20 March 2016 9:19:20.098 AM ASA103_PRB: FORTRAN90 version Tests the ASA103 library. DIGAMMA_TEST: DIGAMMA evaluates the digamma or psi function. Compare tabulated values of the digamma or Psi function against values computed computed by DIGAMMA. X Psi Psi DIFF (tabulated) (DIGAMMA) 1.0000 -0.5772156649015329 -0.5772156649016036 0.7072E-13 1.1000 -0.4237549404110768 -0.4237549404111393 0.6251E-13 1.2000 -0.2890398965921883 -0.2890398965922431 0.5479E-13 1.3000 -0.1691908888667997 -0.1691908888668481 0.4841E-13 1.4000 -0.6138454458511615E-01 -0.6138454458515841E-01 0.4226E-13 1.5000 0.3648997397857652E-01 0.3648997397843547E-01 0.1411E-12 1.6000 0.1260474527734763 0.1260474527733536 0.1227E-12 1.7000 0.2085478748734940 0.2085478748733869 0.1071E-12 1.8000 0.2849914332938615 0.2849914332937686 0.9293E-13 1.9000 0.3561841611640597 0.3561841611639783 0.8143E-13 2.0000 0.4227843350984671 0.4227843350983961 0.7094E-13 ASA103_PRB: Normal end of execution. 20 March 2016 9:19:20.098 AM