: show angular momentum contours. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'w') ) then show(10) = if ( show(10) ) then write ( *, * ) 'Angular momentum contours will be in next plot.' else write ( *, * ) 'Angular momentum contours will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! WC: show angular momentum color plots. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'wc') ) then show(14) = if ( show(14) ) then write ( *, * ) 'Angular momentum colors will be shown.' else write ( *, * ) 'Angular momentum colors will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! X: set the data window. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'x') ) then call getwin(echo,grace,srange,xmax,xmin,x1max,x1min,x2max, & x2min,xsmax,xsmin,ymax,ymin,y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) ! ! XC: show X coordinate contours. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'xc') ) then show(30) = if ( show(30) ) then write ( *, * ) 'X coordinate contours will be shown.' else write ( *, * ) 'X coordinate contours will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! XCC: show X coordinate colors. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'xcc') ) then show(31) = if ( show(31) ) then write ( *, * ) 'X coordinate colors will be shown.' else write ( *, * ) 'X coordinate colors will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! YC: show Y coordinate contours. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'yc') ) then show(32) = if ( show(32) ) then write ( *, * ) 'Y coordinate contours will be shown.' else write ( *, * ) 'Y coordinate contours will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! YCC: show Y coordinate colors. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'ycc') ) then show(33) = if ( show(33) ) then write ( *, * ) 'Y coordinate colors will be shown.' else write ( *, * ) 'Y coordinate colors will NOT be shown.' end if ! ! Unrecognized command. ! else write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'CRYSTAL_PLOT - Warning!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Unrecognized command:' // trim ( command ) end if go to 10 50 continue write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'CRYSTAL_PLOT - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Input error or end of file.' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Warning! The graphics file may not be' write ( *, * ) ' properly terminated.' stop 60 continue write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'CRYSTAL_PLOT - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' The file you named could not be opened!' fildat = ' ' command = 'dat' go to 11 70 continue write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'CRYSTAL_PLOT - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' The file you named could not be opened!' fildat = ' ' command = 'dif' go to 11 80 continue write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'CRYSTAL_PLOT - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' The file you named could not be opened!' fildat = ' ' command = 'dif' go to 11 90 continue write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'CRYSTAL_PLOT - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' Your input was not understood.' go to 10 end subroutine arrow ( xstart, ystart, xtip, ytip ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! ARROW can be used to draw an arrow at any point on a graph. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The arrow will stretch between two user specified points. ! ! The "head" of the arrow may be fatter or thinner than expected ! if the X and Y scales of the graph are not in the same ! proportions. ! ! left ! |\ ! | \ ! start ------- base tip ! | / ! |/ ! rite ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real XSTART, YSTART, the starting point for the ! arrow. ! ! Input, real XTIP, YTIP, the end point for the arrow. ! implicit none real alpha real del real dist real, parameter :: pi = 3.1415926E+00 real theta real xbase real xleft real xrite real xstart real xtip real ybase real yleft real yrite real ystart real ytip if ( xstart == xtip .and. ystart == ytip)return theta = 0.5E+00*pi-atan2(2.0E+00,1.0E+00) dist = sqrt((xtip-xstart)**2+(ytip-ystart)**2) alpha = atan2(ytip-ystart,xtip-xstart) del = sqrt(5.0E+00)*dist/3.0E+00 call movcgm(xstart,ystart) xbase = xstart+dist*cos(alpha)*2.0E+00/3.0E+00 ybase = ystart+dist*sin(alpha)*2.0E+00/3.0E+00 call drwcgm(xbase,ybase) xleft = xstart+del*cos(alpha-theta) yleft = ystart+del*sin(alpha-theta) call drwcgm(xleft,yleft) call drwcgm(xtip,ytip) xrite = xstart+del*cos(alpha+theta) yrite = ystart+del*sin(alpha+theta) call drwcgm(xrite,yrite) call drwcgm(xbase,ybase) return end subroutine box(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! BOX draws a rectangle whose corners are specified by the user. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The rectangle drawn by box has the corners: ! ! (XMIN,YMAX) (XMAX,YMAX) ! ! (XMIN,YMIN) (XMAX,YMIN) ! ! BOX can be used to place a rectangle anywhere in the picture. ! However, BOX may also be used to place a rectangle around the ! entire picture, producing a "frame". ! ! The DRAWCGM routine PLYLIN is used to draw the box, and hence ! the color of the line may be set by calling the DRAWCGM routine ! LINCLR first. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real XMIN, XMAX, the minimum and maximum X ! coordinates of the box. ! ! Input, real YMIN, YMAX, the minimum and maximum Y ! coordinates of the box. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: npoints = 5 real x(npoints) real xmax real xmin real y(npoints) real ymax real ymin x(1) = xmin y(1) = ymin x(2) = xmax y(2) = ymin x(3) = xmax y(3) = ymax x(4) = xmin y(4) = ymax x(5) = xmin y(5) = ymin call plylin(npoints,x,y) return end subroutine buzz(dev,x1max,x1min,y1max,y1min) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! BUZZ forces the graphical system to slow down a bit. ! ! Discussion: ! ! BUZZ is just "busy work" which seems to fix a problem that occurs ! when the XWS interface is used. In that case, the last bit of the ! graph is not drawn. So here, we just make the last bit of the graph ! something we don't care about. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, character*10 DEV, the graphics output device to be used. ! Current legal include: ! cgmb - CGM binary file. ! ps - PostScript file. ! xws - X window screen (interactive). ! ! Output, real X1MAX, X1MIN, the maximum and minimum X ! coordinates of the plot, which includes a small grace margin. ! ! Output, real Y1MAX, Y1MIN, the maximum and minimum Y ! coordinates of the plot, which includes a small grace margin. ! implicit none character ( len = 10 ) dev integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) icolor real x1max real x1min real y1max real y1min if ( dev == 'xws' ) then icolor = 0 call linclr(icolor) do i = 1,100 call box(x1min,x1max,y1min,y1max) end do end if return end subroutine cbar(icolor,jcmax,jcmin,maxobj,ncon,smax,smin,srange,x1,x2,y1,y2) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! CBAR draws a color bar. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ICOLOR(MAXOBJ). ! Contains the color indexes for each object. ! However, in some cases, ICOLOR is actual a color table ! index. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) JCMAX, JCMIN, the maximum and ! minimum color indices to use in the color bar. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXOBJ. ! The number of graphical "objects". ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCON, the number of color contour ! regions drawn, and hence, the number of colors ! to be displayed in the color bar. ! ! Input, real SMAX, SMIN, the maximum and minimum ! values of the quantity whose color contours are ! being drawn. These numbers will be printed along ! with the color bar. ! ! Input, real SRANGE. ! The maximum of XSMAX-XSMIN and YSMAX-YSMIN. ! This gives the size of a square containing the data ! window. ! ! Input, real X1, X2, Y1, Y2, specify the minimum and ! maximum X and Y coordinates of the color bar. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) maxobj real angle character chrrel*14 character chrtmp*14 real cwide character ( len = 6 ) flush integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) icolor(maxobj) integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmax integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmin integer ( kind = 4 ) jcolor integer ( kind = 4 ) lent integer ( kind = 4 ) ncon real pwide real smax real smin real srange real x real x1 real x2 real xcorn(5) real xl real xr real y real y1 real y2 real ycorn(5) ycorn(1) = y1 ycorn(2) = y1 ycorn(3) = y2 ycorn(4) = y2 ycorn(5) = y1 call linclr(icolor(1)) do i = 0,ncon xl = ((ncon+1-i)*x1+i*x2)/real(ncon+1) xr = ((ncon-i)*x1+(i+1)*x2)/real(ncon+1) xcorn(1) = xl xcorn(2) = xr xcorn(3) = xr xcorn(4) = xl xcorn(5) = xl jcolor = int(((ncon-i)*jcmin+i*jcmax)/real(ncon)) call filclr(jcolor) call plygon(4,xcorn,ycorn) call plylin(5,xcorn,ycorn) end do ! ! Print labels for the lowest and highest contours. ! cwide = 0.9*srange/40.0 chrtmp = chrrel(smin) call s_blank_delete ( chrtmp ) angle = 0.0 x = x1 y = y1-1.5*cwide pwide = srange flush = 'left' call s_plot(angle,cwide,pwide,chrtmp,x,y,flush) chrtmp = chrrel(smax) call s_blank_delete ( chrtmp ) angle = 0.0 x = x2 y = y1-1.5*cwide pwide = srange flush = 'right' call s_plot(angle,cwide,pwide,chrtmp,x,y,flush) return end subroutine cbox(grace,x1max,x1min,y1max,y1min) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! CBOX draws a 16 by 16 color box. ! ! Discussion: ! ! You may want to call NEWFRM before or after calling CBOX, in ! order to clear the frame! ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! GRACE Input, real GRACE. ! The size of the "grace" margin on the plot. ! ! X1MAX, ! X1MIN Output, real X1MAX, X1MIN, the maximum and minimum X ! coordinates of the plot, which includes a small grace margin. ! ! Y1MAX, ! Y1MIN Output, real Y1MAX, Y1MIN, the maximum and minimum Y ! coordinates of the plot, which includes a small grace margin. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: npoly = 5 real grace integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) icolor integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) j real x(npoly) real x1max real x1min real x2max real x2min real y(npoly) real y1max real y1min real y2max real y2min ! ! Set the coordinate system to be 0 < = X <= 16.0, ! and 0.0 < = Y <= 16.0 ! x2min = 0.0E+00 x2max = 16.0E+00 y2min = 0.0E+00 y2max = 16.0E+00 x1min = x2min-grace*(x2max-x2min) x1max = x2max+grace*(x2max-x2min) y1min = y2min-grace*(y2max-y2min) y1max = y2max+grace*(y2max-y2min) call setwcd(x1min,y1min,x1max,y1max,ierror) ! ! Draw the color boxes. ! icolor = 0 do i = 1,16 y(1) = 16-i y(2) = 16-i y(3) = 17-i y(4) = 17-i do j = 1,16 call filclr(icolor) icolor = icolor+1 x(1) = j-1 x(2) = j x(3) = j x(4) = j-1 call plygon(4,x,y) end do end do ! ! Draw black lines around the boxes. ! icolor = 1 call linclr(icolor) do i = 1,16 y(1) = 16-i y(2) = 17-i y(3) = 17-i y(4) = 16-i y(5) = y(1) do j = 1,16 x(1) = j-1 x(2) = j-1 x(3) = j x(4) = j x(5) = x(1) call plylin(5,x,y) end do end do return end subroutine ch_cap ( c ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! CH_CAP capitalizes a single character. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 19 July 1998 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input/output, character C, the character to capitalize. ! implicit none character c integer ( kind = 4 ) itemp itemp = ichar ( c ) if ( 97 <= itemp .and. itemp <= 122 ) then c = char ( itemp - 32 ) end if return end function chrrel(rval) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! CHRREL converts a real number to a right-justified string. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! RVAL Input, real RVAL, a real number. ! ! CHRREL Output (through function value), character*14 CHRREL, ! a right-justified character variable containing the ! representation of RVAL, using a G14.6 format. ! implicit none character ( len = 14 ) chrrel character ( len = 14 ) chrtmp real rval ! ! We can't seem to write directly into CHRREL because of compiler ! quibbles. ! if ( real(int(rval)) == rval .and. abs(rval) < 1.0E+13 ) then write(chrtmp,'(i14)')int(rval) else write(chrtmp,'(g14.6)')rval end if chrrel = chrtmp return end subroutine colcon(a,aname,echo,icolor,jcmax,jcmin,l,lbar,m,maxl, & maxm,maxobj,ncon,nflag,srange,xp,x2max,x2min,yp,y1max,y2max) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! COLCON supervises the creation of a color contour plot. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! A Input, real A(MAXL,MAXM), the quantity whose contour ! is desired. ! ! ANAME Input, character*(*) ANAME, the name of the quantity ! to be contoured. ! ! ICOLOR Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ICOLOR(MAXOBJ). ! Contains the color indexes for each object. ! However, in some cases, ICOLOR is actual a color table ! index. ! ! JCMAX, ! JCMIN Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) JCMAX, JCMIN, the maximum and ! minimum color indices to use in the color bar. ! ! L Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) L, the number of rows of data. ! ! LBAR Input, logical LBAR, is .TRUE. if the color bar should ! be shown. ! ! M Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) M, the number of columns of data. ! ! MAXL, ! MAXM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXL, MAXM, the maximum allowed number of ! rows and columns of data. ! ! MAXOBJ Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXOBJ. ! The number of graphical "objects". ! ! NCON Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCON. ! The number of contour lines to be drawn. ! ! NFLAG Input, logical NFLAG(MAXL,MAXM). ! ! NFLAG is used to "flag" which nodes are active, ! that is, to be displayed, and which not, in the graph. ! ! SRANGE Input, real SRANGE. ! The maximum of XSMAX-XSMIN and YSMAX-YSMIN. ! This gives the size of a square containing the data ! window. ! ! X Input, real X(MAXL,MAXM). ! The X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! X2MAX, ! X2MIN Input, real X2MAX, X2MIN, the maximum and minimum X ! coordinates that should be used for plotting. No plotting ! commands should exceed these values. This is where the ! "frame" might be drawn. ! ! Y Input, real Y(MAXL,MAXM). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! ! Y1MAX Input, real Y1MAX, the maximum Y coordinates of the plot, ! which includes a small grace margin. ! ! Y2MAX Input, real Y2MAX, the maximum Y coordinates that should be ! used for plotting. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) maxl integer ( kind = 4 ) maxm integer ( kind = 4 ) maxobj real a(maxl,maxm) character ( len = * ) aname logical echo integer ( kind = 4 ) icolor(maxobj) integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmax integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmin integer ( kind = 4 ) l logical lbar integer ( kind = 4 ) m integer ( kind = 4 ) ncon logical nflag(maxl,maxm) real smax real smin real srange real xp(maxl,maxm) real x1 real x2 real x2max real x2min real yp(maxl,maxm) real y1 real y1max real y2 real y2max ! ! Get the minimum and maximum values of the data. ! call fsize(l,m,maxl,maxm,nflag,a,smax,smin) ! ! If there is no variation in the data, don't try to draw a ! contour plot. ! if ( smax <= smin ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'COLCON - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' No color contours, all values equal.' return end if ! ! Allow the user to adjust the range of the data. ! call setsiz(echo,aname,smax,smin) ! ! Draw the color contour plot. ! call tricol(jcmax,jcmin,l,m,maxl,maxm,ncon,nflag,a,smax,smin,xp,yp) ! ! Draw the color bar. ! if ( lbar ) then x1 = x2min x2 = x2max y1 = y2max y2 = y1max call cbar(icolor,jcmax,jcmin,maxobj,ncon,smax,smin,srange,x1,x2,y1,y2) end if return end subroutine cross(px,py,qx,qy,sl,sm,sh,sval,xl,xm,xh,yl,ym,yh) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! CROSS finds two places where a given value occurs on a triangle. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The corners of the triangle are (XL,YL), (XM,YM) and ! (XH,YH), and the associated S values are SL, SM and SH. It ! must be the case that SL < = SM <= SH. ! ! CROSS returns two points: ! ! (PX,PY), which occurs on one of the two sides that include ! (XM,YM), and ! (QX,QY), which occurs on the side between (XL,YL) and (XH,YH). ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! PX, ! PY Output, real PX, PY, the X and Y coordinates of a point ! at which S = SVAL, lying on a side of the triangle which ! ends at (XM,YM). ! ! QX, ! QY Output, real QX, QY, the X and Y coordinates of a point ! at which S = SVAL, lying on the side of the triangle which ! lies between (XL,YL) and (XH,YH). ! ! SL, ! SM, ! SH Input, real SL, SM, SH, the low, medium, and high values ! of S, associated with the three corners. ! ! SVAL Input, real SVAL, the value of S for which a contour line ! is sought. ! ! XL, ! XM, ! XH Input, real XL, XM, XH, the X coordinates of the nodes ! at which the low, medium and high values of S occur. ! ! YL, ! YM, ! YH Input, real YL, YM, YH, the Y coordinates of the nodes ! at which the low, medium and high values of S occur. ! implicit none real px real py real qx real qy real sl real sm real sh real sval real xl real xm real xh real yl real ym real yh if ( sval < sl ) then px = xl py = yl qx = xl qy = yl else if ( sval >= sh ) then px = xh py = yh qx = xh qy = yh else if ( sval < sm ) then px = xl+(sval-sl)*(xm-xl)/(sm-sl) py = yl+(sval-sl)*(ym-yl)/(sm-sl) else px = xm+(sval-sm)*(xh-xm)/(sh-sm) py = ym+(sval-sm)*(yh-ym)/(sh-sm) end if qx = xl+(sval-sl)*(xh-xl)/(sh-sl) qy = yl+(sval-sl)*(yh-yl)/(sh-sl) end if return end subroutine delete(filnam) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DELETE deletes a file. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, character*(*) FILNAM, the file to be deleted. ! implicit none character ( len = * ) filnam open(unit = 99,file=filnam,status='old',err=10) close(unit = 99,status='delete',err=10) 10 continue return end subroutine diamnd(xcentr,ycentr,radius,filled) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DIAMND may be used to draw an open or filled diamond of a given size. ! ! Discussion: ! ! DIAMND calls PLYLIN to draw an open diamond, or PLYGON to draw a ! filled diamond. ! ! To control the color of the diamond, simply call the DRAWCGM ! routine LINCLR before drawing open diamonds or FILCOR before ! drawing closed diamonds. ! ! If the X and Y coordinate systems do not have the same scale, ! the diamond drawn will be "flattened". This can happen if the ! routine SETWCD has been used to set the X and Y dimensions to ! different extents. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real XCENTR, YCENTR, the X and Y coordinates of ! the center of the diamond. ! ! Input, real RADIUS, the radius of the diamond. ! ! Input, logical FILLED, .TRUE. if the diamond is to be filled. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: npts = 5 logical filled real radius real xcentr real xpoint(npts) real ycentr real ypoint(npts) xpoint(1) = xcentr+radius ypoint(1) = ycentr xpoint(2) = xcentr ypoint(2) = ycentr+radius xpoint(3) = xcentr-radius ypoint(3) = ycentr xpoint(4) = xcentr ypoint(4) = ycentr-radius xpoint(5) = xcentr+radius ypoint(5) = ycentr if ( filled ) then call plygon(npts-1,xpoint,ypoint) else call plylin(npts,xpoint,ypoint) end if return end subroutine double(e,gamt,jcrys1,jcrys2,kcrys,kmelt,kvoid,l,m, & maxbot,maxl,maxm,nbot,ncflag,npflag,p,pc,psi,rueta,ruksi, & t,te,tk,u,v,vmag,vort,vpflag,w,xbot,xc,xp,ybot,yc,yp) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DOUBLE "reflects" the data around the Y axis. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input/output, real E(MAXL,MAXM), the magnetic stream function. ! ! Input/output, real GAMT(MAXL,MAXM), the diffusion coefficient. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) JCRYS1, the J coordinate of the ! column of corner nodes that define the left side of the crystal. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) JCRYS2, the J coordinate of the column ! of corner nodes that define the right side of the crystal. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) KCRYS(MAXL,MAXM), ! 0, if control volume (I,J) is away from the crystal. ! 1, if control volume (I,J) is on the external crystal boundary. ! 2, if control volume (I,J) is on the internal crystal boundary. ! 3, if control volume (I,J) is in the crystal interior. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) KMELT(MAXL,MAXM), ! 0, if control volume (I,J) is away from the melt. ! 1, if control volume (I,J) is on the external melt boundary. ! 2, if control volume (I,J) is on the internal melt boundary. ! 3, if control volume (I,J) is in the melt interior. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) KVOID(MAXL,MAXM), ! 0, if control volume (I,J) is away from the void. ! 1, if control volume (I,J) is on the external void boundary. ! 2, if control volume (I,J) is on the internal void boundary. ! 3, if control volume (I,J) is in the void interior. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) L, the number of rows of data. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) M, the number of columns of data. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXL, MAXM, the maximum allowed number of ! rows and columns of data. ! ! Input/output, real P(MAXL,MAXM), the pressure. ! ! Input/output, real PC(MAXL,MAXM), the corrected pressure. ! ! Input/output, real PSI(MAXL,MAXM), the stream function. ! ! Input/output, real RUETA(MAXL,MAXM), RUKSI(MAXL,MAXM), the ! the momentum in the ETA and KSI directions. ! ! Input/output, real T(MAXL,MAXM), the temperature. ! ! Input/output, real TE(MAXL,MAXM), the turbulent epsilon. ! ! Input/output, real TK(MAXL,MAXM), the turbulent K. ! ! Input/output, real U(MAXL,MAXM), the horizontal velocity. ! ! Input/output, real V(MAXL,MAXM), the vertical velocity. ! ! Input/output, real W(MAXL,MAXM), the axial velocity. ! ! Input/output, real X(MAXL,MAXM), the X coordinates of the primary ! nodes. ! ! Input/output, real XC(MAXL,MAXM), the X coordinates of the corner ! nodes. ! ! Input/output, real Y(MAXL,MAXM), the Y coordinates of the primary ! nodes. ! ! Input/output, real YC(MAXL,MAXM), the Y coordinates of the corner ! nodes. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) maxbot integer ( kind = 4 ) maxl integer ( kind = 4 ) maxm real e(maxl,maxm) real gamt(maxl,maxm) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) jcrys1 integer ( kind = 4 ) jcrys2 integer ( kind = 4 ) kcrys(maxl,maxm) integer ( kind = 4 ) kmelt(maxl,maxm) integer ( kind = 4 ) kvoid(maxl,maxm) integer ( kind = 4 ) l integer ( kind = 4 ) m integer ( kind = 4 ) nbot logical ncflag(maxl,maxm) logical npflag(maxl,maxm) real p(maxl,maxm) real pc(maxl,maxm) real psi(maxl,maxm) real rueta(maxl,maxm) real ruksi(maxl,maxm) real t(maxl,maxm) real te(maxl,maxm) real tk(maxl,maxm) real u(maxl,maxm) real v(maxl,maxm) real vmag(maxl,maxm) real vort(maxl,maxm) logical vpflag(maxl,maxm) real w(maxl,maxm) real xbot(maxbot) real xc(maxl,maxm) real xp(maxl,maxm) real ybot(maxbot) real yc(maxl,maxm) real yp(maxl,maxm) if ( 2*m-1 > maxm ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'DOUBLE - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' The reflected data has M = ',2*m-1 write ( *, * ) ' but CRYSTAL_PLOT has MAXM = ',maxm stop end if call rduble(e,l,m,maxl,maxm,'e') call rduble(gamt,l,m,maxl,maxm,'gamt') call lduble(ncflag,l,m,maxl,maxm) call lduble(npflag,l,m,maxl,maxm) call rduble(p,l,m,maxl,maxm,'p') call rduble(pc,l,m,maxl,maxm,'pc') call rduble(psi,l,m,maxl,maxm,'psi') call rduble(rueta,l,m,maxl,maxm,'rueta') call rduble(ruksi,l,m,maxl,maxm,'ruksi') call rduble(t,l,m,maxl,maxm,'t') call rduble(te,l,m,maxl,maxm,'te') call rduble(tk,l,m,maxl,maxm,'tk') call rduble(v,l,m,maxl,maxm,'v') call rduble(u,l,m,maxl,maxm,'u') call rduble(vort,l,m,maxl,maxm,'vort') call lduble(vpflag,l,m,maxl,maxm) call rduble(w,l,m,maxl,maxm,'w') call rduble(yp,l,m,maxl,maxm,'yp') call rduble(yc,l,m,maxl,maxm,'yc') call rduble(xp,l,m,maxl,maxm,'xp') call rduble(xc,l,m,maxl,maxm,'xc') call iduble(kcrys,l,m,maxl,maxm) call iduble(kmelt,l,m,maxl,maxm) call iduble(kvoid,l,m,maxl,maxm) ! ! Take care of data defining the crystal extent. ! j = jcrys2 jcrys1 = m-j+1 jcrys2 = m+j-1 ! ! Update M to its new value. ! m = 2*m-1 ! ! Take care of data associated with the crucible shape. ! do i = 2*nbot-1,nbot,-1 xbot(i) = xbot(i+1-nbot) ybot(i) = ybot(i+1-nbot) end do do i = 1,nbot-1 xbot(i) = -xbot(2*nbot-i) ybot(i) = ybot(2*nbot-i) end do nbot = 2*nbot-1 ! ! Set the velocity magnitudes. ! do i = 1,l do j = 1,m vmag(i,j) = sqrt(u(i,j)**2+v(i,j)**2) end do end do return end subroutine dshlin(n,x,y,dshsiz) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DSHLIN draws a dashed line connecting a series of points. ! ! Discussion: ! ! If the X and Y coordinates use different scale ! factors, then dashes at different angles will seem to ! have different lengths. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) N, the number of points to be connected. ! ! Input, real X(N), Y(N), the X and Y coordinates of the ! points. ! ! Input, real DSHSIZ, the length, in the X, Y coordinate ! system, of the dashed lines. If it is negative or zero, ! an error occurs. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) n real dist real dshsiz integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) ndash real x(n) real xnew real xold real xxnew real xxold real y(n) real ynew real yold real yynew real yyold ! ! Make sure that DSHSIZ is positive. ! if ( dshsiz <= 0.0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'DshLin - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' The parameter DSHSIZ must be positive.' write ( *, * ) ' but the input value is ',dshsiz return end if xnew = x(1) ynew = y(1) do i = 2,n xold = xnew yold = ynew xnew = x(i) ynew = y(i) dist = sqrt( (xnew-xold)**2 + (ynew-yold)**2 ) if ( dist > 0.0 ) then ndash = int((dist/dshsiz)+1) if ( mod(ndash,4) /= 0 ) then ndash = ndash+(4-mod(ndash,4)) end if if ( ndash <= 3)ndash = 4 ! ! Desired pattern is: ! ! X0 - dash - blank - blank - dash - dash - blank - blank - dash - X1 ! do j = 1,ndash if ( mod(j,4) == 0 .or. mod(j,4) == 1 ) then xxold = ( (ndash+1-j)*xold + (j-1)*xnew) / real(ndash) yyold = ( (ndash+1-j)*yold + (j-1)*ynew) / real(ndash) xxnew = ( (ndash-j)*xold + j*xnew) / real(ndash) yynew = ( (ndash-j)*yold + j*ynew) / real(ndash) call movcgm(xxold,yyold) call drwcgm(xxnew,yynew) end if end do end if end do return end subroutine flushl(string) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! FLUSHL flushes a string left. ! ! Example: ! ! Input Output ! ! ' Hello' 'Hello ' ! ' Hi there! ' 'Hi there! ' ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input/output, character*(*) STRING. ! On input, STRING is a string of characters. ! On output, any initial blank characters in STRING ! have been cut, and pasted back onto the end. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) lchar integer ( kind = 4 ) nonb character null character ( len = * ) string ! ! Check the length of the string to the last nonblank. ! If nonpositive, return. ! lchar = len_trim (string) if ( lchar <= 0)return null = char(0) ! ! Find the occurrence of the first nonblank. ! do i = 1,lchar nonb = i if ( string(i:i) /= ' ' .and. string(i:i) /= null)go to 10 end do return 10 continue ! ! Shift the string left. ! do i = 1,lchar+1-nonb string(i:i) = string(i+nonb-1:i+nonb-1) end do ! ! Blank out the end of the string. ! do i = lchar+2-nonb,lchar string(i:i) = ' ' end do return end subroutine fsize(l,m,maxl,maxm,nflag,r,rmax,rmin) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! FSIZE computes the range of a real array defined at primary nodes. ! ! Discussion: ! ! Only "flagged" values are considered. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) L, M, the number of rows and columns of data. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXL, MAXM, the maximum allowed number of ! rows and columns of data. ! ! Input, logical NFLAG(MAXL,MAXM). ! NFLAG is used to "flag" which nodes are active, ! that is, to be displayed, and which not, in the graph. ! ! Input, real R(MAXL,MAXM), the array to be checked. ! ! Output, real RMAX, RMIN, the maximum and minimum values ! of R. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) maxl integer ( kind = 4 ) maxm integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) l integer ( kind = 4 ) m logical nflag(maxl,maxm) real r(maxl,maxm) real rmax real rmin logical started started = .false. rmax = 0.0 rmin = 0.0 do i = 1,l do j = 1,m if ( nflag(i,j) ) then if ( started ) then rmin = min(rmin,r(i,j)) rmax = max(rmax,r(i,j)) else started = .true. rmin = r(i,j) rmax = r(i,j) end if end if end do end do return end subroutine gettab(dev,echo,filgrf,grace,icmax,icmin,ierror,iplot,itable, & lgopen,ovrlay) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! GETTAB gets the color table choice from the user. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, character*10 DEV, the graphics output device to be used. ! Current legal values for DEV include: ! ! cgmb - CGM binary file. ! ps - PostScript file. ! xws - X window screen (interactive). ! ! Input, character*80 FILGRF, the name of the output ! graphics file. ! ! Input, real GRACE. ! The size of the "grace" margin on the plot. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ICMAX, ICMIN, the maximum and minimum color ! indices to use in color contour graphics. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IERROR, error flag. ! 0, no error occurred. ! nonzero, an error occurred. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPLOT, the number of plots made so far. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) ITABLE, the desired color table. ! 1: low black to high white ! 2: low blue to high yellow ! 3: low red, high blue, with bands between. ! 4: low red, yellow, green, blue, high white. ! 5: low white, blue, green, yellow, high red. ! 6: low blue to high red ! 7: linear table between 2 user colors. ! 8: linear table between N user colors. ! 9: low white to high black. ! ! Input, logical OVRLAY. ! If OVRLAY is true, then the next time that a plot is ! requested, a "new frame" command is suppressed, so that ! the new plot is shown on top of the previous one. ! implicit none character ( len = 10 ) dev logical echo character ( len = 80 ) filcol character ( len = 80 ) filgrf real grace integer ( kind = 4 ) icmax integer ( kind = 4 ) icmin integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) iplot integer ( kind = 4 ) itable logical lgopen logical ovrlay real x1max real x1min real y1max real y1min if ( itable == 0 ) then write ( *, * ) 'Enter name of color table file.' read(*,'(a)',err = 90,end=90)filcol write(17,'(a)')filcol if ( echo ) then write(*,'(a)')filcol end if call getctb(icmin,icmax,filcol,ierror) end if call preplt(dev,echo,filgrf,icmax,icmin,iplot,itable,lgopen,ovrlay) call settab(echo,icmax,icmin,itable) if ( dev == 'xws' ) then call cbox(grace,x1max,x1min,y1max,y1min) call buzz(dev,x1max,x1min,y1max,y1min) end if return 90 continue write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'GetTab - Error' ierror = 1 return end subroutine getwin(echo,grace,srange,xmax,xmin,x1max,x1min,x2max, & x2min,xsmax,xsmin,ymax,ymin,y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! GETWIN responds to the "W" command by telling the user ! the current window, and getting the new value from the user. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real GRACE. ! The size of the "grace" margin on the plot. ! ! SRANGE Output, real SRANGE. ! The maximum of XSMAX-XSMIN and YSMAX-YSMIN. ! This gives the size of a square containing the data ! window. ! ! XMAX Input, real XMAX. ! The maximum X coordinate of all the nodes. ! The maximum entry in the XC array. ! ! XMIN Input, real XMIN. ! The minimum X coordinate of all the nodes. ! The minimum entry in the XC array. ! ! X1MAX, ! X1MIN Output, real X1MAX, X1MIN, the maximum and minimum X ! coordinates of the plot, which includes a small grace margin. ! ! X2MAX, ! X2MIN Input/output, real X2MAX, X2MIN, the maximum and minimum X ! coordinates that should be used for plotting. No plotting ! commands should exceed these values. This is where the ! "frame" might be drawn. ! ! XSMAX Input/output, real XSMAX. ! The maximum X coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! XSMAX defaults to XMAX, but can be made smaller to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! XSMIN Input/output, real XSMIN. ! The minimum X coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! XSMIN defaults to XMIN, but can be made larger to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! Y1MAX, ! Y1MIN Output, real Y1MAX, Y1MIN, the maximum and minimum Y ! coordinates of the plot, which includes a small grace margin. ! ! Y2MAX, ! Y2MIN Input/output, real Y2MAX, Y2MIN, the maximum and minimum Y ! coordinates that should be used for plotting. No plotting commands ! should exceed these values. This is where the "frame" might be ! drawn. ! ! YMAX Input, real YMAX. ! The maximum Y coordinate of all the nodes. ! The maximum value attained by the YC array. ! ! YMIN Input, real YMIN. ! The minimum Y coordinate of all the nodes. ! The minimum value attained by the YC array. ! ! YSMAX Input/output, real YSMAX. ! The maximum Y coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! YSMAX defaults to YMAX, but can be made smaller to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! YSMIN Input/output, real YSMIN. ! The minimum Y coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! YSMIN defaults to YMIN, but can be made larger to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! implicit none logical echo real grace real srange real x1max real x1min real x2max real x2min real xmax real xmin real xsmax real xsmin real y1max real y1min real y2max real y2min real ymax real ymin real ysmax real ysmin ! 10 continue write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'GetWin:' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Data coordinates:' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) xmin,' = XMIN <= X <= XMAX = ',xmax write ( *, * ) ymin,' = YMIN <= Y <= YMAX = ',ymax write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Displayed data coordinates:' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) xsmin,' = XSMIN <= X <= XSMAX = ',xsmax write ( *, * ) ysmin,' = YSMIN <= Y <= YSMAX = ',ysmax write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Picture window coordinates:' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) x2min,' = X2MIN <= X <= X2MAX = ',x2max write ( *, * ) y2min,' = Y2MIN <= Y <= Y2MAX = ',y2max write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Enter new displayed data coordinates for X and Y:' write ( *, * ) ' Use the order XSMIN, XSMAX, YSMIN, YSMAX:' read(*,*,err = 20,end=20)xsmin,xsmax,ysmin,ysmax write(17,*)xsmin,xsmax,ysmin,ysmax if ( echo ) then write ( *, * ) xsmin,xsmax,ysmin,ysmax end if ! ! Compute box containing data. ! call pltbox(grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax,xsmin, & y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) return 20 continue write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'GetWin - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' Your input was not acceptable!' write ( *, * ) ' Please try again!' write ( *, * ) ' ' go to 10 end subroutine graph(delx,dely,dev,dxcdp,dycdp,echo,filgrf,gamt,icmax,icmin, & icolor,icrys1,icrys2,iplot,itable,jcmax,jcmin,jcrys1,jcrys2,kcrys,kmelt, & kvoid,l,lbar,lflag,lgopen,m,maxbot,maxl,maxm,maxobj,nbot,ncflag,ncon, & nflag,npflag,nxskip,nyskip,object,ovrlay,p,pc,psi,s1,s2,scalecv,scalenb, & scalenc,scalenp,scalev,show,srange,t,te,title,title2,tk,u,v,vpflag,vmag, & vort,w,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xbot,xc,xp,xsmax,xsmin,y1max,y1min, & y2max,y2min,ybot,yc,yp,ysmax,ysmin) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! GRAPH draws the graph, after the user has specified what is to be shown. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real DELX. ! The X spacing between nodes. In some cases, ! this spacing is modified to create isoparametric elements. ! ! DELY Input, real DELY. ! The Y spacing between nodes. In some cases, ! this spacing is modified to create isoparametric elements. ! ! DEV Input, character*10 DEV. ! The graphics output device to be used. Current legal ! values for DEV include: ! ! cgmb - CGM binary file. ! ps - PostScript file. ! xws - X window screen (interactive). ! ! DXCDP Input, real DXCDP(MAXL,MAXM), the difference between ! the second and first values of XC. ! ! DYCDP Input, real DYCDP(MAXL,MAXM), the difference between ! the second and first values of YC. ! ! FILGRF Input, character*80 FILGRF, the name of the output ! graphics file. ! ! GAMT Output, real GAMT(MAXL,MAXM), the diffusion coefficient. ! ! ICMAX, ! ICMIN Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ICMAX, ICMIN, the maximum and ! minimum color indices to use in the color bar. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ICOLOR(MAXOBJ). ! Contains the color indexes for each object. ! However, in some cases, ICOLOR is actual a color table index. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ICRYS1, the I coordinate of the row of corner ! nodes that define the bottom of the crystal. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ICRYS2, the I coordinate of the row of corner ! nodes that define the top of the crystal. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPLOT. ! The number of plots made so far. ! ! ITABLE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ITABLE, the desired color table. ! ! 1: low black to high white ! 2: low blue to high yellow ! 3: low red, high blue, with bands between. ! 4: low red, yellow, green, blue, high white. ! 5: low white, blue, green, yellow, high red. ! 6: low blue to high red ! 7: linear table between 2 user colors. ! 8: linear table between N user colors. ! 9: low white to high black. ! ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) JCMAX, JCMIN, the maximum and ! minimum color indices to use in the color bar. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) JCRYS1, the J coordinate of the column ! of corner nodes that define the left side of the crystal. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) JCRYS2, the J coordinate of the column ! of corner nodes that define the right side of the crystal. ! ! KCRYS Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) KCRYS(MAXL,MAXM), ! 0, if control volume (I,J) is away from the crystal. ! 1, if control volume (I,J) is on the external crystal boundary. ! 2, if control volume (I,J) is on the internal crystal boundary. ! 3, if control volume (I,J) is in the crystal interior. ! ! LFLAG Workspace, logical LFLAG(MAXL,MAXM), .TRUE. if primary node ! (I,J) lies within the visible data, .FALSE. otherwise. ! ! KMELT Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) KMELT(MAXL,MAXM), ! 0, if control volume (I,J) is away from the melt. ! 1, if control volume (I,J) is on the external melt boundary. ! 2, if control volume (I,J) is on the internal melt boundary. ! 3, if control volume (I,J) is in the melt interior. ! ! KVOID Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) KVOID(MAXL,MAXM), ! 0, if control volume (I,J) is away from the void. ! 1, if control volume (I,J) is on the external void boundary. ! 2, if control volume (I,J) is on the internal void boundary. ! 3, if control volume (I,J) is in the void interior. ! ! L Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) L, the number of rows of data. ! ! LBAR Input, logical LBAR, is .TRUE. if the color bar should ! be shown. ! ! M Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) M, the number of columns of data. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXBOT, the maximum number of crucible nodes ! allowed. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXL, MAXM, the maximum allowed number of ! rows and columns of data. ! ! MAXOBJ Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXOBJ. ! The number of graphical "objects". ! ! NBOT Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NBOT, the number of crucible nodes. ! ! NCON Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCON. ! The number of contour lines to be drawn. This is ! initialized to 12, but may be changed by the user. ! ! NFLAG Input, logical NFLAG(MAXL,MAXM). ! ! NFLAG is used to "flag" which nodes are active, ! that is, to be displayed, and which not, in the graph. ! ! NXSKIP Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NXSKIP. ! NXSKIP is used to "thin" out a vector plot. ! ! If NXSKIP = 1, then a standard vector plot is made. ! ! Otherwise, in the X direction, vectors are drawn only ! in columns 1, 1+NXSKIP, 1+2*NXSKIP and so on. ! ! NYSKIP Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NYSKIP. ! NYSKIP is used to "thin" out a vector plot. ! ! If NYSKIP = 1, then a standard vector plot is made. ! ! Otherwise, in the Y direction, vectors are drawn only ! in rows 1, 1+NYSKIP, 1+2*NYSKIP and so on. ! ! OBJECT Input, character*25 OBJECT(MAXOBJ), the names of the ! graphical objects. ! ! OVRLAY Input, logical OVRLAY. ! If OVRLAY is true, then the next time that a plot is ! requested, a "new frame" command is suppressed, so that ! the new plot is shown on top of the previous one. ! ! P Input, real P(MAXL,MAXM), the pressure. ! ! PC Input, real PC(MAXL,MAXM), the corrected pressure. ! ! PSI Input, real PSI(MAXL,MAXM), the stream function. ! ! S1 Workspace, real S1(MAXL,MAXM). ! ! S2 Workspace, real S2(MAXL,MAXM). ! ! SHOW Input, logical SHOW(MAXOBJ). ! Contains, for each object, a flag determining whether it ! is to be shown or not. ! ! SRANGE Input, real SRANGE. ! The maximum of XSMAX-XSMIN and YSMAX-YSMIN. ! This gives the size of a square containing the data ! window. ! ! SCALECV Input, real SCALECV. ! A scale factor for the control volume numbers, which has a ! default value of 1. ! ! SCALENB Input, real SCALENB. ! A scale factor for the size of the nodes that define the ! crucible shape, which has a default value of 1. ! ! SCALENC Input, real SCALENC. ! A scale factor for the size of the corner nodes, which has a ! default value of 1. ! ! SCALENP Input, real SCALENP. ! A scale factor for the size of the primary nodes, which has a ! default value of 1. ! ! SCALEV Input, real SCALEV. ! A scale factor for velocity vectors. This starts out at 1.0. ! ! T Input, real T(MAXL,MAXM), the temperature. ! ! TE Input, real TE(MAXL,MAXM), the turbulent epsilon. ! ! TITLE Input, character*40 TITLE. ! A title for the plots. ! ! TITLE2 Input, character*40 TITLE2. ! A subtitle used in the profile plots. ! ! TK Input, real TK(MAXL,MAXM), the turbulent K. ! ! U Input, real U(MAXL,MAXM), the horizontal velocity. ! ! V Input, real V(MAXL,MAXM), the vertical velocity. ! ! VPFLAG Input, logical VPFLAG(MAXL,MAXM), a flag which determines ! whether vector data at a given node should be displayed. ! ! VMAG Input, real VMAG(MAXL,MAXM), the velocity magnitude. ! ! W Input, real W(MAXL,MAXM), the axial velocity. ! ! X Output, real X(MAXL,MAXM), the X coordinates of the primary ! nodes. ! ! X1MAX, ! X1MIN Output, real X1MAX, X1MIN, the maximum and minimum X ! coordinates of the plot, which includes a small grace margin. ! ! X2MAX, ! X2MIN Input, real X2MAX, X2MIN, the maximum and minimum X ! coordinates that should be used for plotting. No plotting ! commands should exceed these values. This is where the ! "frame" might be drawn. ! ! XBOT Input, real XBOT(NBOT), the X coordinates of the crucible ! bottom nodes. ! ! XC Input, real XC(MAXL,MAXM), the X coordinates of the corner ! nodes. ! ! XSMAX Input, real XSMAX. ! The maximum X coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! XSMAX defaults to XMAX, but can be made smaller to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! XSMIN Input, real XSMIN. ! The minimum X coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! XSMIN defaults to XMIN, but can be made larger to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! Y Output, real Y(MAXL,MAXM), the Y coordinates of the primary ! nodes. ! ! Y1MAX, ! Y1MIN Output, real Y1MAX, Y1MIN, the maximum and minimum Y ! coordinates of the plot, which includes a small grace margin. ! ! Y2MAX, ! Y2MIN Input, real Y2MAX, Y2MIN, the maximum and minimum Y ! coordinates that should be used for plotting. No plotting ! commands should exceed these values. This is where the ! "frame" might be drawn. ! ! YBOT Input, real YBOT(NBOT), the Y coordinates of the crucible ! bottom nodes. ! ! YC Input, real YC(MAXL,MAXM), the Y coordinates of the corner ! nodes. ! ! Input, real YSMAX. ! The maximum Y coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! YSMAX defaults to YMAX, but can be made smaller to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! Input, real YSMIN. ! The minimum Y coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! YSMIN defaults to YMIN, but can be made larger to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) maxbot integer ( kind = 4 ) maxl integer ( kind = 4 ) maxm integer ( kind = 4 ) maxobj character ( len = 25 ) aname real angle character ( len = 6 ) chrtmp real csize real cwide real delx real dely character ( len = 10 ) dev real dshsiz real dxcdp(maxl,maxm) real dycdp(maxl,maxm) logical echo character ( len = 80 ) filgrf logical filled character flush real gamt(maxl,maxm) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) icmax integer ( kind = 4 ) icmin integer ( kind = 4 ) icolor(maxobj) integer ( kind = 4 ) icrys1 integer ( kind = 4 ) icrys2 integer ( kind = 4 ) ido logical inside integer ( kind = 4 ) iplot integer ( kind = 4 ) itable integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmax integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmin integer ( kind = 4 ) jcolor integer ( kind = 4 ) jcrys1 integer ( kind = 4 ) jcrys2 integer ( kind = 4 ) kcrys(maxl,maxm) integer ( kind = 4 ) kmelt(maxl,maxm) integer ( kind = 4 ) kvoid(maxl,maxm) integer ( kind = 4 ) l logical lbar logical lbar2 integer ( kind = 4 ) lent logical lflag(maxl,maxm) logical lgopen integer ( kind = 4 ) m integer ( kind = 4 ) nbot logical ncflag(maxl,maxm) integer ( kind = 4 ) ncon logical nflag(maxl,maxm) integer ( kind = 4 ) nonzer logical npflag(maxl,maxm) integer ( kind = 4 ) npts integer ( kind = 4 ) nval integer ( kind = 4 ) nxskip integer ( kind = 4 ) nyskip character ( len = 25 ) object(maxobj) logical ovrlay real p(maxl,maxm) real pc(maxl,maxm) real psi(maxl,maxm) real pwide real s1(maxl,maxm) real s2(maxl,maxm) real scalecv real scalenb real scalenc real scalenp real scalev logical show(maxobj) real srange real t(maxl,maxm) real te(maxl,maxm) character ( len = 40 ) title character ( len = 40 ) title2 real tk(maxl,maxm) real u(maxl,maxm) real uu real uvmag real v(maxl,maxm) real velscl logical vpflag(maxl,maxm) real vmag(maxl,maxm) real vmax real vort(maxl,maxm) real vv real w(maxl,maxm) real x1max real x1min real x2max real x2min real xbot(maxbot) real xc(maxl,maxm) real xp(maxl,maxm) real xpoly(4) real xsmax real xsmin real xval real xvec(2) real xx(300) real y1max real y1min real y2max real y2min real ybot(maxbot) real yc(maxl,maxm) real yp(maxl,maxm) real ypoly(4) real ysmax real ysmin real yval real yvec(2) real yy(300) call preplt(dev,echo,filgrf,icmax,icmin,iplot,itable,lgopen,ovrlay) cwide = 0.9E+00 * srange / 40.0E+00 pwide = srange ! ! Set the scale of the picture. ! We allow ourselves more or less a one percent margin. ! xvec(1) = x2min-0.01*(x2max-x2min) yvec(1) = y2min-0.01*(y2max-y2min) xvec(2) = x2max+0.01*(x2max-x2min) yvec(2) = y2max+0.01*(y2max-y2min) call setscl(xvec,yvec,2) ! ! Mark those primary nodes which are visible. ! ! This marker is based on visibility (inside the screen limits) ! and on whether the user has asked to hide the crystal, ! melt, or void regions. ! do i = 1,l do j = 1,m if ( (.not.inside(xsmin,xp(i,j),xsmax)) .or. & (.not.inside(ysmin,yp(i,j),ysmax)) ) then lflag(i,j) = .false. else if ( kcrys(i,j) == 3 .and. ( ) then lflag(i,j) = .false. else if ( kmelt(i,j) == 3 .and. ( ) then lflag(i,j) = .false. else if ( kvoid(i,j) == 3 .and. ( ) then lflag(i,j) = .false. else lflag(i,j) = .true. end if end do end do ! ! FRAME: Draw a box around the region. ! if ( show(3) ) then call linclr(icolor(3)) call box(x2min,x2max,y2min,y2max) end if ! ! TITLE/TITLE2: Draw the titles. ! if ( show(7) ) then call linclr(icolor(7)) lent = len_trim ( title ) if ( lent > 0 ) then angle = 0.0 xval = 0.5*(xsmax+xsmin) yval = ysmax+3.0*cwide flush = 'center' call s_plot(angle,cwide,pwide,title,xval,yval,flush) end if lent = len_trim ( title2 ) if ( lent > 0 ) then angle = 0.0 xval = 0.5*(xsmax+xsmin) yval = ysmax+1.5*cwide flush = 'center' call s_plot(angle,cwide,pwide,title2,xval,yval,flush) end if end if ! ! CPC: Draw corrected pressure color contours for nodes which are visible, ! and which are in or on the melt region. ! if ( show(26) ) then do i = 1,l do j = 1,m if ( lflag(i,j) .and. kmelt(i,j) >= 2 ) then nflag(i,j) = .true. else nflag(i,j) = .false. end if end do end do aname = object(26) call colcon(pc,aname,echo,icolor,jcmax,jcmin,l,lbar,m,maxl, & maxm,maxobj,ncon,nflag,srange,xp,x2max,x2min,yp,y1max,y2max) end if ! ! CRYSC: color in the crystal. ! if ( show(44) ) then jcolor = icolor(44) call filclr(jcolor) do i = 1,l-1 do j = 1,m-1 if ( kcrys(i,j) >= 2 ) then npts = 4 xpoly(1) = xc(i,j) ypoly(1) = yc(i,j) xpoly(2) = xc(i+1,j) ypoly(2) = yc(i+1,j) xpoly(3) = xc(i+1,j+1) ypoly(3) = yc(i+1,j+1) xpoly(4) = xc(i,j+1) ypoly(4) = yc(i,j+1) call plygon(npts,xpoly,ypoly) end if end do end do end if ! ! MELTC: color in the melt. ! if ( show(45) ) then jcolor = icolor(45) call filclr(jcolor) do i = 1,l-1 do j = 1,m-1 if ( kmelt(i,j) >= 2 ) then npts = 4 xpoly(1) = xc(i,j) ypoly(1) = yc(i,j) xpoly(2) = xc(i+1,j) ypoly(2) = yc(i+1,j) xpoly(3) = xc(i+1,j+1) ypoly(3) = yc(i+1,j+1) xpoly(4) = xc(i,j+1) ypoly(4) = yc(i,j+1) call plygon(npts,xpoly,ypoly) end if end do end do end if ! ! PC: Draw pressure color contours for nodes which are visible, ! and which are in or on the melt region. ! if ( show(12) ) then do i = 1,l do j = 1,m if ( lflag(i,j) .and. kmelt(i,j) >= 2 ) then nflag(i,j) = .true. else nflag(i,j) = .false. end if end do end do aname = object(12) call colcon(p,aname,echo,icolor,jcmax,jcmin,l,lbar,m,maxl, & maxm,maxobj,ncon,nflag,srange,xp,x2max,x2min,yp,y1max,y2max) end if ! ! SC: Draw stream color contours in the melt region. ! if ( show(35) ) then do i = 1,l do j = 1,m if ( lflag(i,j) .and. kmelt(i,j) >= 2 ) then nflag(i,j) = .true. else nflag(i,j) = .false. end if end do end do aname = object(35) call colcon(psi,aname,echo,icolor,jcmax,jcmin,l,lbar,m,maxl, & maxm,maxobj,ncon,nflag,srange,xp,x2max,x2min,yp,y1max,y2max) end if ! ! TEMPC: Draw temperature color contours for nodes which are visible, ! and which are in or on the melt or crystal regions. ! if ( show(13) ) then do i = 1,l do j = 1,m if ( lflag(i,j) .and. (kmelt(i,j) >= 2 .or. kcrys(i,j) >= 2) ) then nflag(i,j) = .true. else nflag(i,j) = .false. end if end do end do aname = object(13) call colcon(t,aname,echo,icolor,jcmax,jcmin,l,lbar,m,maxl, & maxm,maxobj,ncon,nflag,srange,xp,x2max,x2min,yp,y1max,y2max) end if ! ! VMAGC: Draw velocity magnitude color contours for nodes which are visible, ! and which are in or on the melt region. ! if ( show(37) ) then do i = 1,l do j = 1,m if ( lflag(i,j) .and. kmelt(i,j) >= 2 ) then nflag(i,j) = .true. else nflag(i,j) = .false. end if end do end do aname = object(37) call colcon(vmag,aname,echo,icolor,jcmax,jcmin,l,lbar,m,maxl, & maxm,maxobj,ncon,nflag,srange,xp,x2max,x2min,yp,y1max,y2max) end if ! ! VOIDC: color in the void. ! if ( show(46) ) then jcolor = icolor(46) call filclr(jcolor) do i = 1,l-1 do j = 1,m-1 if ( kvoid(i,j) >= 2 ) then npts = 4 xpoly(1) = xc(i,j) ypoly(1) = yc(i,j) xpoly(2) = xc(i+1,j) ypoly(2) = yc(i+1,j) xpoly(3) = xc(i+1,j+1) ypoly(3) = yc(i+1,j+1) xpoly(4) = xc(i,j+1) ypoly(4) = yc(i,j+1) call plygon(npts,xpoly,ypoly) end if end do end do end if ! ! VORTC: draw vorticity color contours in melt region. ! if ( show(42) ) then do i = 1,l do j = 1,m if ( lflag(i,j) .and. kmelt(i,j) >= 2 ) then nflag(i,j) = .true. else nflag(i,j) = .false. end if end do end do aname = object(42) call colcon(vort,aname,echo,icolor,jcmax,jcmin,l,lbar,m,maxl, & maxm,maxobj,ncon,nflag,srange,xp,x2max,x2min,yp,y1max,y2max) end if ! ! WC: Draw angular momentum color contours in melt region. ! if ( show(14) ) then do i = 1,l do j = 1,m if ( lflag(i,j) .and. kmelt(i,j) >= 2 ) then nflag(i,j) = .true. else nflag(i,j) = .false. end if end do end do aname = object(14) call colcon(w,aname,echo,icolor,jcmax,jcmin,l,lbar,m,maxl, & maxm,maxobj,ncon,nflag,srange,xp,x2max,x2min,yp,y1max,y2max) end if ! ! XCC: draw XC coordinate color contours. ! if ( show(31) ) then do i = 1,l do j = 1,m nflag(i,j) = ncflag(i,j) if ( .not.lflag(i,j) ) then nflag(i,j) = .false. end if end do end do aname = object(31) call colcon(xc,aname,echo,icolor,jcmax,jcmin,l,lbar,m,maxl, & maxm,maxobj,ncon,nflag,srange,xp,x2max,x2min,yp,y1max,y2max) end if ! ! YCC: draw YC coordinate color contours. ! if ( show(33) ) then do i = 1,l do j = 1,m nflag(i,j) = ncflag(i,j) if ( .not.lflag(i,j) ) then nflag(i,j) = .false. end if end do end do aname = object(33) call colcon(yc,aname,echo,icolor,jcmax,jcmin,l,lbar,m,maxl, & maxm,maxobj,ncon,nflag,srange,xp,x2max,x2min,yp,y1max,y2max) end if ! ! LINE DRAWINGS BEGIN HERE. ! ! ! AX: draw the axis of symmetry. ! if ( show(28) ) then if ( xsmin <= 0.0 .and. 0.0 <= xsmax ) then call linclr(icolor(28)) nval = 2 xx(1) = 0.0 yy(1) = ysmin xx(2) = 0.0 yy(2) = ysmax dshsiz = 0.025 call dshlin(nval,xx,yy,dshsiz) end if end if ! ! BO: Draw the boundary. ! if ( show(1) ) then call linclr(icolor(1)) dshsiz = 0.05 nval = 2 do i = 1,l-1 if ( ncflag(i,1) .and. ncflag(i+1,1) ) then xx(1) = xc(i,1) yy(1) = yc(i,1) xx(2) = xc(i+1,1) yy(2) = yc(i+1,1) call dshlin(nval,xx,yy,dshsiz) end if end do do j = 1,m-1 if ( ncflag(l,j) .and. ncflag(l,j+1) ) then xx(1) = xc(l,j) yy(1) = yc(l,j) xx(2) = xc(l,j+1) yy(2) = yc(l,j+1) call dshlin(nval,xx,yy,dshsiz) end if end do do i = 1,l-1 if ( ncflag(i,m) .and. ncflag(i+1,m) ) then xx(1) = xc(i,m) yy(1) = yc(i,m) xx(2) = xc(i+1,m) yy(2) = yc(i+1,m) call dshlin(nval,xx,yy,dshsiz) end if end do do j = 1,m-1 if ( ncflag(1,j) .and. ncflag(1,j+1) ) then xx(1) = xc(1,j) yy(1) = yc(1,j) xx(2) = xc(1,j+1) yy(2) = yc(1,j+1) call dshlin(nval,xx,yy,dshsiz) end if end do end if ! ! CP: Draw corrected pressure contours in melt region. ! if ( show(25) ) then do i = 1,l do j = 1,m if ( lflag(i,j) .and. kmelt(i,j) >= 2 ) then nflag(i,j) = .true. else nflag(i,j) = .false. end if end do end do if ( show(26) ) then ido = 0 call linclr(icolor(25)) else ido = 1 end if aname = object(25) lbar2 = lbar .and. call lincon(pc,aname,echo,icolor,ido,jcmax,jcmin,l,lbar2,m, & maxl,maxm,maxobj,ncon,nflag,srange,x2max,x2min,xp,y1max,y2max,yp) end if ! ! CRU: Draw the crucible boundary. ! if ( show(19) ) then call linclr(icolor(19)) i = 1 do j = 1,m-1 if ( xsmin <= xc(i,j) .and. xc(i,j) <= xsmax.and. & ysmin <= yc(i,j) .and. yc(i,j) <= ysmax.and. & xsmin <= xc(i,j+1) .and. xc(i,j+1) <= xsmax.and. & ysmin <= yc(i,j+1) .and. yc(i,j+1) <= ysmax ) then call movcgm(xc(i,j),yc(i,j)) call drwcgm(xc(i,j+1),yc(i,j+1)) end if end do ! ! Do this loop only if reflected. ! if ( xc(1,1) == -xc(1,m) ) then j = 1 do i = 1,icrys1-1 if ( xsmin <= xc(i,j) .and. xc(i,j) <= xsmax.and. & ysmin <= yc(i,j) .and. yc(i,j) <= ysmax.and. & xsmin <= xc(i+1,j) .and. xc(i+1,j) <= xsmax.and. & ysmin <= yc(i+1,j) .and. yc(i+1,j) <= ysmax ) then call movcgm(xc(i,j),yc(i,j)) call drwcgm(xc(i+1,j),yc(i+1,j)) end if end do end if j = m do i = 1,icrys1-1 if ( xsmin <= xc(i,j) .and. xc(i,j) <= xsmax.and. & ysmin <= yc(i,j) .and. yc(i,j) <= ysmax.and. & xsmin <= xc(i+1,j) .and. xc(i+1,j) <= xsmax.and. & ysmin <= yc(i+1,j) .and. yc(i+1,j) <= ysmax ) then call movcgm(xc(i,j),yc(i,j)) call drwcgm(xc(i+1,j),yc(i+1,j)) end if end do end if ! ! CRYS: Draw the crystal. ! if ( show(20) ) then call linclr(icolor(20)) call movcgm(xc(icrys1,jcrys1),yc(icrys1,jcrys1)) do j = jcrys1+1,jcrys2 if ( ncflag(icrys1,j-1) .and. ncflag(icrys1,j) ) then call drwcgm(xc(icrys1,j),yc(icrys1,j)) end if end do do i = icrys1+1,icrys2 if ( ncflag(i-1,jcrys2) .and. ncflag(i,jcrys2) ) then call drwcgm(xc(i,jcrys2),yc(i,jcrys2)) end if end do do j = jcrys2-1,jcrys1,-1 if ( ncflag(icrys2,j+1) .and. ncflag(icrys2,j) ) then call drwcgm(xc(icrys2,j),yc(icrys2,j)) end if end do do i = icrys2,icrys1,-1 if ( ncflag(i+1,jcrys1) .and. ncflag(i,jcrys1) ) then call drwcgm(xc(i,jcrys1),yc(i,jcrys1)) end if end do end if ! ! CV: Draw the control volumes. ! if ( show(2) ) then call linclr(icolor(2)) do i = 1,l do j = 1,m if ( (.not.inside(xsmin,xc(i,j),xsmax)) .or. & (.not.inside(ysmin,yc(i,j),ysmax)) ) then nflag(i,j) = .false. else nflag(i,j) = .true. end if end do end do do i = 1,l-1 do j = 1,m-1 if ( (kcrys(i,j) == 3 .and. ( .or. & (kmelt(i,j) == 3 .and. ( .or. & (kvoid(i,j) == 3 .and. ( ) then nflag(i,j) = .false. nflag(i+1,j) = .false. nflag(i,j+1) = .false. nflag(i+1,j+1) = .false. end if end do end do ! do i = 1,l ! do j = 1,m ! nflag(i,j) = lflag(i,j) ! end do ! end do call showcv(l,m,maxl,maxm,nflag,xc,yc) end if ! ! CVN: Draw the control volume numbers. ! if ( show(43) ) then angle = 0.0 cwide = 0.05*srange*scalecv pwide = srange flush = 'center' call linclr(icolor(43)) do i = 1,l-1 do j = 1,m-1 if ( lflag(i,j) ) then write(chrtmp,'(i6)')i call flushl(chrtmp) call s_plot(angle,cwide,pwide,chrtmp,xp(i,j),yp(i,j),flush) end if end do end do end if ! ! FS: Draw the free surface. ! if ( show(21) ) then call linclr(icolor(21)) do i = 2,l-1 do j = 1,m-1 if ( kmelt(i,j) == 1 .and. kmelt(i-1,j) == 2) then if ( xsmin <= xc(i,j) .and. xc(i,j) <= xsmax .and. & ysmin <= yc(i,j) .and. yc(i,j) <= ysmax .and. & xsmin <= xc(i,j+1) .and. xc(i,j+1) <= xsmax .and. & ysmin <= yc(i,j+1) .and. yc(i,j+1) <= ysmax ) then call movcgm(xc(i,j),yc(i,j)) call drwcgm(xc(i,j+1),yc(i,j+1)) end if end if end do end do end if ! ! NB: Draw the crucible nodes. ! if ( show(34) ) then call linclr(icolor(34)) filled = .false. csize = 0.0125*srange*scalenb do i = 1,nbot if ( inside(xsmin,xbot(i),xsmax) .and. & inside(ysmin,ybot(i),ysmax) ) then call circle(xbot(i),ybot(i),csize,filled) end if end do end if ! ! NC: Draw the corner nodes. ! if ( show(29) ) then call linclr(icolor(29)) filled = .false. csize = 0.0125*srange*scalenc do i = 1,l do j = 1,m nflag(i,j) = ncflag(i,j) if ( mod(i-1,nxskip) /= 0 ) then nflag(i,j) = .false. end if if ( mod(j-1,nyskip) /= 0 ) then nflag(i,j) = .false. end if if ( nflag(i,j) ) then call diamnd(xc(i,j),yc(i,j),csize,filled) end if end do end do end if ! ! NP: Draw the primary nodes. ! if ( show(4) ) then call linclr(icolor(4)) filled = .false. csize = 0.0125*srange*scalenp do i = 1,l do j = 1,m nflag(i,j) = npflag(i,j) if ( mod(i-1,nxskip) /= 0 ) then nflag(i,j) = .false. end if if ( mod(j-1,nyskip) /= 0 ) then nflag(i,j) = .false. end if if ( nflag(i,j) ) then call circle(xp(i,j),yp(i,j),csize,filled) end if end do end do end if ! ! P: Draw pressure contours in melt region. ! if ( show(5) ) then do i = 1,l do j = 1,m if ( lflag(i,j) .and. kmelt(i,j) >= 2 ) then nflag(i,j) = .true. else nflag(i,j) = .false. end if end do end do if ( show(12) ) then ido = 0 call linclr(icolor(5)) else ido = 1 end if aname = object(5) lbar2 = lbar .and. call lincon(p,aname,echo,icolor,ido,jcmax,jcmin,l,lbar2,m, & maxl,maxm,maxobj,ncon,nflag,srange,x2max,x2min,xp,y1max,y2max,yp) end if ! ! S: Draw stream lines in melt region. ! if ( show(6) ) then do i = 1,l do j = 1,m if ( lflag(i,j) .and. kmelt(i,j) >= 2 ) then nflag(i,j) = .true. else nflag(i,j) = .false. end if end do end do if ( show(35) ) then ido = 0 call linclr(icolor(6)) else ido = 1 end if ! ! Temporary ! ido = 0 aname = object(6) lbar2 = lbar call lincon(psi,aname,echo,icolor,ido,jcmax,jcmin,l,lbar2,m, & maxl,maxm,maxobj,ncon,nflag,srange,x2max,x2min,xp,y1max,y2max,yp) end if ! ! TE: Draw turbulent epsilon contours in melt region. ! if ( show(22) ) then do i = 1,l do j = 1,m if ( lflag(i,j) .and. kmelt(i,j) >= 2 ) then nflag(i,j) = .true. else nflag(i,j) = .false. end if end do end do ido = 1 aname = object(22) lbar2 = lbar call lincon(te,aname,echo,icolor,ido,jcmax,jcmin,l,lbar2,m, & maxl,maxm,maxobj,ncon,nflag,srange,x2max,x2min,xp,y1max,y2max,yp) end if ! ! TEMP: Draw temperature contours in melt and crystal regions. ! if ( show(11) ) then do i = 1,l do j = 1,m if ( lflag(i,j) .and. (kmelt(i,j) >= 2 .or. kcrys(i,j) >= 2) ) then nflag(i,j) = .true. else nflag(i,j) = .false. end if end do end do if ( show(13) ) then ido = 0 call linclr(icolor(11)) else ido = 1 end if aname = object(11) lbar2 = lbar .and. call lincon(t,aname,echo,icolor,ido,jcmax,jcmin,l,lbar2,m, & maxl,maxm,maxobj,ncon,nflag,srange,x2max,x2min,xp,y1max,y2max,yp) end if ! ! TK: Draw turbulent KE contours in melt region. ! if ( show(23) ) then do i = 1,l do j = 1,m if ( lflag(i,j) .and. kmelt(i,j) >= 2 ) then nflag(i,j) = .true. else nflag(i,j) = .false. end if end do end do ido = 1 aname = object(23) lbar2 = lbar call lincon(tk,aname,echo,icolor,ido,jcmax,jcmin,l,lbar2,m, & maxl,maxm,maxobj,ncon,nflag,srange,x2max,x2min,xp,y1max,y2max,yp) end if ! ! VIS: Draw viscosity contours in melt region. ! if ( show(24) ) then do i = 1,l do j = 1,m if ( lflag(i,j) .and. kmelt(i,j) >= 2 ) then nflag(i,j) = .true. else nflag(i,j) = .false. end if end do end do ido = 1 aname = object(24) lbar2 = lbar call lincon(gamt,aname,echo,icolor,ido,jcmax,jcmin,l,lbar2,m, & maxl,maxm,maxobj,ncon,nflag,srange,x2max,x2min,xp,y1max,y2max,yp) end if ! ! VMAG: Draw velocity magnitude contours in melt region. ! if ( show(36) ) then do i = 1,l do j = 1,m if ( lflag(i,j) .and. kmelt(i,j) >= 2 ) then nflag(i,j) = .true. else nflag(i,j) = .false. end if end do end do if ( show(37) ) then ido = 0 call linclr(icolor(36)) else ido = 1 end if aname = object(36) lbar2 = lbar .and. call lincon(vmag,aname,echo,icolor,ido,jcmax,jcmin,l,lbar2,m, & maxl,maxm,maxobj,ncon,nflag,srange,x2max,x2min,xp,y1max,y2max,yp) end if ! ! VORT: Draw vorticity contours in melt. ! if ( show(41) ) then do i = 1,l do j = 1,m if ( lflag(i,j) .and. kmelt(i,j) >= 2 ) then nflag(i,j) = .true. else nflag(i,j) = .false. end if end do end do if ( show(42) ) then ido = 0 call linclr(icolor(41)) else ido = 1 end if aname = object(41) lbar2 = lbar .and. call lincon(vort,aname,echo,icolor,ido,jcmax,jcmin,l,lbar2,m, & maxl,maxm,maxobj,ncon,nflag,srange,x2max,x2min,xp,y1max,y2max,yp) end if ! ! W: Draw angular momentum contours in melt region. ! if ( show(10) ) then do i = 1,l do j = 1,m if ( lflag(i,j) .and. kmelt(i,j) >= 2 ) then nflag(i,j) = .true. else nflag(i,j) = .false. end if end do end do if ( show(14) ) then ido = 0 call linclr(icolor(10)) else ido = 1 end if aname = object(10) lbar2 = lbar .and. call lincon(w,aname,echo,icolor,ido,jcmax,jcmin,l,lbar2,m, & maxl,maxm,maxobj,ncon,nflag,srange,x2max,x2min,xp,y1max,y2max,yp) end if ! ! XC: Draw X coordinate contours. ! if ( show(30) ) then do i = 1,l do j = 1,m if ( lflag(i,j) ) then nflag(i,j) = .true. else nflag(i,j) = .false. end if end do end do if ( show(31) ) then ido = 0 call linclr(icolor(30)) else ido = 1 end if aname = object(30) lbar2 = lbar .and. call lincon(xp,aname,echo,icolor,ido,jcmax,jcmin,l,lbar2,m, & maxl,maxm,maxobj,ncon,nflag,srange,x2max,x2min,xp,y1max,y2max,yp) end if ! ! YC: Draw Y coordinate contours. ! if ( show(32) ) then do i = 1,l do j = 1,m if ( lflag(i,j) ) then nflag(i,j) = .true. else nflag(i,j) = .false. end if end do end do if ( show(33) ) then ido = 0 call linclr(icolor(32)) else ido = 1 end if aname = object(32) lbar2 = lbar .and. call lincon(yp,aname,echo,icolor,ido,jcmax,jcmin,l,lbar2,m, & maxl,maxm,maxobj,ncon,nflag,srange,x2max,x2min,xp,y1max,y2max,yp) end if ! ! V: Draw velocity vectors in melt region. ! if ( show(8) ) then call linclr(icolor(8)) do i = 1,l do j = 1,m nflag(i,j) = npflag(i,j) if ( mod(i-1,nxskip) /= 0 ) then nflag(i,j) = .false. end if if ( mod(j-1,nyskip) /= 0 ) then nflag(i,j) = .false. end if if ( .not.vpflag(i,j) ) then nflag(i,j) = .false. end if if ( kmelt(i,j) <= 1 ) then nflag(i,j) = .false. end if if ( .not.lflag(i,j) ) then nflag(i,j) = .false. end if end do end do ! ! Get the maximum velocity norm of the displayed data. ! call vsize(l,m,maxl,maxm,nflag,u,v,vmax) if ( vmax == 0.0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'GRAPH - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' No nonzero velocity vectors were visible.' else velscl = scalev*0.5*min(nxskip*delx,nyskip*dely)/vmax call vector(l,m,maxl,maxm,nflag,velscl,u,v,xp,yp) end if end if ! ! U: Draw velocity direction vectors in melt region. ! if ( show(9) ) then call linclr(icolor(9)) do i = 1,l do j = 1,m nflag(i,j) = npflag(i,j) if ( mod(i-1,nxskip) /= 0 ) then nflag(i,j) = .false. end if if ( mod(j-1,nyskip) /= 0 ) then nflag(i,j) = .false. end if if ( .not.vpflag(i,j) ) then nflag(i,j) = .false. end if if ( kmelt(i,j) <= 1 ) then nflag(i,j) = .false. end if if ( .not.lflag(i,j) ) then nflag(i,j) = .false. end if end do end do nonzer = 0 do i = 1,l do j = 1,m uu = u(i,j) vv = v(i,j) uvmag = sqrt(uu*uu+vv*vv) if ( uvmag /= 0.0 ) then nonzer = nonzer+1 s1(i,j) = uu/uvmag s2(i,j) = vv/uvmag else s1(i,j) = 0.0 s2(i,j) = 0.0 end if end do end do if ( nonzer > 0 ) then velscl = scalev*0.5*min(nyskip*delx,nxskip*dely) call vector(l,m,maxl,maxm,nflag,velscl,s1,s2,xp,yp) else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'GRAPH - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' No nonzero velocity vectors were visible.' end if end if ! ! Draw (dXCdP, dYCdP) direction vectors in entire region. ! if ( show(27) ) then call linclr(icolor(27)) do i = 1,l do j = 1,m nflag(i,j) = ncflag(i,j) if ( mod(i-1,nxskip) /= 0 ) then nflag(i,j) = .false. end if if ( mod(j-1,nyskip) /= 0 ) then nflag(i,j) = .false. end if if ( .not.lflag(i,j) ) then nflag(i,j) = .false. end if end do end do nonzer = 0 do i = 1,l do j = 1,m uu = dxcdp(i,j) vv = dycdp(i,j) uvmag = sqrt(uu*uu+vv*vv) if ( uvmag /= 0.0 ) then nonzer = nonzer+1 s1(i,j) = uu/uvmag s2(i,j) = vv/uvmag else s1(i,j) = 0.0 s2(i,j) = 0.0 end if end do end do if ( nonzer > 0 ) then velscl = scalev*0.5*min(nyskip*delx,nxskip*dely) call vector(l,m,maxl,maxm,nflag,velscl,s1,s2,xp,yp) else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'GRAPH - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' No (dXCdP,dYCdP) directions, all zero.' end if end if ! ! Pause, if we are doing X-Windows. ! call buzz(dev,x1min,x1max,y1min,y1max) return end subroutine half(e,gamt,jcrys1,jcrys2,kcrys,kmelt,kvoid,l,m, & maxbot,maxl,maxm,nbot,ncflag,npflag,p,pc,psi,rueta,ruksi, & t,te,tk,u,v,vmag,vort,vpflag,w,xbot,xc,xp,ybot,yc,yp) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! HALF removes the reflected data. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input/output, real E(MAXL,MAXM), the magnetic stream function. ! ! Input/output, real GAMT(MAXL,MAXM), the diffusion coefficient. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) JCRYS1, the J coordinate of the column ! of corner nodes that define the left side of the crystal. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) JCRYS2, the J coordinate of the column ! of corner nodes that define the right side of the crystal. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) KCRYS(MAXL,MAXM), ! 0, if control volume (I,J) is away from the crystal. ! 1, if control volume (I,J) is on the external crystal boundary. ! 2, if control volume (I,J) is on the internal crystal boundary. ! 3, if control volume (I,J) is in the crystal interior. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) KMELT(MAXL,MAXM), ! 0, if control volume (I,J) is away from the melt. ! 1, if control volume (I,J) is on the external melt boundary. ! 2, if control volume (I,J) is on the internal melt boundary. ! 3, if control volume (I,J) is in the melt interior. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) KVOID(MAXL,MAXM), ! 0, if control volume (I,J) is away from the void. ! 1, if control volume (I,J) is on the external void boundary. ! 2, if control volume (I,J) is on the internal void boundary. ! 3, if control volume (I,J) is in the void interior. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) L, the number of rows of data. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) M, the number of columns of data. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXL, MAXM, the maximum allowed number of ! rows and columns of data. ! ! Input/output, real P(MAXL,MAXM), the pressure. ! ! Input/output, real PC(MAXL,MAXM), the corrected pressure. ! ! Input/output, real PSI(MAXL,MAXM), the stream function. ! ! Input/output, real RUETA(MAXL,MAXM), RUKSI(MAXL,MAXM), the ! the momentum in the ETA and KSI directions. ! ! Input/output, real T(MAXL,MAXM), the temperature. ! ! Input/output, real TE(MAXL,MAXM), the turbulent epsilon. ! ! Input/output, real TK(MAXL,MAXM), the turbulent K. ! ! Input/output, real U(MAXL,MAXM), the horizontal velocity. ! ! Input/output, real V(MAXL,MAXM), the vertical velocity. ! ! Input/output, real W(MAXL,MAXM), the axial velocity. ! ! Input/output, real X(MAXL,MAXM), the X coordinates of the primary ! nodes. ! ! Input/output, real XC(MAXL,MAXM), the X coordinates of the corner ! nodes. ! ! Input/output, real Y(MAXL,MAXM), the Y coordinates of the primary ! nodes. ! ! Input/output, real YC(MAXL,MAXM), the Y coordinates of the corner ! nodes. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) maxbot integer ( kind = 4 ) maxl integer ( kind = 4 ) maxm real e(maxl,maxm) real gamt(maxl,maxm) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) jcrys1 integer ( kind = 4 ) jcrys2 integer ( kind = 4 ) l integer ( kind = 4 ) kcrys(maxl,maxm) integer ( kind = 4 ) kmelt(maxl,maxm) integer ( kind = 4 ) kvoid(maxl,maxm) integer ( kind = 4 ) m integer ( kind = 4 ) nbot logical ncflag(maxl,maxm) logical npflag(maxl,maxm) real p(maxl,maxm) real pc(maxl,maxm) real psi(maxl,maxm) real rueta(maxl,maxm) real ruksi(maxl,maxm) real t(maxl,maxm) real te(maxl,maxm) real tk(maxl,maxm) real u(maxl,maxm) real v(maxl,maxm) real vmag(maxl,maxm) real vort(maxl,maxm) logical vpflag(maxl,maxm) real w(maxl,maxm) real xbot(maxbot) real xc(maxl,maxm) real xp(maxl,maxm) real ybot(maxbot) real yc(maxl,maxm) real yp(maxl,maxm) m = (m+1)/2 call rhalf(e,l,m,maxl,maxm) call rhalf(gamt,l,m,maxl,maxm) call ihalf(kcrys,l,m,maxl,maxm) call ihalf(kmelt,l,m,maxl,maxm) call ihalf(kvoid,l,m,maxl,maxm) call lhalf(ncflag,l,m,maxl,maxm) call lhalf(npflag,l,m,maxl,maxm) call rhalf(p,l,m,maxl,maxm) call rhalf(pc,l,m,maxl,maxm) call rhalf(psi,l,m,maxl,maxm) call rhalf(rueta,l,m,maxl,maxm) call rhalf(ruksi,l,m,maxl,maxm) call rhalf(t,l,m,maxl,maxm) call rhalf(te,l,m,maxl,maxm) call rhalf(tk,l,m,maxl,maxm) call rhalf(v,l,m,maxl,maxm) call rhalf(u,l,m,maxl,maxm) call rhalf(vort,l,m,maxl,maxm) call lhalf(vpflag,l,m,maxl,maxm) call rhalf(w,l,m,maxl,maxm) call rhalf(xp,l,m,maxl,maxm) call rhalf(xc,l,m,maxl,maxm) call rhalf(yp,l,m,maxl,maxm) call rhalf(yc,l,m,maxl,maxm) ! ! Take care of data defining the extent of the crystal. ! jcrys1 = 1 jcrys2 = jcrys2-m+1 ! ! Take care of data defining the crucible shape. ! nbot = (nbot+1)/2 do i = 1,nbot xbot(i) = xbot(i+nbot-1) ybot(i) = ybot(i+nbot-1) end do ! ! Set the velocity magnitudes. ! do i = 1,l do j = 1,m vmag(i,j) = sqrt(u(i,j)**2+v(i,j)**2) end do end do return end subroutine hello !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! HELLO prints out the program name, date, and purpose. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! None ! implicit none write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'CRYSTAL_PLOT' write ( *, * ) ' FORTRAN90 version' write ( *, * ) ' Last revised on 12 June 1996' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' CRYSTAL_PLOT produces X Window, PostScript or CGM' write ( *, * ) ' graphics output from the data of the 2D finite ' write ( *, * ) ' volume program MASTRAPP2D.' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Scalar quantities can be displayed using contour' write ( *, * ) ' lines or contour colors.' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Vector quantities can be displayed as vectors,' write ( *, * ) ' vector direction fields, stream lines or stream' write ( *, * ) ' contours, and magnitude contours.' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' CHECK OUT THE NEW CRYSC command!' write ( *, * ) ' ' return end subroutine help !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! HELP prints out a list of commands. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! None ! implicit none write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Commands:' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'AXis Show the axis of symmetry.' write ( *, * ) 'BO Show the boundary.' write ( *, * ) 'BAr Show color bar.' write ( *, * ) 'C Choose colors.' write ( *, * ) 'CC = Choose color table.' write ( *, * ) 'CP Corrected pressure contours.' write ( *, * ) 'CPC Corrected pressure colors.' write ( *, * ) 'CRUcible Show the crucible wall.' write ( *, * ) 'CRYB Show the crystal boundary.' write ( *, * ) 'CRYS Display items in crystal.' write ( *, * ) 'CRYSC Color in the crystal.' write ( *, * ) 'CV Show control volumes.' write ( *, * ) 'CVN Show control volume numbers.' write ( *, * ) 'DAT = Specify the plot data file.' write ( *, * ) 'DEV = Specify the graphics output device.' write ( *, * ) 'DIFF Show the difference between two files.' write ( *, * ) 'DOUBLE Reflect the region about the Y axis.' write ( *, * ) 'DXCDP Plot (dXCdP,dYCdP) for a parameter.' write ( *, * ) 'ECHO Echo user input to output file.' write ( *, * ) 'FILE = Set the output file name.' write ( *, * ) 'FRAME Show the frame.' write ( *, * ) 'FS Show the free surface.' write ( *, * ) 'G Show the current graph.' write ( *, * ) 'GRACE = Set the grace margin.' write ( *, * ) 'H Help (print this list).' write ( *, * ) 'HALF Don''t reflect the region about the Y axis.' write ( *, * ) 'ICMAX Set maximum available color.' write ( *, * ) 'ICMIN Set minimum available color.' write ( *, * ) 'JCMAX Set maximum used color.' write ( *, * ) 'JCMIN Set minimum used color.' write ( *, * ) 'MELT Display items in the melt.' write ( *, * ) 'MELTC Color in the melt (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET).' write ( *, * ) 'NB Show bottom nodes.' write ( *, * ) 'NC Show corner nodes.' write ( *, * ) 'NP Show primary nodes.' write ( *, * ) 'NCON = Set number of contour lines.' write ( *, * ) 'NOFRAME Do not show frame.' write ( *, * ) 'NXSKIP Set X node skip.' write ( *, * ) 'NYSKIP Set Y node skip.' write ( *, * ) 'OV Overlay next graphs.' write ( *, * ) 'P Pressure contours.' write ( *, * ) 'PC Pressure colors.' write ( *, * ) 'Q Quit.' write ( *, * ) 'S Stream lines.' write ( *, * ) 'SC Stream colors.' write ( *, * ) 'SCALECV = Set scale factor for control volume numbers.' write ( *, * ) 'SCALENB = Set scale factor for bottom nodes.' write ( *, * ) 'SCALENC = Set scale factor for corner nodes.' write ( *, * ) 'SCALENP = Set scale factor for primary nodes.' write ( *, * ) 'SCALEV = Set velocity vector scale.' write ( *, * ) 'TE Turbulent epsilon.' write ( *, * ) 'TEMP Temperatures.' write ( *, * ) 'TEMPC Temperature colors.' write ( *, * ) 'TITLE = Set title.' write ( *, * ) 'TITLE2 = Set subtitle.' write ( *, * ) 'TK Turbulent K.' write ( *, * ) 'U Unit velocities.' write ( *, * ) 'V Velocity vectors.' write ( *, * ) 'VIS Viscosity.' write ( *, * ) 'VM Velocity magnitude contours.' write ( *, * ) 'VMC Velocity magnitude colors.' write ( *, * ) 'VOID Display items in the void.' write ( *, * ) 'VOIDC Color in the void (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET).' write ( *, * ) 'VORT Vorticity contours.' write ( *, * ) 'VORTC Vorticity colors.' write ( *, * ) 'VPN Set visibile primary nodes.' write ( *, * ) 'W Angular momentum contours.' write ( *, * ) 'WC Angular momentum colors.' write ( *, * ) 'XC X coordinate contours.' write ( *, * ) 'XCC X coordinate colors.' write ( *, * ) 'YC Y coordinate contours.' write ( *, * ) 'YCC Y coordinate colors.' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'TH MH BH top, middle, bottom halves.' write ( *, * ) 'LH CH RH left, center, right halves.' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'TL TC TR top left, center, right quarters.' write ( *, * ) 'ML MC MR middle left, center, right quarters.' write ( *, * ) 'BL BC BR bottom left, center, right quarters.' write ( *, * ) 'X choose arbitrary X, Y subwindow.' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'FULL return to full picture.' return end subroutine iduble(ia,l,m,maxl,maxm) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! IDUBLE shifts and copies integer data when the region is "doubled". ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IA(MAXL,MAXM), the array to ! be adjusted. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) L, M, the number of rows and columns of data. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXL, MAXM, the maximum allowed number of ! rows and columns of data. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) maxl integer ( kind = 4 ) maxm integer ( kind = 4 ) ia(maxl,maxm) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) jj integer ( kind = 4 ) l integer ( kind = 4 ) m ! ! Shift data to the right M-1 columns. ! do i = 1,l do jj = 2*m-1,m,-1 ia(i,jj) = ia(i,jj+1-m) end do end do ! ! Now "reflect" data into columns 1 to M-1. ! do i = 1,l do j = 1,m-1 ia(i,j) = ia(i,2*m-j) end do end do return end subroutine ihalf(ia,l,m,maxl,maxm) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! IHALF adjusts an integer array when the region is cut in half. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IA(MAXL,MAXM), the array to be shifted. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) L, M, the number of rows and columns of data. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXL, MAXM, the maximum allowed number of ! rows and columns of data. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) maxl integer ( kind = 4 ) maxm integer ( kind = 4 ) ia(maxl,maxm) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) l integer ( kind = 4 ) m ! ! Shift data to the left M-1 columns. ! do i = 1,l do j = 1,m ia(i,j) = ia(i,j+m-1) end do end do return end subroutine init(b1jbl,b2jbl,b3jbl,cost,cost2,delx,dely,dev,echo,fildat, & filgrf,filinp,grace,icmax,icmin,icolor,icrys1,icrys2,iplot,itable,jcmax, & jcmin,jcrys1,jcrys2,l,lbar,m,maxbot,maxl,maxm,maxobj,nbot,ncflag,ncon, & nflag,npflag,nxskip,nyskip,object,ovrlay,p,pc,psi,reflec,scalecv,scalenb, & scalenc,scalenp,scalev,show,title,title2,u,v,vpflag,vmag,vort,x1max,x1min, & x2max,x2min,xbot,xc,xmax,xmin,xp,xsmax,xsmin,xtmax,xtmin,y1max,y1min,y2max, & y2min,ybot,yc,ymax,ymin,yp,ysmax,ysmin,ytmax,ytmin) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! INIT initializes the values of data. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! DEV Output, character*10 DEV. ! The graphics output device to be used. Current legal ! values for DEV include: ! ! cgmb - CGM binary file. ! ps - PostScript file. ! xws - X window screen (interactive). ! ! FILDAT Output, character*80 FILDAT. ! The name of the data file to be read in, which contains ! the information defining the mesh and the physical ! parameters. ! ! FILGRF Output, character*80 FILGRF, the name of the output ! graphics file. ! ! FILINP Output, character*80 FILINP. ! The name of a file in which will be placed a copy of the ! input typed by the user while running Display. ! ! GRACE Output, real GRACE. ! The size of the "grace" margin on the plot. ! ! ICMAX, ! ICMIN Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) ICMAX, ICMIN, the maximum and ! minimum color indices to use in the color bar. ! ! ICOLOR Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) ICOLOR(MAXOBJ). ! Contains the color indexes for each object. ! However, in some cases, ICOLOR is actual a color table ! index. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) ICRYS1, the I coordinate of the row of corner ! nodes that define the bottom of the crystal. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) ICRYS2, the I coordinate of the row of corner ! nodes that define the top of the crystal. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPLOT. ! The number of plots made so far. ! ! ITABLE Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) ITABLE, the desired color table. ! ! 1: low black to high white ! 2: low blue to high yellow ! 3: low red, high blue, with bands between. ! 4: low red, yellow, green, blue, high white. ! 5: low white, blue, green, yellow, high red. ! 6: low blue to high red ! 7: linear table between 2 user colors. ! 8: linear table between N user colors. ! 9: low white to high black. ! ! JCMAX, ! JCMIN Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) JCMAX, JCMIN, the maximum and ! minimum color indices to use in the color bar. ! ! LBAR Output, logical LBAR, is .TRUE. if the color bar should ! be shown. ! ! MAXBOT Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXBOT, the maximum storage for the nodes ! that define the crucible bottom. ! ! MAXL, ! MAXM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXL, MAXM, the maximum allowed number of ! rows and columns of data. ! ! MAXOBJ Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXOBJ. ! The number of graphical "objects". ! ! NBOT Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NBOT, the number of crucible nodes. ! ! NCON Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCON. ! The number of contour lines to be drawn. This is ! initialized to 12, but may be changed by the user. ! ! NFLAG Output, logical NFLAG(MAXL,MAXM). ! ! NFLAG is used to "flag" which nodes are active, ! that is, to be displayed, and which not, in the graph. ! ! NXSKIP Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NXSKIP. ! NXSKIP is used to "thin" out a vector plot. ! ! If NXSKIP = 1, then a standard vector plot is made. ! ! Otherwise, in the X direction, vectors are drawn only ! in columns 1, 1+NXSKIP, 1+2*NXSKIP and so on. ! ! NYSKIP Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NYSKIP. ! NYSKIP is used to "thin" out a vector plot. ! ! If NYSKIP = 1, then a standard vector plot is made. ! ! Otherwise, in the Y direction, vectors are drawn only ! in rows 1, 1+NYSKIP, 1+2*NYSKIP and so on. ! ! OBJECT Input, character*25 OBJECT(MAXOBJ), the names of the ! graphical objects. ! ! OVRLAY Input, logical OVRLAY. ! If OVRLAY is true, then the next time that a plot is ! requested, a "new frame" command is suppressed, so that ! the new plot is shown on top of the previous one. ! ! P Output, real P(MAXL,MAXM), the pressure. ! ! PC Output, real PC(MAXL,MAXM), the corrected pressure. ! ! PSI Output, real PSI(MAXL,MAXM), the stream function. ! ! REFLEC Output, logical REFLEC, .TRUE. if the region is ! reflected, .FALSE. otherwise. ! ! SCALECV Output, real SCALECV. ! A scale factor for the control volume numbers, which has a ! default value of 1. ! ! SCALENB Output, real SCALENB. ! A scale factor for the size of the nodes that define the ! crucible shape, which has a default value of 1. ! ! SCALENC Output, real SCALENC. ! A scale factor for the size of the corner nodes, which has a ! default value of 1. ! ! SCALENP Output, real SCALENP. ! A scale factor for the size of the primary nodes, which has a ! default value of 1. ! ! SCALEV Output, real SCALEV. ! A scale factor for velocity vectors. This starts out at 1.0. ! ! SHOW Output, logical SHOW(MAXOBJ). ! Contains, for each object, a flag determining whether it ! is to be shown or not. ! ! TITLE Output, character*40 TITLE. ! A title for the plots. ! ! TITLE2 Output, character*40 TITLE2. ! A subtitle used in the profile plots. ! ! U Output, real U(MAXL,MAXM), the horizontal velocity. ! ! V Output, real V(MAXL,MAXM), the vertical velocity. ! ! VPFLAG Output, logical VPFLAG(MAXL,MAXM), a flag which determines ! whether vector data at a given node should be displayed. ! ! VMAG Output, real VMAG(MAXL,MAXM), the velocity magnitudes. ! ! X Output, real X(MAXL,MAXM), the X coordinates of the primary ! nodes. ! ! X1MAX, ! X1MIN Output, real X1MAX, X1MIN, the maximum and minimum X ! coordinates of the plot, which includes a small grace margin. ! ! X2MAX, ! X2MIN Input, real X2MAX, X2MIN, the maximum and minimum X ! coordinates that should be used for plotting. No plotting ! commands should exceed these values. This is where the ! "frame" might be drawn. ! ! XBOT Output, real XBOT(NBOT), the X coordinates of the crucible ! bottom nodes. ! ! XSMAX Input, real XSMAX. ! The maximum X coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! XSMAX defaults to XMAX, but can be made smaller to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! XSMIN Input, real XSMIN. ! The minimum X coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! XSMIN defaults to XMIN, but can be made larger to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! Y Output, real Y(MAXL,MAXM), the Y coordinates of the primary ! nodes. ! ! Y1MAX, ! Y1MIN Output, real Y1MAX, Y1MIN, the maximum and minimum Y ! coordinates of the plot, which includes a small grace margin. ! ! Y2MAX, ! Y2MIN Input, real Y2MAX, Y2MIN, the maximum and minimum Y ! coordinates that should be used for plotting. No plotting ! commands should exceed these values. This is where the ! "frame" might be drawn. ! ! XBOT Output, real XBOT(NBOT), the X coordinates of the crucible ! bottom nodes. ! ! YSMAX Input, real YSMAX. ! The maximum Y coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! YSMAX defaults to YMAX, but can be made smaller to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! YSMIN Input, real YSMIN. ! The minimum Y coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! YSMIN defaults to YMIN, but can be made larger to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) maxbot integer ( kind = 4 ) maxl integer ( kind = 4 ) maxm integer ( kind = 4 ) maxobj real b1jbl(maxm) real b2jbl(maxm) real b3jbl(maxl) real cost real cost2 real delx real dely character ( len = 10 ) dev logical echo character ( len = 80 ) fildat character ( len = 80 ) filgrf character ( len = 80 ) filinp real grace integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) icmax integer ( kind = 4 ) icmin integer ( kind = 4 ) icolor(maxobj) integer ( kind = 4 ) icrys1 integer ( kind = 4 ) icrys2 integer ( kind = 4 ) iplot integer ( kind = 4 ) itable integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmax integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmin integer ( kind = 4 ) jcrys1 integer ( kind = 4 ) jcrys2 integer ( kind = 4 ) l logical lbar integer ( kind = 4 ) m integer ( kind = 4 ) nbot logical ncflag(maxl,maxm) integer ( kind = 4 ) ncon logical nflag(maxl,maxm) logical npflag(maxl,maxm) integer ( kind = 4 ) nxskip integer ( kind = 4 ) nyskip character ( len = 25 ) object(maxobj) logical ovrlay real p(maxl,maxm) real pc(maxl,maxm) real psi(maxl,maxm) logical reflec real scalecv real scalenb real scalenc real scalenp real scalev logical show(maxobj) character ( len = 40 ) title character ( len = 40 ) title2 real u(maxl,maxm) real v(maxl,maxm) logical vpflag(maxl,maxm) real vmag(maxl,maxm) real vort(maxl,maxm) real x1max real x1min real x2max real x2min real xbot(maxbot) real xc(maxl,maxm) real xmax real xmin real xp(maxl,maxm) real xsmax real xsmin real xtmax real xtmin real y1max real y1min real y2max real y2min real ybot(maxbot) real yc(maxl,maxm) real ymax real ymin real yp(maxl,maxm) real ysmax real ysmin real ytmax real ytmin do i = 1,maxm b1jbl(i) = 0.0 b2jbl(i) = 0.0 end do do i = 1,maxl b3jbl(i) = 0.0 end do cost = 0.0 cost2 = 0.0 delx = 0.0 dely = 0.0 dev = ' ' echo = .false. fildat = 'cplot.dat' filgrf = ' ' filinp = 'cplot.inp' grace = 0.01 icmax = 255 icmin = 2 do i = 1,maxobj icolor(i) = 1 end do icolor(2) = 2 icrys1 = 1 icrys2 = 1 iplot = 0 itable = 9 jcmax = 200 jcmin = 32 jcrys1 = 1 jcrys2 = 1 l = 1 lbar = .true. m = 1 nbot = 0 do i = 1,maxl do j = 1,maxm ncflag(i,j) = .false. end do end do ncon = 9 do i = 1,maxl do j = 1,maxm nflag(i,j) = .false. end do end do do i = 1,maxl do j = 1,maxm npflag(i,j) = .false. end do end do nxskip = 1 nyskip = 1 object(1) = 'Boundary' object(2) = 'Element' object(3) = 'Frame' object(4) = 'Primary nodes' object(5) = 'Pressure' object(6) = 'Stream lines' object(7) = 'Title' object(8) = 'Velocities' object(9) = 'Directions' object(10) = 'Ang Mom' object(11) = 'Temperature' object(12) = 'Pressure colors' object(13) = 'Temperature colors' object(14) = 'Ang Mom colors' object(15) = 'X velocity' object(16) = 'Y velocity' object(17) = 'X velocity colors' object(18) = 'Y velocity colors' object(19) = 'Crucible' object(20) = 'Crystal side' object(21) = 'Free surface' object(22) = 'Turbulent Epsilon' object(23) = 'Turbulent KE' object(24) = 'Viscosity' object(25) = 'Corrected pressure' object(26) = 'Corrected pressure colors' object(27) = '(dXCdP, dYCdP) vectors' object(28) = 'Axis of symmetry' object(29) = 'Corner nodes' object(30) = 'X coordinate' object(31) = 'X coordinate colors' object(32) = 'Y coordinate' object(33) = 'Y coordinate colors' object(34) = 'Crucible nodes' object(35) = 'Stream colors' object(36) = 'Velocity magnitude' object(37) = 'Velocity magnitude colors' object(38) = 'Void interior' object(39) = 'Crystal interior' object(40) = 'Melt interior' object(41) = 'Vorticity contours' object(42) = 'Vorticity colors' object(43) = 'control volume numbers' object(44) = 'Crystal color' object(45) = 'Melt color' object(46) = 'Void color' ovrlay = .false. do i = 1,maxl do j = 1,maxm p(i,j) = 0.0 end do end do do i = 1,maxl do j = 1,maxm pc(i,j) = 0.0 end do end do do i = 1,maxl do j = 1,maxm psi(i,j) = 0.0 end do end do reflec = .false. scalecv = 1.0 scalenb = 1.0 scalenc = 1.0 scalenp = 1.0 scalev = 1.0 do i = 1,maxobj show(i) = .false. end do show(1) = .false. show(3) = .false. show(7) = .true. show(19) = .true. show(20) = .true. show(21) = .true. show(28) = .true. show(38) = .false. show(39) = .true. show(40) = .true. title = ' ' title2 = ' ' do i = 1,maxl do j = 1,maxm u(i,j) = 0.0 v(i,j) = 0.0 end do end do do i = 1,maxl do j = 1,maxm vpflag(i,j) = .true. end do end do do i = 1,maxl do j = 1,maxm vort(i,j) = 0.0 end do end do x2max = 1.0 x2min = 0.0 do i = 1,maxbot xbot(i) = 0.0 end do do i = 1,maxl do j = 1,maxm xc(i,j) = 0.0 end do end do xmax = 0.0 xmin = 0.0 do i = 1,maxl do j = 1,maxm xp(i,j) = 0.0 end do end do xsmax = 0.0 xsmin = 0.0 xtmax = 0.0 xtmin = 0.0 y2max = 1.0 y2min = 0.0 do i = 1,maxbot ybot(i) = 0.0 end do do i = 1,maxl do j = 1,maxm yc(i,j) = 0.0 end do end do ymax = 0.0 ymin = 0.0 yp(1:maxl,1:maxm) = 0.0 ysmax = 0.0 ysmin = 0.0 ytmax = 0.0 ytmin = 0.0 ! ! Set things that depend on other things. ! do i = 1,maxl do j = 1,maxm vmag(i,j) = sqrt(u(i,j)**2+v(i,j)**2) end do end do x1min = x2min-grace*(x2max+x2min) x1max = x2max+grace*(x2max+x2min) y1min = y2min-grace*(y2max+y2min) y1max = y2max+(grace+0.05)*(y2max+y2min) return end function inside(x1,xmid,x2) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! INSIDE reports whether XMID is, or is not, between X1 and X2. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real X1, XMID, X2, three values to be tested. ! ! INSIDE Output, logical INSIDE. ! ! INSIDE will be TRUE if XMID is "inside" the interval ! spanned by X1 and X2. That is, if ! ! X1 < = XMID <= X2 ! or ! X2 < = XMID <= X1 ! ! Otherwise, INSIDE will be FALSE. ! implicit none logical inside real x1 real x2 real xmid if ( (x1 <= xmid .and. xmid <= x2) .or. (x1 >= xmid .and. xmid >= x2) ) then inside = .true. else inside = .false. end if return end subroutine lduble ( a, l, m, maxl, maxm ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! LDUBLE shifts and copies logical data when the region is "doubled". ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input/output, logical A(MAXL,MAXM), the array to ! be adjusted. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) L, M, the number of rows and columns of data. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXL, MAXM, the maximum allowed number of ! rows and columns of data. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) maxl integer ( kind = 4 ) maxm logical a(maxl,maxm) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) jj integer ( kind = 4 ) l integer ( kind = 4 ) m ! ! Shift data to right M-1 columns. ! do i = 1,l do jj = 2*m-1,m,-1 a(i,jj) = a(i,jj+1-m) end do end do ! ! Now "reflect" data into columns 1 to M-1. ! do i = 1,l do j = 1,m-1 a(i,j) = a(i,2*m-j) end do end do return end subroutine lhalf ( a, l, m, maxl, maxm ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! LHALF adjusts a logical array when the region is cut in half. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input/output, logical A(MAXL,MAXM), the array to be shifted. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) L, M, the number of rows and columns of data. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXL, MAXM, the maximum allowed number of ! rows and columns of data. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) maxl integer ( kind = 4 ) maxm logical a(maxl,maxm) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) l integer ( kind = 4 ) m ! ! Shift data to left M-1 columns. ! do i = 1,l do j = 1,m a(i,j) = a(i,j+m-1) end do end do return end subroutine lincon(a,aname,echo,icolor,ido,jcmax,jcmin,l,lbar2,m, & maxl,maxm,maxobj,ncon,nflag,srange,x2max,x2min,xp,y1max,y2max,yp) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! LINCON supervises the creation of a line contour plot. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IDO. ! 0, draw the contours in black. ! 1, draw the contours in a sequence of colors. ! ! Input, real A(MAXL,MAXM), the quantity to be contoured. ! ! Input, character*(*) ANAME, the name of the quantity ! to be contoured. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ICOLOR(MAXOBJ). ! Contains the color indexes for each object. ! However, in some cases, ICOLOR is actual a color table ! index. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) JCMAX, JCMIN, the maximum and ! minimum color indices to use in the color bar. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) L, the number of rows of data. ! ! Input, logical LBAR2, is .TRUE. if the color bar should ! be shown. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) M, the number of columns of data. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXL, MAXM, the maximum allowed number of ! rows and columns of data. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXOBJ. ! The number of graphical "objects". ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCON, the number of color contour ! regions drawn, and hence, the number of colors ! to be displayed in the color bar. ! ! Input, logical NFLAG(MAXL,MAXM). ! NFLAG is used to "flag" which nodes are active, ! that is, to be displayed, and which not, in the graph. ! ! Input, real SRANGE. ! The maximum of XSMAX-XSMIN and YSMAX-YSMIN. ! This gives the size of a square containing the data ! window. ! ! Input, real X(MAXL,MAXM), the X coordinates of the primary ! nodes. ! ! Input, real X2MAX, X2MIN, the maximum and minimum X ! coordinates that should be used for plotting. No plotting ! commands should exceed these values. This is where the ! "frame" might be drawn. ! ! Input, real Y(MAXL,MAXM), the Y coordinates of the primary ! nodes. ! ! Input, real Y2MAX, Y2MIN, the maximum and minimum Y ! coordinates that should be used for plotting. No plotting ! commands should exceed these values. This is where the ! "frame" might be drawn. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) maxl integer ( kind = 4 ) maxm integer ( kind = 4 ) maxobj real a(maxl,maxm) character ( len = * ) aname logical echo integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) icolor(maxobj) integer ( kind = 4 ) ido integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmax integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmin integer ( kind = 4 ) jcolor integer ( kind = 4 ) l logical lbar2 integer ( kind = 4 ) m integer ( kind = 4 ) ncon logical nflag(maxl,maxm) real smax real smin real srange real sval real x1 real x2 real x2max real x2min real xp(maxl,maxm) real y1 real y1max real y2 real y2max real yp(maxl,maxm) ! ! Get the minimum and maximum values of the data. ! call fsize(l,m,maxl,maxm,nflag,a,smax,smin) ! ! Don't draw the contours if the maximum is not greater than the minimum. ! if ( smax <= smin ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'LINCON - Warning!' write(*,'(a)')aname write ( *, * ) ' No contours, all values equal.' return end if ! ! Allow the user to adjust the range of the data. ! call setsiz(echo,aname,smax,smin) ! ! Draw each contour line. ! do i = 1,ncon if ( ido == 1 ) then jcolor = int(((ncon-i)*jcmin+i*jcmax)/real(ncon)) call linclr(jcolor) end if sval = ((ncon+1-i)*smin+i*smax)/real(ncon+1) call tricon(l,m,maxl,maxm,nflag,a,sval,xp,yp) end do if ( lbar2 ) then x1 = x2min x2 = x2max y1 = y2max y2 = y1max call cbar(icolor,jcmax,jcmin,maxobj,ncon,smax,smin,srange, x1,x2,y1,y2) end if return end function lnei ( s1, s2 ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! LNEI compares two strings for non-equality, ignoring case. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 14 April 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, character ( len = * ) S1, S2, the strings to compare. ! ! Output, logical LNEI, the result of the comparison. ! implicit none character c1 character c2 integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) len1 integer ( kind = 4 ) len2 integer ( kind = 4 ) lenc logical lnei character ( len = * ) s1 character ( len = * ) s2 len1 = len ( s1 ) len2 = len ( s2 ) lenc = min ( len1, len2 ) lnei = .true. do i = 1, lenc c1 = s1(i:i) c2 = s2(i:i) call ch_cap ( c1 ) call ch_cap ( c2 ) if ( c1 /= c2 ) then return end if end do do i = lenc+1, len1 if ( s1(i:i) /= ' ' ) then return end if end do do i = lenc+1, len2 if ( s2(i:i) /= ' ' ) then return end if end do lnei = .false. return end subroutine pltbox(grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax, & xsmin,y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PLTBOX computes a square box containing the data. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real GRACE. ! The size of the "grace" margin on the plot. ! ! SRANGE Output, real SRANGE. ! The maximum of XSMAX-XSMIN and YSMAX-YSMIN. ! This gives the size of a square containing the data ! window. ! ! X1MAX, ! X1MIN Output, real X1MAX, X1MIN, the maximum and minimum X ! coordinates of the plot, which includes a small grace margin. ! ! X2MAX, ! X2MIN Output, real X2MAX, X2MIN, the maximum and minimum X ! coordinates that should be used for plotting. No plotting ! commands should exceed these values. This is where the ! "frame" might be drawn. ! ! XSMAX Input, real XSMAX. ! The maximum X coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! XSMAX defaults to XMAX, but can be made smaller to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! XSMIN Input, real XSMIN. ! The minimum X coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! XSMIN defaults to XMIN, but can be made larger to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! Y1MAX, ! Y1MIN Output, real Y1MAX, Y1MIN, the maximum and minimum Y ! coordinates of the plot, which includes a small grace margin. ! ! Y2MAX, ! Y2MIN Output, real Y2MAX, Y2MIN, the maximum and minimum Y coordinates that ! should be used for plotting. No plotting commands should ! exceed these values. This is where the "frame" might be drawn. ! ! YSMAX Input, real YSMAX. ! The maximum Y coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! YSMAX defaults to YMAX, but can be made smaller to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! YSMIN Input, real YSMIN. ! The minimum Y coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! YSMIN defaults to YMIN, but can be made larger to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! implicit none real grace real srange real x1max real x1min real x2max real x2min real xsmax real xsmin real y1max real y1min real y2max real y2min real ysmax real ysmin srange = max(xsmax-xsmin,ysmax-ysmin) if ( srange <= 0.0 ) then srange = 1.0 end if x2min = 0.5*(xsmin+xsmax)-0.5*srange x2max = 0.5*(xsmin+xsmax)+0.5*srange y2min = 0.5*(ysmin+ysmax)-0.5*srange y2max = 0.5*(ysmin+ysmax)+0.5*srange x1min = x2min-grace*(x2max-x2min) x1max = x2max+grace*(x2max-x2min) y1min = y2min-grace*(y2max-y2min) y1max = y2max+(grace+0.05)*(y2max-y2min) write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PLTBOX - Note:' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' New total picture coordinates:' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) x1min,' X1MIN < = X <= X1MAX ',x1max write ( *, * ) y1min,' Y1MIN < = Y <= Y1MAX ',y1max write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' New graphing area coordinates:' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) x2min,' X2MIN < = X <= X2MAX ',x2max write ( *, * ) y2min,' Y2MIN < = Y <= Y2MAX ',y2max write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' New data window coordinates:' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) xsmin,' XSMIN < = X <= XSMAX ',xsmax write ( *, * ) ysmin,' YSMIN < = Y <= YSMAX ',ysmax return end subroutine preplt ( dev, echo, filgrf, icmax, icmin, iplot, itable, & lgopen, ovrlay ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PREPLT should be called before doing each plot. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, character*10 DEV. ! The graphics output device to be used. Current legal ! values for DEV include: ! cgmb - CGM binary file. ! ps - PostScript file. ! xws - X window screen (interactive). ! ! FILGRF Input, character*80 FILGRF, the name of the output ! graphics file. ! ! ICMAX, ! ICMIN Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ICMAX, ICMIN. ! The maximum and minimum color indices to be used from ! the color table. The color table contains 256 colors, ! but color indices 1 and 2 are black and white, and for some ! reason, the predefined DRAWCGM tables generally only ! use 2-200 for sensible colors. ! ! Of course the entries in the color table are "off by one". ! The first entry is for color 0, and the 256-th entry for ! color 255. ! ! IPLOT Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPLOT. ! The number of plots made so far. ! ! If IPLOT is less than or equal to 1, it is reset to 1. ! ! ITABLE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ITABLE, the desired color table. ! ! 1: low black to high white ! 2: low blue to high yellow ! 3: low red, high blue, with bands between. ! 4: low red, yellow, green, blue, high white. ! 5: low white, blue, green, yellow, high red. ! 6: low blue to high red ! 7: linear table between 2 user colors. ! 8: linear table between N user colors. ! 9: low white to high black. ! ! OVRLAY Input, logical OVRLAY. ! If OVRLAY is true, then the next time that a plot is ! requested, a "new frame" command is suppressed, so that ! the new plot is shown on top of the previous one. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: nval = 2 character ( len = * ) dev logical echo character ( len = 80 ) filgrf integer ( kind = 4 ) icmax integer ( kind = 4 ) icmin integer ( kind = 4 ) icolor integer ( kind = 4 ) iplot integer ( kind = 4 ) itable logical, save :: linit = .false. logical lgopen logical ovrlay real xval(nval) real yval(nval) ! ! If it's the first picture, then ! ! Choose an output device, ! Give the output file a name, ! Initialize the graphics package. ! if ( .not.linit ) then linit = .true. if ( dev == ' ' ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PrePlt - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' No output device was specified.' write ( *, * ) ' PostScript output will be generated.' dev = 'ps' end if call device(dev) if ( dev == 'cgmb' ) then if ( filgrf == ' ' ) then filgrf = 'cplot.cgm' end if call outfil(filgrf) else if ( dev == 'ps' ) then if ( filgrf == ' ' ) then filgrf = '' end if call outfil(filgrf) end if if ( itable == 0 ) then itable = 1 end if call settab(echo,icmax,icmin,itable) call grfini lgopen = .true. xval(1) = 0.0 xval(2) = 1.0 yval(1) = 0.0 yval(2) = 1.0 call setscl(xval,yval,nval) icolor = 1 call linclr(icolor) call filclr(icolor) ! ! Else, if it's a later picture, ! ! Issue a "new frame" command, unless an overlay was requested. ! else if ( .not.ovrlay ) then call newfrm end if end if iplot = iplot+1 return end subroutine rduble ( a, l, m, maxl, maxm, name ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! RDUBLE shifts and copies real data when the region is doubled. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input/output, real A(MAXL,MAXM), the array of data to be ! modified. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) L, the number of rows of data. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) M, the number of columns of data. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXL, MAXM, the maximum allowed number of ! rows and columns of data. ! ! Input, character*(*) NAME, the name of the array being ! shifted. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) maxl integer ( kind = 4 ) maxm real a(maxl,maxm) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) jj integer ( kind = 4 ) l integer ( kind = 4 ) m character ( len = * ) name ! ! Shift data to the right M-1 columns. ! do i = 1,l do jj = 2*m-1,m,-1 a(i,jj) = a(i,jj+1-m) end do end do ! ! Now "reflect" data into columns 1 to M-1. ! do i = 1,l do j = 1,m-1 a(i,j) = a(i,2*m-j) end do end do ! ! Special adjustments for certain arrays. ! (I'm just absolutely guessing that RUETA is the horizontal-like ! velocity here). ! if ( name == 'rueta' .or. name == 'u' .or. name == 'w' .or. & name == 'xp' .or. name == 'xc' ) then do i = 1,l do j = 1,m-1 a(i,j) = -a(i,j) end do end do end if return end subroutine rhalf ( a, l, m, maxl, maxm ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! RHALF shifts the information in a real array when the region is halved. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input/output, real A(MAXL,MAXM), the array to be shifted. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) L, the number of rows of data. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) M, the number of columns of data. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXL, MAXM, the maximum allowed number of ! rows and columns of data. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) maxl integer ( kind = 4 ) maxm real a(maxl,maxm) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) l integer ( kind = 4 ) m ! ! Shift data to left M-1 columns. ! do i = 1,l do j = 1,m a(i,j) = a(i,j+m-1) end do end do return end subroutine rsdiff(cost2,dxcdp,dxdp,dycdp,dydp,e,gamt,l,m,maxl, & maxm,nbot,p,pc,psi,rueta,ruksi,t,te,tempa,tk,tnow2, & u,v,vmag,vort,w,xc,xp,yc,yp) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! RSDIFF reads in restart information and computes differences. ! ! Discussion: ! ! We assume one set of information was previously read in. RSDIFF ! reads in a second set, and replaces the two sets of information ! by their differences. ! ! It has to interchange X and Y data, because of some strange ! convention in CRYSTAL. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! COST2 Output, real COST2, the value of the cost functional ! associated with the second solution. ! ! DXCDP Output, real DXCDP(MAXL,MAXM), the difference between ! the second and first values of XC. ! ! DXDP Output, real DXDP(MAXL,MAXM), the difference between ! the second and first values of X. ! ! DYCDP Output, real DYCDP(MAXL,MAXM), the difference between ! the second and first values of YC. ! ! DYDP Output, real DYDP(MAXL,MAXM), the difference between ! the second and first values of Y. ! ! E Input/output, real E(MAXL,MAXM). ! ! On input, the magnetic stream function. ! On output, the difference between the second and first values. ! ! GAMT Input, real GAMT(MAXL,MAXM). ! ! On input, the diffusion coefficient. ! On output, the difference between the second and first values. ! ! L Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) L, the number of rows of data. ! ! M Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) M, the number of columns of data. ! ! MAXL, ! MAXM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXL, MAXM, the maximum allowed number of ! rows and columns of data. ! ! P Input/output, real P(MAXL,MAXM). ! ! On input, the pressure. ! On output, the difference between the second and first values. ! ! PC Input/output, real PC(MAXL,MAXM). ! ! On input, the corrected pressure. ! On output, the difference between the second and first values. ! ! PSI Input/output, real PSI(MAXL,MAXM). ! ! On input, the stream function. ! On output, the difference between the second and first values. ! ! RUETA, ! RUKSI Input/output, real RUETA(MAXL,MAXM), RUKSI(MAXL,MAXM). ! ! On input, the momentum in the ETA and KSI directions. ! On output, the difference between the second and first values. ! ! T Input/output, real T(MAXL,MAXM). ! ! On input, the temperature. ! On output, the difference between the second and first values. ! ! TE Input/output, real TE(MAXL,MAXM). ! ! On input, the turbulent epsilon. ! On output, the difference between the second and first values. ! ! TEMP Workspace, real TEMP(MAXL,MAXM). ! ! TK Input/output, real TK(MAXL,MAXM). ! ! On input, the turbulent K. ! On output, the difference between the second and first values. ! ! TNOW2 Output, real TNOW2, the second time. ! ! U Input/output, real U(MAXL,MAXM). ! ! On input, the horizontal velocity. ! On output, the difference between the second and first values. ! ! V Input/output, real V(MAXL,MAXM). ! ! On input, the vertical velocity. ! On output, the difference between the second and first values. ! ! W Input/output, real W(MAXL,MAXM). ! ! On input, the axial velocity. ! On output, the difference between the second and first values. ! ! X Input, real X(MAXL,MAXM), the X coordinates of the primary ! nodes. ! ! XC Input, real XC(MAXL,MAXM), the X coordinates of the corner ! nodes. ! ! Y Input, real Y(MAXL,MAXM), the Y coordinates of the primary ! nodes. ! ! YC Input, real YC(MAXL,MAXM), the Y coordinates of the corner ! nodes. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) maxl integer ( kind = 4 ) maxm real cost2 real dxcdp(maxl,maxm) real dxdp(maxl,maxm) real dycdp(maxl,maxm) real dydp(maxl,maxm) real e(maxl,maxm) real gamt(maxl,maxm) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) l integer ( kind = 4 ) l2 integer ( kind = 4 ) m integer ( kind = 4 ) m2 integer ( kind = 4 ) nbot real p(maxl,maxm) real pc(maxl,maxm) real psi(maxl,maxm) real rueta(maxl,maxm) real ruksi(maxl,maxm) real t(maxl,maxm) real te(maxl,maxm) real tempa(maxl,maxm) real tk(maxl,maxm) real tnow2 real u(maxl,maxm) real v(maxl,maxm) real vmag(maxl,maxm) real vort(maxl,maxm) real w(maxl,maxm) real xc(maxl,maxm) real xp(maxl,maxm) real yc(maxl,maxm) real yp(maxl,maxm) read(10,*)cost2 read(10,*)l2 if ( l2 /= l ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'RSDIFF - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Second input file has L2 = ',l2 write ( *, * ) ' but first input file has L = ',l stop end if ! ! The next two read statements are just "dummies". ! read(10,*)i read(10,*)i read(10,*)m2 if ( m2 /= m ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'RSDIFF - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Second input file has M2 = ',m2 write ( *, * ) ' but first input file has M = ',m stop end if read(10,*)i read(10,*)tnow2 read(10,'(6g14.5)')((tempa(i,j),i = 1,l),j=1,m) do i = 1,l do j = 1,m e(i,j) = tempa(i,j)-e(i,j) end do end do read(10,'(6g14.5)')((tempa(i,j),i = 1,l),j=1,m) do i = 1,l do j = 1,m gamt(i,j) = tempa(i,j)-gamt(i,j) end do end do read(10,'(6g14.5)')((tempa(i,j),i = 1,l),j=1,m) do i = 1,l do j = 1,m p(i,j) = tempa(i,j)-p(i,j) end do end do read(10,'(6g14.5)')((tempa(i,j),i = 1,l),j=1,m) do i = 1,l do j = 1,m pc(i,j) = tempa(i,j)-pc(i,j) end do end do read(10,'(6g14.5)')((tempa(i,j),i = 1,l),j=1,m) do i = 1,l do j = 1,m psi(i,j) = tempa(i,j)-psi(i,j) end do end do read(10,'(6g14.5)')((tempa(i,j),i = 1,l),j=1,m) do i = 1,l do j = 1,m rueta(i,j) = tempa(i,j)-rueta(i,j) end do end do read(10,'(6g14.5)')((tempa(i,j),i = 1,l),j=1,m) do i = 1,l do j = 1,m ruksi(i,j) = tempa(i,j)-ruksi(i,j) end do end do read(10,'(6g14.5)')((tempa(i,j),i = 1,l),j=1,m) do i = 1,l do j = 1,m t(i,j) = tempa(i,j)-t(i,j) end do end do read(10,'(6g14.5)')((tempa(i,j),i = 1,l),j=1,m) do i = 1,l do j = 1,m te(i,j) = tempa(i,j)-te(i,j) end do end do read(10,'(6g14.5)')((tempa(i,j),i = 1,l),j=1,m) do i = 1,l do j = 1,m tk(i,j) = tempa(i,j)-tk(i,j) end do end do read(10,'(6g14.5)')((tempa(i,j),i = 1,l),j=1,m) do i = 1,l do j = 1,m v(i,j) = tempa(i,j)-v(i,j) end do end do read(10,'(6g14.5)')((tempa(i,j),i = 1,l),j=1,m) do i = 1,l do j = 1,m u(i,j) = tempa(i,j)-u(i,j) end do end do read(10,'(6g14.5)')((tempa(i,j),i = 1,l),j=1,m) do i = 1,l do j = 1,m vort(i,j) = tempa(i,j)-vort(i,j) end do end do read(10,'(6g14.5)')((tempa(i,j),i = 1,l),j=1,m) do i = 1,l do j = 1,m w(i,j) = tempa(i,j)-w(i,j) end do end do read(10,'(6g14.5)')((tempa(i,j),i = 1,l),j=1,m) do i = 1,l do j = 1,m dydp(i,j) = tempa(i,j)-yp(i,j) end do end do read(10,'(6g14.5)')(tempa(i,1),i = 1,nbot) read(10,'(6g14.5)')((tempa(i,j),i = 1,l),j=1,m) do i = 1,l do j = 1,m dycdp(i,j) = tempa(i,j)-yc(i,j) end do end do read(10,'(6g14.5)')((tempa(i,j),i = 1,l),j=1,m) do i = 1,l do j = 1,m dxdp(i,j) = tempa(i,j)-xp(i,j) end do end do read(10,'(6g14.5)')(tempa(i,1),i = 1,nbot) read(10,'(6g14.5)')((tempa(i,j),i = 1,l),j=1,m) do i = 1,l do j = 1,m dxcdp(i,j) = tempa(i,j)-xc(i,j) end do end do ! ! Set the velocity magnitudes. ! do i = 1,l do j = 1,m vmag(i,j) = sqrt(u(i,j)**2+v(i,j)**2) end do end do return end subroutine rsize(delx,dely,grace,l,m,maxl,maxm,ncflag,npflag, & srange,vpflag,xc,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xmax,xmin,xsmax,xsmin, & yc,y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ymax,ymin,ysmax,ysmin) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! RSIZE computes the size of the region. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! DELX Input, real DELX. ! The X spacing between nodes. In some cases, ! this spacing is modified to create isoparametric elements. ! ! DELY Input, real DELY. ! The Y spacing between nodes. In some cases, ! this spacing is modified to create isoparametric elements. ! ! GRACE Input, real GRACE. ! The size of the "grace" margin on the plot. ! ! L Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) L, the number of rows of data. ! ! M Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) M, the number of columns of data. ! ! MAXL, ! MAXM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXL, MAXM, the maximum allowed number of ! rows and columns of data. ! ! SRANGE Input, real SRANGE. ! The maximum of XSMAX-XSMIN and YSMAX-YSMIN. ! This gives the size of a square containing the data ! window. ! ! VPFLAG Input, logical VPFLAG(MAXL,MAXM), a flag which determines ! whether vector data at a given node should be displayed. ! ! X1MAX, ! X1MIN Output, real X1MAX, X1MIN, the maximum and minimum X ! coordinates of the plot, which includes a small grace margin. ! ! X2MAX, ! X2MIN Output, real X2MAX, X2MIN, the maximum and minimum X ! coordinates that should be used for plotting. No plotting ! commands should exceed these values. This is where the ! "frame" might be drawn. ! ! XC Input, real XC(MAXL,MAXM). ! The X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! XMAX Output, real XMAX. ! The maximum X coordinate of all the nodes. ! The maximum entry in the XC array. ! ! XMIN Output, real XMIN. ! The minimum X coordinate of all the nodes. ! The minimum entry in the XC array. ! ! XSMAX Output, real XSMAX. ! The maximum X coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! XSMAX defaults to XMAX, but can be made smaller to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! XSMIN Output, real XSMIN. ! The minimum X coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! XSMIN defaults to XMIN, but can be made larger to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! Y1MAX, ! Y1MIN Output, real Y1MAX, Y1MIN, the maximum and minimum Y ! coordinates of the plot, which includes a small grace margin. ! ! Y2MAX, ! Y2MIN Output, real Y2MAX, Y2MIN, the maximum and minimum Y ! coordinates that should be used for plotting. No plotting ! commands should exceed these values. This is where the ! "frame" might be drawn. ! ! YC Input, real YC(MAXL,MAXM). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! ! YMAX Output, real YMAX. ! The maximum Y coordinate of all the nodes. ! The maximum value attained by the YC array. ! ! YMIN Output, real YMIN. ! The minimum Y coordinate of all the nodes. ! The minimum value attained by the YC array. ! ! YSMAX Output, real YSMAX. ! The maximum Y coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! YSMAX defaults to YMAX, but can be made smaller to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! ! YSMIN Output, real YSMIN. ! The minimum Y coordinate of the data to be displayed. ! YSMIN defaults to YMIN, but can be made larger to ! focus on a portion of the region. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) maxl integer ( kind = 4 ) maxm real delx real dely real grace integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) l integer ( kind = 4 ) m logical ncflag(maxl,maxm) logical npflag(maxl,maxm) real srange logical vpflag(maxl,maxm) real xc(maxl,maxm) real x1max real x1min real x2max real x2min real xmax real xmin real xsmax real xsmin real yc(maxl,maxm) real y1max real y1min real y2max real y2min real ymax real ymin real ysmax real ysmin ! ! Reset the nodal flags to TRUE. ! ncflag(1:l,1:m) = .true. do i = 1,l do j = 1,m npflag(i,j) = .true. end do end do do i = 1,l do j = 1,m vpflag(i,j) = .true. end do end do ! ! Find the maximum and minimum values of X and Y at the corner nodes. ! call fsize(l,m,maxl,maxm,ncflag,xc,xmax,xmin) call fsize(l,m,maxl,maxm,ncflag,yc,ymax,ymin) ! ! DELX and DELY are estimates for the X and Y dimensions of the ! region. For various reasons, we are going to behave as though ! the region were a square. ! delx = (xmax-xmin)/real(l) dely = (ymax-ymin)/real(m) write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'RSize - Note:' write ( *, * ) ' Physical data coordinates:' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) xmin,' = XMIN <= XC <= XMAX = ',xmax write ( *, * ) ymin,' = YMIN <= YC <= YMAX = ',ymax ! ! In order to allow display of data from repeated steps with a ! fixed window, we will only reset the window if it hasn't been ! set already. ! if ( xsmin == xsmax .or. ysmin == ysmax .or. & xmin > xsmax .or. xmax < xsmin .or. & ymin > ysmax .or. ymax < ysmin ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'RSIZE - Note:' write ( *, * ) ' Setting data window to physical window!' ! ! Data window starts out the same as physical window. ! xsmax = xmax xsmin = xmin ysmax = ymax ysmin = ymin ! ! Compute box containing data. ! call pltbox(grace,srange,x1max,x1min,x2max,x2min,xsmax, & xsmin,y1max,y1min,y2max,y2min,ysmax,ysmin) end if return end subroutine rsread(b1jbl,b2jbl,b3jbl,cost,e,gamt,icrys1,icrys2,jcrys1,jcrys2, & kcrys,kmelt,kvoid,l,m,maxbot,maxl,maxm,nbot,p,pc,psi,rueta,ruksi,t, & te,tk,tnow,u,v,vmag,vort,w,xbot,xc,xp,ybot,yc,yp) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! RSREAD reads in restart information. ! ! Discussion: ! ! It has to interchange X and Y data, because of some ! strange convention in CRYSTAL. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Output, real COST, the value of the cost functional ! associated with this solution. ! ! Output, real E(MAXL,MAXM), the magnetic stream function. ! ! Output, real GAMT(MAXL,MAXM), the diffusion coefficient. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) ICRYS1, the I coordinate of the row of corner ! nodes that define the bottom of the crystal. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) ICRYS2, the I coordinate of the row of corner ! nodes that define the top of the crystal. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) JCRYS1, the J coordinate of the column of ! corner nodes that define the left side of the crystal. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) JCRYS2, the J coordinate of the column of ! corner nodes that define the right side of the crystal. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) KCRYS(MAXL,MAXM), ! 0, if control volume (I,J) is away from the crystal. ! 1, if control volume (I,J) is on the external crystal boundary. ! 2, if control volume (I,J) is on the internal crystal boundary. ! 3, if control volume (I,J) is in the crystal interior. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) KMELT(MAXL,MAXM), ! 0, if control volume (I,J) is away from the melt. ! 1, if control volume (I,J) is on the external melt boundary. ! 2, if control volume (I,J) is on the internal melt boundary. ! 3, if control volume (I,J) is in the melt interior. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) KVOID(MAXL,MAXM), ! 0, if control volume (I,J) is away from the void. ! 1, if control volume (I,J) is on the external void boundary. ! 2, if control volume (I,J) is on the internal void boundary. ! 3, if control volume (I,J) is in the void interior. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) L, the number of rows of data. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) M, the number of columns of data. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXBOT, the maximum storage for the nodes ! that define the crucible bottom. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXL, MAXM, the maximum allowed number of ! rows and columns of data. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NBOT, the number of crucible nodes. ! ! Output, real P(MAXL,MAXM), the pressure. ! ! Output, real PC(MAXL,MAXM), the corrected pressure. ! ! Output, real PSI(MAXL,MAXM), the stream function. ! ! Output, real RUETA(MAXL,MAXM), RUKSI(MAXL,MAXM), the ! the momentum in the ETA and KSI directions. ! ! Output, real T(MAXL,MAXM), the temperature. ! ! Output, real TE(MAXL,MAXM), the turbulent epsilon. ! ! Output, real TK(MAXL,MAXM), the turbulent K. ! ! Output, real TNOW, the current time. ! ! Output, real U(MAXL,MAXM), the horizontal velocity. ! ! Output, real V(MAXL,MAXM), the vertical velocity. ! ! Output, real VMAG(MAXL,MAXM), the velocity magnitude. ! ! Output, real VORT(MAXL,MAXM), the vorticity. ! ! Output, real W(MAXL,MAXM), the axial velocity. ! ! Output, real X(MAXL,MAXM), the X coordinates of the primary nodes. ! ! Output, real XBOT(NBOT), the X coordinates of the crucible bottom nodes. ! ! Output, real XC(MAXL,MAXM), the X coordinates of the corner nodes. ! ! Output, real Y(MAXL,MAXM), the Y coordinates of the primary nodes. ! ! Output, real YBOT(NBOT), the Y coordinates of the crucible bottom nodes. ! ! Output, real YC(MAXL,MAXM), the Y coordinates of the corner nodes. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) maxbot integer ( kind = 4 ) maxl integer ( kind = 4 ) maxm real b1jbl(maxm) real b2jbl(maxm) real b3jbl(maxl) real cost real e(maxl,maxm) real gamt(maxl,maxm) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) icrys1 integer ( kind = 4 ) icrys2 integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) jcrys1 integer ( kind = 4 ) jcrys2 integer ( kind = 4 ) kcrys(maxl,maxm) integer ( kind = 4 ) kmelt(maxl,maxm) integer ( kind = 4 ) kvoid(maxl,maxm) integer ( kind = 4 ) l integer ( kind = 4 ) m character ( len = 6 ) name integer ( kind = 4 ) nbot real p(maxl,maxm) real pc(maxl,maxm) real psi(maxl,maxm) real rueta(maxl,maxm) real ruksi(maxl,maxm) real t(maxl,maxm) real te(maxl,maxm) real tk(maxl,maxm) real tnow real u(maxl,maxm) real v(maxl,maxm) real vmag(maxl,maxm) real vort(maxl,maxm) real w(maxl,maxm) real xbot(maxbot) real xc(maxl,maxm) real xp(maxl,maxm) real ybot(maxbot) real yc(maxl,maxm) real yp(maxl,maxm) name = 'cost' read(10,*,end = 10,err=20)cost name = 'l' read(10,*,end = 10,err=20)l if ( l > maxl ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'RSREAD - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Input data file has L = ',l write ( *, * ) ' but CRYSTAL_PLOT has MAXL = ',maxl stop end if name = 'jcrys2' read(10,*,end = 10,err=20)jcrys2 name = 'icrys1' read(10,*,end = 10,err=20)icrys1 name = 'm' read(10,*,end = 10,err=20)m if ( m > maxm ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'RSREAD - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Input data file has M = ',m write ( *, * ) ' but CRYSTAL_PLOT has MAXM = ',maxm stop end if name = 'nbot' read(10,*,end = 10,err=20)nbot name = 'tnow' read(10,*,end = 10,err=20)tnow name = 'b1jbl' read(10,'(6g14.5)',end = 10,err=20)(b1jbl(i),i=1,m) name = 'b2jbl' read(10,'(6g14.5)',end = 10,err=20)(b2jbl(i),i=1,m) name = 'b3jbl' read(10,'(6g14.5)',end = 10,err=20)(b3jbl(i),i=1,l) name = 'e' read(10,'(6g14.5)',end = 10,err=20)((e(i,j),i=1,l),j=1,m) name = 'gamt' read(10,'(6g14.5)',end = 10,err=20)((gamt(i,j),i=1,l),j=1,m) name = 'p' read(10,'(6g14.5)',end = 10,err=20)((p(i,j),i=1,l),j=1,m) name = 'pc' read(10,'(6g14.5)',end = 10,err=20)((pc(i,j),i=1,l),j=1,m) name = 'psi' read(10,'(6g14.5)',end = 10,err=20)((psi(i,j),i=1,l),j=1,m) name = 'rueta' read(10,'(6g14.5)',end = 10,err=20)((rueta(i,j),i=1,l),j=1,m) name = 'ruksi' read(10,'(6g14.5)',end = 10,err=20)((ruksi(i,j),i=1,l),j=1,m) name = 't' read(10,'(6g14.5)',end = 10,err=20)((t(i,j),i=1,l),j=1,m) name = 'te' read(10,'(6g14.5)',end = 10,err=20)((te(i,j),i=1,l),j=1,m) name = 'tk' read(10,'(6g14.5)',end = 10,err=20)((tk(i,j),i=1,l),j=1,m) name = 'v' read(10,'(6g14.5)',end = 10,err=20)((v(i,j),i=1,l),j=1,m) name = 'u' read(10,'(6g14.5)',end = 10,err=20)((u(i,j),i=1,l),j=1,m) name = 'vort' read(10,'(6g14.5)',end = 10,err=20)((vort(i,j),i=1,l),j=1,m) name = 'w' read(10,'(6g14.5)',end = 10,err=20)((w(i,j),i=1,l),j=1,m) name = 'y' read(10,'(6g14.5)',end = 10,err=20)((yp(i,j),i=1,l),j=1,m) name = 'ybot' read(10,'(6g14.5)',end = 10,err=20)(ybot(i),i=1,nbot) name = 'yc' read(10,'(6g14.5)',end = 10,err=20)((yc(i,j),i=1,l),j=1,m) name = 'x' read(10,'(6g14.5)',end = 10,err=20)((xp(i,j),i=1,l),j=1,m) name = 'xbot' read(10,'(6g14.5)',end = 10,err=20)(xbot(i),i=1,nbot) name = 'xc' read(10,'(6g14.5)',end = 10,err=20)((xc(i,j),i=1,l),j=1,m) ! ! Set the velocity magnitudes. ! do i = 1,l do j = 1,m vmag(i,j) = sqrt(u(i,j)**2+v(i,j)**2) end do end do ! ! Set the last crystal row (L), and the first crystal column (1). ! icrys2 = l jcrys1 = 1 ! ! Set a marker for where each node is. ! Regions are: ! ! C - crystal ! M - melt ! V - void ! do i = 1,l do j = 1,m if ( i < icrys1-1 .or. j > jcrys2+1 ) then kcrys(i,j) = 0 else if ( i == icrys1-1 .and. j <= jcrys2+1 ) then kcrys(i,j) = 1 else if ( i >= icrys1-1 .and. j == jcrys2+1 ) then kcrys(i,j) = 1 else if ( i == icrys1 .and. j <= jcrys2 ) then kcrys(i,j) = 2 else if ( i >= icrys1 .and. j == jcrys2 ) then kcrys(i,j) = 2 else if ( i == l .and. j <= jcrys2 ) then kcrys(i,j) = 2 else if ( i >= icrys1 .and. j == 1 ) then kcrys(i,j) = 2 else kcrys(i,j) = 3 end if end do end do do i = 1,l do j = 1,m if ( i > icrys1 ) then kmelt(i,j) = 0 else if ( i == icrys1 ) then kmelt(i,j) = 1 else if ( i == icrys1-1 ) then kmelt(i,j) = 2 else if ( i <= icrys1-1 .and. j == m ) then kmelt(i,j) = 2 else if ( i == 1 ) then kmelt(i,j) = 2 else kmelt(i,j) = 3 end if end do end do do i = 1,l do j = 1,m if ( i < icrys1-1 ) then kvoid(i,j) = 0 else if ( j < jcrys2 ) then kvoid(i,j) = 0 else if ( i == icrys1-1 .and. j >= jcrys2 ) then kvoid(i,j) = 1 else if ( i >= icrys1-1 .and. j == jcrys2 ) then kvoid(i,j) = 1 else if ( i == icrys1 .and. j >= jcrys2+1 ) then kvoid(i,j) = 2 else if ( i >= icrys1 .and. j == jcrys2+1 ) then kvoid(i,j) = 2 else kvoid(i,j) = 3 end if end do end do return 10 continue write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'RSREAD - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' End-of-file while reading data.' write ( *, * ) ' RSREAD was trying to read variable ' // name stop 20 continue write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'RSREAD - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' READ error while reading data.' write ( *, * ) ' RSREAD was trying to read ' // name stop end subroutine s_blank_delete ( s ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! S_BLANK_DELETE removes blanks from a string, left justifying the remainder. ! ! Discussion: ! ! All TAB characters are also removed. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 26 July 1998 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input/output, character ( len = * ) S, the string to be transformed. ! implicit none ! character c integer ( kind = 4 ) iget integer ( kind = 4 ) iput integer ( kind = 4 ) nchar character ( len = * ) s character, parameter :: TAB = char ( 9 ) ! iput = 0 nchar = len_trim ( s ) do iget = 1, nchar c = s(iget:iget) if ( c /= ' ' .and. c /= TAB ) then iput = iput + 1 s(iput:iput) = c end if end do s(iput+1:nchar) = ' ' return end subroutine s_cap ( s ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! S_CAP replaces any lowercase letters by uppercase ones in a string. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 28 June 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input/output, character ( len = * ) S, the string to be transformed. ! implicit none character c integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) nchar character ( len = * ) s nchar = len_trim ( s ) do i = 1, nchar c = s(i:i) call ch_cap ( c ) s(i:i) = c end do return end function s_eqi ( s1, s2 ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! S_EQI is a case insensitive comparison of two strings for equality. ! ! Example: ! ! S_EQI ( 'Anjana', 'ANJANA' ) is .TRUE. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 14 April 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, character ( len = * ) S1, S2, the strings to compare. ! ! Output, logical S_EQI, the result of the comparison. ! implicit none character c1 character c2 integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) len1 integer ( kind = 4 ) len2 integer ( kind = 4 ) lenc logical s_eqi character ( len = * ) s1 character ( len = * ) s2 len1 = len ( s1 ) len2 = len ( s2 ) lenc = min ( len1, len2 ) s_eqi = .false. do i = 1, lenc c1 = s1(i:i) c2 = s2(i:i) call ch_cap ( c1 ) call ch_cap ( c2 ) if ( c1 /= c2 ) then return end if end do do i = lenc + 1, len1 if ( s1(i:i) /= ' ' ) then return end if end do do i = lenc + 1, len2 if ( s2(i:i) /= ' ' ) then return end if end do s_eqi = .true. return end subroutine s_plot ( angle, cwide, pwide, s, x, y, flush ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! S_PLOT plots a character string onto a graphics image. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The string can be at any angle and at any size. ! ! The plot is assumed to be of size PWIDE by PHITE, although PHITE ! itself is not input. ! ! This routine must be modified to work with a particular graphics package. ! The current code calls two routines: ! MOVCGM ( X, Y ) moves to a point (X,Y) in the plot; ! DRWCGM ( X, Y ) draws a line from the current point to (X,Y). ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 14 April 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real ANGLE, the angle in degrees at which the ! string is to be drawn. 0 is typical. 90 degrees would ! cause the string to be written from top to bottom. ! ! Input, real CWIDE, the width of the characters. This ! is measured in the same units as the plot width PWIDE. ! For PWIDE = 1, a plot size of 0.025 would be reasonable, ! since 40 characters would fit, but 2.0 would be nonsense. ! ! Input, real PWIDE, the width of the plot, in the same ! units as CWIDE. ! ! Input, character ( len = * ) S, contains the text to be plotted. ! Only characters with ASCII codes between 32 and 126 will actually ! be plotted. Any other characters are "unprintable", and will be ! plotted as blanks. ! ! Input, real X, Y, the coordinates of a point which ! determines where the string is drawn. The string will ! be drawn starting at, centered or, or ending at (X,Y), ! depending on the value of FLUSH. ! ! Input, character ( len = * ) FLUSH, a string which specifies how to place ! the string. Only the first character of FLUSH is examined, and the case of ! the character is not important. ! ! 'L' - the string will be drawn flush left. ! 'C' - the string will be centered. ! 'R' - the string will be drawn flush right. ! implicit none real, parameter :: PI = 3.1415926535 real, parameter :: DEG_TO_RAD = PI / 180.0 real angle real ca character c real cwide character ( len = * ) flush integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) iascii integer ( kind = 4 ) icr integer ( kind = 4 ), save, dimension ( 1617 ) :: ifont integer ( kind = 4 ) ip integer ( kind = 4 ) ipen integer ( kind = 4 ), save, dimension ( 95 ) :: ipoint integer ( kind = 4 ) iv integer ( kind = 4 ) nchar integer ( kind = 4 ) nmax integer ( kind = 4 ) nvec real pwide logical rotate character ( len = * ) s real sa real scl2 real x real xb real xc real xcopy real xnew real xold real xrot real xt real y real yb real yc real ycopy real ynew real yold real yrot real yt ! ! IPOINT is a pointer array into IFONT. ! ! IPOINT(I) records where the "strokes" for character I begin ! in the IFONT array. ! data ( ipoint(i), i = 1, 95 ) / & 1, 3, 26, 45, 66, 102, 130, 156, 166, 186, 206, 222, 233, & 249, 255, 267, 273, 293, 306, 328, 353, 363, 383, 411, 423, 457, & 483, 506, 533, 541, 552, 560, 587, 625, 638, 665, 683, 699, 714, & 727, 754, 770, 786, 805, 818, 826, 838, 848, 868, 884, 909, 930, & 956, 967, 981, 989,1001,1012,1025,1035,1045,1051,1061,1069,1075, & 1081,1108,1131,1149,1172,1194,1214,1243,1260,1284,1307,1323,1336, & 1364,1381,1401,1424,1447,1464,1486,1499,1516,1524,1536,1547,1560, & 1570,1586,1592,1608 / ! ! IFONT contains the strokes defining the various symbols. ! data ( ifont(i), i = 1, 396 ) / & 1, 0, 2,10,11, 9,22,10,23,11,22,10,11, 0, 9, 7, 9, 9,11, 9,11, 7, & 9, 7, 0, 2, 8,17, 7,23, 9,23, 8,17, 0,14,17,13,23,15,23,14,17, 0, & 4, 9,23, 7, 7, 0,13,23,11, 7, 0, 5,17,15,17, 0, 5,13,15,13, 0, 3, & 15,19,13,21, 9,21, 7,19, 7,17, 9,15,13,15,15,13,15,11,13, 9, 9, 9, & 7,11, 0, 9,23, 9, 7, 0,13,23,13, 7, 0, 3, 5,23, 9,23, 9,19, 5,19, & 5,23, 0,17,23, 5, 7, 0,13, 7,13,11,17,11,17, 7,13, 7, 0, 1,17, 7, & 7,17, 7,19, 9,21,13,21,15,19,15,17, 5,13, 5,11, 9, 7,13, 7,17,15, & 0, 1,10,17, 9,23,11,23,10,17, 0, 1,12,23,11,21,10,19, 9,17, 9,15, & 9,13,10,11,11, 9,12, 7, 0, 1,12,23,13,21,14,19,15,17,15,15,15,13, & 14,11,13, 9,12, 7, 0, 3, 7,15,15,15, 0,13,19, 9,11, 0, 9,19,13,11, & 0, 2, 7,15,15,15, 0,11,19,11,11, 0, 1,11, 7, 9, 7, 9, 9,11, 9,11, & 7,11, 6,10, 4, 0, 1, 7,15,15,15, 0, 1, 9, 7, 9, 9,11, 9,11, 7, 9, & 7, 0, 1,15,23, 7, 7, 0, 1, 9,23,13,23,15,19,15,11,13, 7, 9, 7, 7, & 11, 7,19, 9,23, 0, 2, 7,21, 9,23, 9, 7, 0, 7, 7,11, 7, 0, 1, 5,21, & 9,23,15,23,17,21,17,19,15,17, 7,13, 5,10, 5, 7,17, 7, 0, 2, 5,23, & 17,23,15,17,13,15, 9,15, 0,13,15,17,13,17,10,14, 7, 8, 7, 5,10, 0, & 1,13, 7,13,23, 5,13,17,13, 0, 1,17,23, 5,23, 5,17,13,17,17,15,17, & 11,13, 7, 9, 7, 5,11, 0, 1,17,19,13,23, 9,23, 5,19, 5,13, 9,15,13 / data ( ifont(i), i = 397, 792 ) / & 15,17,13,17,11,13, 7, 9, 7, 5,11, 5,13, 0, 1, 5,19, 5,23,17,23,11, & 15,11, 7, 0, 1, 8,15, 6,17, 6,21, 8,23,14,23,16,21,16,17,14,15, 8, & 15, 5,13, 5, 9, 8, 7,14, 7,17, 9,17,13,14,15, 0, 1,17,17,15,15, 7, & 15, 5,17, 5,21, 7,23,15,23,17,21,17,11,15, 7, 7, 7, 5,11, 0, 2, 9, & 13, 9,15,11,15,11,13, 9,13, 0, 9, 7, 9, 9,11, 9,11, 7, 9, 7, 0, 2, & 9,13, 9,15,11,15,11,13, 9,13, 0,11, 7, 9, 7, 9, 9,11, 9,11, 7,11, & 6,10, 4, 0, 1,17,21, 5,15,17, 9, 0, 2, 7,15,15,15, 0, 7, 9,15, 9, & 0, 1, 5,21,17,15, 5, 9, 0, 2, 7,21, 9,23,13,23,15,21,15,19,11,15, & 11,11, 0,10, 7,10, 9,12, 9,12, 7,10, 7, 0, 1,13, 7, 9, 7, 5,11, 5, & 19, 9,23,13,23,17,19,17,11,15, 9,13,11,12,10,10,10, 9,11, 9,15,10, & 16,12,16,13,15,13,11, 0, 2, 5, 7,11,23,17, 7, 0, 8,15,14,15, 0, 2, & 5, 7, 5,23,15,23,17,21,17,17,15,15, 5,15, 0,15,15,17,13,17, 9,15, & 7, 5, 7, 0, 1,17,19,13,23, 9,23, 5,19, 5,11, 9, 7,13, 7,17,11, 0, & 1, 5, 7, 5,23,13,23,17,19,17,11,13, 7, 5, 7, 0, 2,17,23, 5,23, 5, & 7,17, 7, 0, 5,15,12,15, 0, 2, 5, 7, 5,23,17,23, 0, 5,15,12,15, 0, & 2,17,19,13,23, 9,23, 5,19, 5,11, 9, 7,13, 7,17,11,17,15,13,15, 0, & 17,11,17, 7, 0, 3, 5, 7, 5,23, 0, 5,15,17,15, 0,17,23,17, 7, 0, 3, & 9,23,13,23, 0,11,23,11, 7, 0, 9, 7,13, 7, 0, 2,15,23,15,11,12, 7 / data ( ifont(i), i = 793, 1188 ) / & 8, 7, 5,11, 5,13, 0,13,23,17,23, 0, 2, 5, 7, 5,23, 0,17,23, 5,15, & 17, 7, 0, 1, 5,23, 5, 7,17, 7, 0, 1, 5, 7, 5,23,11,11,17,23,17, 7, & 0, 1, 5, 7, 5,23,17, 7,17,23, 0, 1,17,19,13,23, 9,23, 5,19, 5,11, & 9, 7,13, 7,17,11,17,19, 0, 1, 5, 7, 5,23,13,23,17,21,17,17,13,15, & 5,15, 0, 2,17,19,13,23, 9,23, 5,19, 5,11, 9, 7,13, 7,17,11,17,19, & 0,13,11,17, 7, 0, 2, 5, 7, 5,23,13,23,17,21,17,17,13,15, 5,15, 0, & 13,15,17, 7, 0, 1,17,19,13,23, 9,23, 5,20, 5,18, 9,15,13,15,17,12, & 17,10,13, 7, 9, 7, 5,10, 0, 2, 5,23,17,23, 0,11,23,11, 7, 0, 1, 5, & 23, 5,10, 8, 7,14, 7,17,10,17,23, 0, 1, 5,23,11, 7,17,23, 0, 1, 5, & 23, 8, 7,11,17,14, 7,17,23, 0, 2, 5,23,17, 7, 0,17,23, 5, 7, 0, 2, & 5,23,11,13,17,23, 0,11,13,11, 7, 0, 1, 5,23,17,23, 5, 7,17, 7, 0, & 1,11,23, 7,23, 7, 7,11, 7, 0, 1, 7,23,15, 7, 0, 1, 7,23,11,23,11, & 7, 7, 7, 0, 1, 7,21,11,23,15,21, 0, 1, 5, 3,17, 3, 0, 1, 9,23,13, & 19, 0, 2, 7,14, 9,15,13,15,15,14,15, 7, 0,15,12, 9,12, 7,11, 7, 8, & 9, 7,13, 7,15, 8, 0, 2, 7,23, 7, 7, 0, 7,13, 9,15,13,15,15,13,15, & 9,13, 7, 9, 7, 7, 9, 0, 1,15,13,13,15, 9,15, 7,13, 7, 9, 9, 7,13, & 7,15, 9, 0, 2,15,13,13,15, 9,15, 7,13, 7, 9, 9, 7,13, 7,15, 9, 0, & 15,23,15, 7, 0, 1, 7,11,15,11,15,13,13,15, 9,15, 7,13, 7, 9, 9, 7 / data ( ifont(i), i = 1189, 1584 ) / & 13, 7,15, 9, 0, 3, 9, 7, 9,23,13,23,13,22, 0, 8,15,12,15, 0, 8, 7, & 11, 7, 0, 2,15,13,13,15, 9,15, 7,13, 7, 9, 9, 7,13, 7,15, 9, 0,15, & 13,15, 3,13, 1, 9, 1, 7, 3, 0, 2, 7, 7, 7,23, 0, 7,14, 9,15,13,15, & 15,14,15, 7, 0, 3, 9,15,11,15,11, 7, 0, 9, 7,13, 7, 0, 9,17, 9,19, & 11,19,11,17, 9,17, 0, 2, 9,15,11,15,11, 1, 7, 1, 7, 3, 0, 9,17,11, & 17,11,19, 9,19, 9,17, 0, 3, 7, 7, 7,23, 0,15,15, 7,10, 0, 9,11,15, & 7, 0, 2, 9,23,11,23,11, 7, 0, 9, 7,13, 7, 0, 3, 7,15, 7, 7, 0, 7, & 14, 8,15,10,15,11,14,11, 7, 0,11,14,12,15,14,15,15,14,15, 7, 0, 2, & 7, 7, 7,15, 0, 7,14, 9,15,13,15,15,14,15, 7, 0, 1, 7,13, 9,15,13, & 15,15,13,15, 9,13, 7, 9, 7, 7, 9, 7,13, 0, 2, 7,13, 9,15,13,15,15, & 13,15, 9,13, 7, 9, 7, 7, 9, 0, 7,14, 7, 1, 0, 2,15,13,13,15, 9,15, & 7,13, 7, 9, 9, 7,13, 7,15, 9, 0,15,14,15, 1, 0, 2, 7,15, 9,15, 9, & 7, 0, 9,13,11,15,13,15,15,13, 0, 1,15,13,13,15, 9,15, 7,13, 9,11, & 13,11,15, 9,13, 7, 9, 7, 7, 9, 0, 2, 9,23, 9, 7,11, 7, 0, 7,17,11, & 17, 0, 2, 7,15, 7, 9, 9, 7,13, 7,15, 9, 0,15,15,15, 7, 0, 1, 7,15, & 11, 7,15,15, 0, 1, 7,15, 9, 7,11,11,13, 7,15,15, 0, 2, 7,15,15, 7, & 0, 7, 7,15,15, 0, 2, 7,15,11, 7, 0,15,15,10, 5, 7, 1, 0, 1, 7,15, & 15,15, 7, 7,15, 7, 0, 1,11,23, 7,23, 9,17, 7,15, 9,13, 7, 7,11, 7 / data ( ifont(i), i = 1585, 1617 ) / & 0, 1, 9,23, 9, 7, 0, 1, 7,23,11,23, 9,17,11,15, 9,13,11, 7, 7, 7, & 0, 1, 5,21, 7,23,15,21,17,23, 0 / nchar = len_trim ( s ) if ( pwide <= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'S_PLOT - Serious error!' write ( *, * ) ' The plot width PWIDE is negative!' write ( *, * ) ' PWIDE = ', pwide return end if ! ! Chop titles that are too long. To do this, we need to know the ! width of the plot (PWIDE) in same units as CWIDE. ! nmax = int ( pwide / cwide ) if ( nchar > nmax ) then nchar = nmax end if ! ! Shift string if centering or right flush option used. ! if ( flush(1:1) == 'l' .or. flush(1:1) == 'L' ) then xcopy = x ycopy = y else if ( flush(1:1) == 'c' .or. flush(1:1) == 'C' ) then xcopy = x - 0.5 * nchar * cwide * cos ( angle * DEG_TO_RAD ) ycopy = y - 0.5 * nchar * cwide * sin ( angle* DEG_TO_RAD ) else if ( flush(1:1) == 'r' .or. flush(1:1) == 'R' ) then xcopy = x - nchar * cwide * cos ( angle * DEG_TO_RAD ) ycopy = y - nchar * cwide * sin ( angle * DEG_TO_RAD ) else xcopy = x ycopy = y end if ! ! Note that screen coordinates are used. ! Thus a width of 0.1 is intended to mean 1/10 of screen size. ! ! Set the scale factor for character height. ! scl2 = cwide / 16.0 ! ! Set the starting point for the line of text, the lower left ! corner of the first character. ! ! Set the origin about which rotation is performed. ! xb = xcopy xrot = xcopy yb = ycopy yrot = ycopy ! ! Get trig functions if rotation required, converting from ! degrees to radians. ! if ( angle == 0.0 ) then rotate = .false. else ca = cos ( angle * DEG_TO_RAD ) sa = sin ( angle * DEG_TO_RAD ) rotate = .true. end if ! ! Loop over all characters in the string. ! do icr = 1, nchar xold = x yold = y xnew = x ynew = y ! ! Get the ASCII code for the character and shift by 31 so that ! the first printable character becomes code 1. ! c = s(icr:icr) iascii = ichar ( c ) - 31 ! ! Replace any nonprintable characters with blanks. ! if ( iascii < 1 .or. iascii > 95 ) then iascii = 1 end if ! ! Get the pointer to this character in font table. ! ip = ipoint(iascii) ! ! Get the number of "vectors" required to draw the character. ! Here "vectors" means the number of times the pen is lowered, not ! the number of pen strokes. ! ! For blanks, this number is 1, due to the way the ! algorithm is coded. ! nvec = ifont(ip) ! ! Loop over all required pen movements. ! do iv = 1, nvec ipen = 3 ip = ip + 1 10 continue if ( ifont(ip) == 0 ) then go to 20 end if xc = xb + ( ifont(ip) - 1 ) * scl2 yc = yb + ( ifont(ip+1) - 7 ) * scl2 ! ! Apply rotation if necessary. ! if ( rotate ) then xt = xc - xrot yt = yc - yrot xc = xrot + ca * xt - sa * yt yc = yrot + sa * xt + ca * yt end if ! ! Plot the pen stroke. ! if ( ipen == 3 ) then xnew = xc ynew = yc else xold = xnew yold = ynew xnew = xc ynew = yc ! ! Call the user supplied routine to draw a line from ! (XOLD,YOLD) to (XNEW,YNEW). ! call movcgm ( xold, yold ) call drwcgm ( xnew, ynew ) end if ipen = 2 ip = ip + 2 go to 10 20 continue end do ! ! Advance the base to compensate for character just drawn. ! xb = xb + cwide end do return end subroutine setsiz ( echo, name, smax, smin ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! SETSIZ allows the user to adjust the range of a contour plot. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, character*(*), the name of the variable. ! ! Input/output, real SMAX, SMIN. ! On input, SMAX and SMIN are the maximum and minimum values ! attained by the variable. ! On output, SMAX and SMIN may have been changed by the ! user to more suitable values. ! implicit none logical echo character isay character ( len = * ) name logical s_eqi real smax real smin real tmax real tmin write ( *, * ) ' ' write(*,'(1x,a)')name write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SetSiz - Current range is ',smin,' to ',smax write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Do you want to change the range?' read(*,'(a)',err = 10,end=10)isay write(17,'(a)')isay if ( echo ) then write(*,'(a)')isay end if if ( .not.s_eqi ( isay,'y'))return write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Enter new minimum and maximum values for contours.' read(*,*,end = 10,err=10)tmin,tmax write(17,*)tmin,tmax if ( echo ) then write ( *, * ) tmin,tmax end if smin = tmin smax = tmax return 10 continue write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SetSiz - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' There was trouble reading your input,' write ( *, * ) ' so it was ignored.' return end subroutine settab(echo,icmax,icmin,itable) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! SETTAB replaces SETCTB, the DRAWCGM routine for setting up ! the color tables. ! ! Discussion: ! ! So SETTAB sets the colors between ICMIN and ICMAX, which ! should typically be 2 and 255. ! ! SETTAB will also set the values of color 0 to white, and ! color 1 to black. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ICMAX, the maximum color index to be set. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ICMIN, the minimum color index to be set. ! ! ITABLE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ITABLE, the desired color table. ! ! 1: low black to high white ! 2: low blue to high yellow ! 3: low red, high blue, with bands between. ! 4: low red, yellow, green, blue, high white. ! 5: low white, blue, green, yellow, high red. ! 6: low blue to high red ! 7: linear table between 2 user colors. ! 8: linear table between n user colors. ! 9: low white to high black. ! implicit none real bhi real blo real bval logical echo real ghi real glo real gval integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) icmax integer ( kind = 4 ) icmin integer ( kind = 4 ) icol1 integer ( kind = 4 ) icol2 integer ( kind = 4 ) itable real, parameter :: pi = 3.1415926E+00 real rhi real rlo real rval real theta ! ! 1: Low black to high white ! if ( itable == 1 ) then do i = icmin,icmax bval = real(i-icmin)/real(icmax-icmin) gval = real(i-icmin)/real(icmax-icmin) rval = real(i-icmin)/real(icmax-icmin) call setclr(i,bval,gval,rval) end do ! ! 2: Low blue to high yellow. ! else if ( itable == 2 ) then do i = icmin,icmax rval = real(i-icmin)/real(icmax-icmin) gval = real(i-icmin)/real(icmax-icmin) bval = (icmax-i)/real(icmax-icmin) call setclr(i,bval,gval,rval) end do ! ! 3: Low red, high blue, with bands between. ! else if ( itable == 3 ) then do i = icmin,icmax theta = 0.5*pi*real(i-icmin)/real(icmax-icmin) rval = cos(theta)**2 bval = sin(theta)**2 gval = 0.8*sin(10.0*theta)**6 call setclr(i,bval,gval,rval) end do ! ! 4: Low red, yellow, green, blue, high white. ! else if ( itable == 4 ) then do i = icmin,icmax theta = 4.0*real(i-icmin)/real(icmax-icmin) rval = exp(-(theta-1.0)**2)+exp(-(theta-4.0)**2) gval = exp(-(theta-2.0)**2)+exp(-(theta-4.0)**2) bval = exp(-(theta-3.0)**2)+exp(-(theta-4.0)**2) if ( rval > 1.0)rval = 1.0 if ( gval > 1.0)gval = 1.0 if ( bval > 1.0)bval = 1.0 call setclr(i,bval,gval,rval) end do ! ! 5: Low white, blue, green, yellow, high red. ! else if ( itable == 5 ) then do i = icmin,icmax theta = 4.0*real(icmax-i)/real(icmax-icmin) rval = exp(-(theta-1.0)**2)+exp(-(theta-4.0)**2) gval = exp(-(theta-2.0)**2)+exp(-(theta-4.0)**2) bval = exp(-(theta-3.0)**2)+exp(-(theta-4.0)**2) if ( rval > 1.0)rval = 1.0 if ( gval > 1.0)gval = 1.0 if ( bval > 1.0)bval = 1.0 call setclr(i,bval,gval,rval) end do ! ! 6: Low blue to high red ! else if ( itable == 6 ) then do i = icmin,icmax rval = real(i-icmin)/real(icmax-icmin) gval = 0.0 bval = (icmax-i)/real(icmax-icmin) call setclr(i,bval,gval,rval) end do ! ! 7: Interpolate between two values. ! else if ( itable == 7 ) then 1996 continue write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Enter (Rlo, Glo, Blo), (Rhi, Ghi, Bhi)' write ( *, * ) 'Note: (0,0,0) is black, (1,1,1) is white!' write ( *, * ) ' ' read(*,*,end = 1952,err=1964)rlo,glo,blo,rhi,ghi,bhi write(17,*)rlo,glo,blo,rhi,ghi,bhi if ( echo ) then write ( *, * ) rlo,glo,blo,rhi,ghi,bhi end if if ( rlo < 0.0)rlo = 0.0 if ( rhi > 1.0)rhi = 1.0 if ( glo < 0.0)glo = 0.0 if ( ghi > 1.0)ghi = 1.0 if ( blo < 0.0)blo = 0.0 if ( bhi > 1.0)bhi = 1.0 do i = icmin,icmax rval = (rlo*(icmax-i)+rhi*(i-icmin))/real(icmax-icmin) gval = (glo*(icmax-i)+ghi*(i-icmin))/real(icmax-icmin) bval = (blo*(icmax-i)+bhi*(i-icmin))/real(icmax-icmin) call setclr(i,bval,gval,rval) end do ! ! 8: Interpolate between several values. ! else if ( itable == 8 ) then icol1 = icmin write ( *, * ) 'Enter (R, G, B) for color index ',icol1 write ( *, * ) ' (0, 0, 0) is black.' write ( *, * ) ' (1, 1, 1) is white.' read(*,*)rlo,glo,blo write(17,*)rlo,glo,blo if ( echo ) then write ( *, * ) rlo,glo,blo end if if ( rlo < 0.0)rlo = 0.0 if ( glo < 0.0)glo = 0.0 if ( blo < 0.0)blo = 0.0 10 continue write ( *, * ) 'Enter index of next color to set' write ( *, * ) 'between ',icol1+1,' and ',icmax read(*,*)icol2 write(17,*)icol2 if ( echo ) then write ( *, * ) icol2 end if if ( icol2 <= icol1 .or. icol2 > icmax ) then write ( *, * ) 'SetTab - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' Your color index was not accepted!' go to 10 end if write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Enter (R, G, B) for color index ',icol2 read(*,*)rhi,ghi,bhi write(17,*)rhi,ghi,bhi if ( echo ) then write ( *, * ) rhi,ghi,bhi end if if ( rhi > 1.0)rhi = 1.0 if ( ghi > 1.0)ghi = 1.0 if ( bhi > 1.0)bhi = 1.0 do i = icol1,icol2 rval = (rlo*(icol2-i)+rhi*(i-icol1))/real(icol2-icol1) gval = (glo*(icol2-i)+ghi*(i-icol1))/real(icol2-icol1) bval = (blo*(icol2-i)+bhi*(i-icol1))/real(icol2-icol1) call setclr(i,bval,gval,rval) end do if ( icol2 < icmax ) then icol1 = icol2 rlo = rhi glo = ghi blo = bhi go to 10 end if ! ! 9: Low white to high black ! else if ( itable == 9 ) then do i = icmin,icmax bval = real(icmax-i)/real(icmax-icmin) gval = real(icmax-i)/real(icmax-icmin) rval = real(icmax-i)/real(icmax-icmin) call setclr(i,bval,gval,rval) end do ! ! Unknown table. ! else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SetTab - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Legal color table indices are ' write ( *, * ) ' between 1 and 8. Your value was ',itable end if ! ! Background color 0 is to be white. ! i = 0 rval = 1.0 gval = 1.0 bval = 1.0 call setclr(i,rval,gval,bval) ! ! Foreground color 1 is to be black. ! i = 1 rval = 0.0 gval = 0.0 bval = 0.0 call setclr(i,rval,gval,bval) return 1952 continue write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SETTAB - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Unexpected end of file!' stop 1964 continue write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SETTAB - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' Illegal format for input data!' write ( *, * ) ' Try again!' return end subroutine showcv ( l, m, maxl, maxm, nflag, xc, yc ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! SHOWCV shows the control volumes. ! ! Discussion: ! ! If ALL of the four corner nodes are visible, then this routine ! will draw all four sides of the control volume. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) L, M, the number of rows and columns of data. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXL, MAXM, the maximum allowed number of ! rows and columns of data. ! ! Input, logical NFLAG(MAXL,MAXM). ! NFLAG is used to "flag" which nodes are active, ! that is, to be displayed, and which not, in the graph. ! ! Input, real XC(MAXL,MAXM). ! The X coordinates of the corner nodes. ! ! Input, real YC(MAXL,MAXM). ! The Y coordinates of the corner nodes. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) maxl integer ( kind = 4 ) maxm integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) l integer ( kind = 4 ) m logical nflag(maxl,maxm) real xc(maxl,maxm) real yc(maxl,maxm) do i = 1,l-1 do j = 1,m-1 if ( nflag(i,j) .and. nflag(i,j+1) .and. nflag(i+1,j) .and. & nflag(i+1,j+1) ) then call movcgm(xc(i,j),yc(i,j)) call drwcgm(xc(i,j+1),yc(i,j+1)) call drwcgm(xc(i+1,j+1),yc(i+1,j+1)) call drwcgm(xc(i+1,j),yc(i+1,j)) call drwcgm(xc(i,j),yc(i,j)) end if end do end do return end subroutine timestamp ( ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! TIMESTAMP prints the current YMDHMS date as a time stamp. ! ! Example: ! ! 31 May 2001 9:45:54.872 AM ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 18 May 2013 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! None ! implicit none character ( len = 8 ) ampm integer ( kind = 4 ) d integer ( kind = 4 ) h integer ( kind = 4 ) m integer ( kind = 4 ) mm character ( len = 9 ), parameter, dimension(12) :: month = (/ & 'January ', 'February ', 'March ', 'April ', & 'May ', 'June ', 'July ', 'August ', & 'September', 'October ', 'November ', 'December ' /) integer ( kind = 4 ) n integer ( kind = 4 ) s integer ( kind = 4 ) values(8) integer ( kind = 4 ) y call date_and_time ( values = values ) y = values(1) m = values(2) d = values(3) h = values(5) n = values(6) s = values(7) mm = values(8) if ( h < 12 ) then ampm = 'AM' else if ( h == 12 ) then if ( n == 0 .and. s == 0 ) then ampm = 'Noon' else ampm = 'PM' end if else h = h - 12 if ( h < 12 ) then ampm = 'PM' else if ( h == 12 ) then if ( n == 0 .and. s == 0 ) then ampm = 'Midnight' else ampm = 'AM' end if end if end if write ( *, '(i2,1x,a,1x,i4,2x,i2,a1,i2.2,a1,i2.2,a1,i3.3,1x,a)' ) & d, trim ( month(m) ), y, h, ':', n, ':', s, '.', mm, trim ( ampm ) return end subroutine trichk(i1,j1,i2,j2,i3,j3,maxl,maxm,s,sval,xp,yp) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! TRICHK is given a triangle, formed by nodes (I1,J1), (I2,J2), and ! (I3,J3), and the value of the quantity S at these nodes. ! ! Discussion: ! ! TRICHK must draw a contour line for S = SVAL through this triangle. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) I1, J1, I2, J2, I3, J3, the I and J indices ! of the three nodes which form the triangle. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXL, MAXM, the maximum allowed number of ! rows and columns of data. ! ! Input real S(MAXL,MAXM), the value of S at each node. ! ! Input, real SVAL, the value of S for which the contour ! line is desired. ! ! Input, real XP(MAXL,MAXM). ! The X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! Input, real YP(MAXL,MAXM). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) maxl integer ( kind = 4 ) maxm integer ( kind = 4 ) i1 integer ( kind = 4 ) i2 integer ( kind = 4 ) i3 integer ( kind = 4 ) icross logical inside integer ( kind = 4 ) j1 integer ( kind = 4 ) j2 integer ( kind = 4 ) j3 real s(maxl,maxm) real sval real xp(maxl,maxm) real xx(3) real yp(maxl,maxm) real yy(3) icross = 0 if ( inside(s(i1,j1),sval,s(i2,j2)) ) then icross = icross+1 xx(icross) = xp(i1,j1)+(sval-s(i1,j1))*(xp(i2,j2)-xp(i1,j1)) & /(s(i2,j2)-s(i1,j1)) yy(icross) = yp(i1,j1)+(sval-s(i1,j1))*(yp(i2,j2)-yp(i1,j1)) & /(s(i2,j2)-s(i1,j1)) end if if ( inside(s(i2,j2),sval,s(i3,j3)) ) then icross = icross+1 xx(icross) = xp(i2,j2)+(sval-s(i2,j2))*(xp(i3,j3)-xp(i2,j2)) & /(s(i3,j3)-s(i2,j2)) yy(icross) = yp(i2,j2)+(sval-s(i2,j2))*(yp(i3,j3)-yp(i2,j2)) & /(s(i3,j3)-s(i2,j2)) end if if ( inside(s(i3,j3),sval,s(i1,j1)) ) then icross = icross+1 xx(icross) = xp(i3,j3)+(sval-s(i3,j3))*(xp(i1,j1)-xp(i3,j3)) & /(s(i1,j1)-s(i3,j3)) yy(icross) = yp(i3,j3)+(sval-s(i3,j3))*(yp(i1,j1)-yp(i3,j3)) & /(s(i1,j1)-s(i3,j3)) end if if ( icross == 2 ) then call plylin(2,xx,yy) end if return end subroutine tricol(jcmax,jcmin,l,m,maxl,maxm,ncon,nflag,s,smax, & smin,xp,yp) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! TRICOL uses color to indicate all the points which have a ! function value greater than a given value. ! ! Discussion: ! ! TRICOL is used for quantities associated with the three ! corner nodes of a 6 node finite element, in particular, ! pressure. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) JCMAX, JCMIN, the maximum and ! minimum color indices to use in the color bar. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) L, M, the number of rows and columns of data. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXL, MAXM, the maximum allowed number of ! rows and columns of data. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCON, the number of contour lines to draw. ! ! Input, logical NFLAG(MAXL,MAXM). ! NFLAG is used to "flag" which nodes are active, ! that is, to be displayed, and which not, in the graph. ! ! Input real S(MAXL,MAXM), the value of S at each node. ! ! Input, real SMAX, SMIN, the maximum and minimum ! values of the quantity whose color contours are ! being drawn. These numbers will be printed along ! with the color bar. ! ! Input, real XP(MAXL,MAXM). ! The X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! Input, real YP(MAXL,MAXM). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) maxl integer ( kind = 4 ) maxm integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) i1 integer ( kind = 4 ) i2 integer ( kind = 4 ) i3 integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) j1 integer ( kind = 4 ) j2 integer ( kind = 4 ) j3 integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmax integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmin integer ( kind = 4 ) l integer ( kind = 4 ) m integer ( kind = 4 ) ncon logical nflag(maxl,maxm) real s(maxl,maxm) real smax real smin real xp(maxl,maxm) real yp(maxl,maxm) ! ! Draw the contour line by searching over each element. ! do i = 1,l-1 do j = 1,m-1 if ( nflag(i,j+1) .and. nflag(i+1,j).and.nflag(i,j) ) then i1 = i j1 = j i2 = i j2 = j+1 i3 = i+1 j3 = j call trilhk(i1,j1,i2,j2,i3,j3,jcmax,jcmin,maxl,maxm, & ncon,s,smax,smin,xp,yp) end if if ( nflag(i,j+1) .and. nflag(i+1,j).and.nflag(i+1,j+1) ) then i1 = i+1 j1 = j+1 i2 = i j2 = j+1 i3 = i+1 j3 = j call trilhk(i1,j1,i2,j2,i3,j3,jcmax,jcmin,maxl,maxm, & ncon,s,smax,smin,xp,yp) end if end do end do return end subroutine tricon(l,m,maxl,maxm,nflag,s,sval,xp,yp) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! TRICON draws a single contour line in a linear finite element. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The contour line is the set of points (X,Y) for which S(X,Y) = SVAL, ! where S is some scalar quantity, generally pressure, associated with ! the three corner nodes of a triangular finite element. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) L, M, the number of rows and columns of data. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXL, MAXM, the maximum allowed number of ! rows and columns of data. ! ! Input, logical NFLAG(MAXL,MAXM). ! NFLAG is used to "flag" which nodes are active, ! that is, to be displayed, and which not, in the graph. ! ! Input real S(MAXL,MAXM), the value of S at each node. ! ! Input, real SVAL, the value of S for which the contour ! line is desired. ! ! Input, real XP(MAXL,MAXM). ! The X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! Input, real YP(MAXL,MAXM). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) maxl integer ( kind = 4 ) maxm integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) l integer ( kind = 4 ) m logical nflag(maxl,maxm) real s(maxl,maxm) real sval real xp(maxl,maxm) real yp(maxl,maxm) ! ! Draw the contour line by searching over each element. ! do i = 1,l-1 do j = 1,m-1 if ( nflag(i,j+1) .and. nflag(i+1,j) ) then if ( nflag(i,j) ) then call trichk(i,j,i,j+1,i+1,j,maxl,maxm,s,sval,xp,yp) end if if ( nflag(i+1,j+1) ) then call trichk(i+1,j+1,i,j+1,i+1,j,maxl,maxm,s,sval,xp,yp) end if end if end do end do return end subroutine trilhk ( i1, j1, i2, j2, i3, j3, jcmax, jcmin, maxl, maxm, ncon, & s, smax, smin, xp, yp ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! TRILHK is given a triangle, formed by nodes (I1,J1), (I2,J2), and ! (I3,J3), and the value of the quantity S at these nodes. ! ! Discussion: ! ! That portion of the triangle which is greater than contour value ! value SVAL(I) but less than SVAL(I+1) is to be filled in with ! color I. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) I1, J1, I2, J2, I3, J3, the I and J indices ! of the three nodes which form the triangle. ! ! JCMAX, ! JCMIN Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) JCMAX, JCMIN, the maximum and ! minimum color indices to use in the color bar. ! ! MAXL, ! MAXM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXL, MAXM, the maximum allowed number of ! rows and columns of data. ! ! NCON Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCON, the number of color contour ! regions drawn, and hence, the number of colors ! to be displayed in the color bar. ! ! S Input real S(MAXL,MAXM), the value of S at each node. ! ! SMAX, ! SMIN Input, real SMAX, SMIN, the maximum and minimum ! values of the quantity whose color contours are ! being drawn. These numbers will be printed along ! with the color bar. ! ! X Input, real X(MAXL,MAXM). ! The X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! Y Input, real Y(MAXL,MAXM). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) maxl integer ( kind = 4 ) maxm integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) i1 integer ( kind = 4 ) i2 integer ( kind = 4 ) i3 integer ( kind = 4 ) ih integer ( kind = 4 ) il integer ( kind = 4 ) im integer ( kind = 4 ) j1 integer ( kind = 4 ) j2 integer ( kind = 4 ) j3 integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmax integer ( kind = 4 ) jcmin integer ( kind = 4 ) jcolor integer ( kind = 4 ) jh integer ( kind = 4 ) jl integer ( kind = 4 ) jm integer ( kind = 4 ) ncon integer ( kind = 4 ) npts real px real pxold real py real pyold real qx real qxold real qy real qyold real s(maxl,maxm) real s1 real s2 real s3 real sc1 real sc2 real sh real sl real sm real smax real smin real xp(maxl,maxm) real xh real xl real xm real xpoly(5) real yp(maxl,maxm) real yh real yl real ym real ypoly(5) s1 = s(i1,j1) s2 = s(i2,j2) s3 = s(i3,j3) if ( s1 <= s2 .and. s2 <= s3 ) then il = i1 jl = j1 im = i2 jm = j2 ih = i3 jh = j3 else if ( s1 <= s3 .and. s3 <= s2 ) then il = i1 jl = j1 im = i3 jm = j3 ih = i2 jh = j2 else if ( s2 <= s1 .and. s1 <= s3 ) then il = i2 jl = j2 im = i1 jm = j1 ih = i3 jh = j3 else if ( s2 <= s3 .and. s3 <= s1 ) then il = i2 jl = j2 im = i3 jm = j3 ih = i1 jh = j1 else if ( s3 <= s1 .and. s1 <= s2 ) then il = i3 jl = j3 im = i1 jm = j1 ih = i2 jh = j2 else if ( s3 <= s2 .and. s2 <= s1 ) then il = i3 jl = j3 im = i2 jm = j2 ih = i1 jh = j1 end if sl = s(il,jl) sm = s(im,jm) sh = s(ih,jh) xl = xp(il,jl) xm = xp(im,jm) xh = xp(ih,jh) yl = yp(il,jl) ym = yp(im,jm) yh = yp(ih,jh) do i = 0,ncon sc1 = ((ncon+1-i)*smin+i*smax)/real(ncon+1) sc2 = ((ncon-i)*smin+(i+1)*smax)/real(ncon+1) ! ! Check that some data in the triangle lies in the range [SC1,SC2). ! ! The following comparison was corrected from ".LT." which would ! fail on the case where SL = SH. ! if ( max(sl,sc1) <= min(sh,sc2) ) then jcolor = int(((ncon-i)*jcmin+i*jcmax)/real(ncon)) call filclr(jcolor) ! ! Take care of possibility that entire triangle lies in the contour. ! if ( sc1 <= sl .and. sh < sc2 ) then npts = 3 xpoly(1) = xl ypoly(1) = yl xpoly(2) = xm ypoly(2) = ym xpoly(3) = xh ypoly(3) = yh call plygon(npts,xpoly,ypoly) ! ! Find (PXOLD,PYOLD) and (QXOLD,QYOLD), where the line S = SC1 crosses ! the triangle. ! else call cross(px,py,qx,qy,sl,sm,sh,sc1,xl,xm,xh,yl,ym,yh) pxold = px pyold = py qxold = qx qyold = qy ! ! Find (PX,PY) and (QX,QY), where the line S = SC2 crosses the triangle. ! call cross(px,py,qx,qy,sl,sm,sh,sc2,xl,xm,xh,yl,ym,yh) ! ! Now draw the polygon formed by these four points, plus possibly ! the point (XM,YM). ! npts = 4 xpoly(1) = pxold ypoly(1) = pyold xpoly(2) = qxold ypoly(2) = qyold xpoly(3) = qx ypoly(3) = qy xpoly(4) = px ypoly(4) = py if ( sc1 <= sm .and. sm <= sc2 ) then npts = 5 xpoly(5) = xm ypoly(5) = ym end if call plygon(npts,xpoly,ypoly) end if end if end do return end subroutine vector(l,m,maxl,maxm,nflag,vecscl,u,v,xp,yp) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! VECTOR draws a vector field. ! ! Discussion: ! ! An arrow pointing in the direction (U(I), V(I)) is drawn at the ! point (X(I),Y(I)). The arrow's length is scaled by VECSCL. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) L, M, the number of rows and columns of data. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXL, MAXM, the maximum allowed number of ! rows and columns of data. ! ! Input, logical NFLAG(MAXL,MAXM). ! NFLAG is used to "flag" which nodes are to be visible. ! ! Input, real VECSCL. ! A scale factor for velocity vectors. This starts out at 1.0. ! ! Input, real U(MAXL,MAXM). ! U(I,J) is the horizontal fluid velocity at node (I,J). ! ! Input, real V(MAXL,MAXM). ! V(I,J) is the vertical fluid velocity at node (I,J). ! ! Input, real XP(MAXL,MAXM). ! The X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! Input, real YP(MAXL,MAXM). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) maxl integer ( kind = 4 ) maxm integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) l integer ( kind = 4 ) m logical nflag(maxl,maxm) real u(maxl,maxm) real v(maxl,maxm) real vecscl real xp(maxl,maxm) real xtip real yp(maxl,maxm) real ytip ! do i = 1,l do j = 1,m if ( nflag(i,j) ) then xtip = xp(i,j)+vecscl*u(i,j) ytip = yp(i,j)+vecscl*v(i,j) call arrow(xp(i,j),yp(i,j),xtip,ytip) end if end do end do return end subroutine vizpn(echo,l,m,maxl,maxm,vpflag,xp,yp) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! VIZPN sets the visibility of primary nodes. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The user sets a minimum distance. The routine picks the nodes ! to display based on the requirement that they be at least this ! distance apart. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) L, M, the number of rows and columns of data. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXL, MAXM, the maximum allowed number of ! rows and columns of data. ! ! Input, real XP(MAXL,MAXM), the X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! Input, real YP(MAXL,MAXM), the Y coordinates of the nodes. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) maxl integer ( kind = 4 ) maxm real dismin real disnod logical echo integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ii integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) jj integer ( kind = 4 ) l integer ( kind = 4 ) m integer ( kind = 4 ) noff real temp logical vpflag(maxl,maxm) real xp(maxl,maxm) real yp(maxl,maxm) write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'VIZPN - Input, please!' write ( *, * ) ' Give a minimum separation for visible primary nodes.' read(*,*,end = 20,err=20)dismin write(17,*)dismin if ( echo ) then write ( *, * ) dismin end if temp = dismin**2 noff = 0 do i = 1,l do j = 1,m vpflag(i,j) = .true. do ii = 1,l do jj = 1,j-1 if ( vpflag(ii,jj) ) then disnod = (xp(i,j)-xp(ii,jj))**2+(yp(i,j)-yp(ii,jj))**2 if ( disnod < temp ) then vpflag(i,j) = .false. noff = noff+1 go to 10 end if end if end do end do 10 continue end do end do write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'VIZPN - Note:' write ( *, * ) ' Out of ',l*m,' nodes,' write ( *, * ) ' you have turned off ',noff write ( *, * ) ' leaving ',l*m-noff return 20 continue write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'VIZPN - Warning' write ( *, * ) ' Could not read your value of DISMIN.' write ( *, * ) ' Aborting this command!' return end subroutine vsize ( l, m, maxl, maxm, nflag, u, v, vmax ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! VSIZE computes the maximum visible velocity magnitude. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) L, M, the number of rows and columns of data. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXL, MAXM, the maximum allowed number of ! rows and columns of data. ! ! Input, logical NFLAG(MAXL,MAXM). ! NFLAG(I,J) is .TRUE. if the data at node (I,J) may be displayed, ! and .FALSE. if it should not be displayed. ! ! Input, real U(MAXL,MAXM), the horizontal fluid velocity ! at primary node (I,J). ! ! Input, real V(MAXL,MAXM), the vertical fluid velocity ! at primary node (I,J). ! ! Output, real VMAX. ! VMAX is the largest Euclidean norm of the displayed ! velocity vectors. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) maxl integer ( kind = 4 ) maxm integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) l integer ( kind = 4 ) m logical nflag(maxl,maxm) real u(maxl,maxm) real v(maxl,maxm) real vmax vmax = 0.0E+00 do i = 1,l do j = 1,m if ( nflag(i,j) ) then vmax = max ( vmax,sqrt(u(i,j)**2+v(i,j)**2) ) end if end do end do return end