crystal_dic.txt 26 August 1996 MASTRAPP2d Multizone Adaptive Scheme for Transport and Phase-Change Processes by Hui Zhang State University of New York Stony Brook, NY 11790 ********************************************************************* References: Suhas Patankar, Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, 1980, LC: QC320.P37 Fumio Shimura, Semiconductor Silicon Crystal Technology, Academic Press, 1989, LC: TK7871.85 S523 Hui Zhang, "A Multizone Adaptive Grid Generation Technique for Simulations of Moving and Free Boundary Problems" PhD Dissertation, Polytechnic University at Brooklyn. (I have a copy) Hui Zhang, V Prasad, MK Moallemi, "Application of MAGG - A Multizone Adaptive Generation Technique - for Simulations of Moving and Free Boundary problems," Numerical Heat Transfer, 1995. LC: QC319.8 N85 Hui Zhang, V Prasad, "A Multizone Adaptive Process Model for Crystal Growth at Low and High Pressures," Journal of Crystal Growth (in press), 1995. LC: QD921 J6X. ??? Hui Zhang, MK Moallemi, "MAGG - A Multizone Adaptive Grid Generation Technique for Simulation of Moving and Free Boundary Problems," Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B, Volume 27, pages 255-276, 1995. LC: QC319 N85 (I have a copy) Hui Zhang, MK Moallemi, "Numerical Simulation of Hot-Dip Metallic Coating Process," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 38, Number 2, pages 241-257, 1995. LC: QC320 I55 (I have a copy) MK Moallemi, Hui Zhang, "A General Numerical Procedure for Multilayer Multistep IC Process Simulation," IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Volume 13, Number 11, pages 1379-1390, 1994. LC: TK7874 I325 ********************************************************************* Subroutine calls: CRYFUN ADAPT CUBIC FINDP DOAREA GRID INIDAT INIGRD CUBIC INITL MOVGRD OUTPUT PMOD RSREAD RSWRIT SAMPLE SETCST SETGEO SETUP DIFLOW FLUX DIFLOW SOLVE1 SOLVE2 GAMSOR GRADNT SOLVE1 SOLVE2 SETX ********************************************************************* SUBROUTINE PURPOSES: ADAPT given an initial set of corner nodes XC and YC, ADAPT adjusts the nodes to better match the location of boundaries and to minimize discrepancies in the mesh. CRYFUN given parameter values that define the problem, evaluate the solution over time, and return the value of a related cost function. CUBIC evaluate a cubic spline passing through the boundary data, (XBOT,YBOT). DIFLOW computes the convection-diffusion coefficient. DOAREA computes the area of each control volume, for use in the cost functional. FINDP FLUX solves for the flux of all state variables. GAMSOR sets the coefficients for the transport problems for U, V, T, RW, TK and TE. GRADNT estimates the gradients of the state variables. INIDAT initialize problem data to default values. INIGRD set the initial configuration of corner nodes XC, YC before any solution steps have been attempted. INITL estimates the pressure and momentum at the interfaces of the control volumes by averaging values associated with primary nodes. MOVGRD resets the configuration of corner nodes after one time step, and before the next. OUTPUT PMOD sets the pressure in the four corners, and subtracts off the reference pressure. RSREAD reads in the variable values for a restart run. RSWRIT writes out data for a restart run or a plot. SETCST evaluates the cost functional at each time step. SETGEO calculates geometric derivatives, volumes, and other grid based data. SETUP SETX is given the location of the corner nodes (XC,YC), and determines the location of the primary nodes (X,Y). SOLVE1 modify the coefficients and right hand side of some state equations. SOLVE2 solve the five-diagonal linear system that defines a particular state variable using an iterative method. ********************************************************************* GEOMETRY: The easiest way to understand how the geometry is modeled in this code is to begin by imagining the physical region that is to be modeled, which in our case is a two dimensional slice of a crucible. We assume that the crucible is symmetric about an axis of rotation, so that we really only use half of the two dimensional slice. For some reason, the crucible is and the X, Y coordinate system are not aligned in the usual way. Instead, X represents the axis of rotation, and "up", while Y represents what we would usually think of as the horizontal direction. A very rough sketch of the crucible follows: B W W W W ^ B S | B S Y B CCCCCCCCCCC | B C C B---------C---------C-- <-- X --> The "B's" mark the bottom of the crucible, the "W's" mark the side wall of the crucible. "S" stands for the free surface formed by the melted material, and "C" is for the boundary of the crystal that is forming. The line of dashes represents the axis of symmetry. A more natural way of looking at the problem is to turn it so that it is upright: | | CCCCC | C | C | C CCCCCSSSSSSSSW | W | W ^ | B | | B | | B | BBBBB | +-------------> Imagine that an array of L * M points are identified in this region, and that these points, while not necessarily lying along straight lines, are organized into rows and columns. We call these points "nodes", and we call their row and column labels the I and J indices. We now consider an abstract space which is related to the physical space in a certain way, and which uses coordinates KSI and ETA. Every point in the physical space will have a corresponding point in KSI, ETA space, and vice versa. In particular, if we assume that each of the nodes that we mentioned above has a row and column coordinate (I,J), these indices, I and J, may be taken as the KSI and ETA coordinates of that node. Thus, in KSI, ETA space, the nodes lie on a strictly rectangular grid, separated by one unit in both the KSI and ETA directions. Now for each node, we may write its coordinates in the physical system as (XC(I,J), YC(I,J)). We may think of this as a mapping from abstract KSI, ETA space to physical X, Y space. Only half of the crucible is represented. ********************************************************************* STATE VARIABLES: U The horizontal or axial velocity. U is defined only in the liquid region. V The vertical or radial velocity. V is defined only in the liquid region. P The pressure. P is defined only in the liquid region. PC The pressure correction. PC is defined only in the liquid region. T The temperature. T is defined in the solid and liquid regions. W The angular velocity or swirl. W is defined only in the liquid region. This calculation is not being done now. TK The turbulent kinetic energy, K. TK is defined only in the liquid region. TE The turbulent dissipation, "EPSILON". TE is defined only in the liquid region. E The electrical stream function. This calculation is not being done now. PSI The flow stream function. PSI is defined only in the liquid region. PSI does not have to be solved for. Instead, it is derived from the values of RUETA and RUKSI, the ETA and KSI momenta, and the values of AE1, AE2, AK1 and AK2. ********************************************************************* DATA DICTIONARY References are to equations in Hui Zhang's thesis. AE1 Double precision AE1(NI,NJ). d ALPHA/d ETA in thesis. AE1(I,J) is a term applying to the interface between primary nodes (I,J-1) and (I,J). AE2 Double precision AE2(NI,NJ). d BETA/d ETA in thesis. AE2(I,J) is a term applying to the interface between primary nodes (I,J-1) and (I,J). AIM Double precision AIM(NI,NJ). Minus the coefficient in the state equation of A(I-1,J). AIP Double precision AIP(NI,NJ). Minus the coefficient in the state equation of A(I+1,J). AJM Double precision AJM(NI,NJ). Minus the coefficient in the state equation of A(I,J-1). AJP Double precision AJP(NI,NJ). Minus the coefficient in the state equation of A(I,J+1). AK1 Double precision AK1(NI,NJ). d ALPHA/d KSI in thesis. AK1(I,J) is a term applying to the interface between primary nodes (I,J-1) and (I,J). AK2 Double precision AK2(NI,NJ). d BETA/d KSI in thesis. AK2(I,J) is a term applying to the interface between primary nodes (I,J-1) and (I,J). AP Double precision AP(NI,NJ). The coefficient in the state equation of A(I,J). AP0 Double precision AP0(NI,NJ). A temporary copy of AP. AREA Double precision AREA(NI,NJ). AREA(I,J) is the area of the control volume (I,J), centered on primary node (I,J), with corner nodes (I,J), (I+1,J), (I,J+1) and (I+1,J+1). This quantity was added by me, because the VOL array is only computed for a portion of the region, and is usually modified by a factor for the axisymmetric case. AREAL Double precision AREAL. The area of the liquid region. AREAS Double precision AREAS. The area of the solid region. AREAT Double precision AREAT. The area of the total region, AREAT = AREAL + AREAS + void area. B Double precision B. The crucible radius. B1JBL Double precision B1JBL(NJ). Heat flux, used in solidification update. B1JBL is set in routine FLUX, and used in routine MOVGRD. B2JBL Double precision B2JBL(NJ). Heat flux. B2JBL is set in routine FLUX, and used in routine MOVGRD. B3JBL Double precision B3JBL(NI). Heat flux. B3JBL is set in routine FLUX, and used in routine MOVGRD. BIRAD Double precision BIRAD. The thermal coefficient BI_R. BO Double precision BO. The Bond number. BO = (RHOL*GRAV*B**2)/SIGMA. CAPPA Double precision CAPPA. A constant in the wall function. Along the wall, the turbulent dissipation TE is set to: TE = CD * TK**1.5 / (CAPPA * (CMU**0.25) * 0.5 * HETA) CD Double precision CD. A constant in the wall function. Along the wall, the turbulent dissipation TE is set to: TE = CD * TK**1.5 / (CAPPA * (CMU**0.25) * 0.5 * HETA) CE1, CE2 Double precision CE1, CE2. Constants in the state equation for turbulent dissipation. CFO Double precision CFO. CFO is a scale factor which converts the internal dimensionless time into dimensional time. CFO = FNU/(B*B). CINC Double precision CINC. CINC is the integral of the cost function over the current region. CL Double precision CL. Heat capacity Cp of the liquid. CMU Double precision CMU. Constant in K-Epsilon model MU_T=CMU*K^2/E. CON Double precision CON(NI,NJ). The right hand side in the state equation. CON0 Double precision CON0(NI,NJ). Represents the old CON. CS Double precision CS. The heat capacity Cp of the solid. CVN Double precision CVN. Used in ADAPT to control the area of grid cells. DELT Double precision DELT. The dimensioned time step. DELT = CFO * DTM. DTM Double precision DTM. The dimensionless time step. DTM = DELT / CFO. E Double precision E(NI,NJ). The electrical stream function. (The electrical stream function calculation is not working well right now, and is turned off). EPSAD Double precision EPSAD. A small number used to define convergence in ADAPT. EPSIL Double precision EPSIL. A small number, 0.0001, used to define convergence in FLUX. EWALL Double precision EWALL. A constant in the wall function, used to define GAM. F Double precision F(NI,NJ,NK). An array which stores physical variables. F(NI,NJ,1): U, the horizontal or axial momentum; F(NI,NJ,2): V, the vertical or radial momentun; F(NI,NJ,3): P, the pressure; F(NI,NJ,4): PC, the pressure correction; F(NI,NJ,5): T, the temperature; F(NI,NJ,6): W, the angular momentum or swirl; F(NI,NJ,7): TK, the turbulent kinetic energy K; F(NI,NJ,8): TE, the turbulent dissipation EPSILON; F(NI,NJ,9): E, the electrical stream function. (Electrical stream function calculation not working well right now, and turned off). F(NI,NJ,10): PSI, the flow stream function. FCSL Double precision FCSL. FCSL is the ratio CS/CL: a viscosity parameter. FJBI1 Double precision FJBI1(NJ,NS). The value J = RHO U + GAM * GRAD U in I=1 or bottom boundary. FJBJ1 Double precision FJBJ1(NI,NS). The value J = RHO U + GAM * GRAD U in J=1 or left hand boundary. FJBL1 Double precision FJBL1(NJ,NS). The value J = RHO U + GAM * GRAD U along the I=L1, or top boundary. FJBM1 Double precision FJBM1(NI,NS). The value J = RHO U + GAM * GRAD U along the J=M1 or right boundary. FJETA Double precision FJETA(NI,NJ). The flux d(RHO U + GAM * GRAD U)/dETA in equation 3.18 (implicit). FJETA is also used to store an initial estimate of the pressure along the ETA face of the control volume. FJKSI Double precision FJKSI(NI,NJ). The flux d(RHO U + GAM * GRAD U)/dKSI in equation 3.18. FJKSI is also used to store an initial estimate of the pressure along the KSI face of the control volume. FKL Double precision FKL. The thermal conductivity of the liquid. Often denoted by KAPPA_L. FKS Double precision FKS. The thermal conductivity of the solid. Often denoted by KAPPA_S. FKSL Double precision FKSL. The ratio of the solid and liquid thermal conductivities, FKSL= FKS/FKL. A viscosity parameter. FMA Double precision FMA. The Marangoni number. FMAX Double precision FMAX(NS). The maximum absolute value of each component of the solution. FNU Double precision FNU. Might this be the rotational velocity??? FO Double precision FO(NI,NJ,NK). FO contains the values of the state variables at the previous time step. FR Double precision FR. The Froude number. Used in MOVGRD. FRSL Double precision FRSL. FRSL is the ratio RHOS/RHOL. GAM Double precision GAM(NI,NJ). GAM(I,J) contains the transport coefficient for the current equation at primary node (I,J). GAM(I,J) is general the fluid viscosity (equations for variables 1, 2, 3, or 4), or the thermal diffusion coefficient (equations for variable 5). GAMT Double precision GAMT(NI,NJ). The turbulent viscosity. If INTURB is 0 (laminar flow), then GAMT(I,J)=0. If INTURB is 1 (turbulent flow), then GAMT(I,J) = CMU * RHO(I,J) * TK(I,J)**2 / TE(I,J). GRASH Double precision GRASH. The Grashof number. GRAV Double precision GRAV. The gravity coefficient. It is only used to calculate the Bond number BO. HAMAG Double precision HAMAG, HAMAG is the Hartmann number for the magnetic field. HETA Double precision HETA(NI,NJ). HETA(I,J) is the physical (that is, "X,Y") length of the control volume in the ETA direction. HETA(I,J) is the length of the line connecting the mid-side nodes that separate primary node (I,J) from primary nodes (I,J-1) and (I,J+1). Warning: The code only defines HETA for the solid or liquid region it is working on, and sets it to zero elsewhere! HF Double precision HF. The latent heat of fusion. HKSI Double precision HKSI(NI,NJ). HKSI(I,J) is the physical (that is, "X,Y") length of the control volume in the KSI direction. HKSI(I,J) is the length of the line connecting the mid-side nodes that separate primary node (I,J) from primary nodes (I-1,J) and (I+1,J). Warning: The code only defines HKSI for the solid or liquid region it is working on, and sets it to zero elsewhere! ICOST Integer ICOST. ICOST chooses the cost functional to be minimized. The cost functional is an integral over time (from TINIT to TEND) and space (the region Omega). The integration in space is normally done first, yielding a function F(T) to be integrated over time. Depending on the value of ICOST, F(T) is: ICOST=1: Velocity magnitude: F(T) = SQRT( Integral ( (X,Y) in LIQUID(T)) (U(X,Y,T)**2 + V(X,Y,T)**2) dX dY ) ICOST=2: Temperature deviation from TF: F(T) = SQRT( Integral ( (X,Y) in LIQUID(T)) (T(X,Y,T)-TF)**2 dX dY ) ICOST=3: Velocity magnitude deviation from Vave: F(T) = SQRT( Integral ( (X,Y) in LIQUID(T)) ( Vave - SQRT(U(X,Y,T)**2 + V(X,Y,T)**2)) dX dY ) ICOST=4: Flow velocity under the crystal: F(T) = SQRT( Integral ( (X,Y) in LIQUID(T) and below CRYSTAL(T) ) U(X,Y,T)**2 + V(X,Y,T)**2 dX dY) ) For now, we take "below the crystal" to mean ALL control volumes under the crystal, for I=1 to ICRYS-1. ICOST=5: Heat flux through crystal and free surface: ICOST=6: Vorticity of the flow field: F(T) = SQRT( Integral ( (X,Y) in LIQUID(T)) VORT(X,Y,T)**2 dX dY ) The total cost over the whole time interval is: COST = Integral (T=TINIT to TEND) F(T) dT / ( SQRT(Area(LIQUID(T)) * (TEND-TINIT) ) Currently, a crude approximation is made to the integrals. For instance, the area of the flow region, LIQUID(T), is computed by summing up the estimated areas of each control volume. These areas, in turn, are estimated by computing the jacobian at the center of the control volume. +-----V-----+ | | | | U N U | | | | +-----V-----+ ICRYS Integer ICRYS. ICRYS specifies the end of the crystal in the I or row or vertical direction. Warning: Right now, I don't know exactly where the crystal/melt/void interface is: at primary node (I,J)? At corner node [I,J]? Somewhere nearby? Make I I-1 or J J+1? Look into this. INTURB Integer INTURB. INTURB chooses laminar or turbulent flow. 0, laminar, variables TE=TK=0; 1, turbulent, variables TE and TK will be solved for. IPLOT Integer IPLOT. 0, no plot file should be created. 1, a plot file should be created. IPREF Integer IPREF. The I or row or vertical coordinate for the pressure reference point, where the pressure is specified to be zero. IPRINT Integer IPRINT. 0, print very little. 1, print some. ISHAPE Integer ISHAPE. 1, use piecewise linear shape for the bottom boundary. 3, use a cubic spline for the bottom boundary. ITER Integer ITER. The iteration counter. IZONE Integer IZONE. IZONE is the zone number. The total region is divided into a solid and a liquid zone, and at each time step, the values of the state variables are solved for in one zone first, and then the other. IZONE tells us which zone we are working on. IZONE=1 for solid, IZONE=2 for liquid. JCRYS Integer JCRYS. JCRYS specifies the end of the crystal in the J array direction, and in the horizontal coordinate direction. JPREF Integer JPREF. The J or column or horizontal coordinate for the pressure reference point, where the pressure is specified to be zero. L0 Integer L0. L0 is the extent of the grid in the I or row or vertical coordinate. L1 Integer L1. L1 is some portion of the vertical grid size. L1 could equal L0, or ICRYS, depending on which subproblem is being solved. LAST Integer LAST. On each time step, there are two calculations to make: the variables in the solid zone, and in the liquid zone. Up to LAST+1 iterations (ITER=0 through LAST) are taken in the solid zone, followed by up to LAST iterations (ITER=1 to LAST) in the liquid zone. LASTT Integer LASTT. The total number of time steps. LBLK Logical LBLK. Flag for block-correction. LCONV Logical LCONV. Set .TRUE. if the nonlinear iteration in FLUX is considered to have converged. LORTHO Logical LORTHO. LORTHO specifies the coordinate system. FALSE = orthogonal; TRUE = curvilinear. LSOLVE Logical LSOLVE(NS). LSOLVE specifies if SETUP should setup and solve the state equation for the given variable. M0 Integer M0. M0 is the extent of the grid in the J or column or horizontal coordinate. M1 Integer M1. M1 is some portion of the horizontal grid size. M1 could equal M0, or JCRYS, depending on which subproblem is being solved. MAXBOT Integer MAXBOT. The maximum number of points (XBOT,YBOT) allowed for defining the bottom of the crucible. MODE Integer MODE. MODE determines the kind of 2D geometry to be used. If MODE=0, rectangular geometry is used; If MODE=1, axisymmetric cylindrical geometry is used. NBOT Integer NBOT. The number of points (XBOT,YBOT) defining the bottom of the crucible. NDT Integer NDT. NDT is the current time step, which varies from 0 to LASTT. NF Integer NF. NF specifies which group of unknowns is being solved for: 1: U, the horizontal or axial momentum; 2: V, the vertical or radial momentun; 3: P, the pressure; 4: PC, the pressure correction; 5: T, the temperature; 6: WR, the angular momentum or swirl; 7: TK, the turbulent kinetic energy K; 8: TE, the turbulent dissipation EPSILON; 9: E, the electrical stream function. 10: PSI, the flow stream function. NI Integer NI. NI is the maximum number of grid points in the I or row or vertical or XI direction. NJ Integer NJ. NJ is the maximum number of grid points in the J or column or horizontal or ETA direction. NK Integer NK. NK is the maximum number of problems to be solved. See F(I,J,K). NMAXIJ Integer NMAXIJ. NMAXIJ = max(NI,NJ). NMAXIJ is the dimension for the PT and QT arrays. NP Integer NP. NP is the identifier for pressure. NP=3. NPC Integer NPC. NPC is the identifier for corrected pressure. NPC=4. NS Integer NS. NS is the number of state variables, currently set to 10. NSOLVE Integer NSOLVE(NS). NSOLVE is the number of iterative steps to be carried out each time SOLVE2 is called to solve the linearized state equation for a particular state variable. NTIMES Integer NTIMES(NS). NTIMES is the number of iterative steps to be carried out in FLUX, when solving for the current values of each given set of unknowns. ORTHO Double precision ORTHO. ORTHO is used in ADAPT to control the orthogonality of grid lines. P Double precision P(NI,NJ). P is the fluid pressure, which is state variable 3. PC Double precision PC(NI,NJ). PC is the corrected fluid pressure. PETA Double precision PETA(NI,NJ). PETA is the P gradient in the ETA direction. PKSI Double precision PKSI(NI,NJ). PKSI is the P gradient in the KSI direction. PR Double precision PR. PR is the Prandtl number. PREF Double precision PREF. PREF is the reference pressure. PSI Double precision PSI(NI,NJ). PSI is the stream function. PT Double precision PT. QT Double precision QT. R Double precision R(NI,NJ). R is used in axisymmetric problems to store the radial distance. For MODE=0, R(I,J) = 1. For MODE=1, R(I,J) = Y(I,J), the radial distance. RA Double precision RA. RA is the Rayleigh number = GRASH*R. RBD Double precision RBD. RBD is the ratio FMA/RA. RDTM Double precision RDTM. If INIT is zero, then RDTM is zero. Otherwise, RDTM = 1.0/DTM, the reciprocal of the time step DTM. RE Double precision RE. RE is the Reynolds number. RECB Double precision RECB. RECB is the crucible Reynolds number. RECT Double precision RECT. RECT is the crystal Reynolds number. RELAX Double precision RELAX(14). RELAX is a set of relaxation coefficients. RELAX(1) through RELAX(10) are relaxation coefficients for the state variables 1 through 10. RELAX(12) - relaxation coefficient for turbulent viscosity GAMT. RES Double precision RES(NS). For each state variable, the maximum relative change in the state variable for the current iteration. RHO Double precision RHO(NI,NJ). RHO contains the fluid density at each primary node. In version 1.0 of MASTRAPP, RHO is has a constant uniform value, namely RHOCON. RHOCON Double precision RHOCON. RHOCON is the reference density. In version 1.0 of MASTRAPP, all fluid densities in the array RHO are set to RHOCON. RHOL Double precision RHOL. The density of the liquid, only used to define FRSL and BO. RHOS Double precision RHOS. The density of the solid, only used to define FRSL. RPR Double precision RPR. The ratio RHOCON/(RE*PR). RUETA Double precision RUETA(NI,NJ). RUETA is the component of the mass velocity interpolated at the interface between primary nodes (I,J-1) and (I,J), and normal to the cell interface. RUKSI Double precision RUKSI(NI,NJ). RUKSI is the component of the mass velocity interpolated at the interface between primary nodes (I-1,J) and (I,J), and normal to the cell interface. SIGE Double precision SIGE. A constant in the turbulence model. SIGK Double precision SIGK. A constant in the turbulence model. SIGMA Double precision SIGMA. The surface tension of the melt. SIGT Double precision SIGT. A constant in the turbulence model. SMAX Double precision SMAX. The maximum local mass imbalance, as computed in SETUP. SMOOTH Double precision SMOOTH. Used in ADAPT to control the spacing between grid lines. SSUM Double precision SSUM. The total mass imbalance, as computed in SETUP. STEL Double precision STEL. The Stefan number of the liquid. STEL = CL * (TW-TF)/HF. STES Double precision STES. The Stefan number of the solid. STES = CS * (TF-TIN)/HF T Double precision T(NI,NJ). The temperature at each primary node (I,J). TANCA Double precision TANCA. The tangent of the contact angle between one phase and the crystal. TANCA2 Double precision TANCA2. The tangent of the contact angle between the other phase and the crystal. TAS Double precision TAS. ???. TEND Double precision TEND. The dimensionless end time. TNOW varies between TINIT and TEND. TEND = TINIT + DTM * LASTT. TF Double precision TF. The fusion or melting temperature of the crystal. TIN Double precision TIN. An initial temperature somewhere. It determines the solid Stefan number STES, and that's all it does. TINIT Double precision TINIT. The dimensionless initial time. TITLE Character*25 TITLE(NS). The entries of TITLE contain the names of the state variables. TNOW Double precision TNOW. The dimensionless current time. TNOW = TINIT + DTM * NDT. TW Double precision TW. The temperature specified along the crucible wall. U Double precision U(NI,NJ). U contains the horizontal (in the XY coordinate system) component of velocity at each primary node (I,J). V Double precision V(NI,NJ). V contains the vertical (in the XY coordinate system) component of velocity at each primary node (I,J). VAVE Double precision VAVE. For cost function ICOST=3, the desired average velocity magnitude. VOL Double precision VOL(NI,NJ). VOL contains the volume of each control volume. Unfortunately, this is not completely accurate. The code only defines the volume for the control volumes that happen to be in the current subregion of interest. Outside of that region, the value of VOL cannot be relied on. The subregion of interest is specified by the values of L1 and M1. Also, for an axisymmetric problem (MODE=1), VOL is automatically multiplied by a factor representing the radial distance. VORT Double precision VORT(NI,NJ). The fluid flow vorticity at each primary node (I,J), which is defined, in the continuous case, as VORT(X,Y) = dV/dX - dU/dY. W Double precision W(NI,NJ). For axisymmetric flow, W is the velocity in the angular direction. X Double precision X(NI,NJ). X contains the X coordinates of the primary nodes, which are the centers of the control volumes. In most cases, X(I,J) is the average of the four enclosing corner values, XC(I,J), XC(I+1,J), XC(I,J+1), and XC(I+1,J+1). XBOT Double precision XBOT(NBOT). The X coordinates of a set of points defining the bottom of the crucible. XC Double precision XC(NI,NJ). XC contains the X coordinate of nodes which are the "corners" of control volumes. XLEN Double precision XLEN. The width of the computational region. Y Double precision Y(NI,NJ). Y contains the Y coordinates of primary nodes, which are the centers of the control volumes. In most cases, Y(I,J) is the average of the four enclosing corner values, YC(I,J), YC(I+1,J), YC(I,J+1), and YC(I+1,J+1). YBOT Double precision YBOT(NBOT). The Y coordinates of a set of points defining the bottom of the crucible. YC Double precision YC(NI,NJ). YC contains the Y coordinate of nodes which are the "corners" of control volumes. YLEN Double precision YLEN. The height of the computational region.