program main !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! MAIN is the main program for ARBY4. ! ! Discussion: ! ! ARBY4 solves a fluid flow problem which has several parameters. ! ! ARBY4 can solve the problem using the finite element method. The ! resulting solution will be called a "full" solution. ! ! Once a full solution has been calculated, ARBY4 can compute the ! first several derivatives of the solution with respect to the ! Reynolds number, derive a reduced basis, and find reduced ! solutions to the problem at a variety of Reynolds numbers. ! ! Diary: ! ! 12 December 2000 ! ! Double precision constants REQUIRE D+00 or something similar, otherwise ! they are computed as though they were REAL. So I tried to fix that, ! quickly. ! ! 14 September 1996 ! ! Mr Lee wants a code that will solve the driven cavity problem. ! I thought I would get FLOW4, but somehow ARBY4 may be the ! quicker solution. ! ! 12 September 1996 ! ! Worked on GFL2RB and GRB2FL. ! ! 11 September 1996 ! ! Max urged me to write a reduced basis paper, as Kazi Ito has already ! done so. ! ! I updated GFL2RB. ! ! 17 August 1996 ! ! OK, making transition BACK to representation of full solution as ! GFL(GRB) = GFLRB + Q * GRB. ! ! 16 August 1996 ! ! GFLRB is already stored. So now I have to reformulate the representation. ! ! 15 August 1996 ! ! I decided that I had to treat boundary conditions as follows: ! ! The reduced solution is represented as Y = Y0 + YBC*cbc + YFE*cfe ! ! Here, Y0 is the point at which the basis was generated. ! Each column of YBC corresponds to the flow solution of the problem ! at Y0 with boundary conditions differentiated with respect to ! parameter I. The YFE stuff is as usual. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 31 December 2008 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! implicit none ! ! Set parameters that are independent. ! integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: liv = 60 integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxbcrb = 3 integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxferb = 6 integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxnx = 21 integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxny = 21 integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxparb = 5 integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxparf = 5 ! ! Set parameters that are dependent on parameters. ! ! The assignment of LDAFL should really read (ldafl = 29*min(nx,ny)). ! integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: ldafl = 29 * maxny integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxcofrb = maxbcrb + maxferb integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxelm = 2 * ( maxnx - 1 ) * ( maxny - 1 ) integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxnfl = & 2 * ( 2 * maxnx - 1 ) * ( 2 * maxny - 1 ) + maxnx * maxny integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxnp = & ( 2 * maxnx - 1 ) * ( 2 * maxny - 1 ) integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxpar = maxparb + maxparf + 1 ! ! Set parameters that are dependent on parameters that are dependent ! on parameters. ! integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: lv = 78+maxpar*(maxpar+21)/2 real ( kind = 8 ) afl(ldafl,maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) arb(maxcofrb,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) area(3,maxelm) character ( len = 255 ) command real ( kind = 8 ) cost real ( kind = 8 ) cost0 real ( kind = 8 ) costb real ( kind = 8 ) costp real ( kind = 8 ) costu real ( kind = 8 ) costv character ( len = 8 ) date real ( kind = 8 ) detlog real ( kind = 8 ) detman real ( kind = 8 ) difcof(maxcofrb) character ( len = 30 ) disfil real ( kind = 8 ) dopt(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) dpar real ( kind = 8 ) drey logical dvneq logical echo real ( kind = 8 ) epsdif character ( len = 2 ) eqn(maxnfl) real estart real estop real ( kind = 8 ) etaq(3) real ( kind = 8 ) factj real ( kind = 8 ) gfl(maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gflafl(maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gflnrm real ( kind = 8 ) gflopt(maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gflrb(maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gflsav(maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gflsen(maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gfltar(maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gfltay(maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gfltmp(maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) grb(maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) grbarb(maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) grbopt(maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) grbsav(maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) grbsen(maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) grbtay(maxcofrb) character ( len = 20 ) gridx character ( len = 20 ) gridy real ( kind = 8 ) gsen(maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) hx real ( kind = 8 ) hy integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ibs integer ( kind = 4 ) ibump integer ( kind = 4 ) icolrb(maxcofrb) integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) ifs integer ( kind = 4 ) ihi integer ( kind = 4 ) ijac integer ( kind = 4 ) ilo integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,maxnp) integer ( kind = 4 ) info integer ( kind = 4 ) iopt(maxpar) integer ( kind = 4 ) ios integer ( kind = 4 ) ipar integer ( kind = 4 ) ipivfl(maxnfl) integer ( kind = 4 ) ipivrb(maxcofrb) integer ( kind = 4 ) iprint integer ( kind = 4 ) isotri(maxelm) integer ( kind = 4 ) itemp integer ( kind = 4 ) ival integer ( kind = 4 ) ival1 integer ( kind = 4 ) ival2 integer ( kind = 4 ) ivopt(liv) integer ( kind = 4 ) iwrite integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) jhi integer ( kind = 4 ) jlo integer ( kind = 4 ) jtay integer ( kind = 4 ) klo integer ( kind = 4 ) lchar integer ( kind = 4 ) lenc logical s_eqi integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnew integer ( kind = 4 ) maxopt integer ( kind = 4 ) maxsim integer ( kind = 4 ) mhi integer ( kind = 4 ) mlo integer ( kind = 4 ) nbcrb integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) nferb integer ( kind = 4 ) nhi integer ( kind = 4 ) nlband integer ( kind = 4 ) nlo integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,maxelm) integer ( kind = 4 ) nodelm(maxnp) integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) npar integer ( kind = 4 ) nparb integer ( kind = 4 ) nparf integer ( kind = 4 ) npe integer ( kind = 4 ) nprof(2*maxny-1) integer ( kind = 4 ) nsenfl integer ( kind = 4 ) ntay integer ( kind = 4 ) numdif integer ( kind = 4 ) numnew integer ( kind = 4 ) numopt integer ( kind = 4 ) numsim integer ( kind = 4 ) nx integer ( kind = 4 ) ny real ( kind = 8 ) p(maxnp) real ( kind = 8 ) par(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) parafl(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) pararb(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) pardif ( maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) paropt(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) parrb(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) parsav(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) parsen(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) partar(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) phifl(3,6,10,maxelm) real ( kind = 8 ) phirb(3,maxcofrb,15,maxelm) real ( kind = 8 ) rb(maxnfl,maxcofrb) character ( len = 20 ) region real ( kind = 8 ) resfl(maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) resflsav(maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) resfltmp(maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) resrb(maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) reynld real ( kind = 8 ) reytay real ( kind = 8 ) rbase(maxcofrb,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) rmax real ( kind = 8 ) senfl(maxnfl,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) senrb(maxcofrb,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) splbmp(maxparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) splflo(maxparf) real tarray(2) real ( kind = 8 ) taubmp(maxparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) tauflo(maxparf) character ( len = 30 ) tecfil real ( kind = 8 ) temp character ( len = 10 ) time real ( kind = 8 ) tolnew real ( kind = 8 ) tolopt real ( kind = 8 ) tolsim character ( len = 10 ) tstart character ( len = 10 ) tstop real ( kind = 8 ) u(maxnp) real ( kind = 8 ) v(maxnp) real ( kind = 8 ) value real ( kind = 8 ) vopt(lv) real ( kind = 8 ) wateb real ( kind = 8 ) watep real ( kind = 8 ) wateu real ( kind = 8 ) watev real ( kind = 8 ) wquad(3) real ( kind = 8 ) xbl real ( kind = 8 ) xbr real ( kind = 8 ) xc(maxnp) real ( kind = 8 ) xmax real ( kind = 8 ) xmin real ( kind = 8 ) xopt(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) xprof real ( kind = 8 ) xquad(3,maxelm) real ( kind = 8 ) xrange real ( kind = 8 ) xsiq(3) real ( kind = 8 ) ybl real ( kind = 8 ) ybr real ( kind = 8 ) yc(maxnp) real ( kind = 8 ) ymax real ( kind = 8 ) ymin real ( kind = 8 ) yquad(3,maxelm) real ( kind = 8 ) yrange call timestamp ( ) iprint = 1 ! ! Get initial CPU clock reading. ! call etime ( tarray, estart ) echo = .false. call hello ( maxnx, maxny ) ! ! Get the starting time. ! call date_and_time ( date, time ) tstart = time ! ! Open the file in which we record the user input. ! open ( unit = 17, file = '', status = 'replace' ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'ARBY4 - Init: Initialize all data.' call init(afl,arb,area,command,cost,costb,costp,costu, & costv,difcof,disfil,drey,epsdif,eqn,etaq,gfl,gflafl, & gflrb,gflsav,gflsen,gfltar,gfltay,grb,grbarb,grbsav, & grbsen,grbtay,gridx,gridy,hx,hy,ibs,ibump,icolrb,ierror, & ifs,ihi,ijac,ilo,indx,iopt,ipar, & ipivfl,ipivrb,isotri,iwrite,jhi,jlo, & ldafl,maxcofrb,maxelm,maxnew,maxnfl,maxnp, & maxny,maxopt,maxpar,maxparb,maxparf,maxsim, & nbcrb,ncofrb,nelem,neqnfl,nferb, & nlband,node,nodelm,np,npar,nparb,nparf,npe,nprof,nsenfl,ntay, & numnew,numopt,numsim,nx, & ny,par,parafl,pararb,pardif,parrb,parsav,parsen,partar, & phifl,phirb,rbase,rb,region,resfl,resflsav,resrb,reynld, & reytay,senfl, & senrb,splbmp,splflo,taubmp,tauflo,tecfil,tolnew,tolopt, & tolsim,value,wateb,watep,wateu,watev,wquad,xbl,xbr, & xc,xmax,xmin,xprof,xquad,xrange,xsiq, & ybl,ybr,yc,ymax,ymin,yquad,yrange) ! ! Read the next command from the user ! command = '?' do if ( command(1:1) /= '#' .and. len_trim ( command ) /= 0 ) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Enter command:' end if end if read ( *, '(a)', iostat = ios ) command if ( ios /= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' I/O error for the input file.' stop end if if ( echo ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) trim ( command ) end if write ( 17, '(a)' ) trim ( command ) ! ! Check for output-suppressing semicolon at end. ! if ( 0 < lenc ) then if ( command(lenc:lenc) == ';' ) then iprint = 0 command(lenc:lenc) = ' ' lenc = lenc-1 else iprint = 1 end if end if if ( command(1:1) == '#') then cycle else if ( command == ' ') then cycle end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' end if ! ! COMPARE ! if ( s_eqi ( command,'compare')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'ARBY4 - Compare:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Compare full solutions GFL and GFLSAV.' end if call fxfl(area,eqn,gfl,ifs,indx,nelem,neqnfl,node,np,npar,nparf, & par,phifl,region,resfl,splflo,tauflo,xrange,yc,yrange) call fxfl(area,eqn,gflsav,ifs,indx,nelem,neqnfl,node,np,npar, & nparf,par,phifl,region,resflsav,splflo,tauflo,xrange,yc,yrange) gfltmp(1:neqnfl) = gfl(1:neqnfl) - gflsav(1:neqnfl) resfltmp(1:neqnfl) = resfl(1:neqnfl) - resflsav(1:neqnfl) call nrmflo ( gfltmp, indx, neqnfl, np, resfltmp ) ! ! COSTFL ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'costfl')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'ARBY4 - Cost FL:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Evaluate the cost function for GFL.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' end if call getcst(cost,costb,costp,costu,costv,gfl,gfltar,indx,neqnfl,np, & nparb,nprof,ny,splbmp,taubmp,wateb,watep,wateu,watev,xbl,xbr,ybl,ybr,yc) write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) 'Cost of GFL:',cost ! ! COSTRB ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'costrb')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'ARBY4 - Cost RB:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Evaluate the cost function for GRB.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' end if call grb2fl(gfl,gflrb,grb,maxnfl,ncofrb,neqnfl,rb) call getcst(cost,costb,costp,costu,costv,gfl,gfltar,indx,neqnfl,np, & nparb,nprof,ny,splbmp,taubmp,wateb,watep,wateu,watev,xbl,xbr,ybl,ybr,yc) write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) 'Cost of GRB:',cost ! ! DETFPFL ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'detfpfl')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'ARBY4 - DET FP FL' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Compute determinant of full jacobian.' end if call fpfl(afl,area,eqn,gfl,indx,ldafl,maxelm,nelem,neqnfl, & nlband,node,np,npar,par,phifl) call dfacfl(afl,ldafl,neqnfl,nlband,nlband,ipivfl,info) call ddetfl(afl,detlog,detman,ipivfl,ldafl,neqnfl,nlband,nlband) write ( *, '(a,g14.6,a,g14.6)' ) 'Determinant = ', detman, & ' * 10 ** ', detlog ! ! DETFPRB ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'detfprb')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'ARBY4 - DET FP RB' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Compute the reduced jacobian,' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' and its determinant.' end if call fprb(arb,area,grb,indx,maxcofrb,maxelm,maxnfl,nbcrb, & ncofrb,nelem,nferb,node,np,nx,ny,phirb,rb,reynld,xc,xrange,yc,yrange) call dfacrb(arb,maxcofrb,ncofrb,ipivrb,info) call ddetrb(arb,detlog,detman,ipivrb,maxcofrb,ncofrb) write ( *, '(a,g14.6,a,g14.6)' ) 'Determinant = ', detman, & ' * 10 ** ', detlog ! ! DIFFPRB ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'diffprb')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'ARBY4 - DIF FP RB' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Estimate reduced jacobian by finite diff.' end if pararb(1:npar) = par(1:npar) grbarb(1:ncofrb) = grb(1:ncofrb) arb(1:maxcofrb,1:maxcofrb) = 0.0D+00 call diffprb(arb,area,epsdif,grb,indx,maxcofrb,maxelm, & maxnfl,nbcrb,ncofrb,nelem,nferb,node,np,npar,nparf,nx, & ny,par,phirb,rb,resrb,reynld,tauflo,xc,xrange,yc,yrange) ! ! DIFSENFL ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'difsenfl')) then if ( ipar <= 0 .or. npar < ipar ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'ARBY4 - Warning!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Cancelling the DIFSENFL command.' write ( *, '(a,i6)' ) ' IPAR = ',ipar write ( *, '(a)' ) ' but IPAR must be at least 0' write ( *, '(a,i6)' ) ' and no more than NPAR = ',npar cycle end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'ARBY4 - DifSenFL:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Estimate full solution sensitivity ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' with respect to parameter ',ipar write ( *, '(a)' ) ' via finite differences.' end if ipar = npar dpar = drey parsen(1:npar) = par(1:npar) gflsen(1:neqnfl) = gfl(1:neqnfl) call difsenfl(afl,area,difcof,dpar,eqn,gfl,gflafl,ifs,ijac,indx,ipar, & ipivfl,iwrite,ldafl,maxcofrb,maxelm,maxnew,maxnfl,ncofrb,nelem,neqnfl, & nlband,node,np,npar,nparf,par,parafl,phifl,region,resfl,senfl,splflo, & tauflo,tolnew,xrange,yc,yrange) ! ! DIFSENRB ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'difsenrb')) then if ( ipar <= 0 .or. npar < ipar ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'ARBY4 - Warning!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Cancelling the DIFSENRB command.' write ( *, '(a,i6)' ) ' IPAR = ', ipar write ( *, '(a)' ) ' but IPAR must be at least 0' write ( *, '(a,i6)' ) ' and no more than NPAR = ', npar cycle end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'ARBY4 - Dif Sen RB:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Estimate reduced solution sensitivity ' write ( *, '(a,i6)' ) ' with respect to parameter ', ipar write ( *, '(a)' ) ' via finite differences.' end if ipar = npar dpar = drey parsen(1:npar) = par(1:npar) grbsen(1:ncofrb) = grb(1:ncofrb) call difsenrb(arb,area,difcof,dpar,grb,grbarb,indx,ipar,ipivrb,iwrite, & maxcofrb,maxelm,maxnew,maxnfl,nbcrb,ncofrb,nelem,nferb,node,np,npar, & nparf,nx,ny,par,pararb,phirb,rb,resrb,senrb,tauflo,tolnew,xc,xrange, & yc,yrange) ! ! DisPlot ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'displot')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'ARBY4 - DisPlot: Write data to DISPLAY plot file.' end if call intprs(gfl,indx,nelem,neqnfl,node,np,p) u(1:np) = gfl(indx(1,1:np)) v(1:np) = gfl(indx(2,1:np)) call wrdis(disfil,eqn,indx,isotri,maxcofrb,maxnfl,ncofrb,nelem,neqnfl, & node,np,npar,npe,nprof,nx,ny,p,par,rb,u,v,xc,xprof,yc) ! ! DREY = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'drey')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:5),'drey=')) then read(command(6:),*)drey else write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Enter value for DREY:' read(*,*)drey write(17,*)drey end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) 'DREY set to ',drey end if ! ! EPSDIF = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'epsdif')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:7),'epsdif=')) then read(command(8:),*)epsdif else write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Enter value for EPSDIF:' read ( *, * ) epsdif write ( 17, '(g14.6)' ) epsdif end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) 'EPSDIF set to ', epsdif end if ! ! ECHO ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'echo')) then echo = .not.echo if ( echo) then write(*,'(a)')command if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'User commands will be echoed.' end if else if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'User commands will not be echoed.' end if end if ! ! EXPAND GRB ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'expand grb')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'ARBY4 - Expand GRB:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Compute GFL = RB * GRB' end if call grb2fl(gfl,gflrb,grb,maxnfl,ncofrb,neqnfl,rb) ! ! DISFIL = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'disfil')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:7),'disfil=')) then disfil = command(8:) else write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Enter the DISPLAY output file name:' read(*,'(a)')disfil write(17,'(a)')disfil end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'DISPLAY output file name set to ' // trim ( disfil ) end if ! ! FILTEC = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'tecfil')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:7),'tecfil=')) then tecfil = command(8:) else write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Enter the TECPLOT output file name:' read(*,'(a)')tecfil write(17,'(a)')tecfil end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TECPLOT output file name set to ' // trim ( tecfil ) end if ! ! FPFL ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'fpfl')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'ARBY4 - FPFL - Evaluate full jacobian.' end if call fpfl(afl,area,eqn,gfl,indx,ldafl,maxelm,nelem,neqnfl, & nlband,node,np,npar,par,phifl) ! ! FPIRB ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'fpirb')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'ARBY4 - FPIRB:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Evaluate FP indirectly at reduced solution GRB,' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' by expanding GRB to GFL, evaluating FP(GFL),' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' and then reducing.' end if call fpirb(afl,arb,area,eqn,gflrb,grb,indx,ldafl,maxcofrb, & maxelm,maxnfl,nbcrb,ncofrb,nelem,neqnfl,nferb,nlband,node, & np,npar,nx,ny,par,phifl,rb,xc,xrange,yc,yrange) ! ! FPRB ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'fprb')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'ARBY4 - FPRB - Evaluate reduced jacobian.' end if pararb(1:npar) = par(1:npar) grbarb(1:ncofrb) = grb(1:ncofrb) call fprb(arb,area,grb,indx,maxcofrb,maxelm,maxnfl,nbcrb,ncofrb,nelem, & nferb,node,np,nx,ny,phirb,rb,reynld,xc,xrange,yc,yrange) ! ! FPRB = 0 ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'fprb=0')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'ARBY4 - FPRB = 0 - Zero out the reduced jacobian.' end if arb(1:maxcofrb,1:maxcofrb) = 0.0D+00 ! ! FXFL ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'fxfl')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'ARBY4 - FX FL:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Evaluate FXFL at full solution GFL.' end if call fxfl(area,eqn,gfl,ifs,indx,nelem,neqnfl,node,np,npar,nparf,par, & phifl,region,resfl,splflo,tauflo,xrange,yc,yrange) ! ! FXIRB ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'fxirb')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'ARBY4 - FX IRB:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Evaluate FX indirectly at reduced solution GRB,' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' by expanding GRB to GFL, evaluating F(GFL),' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' and then reducing.' end if call fxirb(area,eqn,gflrb,grb,ifs,indx,maxcofrb,maxnfl,nbcrb,ncofrb, & nelem,neqnfl,nferb,node,np,npar,nparf,nx,ny,par,phifl,rb,region,resrb, & splflo,tauflo,xc,xrange,yc,yrange) ! ! FXRB ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'fxrb')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'ARBY4 - FX RB:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Evaluate FX directly at reduced solution GRB.' end if reynld = par(npar) call fxrb(area,grb,indx,maxcofrb,maxelm,maxnfl,nbcrb,ncofrb,nelem,nferb, & node,np,npar,nparf,nx,ny,par,phirb,rb,resrb,reynld,tauflo,xc,xrange, & yc,yrange) ! ! FXRB = 0 ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'fxrb=0')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'ARBY4 - FXRB = 0' end if resrb(1:ncofrb) = 0.0D+00 ! ! GETGSEN ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'getgsen')) then call getgsen(grb,gsen,icolrb,maxcofrb,nbcrb,ncofrb,nsenfl,rbase) ! ! GETRB ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'getrb')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'ARBY4 - Get RB:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Compute reduced basis RB at current GFL.' end if if ( ncofrb < 0) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'ARBY4 - Warning!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' The GETRB command is being cancelled,' write ( *, '(a,i6)' ) ' since NCOFRB is ', ncofrb write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Please use the "NCOFRB = " command first!' end if if ( dvneq ( npar, par, parsen ) ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Error!' write ( *, * ) ' Please compute the sensitivities first,' write ( *, * ) ' using the GETSENFL command!' cycle end if ! ! Save the affine displacement vector GFLRB. ! parrb(1:npar) = par(1:npar) gflrb(1:neqnfl) = gfl(1:neqnfl) ! ! Get boundary condition reduced basis vectors. ! call getbcrb(gflrb,maxcofrb,maxnfl,nbcrb,neqnfl,rb) ! ! Get finite element reduced basis vectors. ! call getferb(icolrb,maxcofrb,maxnfl,nbcrb,ncofrb,neqnfl, & nferb,nsenfl,rb,rbase,senfl,senrb) grb(1:ncofrb) = 0.0D+00 ! ! Compute PHIRB, the reduced basis functions at quadrature points. ! if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Note:' write ( *, * ) ' Automatically evaluating PHIRB, the reduced' write ( *, * ) ' basis functions at quadrature points.' end if call setprb(eqn,indx,maxcofrb,maxelm,maxnfl,nelem,neqnfl, & ncofrb,node,np,phifl,phirb,rb) ! ! GETSENFL ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'getsenfl')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Get Sen FL:' write ( *, * ) ' Compute full solution sensitivities with ' write ( *, * ) ' respect to the parameter REYNLD, up to order' write ( *, * ) ' NSENFL = ',nsenfl end if if ( nsenfl < 0) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' The GETSENFL command is being cancelled,' write ( *, * ) ' since NSENFL is ',nsenfl write ( *, * ) ' Please use the "NSENFL = " command first!' else parsen(1:npar) = par(1:npar) gflsen(1:neqnfl) = gfl(1:neqnfl) call getsenfl(afl,area,eqn,gfl,indx,ipivfl,ldafl,maxcofrb,maxnfl, & nelem,neqnfl,nlband,node,np,npar,nsenfl,par,phifl,resfl,senfl) end if ! ! GETSENRB ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'getsenrb')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Get Sen RB' write ( *, * ) ' Compute reduced basis sensitivities.' end if call getsenrb(maxcofrb,maxnfl,ncofrb,neqnfl,nsenfl,rb,senfl,senrb) ! ! GFL = 0, GFLSAV, GFLTAY, TAYLOR ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'gfl=')) then if ( command(5:5) == '0') then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - GFL = 0' write ( *, * ) ' Set full solution estimate GFL to zero.' end if gfl(1:neqnfl) = 0.0D+00 else if ( s_eqi ( command(5:10),'gflsav')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - GFL = GFLSAV' write ( *, * ) ' Set full solution estimate GFL to GFLSAV.' end if gfl(1:neqnfl) = gflsav(1:neqnfl) else if ( s_eqi ( command(5:10),'gfltay')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - GFL = GFLTAY' write ( *, * ) ' Set full solution estimate GFL to GFLTAY.' end if gfl(1:neqnfl) = gfltay(1:neqnfl) else if ( s_eqi ( command(5:10),'taylor')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - GFL = TAYLOR' write ( *, * ) ' Set full solution GFL to Taylor prediction,' write ( *, * ) ' based at REYTAY = ',reytay write ( *, * ) ' using NTAY = ',ntay,' terms.' end if gfl(1:neqnfl) = gfltay(1:neqnfl) do i = 1, neqnfl do j = 1, ntay call fact(j,factj) temp = ((reynld-reytay)**j)/factj gfl(i) = gfl(i)+temp*senfl(i,j) end do end do end if ! ! GFLSAV = GFL ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'gflsav=gfl')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - GFLSAV = GFL' write ( *, * ) ' Save current full solution.' end if parsav(1:npar) = par(1:npar) gflsav(1:neqnfl) = gfl(1:neqnfl) resflsav(1:neqnfl) = resfl(1:neqnfl) ! ! GFLTAY = 0, GFL, GFLSAV ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:7),'gfltay=')) then if ( command(8:8) == '0') then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - GFLTAY = 0' write ( *, * ) ' Set Taylor base full solution to zero.' end if gfltay(1:neqnfl) = 0.0D+00 else if ( s_eqi ( command(8:13),'gflsav')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - GFLTAY = GFLSAV' write ( *, * ) ' Set Taylor base full solution to GFLSAV.' end if gfltay(1:neqnfl) = gflsav(1:neqnfl) else if ( s_eqi ( command(8:10),'gfl')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - GFLTAY = GFL' write ( *, * ) ' Set Taylor base full solution to GFL.' end if gfltay(1:neqnfl) = gfl(1:neqnfl) end if ! ! GFLTMP = 0/GFL/GFL-GFLSAV/GFL-GFLTAR/GFLSAV/GFLSAV-GFLTAY ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:7),'gfltmp=')) then if ( command(8:8) == '0') then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - GFLTMP = 0' end if gfltmp(1:neqnfl) = 0.0D+00 else if ( s_eqi ( command(8:),'gfl')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - GFLTMP = GFL' end if gfltmp(1:neqnfl) = gfl(1:neqnfl) else if ( s_eqi ( command(8:),'gfl-gflsav')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - GFLTMP = GFL-GFLSAV' end if gfltmp(1:neqnfl) = gfl(1:neqnfl) - gflsav(1:neqnfl) else if ( s_eqi ( command(8:),'gfl-gfltar')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - GFLTMP = GFL-GFLTAR' end if gfltmp(1:neqnfl) = gfl(1:neqnfl) - gfltar(1:neqnfl) else if ( s_eqi ( command(8:),'gflsav')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - GFLTMP = GFLSAV' end if gfltmp(1:neqnfl) = gflsav(1:neqnfl) else if ( s_eqi ( command(8:),'gflsav-gfltay')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - GFLTMP = GFLSAV-GFLTAY' end if gfltmp(1:neqnfl) = gflsav(1:neqnfl) - gfltay(1:neqnfl) else write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Error' write ( *, * ) ' Did not understand your command!' cycle end if ! ! GRB(*) = * ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'grb(')) then call chrcti(command(5:),ival,ierror,lchar) if ( ierror /= 0) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' ChrCTI returned nonzero error flag!' cycle end if if ( ival < 1 .or. ncofrb < ival ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'INPUT - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' Index IVAL of GRB is out of bounds!' write ( *, * ) ' IVAL = ',ival cycle end if call chrctd(command(5+lchar+2:),value,ierror,lchar) if ( ierror /= 0) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' ChrCTD returned nonzero error flag!' cycle end if grb(ival) = value if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'GRB(',ival,') set to ',grb(ival) end if ! ! GRB = 0, GRBSAV, GRBTAY, TAYLOR ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'grb=')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:5),'grb=0')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - GRB = 0' write ( *, * ) ' Set reduced solution to 0.' end if grb(1:ncofrb) = 0.0D+00 else if ( s_eqi ( command,'grb=grbsav')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - GRB = GRBSAV' write ( *, * ) ' Set reduced solution to saved value.' end if grb(1:ncofrb) = grbsav(1:ncofrb) else if ( s_eqi ( command,'grb=grbtay')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - GRB = GRBTAY' write ( *, * ) ' Set reduced solution to Taylor base.' end if grb(1:ncofrb) = grbtay(1:ncofrb) else if ( s_eqi ( command,'grb=taylor')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - GRB = TAYLOR' write ( *, * ) ' Set reduced solution to Taylor prediction,' write ( *, * ) ' based at REYTAY, GRBTAY plus sensitivities.' end if do i = 1, ncofrb grb(i) = 0.0D+00 do j = 1, ntay jtay = j-1 call fact(jtay,factj) temp = ((reynld-reytay)**jtay)/factj grb(i) = grb(i)+temp*senrb(i,j) end do end do else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:5),'grb=(')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - GRB = (v0,v1,...,vNeqnRB)' end if klo = 6 do i = 1, ncofrb call chrctd(command(klo:),temp,ierror,lchar) if ( ierror /= 0) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' There was an error reading your data.' grb(i) = 0.0D+00 else grb(i) = temp end if klo = klo+lchar end do end if ! ! GRBSAV = 0, GRB ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:7),'grbsav=')) then if ( command(8:8) == '0') then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - GRBSAV = 0' end if grbsav(1:ncofrb) = 0.0D+00 else if ( s_eqi ( command,'grbsav=grb')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - GRBSAV = GRB' end if grbsav(1:ncofrb) = grb(1:ncofrb) end if ! ! GRBTAY = 0, GRB, GRBSAV ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:7),'grbtay=')) then if ( command(8:8) == '0') then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - GRBTAY = 0' write ( *, * ) ' Set Taylor base reduced solution to zero.' end if grbtay(1:ncofrb) = 0.0D+00 else if ( s_eqi ( command(8:13),'grbsav')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - GRBTAY = GRBSAV' write ( *, * ) ' Set Taylor base reduced solution to GRBSAV.' end if grbtay(1:ncofrb) = grbsav(1:ncofrb) else if ( s_eqi ( command(8:10),'grb')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - GRBTAY = GRB' write ( *, * ) ' Set Taylor base reduced solution to GRB.' end if grbtay(1:ncofrb) = grb(1:ncofrb) end if ! ! GRIDX = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:5),'gridx')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'gridx=')) then gridx = command(7:) else write ( *, * ) 'Enter GRIDX option: UNIFORM, COS, SINSQ:' read(*,'(a)')gridx write(17,'(a)')gridx end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'The GRIDX option set to '//gridx write ( *, * ) 'Remember to use the SETGEO command' write ( *, * ) 'before trying to solve your system!' end if ! ! GRIDY = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:5),'gridy')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'gridy=')) then gridy = command(7:) else write ( *, * ) 'Enter GRIDY option: UNIFORM, COS, SINSQ:' read(*,'(a)')gridy write(17,'(a)')gridy end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'The GRIDY option set to ' // trim ( gridy ) write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Remember to use the SETGEO command' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'before trying to solve your system!' end if ! ! HELLO ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'hello')) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'ARBY4 - Hello' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' call hello ( maxnx, maxny ) ! ! HELP ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'help')) then call help ! ! IBS = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:3),'ibs')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'ibs=')) then read(command(5:),*)ibs else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for IBS:' read(*,*)ibs write(17,*)ibs end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'IBS set to ',ibs end if ! ! IBUMP = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:5),'ibump')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'ibump=')) then read(command(7:),*)ibump else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for IBUMP:' read(*,*)ibump write(17,*)ibump end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'IBUMP set to ',ibump end if ! ! IFS = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:3),'ifs')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'ifs=')) then read(command(5:),*)ifs else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for IFS:' read(*,*)ifs write(17,*)ifs end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'IFS set to ',ifs end if ! ! IHI = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:3),'ihi')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'ihi=')) then if ( s_eqi ( command,'ihi=ncofrb')) then ihi = ncofrb else if ( s_eqi ( command,'ihi=neqnfl')) then ihi = neqnfl else if ( s_eqi ( command,'ihi=np')) then ihi = np else read(command(5:),*)ihi end if else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for IHI:' read(*,*)ihi write(17,*)ihi end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'IHI set to ',ihi end if ! ! IJAC = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'ijac')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:5),'ijac=')) then read(command(6:),*)ijac else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for IJAC:' read(*,*)ijac write(17,*)ijac end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'IJAC set to ',ijac end if ! ! ILO = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:3),'ilo')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'ilo=')) then read(command(5:),*)ilo else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for ILO:' read(*,*)ilo write(17,*)ilo end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ILO set to ',ilo end if ! ! INIT ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'init')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Init' write ( *, * ) ' Initialize all data to zero.' write ( *, * ) ' ' end if call init(afl,arb,area,command,cost,costb,costp,costu,costv,difcof, & disfil,drey,epsdif,eqn,etaq,gfl,gflafl,gflrb,gflsav,gflsen,gfltar, & gfltay,grb,grbarb,grbsav,grbsen,grbtay,gridx,gridy,hx,hy,ibs,ibump, & icolrb,ierror,ifs,ihi,ijac,ilo,indx,iopt,ipar,ipivfl,ipivrb,isotri, & iwrite,jhi,jlo,ldafl,maxcofrb,maxelm,maxnew,maxnfl,maxnp,maxny, & maxopt,maxpar,maxparb,maxparf,maxsim,nbcrb,ncofrb,nelem,neqnfl, & nferb,nlband,node,nodelm,np,npar,nparb,nparf,npe,nprof,nsenfl,ntay, & numnew,numopt,numsim,nx,ny,par,parafl,pararb,pardif,parrb,parsav, & parsen,partar,phifl,phirb,rbase,rb,region,resfl,resflsav,resrb, & reynld,reytay,senfl,senrb,splbmp,splflo,taubmp,tauflo,tecfil,tolnew, & tolopt,tolsim,value,wateb,watep,wateu,watev,wquad,xbl,xbr,xc, & xmax,xmin,xprof,xquad,xrange,xsiq,ybl,ybr,yc,ymax,ymin,yquad,yrange) ! ! IOPT(*) = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:5),'iopt(')) then call chrcti(command(6:),ival1,ierror,lchar) if ( ierror /= 0) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'INPUT - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' ChrCTI returned nonzero error flag!' stop end if if ( ival1 < 1 .or. maxpar < ival1 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'INPUT - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Index IVAL1 of IOPT is out of bounds!' write ( *, * ) ' IVAL1 = ', ival1 stop end if call chrcti(command(6+lchar+2:),ival2,ierror,lchar) iopt(ival1) = ival2 if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'IOPT(',ival1,' ) set to ',ival2 end if ! ! IWRITE = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'iwrite')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:7),'iwrite=')) then read(command(8:),*)iwrite else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for IWRITE:' read(*,*)iwrite write(17,*)iwrite end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'IWRITE set to ',iwrite end if ! ! JHI = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:3),'jhi')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'jhi=')) then if ( s_eqi ( command,'jhi=ncofrb')) then jhi = ncofrb else if ( s_eqi ( command,'jhi=neqnfl')) then jhi = neqnfl else if ( s_eqi ( command,'jhi=nsenfl')) then jhi = nsenfl else read(command(5:),*)jhi end if else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for JHI:' read(*,*)jhi write(17,*)jhi end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'JHI set to ',jhi end if ! ! JLO = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:3),'jlo')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'jlo=')) then read(command(5:),*)jlo else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for JLO:' read(*,*)jlo write(17,*)jlo end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'JLO set to ',jlo end if ! ! L2NORM GFL/GFLSAV/GFLTAR/GFLTAY/GFLTMP ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'l2norm')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(8:),'gfl')) then call l2norm(gfl,gflnrm,indx,nelem,neqnfl,node,np,xc,yc) write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - L2Norm of GFL = ',gflnrm else if ( s_eqi ( command(8:),'gflsav')) then call l2norm(gflsav,gflnrm,indx,nelem,neqnfl,node,np,xc,yc) write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - L2Norm of GFLSAV = ',gflnrm else if ( s_eqi ( command(8:),'gfltar')) then call l2norm(gfltar,gflnrm,indx,nelem,neqnfl,node,np,xc,yc) write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - L2Norm of GFLTAR = ',gflnrm else if ( s_eqi ( command(8:),'gfltay')) then call l2norm(gfltay,gflnrm,indx,nelem,neqnfl,node,np,xc,yc) write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - L2Norm of GFLTAY = ',gflnrm else if ( s_eqi ( command(8:),'gfltmp')) then call l2norm(gfltmp,gflnrm,indx,nelem,neqnfl,node,np,xc,yc) write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - L2Norm of GFLTMP = ',gflnrm else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Error!' write ( *, * ) ' Legal choices were GFL/GFLSAV/GFLTAY/GFLTMP.' write ( *, * ) ' Your choice was '//command(8:) cycle end if ! ! MAXNEW = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'maxnew')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:7),'maxnew=')) then read(command(8:),*)maxnew else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for MAXNEW:' read(*,*)maxnew write(17,*)maxnew end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'MAXNEW set to ',maxnew end if ! ! MAXOPT = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'maxopt')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:7),'maxopt=')) then read(command(8:),*)maxopt else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for MAXOPT:' read(*,*)maxopt write(17,*)maxopt end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'MAXOPT set to ',maxopt end if ! ! MAXSIM = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'maxsim')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:7),'maxsim=')) then read(command(8:),*)maxsim else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for MAXSIM:' read(*,*)maxsim write(17,*)maxsim end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'MAXSIM set to ',maxsim end if ! ! NBCRB = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:5),'nbcrb')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'nbcrb=')) then read(command(7:),*)nbcrb else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for NBCRB:' read(*,*)nbcrb write(17,*)nbcrb end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'NBCRB set to ',nbcrb end if ! ! NEWTFL ! Apply Newton's method to full solution estimate. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'newtfl')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - NewtFL' write ( *, * ) ' Apply Newton to full solution estimate GFL.' end if call newtfl(afl,area,eqn,gfl,gflafl,ierror,ifs,ijac,indx,ipivfl,iwrite, & ldafl,maxelm,maxnew,nelem,neqnfl,nlband,node,np,npar,nparf,numnew,par, & parafl,phifl,region,resfl,rmax,splflo,tauflo,tolnew,xrange,yc,yrange) if ( ierror /= 0) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' NEWTFL failed!' write ( *, * ) ' The parameters at which failure occurred:' write ( *, * ) ' ' call prpar(iopt,npar,nparb,nparf,par) ierror = 1 cycle else if ( iwrite <= 1) then write ( *, * ) ' Newton step ',numsim,' residual norm = ',rmax end if end if ! ! NEWTRB ! Apply Newton's method to reduced solution estimate. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'newtrb')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - NewtRB' write ( *, * ) ' Apply Newton to reduced solution estimate GRB.' end if if ( ncofrb <= 0 ) then cycle end if call newtrb(arb,area,grb,grbarb,ierror,indx,ipivrb, & iwrite,maxcofrb,maxelm,maxnew,maxnfl,nbcrb,ncofrb,nelem, & nferb,node,np,npar,nparf,nx,ny,par,pararb,phirb, & rb,resrb,rmax,tauflo,tolnew,xc,xrange,yc,yrange) if ( ierror /= 0) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' NEWTRB failed!' write ( *, * ) ' The parameters at which failure occurred:' call prpar(iopt,npar,nparb,nparf,par) ierror = 1 cycle else if ( iwrite <= 1) then write ( *, * ) ' Final Newton residual was MxNorm(FXRB) = ',rmax end if end if ! ! NPARB = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:5),'nparb')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'nparb=')) then read(command(7:),*)nparb else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for NPARB:' read(*,*)nparb write(17,*)nparb end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'NPARB set to ',nparb end if ! ! NPARF = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:5),'nparf')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'nparf=')) then read(command(7:),*)nparf else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for NPARF:' read(*,*)nparf write(17,*)nparf end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'NPARF set to ',nparf end if ! ! NSENFL = # ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'nsenfl')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:7),'nsenfl=')) then read(command(8:),*)itemp else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for NSENFL:' read(*,*)itemp write(17,*)itemp end if if ( itemp < 0) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' NSENFL must be at least 0!' write ( *, * ) ' but your value was ',itemp else nsenfl = itemp if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - NSENFL set to ',nsenfl end if end if ! ! NTAY = # ! NTAY = NCOFRB ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'ntay')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:5),'ntay=')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(6:11),'ncofrb')) then itemp = ncofrb else read(command(6:),*)itemp end if else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for NTAY:' read(*,*)itemp write(17,*)itemp end if if ( itemp < 0 .or. ncofrb < itemp ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' NTAY must be between 0 and NCOFRB = ',ncofrb write ( *, * ) ' but your value was ',itemp else ntay = itemp if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - NTAY set to ',ntay end if end if ! ! NX = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:2),'nx')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:3),'nx=')) then read(command(4:),*)itemp else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for NX:' read(*,*)itemp write(17,*)itemp end if if ( itemp < 2 ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Unacceptable input.' write ( *, * ) ' NX must be at least 2.' write ( *, * ) ' Your value was ',itemp else if ( maxnx < itemp ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Unacceptable input.' write ( *, * ) ' NX must be no more than MAXNX = ',maxnx write ( *, * ) ' Your value was ',itemp else nx = itemp if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'NX set to ',nx write ( *, * ) 'Remember to use the SETLOG and SETGEO commands' write ( *, * ) 'before trying to solve your systems!' end if end if ! ! NY = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:2),'ny')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:3),'ny=')) then read(command(4:),*)itemp else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for NY:' read(*,*)itemp write(17,*)itemp end if if ( itemp < 2) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Unacceptable input.' write ( *, * ) ' NY must be at least 2.' write ( *, * ) ' Your value was ',itemp else if ( maxny < itemp ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Unacceptable input.' write ( *, * ) ' NY must be no more than MAXNY = ',maxny write ( *, * ) ' Your value was ',itemp else ny = itemp if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'NY set to ',ny write ( *, * ) 'Remember to use the SETLOG and SETGEO commands' write ( *, * ) 'before trying to solve your system!' end if end if ! ! OPTFL ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'optfl')) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - OPT FL:' write ( *, * ) ' Optimize the full system.' write ( *, * ) ' NO WAY, JOSE! NOT READY YET!' ! ! OPTDIFFL ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'optdiffl')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - OptDifFl:' write ( *, * ) ' Optimize the cost of the full system;' write ( *, * ) ' The optimization code will approximate cost' write ( *, * ) ' gradients by finite differences.' write ( *, * ) ' Initial estimate is (PAR,GFL,COST).' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Note!' write ( *, * ) ' You must already have issued the TARGET command!' end if call optdiffl(afl,area,cost,dopt,eqn,etaq,gfl,gflafl, & gflopt,gfltar,gridx,gridy,ibs,ierror,ifs,ijac,indx,iopt, & ipivfl,isotri,ivopt,iwrite,ldafl,liv,lv,maxelm,maxnew,maxnfl, & maxnp,maxny,maxopt,maxpar,maxparb,maxparf,maxsim,nelem, & neqnfl,nlband,node,nodelm,np,npar,nparb,nparf,nprof,numdif, & numopt,nx,ny,par,parafl,paropt,phifl,region,resfl,splbmp, & splflo,taubmp,tauflo,tolnew,tolopt,tolsim,vopt,wateb,watep, & wateu,watev,wquad,xbl,xbr,xc,xopt,xquad,xrange,xsiq,ybl, & ybr,yc,yquad,yrange) if ( ierror == 0) then par(1:npar) = paropt(1:npar) gfl(1:neqnfl) = gflopt(1:neqnfl) write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Optimizing parameters:' call prpar(iopt,npar,nparb,nparf,par) write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Optimal cost = ',cost write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Number of standard full solutions:',numopt write ( *, * ) 'Number of auxilliary solutions: ',numdif else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' The optimization was unsuccessful.' end if ! ! OPTDIFRB ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'optdifrb')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - OptDifRB:' write ( *, * ) ' Optimize the cost of the reduced system;' write ( *, * ) ' The optimization code will approximate cost' write ( *, * ) ' gradients by finite differences.' write ( *, * ) ' Initial estimate is (PAR,GRB,COST).' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Note!' write ( *, * ) ' You must already have issued the commands:' write ( *, * ) ' SETLOG, SETGEO, NEWTFL, GETSEN, GETRB, TARGET!' end if call optdifrb(arb,area,cost,dopt,gflrb,gfltar,gfltmp, & grb,grbarb,grbopt,ierror,indx,iopt,ipivrb, & ivopt,iwrite,liv,lv,maxcofrb,maxelm,maxnew,maxnfl,maxnp, & maxny,maxopt,maxpar,maxparb,maxsim,nbcrb,ncofrb,nelem,neqnfl, & nferb,node,np,npar,nparb,nparf,nprof,numdif,numopt,nx,ny,par, & pararb,paropt,phirb,rb,resrb,splbmp,tauflo,taubmp,tolnew, & tolopt,tolsim,vopt,wateb,watep,wateu,watev,xbl,xbr,xc,xopt, & xrange,ybl,ybr,yc,yrange) if ( ierror == 0) then par(1:npar) = paropt(1:npar) grb(1:ncofrb) = grbopt(1:ncofrb) write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Optimizing parameters:' call prpar(iopt,npar,nparb,nparf,par) write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Optimal cost = ',cost write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Number of standard full solutions:',numopt write ( *, * ) 'Number of auxilliary solutions: ',numdif else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' The optimization was unsuccessful.' end if ! ! PAR(*) = * ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'par(')) then call chrcti(command(5:),ival,ierror,lchar) if ( ierror /= 0) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' ChrCTI returned nonzero error flag!' cycle end if if ( ival < 1 .or. maxpar < ival ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'INPUT - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' Index IVAL of PAR is out of bounds!' write ( *, * ) ' IVAL = ',ival cycle end if call chrctd(command(5+lchar+2:),value,ierror,lchar) if ( ierror /= 0) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' ChrCTD returned nonzero error flag!' cycle end if par(ival) = value if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'PAR(',ival,') set to ',par(ival) end if ! ! PARTAR(*) = * ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:7),'partar(')) then call chrcti(command(8:),ival,ierror,lchar) if ( ierror /= 0) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' ChrCTI returned nonzero error flag!' cycle end if if ( ival < 1 .or. maxpar < ival ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'INPUT - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' Index IVAL of PARTAR is out of bounds!' write ( *, * ) ' IVAL = ', ival cycle end if call chrctd(command(8+lchar+2:),value,ierror,lchar) if ( ierror /= 0) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' ChrCTD returned nonzero error flag!' cycle end if partar(ival) = value par(ival) = value if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'PARTAR(',ival,') set to ',partar(ival) end if ! ! PICFL ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'picfl')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - PicFL:' write ( *, * ) ' Apply Picard to full solution estimate GFL.' end if call picfl(afl,area,eqn,gfl,ierror,ifs,indx,ipivfl,iwrite,ldafl,maxsim, & nelem,neqnfl,nlband,node,np,npar,nparf,numsim,par,phifl,region,resfl, & rmax,splflo,tauflo,tolsim,xc,xrange,yc,yrange) if ( iwrite <= 1) then write ( *, * ) ' Picard step ',numsim,' residual norm = ',rmax end if ! ! PICRB ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'picrb')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - PicRB:' write ( *, * ) ' Apply Picard to reduced solution estimate GRB.' end if if ( ncofrb <= 0) then cycle end if call picrb(arb,area,grb,ierror,indx,ipivrb,iwrite,maxcofrb,maxelm,maxnfl, & maxsim,nbcrb,ncofrb,nelem,nferb,node,np,npar,nparf,nx,ny,par,phirb,rb, & resrb,rmax,tauflo,tolsim,xc,xrange,yc,yrange) if ( iwrite <= 1) then write ( *, * ) ' Final Picard residual was MxNorm(FXRB) = ',rmax end if ! ! PRFPFL ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'prfpfl')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Pr FP FL:' write ( *, * ) ' Print full jacobian.' write ( *, * ) ' Rows ILO = ',ilo,' to IHI=',ihi write ( *, * ) ' Cols JLO = ',jlo,' to JHI=',jhi write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Parameters for matrix, PARAFL:' call prpar(iopt,npar,nparb,nparf,parafl) end if call prbmat(afl,ihi,ilo,jhi,jlo,ldafl,neqnfl,nlband) ! ! PRFPRB ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'prfprb')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Pr FP RB:' write ( *, * ) ' Print reduced jacobian.' write ( *, * ) ' Rows ILO = ',ilo,' to IHI=',ihi write ( *, * ) ' Cols JLO = ',jlo,' to JHI=',jhi write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Parameters for matrix, PARARB:' call prpar(iopt,npar,nparb,nparf,pararb) end if mlo = 1 mhi = maxcofrb nlo = 1 nhi = maxcofrb call prdmat(arb,ihi,ilo,jhi,jlo,mhi,mlo,nhi,nlo) ! ! PRDAT ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'prdat')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Pr Dat' write ( *, * ) ' Print current problem data.' end if call prdat(disfil,drey,epsdif,gridx,gridy,hx,hy,ibs,ibump,ifs,ijac,iopt, & maxnew,maxopt,maxsim,nbcrb,ncofrb,nelem,nferb,neqnfl,np,npar,nparb, & nparf,ntay,nx,ny,region,reytay,tecfil,tolnew,tolopt,tolsim,wateb, & watep,wateu,watev,xbl,xbr,xprof,xrange,ybl,ybr,yrange) ! ! PRELEM ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'prelem')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Pr Elem' write ( *, * ) ' Print element data.' end if call prelem(ihi,ilo,nelem,node,np,xc,yc) ! ! PRFXFL ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'prfxfl')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Pr FX FL' write ( *, * ) ' Print full residual FXFL.' end if call prvecfl(eqn,ihi,ilo,indx,neqnfl,np,resfl) ! ! PRFXFLNRM ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'prfxflnrm')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Pr FX FL Nrm' write ( *, * ) ' Print norm of full residual FXFL.' end if call prfxfln(neqnfl,resfl) ! ! PRFXRB ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'prfxrb')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Pr FX RB' write ( *, * ) ' Print reduced residual FXRB.' end if nlo = 1 nhi = ncofrb call prvecrb(ihi,ilo,nhi,nlo,resrb) ! ! PRGFL ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'prgfl')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Pr G FL:' write ( *, * ) ' Print full solution GFL.' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Flow parameters, PAR:' call prpar(iopt,npar,nparb,nparf,par) end if call prvecfl(eqn,ihi,ilo,indx,neqnfl,np,gfl) ! ! PRGFLNRM ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'prgflnrm')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Pr GFL Nrm:' write ( *, * ) ' Print norms of full solution GFL.' end if call fxfl(area,eqn,gfl,ifs,indx,nelem,neqnfl,node,np,npar,nparf,par, & phifl,region,resfl,splflo,tauflo,xrange,yc,yrange) call nrmflo(gfl,indx,neqnfl,np,resfl) ! ! PRGRB ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'prgrb')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Pr G RB:' write ( *, * ) ' Print reduced solution GRB.' end if call prgrb(grb,ncofrb) ! ! PRGSEN ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'prgsen')) then call prgrb(gsen,nbcrb+nsenfl) ! ! PRINDX ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'prindx')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Pr INDX' write ( *, * ) ' Print node/equation table,' write ( *, * ) ' for nodes ILO = ',ilo,' to IHI=',ihi end if call prindx(ihi,ilo,indx,np,xc,yc) ! ! PRPAR ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'prpar')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Pr PAR: Print current parameters PAR.' end if call prpar(iopt,npar,nparb,nparf,par) ! ! PRPARTAR ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'prpartar')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Pr PAR TAR:' write ( *, * ) ' Print target parameters PARTAR.' end if call prpar(iopt,npar,nparb,nparf,partar) ! ! PRRBASE ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'prrbase')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Pr RBase' write ( *, * ) ' Print the "R" factor of the reduced basis.' end if ilo = 1 ihi = ncofrb jlo = 1 jhi = ncofrb mlo = 1 mhi = maxcofrb nlo = 1 nhi = maxcofrb call prdmat(rbase,ihi,ilo,jhi,jlo,mhi,mlo,nhi,nlo) ! ! PRRB ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'prrb')) then if ( ncofrb <= 0) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' PRRB command cancelled, NCOFRB = ',ncofrb write ( *, * ) ' Use the GETRB command first!' cycle end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Pr RB' write ( *, * ) ' Print the reduced basis,' write ( *, * ) ' nodes ILO = ',ilo,' to IHI=',ihi write ( *, * ) ' columns JLO = ',jlo,' to JHI=',jhi write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Parameters at reduced basis, PARRB:' call prpar(iopt,npar,nparb,nparf,parrb) end if call prmatfl(rb,eqn,ihi,ilo,indx,jhi,jlo,maxnfl,ncofrb,neqnfl,np) ! ! PRSENFL: Print full sensitivities. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'prsenfl')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Pr Sen FL' write ( *, * ) ' Print full sensitivities.' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Parameters at sensitivity, PARSEN:' call prpar(iopt,npar,nparb,nparf,parsen) end if call prmatfl(senfl,eqn,ihi,ilo,indx,jhi,jlo,maxnfl,nsenfl,neqnfl,np) ! ! PRSENNRM: Print full sensitivity norms. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'prsennrm')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Pr Sen Nrm' write ( *, * ) ' Print sensitivity norms.' end if call prsenn(maxcofrb,maxnfl,ncofrb,neqnfl,senfl) ! ! PRSENRB: Print reduced sensitivities. ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'prsenrb')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Pr Sen RB' write ( *, * ) ' Print matrix of reduced sensitivities,' write ( *, * ) ' rows ILO = ',ilo,' to IHI=',ihi write ( *, * ) ' columns JLO = ',jlo,' to JHI=',jhi write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Parameters at sensitivity, PARSEN:' call prpar(iopt,npar,nparb,nparf,parsen) end if mlo = 1 mhi = maxcofrb nlo = 1 nhi = ncofrb call prdmat(senrb,ihi,ilo,jhi,jlo,mhi,mlo,nhi,nlo) ! ! PRUVPGFL ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'pruvpgfl')) then call pruvpfl(gfl,indx,neqnfl,np,xc,xmax,xmin,yc,ymax,ymin) ! ! PRUVPRB ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'pruvprb')) then do j = 1, ncofrb write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Reduced basis vector ',j write ( *, * ) ' ' call pruvpfl(rb(1,j),indx,neqnfl,np,xc,xmax,xmin,yc,ymax,ymin) end do ! ! PRUVPSENFL ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'pruvpsenfl')) then do j = 1, nsenfl write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Sensitivity vector ',j write ( *, * ) ' ' call pruvpfl(senfl(1,j),indx,neqnfl,np,xc,xmax,xmin,yc,ymax,ymin) end do ! ! PRUVPGRB ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'pruvpgrb')) then call pruvprb(grb,indx,maxnfl,ncofrb,nelem,node,nodelm,np, & rb,xc,xmax,xmin,yc,ymax,ymin) ! ! PRXY ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'prxy')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Pr XY' write ( *, * ) ' Print out X and Y nodal coordinates.' end if call prxy(ihi,ilo,np,ny,xc,yc) ! ! QUIT ! else if ( s_eqi ( command, 'quit' ) ) then exit ! ! REDUCE GFL ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'reduce gfl')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Reduce GFL:' write ( *, * ) ' Given a reduced basis RB computed at the' write ( *, * ) ' full solution GFLRB, and an arbitrary full' write ( *, * ) ' solution GFL, compute the reduced basis ' write ( *, * ) ' coefficients of GFL:' write ( *, * ) ' GRB = RB^T * GFL.' end if call gfl2rb(gfl,gflrb,grb,maxnfl,ncofrb,neqnfl,rb) ! ! REGION = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'region')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:7),'region=')) then region = command(8:) else write ( *, * ) 'Enter the region, CAVITY, CHANNEL or STEP:' read(*,'(a)')region write(17,'(a)')region end if if ( s_eqi ( region,'cavity')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Cavity:' write ( *, * ) ' Set user input values to cavity defaults.' end if call cavity(ibs,ibump,ifs,iopt,maxopt,maxpar,nbcrb,npar,nparb,nparf, & npe,nx,ny,par,region,reynld,tolnew,tolopt,tolsim,wateb,watep,wateu, & watev,xbl,xbr,xprof,xrange,ybl,ybr,yrange) else if ( s_eqi ( region,'cavity2')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Cavity2:' write ( *, * ) ' Set H C Lee cavity defaults.' end if call cavity2(ibs,ibump,ifs,iopt,maxopt,maxpar,nbcrb,npar,nparb,nparf, & npe,nx,ny,par,region,reynld,tolnew,tolopt,tolsim,wateb,watep,wateu, & watev,xbl,xbr,xprof,xrange,ybl,ybr,yrange) else if ( s_eqi ( region,'channel')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Channel:' write ( *, * ) ' Set user input values to channel defaults.' end if call channl(ibs,ibump,ifs,iopt,maxopt,maxpar,nbcrb,npar,nparb,nparf, & npe,nx,ny,par,region,reynld,tolnew,tolopt,tolsim,wateb,watep,wateu, & watev,xbl,xbr,xprof,xrange,ybl,ybr,yrange) else if ( s_eqi ( region,'step')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Step`:' write ( *, * ) ' Set user input values to step defaults.' end if call step(ibs,ibump,ifs,iopt,maxopt,maxpar,nbcrb,npar,nparb,nparf,npe, & nx,ny,par,region,reynld,tolnew,tolopt,tolsim,wateb,watep,wateu,watev, & xbl,xbr,xprof,xrange,ybl,ybr,yrange) end if ! ! REYNLD = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'reynld')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:7),'reynld=')) then read(command(8:),*)reynld else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for REYNLD:' read(*,*)reynld write(17,*)reynld end if par(nparf+nparb+1) = reynld if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'REYNLD parameter set to ',reynld end if ! ! REYTAY = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'reytay')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:7),'reytay=')) then if ( s_eqi ( command,'reytay=reynld')) then reytay = reynld else read(command(8:),*)reytay end if else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for REYTAY:' read(*,*)reytay write(17,*)reytay end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'REYTAY parameter set to ',reytay end if ! ! SETGEO ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'setgeo')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - SetGeo: Set problem geometry.' end if call setgeo(area,etaq,gridx,gridy,ibs,isotri,nelem,node,nodelm,np,npar, & nparb,nparf,nx,ny,par,phifl,region,splbmp,taubmp,wquad,xbl,xbr,xc, & xquad,xrange,xsiq,ybl,ybr,yc,yquad,yrange) ! ! SETLOG ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'setlog')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - SetLog: Set problem logical data.' end if call setlog(eqn,hx,hy,ibump,indx,isotri,ldafl,maxelm,maxnfl,maxnp,nelem, & neqnfl,nlband,node,np,nprof,nx,ny,region,xbl,xbr,xprof,xrange,ybr,yrange) ! ! STOP ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'stop') ) then exit ! ! TARGET ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'target')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Target:' write ( *, * ) ' Save current GFL as GTAR.' end if call target(cost0,gfl,gfltar,indx,maxnfl,maxny,maxparb,neqnfl,np,npar, & nparb,nprof,ny,par,partar,splbmp,taubmp,wateb,watep,wateu,watev,xbl, & xbr,ybl,ybr,yc) ! ! TEST2 ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'test2')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Test2:' write ( *, * ) ' Compare full and reduced state variables' write ( *, * ) ' in elements ILO through IHI.' end if call test2(gfl,grb,ihi,ilo,indx,maxcofrb,maxelm,ncofrb, & nelem,neqnfl,node,np,phifl,phirb) ! ! TEST3 ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'test3')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Test3:' write ( *, * ) ' Compare RB*Rfact and SenFL.' end if call test3(maxcofrb,maxnfl,ncofrb,neqnfl,rb,senfl,senrb) ! ! TEST4 ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'test4')) then if ( ipar <= 0 .or. npar < ipar ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' Cancelling the TEST4 command.' write ( *, * ) ' IPAR = ',ipar write ( *, * ) ' but IPAR must be at least 0' write ( *, * ) ' and no more than NPAR = ',npar cycle end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Test4' write ( *, * ) ' Compare full sensitivities computed directly' write ( *, * ) ' and via finite differences.' end if call test4(afl,area,difcof,dpar,drey,eqn,gfl,gflafl, & ifs,ijac,indx,ipar,ipivfl,iwrite,ldafl,maxcofrb,maxelm, & maxnew,maxnfl,ncofrb,nelem,neqnfl,nlband,node,np,npar, & nparf,nsenfl,par,parafl,phifl,region,resfl, & senfl,splflo,tauflo,tolnew,xrange,yc,yrange) ! ! TEST5 ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'test5')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Test5:' write ( *, * ) ' Compare RB*Rfact and basis vectors.' end if call test5(maxcofrb,maxnfl,ncofrb,neqnfl,rb,rbase) ! ! TIME ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'time')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Time:' write ( *, * ) ' Report current time,' write ( *, * ) ' time elapsed since last TIME call,' write ( *, * ) ' time elapsed since the program began.' end if write ( *, * ) ' The (real) start time was '// trim ( tstart ) call date_and_time ( date, time ) write ( *, * ) ' The current (real) time is ' // trim ( time ) ! ! TOLNEW = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'tolnew')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:7),'tolnew=')) then read(command(8:),*)tolnew else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for TOLNEW:' read(*,*)tolnew write(17,*)tolnew end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'TOLNEW set to ',tolnew end if ! ! TOLOPT = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'tolopt')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:7),'tolopt=')) then read(command(8:),*)tolopt else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for TOLOPT:' read(*,*)tolopt write(17,*)tolopt end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'TOLOPT set to ',tolopt end if ! ! TOLSIM = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'tolsim')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:7),'tolsim=')) then read(command(8:),*)tolsim else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for TOLSIM:' read(*,*)tolsim write(17,*)tolsim end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'TOLSIM set to ',tolsim end if ! ! TecPlot ! else if ( s_eqi ( command,'tecplot')) then if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - TecPlot:' write ( *, * ) ' Write data to TECPLOT plot file.' end if call intprs(gfl,indx,nelem,neqnfl,node,np,p) u(1:np) = gfl(indx(1,1:np)) v(1:np) = gfl(indx(2,1:np)) call wrtec(nelem,node,np,p,tecfil,u,v,xc,yc) ! ! WATEB = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:5),'wateb')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'wateb=')) then read(command(7:),*)wateb else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for WATEB:' read(*,*)wateb write(17,*)wateb end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'WATEB set to ',wateb end if ! ! WATEP = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:5),'watep')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'watep=')) then read(command(7:),*)watep else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for WATEP:' read(*,*)watep write(17,*)watep end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'WATEP set to ',watep end if ! ! WATEU = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:5),'wateu')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'wateu=')) then read(command(7:),*)wateu else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for WATEU:' read(*,*)wateu write(17,*)wateu end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'WATEU set to ',wateu end if ! ! WATEV = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:5),'watev')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'watev=')) then read(command(7:),*)watev else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for WATEV:' read(*,*)watev write(17,*)watev end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'WATEV set to ',watev end if ! ! XBL = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:3),'xbl')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'xbl=')) then read(command(5:),*)xbl else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for XBL:' read(*,*)xbl write(17,*)xbl end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'XBL set to ',xbl end if ! ! XBR = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:3),'xbr')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'xbr=')) then read(command(5:),*)xbr else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for XBR:' read(*,*)xbr write(17,*)xbr end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'XBR set to ',xbr end if ! ! XMAX = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'xmax')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:5),'xmax=')) then read(command(6:),*)xmax else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for XMAX:' read(*,*)xmax write(17,*)xmax end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'XMAX set to ',xmax end if ! ! XMIN = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'xmin')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:5),'xmin=')) then read(command(6:),*)xmin else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for XMIN:' read(*,*)xmin write(17,*)xmin end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'XMIN set to ',xmin end if ! ! XPROF = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:5),'xprof')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'xprof=')) then read(command(7:),*)xprof else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for XPROF:' read(*,*)xprof write(17,*)xprof end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'XPROF set to ',xprof end if ! ! XRANGE = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'xrange')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:7),'xrange=')) then read(command(8:),*)xrange else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for XRANGE:' read(*,*)xrange write(17,*)xrange end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'XRANGE set to ',xrange end if ! ! YBL = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:3),'ybl')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'ybl=')) then read(command(5:),*)ybl else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for YBL:' read(*,*)ybl write(17,*)ybl end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'YBL set to ',ybl end if ! ! YBR = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:3),'ybr')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'ybr=')) then read(command(5:),*)ybr else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for YBR:' read(*,*)ybr write(17,*)ybr end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'YBR set to ',ybr end if ! ! YMAX = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'ymax')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:5),'ymax=')) then read(command(6:),*)ymax else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for YMAX:' read(*,*)ymax write(17,*)ymax end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'YMAX set to ',ymax end if ! ! YMIN = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:4),'ymin')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:5),'ymin=')) then read(command(6:),*)ymin else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for YMIN:' read(*,*)ymin write(17,*)ymin end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'YMIN set to ',ymin end if ! ! YRANGE = ! else if ( s_eqi ( command(1:6),'yrange')) then if ( s_eqi ( command(1:7),'yrange=')) then read(command(8:),*)yrange else write ( *, * ) 'Enter value for YRANGE:' read(*,*)yrange write(17,*)yrange end if if ( 0 < iprint ) then write ( *, * ) 'YRANGE set to ',yrange end if ! ! Unrecognized command ! else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' Unrecognized command: ' // trim ( command ) end if end do write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4 - STOP command:' write ( *, * ) ' Halt the program!' write ( *, * ) ' ' close(unit = 17) write ( *, * ) ' Closing the user input file ARBY.IN.' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' The (real) start time was '// trim ( tstart ) call date_and_time ( date, time ) tstop = time write ( *, * ) ' The (real) stopping time was '// trim ( tstop ) call delhms ( tstart, tstop, itemp ) write ( *, * ) ' The (real) elapsed time in seconds is ',itemp write ( *, * ) ' The real elapsed time in minutes is ', & real(itemp) / 60.0D+00 call etime ( tarray, estop ) write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' CPU in seconds = ',estop-estart write ( *, * ) ' CPU in minutes = ',(estop-estart)/60.0D+00 ! ! Terminate. ! write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ARBY4:' write ( *, * ) ' Normal end of execution.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' call timestamp ( ) stop end subroutine diffprb ( arb, area, epsdif, grb, indx, maxcofrb, maxelm, & maxnfl, nbcrb, ncofrb, nelem, nferb, node, np, npar, nparf, nx, & ny, par, phirb, rb, resrb, reynld, tauflo, xc, xrange, yc, yrange ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DIFFPRB estimates the jacobian of the reduced function. ! ! Discussion: ! ! Finite differences are used. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 31 July 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) ARB(MAXCOFRB,MAXCOFRB). ! ARB contains the Jacobian or Picard matrix for the reduced ! Navier Stokes system, stored as an NCOFRB by NCOFRB array. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) AREA(3,MAXELM). ! AREA contains a common factor multiplying the term associated ! with a quadrature point in a given element, namely, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! or, if the element is isoperimetric, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = DET * Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! Here Ar(IELEM) represents the area of element IELEM. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) EPSDIF. ! EPSDIF is a small quantity, which is used to compute the ! perturbations for the finite difference approximations. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) GRB(NCOFRB). ! GRB contains the reduced basis coefficients of the current ! estimate of the state solution. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX(3,NP). ! INDX(I,J) contains, for each node J, the global index of U, ! V and P at that node, or 0 or a negative value. The global ! index of U, V, or P is the index of the coefficient vector ! that contains the value of the finite element coefficient ! associated with the corresponding basis function at the ! given node. ! ! If K = INDX(I,J) is positive, then the value of the degree ! of freedom is stored in the solution vector entry GFL(K), ! and an equation will be generated to determine its value. ! ! If INDX(I,J) is not positive, then no equation is ! generated to determine for variable I at node J, either because ! the variable is specified in some other way, or because ! (in the case of pressure), there is no coefficient associated ! with that node. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXCOFRB. ! MAXCOFRB is the maximum legal value for NCOFRB, the number ! of coefficients used to specify a particular reduced basis ! solution. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXELM. ! MAXELM is the maximum number of elements. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNFL. ! MAXNFL is the maximum number of equations or coefficients allowed ! for the full system. MAXNFL must be used instead of NEQNFL as ! the leading dimension of certain multi-dimensional arrays. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NBCRB. ! NBCRB is the number of independent boundary condition ! vectors used for the reduced basis. NBCRB is normally ! at least 1, and must be no more than MAXBCRB. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NCOFRB. ! NCOFRB is the number of coefficients needed to determine ! a particular reduced basis function. ! NCOFRB is the sum of NBCRB and NFERB. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! NELEM is the number of elements. ! NELEM can be determined as 2*(NX-1)*(NY-1). ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NFERB. ! NFERB is the number of reduced basis coefficients that will ! be determined via the finite element method. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(6,MAXELM) or NODE(6,NELEM). ! NODE(I,J) contains, for an element J, the global index of ! the node whose local number in J is I. ! ! The local ordering of the nodes is suggested by this diagram: ! ! Global nodes Elements NODE ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 ! 74 84 94 3-6-1 2 Left element = (94,72,74,83,73,84) ! | / /| ! 73 83 93 5 4 4 5 Right element = (72,94,92,83,93,82) ! |/ / | ! 72 82 92 2 1-6-3 ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NP. ! NP is the number of nodes used to define the finite element mesh. ! Typically, the mesh is generated as a rectangular array, with ! an odd number of nodes in the horizontal and vertical directions. ! The formula for NP is NP = (2*NX-1)*(2*NY-1). ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NPAR. ! NPAR is the number of parameters. ! NPAR = NPARF + NPARB + 1. ! The parameters control the shape and strength of the inflow, ! the shape of the bump, and the value of the Reynolds number. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARF. ! NPARF is the number of parameters associated with the ! inflow. NPARF must be at least 1. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NX. ! NX controls the spacing of nodes and elements in ! the X direction. There are 2*NX-1 nodes along various ! lines in the X direction. ! The number of elements along a line in the X direction is ! NX-1 (or 2*(NX-1) to make a full rectangular strip). ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NY. ! NY controls the spacing of nodes and elements in ! the Y direction. There are 2*NY-1 nodes along various ! lines in the Y direction. ! The number of elements along a line in the Y direction is ! NY-1 (or 2*(NY-1) to make a full vertical strip). ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) PAR(NPAR). ! PAR contains the values of the problem parameters. ! PAR(1:NPARF) = inflow controls. ! PAR(NPARF+1:NPARF+NPARB) = bump controls. ! PAR(NPARF+NPARB+1) = the REYNLD parameter. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) PHIRB(3,MAXCOFRB,15,MAXELM). ! PHIRB contains the values of a finite element basis function ! or its X or Y derivative, in a given element, at a given ! quadrature point, for a particular reduced basis function. ! For PHIRB(I,J,K,L), index J refers to the reduced basis ! basis functions, for J = 0 to NCOFRB. ! The meaning of the K index of PHIRB(I,J,K,L) is as follows: ! For the quadrature point I, and reduced basis function J, ! in element L, PHIRB(I,J,K,L) represents the value of: ! ! K = 1, WUrb, the finite element U velocity basis function; ! K = 2, dWUrbdX, the X derivative of WUrb; ! K = 3, dWUrbdY, the Y derivative of WUrb; ! K = 4, WVrb, the finite element V velocity basis function; ! K = 5, dWVrbdX, the X derivative of WVrb; ! K = 6, dWVrbdY, the Y derivative of WVrb; ! K = 7, Q, the finite element pressure basis function. ! K = 8, dQrbdX, the X derivative of Qrb; ! K = 9, dQrbdY, the Y derivative of Qrb. ! K = 10, WU0rb, same as WUrb, with zero BC. ! K = 11, dWU0rbdX, same as dWUrbdX, with zero BC. ! K = 12, dWU0rbdY, same as dWUrbdY, with zero BC. ! K = 13, WV0rb, same as WVrb, with zero BC. ! K = 14, dWV0rbdX, same as dWVrbdX, with zero BC. ! K = 15, dWV0rbdY, same as dWVrbdY, with zero BC. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) RB(MAXNFL,MAXCOFRB). ! RB is the NEQNFL by NCOFRB array of reduced basis vectors. ! RB is based on a particular solution of the full system, ! which is saved as GFLRB. ! We compute the first NCOFRB derivatives of GFLRB with ! respect to a parameter. The first derivative ! is stored in column 1 of RB, and so on. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) RESRB(NCOFRB). ! RESRB contains the residual in the reduced basis equations, ! for the parameter values PAR and reduced basis coefficients GRB. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) REYNLD. ! REYNLD is the current value of the Reynolds number. ! Normally, REYNLD is stored as PARA(NPARF+NPARB+1). ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) TAUFLO(NPARF). ! TAUFLO contains the location of the spline abscissas for ! the inflow. ! ! A recent code change was made. For a channel flow, where ! NPARF = 1 meant a fit through 3 points, now NPARF=3 means ! a fit through 3 points. The endpoints must be explicitly ! counted. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) XC(NP). ! XC contains the X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) XRANGE. ! XRANGE is the total width of the region. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) YC(NP). ! YC contains the Y coordinates of the nodes. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) YRANGE. ! YRANGE is the total height of the region. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) maxcofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) maxelm integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) npar integer ( kind = 4 ) nparf real ( kind = 8 ) arb(maxcofrb,ncofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) area(3,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) delta real ( kind = 8 ) epsdif real ( kind = 8 ) grb(ncofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) grbtmp(ncofrb) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) nbcrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nferb integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,maxelm) integer ( kind = 4 ) nx integer ( kind = 4 ) ny real ( kind = 8 ) par(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) phirb(3,maxcofrb,15,maxelm) real ( kind = 8 ) rb(maxnfl,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) resrb(ncofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) reynld real ( kind = 8 ) tauflo(nparf) real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xrange real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yrange ! ! Get the function value at the base value. ! call fxrb(area,grb,indx,maxcofrb,maxelm,maxnfl,nbcrb,ncofrb, & nelem,nferb,node,np,npar,nparf,nx,ny,par,phirb,rb, & resrb,reynld,tauflo,xc,xrange,yc,yrange) ! ! Start each column of the jacobian equal to F(GRB). ! do j = 1, ncofrb arb(1:ncofrb,j) = resrb(1:ncofrb) end do do j = 1, ncofrb ! ! Perturb G(J). ! grbtmp(1:ncofrb) = grb(1:ncofrb) delta = epsdif * ( 1.0D+00 + abs ( grb(j) ) ) grbtmp(j) = grb(j) + delta ! ! Evaluate F(I) at the perturbed value G(J). ! call fxrb(area,grbtmp,indx,maxcofrb,maxelm,maxnfl,nbcrb,ncofrb, & nelem,nferb,node,np,npar,nparf,nx,ny,par,phirb,rb, & resrb,reynld,tauflo,xc,xrange,yc,yrange) ! ! Estimate the dependence ARB(I,J) = dF(I)/dG(J) ! arb(1:ncofrb,j) = ( resrb(1:ncofrb) - arb(1:ncofrb,j) ) / delta end do return end subroutine difsenfl ( afl, area, difcof, dpar, eqn, gfl, gflafl, ifs, & ijac, indx, ipar, ipivfl, iwrite, ldafl, maxcofrb, maxelm, maxnew, & maxnfl, ncofrb, nelem, neqnfl, nlband, node, np, npar, nparf, par, & parafl, phifl, region, resfl, senfl, splflo, tauflo, tolnew, & xrange, yc, yrange ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DIFSENFL estimates full solution derivatives with respect to parameters. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The routine computes a central difference estimate for the first ! NCOFRB derivatives of the full solution GFL with respect to the IPAR-th ! parameter. ! ! DIFSENFL is rather inefficient. ALTHOUGH SOME SOLUTIONS ! ARE USED SEVERAL TIMES, DIFSENFL RECOMPUTES THEM EACH TIME. ! A CORRECTION OF THIS PROBLEM WOULD BE TO COMPUTE THE ENTIRE ! TRIANGLE OF COEFFICIENTS FIRST, AND THEN COMPUTE JUST THE ! SOLUTIONS NEEDED ONCE. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 01 July 1996. ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) AFL(LDAFL,MAXNFL). ! If Newton iteration is being carried out, AFL contains the ! Jacobian matrix for the full system. ! If Picard iteration is being carried out, AFL contains the ! Picard matrix for the full system. ! AFL is stored in LINPACK general band storage mode, with ! logical dimensions (3*NLBAND+1, NEQNFL). ! Where is the (I,J) entry of AFL actually stored? ! AFL has actual storage for such an entry only if ! -NLBAND <= I-J <= NLBAND. ! In such a case, the (I,J) entry is actually stored in ! AFL(I-J+2*NLBAND+1,J) ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) AREA(3,MAXELM). ! AREA contains a common factor multiplying the term associated ! with a quadrature point in a given element, namely, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! or, if the element is isoperimetric, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = DET * Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! Here Ar(IELEM) represents the area of element IELEM. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) DIFCOF(NDIF). ! DIFCOF contains the coefficients needed to approximate ! the 0-th through (NDIF-1)-th derivatives of a function F. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) DREY. ! DREY is the suggested increment in the REYNLD value, ! to be used during the finite difference estimations. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) DOPT(NPAR). ! DOPT contains a set of scale factors for the parameters, used ! by the optimization code. The suggestion is that DOPT(I) be ! chosen so that DOPT(I)*PAR(I) is roughly the same order of ! magnitude for I from 1 to NPAR. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) DPAR. ! DPAR is the suggested increment in the parameter value, ! to be used during the finite difference estimations. ! ! character ( len = 2 ) EQN(MAXNFL). ! EQN records the "type" of each equation that will be generated, and ! which is associated with an unknown. ! ! 'U' A horizontal momentum equation. ! 'UB' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on the bump. ! 'UI' The condition U = UInflow(Y,Lambda) at the inflow. ! 'UW' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! 'U0' A dummy value of U = 0 should be set. ! ! 'V' A vertical momentum equation. ! 'VB' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on the bump. ! 'VI' The condition V = VInflow(Y,Lambda) at the inflow. ! 'VW' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! 'V0' A dummy value of V = 0 should be set. ! ! 'P' A continuity equation. ! 'PB' The condition P = 0 applied at (XMAX,YMAX). ! 'P0' A dummy value of P = 0 should be set. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) GFL(NEQNFL). ! GFL contains the current solution estimate for the full problem, ! containing the pressure and velocity coefficients. ! The vector INDX must be used to index this data. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) GFLAFL(NEQNFL). ! GFLAFL stores the value of GFL at which the Jacobian ! was generated. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) IFS. ! IFS is the inflow shape option. ! 0, piecewise constant function. ! 1, piecewise linear function. ! 2, piecewise quadratic function. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) IJAC. ! IJAC determines the frequency for evaluating and factoring ! the Jacobian matrix during any particular Newton process. ! 1, evaluate the Jacobian on every step of the Newton ! iteration. ! n, evaluate the Jacobian only at steps 0, n, 2*n, and so on. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX(3,NP). ! INDX(I,J) contains, for each node J, the global index of U, ! V and P at that node, or 0 or a negative value. The global ! index of U, V, or P is the index of the coefficient vector ! that contains the value of the finite element coefficient ! associated with the corresponding basis function at the ! given node. ! ! If K = INDX(I,J) is positive, then the value of the degree ! of freedom is stored in the solution vector entry GFL(K), ! and an equation will be generated to determine its value. ! ! If INDX(I,J) is not positive, then no equation is ! generated to determine for variable I at node J, either because ! the variable is specified in some other way, or because ! (in the case of pressure), there is no coefficient associated ! with that node. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) IPAR. ! IPAR is the index of the parameter to be varied. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) IPIVFL(NEQNFL). ! IPIVFL is a pivot vector for the solution of the full ! linear system. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) IWRITE. ! IWRITE controls the amount of output printed. ! 0, print out the least amount. ! 1, print out some. ! 2, print out a lot. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) LDAFL. ! LDAFL is the first dimension of the matrix AFL as declared in ! the main program. LDAFL must be at least 3*NLBAND+1. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXCOFRB. ! MAXCOFRB is the maximum legal value for NCOFRB, the number ! of coefficients used to specify a particular reduced basis ! solution. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXELM. ! MAXELM is the maximum number of elements. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNEW. ! MAXNEW is the maximum number of steps to take in one Newton ! iteration. A typical value is 20. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNFL. ! MAXNFL is the maximum number of equations or coefficients allowed ! for the full system. MAXNFL must be used instead of NEQNFL as ! the leading dimension of certain multi-dimensional arrays. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NCOFRB. ! NCOFRB is the number of coefficients needed to determine ! a particular reduced basis function. ! NCOFRB is the sum of NBCRB and NFERB. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! NELEM is the number of elements. ! NELEM can be determined as 2*(NX-1)*(NY-1). ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NEQNFL. ! NEQNFL is the number of equations (and coefficients) in the full ! finite element system. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NLBAND. ! NLBAND is the lower bandwidth of the matrix AFL. ! The zero structure of AFL is assumed to be symmetric, and so ! NLBAND is also the upper bandwidth of AFL. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(6,MAXELM) or NODE(6,NELEM). ! NODE(I,J) contains, for an element J, the global index of ! the node whose local number in J is I. ! ! The local ordering of the nodes is suggested by this diagram: ! ! Global nodes Elements NODE ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 ! 74 84 94 3-6-1 2 Left element = (94,72,74,83,73,84) ! | / /| ! 73 83 93 5 4 4 5 Right element = (72,94,92,83,93,82) ! |/ / | ! 72 82 92 2 1-6-3 ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NP. ! NP is the number of nodes used to define the finite element mesh. ! Typically, the mesh is generated as a rectangular array, with ! an odd number of nodes in the horizontal and vertical directions. ! The formula for NP is NP = (2*NX-1)*(2*NY-1). ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NPAR. ! NPAR is the number of parameters. ! NPAR = NPARF + NPARB + 1. ! The parameters control the shape and strength of the inflow, ! the shape of the bump, and the value of the Reynolds number. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARF. ! NPARF is the number of parameters associated with the ! inflow. NPARF must be at least 1. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) PAR(NPAR). ! PAR contains the values of the problem parameters. ! ! PAR(1:NPARF) = inflow controls. ! PAR(NPARF+1:NPARF+NPARB) = bump controls. ! PAR(NPARF+NPARB+1) = the REYNLD parameter. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) PARAFL(NPAR). ! PARAFL contains the parameters where the Picard matrix or ! Jacobian of the full system was generated. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) PHIFL(3,6,10,NELEM). ! PHIFL contains the value of a finite element basis function, its ! derivative, or other information, evaluated at the quadrature ! points (which are the element midside nodes). ! ! The meaning of the entry PHIFL(I,J,K,L) is as follows. ! For the quadrature point I, and basis function J, in element L, ! PHIFL(I,J,K,L) represents the value of: ! ! K = 1, W, the finite element basis function for velocities; ! K = 2, dWdX, the X derivative of W; ! K = 3, dWdY, the Y derivative of W; ! K = 4, Q, the finite element basis function for pressures; ! K = 5, dQdX, the X derivative of Q; ! K = 6, dQdY, the Y derivative of Q; ! K = 7, dXsidX, the X derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->XSI; ! K = 8, dXsidY, the Y derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->XSI; ! K = 9, dEtadX, the X derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->ETA; ! K = 10, dEtadY, the Y derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->ETA; ! ! In particular, PHIFL(I,J,K,L) is the value of the quadratic ! basis function W associated with local node J in element L, ! evaluated at quadrature point I. ! ! Note that PHIFL(I,J,K,L) = 0 whenever J=4, 5, or 6 and K=4, 5, or 6, ! since there are only three linear basis functions. ! ! character ( len = 20 ) REGION. ! REGION specifies the flow region. ! ! 'cavity', a driven cavity, 1 unit on each side, open on ! the top with a tangential velocity specification there. ! ! 'cavity2', a driven cavity, 1 unit on each side, open on ! the top and bottome, with tangential velocity specifications ! there. ! ! 'channel', a channel, 10 units long by 3 high, inflow on ! the left, outflow on the right, with a bump on the bottom. ! ! 'step', a channel, 12 units long by 3 high, inflow on the ! left, outflow on the right, with a step on the bottom. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) RESFL(NEQNFL). ! RESFL contains the residual in the full basis equations. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) SENFL(MAXNFL,MAXCOFRB). ! Columns 1 through NSENFL of SENFL contain the sensitivities ! of the full solution with respect to the REYNLD parameter, for ! orders 0 through NSENFL-1. ! ! SENFL(I,J) contains the (J-1)-th sensitivity of the I-th full unknown ! with respect to REYNLD. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) SPLFLO(NPARF). ! SPLFLO contains the spline coefficients for the inflow. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) TAUFLO(NPARF). ! TAUFLO contains the location of the spline abscissas for ! the inflow. ! ! A recent code change was made. For a channel flow, where ! NPARF = 1 meant a fit through 3 points, now NPARF=3 means ! a fit through 3 points. The endpoints must be explicitly ! counted. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) TOLNEW. ! TOLNEW is the convergence tolerance for the Newton iteration. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) XRANGE. ! XRANGE is the total width of the region. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) YRANGE. ! YRANGE is the total height of the region. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) ldafl integer ( kind = 4 ) maxcofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) maxelm integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) npar integer ( kind = 4 ) nparf ! real ( kind = 8 ) afl(ldafl,neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) area(3,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) difcof(ncofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) dpar character ( len = 2 ) eqn(neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gfl(neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gflafl(neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gfltmp(neqnfl) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) ifs integer ( kind = 4 ) ijac integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) ipar integer ( kind = 4 ) ipivfl(neqnfl) integer ( kind = 4 ) iwrite integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnew integer ( kind = 4 ) ndif integer ( kind = 4 ) nlband integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) numnew real ( kind = 8 ) par(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) parafl(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) partmp(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) phifl(3,6,10,nelem) character ( len = 20 ) region real ( kind = 8 ) resfl(neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) rmax real ( kind = 8 ) senfl(maxnfl,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) splflo(nparf) real ( kind = 8 ) tauflo(nparf) real ( kind = 8 ) tolnew real ( kind = 8 ) xrange real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yrange ! ! Zero out the SENFL array. ! senfl(1:neqnfl,1:ncofrb) = 0.0D+00 write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' DIFSENFL: DPAR = ',dpar ! ! Compute difference NDIF, for NDIF = 0 to NCOFRB. ! do ndif = 1, ncofrb if ( ndif == 0 ) then senfl(1:neqnfl,ndif) = gfl(1:neqnfl) else if ( 2 <= iwrite ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'DIFSENFL - Computing difference NDIF = ',ndif end if ! ! Get the NDIF-1 order difference coefficients. ! call difset(difcof,dpar,iwrite,ndif) ! ! Evaluate the solution at several values of the parameter. ! do i = 0, ndif ! ! Copy the parameters, but reset the IPAR-th parameter value. ! partmp(1:npar) = par(1:npar) partmp(ipar) = par(ipar)+(2*i-ndif)*dpar write ( *, * ) 'J = ',j,' PAR(IPAR)=',partmp(ipar) ! ! Estimate the solution GTMP at parameters PARTMP. ! gfltmp(1:neqnfl) = gfl(1:neqnfl) ! ! Call NEWTFL to get the solution more closely. ! call newtfl(afl,area,eqn,gfltmp,gflafl,ierror,ifs,ijac,indx,ipivfl, & iwrite,ldafl,maxelm,maxnew,nelem,neqnfl,nlband,node,np,npar,nparf, & numnew,partmp,parafl,phifl,region,resfl,rmax,splflo,tauflo,tolnew, & xrange,yc,yrange) if ( ierror /= 0) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'DIFSENFL - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' NEWTFL failed, with IERROR = ',ierror stop end if ! ! Add the term associated with this solution to the estimate ! of the NDIF-th derivative. ! senfl(1:neqnfl,ndif) = senfl(1:neqnfl,ndif) & + difcof(i+1) * gfltmp(1:neqnfl) end do end if end do return end subroutine difsenrb(arb,area,difcof,dpar,grb,grbarb,indx,ipar,ipivrb,iwrite, & maxcofrb,maxelm,maxnew,maxnfl,nbcrb,ncofrb,nelem,nferb,node,np,npar,nparf, & nx,ny,par,pararb,phirb,rb,resrb,senrb,tauflo,tolnew,xc,xrange,yc,yrange) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DIFSENRB estimates the reduced sensitivities using finite differences. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The denominators used in the difference calculations ! get very small if the original increment is smaller than 1. ! It is strongly suggested that the parameter increment not be ! made too small! ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 01 August 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Workspace, real ( kind = 8 ) ARB(MAXNRB,MAXNRB). ! ARB contains the Jacobian or Picard matrix for the reduced ! Navier Stokes system, stored as a dense NCOFRB by NCOFRB ! array. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) AREA(3,MAXELM). ! AREA contains a common factor multiplying the term associated ! with a quadrature point in a given element, namely, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! or, if the element is isoperimetric, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = DET * Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! Here Ar(IELEM) represents the area of element IELEM. ! ! Workspace, real ( kind = 8 ) DCOF(0:NDIF). ! DCOF contains the coefficients needed to approximate ! the NDIF-th derivative of a function F. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) DPAR. ! DPAR is the suggested increment in the parameter value, ! to be used during the finite difference estimations. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) GRB(NCOFRB). ! GRB contains the reduced basis coefficients of the current ! estimate of the state solution. ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) GRBARB(NCOFRB). ! GRBARB contains the reduced basis coefficients at which ! the matrix ARB was last evaluated. ! ! Workspace, real ( kind = 8 ) GRBTMP(NCOFRB). ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPAR. ! The index of the parameter to be varied. ! ! Workspace, integer IPIVRB(NCOFRB). ! IPIVRB is a pivot vector for the solution of the reduced ! linear system. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IWRITE. ! IWRITE controls the amount of output printed. ! 0, print out the least amount. ! 1, print out some. ! 2, print out a lot. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNEW. ! MAXNEW is the maximum number of steps to take in one Newton ! iteration. A typical value is 20. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNRB. ! MAXNRB is the maximum number of equations allowed for the ! reduced basis system. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! NELEM is the number of elements. ! NELEM can be determined as 2*(NX-1)*(NY-1). ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCOFRB. ! NCOFRB is the number of basis functions used for the ! reduced basis method. (The first basis vector is labeled ! "0"). In this program, that amounts to the number of columns ! in the matrix RB. NCOFRB is also the number of reduced basis ! state equations, and reduced basis coefficients GRB. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPAR. ! NPAR is the number of parameters. ! NPAR = NPARF + NPARB + 1. ! The parameters control the shape of the inflow, ! the shape of the bump obstacle, and the strength of the ! flow. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) PAR(NPAR). ! PAR is the current estimate for the parameters. ! PAR(1:NPARF) = inflow controls. ! PAR(NPARF+1:NPARF+NPARB) = bump controls. ! PAR(NPARF+NPARB+1) = the REYNLD parameter. ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) PARARB(NPAR). ! PARARB contains the parameters where the Picard matrix or ! Jacobian of the reduced system was generated. ! ! Workspace, real ( kind = 8 ) PARTMP(NPAR). ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) PHIRB(3,NCOFRB,15,NELEM). ! PHIRB contains the values of a finite element basis function ! or its X or Y derivative, in a given element, at a given ! quadrature point, for a particular reduced basis function. ! ! For PHIRB(I,J,K,L), index J refers to the reduced basis ! basis functions, for J = 0 to NCOFRB. ! ! The meaning of the K index of PHIRB(I,J,K,L) is as follows: ! ! For the quadrature point I, and reduced basis function J, ! in element L, PHIRB(I,J,K,L) represents the value of: ! ! K = 1, WUrb, the finite element U velocity basis function; ! K = 2, dWUrbdX, the X derivative of WUrb; ! K = 3, dWUrbdY, the Y derivative of WUrb; ! K = 4, WVrb, the finite element V velocity basis function; ! K = 5, dWVrbdX, the X derivative of WVrb; ! K = 6, dWVrbdY, the Y derivative of WVrb; ! K = 7, Q, the finite element pressure basis function. ! K = 8, dQrbdX, the X derivative of Qrb; ! K = 9, dQrbdY, the Y derivative of Qrb. ! K = 10, WU0rb, same as WUrb, with zero BC. ! K = 11, dWU0rbdX, same as dWUrbdX, with zero BC. ! K = 12, dWU0rbdY, same as dWUrbdY, with zero BC. ! K = 13, WV0rb, same as WVrb, with zero BC. ! K = 14, dWV0rbdX, same as dWVrbdX, with zero BC. ! K = 15, dWV0rbdY, same as dWVrbdY, with zero BC. ! ! Workspace, real ( kind = 8 ) RESRB(NCOFRB). ! RESRB contains the residual in the reduced basis equations, ! for the parameter values PAR and reduced basis coefficients GRB. ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) SENRB(MAXNRB,NCOFRB). ! SENRB contains the first several order sensitivities of the ! reduced solution with respect to the REYNLD parameter. ! SENRB(I,J) contains the J-th sensitivity of the I-th reduced unknown ! with respect to REYNLD. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) TOLNEW. ! TOLNEW is the convergence tolerance for the Newton iteration. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxcofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) maxelm integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) npar integer ( kind = 4 ) nparf ! real ( kind = 8 ) arb(maxcofrb,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) area(3,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) difcof(maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) dpar real ( kind = 8 ) grb(maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) grbarb(maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) grbtmp(maxcofrb) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) icof integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) ipar integer ( kind = 4 ) ipivrb(maxcofrb) integer ( kind = 4 ) iwrite integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) jcof integer ( kind = 4 ) jdif integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnew integer ( kind = 4 ) nbcrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nferb integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) nx integer ( kind = 4 ) ny real ( kind = 8 ) par(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) pararb(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) partmp(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) phirb(3,maxcofrb,15,maxelm) real ( kind = 8 ) rb(maxnfl,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) rmax real ( kind = 8 ) resrb(maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) senrb(maxcofrb,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) tauflo(nparf) real ( kind = 8 ) tolnew real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xrange real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yrange ! ! Zero out the SENRB array. ! senrb(1:maxcofrb,1:maxcofrb) = 0.0D+00 ! ! JCOF counts the number of coefficients we will compute on ! each pass. We're done on the last pass. ! do jcof = 1, ncofrb jdif = jcof-1 if ( jdif == 0) then senrb(1:ncofrb,jcof) = grb(1:ncofrb) else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Computing difference order JDIF = ',jdif ! ! Get the JCOF difference coefficients DIFCOF. ! call difset(difcof,dpar,iwrite,jcof) ! ! Evaluate the solution at JCOF values of the parameter. ! do icof = 1, jcof ! ! Copy the parameters, but reset the IPAR-th parameter value. ! partmp(1:npar) = par(1:npar) partmp(ipar) = par(ipar)+(2*icof-jcof-1)*dpar write ( *, * ) 'ICOF = ',ICOF,' PAR(IPAR)=',partmp(ipar) ! ! Estimate the solution GRBTMP at parameters PARTMP. ! grbtmp(1:ncofrb) = grb(1:ncofrb) ! ! Call NEWTRB to get the solution more closely. ! write ( *, * ) 'About to call NEWTRB' call newtrb(arb,area,grbtmp,grbarb,ierror,indx,ipivrb,iwrite, & maxcofrb,maxelm,maxnew,maxnfl,nbcrb,ncofrb,nelem,nferb,node,np, & npar,nparf,nx,ny,partmp,pararb,phirb,rb,resrb,rmax,tauflo,tolnew, & xc,xrange,yc,yrange) if ( ierror /= 0) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'DIFSENRB - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' NEWTRB failed, with IERROR = ',ierror stop end if ! ! Add the term associated with this solution to the estimate ! of the JDIF-th derivative. ! write ( *, * ) 'ABOUT TO ADD BLEEDING TERM' do j = 1, ncofrb senrb(j,jcof) = senrb(j,jcof)+difcof(icof)*grbtmp(j) end do end do end if end do return end subroutine flowbc(ifs,npar,nparf,par,region,splflo,tauflo,ubc,vbc, & xrange,xval,yrange,yval) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! FLOWBC computes the specified boundary values at a given position. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 07 October 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IFS. ! IFS is the inflow shape option. ! 0, piecewise constant function. ! 1, piecewise linear function. ! 2, piecewise quadratic function. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPAR. ! NPAR is the number of parameters. ! NPAR = NPARF + NPARB + 1. ! The parameters control the shape and strength of the inflow, the ! shape of the bump, and the value of the Reynolds number. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARF. ! NPARF is the number of parameters associated with the ! inflow. NPARF must be at least 1. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) PAR(NPAR). ! PAR contains the values of the problem parameters. ! PAR(1:NPARF) = inflow controls. ! PAR(NPARF+1:NPARF+NPARB) = bump controls. ! PAR(NPARF+NPARB+1) = the REYNLD parameter. ! ! Input, character ( len = 20 ) REGION. ! REGION specifies the flow region. ! 'cavity', a driven cavity, 1 unit on each side, open on ! the top with a tangential velocity specification there. ! 'cavity2', a driven cavity, 1 unit on each side, open on ! the top and bottom, with tangential velocity specifications ! there. ! 'channel', a channel, 10 units long by 3 high, inflow on ! the left, outflow on the right, with a bump on the bottom. ! 'step', a channel, 12 units long by 3 high, inflow on the ! left, outflow on the right, with a step on the bottom. ! ! Workspace, real ( kind = 8 ) SPLFLO(NPARF). ! SPLFLO contains the spline coefficients for the inflow. ! ! Workspace, real ( kind = 8 ) TAUFLO(NPARF). ! TAUFLO contains the location of the spline abscissas for ! the inflow. There are NPARF of them, because the end ! values of the spline are constrained to have particular ! values. ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) UBC. ! UBC is the value of the horizontal velocity specified ! at (XVAL,YVAL). ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) VBC. ! VBC is the value of the vertical velocity specified at (XVAL,YVAL). ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XRANGE. ! XRANGE is the total width of the region. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XVAL. ! XVAL is the X coordinate of the point on the inflow boundary at ! which the specified velocity is desired. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YRANGE. ! YRANGE is the total width of the region. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YVAL. ! YVAL is the Y coordinate of the point on the inflow boundary at ! which the specified velocity is desired. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) npar integer ( kind = 4 ) nparf ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ifs logical s_eqi real ( kind = 8 ) par(npar) character ( len = 20 ) region real ( kind = 8 ) splflo(nparf) real ( kind = 8 ) tauflo(nparf) real ( kind = 8 ) ubc real ( kind = 8 ) vbc real ( kind = 8 ) xrange real ( kind = 8 ) xval real ( kind = 8 ) yrange real ( kind = 8 ) yval ! ! Inflow points for the cavity have the form (X,YRANGE). ! NPARF must be at least 1. ! if ( s_eqi ( region,'cavity')) then if ( nparf == 1) then tauflo(1) = xrange/2.0D+00 else do i = 1, nparf tauflo(i) = xrange*real ( i - 1, kind = 8 )/ real ( nparf-1, kind = 8 ) end do end if splflo(1:nparf) = par(1:nparf) if ( ifs == 0) then call pcval(nparf,xval,tauflo,ubc,splflo) else if ( ifs == 1) then call plval(nparf,xval,tauflo,ubc,splflo) else if ( ifs == 2) then call pqval(nparf,xval,tauflo,ubc,splflo) else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'FlowBC - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Illegal value of IFS = ',ifs stop end if vbc = 0.0D+00 ! ! Inflow points for cavity2 have the form (X,0) or (X,YRANGE). ! NPARF must be at least 2. ! else if ( s_eqi ( region,'cavity2')) then if ( nparf == 2) then tauflo(1) = xrange/2.0D+00 else do i = 1, nparf/2 tauflo(i) = xrange*real ( i - 1, kind = 8 )/dble(nparf/2-1) end do end if if ( yval == 0.0D+00 ) then do i = 1, nparf/2 splflo(i) = par(i) end do else if ( yval == yrange ) then do i = 1, nparf/2 splflo(i) = par(i+nparf/2) end do end if if ( ifs == 0) then call pcval(nparf/2,xval,tauflo,ubc,splflo) else if ( ifs == 1) then call plval(nparf/2,xval,tauflo,ubc,splflo) else if ( ifs == 2) then call pqval(nparf/2,xval,tauflo,ubc,splflo) else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'FlowBC - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Illegal value of IFS = ',ifs stop end if vbc = 0.0D+00 ! ! Inflow points for the channel have the form (0,Y). ! ! NPARF must be at least 2, which specifies values at ! (0,0) and (0,YRANGE). ! else if ( s_eqi ( region,'channel')) then do i = 1, nparf tauflo(i) = yrange*real ( i - 1, kind = 8 )/dble(nparf-1) end do splflo(1:nparf) = par(1:nparf) if ( ifs == 0) then call pcval(nparf,yval,tauflo,ubc,splflo) else if ( ifs == 1) then call plval(nparf,yval,tauflo,ubc,splflo) else if ( ifs == 2) then call pqval(nparf,yval,tauflo,ubc,splflo) else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'FlowBC - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Illegal value of IFS = ',ifs stop end if vbc = 0.0D+00 ! ! Inflow points for the step have the coordinates (0,Y). ! ! NPARF must be at least 2, which specifies values at ! (0,0) and (0,YRANGE). ! else if ( s_eqi ( region,'step')) then do i = 1, nparf tauflo(i) = yrange*real ( i - 1, kind = 8 )/dble(nparf-1) end do splflo(1:nparf) = par(1:nparf) if ( ifs == 0) then call pcval(nparf,yval,tauflo,ubc,splflo) else if ( ifs == 1) then call plval(nparf,yval,tauflo,ubc,splflo) else if ( ifs == 2) then call pqval(nparf,yval,tauflo,ubc,splflo) else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'FlowBC - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Illegal value of IFS = ',ifs stop end if vbc = 0.0D+00 end if return end subroutine fpbcrb ( arb, indx, maxcofrb, maxnfl, nbcrb, ncofrb, & nelem, node, np, nx, ny, rb, xc, xrange, yc, yrange ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! FPBCRB evaluates the jacobian of the reduced boundary conditions. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 01 August 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) ARB(MAXCOFRB,MAXCOFRB). ! ARB contains the Jacobian or Picard matrix for the reduced ! Navier Stokes system, stored as an NCOFRB by NCOFRB array. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX(3,NP). ! INDX(I,J) contains, for each node J, the global index of U, ! V and P at that node, or 0 or a negative value. The global ! index of U, V, or P is the index of the coefficient vector ! that contains the value of the finite element coefficient ! associated with the corresponding basis function at the ! given node. ! If K = INDX(I,J) is positive, then the value of the degree ! of freedom is stored in the solution vector entry GFL(K), ! and an equation will be generated to determine its value. ! If INDX(I,J) is not positive, then no equation is ! generated to determine for variable I at node J, either because ! the variable is specified in some other way, or because ! (in the case of pressure), there is no coefficient associated ! with that node. ! ! Integer MAXCOFRB. ! MAXCOFRB is the maximum legal value for NCOFRB, the number ! of coefficients used to specify a particular reduced basis ! solution. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNFL. ! MAXNFL is the maximum number of equations or coefficients allowed ! for the full system. MAXNFL must be used instead of NEQNFL as ! the leading dimension of certain multi-dimensional arrays. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NBCRB. ! NBCRB is the number of independent boundary condition ! vectors used for the reduced basis. NBCRB is normally ! at least 1, and must be no more than MAXBCRB. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NCOFRB. ! NCOFRB is the number of coefficients needed to determine ! a particular reduced basis function. ! NCOFRB is the sum of NBCRB and NFERB. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! NELEM is the number of elements. ! NELEM can be determined as 2*(NX-1)*(NY-1). ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(6,MAXELM) or NODE(6,NELEM). ! NODE(I,J) contains, for an element J, the global index of ! the node whose local number in J is I. ! The local ordering of the nodes is suggested by this diagram: ! ! Global nodes Elements NODE ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 ! 74 84 94 3-6-1 2 Left element = (94,72,74,83,73,84) ! | / /| ! 73 83 93 5 4 4 5 Right element = (72,94,92,83,93,82) ! |/ / | ! 72 82 92 2 1-6-3 ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NP. ! NP is the number of nodes used to define the finite element mesh. ! Typically, the mesh is generated as a rectangular array, with ! an odd number of nodes in the horizontal and vertical directions. ! The formula for NP is NP = (2*NX-1)*(2*NY-1). ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NX. ! NX controls the spacing of nodes and elements in ! the X direction. There are 2*NX-1 nodes along various ! lines in the X direction. ! The number of elements along a line in the X direction is ! NX-1 (or 2*(NX-1) to make a full rectangular strip). ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NY. ! NY controls the spacing of nodes and elements in ! the Y direction. There are 2*NY-1 nodes along various ! lines in the Y direction. ! The number of elements along a line in the Y direction is ! NY-1 (or 2*(NY-1) to make a full vertical strip). ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) RB(MAXNFL,MAXCOFRB). ! RB is the NEQNFL by NCOFRB array of reduced basis vectors. ! RB is generated by computing a finite element solution GFL, ! which is saved for later reference as "GFLRB". ! GFLRB is copied into the first column of RB. ! Then, we compute the first NCOFRB derivatives of GFLRB with ! respect to a parameter. The first derivative ! is stored in column 1 of RB, and so on. ! Now we compute the QR factorization of this matrix. ! We intend that NEQNFL >> NCOFRB, and RB is a matrix with orthogonal ! columns, so that: ! Transpose(RB) * RB = Identity(1+NCOFRB) ! If GFL is any set of finite element coefficients, the corresponding ! set of reduced basis coefficients can be computed as: ! GRB = Transpose(RB) * GFL ! If GRB is a set of reduced basis coefficients, a corresponding ! set of finite element coefficients can be computed as: ! GFL = RB * GRB. ! While it is the case that you can expand and then reduce, ! and always get the same result, it is not the case that ! when you reduce and then expand you get the same result! ! It is true, for ANY GRB, that ! GRB = Transpose(RB) * RB * GRB ! which follows from Transpose(RB) * RB = Identity(1+NCOFRB). ! However, for a general GFL, it is the case that ! GFL = /= RB * Transpose(RB) * GFL. ! Only if GFL was generated from a reduced basis coefficient ! vector will equality apply. In other words, if GFL was generated ! from a reduced basis coefficient: ! GFL = RB * GRB ! then ! RB * Transpose(RB) * GFL = RB * Transpose(RB) * (RB * GRB) ! = RB * GRB = GFL ! so in this strictly limited case, ! RB * Transpose(RB) = Identity(NEQNFL). ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) XRANGE. ! XRANGE is the total width of the region. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) YRANGE. ! YRANGE is the total height of the region. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxcofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! real ( kind = 8 ) arb(maxcofrb,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) dwdx real ( kind = 8 ) dwdy integer ( kind = 4 ) ibcrb integer ( kind = 4 ) icoffl integer ( kind = 4 ) icofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) icol integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) inode integer ( kind = 4 ) iq integer ( kind = 4 ) nbcrb integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) nx integer ( kind = 4 ) ny real ( kind = 8 ) rb(maxnfl,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) w real ( kind = 8 ) wurb real ( kind = 8 ) xbc real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xrange real ( kind = 8 ) ybc real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yrange ! ! Zero out the BC rows of the matrix. ! arb(1:nbcrb,1:ncofrb) = 0.0D+00 do ibcrb = 1, nbcrb ! ! For the driven cavity, the boundary collocation points are evenly ! spaced between the ends of the upper boundary. ! xbc = xrange * dble(ibcrb)/dble(nbcrb+1) ybc = yrange icol = 1 + int ( xbc * dble ( nx - 1 ) / xrange ) if ( nx - 1 < icol ) then icol = nx-1 end if ielem = icol*(2*ny-2)-1 ! ! Evaluate the reduced solution UBCRB at (XBC,YBC). ! do icofrb = 1, ncofrb wurb = 0.0D+00 do iq = 1, 6 call qbf(ielem,iq,w,dwdx,dwdy,nelem,node,np,xc,xbc,yc,ybc) inode = node(iq,ielem) icoffl = indx(1,inode) wurb = wurb+rb(icoffl,icofrb)*w end do arb(ibcrb,icofrb) = wurb end do end do return end subroutine fpferb ( arb, area, grb, maxcofrb, maxelm, nbcrb, ncofrb, & nelem, nferb, phirb, reynld ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! FPFERB evaluates the reduced basis jacobian directly. ! ! Discussion: ! ! FPFERB computes the reduced basis jacobian without computing the ! full basis jacobian first. ! ! FPFERB is given ! ! GRB, the reduced basis coefficients of an approximate solution, ! PHIRB, the reduced basis functions, evaluated at the quadrature ! points, ! REYNLD, the current Reynolds number, ! ! and computes ! ! ARB, the reduced basis jacobian of the Navier Stokes equations. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 01 August 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) ARB(MAXCOFRB,MAXCOFRB). ! ARB contains the Jacobian or Picard matrix for the reduced ! Navier Stokes system, stored as an NCOFRB by NCOFRB array. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) AREA(3,MAXELM). ! AREA contains a common factor multiplying the term associated ! with a quadrature point in a given element, namely, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! or, if the element is isoperimetric, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = DET * Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! Here Ar(IELEM) represents the area of element IELEM. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) GRB(NCOFRB). ! GRB contains the reduced basis coefficients of the current ! estimate of the state solution. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXCOFRB. ! MAXCOFRB is the maximum legal value for NCOFRB, the number ! of coefficients used to specify a particular reduced basis ! solution. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXELM. ! MAXELM is the maximum number of elements. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NBCRB. ! NBCRB is the number of independent boundary condition ! vectors used for the reduced basis. NBCRB is normally ! at least 1, and must be no more than MAXBCRB. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NCOFRB. ! NCOFRB is the number of coefficients needed to determine ! a particular reduced basis function. ! NCOFRB is the sum of NBCRB and NFERB. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! NELEM is the number of elements. ! NELEM can be determined as 2*(NX-1)*(NY-1). ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NFERB. ! NFERB is the number of reduced basis coefficients that will ! be determined via the finite element method. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) PHIRB(3,MAXCOFRB,15,MAXELM). ! PHIRB contains the values of a finite element basis function ! or its X or Y derivative, in a given element, at a given ! quadrature point, for a particular reduced basis function. ! ! For PHIRB(I,J,K,L), index J refers to the reduced basis ! basis functions, for J = 0 to NCOFRB. ! ! The meaning of the K index of PHIRB(I,J,K,L) is as follows: ! ! For the quadrature point I, and reduced basis function J, ! in element L, PHIRB(I,J,K,L) represents the value of: ! ! K = 1, WUrb, the finite element U velocity basis function; ! K = 2, dWUrbdX, the X derivative of WUrb; ! K = 3, dWUrbdY, the Y derivative of WUrb; ! K = 4, WVrb, the finite element V velocity basis function; ! K = 5, dWVrbdX, the X derivative of WVrb; ! K = 6, dWVrbdY, the Y derivative of WVrb; ! K = 7, Q, the finite element pressure basis function. ! K = 8, dQrbdX, the X derivative of Qrb; ! K = 9, dQrbdY, the Y derivative of Qrb. ! K = 10, WU0rb, same as WUrb, with zero BC. ! K = 11, dWU0rbdX, same as dWUrbdX, with zero BC. ! K = 12, dWU0rbdY, same as dWUrbdY, with zero BC. ! K = 13, WV0rb, same as WVrb, with zero BC. ! K = 14, dWV0rbdX, same as dWVrbdX, with zero BC. ! K = 15, dWV0rbdY, same as dWVrbdY, with zero BC. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) REYNLD. ! REYNLD is the current value of the Reynolds number. ! Normally, REYNLD is stored as PARA(NPARF+NPARB+1). ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxcofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) maxelm integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem ! real ( kind = 8 ) ar real ( kind = 8 ) arb(maxcofrb,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) area(3,maxelm) real ( kind = 8 ) dqjdx real ( kind = 8 ) dqjdy real ( kind = 8 ) dprbdx real ( kind = 8 ) dprbdy real ( kind = 8 ) durbdx real ( kind = 8 ) durbdy real ( kind = 8 ) dvrbdx real ( kind = 8 ) dvrbdy real ( kind = 8 ) dwu0dx real ( kind = 8 ) dwujdx real ( kind = 8 ) dwu0dy real ( kind = 8 ) dwujdy real ( kind = 8 ) dwv0dx real ( kind = 8 ) dwvjdx real ( kind = 8 ) dwv0dy real ( kind = 8 ) dwvjdy real ( kind = 8 ) grb(ncofrb) integer ( kind = 4 ) icofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) iquad integer ( kind = 4 ) jcofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nbcrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nferb real ( kind = 8 ) prb real ( kind = 8 ) phirb(3,maxcofrb,15,maxelm) real ( kind = 8 ) reynld real ( kind = 8 ) urb real ( kind = 8 ) vrb real ( kind = 8 ) wu0 real ( kind = 8 ) wuj real ( kind = 8 ) wv0 real ( kind = 8 ) wvj ! ! Zero out the FE rows of the matrix. ! do icofrb = nbcrb+1, nbcrb+nferb arb(icofrb,1:ncofrb) = 0.0D+00 end do ! ! Consider an element IELEM... ! do ielem = 1, nelem ! ! ...and a quadrature point IQUAD... ! do iquad = 1, 3 ar = area(iquad,ielem) ! ! For the given reduced coefficients GRB, and basis functions ! PHIRB, evaluate U, V, and P, and their spatial derivatives. ! call uvpqrb(dprbdx,dprbdy,durbdx,durbdy,dvrbdx,dvrbdy,grb, & ielem,iquad,maxcofrb,maxelm,ncofrb,phirb,prb,urb,vrb) ! ! Consider FE reduced basis function ICOFRB. ! do icofrb = nbcrb+1, nbcrb+nferb wu0 = phirb(iquad,icofrb,10,ielem) dwu0dx = phirb(iquad,icofrb,11,ielem) dwu0dy = phirb(iquad,icofrb,12,ielem) wv0 = phirb(iquad,icofrb,13,ielem) dwv0dx = phirb(iquad,icofrb,14,ielem) dwv0dy = phirb(iquad,icofrb,15,ielem) ! ! Take the derivative with respect to basis function JCOFRB. ! do jcofrb = 1, ncofrb wuj = phirb(iquad,jcofrb,1,ielem) dwujdx = phirb(iquad,jcofrb,2,ielem) dwujdy = phirb(iquad,jcofrb,3,ielem) wvj = phirb(iquad,jcofrb,4,ielem) dwvjdx = phirb(iquad,jcofrb,5,ielem) dwvjdy = phirb(iquad,jcofrb,6,ielem) dqjdx = phirb(iquad,jcofrb,8,ielem) dqjdy = phirb(iquad,jcofrb,9,ielem) ! ! The horizontal momentum equations. ! arb(icofrb,jcofrb) = arb(icofrb,jcofrb)+ar* & (dwujdx*dwu0dx + dwujdy*dwu0dy+reynld & *(wuj*durbdx+urb*dwujdx+wvj*durbdy+vrb*dwujdy+dqjdx)*wu0) ! ! The vertical momentum equations. ! arb(icofrb,jcofrb) = arb(icofrb,jcofrb)+ar* & (dwvjdx*dwv0dx + dwvjdy*dwv0dy +reynld & *(wuj*dvrbdx+urb*dwvjdx+wvj*dvrbdy+vrb*dwvjdy+dqjdy)*wv0) end do end do end do end do return end subroutine fpfl ( afl, area, eqn, gfl, indx, ldafl, maxelm, nelem, neqnfl, & nlband, node, np, npar, par, phifl ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! FPFL computes the jacobian of the residual function of the full solution. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The differentiated Navier Stokes functions have the form: ! ! ! d U-Eqn/d U-Coef: ! ! Integral ! ! dWj/dx * dWi/dx + dWj/dy * dWi/dy ! + reynld * (Wj*dUold/dx + Uold*dWj/dx+ Vold*dWj/dy) * Wi dx dy ! ! d U-Eqn/d V-Coef: ! ! Integral ! ! reynld * Wj*dUold/dy * Wi dx dy ! ! d U-Eqn/d P-Coef: ! ! Integral ! ! reynld * dQj/dx * Wi dx dy ! ! d V-Eqn/d U-Coef: ! ! Integral ! ! reynld * Wj*dVold/dx * Wi dx dy ! ! d V-Eqn/d V-Coef: ! ! Integral ! ! dWj/dx * dWi/dx + dWj/dy * dWi/dy ! + reynld * (Uold*dWj/dx + Wj*dVold/dy + Vold*dWj/dy) * Wi dx dy ! ! d V-Eqn/d P-Coef: ! ! Integral ! ! reynld * dQj/dy * Wi dx dy ! ! d P-Eqn/d U-Coef: ! ! Integral ! ! dWj/dx * Qi dx dy ! ! d P-Eqn/d V-Coef: ! ! Integral ! ! dWj/dy * Qi dx dy ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) AFL(LDAFL,MAXNFL). ! If Newton iteration is being carried out, AFL contains the ! Jacobian matrix for the full system. ! If Picard iteration is being carried out, AFL contains the ! Picard matrix for the full system. ! ! AFL is stored in LINPACK general band storage mode, with ! logical dimensions (3*NLBAND+1, NEQNFL). ! ! Where is the (I,J) entry of AFL actually stored? ! AFL has actual storage for such an entry only if ! -NLBAND <= I-J <= NLBAND. ! In such a case, the (I,J) entry is actually stored in ! AFL(I-J+2*NLBAND+1,J) ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) AREA(3,MAXELM). ! AREA contains a common factor multiplying the term associated ! with a quadrature point in a given element, namely, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! or, if the element is isoperimetric, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = DET * Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! Here Ar(IELEM) represents the area of element IELEM. ! ! character ( len = 2 ) EQN(MAXNFL). ! EQN records the "type" of each equation that will be generated, and ! which is associated with an unknown. ! ! 'U' A horizontal momentum equation. ! 'UB' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on the bump. ! 'UI' The condition U = UInflow(Y,Lambda) at the inflow. ! 'UW' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! 'U0' A dummy value of U = 0 should be set. ! ! 'V' A vertical momentum equation. ! 'VB' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on the bump. ! 'VI' The condition V = VInflow(Y,Lambda) at the inflow. ! 'VW' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! 'V0' A dummy value of V = 0 should be set. ! ! 'P' A continuity equation. ! 'PB' The condition P = 0 applied at (XMAX,YMAX). ! 'P0' A dummy value of P = 0 should be set. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) GFL(NEQNFL). ! GFL contains the current solution estimate for the full problem, ! containing the pressure and velocity coefficients. ! The vector INDX must be used to index this data. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX(3,NP). ! INDX(I,J) contains, for each node J, the global index of U, ! V and P at that node, or 0 or a negative value. The global ! index of U, V, or P is the index of the coefficient vector ! that contains the value of the finite element coefficient ! associated with the corresponding basis function at the ! given node. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) LDAFL. ! LDAFL is the first dimension of the matrix AFL as declared in ! the main program. LDAFL must be at least 3*NLBAND+1. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXELM. ! MAXELM is the maximum number of elements allowed. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! NELEM is the number of elements. ! NELEM can be determined as 2*(NX-1)*(NY-1). ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NEQNFL. ! NEQNFL is the number of equations (and coefficients) in the full ! finite element system. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NLBAND. ! NLBAND is the lower bandwidth of the matrix AFL. ! The zero structure of AFL is assumed to be symmetric, and so ! NLBAND is also the upper bandwidth of AFL. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(6,MAXELM) or NODE(6,NELEM). ! NODE(I,J) contains, for an element J, the global index of ! the node whose local number in J is I. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NP. ! NP is the number of nodes used to define the finite element mesh. ! Typically, the mesh is generated as a rectangular array, with ! an odd number of nodes in the horizontal and vertical directions. ! The formula for NP is NP = (2*NX-1)*(2*NY-1). ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NPAR. ! NPAR is the number of parameters. ! NPAR = NPARF + NPARB + 1. ! The parameters control the shape and strength of the inflow, ! the shape of the bump, and the value of the Reynolds number. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) PAR(NPAR). ! PAR contains the values of the problem parameters. ! ! PAR(1:NPARF) = inflow controls. ! PAR(NPARF+1:NPARF+NPARB) = bump controls. ! PAR(NPARF+NPARB+1) = the REYNLD parameter. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) PHIFL(3,6,10,NELEM). ! PHIFL contains the value of a finite element basis function, its ! derivative, or other information, evaluated at the quadrature ! points (which are the element midside nodes). ! ! The meaning of the entry PHIFL(I,J,K,L) is as follows. ! For the quadrature point I, and basis function J, in element L, ! PHIFL(I,J,K,L) represents the value of: ! ! K = 1, W, the finite element basis function for velocities; ! K = 2, dWdX, the X derivative of W; ! K = 3, dWdY, the Y derivative of W; ! K = 4, Q, the finite element basis function for pressures; ! K = 5, dQdX, the X derivative of Q; ! K = 6, dQdY, the Y derivative of Q; ! K = 7, dXsidX, the X derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->XSI; ! K = 8, dXsidY, the Y derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->XSI; ! K = 9, dEtadX, the X derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->ETA; ! K = 10, dEtadY, the Y derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->ETA; ! ! In particular, PHIFL(I,J,K,L) is the value of the quadratic ! basis function W associated with local node J in element L, ! evaluated at quadrature point I. ! ! Note that PHIFL(I,J,K,L) = 0 whenever J=4, 5, or 6 and K=4, 5, or 6, ! since there are only three linear basis functions. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) ldafl integer ( kind = 4 ) maxelm integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) npar ! real ( kind = 8 ) afl(ldafl,neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) ar real ( kind = 8 ) area(3,maxelm) real ( kind = 8 ) dpdx real ( kind = 8 ) dpdy real ( kind = 8 ) dqjdx real ( kind = 8 ) dqjdy real ( kind = 8 ) dudx real ( kind = 8 ) dudy real ( kind = 8 ) dvdx real ( kind = 8 ) dvdy real ( kind = 8 ) dwidx real ( kind = 8 ) dwidy real ( kind = 8 ) dwjdx real ( kind = 8 ) dwjdy character ( len = 2 ) eqn(neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gfl(neqnfl) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) ihor integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) ip integer ( kind = 4 ) iprs integer ( kind = 4 ) iq integer ( kind = 4 ) iquad integer ( kind = 4 ) iuse integer ( kind = 4 ) iver integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) jhor integer ( kind = 4 ) jp integer ( kind = 4 ) jprs integer ( kind = 4 ) jq integer ( kind = 4 ) jver logical s_eqi integer ( kind = 4 ) nlband integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) p real ( kind = 8 ) par(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) phifl(3,6,10,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) qi real ( kind = 8 ) reynld real ( kind = 8 ) term real ( kind = 8 ) u real ( kind = 8 ) v real ( kind = 8 ) wi real ( kind = 8 ) wj ! reynld = par(npar) do i = 1, 3*nlband+1 afl(i,1:neqnfl) = 0.0D+00 end do ! ! Approximate the integral by summing over all elements. ! do ielem = 1, nelem ! ! Evaluate the integrand at the quadrature points. ! do iquad = 1, 3 ar = area(iquad,ielem) ! ! Evaluate U, V and P at the IQUAD-th quadrature point. ! call uvpqfl(dpdx,dpdy,dudx,dudy,dvdx,dvdy,gfl,ielem,indx, & iquad,nelem,neqnfl,node,np,p,phifl,u,v) ! ! Consider each node in the element. ! do iq = 1, 6 ip = node(iq,ielem) wi = phifl(iquad,iq,1,ielem) dwidx = phifl(iquad,iq,2,ielem) dwidy = phifl(iquad,iq,3,ielem) qi = phifl(iquad,iq,4,ielem) ihor = indx(1,ip) iver = indx(2,ip) iprs = indx(3,ip) ! ! Now compute the derivatives of the functions associated ! with U, V and P, with respect to the coefficients associated ! with basis vectors at each node of the element. ! do jq = 1, 6 jp = node(jq,ielem) wj = phifl(iquad,jq,1,ielem) dwjdx = phifl(iquad,jq,2,ielem) dwjdy = phifl(iquad,jq,3,ielem) dqjdx = phifl(iquad,jq,5,ielem) dqjdy = phifl(iquad,jq,6,ielem) jhor = indx(1,jp) jver = indx(2,jp) jprs = indx(3,jp) ! ! Contributions of the JHOR horizontal velocity to the U, V, and ! P equations. ! if ( s_eqi ( eqn(ihor),'U')) then term = ar*(dwjdx*dwidx+dwjdy*dwidy+ & reynld*(wj*dudx+u*dwjdx+v*dwjdy)*wi) iuse = ihor-jhor+2*nlband+1 afl(iuse,jhor) = afl(iuse,jhor)+term end if if ( s_eqi ( eqn(iver),'V')) then term = ar*(reynld*wj*dvdx*wi) iuse = iver-jhor+2*nlband+1 afl(iuse,jhor) = afl(iuse,jhor)+term end if if ( 0 < iprs ) then if ( s_eqi ( eqn(iprs),'P')) then term = ar*dwjdx*qi iuse = iprs-jhor+2*nlband+1 afl(iuse,jhor) = afl(iuse,jhor)+term end if end if ! ! Contributions of the JVER vertical velocity variable to the ! U, V and P equations. ! if ( s_eqi ( eqn(ihor),'U')) then term = ar*reynld*wj*dudy*wi iuse = ihor-jver+2*nlband+1 afl(iuse,jver) = afl(iuse,jver)+term end if if ( s_eqi ( eqn(iver),'V')) then term = ar*(dwjdx*dwidx+dwjdy*dwidy & +reynld*(u*dwjdx+wj*dvdy+v*dwjdy)*wi) iuse = iver-jver+2*nlband+1 afl(iuse,jver) = afl(iuse,jver)+term end if if ( 0 < iprs ) then if ( s_eqi ( eqn(iprs),'P')) then term = ar*dwjdy*qi iuse = iprs-jver+2*nlband+1 afl(iuse,jver) = afl(iuse,jver)+term end if end if ! ! Contributions of the JPRS pressure to the U and V equations. ! if ( 0 < jprs ) then if ( s_eqi ( eqn(ihor),'U')) then term = ar*reynld*dqjdx*wi iuse = ihor-jprs+2*nlband+1 afl(iuse,jprs) = afl(iuse,jprs)+term end if if ( s_eqi ( eqn(iver),'V')) then term = ar*reynld*dqjdy*wi iuse = iver-jprs+2*nlband+1 afl(iuse,jprs) = afl(iuse,jprs)+term end if end if end do end do end do end do ! ! Set up the equations that enforce boundary conditions. ! do ip = 1, np ihor = indx(1,ip) iver = indx(2,ip) iprs = indx(3,ip) if ( s_eqi ( eqn(ihor),'UB').or. s_eqi ( eqn(ihor),'UI').or. & s_eqi ( eqn(ihor),'UW').or. s_eqi ( eqn(ihor),'U0')) then afl(2*nlband+1,ihor) = 1.0D+00 end if if ( s_eqi ( eqn(iver),'VB').or.s_eqi ( eqn(iver),'VI').or. & s_eqi ( eqn(iver),'VW').or.s_eqi ( eqn(iver),'V0')) then afl(2*nlband+1,iver) = 1.0D+00 end if if ( 0 < iprs ) then if ( s_eqi ( eqn(iprs),'PB')) then afl(2*nlband+1,iprs) = 1.0D+00 else if ( s_eqi ( eqn(iprs),'P0')) then afl(2*nlband+1,iprs) = 1.0D+00 end if end if end do return end subroutine fpirb ( afl, arb, area, eqn, gflrb, grb, indx, ldafl, & maxcofrb, maxelm, maxnfl, nbcrb, ncofrb, nelem, neqnfl, nferb, & nlband, node, np, npar, nx, ny, par, phifl, rb, xc, xrange, yc, & yrange ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! FPIRB computes the reduced basis jacobian using the indirect method. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 05 August 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) ldafl integer ( kind = 4 ) maxcofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) maxelm integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) npar ! ! For some reason, I couldn't set AFL as a local array. ! real ( kind = 8 ) afl(ldafl,maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) arb(maxcofrb,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) area(3,nelem) character ( len = 2 ) eqn(neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gflrb(neqnfl) ! ! FORTRAN 90 temporary array. ! real ( kind = 8 ) gfltmp(neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) grb(ncofrb) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ieqn integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) jhi integer ( kind = 4 ) jlo integer ( kind = 4 ) k integer ( kind = 4 ) l logical s_eqi integer ( kind = 4 ) nbcrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nferb integer ( kind = 4 ) nlband integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) nx integer ( kind = 4 ) ny real ( kind = 8 ) par(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) phifl(3,6,10,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) rb(maxnfl,ncofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xrange real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yrange ! ! Zero out ARB. ! arb(1:ncofrb,1:ncofrb) = 0.0D+00 ! ! Get the partial derivative of the boundary conditions. ! call fpbcrb(arb,indx,maxcofrb,maxnfl,nbcrb,ncofrb, & nelem,node,np,nx,ny,rb,xc,xrange,yc,yrange) ! ! Recover the equivalent full basis coefficients GFLTMP from ! the reduced basis coefficients GRB. ! call grb2fl(gfltmp,gflrb,grb,maxnfl,ncofrb,neqnfl,rb) ! ! Get the jacobian FPFL for the full coefficient set. ! call fpfl(afl,area,eqn,gfltmp,indx,ldafl,maxelm,nelem,neqnfl, & nlband,node,np,npar,par,phifl) ! ! Zero out all rows except for U and V momentum equations. ! do i = 1, np ieqn = indx(1,i) if ( .not. s_eqi ( eqn(ieqn),'U')) then jlo = max(1,ieqn-nlband) jhi = min(neqnfl,ieqn+nlband) do j = jlo, jhi afl(ieqn-j+2*nlband+1,j) = 0.0D+00 end do end if ieqn = indx(2,i) if ( .not. s_eqi ( eqn(ieqn),'V')) then jlo = max(1,ieqn-nlband) jhi = min(neqnfl,ieqn+nlband) do j = jlo, jhi afl(ieqn-j+2*nlband+1,j) = 0.0D+00 end do end if ieqn = indx(3,i) if ( 0 < ieqn ) then jlo = max(1,ieqn-nlband) jhi = min(neqnfl,ieqn+nlband) do j = jlo, jhi afl(ieqn-j+2*nlband+1,j) = 0.0D+00 end do end if end do ! ! Compute the FE portion of the jacobian, ! FPRB = QT * FPFL * Q. ! do i = nbcrb+1,nbcrb+nferb do j = 1, neqnfl do k = 1, neqnfl do l = 1, ncofrb if ( -nlband <= j-k.and.j-k <= nlband) then arb(i,l) = arb(i,l)+rb(j,i)*afl(j-k+2*nlband+1,k)*rb(k,l) end if end do end do end do end do return end subroutine fprb(arb,area,grb,indx,maxcofrb,maxelm,maxnfl,nbcrb,ncofrb, & nelem,nferb,node,np,nx,ny,phirb,rb,reynld,xc,xrange,yc,yrange) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! FPRB evaluates the reduced basis jacobian directly. ! ! Discussion: ! ! Direct evaluation means that the full basis jacobian is NOT computed. ! ! FPRB is given ! ! PAR, the current parameter values, ! GRB, the reduced basis coefficients of an approximate solution, ! PHIRB, the reduced basis functions, evaluated at the quadrature points, ! ! and computes ! ! ARB, the reduced basis jacobian of the Navier Stokes equations. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 11 July 1996. ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) ARB(MAXNRB,MAXNRB). ! ARB contains the Jacobian matrix for the reduced basis system, ! stored as an NCOFRB by NCOFRB array. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) AREA(3,NELEM). ! AREA contains a common factor multiplying the term associated ! with a quadrature point in a given element, namely, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! or, if the element is isoperimetric, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = DET * Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! Here Ar(IELEM) represents the area of element IELEM. ! ! GRB Input, real ( kind = 8 ) GRB(NCOFRB). ! GRB contains the reduced basis coefficients of the current ! estimate of the state solution. ! ! NELEM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! NCOFRB Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCOFRB. ! NCOFRB is the number of basis functions, reduced state equations and ! coefficients in the reduced basis system. ! ! PHIRB Input, real ( kind = 8 ) PHIRB(3,NCOFRB,15,NELEM). ! PHIRB contains the values of a finite element basis function ! or its X or Y derivative, in a given element, at a given ! quadrature point, for a particular reduced basis function. ! ! For PHIRB(I,J,K,L), index J refers to the reduced basis ! basis functions, for J = 0 to NCOFRB. ! ! The meaning of the K index of PHIRB(I,J,K,L) is as follows: ! ! For the quadrature point I, and reduced basis function J, ! in element L, PHIRB(I,J,K,L) represents the value of: ! ! K = 1, WUrb, the finite element U velocity basis function; ! K = 2, dWUrbdX, the X derivative of WUrb; ! K = 3, dWUrbdY, the Y derivative of WUrb; ! K = 4, WVrb, the finite element V velocity basis function; ! K = 5, dWVrbdX, the X derivative of WVrb; ! K = 6, dWVrbdY, the Y derivative of WVrb; ! K = 7, Q, the finite element pressure basis function. ! K = 8, dQrbdX, the X derivative of Qrb; ! K = 9, dQrbdY, the Y derivative of Qrb. ! K = 10, WU0rb, same as WUrb, with zero BC. ! K = 11, dWU0rbdX, same as dWUrbdX, with zero BC. ! K = 12, dWU0rbdY, same as dWUrbdY, with zero BC. ! K = 13, WV0rb, same as WVrb, with zero BC. ! K = 14, dWV0rbdX, same as dWVrbdX, with zero BC. ! K = 15, dWV0rbdY, same as dWVrbdY, with zero BC. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) REYNLD. ! The current value of the Reynolds number parameter. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxcofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) maxelm integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! real ( kind = 8 ) arb(maxcofrb,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) area(3,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) grb(ncofrb) integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) nbcrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nferb integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) nx integer ( kind = 4 ) ny real ( kind = 8 ) phirb(3,maxcofrb,15,maxelm) real ( kind = 8 ) rb(maxnfl,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) reynld real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xrange real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yrange call fpbcrb(arb,indx,maxcofrb,maxnfl,nbcrb,ncofrb, & nelem,node,np,nx,ny,rb,xc,xrange,yc,yrange) call fpferb(arb,area,grb,maxcofrb,maxelm,nbcrb,ncofrb, & nelem,nferb,phirb,reynld) return end subroutine fxbcrb(grb,indx,maxcofrb,maxnfl,nbcrb,ncofrb,nelem,node,np,npar, & nparf,nx,ny,par,rb,resrb,tauflo,xc,xrange,yc,yrange) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! FXBCRB evaluates the reduced boundary conditions. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 August 1996. ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) GRB(NCOFRB). ! GRB contains the reduced basis coefficients of the current ! estimate of the state solution. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX(3,NP). ! INDX(I,J) contains, for each node J, the global index of U, ! V and P at that node, or 0 or a negative value. The global ! index of U, V, or P is the index of the coefficient vector ! that contains the value of the finite element coefficient ! associated with the corresponding basis function at the ! given node. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXCOFRB. ! MAXCOFRB is the maximum legal value for NCOFRB, the number ! of coefficients used to specify a particular reduced basis ! solution. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNFL. ! MAXNFL is the maximum number of equations or coefficients allowed ! for the full system. MAXNFL must be used instead of NEQNFL as ! the leading dimension of certain multi-dimensional arrays. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NBCRB. ! NBCRB is the number of independent boundary condition ! vectors used for the reduced basis. NBCRB is normally ! at least 1, and must be no more than MAXBCRB. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NCOFRB. ! NCOFRB is the number of coefficients needed to determine ! a particular reduced basis function. ! NCOFRB is the sum of NBCRB and NFERB. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! NELEM is the number of elements. ! NELEM can be determined as 2*(NX-1)*(NY-1). ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(6,MAXELM) or NODE(6,NELEM). ! NODE(I,J) contains, for an element J, the global index of ! the node whose local number in J is I. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NP. ! NP is the number of nodes used to define the finite element mesh. ! Typically, the mesh is generated as a rectangular array, with ! an odd number of nodes in the horizontal and vertical directions. ! The formula for NP is NP = (2*NX-1)*(2*NY-1). ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NPAR. ! NPAR is the number of parameters. ! NPAR = NPARF + NPARB + 1. ! The parameters control the shape and strength of the inflow, ! the shape of the bump, and the value of the Reynolds number. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARF. ! NPARF is the number of parameters associated with the ! inflow. NPARF must be at least 1. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NX. ! NX controls the spacing of nodes and elements in ! the X direction. There are 2*NX-1 nodes along various ! lines in the X direction. ! ! The number of elements along a line in the X direction is ! NX-1 (or 2*(NX-1) to make a full rectangular strip). ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NY. ! NY controls the spacing of nodes and elements in ! the Y direction. There are 2*NY-1 nodes along various ! lines in the Y direction. ! ! The number of elements along a line in the Y direction is ! NY-1 (or 2*(NY-1) to make a full vertical strip). ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) PAR(NPAR). ! PAR contains the values of the problem parameters. ! ! PAR(1:NPARF) = inflow controls. ! PAR(NPARF+1:NPARF+NPARB) = bump controls. ! PAR(NPARF+NPARB+1) = the REYNLD parameter. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) RB(MAXNFL,MAXCOFRB). ! RB is the NEQNFL by NCOFRB array of reduced basis vectors. ! RB is generated by computing a finite element solution GFL, ! which is saved for later reference as "GFLRB". ! GFLRB is copied into the first column of RB. ! Then, we compute the first NCOFRB derivatives of GFLRB with ! respect to a parameter. The first derivative ! is stored in column 1 of RB, and so on. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) RESRB(NCOFRB). ! RESRB contains the residual in the reduced basis equations, ! for the parameter values PAR and reduced basis coefficients GRB. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) TAUFLO(NPARF). ! TAUFLO contains the location of the spline abscissas for ! the inflow. There are NPARF of them, because the end ! values of the spline are constrained to have particular ! values. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) XC(NP). ! XC contains the X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) XRANGE. ! XRANGE is the total width of the region. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) YC(NP). ! YC contains the Y coordinates of the nodes. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxcofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) npar integer ( kind = 4 ) nparf ! real ( kind = 8 ) dwdx real ( kind = 8 ) dwdy real ( kind = 8 ) grb(ncofrb) integer ( kind = 4 ) ibcrb integer ( kind = 4 ) icoffl integer ( kind = 4 ) icofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) icol integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) inode integer ( kind = 4 ) iq integer ( kind = 4 ) nbcrb integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) nx integer ( kind = 4 ) ny real ( kind = 8 ) par(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) rb(maxnfl,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) resrb(ncofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) tauflo(nparf) real ( kind = 8 ) ubcrb real ( kind = 8 ) w real ( kind = 8 ) wurb real ( kind = 8 ) xbc real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xrange real ( kind = 8 ) ybc real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yrange ! do ibcrb = 1, nbcrb ! ! These (X,Y) values are only valid for the driven cavity. ! You should pass REGION in here to sort it out. ! xbc = tauflo(ibcrb) ybc = yrange icol = 1 + int ( xbc * dble ( nx - 1 ) / xrange ) if ( nx - 1 < icol ) then icol = nx-1 end if ielem = icol*(2*ny-2)-1 ! ! Evaluate the reduced solution UBCRB at (XBC,YBC). ! ubcrb = 0.0D+00 do icofrb = 1, ncofrb wurb = 0.0D+00 do iq = 1, 6 call qbf(ielem,iq,w,dwdx,dwdy,nelem,node,np,xc,xbc,yc,ybc) inode = node(iq,ielem) icoffl = indx(1,inode) wurb = wurb+rb(icoffl,icofrb)*w end do ubcrb = ubcrb+grb(icofrb)*wurb end do ! ! Set the function value. ! resrb(ibcrb) = ubcrb-par(ibcrb) end do return end subroutine fxferb(area,grb,maxcofrb,maxelm,nbcrb,ncofrb,nelem, & nferb,phirb,resrb,reynld) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! FXFERB evaluates the finite element portion of the reduced function. ! ! FXFERB is given ! GRB, the reduced basis coefficients of an approximate solution, ! PHIRB, the reduced basis functions, evaluated at the quadrature ! points, ! and computes ! RESRB, the reduced basis residual of the Navier Stokes ! equations. ! ! The reduced discretized Navier Stokes equations have the form: ! ! Integral ! ! dUrb/dx * dWu0/dx + dUrb/dy * dWu0dy ! + reynld * (Urb*dUrb/dx + Vrb*dUrb/dy + dPrb/dx) * Wu0 dx dy = 0 ! ! Integral ! ! dVrb/dx * dWv0/dx + dVrb/dy * dWv0/dy ! + reynld * (Urb*dVrb/dx + Vrb*dVrb/dy + dPrb/dy) * Wv0 dx dy = 0 ! ! Here, WU0 and WV0 are the reduced basis functions for U and V ! assuming homogeneous boundary conditions. ! ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 31 July 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) AREA(3,NELEM). ! AREA contains a common factor multiplying the term associated ! with a quadrature point in a given element, namely, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! or, if the element is isoperimetric, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = DET * Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! Here Ar(IELEM) represents the area of element IELEM. ! ! GRB Input, real ( kind = 8 ) GRB(NCOFRB). ! GRB contains the reduced basis coefficients of the current ! estimate of the state solution. ! ! NELEM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! NCOFRB Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCOFRB. ! NCOFRB is the number of basis functions, reduced state equations and ! coefficients in the reduced basis system. ! ! PHIRB real ( kind = 8 ) PHIRB(3,NCOFRB,15,NELEM). ! PHIRB contains the values of a finite element basis function ! or its X or Y derivative, in a given element, at a given ! quadrature point, for a particular reduced basis function. ! ! For PHIRB(I,J,K,L), index J refers to the reduced basis ! basis functions, for J = 0 to NCOFRB. ! ! The meaning of the K index of PHIRB(I,J,K,L) is as follows: ! ! For the quadrature point I, and reduced basis function J, ! in element L, PHIRB(I,J,K,L) represents the value of: ! ! K = 1, WUrb, the finite element U velocity basis function; ! K = 2, dWUrbdX, the X derivative of WUrb; ! K = 3, dWUrbdY, the Y derivative of WUrb; ! K = 4, WVrb, the finite element V velocity basis function; ! K = 5, dWVrbdX, the X derivative of WVrb; ! K = 6, dWVrbdY, the Y derivative of WVrb; ! K = 7, Q, the finite element pressure basis function. ! K = 8, dQrbdX, the X derivative of Qrb; ! K = 9, dQrbdY, the Y derivative of Qrb. ! K = 10, WU0rb, same as WUrb, with zero BC. ! K = 11, dWU0rbdX, same as dWUrbdX, with zero BC. ! K = 12, dWU0rbdY, same as dWUrbdY, with zero BC. ! K = 13, WV0rb, same as WVrb, with zero BC. ! K = 14, dWV0rbdX, same as dWVrbdX, with zero BC. ! K = 15, dWV0rbdY, same as dWVrbdY, with zero BC. ! ! RESRB Output, real ( kind = 8 ) RESRB(NCOFRB). ! RESRB contains the residual in the reduced basis equations, ! for the given parameter values and reduced basis coefficients GRB. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) REYNLD. ! The current value of the Reynolds number parameter. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxcofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) maxelm integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb ! real ( kind = 8 ) ar real ( kind = 8 ) area(3,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) dpdx real ( kind = 8 ) dpdy real ( kind = 8 ) dudx real ( kind = 8 ) dudy real ( kind = 8 ) dvdx real ( kind = 8 ) dvdy real ( kind = 8 ) dwu0dx real ( kind = 8 ) dwu0dy real ( kind = 8 ) dwv0dx real ( kind = 8 ) dwv0dy real ( kind = 8 ) grb(ncofrb) integer ( kind = 4 ) icofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) iquad logical s_eqi integer ( kind = 4 ) nbcrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nferb real ( kind = 8 ) p real ( kind = 8 ) phirb(3,maxcofrb,15,maxelm) real ( kind = 8 ) resrb(ncofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) reynld real ( kind = 8 ) u real ( kind = 8 ) v real ( kind = 8 ) wu0 real ( kind = 8 ) wv0 ! do icofrb = nbcrb+1, nbcrb+nferb resrb(icofrb) = 0.0D+00 end do ! ! Consider an element IELEM... ! do ielem = 1, nelem ! ! ...and a quadrature point IQUAD... ! do iquad = 1, 3 ar = area(iquad,ielem) ! ! For the given reduced coefficients GRB, and basis functions ! PHIRB, evaluate U, V, and P, and their spatial derivatives. ! call uvpqrb(dpdx,dpdy,dudx,dudy,dvdx,dvdy,grb, & ielem,iquad,maxcofrb,maxelm,ncofrb,phirb,p,u,v) ! ! Now consider the residual associated with each finite element ! reduced basis function. ! do icofrb = nbcrb+1, nbcrb+nferb wu0 = phirb(iquad,icofrb,10,ielem) dwu0dx = phirb(iquad,icofrb,11,ielem) dwu0dy = phirb(iquad,icofrb,12,ielem) wv0 = phirb(iquad,icofrb,13,ielem) dwv0dx = phirb(iquad,icofrb,14,ielem) dwv0dy = phirb(iquad,icofrb,15,ielem) resrb(icofrb) = resrb(icofrb)+ar* & (dudx*dwu0dx+dudy*dwu0dy & +reynld*(u*dudx+v*dudy+dpdx)*wu0 & +dvdx*dwv0dx+dvdy*dwv0dy & +reynld*(u*dvdx+v*dvdy+dpdy)*wv0) end do end do end do return end subroutine fxfl(area,eqn,gfl,ifs,indx,nelem,neqnfl,node,np,npar,nparf,par, & phifl,region,resfl,splflo,tauflo,xrange,yc,yrange) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! FXFL computes the residual of the full Navier Stokes equations. ! ! The discretized Navier Stokes equations have the form: ! ! Integral ! ! dU/dx * dW/dx + dU/dy * dW/dy ! + reynld * (U*dU/dx + V*dU/dy + dP/dx) * W dx dy = 0 ! ! Integral ! ! dV/dx * dW/dx + dV/dy * dW/dy ! + reynld * (U*dV/dx + V*dV/dy + dP/dy) * W dx dy = 0 ! ! Integral ! ! (dU/dx + dV/dy) * Q dx dy = 0 ! ! Here W is a basis function for U and V, and Q is a basis ! function for P. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 08 August 1996. ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) AREA(3,MAXELM). ! AREA contains a common factor multiplying the term associated ! with a quadrature point in a given element, namely, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! or, if the element is isoperimetric, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = DET * Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! Here Ar(IELEM) represents the area of element IELEM. ! ! character ( len = 2 ) EQN(MAXNFL). ! EQN records the "type" of each equation that will be generated, and ! which is associated with an unknown. ! ! 'U' A horizontal momentum equation. ! 'UB' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on the bump. ! 'UI' The condition U = UInflow(Y,Lambda) at the inflow. ! 'UW' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! 'U0' A dummy value of U = 0 should be set. ! ! 'V' A vertical momentum equation. ! 'VB' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on the bump. ! 'VI' The condition V = VInflow(Y,Lambda) at the inflow. ! 'VW' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! 'V0' A dummy value of V = 0 should be set. ! ! 'P' A continuity equation. ! 'PB' The condition P = 0 applied at (XMAX,YMAX). ! 'P0' A dummy value of P = 0 should be set. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) GFL(NEQNFL). ! GFL contains the current solution estimate for the full problem, ! containing the pressure and velocity coefficients. ! The vector INDX must be used to index this data. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) IFS. ! IFS is the inflow shape option. ! 0, piecewise constant function. ! 1, piecewise linear function. ! 2, piecewise quadratic function. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX(3,NP). ! INDX(I,J) contains, for each node J, the global index of U, ! V and P at that node, or 0 or a negative value. The global ! index of U, V, or P is the index of the coefficient vector ! that contains the value of the finite element coefficient ! associated with the corresponding basis function at the ! given node. ! If K = INDX(I,J) is positive, then the value of the degree ! of freedom is stored in the solution vector entry GFL(K), ! and an equation will be generated to determine its value. ! If INDX(I,J) is not positive, then no equation is ! generated to determine for variable I at node J, either because ! the variable is specified in some other way, or because ! (in the case of pressure), there is no coefficient associated ! with that node. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! NELEM is the number of elements. ! NELEM can be determined as 2*(NX-1)*(NY-1). ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NEQNFL. ! NEQNFL is the number of equations (and coefficients) in the full ! finite element system. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(6,MAXELM) or NODE(6,NELEM). ! NODE(I,J) contains, for an element J, the global index of ! the node whose local number in J is I. ! ! The local ordering of the nodes is suggested by this diagram: ! ! Global nodes Elements NODE ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 ! 74 84 94 3-6-1 2 Left element = (94,72,74,83,73,84) ! | / /| ! 73 83 93 5 4 4 5 Right element = (72,94,92,83,93,82) ! |/ / | ! 72 82 92 2 1-6-3 ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NP. ! NP is the number of nodes used to define the finite element mesh. ! Typically, the mesh is generated as a rectangular array, with ! an odd number of nodes in the horizontal and vertical directions. ! The formula for NP is NP = (2*NX-1)*(2*NY-1). ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NPAR. ! NPAR is the number of parameters. ! NPAR = NPARF + NPARB + 1. ! The parameters control the shape and strength of the inflow, ! the shape of the bump, and the value of the Reynolds number. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARF. ! NPARF is the number of parameters associated with the ! inflow. NPARF must be at least 1. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) PAR(NPAR). ! PAR contains the values of the problem parameters. ! ! PAR(1:NPARF) = inflow controls. ! PAR(NPARF+1:NPARF+NPARB) = bump controls. ! PAR(NPARF+NPARB+1) = the REYNLD parameter. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) PHIFL(3,6,10,NELEM). ! PHIFL contains the value of a finite element basis function, its ! derivative, or other information, evaluated at the quadrature ! points (which are the element midside nodes). ! ! The meaning of the entry PHIFL(I,J,K,L) is as follows. ! For the quadrature point I, and basis function J, in element L, ! PHIFL(I,J,K,L) represents the value of: ! ! K = 1, W, the finite element basis function for velocities; ! K = 2, dWdX, the X derivative of W; ! K = 3, dWdY, the Y derivative of W; ! K = 4, Q, the finite element basis function for pressures; ! K = 5, dQdX, the X derivative of Q; ! K = 6, dQdY, the Y derivative of Q; ! K = 7, dXsidX, the X derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->XSI; ! K = 8, dXsidY, the Y derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->XSI; ! K = 9, dEtadX, the X derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->ETA; ! K = 10, dEtadY, the Y derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->ETA; ! ! In particular, PHIFL(I,J,K,L) is the value of the quadratic ! basis function W associated with local node J in element L, ! evaluated at quadrature point I. ! ! Note that PHIFL(I,J,K,L) = 0 whenever J=4, 5, or 6 and K=4, 5, or 6, ! since there are only three linear basis functions. ! ! character ( len = 20 ) REGION. ! REGION specifies the flow region. ! ! 'cavity', a driven cavity, 1 unit on each side, open on ! the top with a tangential velocity specification there. ! ! 'cavity2', a driven cavity, 1 unit on each side, open on ! the top and bottome, with tangential velocity specifications ! there. ! ! 'channel', a channel, 10 units long by 3 high, inflow on ! the left, outflow on the right, with a bump on the bottom. ! ! 'step', a channel, 12 units long by 3 high, inflow on the ! left, outflow on the right, with a step on the bottom. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) RESFL(NEQNFL). ! RESFL contains the residual in the full basis equations. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) SPLFLO(NPARF). ! SPLFLO contains the spline coefficients for the inflow. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) TAUFLO(NPARF). ! TAUFLO contains the location of the spline abscissas for ! the inflow. There are NPARF of them, because the end ! values of the spline are constrained to have particular ! values. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) XRANGE. ! XRANGE is the total width of the region. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) YRANGE. ! YRANGE is the total height of the region. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) npar integer ( kind = 4 ) nparf ! real ( kind = 8 ) ar real ( kind = 8 ) area(3,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) dpdx real ( kind = 8 ) dpdy real ( kind = 8 ) dudx real ( kind = 8 ) dudy real ( kind = 8 ) dvdx real ( kind = 8 ) dvdy real ( kind = 8 ) dwidx real ( kind = 8 ) dwidy character ( len = 2 ) eqn(neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gfl(neqnfl) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ifs integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) ihor integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) ip integer ( kind = 4 ) iprs integer ( kind = 4 ) iq integer ( kind = 4 ) iquad integer ( kind = 4 ) iver integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) p real ( kind = 8 ) par(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) phifl(3,6,10,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) qi character ( len = 20 ) region real ( kind = 8 ) resfl(neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) reynld logical s_eqi real ( kind = 8 ) splflo(nparf) real ( kind = 8 ) tauflo(nparf) real ( kind = 8 ) u real ( kind = 8 ) ubc real ( kind = 8 ) v real ( kind = 8 ) vbc real ( kind = 8 ) wi real ( kind = 8 ) xrange real ( kind = 8 ) xval real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yrange real ( kind = 8 ) yval ! reynld = par(npar) resfl(1:neqnfl) = 0.0D+00 ! ! Consider an element. ! do ielem = 1, nelem ! ! Evaluate the integrand at the quadrature points. ! do iquad = 1, 3 ar = area(iquad,ielem) ! ! Evaluate U, V and P at the IQUAD-th quadrature point. ! call uvpqfl(dpdx,dpdy,dudx,dudy,dvdx,dvdy,gfl,ielem,indx, & iquad,nelem,neqnfl,node,np,p,phifl,u,v) ! ! Look at nearby basis functions. ! do iq = 1, 6 ip = node(iq,ielem) wi = phifl(iquad,iq,1,ielem) dwidx = phifl(iquad,iq,2,ielem) dwidy = phifl(iquad,iq,3,ielem) qi = phifl(iquad,iq,4,ielem) ! ! The horizontal velocity equations. ! ihor = indx(1,ip) if ( s_eqi ( eqn(ihor),'U')) then resfl(ihor) = resfl(ihor)+ar*(dudx*dwidx + dudy*dwidy & +reynld*(u*dudx+v*dudy+dpdx)*wi ) else if ( s_eqi ( eqn(ihor),'UB')) then resfl(ihor) = gfl(ihor) else if ( s_eqi ( eqn(ihor),'UI')) then yval = yc(ip) call flowbc(ifs,npar,nparf,par,region,splflo,tauflo, & ubc,vbc,xrange,xval,yrange,yval) resfl(ihor) = gfl(ihor)-ubc else if ( s_eqi ( eqn(ihor),'UW')) then resfl(ihor) = gfl(ihor) else if ( s_eqi ( eqn(ihor),'U0')) then resfl(ihor) = gfl(ihor) end if ! ! The vertical velocity equations. ! iver = indx(2,ip) if ( s_eqi ( eqn(iver),'V')) then resfl(iver) = resfl(iver)+ar*(dvdx*dwidx + dvdy*dwidy & +reynld*(u*dvdx+v*dvdy+dpdy)*wi ) else if ( s_eqi ( eqn(iver),'VB')) then resfl(iver) = gfl(iver) else if ( s_eqi ( eqn(iver),'VI')) then yval = yc(ip) call flowbc(ifs,npar,nparf,par,region,splflo,tauflo, & ubc,vbc,xrange,xval,yrange,yval) resfl(iver) = gfl(iver)-vbc else if ( s_eqi ( eqn(iver),'VW')) then resfl(iver) = gfl(iver) else if ( s_eqi ( eqn(iver),'V0')) then resfl(iver) = gfl(iver) end if ! ! The pressure equations. ! iprs = indx(3,ip) if ( 0 < iprs ) then if ( s_eqi ( eqn(iprs),'P')) then resfl(iprs) = resfl(iprs)+ar*(dudx+dvdy)*qi else if ( s_eqi ( eqn(iprs),'PB')) then resfl(iprs) = gfl(iprs) else if ( s_eqi ( eqn(iprs),'P0')) then resfl(iprs) = gfl(iprs) end if end if end do end do end do return end subroutine fxfl2rb(grb,indx,maxcofrb,maxnfl,nbcrb,ncofrb,nelem, & neqnfl,nferb,node,np,npar,nparf,nx,ny,par,rb,resfl,resrb, & tauflo,xc,xrange,yc,yrange) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! FXFL2RB projects a full residual into a reduced residual. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The relationship used is ! ! RESRB = Q^T * RESFL. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 August 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) RESFL(NEQNFL), the function value ! in the full system. ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) RESRB(NCOFRB), the function value ! in the reduced system. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNFL, the maximum value of NEQNFL, used as ! the leading dimension of RB. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCOFRB, the number of coefficients for the ! reduced system. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NEQNFL, the number of coefficients for the ! full system. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) rb(maxnfl,ncofrb). ! RB is the NEQNFL by NCOFRB array of reduced basis vectors. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxcofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) npar integer ( kind = 4 ) nparf ! real ( kind = 8 ) grb(ncofrb) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) nbcrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nferb integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) nx integer ( kind = 4 ) ny real ( kind = 8 ) par(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) rb(maxnfl,ncofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) resfl(neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) resrb(ncofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) tauflo(nparf) real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xrange real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yrange ! ! Compute the boundary conditions directly from GFLBC. ! call fxbcrb(grb,indx,maxcofrb,maxnfl,nbcrb,ncofrb,nelem, & node,np,npar,nparf,nx,ny,par,rb,resrb,tauflo,xc,xrange,yc,yrange) ! ! Multiply the second half of the vector RESFL by the second half of ! RB transpose. ! do i = nbcrb+1, nbcrb+nferb resrb(i) = 0.0D+00 do j = 1, neqnfl resrb(i) = resrb(i) + rb(j,i) * resfl(j) end do end do return end subroutine fxirb ( area, eqn, gflrb, grb, ifs, indx, maxcofrb, maxnfl, & nbcrb, ncofrb, nelem, neqnfl, nferb, node, np, npar, nparf, nx, ny, & par, phifl, rb, region, resrb, splflo, tauflo, xc, xrange, yc, & yrange ) !*********************************************************************** ! !! FXIRB indirectly computes the reduced basis residual. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 04 August 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) AREA(3,NELEM). ! AREA contains a common factor multiplying the term associated ! with a quadrature point in a given element, namely, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! or, if the element is isoperimetric, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = DET * Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! Here Ar(IELEM) represents the area of element IELEM. ! ! EQN Input, character ( len = 2 ) EQN(NEQNFL). ! EQN records the "type" of each equation that will be generated, and ! which is associated with an unknown. Note that most boundary ! conditions do not result in an equation. The current values are: ! ! 'U' The horizontal momentum equation. ! 'UB' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on the bump. ! 'UI' The condition U = UInflow(Y,Lambda) at the inflow. ! 'UW' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! ! 'V' The vertical momentum equation. ! 'VB' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on the bump. ! 'VI' The condition V = VInflow(Y,Lambda) at the inflow. ! 'VW' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! ! 'P' The continuity equation. ! 'PB' The condition P = 0 applied at (XMAX,YMAX). ! ! GFL Input/output, real ( kind = 8 ) GFL(NEQNFL). ! ! GFL must contain on input the coefficients ! for the full basis system that are equivalent to GRB. ! ! GFLRB Input, real ( kind = 8 ) GFLRB(NEQNFL), the full basis coefficients ! of the solution at which the reduced basis was generated. ! ! GRB Input, real ( kind = 8 ) GRB(NCOFRB). ! The coefficients for the reduced basis system. ! ! IFS Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IFS. ! 1, the inflow is modeled by C0 linear splines. ! 2, the inflow is modeled by C0 quadratic splines. ! ! INDX Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX(3,NP). ! ! INDX(I,J) contains, for each node J, the index of U, V and P at ! that node, or 0 or a negative value. ! ! If K = INDX(I,J) is positive, then the value of the degree ! of freedom is stored in the solution vector entry GFL(K), ! and an equation will be generated to determine its value. ! ! If INDX(I,J) is not positive, then no equation is ! generated to determine for variable I at node J, either because ! the variable is specified in some other way, or because ! (in the case of pressure), there is no coefficient associated ! with that node. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNFL, the maximum number of equations ! in the full system. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NEQNFL, the number of equations in the ! full system. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCOFRB, the number of equations in the reduced ! system. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(6,MAXELM). ! ! NODE(I,J) contains, for an element J, the global node index of ! the element node whose local number is I. ! ! The local ordering of the nodes is suggested by this diagram: ! ! 2 ! /| ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1-6-3 ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes used to define the ! finite element mesh. NP = (2*NX-1)*(2*NY-1). ! ! NPAR Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPAR. ! The number of parameters. NPAR = NPARF + NPARB + 1. ! The parameters control the shape of the inflow, ! the shape of the bump obstacle, and the strength of the ! flow. ! ! NPARB Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARB. ! The number of parameters associated with the position and ! shape of the bump. ! Note that if NPARB = 0, the bump is replaced by a flat wall. ! ! NPARF Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARF. ! NPARF is the number of parameters associated with the ! inflow. NPARF must be at least 1. ! ! PAR Input, real ( kind = 8 ) PAR(NPAR). ! PAR is the current estimate for the parameters. ! ! PHIFL Input, real ( kind = 8 ) PHIFL(3,6,10,NELEM). ! PHIFL contains the value of a finite element basis function, its ! derivative, or other information, evaluated at the quadrature ! points. ! The meaning of the entry PHIFL(I,J,K,L) is as follows. ! For the quadrature point I, and basis function J, in element L, ! PHIFL(I,J,K,L) represents the value of: ! ! K = 1, W, the finite element basis function for velocities; ! K = 2, dWdX, the X derivative of W; ! K = 3, dWdY, the Y derivative of W; ! K = 4, Q, the finite element basis function for pressures; ! K = 5, dQdX, the X derivative of Q; ! K = 6, dQdY, the Y derivative of Q; ! K = 7, dXsidX, the X derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->XSI; ! K = 8, dXsidY, the Y derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->XSI; ! K = 9, dEtadX, the X derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->ETA; ! K = 10, dEtadY, the Y derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->ETA; ! ! In particular, PHIFL(I,J,K,L) is the value of the quadratic ! basis function W associated with local node J in element L, ! evaluated at quadrature point I. ! ! Note that PHIFL(I,J,K,L) = 0 whenever J=4, 5, or 6 and K=4, 5, or 6, ! since there are only three linear basis functions. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) RB(MAXNFL,NCOFRB), the columns of RB ! contain the orthonormal reduced basis vectors. ! ! Input, character ( len = 20 ) REGION. ! REGION specifies the flow region. ! 'cavity', a driven cavity, 1 unit on each side, open on ! the top with a tangential velocity specification there. ! 'cavity2', a driven cavity, 1 unit on each side, open on ! the top and bottome, with tangential velocity specifications ! there. ! 'channel', a channel, 10 units long by 3 high, inflow on ! the left, outflow on the right, with a bump on the bottom. ! 'step', a channel, 12 units long by 3 high, inflow on the ! left, outflow on the right, with a step on the bottom. ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) RESFL(NEQNFL), the residual in the ! full basis equations. ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) RESRB(NCOFRB), the residual in the ! reduced basis equations, evaluated at the coefficient ! vector GRB. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) SPLFLO(NPARF). ! SPLFLO contains the spline coefficients for the inflow. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) TAUFLO(NPARF). ! TAUFLO contains the location of the spline abscissas for ! the inflow. There are NPARF of them, because the end ! values of the spline are constrained to have particular ! values. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XC(NP). ! The X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YC(NP). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxcofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) npar integer ( kind = 4 ) nparf ! real ( kind = 8 ) area(3,nelem) character ( len = 2 ) eqn(neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gflrb(neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gfltmp(neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) grb(ncofrb) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ieqn integer ( kind = 4 ) ifs integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) logical s_eqi integer ( kind = 4 ) nbcrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nferb integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) nx integer ( kind = 4 ) ny real ( kind = 8 ) par(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) phifl(3,6,10,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) rb(maxnfl,ncofrb) character ( len = 20 ) region real ( kind = 8 ) resfltmp(neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) resrb(ncofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) splflo(nparf) real ( kind = 8 ) tauflo(nparf) real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xrange real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yrange ! ! Recover the equivalent full basis coefficients GFLTMP from ! the reduced basis coefficients GRB. ! call grb2fl ( gfltmp, gflrb, grb, maxnfl, ncofrb, neqnfl, rb ) ! ! Evaluate the residual RESFLTMP at GFLTMP. ! call fxfl(area,eqn,gfltmp,ifs,indx,nelem,neqnfl,node,np,npar, & nparf,par,phifl,region,resfltmp,splflo,tauflo,xrange,yc,yrange) ! ! Zero out all residuals except for U and V momentum equations. ! do i = 1, np ieqn = indx(1,i) if ( .not. s_eqi ( eqn(ieqn), 'U') ) then resfltmp(ieqn) = 0.0D+00 end if ieqn = indx(2,i) if ( .not. s_eqi ( eqn(ieqn), 'V' ) ) then resfltmp(ieqn) = 0.0D+00 end if ieqn = indx(3,i) if ( 0 < ieqn ) then resfltmp(ieqn) = 0.0D+00 end if end do ! ! Project the residual RESFLTMP back into the reduced space, ! arriving at RESRB. ! call fxfl2rb(grb,indx,maxcofrb,maxnfl,nbcrb,ncofrb,nelem, & neqnfl,nferb,node,np,npar,nparf,nx,ny,par,rb,resfltmp,resrb, & tauflo,xc,xrange,yc,yrange) return end subroutine fxrb(area,grb,indx,maxcofrb,maxelm,maxnfl,nbcrb,ncofrb, & nelem,nferb,node,np,npar,nparf,nx,ny,par,phirb,rb,resrb,reynld, & tauflo,xc,xrange,yc,yrange) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! FXRB evaluates the reduced boundary and finite element equations. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 31 July 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! AREA Input, real ( kind = 8 ) AREA(3,NELEM). ! ! AREA contains a common factor multiplying the term associated ! with a quadrature point in a given element, namely, ! ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! ! or, if the element is isoperimetric, ! ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = DET * Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! ! Here Ar(IELEM) represents the area of element IELEM. ! ! GFLBC real ( kind = 8 ) GFLBC(NEQNFL). ! GFLBC contains the current full solution, or, in fact, ! ANY full solution, which satisfies the boundary conditions. ! ! GRB real ( kind = 8 ) GRB(NCOFRB). ! GRB contains the reduced basis coefficients of the current ! estimate of the state solution. ! ! INDX integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX(3,NP). ! INDX(I,J) contains, for each node J, the global index of U, ! V and P at that node, or 0 or a negative value. The global ! index of U, V, or P is the index of the coefficient vector ! that contains the value of the finite element coefficient ! associated with the corresponding basis function at the ! given node. ! ! If K = INDX(I,J) is positive, then the value of the degree ! of freedom is stored in the solution vector entry GFL(K), ! and an equation will be generated to determine its value. ! ! If INDX(I,J) is not positive, then no equation is ! generated to determine for variable I at node J, either because ! the variable is specified in some other way, or because ! (in the case of pressure), there is no coefficient associated ! with that node. ! ! MAXCOFRB ! Integer MAXCOFRB. ! MAXCOFRB is the maximum legal value for NCOFRB, the number ! of coefficients used to specify a particular reduced basis ! solution. ! ! MAXNFL integer MAXNFL. ! MAXNFL is the maximum number of equations or coefficients allowed ! for the full system. MAXNFL must be used instead of NEQNFL as ! the leading dimension of certain multi-dimensional arrays. ! ! NBCRB integer ( kind = 4 ) NBCRB. ! NBCRB is the number of independent boundary condition ! vectors used for the reduced basis. NBCRB is normally ! at least 1, and must be no more than MAXBCRB. ! ! NCOFRB integer NCOFRB. ! NCOFRB is the number of coefficients needed to determine ! a particular reduced basis function. ! NCOFRB is the sum of NBCRB and NFERB. ! ! NELEM integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! NELEM is the number of elements. ! NELEM can be determined as 2*(NX-1)*(NY-1). ! ! NEQNFL integer NEQNFL. ! NEQNFL is the number of equations (and coefficients) in the full ! finite element system. ! ! NODE integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(6,MAXELM) or NODE(6,NELEM). ! NODE(I,J) contains, for an element J, the global index of ! the node whose local number in J is I. ! ! The local ordering of the nodes is suggested by this diagram: ! ! Global nodes Elements NODE ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 ! 74 84 94 3-6-1 2 Left element = (94,72,74,83,73,84) ! | / /| ! 73 83 93 5 4 4 5 Right element = (72,94,92,83,93,82) ! |/ / | ! 72 82 92 2 1-6-3 ! ! NP integer ( kind = 4 ) NP. ! NP is the number of nodes used to define the finite element mesh. ! Typically, the mesh is generated as a rectangular array, with ! an odd number of nodes in the horizontal and vertical directions. ! The formula for NP is NP = (2*NX-1)*(2*NY-1). ! ! NX integer ( kind = 4 ) NX. ! NX controls the spacing of nodes and elements in ! the X direction. There are 2*NX-1 nodes along various ! lines in the X direction. ! ! The number of elements along a line in the X direction is ! NX-1 (or 2*(NX-1) to make a full rectangular strip). ! ! NY integer ( kind = 4 ) NY. ! NY controls the spacing of nodes and elements in ! the Y direction. There are 2*NY-1 nodes along various ! lines in the Y direction. ! ! The number of elements along a line in the Y direction is ! NY-1 (or 2*(NY-1) to make a full vertical strip). ! ! PHIRB real ( kind = 8 ) PHIRB(3,NCOFRB,15,NELEM). ! PHIRB contains the values of a finite element basis function ! or its X or Y derivative, in a given element, at a given ! quadrature point, for a particular reduced basis function. ! ! For PHIRB(I,J,K,L), index J refers to the reduced basis ! basis functions, for J = 0 to NCOFRB. ! ! The meaning of the K index of PHIRB(I,J,K,L) is as follows: ! ! For the quadrature point I, and reduced basis function J, ! in element L, PHIRB(I,J,K,L) represents the value of: ! ! K = 1, WUrb, the finite element U velocity basis function; ! K = 2, dWUrbdX, the X derivative of WUrb; ! K = 3, dWUrbdY, the Y derivative of WUrb; ! K = 4, WVrb, the finite element V velocity basis function; ! K = 5, dWVrbdX, the X derivative of WVrb; ! K = 6, dWVrbdY, the Y derivative of WVrb; ! K = 7, Q, the finite element pressure basis function. ! K = 8, dQrbdX, the X derivative of Qrb; ! K = 9, dQrbdY, the Y derivative of Qrb. ! K = 10, WU0rb, same as WUrb, with zero BC. ! K = 11, dWU0rbdX, same as dWUrbdX, with zero BC. ! K = 12, dWU0rbdY, same as dWUrbdY, with zero BC. ! K = 13, WV0rb, same as WVrb, with zero BC. ! K = 14, dWV0rbdX, same as dWVrbdX, with zero BC. ! K = 15, dWV0rbdY, same as dWVrbdY, with zero BC. ! ! RB real ( kind = 8 ) RB(MAXNFL,MAXCOFRB). ! RB is the NEQNFL by NCOFRB array of reduced basis vectors. ! RB is generated by computing a finite element solution GFL, ! which is saved for later reference as "GFLRB". ! GFLRB is copied into the first column of RB. ! Then, we compute the first NCOFRB derivatives of GFLRB with ! respect to a parameter. The first derivative ! is stored in column 1 of RB, and so on. ! Now we compute the QR factorization of this matrix. ! We intend that NEQNFL >> NCOFRB, and RB is a matrix with orthogonal ! columns, so that: ! Transpose(RB) * RB = Identity(1+NCOFRB) ! If GFL is any set of finite element coefficients, the corresponding ! set of reduced basis coefficients can be computed as: ! GRB = Transpose(RB) * GFL ! If GRB is a set of reduced basis coefficients, a corresponding ! set of finite element coefficients can be computed as: ! GFL = RB * GRB. ! While it is the case that you can expand and then reduce, ! and always get the same result, it is not the case that ! when you reduce and then expand you get the same result! ! It is true, for ANY GRB, that ! GRB = Transpose(RB) * RB * GRB ! which follows from Transpose(RB) * RB = Identity(1+NCOFRB). ! However, for a general GFL, it is the case that ! GFL = /= RB * Transpose(RB) * GFL. ! Only if GFL was generated from a reduced basis coefficient ! vector will equality apply. In other words, if GFL was generated ! from a reduced basis coefficient: ! GFL = RB * GRB ! ! then ! ! RB * Transpose(RB) * GFL = RB * Transpose(RB) * (RB * GRB) ! = RB * GRB = GFL ! ! so in this strictly limited case, ! ! RB * Transpose(RB) = Identity(NEQNFL). ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) RESRB(NCOFRB). ! RESRB contains the residual in the reduced basis equations, ! for the parameter values PAR and reduced basis coefficients GRB. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) REYNLD. ! The current value of the Reynolds number parameter. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) XRANGE. ! XRANGE is the total width of the region. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) YRANGE. ! YRANGE is the total height of the region. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxcofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) maxelm integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) npar integer ( kind = 4 ) nparf ! real ( kind = 8 ) area(3,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) grb(ncofrb) integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) nbcrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nferb integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) nx integer ( kind = 4 ) ny real ( kind = 8 ) par(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) phirb(3,maxcofrb,15,maxelm) real ( kind = 8 ) rb(maxnfl,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) resrb(ncofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) reynld real ( kind = 8 ) tauflo(nparf) real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xrange real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yrange ! call fxbcrb(grb,indx,maxcofrb,maxnfl,nbcrb,ncofrb,nelem, & node,np,npar,nparf,nx,ny,par,rb,resrb,tauflo,xc,xrange,yc,yrange) call fxferb(area,grb,maxcofrb,maxelm,nbcrb,ncofrb,nelem, & nferb,phirb,resrb,reynld) return end subroutine getgsen ( grb, gsen, icolrb, maxcofrb, nbcrb, ncofrb, & nsenfl, rbase ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! GETGSEN computes the coefficients of the sensitivity matrix S. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The routine uses the fact that ! S = Q*R ! ! Given GRB, the routine also computes the coefficients of Q. ! ! The calculation is simply ! GSEN = R^(-1) * GRB ! where R is a square upper triangular matrix. ! ! The calculation is slightly more complicated than this, since ! we may have dropped some columns of Q (and hence rows and ! columns of R. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 14 August 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) GRB(NCOFRB). ! GRB contains the reduced basis coefficients of the current ! estimate of the state solution. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) GSEN(NBCRB+NCOFRB). ! GSEN contains the "sensitivity coefficients". These are simply ! the reduced basis coefficients GRB after multiplication by ! the inverse of RBASE, and accounting for the fact that only ! some columns of the original set of candidate basis vectors ! were used. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) ICOLRB(MAXCOFRB). ! ICOLRB records which columns of the initial collection of ! candidate basis vectors were actually chosen to form the ! reduced basis. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXCOFRB. ! MAXCOFRB is the maximum legal value for NCOFRB, the number ! of coefficients used to specify a particular reduced basis ! solution. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NBCRB. ! NBCRB is the number of independent boundary condition ! vectors used for the reduced basis. NBCRB is normally ! at least 1, and must be no more than MAXBCRB. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NCOFRB. ! NCOFRB is the number of coefficients needed to determine ! a particular reduced basis function. ! NCOFRB is the sum of NBCRB and NFERB. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NSENFL. ! NSENFL is the number of full solution sensitivities to compute, ! counting the 0-th order sensitivity as the first one. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) RBASE(MAXCOFRB,MAXCOFRB). ! RBASE is the R factor in the QR factorization of the ! reduced basis matrix. ! In the special case where the reduced basis matrix is ! exactly equal to SENFL, then RBASE equals SENRB. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxcofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nbcrb integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nsenfl ! real ( kind = 8 ) grb(ncofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) gsen(nbcrb+nsenfl) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) icol integer ( kind = 4 ) icolrb(ncofrb) integer ( kind = 4 ) j real ( kind = 8 ) rbase(maxcofrb,maxcofrb) ! gsen(1:nbcrb+nsenfl) = 0.0D+00 do i = ncofrb, 1, -1 icol = icolrb(i) gsen(icol) = grb(i) do j = i+1, ncofrb gsen(icol) = gsen(icol)-rbase(i,j)*gsen(j) end do gsen(icol) = gsen(icol)/rbase(i,i) end do return end subroutine getbcrb ( gflrb, maxcofrb, maxnfl, nbcrb, neqnfl, rb ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! GETBCRB computes the vectors that will be placed into the set ! of reduced basis vectors RB, in cases where the boundary conditions ! depend on the parameters. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 15 September 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxcofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl ! real ( kind = 8 ) gflrb(neqnfl) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) nbcrb real ( kind = 8 ) rb(maxnfl,maxcofrb) ! do j = 1, nbcrb ! ! Set the I-th boundary condition vector. ! RIGHT NOW THESE ARE FAKE EQUATIONS. ! rb(1:neqnfl,1) = gflrb(1:neqnfl) end do return end subroutine getferb(icolrb,maxcofrb,maxnfl,nbcrb,ncofrb,neqnfl, & nferb,nsenfl,rb,rbase,senfl,senrb) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! GETFERB computes the finite element reduced basis vectors for RB. ! ! Discussion: ! ! These vectors finish up the matrix RB. ! The routine then orthogonalizes RB. ! ! The routine is given: ! NCOFRB, the number of reduced basis vectors; ! SENFL, the full solution sensitivities of orders 1 through NCOFRB, ! and computes ! RB, an NEQNFL by NCOFRB orthogonal matrix, whose columns ! were initially SENFL(0), SENFL(1), ..., SENFL(NCOFRB), and which ! is essentially the "Q" factor of this matrix, ! RBASE, the "R" factor in the QR factorization of the matrix. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 17 August 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) ICOLRB(MAXCOFRB). ! ICOLRB records which columns of the initial collection of ! candidate basis vectors were actually chosen to form the ! reduced basis. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXCOFRB. ! MAXCOFRB is the maximum legal value for NCOFRB, the number ! of coefficients used to specify a particular reduced basis ! solution. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNFL. ! MAXNFL is the maximum number of equations or coefficients allowed ! for the full system. MAXNFL must be used instead of NEQNFL as ! the leading dimension of certain multi-dimensional arrays. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NBCRB. ! NBCRB is the number of independent boundary condition ! vectors used for the reduced basis. NBCRB is normally ! at least 1, and must be no more than MAXBCRB. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NCOFRB. ! NCOFRB is the number of coefficients needed to determine ! a particular reduced basis function. ! NCOFRB is the sum of NBCRB and NFERB. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NEQNFL. ! NEQNFL is the number of equations (and coefficients) in the full ! finite element system. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NFERB. ! NFERB is the number of reduced basis coefficients that will ! be determined via the finite element method. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NSENFL. ! NSENFL is the number of full solution sensitivities to compute, ! counting the 0-th order sensitivity as the first one. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) RB(MAXNFL,MAXCOFRB). ! ! RB is the NEQNFL by NCOFRB array of reduced basis vectors. ! ! RB is generated by computing a finite element solution GFL, ! which is saved for later reference as "GFLRB". ! GFLRB is copied into the first column of RB. ! Then, we compute the first NCOFRB derivatives of GFLRB with ! respect to a parameter. The first derivative ! is stored in column 1 of RB, and so on. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) RBASE(MAXCOFRB,MAXCOFRB). ! RBASE is the R factor in the QR factorization of the ! reduced basis matrix. ! ! In the special case where the reduced basis matrix is ! exactly equal to SENFL, then RBASE equals SENRB. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) SENFL(MAXNFL,MAXCOFRB). ! Columns 1 through NSENFL of SENFL contain the sensitivities ! of the full solution with respect to the REYNLD parameter, for ! orders 0 through NSENFL-1. ! ! SENFL(I,J) contains the (J-1)-th sensitivity of the I-th full unknown ! with respect to REYNLD. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) SENRB(MAXCOFRB,NSENFL). ! SENRB contains the first NSENFL order sensitivities of the ! reduced solution with respect to the REYNLD parameter. ! ! SENRB(I,J) contains the (J-1)-th sensitivity of the I-th reduced ! unknown with respect to REYNLD. ! ! SENRB is computed by premultiplying SENFL by Transpose(RB). ! SENRB = Transpose(RB) * SENFL. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxcofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb ! real ( kind = 8 ) ddot real ( kind = 8 ) dnrm2 real ( kind = 8 ) dtemp real ( kind = 8 ) dtemp1 integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) icolrb(maxcofrb) integer ( kind = 4 ) isen integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) jhi integer ( kind = 4 ) k integer ( kind = 4 ) mbcrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nbcrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nferb integer ( kind = 4 ) nsenfl real ( kind = 8 ) rb(maxnfl,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) rbase(maxcofrb,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) senfl(maxnfl,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) senrb(maxcofrb,maxcofrb) ! ! Copy the sensitivities SENFL(:,:) into RB(:,NBCRB+1:). ! do i = 1, neqnfl do isen = 1, nsenfl rb(i,nbcrb+isen) = senfl(i,isen) end do end do ! ! Initialize the R factor. ! do i = 1, nbcrb+nsenfl do j = 1, nbcrb+nsenfl if ( i == j) then rbase(i,j) = 1.0D+00 else rbase(i,j) = 0.0D+00 end if end do end do ! ! Do a cheap sort of Gram Schmidt process to eliminate sensitivity ! columns that are dependent on the boundary conditions or earlier ! sensitivities. ! mbcrb = nbcrb jhi = nbcrb+nsenfl ncofrb = 0 nbcrb = 0 nferb = 0 do j = 1, jhi ! ! For each column of the initial RB matrix, ! ! ...get the Euclidean norm of the column... ! dtemp1 = dnrm2(neqnfl,rb(1,j),1) ! ! ...and then subtract off the projections onto the ! already accepted columns... ! do i = 1, ncofrb dtemp = ddot(neqnfl,rb(1,i),1,rb(1,j),1) rbase(i,ncofrb+1) = dtemp call daxpy(neqnfl,-dtemp,rb(1,i),1,rb(1,j),1) end do ! ! ...then get the Euclidean norm of what is left, ! save it in RBASE, and normalize the column. ! dtemp = dnrm2(neqnfl,rb(1,j),1) rbase(ncofrb+1,ncofrb+1) = dtemp do i = 1, neqnfl rb(i,ncofrb+1) = rb(i,j)/dtemp end do ! ! Now decide whether to accept this column. ! if ( dtemp /= 0.0D+00 .and. 0.00001D+00 * dtemp1 < dtemp ) then ncofrb = ncofrb+1 if ( j <= mbcrb) then nbcrb = nbcrb+1 else nferb = nferb+1 end if icolrb(ncofrb) = j end if end do write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'GETRB - Information:' write ( *, '(a,i6)' ) ' # of BC vectors, NBCRB = ',nbcrb write ( *, '(a,i6)' ) ' # of FE vectors, NFERB = ',nferb write ( *, '(a,i6)' ) ' # of RB coeffs, NCOFRB = ',ncofrb ! ! Compute SENRB as Transpose(Q) * SENFL. ! NSENFL may, or may not, equal NCOFRB. ! write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'GETRB - Note:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Automatically computing SENRB.' do i = 1, ncofrb do j = 1, nsenfl senrb(i,j) = 0.0D+00 do k = 1, ncofrb senrb(i,j) = senrb(i,j)+rb(k,i)*senfl(k,j) end do end do end do return end subroutine getsenfl(afl,area,eqn,gfl,indx,ipivfl,ldafl,maxcofrb,maxnfl, & nelem,neqnfl,nlband,node,np,npar,nsenfl,par,phifl,resfl,senfl) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! GETSENFL computes the matrix SENFL of sensitivity vectors. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The routine first saves a copy of GFL, the current solution. ! ! Then it constructs a matrix SENFL, whose first column is d GFL/d REYNLD, ! which must be computed by solving a linear system. ! ! Similarly, higher derivatives of GFL with respect to REYNLD are computed ! and stored in successive columns of SENFL. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 22 July 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) AFL(LDAFL,MAXNFL). ! If Newton iteration is being carried out, AFL contains the ! Jacobian matrix for the full system. ! If Picard iteration is being carried out, AFL contains the ! Picard matrix for the full system. ! ! AFL is stored in LINPACK general band storage mode, with ! logical dimensions (3*NLBAND+1, NEQNFL). ! ! Where is the (I,J) entry of AFL actually stored? ! AFL has actual storage for such an entry only if ! -NLBAND <= I-J <= NLBAND. ! In such a case, the (I,J) entry is actually stored in ! AFL(I-J+2*NLBAND+1,J) ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) AREA(3,MAXELM). ! AREA contains a common factor multiplying the term associated ! with a quadrature point in a given element, namely, ! ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! ! or, if the element is isoperimetric, ! ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = DET * Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! ! Here Ar(IELEM) represents the area of element IELEM. ! ! character ( len = 2 ) EQN(MAXNFL). ! EQN records the "type" of each equation that will be generated, and ! which is associated with an unknown. ! ! 'U' A horizontal momentum equation. ! 'UB' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on the bump. ! 'UI' The condition U = UInflow(Y,Lambda) at the inflow. ! 'UW' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! 'U0' A dummy value of U = 0 should be set. ! ! 'V' A vertical momentum equation. ! 'VB' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on the bump. ! 'VI' The condition V = VInflow(Y,Lambda) at the inflow. ! 'VW' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! 'V0' A dummy value of V = 0 should be set. ! ! 'P' A continuity equation. ! 'PB' The condition P = 0 applied at (XMAX,YMAX). ! 'P0' A dummy value of P = 0 should be set. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) GFL(NEQNFL). ! GFL contains the current solution estimate for the full problem, ! containing the pressure and velocity coefficients. ! The vector INDX must be used to index this data. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX(3,NP). ! INDX(I,J) contains, for each node J, the global index of U, ! V and P at that node, or 0 or a negative value. The global ! index of U, V, or P is the index of the coefficient vector ! that contains the value of the finite element coefficient ! associated with the corresponding basis function at the ! given node. ! ! Workspace, integer IPIVFL(NEQNFL). ! IPIVFL is a pivot vector for the solution of the full ! linear system. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) LDAFL. ! LDAFL is the first dimension of the matrix AFL as declared in ! the main program. LDAFL must be at least 3*NLBAND+1. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXCOFRB. ! MAXCOFRB is the maximum legal value for NCOFRB, the number ! of coefficients used to specify a particular reduced basis ! solution. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNFL. ! MAXNFL is the maximum number of equations or coefficients allowed ! for the full system. MAXNFL must be used instead of NEQNFL as ! the leading dimension of certain multi-dimensional arrays. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! NELEM is the number of elements. ! NELEM can be determined as 2*(NX-1)*(NY-1). ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NEQNFL. ! NEQNFL is the number of equations (and coefficients) in the full ! finite element system. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NLBAND. ! NLBAND is the lower bandwidth of the matrix AFL. ! The zero structure of AFL is assumed to be symmetric, and so ! NLBAND is also the upper bandwidth of AFL. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(6,MAXELM) or NODE(6,NELEM). ! NODE(I,J) contains, for an element J, the global index of ! the node whose local number in J is I. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NP. ! NP is the number of nodes used to define the finite element mesh. ! Typically, the mesh is generated as a rectangular array, with ! an odd number of nodes in the horizontal and vertical directions. ! The formula for NP is NP = (2*NX-1)*(2*NY-1). ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NPAR. ! NPAR is the number of parameters. ! NPAR = NPARF + NPARB + 1. ! The parameters control the shape and strength of the inflow, ! the shape of the bump, and the value of the Reynolds number. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NSENFL. ! NSENFL is the number of full solution sensitivities to compute, ! counting the 0-th order sensitivity as the first one. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) PAR(NPAR). ! PAR contains the values of the problem parameters. ! ! PAR(1:NPARF) = inflow controls. ! PAR(NPARF+1:NPARF+NPARB) = bump controls. ! PAR(NPARF+NPARB+1) = the REYNLD parameter. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) PHIFL(3,6,10,NELEM). ! PHIFL contains the value of a finite element basis function, its ! derivative, or other information, evaluated at the quadrature ! points (which are the element midside nodes). ! ! The meaning of the entry PHIFL(I,J,K,L) is as follows. ! For the quadrature point I, and basis function J, in element L, ! PHIFL(I,J,K,L) represents the value of: ! ! K = 1, W, the finite element basis function for velocities; ! K = 2, dWdX, the X derivative of W; ! K = 3, dWdY, the Y derivative of W; ! K = 4, Q, the finite element basis function for pressures; ! K = 5, dQdX, the X derivative of Q; ! K = 6, dQdY, the Y derivative of Q; ! K = 7, dXsidX, the X derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->XSI; ! K = 8, dXsidY, the Y derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->XSI; ! K = 9, dEtadX, the X derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->ETA; ! K = 10, dEtadY, the Y derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->ETA; ! ! In particular, PHIFL(I,J,K,L) is the value of the quadratic ! basis function W associated with local node J in element L, ! evaluated at quadrature point I. ! ! Note that PHIFL(I,J,K,L) = 0 whenever J=4, 5, or 6 and K=4, 5, or 6, ! since there are only three linear basis functions. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) RESFL(NEQNFL). ! RESFL contains the residual in the full basis equations. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) SENFL(MAXNFL,MAXCOFRB). ! Columns 1 through NSENFL of SENFL contain the sensitivities ! of the full solution with respect to the REYNLD parameter, for ! orders 0 through NSENFL-1. ! ! SENFL(I,J) contains the (J-1)-th sensitivity of the I-th full unknown ! with respect to REYNLD. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) ldafl integer ( kind = 4 ) maxcofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) npar ! real ( kind = 8 ) afl(ldafl,maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) area(3,nelem) character ( len = 2 ) eqn(neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gfl(neqnfl) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) ipivfl(maxnfl) integer ( kind = 4 ) isen integer ( kind = 4 ) nlband integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) nsenfl real ( kind = 8 ) par(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) phifl(3,6,10,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) resfl(neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) reynld real ( kind = 8 ) rpnrm real ( kind = 8 ) ruvnrm real ( kind = 8 ) senfl(maxnfl,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) spnrm real ( kind = 8 ) suvnrm ! reynld = par(npar) ! ! Compute, one at a time, the columns of the RB matrix. ! write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'GETSENFL - Information:' write ( *, * ) ' Number of sensitivities requested, NSENFL = ',nsenfl write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & 'Order MxNorm(UVRHS) MxNorm(PRHS) MxNorm(UVSen) MxNorm(PSen)' senfl(1:neqnfl,1) = gfl(1:neqnfl) isen = 0 call uvpnrm(senfl(1,1),indx,neqnfl,np,spnrm,suvnrm) write(*,'(1x,i6,28x,2g14.6)')isen,suvnrm,spnrm do isen = 1, nsenfl-1 ! ! Given the current solution and lower order sensitivities ! in SENFL, compute in RESFL the right hand side for sensitivity ! of order ISEN. ! call reysen(area,eqn,indx,isen,maxcofrb,maxnfl,nelem, & neqnfl,node,np,phifl,resfl,reynld,senfl) ! ! Compute the norm of this right hand side. ! call uvpnrm(resfl,indx,neqnfl,np,rpnrm,ruvnrm) ! ! Solve the linear system AFL * SENFL(ISEN) = RESFL ! call dsolfl(afl,ldafl,neqnfl,nlband,nlband,ipivfl,resfl) ! ! Get the norm of this new sensitivity. ! call uvpnrm(resfl,indx,neqnfl,np,spnrm,suvnrm) write(*,'(1x,i6,4g14.6)')isen,ruvnrm,rpnrm,suvnrm,spnrm ! ! Copy the new sensitivity into the SENFL array. ! senfl(1:neqnfl,isen+1) = resfl(1:neqnfl) end do return end subroutine getsenrb(maxcofrb,maxnfl,ncofrb,neqnfl,nsenfl,rb,senfl,senrb) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! GETSENRB determines the reduced sensitivities from the full sensitivities. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 01 August 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Integer MAXCOFRB. ! MAXCOFRB is the maximum legal value for NCOFRB, the number ! of coefficients used to specify a particular reduced basis solution. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNFL. ! MAXNFL is the maximum number of equations or coefficients allowed ! for the full system. MAXNFL must be used instead of NEQNFL as ! the leading dimension of certain multi-dimensional arrays. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NCOFRB, the number of coefficients needed to determine ! a particular reduced basis function. ! NCOFRB is the sum of NBCRB and NFERB. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NEQNFL, the number of equations (and coefficients) ! in the full finite element system. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NSENFL, the number of full solution sensitivities ! to compute, counting the 0-th order sensitivity as the first one. ! ! RB real ( kind = 8 ) RB(MAXNFL,MAXCOFRB). ! RB is the NEQNFL by NCOFRB array of reduced basis vectors. ! RB is generated by computing a finite element solution GFL, ! which is saved for later reference as "GFLRB". ! GFLRB is copied into the first column of RB. ! Then, we compute the first NCOFRB derivatives of GFLRB with ! respect to a parameter. The first derivative ! is stored in column 1 of RB, and so on. ! Now we compute the QR factorization of this matrix. ! We intend that NEQNFL >> NCOFRB, and RB is a matrix with orthogonal ! columns, so that: ! Transpose(RB) * RB = Identity(NCOFRB) ! If GFL is any set of finite element coefficients, the corresponding ! set of reduced basis coefficients can be computed as: ! GRB = Transpose(RB) * GFL ! If GRB is a set of reduced basis coefficients, a corresponding ! set of finite element coefficients can be computed as: ! GFL = RB * GRB. ! While it is the case that you can expand and then reduce, ! and always get the same result, it is not the case that ! when you reduce and then expand you get the same result! ! It is true, for ANY GRB, that ! GRB = Transpose(RB) * RB * GRB ! which follows from Transpose(RB) * RB = Identity(NCOFRB). ! However, for a general GFL, it is the case that ! GFL = /= RB * Transpose(RB) * GFL. ! Only if GFL was generated from a reduced basis coefficient ! vector will equality apply. In other words, if GFL was generated ! from a reduced basis coefficient: ! GFL = RB * GRB ! then ! RB * Transpose(RB) * GFL = RB * Transpose(RB) * (RB * GRB) ! = RB * GRB = GFL ! so in this strictly limited case, ! RB * Transpose(RB) = Identity(NEQNFL). ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) SENFL(MAXNFL,MAXCOFRB). ! Columns 1 through NSENFL of SENFL contain the sensitivities ! of the full solution with respect to the REYNLD parameter, for ! orders 0 through NSENFL-1. ! SENFL(I,J) contains the (J-1)-th sensitivity of the I-th full unknown ! with respect to REYNLD. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) SENRB(MAXCOFRB,NSENFL). ! SENRB contains the first NSENFL order sensitivities of the ! reduced solution with respect to the REYNLD parameter. ! SENRB(I,J) contains the (J-1)-th sensitivity of the I-th reduced ! unknown with respect to REYNLD. ! SENRB is computed by premultiplying SENFL by Transpose(RB). ! SENRB = Transpose(RB) * SENFL. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxcofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnfl ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) k integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) nsenfl real ( kind = 8 ) rb(maxnfl,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) senfl(maxnfl,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) senrb(maxcofrb,maxcofrb) ! ! Multiply SENRB = QT * SENFL ! do i = 1, ncofrb do j = 1, nsenfl senrb(i,j) = 0.0D+00 do k = 1, neqnfl senrb(i,j) = senrb(i,j) + rb(k,i) * senfl(k,j) end do end do end do return end subroutine gfl2rb ( gfl, gflrb, grb, maxnfl, ncofrb, neqnfl, rb ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! GFL2RB projects a full solution GFL into the reduced solution GRB. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The relationship used is ! ! GRB = Q^T * (GFL-GFLRB). ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 11 September 1996. ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) GFL(NEQNFL). ! GFL contains the current solution estimate for the full problem, ! containing the pressure and velocity coefficients. ! The vector INDX must be used to index this data. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) GFLRB(NEQNFL). ! GFLRB is the solution value at which the reduced basis was computed. ! The corresponding parameters are PARRB. ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) GRB(NCOFRB). ! GRB contains the reduced basis coefficients of the current ! estimate of the state solution. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNFL, the maximum value of NEQNFL, used as ! the leading dimension of RB. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCOFRB, the number of coefficients for the ! reduced system. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NEQNFL, the number of coefficients for the ! full system. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) RB(MAXNFL,MAXCOFRB). ! RB is the NEQNFL by NCOFRB array of reduced basis vectors. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb ! real ( kind = 8 ) gfl(neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gflrb(neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) grb(ncofrb) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) j real ( kind = 8 ) rb(maxnfl,ncofrb) ! ! Multiply (GFL-GFLRB) by RB transpose. ! do i = 1, ncofrb grb(i) = 0.0D+00 do j = 1, neqnfl grb(i) = grb(i) + rb(j,i) * ( gfl(j) - gflrb(j) ) end do end do return end subroutine grb2fl ( gfl, gflrb, grb, maxnfl, ncofrb, neqnfl, rb ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! GRB2FL determines the full solution represented by a reduced solution. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The relationship used is: ! ! GFL = GFLRB + Q*GRB. ! ! GRB2FL is given: ! ! NCOFRB, the number of reduced basis vectors and coefficients; ! NEQNFL, the number of full basis vectors and coefficients; ! GRB, the reduced basis coefficients; ! RB, the matrix of reduced basis vectors. ! ! and computes ! ! GFL, the corresponding full solution. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 September 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) GFL(NEQNFL). ! GFL contains the current solution estimate for the full problem, ! containing the pressure and velocity coefficients. ! The vector INDX must be used to index this data. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) GFLRB(NEQNFL). ! GFLRB is the solution value at which the reduced basis was computed. ! The corresponding parameters are PARRB. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) GRB(NCOFRB). ! GRB contains the reduced basis coefficients of the current ! estimate of the state solution. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNFL. ! MAXNFL is the maximum number of equations or coefficients allowed ! for the full system. MAXNFL must be used instead of NEQNFL as ! the leading dimension of certain multi-dimensional arrays. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCOFRB. ! NCOFRB is the number of coefficients needed to determine ! a particular reduced basis function. ! NCOFRB is the sum of NBCRB and NFERB. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NEQNFL. ! NEQNFL is the number of equations (and coefficients) in the full ! finite element system. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) RB(MAXNFL,MAXCOFRB). ! RB is the NEQNFL by NCOFRB array of reduced basis vectors. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl ! real ( kind = 8 ) gfl(neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gflrb(neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) grb(ncofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) rb(maxnfl,ncofrb) ! gfl(1:neqnfl) = gflrb(1:neqnfl) & + matmul ( rb(1:neqnfl,1:ncofrb), grb(1:ncofrb) ) return end subroutine hello ( maxnx, maxny ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! HELLO prints an introductory message about the program. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 01 July 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNX. ! MAXNX is the maximum size of NX that the program can handle. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNY. ! MAXNY is the maximum size of NY that the program can handle. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnx integer ( kind = 4 ) maxny ! ! Say hello. ! write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'ARBY4' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' A reduced basis flow analysis code.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Last modified on 04 December 2000.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' The maximum problem size is' write ( *, '(a,i6)' ) ' MAXNX = ', maxnx write ( *, '(a,i6)' ) ' MAXNY = ', maxny return end subroutine help !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! HELP lists the interactive commands. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 01 July 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'HELP' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Compare Compare GFL to GFLSAV;' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'CostFL Evaluate cost of GFL;' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'CostRB Evaluate cost of GRB;' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'DetFpFL Determinant of full jacobian;' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'DetFpRB Determinant of reduced jacobian;' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'DifFPRB FD estimate of reduced jacobian;' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'DifSenFL FD estimate of full sensitivities;' write ( *, * ) 'DifSenRB FD estimate of reduced sensitivities;' write ( *, * ) 'DisFil = Name the DISPLAY output file;' write ( *, * ) 'DisPlot Make DISPLAY plot file of current data;' write ( *, * ) 'DREY = Set REYNLD Taylor increment;' write ( *, * ) 'Echo Echo user commands;' write ( *, * ) 'EPSDIF = Set finite difference increment;' write ( *, * ) 'Expand GRB Compute GFL = RB*GRB;' write ( *, * ) 'FPFL Evaluate full jacobian;' write ( *, * ) 'FPIRB Evaluate reduced jacobian indirectly;' write ( *, * ) 'FPRB Evaluate reduced jacobian;' write ( *, * ) 'FPRB = 0 Zero out reduced jacobian;' write ( *, * ) 'FxFl Evaluate full residual, FXFL(GFL);' write ( *, * ) 'FxIRB Evaluate FXRB = RB^T*FX(RB*GRB), indirectly;' write ( *, * ) 'FxRB Evaluate FXRB = FXrb(GRB) directly;' write ( *, * ) 'FxRB = 0 Set vector FXRB=0;' write ( *, * ) 'GetGSEN Compute sensitivity coefficients;' write ( *, * ) 'GetRB Compute reduced basis;' write ( *, * ) 'GetSenFL Compute full sensitivities;' write ( *, * ) 'GetSenRB Compute reduced sensitivities;' write ( *, * ) 'GFL = Set current full solution,' write ( *, * ) ' Legal values: 0, GFLSAV, GFLTAY, TAYLOR;' write ( *, * ) 'GFLSAV = GFL Save current GFL value;' write ( *, * ) 'GFLTAY = Set Taylor base solution,' write ( *, * ) ' Legal values: 0, GFL, GFLSAV;' write ( *, * ) 'GFLTMP = Set temporary base solution,' write ( *, * ) ' Legal values: 0, GFL, GFL-GFLSAV,' write ( *, * ) ' GFL-GFLTAR, GFLSAV, GFLSAV-GFLTAY;' write ( *, * ) 'GRB(*) = * Set an entry of GRB to a value;' write ( *, * ) 'GRB = Set current reduced solution GRB,' write ( *, * ) ' Legal values: 0, GRBSAV, GRBTAY, TAYLOR;' write ( *, * ) 'GRB = (*,*,...,*) Set individual entries of GRB;' write ( *, * ) 'GRBSAV = Save a GRB value,' write ( *, * ) ' Legal values: 0, GRB;' write ( *, * ) 'GRBTAY = Set Taylor base solution,' write ( *, * ) ' Legal values: 0, GRB, GRBSAV;' write ( *, * ) 'GridX = Uniform, Cos, or SqrtSin;' write ( *, * ) 'GridY = Uniform, Cos, or SqrtSin;' write ( *, * ) 'Hello Print program version and other info;' write ( *, * ) 'Help Print list of commands;' write ( *, * ) 'IBS = Set bump shape option;' write ( *, * ) 'IBUMP = Set bump option;' write ( *, * ) 'IFS = Set inflow shape option;' write ( *, * ) 'IHI = Maximum row for printout,' write ( *, * ) ' NCOFRB, NEQNFL, NP are legal;' write ( *, * ) 'IJAC = Set Jacobian option;' write ( *, * ) 'ILO = Minimum row for printout;' write ( *, * ) 'Init Initialize variables;' write ( *, * ) 'IOPT(*) = Specify free or fixed variables;' write ( *, * ) 'IWRITE = Set level of output;' write ( *, * ) 'JHI = Maximum column for printout,' write ( *, * ) ' NCOFRB, NEQNFL, NSENFL are legal;' write ( *, * ) 'JLO = Minimum column for printout,' write ( *, * ) 'L2NORM * Compute big L2 norm of *,' write ( *, * ) ' * = GFL, GFLSAV, GFLTAR, GFLTAY, GFLTMP;' write ( *, * ) 'MAXNEW = Set number of Newton steps;' write ( *, * ) 'MAXOPT = Set number of optimization steps;' write ( *, * ) 'MAXSIM = Set number of simple steps;' write ( *, * ) 'NBCRB = Set number of boundary conditions;' write ( *, * ) ' (0 or 1, right now);' write ( *, * ) 'NewtFL Newton''s method applied to GFL;' write ( *, * ) 'NewtRB Newton''s method applied to GRB;' write ( *, * ) 'NPARB = Set number of bump parameters;' write ( *, * ) 'NPARF = Set number of inflow parameters;' write ( *, * ) 'NSENFL = Set number of full sensitivities;' write ( *, * ) 'NTAY = Set number of Taylor vectors to use,' write ( *, * ) ' NTAY = NCOFRB is legal, too;' write ( *, * ) 'NX = Set number of X nodes;' write ( *, * ) 'NY = Set number of Y nodes;' write ( *, * ) 'OptDifFl Optimize the full system, using' write ( *, * ) ' FD estimates for gradients;' write ( *, * ) 'PAR(*) = Set a parameter;' write ( *, * ) 'PARTAR(*) = Set a target parameter;' write ( *, * ) 'PicFL Picard''s method applied to GFL;' write ( *, * ) 'PicRB Picard''s method applied to GRB;' write ( *, * ) 'PrDat Print the variable values;' write ( *, * ) 'PrElem Print element data, for elements' write ( *, * ) ' ILO to IHI;' write ( *, * ) 'PrFPFL Print full jacobian,' write ( *, * ) ' Equations ILO to IHI,' write ( *, * ) ' Variables JLO to JHI;' write ( *, * ) 'PrFPRB Print reduced jacobian,' write ( *, * ) ' Equations ILO to IHI,' write ( *, * ) ' Variables JLO to JHI;' write ( *, * ) 'PrFXFL Print FXFL(GFL),' write ( *, * ) ' nodes ILO to IHI;' write ( *, * ) 'PrFXFLNrm Print norm of FXFL(GFL);' write ( *, * ) 'PrFXRB Print FXRB(GRB),' write ( *, * ) ' equations ILO to IHI;' write ( *, * ) 'PrGFL Print full solution GFL,' write ( *, * ) ' nodes ILO to IHI;' write ( *, * ) 'PrGFLNrm Print GFL and FX(GFL) norms;' write ( *, * ) 'PrGRB Print reduced solution GRB;' write ( *, * ) 'PrGSEN Print sensitivity coefficients;' write ( *, * ) 'PrINDX Print node/equation table INDX,' write ( *, * ) ' nodes ILO to IHI.' write ( *, * ) 'PrPar Print current parameters;' write ( *, * ) 'PrParTar Print target parameters;' write ( *, * ) 'PrRBase Print the reduced basis R factor;' write ( *, * ) 'PrRB Print reduced basis matrix RB,' write ( *, * ) ' nodes ILO to IHI,' write ( *, * ) ' columns JLO to JHI;' write ( *, * ) 'PrSenFL Print full sensitivity matrix SENFL,' write ( *, * ) ' nodes ILO to IHI,' write ( *, * ) ' sensitivities JLO to JHI;' write ( *, * ) 'PrSenNrm Print full sensitivity norms;' write ( *, * ) 'PrSenRB Print reduced sensitivity matrix SENRB,' write ( *, * ) ' rows ILO to IHI,' write ( *, * ) ' columns JLO to JHI;' write ( *, * ) 'PrUVPGFL Print full solution at nodes in' write ( *, * ) ' XMIN, YMIN, XMAX, YMAX;' write ( *, * ) 'PrUVPRB Print reduced basis vectors at nodes in' write ( *, * ) ' XMIN, YMIN, XMAX, YMAX;' write ( *, * ) 'PrUVPSENFL Print sensitivity vectors at nodes in' write ( *, * ) ' XMIN, YMIN, XMAX, YMAX;' write ( *, * ) 'PrUVPGRB Print reduced solution at nodes in' write ( *, * ) ' XMIN, YMIN, XMAX, YMAX;' write ( *, * ) 'PrXY Print X, Y nodal coordinates,' write ( *, * ) ' nodes ILO to IHI;' write ( *, * ) 'Reduce GFL Compute GRB = RB^T * GFL;' write ( *, * ) 'REGION = Cavity, Cavity2, Channel, or Step;' write ( *, * ) 'REYNLD = Set REYNLD parameter;' write ( *, * ) 'REYTAY = Set REYNLD parameter for Taylor;' write ( *, * ) ' ("REYTAY = REYNLD" is legal.)' write ( *, * ) 'SetGeo Set problem geometric data;' write ( *, * ) 'SetLog Set problem logical data;' write ( *, * ) 'Stop Stop the program;' write ( *, * ) 'Target Save current GFL as GFLTAR;' write ( *, * ) 'Test2 Compare full and reduced U,V,P' write ( *, * ) ' in elements ILO through IHI;' write ( *, * ) 'Test3 Compare RB*RFACT and SENFL;' write ( *, * ) 'Test4 Compare regular and FD full sens;' write ( *, * ) 'Test5 Compare RB*RFACT and old RB;' write ( *, * ) 'Time Print elapsed time;' write ( *, * ) 'TOLNEW = Set Newton tolerance;' write ( *, * ) 'TOLOPT = Set optimization tolerance;' write ( *, * ) 'TOLSIM = Set Picard tolerance;' write ( *, * ) 'TecFil = Name the TECPLOT output file;' write ( *, * ) 'TecPlot Make TECPLOT plot file of current data;' write ( *, * ) 'WATEB = Set bump weight in cost;' write ( *, * ) 'WATEP = Set pressure weight in cost;' write ( *, * ) 'WATEU = Set H-velocity weight in cost;' write ( *, * ) 'WATEV = Set V-velocity weight in cost;' write ( *, * ) 'XBL = Set left bump X coordinate;' write ( *, * ) 'XBR = Set right bump X coordinate;' write ( *, * ) 'XMAX = Specify XMAX.' write ( *, * ) 'XMIN = Specify XMIN.' write ( *, * ) 'XPROF = Set profile X coordinate;' write ( *, * ) 'XRANGE = Set width of region;' write ( *, * ) 'YBL = Set left bump Y coordinate;' write ( *, * ) 'YBR = Set right bump Y coordinate;' write ( *, * ) 'YMAX = Specify YMAX.' write ( *, * ) 'YMIN = Specify YMIN.' write ( *, * ) 'YRANGE = Set height of region;' return end subroutine init(afl,arb,area,command,cost,costb,costp,costu,costv,difcof, & disfil,drey,epsdif,eqn,etaq,gfl,gflafl,gflrb,gflsav,gflsen,gfltar,gfltay, & grb,grbarb,grbsav,grbsen,grbtay,gridx,gridy,hx,hy,ibs,ibump,icolrb,ierror, & ifs,ihi,ijac,ilo,indx,iopt,ipar,ipivfl,ipivrb,isotri,iwrite,jhi,jlo,ldafl, & maxcofrb,maxelm,maxnew,maxnfl,maxnp,maxny,maxopt,maxpar,maxparb,maxparf, & maxsim,nbcrb,ncofrb,nelem,neqnfl,nferb,nlband,node,nodelm,np,npar,nparb, & nparf,npe,nprof,nsenfl,ntay,numnew,numopt,numsim,nx,ny,par,parafl,pararb, & pardif,parrb,parsav,parsen,partar,phifl,phirb,rb,rbase,region,resfl, & resflsav,resrb,reynld,reytay,senfl,senrb,splbmp,splflo,taubmp,tauflo, & tecfil,tolnew,tolopt,tolsim,value,wateb,watep,wateu,watev,wquad,xbl,xbr, & xc,xmax,xmin,xprof,xquad,xrange,xsiq,ybl,ybr,yc,ymax,ymin,yquad,yrange) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! INIT sets problem data to default values. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 01 July 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) ldafl integer ( kind = 4 ) maxcofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) maxelm integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnp integer ( kind = 4 ) maxny integer ( kind = 4 ) maxpar integer ( kind = 4 ) maxparb integer ( kind = 4 ) maxparf ! real ( kind = 8 ) afl(ldafl,maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) arb(maxcofrb,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) area(3,maxelm) character ( len = 80 ) command real ( kind = 8 ) cost real ( kind = 8 ) costb real ( kind = 8 ) costp real ( kind = 8 ) costu real ( kind = 8 ) costv real ( kind = 8 ) difcof(maxcofrb) character ( len = 30 ) disfil real ( kind = 8 ) drey real ( kind = 8 ) epsdif character ( len = 2 ) eqn(maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) etaq(3) real ( kind = 8 ) gfl(maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gflafl(maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gflrb(maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gflsav(maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gflsen(maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gfltar(maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gfltay(maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) grb(maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) grbarb(maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) grbsav(maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) grbsen(maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) grbtay(maxcofrb) character ( len = 20 ) gridx character ( len = 20 ) gridy real ( kind = 8 ) hx real ( kind = 8 ) hy integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ibs integer ( kind = 4 ) ibump integer ( kind = 4 ) icolrb(maxcofrb) integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) ifs integer ( kind = 4 ) ihi integer ( kind = 4 ) ijac integer ( kind = 4 ) ilo integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,maxnp) integer ( kind = 4 ) iopt(maxpar) integer ( kind = 4 ) ipar integer ( kind = 4 ) ipivfl(maxnfl) integer ( kind = 4 ) ipivrb(maxcofrb) integer ( kind = 4 ) isotri(maxelm) integer ( kind = 4 ) iwrite integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) jhi integer ( kind = 4 ) jlo integer ( kind = 4 ) k integer ( kind = 4 ) l integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnew integer ( kind = 4 ) maxopt integer ( kind = 4 ) maxsim integer ( kind = 4 ) nbcrb integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) nferb integer ( kind = 4 ) nlband integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,maxelm) integer ( kind = 4 ) nodelm(maxnp) integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) npar integer ( kind = 4 ) nparb integer ( kind = 4 ) nparf integer ( kind = 4 ) npe integer ( kind = 4 ) nprof(2*maxny-1) integer ( kind = 4 ) nsenfl integer ( kind = 4 ) ntay integer ( kind = 4 ) numnew integer ( kind = 4 ) numopt integer ( kind = 4 ) numsim integer ( kind = 4 ) nx integer ( kind = 4 ) ny real ( kind = 8 ) par(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) parafl(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) pararb(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) pardif ( maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) parrb(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) parsav(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) parsen(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) partar(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) phifl(3,6,10,maxelm) real ( kind = 8 ) phirb(3,maxcofrb,15,maxelm) real ( kind = 8 ) rb(maxnfl,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) rbase(maxcofrb,maxcofrb) character ( len = 20 ) region real ( kind = 8 ) resfl(maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) resflsav(maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) resrb(maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) reynld real ( kind = 8 ) reytay real ( kind = 8 ) senfl(maxnfl,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) senrb(maxcofrb,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) splbmp(maxparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) splflo(maxparf) real ( kind = 8 ) taubmp(maxparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) tauflo(maxparf) character ( len = 30 ) tecfil real ( kind = 8 ) tolnew real ( kind = 8 ) tolopt real ( kind = 8 ) tolsim real ( kind = 8 ) value real ( kind = 8 ) wateb real ( kind = 8 ) watep real ( kind = 8 ) wateu real ( kind = 8 ) watev real ( kind = 8 ) wquad(3) real ( kind = 8 ) xbl real ( kind = 8 ) xbr real ( kind = 8 ) xc(maxnp) real ( kind = 8 ) xmax real ( kind = 8 ) xmin real ( kind = 8 ) xquad(3,maxelm) real ( kind = 8 ) xprof real ( kind = 8 ) xrange real ( kind = 8 ) xsiq(3) real ( kind = 8 ) ybl real ( kind = 8 ) ybr real ( kind = 8 ) yc(maxnp) real ( kind = 8 ) ymax real ( kind = 8 ) ymin real ( kind = 8 ) yquad(3,maxelm) real ( kind = 8 ) yrange ! ! Zero out the variables. ! afl(1:ldafl,1:maxnfl) = 0.0D+00 arb(1:maxcofrb,1:maxcofrb) = 0.0D+00 area(1:3,1:maxelm) = 0.0D+00 command = ' ' cost = 0.0D+00 costb = 0.0D+00 costp = 0.0D+00 costu = 0.0D+00 costv = 0.0D+00 difcof(1:maxcofrb) = 0.0D+00 disfil = 'display.dat' drey = 0.01D+00 epsdif = 0.000001D+00 eqn(1:maxnfl) = ' ' etaq(1:3) = 0.0D+00 gfl(1:maxnfl) = 0.0D+00 gflafl(1:maxnfl) = 0.0D+00 gflrb(1:maxnfl) = 0.0D+00 gflsav(1:maxnfl) = 0.0D+00 gflsen(1:maxnfl) = 0.0D+00 gfltar(1:maxnfl) = 0.0D+00 gfltay(1:maxnfl) = 0.0D+00 grb(1:maxcofrb) = 0.0D+00 grbarb(1:maxcofrb) = 0.0D+00 grbsav(1:maxcofrb) = 0.0D+00 grbsen(1:maxcofrb) = 0.0D+00 grbtay(1:maxcofrb) = 0.0D+00 gridx = 'uniform' gridy = 'uniform' hx = 0.0D+00 hy = 0.0D+00 ibs = 0 ibump = 0 icolrb(1:maxcofrb) = 0 ierror = 0 ifs = 0 ihi = 0 ijac = 1 ilo = 0 indx(1:3,1:maxnp) = 0 iopt(1:maxpar) = 0 ipar = 0 ipivfl(1:maxnfl) = 0 ipivrb(1:maxcofrb) = 0 isotri(1:maxelm) = 0 iwrite = 0 jhi = 0 jlo = 0 maxnew = 10 maxopt = 0 maxsim = 10 nbcrb = 0 ncofrb = 0 nelem = 0 neqnfl = 0 nferb = 0 nlband = 0 node(1:6,1:maxelm) = 0 nodelm(1:maxnp) = 0 np = 0 npar = 1 nparb = 0 nparf = 0 npe = 0 do i = 1, 2*maxny-1 nprof(i) = 0 end do nsenfl = 5 ntay = 0 numnew = 0 numopt = 0 numsim = 0 nx = 0 ny = 0 par(1:maxpar) = 0.0D+00 parafl(1:maxpar) = 0.0D+00 pararb(1:maxpar) = 0.0D+00 pardif (1:maxpar) = 0.0D+00 parrb(1:maxpar) = 0.0D+00 parsav(1:maxpar) = 0.0D+00 parsen(1:maxpar) = 0.0D+00 partar(1:maxpar) = 0.0D+00 do i = 1, 3 do j = 1, 6 do k = 1, 10 phifl(i,j,k,1:maxelm) = 0.0D+00 end do end do end do do i = 1,3 do j = 1,maxcofrb do k = 1,15 phirb(i,j,k,1:maxelm) = 0.0D+00 end do end do end do do i = 1,maxnfl do j = 1,maxcofrb if ( i == j) then rb(i,j) = 1.0D+00 else rb(i,j) = 0.0D+00 end if end do end do do i = 1,maxcofrb do j = 1,maxcofrb if ( i == j) then rbase(i,j) = 1.0D+00 else rbase(i,j) = 0.0D+00 end if end do end do region = ' ' resfl(1:maxnfl) = 0.0D+00 resflsav(1:maxnfl) = 0.0D+00 resrb(1:maxcofrb) = 0.0D+00 reynld = 1.0D+00 reytay = 1.0D+00 do i = 1,maxnfl do j = 1,maxcofrb if ( i == j) then senfl(i,j) = 1.0D+00 else senfl(i,j) = 0.0D+00 end if end do end do do i = 1,maxcofrb do j = 1,maxcofrb if ( i == j) then senrb(i,j) = 1.0D+00 else senrb(i,j) = 0.0D+00 end if end do end do do i = 1,maxparb+2 splbmp(i) = 0.0D+00 end do splflo(1:maxparf) = 0.0D+00 taubmp(1:maxparb+2) = 0.0D+00 tauflo(1:maxparf) = 0.0D+00 tecfil = 'tecplot.dat' tolnew = 0.0D+00 tolopt = 0.0D+00 tolsim = 0.0D+00 value = 0.0D+00 wateb = 0.0D+00 watep = 0.0D+00 wateu = 0.0D+00 watev = 0.0D+00 wquad(1:3) = 0.0D+00 xbl = 0.0D+00 xbr = 0.0D+00 xc(1:maxnp) = 0.0D+00 xmax = 0.0D+00 xmin = 0.0D+00 xprof = 0.0D+00 xquad(1:3,1:maxelm) = 0.0D+00 xrange = 0.0D+00 xsiq(1:3) = 0.0D+00 ybl = 0.0D+00 ybr = 0.0D+00 yc(1:maxnp) = 0.0D+00 ymax = 0.0D+00 ymin = 0.0D+00 yquad(1:3,1:maxelm) = 0.0D+00 yrange = 0.0D+00 return end subroutine newtfl ( afl, area, eqn, gfl, gflafl, ierror, ifs, ijac,& indx, ipivfl, iwrite, ldafl, maxelm, maxnew, nelem, neqnfl, nlband, & node, np, npar, nparf, numnew, par, parafl, phifl, & region, resfl, rmax, splflo, tauflo, tolnew, xrange, yc, yrange ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! NEWTFL applies Newton's method to solve the full system. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The exact solution would have a zero residual, as computed by ! the routine FXFL. NEWTFL uses Newton's method to seek a solution ! whose maximum residual is no more than TOLNEW. The routine FPFL ! is used to compute the Jacobian of the residual functions. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 01 July 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Workspace, real ( kind = 8 ) AFL(LDAFL,NEQNFL), ! AFL contains the Jacobian matrix for the full system, ! stored in LINPACK general band storage mode. ! The two dimensional array is of logical dimensions LDAFL by ! NEQNFL. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) AREA(3,NELEM). ! AREA contains a common factor multiplying the term associated ! with a quadrature point in a given element, namely, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! or, if the element is isoperimetric, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = DET * Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! Here Ar(IELEM) represents the area of element IELEM. ! ! EQN Input, character ( len = 2 ) EQN(NEQNFL). ! EQN records the "type" of each equation that will be generated, and ! which is associated with an unknown. Note that most boundary ! conditions do not result in an equation. The current values are: ! ! 'U' The horizontal momentum equation. ! 'UB' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on the bump. ! 'UI' The condition U = UInflow(Y,Lambda) at the inflow. ! 'UW' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! ! 'V' The vertical momentum equation. ! 'VB' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on the bump. ! 'VI' The condition V = VInflow(Y,Lambda) at the inflow. ! 'VW' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! ! 'P' The continuity equation. ! 'PB' The condition P = 0 applied at (XMAX,YMAX). ! ! GFL Input/output, real ( kind = 8 ) GFL(NEQNFL), the current solution ! estimate for the full problem. ! ! IERROR Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IERROR, error flag. ! 0, no error occurred. ! 1, an error occurred, and the improved solution could not ! be computed. ! ! IFS Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IFS. ! 1, the inflow is modeled by C0 linear splines. ! 2, the inflow is modeled by C0 quadratic splines. ! ! INDX Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX(3,NP). ! ! INDX(I,J) contains, for each node J, the index of U, V and P at ! that node, or 0 or a negative value. ! ! If K = INDX(I,J) is positive, then the value of the degree ! of freedom is stored in the solution vector entry GFL(K), ! and an equation will be generated to determine its value. ! ! If INDX(I,J) is not positive, then no equation is ! generated to determine for variable I at node J, either because ! the variable is specified in some other way, or because ! (in the case of pressure), there is no coefficient associated ! with that node. ! ! Workspace, integer IPIVFL(NEQNFL), pivot vector for the solution ! of the full linear system. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) LDAFL, the first dimension of the matrix AFL. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNEW, the maximum number of Newton steps ! that may be taken. 10 should usually be enough. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNFL. ! The maximum number of equations allowed for the full system. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NEQNFL, the number of equations in the ! full system. ! ! NLBAND Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NLBAND. ! The lower bandwidth of the matrix AFL. The zero structure of AFL ! is assumed to be symmetric, and so NLBAND is also the upper ! bandwidth of AFL. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(6,NELEM). ! NODE(I,J) contains, for an element J, the global node index of ! the element node whose local number is I. ! The local ordering of the nodes is suggested by this diagram: ! ! 2 ! /| ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1-6-3 ! ! NP Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes used to define ! the finite element mesh. NP = (2*NX-1)*(2*NY-1). ! ! NPAR Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPAR. ! ! The number of parameters. NPAR = NPARF + NPARB + 1. ! ! The parameters control the shape of the inflow, ! the shape of the bump obstacle, and the strength of the ! flow. ! ! NPARB Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARB. ! ! The number of parameters associated with the position and ! shape of the bump. ! ! Note that if NPARB = 0, the bump is replaced by a flat wall. ! ! NPARF Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARF. ! ! NPARF is the number of parameters associated with the ! inflow. NPARF must be at least 1. ! ! PAR Input, real ( kind = 8 ) PAR(NPAR). ! ! PAR is the current estimate for the parameters. ! ! PHIFL Input, real ( kind = 8 ) PHIFL(3,6,10,NELEM). ! ! PHIFL contains the value of a finite element basis function, its ! derivative, or other information, evaluated at the quadrature ! points. ! ! The meaning of the entry PHIFL(I,J,K,L) is as follows. ! For the quadrature point I, and basis function J, in element L, ! PHIFL(I,J,K,L) represents the value of: ! ! K = 1, W, the finite element basis function for velocities; ! K = 2, dWdX, the X derivative of W; ! K = 3, dWdY, the Y derivative of W; ! K = 4, Q, the finite element basis function for pressures; ! K = 5, dQdX, the X derivative of Q; ! K = 6, dQdY, the Y derivative of Q; ! K = 7, dXsidX, the X derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->XSI; ! K = 8, dXsidY, the Y derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->XSI; ! K = 9, dEtadX, the X derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->ETA; ! K = 10, dEtadY, the Y derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->ETA; ! ! In particular, PHIFL(I,J,K,L) is the value of the quadratic ! basis function W associated with local node J in element L, ! evaluated at quadrature point I. ! ! Note that PHIFL(I,J,K,L) = 0 whenever J=4, 5, or 6 and K=4, 5, or 6, ! since there are only three linear basis functions. ! ! REGION ! Input, character ( len = 20 ) REGION. ! REGION specifies the flow region. ! ! 'cavity', a driven cavity, 1 unit on each side, open on ! the top with a tangential velocity specification there. ! ! 'cavity2', a driven cavity, 1 unit on each side, open on ! the top and bottome, with tangential velocity specifications ! there. ! ! 'channel', a channel, 10 units long by 3 high, inflow on ! the left, outflow on the right, with a bump on the bottom. ! ! 'step', a channel, 12 units long by 3 high, inflow on the ! left, outflow on the right, with a step on the bottom. ! ! RESFL Workspace, real ( kind = 8 ) RESFL(NEQNFL), the residual in the ! full basis equations. ! ! SPLFLO Input, real ( kind = 8 ) SPLFLO(NPARF). ! SPLFLO contains the spline coefficients for the inflow. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) TAUFLO(NPARF). ! TAUFLO contains the location of the spline abscissas for ! the inflow. There are NPARF of them, because the end ! values of the spline are constrained to have particular ! values. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) TOLNEW, the Newton tolerance. ! NEWTFL is asked to find an approximate solution so that ! the maximum absolute value of all the residuals is no more ! than TOLNEW. A value such as 10E-7 is often reasonable, ! though this depends on the actual equations being solved. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XC(NP). ! The X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YC(NP). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) ldafl integer ( kind = 4 ) maxelm integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) npar integer ( kind = 4 ) nparf ! real ( kind = 8 ) afl(ldafl,neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) area(3,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) dmax character ( len = 2 ) eqn(neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gfl(neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gflafl(neqnfl) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) idamax integer ( kind = 4 ) idmax integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) ifs integer ( kind = 4 ) ijac integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) info integer ( kind = 4 ) ipivfl(neqnfl) integer ( kind = 4 ) irmax integer ( kind = 4 ) iwrite integer ( kind = 4 ) ixmax logical lmat integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnew integer ( kind = 4 ) nlband integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) numnew real ( kind = 8 ) par(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) parafl(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) phifl(3,6,10,nelem) character ( len = 20 ) region real ( kind = 8 ) resfl(neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) rmax real ( kind = 8 ) rmax0 real ( kind = 8 ) splflo(nparf) real ( kind = 8 ) tauflo(nparf) real ( kind = 8 ) tolnew real ( kind = 8 ) xmax real ( kind = 8 ) xmax0 real ( kind = 8 ) xrange real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yrange ! ! Force the jacobian matrix to be evaluated on the first iteration. ! lmat = .false. ! ! If the first Newton iteration failed, you may want to try again ! by coming back here. ! ierror = 0 numnew = 0 ! ! Compute the norm of the initial solution estimate. ! ixmax = idamax(neqnfl,gfl,1) xmax = abs(gfl(ixmax)) xmax0 = xmax ! ! Evaluate the residual of the initial solution. ! call fxfl(area,eqn,gfl,ifs,indx,nelem,neqnfl,node,np,npar, & nparf,par,phifl,region,resfl,splflo,tauflo,xrange,yc,yrange) irmax = idamax(neqnfl,resfl,1) rmax = abs(resfl(irmax)) rmax0 = rmax if ( 2 <= iwrite ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Step MxNorm(X) IXmax MxNorm(FX) IRmax' write(*,'(i6,g14.6,i6,g14.6,i6)')numnew,xmax,ixmax,rmax,irmax end if ! ! Begin the Newton iteration. ! do numnew = 1,maxnew ! ! If we have a valid, factored jacobian already, then we may ! reuse it, if it's not too old, and if we're allowed. ! if ( 1 < ijac ) then if ( mod(numnew-1,ijac) == 0) then lmat = .false. else lmat = .true. end if else lmat = .false. end if ! ! If it's time, evaluate and factor the jacobian. ! if ( .not. lmat ) then parafl(1:npar) = par(1:npar) gflafl(1:neqnfl) = gfl(1:neqnfl) call fpfl(afl,area,eqn,gfl,indx,ldafl,maxelm,nelem,neqnfl, & nlband,node,np,npar,par,phifl) call dfacfl(afl,ldafl,neqnfl,nlband,nlband,ipivfl,info) if ( info /= 0) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'NEWTFL - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' The jacobian is singular.' write ( *, '(a,i6)' ) ' DFACFL returns INFO = ',info ierror = 1 return else lmat = .true. end if end if ! ! Solve the linear system A*DX = RES ! call dsolfl(afl,ldafl,neqnfl,nlband,nlband,ipivfl,resfl) idmax = idamax(neqnfl,resfl,1) dmax = abs(resfl(idmax)) ! ! Update the estimated solution G. ! gfl(1:neqnfl) = gfl(1:neqnfl) - resfl(1:neqnfl) ! ! Compute the norm of the current solution. ! ixmax = idamax(neqnfl,gfl,1) xmax = abs(gfl(ixmax)) ! ! Evaluate the residual of the current estimated solution. ! call fxfl(area,eqn,gfl,ifs,indx,nelem,neqnfl,node,np,npar, & nparf,par,phifl,region,resfl,splflo,tauflo,xrange,yc,yrange) irmax = idamax(neqnfl,resfl,1) rmax = abs(resfl(irmax)) if ( 2 <= iwrite ) then write(*,'(i6,g14.6,i6,g14.6,i6)')numnew,xmax,ixmax,rmax,irmax end if ! ! Accept the iterate if the residual is small enough. ! if ( rmax <= tolnew) then return end if ! ! Reject the iterate if the residual has grown too large. ! if ( 10.0D+00 *(rmax0+tolnew) < rmax .and. 1 < numnew ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'NEWTFL - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' Residual too big on step ',numnew write ( *, * ) ' MxNorm of first FX = ',rmax0 write ( *, * ) ' MxNorm of this FX = ',rmax go to 20 end if end do ! ! The iteration has failed to converge, or may actually ! have been terminated early. ! 20 continue ierror = 1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'NEWTFL - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' No Newton convergence after ',maxnew,' steps.' write ( *, * ) ' MxNorm of last step = ',dmax write ( *, * ) ' MxNorm of first X = ',xmax0 write ( *, * ) ' MxNorm of last X = ',xmax write ( *, * ) ' MxNorm of first FX = ',rmax0 write ( *, * ) ' MxNorm of last FX = ',rmax write ( *, * ) ' Tolerance for FX = ',tolnew return end subroutine newtrb(arb,area,grb,grbarb,ierror,indx,ipivrb, & iwrite,maxcofrb,maxelm,maxnew,maxnfl,nbcrb,ncofrb,nelem, & nferb,node,np,npar,nparf,nx,ny,par,pararb,phirb, & rb,resrb,rmax,tauflo,tolnew,xc,xrange,yc,yrange) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! NEWTRB applies the Newton method to the reduced nonlinear state equations. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The routine is given an initial estimate of the solution of the reduced ! nonlinear state equations, and seeks a better solution. ! ! The exact solution would have a zero residual, as computed by ! the routine FXRB. NEWTRB uses Newton's method to seek a solution ! whose maximum residual is no more than TOLNEW. The routine FPRB ! is used to compute the Jacobian of the residual functions. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 01 August 1996. ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Workspace, real ( kind = 8 ) ARB(MAXNRB,MAXNRB). ! ARB contains the Jacobian matrix for the reduced basis system. ! ! Input/output, real ( kind = 8 ) GRB(NCOFRB), the current solution ! estimate for the reduced basis problem. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IERROR, error flag. ! 0, no error occurred. ! 1, an error occurred, and the improved solution could not be computed. ! ! Workspace, integer IPIVRB(NCOFRB), pivot vector for the solution ! of the reduced linear system. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IWRITE. ! IWRITE controls the amount of output printed. ! 0 = little, 1=some, 2=a lot. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNEW, the maximum number of Newton steps ! that may be taken. 10 should usually be enough. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCOFRB, the number of equations in the ! reduced system. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPAR. ! The number of parameters. NPAR = NPARF + NPARB + 1. ! The parameters control the shape of the inflow, ! the shape of the bump obstacle, and the strength of the flow. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) PAR(NPAR). ! PAR is the current estimate for the parameters. ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) PARMAT(NPAR). ! PARMAT contains the parameters where the Jacobian was generated. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) PHIRB(3,NCOFRB,15,NELEM). ! PHIRB contains the values of a finite element basis function ! or its X or Y derivative, in a given element, at a given ! quadrature point, for a particular reduced basis function. ! ! For PHIRB(I,J,K,L), index J refers to the reduced basis ! basis functions, for J = 0 to NCOFRB. ! ! The meaning of the K index of PHIRB(I,J,K,L) is as follows: ! ! For the quadrature point I, and reduced basis function J, ! in element L, PHIRB(I,J,K,L) represents the value of: ! ! K = 1, WUrb, the finite element U velocity basis function; ! K = 2, dWUrbdX, the X derivative of WUrb; ! K = 3, dWUrbdY, the Y derivative of WUrb; ! K = 4, WVrb, the finite element V velocity basis function; ! K = 5, dWVrbdX, the X derivative of WVrb; ! K = 6, dWVrbdY, the Y derivative of WVrb; ! K = 7, Q, the finite element pressure basis function. ! K = 8, dQrbdX, the X derivative of Qrb; ! K = 9, dQrbdY, the Y derivative of Qrb. ! K = 10, WU0rb, same as WUrb, with zero BC. ! K = 11, dWU0rbdX, same as dWUrbdX, with zero BC. ! K = 12, dWU0rbdY, same as dWUrbdY, with zero BC. ! K = 13, WV0rb, same as WVrb, with zero BC. ! K = 14, dWV0rbdX, same as dWVrbdX, with zero BC. ! K = 15, dWV0rbdY, same as dWVrbdY, with zero BC. ! ! Workspace, real ( kind = 8 ) RESRB(NCOFRB), the residual in the ! reduced basis equations, evaluated at the coefficient ! vector GRB. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) TOLNEW, the Newton tolerance. ! NEWTRB is asked to find an approximate solution so that ! the maximum absolute value of all the residuals is no more ! than TOLNEW. A value such as 10E-7 is often reasonable, ! though this depends on the actual equations being solved. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxcofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) maxelm integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) npar integer ( kind = 4 ) nparf ! real ( kind = 8 ) arb(maxcofrb,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) area(3,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) dmax real ( kind = 8 ) grb(ncofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) grbarb(ncofrb) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) idamax integer ( kind = 4 ) idmax integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) info integer ( kind = 4 ) ipivrb(ncofrb) integer ( kind = 4 ) irmax integer ( kind = 4 ) iwrite integer ( kind = 4 ) ixmax integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnew integer ( kind = 4 ) nbcrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nferb integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) numnew integer ( kind = 4 ) nx integer ( kind = 4 ) ny real ( kind = 8 ) par(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) pararb(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) phirb(3,maxcofrb,15,maxelm) real ( kind = 8 ) rb(maxnfl,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) resrb(ncofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) reynld real ( kind = 8 ) rmax real ( kind = 8 ) rmax0 real ( kind = 8 ) tauflo(nparf) real ( kind = 8 ) tolnew real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xmax real ( kind = 8 ) xmax0 real ( kind = 8 ) xrange real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yrange ! ! If the first Newton iteration failed, you may want to try again ! by coming back here. ! ierror = 0 numnew = 0 ! ! Compute the norm of the initial solution estimate. ! ixmax = idamax(ncofrb,grb,1) xmax = abs(grb(ixmax)) xmax0 = xmax ! ! Evaluate the residual of the initial solution. ! reynld = par(npar) call fxrb(area,grb,indx,maxcofrb,maxelm,maxnfl,nbcrb,ncofrb, & nelem,nferb,node,np,npar,nparf,nx,ny,par,phirb,rb, & resrb,reynld,tauflo,xc,xrange,yc,yrange) irmax = idamax(ncofrb,resrb,1) rmax = abs(resrb(irmax)) rmax0 = rmax if ( 2 <= iwrite ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Step MxNorm(X) IXmax MxNorm(FX) IRmax' write(*,'(i6,g14.6,i6,g14.6,i6)')numnew,xmax,ixmax,rmax,irmax end if ! ! Begin the Newton iteration. ! do numnew = 1,maxnew ! ! Evaluate the Jacobian. ! pararb(1:npar) = par(1:npar) grbarb(1:ncofrb) = grb(1:ncofrb) call fprb(arb,area,grb,indx,maxcofrb,maxelm,maxnfl,nbcrb, & ncofrb,nelem,nferb,node,np,nx,ny,phirb,rb,reynld,xc,xrange,yc,yrange) ! ! Factor the Jacobian. ! call dfacrb(arb,maxcofrb,ncofrb,ipivrb,info) if ( info /= 0) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'NEWTRB - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' The reduced Jacobian is singular.' write ( *, * ) ' DFACRB returns INFO = ',info ierror = 1 return end if ! ! Solve the linear system A*DX = RES ! call dsolrb(arb,maxcofrb,ncofrb,ipivrb,resrb) idmax = idamax(ncofrb,resrb,1) dmax = abs(resrb(idmax)) ! ! Update the estimated solution G. ! grb(1:ncofrb) = grb(1:ncofrb) - resrb(1:ncofrb) ! ! Compute the norm of the current solution. ! ixmax = idamax(ncofrb,grb,1) xmax = abs(grb(ixmax)) ! ! Evaluate the residual of the current estimated solution. ! call fxrb(area,grb,indx,maxcofrb,maxelm,maxnfl,nbcrb,ncofrb, & nelem,nferb,node,np,npar,nparf,nx,ny,par,phirb,rb, & resrb,reynld,tauflo,xc,xrange,yc,yrange) irmax = idamax(ncofrb,resrb,1) rmax = abs(resrb(irmax)) if ( 2 <= iwrite ) then write(*,'(i6,g14.6,i6,g14.6,i6)')numnew,xmax,ixmax,rmax,irmax end if ! ! Accept the iterate if the residual is small enough. ! if ( rmax <= tolnew) then return end if ! ! Reject the iterate if the residual has grown too large. ! if ( 10.0D+00 *(rmax0+tolnew) < rmax .and. 1 < numnew ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'NEWTRB - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' Residual too big on step ',numnew write ( *, * ) ' MxNorm of first FX = ',rmax0 write ( *, * ) ' MxNorm of this FX = ',rmax go to 20 end if end do ! ! The iteration has failed to converge, or may actually ! have been terminated early. ! 20 continue ierror = 1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'NEWTRB - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' No Newton convergence after ',numnew,' steps.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' MxNorm of first X = ',xmax0 write ( *, * ) ' MxNorm of first FX = ',rmax0 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' MxNorm of last step = ',dmax write ( *, * ) ' MxNorm of last X = ',xmax write ( *, * ) ' MxNorm of last FX = ',rmax return end subroutine optdiffl(afl,area,cost,dopt,eqn,etaq,gfl,gflafl, & gflopt,gfltar,gridx,gridy,ibs,ierror,ifs,ijac,indx,iopt, & ipivfl,isotri,ivopt,iwrite,ldafl,liv,lv,maxelm,maxnew,maxnfl, & maxnp,maxny,maxopt,maxpar,maxparb,maxparf,maxsim,nelem, & neqnfl,nlband,node,nodelm,np,npar,nparb,nparf,nprof,numdif, & numopt,nx,ny,par,parafl,paropt,phifl,region,resfl,splbmp, & splflo,taubmp,tauflo,tolnew,tolopt,tolsim,vopt,wateb,watep, & wateu,watev,wquad,xbl,xbr,xc,xopt,xquad,xrange,xsiq,ybl, & ybr,yc,yquad,yrange) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! OPTDIFFL optimizes the full problem, without gradient information. ! ! Discussion: ! ! OPTDIFFL searches for a set of parameters PAROPT, ! and the corresponding flow solution GFLOPT, which minimize ! the cost function COST. ! ! The ACM TOMS 611 routine SNOIT is used, which does not require ! direct information about the gradient of COST with respect to ! the parameters PAROPT. Instead, it estimates this information ! indirectly, via finite differences. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 01 July 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) AFL(LDAFL,MAXNFL). ! If Newton iteration is being carried out, AFL contains the ! Jacobian matrix for the full system. ! If Picard iteration is being carried out, AFL contains the ! Picard matrix for the full system. ! AFL is stored in LINPACK general band storage mode, with ! logical dimensions (3*NBANDL+1, NEQNFL). ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) AREA(3,MAXELM). ! AREA contains a common factor multiplying the term associated ! with a quadrature point in a given element, namely, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! or, if the element is isoperimetric, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = DET * Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! Here Ar(IELEM) represents the area of element IELEM. ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) COST. ! COST contains the current value of the cost function. This ! is the function which the optimizer is to minimize. ! COST = WATEP*COSTP + WATEB*COSTB + WATEU*COSTU + WATEV*COSTV ! ! Workspace, real ( kind = 8 ) DOPT(MAXPAR). ! DOPT contains scaling factors used during an optimization. ! These scaling factors are intended to adjust problems ! in which some variables are typically very much smaller ! or larger than others. ! ! EQN Input, character ( len = 2 ) EQN(MAXNFL). ! EQN records the "type" of each equation that will be generated, and ! which is associated with an unknown. Note that most boundary ! conditions do not result in an equation. The current values are: ! ! 'U' The horizontal momentum equation. ! 'UB' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on the bump. ! 'UI' The condition U = UInflow(Y,Lambda) at the inflow. ! 'UW' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! 'U0' A dummy value of U = 0 should be set. ! ! 'V' The vertical momentum equation. ! 'VB' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on the bump. ! 'VI' The condition V = VInflow(Y,Lambda) at the inflow. ! 'VW' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! 'V0' A dummy value of V = 0 should be set. ! ! 'P' The continuity equation. ! 'PB' The condition P = 0 applied at (XMAX,YMAX). ! 'P0' A dummy value of P = 0 should be set. ! ! ETAQ Input, real ( kind = 8 ) ETAQ(3). ! ETAQ contains the "Eta" coordinates of the quadrature points. ! ! GFL Input, real ( kind = 8 ) GFL(NEQNFL). ! GFL contains the current solution estimate for the full problem, ! containing the pressure and velocity coefficients. ! The vector INDX must be used to index this data. ! ! GFLAFL Output, real ( kind = 8 ) GFLAFL(NEQNFL). ! GFLAFL stores the value of GFL at which the Jacobian ! was generated. ! ! GFLOPT Output, real ( kind = 8 ) GFLOPT(NEQNFL). ! GFLOPT stores the value of a full solution which is being ! optimized. ! ! GFLTAR Input, real ( kind = 8 ) GFLTAR(NEQNFL). ! GFLTAR is a target solution, used to generate data that defines ! the cost functional. The corresponding parameters are PARTAR. ! ! IBS Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IBS. ! IBS is the bump shape option. ! 0, piecewise constant function. ! 1, piecewise linear function. ! 2, piecewise quadratic function. ! ! IERROR Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IERROR. ! 0, the optimization was successful. ! 1, the optimization failed. ! ! INDX Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX(3,NP). ! INDX(I,J) contains, for each node J, the global index of U, ! V and P at that node, or 0 or a negative value. The global ! index of U, V, or P is the index of the coefficient vector ! that contains the value of the finite element coefficient ! associated with the corresponding basis function at the ! given node. ! ! If K = INDX(I,J) is positive, then the value of the degree ! of freedom is stored in the solution vector entry GFL(K), ! and an equation will be generated to determine its value. ! ! If INDX(I,J) is not positive, then no equation is ! generated to determine for variable I at node J, either because ! the variable is specified in some other way, or because ! (in the case of pressure), there is no coefficient associated ! with that node. ! ! IOPT Workspace, integer IOPT(MAXPAR). ! IOPT is used during an optimization. For each parameter I, ! the meaning of IOPT(I) is: ! 0, the parameter value must remain fixed; ! 1, the parameter value may be varied. ! ! IPIVFL Workspace, integer IPIVFL(NEQNFL). ! IPIVFL is a pivot vector for the solution of the full ! linear system. ! ! ISOTRI Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ISOTRI(NELEM). ! 0, the element is NOT isoparametric, and the nodes never move. ! That means that the quadrature points are only computed once. ! ! 1, the element is NOT isoparametric, but the nodes may move. ! Quadrature point locations must be updated on each step. ! This could occur for elements above, but not touching, the bump. ! ! 2, the element is isoparametric. ! ! IVOPT Workspace, integer IVOPT(LIV). ! IVOPT provides integer workspace for several of the ! optimization routines. ! ! IWRITE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IWRITE. ! IWRITE controls the amount of output printed. ! 0, print out the least amount. ! 1, print out some. ! 2, print out a lot. ! ! LDAFL Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) LDAFL. ! LDAFL is the first dimension of the matrix AFL as declared in ! the main program. LDAFL must be at least 3*NLBAND+1. ! ! LIV Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) LIV. ! LIV is the dimension of the work vector IVOPT, used by ! the ACM TOMS 611 optimization package. LIV is always 60. ! ! LV Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) LV. ! LV is the dimension of the work vector VOPT, used by ! the ACM TOMS 611 optimization package. ! ! MAXELM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXELM. ! MAXELM is the maximum number of elements. ! ! MAXNEW Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNEW. ! MAXNEW is the maximum number of steps to take in one Newton ! iteration. A typical value is 20. ! ! MAXNFL Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNFL. ! MAXNFL is the maximum number of equations or coefficients allowed ! for the full system. MAXNFL must be used instead of NEQNFL as ! the leading dimension of certain multi-dimensional arrays. ! ! MAXNP Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNP. ! MAXNP is the maximum number of nodes allowed in the program. ! ! MAXNY Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNY. ! MAXNY is the maximum size of NY that the program can handle. ! ! MAXOPT Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXOPT. ! MAXOPT is the maximum number of optimization steps. ! ! MAXPAR Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXPAR. ! MAXPAR is the maximum number of parameters allowed. ! MAXPAR = MAXPARF + MAXPARB + 1. ! ! MAXPARB ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXPARB. ! MAXPARB is the maximum number of bump parameters allowed. ! ! MAXPARF ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXPARF. ! MAXPARF is the maximum number of inflow parameters allowed. ! ! MAXSIM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXSIM. ! MAXSIM is the maximum number of steps to take in one Picard ! iteration. A typical value is 20. ! ! NELEM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! NELEM is the number of elements. ! NELEM can be determined as 2*(NX-1)*(NY-1). ! ! NEQNFL Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NEQNFL. ! NEQNFL is the number of equations (and coefficients) in the full ! finite element system. ! ! NLBAND Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NLBAND. ! NLBAND is the lower bandwidth of the matrix AFL. ! The zero structure of AFL is assumed to be symmetric, and so ! NLBAND is also the upper bandwidth of AFL. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(6,MAXELM) or NODE(6,NELEM). ! NODE(I,J) contains, for an element J, the global index of ! the node whose local number in J is I. ! ! The local ordering of the nodes is suggested by this diagram: ! ! Global nodes Elements NODE ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 ! 74 84 94 3-6-1 2 Left element = (94,72,74,83,73,84) ! | / /| ! 73 83 93 5 4 4 5 Right element = (72,94,92,83,93,82) ! |/ / | ! 72 82 92 2 1-6-3 ! ! NP Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP. ! NP is the number of nodes used to define the finite element mesh. ! Typically, the mesh is generated as a rectangular array, with ! an odd number of nodes in the horizontal and vertical directions. ! The formula for NP is NP = (2*NX-1)*(2*NY-1). ! ! NPAR Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPAR. ! NPAR is the number of parameters. ! ! NPAR = NPARF + NPARB + 1. ! ! The parameters control the shape of the inflow, ! the shape of the bump obstacle, and the strength of the ! flow. ! ! NPARB Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARB. ! NPARB is the number of parameters associated with the position and ! shape of the bump. ! ! Note that if NPARB = 0, the bump is replaced by a flat wall. ! ! NPARF Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARF. ! NPARF is the number of parameters associated with the ! inflow. NPARF must be at least 1. ! ! NPROF Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPROF(2*MAXNY-1). ! NPROF contains the numbers of the nodes along the profile ! line. ! ! NX Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NX. ! NX controls the spacing of nodes and elements in ! the X direction. There are 2*NX-1 nodes along various ! lines in the X direction. ! ! Roughly speaking, NX (or 2*NX) is the number of elements along ! a line in the X direction. ! ! NY Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NY. ! NY controls the spacing of nodes and elements in ! the Y direction. There are 2*NY-1 nodes along various ! lines in the Y direction. ! ! Roughly speaking, NY (or 2*NY) is the number of elements along ! a line in the Y direction. ! ! PAR Input, real ( kind = 8 ) PAR(NPAR). ! PAR is the current estimate for the parameters. ! ! PAR(1:NPARF) = inflow controls. ! ! PAR(NPARF+1:NPARF+NPARB) = bump controls. ! ! PAR(NPARF+NPARB+1) = the REYNLD parameter. ! ! PARAFL Output, real ( kind = 8 ) PARAFL(NPAR). ! PARAFL contains the parameters where the Picard matrix or ! Jacobian of the full system was generated. ! ! PAROPT Output, real ( kind = 8 ) PAROPT(NPAR). ! PAROPT contains the estimate for the optimizing parameter ! values which minimize the cost. ! ! PHIFL Input, real ( kind = 8 ) PHIFL(3,6,10,NELEM). ! PHIFL contains the value of a finite element basis function, its ! derivative, or other information, evaluated at the quadrature ! points. ! ! The meaning of the entry PHIFL(I,J,K,L) is as follows. ! For the quadrature point I, and basis function J, in element L, ! PHIFL(I,J,K,L) represents the value of: ! ! K = 1, W, the finite element basis function for velocities; ! K = 2, dWdX, the X derivative of W; ! K = 3, dWdY, the Y derivative of W; ! K = 4, Q, the finite element basis function for pressures; ! K = 5, dQdX, the X derivative of Q; ! K = 6, dQdY, the Y derivative of Q; ! K = 7, dXsidX, the X derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->XSI; ! K = 8, dXsidY, the Y derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->XSI; ! K = 9, dEtadX, the X derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->ETA; ! K = 10, dEtadY, the Y derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->ETA; ! ! In particular, PHIFL(I,J,K,L) is the value of the quadratic ! basis function W associated with local node J in element L, ! evaluated at quadrature point I. ! ! Note that PHIFL(I,J,K,L) = 0 whenever J=4, 5, or 6 and K=4, 5, or 6, ! since there are only three linear basis functions. ! ! Input, character ( len = 20 ) REGION. ! REGION specifies the flow region. ! 'cavity', a driven cavity, 1 unit on each side, open on ! the top with a tangential velocity specification there. ! 'cavity2', a driven cavity, 1 unit on each side, open on ! the top and bottome, with tangential velocity specifications ! there. ! 'channel', a channel, 10 units long by 3 high, inflow on ! the left, outflow on the right, with a bump on the bottom. ! 'step', a channel, 12 units long by 3 high, inflow on the ! left, outflow on the right, with a step on the bottom. ! ! Workspace, real ( kind = 8 ) RESFL(NEQNFL). ! RESFL contains the residual in the full basis equations. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) SPLBMP(NPARB+2). ! SPLBMP contains the spline coefficients for the bump. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) SPLFLO(NPARF). ! SPLFLO contains the spline coefficients for the inflow. ! ! TAUBMP Input, real ( kind = 8 ) TAUBMP(NPARB+2). ! TAUBMP contains the location of the spline abscissas for ! the bump. There are NPARB+2 of them, because the end values ! of the spline are constrained to have particular values. ! ! TAUFLO Input, real ( kind = 8 ) TAUFLO(NPARF). ! TAUFLO contains the location of the spline abscissas for ! the inflow. There are NPARF of them, because the end ! values of the spline are constrained to have particular ! values. ! ! TOLNEW Input, real ( kind = 8 ) TOLNEW. ! TOLNEW is the convergence tolerance for the Newton ! iteration. ! ! TOLOPT Input, real ( kind = 8 ) TOLOPT. ! TOLOPT is the convergence tolerance for the optimization. ! If TOLOPT is zero, then default values are used. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) TOLSIM. ! TOLSIM is the convergence tolerance for the Picard ! iteration. ! ! Workspace, real ( kind = 8 ) VOPT(LV). ! VOPT provides real workspace for the optimization routines. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) WATEB. ! WATEB is the multiplier of the bump control cost used ! when computing the total cost. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) WATEP, WATEU, WATEV. ! WATEP, WATEU and WATEV are weights used in computing the ! cost function based on the costs of the flow discrepancy. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) WQUAD(3). ! WQUAD contains the weights for Gaussian quadrature. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XBL. ! XBL is the X coordinate of the left corner of the bump. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XBR. ! XBR is the X coordinate of the right corner of the bump. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XC(NP). ! XC contains the X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! Workspace, real ( kind = 8 ) XOPT(MAXPAR). ! XOPT is used by the optimization routines to hold only ! the values of parameters which are allowed to vary. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XQUAD(3,NELEM). ! The X coordinates of the quadrature points for ! each element. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XRANGE. ! The total width of the region. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XSIQ(3). ! The "Xsi" coordinates of the quadrature points. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YBL. ! The Y coordinate of the left corner of the bump. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YBR. ! YBR is the Y coordinate of the right corner of the bump. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YC(NP). ! YC contains the Y coordinates of the nodes. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YQUAD(3,NELEM). ! The Y coordinates of the quadrature points for ! each element. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YRANGE. ! YRANGE is the total height of the region. ! implicit none ! ! Set parameters that are independent. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) ldafl integer ( kind = 4 ) liv integer ( kind = 4 ) lv integer ( kind = 4 ) maxelm integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnp integer ( kind = 4 ) maxny integer ( kind = 4 ) maxpar integer ( kind = 4 ) maxparb integer ( kind = 4 ) maxparf integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! real ( kind = 8 ) afl(ldafl,maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) area(3,maxelm) real ( kind = 8 ) cost real ( kind = 8 ) costb real ( kind = 8 ) costp real ( kind = 8 ) costu real ( kind = 8 ) costv real ( kind = 8 ) dopt(maxpar) character ( len = 2 ) eqn(maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) etaq(3) real ( kind = 8 ) gfl(maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gflafl(maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gflopt(maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gfltar(maxnfl) character ( len = 20 ) gridx character ( len = 20 ) gridy integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ibs integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) ifs integer ( kind = 4 ) ijac integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,maxnp) integer ( kind = 4 ) iopt(maxpar) integer ( kind = 4 ) ipivfl(maxnfl) integer ( kind = 4 ) isotri(maxelm) integer ( kind = 4 ) ival integer ( kind = 4 ) ivopt(liv) integer ( kind = 4 ) iwrite integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnew integer ( kind = 4 ) maxopt integer ( kind = 4 ) maxsim integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) nlband integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,maxelm) integer ( kind = 4 ) nodelm(np) integer ( kind = 4 ) nopt integer ( kind = 4 ) npar integer ( kind = 4 ) nparb integer ( kind = 4 ) nparf integer ( kind = 4 ) nprof(2*maxny-1) integer ( kind = 4 ) numdif integer ( kind = 4 ) numnew integer ( kind = 4 ) numopt integer ( kind = 4 ) numsim integer ( kind = 4 ) nx integer ( kind = 4 ) ny real ( kind = 8 ) par(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) parafl(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) paropt(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) phifl(3,6,10,maxelm) character ( len = 20 ) region real ( kind = 8 ) resfl(maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) rmax real ( kind = 8 ) splbmp(maxparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) splflo(maxparf) real ( kind = 8 ) taubmp(maxparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) tauflo(maxparf) real ( kind = 8 ) tolnew real ( kind = 8 ) tolopt real ( kind = 8 ) tolsim real ( kind = 8 ) vopt(lv) real ( kind = 8 ) wateb real ( kind = 8 ) watep real ( kind = 8 ) wateu real ( kind = 8 ) watev real ( kind = 8 ) wquad(3) real ( kind = 8 ) xbl real ( kind = 8 ) xbr real ( kind = 8 ) xc(maxnp) real ( kind = 8 ) xopt(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) xquad(3,maxelm) real ( kind = 8 ) xrange real ( kind = 8 ) xsiq(3) real ( kind = 8 ) ybl real ( kind = 8 ) ybr real ( kind = 8 ) yc(maxnp) real ( kind = 8 ) yquad(3,maxelm) real ( kind = 8 ) yrange ! ierror = 0 ! ! Copy the initial solution estimate. ! paropt(1:npar) = par(1:npar) gflopt(1:neqnfl) = gfl(1:neqnfl) ! ! Initialize the local optimization data. ! cost = 0.0D+00 dopt(1:npar) = 1.0D+00 ivopt(1:liv) = 0 nopt = 0 vopt(1:lv) = 0.0D+00 xopt(1:maxpar) = 0.0D+00 ! ! Set the TOMS 611 data to default values, ! and then modify some values. ! ival = 2 call deflt(ival,ivopt,liv,lv,vopt) vopt(31) = tolopt vopt(32) = tolopt vopt(33) = tolopt vopt(34) = tolopt vopt(37) = tolopt ivopt(1) = 12 ivopt(19) = 0 ! ! Set the step counters. ! numdif = 0 numopt = 0 ! ! Take the next optimization step. ! do if ( maxopt < numopt ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'OPTDIFFL - Warning!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' The number of optimization steps was exceeded.' return end if ! ! Make a "copy" of PAR that only contains the free variables. ! nopt = 0 do i = 1,npar if ( iopt(i) == 1) then nopt = nopt+1 xopt(nopt) = paropt(i) end if end do ! ! Call the optimizer to get a new parameter estimate. ! call snoit(dopt,cost,ivopt,liv,lv,nopt,vopt,xopt) ! ! Copy the new free variable values back into PAR. ! nopt = 0 do i = 1,npar if ( iopt(i) == 1) then nopt = nopt+1 paropt(i) = xopt(nopt) end if end do ! ! For the given values of PAROPT, set up the flow problem. ! We are only varying the REYNLD parameter, and no geometric ! quantities vary with REYNLD, so we only have to make this ! call once. ! if ( numopt == 0) then call setgeo(area,etaq,gridx,gridy,ibs,isotri,nelem,node, & nodelm,np,npar,nparb,nparf,nx,ny,paropt,phifl,region, & splbmp,taubmp,wquad,xbl,xbr,xc,xquad,xrange, & xsiq,ybl,ybr,yc,yquad,yrange) end if ! ! Apply Picard's method to the approximate solution GFLOPT. ! call picfl(afl,area,eqn,gflopt,ierror,ifs,indx,ipivfl,iwrite,& ldafl,maxsim,nelem,neqnfl,nlband,node,np,npar,nparf, & numsim,paropt,phifl,region,resfl,rmax,splflo,tauflo, & tolsim,xc,xrange,yc,yrange) ! ! Apply Newton's method to the approximate solution GFLOPT. ! if ( rmax <= tolnew) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'OPTDIFFL - Picard iterate skips Newton.' else call newtfl(afl,area,eqn,gflopt,gflafl,ierror,ifs,ijac, & indx,ipivfl,iwrite,ldafl,maxelm,maxnew,nelem,neqnfl,nlband, & node,np,npar,nparf,numnew,paropt,parafl,phifl, & region,resfl,rmax,splflo,tauflo,tolnew,xrange,yc,yrange) if ( ierror /= 0) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'OPTDIFFL - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' NEWTFL failed!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' The parameters at which failure occurred:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' call prpar(iopt,npar,nparb,nparf,paropt) ierror = 1 return end if end if ! ! Compute the cost function COST. ! call getcst(cost,costb,costp,costu,costv,gflopt,gfltar, & indx,neqnfl,np,nparb,nprof,ny,splbmp, & taubmp,wateb,watep,wateu,watev,xbl,xbr,ybl,ybr,yc) if ( ivopt(1) == 1 .and. 0 <= iwrite ) then call prpar(iopt,npar,nparb,nparf,paropt) write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' Cost = ',cost end if ! ! If IVOPT(1) is 1, then this was a call for a legitimate ! solution candidate. ! ! If IVOPT(1) is 2, then this was a call for a temporary ! solution used only for estimating the gradient. ! ! Other values of IVOPT call for acceptance or rejection. ! if ( ivopt(1) == 1) then numopt = numopt+1 else if ( ivopt(1) == 2) then numdif = numdif+1 else if ( 3 <= ivopt(1) .and. ivopt(1) <= 8 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Convergence to a minimizer was achieved!' return else if ( 8 < ivopt(1) ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Bad value of IVOPT(1) = ',ivopt(1) return end if end do end subroutine optdifrb(arb,area,cost,dopt,gflrb,gfltar,gfltmp, & grb,grbarb,grbopt,ierror,indx,iopt,ipivrb, & ivopt,iwrite,liv,lv,maxcofrb,maxelm,maxnew,maxnfl,maxnp, & maxny,maxopt,maxpar,maxparb,maxsim,nbcrb,ncofrb,nelem,neqnfl, & nferb,node,np,npar,nparb,nparf,nprof,numdif,numopt,nx,ny,par, & pararb,paropt,phirb,rb,resrb,splbmp,tauflo,taubmp,tolnew, & tolopt,tolsim,vopt,wateb,watep,wateu,watev,xbl,xbr,xc,xopt, & xrange,ybl,ybr,yc,yrange) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! OPTDIFRB optimizes the reduced problem, without gradient information. ! ! Discussion: ! ! OPTDIFRB searches for a set of parameters PAROPT, ! and the corresponding flow solution GRBOPT, which minimize ! the cost function COST. ! ! The ACM TOMS 611 routine SNOIT is used, which does not require ! direct information about the gradient of COST with respect to ! the parameters PAROPT. Instead, it estimates this information ! indirectly, via finite differences. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 01 July 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Workspace, real ( kind = 8 ) ARB(MAXNRB,MAXNRB). ! ARB contains the Jacobian or Picard matrix for the reduced ! Navier Stokes system, stored as a dense NCOFRB by NCOFRB array. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) AREA(3,MAXELM). ! AREA contains a common factor multiplying the term associated ! with a quadrature point in a given element, namely, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! or, if the element is isoperimetric, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = DET * Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! Here Ar(IELEM) represents the area of element IELEM. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) COST, the current value of the cost function. This ! is the function which the optimizer is to minimize. ! COST = WATEP*COSTP + WATEB*COSTB + WATEU*COSTU + WATEV*COSTV ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) DOPT(MAXPAR). ! DOPT contains scaling factors used during an optimization. ! These scaling factors are intended to adjust problems ! in which some variables are typically very much smaller ! or larger than others. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) GFLRB(NEQNFL). ! GFLRB is the solution value at which the reduced basis was computed. ! The corresponding parameters are PARRB. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) GFLTAR(NEQNFL). ! GFLTAR is a target solution, used to generate data that defines ! the cost functional. The corresponding parameters are PARTAR. ! ! Workspace, real ( kind = 8 ) GFLTMP(NEQNFL). ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) GRB(NCOFRB). ! GRB contains the reduced basis coefficients of the current ! estimate of the state solution. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) GRBARB(NCOFRB). ! GRBARB contains the reduced basis coefficients at which ! the matrix ARB was last evaluated. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) GRBOPT(NCOFRB). ! GRBOPT stores the value of a reduced solution which is being ! optimized. ! ! Workspace, real ( kind = 8 ) GRBTMP(NCOFRB). ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) IERROR. ! IERROR is an error flag. ! 0, no error occurred in this routine. ! nonzero, an error occurred. ! ! INDX integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX(3,NP). ! INDX(I,J) contains, for each node J, the global index of U, ! V and P at that node, or 0 or a negative value. The global ! index of U, V, or P is the index of the coefficient vector ! that contains the value of the finite element coefficient ! associated with the corresponding basis function at the ! given node. ! ! If K = INDX(I,J) is positive, then the value of the degree ! of freedom is stored in the solution vector entry GFL(K), ! and an equation will be generated to determine its value. ! ! If INDX(I,J) is not positive, then no equation is ! generated to determine for variable I at node J, either because ! the variable is specified in some other way, or because ! (in the case of pressure), there is no coefficient associated ! with that node. ! ! IOPT integer ( kind = 4 ) IOPT(MAXPAR). ! IOPT is used during an optimization. For each parameter I, ! the meaning of IOPT(I) is: ! 0, the parameter value must remain fixed; ! 1, the parameter value may be varied. ! ! IPIVRB Workspace, integer IPIVRB(NCOFRB). ! IPIVRB is a pivot vector for the solution of the reduced ! linear system. ! ! IVOPT integer ( kind = 4 ) IVOPT(LIV). ! IVOPT provides integer workspace for several of the ! optimization routines. ! ! IWRITE integer IWRITE. ! IWRITE controls the amount of output printed. ! 0, print out the least amount. ! 1, print out some. ! 2, print out a lot. ! ! LIV integer ( kind = 4 ) LIV. ! LIV is the dimension of the work vector IVOPT, used by ! the ACM TOMS 611 optimization package. LIV is always 60. ! ! LV integer ( kind = 4 ) LV. ! LV is the dimension of the work vector VOPT, used by ! the ACM TOMS 611 optimization package. ! ! MAXELM integer MAXELM. ! MAXELM is the maximum number of elements. ! ! MAXNEW integer MAXNEW. ! MAXNEW is the maximum number of steps to take in one Newton ! iteration. A typical value is 20. ! ! MAXNFL integer MAXNFL. ! MAXNFL is the maximum number of equations or coefficients allowed ! for the full system. MAXNFL must be used instead of NEQNFL as ! the leading dimension of certain multi-dimensional arrays. ! ! MAXNP integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNP. ! MAXNP is the maximum number of nodes allowed in the program. ! ! MAXNRB integer MAXNRB. ! The maximum number of equations allowed for the reduced basis system. ! ! MAXNY integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNY. ! MAXNY is the maximum size of NY that the program can handle. ! ! MAXOPT integer MAXOPT. ! MAXOPT is the maximum number of optimization steps. ! ! MAXPAR integer MAXPAR. ! MAXPAR is the maximum number of parameters allowed. ! MAXPAR = MAXPARF + MAXPARB + 1. ! ! MAXPARB ! integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXPARB. ! MAXPARB is the maximum number of bump parameters allowed. ! ! MAXSIM integer MAXSIM. ! MAXSIM is the maximum number of steps to take in one Picard ! iteration. A typical value is 20. ! ! NELEM integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! NELEM is the number of elements. ! NELEM can be determined as 2*(NX-1)*(NY-1). ! ! NEQNFL integer NEQNFL. ! NEQNFL is the number of equations (and coefficients) in the full ! finite element system. ! ! NCOFRB integer NCOFRB. ! NCOFRB is the number of basis functions, reduced state equations and ! coefficients in the reduced basis system. ! ! NP integer ( kind = 4 ) NP. ! NP is the number of nodes used to define the finite element mesh. ! Typically, the mesh is generated as a rectangular array, with ! an odd number of nodes in the horizontal and vertical directions. ! The formula for NP is NP = (2*NX-1)*(2*NY-1). ! ! NPAR integer ( kind = 4 ) NPAR. ! NPAR is the number of parameters. ! ! NPAR = NPARF + NPARB + 1. ! ! The parameters control the shape of the inflow, ! the shape of the bump obstacle, and the strength of the ! flow. ! ! NPARB integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARB. ! NPARB is the number of parameters associated with the position and ! shape of the bump. ! ! Note that if NPARB = 0, the bump is replaced by a flat wall. ! ! NPARF integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARF. ! NPARF is the number of parameters associated with the ! inflow. NPARF must be at least 1. ! ! NPROF integer ( kind = 4 ) NPROF(2*MAXNY-1). ! NPROF contains the numbers of the nodes along the profile ! line. ! ! NUMDIF integer NUMDIF. ! NUMDIF is the number of flow solutions generated strictly for ! finite difference calculations. ! ! NUMOPT integer NUMOPT. ! NUMOPT is the number of flow solutions calculated during ! an optimization which were actual candidate minimizers. ! ! NY integer ( kind = 4 ) NY. ! NY controls the spacing of nodes and elements in ! the Y direction. There are 2*NY-1 nodes along various ! lines in the Y direction. ! ! Roughly speaking, NY (or 2*NY) is the number of elements along ! a line in the Y direction. ! ! PAR real ( kind = 8 ) PAR(NPAR). ! PAR is the current estimate for the parameters. ! ! PAR(1:NPARF) = inflow controls. ! ! PAR(NPARF+1:NPARF+NPARB) = bump controls. ! ! PAR(NPARF+NPARB+1) = the REYNLD parameter. ! ! PARARB real ( kind = 8 ) PARARB(NPAR). ! PARARB contains the parameters where the Picard matrix or ! Jacobian of the reduced system was generated. ! ! PAROPT real ( kind = 8 ) PAROPT(NPAR). ! PAROPT contains the estimate for the optimizing parameter ! values which minimize the cost. ! ! PHIRB Input, real ( kind = 8 ) PHIRB(3,NCOFRB,15,NELEM). ! PHIRB contains the values of a finite element basis function ! or its X or Y derivative, in a given element, at a given ! quadrature point, for a particular reduced basis function. ! ! For PHIRB(I,J,K,L), index J refers to the reduced basis ! basis functions, for J = 0 to NCOFRB. ! ! The meaning of the K index of PHIRB(I,J,K,L) is as follows: ! ! For the quadrature point I, and reduced basis function J, ! in element L, PHIRB(I,J,K,L) represents the value of: ! ! K = 1, WUrb, the finite element U velocity basis function; ! K = 2, dWUrbdX, the X derivative of WUrb; ! K = 3, dWUrbdY, the Y derivative of WUrb; ! K = 4, WVrb, the finite element V velocity basis function; ! K = 5, dWVrbdX, the X derivative of WVrb; ! K = 6, dWVrbdY, the Y derivative of WVrb; ! K = 7, Q, the finite element pressure basis function. ! K = 8, dQrbdX, the X derivative of Qrb; ! K = 9, dQrbdY, the Y derivative of Qrb. ! K = 10, WU0rb, same as WUrb, with zero BC. ! K = 11, dWU0rbdX, same as dWUrbdX, with zero BC. ! K = 12, dWU0rbdY, same as dWUrbdY, with zero BC. ! K = 13, WV0rb, same as WVrb, with zero BC. ! K = 14, dWV0rbdX, same as dWVrbdX, with zero BC. ! K = 15, dWV0rbdY, same as dWVrbdY, with zero BC. ! ! RB real ( kind = 8 ) RB(MAXNFL,NCOFRB). ! RB is the NEQNFL by NCOFRB array of reduced basis vectors. ! ! RB is generated by computing a finite element solution GFL. ! A copy of this solution will be saved and called "GFLRB". ! Then, we compute the first NCOFRB derivatives of GFLRB with ! respect to a parameter (for us, REYNLD). The first derivative ! is stored in column 1 of RB, and so on. Then we orthogonalize ! the columns of RB. ! ! We intend that NEQNFL >> NCOFRB, and RB is a matrix with orthogonal ! columns, so that: ! ! Transpose(RB) * RB = Identity(NCOFRB) ! ! ! If GFL is any set of finite element coefficients, the corresponding ! set of reduced basis coefficients can be computed as: ! ! GRB = Transpose(RB) * (GFL-GFLRB) ! ! If GRB is a set of reduced basis coefficients, a corresponding ! set of finite element coefficients can be computed as: ! ! GFL = GFLRB + RB * GRB. ! ! While it is the case that you can expand and then reduce, ! and always get the same result, it is not the case that ! when you reduce and then expand you get the same result! ! ! It is true, for ANY GRB, that ! ! GRB = Transpose(RB) * RB * GRB ! ! which follows from Transpose(RB) * RB = Identity(NCOFRB). ! ! However, for a general GFL, it is the case that ! ! GFL = /= GFLRB + RB * Transpose(RB) * (GFL-GFLRB). ! ! Only if GFL was generated from a reduced basis coefficient ! vector will equality apply. In other words, if GFL was generated ! from a reduced basis coefficient: ! ! GFL = GFLRB + RB * GRB ! ! then ! ! GFLRB + RB * Transpose(RB) * (GFL-GFLRB) ! = GFLRB + RB * Transpose(RB) * (RB * GRB) ! = GFLRB + RB * GRB ! = GFL ! ! so in this strictly limited case, ! ! RB * Transpose(RB) = Identity(NEQNFL). ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) RESRB(NCOFRB). ! RESRB contains the residual in the reduced basis equations, ! for the parameter values PAR and reduced basis coefficients GRB. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) SPLBMP(NPARB+2). ! SPLBMP contains the spline coefficients for the bump. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) TAUBMP(NPARB+2). ! TAUBMP contains the location of the spline abscissas for ! the bump. There are NPARB+2 of them, because the end values ! of the spline are constrained to have particular values. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) TOLNEW. ! TOLNEW is the convergence tolerance for the Newton ! iteration. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) TOLOPT. ! TOLOPT is the convergence tolerance for the optimization. ! If TOLOPT is zero, then default values are used. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) TOLSIM. ! TOLSIM is the convergence tolerance for the Picard iteration. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) VOPT(LV). ! VOPT provides real workspace for the optimization routines. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) WATEB. ! WATEB is the multiplier of the bump control cost used ! when computing the total cost. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) WATEP, WATEU, WATEV. ! WATEP, WATEU and WATEV are weights used in computing the ! cost function based on the costs of the flow discrepancy. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) XBL. ! XBL is the X coordinate of the left corner of the bump. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) XBR. ! XBR is the X coordinate of the right corner of the bump. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) XOPT(MAXPAR). ! XOPT is used by the optimization routines to hold only ! the values of parameters which are allowed to vary. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) YBL. ! YBL is the Y coordinate of the left corner of the bump. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) YBR. ! YBR is the Y coordinate of the right corner of the bump. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) YC(NP). ! YC contains the Y coordinates of the nodes. ! implicit none ! ! Set parameters that are independent. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) liv integer ( kind = 4 ) lv integer ( kind = 4 ) maxcofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) maxelm integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnp integer ( kind = 4 ) maxny integer ( kind = 4 ) maxpar integer ( kind = 4 ) maxparb integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb ! real ( kind = 8 ) arb(maxcofrb,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) area(3,maxelm) real ( kind = 8 ) cost real ( kind = 8 ) costb real ( kind = 8 ) costp real ( kind = 8 ) costu real ( kind = 8 ) costv real ( kind = 8 ) dopt(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) gflrb(maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gfltar(maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gfltmp(maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) grb(ncofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) grbarb(ncofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) grbopt(ncofrb) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,maxnp) integer ( kind = 4 ) iopt(maxpar) integer ( kind = 4 ) ipivrb(maxcofrb) integer ( kind = 4 ) ival integer ( kind = 4 ) ivopt(liv) integer ( kind = 4 ) iwrite integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnew integer ( kind = 4 ) maxopt integer ( kind = 4 ) maxsim integer ( kind = 4 ) nbcrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) nferb integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) nopt integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) npar integer ( kind = 4 ) nparb integer ( kind = 4 ) nparf integer ( kind = 4 ) nprof(2*maxny-1) integer ( kind = 4 ) numdif integer ( kind = 4 ) numopt integer ( kind = 4 ) nx integer ( kind = 4 ) ny real ( kind = 8 ) par(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) pararb(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) paropt(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) phirb(3,maxcofrb,15,maxelm) real ( kind = 8 ) rb(maxnfl,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) resrb(maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) rmax real ( kind = 8 ) splbmp(maxparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) taubmp(maxparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) tauflo(nparf) real ( kind = 8 ) tolnew real ( kind = 8 ) tolopt real ( kind = 8 ) tolsim real ( kind = 8 ) vopt(lv) real ( kind = 8 ) wateb real ( kind = 8 ) watep real ( kind = 8 ) wateu real ( kind = 8 ) watev real ( kind = 8 ) xbl real ( kind = 8 ) xbr real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xopt(maxpar) real ( kind = 8 ) xrange real ( kind = 8 ) ybl real ( kind = 8 ) ybr real ( kind = 8 ) yc(maxnp) real ( kind = 8 ) yrange ! ierror = 0 ! ! Copy the initial solution estimate. ! paropt(1:npar) = par(1:npar) grbopt(1:ncofrb) = grb(1:ncofrb) ! ! Initialize the local optimization data. ! cost = 0.0D+00 dopt(1:npar) = 1.0D+00 ivopt(1:liv) = 0 nopt = 0 vopt(1:lv) = 0.0D+00 xopt(1:maxpar) = 0.0D+00 ! ! Set the 611 data to default values, ! and then modify some values. ! ival = 2 call deflt(ival,ivopt,liv,lv,vopt) vopt(31) = tolopt vopt(32) = tolopt vopt(33) = tolopt vopt(34) = tolopt vopt(37) = tolopt ivopt(1) = 12 ivopt(19) = 0 ! ! Set the step counters. ! numdif = 0 numopt = 0 ! ! Take the next optimization step. ! 10 continue if ( maxopt < numopt ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'OPTDIFRB - Warning!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' The number of optimization steps was exceeded.' return end if ! ! Make a "copy" of PAR that only contains the free variables. ! nopt = 0 do i = 1,npar if ( iopt(i) == 1) then nopt = nopt+1 xopt(nopt) = paropt(i) end if end do ! ! Call the optimizer to get a new parameter estimate. ! call snoit(dopt,cost,ivopt,liv,lv,nopt,vopt,xopt) ! ! Copy the new free variable values back into PAR. ! nopt = 0 do i = 1,npar if ( iopt(i) == 1) then nopt = nopt+1 paropt(i) = xopt(nopt) end if end do ! ! Apply Picard's method to the approximate solution GRBOPT. ! call picrb(arb,area,grbopt,ierror,indx,ipivrb,iwrite, & maxcofrb,maxelm,maxnfl,maxsim,nbcrb,ncofrb,nelem, & nferb,node,np,npar,nparf,nx,ny,paropt,phirb,rb,resrb,rmax, & tauflo,tolsim,xc,xrange,yc,yrange) ! ! Apply Newton's method to the approximate solution GRBOPT. ! if ( tolnew < rmax ) then call newtrb(arb,area,grbopt,grbarb,ierror,indx,ipivrb, & iwrite,maxcofrb,maxelm,maxnew,maxnfl,nbcrb,ncofrb,nelem, & nferb,node,np,npar,nparf,nx,ny,paropt,pararb,phirb, & rb,resrb,rmax,tauflo,tolnew,xc,xrange,yc,yrange) if ( ierror /= 0) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'OPTDIFRB - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' NEWTRB failed!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' The parameters at which failure occurred:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' call prpar(iopt,npar,nparb,nparf,paropt) ierror = 1 return end if end if ! ! Compute the equivalent full basis solution GFLTMP = RB*GRB. ! call grb2fl ( gfltmp, gflrb, grbopt, maxnfl, ncofrb, neqnfl, rb ) ! ! Compute the cost function COST. ! call getcst(cost,costb,costp,costu,costv,gfltmp,gfltar, & indx,neqnfl,np,nparb,nprof,ny,splbmp, & taubmp,wateb,watep,wateu,watev,xbl,xbr,ybl,ybr,yc) if ( ivopt(1) == 1 .and. 0 <= iwrite ) then call prpar(iopt,npar,nparb,nparf,paropt) write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' Cost = ',cost end if ! ! If IVOPT(1) is 1, then this was a call for a legitimate ! solution candidate. ! ! If IVOPT(1) is 2, then this was a call for a temporary ! solution used only for estimating the gradient. ! ! Other values of IVOPT indicate acceptance or rejection ! of the iteration. ! if ( ivopt(1) == 1) then numopt = numopt+1 else if ( ivopt(1) == 2) then numdif = numdif+1 else if ( 3 <= ivopt(1) .and. ivopt(1) <= 8 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Convergence to a minimizer was achieved!' return else if ( 8 < ivopt(1) ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Bad value of IVOPT(1) = ',ivopt(1) return end if go to 10 end subroutine picfl(afl,area,eqn,gfl,ierror,ifs,indx,ipivfl,iwrite,ldafl, & maxsim,nelem,neqnfl,nlband,node,np,npar,nparf,numsim,par,phifl,region, & resfl,rmax,splflo,tauflo,tolsim,xc,xrange,yc,yrange) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PICFL carries out simple iteration on the full Navier Stokes equations. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The simple iteration equations have the form: ! ! Integral ! ! dU/dx * dW/dx ! + dU/dy * dW/dy ! + reynld * (UOLD*dU/dx + VOLD*dU/dy + dP/dx) * W dx dy = 0 ! ! Integral ! ! dV/dx * dW/dx ! + dV/dy * dW/dy ! + reynld * (UOLD*dV/dx + VOLD*dV/dy + dP/dy) * W dx dy = 0 ! ! Integral ! ! (dU/dx + dV/dy) * Q dx dy = 0 ! ! Here W is a basis function for U and V, and Q is a basis ! function for P. UOLD and VOLD are the values of U and V ! on the previous step of the iteration. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 06 August 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) AFL(LDAFL,MAXNFL). ! If Newton iteration is being carried out, AFL contains the ! Jacobian matrix for the full system. ! If Picard iteration is being carried out, AFL contains the ! Picard matrix for the full system. ! ! AFL is stored in LINPACK general band storage mode, with ! logical dimensions (3*NLBAND+1, NEQNFL). ! ! Where is the (I,J) entry of AFL actually stored? ! AFL has actual storage for such an entry only if ! -NLBAND <= I-J <= NLBAND. ! In such a case, the (I,J) entry is actually stored in ! AFL(I-J+2*NLBAND+1,J) ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) AREA(3,MAXELM). ! AREA contains a common factor multiplying the term associated ! with a quadrature point in a given element, namely, ! ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! ! or, if the element is isoperimetric, ! ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = DET * Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! ! Here Ar(IELEM) represents the area of element IELEM. ! ! character ( len = 2 ) EQN(MAXNFL). ! EQN records the "type" of each equation that will be generated, and ! which is associated with an unknown. ! ! 'U' A horizontal momentum equation. ! 'UB' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on the bump. ! 'UI' The condition U = UInflow(Y,Lambda) at the inflow. ! 'UW' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! 'U0' A dummy value of U = 0 should be set. ! ! 'V' A vertical momentum equation. ! 'VB' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on the bump. ! 'VI' The condition V = VInflow(Y,Lambda) at the inflow. ! 'VW' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! 'V0' A dummy value of V = 0 should be set. ! ! 'P' A continuity equation. ! 'PB' The condition P = 0 applied at (XMAX,YMAX). ! 'P0' A dummy value of P = 0 should be set. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) GFL(NEQNFL). ! GFL contains the current solution estimate for the full problem, ! containing the pressure and velocity coefficients. ! The vector INDX must be used to index this data. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) IERROR. ! IERROR is an error flag. ! 0, no error occurred in this routine. ! nonzero, an error occurred. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) IFS. ! IFS is the inflow shape option. ! 0, piecewise constant function. ! 1, piecewise linear function. ! 2, piecewise quadratic function. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX(3,NP). ! INDX(I,J) contains, for each node J, the global index of U, ! V and P at that node, or 0 or a negative value. The global ! index of U, V, or P is the index of the coefficient vector ! that contains the value of the finite element coefficient ! associated with the corresponding basis function at the ! given node. ! ! Workspace, integer IPIVFL(NEQNFL). ! IPIVFL is a pivot vector for the solution of the full ! linear system. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) IWRITE. ! IWRITE controls the amount of output printed. ! 0, print out the least amount. ! 1, print out some. ! 2, print out a lot. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) LDAFL. ! LDAFL is the first dimension of the matrix AFL as declared in ! the main program. LDAFL must be at least 3*NLBAND+1. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXSIM. ! MAXSIM is the maximum number of steps to take in one Picard ! iteration. A typical value is 20. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! NELEM is the number of elements. ! NELEM can be determined as 2*(NX-1)*(NY-1). ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NEQNFL. ! NEQNFL is the number of equations (and coefficients) in the full ! finite element system. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NLBAND. ! NLBAND is the lower bandwidth of the matrix AFL. ! The zero structure of AFL is assumed to be symmetric, and so ! NLBAND is also the upper bandwidth of AFL. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(6,MAXELM) or NODE(6,NELEM). ! NODE(I,J) contains, for an element J, the global index of ! the node whose local number in J is I. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NP. ! NP is the number of nodes used to define the finite element mesh. ! Typically, the mesh is generated as a rectangular array, with ! an odd number of nodes in the horizontal and vertical directions. ! The formula for NP is NP = (2*NX-1)*(2*NY-1). ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NPAR. ! NPAR is the number of parameters. ! NPAR = NPARF + NPARB + 1. ! The parameters control the shape and strength of the inflow, ! the shape of the bump, and the value of the Reynolds number. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARF. ! NPARF is the number of parameters associated with the ! inflow. NPARF must be at least 1. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NUMSIM. ! NUMSIM is the number of simple iterations taken on a particular ! call to the simple iteration routine. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) PAR(NPAR). ! PAR contains the values of the problem parameters. ! ! PAR(1:NPARF) = inflow controls. ! PAR(NPARF+1:NPARF+NPARB) = bump controls. ! PAR(NPARF+NPARB+1) = the REYNLD parameter. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) PHIFL(3,6,10,NELEM). ! PHIFL contains the value of a finite element basis function, its ! derivative, or other information, evaluated at the quadrature ! points (which are the element midside nodes). ! ! The meaning of the entry PHIFL(I,J,K,L) is as follows. ! For the quadrature point I, and basis function J, in element L, ! PHIFL(I,J,K,L) represents the value of: ! ! K = 1, W, the finite element basis function for velocities; ! K = 2, dWdX, the X derivative of W; ! K = 3, dWdY, the Y derivative of W; ! K = 4, Q, the finite element basis function for pressures; ! K = 5, dQdX, the X derivative of Q; ! K = 6, dQdY, the Y derivative of Q; ! K = 7, dXsidX, the X derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->XSI; ! K = 8, dXsidY, the Y derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->XSI; ! K = 9, dEtadX, the X derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->ETA; ! K = 10, dEtadY, the Y derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->ETA; ! ! In particular, PHIFL(I,J,K,L) is the value of the quadratic ! basis function W associated with local node J in element L, ! evaluated at quadrature point I. ! ! Note that PHIFL(I,J,K,L) = 0 whenever J=4, 5, or 6 and K=4, 5, or 6, ! since there are only three linear basis functions. ! ! character ( len = 20 ) REGION. ! REGION specifies the flow region. ! ! 'cavity', a driven cavity, 1 unit on each side, open on ! the top with a tangential velocity specification there. ! ! 'cavity2', a driven cavity, 1 unit on each side, open on ! the top and bottome, with tangential velocity specifications ! there. ! ! 'channel', a channel, 10 units long by 3 high, inflow on ! the left, outflow on the right, with a bump on the bottom. ! ! 'step', a channel, 12 units long by 3 high, inflow on the ! left, outflow on the right, with a step on the bottom. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) RESFL(NEQNFL). ! RESFL contains the residual in the full basis equations. ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) RMAX. ! RMAX is the maximum absolute value of the entries of the residual ! vector evaluated at the returned solution estimate. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) SPLFLO(NPARF). ! SPLFLO contains the spline coefficients for the inflow. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) TAUFLO(NPARF). ! TAUFLO contains the location of the spline abscissas for ! the inflow. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) TOLSIM. ! TOLSIM is the convergence tolerance for the Picard iteration. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) XC(NP). ! XC contains the X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) XRANGE. ! XRANGE is the total width of the region. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) YC(NP). ! YC contains the Y coordinates of the nodes. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) YRANGE. ! YRANGE is the total height of the region. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) ldafl integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) npar integer ( kind = 4 ) nparf ! real ( kind = 8 ) afl(ldafl,neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) area(3,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) dxmax character ( len = 2 ) eqn(neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gfl(neqnfl) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) idamax integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) ifs integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) info integer ( kind = 4 ) ipivfl(neqnfl) integer ( kind = 4 ) irmax integer ( kind = 4 ) iwrite integer ( kind = 4 ) ixmax integer ( kind = 4 ) maxsim integer ( kind = 4 ) nlband integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) numsim real ( kind = 8 ) par(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) phifl(3,6,10,nelem) character ( len = 20 ) region real ( kind = 8 ) resfl(neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) rmax real ( kind = 8 ) rmax0 real ( kind = 8 ) splflo(nparf) real ( kind = 8 ) tauflo(nparf) real ( kind = 8 ) tolsim real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xmax real ( kind = 8 ) xmax0 real ( kind = 8 ) xrange real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yrange ! ierror = 0 ! ! Get XMAX0, the norm of the initial guess GFL. ! ixmax = idamax ( neqnfl, gfl, 1 ) xmax = abs(gfl(ixmax)) xmax0 = xmax ! ! Get RMAX0, the norm of the error RESFL of the initial guess, GFL. ! call fxfl(area,eqn,gfl,ifs,indx,nelem,neqnfl,node,np,npar, & nparf,par,phifl,region,resfl,splflo,tauflo,xrange,yc,yrange) irmax = idamax(neqnfl,resfl,1) rmax = abs(resfl(irmax)) rmax0 = rmax numsim = 0 if ( 2 <= iwrite ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Step MxNorm(X) IXmax MxNorm(FX) IRmax' write(*,'(i6,g14.6,i6,g14.6,i6)')numsim,xmax,ixmax,rmax,irmax end if if ( rmax0 < tolsim) then return end if ! ! Do up to MAXSIM steps of simple iteration. ! do numsim = 1,maxsim ! ! Get the simple iteration system matrix AFL evaluated at GFL. ! call picmfl(afl,area,eqn,gfl,indx,ldafl,nelem,neqnfl,nlband, & node,np,npar,par,phifl) ! ! Factor the matrix. ! call dfacfl(afl,ldafl,neqnfl,nlband,nlband,ipivfl,info) if ( info /= 0) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'PicFL - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' The Picard matrix AFL is singular!' write ( *, * ) ' DFACFL returns nonzero INFO = ',info ierror = 1 return end if ! ! Get the right hand side, RESFL. ! call picvfl(eqn,ifs,indx,neqnfl,np,npar,nparf,par, & region,resfl,splflo,tauflo,xc,xrange,yc,yrange) ixmax = idamax(neqnfl,resfl,1) dxmax = abs(resfl(ixmax)) ! ! Solve the linear system AFL*GFL = RESFL. ! call dsolfl(afl,ldafl,neqnfl,nlband,nlband,ipivfl,resfl) ! ! Compare RESFL and the previous estimate GFL. ! dxmax = 0.0D+00 ixmax = 0 do i = 1,neqnfl if ( dxmax <= abs ( resfl(i) - gfl(i) ) ) then ixmax = i dxmax = abs ( resfl(i) - gfl(i) ) end if end do ! ! Update GFL with the new estimate, and save its norm. ! do i = 1,neqnfl gfl(i) = resfl(i) end do ixmax = idamax(neqnfl,gfl,1) xmax = abs(gfl(ixmax)) ! ! Compute FX(GFL). ! call fxfl(area,eqn,gfl,ifs,indx,nelem,neqnfl,node,np,npar, & nparf,par,phifl,region,resfl,splflo,tauflo,xrange,yc,yrange) irmax = idamax(neqnfl,resfl,1) rmax = abs(resfl(irmax)) ! ! Print out ! if ( 2 <= iwrite ) then write(*,'(i6,g14.6,i6,g14.6,i6)')numsim,xmax,ixmax,rmax,irmax end if ! ! Converged, Failed, or Continue? ! if ( rmax < tolsim * (rmax0+1.0D+00 )) then if ( 2 <= iwrite ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'PicFL - Residual acceptance.' end if return end if if ( 1000.0D+00 *rmax0 < rmax ) then ierror = 1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'PicFL - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Simple iteration diverging on step ',numsim write ( *, * ) ' MxNorm of first X = ',xmax0 write ( *, * ) ' MxNorm of last X = ',xmax write ( *, * ) ' MxNorm of first FX = ',rmax0 write ( *, * ) ' MxNorm of last FX = ',rmax return end if end do if ( 3 <= iwrite ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'PicFL - Warning:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Simple iteration did not converge.' write ( *, * ) ' MxNorm of first X = ',xmax0 write ( *, * ) ' MxNorm of last X = ',xmax write ( *, * ) ' MxNorm of first FX = ',rmax0 write ( *, * ) ' MxNorm of last FX = ',rmax end if return end subroutine picmferb(arb,area,grb,maxcofrb,maxelm,nbcrb,ncofrb, & nelem,nferb,phirb,reynld) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PICMFERB evaluates the simple iteration matrix for a reduced problem. ! ! Discussion: ! ! PICMFERB is given ! ! GRB, the reduced basis coefficients of an approximate solution, ! PHIRB, the reduced basis functions, evaluated at the quadrature ! points, ! REYNLD, the current Reynolds number, ! ! and computes ! ! ARB, the simple iteration matrix. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 11 August 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) ARB(MAXCOFRB,MAXCOFRB). ! ARB contains the Jacobian or Picard matrix for the reduced ! Navier Stokes system, stored as an NCOFRB by NCOFRB array. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) AREA(3,MAXELM). ! AREA contains a common factor multiplying the term associated ! with a quadrature point in a given element, namely, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! or, if the element is isoperimetric, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = DET * Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! Here Ar(IELEM) represents the area of element IELEM. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) GRB(NCOFRB). ! GRB contains the reduced basis coefficients of the current ! estimate of the state solution. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXCOFRB. ! MAXCOFRB is the maximum legal value for NCOFRB, the number ! of coefficients used to specify a particular reduced basis ! solution. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXELM. ! MAXELM is the maximum number of elements. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NBCRB. ! NBCRB is the number of independent boundary condition ! vectors used for the reduced basis. NBCRB is normally ! at least 1, and must be no more than MAXBCRB. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NCOFRB. ! NCOFRB is the number of coefficients needed to determine ! a particular reduced basis function. ! NCOFRB is the sum of NBCRB and NFERB. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! NELEM is the number of elements. ! NELEM can be determined as 2*(NX-1)*(NY-1). ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NFERB. ! NFERB is the number of reduced basis coefficients that will ! be determined via the finite element method. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) PHIRB(3,MAXCOFRB,15,MAXELM). ! PHIRB contains the values of a finite element basis function ! or its X or Y derivative, in a given element, at a given ! quadrature point, for a particular reduced basis function. ! ! For PHIRB(I,J,K,L), index J refers to the reduced basis ! basis functions, for J = 0 to NCOFRB. ! ! The meaning of the K index of PHIRB(I,J,K,L) is as follows: ! ! For the quadrature point I, and reduced basis function J, ! in element L, PHIRB(I,J,K,L) represents the value of: ! ! K = 1, WUrb, the finite element U velocity basis function; ! K = 2, dWUrbdX, the X derivative of WUrb; ! K = 3, dWUrbdY, the Y derivative of WUrb; ! K = 4, WVrb, the finite element V velocity basis function; ! K = 5, dWVrbdX, the X derivative of WVrb; ! K = 6, dWVrbdY, the Y derivative of WVrb; ! K = 7, Q, the finite element pressure basis function. ! K = 8, dQrbdX, the X derivative of Qrb; ! K = 9, dQrbdY, the Y derivative of Qrb. ! K = 10, WU0rb, same as WUrb, with zero BC. ! K = 11, dWU0rbdX, same as dWUrbdX, with zero BC. ! K = 12, dWU0rbdY, same as dWUrbdY, with zero BC. ! K = 13, WV0rb, same as WVrb, with zero BC. ! K = 14, dWV0rbdX, same as dWVrbdX, with zero BC. ! K = 15, dWV0rbdY, same as dWVrbdY, with zero BC. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) REYNLD. ! REYNLD is the current value of the Reynolds number. ! Normally, REYNLD is stored as PARA(NPARF+NPARB+1). ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxcofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) maxelm integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem ! real ( kind = 8 ) ar real ( kind = 8 ) arb(maxcofrb,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) area(3,maxelm) real ( kind = 8 ) dqjdx real ( kind = 8 ) dqjdy real ( kind = 8 ) dprbdx real ( kind = 8 ) dprbdy real ( kind = 8 ) durbdx real ( kind = 8 ) durbdy real ( kind = 8 ) dvrbdx real ( kind = 8 ) dvrbdy real ( kind = 8 ) dwu0dx real ( kind = 8 ) dwujdx real ( kind = 8 ) dwu0dy real ( kind = 8 ) dwujdy real ( kind = 8 ) dwv0dx real ( kind = 8 ) dwvjdx real ( kind = 8 ) dwv0dy real ( kind = 8 ) dwvjdy real ( kind = 8 ) grb(ncofrb) integer ( kind = 4 ) icofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) iquad integer ( kind = 4 ) jcofrb logical s_eqi integer ( kind = 4 ) nbcrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nferb real ( kind = 8 ) prb real ( kind = 8 ) phirb(3,maxcofrb,15,maxelm) real ( kind = 8 ) reynld real ( kind = 8 ) urb real ( kind = 8 ) vrb real ( kind = 8 ) wu0 real ( kind = 8 ) wv0 ! ! Zero out the FE rows of the matrix. ! do icofrb = nbcrb+1,nbcrb+nferb arb(icofrb,1:ncofrb) = 0.0D+00 end do ! ! Consider an element IELEM... ! do ielem = 1,nelem ! ! ...and a quadrature point IQUAD... ! do iquad = 1,3 ar = area(iquad,ielem) ! ! For the given reduced coefficients GRB, and basis functions ! PHIRB, evaluate U, V, and P, and their spatial derivatives. ! call uvpqrb(dprbdx,dprbdy,durbdx,durbdy,dvrbdx,dvrbdy,grb, & ielem,iquad,maxcofrb,maxelm,ncofrb,phirb,prb,urb,vrb) ! ! Consider FE reduced basis function ICOFRB. ! do icofrb = nbcrb+1,nbcrb+nferb wu0 = phirb(iquad,icofrb,10,ielem) dwu0dx = phirb(iquad,icofrb,11,ielem) dwu0dy = phirb(iquad,icofrb,12,ielem) wv0 = phirb(iquad,icofrb,13,ielem) dwv0dx = phirb(iquad,icofrb,14,ielem) dwv0dy = phirb(iquad,icofrb,15,ielem) ! ! Take the derivative with respect to basis function JCOFRB. ! do jcofrb = 1,ncofrb dwujdx = phirb(iquad,jcofrb,2,ielem) dwujdy = phirb(iquad,jcofrb,3,ielem) dwvjdx = phirb(iquad,jcofrb,5,ielem) dwvjdy = phirb(iquad,jcofrb,6,ielem) dqjdx = phirb(iquad,jcofrb,8,ielem) dqjdy = phirb(iquad,jcofrb,9,ielem) ! ! The horizontal momentum equations. ! arb(icofrb,jcofrb) = arb(icofrb,jcofrb) & +ar*(dwujdx*dwu0dx + dwujdy*dwu0dy & +reynld*(urb*dwujdx+vrb*dwujdy+dqjdx)*wu0) ! ! The vertical momentum equations. ! arb(icofrb,jcofrb) = arb(icofrb,jcofrb) & +ar*(dwvjdx*dwv0dx + dwvjdy*dwv0dy & +reynld*(urb*dwvjdx+vrb*dwvjdy+dqjdy)*wv0) end do end do end do end do return end subroutine picmfl ( afl, area, eqn, gfl, indx, ldafl, nelem, neqnfl, & nlband, node, np, npar, par, phifl ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PICMFL: Picard iteration matrix for the full Navier Stokes equations. ! ! The coefficients are: ! ! ! d U-Eqn/d U-Coef: ! ! Integral ! ! dWj/dx * dWi/dx + dWj/dy * dWi/dy ! + reynld * (Uold*dWj/dx+ Vold*dWj/dy) * Wi dx dy ! ! d U-Eqn/d P-Coef: ! ! Integral ! ! reynld * dQj/dx * Wi dx dy ! ! d V-Eqn/d V-Coef: ! ! Integral ! ! dWj/dx * dWi/dx + dWj/dy * dWi/dy ! + reynld * (Uold*dWj/dx + Vold*dWj/dy) * Wi dx dy ! ! d V-Eqn/d P-Coef: ! ! Integral ! ! reynld * dQj/dy * Wi dx dy ! ! d P-Eqn/d U-Coef: ! ! Integral ! ! dWj/dx * Qi dx dy ! ! d P-Eqn/d V-Coef: ! ! Integral ! ! dWj/dy * Qi dx dy ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 01 July 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) A(LDAFL,NEQNFL), contains the ! coefficients of the Picard iteration matrix. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) AREA(3,NELEM). ! AREA contains a common factor multiplying the term associated ! with a quadrature point in a given element, namely, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! or, if the element is isoperimetric, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = DET * Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! Here Ar(IELEM) represents the area of element IELEM. ! ! EQN Input, character ( len = 2 ) EQN(NEQNFL). ! EQN records the "type" of each equation that will be generated, and ! which is associated with an unknown. Note that most boundary ! conditions do not result in an equation. The current values are: ! ! 'U' The horizontal momentum equation. ! 'UB' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on the bump. ! 'UI' The condition U = UInflow(Y,Lambda) at the inflow. ! 'UW' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! ! 'V' The vertical momentum equation. ! 'VB' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on the bump. ! 'VI' The condition V = VInflow(Y,Lambda) at the inflow. ! 'VW' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! ! 'P' The continuity equation. ! 'PB' The condition P = 0 applied at (XMAX,YMAX). ! ! GFL Input, real ( kind = 8 ) GFL(NEQNFL). ! G is the current solution vector, in which are stored ! the finite element coefficients that define the velocity ! and pressure functions, U, V and P. ! ! INDX Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX(3,NP). ! INDX(I,J) contains, for each node J, the index of U, V and P at ! that node, or 0 or a negative value. ! If K = INDX(I,J) is positive, then the value of the degree ! of freedom is stored in the solution vector entry GFL(K), ! and an equation will be generated to determine its value. ! If INDX(I,J) is not positive, then no equation is ! generated to determine for variable I at node J, either because ! the variable is specified in some other way, or because ! (in the case of pressure), there is no coefficient associated ! with that node. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) LDAFL, the first dimension of the matrix AFL. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NEQNFL, the number of finite element equations ! used to define the horizontal and vertical velocities and the ! pressure. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NLBAND. ! The lower bandwidth of the matrix A. The zero structure of A ! is assumed to be symmetric, and so NLBAND is also the upper ! bandwidth of A. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(6,NELEM). ! NODE(I,J) contains, for an element J, the global node index of ! the element node whose local number is I. ! The local ordering of the nodes is suggested by this diagram: ! ! 2 ! /| ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1-6-3 ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes used to define the ! finite element mesh. NP = (2*NX-1)*(2*NY-1). ! ! NPAR Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPAR. ! The number of parameters. NPAR = NPARF + NPARB + 1. ! The parameters control the shape of the inflow, ! the shape of the bump obstacle, and the strength of the ! flow. ! ! NPARB Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARB. ! The number of parameters associated with the position and ! shape of the bump. ! Note that if NPARB = 0, the bump is replaced by a flat wall. ! ! NPARF Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARF. ! NPARF is the number of parameters associated with the ! inflow. NPARF must be at least 1. ! ! PAR Input, real ( kind = 8 ) PAR(NPAR). ! PAR is the current set of parameter values, including the ! Reynolds parameter, the flow parameters, and the bump parameters. ! ! PHIFL Input, real ( kind = 8 ) PHIFL(3,6,10,NELEM). ! PHIFL contains the value of a finite element basis function, its ! derivative, or other information, evaluated at the quadrature ! points. ! The meaning of the entry PHIFL(I,J,K,L) is as follows. ! For the quadrature point I, and basis function J, in element L, ! PHIFL(I,J,K,L) represents the value of: ! ! K = 1, W, the finite element basis function for velocities; ! K = 2, dWdX, the X derivative of W; ! K = 3, dWdY, the Y derivative of W; ! K = 4, Q, the finite element basis function for pressures; ! K = 5, dQdX, the X derivative of Q; ! K = 6, dQdY, the Y derivative of Q; ! K = 7, dXsidX, the X derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->XSI; ! K = 8, dXsidY, the Y derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->XSI; ! K = 9, dEtadX, the X derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->ETA; ! K = 10, dEtadY, the Y derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->ETA; ! ! In particular, PHIFL(I,J,K,L) is the value of the quadratic ! basis function W associated with local node J in element L, ! evaluated at quadrature point I. ! ! Note that PHIFL(I,J,K,L) = 0 whenever J=4, 5, or 6 and K=4, 5, or 6, ! since there are only three linear basis functions. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) ldafl integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) npar ! real ( kind = 8 ) afl(ldafl,neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) ar real ( kind = 8 ) area(3,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) dpdx real ( kind = 8 ) dpdy real ( kind = 8 ) dqjdx real ( kind = 8 ) dqjdy real ( kind = 8 ) dudx real ( kind = 8 ) dudy real ( kind = 8 ) dvdx real ( kind = 8 ) dvdy real ( kind = 8 ) dwidx real ( kind = 8 ) dwidy real ( kind = 8 ) dwjdx real ( kind = 8 ) dwjdy character ( len = 2 ) eqn(neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gfl(neqnfl) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) ihor integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) ip integer ( kind = 4 ) iprs integer ( kind = 4 ) iq integer ( kind = 4 ) iquad integer ( kind = 4 ) iuse integer ( kind = 4 ) iver integer ( kind = 4 ) jhor integer ( kind = 4 ) jp integer ( kind = 4 ) jprs integer ( kind = 4 ) jq integer ( kind = 4 ) jver integer ( kind = 4 ) nlband integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) p real ( kind = 8 ) par(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) phifl(3,6,10,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) qi real ( kind = 8 ) reynld real ( kind = 8 ) term real ( kind = 8 ) u real ( kind = 8 ) v real ( kind = 8 ) wi ! reynld = par(npar) do i = 1,3*nlband+1 afl(i,1:neqnfl) = 0.0D+00 end do ! ! Approximate the integral by summing over all elements. ! do ielem = 1,nelem ! ! Evaluate the integrand at the quadrature points. ! do iquad = 1,3 ar = area(iquad,ielem) ! ! Evaluate U, V and P at the IQUAD-th quadrature point. ! call uvpqfl(dpdx,dpdy,dudx,dudy,dvdx,dvdy,gfl,ielem,indx, & iquad,nelem,neqnfl,node,np,p,phifl,u,v) ! ! Consider each node in the element. ! do iq = 1,6 ip = node(iq,ielem) wi = phifl(iquad,iq,1,ielem) dwidx = phifl(iquad,iq,2,ielem) dwidy = phifl(iquad,iq,3,ielem) qi = phifl(iquad,iq,4,ielem) ihor = indx(1,ip) iver = indx(2,ip) iprs = indx(3,ip) ! ! Now compute the derivatives of the functions associated ! with U, V and P, with respect to the coefficients associated ! with basis vectors at each node of the element. ! do jq = 1,6 jp = node(jq,ielem) dwjdx = phifl(iquad,jq,2,ielem) dwjdy = phifl(iquad,jq,3,ielem) dqjdx = phifl(iquad,jq,5,ielem) dqjdy = phifl(iquad,jq,6,ielem) jhor = indx(1,jp) jver = indx(2,jp) jprs = indx(3,jp) ! ! Contributions of the JHOR horizontal velocity to the U, V, and ! P equations. ! if ( eqn(ihor) == 'U') then term = ar*(dwjdx*dwidx+dwjdy*dwidy+ & reynld*(u*dwjdx+v*dwjdy)*wi) iuse = ihor-jhor+2*nlband+1 afl(iuse,jhor) = afl(iuse,jhor)+term end if if ( 0 < iprs ) then if ( eqn(iprs) == 'P') then term = ar*dwjdx*qi iuse = iprs-jhor+2*nlband+1 afl(iuse,jhor) = afl(iuse,jhor)+term end if end if ! ! Contributions of the JVER vertical velocity variable to the ! U, V and P equations. ! if ( eqn(iver) == 'V') then term = ar*(dwjdx*dwidx+dwjdy*dwidy & +reynld*(u*dwjdx+v*dwjdy)*wi) iuse = iver-jver+2*nlband+1 afl(iuse,jver) = afl(iuse,jver)+term end if if ( 0 < iprs ) then if ( eqn(iprs) == 'P') then term = ar*dwjdy*qi iuse = iprs-jver+2*nlband+1 afl(iuse,jver) = afl(iuse,jver)+term end if end if ! ! Contributions of the JPRS pressure to the U and V equations. ! if ( 0 < jprs ) then if ( eqn(ihor) == 'U') then term = ar*reynld*dqjdx*wi iuse = ihor-jprs+2*nlband+1 afl(iuse,jprs) = afl(iuse,jprs)+term end if if ( eqn(iver) == 'V') then term = ar*reynld*dqjdy*wi iuse = iver-jprs+2*nlband+1 afl(iuse,jprs) = afl(iuse,jprs)+term end if end if end do end do end do end do ! ! Set up the equations that enforce boundary conditions. ! do ip = 1,np ihor = indx(1,ip) iver = indx(2,ip) iprs = indx(3,ip) if ( eqn(ihor) == 'UB'.or.eqn(ihor) == 'UI'.or. & eqn(ihor) == 'UW'.or. eqn(ihor) == 'U0') then afl(2*nlband+1,ihor) = 1.0D+00 end if if ( eqn(iver) == 'VB'.or. eqn(iver) == 'VI'.or. & eqn(iver) == 'VW'.or. eqn(iver) == 'V0') then afl(2*nlband+1,iver) = 1.0D+00 end if if ( 0 < iprs ) then if ( eqn(iprs) == 'PB') then afl(2*nlband+1,iprs) = 1.0D+00 else if ( eqn(iprs) == 'P0') then afl(2*nlband+1,iprs) = 1.0D+00 end if end if end do return end subroutine picrb ( arb, area, grb, ierror, indx, ipivrb, iwrite, & maxcofrb, maxelm, maxnfl, maxsim, nbcrb, ncofrb, nelem, nferb, node, & np, npar, nparf, nx, ny, par, phirb, rb, resrb, rmax, tauflo, & tolsim, xc, xrange, yc, yrange ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PICRB carries out simple iteration on the reduced Navier Stokes equations. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The simple iteration equations have the form: ! ! Integral ! ! dU/dx * dW/dx + dU/dy * dW/dy ! + reynld * (URB*dU/dx + VRB*dU/dy + dP/dx) * W dx dy = 0 ! ! Integral ! ! dV/dx * dW/dx + dV/dy * dW/dy ! + reynld * (URB*dV/dx + VRB*dV/dy + dP/dy) * W dx dy = 0 ! ! Here W is a basis function for U and V. ! UOLD and VOLD are the values of U and V ! on the previous step of the iteration. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 08 August 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Workspace, real ( kind = 8 ) ARB(MAXNRB,MAXNRB). ! ARB contains the Jacobian or Picard matrix for the reduced ! Navier Stokes system, stored as a dense NCOFRB by NCOFRB array. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) AREA(3,NELEM). ! AREA contains a common factor multiplying the term associated ! with a quadrature point in a given element, namely, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! or, if the element is isoperimetric, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = DET * Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! Here Ar(IELEM) represents the area of element IELEM. ! ! GRB Input, real ( kind = 8 ) GRB(NCOFRB). ! GRB contains the reduced basis coefficients of the current ! estimate of the state solution. ! ! GRBTMP Workspace, real ( kind = 8 ) GRBTMP(NCOFRB). ! ! IERROR Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IERROR. ! 0, no error occurred. ! 1, an error occurred. The matrix was singular. ! ! IPIVRB Workspace, integer IPIVRB(NCOFRB). ! ! IWRITE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IWRITE. ! IWRITE controls the amount of output printed. ! ! MAXSIM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXSIM. ! MAXSIM is the maximum number of simple iteration steps ! that may be taken. ! ! NELEM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! NCOFRB Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCOFRB. ! NCOFRB is the number of basis functions, reduced state equations and ! coefficients in the reduced basis system. ! ! NPAR Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPAR. ! The number of parameters. NPAR = NPARF + NPARB + 1. ! The parameters control the shape of the inflow, ! the shape of the bump obstacle, and the strength of the ! flow. ! ! NPARB Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARB. ! The number of parameters associated with the position and ! shape of the bump. ! Note that if NPARB = 0, the bump is replaced by a flat wall. ! ! NPARF Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARF. ! NPARF is the number of parameters associated with the ! inflow. NPARF must be at least 1. ! ! PAR Input, real ( kind = 8 ) PAR(NPAR). ! PAR is the current set of parameter values, including the ! Reynolds parameter, the flow parameters, and the bump parameters. ! ! PHIRB Input, real ( kind = 8 ) PHIRB(3,NCOFRB,15,NELEM). ! PHIRB contains the values of a finite element basis function ! or its X or Y derivative, in a given element, at a given ! quadrature point, for a particular reduced basis function. ! ! For PHIRB(I,J,K,L), index J refers to the reduced basis ! basis functions, for J = 0 to NCOFRB. ! ! The meaning of the K index of PHIRB(I,J,K,L) is as follows: ! ! For the quadrature point I, and reduced basis function J, ! in element L, PHIRB(I,J,K,L) represents the value of: ! ! K = 1, WUrb, the finite element U velocity basis function; ! K = 2, dWUrbdX, the X derivative of WUrb; ! K = 3, dWUrbdY, the Y derivative of WUrb; ! K = 4, WVrb, the finite element V velocity basis function; ! K = 5, dWVrbdX, the X derivative of WVrb; ! K = 6, dWVrbdY, the Y derivative of WVrb; ! K = 7, Q, the finite element pressure basis function. ! K = 8, dQrbdX, the X derivative of Qrb; ! K = 9, dQrbdY, the Y derivative of Qrb. ! K = 10, WU0rb, same as WUrb, with zero BC. ! K = 11, dWU0rbdX, same as dWUrbdX, with zero BC. ! K = 12, dWU0rbdY, same as dWUrbdY, with zero BC. ! K = 13, WV0rb, same as WVrb, with zero BC. ! K = 14, dWV0rbdX, same as dWVrbdX, with zero BC. ! K = 15, dWV0rbdY, same as dWVrbdY, with zero BC. ! ! Workspace, real ( kind = 8 ) RESRB(NCOFRB). ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) TOLSIM. ! TOLSIM is the convergence tolerance for the iteration. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxcofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) maxelm integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) npar integer ( kind = 4 ) nparf ! real ( kind = 8 ) arb(maxcofrb,ncofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) area(3,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) dxmax real ( kind = 8 ) grb(ncofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) grbtmp(ncofrb) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) idamax integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) info integer ( kind = 4 ) ipivrb(ncofrb) integer ( kind = 4 ) irmax integer ( kind = 4 ) iwrite integer ( kind = 4 ) ixmax integer ( kind = 4 ) maxsim integer ( kind = 4 ) nbcrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nferb integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) numsim integer ( kind = 4 ) nx integer ( kind = 4 ) ny real ( kind = 8 ) par(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) phirb(3,maxcofrb,15,maxelm) real ( kind = 8 ) rb(maxnfl,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) resrb(ncofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) reynld real ( kind = 8 ) rmax real ( kind = 8 ) rmax0 real ( kind = 8 ) tauflo(nparf) real ( kind = 8 ) tolsim real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xmax real ( kind = 8 ) xmax0 real ( kind = 8 ) xrange real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yrange ! if ( ncofrb <= 0) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'PICRB - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a,i6)' ) ' NCOFRB <= 0, NCOFRB=',ncofrb stop end if reynld = par(npar) ierror = 0 ! ! Get XMAX0, the norm of the initial guess GRB. ! ixmax = idamax(ncofrb,grb,1) xmax = abs(grb(ixmax)) xmax0 = xmax ! ! Get RMAX0, the norm of the error RESRB of the initial guess, GRB. ! call fxrb(area,grb,indx,maxcofrb,maxelm,maxnfl,nbcrb,ncofrb, & nelem,nferb,node,np,npar,nparf,nx,ny,par,phirb,rb, & resrb,reynld,tauflo,xc,xrange,yc,yrange) irmax = idamax(ncofrb,resrb,1) rmax = abs(resrb(irmax)) rmax0 = rmax numsim = 0 if ( 2 <= iwrite ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Step MxNorm(X) IXmax MxNorm(FX) IRmax' write(*,'(i6,g14.6,i6,g14.6,i6)')numsim,xmax,ixmax,rmax,irmax end if if ( rmax0 < tolsim) then return end if ! ! Do up to MAXSIM steps of simple iteration. ! do numsim = 1,maxsim ! ! Get the simple iteration system matrix ARB evaluated at GRB. ! call fpbcrb(arb,indx,maxcofrb,maxnfl,nbcrb,ncofrb, & nelem,node,np,nx,ny,rb,xc,xrange,yc,yrange) call picmferb(arb,area,grb,maxcofrb,maxelm,nbcrb,ncofrb, & nelem,nferb,phirb,reynld) ! ! Factor the matrix. ! call dfacrb(arb,maxcofrb,ncofrb,ipivrb,info) if ( info /= 0) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'PicRB - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' The Picard matrix ARB is singular!' write ( *, * ) ' DFACRB returns nonzero INFO = ',info ierror = 1 return end if ! ! Get the right hand side, RESRB. ! grbtmp(1:ncofrb) = 0.0D+00 call fxbcrb(grbtmp,indx,maxcofrb,maxnfl,nbcrb,ncofrb,nelem, & node,np,npar,nparf,nx,ny,par,rb,resrb,tauflo,xc,xrange,yc,yrange) do i = 1,nbcrb resrb(i) = -resrb(i) end do call picvferb(area,grb,maxcofrb,maxelm,nbcrb, & ncofrb,nelem,nferb,npar,par,phirb,resrb) ! ! Solve the linear system ARB*GRB = RESRB. ! call dsolrb(arb,maxcofrb,ncofrb,ipivrb,resrb) ! ! Compare RESRB and the previous estimate GRB. ! dxmax = 0.0D+00 ixmax = 0 do i = 1,ncofrb if ( dxmax <= abs ( resrb(i) - grb(i) ) ) then ixmax = i dxmax = abs ( resrb(i) - grb(i) ) end if end do ! ! Update GRB with the new estimate, and save its norm. ! grb(1:ncofrb) = resrb(1:ncofrb) ixmax = idamax(ncofrb,grb,1) xmax = abs(grb(ixmax)) ! ! Compute FX(GRB). ! call fxrb(area,grb,indx,maxcofrb,maxelm,maxnfl,nbcrb,ncofrb, & nelem,nferb,node,np,npar,nparf,nx,ny,par,phirb,rb, & resrb,reynld,tauflo,xc,xrange,yc,yrange) irmax = idamax(ncofrb,resrb,1) rmax = abs(resrb(irmax)) ! ! Print out ! if ( 2 <= iwrite ) then write(*,'(i6,g14.6,i6,g14.6,i6)')numsim,xmax,ixmax,rmax,irmax end if ! ! Converged, Failed, or Continue? ! if ( rmax < tolsim * (rmax0+1.0D+00 )) then if ( 2 <= iwrite ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'PicRB - Residual acceptance.' end if return end if if ( 1000.0D+00 *rmax0 < rmax ) then ierror = 1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'PICRB - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Simple iteration diverging on step ',numsim write ( *, * ) ' MxNorm of first X = ',xmax0 write ( *, * ) ' MxNorm of last X = ',xmax write ( *, * ) ' MxNorm of first FX = ',rmax0 write ( *, * ) ' MxNorm of last FX = ',rmax return end if end do if ( 3 <= iwrite ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'PICRB - Warning:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Simple iteration did not converge.' write ( *, * ) ' MxNorm of first X = ',xmax0 write ( *, * ) ' MxNorm of last X = ',xmax write ( *, * ) ' MxNorm of first FX = ',rmax0 write ( *, * ) ' MxNorm of last FX = ',rmax end if return end subroutine picvferb(area,grb,maxcofrb,maxelm,nbcrb,ncofrb,nelem,nferb, & npar,par,phirb,resrb) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PICVFERB computes the finite element portion of the right hand ! side of the Picard iteration for the reduced Navier Stokes ! equations. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The right hand side is simply the basis solution GFLRB ! multiplied by the iteration matrix and negated. ! The easiest way to access the solution in GFLRB is to set ! a temporary copy of GRB to zero, and call UVPQRB. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 08 August 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) AREA(3,NELEM). ! AREA contains a common factor multiplying the term associated ! with a quadrature point in a given element, namely, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! or, if the element is isoperimetric, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = DET * Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! Here Ar(IELEM) represents the area of element IELEM. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) GRB(NCOFRB). ! GRB contains the reduced basis coefficients of the current ! estimate of the state solution. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCOFRB. ! NCOFRB is the number of basis functions, reduced state equations and ! coefficients in the reduced basis system. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPAR. ! The number of parameters. NPAR = NPARF + NPARB + 1. ! The parameters control the shape of the inflow, ! the shape of the bump obstacle, and the strength of the ! flow. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARB. ! The number of parameters associated with the position and ! shape of the bump. ! Note that if NPARB = 0, the bump is replaced by a flat wall. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARF. ! NPARF is the number of parameters associated with the ! inflow. NPARF must be at least 1. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) PAR(NPAR). ! PAR is the current set of parameter values, including the ! Reynolds parameter, the flow parameters, and the bump parameters. ! ! PHIRB Input, real ( kind = 8 ) PHIRB(3,NCOFRB,15,NELEM). ! PHIRB contains the values of a finite element basis function ! or its X or Y derivative, in a given element, at a given ! quadrature point, for a particular reduced basis function. ! ! For PHIRB(I,J,K,L), index J refers to the reduced basis ! basis functions, for J = 0 to NCOFRB. ! ! The meaning of the K index of PHIRB(I,J,K,L) is as follows: ! ! For the quadrature point I, and reduced basis function J, ! in element L, PHIRB(I,J,K,L) represents the value of: ! ! K = 1, WUrb, the finite element U velocity basis function; ! K = 2, dWUrbdX, the X derivative of WUrb; ! K = 3, dWUrbdY, the Y derivative of WUrb; ! K = 4, WVrb, the finite element V velocity basis function; ! K = 5, dWVrbdX, the X derivative of WVrb; ! K = 6, dWVrbdY, the Y derivative of WVrb; ! K = 7, Q, the finite element pressure basis function. ! K = 8, dQrbdX, the X derivative of Qrb; ! K = 9, dQrbdY, the Y derivative of Qrb. ! K = 10, WU0rb, same as WUrb, with zero BC. ! K = 11, dWU0rbdX, same as dWUrbdX, with zero BC. ! K = 12, dWU0rbdY, same as dWUrbdY, with zero BC. ! K = 13, WV0rb, same as WVrb, with zero BC. ! K = 14, dWV0rbdX, same as dWVrbdX, with zero BC. ! K = 15, dWV0rbdY, same as dWVrbdY, with zero BC. ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) RESRB(NCOFRB). ! For this routine, RESRB returns the right hand side of ! the Picard iteration system. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxcofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) maxelm integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) npar ! real ( kind = 8 ) ar real ( kind = 8 ) area(3,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) dpdx real ( kind = 8 ) dpdy real ( kind = 8 ) dprbdx real ( kind = 8 ) dprbdy real ( kind = 8 ) dudx real ( kind = 8 ) dudy real ( kind = 8 ) durbdx real ( kind = 8 ) durbdy real ( kind = 8 ) dvdx real ( kind = 8 ) dvdy real ( kind = 8 ) dvrbdx real ( kind = 8 ) dvrbdy real ( kind = 8 ) dwuidx real ( kind = 8 ) dwuidy real ( kind = 8 ) dwvidx real ( kind = 8 ) dwvidy real ( kind = 8 ) grb(ncofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) grbtmp(ncofrb) integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) icofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) iquad logical s_eqi integer ( kind = 4 ) nbcrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nferb real ( kind = 8 ) p real ( kind = 8 ) prb real ( kind = 8 ) par(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) phirb(3,maxcofrb,15,maxelm) real ( kind = 8 ) resrb(ncofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) reynld real ( kind = 8 ) u real ( kind = 8 ) urb real ( kind = 8 ) v real ( kind = 8 ) vrb real ( kind = 8 ) wui real ( kind = 8 ) wvi ! reynld = par(npar) grbtmp(1:ncofrb) = 0.0D+00 do icofrb = nbcrb+1,nbcrb+nferb resrb(icofrb) = 0.0D+00 end do ! ! Approximate the integral by summing over all elements. ! do ielem = 1,nelem ! ! Evaluate the integrand at the quadrature points. ! do iquad = 1,3 ar = area(iquad,ielem) ! ! Evaluate the full solution GFLRB at which the reduced basis ! was generated. This is the implicit "1" coefficient in the ! set of reduced basis coefficients, which must be multiplied ! by the Picard coefficients and carried to the right hand side. ! ! We do this by using GRBTMP, set to 0. ! call uvpqrb(dpdx,dpdy,dudx,dudy,dvdx,dvdy,grbtmp, & ielem,iquad,maxcofrb,maxelm,ncofrb,phirb,p,u,v) ! ! Evaluate the reduced basis solution GRB from the previous iterate. ! call uvpqrb(dprbdx,dprbdy,durbdx,durbdy,dvrbdx,dvrbdy,grb, & ielem,iquad,maxcofrb,maxelm,ncofrb,phirb,prb,urb,vrb) ! ! Now consider each reduced basis function, and retrieve the ! corresponding values of the U and V basis functions. ! do icofrb = nbcrb+1,nbcrb+nferb wui = phirb(iquad,icofrb,1,ielem) dwuidx = phirb(iquad,icofrb,2,ielem) dwuidy = phirb(iquad,icofrb,3,ielem) wvi = phirb(iquad,icofrb,4,ielem) dwvidx = phirb(iquad,icofrb,5,ielem) dwvidy = phirb(iquad,icofrb,6,ielem) ! ! The horizontal velocity equations. ! resrb(icofrb) = resrb(icofrb) & -ar*(dudx*dwuidx + dudy*dwuidy & +reynld*(urb*dudx+vrb*dudy+dpdx)*wui) ! ! The vertical velocity equations. ! resrb(icofrb) = resrb(icofrb) & -ar*(dvdx*dwvidx + dvdy*dwvidy & +reynld*(urb*dvdx+vrb*dvdy+dpdy)*wvi ) end do end do end do return end subroutine picvfl(eqn,ifs,indx,neqnfl,np,npar,nparf,par, & region,resfl,splflo,tauflo,xc,xrange,yc,yrange) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PICVFL computes the Picard right hand side for the full equations. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The Picard iteration equations have the form: ! ! Integral ! ! dU/dx * dW/dx ! + dU/dy * dW/dy ! + reynld * (UOLD*dU/dx + VOLD*dU/dy + dP/dx) * W dx dy = 0 ! ! Integral ! ! dV/dx * dW/dx ! + dV/dy * dW/dy ! + reynld * (UOLD*dV/dx + VOLD*dV/dy + dP/dy) * W dx dy = 0 ! ! Integral ! ! (dU/dx + dV/dy) * Q dx dy = 0 ! ! Here W is a basis function for U and V, and Q is a basis ! function for P. UOLD and VOLD are the values of U and V ! on a previous step of the iteration. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 10 August 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) npar integer ( kind = 4 ) nparf ! character ( len = 2 ) eqn(neqnfl) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ifs integer ( kind = 4 ) ihor integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) ip integer ( kind = 4 ) iver real ( kind = 8 ) par(npar) character ( len = 20 ) region real ( kind = 8 ) resfl(neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) splflo(nparf) real ( kind = 8 ) tauflo(nparf) real ( kind = 8 ) ubc real ( kind = 8 ) vbc real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xrange real ( kind = 8 ) xval real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yrange real ( kind = 8 ) yval ! ! Initialize the right hand side to zero. ! do i = 1,neqnfl resfl(i) = 0.0D+00 end do ! do ip = 1,np xval = xc(ip) yval = yc(ip) ihor = indx(1,ip) iver = indx(2,ip) if ( eqn(ihor) == 'UI'.or.eqn(iver).eq.'VI') then call flowbc(ifs,npar,nparf,par,region,splflo,tauflo, & ubc,vbc,xrange,xval,yrange,yval) if ( eqn(ihor) == 'UI') then resfl(ihor) = ubc end if if ( eqn(iver) == 'VI') then resfl(iver) = vbc end if end if end do return end subroutine reysen(area,eqn,indx,isen,maxcofrb,maxnfl,nelem, & neqnfl,node,np,phifl,resfl,reynld,senfl) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! REYSEN sets up a right hand side for a REYNLD sensitivity equation. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The routine sets up the right hand side vector associated with ! the ISEN-th order sensitivities with respect to the REYNLD parameter ! of a given state function (U,V,P). ! ! In order to compute the right hand side for the ISEN-th order, ! a state solution and the sensitivities for all orders less than ! ISEN must already have been computed. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 22 July 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) AREA(3,MAXELM). ! AREA contains a common factor multiplying the term associated ! with a quadrature point in a given element, namely, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! or, if the element is isoperimetric, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = DET * Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! Here Ar(IELEM) represents the area of element IELEM. ! ! character ( len = 2 ) EQN(MAXNFL). ! EQN records the "type" of each equation that will be generated, and ! which is associated with an unknown. ! ! 'U' A horizontal momentum equation. ! 'UB' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on the bump. ! 'UI' The condition U = UInflow(Y,Lambda) at the inflow. ! 'UW' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! 'U0' A dummy value of U = 0 should be set. ! 'V' A vertical momentum equation. ! 'VB' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on the bump. ! 'VI' The condition V = VInflow(Y,Lambda) at the inflow. ! 'VW' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! 'V0' A dummy value of V = 0 should be set. ! 'P' A continuity equation. ! 'PB' The condition P = 0 applied at (XMAX,YMAX). ! 'P0' A dummy value of P = 0 should be set. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX(3,NP). ! INDX(I,J) contains, for each node J, the global index of U, ! V and P at that node, or 0 or a negative value. The global ! index of U, V, or P is the index of the coefficient vector ! that contains the value of the finite element coefficient ! associated with the corresponding basis function at the ! given node. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ISEN. ! ISEN is the order of the sensitivity to be calculated. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXCOFRB. ! MAXCOFRB is the maximum legal value for NCOFRB, the number ! of coefficients used to specify a particular reduced basis ! solution. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNFL. ! MAXNFL is the maximum number of equations or coefficients allowed ! for the full system. MAXNFL must be used instead of NEQNFL as ! the leading dimension of certain multi-dimensional arrays. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! NELEM is the number of elements. ! NELEM can be determined as 2*(NX-1)*(NY-1). ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NEQNFL. ! NEQNFL is the number of equations (and coefficients) in the full ! finite element system. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(6,MAXELM) or NODE(6,NELEM). ! NODE(I,J) contains, for an element J, the global index of ! the node whose local number in J is I. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NP. ! NP is the number of nodes used to define the finite element mesh. ! Typically, the mesh is generated as a rectangular array, with ! an odd number of nodes in the horizontal and vertical directions. ! The formula for NP is NP = (2*NX-1)*(2*NY-1). ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) PHIFL(3,6,10,NELEM). ! PHIFL contains the value of a finite element basis function, its ! derivative, or other information, evaluated at the quadrature ! points (which are the element midside nodes). ! The meaning of the entry PHIFL(I,J,K,L) is as follows. ! For the quadrature point I, and basis function J, in element L, ! PHIFL(I,J,K,L) represents the value of: ! ! K = 1, W, the finite element basis function for velocities; ! K = 2, dWdX, the X derivative of W; ! K = 3, dWdY, the Y derivative of W; ! K = 4, Q, the finite element basis function for pressures; ! K = 5, dQdX, the X derivative of Q; ! K = 6, dQdY, the Y derivative of Q; ! K = 7, dXsidX, the X derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->XSI; ! K = 8, dXsidY, the Y derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->XSI; ! K = 9, dEtadX, the X derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->ETA; ! K = 10, dEtadY, the Y derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->ETA; ! ! In particular, PHIFL(I,J,K,L) is the value of the quadratic ! basis function W associated with local node J in element L, ! evaluated at quadrature point I. ! Note that PHIFL(I,J,K,L) = 0 whenever J=4, 5, or 6 and K=4, 5, or 6, ! since there are only three linear basis functions. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) RESFL(NEQNFL). ! RESFL contains the residual in the full basis equations. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) REYNLD. ! REYNLD is the value of the Reynolds number. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) SENFL(MAXNFL,MAXCOFRB). ! Columns 1 through NSENFL of SENFL contain the sensitivities ! of the full solution with respect to the REYNLD parameter, for ! orders 0 through NSENFL-1. ! SENFL(I,J) contains the (J-1)-th sensitivity of the I-th full unknown ! with respect to REYNLD. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxcofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! real ( kind = 8 ) ar real ( kind = 8 ) area(3,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) dpdx(maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) dpdy(maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) dudx(maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) dudy(maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) dvdx(maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) dvdy(maxcofrb) character ( len = 2 ) eqn(neqnfl) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) ihor integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) ip integer ( kind = 4 ) iq integer ( kind = 4 ) iquad integer ( kind = 4 ) isen integer ( kind = 4 ) iver integer ( kind = 4 ) jsen integer ( kind = 4 ) jsendx integer ( kind = 4 ) nbinom integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) p(maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) phifl(3,6,10,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) resfl(neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) reynld real ( kind = 8 ) senfl(maxnfl,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) term real ( kind = 8 ) u(maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) v(maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) wi ! ! Check the value of REYNLD. ! if ( reynld <= 0.0D+00 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'REYSEN - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Nonpositive value of REYNLD = ',reynld stop end if ! ! Check the value of ISEN. ! if ( isen <= 0) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'REYSEN - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' The input value of ISEN is ',isen write ( *, '(a)' ) ' but ISEN must be strictly positive.' stop end if if ( maxcofrb-1 < isen ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'REYSEN - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' The input value of ISEN is ',isen write ( *, * ) ' but the limit is MAXCOFRB-1 = ',maxcofrb-1 stop end if ! ! Zero out the right hand side vector RESFL. ! do i = 1,neqnfl resfl(i) = 0.0D+00 end do ! ! Approximate the integrated ISEN-th order sensitivity equations by ! adding the contribution from element IELEM. ! do ielem = 1,nelem ! ! In element IELEM, approximate the integrals by moving to ! quadrature point IQUAD. ! do iquad = 1,3 ar = area(iquad,ielem) ! ! We are about to compute the sensitivity of order ISEN, which ! is stored in vector entry ISEN+1, or matrix column ISEN+1. ! Evaluate the fundamental solution (U,V,P), and the first ISEN-1 ! sensitivities, (U',V',P'), (U'',V'',P''), and so on, stored in SENFL. ! do jsen = 0,isen-1 jsendx = jsen+1 call uvpqfl(dpdx(jsendx),dpdy(jsendx),dudx(jsendx), & dudy(jsendx),dvdx(jsendx),dvdy(jsendx), & senfl(1,jsendx),ielem,indx,iquad,nelem,neqnfl,node, & np,p(jsendx),phifl,u(jsendx),v(jsendx)) end do ! ! Now consider a node with local index IQ, and global index IP, ! whose quadratic basis function evaluated at the quadrature point ! IQUAD has value WI. Evaluate the right hand sides of equations ! IHOR and IVER and add the contributions to the total. ! do iq = 1,6 ip = node(iq,ielem) wi = phifl(iquad,iq,1,ielem) ihor = indx(1,ip) iver = indx(2,ip) if ( eqn(ihor) == 'U') then term = 0.0D+00 do jsen = 1,isen-1 jsendx = jsen+1 term = term+reynld*nbinom(isen,jsen)*(u(isen-jsen+1)*dudx(jsendx) & +v(isen-jsen+1)*dudy(jsendx)) end do do jsen = 0,isen-1 jsendx = jsen+1 term = term+isen*nbinom(isen-1,jsen)*(u(isen-jsen)*dudx(jsendx) & +v(isen-jsen)*dudy(jsendx)) end do term = term+isen*dpdx(isen) resfl(ihor) = resfl(ihor)-ar*term*wi end if ! ! Note that the vertical right hand side should be obtainable ! from the horizontal right hand side by interchanging U and V, ! and X and Y. ! if ( eqn(iver) == 'V') then term = 0.0D+00 do jsen = 1,isen-1 jsendx = jsen+1 term = term+reynld*nbinom(isen,jsen)*(v(isen-jsen+1)*dvdy(jsendx) & +u(isen-jsen+1)*dvdx(jsendx)) end do do jsen = 0,isen-1 jsendx = jsen+1 term = term+isen*nbinom(isen-1,jsen)*(v(isen-jsen)*dvdy(jsendx) & +u(isen-jsen)*dvdx(jsendx)) end do term = term+isen*dpdy(isen) resfl(iver) = resfl(iver)-ar*term*wi end if end do end do end do return end subroutine test2(gfl,grb,ihi,ilo,indx,maxcofrb,maxelm,ncofrb, & nelem,neqnfl,node,np,phifl,phirb) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! TEST2 compares full and reduced U, V, and P at the quadrature points. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 July 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxcofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) maxelm integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! real ( kind = 8 ) dpdx real ( kind = 8 ) dpdy real ( kind = 8 ) dprbdx real ( kind = 8 ) dprbdy real ( kind = 8 ) dudx real ( kind = 8 ) dudy real ( kind = 8 ) durbdx real ( kind = 8 ) durbdy real ( kind = 8 ) dvdx real ( kind = 8 ) dvdy real ( kind = 8 ) dvrbdx real ( kind = 8 ) dvrbdy real ( kind = 8 ) gfl(neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) grb(ncofrb) integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) ihi integer ( kind = 4 ) ihi2 integer ( kind = 4 ) ilo integer ( kind = 4 ) ilo2 integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) iquad integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) p real ( kind = 8 ) prb real ( kind = 8 ) phifl(3,6,10,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) phirb(3,maxcofrb,15,maxelm) real ( kind = 8 ) u real ( kind = 8 ) urb real ( kind = 8 ) v real ( kind = 8 ) vrb ! if ( ilo < 1) then ilo2 = 1 else ilo2 = ilo end if if ( nelem < ihi ) then ihi2 = nelem else ihi2 = ihi end if ! ! Consider an element IELEM... ! write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Elements from ILO2 = ',ilo2,' to IHI2=',ihi2 do ielem = ilo2,ihi2 ! ! ...and a quadrature point IQUAD... ! do iquad = 1,3 ! ! Evaluate U, V, and P for GFL and for GRB. ! call uvpqfl(dpdx,dpdy,dudx,dudy,dvdx,dvdy,gfl,ielem,indx, & iquad,nelem,neqnfl,node,np,p,phifl,u,v) call uvpqrb(dprbdx,dprbdy,durbdx,durbdy,dvrbdx,dvrbdy,grb, & ielem,iquad,maxcofrb,maxelm,ncofrb,phirb,prb,urb,vrb) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Element ',ielem write ( *, * ) ' Quad point ',iquad write(*,'(a,3g14.6)')'Full U,V,P: ',u,v,p write(*,'(a,3g14.6)')'Reduced U,V,P:',urb,vrb,prb end do end do return end subroutine test3 ( maxcofrb, maxnfl, ncofrb, neqnfl, rb, senfl, senrb ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! TEST3 verifies that RB*RFACT = SENFL ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 22 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxcofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl ! real ( kind = 8 ) dmax integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) imax integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) jmax integer ( kind = 4 ) k real ( kind = 8 ) rb(maxnfl,ncofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) senfl(maxnfl,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) senrb(maxcofrb,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) temp ! dmax = 0.0D+00 imax = 0 jmax = 0 do i = 1,neqnfl do j = 1,ncofrb temp = 0.0D+00 do k = 1,ncofrb temp = temp+rb(i,k)*senrb(k,j) end do temp = abs(temp-senfl(i,j)) if ( dmax <= temp ) then dmax = temp imax = i jmax = j end if end do end do write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST3 - Results:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' The maximum difference between RB*SENRB and SENFL' write ( *, * ) ' is ',dmax write ( *, * ) ' for (I,J) = ',imax,jmax return end subroutine test4(afl,area,difcof,dpar,drey,eqn,gfl,gflafl, & ifs,ijac,indx,ipar,ipivfl,iwrite,ldafl,maxcofrb,maxelm, & maxnew,maxnfl,ncofrb,nelem,neqnfl,nlband,node,np,npar, & nparf,nsenfl,par,parafl,phifl,region,resfl, & senfl,splflo,tauflo,tolnew,xrange,yc,yrange) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! TEST4 compares the sensitivities and their finite difference estimates. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 22 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) ldafl integer ( kind = 4 ) maxcofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) maxelm integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) npar integer ( kind = 4 ) nparf ! real ( kind = 8 ) afl(ldafl,maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) area(3,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) difcof(maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) difmax real ( kind = 8 ) dpar real ( kind = 8 ) drey character ( len = 2 ) eqn(neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gfl(neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gflafl(neqnfl) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ifs integer ( kind = 4 ) ijac integer ( kind = 4 ) imax integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) ipar integer ( kind = 4 ) ipivfl(maxnfl) integer ( kind = 4 ) iwrite integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) jmax integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnew integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nlband integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) nsenfl real ( kind = 8 ) par(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) parafl(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) phifl(3,6,10,nelem) character ( len = 20 ) region real ( kind = 8 ) resfl(neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) senfl(maxnfl,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) senfltmp(maxnfl,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) splflo(nparf) real ( kind = 8 ) tauflo(nparf) real ( kind = 8 ) tolnew real ( kind = 8 ) xrange real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yrange ! call getsenfl(afl,area,eqn,gfl,indx,ipivfl,ldafl,maxcofrb,maxnfl,nelem, & neqnfl,nlband,node,np,npar,nsenfl,par,phifl,resfl,senfl) senfltmp(1:neqnfl,1:ncofrb) = senfl(1:neqnfl,1:ncofrb) dpar = drey call difsenfl(afl,area,difcof,dpar,eqn,gfl,gflafl,ifs, & ijac,indx,ipar,ipivfl,iwrite,ldafl,maxcofrb,maxelm, & maxnew,maxnfl, & ncofrb,nelem,neqnfl,nlband,node,np,npar,nparf, & par,parafl,phifl,region,resfl,senfl,splflo,tauflo, & tolnew,xrange,yc,yrange) imax = 0 jmax = 0 difmax = 0.0D+00 do i = 1,neqnfl do j = 1,ncofrb if ( difmax <= abs(senfltmp(i,j)-senfl(i,j)) ) then imax = i jmax = j difmax = abs(senfltmp(i,j)-senfl(i,j)) end if end do end do write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST4 - Results:' write ( *, * ) ' MAXIMUM DIFFERENCE is ',difmax write ( *, * ) ' I = ', imax write ( *, * ) ' J = ', jmax return end subroutine test5(maxcofrb,maxnfl,ncofrb,neqnfl,rb,rbase) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! TEST5 computes the product of the QR factors of the reduced basis matrix. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 30 July 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxcofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ihi integer ( kind = 4 ) ilo integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) jhi integer ( kind = 4 ) jlo integer ( kind = 4 ) k integer ( kind = 4 ) mhi integer ( kind = 4 ) mlo integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) nhi integer ( kind = 4 ) nlo real ( kind = 8 ) rb(maxnfl,ncofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) rbase(maxcofrb,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) test(10,5) ! ilo = 1 ihi = min(10,neqnfl) jlo = 1 jhi = min(5,ncofrb) do i = 1,ihi do j = 1,jhi test(i,j) = 0.0D+00 do k = 1,ncofrb test(i,j) = test(i,j)+rb(i,k)*rbase(k,j) end do end do end do mhi = ihi mlo = ilo nhi = jhi nlo = jlo call prdmat(test,ihi,ilo,jhi,jlo,mhi,mlo,nhi,nlo) return end subroutine pruvpfl(gfl,indx,neqnfl,np,xc,xmax,xmin,yc,ymax,ymin) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PRUVPFL prints the velocity and pressure. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The quantities are printed for all nodes within the user defined ! box (XMIN,YMIN) to (XMAX,YMAX). ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 15 September 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) GFL(NEQNFL). ! GFL contains the current solution estimate for the full problem, ! containing the pressure and velocity coefficients. ! The vector INDX must be used to index this data. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX(3,NP). ! INDX(I,J) contains, for each node J, the global index of U, ! V and P at that node, or 0 or a negative value. The global ! index of U, V, or P is the index of the coefficient vector ! that contains the value of the finite element coefficient ! associated with the corresponding basis function at the ! given node. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NEQNFL. ! NEQNFL is the number of equations (and coefficients) in the full ! finite element system. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NP. ! NP is the number of nodes used to define the finite element mesh. ! Typically, the mesh is generated as a rectangular array, with ! an odd number of nodes in the horizontal and vertical directions. ! The formula for NP is NP = (2*NX-1)*(2*NY-1). ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) XC(NP). ! XC contains the X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) XMAX. ! The maximum X for which a node should be displayed. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) XMIN. ! The mininum X for which a node should be displayed. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) YC(NP). ! YC contains the Y coordinates of the nodes. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) YMAX. ! The maximum Y for which a node should be displayed. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) YMIN. ! The minimum Y for which a node should be displayed. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! real ( kind = 8 ) gfl(neqnfl) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) i1 integer ( kind = 4 ) i2 integer ( kind = 4 ) i3 integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xmax real ( kind = 8 ) xmin real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) ymax real ( kind = 8 ) ymin ! write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'PRUVPFL - Print selected flow data' write ( *, * ) xmin,' = XMIN <= X <= XMAX = ',xmax write ( *, * ) ymin,' = YMIN <= Y <= YMAX = ',ymax write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Node X Y ' // & ' U V P' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do i = 1, np if ( xmin <= xc(i).and.xc(i) <= xmax.and. & ymin <= yc(i).and.yc(i) <= ymax) then i1 = indx(1,i) i2 = indx(2,i) i3 = indx(3,i) if ( 0 < i3 ) then write(*,'(i5,2g12.4,3g14.6)')i,xc(i),yc(i),gfl(i1),gfl(i2),gfl(i3) else write(*,'(i5,2g12.4,2g14.6)')i,xc(i),yc(i),gfl(i1),gfl(i2) end if end if end do return end subroutine pruvprb(grb,indx,maxnfl,ncofrb,nelem,node,nodelm,np,rb,xc, & xmax,xmin,yc,ymax,ymin) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PRUVPRB prints the reduced velocity and pressure. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The values are printed for all nodes within the user defined box ! (XMIN,YMIN) to (XMAX,YMAX). ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 11 August 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) GRB(NCOFRB). ! GRB contains the reduced basis coefficients of the current ! estimate of the state solution. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX(3,NP). ! INDX(I,J) contains, for each node J, the global index of U, ! V and P at that node, or 0 or a negative value. The global ! index of U, V, or P is the index of the coefficient vector ! that contains the value of the finite element coefficient ! associated with the corresponding basis function at the ! given node. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNFL. ! MAXNFL is the maximum number of equations or coefficients allowed ! for the full system. MAXNFL must be used instead of NEQNFL as ! the leading dimension of certain multi-dimensional arrays. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NCOFRB. ! NCOFRB is the number of coefficients needed to determine ! a particular reduced basis function. ! NCOFRB is the sum of NBCRB and NFERB. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! NELEM is the number of elements. ! NELEM can be determined as 2*(NX-1)*(NY-1). ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(6,MAXELM) or NODE(6,NELEM). ! NODE(I,J) contains, for an element J, the global index of ! the node whose local number in J is I. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NP. ! NP is the number of nodes used to define the finite element mesh. ! Typically, the mesh is generated as a rectangular array, with ! an odd number of nodes in the horizontal and vertical directions. ! The formula for NP is NP = (2*NX-1)*(2*NY-1). ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) RB(MAXNFL,MAXCOFRB). ! RB is the NEQNFL by NCOFRB array of reduced basis vectors. ! RB is generated by computing a finite element solution GFL, ! which is saved for later reference as "GFLRB". ! GFLRB is copied into the first column of RB. ! Then, we compute the first NCOFRB derivatives of GFLRB with ! respect to a parameter. The first derivative ! is stored in column 1 of RB, and so on. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) XC(NP). ! XC contains the X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) XMAX. ! The maximum X for which a node should be displayed. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) XMIN. ! The mininum X for which a node should be displayed. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) YC(NP). ! YC contains the Y coordinates of the nodes. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) YMAX. ! The maximum Y for which a node should be displayed. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) YMIN. ! The minimum Y for which a node should be displayed. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! real ( kind = 8 ) grb(ncofrb) integer ( kind = 4 ) ip integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) nodelm(np) real ( kind = 8 ) prb real ( kind = 8 ) rb(maxnfl,ncofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) urb real ( kind = 8 ) vrb real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xmax real ( kind = 8 ) xmin real ( kind = 8 ) xval real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) ymax real ( kind = 8 ) ymin real ( kind = 8 ) yval ! write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'PRUVPRB - Print selected flow data' write ( *, * ) xmin,' = XMIN <= X <= XMAX = ',xmax write ( *, * ) ymin,' = YMIN <= Y <= YMAX = ',ymax write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' IP XC(IP) YC(IP) U(IP), V(IP), P(IP)' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do ip = 1, np if ( xmin <= xc(ip).and.xc(ip) <= xmax.and. & ymin <= yc(ip).and.yc(ip) <= ymax) then ielem = nodelm(ip) xval = xc(ip) yval = yc(ip) call uvprb(grb,ielem,indx,maxnfl,ncofrb,nelem,node,np,prb, & rb,urb,vrb,xc,xval,yc,yval) write(*,'(i5,2g12.4,3g14.6)')ip,xc(ip),yc(ip),urb,vrb,prb end if end do return end subroutine uvprb(grb,ielem,indx,maxnfl,ncofrb,nelem,node,np,prb, & rb,urb,vrb,xc,xval,yc,yval) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! UVPRB evaluates the reduced state variables at a point in an element. ! ! Discusion: ! ! The routine is given: ! ! GRB, a set of reduced coefficients, ! IELEM, an element, ! XVAL, YVAL, the coordinates of a point in element IELEM, ! and returns ! URB, VRB, PRB, the values of the velocity and pressure defined ! by GRB at that point. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 11 August 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) GRB(NCOFRB). ! GRB contains the reduced basis coefficients of the current ! estimate of the state solution. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) IELEM. ! IELEM is the element in which the point (XVAL,YVAL) lies. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX(3,NP). ! INDX(I,J) contains, for each node J, the global index of U, ! V and P at that node, or 0 or a negative value. The global ! index of U, V, or P is the index of the coefficient vector ! that contains the value of the finite element coefficient ! associated with the corresponding basis function at the ! given node. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNFL. ! MAXNFL is the maximum number of equations or coefficients allowed ! for the full system. MAXNFL must be used instead of NEQNFL as ! the leading dimension of certain multi-dimensional arrays. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NCOFRB. ! NCOFRB is the number of coefficients needed to determine ! a particular reduced basis function. ! NCOFRB is the sum of NBCRB and NFERB. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! NELEM is the number of elements. ! NELEM can be determined as 2*(NX-1)*(NY-1). ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(6,MAXELM) or NODE(6,NELEM). ! NODE(I,J) contains, for an element J, the global index of ! the node whose local number in J is I. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NP. ! NP is the number of nodes used to define the finite element mesh. ! Typically, the mesh is generated as a rectangular array, with ! an odd number of nodes in the horizontal and vertical directions. ! The formula for NP is NP = (2*NX-1)*(2*NY-1). ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) PRB. ! PRB is the value of the reduced pressure at (XVAL,YVAL). ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) RB(MAXNFL,MAXCOFRB). ! ! RB is the NEQNFL by NCOFRB array of reduced basis vectors. ! ! RB is generated by computing a finite element solution GFL, ! which is saved for later reference as "GFLRB". ! GFLRB is copied into the first column of RB. ! Then, we compute the first NCOFRB derivatives of GFLRB with ! respect to a parameter. The first derivative ! is stored in column 1 of RB, and so on. ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) URB. ! URB is the value of the reduced horizontal velocity at (XVAL,YVAL). ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) VRB. ! VRB is the value of the reduced vertical velocity at (XVAL,YVAL). ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) XC(NP). ! XC contains the X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XVAL. ! XVAL is the X coordinate of the point at which the reduced ! solution values are desired. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) YC(NP). ! YC contains the Y coordinates of the nodes. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YVAL. ! YVAL is the Y coordinate of the point at which the reduced ! solution values are desired. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! real ( kind = 8 ) dqdx real ( kind = 8 ) dqdy real ( kind = 8 ) dwdx real ( kind = 8 ) dwdy real ( kind = 8 ) grb(ncofrb) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) i1 integer ( kind = 4 ) i2 integer ( kind = 4 ) i3 integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) ip integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) pfl real ( kind = 8 ) prb real ( kind = 8 ) q real ( kind = 8 ) rb(maxnfl,ncofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) ufl real ( kind = 8 ) urb real ( kind = 8 ) vfl real ( kind = 8 ) vrb real ( kind = 8 ) w real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xval real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yval ! urb = 0.0D+00 vrb = 0.0D+00 prb = 0.0D+00 do i = 1,ncofrb ufl = 0.0D+00 vfl = 0.0D+00 pfl = 0.0D+00 do j = 1,6 ip = node(j,ielem) call qbf(ielem,j,w,dwdx,dwdy,nelem,node,np,xc,xval,yc,yval) i1 = indx(1,ip) ufl = ufl+rb(i1,i)*w i2 = indx(2,ip) vfl = vfl+rb(i2,i)*w i3 = indx(3,ip) if ( 0 < i3 ) then call bsp(q,dqdx,dqdy,ielem,j,nelem,node,np,xc,xval,yc,yval) pfl = pfl+rb(i3,i)*q end if end do urb = urb+grb(i)*ufl vrb = vrb+grb(i)*vfl prb = prb+grb(i)*pfl end do return end subroutine bmpcst ( costb, nparb, splbmp, taubmp, xbl, xbr, ybl, ybr ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! BMPCST evaluates the cost of the bump control. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The bump connects the points (XBL,YBL) and (XBR,YBR). ! ! Compute its "cost" by comparing its slope to the slope of the ! straight line that connects those two points. ! ! COSTB = Integral (XBL <= X <= XBR) (Bump'(X) - Line'(X))**2 dX ! ! Here, Bump(X) represents the function describing the shape ! of the bump, and Line(X) represents the straight line which ! simply joins the two endpoints, (XBL,YBL) and (XBR,YBR). ! ! This integral is approximated by numerical integration. ! ! The interval between XBL and XBR is divided into NPARB+1 ! intervals, over each of which the bump's height is described ! by a spline. ! ! For each such interval, pick NQUAD1 quadrature points, ! evaluate the derivative of the bump function there, and ! subtract the slope of the straight line. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) COSTB, the integral of the difference of the ! derivatives of the straight line joining the two straight line ! line segments of the bottom, and the bump that is ! actually drawn there. This measures the cost of bump control. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARB, the number of parameters associated ! with the position and shape of the bump. ! If NPARB = 0, the bump is replaced by a flat wall. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) SPLBMP(NPARB+2). ! SPLBMP contains the spline coefficients for the bump. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) TAUBMP(NPARB+2). ! TAUBMP contains the location of the spline abscissas for ! the bump. There are NPARB+2 of them, because the end values ! of the spline are constrained to have particular values. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XBL, the X coordinate of the left corner ! of the bump. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XBR, the X coordinate of the right corner ! of the bump. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YBL, the Y coordinate of the left corner ! of the bump. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YBR, the Y coordinate of the right corner ! of the bump. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) nparb ! integer ( kind = 4 ) nquad1 parameter (nquad1 = 5) ! real ( kind = 8 ) costb real ( kind = 8 ) cprime integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) j real ( kind = 8 ) slope real ( kind = 8 ) splbmp(nparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) taubmp(nparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) wquad1(nquad1) real ( kind = 8 ) xbl real ( kind = 8 ) xbr real ( kind = 8 ) xleft real ( kind = 8 ) xsiquad(nquad1) real ( kind = 8 ) xrite real ( kind = 8 ) xx real ( kind = 8 ) ybl real ( kind = 8 ) ybr ! costb = 0.0D+00 if ( nparb == 0 ) then return end if if ( xbr <= xbl ) then return end if ! ! Get the Gauss weights and abscissas for one dimensional quadrature. ! call gquad1(nquad1,wquad1,xsiquad) ! ! Get the slope of the line joining the endpoints of the bump. ! slope = (ybr-ybl) / (xbr-xbl) ! ! Estimate the integral of the square of the difference between ! the slope of the line and the slope of the bump over the ! bump interval. ! do i = 1,nparb+1 xleft = (dble(nparb+2-i)*xbl+dble(i-1)*xbr)/dble(nparb+1) xrite = (dble(nparb+1-i)*xbl+dble(i)*xbr)/dble(nparb+1) do j = 1,nquad1 xx = 0.5D+00 *((1.0D+00 + xsiquad(j))*xrite+(1.0D+00 - xsiquad(j))*xleft) call pqdx(nparb+2,xx,taubmp,cprime,splbmp) costb = costb+0.5D+00 *wquad1(j)*(xrite-xleft)*(cprime-slope)**2 end do end do return end subroutine bmpspl(npar,nparb,nparf,par,splbmp,taubmp,xbl,xbr,ybl,ybr) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! BMPSPL sets up or updates the spline data that describes the bump. ! ! Discussion: ! ! It does this for the target parameters and the feasible parameters. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPAR. ! The number of parameters. NPAR = NPARF + NPARB + 1. ! The parameters control the shape of the inflow, ! the shape of the bump obstacle, and the strength of the flow. ! ! NPARB Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARB. ! The number of parameters associated with the position and ! shape of the bump. ! Note that if NPARB = 0, the bump is replaced by a flat wall. ! ! NPARF Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARF. ! NPARF is the number of parameters associated with the ! inflow. NPARF must be at least 1. ! ! PAR Input, real ( kind = 8 ) PAR(NPAR). ! PAR is the current estimate for the parameters. ! ! SPLBMP Output, real ( kind = 8 ) SPLBMP(NPARB+2). ! SPLBMP contains the spline coefficients for the bump. ! ! TAUBMP Output, real ( kind = 8 ) TAUBMP(NPARB+2). ! TAUBMP contains the location of the spline abscissas for ! the bump. There are NPARB+2 of them, because the end values ! of the spline are constrained to have particular values. ! ! XBL Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XBL, the X coordinate of the left corner ! of the bump. ! ! XBR Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XBR, the X coordinate of the right corner ! of the bump. ! ! YBL Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YBL, the Y coordinate of the left corner ! of the bump. ! ! YBR Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YBR, the Y coordinate of the right corner ! of the bump. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) npar integer ( kind = 4 ) nparb integer ( kind = 4 ) nparf ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i real ( kind = 8 ) par(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) splbmp(nparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) taubmp(nparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) xbl real ( kind = 8 ) xbr real ( kind = 8 ) ybl real ( kind = 8 ) ybr ! if ( nparb <= 0)return ! ! Set up the bump arrays, including: ! ! TAUBMP, containing the abscissas, which never change, ! SPLBMP(I), the location of the bump at abscissa I. ! do i = 1,nparb+2 taubmp(i) = ((nparb+2-i)*xbl+(i-1)*xbr)/dble(nparb+1) end do ! ! Watch out! The indexing of SPLBMP here is technically illegal. ! splbmp(1) = ybl do i = 2,nparb+1 splbmp(i) = par(nparf+i-1) end do splbmp(nparb+2) = ybr return end subroutine bsp(q,dqdx,dqdy,ielem,iq,nelem,node,np,xc,xq,yc,yq) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! BSP evaluates the linear basis functions associated with pressure. ! ! Discussion: ! ! Here is a picture of a typical finite element associated with ! pressure: ! ! 2 ! /| ! / | ! / | ! 1---3 ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 22 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) Q, the value of the IQ-th basis ! function at the point with global coordinates (XQ,YQ). ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) DQDX, DQDY, the X and Y ! derivatives of the IQ-th basis function at the point ! with global coordinates (XQ,YQ). ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IELEM, the global element number about which ! we are inquiring. ! ! IQ Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IQ, the index of the desired basis ! function. This is also the node of the reference ! triangle which is associated with the basis function. ! ! Basis function IQ is 1 at node IQ, and zero at the ! other two nodes. ! ! NELEM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(6,NELEM). NODE(J,I) is ! the global node number of the J-th node in the I-th ! element. ! ! NP Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! XC Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XC(NP), the global X coordinates ! of the element nodes. ! ! XQ Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XQ, the global X coordinate of ! the point in which we are interested. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YC(NP), the global Y coordinates ! of the element nodes. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YQ, the global Y coordinate of ! the point in which we are interested. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! real ( kind = 8 ) q real ( kind = 8 ) dqdx real ( kind = 8 ) dqdy real ( kind = 8 ) d integer ( kind = 4 ) i1 integer ( kind = 4 ) i2 integer ( kind = 4 ) i3 integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) iq integer ( kind = 4 ) iq1 integer ( kind = 4 ) iq2 integer ( kind = 4 ) iq3 integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xq real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yq ! if ( iq < 1 .or. 6 < iq ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'BSP - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' The requested basis function is IQ = ',iq write ( *, '(a)' ) ' but only values from 1 to 6 are legal.' stop else if ( 4 <= iq .and. iq <= 6) then q = 0.0D+00 dqdx = 0.0D+00 dqdy = 0.0D+00 return end if iq1 = iq iq2 = mod(iq,3)+1 iq3 = mod(iq+1,3)+1 i1 = node(iq1,ielem) i2 = node(iq2,ielem) i3 = node(iq3,ielem) d = (xc(i2)-xc(i1))*(yc(i3)-yc(i1))-(xc(i3)-xc(i1))*(yc(i2)-yc(i1)) dqdx = (yc(i2)-yc(i3))/d dqdy = (xc(i3)-xc(i2))/d q = 1.0D+00 + dqdx*(xq-xc(i1)) + dqdy*(yq-yc(i1)) return end subroutine ch_cap ( c ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! CH_CAP capitalizes a single character. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 19 July 1998 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input/output, character C, the character to capitalize. ! character c integer ( kind = 4 ) itemp ! itemp = ichar ( c ) if ( 97 <= itemp .and. itemp <= 122 ) then c = char ( itemp - 32 ) end if return end subroutine cavity(ibs,ibump,ifs,iopt,maxopt,maxpar,nbcrb,npar,nparb, & nparf,npe,nx,ny,par,region,reynld,tolnew,tolopt,tolsim,wateb,watep, & wateu,watev,xbl,xbr,xprof,xrange,ybl,ybr,yrange) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! CAVITY sets up the standard driven cavity problem. ! ! Discussion: ! ! This cavity has a tangential "inflow" along the top. ! ! The strength of the top tangential flow is PAR(1). ! ! Reference: ! ! Janet Peterson, ! The Reduced Basis Method for Incompressible Viscous Flow Calculations, ! SIAM Journal of Scientific and Statistical Computing, ! Volume 10, Number 4, pages 777-786, July 1989. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) IBS. ! IBS is the bump shape option. ! 0, piecewise constant function. ! 1, piecewise linear function. ! 2, piecewise quadratic function. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) IBUMP. ! IBUMP determines where isoparametric elements will be used. ! ! 0, no isoparametric elements will be used. ! The Y coordinates of midside nodes of elements above the ! bump will be recomputed so that the sides are straight. ! ! 1, isoparametric elements will be used only for the ! elements which directly impinge on the bump. ! Midside nodes of nonisoparametric elements above the ! bump will be recomputed so that the sides are straight. ! ! 2, isoparametric elements will be used for all elements ! which are above the bump. All nodes above the bump ! will be equally spaced in the Y direction. ! ! 3, isoparametric elements will be used for all elements. ! All nodes above the bump will be equally spaced in ! the Y direction. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) IFS. ! IFS is the inflow shape option. ! 0, piecewise constant function. ! 1, piecewise linear function. ! 2, piecewise quadratic function. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) IOPT(MAXPAR). ! IOPT is used during an optimization. For each parameter I, ! the meaning of IOPT(I) is: ! 0, the parameter value must remain fixed; ! 1, the parameter value may be varied. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXOPT. ! MAXOPT is the maximum number of optimization steps. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXPAR. ! MAXPAR is the maximum number of parameters allowed. ! MAXPAR = MAXPARF + MAXPARB + 1. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NBCRB. ! NBCRB is the number of independent boundary condition ! vectors used for the reduced basis. NBCRB is normally ! at least 1, and must be no more than MAXBCRB. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NPAR. ! NPAR is the number of parameters. ! NPAR = NPARF + NPARB + 1. ! The parameters control the shape and strength of the inflow, ! the shape of the bump, and the value of the Reynolds number. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARB. ! NPARB is the number of parameters associated with the position and ! shape of the bump. ! ! Note that if NPARB = 0, the bump is replaced by a flat wall. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARF. ! NPARF is the number of parameters associated with the ! inflow. NPARF must be at least 1. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NPE. ! NPE is the number of nodes per element. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NX. ! NX controls the spacing of nodes and elements in ! the X direction. There are 2*NX-1 nodes along various ! lines in the X direction. ! ! The number of elements along a line in the X direction is ! NX-1 (or 2*(NX-1) to make a full rectangular strip). ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NY. ! NY controls the spacing of nodes and elements in ! the Y direction. There are 2*NY-1 nodes along various ! lines in the Y direction. ! ! The number of elements along a line in the Y direction is ! NY-1 (or 2*(NY-1) to make a full vertical strip). ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) PAR(NPAR). ! PAR contains the values of the problem parameters. ! ! PAR(1:NPARF) = inflow controls. ! PAR(NPARF+1:NPARF+NPARB) = bump controls. ! PAR(NPARF+NPARB+1) = the REYNLD parameter. ! ! character ( len = 20 ) REGION. ! REGION specifies the flow region. ! ! 'cavity', a driven cavity, 1 unit on each side, open on ! the top with a tangential velocity specification there. ! ! 'channel', a channel, 10 units long by 3 high, inflow on ! the left, outflow on the right, with a bump on the bottom. ! ! 'step', a channel, 12 units long by 3 high, inflow on the ! left, outflow on the right, with a step on the bottom. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) REYNLD. ! REYNLD is the current value of the Reynolds number. ! Normally, REYNLD is stored as PARA(NPARF+NPARB+1). ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) TOLNEW. ! TOLNEW is the convergence tolerance for the Newton iteration. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) TOLOPT. ! TOLOPT is the convergence tolerance for the optimization. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) TOLSIM. ! TOLSIM is the convergence tolerance for the Picard iteration. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) WATEB. ! WATEB is the multiplier of the bump control cost used ! when computing the total cost. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) WATEP, WATEU, WATEV. ! ! WATEP, WATEU and WATEV are weights used in computing the ! cost function based on the costs of the flow discrepancy. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) XBL. ! XBL is the X coordinate of the left corner of the bump. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) XBR. ! XBR is the X coordinate of the right corner of the bump. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) XPROF. ! XPROF is the X coordinate at which the profile is measured. ! XPROF should be a grid value! ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) XRANGE. ! XRANGE is the total width of the region. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) YBL. ! YBL is the Y coordinate of the left corner of the bump. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) YBR. ! YBR is the Y coordinate of the right corner of the bump. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) YRANGE. ! YRANGE is the total height of the region. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxpar ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ibs integer ( kind = 4 ) ibump integer ( kind = 4 ) ifs integer ( kind = 4 ) iopt(maxpar) integer ( kind = 4 ) maxopt integer ( kind = 4 ) nbcrb integer ( kind = 4 ) npar integer ( kind = 4 ) nparb integer ( kind = 4 ) nparf integer ( kind = 4 ) npe integer ( kind = 4 ) nx integer ( kind = 4 ) ny real ( kind = 8 ) par(maxpar) character ( len = 20 ) region real ( kind = 8 ) reynld real ( kind = 8 ) tolnew real ( kind = 8 ) tolopt real ( kind = 8 ) tolsim real ( kind = 8 ) wateb real ( kind = 8 ) watep real ( kind = 8 ) wateu real ( kind = 8 ) watev real ( kind = 8 ) xbl real ( kind = 8 ) xbr real ( kind = 8 ) xprof real ( kind = 8 ) xrange real ( kind = 8 ) ybl real ( kind = 8 ) ybr real ( kind = 8 ) yrange ! ibs = 0 ibump = 0 ! ! The "inflow" is modeled by a piecewise constant function. ! ifs = 0 maxopt = 15 nbcrb = 1 nparb = 0 ! ! For our piecewise constant function, we specify one value. ! nparf = 1 npe = 6 ! ! Peterson used a nonuniform mesh with NX = NY=25. ! nx = 11 ny = 11 region = 'cavity' tolnew = 0.0000000001D+00 tolopt = 0.000000001D+00 tolsim = 0.0000000001D+00 wateb = 0.0D+00 wateu = 1.0D+00 watev = 1.0D+00 watep = 0.0D+00 xbl = 0.0D+00 xbr = 0.0D+00 xprof = 0.50 xrange = 1.0D+00 ybl = 0.0D+00 ybr = 0.0D+00 yrange = 1.0D+00 ! ! Set things that depend on other things. ! npar = nparf+nparb+1 do i = 1,nparf iopt(i) = 0 end do do i = nparf+1,nparf+nparb iopt(i) = 0 end do iopt(nparf+nparb+1) = 1 ! ! Set the parameter that determines the tangential flow. ! par(1) = -1.0D+00 ! ! Set the REYNLD value. Here, it is arbitrarily set ! to 5. Peterson worked with values as high as 5000. ! reynld = 5.0D+00 par(2) = reynld return end subroutine cavity2(ibs,ibump,ifs,iopt,maxopt,maxpar,nbcrb,npar,nparb, & nparf,npe,nx,ny,par,region,reynld,tolnew,tolopt, & tolsim,wateb,watep,wateu,watev,xbl,xbr,xprof,xrange,ybl,ybr,yrange) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! CAVITY2 sets up the H C Lee driven cavity problem. ! ! Discussion: ! ! This cavity has a tangential "inflow" along the top, and another ! along the bottom. ! ! The strength of the top tangential flow is PAR(1), and the ! strength of the bottom tangential flow is PAR(2). ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 07 October 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) IBS. ! IBS is the bump shape option. ! 0, piecewise constant function. ! 1, piecewise linear function. ! 2, piecewise quadratic function. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) IBUMP. ! IBUMP determines where isoparametric elements will be used. ! ! 0, no isoparametric elements will be used. ! The Y coordinates of midside nodes of elements above the ! bump will be recomputed so that the sides are straight. ! ! 1, isoparametric elements will be used only for the ! elements which directly impinge on the bump. ! Midside nodes of nonisoparametric elements above the ! bump will be recomputed so that the sides are straight. ! ! 2, isoparametric elements will be used for all elements ! which are above the bump. All nodes above the bump ! will be equally spaced in the Y direction. ! ! 3, isoparametric elements will be used for all elements. ! All nodes above the bump will be equally spaced in ! the Y direction. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) IFS. ! IFS is the inflow shape option. ! 0, piecewise constant function. ! 1, piecewise linear function. ! 2, piecewise quadratic function. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) IOPT(MAXPAR). ! IOPT is used during an optimization. For each parameter I, ! the meaning of IOPT(I) is: ! 0, the parameter value must remain fixed; ! 1, the parameter value may be varied. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXOPT. ! MAXOPT is the maximum number of optimization steps. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXPAR. ! MAXPAR is the maximum number of parameters allowed. ! MAXPAR = MAXPARF + MAXPARB + 1. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NBCRB. ! NBCRB is the number of independent boundary condition ! vectors used for the reduced basis. NBCRB is normally ! at least 1, and must be no more than MAXBCRB. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NPAR. ! NPAR is the number of parameters. ! NPAR = NPARF + NPARB + 1. ! The parameters control the shape and strength of the inflow, ! the shape of the bump, and the value of the Reynolds number. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARB. ! NPARB is the number of parameters associated with the position and ! shape of the bump. ! Note that if NPARB = 0, the bump is replaced by a flat wall. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARF. ! NPARF is the number of parameters associated with the ! inflow. NPARF must be at least 1. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NPE. ! NPE is the number of nodes per element. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NX. ! NX controls the spacing of nodes and elements in ! the X direction. There are 2*NX-1 nodes along various ! lines in the X direction. ! The number of elements along a line in the X direction is ! NX-1 (or 2*(NX-1) to make a full rectangular strip). ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NY. ! NY controls the spacing of nodes and elements in ! the Y direction. There are 2*NY-1 nodes along various ! lines in the Y direction. ! The number of elements along a line in the Y direction is ! NY-1 (or 2*(NY-1) to make a full vertical strip). ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) PAR(NPAR). ! PAR contains the values of the problem parameters. ! ! PAR(1:NPARF) = inflow controls. ! PAR(NPARF+1:NPARF+NPARB) = bump controls. ! PAR(NPARF+NPARB+1) = the REYNLD parameter. ! ! character ( len = 20 ) REGION. ! REGION specifies the flow region. ! ! 'cavity', a driven cavity, 1 unit on each side, open on ! the top with a tangential velocity specification there. ! ! 'cavity2', a driven cavity, 1 unit on each side, open on ! the top and bottom with tangential velocity specifications there. ! ! 'channel', a channel, 10 units long by 3 high, inflow on ! the left, outflow on the right, with a bump on the bottom. ! ! 'step', a channel, 12 units long by 3 high, inflow on the ! left, outflow on the right, with a step on the bottom. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) REYNLD. ! REYNLD is the current value of the Reynolds number. ! Normally, REYNLD is stored as PARA(NPARF+NPARB+1). ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) TOLNEW. ! TOLNEW is the convergence tolerance for the Newton iteration. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) TOLOPT. ! TOLOPT is the convergence tolerance for the optimization. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) TOLSIM. ! TOLSIM is the convergence tolerance for the Picard iteration. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) WATEB. ! WATEB is the multiplier of the bump control cost used ! when computing the total cost. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) WATEP, WATEU, WATEV. ! WATEP, WATEU and WATEV are weights used in computing the ! cost function based on the costs of the flow discrepancy. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) XBL. ! XBL is the X coordinate of the left corner of the bump. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) XBR. ! XBR is the X coordinate of the right corner of the bump. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) XPROF. ! XPROF is the X coordinate at which the profile is measured. ! XPROF should be a grid value! ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) XRANGE. ! XRANGE is the total width of the region. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) YBL. ! YBL is the Y coordinate of the left corner of the bump. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) YBR. ! YBR is the Y coordinate of the right corner of the bump. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) YRANGE. ! YRANGE is the total height of the region. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxpar ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ibs integer ( kind = 4 ) ibump integer ( kind = 4 ) ifs integer ( kind = 4 ) iopt(maxpar) integer ( kind = 4 ) maxopt integer ( kind = 4 ) nbcrb integer ( kind = 4 ) npar integer ( kind = 4 ) nparb integer ( kind = 4 ) nparf integer ( kind = 4 ) npe integer ( kind = 4 ) nx integer ( kind = 4 ) ny real ( kind = 8 ) par(maxpar) character ( len = 20 ) region real ( kind = 8 ) reynld real ( kind = 8 ) tolnew real ( kind = 8 ) tolopt real ( kind = 8 ) tolsim real ( kind = 8 ) wateb real ( kind = 8 ) watep real ( kind = 8 ) wateu real ( kind = 8 ) watev real ( kind = 8 ) xbl real ( kind = 8 ) xbr real ( kind = 8 ) xprof real ( kind = 8 ) xrange real ( kind = 8 ) ybl real ( kind = 8 ) ybr real ( kind = 8 ) yrange ! ibs = 0 ibump = 0 ! ! The "inflow" is modeled by a piecewise constant function. ! ifs = 0 maxopt = 15 nbcrb = 1 nparb = 0 ! ! For our piecewise constant boundary flow functions, we specify one value ! each, top and bottom. ! nparf = 2 npe = 6 ! ! Peterson used a nonuniform mesh with NX = NY=25. ! nx = 11 ny = 11 region = 'cavity2' tolnew = 0.0000000001 tolopt = 0.000000001 tolsim = 0.0000000001 wateb = 0.0D+00 wateu = 1.0D+00 watev = 1.0D+00 watep = 0.0D+00 xbl = 0.0D+00 xbr = 0.0D+00 xprof = 0.50 xrange = 1.0D+00 ybl = 0.0D+00 ybr = 0.0D+00 yrange = 1.0D+00 ! ! Set things that depend on other things. ! npar = nparf+nparb+1 do i = 1,nparf iopt(i) = 0 end do do i = nparf+1,nparf+nparb iopt(i) = 0 end do iopt(nparf+nparb+1) = 1 ! ! Set the parameters that determine the tangential flows. ! par(1) = -1.0D+00 par(2) = -1.0D+00 ! ! Set the REYNLD value. Here, it is arbitrarily set ! to 5. Peterson worked with values as high as 5000. ! reynld = 5.0D+00 par(3) = reynld return end subroutine channl(ibs,ibump,ifs,iopt,maxopt,maxpar,nbcrb,npar,nparb, & nparf,npe,nx,ny,par,region,reynld,tolnew,tolopt,tolsim,wateb,watep, & wateu,watev,xbl,xbr,xprof,xrange,ybl,ybr,yrange) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! CHANNL sets up the standard channel problem. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) IBS. ! IBS is the bump shape option. ! 0, piecewise constant function. ! 1, piecewise linear function. ! 2, piecewise quadratic function. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) IBUMP. ! IBUMP determines where isoparametric elements will be used. ! 0, no isoparametric elements will be used. ! The Y coordinates of midside nodes of elements above the ! bump will be recomputed so that the sides are straight. ! 1, isoparametric elements will be used only for the ! elements which directly impinge on the bump. ! Midside nodes of nonisoparametric elements above the ! bump will be recomputed so that the sides are straight. ! 2, isoparametric elements will be used for all elements ! which are above the bump. All nodes above the bump ! will be equally spaced in the Y direction. ! 3, isoparametric elements will be used for all elements. ! All nodes above the bump will be equally spaced in ! the Y direction. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) IFS. ! IFS is the inflow shape option. ! 0, piecewise constant function. ! 1, piecewise linear function. ! 2, piecewise quadratic function. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) IOPT(MAXPAR). ! IOPT is used during an optimization. For each parameter I, ! the meaning of IOPT(I) is: ! 0, the parameter value must remain fixed; ! 1, the parameter value may be varied. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXOPT. ! MAXOPT is the maximum number of optimization steps. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXPAR. ! MAXPAR is the maximum number of parameters allowed. ! MAXPAR = MAXPARF + MAXPARB + 1. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NBCRB. ! NBCRB is the number of independent boundary condition ! vectors used for the reduced basis. NBCRB is normally ! at least 1, and must be no more than MAXBCRB. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NPAR. ! NPAR is the number of parameters. ! NPAR = NPARF + NPARB + 1. ! The parameters control the shape and strength of the inflow, ! the shape of the bump, and the value of the Reynolds number. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARB. ! NPARB is the number of parameters associated with the position and ! shape of the bump. ! ! Note that if NPARB = 0, the bump is replaced by a flat wall. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARF. ! NPARF is the number of parameters associated with the ! inflow. NPARF must be at least 1. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NPE. ! NPE is the number of nodes per element. ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NX. ! NX controls the spacing of nodes and elements in ! the X direction. There are 2*NX-1 nodes along various ! lines in the X direction. ! The number of elements along a line in the X direction is ! NX-1 (or 2*(NX-1) to make a full rectangular strip). ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NY. ! NY controls the spacing of nodes and elements in ! the Y direction. There are 2*NY-1 nodes along various ! lines in the Y direction. ! The number of elements along a line in the Y direction is ! NY-1 (or 2*(NY-1) to make a full vertical strip). ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) PAR(NPAR). ! PAR contains the values of the problem parameters. ! PAR(1:NPARF) = inflow controls. ! PAR(NPARF+1:NPARF+NPARB) = bump controls. ! PAR(NPARF+NPARB+1) = the REYNLD parameter. ! ! character ( len = 20 ) REGION. ! REGION specifies the flow region. ! 'cavity', a driven cavity, 1 unit on each side, open on ! the top with a tangential velocity specification there. ! 'channel', a channel, 10 units long by 3 high, inflow on ! the left, outflow on the right, with a bump on the bottom. ! 'step', a channel, 12 units long by 3 high, inflow on the ! left, outflow on the right, with a step on the bottom. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) REYNLD. ! REYNLD is the current value of the Reynolds number. ! Normally, REYNLD is stored as PARA(NPARF+NPARB+1). ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) TOLNEW. ! TOLNEW is the convergence tolerance for the Newton iteration. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) TOLOPT. ! TOLOPT is the convergence tolerance for the optimization. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) TOLSIM. ! TOLSIM is the convergence tolerance for the Picard iteration. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) WATEB. ! WATEB is the multiplier of the bump control cost used ! when computing the total cost. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) WATEP, WATEU, WATEV. ! WATEP, WATEU and WATEV are weights used in computing the ! cost function based on the costs of the flow discrepancy. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) XBL. ! XBL is the X coordinate of the left corner of the bump. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) XBR. ! XBR is the X coordinate of the right corner of the bump. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) XPROF. ! XPROF is the X coordinate at which the profile is measured. ! XPROF should be a grid value! ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) XRANGE. ! XRANGE is the total width of the region. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) YBL. ! YBL is the Y coordinate of the left corner of the bump. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) YBR. ! YBR is the Y coordinate of the right corner of the bump. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) YRANGE. ! YRANGE is the total height of the region. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxpar ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ibs integer ( kind = 4 ) ibump integer ( kind = 4 ) ifs integer ( kind = 4 ) iopt(maxpar) integer ( kind = 4 ) maxopt integer ( kind = 4 ) nbcrb integer ( kind = 4 ) npar integer ( kind = 4 ) nparb integer ( kind = 4 ) nparf integer ( kind = 4 ) npe integer ( kind = 4 ) nx integer ( kind = 4 ) ny real ( kind = 8 ) par(maxpar) character ( len = 20 ) region real ( kind = 8 ) reynld real ( kind = 8 ) tolnew real ( kind = 8 ) tolopt real ( kind = 8 ) tolsim real ( kind = 8 ) wateb real ( kind = 8 ) watep real ( kind = 8 ) wateu real ( kind = 8 ) watev real ( kind = 8 ) xbl real ( kind = 8 ) xbr real ( kind = 8 ) xprof real ( kind = 8 ) xrange real ( kind = 8 ) ybl real ( kind = 8 ) ybr real ( kind = 8 ) yrange ! ibs = 2 ibump = 2 ifs = 2 maxopt = 10 nbcrb = 1 nparb = 3 nparf = 1 npe = 6 nx = 11 ny = 4 region = 'channel' tolnew = 0.0000000001 tolopt = 0.000000001 tolsim = 0.0000000001 wateb = 0.0D+00 wateu = 1.0D+00 watev = 1.0D+00 watep = 0.0D+00 xbl = 1.0D+00 xbr = 3.0D+00 xprof = 3.0D+00 xrange = 10.0D+00 ybl = 0.0D+00 ybr = 0.0D+00 yrange = 3.0D+00 ! ! Set things that depend on other things. ! npar = nparf+nparb+1 do i = 1,nparf iopt(i) = 1 end do do i = nparf+1,nparf+nparb iopt(i) = 1 end do iopt(nparf+nparb+1) = 1 par(1) = 0.5 par(2) = 0.375 par(3) = 0.5 par(4) = 0.375 reynld = 1.0D+00 par(5) = reynld return end subroutine chrctd(string,dval,ierror,lchar) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! CHRCTD accepts a string of characters, and tries to extract a ! real ( kind = 8 ) real number from the initial part of the ! string. ! ! CHRCTD will read as many characters as possible until it reaches ! the end of the string, or encounters a character which cannot be ! part of the number. ! ! Legal input is: ! ! 1 blanks, ! 2 '+' or '-' sign, ! 3 integer part, ! 4 decimal point, ! 5 fraction part, ! 6 'E' or 'e' or 'D' or 'd', exponent marker, ! 7 exponent sign, ! 8 exponent integer part, ! 9 exponent decimal point, ! 10 exponent fraction part, ! 11 blanks, ! 12 final comma, ! ! with most quantities optional. ! ! Example: ! ! STRING DVAL ! ! '1' 1.0D+00 ! ' 1 ' 1.0D+00 ! '1A' 1.0D+00 ! '12,34,56' 12.0D+00 ! ' 34 7' 34.0D+00 ! '-1E2ABCD' -100.0D+00 ! '-1X2ABCD' -1.0D+00 ! ' 2E-1' 0.2 ! '23.45' 23.45 ! '-4.2E+2' -420.0D+00 ! '17d2' 1700.0D+00 ! '-14e-2' -0.14 ! 'e2' 100.0D+00 ! '-12.73e-9.23' -12.73 * 10.0D+00 **(-9.23) ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! STRING Input, character ( len = * ) STRING, the string containing the ! data to be read. Reading will begin at position 1 and ! terminate at the end of the string, or when no more ! characters can be read to form a legal real. Blanks, ! commas, or other nonnumeric data will, in particular, ! cause the conversion to halt. ! ! DVAL Output, real ( kind = 8 ) DVAL, the value that was read ! from the string. ! ! IERROR Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IERROR, error flag. ! ! 0, no errors occurred. ! ! 1, 2, 6 or 7, the input number was garbled. The ! value of IERROR is the last type of input successfully ! read. For instance, 1 means initial blanks, 2 means ! a plus or minus sign, and so on. ! ! LCHAR Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) LCHAR, the number of characters read from ! STRING to form the number, including any terminating ! characters such as a trailing comma or blanks. ! implicit none ! character chrtmp real ( kind = 8 ) dval integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) ihave integer ( kind = 4 ) isgn integer ( kind = 4 ) iterm integer ( kind = 4 ) jbot integer ( kind = 4 ) jsgn integer ( kind = 4 ) jtop integer ( kind = 4 ) lchar logical s_eqi integer ( kind = 4 ) nchar integer ( kind = 4 ) ndig real ( kind = 8 ) rbot real ( kind = 8 ) rexp real ( kind = 8 ) rtop character ( len = * ) string ! nchar = len(string) ierror = 0 dval = 0.0D+00 lchar = -1 isgn = 1 rtop = 0.0D+00 rbot = 1.0D+00 jsgn = 1 jtop = 0 jbot = 1 ihave = 1 iterm = 0 10 continue lchar = lchar+1 chrtmp = string(lchar+1:lchar+1) ! ! Blank character. ! if ( chrtmp == ' ') then if ( ihave == 2 .or. ihave .eq. 6 .or. ihave .eq. 7 ) then iterm = 1 else if ( 1 < ihave ) then ihave = 11 end if ! ! Comma ! else if ( chrtmp == ',') then if ( ihave /= 1) then iterm = 1 ihave = 12 lchar = lchar+1 end if ! ! Minus sign. ! else if ( chrtmp == '-') then if ( ihave == 1) then ihave = 2 isgn = -1 else if ( ihave == 6) then ihave = 7 jsgn = -1 else iterm = 1 end if ! ! Plus sign. ! else if ( chrtmp == '+') then if ( ihave == 1) then ihave = 2 else if ( ihave == 6) then ihave = 7 else iterm = 1 end if ! ! Decimal point. ! else if ( chrtmp == '.') then if ( ihave < 4) then ihave = 4 else if ( 6 <= ihave .and. ihave <= 8 ) then ihave = 9 else iterm = 1 end if ! ! Exponent marker. ! else if ( s_eqi ( chrtmp,'e').or.s_eqi ( chrtmp,'d') ) then if ( ihave < 6) then ihave = 6 else iterm = 1 end if ! ! Digit. ! else if ( ihave < 11.and.lge(chrtmp,'0').and.lle(chrtmp,'9') ) then if ( ihave <= 2) then ihave = 3 else if ( ihave == 4) then ihave = 5 else if ( ihave == 6.or.ihave.eq.7) then ihave = 8 else if ( ihave == 9) then ihave = 10 end if read(chrtmp,'(i1)')ndig if ( ihave == 3) then rtop = 10*rtop+ndig else if ( ihave == 5) then rtop = 10*rtop+ndig rbot = 10*rbot else if ( ihave == 8) then jtop = 10*jtop+ndig else if ( ihave == 10) then jtop = 10*jtop+ndig jbot = 10*jbot end if ! ! Anything else is regarded as a terminator. ! else iterm = 1 end if ! ! If we haven't seen a terminator, and we haven't examined the ! entire string, go get the next character. ! if ( iterm /= 1.and.lchar+1 < nchar)go to 10 ! ! If we haven't seen a terminator, and we have examined the ! entire string, then we're done, and LCHAR is equal to NCHAR. ! if ( iterm /= 1.and.lchar+1 == nchar)lchar=nchar ! ! Number seems to have terminated. Have we got a legal number? ! Not if we terminated in states 1, 2, 6 or 7! ! if ( ihave == 1.or.ihave.eq.2.or.ihave.eq.6.or.ihave.eq.7) then ierror = ihave write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'CHRCTD - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Illegal or nonnumeric input!' return end if ! ! Number seems OK. Form it. ! if ( jtop == 0) then rexp = 1.0D+00 else if ( jbot == 1) then rexp = 10.0D+00 **(jsgn*jtop) else rexp = dble(jsgn*jtop) rexp = rexp/dble(jbot) rexp = 10.0D+00 **rexp end if end if dval = dble(isgn)*rexp*rtop/rbot return end subroutine chrcti(string,intval,ierror,lchar) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! CHRCTI accepts a STRING of characters and reads an integer ! from STRING into INTVAL. The STRING must begin with an integer ! but that may be followed by other information. ! ! CHRCTI will read as many characters as possible until it reaches ! the end of the STRING, or encounters a character which cannot be ! part of the number. ! ! Legal input is ! ! blanks, ! initial sign, ! integer ( kind = 4 ) part, ! blanks, ! final comma, ! ! with most quantities optional. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! STRING Input, character ( len = * ) STRING, the string containing the ! data to be read. Reading will begin at position 1 and ! terminate at the end of the string, or when no more ! characters can be read to form a legal integer. Blanks, ! commas, or other nonnumeric data will, in particular, ! cause the conversion to halt. ! ! Sample results: ! ! STRING INTVAL ! ! '1' 1 ! ' 1 ' 1 ! '1A' 1 ! '12,34,56' 12 ! ' 34 7' 34 ! '-1E2ABCD' -100 ! '-1X2ABCD' -1 ! ' 2E-1' 0 ! '23.45' 23 ! ! INTVAL Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) INTVAL, the integer read from the string. ! ! IERROR Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IERROR, error flag. ! 0 if no errors, ! Value of IHAVE when error occurred otherwise. ! ! LCHAR Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) LCHAR, number of characters read from ! STRING to form the number. ! implicit none ! character chrtmp integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) ihave integer ( kind = 4 ) intval integer ( kind = 4 ) isgn integer ( kind = 4 ) iterm integer ( kind = 4 ) itop integer ( kind = 4 ) lchar integer ( kind = 4 ) nchar integer ( kind = 4 ) ndig character ( len = * ) string ! nchar = len(string) ierror = 0 intval = 0 lchar = -1 isgn = 1 itop = 0 ihave = 1 iterm = 0 10 continue lchar = lchar+1 chrtmp = string(lchar+1:lchar+1) if ( chrtmp == ' ') then if ( ihave == 2) then iterm = 1 else if ( ihave == 3) then ihave = 11 end if else if ( chrtmp == ',') then if ( ihave /= 1) then iterm = 1 ihave = 12 lchar = lchar+1 end if else if ( chrtmp == '-') then if ( ihave == 1) then ihave = 2 isgn = -1 else iterm = 1 end if else if ( chrtmp == '+') then if ( ihave == 1) then ihave = 2 else iterm = 1 end if else if ( lge(chrtmp,'0').and.lle(chrtmp,'9').and.ihave < 11) then ihave = 3 read(chrtmp,'(i1)')ndig itop = 10*itop+ndig else iterm = 1 end if if ( iterm /= 1.and.lchar+1 < nchar)go to 10 if ( iterm /= 1.and.lchar+1 == nchar)lchar=nchar ! ! Number seems to have terminated. Have we got a legal number? ! if ( ihave == 1.or.ihave.eq.2) then ierror = ihave write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'CHRCTI - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' IERROR = ',ierror write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Illegal or nonnumeric input:' write(*,'(a)')string return end if ! ! Number seems OK. Form it. ! intval = isgn*itop return end subroutine chrdb1(string) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! CHRDB1 accepts a string of characters and removes all ! blanks and nulls, left justifying the remainder and padding with ! blanks. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! STRING Input/output, character ( len = * ) STRING, the string to be ! transformed. ! implicit none ! character chrtmp integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) nchar character ( len = * ) string ! nchar = len(string) j = 0 do i = 1,nchar chrtmp = string(i:i) string(i:i) = ' ' if ( chrtmp /= ' ' then j = j+1 string(j:j) = chrtmp end if end do return end subroutine chrup2(string,strng2,strng3) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! CHRUP2 copies STRING into STRNG2, up to, but not including, the ! first occurrence of the string STRNG3. Setting STRING = 'ABCDEFGH' ! and STRNG3 = 'EF' results in STRNG2='ABCD'. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! STRING Input, character ( len = * ) STRING, the string to be copied. ! ! STRNG2 Output, character ( len = * ) STRNG2, the copied portion of ! STRING. ! ! STRNG3 Input, character ( len = * ) STRNG3, the 'flag' string at which ! the copy stops. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) len1 integer ( kind = 4 ) len2 integer ( kind = 4 ) len3 character ( len = * ) string character ( len = * ) strng2 character ( len = * ) strng3 ! len1 = len(string) len2 = len(strng2) len3 = len(strng3) strng2 = ' ' i = 0 10 continue i = i+1 if ( len1 < i ) then return end if if ( len2 < i ) then return end if if ( i+len3-1 <= len1) then if ( string(i:i+len3-1) == strng3)return end if strng2(i:i) = string(i:i) go to 10 end subroutine ddetfl(afl,detlog,detman,ipivfl,lda,neqnfl,ml,mu) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DDETFL computes the determinant of a matrix factored by DFACFL. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 13 July 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) AFL(LDA,N). ! AFL contains the matrix as factored by DFACFL. ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) DETLOG. ! DETLOG is the integer part of the log base 10 of the determinant ! of the matrix. ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) DETMAN. ! DETMAN is the mantissa of the determinant of the matrix. ! det(AFL) = DETMAN * 10 ** DETLOG. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPIVFL(NEQNFL), the pivot vector. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) LDA. ! LDA is the leading dimension of AFL. ! LDA must be at least 2*ML+MU+1. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NEQNFL, the order of the original matrix. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ML. ! The number of diagonals below the main diagonal. ! ML must be at least 0, and no greater than NEQNFL. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MU. ! The number of diagonals above the main diagonal. ! MU must be at least 0, and no greater than NEQNFL. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) lda integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl ! real ( kind = 8 ) afl(lda,neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) detlog real ( kind = 8 ) detman integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ipivfl(neqnfl) integer ( kind = 4 ) ml integer ( kind = 4 ) mu ! detlog = 0.0D+00 detman = 1.0D+00 ! do i = 1,neqnfl detman = detman*afl(ml+mu+1,i) 10 continue if ( 10.0E+00 < abs ( detman ) ) then detman = detman/10.0D+00 detlog = detlog+1.0D+00 go to 10 end if 20 continue if ( detman /= 0.0.and.abs(detman) < 1.0D+00 ) then detman = detman*10.0D+00 detlog = detlog-1.0D+00 go to 20 end if end do do i = 1,neqnfl if ( ipivfl(i) /= i) then detman = -detman end if end do return end subroutine ddetrb(arb,detlog,detman,ipivrb,maxcofrb,ncofrb) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DDETRB computes the determinant of a matrix factored by DFACRB. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 13 July 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! ARB Input, real ( kind = 8 ) ARB(MAXNRB,NCOFRB). ! ARB contains the matrix as factored by DFACFL. ! ! DETLOG Output, real ( kind = 8 ) DETLOG. ! DETLOG is the integer part of the log base 10 of the determinant ! of the matrix. ! ! DETMAN Output, real ( kind = 8 ) DETMAN ! DETMAN is the mantissa of the determinant of the matrix. ! det(ARB) = DETMAN * 10 ** DETLOG. ! ! IPIVRB Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPIVRB(NCOFRB). ! The pivot vector. ! ! MAXNRB Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNRB. ! The leading dimension of the array ARB. ! ! NCOFRB Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCOFRB. ! The order of the original matrix. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxcofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb ! real ( kind = 8 ) arb(maxcofrb,ncofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) detlog real ( kind = 8 ) detman integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ipivrb(ncofrb) ! detlog = 0.0D+00 detman = 1.0D+00 ! do i = 1,ncofrb detman = detman*arb(i,i) 10 continue if ( 10.0E+00 < abs(detman) ) then detman = detman/10.0D+00 detlog = detlog+1.0D+00 go to 10 end if 20 continue if ( detman /= 0.0.and.abs(detman) < 1.0D+00 ) then detman = detman*10.0D+00 detlog = detlog-1.0D+00 go to 20 end if end do do i = 1,ncofrb if ( ipivrb(i) /= i) then detman = -detman end if end do return end subroutine delhms ( time1, time2, nsec ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DELHMS returns the number of seconds between TIME1 and TIME2. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 04 December 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, character*10 TIME1, TIME2, two times, in decimal seconds, ! represented as character strings. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NSEC, the number of elapsed seconds. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) nsec real rsec1 real rsec2 character ( len = 10 ) time1 character ( len = 10 ) time2 ! read ( time1, '(f10.3)' ) rsec1 read ( time2, '(f10.3)' ) rsec2 nsec = int ( rsec2 - rsec2 ) return end subroutine dfacfl(afl,lda,n,ml,mu,ipivfl,info) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DFACFL factors a real ( kind = 8 ) band matrix by elimination. ! ! Discussion: ! ! DFACFL is a simplified version of the LINPACK routine DGBFA. ! ! In order to use DFACFL, it is necessary to store the matrix AFL ! in "LINPACK General Band Storage" format. ! ! If AFL is a band matrix, the following program segment ! will set up the compressed matrix properly: ! ! m = ml+mu+1 ! do j = 1,n ! i1 = max(1,j-mu) ! i2 = min(n,j+ml) ! do i = i1,i2 ! k = i-j+m ! afl(k,j) = Entry I, J ! end do ! end do ! ! This uses rows ML+1 through 2*ML+MU+1 of the array AFL. ! In addition, the first ML rows in ABD are used for ! elements generated during the triangularization because of pivoting. ! The total number of rows needed in AFL is 2*ML+MU+1. ! The ML+MU by ML+MU upper left triangle and the ! ML by ML lower right triangle are not referenced. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 22 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! AFL Input/output, real ( kind = 8 ) AFL(LDA,N). ! On input, AFL contains the matrix in band storage. The ! columns of the matrix are stored in the columns of AFL and ! the diagonals of the matrix are stored in rows ! ML+1 through 2*ML+MU+1 of AFL. ! ! On output, an upper triangular matrix in band storage and ! the multipliers which were used to obtain it. ! The factorization can be written AFL = L*U where ! L is a product of permutation and unit lower ! triangular matrices and U is upper triangular. ! ! LDA Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) LDA. ! The leading dimension of the array AFL. ! LDA must be at least 2*ML+MU+1. ! ! N Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) N. ! The order of the original matrix. ! ! ML Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ML. ! The number of diagonals below the main diagonal. ! ML must be at least 0, and no greater than N. ! ! MU Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MU. ! The number of diagonals above the main diagonal. ! MU must be at least 0, and no greater than N. ! ! IPIVFL Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPIVFL(N). ! An integer vector of pivot indices needed by DSOLFL. ! ! INFO Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) INFO. ! = 0 normal value. ! = K if U(K,K) == 0.0. In this case, the matrix is exactly ! numerically singular, and DSOLFL should not be called to attempt ! a linear solution. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) lda integer ( kind = 4 ) n ! real ( kind = 8 ) afl(lda,n) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) i0 integer ( kind = 4 ) info integer ( kind = 4 ) ipivfl(n) integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) j1 integer ( kind = 4 ) ju integer ( kind = 4 ) jz integer ( kind = 4 ) k integer ( kind = 4 ) l integer ( kind = 4 ) lm integer ( kind = 4 ) m integer ( kind = 4 ) ml integer ( kind = 4 ) mm integer ( kind = 4 ) mu real ( kind = 8 ) t ! m = ml+mu+1 info = 0 ! ! Zero out the initial fill-in columns of the matrix. ! j1 = min(n,m)-1 do jz = mu+2,j1 i0 = m+1-jz do i = i0,ml afl(i,jz) = 0.0D+00 end do end do jz = j1 ju = 0 ! ! Carry out Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting ! do k = 1,n-1 ! ! Zero out the next fill-in column. ! jz = jz+1 if ( jz <= n) then do i = 1,ml afl(i,jz) = 0.0D+00 end do end if ! ! Find L = pivot index ! lm = min(ml,n-k) l = m do i = m+1,m+lm if ( abs(afl(l,k)) < abs(afl(i,k)) ) then l = i end if end do ipivfl(k) = l+k-m ! ! A zero pivot means the matrix is singular. ! if ( afl(l,k) == 0.0D+00 ) then info = k else ! ! Interchange rows unless the pivot row is already on the diagonal. ! if ( l /= m) then t = afl(l,k) afl(l,k) = afl(m,k) afl(m,k) = t end if ! ! Compute the multipliers that form the lower diagonal entries of ! the L factor. ! do i = m+1,m+lm afl(i,k) = -afl(i,k)/afl(m,k) end do ! ! Row elimination with column indexing. ! ju = max(ju,mu+ipivfl(k)) ju = min(ju,n) mm = m do j = k+1,ju l = l-1 mm = mm-1 t = afl(l,j) if ( l /= mm) then afl(l,j) = afl(mm,j) afl(mm,j) = t end if do i = 1,lm afl(mm+i,j) = afl(mm+i,j)+afl(m+i,k)*t end do end do end if end do ipivfl(n) = n if ( afl(m,n) == 0.0D+00 ) then info = n end if return end subroutine dfacrb(a,lda,n,ipivot,info) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DFACRB factors a real ( kind = 8 ) dense matrix. ! ! Discussion: ! ! DFACRB is similar to the LINPACK routine DGEFA, but does not call ! any subroutines or functions. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 14 August 1996. ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input/output, real ( kind = 8 ) A(LDA,N). ! ! On input, A contains the N by N matrix to be factored. ! ! On output, A contains the L and U factors of the matrix, in ! compressed storage. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) LDA, the leading dimension of A. ! LDA may be larger than N, but must not be smaller than N. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) N, the order of the matrix. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPIVOT(N), the pivot array. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) INFO, an error flag. ! ! INFO = 0, no error, the matrix was factored. ! INFO = K, the K-th pivot U(K,K) was zero. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) lda integer ( kind = 4 ) n ! real ( kind = 8 ) a(lda,n) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) info integer ( kind = 4 ) ipivot(n) integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) k integer ( kind = 4 ) l real ( kind = 8 ) t ! info = 0 do k = 1,n-1 ! ! Find the pivot row L. ! l = k do i = k+1,n if ( abs(a(i,l)) < abs(a(i,k)) ) then l = i end if end do ipivot(k) = l ! ! Check for a zero pivot. ! if ( a(l,k) == 0.0D+00 ) then info = k return end if ! ! Check to see whether we must swap rows L and K. ! if ( l /= k) then t = a(l,k) a(l,k) = a(k,k) a(k,k) = t end if ! ! Rescale the pivot row so that A(K,K) = 1. ! do i = k+1,n a(i,k) = -a(i,k)/a(k,k) end do ! ! Wipe out the entries below A(K,K). ! do j = k+1,n t = a(l,j) if ( l /= k) then a(l,j) = a(k,j) a(k,j) = t end if do i = k+1,n a(i,j) = a(i,j)+t*a(i,k) end do end do end do ipivot(n) = n if ( a(n,n) == 0.0D+00 ) then info = n end if return end subroutine difset ( difcof, h, iwrite, ncof ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DIFSET computes the NCOF coefficients for a centered finite difference ! estimate of the (NCOF-1)-th derivative of a function. ! ! The estimate has the form ! ! FDIF(NCOF-1,X) = Sum (I=1 to NCOF) COF(I) * F(X(I)) ! ! To understand the computation of the coefficients, it is enough ! to realize that the first difference approximation is ! ! FDIF(1,X) = F(X+DX) - F(X-DX) ) / (2*DX) ! ! and that the second difference approximation can be regarded as ! the first difference approximation repeated: ! ! FDIF(2,X) = FDIF(1,X+DX) - FDIF(1,X-DX) / (2*DX) ! = F(X+2*DX) - 2 F(X) + F(X-2*DX) / (4*DX) ! ! and so on for higher order differences. ! ! Thus, the next thing to consider is the integer coefficients of ! the sampled values of F, which are clearly the Pascal coefficients, ! but with an alternating negative sign. In particular, if we ! consider row I of Pascal's triangle to have entries J = 0 through I, ! then P(I,J) = P(I-1,J-1) - P(I-1,J), where P(*,-1) is taken to be 0, ! and P(0,0) = 1. ! ! 1 ! -1 1 ! 1 -2 1 ! -1 3 -3 1 ! 1 -4 6 -4 1 ! -1 5 -10 10 -5 1 ! 1 -6 15 -20 15 -6 1 ! ! Next, we note that the denominator of the approximation for the ! I-th derivative will be (2*DX)**I. ! ! And finally, we must consider the location of the NDIF sampling ! points for F: ! ! X-NDIF*DX, X-(NDIF-2)*DX, X-(NDIF-4)*DX, ..., ! X+(NDIF-4)*DX, X+(NDIF-2*DX), X+(NDIF-1)*DX. ! ! ! Thus, a formula for evaluating FDIF(NDIF,X) is ! ! fdif = 0.0D+00 ! ncof = ndif+1 ! do i = 1,ncof ! xi = x+(2*(i-1)-ncof)*h ! fdif = fdif+difcof(i)*f(xi) ! end do ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 01 July 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! DIFCOF Output, real DIFCOF(NCOF), the coefficients needed to approximate ! the (NCOF-1)-th derivative of a function F. ! ! H Input, real H, the half spacing between points. H must ! be positive. ! ! NCOF Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCOF. ! NCOF is the number of coefficients desired, which also ! determines NDIF = NCOF-1, the derivative being estimated. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) ncof ! real ( kind = 8 ) difcof(ncof) real ( kind = 8 ) h integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) iwrite integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) ndif ! ndif = ncof-1 if ( ndif < 0) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'DIFSET - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Derivative order NDIF = ',ndif write ( *, '(a)' ) ' but NDIF must be at least 0.' stop end if if ( h <= 0.0D+00 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'DIFSET - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' The half sampling spacing is H = ',H write ( *, '(a)' ) ' but H must be positive.' stop end if do i = 1,ncof difcof(i) = 1.0D+00 do j = i-1,2,-1 difcof(j) = -difcof(j)+difcof(j-1) end do if ( 1 < i ) then difcof(1) = -difcof(1) end if end do if ( 2 <= iwrite ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'DIFSET - Unnormalized coefficients:' do i = 1,ncof write(*,'(i6,g14.6)')i,difcof(i) end do end if do i = 1,ncof difcof(i) = difcof(i)/(2.0D+00 *h)**ndif end do if ( 2 <= iwrite ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'DIFSET - Normalized coefficients:' do i = 1,ncof write(*,'(i6,g14.6)')i,difcof(i) end do end if return end subroutine discst(costp,costu,costv,gfl,gfltar,indx,neqnfl,np,nprof,ny,yc) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DISCST computes the discrepancy integrals for the pressure, ! horizontal and vertical velocities, along the profile line. ! ! Discussion: ! ! This integration scheme assumes that the profile line, and ! the element sides that define it, are straight. Otherwise, ! the integration scheme used is not correct. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 01 July 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! COSTP Output, real ( kind = 8 ) COSTP. ! ! The integral of the difference between ! the computed and target pressure functions along the ! profile line. ! ! COSTU Output, real ( kind = 8 ) COSTU. ! ! The integral of the difference between ! the computed and target horizontal velocity functions along ! the profile line. ! ! COSTV Output, real ( kind = 8 ) COSTV. ! ! The integral of the difference between ! the computed and target vertical velocity functions along ! the profile line. ! ! GFL Input, real ( kind = 8 ) GFL(NEQNFL), the current solution ! estimate for the full problem. ! ! GTARFL Input, real ( kind = 8 ) GTARFL(NEQNFL), the target solution vector. ! ! INDX Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX(3,NP). ! INDX(I,J) contains, for each node J, the index of U, V and P at ! that node, or 0 or a negative value. ! If K = INDX(I,J) is positive, then the value of the degree ! of freedom is stored in the solution vector entry GFL(K), ! and an equation will be generated to determine its value. ! If INDX(I,J) is not positive, then no equation is ! generated to determine for variable I at node J, either because ! the variable is specified in some other way, or because ! (in the case of pressure), there is no coefficient associated ! with that node. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NEQNFL, the number of equations in the ! full system. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes used to define the ! finite element mesh. NP = (2*NX-1)*(2*NY-1). ! ! NPROF Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPROF(2*MAXNY-1). ! NPROF contains the numbers of the nodes along the profile ! line. ! ! NY Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NY. ! NY controls the spacing of nodes and elements in ! the Y direction. There are 2*NY-1 nodes along various ! lines in the Y direction. ! ! YC Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YC(NP), the Y coordinates of the nodes. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) nquad1 ! parameter (nquad1 = 5) ! integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) ny ! real ( kind = 8 ) bval real ( kind = 8 ) costp real ( kind = 8 ) costu real ( kind = 8 ) costv real ( kind = 8 ) gfl(neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gfltar(neqnfl) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ii integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) k integer ( kind = 4 ) npol integer ( kind = 4 ) nprof(2*ny-1) real ( kind = 8 ) pcof(2) real ( kind = 8 ) pval real ( kind = 8 ) ucof(3) real ( kind = 8 ) uval real ( kind = 8 ) vcof(3) real ( kind = 8 ) vval real ( kind = 8 ) wquad1(nquad1) real ( kind = 8 ) xsiquad(nquad1) real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yhi real ( kind = 8 ) ylo real ( kind = 8 ) ypol(3) real ( kind = 8 ) yval ! ! Get the weights and abscissas to approximate a line integral. ! call gquad1(nquad1,wquad1,xsiquad) ! ! Compute the integral of the difference squared between the ! current velocity and the target values. ! costu = 0.0D+00 costv = 0.0D+00 ! ! The line along which we integrate is broken into NY-1 ! subintervals, over each of which, U and V are represented ! by quadratic functions. ! do i = 1,ny-1 ! ! Get the values of U and V at the beginning, middle, and ! end of the subinterval. Use these to compute the quadratic ! representation of U and V for any point on the subinterval. ! ylo = yc(nprof(2*i-1)) yhi = yc(nprof(2*i+1)) npol = 3 do k = 1,npol ii = 2*i-2+k ypol(k) = yc(nprof(ii)) j = indx(1,nprof(ii)) ucof(k) = gfl(j)-gfltar(j) j = indx(2,nprof(ii)) vcof(k) = gfl(j)-gfltar(j) end do ! ! Evaluate the discrepancy at each quadrature point. ! do j = 1,nquad1 yval = 0.5D+00 *((1.0D+00 + xsiquad(j))*ylo+(1.0D+00 -xsiquad(j))*yhi) uval = 0.0D+00 vval = 0.0D+00 do k = 1,npol call lbase(k,npol,bval,ypol,yval) uval = uval+bval*ucof(k) vval = vval+bval*vcof(k) end do costu = costu+0.5D+00 *wquad1(j)*(yhi-ylo)*uval**2 costv = costv+0.5D+00 *wquad1(j)*(yhi-ylo)*vval**2 end do end do ! ! Compute the square root of the integral of the difference ! squared between the current pressure and the target values. ! costp = 0.0D+00 do i = 1,ny-1 ylo = yc(nprof(2*i-1)) yhi = yc(nprof(2*i+1)) npol = 2 do k = 1,npol ii = 2*i-3+2*k ypol(k) = yc(nprof(ii)) j = indx(3,nprof(ii)) if ( j <= 0) then pcof(k) = 0.0D+00 else pcof(k) = gfl(j)-gfltar(j) end if end do do j = 1,nquad1 yval = 0.5D+00 *((1.0D+00 + xsiquad(j))*ylo+ (1.0D+00 -xsiquad(j))*yhi) pval = 0.0D+00 do k = 1,npol call lbase(k,npol,bval,ypol,yval) pval = pval+bval*pcof(k) end do costp = costp+0.5D+00 *wquad1(j)*(yhi-ylo)*pval**2 end do end do return end subroutine dsolfl ( afl, lda, n, ml, mu, ipivfl, b ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DSOLFL solves a (full) banded linear system. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The linear system has the form: ! ! AFL*X = B ! ! where AFL, X, and B are real ( kind = 8 ), and AFL is a banded matrix ! which has already been decomposed into LU factors by DFACFL. ! ! DSOLFL is a simplied version of the LINPACK routine DGBSL. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) AFL(LDA,N). ! The factored matrix produced by DFACFL. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) LDA. ! The leading dimension of the array AFL. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) N. ! The order of the original matrix. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ML. ! The number of diagonals below the main diagonal. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MU. ! The number of diagonals above the main diagonal. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPIVFL(N). ! The pivot vector from DFACFL. ! ! Input/output, real ( kind = 8 ) B(N). ! On input, the right hand side vector. ! On output, the solution vector X. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) lda integer ( kind = 4 ) n ! real ( kind = 8 ) afl(lda,n) real ( kind = 8 ) b(n) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ipivfl(n) integer ( kind = 4 ) k integer ( kind = 4 ) l integer ( kind = 4 ) la integer ( kind = 4 ) lb integer ( kind = 4 ) lm integer ( kind = 4 ) m integer ( kind = 4 ) ml integer ( kind = 4 ) mu real ( kind = 8 ) t ! m = mu+ml+1 ! ! First solve L*Y = B. ! if ( ml /= 0) then do k = 1,n-1 lm = min(ml,n-k) l = ipivfl(k) if ( l /= k) then t = b(l) b(l) = b(k) b(k) = t end if do i = 1,lm b(k+i) = b(k+i)+afl(m+i,k)*b(k) end do end do end if ! ! Now solve U*X = Y. ! do k = n,1,-1 if ( afl(m,k) == 0.0D+00 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'DSOLFL - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Pivot K = ',k,' is zero.' stop else b(k) = b(k)/afl(m,k) end if lm = min(k,m)-1 la = m-lm lb = k-lm do i = 1,lm b(lb-1+i) = b(lb-1+i)-afl(la-1+i,k)*b(k) end do end do return end subroutine dsolrb ( a, lda, n, ipivot, b ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DSOLRB solves a (reduced) dense linear system. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The linear system has the form: ! ! A*X = B ! ! where A is a full storage real ( kind = 8 ) array which has been ! LU-factored by DFACRB. ! ! DSOLRB is similar to the LINPACK routine DGESL, but does not call ! any subroutines or functions. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 14 August 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) A(LDA,N). ! A contains the LU factors of a matrix, as computed by DFACRB. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) LDA. ! LDA is the leading dimension of the matrix A. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) N. ! N is the order of the matrix A. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPIVOT(N). ! IPIVOT is the pivot vector computed by DFACRB. ! ! Input/output, real ( kind = 8 ) B(N). ! On input, B is the right hand side of the linear system. ! On output, B is the solution of the linear system. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) lda integer ( kind = 4 ) n ! real ( kind = 8 ) a(lda,n) real ( kind = 8 ) b(n) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ipivot(n) integer ( kind = 4 ) k integer ( kind = 4 ) l real ( kind = 8 ) t ! ! First solve L*Y = B. ! do k = 1,n-1 l = ipivot(k) t = b(l) if ( l /= k) then b(l) = b(k) b(k) = t end if do i = k+1,n b(i) = b(i)+t*a(i,k) end do end do ! ! Now solve U*X = Y. ! do k = n,1,-1 b(k) = b(k)/a(k,k) t = -b(k) do i = 1,k-1 b(i) = b(i)+t*a(i,k) end do end do return end function dveq(n,dvec1,dvec2) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DVEQ returns .TRUE. if the N elements of the real ( kind = 8 ) ! vectors DVEC1 and DVEC2 are equal. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) N, the number of entries in the vectors. ! ! DVEC1, ! DVEC2 Input, real ( kind = 8 ) DVEC1(N), DVEC2(N), the two vectors ! to be compared. ! ! DVEQ Output, logical DVEQ. ! DVEQ is .TRUE. if all N elements of DVEC1 and DVEC2 are equal, ! and .FALSE. otherwise. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) n ! real ( kind = 8 ) dvec1(n) real ( kind = 8 ) dvec2(n) logical dveq integer ( kind = 4 ) i ! dveq = .false. do i = 1,n if ( dvec1(i) /= dvec2(i))return end do dveq = .true. return end function dvneq(n,dvec1,dvec2) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DVNEQ returns .TRUE. if any of the N elements of the real ( kind = 8 ) ! vectors DVEC1 and DVEC2 are not equal. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) N. ! N is the number of entries in the vectors. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) DVEC1(N), DVEC2(N). ! DVEC1 and DVEC2 are the two vectors to be compared. ! ! Output, logical DVNEQ. ! DVNEQ is .TRUE. if any elements of DVEC1 and DVEC2 differ, ! and .FALSE. otherwise. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) n ! real ( kind = 8 ) dvec1(n) real ( kind = 8 ) dvec2(n) logical dvneq integer ( kind = 4 ) i ! dvneq = .true. do i = 1,n if ( dvec1(i) /= dvec2(i))return end do dvneq = .false. return end subroutine fact(n,factn) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! FACT computes the (real) factorial of a nonnegative integer. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) N, the nonnegative value for which N! ! is desired. ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) FACTN, the factorial of N. ! implicit none ! real ( kind = 8 ) factn integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) n ! if ( n < 0) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'FACT - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Negative input argument is N = ',n stop end if factn = 1.0D+00 do i = 1,n factn = factn*dble(i) end do return end subroutine getcst(cost,costb,costp,costu,costv,gfl,gfltar,indx,neqnfl,np, & nparb,nprof,ny,splbmp,taubmp,wateb,watep,wateu,watev,xbl,xbr,ybl,ybr,yc) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! GETCST is given the value of the solution, GFL, the target ! solution GTARFL, and information about the shape of the bump, ! and returns the value of the overall and individual cost ! functions. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 08 August 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) COST, the weighted cost. ! ! COSTB Output, real ( kind = 8 ) COSTB. ! ! COSTB is the integral of the difference of the ! derivatives of the straight line joining the two straight line ! line segments of the bottom, and the bump that is ! actually drawn there. ! ! This measures the cost of bump control. ! ! COSTP Output, real ( kind = 8 ) COSTP. ! ! The integral of the difference between ! the computed and target pressure functions along the ! profile line. ! ! COSTU Output, real ( kind = 8 ) COSTU. ! ! The integral of the difference between ! the computed and target horizontal velocity functions along ! the profile line. ! ! COSTV Output, real ( kind = 8 ) COSTV. ! ! The integral of the difference between ! the computed and target vertical velocity functions along ! the profile line. ! ! GFL Input, real ( kind = 8 ) GFL(NEQNFL), the current solution ! estimate for the full problem. ! ! GTARFL Input, real ( kind = 8 ) GTARFL(NEQNFL), the target solution vector. ! ! INDX Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX(3,NP). ! ! INDX(I,J) contains, for each node J, the index of U, V and P at ! that node, or 0 or a negative value. ! ! If K = INDX(I,J) is positive, then the value of the degree ! of freedom is stored in the solution vector entry GFL(K), ! and an equation will be generated to determine its value. ! ! If INDX(I,J) is not positive, then no equation is ! generated to determine for variable I at node J, either because ! the variable is specified in some other way, or because ! (in the case of pressure), there is no coefficient associated ! with that node. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NEQNFL, the number of equations in the ! full system. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes used to define the ! finite element mesh. NP = (2*NX-1)*(2*NY-1). ! ! NPARB Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARB. ! ! The number of parameters associated with the position and ! shape of the bump. ! ! Note that if NPARB = 0, the bump is replaced by a flat wall. ! ! NPROF Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPROF(2*MAXNY-1). ! ! NPROF contains the numbers of the nodes along the profile ! line. ! ! NY Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NY. ! ! NY controls the spacing of nodes and elements in ! the Y direction. There are 2*NY-1 nodes along various ! lines in the Y direction. ! ! SPLBMP Input, real ( kind = 8 ) SPLBMP(NPARB+2). ! ! SPLBMP contains the spline coefficients for the bump. ! ! TAUBMP Input, real ( kind = 8 ) TAUBMP(NPARB+2). ! ! TAUBMP contains the location of the spline abscissas for ! the bump. There are NPARB+2 of them, because the end values ! of the spline are constrained to have particular values. ! ! WATEB Input, real ( kind = 8 ) WATEB. ! ! WATEB is the multiplier of the bump control cost used ! when computing the total cost. ! ! WATEP, ! WATEU, ! WATEV Input, real ( kind = 8 ) WATEP, WATEU, WATEV. ! ! These are weights used in computing the overall cost ! function based on the costs of the flow discrepancy. ! ! XBL Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XBL, the X coordinate of the left corner ! of the bump. ! ! XBR Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XBR, the X coordinate of the right corner ! of the bump. ! ! YBL Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YBL, the Y coordinate of the left corner ! of the bump. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YBR, the Y coordinate of the right corner ! of the bump. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YC(NP), the Y coordinates of the nodes. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) nparb integer ( kind = 4 ) ny ! real ( kind = 8 ) cost real ( kind = 8 ) costb real ( kind = 8 ) costp real ( kind = 8 ) costu real ( kind = 8 ) costv real ( kind = 8 ) gfl(neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gfltar(neqnfl) integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) nprof(2*ny-1) real ( kind = 8 ) splbmp(nparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) taubmp(nparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) wateb real ( kind = 8 ) watep real ( kind = 8 ) wateu real ( kind = 8 ) watev real ( kind = 8 ) xbl real ( kind = 8 ) xbr real ( kind = 8 ) ybl real ( kind = 8 ) ybr real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) ! call bmpcst(costb,nparb,splbmp,taubmp,xbl,xbr,ybl,ybr) call discst(costp,costu,costv,gfl,gfltar,indx,neqnfl,np,nprof,ny,yc) cost = wateb*costb+watep*costp+wateu*costu+watev*costv return end subroutine gquad1(nquad1,wquad1,xsiquad) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! GQUAD1 defines a 1 dimensional Gauss quadrature rule. ! ! Discussion: ! ! GQUAD1 returns the weights and abscissas for a 1 dimensional, ! 3 or 5 point Gauss quadrature rule defined on the interval [-1,1]. ! ! The integral of a function F(X) over the interval [-1,1] ! ! Integral (-1 to 1) F(X) DX ! ! may then be approximated by ! ! Sum (I = 1 to NQUAD1) WQUAD1(I) * F(XSIQUAD(I)) ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! NQUAD1 Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NQUAD1. ! The user specifies the rule desired by setting NQUAD1 ! to 3 or 5. Any other value is illegal, and will cause ! GQUAD1 to stop. ! ! WQUAD1 Output, real ( kind = 8 ) WQUAD1(NQUAD1). ! WQUAD1(I) is the weight factor corresponding to the ! I-th quadrature point. ! ! XSIQUAD ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) XSIQUAD(NQUAD1). ! XSIQUAD(I) is the I-th quadrature point. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) nquad1 ! real ( kind = 8 ) wquad1(nquad1) real ( kind = 8 ) xsiquad(nquad1) ! if ( nquad1 == 3) then xsiquad(1) = -0.7745966692 xsiquad(2) = 0.0D+00 xsiquad(3) = 0.7745966692 wquad1(1) = 5.0D+00 / 9.0D+00 wquad1(2) = 8.0D+00 / 9.0D+00 wquad1(3) = 5.0D+00 / 9.0D+00 else if ( nquad1 == 5) then xsiquad(1) = -0.906179845938664D+00 xsiquad(2) = -0.538469310105683D+00 xsiquad(3) = 0.0D+00 xsiquad(4) = 0.538469310105683D+00 xsiquad(5) = 0.906179845938664D+00 wquad1(1) = 0.236926885056189D+00 wquad1(2) = 0.478628670499366D+00 wquad1(3) = 0.568888888888889D+00 wquad1(4) = 0.478628670499366D+00 wquad1(5) = 0.236926885056189D+00 else write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'GQuad1 - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' An illegal value of NQUAD1 was input.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Only NQUAD1 = 3 or 5 are legal.' write ( *, * ) ' The input value was ',nquad1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' The code is stopping now.' stop end if return end subroutine grid(gridx,i,ihi,ilo,x,xhi,xlo) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! GRID computes the X or Y coordinate of the I-th gridpoint. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! GRIDX Input, character*20 GRIDX. ! GRIDX tells how the finite element nodes should be layed out ! in the X direction. ! 'uniform' makes them equally spaced. ! 'cos' uses the COS function to cluster them near edges. ! 'sqrtsin' uses the SQRT(SIN()) function to cluster near edges. ! ! I Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) I. ! I is the index of the grid point whose X coordinate is to ! be computed. Normally, ILO <= I <= IHI. ! ! IHI, ! ILO Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IHI, ILO. ! ILO is the index of the grid point whose X coordinate is XLO, ! IHI is the same for XHI. ! ! X Output, real ( kind = 8 ) X. ! X is the X coordinate of the I-th grid point, according to ! the specified scheme. ! ! XHI, ! XLO Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XHI, XLO. ! XLO is the X coordinate of grid point ILO, and XHI ! is the X coordinate of grid point IHI. ! implicit none ! real ( kind = 8 ) pi parameter (pi = 3.14159265) ! character ( len = 20 ) gridx integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ihi integer ( kind = 4 ) ilo logical s_eqi real ( kind = 8 ) s real ( kind = 8 ) theta real ( kind = 8 ) thi real ( kind = 8 ) tlo real ( kind = 8 ) x real ( kind = 8 ) xhi real ( kind = 8 ) xlo ! if ( s_eqi ( gridx,'uniform')) then x = (dble(ihi-i)*xlo+dble(i-ilo)*xhi)/dble(ihi-ilo) else if ( s_eqi ( gridx,'sin')) then tlo = -pi/2.0D+00 thi = pi/2.0D+00 theta = (dble(ihi-i)*tlo + dble(i-ilo)*thi)/dble(ihi-ilo) s = sin(theta) x = ((1.0D+00 -s)*xlo+(s+1.0D+00 )*xhi)/2.0D+00 ! ! Equivalent to 'SIN'. ! else if ( s_eqi ( gridx,'cos')) then tlo = -pi thi = 0.0D+00 theta = (dble(ihi-i)*tlo + dble(i-ilo)*thi)/dble(ihi-ilo) x = ((1.0D+00 -cos(theta))*xlo+(1.0D+00 + cos(theta))*xhi)/2.0D+00 else if ( s_eqi ( gridx,'sqrtsin')) then tlo = -pi/2.0D+00 thi = pi/2.0D+00 theta = (dble(ihi-i)*tlo + dble(i-ilo)*thi)/dble(ihi-ilo) if ( 0.0D+00 <= sin(theta) ) then s = sqrt(sin(theta)) else s = -sqrt(-sin(theta)) end if x = ((1.0D+00 -s)*xlo+(s+1.0D+00 )*xhi)/2.0D+00 end if return end subroutine intprs(gfl,indx,nelem,neqnfl,node,np,p) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! INTPRS interpolates the pressure at the midside nodes. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! GFL Input, real ( kind = 8 ) GFL(NEQNFL). ! GFL is the current solution estimate for the full problem, ! containing pressure and velocity coefficients. The vector ! INDX must be used to index this data. ! ! INDX Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX(3,NP). ! ! INDX(I,J) contains, for each node J, the global index of U, ! V and P at that node, or 0 or a negative value. The global ! index of U, V, or P is the index of the coefficient vector ! that contains the value of the finite element coefficient ! associated with the corresponding basis function at the ! given node. ! ! If K = INDX(I,J) is positive, then the value of the degree ! of freedom is stored in the solution vector entry GFL(K), ! and an equation will be generated to determine its value. ! ! If INDX(I,J) is not positive, then no equation is ! generated to determine for variable I at node J, either because ! the variable is specified in some other way, or because ! (in the case of pressure), there is no coefficient associated ! with that node. ! ! NELEM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! NEQNFL Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NEQNFL. ! NEQNFL is the number of equations (and coefficients) in the full ! finite element system. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(6,MAXELM) or NODE(6,NELEM). ! ! NODE(I,J) contains, for an element J, the global index of ! the node whose local number in J is I. ! ! The local ordering of the nodes is suggested by this diagram: ! ! Global nodes Elements NODE ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 ! 74 84 94 3-6-1 2 Left element = (94,72,74,83,73,84) ! | / /| ! 73 83 93 5 4 4 5 Right element = (72,94,92,83,93,82) ! |/ / | ! 72 82 92 2 1-6-3 ! ! NP Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! P Input, real P(NP), the pressure. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! real ( kind = 8 ) gfl(neqnfl) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) in1 integer ( kind = 4 ) in2 integer ( kind = 4 ) in3 integer ( kind = 4 ) in4 integer ( kind = 4 ) in5 integer ( kind = 4 ) in6 integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) p(np) ! ! For each element,... ! do i = 1,nelem ! ! Get the six global node numbers. ! in1 = node(1,i) in2 = node(2,i) in3 = node(3,i) in4 = node(4,i) in5 = node(5,i) in6 = node(6,i) ! ! Read off the three computed values, and average the other three. ! p(in1) = gfl(indx(3,in1)) p(in2) = gfl(indx(3,in2)) p(in3) = gfl(indx(3,in3)) p(in4) = 0.5D+00 *(p(in1)+p(in2)) p(in5) = 0.5D+00 *(p(in2)+p(in3)) p(in6) = 0.5D+00 *(p(in3)+p(in1)) end do return end subroutine l2norm(gfl,gflnrm,indx,nelem,neqnfl,node,np,xc,yc) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! L2NORM computes the "big" L2 norm of the velocity over the flow region. ! ! Discussion: ! ! A 13 point Gauss rule is used. ! ! Note that this is the "BIG L2" norm, that is, the square root ! of the integral of the square of the velocity over the flow region, ! and NOT the "little l2" norm, which is simply the square root of the ! sum of the squares of the coefficients. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! GFL Input, real ( kind = 8 ) GFL(NEQNFL). ! ! GFL is the current solution vector, in which are stored ! the finite element coefficients that define the velocity ! and pressure functions, U, V and P. ! ! GFLNRM Output, double recision GFLNRM. ! GFLNRM is the approximate value of the square root of ! the integral of the square of the velocity over the ! flow domain. ! ! INDX Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX(3,NP). ! ! INDX(I,J) contains, for each node J, the index of U, V and P at ! that node, or 0 or a negative value. ! ! If K = INDX(I,J) is positive, then the value of the degree ! of freedom is stored in the solution vector entry GFL(K), ! and an equation will be generated to determine its value. ! ! If INDX(I,J) is not positive, then no equation is ! generated to determine for variable I at node J, either because ! the variable is specified in some other way, or because ! (in the case of pressure), there is no coefficient associated ! with that node. ! ! NELEM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NEQNFL, the number of finite element equations ! used to define the horizontal and vertical velocities and the pressure. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(6,NELEM). ! ! NODE(I,J) contains, for an element J, the global node index of ! the element node whose local number is I. ! ! The local ordering of the nodes is suggested by this diagram: ! ! 2 ! /| ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1-6-3 ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes used to define the ! finite element mesh. NP = (2*NX-1)*(2*NY-1). ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XC(NP). ! The X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YC(NP). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) nquad ! parameter (nquad = 13) ! integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! real ( kind = 8 ) area real ( kind = 8 ) area2 real ( kind = 8 ) dwdx real ( kind = 8 ) dwdy real ( kind = 8 ) eta real ( kind = 8 ) etaquad(nquad) real ( kind = 8 ) gfl(neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gflnrm integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) in integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) ip integer ( kind = 4 ) ip1 integer ( kind = 4 ) ip2 integer ( kind = 4 ) ip3 integer ( kind = 4 ) iquad integer ( kind = 4 ) jp integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) u real ( kind = 8 ) v real ( kind = 8 ) vmax real ( kind = 8 ) w real ( kind = 8 ) wquad(nquad) real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xq real ( kind = 8 ) xsi real ( kind = 8 ) xsiquad(nquad) real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yq ! wquad(1) = 0.175615257433204D+00 wquad(2) = 0.175615257433204D+00 wquad(3) = 0.175615257433204D+00 wquad(4) = 0.053347235608839D+00 wquad(5) = 0.053347235608839D+00 wquad(6) = 0.053347235608839D+00 wquad(7) = 0.077113760890257D+00 wquad(8) = 0.077113760890257D+00 wquad(9) = 0.077113760890257D+00 wquad(10) = 0.077113760890257D+00 wquad(11) = 0.077113760890257D+00 wquad(12) = 0.077113760890257D+00 wquad(13) = -0.149570044467670D+00 do i = 1,nquad wquad(i) = wquad(i) / 2.0D+00 end do xsiquad(1) = 0.260345966079038D+00 etaquad(1) = 0.479308067841923D+00 xsiquad(2) = 0.260345966079038D+00 etaquad(2) = 0.260345966079038D+00 xsiquad(3) = 0.479308067841923D+00 etaquad(3) = 0.260345966079038D+00 xsiquad(4) = 0.065130102902216D+00 etaquad(4) = 0.869739794195568D+00 xsiquad(5) = 0.065130102902216D+00 etaquad(5) = 0.065130102902216D+00 xsiquad(6) = 0.869739794195568D+00 etaquad(6) = 0.065130102902216D+00 xsiquad(7) = 0.048690315425316D+00 etaquad(7) = 0.638444188569809D+00 xsiquad(8) = 0.312865496004875D+00 etaquad(8) = 0.638444188569809D+00 xsiquad(9) = 0.048690315425316D+00 etaquad(9) = 0.312865496004875D+00 xsiquad(10) = 0.638444188569809D+00 etaquad(10) = 0.312865496004875D+00 xsiquad(11) = 0.312865496004875D+00 etaquad(11) = 0.048690315425316D+00 xsiquad(12) = 0.638444188569809D+00 etaquad(12) = 0.048690315425316D+00 xsiquad(13) = 1.0D+00 / 3.0D+00 etaquad(13) = 1.0D+00 / 3.0D+00 do i = 1,nquad xsiquad(i) = 1.0D+00 - xsiquad(i) end do gflnrm = 0.0D+00 area2 = 0.0D+00 vmax = 0.0D+00 ! ! Consider an element. ! do ielem = 1,nelem ! ! Compute the area of the element. For now, we assume that all ! elements are triangles, and NOT isoparametric! ! ip1 = node(1,ielem) ip2 = node(2,ielem) ip3 = node(3,ielem) area = abs( & (yc(ip1)+yc(ip2))*(xc(ip2)-xc(ip1)) & +(yc(ip2)+yc(ip3))*(xc(ip3)-xc(ip2)) & +(yc(ip3)+yc(ip1))*(xc(ip1)-xc(ip3)) ) ! ! Evaluate the integrand at the quadrature points. ! do iquad = 1,nquad xsi = xsiquad(iquad) eta = etaquad(iquad) call xofxsi(eta,ielem,nelem,node,np,xq,xc,xsi,yq,yc) ! ! Evaluate U, V and P at the IQUAD-th quadrature point by ! finding the value of each of the 6 basis functions there, ! and multiplying by their respective coefficients. ! u = 0.0D+00 v = 0.0D+00 do in = 1,6 call qbf(ielem,in,w,dwdx,dwdy,nelem,node,np,xc,xq,yc,yq) ip = node(in,ielem) jp = indx(1,ip) u = u+gfl(jp)*w jp = indx(2,ip) v = v+gfl(jp)*w end do gflnrm = gflnrm+area*wquad(iquad)*(u**2+v**2) if ( vmax < u**2 + v**2 ) then vmax = u**2+v**2 end if area2 = area2+area*wquad(iquad) end do end do gflnrm = sqrt(gflnrm) return end subroutine lbase ( ival, npol, pval, xpol, xval ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! LBASE evalualates the IVAL-th Lagrange basis polynomial. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The Lagrange interpolation basis polynomials are based ! on the NPOL points XPOL. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IVAL, the polynomial to evaluate. ! IVAL should be between 1 and NPOL. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPOL, the number of points that define ! the Lagrange polynomials. ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) PVAL, the value of the IVAL-th ! Lagrange polynomial at the point XVAL. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XPOL(NPOL), the abscissas of the ! Lagrange polynomials. The entries in XPOL should be ! distinct. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XVAL, the point at which the ! IVAL-th Lagrange polynomial is to be evaluated. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) npol ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ival real ( kind = 8 ) pval real ( kind = 8 ) xpol(npol) real ( kind = 8 ) xval ! pval = 1.0D+00 do i = 1, npol if ( i /= ival ) then pval = pval * ( xval - xpol(i) ) / ( xpol(ival) - xpol(i) ) end if end do return end function s_eqidb(strng1,strng2) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! S_EQIDB is a case insensitive comparison of two strings for ! equality, ignoring blanks. ! ! Thus, LEQIDB('Nor Way','NORway') is .TRUE. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, character*(*) STRNG1, STRNG2, the strings to compare. ! ! Output, logical LEQIDB, the result of the comparison. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i1 integer ( kind = 4 ) i2 integer ( kind = 4 ) len1 integer ( kind = 4 ) len2 logical s_eqidb character s1 character s2 character ( len = * ) strng1 character ( len = * ) strng2 ! len1 = len(strng1) len2 = len(strng2) s_eqidb = .false. i1 = 0 i2 = 0 10 continue ! ! If we've matched all the nonblank characters in both strings, ! then return with LEQIDB = .TRUE. ! if ( i1 == len1.and.i2.eq.len2) then s_eqidb = .true. return end if ! ! Get S1, the next nonblank character in the first string. ! 20 continue i1 = i1+1 if ( len1 < i1 ) then return end if if ( strng1(i1:i1) == ' ')go to 20 s1 = strng1(i1:i1) ! ! Get S2, the next nonblank character in the second string. ! 30 continue i2 = i2+1 if ( len2 < i2 ) then return end if if ( strng2(i2:i2) == ' ')go to 30 s2 = strng2(i2:i2) if ( s1 /= s2)return go to 10 end function nbinom(m,n) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! NBINOM calculates a binomial coefficient. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The routine calculates the number of combinations of M things taken N ! at a time. NBINOM is ACM algorithm 160 translated to FORTRAN. ! ! The formula used is ! ! NBINOM = M! / ( N! * (M-N)! ) ! ! This value is calculated in a way that tries to avoid overflow. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) M. ! M is the number of objects to choose from in the set, ! or the row of Pascal's triangle in which the coefficient lies. ! M should be zero or greater. ! ! N Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) N. ! N is the number of objects selected from the set, ! or the column of Pascal's triangle in which the coefficient ! lies. N should be 0 or greater, and no greater than M. ! ! NBINOM Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NBINOM. ! NBINOM is the number of combinations of M things taken N ! at a time. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) m integer ( kind = 4 ) n integer ( kind = 4 ) n1 integer ( kind = 4 ) nbinom ! if ( m < 0 ) then nbinom = 0 return end if if ( n < 0 ) then nbinom = 0 return end if if ( m < n ) then nbinom = 0 return end if if ( n < m-n ) then n1 = m-n else n1 = n end if nbinom = 1 do i = 1, m-n1 nbinom = (nbinom*(n1+i)) / i end do return end subroutine nrmflo ( gfl, indx, neqnfl, np, resfl ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! NRMFLO returns norms of a flow solution or flow residual. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! GFL Input, real ( kind = 8 ) GFL(NEQNFL). ! GFL is the current solution vector, in which are stored ! the finite element coefficients that define the velocity ! and pressure functions, U, V and P. ! ! INDX Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX(3,NP). ! ! INDX(I,J) contains, for each node J, the index of U, V and P at ! that node, or 0 or a negative value. ! ! If K = INDX(I,J) is positive, then the value of the degree ! of freedom is stored in the solution vector entry GFL(K), ! and an equation will be generated to determine its value. ! ! If INDX(I,J) is not positive, then no equation is ! generated to determine for variable I at node J, either because ! the variable is specified in some other way, or because ! (in the case of pressure), there is no coefficient associated ! with that node. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NEQNFL, the number of finite element ! equations used ! to define the horizontal and vertical velocities and the ! pressure. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! real ( kind = 8 ) anrmf real ( kind = 8 ) anrmfp real ( kind = 8 ) anrmfu real ( kind = 8 ) anrmfv real ( kind = 8 ) anrmg real ( kind = 8 ) anrmp real ( kind = 8 ) anrmu real ( kind = 8 ) anrmv real ( kind = 8 ) enrmf real ( kind = 8 ) enrmfp real ( kind = 8 ) enrmfu real ( kind = 8 ) enrmfv real ( kind = 8 ) enrmg real ( kind = 8 ) enrmp real ( kind = 8 ) enrmu real ( kind = 8 ) enrmv real ( kind = 8 ) fp real ( kind = 8 ) fu real ( kind = 8 ) fv real ( kind = 8 ) gfl(neqnfl) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) inrmf integer ( kind = 4 ) inrmfp integer ( kind = 4 ) inrmfu integer ( kind = 4 ) inrmfv integer ( kind = 4 ) inrmg integer ( kind = 4 ) inrmp integer ( kind = 4 ) inrmu integer ( kind = 4 ) inrmv real ( kind = 8 ) p real ( kind = 8 ) resfl(neqnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) u real ( kind = 8 ) v ! anrmf = 0.0D+00 anrmfp = 0.0D+00 anrmfu = 0.0D+00 anrmfv = 0.0D+00 anrmg = 0.0D+00 anrmp = 0.0D+00 anrmu = 0.0D+00 anrmv = 0.0D+00 enrmfp = 0.0D+00 enrmf = 0.0D+00 enrmfu = 0.0D+00 enrmfv = 0.0D+00 enrmg = 0.0D+00 enrmp = 0.0D+00 enrmu = 0.0D+00 enrmv = 0.0D+00 inrmf = 1 inrmfp = 1 inrmfu = 1 inrmfv = 1 inrmg = 1 inrmp = 1 inrmu = 1 inrmv = 1 do i = 1,np u = gfl(indx(1,i)) enrmu = enrmu+u**2 enrmg = enrmg+u**2 if ( anrmu < abs(u) ) then anrmu = abs(u) inrmu = i end if if ( anrmg < abs(u) ) then anrmg = abs(u) inrmg = i end if fu = resfl(indx(1,i)) enrmf = enrmf+fu**2 enrmfu = enrmfu+fu**2 if ( anrmf < abs(fu) ) then anrmf = abs(fu) inrmf = i end if if ( anrmfu < abs(fu) ) then anrmfu = abs(fu) inrmfu = i end if v = gfl(indx(2,i)) enrmv = enrmv+v**2 enrmg = enrmg+v**2 if ( anrmv < abs(v) ) then anrmv = abs(v) inrmv = i end if if ( anrmg <= abs(v) ) then anrmg = abs(v) inrmg = i end if fv = resfl(indx(2,i)) enrmf = enrmf+fv**2 enrmfv = enrmfv+fv**2 if ( anrmf < abs(fv) ) then anrmf = abs(fv) inrmf = i end if if ( anrmfv < abs(fv) ) then anrmfv = abs(fv) inrmfv = i end if if ( 0 < indx(3,i) ) then p = gfl(indx(3,i)) enrmp = enrmp+p**2 enrmg = enrmg+p**2 if ( anrmp <= abs(p) ) then inrmp = i anrmp = abs(p) end if if ( anrmg <= abs(p) ) then inrmg = i anrmg = abs(p) end if fp = resfl(indx(3,i)) enrmf = enrmf+fp**2 enrmfp = enrmfp+fp**2 if ( anrmf < abs(fp) ) then inrmf = i anrmf = abs(fp) end if if ( anrmfp < abs(fp) ) then anrmfp = abs(fp) inrmfp = i end if end if end do enrmf = sqrt(enrmf) enrmfp = sqrt(enrmfp) enrmfu = sqrt(enrmfu) enrmfv = sqrt(enrmfv) enrmg = sqrt(enrmg) enrmp = sqrt(enrmp) enrmu = sqrt(enrmu) enrmv = sqrt(enrmv) ! ! Print out results. ! write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' MxNorm Node l2 Norm' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,g14.6,i6,g14.6)' ) 'U ', anrmu, inrmu, enrmu write ( *, '(a,g14.6,i6,g14.6)' ) 'V ', anrmv, inrmv, enrmv write ( *, '(a,g14.6,i6,g14.6)' ) 'P ', anrmp, inrmp, enrmp write ( *, '(a,g14.6,i6,g14.6)' ) 'GFL', anrmg, inrmg, enrmg write ( *, '(a,g14.6,i6,g14.6)' ) 'FU ', anrmfu, inrmfu, enrmfu write ( *, '(a,g14.6,i6,g14.6)' ) 'FV ', anrmfv, inrmfv, enrmfv write ( *, '(a,g14.6,i6,g14.6)' ) 'FP ', anrmfp, inrmfp, enrmfp write ( *, '(a,g14.6,i6,g14.6)' ) 'F ', anrmf, inrmf, enrmf return end subroutine pcval ( nvec, xval, xvec, yval, yvec ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PCVAL evaluates a piecewise constant function at a given point. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The piecewise constant function is specified as suggested by the ! following graph: ! ! ! Y(2)-> *---------* ! | | ! Y(1)-> *----------* | ! | ! | ! Y(3)-> *---------...... ! ! ^ ^ ^ ! | | | ! X(1) X(2) X(3) ! ! Note that if XVAL falls to the left of XVEC(1), then YVAL = YVEC(1). ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NVEC, the number of abscissas and coefficients ! that define the piecewise constant function. NVEC must be at ! least 1. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XVAL, the point at which the function ! is to be evaluated. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XVEC(NVEC), the abscissas of the ! function. These should be distinct and in ascending order. ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) YVAL, the value of the piecewise ! constant function at the point XVAL. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YVEC(NVEC), the value of the piecewise ! constant function at each of the abscissas. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) nvec ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i real ( kind = 8 ) xval real ( kind = 8 ) xvec(nvec) real ( kind = 8 ) yval real ( kind = 8 ) yvec(nvec) ! ! Step 1: Check if XVAL lies outside the intervals. ! if ( xval <= xvec(1)) then yval = yvec(1) return else if ( xvec(nvec) <= xval ) then yval = yvec(nvec) return end if ! ! Step 2: Find index I so that XVEC(I) <= XVAL < XVEC(I+1) ! do i = 1, nvec-1 if ( xvec(i) <= xval .and. xval <= xvec(i+1) ) then yval = xvec(i) return end if end do write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PCVal - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Could not bracket XVAL = ', xval stop end subroutine pldx ( nvec, xval, xvec, yder, yvec ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PLDX evaluates the derivative of a piecewise linear function. ! ! Discussion: ! ! Note that if XVAL falls to the left of XVEC(1), then YDER = 0, ! and similarly, if XDER is greater than XVEC(NVEC), YVAL = 0. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NVEC, the number of abscissas and coefficients ! that define the piecewise linear. NVEC must be odd, and ! at least 3. ! ! XVAL Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XVAL, the point at which the ! derivative with respect to X is to be evaluated. ! ! XVEC Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XVEC(NVEC), the abscissas of the ! function. These should be distinct and in ascending order. ! ! YDER Output, real ( kind = 8 ) YDER, the value of the derivative of ! the piecewise linear function with respect to X, at the point ! XVAL. ! ! YVEC Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YVEC(NVEC), the value of the ! piecewise linear function at each of the abscissas. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) nvec ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ival real ( kind = 8 ) xval real ( kind = 8 ) xvec(nvec) real ( kind = 8 ) yder real ( kind = 8 ) yvec(nvec) ! ! Step 1: Check if XVAL lies outside the intervals. ! if ( xval <= xvec(1)) then yder = 0 return else if ( xvec(nvec) <= xval ) then yder = 0 return end if ! ! Step 2: Find index I so that XVEC(I) <= XVAL < XVEC(I+1) ! do i = 1,nvec-1 if ( xvec(i) <= xval.and.xval <= xvec(i+1)) then ival = i go to 10 end if end do write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PLVal - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Could not bracket XVAL = ',xval stop 10 continue ! ! Step 3: Evaluate the slope of the linear function at XVAL. ! i = ival yder = (yvec(i+1)-yvec(i)) / (xvec(i+1)-xvec(i)) return end subroutine pldx1(ivec,nvec,xval,xvec,yder) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PLDX1 evaluates the X derivative of the piecewise linear ! polynomial which is 1 at the IVEC-th node and 0 at the others. ! ! Note that if XVAL falls to the left of XVEC(1), then YDER = 0, ! and similarly, if XVAL is greater than XVEC(NVEC), YDER = 0. ! ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IVEC, the coefficient with respect to which ! the partial derivative is desired. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NVEC, the number of abscissas and coefficients ! that define the piecewise linear. NVEC must be odd, and ! at least 3. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XVAL, the point at which the function ! is to be evaluated. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XVEC(NVEC), the abscissas of the ! function. These should be distinct and in ascending order. ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) YDER, the value of the derivative of ! the piecewise linear function at the point XVAL. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) nvec ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ival integer ( kind = 4 ) ivec real ( kind = 8 ) xval real ( kind = 8 ) xvec(nvec) real ( kind = 8 ) yder ! ! Step 1: Check if XVAL lies outside the intervals. ! if ( xval <= xvec(1)) then yder = 0.0D+00 return else if ( xvec(nvec) <= xval ) then yder = 0.0D+00 return end if ! ! Step 2: Find index I so that XVEC(I) <= XVAL < XVEC(I+1) ! do i = 1,nvec-1 if ( xvec(i) <= xval.and.xval <= xvec(i+1)) then ival = i go to 10 end if end do write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PLDX1 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Could not bracket XVAL = ',xval stop 10 continue ! ! Step 3: Evaluate the slope of the IVEC-th linear function at XVAL. ! i = ival if ( ival == ivec) then yder = (0.0D+00 -1.0D+00 )/(xvec(ival+1)-xvec(ival)) else if ( ival+1 == ivec) then yder = (1.0D+00 -0.0D+00 )/(xvec(ival+1)-xvec(ival)) else yder = 0.0D+00 end if return end subroutine pltopn ( disfil, igunit ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PLTOPN opens the plotting file. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, character ( len = 30 ) DISFIL, the name of the file into ! which the graphics information will be stored. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IGUNIT. ! On input, if IGUNIT is zero, then the routine believes ! that the graphics unit has not yet been opened. ! If the FORTRAN unit has already been opened, then IGUNIT ! should be nonzero, and the routine will know not to try ! to open the file, since it is already open. ! On output, IGUNIT is the FORTRAN unit used for writing data ! to the plotfile FILEG. ! implicit none ! character ( len = 30 ) disfil integer ( kind = 4 ) igunit ! ! If IGUNIT is not zero, then the graphics unit has already ! been opened. ! if ( igunit == 0) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PltOpn - Note:' write ( *, * ) ' Opening the DISPLAY plot file '//disfil write ( *, * ) ' ' ! ! Delete any old copy of the file. ! igunit = 11 open(unit = igunit,file=disfil,status='unknown', & form = 'formatted',access='sequential',err=10) return ! ! Write a warning if the plot file could not be opened. ! 10 continue write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PltOpn - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' The plot file could not be opened.' igunit = 0 ! ! Else plotfile is already open. ! else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PltOpn - Note' write ( *, * ) ' The plot file is already open.' write ( *, * ) ' New information will be appended to it.' end if return end subroutine plval ( nvec, xval, xvec, yval, yvec ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PLVAL evaluates a piecewise linear function at a given point. ! ! Discussion: ! ! Note that if XVAL falls to the left of XVEC(1), then YVAL = YVEC(1), ! and similarly, if XVAL is greater than XVEC(NVEC), YVAL = YVEC(NVEC). ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NVEC, the number of abscissas and coefficients ! that define the piecewise linear. NVEC must be at least 1. ! ! XVAL Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XVAL, the point at which the function ! is to be evaluated. ! ! XVEC Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XVEC(NVEC), the abscissas of the ! function. These should be distinct and in ascending order. ! ! YVAL Output, real ( kind = 8 ) YVAL, the value of the piecewise ! linear function at the point XVAL. ! ! YVEC Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YVEC(NVEC), the value of the piecewise ! function at each of the abscissas. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) nvec ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ival real ( kind = 8 ) xval real ( kind = 8 ) xvec(nvec) real ( kind = 8 ) yval real ( kind = 8 ) yvec(nvec) ! ! Step 1: Check if XVAL lies outside the intervals. ! if ( xval <= xvec(1)) then yval = yvec(1) return else if ( xvec(nvec) <= xval ) then yval = yvec(nvec) return end if ! ! Step 2: Find index I so that XVEC(I) <= XVAL < XVEC(I+1) ! do i = 1,nvec-1 if ( xvec(i) <= xval.and.xval <= xvec(i+1)) then ival = i go to 10 end if end do write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PLVal - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Could not bracket XVAL = ',xval stop 10 continue ! ! Step 3: Evaluate the linear function at XVAL. ! i = ival if ( xval == xvec(i+1)) then yval = yvec(i+1) else if ( xval == xvec(i)) then yval = yvec(i) else yval = ( yvec(i)*(xvec(i+1)-xval) & +yvec(i+1)*(xval-xvec(i)) ) / (xvec(i+1)-xvec(i)) end if return end subroutine plval1 ( ivec, nvec, xval, xvec, yval ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PLVAL1 evaluates a piecewise linear basis polynomial. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The piecewise linear basis polynomial is 1 ! at node IVEC and 0 at the other nodes. ! ! Note that if XVAL falls to the left of XVEC(1), then YVAL = 0, ! and similarly, if XVAL is greater than XVEC(NVEC), YVAL = 0. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IVEC, the coefficient with respect to which ! the partial derivative is desired. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NVEC, the number of abscissas and coefficients ! that define the piecewise linear. NVEC must be odd, and ! at least 3. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XVAL, the point at which the function ! is to be evaluated. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XVEC(NVEC), the abscissas of the ! function. These should be distinct and in ascending order. ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) YDER, the value of the derivative of ! the piecewise linear function at the point XVAL. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) nvec ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ival integer ( kind = 4 ) ivec real ( kind = 8 ) xval real ( kind = 8 ) xvec(nvec) real ( kind = 8 ) yval ! ! Step 1: Check if XVAL lies outside the intervals. ! if ( xval <= xvec(1)) then yval = 0.0D+00 return else if ( xvec(nvec) <= xval ) then yval = 0.0D+00 return end if ! ! Step 2: Find index I so that XVEC(I) <= XVAL < XVEC(I+1) ! do i = 1,nvec-1 if ( xvec(i) <= xval.and.xval <= xvec(i+1)) then ival = i go to 10 end if end do write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PLVAL1 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Could not bracket XVAL = ',xval stop 10 continue ! ! Step 3: Determine the index of the left endpoint of the least and ! greatest intervals that IVEC can affect. ! i = ival if ( ival == ivec) then if ( xval == xvec(ival)) then yval = 1.0D+00 else yval = (xvec(ival+1)-xval) / (xvec(ival+1)-xvec(ival)) end if else if ( ival+1 == ivec) then if ( xval == xvec(ival+1) ) then yval = 1.0D+00 else yval = (xval-xvec(ival)) / (xvec(ival+1)-xvec(ival)) end if else yval = 0.0D+00 end if return end subroutine pqdx ( nvec, xval, xvec, yder, yvec ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PQDX evaluates the derivative of a piecewise quadratic function. ! ! Discussion: ! ! Note that if XDER falls to the left of XVEC(1), then YVAL = 0, ! and similarly, if XVAL is greater than XVEC(NVEC), YDER = 0. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NVEC, the number of abscissas and coefficients ! that define the piecewise quadratic. NVEC must be odd, and ! at least 3. ! ! XVAL Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XVAL, the point at which the ! derivative with respect to X is to be evaluated. ! ! XVEC Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XVEC(NVEC), the abscissas of the ! function. These should be distinct and in ascending order. ! ! YDER Output, real ( kind = 8 ) YDER, the value of the derivative ! of the piecewise quadratic function with respect to X, ! at the point XVAL. ! ! YVEC Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YVEC(NVEC), the value of the piecewise ! quadratic function at each of the abscissas. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) nvec ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ival real ( kind = 8 ) xval real ( kind = 8 ) xvec(nvec) real ( kind = 8 ) yder real ( kind = 8 ) yvec(nvec) ! ! Step 0: Check data. ! if ( nvec < 3) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PQDX - Fatal error.' write ( *, * ) ' NVEC is ',nvec write ( *, * ) ' but NVEC must be at least 3.' stop end if if ( mod(nvec,2) /= 1) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PQDX - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Even value of NVEC = ',nvec stop end if ! ! Step 1: Find odd index I so that XVEC(I) <= XVAL < XVEC(I+2) ! if ( xval <= xvec(1)) then yder = yvec(1) return else if ( xvec(nvec) <= xval ) then yder = yvec(nvec) return end if do i = 1,nvec-2,2 if ( xvec(i) <= xval.and.xval <= xvec(i+2)) then ival = i go to 10 end if end do write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PQDX - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Could not bracket XVAL = ',xval stop 10 continue ! ! Step 2: Evaluate the derivative of the quadratic function at XVAL. ! i = ival yder = yvec(i)*(2*xval-xvec(i+1)-xvec(i+2)) & /((xvec(i)-xvec(i+1))*(xvec(i)-xvec(i+2))) & +yvec(i+1)*(2*xval-xvec(i)-xvec(i+2)) & /((xvec(i+1)-xvec(i))*(xvec(i+1)-xvec(i+2))) & +yvec(i+1)*(2*xval-xvec(i)-xvec(i+2)) & /((xvec(i+1)-xvec(i))*(xvec(i+1)-xvec(i+2))) return end subroutine pqdx1 ( ivec, nvec, xval, xvec, yder ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PQDX1 evaluates the X derivative of IVEC-th Lagrange basis function. ! ! Discussion: ! ! Note that if XVAL falls to the left of XVEC(1), then YDER = 0, ! and similarly, if XVAL is greater than XVEC(NVEC), YDER = 0. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IVEC, the coefficient with respect to which ! the partial derivative is desired. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NVEC, the number of abscissas and coefficients ! that define the piecewise quadratic. NVEC must be odd, and ! at least 3. ! ! XVAL Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XVAL, the point at which the function ! be evaluated. ! ! XVEC Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XVEC(NVEC), the abscissas of the ! function. These should be distinct and in ascending order. ! ! YDER Output, real ( kind = 8 ) YDER, the value of the derivative of ! the piecewise quadratic function at the point XVAL. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) nvec ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ihi integer ( kind = 4 ) ilo integer ( kind = 4 ) ival integer ( kind = 4 ) ivec real ( kind = 8 ) xval real ( kind = 8 ) xvec(nvec) real ( kind = 8 ) yder ! ! Step 0: Check data. ! if ( nvec < 3) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PQDX1 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' NVEC = ',nvec write ( *, * ) ' but NVEC must be at least 3.' stop end if if ( mod(nvec,2) /= 1) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PQDX1 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Even value of NVEC = ',nvec stop end if ! ! Step 1: Find odd index I so that XVEC(I) <= XVAL < XVEC(I+2) ! if ( xval <= xvec(1)) then yder = 0 return else if ( xvec(nvec) <= xval ) then yder = 0 return end if do i = 1,nvec-2,2 if ( xvec(i) <= xval.and.xval <= xvec(i+2)) then ival = i go to 10 end if end do write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PQDX1 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Could not bracket XVAL = ',xval stop 10 continue ! ! Step 2: Determine the index of the left endpoint of the least and ! greatest intervals that IVEC can affect. ! if ( mod(ivec,2) == 0) then ilo = ivec-1 ihi = ivec-1 else ilo = max(ivec-2,1) ihi = ivec end if ! ! Step 3: If XVAL is outside of the intervals that IVEC can affect, ! the derivative is zero. ! if ( ival < ilo .or. ihi < ival ) then yder = 0 return end if ! ! Step 3: Evaluate the derivative of the quadratic function at XVAL. ! i = ival if ( ivec == ival ) then yder = ( 2.0D+00 * xval - xvec(i+1) - xvec(i+2) ) & / ( ( xvec(i) - xvec(i+1) ) * ( xvec(i) - xvec(i+2) ) ) else if ( ivec == ival+1) then yder = ( 2.0D+00 * xval-xvec(i)-xvec(i+2)) & /((xvec(i+1)-xvec(i))*(xvec(i+1)-xvec(i+2))) else if ( ivec == ival+2) then yder = ( 2.0D+00 * xval-xvec(i)-xvec(i+1)) & /((xvec(i+2)-xvec(i))*(xvec(i+2)-xvec(i+1))) else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PQDX1 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' IVEC = ',ivec write ( *, * ) ' IVAL = ',ival end if return end subroutine pqval ( nvec, xval, xvec, yval, yvec ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PQVAL evaluates a piecewise quadratic function at a given point. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The piecewise quadratic is defined by NVEC values, where NVEC ! is odd, and at least 3. The function is defined by specifying ! a list of nodes XVEC(I), and specifying its value YVEC(I) at each ! node. ! ! The function will be a quadratic polynomial over each of ! (NVEC-1)/2 intervals that are made up a set of three consecutive ! nodes, with the first one odd. Thus, XVEC(1), XVEC(2) and XVEC(3) ! lie in the first interval. ! ! At the odd nodes, the quadratic that defines the function may ! change, but the function remains continuous there, though not ! differentiable. ! ! Note that if XVAL falls to the left of XVEC(1), then YVAL = YVEC(1), ! and similarly, if XVAL is greater than XVEC(NVEC), YVAL = YVEC(NVEC). ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NVEC, the number of abscissas and coefficients ! that define the piecewise quadratic. ! NVEC must be odd, and at least 3. ! ! XVAL Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XVAL, the point at which the function ! is be evaluated. ! ! XVEC Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XVEC(NVEC), the abscissas of the ! function. These should be distinct and in ascending order. ! ! YVAL Output, real ( kind = 8 ) YVAL, the value of the piecewise ! quadratic function at the point XVAL. ! ! YVEC Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YVEC(NVEC), the value of the ! piecewise quadratic function at each of the abscissas. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) nvec ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ival real ( kind = 8 ) xval real ( kind = 8 ) xvec(nvec) real ( kind = 8 ) yval real ( kind = 8 ) yvec(nvec) ! ! Step 0: Check data. ! if ( nvec < 3) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PQVal - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Value of NVEC = ',nvec write ( *, * ) ' but NVEC must be at least 3.' stop end if if ( mod(nvec,2) /= 1) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PQVal - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Even value of NVEC = ',nvec stop end if ! ! Step 1: Find odd index I so that XVEC(I) <= XVAL < XVEC(I+2) ! if ( xval <= xvec(1)) then yval = yvec(1) return else if ( xvec(nvec) <= xval ) then yval = yvec(nvec) return end if do i = 1,nvec-2,2 if ( xvec(i) <= xval.and.xval <= xvec(i+2)) then ival = i go to 10 end if end do write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PQVal - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Could not bracket XVAL = ',xval write ( *, * ) ' There are ',nvec,' nodes.' write ( *, * ) ' First node is at ',xvec(1) write ( *, * ) ' Last node is at ',xvec(nvec) do i = 1,nvec write ( *, * ) xvec(i) end do stop 10 continue ! ! Step 2: Evaluate the quadratic function at XVAL. ! i = ival yval = yvec(i)*(xval-xvec(i+1)) * (xval-xvec(i+2)) & /((xvec(i)-xvec(i+1))*(xvec(i)-xvec(i+2))) & +yvec(i+1)*(xval-xvec(i)) * (xval-xvec(i+2)) & /((xvec(i+1)-xvec(i))*(xvec(i+1)-xvec(i+2))) & +yvec(i+2)*(xval-xvec(i)) * (xval-xvec(i+1)) & /((xvec(i+2)-xvec(i))*(xvec(i+2)-xvec(i+1))) return end subroutine pqval1 ( ivec, nvec, xval, xvec, yval ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PQVAL1 evaluates the piecewise quadratic polynomial which is 1 ! at node IVEC and 0 at the other nodes. ! ! Note that if XVAL falls to the left of XVEC(1), then YVAL = 0, ! and similarly, if XVAL is greater than XVEC(NVEC), YVAL = 0. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IVEC, the coefficient with respect to which ! the partial derivative is desired. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NVEC, the number of abscissas and coefficients ! that define the piecewise quadratic. NVEC must be odd, and ! at least 3. ! ! XVAL Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XVAL, the point at which the function ! is to be evaluated. ! ! XVEC Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XVEC(NVEC), the abscissas of the ! function. These should be distinct and in ascending order. ! ! YDER Output, real ( kind = 8 ) YDER, the value of the derivative of ! the piecewise quadratic function at the point XVAL. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) nvec ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ihi integer ( kind = 4 ) ilo integer ( kind = 4 ) ival integer ( kind = 4 ) ivec real ( kind = 8 ) xval real ( kind = 8 ) xvec(nvec) real ( kind = 8 ) yval ! ! Step 0: Check data. ! if ( nvec < 3) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PQVal1 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Value of NVEC is ',nvec write ( *, * ) ' but NVEC must be at least 3.' stop end if if ( mod(nvec,2) /= 1) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PQVal1 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Even value of NVEC = ',nvec stop end if ! ! Step 1: Find odd index I so that XVEC(I) <= XVAL < XVEC(I+2) ! if ( xval <= xvec(1)) then yval = 0.0D+00 return else if ( xvec(nvec) <= xval ) then yval = 0.0D+00 return end if do i = 1,nvec-2,2 if ( xvec(i) <= xval.and.xval <= xvec(i+2)) then ival = i go to 10 end if end do write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PQVal1 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Could not bracket XVAL = ',xval stop 10 continue ! ! Step 2: Determine the index of the left endpoint of the least and ! greatest intervals that IVEC can affect. ! if ( mod(ivec,2) == 0) then ilo = ivec-1 ihi = ivec-1 else ilo = max(ivec-2,1) ihi = ivec end if ! ! Step 3: If XVAL is outside of the intervals that IVEC can affect, ! the value is zero. ! if ( ival < ilo .or. ihi < ival ) then yval = 0 return end if ! ! Step 3: Evaluate the quadratic function at XVAL. ! i = ival if ( ivec == ival) then yval = (xval-xvec(i+1)) * (xval-xvec(i+2)) & /((xvec(i)-xvec(i+1))*(xvec(i)-xvec(i+2))) else if ( ivec == ival+1) then yval = (xval-xvec(i)) * (xval-xvec(i+2)) & /((xvec(i+1)-xvec(i))*(xvec(i+1)-xvec(i+2))) else if ( ivec == ival+2) then yval = (xval-xvec(i)) * (xval-xvec(i+1)) & /((xvec(i+2)-xvec(i))*(xvec(i+2)-xvec(i+1))) else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PQVal1 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' IVEC = ',ivec write ( *, * ) ' IVAL = ',ival end if return end subroutine prbmat ( afl, ihi, ilo, jhi, jlo, ldafl, neqnfl, nlband ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PRBMAT prints the nonzeroes in a submatrix of a band matrix. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The submatrix is the rectangular region including rows ILO to IHI, ! columns JLO to JHI. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! AFL Input, real ( kind = 8 ) AFL(LDAFL,MAXNFL). ! If Newton iteration is being carried out, then AFL contains the ! Jacobian matrix for the full system. If Picard iteration is ! being carried out, AFL contains the Picard matrix. ! AFL is stored in LINPACK general band storage mode, with ! dimension 3*NBANDL+1 by NEQNFL. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IHI, ILO, JHI, JLO. ! PRMAT is to print all nonzero entries in rows ILO through IHI, ! and columns JLO through JHI, of the matrix AFL. ! ! LDAFL Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) LDAFL. ! LDAFL is the first dimension of the matrix AFL as declared in ! the main program. LDAFL must be at least 3*NLBAND+1. ! ! NEQNFL Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NEQNFL. ! NEQNFL is the number of equations (and coefficients) in the full ! finite element system. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NLBAND, the lower bandwidth of the matrix AFL. ! The zero structure of AFL is assumed to be symmetric, and so ! NLBAND is also the upper bandwidth of AFL. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: incx = 5 ! integer ( kind = 4 ) ldafl integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl ! real ( kind = 8 ) afl(ldafl,neqnfl) character ( len = 14 ) ctemp(incx) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) i2hi integer ( kind = 4 ) i2lo integer ( kind = 4 ) ihi integer ( kind = 4 ) ilo integer ( kind = 4 ) inc integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) j2 integer ( kind = 4 ) j2hi integer ( kind = 4 ) j2lo integer ( kind = 4 ) jhi integer ( kind = 4 ) jlo integer ( kind = 4 ) nlband ! do j2lo = jlo,jhi,incx j2hi = j2lo+incx-1 j2hi = min(j2hi,neqnfl) j2hi = min(j2hi,jhi) inc = j2hi+1-j2lo write ( *, * ) ' ' do j = j2lo,j2hi j2 = j+1-j2lo write(ctemp(j2),'(i7,7x)')j end do write(*,'(''Columns '',5a14)')(ctemp(j2),j2 = 1,inc) ! write ( *, * ) 'Columns ',j2lo,' to ',j2hi write ( *, * ) ' Row' write ( *, * ) ' ' i2lo = ilo i2lo = max(ilo,1) i2lo = max(j2lo-nlband,i2lo) i2hi = ihi i2hi = min(ihi,neqnfl) i2hi = min(j2hi+nlband,i2hi) do i = i2lo,i2hi do j2 = 1,inc j = j2lo-1+j2 if ( i-j <= nlband.and.j-i <= nlband) then write(ctemp(j2),'(g14.6)')afl(i-j+2*nlband+1,j) if ( afl(i-j+2*nlband+1,j) == 0.0D+00 )ctemp(j2)=' 0.0' else ctemp(j2) = ' ' end if end do write(*,'(i5,1x,5a14)')i,(ctemp(j2),j2 = 1,inc) end do end do write ( *, * ) ' ' return end subroutine prdat(disfil,drey,epsdif,gridx,gridy,hx,hy,ibs,ibump,ifs,ijac, & iopt,maxnew,maxopt,maxsim,nbcrb,ncofrb,nelem,nferb,neqnfl,np,npar,nparb, & nparf,ntay,nx,ny,region,reytay,tecfil,tolnew,tolopt,tolsim,wateb,watep, & wateu,watev,xbl,xbr,xprof,xrange,ybl,ybr,yrange) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PRDAT prints the problem information. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) npar ! character ( len = 30 ) disfil real ( kind = 8 ) drey real ( kind = 8 ) epsdif character ( len = 20 ) gridx character ( len = 20 ) gridy real ( kind = 8 ) hx real ( kind = 8 ) hy integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ibs integer ( kind = 4 ) ibump integer ( kind = 4 ) ifs integer ( kind = 4 ) ijac integer ( kind = 4 ) iopt(npar) integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnew integer ( kind = 4 ) maxopt integer ( kind = 4 ) maxsim integer ( kind = 4 ) nbcrb integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) nferb integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) nparb integer ( kind = 4 ) nparf integer ( kind = 4 ) ntay integer ( kind = 4 ) nx integer ( kind = 4 ) ny character ( len = 20 ) region real ( kind = 8 ) reytay character ( len = 30 ) tecfil real ( kind = 8 ) tolnew real ( kind = 8 ) tolopt real ( kind = 8 ) tolsim character ( len = 6 ) type real ( kind = 8 ) wateb real ( kind = 8 ) watep real ( kind = 8 ) wateu real ( kind = 8 ) watev real ( kind = 8 ) xbl real ( kind = 8 ) xbr real ( kind = 8 ) xprof real ( kind = 8 ) xrange real ( kind = 8 ) ybl real ( kind = 8 ) ybr character ( len = 3 ) yesno real ( kind = 8 ) yrange write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) & ' DISPLAY graphics file is DISFIL = ', trim ( disfil ) write ( *, * ) ' REYNLD increment for finite differences DREY = ',drey write ( *, * ) ' Finite difference perturbation EPSDIF = ',epsdif write ( *, * ) ' X grid generation option GRIDX = '//gridx write ( *, * ) ' Y grid generation option GRIDY = '//gridy write ( *, * ) ' X spacing, HX = ',hx write ( *, * ) ' Y spacing, HY = ',hy write ( *, * ) ' Bump piecewise polynomial order IBS = ',ibs write ( *, * ) ' Bump option IBUMP = ',ibump write ( *, * ) ' Flow piecewise polynomial order IFS = ',ifs write ( *, * ) ' Jacobian option IJAC = ',ijac write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Variable Type Free to Vary?' write ( *, * ) ' ' do i = 1,npar if ( i <= nparf) then type = 'Inflow' else if ( i <= nparf+nparb) then type = 'Shape' else type = 'Reynld' end if if ( iopt(i) == 0) then yesno = 'No' else yesno = 'Yes' end if write(*,'(6x,i5,2x,a6,2x,a3)')i,type,yesno end do write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Maximum Newton iterations MAXNEW = ',maxnew write ( *, * ) ' Maximum optimization steps MAXOPT = ',maxopt write ( *, * ) ' Maximum Newton iterations MAXSIM = ',maxsim write ( *, * ) ' # of RB boundary conditions NBCRB = ',nbcrb write ( *, * ) ' Number of reduced equations, NCOFRB = ',ncofrb write ( *, * ) ' Number of elements, NELEM = ',nelem write ( *, * ) ' Number of full equations, NEQNFL = ',neqnfl write ( *, * ) ' # of FE reduced basis cofs, NFERB = ',nferb write ( *, * ) ' Number of nodes, NP = ',np write ( *, * ) ' Number of parameters NPAR = ',npar write ( *, * ) ' Number of inflow parameters NPARF = ',nparf write ( *, * ) ' Number of Taylor vectors NTAY = ',ntay write ( *, * ) ' Number of bump parameters NPARB = ',nparb write ( *, * ) ' Number of X elements, NX = ',nx write ( *, * ) ' Number of Y elements, NY = ',ny write ( *, * ) ' The flow region is REGION = ', trim ( region ) write ( *, * ) ' REYNLD value for Taylor, REYTAY = ',reytay write ( *, * ) & ' TECPLOT graphics file is TECFIL = ', trim ( tecfil ) write ( *, * ) ' Newton convergence tolerance TOLNEW = ',tolnew write ( *, * ) ' Optimization tolerance TOLOPT = ',tolopt write ( *, * ) ' Picard convergence tolerance TOLSIM = ',tolsim write ( *, * ) ' Bump control cost, WATEB = ',wateb write ( *, * ) ' Pressure discrepancy, WATEP = ',watep write ( *, * ) ' U discrepancy, WATEU = ',wateu write ( *, * ) ' V discrepancy, WATEV = ',watev write ( *, * ) ' Left X of bump, XBL = ',xbl write ( *, * ) ' Right X of bump, XBR = ',xbr write ( *, * ) ' Flow profile measured at XPROF = ',xprof write ( *, * ) ' X range, XRANGE = ',xrange write ( *, * ) ' Left Y of bump, YBL = ',ybl write ( *, * ) ' Right Y of bump, YBR = ',ybr write ( *, * ) ' Y range, YRANGE = ',yrange return end subroutine prdmat(a,ihi,ilo,jhi,jlo,mhi,mlo,nhi,nlo) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PRDMAT prints out a portion of a dense matrix. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 11 July 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real A(MLO:MHI,NLO:NHI), the matrix to be printed. ! ! IHI, ! ILO Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IHI, ILO. ! ILO is the first and IHI the last row to print. ! ! JHI, ! JLO Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) JHI, JLO. ! JLO is the first, and JHI the last column to print. ! ! MHI, ! MLO Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MHI, MLO. ! The rows of A go from MLO to MHI. ! ! NHI, ! NLO Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NHI, NLO. ! The columns of A go from NLO to NHI. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) incx parameter (incx = 5) ! integer ( kind = 4 ) mhi integer ( kind = 4 ) mlo integer ( kind = 4 ) nhi integer ( kind = 4 ) nlo ! real ( kind = 8 ) a(mlo:mhi,nlo:nhi) character ( len = 14 ) ctemp(incx) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) i2hi integer ( kind = 4 ) i2lo integer ( kind = 4 ) ihi integer ( kind = 4 ) ilo integer ( kind = 4 ) inc integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) j2 integer ( kind = 4 ) j2hi integer ( kind = 4 ) j2lo integer ( kind = 4 ) jhi integer ( kind = 4 ) jlo ! write ( *, * ) ' ' do j2lo = jlo,jhi,incx j2hi = j2lo+incx-1 if ( nhi < j2hi ) then j2hi = nhi end if if ( jhi < j2hi ) then j2hi = jhi end if inc = j2hi+1-j2lo write ( *, * ) ' ' do j = j2lo,j2hi j2 = j+1-j2lo write(ctemp(j2),'(i7,7x)')j end do write(*,'(''Columns '',5a14)')(ctemp(j2),j2 = 1,inc) write ( *, * ) ' Row' write ( *, * ) ' ' i2lo = max(ilo,mlo) i2hi = min(ihi,mhi) do i = i2lo,i2hi do j2 = 1,inc j = j2lo-1+j2 write(ctemp(j2),'(g14.6)')a(i,j) if ( a(i,j) == 0.0D+00 )ctemp(j2)=' 0.0' end do write(*,'(i5,1x,5a14)')i,(ctemp(j),j = 1,inc) end do end do write ( *, * ) ' ' return end subroutine prelem ( ihi, ilo, nelem, node, np, xc, yc ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PRELEM prints out data about one or more elements. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IHI, ILO. ! ILO is the first element of interest, and IHI the last. ! ! NELEM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! NELEM is the numberof elements. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(6,NELEM), contains the numbers ! of the nodes that make up each element. Element number ! I is associated with nodes NODE(1,I) through NODE(6,I). ! ! NP Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP. ! ! NP is the number of nodes. NP = (2*NX-1)*(2*NY-1). ! ! XC, ! YC Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XC(NP), YC(NP). ! XC and YC are the X and Y coordinates of the nodes. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) ihi integer ( kind = 4 ) ihi2 integer ( kind = 4 ) ilo integer ( kind = 4 ) ilo2 integer ( kind = 4 ) ip integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) ! if ( ilo < 1) then ilo2 = 1 else ilo2 = ilo end if if ( nelem < ihi ) then ihi2 = nelem else ihi2 = ihi end if do ielem = ilo2,ihi2 write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Element IELEM = ',ielem write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Nodes:' write ( *, * ) ' ' do i = 1,6 ip = node(i,ielem) write ( *, * ) i,ip,xc(ip),yc(ip) end do end do return end subroutine prfxfln ( neqnfl, resfl ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PRFXFLN prints out the norm of a full residual. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NEQNFL, the number of equations (and ! coefficients) in the full finite element system. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) RESFL(NEQNFL). ! RESFL contains the residual in the full basis equations. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl ! real ( kind = 8 ) anrmr real ( kind = 8 ) dnrm2 real ( kind = 8 ) enrmr integer ( kind = 4 ) idamax integer ( kind = 4 ) itemp real ( kind = 8 ) resfl(neqnfl) ! itemp = idamax(neqnfl,resfl,1) anrmr = abs(resfl(itemp)) enrmr = dnrm2(neqnfl,resfl,1) write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' MxNorm l2 Norm' write ( *, * ) ' ' write(*,'(''Fx(GFL) '',2g14.6)')anrmr,enrmr return end subroutine prgrb ( grb, ncofrb ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PRGRB prints out the reduced basis solution. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) GRB(NCOFRB), coefficients for the ! reduced system. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCOFRB, the number of coefficients for the ! reduced system. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb ! real ( kind = 8 ) anrmg real ( kind = 8 ) dnrm2 real ( kind = 8 ) enrmg real ( kind = 8 ) grb(ncofrb) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) idamax integer ( kind = 4 ) itemp ! if ( ncofrb <= 0) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PrGRB - Fatal error.' write ( *, * ) ' Input value of NCOFRB = ',ncofrb stop end if write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PrGRB - The reduced basis coefficients:' write ( *, * ) ' ' do i = 1,ncofrb write(*,'(i6,g14.6)')i,grb(i) end do itemp = idamax(ncofrb,grb,1) anrmg = abs(grb(itemp)) enrmg = dnrm2(ncofrb,grb,1) write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' MxNorm l2 Norm' write ( *, * ) ' ' write(*,'(''GRB '',2g14.6)')anrmg,enrmg return end subroutine prindx ( ihi, ilo, indx, np, xc, yc ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PRINDX prints out the integer variables that define the ! relationships between the nodes and elements. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! IHI, ! ILO Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IHI, ILO. ! ILO is the first, and IHI the last node at which the ! information is desired. ! ! INDX Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX(3,NP). ! ! INDX contains, for each node I, the index of U, V and P at ! that node, or 0 or a negative value. ! ! If K = INDX(I,J) is positive, then the value of the degree ! of freedom is stored in the solution vector entry G(K). ! ! If INDX(I,J) is positive, then that means that a degree of ! freedom for variable J (U, V or P) is associated with node ! I, and an equation will be generated to determine its value. ! ! If INDX(I,J) is zero, then that means the the value of variabl ! J (U, V or P) has been specified at node I. No equation is ! generated to determine its value. ! ! NP Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP. ! ! NP is the number of nodes. NP = (2*NX-1)*(2*NY-1). ! ! XC, ! YC Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XC(NP), YC(NP). ! XC and YC are the X and Y coordinates of the nodes. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ihi integer ( kind = 4 ) ilo integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) ! write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PrIndx:' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Node X Y U V P' write ( *, * ) ' ' do i = max(ilo,1),min(ihi,np) if ( indx(3,i) /= 0) then write(*,'(i6,2g14.6,3i6)')i,xc(i),yc(i),indx(1,i),indx(2,i),indx(3,i) else write(*,'(i6,2g14.6,2i6)')i,xc(i),yc(i),indx(1,i),indx(2,i) end if end do return end subroutine prmatfl(a,eqn,ihi,ilo,indx,jhi,jlo,maxnfl,ncol,neqnfl,np) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PRMATFL a matrix A associated with a full flow problem. ! ! Discussion: ! ! PRMATFL prints out a range of rows and columns of a dense matrix, ! whose rows are indirectly indexed by node number, and whose ! columns are indexed in the usual way. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 08 July 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! A Input, real ( kind = 8 ) A(MAXNFL,NCOFRB). ! A is the matrix whose entries are to be printed. ! ! EQN Input, character ( len = 2 ) EQN(MAXNFL). ! EQN records the "type" of each equation that will be generated, and ! which is associated with an unknown. Note that most boundary ! conditions do not result in an equation. The current values are: ! ! 'U' The horizontal momentum equation. ! 'UB' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on the bump. ! 'UI' The condition U = UInflow(Y,Lambda) at the inflow. ! 'UW' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! 'U0' A dummy value of U = 0 should be set. ! ! 'V' The vertical momentum equation. ! 'VB' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on the bump. ! 'VI' The condition V = VInflow(Y,Lambda) at the inflow. ! 'VW' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! 'V0' A dummy value of V = 0 should be set. ! ! 'P' The continuity equation. ! 'PB' The condition P = 0 applied at (XMAX,YMAX). ! 'P0' A dummy value of P = 0 should be set. ! ! IHI, ! ILO Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IHI, ILO. ! ILO is the first node, and IHI the last node, for which the ! data should be printed. ! ! INDX Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX(3,NP). ! ! INDX(I,J) contains, for each node J, the index of U, V and P at ! that node, or 0 or a negative value. ! ! If K = INDX(I,J) is positive, then the value of the degree ! of freedom is stored in the solution vector entry GFL(K). ! ! If INDX(I,J) is positive, then that means that a degree of ! freedom for variable I (U, V or P) is associated with node ! J, and an equation will be generated to determine its value. ! ! If INDX(I,J) is not positive, then no equation is ! generated to determine for variable I at node J. ! ! JHI, ! JLO Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) JHI, JLO. ! JLO is the first, and JHI the last column of A to print. ! ! MAXNFL Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNFL. ! MAXNFL is the maximum number of equations in the full system. ! ! NEQNFL Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NEQNFL. ! NEQNFL is the number of equations (and coefficients) in the full ! finite element system. ! ! NCOFRB Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCOFRB. ! NCOFRB is the number of sensitivities. ! ! NP Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP. ! NP is the number of nodes. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) ncol integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! real ( kind = 8 ) a(maxnfl,ncol) character ( len = 2 ) eqn(neqnfl) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ihi integer ( kind = 4 ) ihi2 integer ( kind = 4 ) ilo integer ( kind = 4 ) ilo2 integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) jhi integer ( kind = 4 ) jhi2 integer ( kind = 4 ) jlo integer ( kind = 4 ) jlo2 integer ( kind = 4 ) k integer ( kind = 4 ) l integer ( kind = 4 ) lhi integer ( kind = 4 ) llo integer ( kind = 4 ) ncols ! if ( neqnfl <= 0) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PrMatFL - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' NEQNFL = ',neqnfl stop end if if ( ncol <= 0) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PrMatFL - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' NCOL = ',ncol stop end if if ( ilo < 1) then ilo2 = 1 write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PrMatFL - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' Input ILO = ',ilo write ( *, * ) ' Reset to ILO2 = ',ilo2 else ilo2 = ilo end if if ( np < ihi ) then ihi2 = np write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PrMatFL - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' Input IHI = ',ihi write ( *, * ) ' Reset to IHI2 = ',ihi2 else ihi2 = ihi end if if ( ihi2 < ilo2 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PrMatFL - Warning:' write ( *, * ) ' Input ILO = ',ilo, ' IHI= ',ihi write ( *, * ) ' Effective ILO2 = ',ilo2,' IHI2=',ihi2 return end if if ( jlo < 1) then jlo2 = 1 write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PrMatFL - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' Input value of JLO was ',jlo write ( *, * ) ' Reset to JLO2 = ',jlo2 else jlo2 = jlo end if if ( ncol < jhi ) then jhi2 = ncol write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PrMatFL - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' Input value of JHI was ',jhi write ( *, * ) ' Reset to JHI2 = ',jhi2 else jhi2 = jhi end if if ( jhi2 < jlo2 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PrMatFL - Warning:' write ( *, * ) ' Input JLO = ',jlo, ' JHI= ',jhi write ( *, * ) ' Effective JLO2 = ',jlo2,' JHI2=',jhi2 return end if ! ! Print the individual entries. ! write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PrMatFL: Matrix entries' write ( *, * ) ' for nodes ILO2 = ',ilo2,' to IHI2=',ihi2 write ( *, * ) ' and columns JLO2 = ',jlo2,' to JHI2=',jhi2 write ( *, * ) ' ' ! ! Print columns in groups, going from LLO to LHI. ! ncols = 5 do llo = jlo2,jhi2,ncols lhi = min(llo+ncols-1,jhi2) write ( *, * ) ' ' write(*,'('' Eqn Node'',6(i6,6x))')(l,l = llo,lhi) write ( *, * ) ' ' ! ! Compute the index of the equation just before the first ! equation to be printed. ! i = indx(1,ilo2)-1 do j = ilo2,ihi2 do k = 1, 3 if ( 0 < indx(k,j) ) then i = i+1 write(*,'(a2,2i4,6g12.4)')eqn(i),i,j,(a(i,l),l = llo,lhi) end if end do end do end do return end subroutine prpar(iopt,npar,nparb,nparf,par) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PRPAR prints out the current parameters. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! NPARB Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARB. ! The number of parameters associated with the position and ! shape of the bump. ! Note that if NPARB = 0, the bump is replaced by a flat wall. ! ! NPARF Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARF. ! NPARF is the number of parameters associated with the ! inflow. NPARF must be at least 1. ! ! PAR Input, real ( kind = 8 ) PAR(NPAR). ! ! PAR is the current estimate for the parameters. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) npar ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) iopt(npar) character ( len = 6 ) label1 character ( len = 5 ) label2 integer ( kind = 4 ) nparb integer ( kind = 4 ) nparf real ( kind = 8 ) par(npar) ! write ( *, * ) ' ' do i = 1,npar if ( iopt(i) == 0) then label2 = 'Fixed' else label2 = 'Free ' end if if ( i <= nparf) then label1 = 'Inflow ' else if ( nparf+1 <= i.and.i <= nparf+nparb) then label1 = 'Bump ' else if ( i == nparf+nparb+1) then label1 = 'Reynld' end if write(*,'(i2,2x,a6,2x,a5,2x,g14.6)')i,label1,label2,par(i) end do return end subroutine prsenn(maxcofrb,maxnfl,ncofrb,neqnfl,senfl) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PRSENN prints out the norms of the sensitivities. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 07 July 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! MAXNFL Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNFL. ! MAXNFL is the maximum number of equations or coefficients allowed ! for the full system. MAXNFL must be used instead of NEQNFL as ! the leading dimension of certain multi-dimensional arrays. ! ! NEQNFL Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NEQNFL. ! NEQNFL is the number of equations (and coefficients) in the full ! finite element system. ! ! NCOFRB Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCOFRB. ! NCOFRB is the number of basis functions used for the ! reduced basis method. (The first basis vector is labeled ! "0"). In this program, that amounts to the number of columns ! in the matrix RB. NCOFRB is also the number of reduced basis ! state equations, and reduced basis coefficients GRB. ! ! SENFL Input, real ( kind = 8 ) SENFL(MAXNFL,NCOFRB). ! SENFL contains the first several order sensitivities of the ! full solution with respect to the REYNLD parameter. ! ! SENFL(I,J) contains the J-th sensitivity of the I-th full unknown ! with respect to REYNLD. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxcofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl ! real ( kind = 8 ) anrmg real ( kind = 8 ) dnrm2 real ( kind = 8 ) enrmg integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) idamax integer ( kind = 4 ) itemp real ( kind = 8 ) senfl(maxnfl,maxcofrb) ! ! Print the norms of the columns of SENFL. ! write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Order MxNorm Index l2 Norm' write ( *, * ) ' ' do i = 1,ncofrb itemp = idamax(neqnfl,senfl(1,i),1) anrmg = abs(senfl(itemp,i)) enrmg = dnrm2(neqnfl,senfl(itemp,i),1) write(*,'(i6,g14.6,i6,g14.6)')i,anrmg,itemp,enrmg end do return end subroutine prvecfl(eqn,ihi,ilo,indx,neqnfl,np,vec) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PRVECFL prints out some entries of a vector indexed by node number. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 07 July 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! IHI, ! ILO Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IHI, ILO. ! ILO is the first node, and IHI the last node, for which the ! data should be printed. ! ! INDX Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX(3,NP). ! ! INDX(I,J) contains, for each node J, the index of U, V and P at ! that node, or 0 or a negative value. ! ! If K = INDX(I,J) is positive, then the value of the degree ! of freedom is stored in the solution vector entry GFL(K). ! ! If INDX(I,J) is positive, then that means that a degree of ! freedom for variable I (U, V or P) is associated with node ! J, and an equation will be generated to determine its value. ! ! If INDX(I,J) is not positive, then no equation is ! generated to determine for variable I at node J. ! ! NEQNFL Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NEQNFL. ! NEQNFL is the number of equations in the full system. ! ! NP Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP. ! NP is the number of nodes. ! ! VEC Input, real ( kind = 8 ) VEC(NEQNFL). ! VEC contains the vector information to be printed. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! character ( len = 2 ) eqn(neqnfl) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ihi integer ( kind = 4 ) ihi2 integer ( kind = 4 ) ilo integer ( kind = 4 ) ilo2 integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) k real ( kind = 8 ) vec(neqnfl) ! ilo2 = max(1,ilo) ihi2 = min(np,ihi) if ( ihi2 < ilo2 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PrVecFL - Warning:' write ( *, * ) ' Input ILO = ',ilo, ' IHI= ',ihi write ( *, * ) ' Effective ILO2 = ',ilo2,' IHI2=',ihi2 return end if ! ! Print the individual entries. ! write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PrVecFL: Vector entries' write ( *, * ) ' for nodes ILO2 = ',ilo2,' to IHI2=',ihi2 write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Eqn Node Value' write ( *, * ) ' ' ! ! Compute the index of the equation just before the first ! equation to be printed. ! i = indx(1,ilo2)-1 do j = ilo2,ihi2 do k = 1, 3 if ( 0 < indx(k,j) ) then i = i+1 write(*,'(a2,2i5,5g12.4)')eqn(i),i,j,vec(i) end if end do end do return end subroutine prvecrb ( ihi, ilo, nhi, nlo, vec ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PRVECRB prints out entries ILO through IHI of a vector. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 08 July 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! IHI, ! ILO Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IHI, ILO. ! ILO is the lowest, and IHI the highest index to print. ! ! NHI, ! NHI Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NHI, NLO. ! NLO is the index of the lowest, and NHI the index of ! the highest entry of VEC. ! ! VEC Input, real ( kind = 8 ) VEC(NLO:NHI). ! VEC is the vector whose entries are to be printed. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) nhi integer ( kind = 4 ) nlo ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ihi integer ( kind = 4 ) ihi2 integer ( kind = 4 ) ilo integer ( kind = 4 ) ilo2 real ( kind = 8 ) vec(nlo:nhi) ! if ( nhi < nlo ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PrVecRB - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' NHI < NLO!' write ( *, * ) ' NLO = ',nlo write ( *, * ) ' NHI = ',nhi stop end if if ( ilo < nlo) then ilo2 = nlo else ilo2 = ilo end if if ( nhi < ihi ) then ihi2 = nhi else ihi2 = ihi end if write ( *, * ) 'Vector entries ILO2 = ',ilo2,' to IHI2=',ihi2 write ( *, * ) ' ' do i = ilo2,ihi2 write(*,'(i6,g14.6)')i,vec(i) end do return end subroutine prxy(ihi,ilo,np,ny,xc,yc) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PRXY prints the X and Y coordinates of each node. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 08 July 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! IHI, ! ILO Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IHI, ILO, the indices of the last and ! first nodes to print. ! ! NP Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! NY Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NY, the number of nodes in each column. ! ! XC Input, real XC(NP), the X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! YC Input, real YC(NP), the Y coordinates of the nodes. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) icol integer ( kind = 4 ) ihi integer ( kind = 4 ) ilo integer ( kind = 4 ) irow integer ( kind = 4 ) ny real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) ! write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'PrXY:' write ( *, * ) ' Print X and Y coordinates of nodes' write ( *, * ) ilo,' through ',ihi write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Node Row Column X Y' write ( *, * ) ' ' do i = max(ilo,1),min(ihi,np) icol = (i-1)/(2*ny-1) + 1 irow = i-(icol-1)*(2*ny-1) if ( irow == 1) then write ( *, * ) ' ' end if write(*,'(3i5,2f12.5)')i,irow,icol,xc(i),yc(i) end do return end subroutine qbf(ielem,in,w,dwdx,dwdy,nelem,node,np,xc,xq,yc,yq) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! QBF evaluates a particular quadratic basis function at a point ! in a nonisoparametric element. ! ! ^ ! | 2 ! | /| ! Y | 4 5 ! | / | ! | 1-6-3 ! | ! +------------> ! X ! ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 08 July 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! IELEM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IELEM, the number of the element we are ! examining. This will be a value between 1 and NELEM. ! ! IN Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IN, the number of the basis function we ! want. This will be a value between 1 and 6. Functions ! 1 through 3 are associated with corners, 4 though 6 ! with sides. ! ! W, ! DWDX, ! DWDY Output, real ( kind = 8 ) W, DWDX, DWDY, the value of the ! IN-th basis function and its X and Y derivatives, at the ! given point. ! ! NELEM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(6,NELEM), contains the numbers ! of the nodes that make up each element. Element number ! I is associated with nodes NODE(1,I) through NODE(6,I). ! ! NP Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! XC Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XC(NP), the X coordinates of the ! nodes. ! ! XQ Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XQ, the X coordinate of the point ! where the basis function is to be evaluated. ! ! YC Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YC(NP), the Y coordinates of the nodes ! ! YQ Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YQ, the Y coordinate of the point wher ! the basis function is to be evaluated. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! real ( kind = 8 ) c real ( kind = 8 ) d real ( kind = 8 ) dwdx real ( kind = 8 ) dwdy integer ( kind = 4 ) i1 integer ( kind = 4 ) i2 integer ( kind = 4 ) i3 integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) in integer ( kind = 4 ) in1 integer ( kind = 4 ) in2 integer ( kind = 4 ) in3 integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) s real ( kind = 8 ) t real ( kind = 8 ) w real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xq real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yq ! ! Case 1: We are inquiring about a basis function associated ! with a corner. ! ! Notice that the basis function W is zero exactly if ! T is 0 or T is 1/2. ! ! IN1, IN2, and IN3 are the local node numbers of the three ! corner nodes, and I1, I2 and I3 are the corresponding ! global node numbers, which are used to look up the X and ! Y coordinates of the nodes. ! if ( 1 <= <= 3) then in1 = in in2 = mod(in,3)+1 in3 = mod(in+1,3)+1 i1 = node(in1,ielem) i2 = node(in2,ielem) i3 = node(in3,ielem) d = (xc(i2)-xc(i1))*(yc(i3)-yc(i1)) -(xc(i3)-xc(i1))*(yc(i2)-yc(i1)) if ( d == 0.0D+00 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'QBF - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' D = 0' write ( *, * ) ' Element IELEM = ',ielem write ( *, * ) ' I1, XC(I1), YC(I1) = ',i1,xc(i1),yc(i1) write ( *, * ) ' I2, XC(I2), YC(I2) = ',i2,xc(i2),yc(i2) write ( *, * ) ' I3, XC(I3), YC(I3) = ',i3,xc(i3),yc(i3) stop end if t = 1.0D+00 & + ( (xq -xc(i1))*(yc(i2)-yc(i3))+(xc(i3)-xc(i2))*(yq -yc(i1)) )/d w = t*(2.0D+00 *t-1.0D+00 ) dwdx = (yc(i2)-yc(i3))*(4.0D+00 *t-1.0D+00 )/d dwdy = (xc(i3)-xc(i2))*(4.0D+00 *t-1.0D+00 )/d ! ! Case 2: We are inquiring about a basis function associated ! with a midpoint. ! else if ( 4 <= in .and. in <= 6 ) then in1 = in-3 in2 = mod(in-3,3)+1 in3 = mod(in-2,3)+1 i1 = node(in1,ielem) i2 = node(in2,ielem) i3 = node(in3,ielem) d = (xc(i2)-xc(i1))*(yc(i3)-yc(i1))-(xc(i3)-xc(i1))*(yc(i2)-yc(i1)) if ( d == 0.0D+00 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'QBF - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' D = 0' write ( *, * ) ' Element IELEM = ',ielem write ( *, * ) ' I1, XC(I1), YC(I1) = ',i1,xc(i1),yc(i1) write ( *, * ) ' I2, XC(I2), YC(I2) = ',i2,xc(i2),yc(i2) write ( *, * ) ' I3, XC(I3), YC(I3) = ',i3,xc(i3),yc(i3) stop end if c = (xc(i3)-xc(i2))*(yc(i1)-yc(i2))-(xc(i1)-xc(i2))*(yc(i3)-yc(i2)) if ( c == 0.0D+00 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'QBF - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' C = 0' write ( *, * ) ' Element IELEM = ',ielem write ( *, * ) ' I1, XC(I1), YC(I1) = ',i1,xc(i1),yc(i1) write ( *, * ) ' I2, XC(I2), YC(I2) = ',i2,xc(i2),yc(i2) write ( *, * ) ' I3, XC(I3), YC(I3) = ',i3,xc(i3),yc(i3) stop end if t = 1.0D+00 & + ( (xq-xc(i1))*(yc(i2)-yc(i3))+(xc(i3)-xc(i2))*(yq -yc(i1)) )/d s = 1.0D+00 & + ( (xq-xc(i2))*(yc(i3)-yc(i1))+(xc(i1)-xc(i3))*(yq -yc(i2)) )/c w = 4.0D+00 * s*t dwdx = 4.0D+00 * ((yc(i3)-yc(i1))*t/c + (yc(i2)-yc(i3))*s/d) dwdy = 4.0D+00 * ((xc(i1)-xc(i3))*t/c + (xc(i3)-xc(i2))*s/d) else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'QBF - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Request for basis function IN = ',in write ( *, * ) ' but IN must be between 1 and 6.' stop end if return end subroutine refbsp(q,dqdx,dqdy,detadx,detady,dxsidx,dxsidy,eta,iq,xsi) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! REFBSP evaluates one of the three linear basis functions, ! and its X and Y derivatives, at a particular point (X,Y) ! in a particular element, by referring to the corresponding ! points (XSI,ETA) in the reference triangle. ! ! It is assumed that we already know the value of the jacobian ! of the isoparametric transformation between the (XSI, ETA) and ! (X, Y) spaces. The four entries of the jacobian are ! symbolically named DETADX, DETADY, DXSIDX and DXSIDY, and ! we know that the jacobian gives us the following relation ! between derivatives with respect to XSI and ETA, and derivatives ! with respect to X and Y: ! ! dF/dX = dF/dXsi dXsi/dX + dF/dEta dEta/dX ! dF/dY = dF/dXsi dXsi/dY + dF/dEta dEta/dY ! ! Here is a graph of the (XSI, ETA) reference triangle we will ! use. ! ! ^ ! | ! 1 + 2 ! | /| ! ETA | / | ! | / | ! 0 + 1---3 ! | ! +----+---+---> ! 0 1 ! ! XSI ! ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 08 July 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) Q, DQDX, DQDY, the value of the basis ! function, and its derivatives with respect to X and Y, at ! the point (ETA,XSI). ! ! DETADX, ! DETADY Input, real ( kind = 8 ) DETADX, DETADY, the partial derivative ! d ETA/d X and d ETA/d Y at (ETA,XSI). ! ! IQ Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IQ, the local node number, between 1 and ! 3, whose basis function is being evaluated. ! ! DXSIDX, ! DXSIDY Input, real ( kind = 8 ) DXSIDX, DXSIDY, the partial derivative ! d XSI/d X and d XSI/d Y at (ETA,XSI). ! ! ETA, ! XSI Input, real ( kind = 8 ) ETA, XSI, the local coordinates of the ! at which the basis information is desired. ! implicit none ! real ( kind = 8 ) detadx real ( kind = 8 ) detady real ( kind = 8 ) dqdeta real ( kind = 8 ) dqdx real ( kind = 8 ) dqdxsi real ( kind = 8 ) dqdy real ( kind = 8 ) dxsidx real ( kind = 8 ) dxsidy real ( kind = 8 ) eta integer ( kind = 4 ) iq real ( kind = 8 ) q real ( kind = 8 ) xsi ! ! Refuse to evaluate the basis functions for arguments (XSI,ETA) ! that lie outside the reference triangle. ! if ( 1.0D+00 < xsi ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'REFBSP - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' XSI must be less than or equal to 1.' write ( *, * ) ' Input XSI is ',xsi stop end if if ( xsi < eta ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'REFBSP - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' ETA must be less or equal to XSI.' write ( *, * ) ' Input XSI, ETA = ',xsi,eta stop end if if ( eta < 0.0D+00 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'REFBSP - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' ETA must be 0 or greater.' write ( *, * ) ' Input ETA = ',eta stop end if ! if ( iq == 1) then q = 1.0D+00 -xsi dqdxsi = -1.0D+00 dqdeta = 0.0D+00 else if ( iq == 2) then q = eta dqdxsi = 0.0D+00 dqdeta = 1.0D+00 else if ( iq == 3) then q = xsi-eta dqdxsi = 1.0D+00 dqdeta = -1.0D+00 else if ( 4 <= iq .and. iq <= 6 ) then q = 0.0D+00 dqdxsi = 0.0D+00 dqdeta = 0.0D+00 else write ( *, * ) 'RefBSP - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Request for basis function IQ = ',iq write ( *, * ) ' but IQ must be between 1 and 6.' stop end if dqdx = dqdxsi*dxsidx+dqdeta*detadx dqdy = dqdxsi*dxsidy+dqdeta*detady return end subroutine refqbf(w,dwdx,dwdy,detadx,detady,dxsidx,dxsidy,eta,iq,xsi) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! REFQBF evaluates one of the six quadratic basis functions, ! and its X and Y derivatives, at a particular point in a ! particular element, by referring to the reference triangle. ! ! The point we are interested in is referred to by its coordinates ! in the reference triangle. That is, we are given coordinates ! (XSI, ETA), even though, physically, we are interested ! in points in (X, Y) space. ! ! It is assumed that we already know the value of the jacobian ! of the isoparametric transformation between the (XSI, ETA) and ! (X, Y) spaces. The four entries of the jacobian are ! symbolically named DETADX, DETADY, DXSIDX and DXSIDY, and ! we know that the jacobian gives us the following relation ! between derivatives with respect to XSI and ETA, and derivatives ! with respect to X and Y: ! ! d F(X,Y)/dX (d XSI/dX d ETA/dX ) ( d F(XSI, ETA)/d XSI ) ! d F(X,Y)/dY = (d XSI/dY d ETA/dY ) * ( d F(XSI, ETA)/d ETA ) ! ! Here is a graph of the (XSI, ETA) reference triangle we will ! use. ! ! ^ ! | ! 1 + 2 ! | /| ! ETA | 4 5 ! | / | ! 0 + 1-6-3 ! | ! +----+---+---> ! 0 1 ! ! XSI ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 08 July 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! W, ! DWDX, ! DWDY Output, real ( kind = 8 ) W, DWDX, DWDY, the value of the basis ! function, and its derivatives with respect to X and Y, at ! the point (XSI,ETA). ! ! DETADX, ! DETADY Input, real ( kind = 8 ) DETADX, DETADY, the partial derivative ! d ETA/d X and d ETA/d Y at (XSI,ETA). ! ! DXSIDX, ! DXSIDY Input, real ( kind = 8 ) DXSIDX, DXSIDY, the partial derivative ! d XSI/d X and d XSI/d Y at (XSI,ETA). ! ! ETA Input, real ( kind = 8 ) ETA, the ETA coordinate of the point. ! ! IQ Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IQ, the local node number, between 1 and ! 6, whose basis function is being evaluated. ! ! XSI Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XSI, the XSI coordinate of the point. ! implicit none ! real ( kind = 8 ) detadx real ( kind = 8 ) detady real ( kind = 8 ) dwdeta real ( kind = 8 ) dwdx real ( kind = 8 ) dwdxsi real ( kind = 8 ) dwdy real ( kind = 8 ) dxsidx real ( kind = 8 ) dxsidy real ( kind = 8 ) eta integer ( kind = 4 ) iq real ( kind = 8 ) w real ( kind = 8 ) xsi ! ! Refuse to evaluate the basis functions for arguments (XSI,ETA) ! that lie outside the reference triangle. ! if ( 1.0D+00 < xsi ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'REFQBF - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' XSI must be less than or equal to 1.' write ( *, * ) ' Input XSI is ',xsi stop end if if ( xsi < eta ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'REFQBF - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' ETA must be less or equal to XSI.' write ( *, * ) ' Input XSI, ETA = ',xsi,eta stop end if if ( eta < 0.0D+00 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'REFQBF - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' ETA must be 0 or greater.' write ( *, * ) ' Input ETA = ',eta stop end if ! ! Evaluate W, the quadratic basis function. ! Evaluate DWDXSI and DWDETA, the partial derivatives d W/d XSI ! and d W/d ETA. ! ! Basis 1 is zero if XSI = 0.5 or XSI=1. ! if ( iq == 1) then w = (2.0D+00 *xsi-1.0D+00 ) * (xsi-1.0) dwdxsi = -3.0D+00 + 4.0D+00 *xsi dwdeta = 0.0D+00 ! ! Basis 2 is zero if ETA = 0 or ETA=0.5. ! else if ( iq == 2) then w = eta * (2.0D+00 *eta-1.0D+00 ) dwdxsi = 0.0D+00 dwdeta = -1.0D+00 + 4.0D+00 *eta ! ! Basis 3 is zero if XSI = ETA, or XSI=ETA+0.5 ! else if ( iq == 3) then w = (xsi-eta) * (2.0D+00 *xsi-2.0D+00 *eta-1.0D+00 ) dwdxsi = -1.0D+00 + 4.0D+00 *xsi-4.0D+00 *eta dwdeta = 1.0D+00 -4.0D+00 *xsi+4.0D+00 *eta ! ! Basis 4 is zero if ETA = 0 or XSI=1. ! else if ( iq == 4) then w = 4.0D+00 * eta * (1.0D+00 -xsi) dwdxsi = -4.0D+00 *eta dwdeta = 4.0D+00 -4.0D+00 *xsi ! ! Basis 5 is zero if ETA = 0 or XSI=ETA. ! else if ( iq == 5) then w = 4.0D+00 * eta * (xsi-eta) dwdxsi = 4.0D+00 *eta dwdeta = 4.0D+00 *xsi-8.0D+00 *eta ! ! Basis 6 is zero if XSI = ETA or XSI=1. ! else if ( iq == 6) then w = 4.0D+00 * (xsi-eta) * (1.0D+00 -xsi) dwdxsi = 4.0D+00 -8.0D+00 *xsi+4.0D+00 *eta dwdeta = -4.0D+00 + 4.0D+00 * xsi ! ! Stop if we were given an unexpected value of IQ. ! else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'RefQBF - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' A basis function index must be between 1 and 6,' write ( *, * ) ' but you input the value IQ = ',iq stop end if ! ! Convert the d W/d XSI and d W/d ETA derivatives to d W/d X ! and d W/d Y. ! dwdx = dwdxsi*dxsidx + dwdeta*detadx dwdy = dwdxsi*dxsidy + dwdeta*detady return end function s_eqi ( s1, s2 ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! S_EQI is a case insensitive comparison of two strings for equality. ! ! Example: ! ! S_EQI ( 'Anjana', 'ANJANA' ) is .TRUE. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 14 April 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, character ( len = * ) S1, S2, the strings to compare. ! ! Output, logical S_EQI, the result of the comparison. ! character c1 character c2 integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) len1 integer ( kind = 4 ) len2 integer ( kind = 4 ) lenc logical s_eqi character ( len = * ) s1 character ( len = * ) s2 ! len1 = len ( s1 ) len2 = len ( s2 ) lenc = min ( len1, len2 ) s_eqi = .false. do i = 1, lenc c1 = s1(i:i) c2 = s2(i:i) call ch_cap ( c1 ) call ch_cap ( c2 ) if ( c1 /= c2 ) then return end if end do do i = lenc + 1, len1 if ( s1(i:i) /= ' ' ) then return end if end do do i = lenc + 1, len2 if ( s2(i:i) /= ' ' ) then return end if end do s_eqi = .true. return end subroutine setban ( indx, ldafl, nelem, nlband, node, np ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! SETBAN computes NLBAND, the lower band width of the Jacobian matrix ! stored in LINPACK general band storage format. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 08 July 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! INDX Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX(3,NP). ! ! INDX(I,J) contains, for each node J, the index of U, V and P at ! that node, or 0 or a negative value. ! ! If K = INDX(I,J) is positive, then the value of the degree ! of freedom is stored in the solution vector entry GFL(K), ! and an equation will be generated to determine its value. ! ! If INDX(I,J) is not positive, then no equation is ! generated to determine for variable I at node J, either because ! the variable is specified in some other way, or because ! (in the case of pressure), there is no coefficient associated ! with that node. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) LDAFL, the first dimension of the matrix AFL. ! ! NELEM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! NLBAND Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NLBAND. ! ! The lower bandwidth of the matrix A. The zero structure of A ! is assumed to be symmetric, and so NLBAND is also the upper ! bandwidth of A. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(6,NELEM). ! ! NODE(I,J) contains, for an element J, the global node index of ! the element node whose local number is I. ! ! The local ordering of the nodes is suggested by this diagram: ! ! 2 ! /| ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1-6-3 ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes used to define the ! finite element mesh. NP = (2*NX-1)*(2*NY-1). ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) ip integer ( kind = 4 ) ipp integer ( kind = 4 ) iq integer ( kind = 4 ) iqq integer ( kind = 4 ) iuk integer ( kind = 4 ) iukk integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) ldafl integer ( kind = 4 ) nlband integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) ! nlband = 0 do ielem = 1,nelem do iq = 1,6 ip = node(iq,ielem) do iuk = 1,3 i = indx(iuk,ip) if ( 0 < i ) then do iqq = 1, 6 ipp = node(iqq,ielem) do iukk = 1,3 j = indx(iukk,ipp) if ( 0 < j ) then if ( nlband < j-i ) then nlband = j-i end if end if end do end do end if end do end do end do if ( ldafl < 3*nlband+1 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SetBan - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Not enough room for matrix!' write ( *, * ) ' Number of rows needed is ',3*nlband+1 write ( *, * ) ' The maximum allowed is LDAFL = ',ldafl stop end if return end subroutine setgeo(area,etaq,gridx,gridy,ibs,isotri,nelem,node,nodelm,np, & npar,nparb,nparf,nx,ny,par,phifl,region,splbmp,taubmp,wquad,xbl,xbr,xc, & xquad,xrange,xsiq,ybl,ybr,yc,yquad,yrange) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! SETGEO is given a set of flow parameters in PAR, and an ! approximate solution vector G, and proceeds to set up the ! constraints associated with PAR, and use Newton iteration ! to correct G to a solution that satisfies the constraints ! to within some tolerance. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 08 July 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) AREA(3,NELEM). ! AREA contains a common factor multiplying the term associated ! with a quadrature point in a given element, namely, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! or, if the element is isoperimetric, ! AREA(IQUAD,IELEM) = DET * Ar(IELEM) * WQUAD(IQUAD) ! Here Ar(IELEM) represents the area of element IELEM. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) ETAQ(3). ! The "Eta" coordinates of the quadrature points. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IBS. ! 1, the bump is modeled by C0 linear splines. ! 2, the bump is modeled by C0 quadratic splines. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ISOTRI(NELEM). ! 0, the element is NOT isoparametric, and the nodes never move. ! That means that the quadrature points are only computed once. ! 1, the element is NOT isoparametric, but the nodes may move. ! Quadrature point locations must be updated on each step. ! This could occur for elements above, but not touching, the bump. ! 2, the element is isoparametric. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(6,NELEM). ! NODE(I,J) contains, for an element J, the global node index of ! the element node whose local number is I. ! The local ordering of the nodes is suggested by this diagram: ! ! 2 ! /| ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1-6-3 ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes used to define the ! finite element mesh. NP = (2*NX-1)*(2*NY-1). ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPAR. ! The number of parameters. NPAR = NPARF + NPARB + 1. ! The parameters control the shape of the inflow, ! the shape of the bump obstacle, and the strength of the ! flow. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARB. ! The number of parameters associated with the position and ! shape of the bump. ! Note that if NPARB = 0, the bump is replaced by a flat wall. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARF. ! NPARF is the number of parameters associated with the ! inflow. NPARF must be at least 1. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NX. ! NX controls the spacing of nodes and elements in ! the X direction. There are 2*NX-1 nodes along various ! lines in the X direction. ! Roughly speaking, NX (or 2*NX) is the number of elements along ! a line in the X direction. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NY. ! NY controls the spacing of nodes and elements in ! the Y direction. There are 2*NY-1 nodes along various ! lines in the Y direction. ! Roughly speaking, NY (or 2*NY) is the number of elements along ! a line in the Y direction. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) PAR(NPAR). ! PAR is the current estimate for the parameters. ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) PHIFL(3,6,10,NELEM). ! PHIFL contains the value of a finite element basis function, its ! derivative, or other information, evaluated at the quadrature ! points. ! The meaning of the entry PHIFL(I,J,K,L) is as follows. ! For the quadrature point I, and basis function J, in element L, ! PHIFL(I,J,K,L) represents the value of: ! K = 1, W, the finite element basis function for velocities; ! K = 2, dWdX, the X derivative of W; ! K = 3, dWdY, the Y derivative of W; ! K = 4, Q, the finite element basis function for pressures; ! K = 5, dQdX, the X derivative of Q; ! K = 6, dQdY, the Y derivative of Q; ! K = 7, dXsidX, the X derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->XSI; ! K = 8, dXsidY, the Y derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->XSI; ! K = 9, dEtadX, the X derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->ETA; ! K = 10, dEtadY, the Y derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->ETA; ! In particular, PHIFL(I,J,K,L) is the value of the quadratic ! basis function W associated with local node J in element L, ! evaluated at quadrature point I. ! Note that PHIFL(I,J,K,L) = 0 whenever J=4, 5, or 6 and K=4, 5, or 6, ! since there are only three linear basis functions. ! ! Input, character ( len = 20 ) REGION. ! REGION specifies the flow region. ! 'cavity', a driven cavity, 1 unit on each side, open on ! the top with a tangential velocity specification there. ! 'cavity2', a driven cavity, 1 unit on each side, open on ! the top and bottom with tangential velocity specifications there. ! 'channel', a channel, 10 units long by 3 high, inflow on ! the left, outflow on the right, with a bump on the bottom. ! 'step', a channel, 12 units long by 3 high, inflow on the ! left, outflow on the right, with a step on the bottom. ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) SPLBMP(NPARB+2). ! SPLBMP contains the spline coefficients for the bump. ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) SPLFLO(NPARF+2). ! SPLFLO contains the spline coefficients for the inflow. ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) TAUBMP(NPARB+2). ! TAUBMP contains the location of the spline abscissas for ! the bump. There are NPARB+2 of them, because the end values ! of the spline are constrained to have particular values. ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) TAUFLO(NPARF+2). ! TAUFLO contains the location of the spline abscissas for ! the inflow. There are NPARF+2 of them, because the end ! values of the spline are constrained to have particular ! values. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) WQUAD(3), the weights for Gaussian ! quadrature. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XBL, the X coordinate of the left corner ! of the bump. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XBR, the X coordinate of the right corner ! of the bump. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XC(NP). ! The X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XQUAD(3,NELEM). ! The X coordinates of the quadrature points for each element. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XSIQ(3). ! The "Xsi" coordinates of the quadrature points. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YBL, the Y coordinate of the left corner ! of the bump. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YBR, the Y coordinate of the right corner ! of the bump. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YC(NP). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YQUAD(3,NELEM). ! The Y coordinates of the quadrature points for each element. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) npar integer ( kind = 4 ) nparb integer ( kind = 4 ) nparf integer ( kind = 4 ) nx integer ( kind = 4 ) ny ! real ( kind = 8 ) area(3,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) etaq(3) character ( len = 20 ) gridx character ( len = 20 ) gridy integer ( kind = 4 ) ibs integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) ip integer ( kind = 4 ) isotri(nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) nodelm(np) real ( kind = 8 ) par(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) phifl(3,6,10,nelem) character ( len = 20 ) region real ( kind = 8 ) splbmp(nparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) taubmp(nparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) wquad(3) real ( kind = 8 ) xbl real ( kind = 8 ) xbr real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xquad(3,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) xrange real ( kind = 8 ) xsiq(3) real ( kind = 8 ) ybl real ( kind = 8 ) ybr real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yquad(3,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) yrange ! ! Set the spline coefficients for the bump. ! call bmpspl(npar,nparb,nparf,par,splbmp,taubmp,xbl,xbr,ybl,ybr) ! ! Set the X and Y coordinates of the nodes that form the grid. ! call setxy(gridx,gridy,ibs,np,nparb,nx,ny,region,splbmp,taubmp, & xbl,xbr,xc,xrange,ybl,ybr,yc,yrange) ! ! Set the quadrature points, which move every step if there ! are bump parameters. ! call setq3(area,etaq,isotri,nelem,node,np,wquad,xc,xquad,xsiq,yc,yquad) ! ! Set the value of the basis functions at all quadrature points. ! call setpfl(area,etaq,isotri,nelem,node,np,phifl,xc,xquad,xsiq,yc,yquad) ! ! Set the NODELM array. ! do ip = 1,nelem nodelm(ip) = 0 end do do ielem = 1,nelem do j = 1,6 ip = node(j,ielem) nodelm(ip) = ielem end do end do return end subroutine setlog(eqn,hx,hy,ibump,indx,isotri,ldafl,maxelm, & maxnfl,maxnp,nelem,neqnfl,nlband,node,np,nprof,nx,ny, & region,xbl,xbr,xprof,xrange,ybr,yrange) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! SETLOG determines some data that depends on the user input. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 08 July 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! EQN Output, character ( len = 2 ) EQN(NEQNFL). ! EQN records the "type" of each equation that will be generated, and ! which is associated with an unknown. Note that most boundary ! conditions do not result in an equation. The current values are: ! ! 'U' The horizontal momentum equation. ! 'UB' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on the bump. ! 'UI' The condition U = UInflow(Y,Lambda) at the inflow. ! 'UW' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! ! 'V' The vertical momentum equation. ! 'VB' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on the bump. ! 'VI' The condition V = VInflow(Y,Lambda) at the inflow. ! 'VW' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! ! 'P' The continuity equation. ! 'PB' The condition P = 0 applied at (XMAX,YMAX). ! ! HX Output, real ( kind = 8 ) HX. ! HX is the nominal spacing between nodes in the X direction. ! ! HY Output, real ( kind = 8 ) HY. ! HY is the nominal spacing between nodes in the Y direction. ! ! NELEM Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! NELEM is the number of elements. ! NELEM can be determined as 2*(NX-1)*(NY-1). ! ! NP Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP. ! NP is the number of nodes used to define the finite element mesh. ! Typically, the mesh is generated as a rectangular array, with ! an odd number of nodes in the horizontal and vertical directions. ! The formula for NP is NP = (2*NX-1)*(2*NY-1). ! ! NX Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NX. ! ! NX controls the spacing of nodes and elements in ! the X direction. There are 2*NX-1 nodes along various ! lines in the X direction. ! ! Roughly speaking, NX (or 2*NX) is the number of elements along ! a line in the X direction. ! ! NY Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NY. ! ! NY controls the spacing of nodes and elements in ! the Y direction. There are 2*NY-1 nodes along various ! lines in the Y direction. ! ! Roughly speaking, NY (or 2*NY) is the number of elements along ! a line in the Y direction. ! ! XPROF Output, real ( kind = 8 ) XPROF. ! ! The X coordinate at which the profile is measured. This ! value should be a grid value! ! ! XRANGE Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XRANGE. ! The total width of the region. ! ! YRANGE Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YRANGE. ! YRANGE is the total height of the region. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxelm integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnp integer ( kind = 4 ) ny ! character ( len = 2 ) eqn(maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) hx real ( kind = 8 ) hy integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ibump integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,maxnp) integer ( kind = 4 ) isotri(maxelm) integer ( kind = 4 ) itemp integer ( kind = 4 ) ldafl integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) nlband integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,maxelm) integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) nprof(2*ny-1) integer ( kind = 4 ) nx character ( len = 20 ) region real ( kind = 8 ) xbl real ( kind = 8 ) xbr real ( kind = 8 ) xprof real ( kind = 8 ) xrange real ( kind = 8 ) ybr real ( kind = 8 ) yrange ! nelem = 2*(nx-1)*(ny-1) write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SetLog - Note:' write ( *, * ) ' Number of elements, NELEM = ',nelem np = (2*nx-1)*(2*ny-1) write ( *, * ) ' Number of nodes, NP = ',np if ( xprof < 0.0 .or. xrange < xprof ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SetLog - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' XPROF lies outside of XRANGE.' write ( *, * ) ' XPROF = ',xprof write ( *, * ) ' XRANGE = ',xrange stop end if if ( 1 < nx ) then hx = xrange/(2.0D+00 *dble(nx-1)) else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SetLog - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' NX = ',nx stop end if if ( 1 < ny ) then hy = yrange/(2.0D+00 *dble(ny-1)) else write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SetLog - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' NY = ',ny stop end if write ( *, * ) ' X nodal spacing is HX = ',hx write ( *, * ) ' Y nodal spacing is HY = ',hy ! ! Set the logical NODE array. ! call setnod(eqn,ibump,indx,isotri,maxnfl,nelem,neqnfl,node, & np,nx,ny,region,xbl,xbr,xrange,ybr,yrange) write ( *, * ) ' The number of unknowns is NEQNFL = ',neqnfl ! ! Set the location of the profile nodes. ! itemp = nint((2.0D+00 *dble(nx-1)*xprof)/xrange) do i = 1,2*ny-1 nprof(i) = itemp*(2*ny-1)+i end do write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Profile nodes extend from ',nprof(1) write ( *, * ) ' to ',nprof(2*ny-1) ! ! Get the matrix bandwidth. ! write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Maximum full matrix rows LDAFL = ',ldafl call setban(indx,ldafl,nelem,nlband,node,np) write ( *, * ) ' Lower bandwidth NLBAND = ',nlband write ( *, * ) ' Required matrix rows 3*NLBAND+1 = ',3*nlband+1 return end subroutine setnod(eqn,ibump,indx,isotri,maxnfl,nelem,neqnfl,node, & np,nx,ny,region,xbl,xbr,xrange,ybr,yrange) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! SETNOD assigns numbers to the nodes and elements, decides which ! elements shall be isoparametric, (ISOTRI) and assigns six nodes ! to each (NODE). ! ! Discussion: ! ! The routine associates global unknown indices with each node (INDX), and ! computes the total number of unknowns and equations (NEQNFL), and ! compares that to the maximum allowed value, MAXNFL. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 07 October 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! EQN ! Output, character ( len = 2 ) EQN(NEQNFL). ! EQN records the "type" of each equation that will be generated, and ! which is associated with an unknown. Note that most boundary ! conditions do not result in an equation. The current values are: ! ! 'U' The horizontal momentum equation. ! 'UB' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on the bump. ! 'UI' The condition U = UInflow(Y,Lambda) at the inflow. ! 'UW' The condition U = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! ! 'V' The vertical momentum equation. ! 'VB' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on the bump. ! 'VI' The condition V = VInflow(Y,Lambda) at the inflow. ! 'VW' The condition V = 0 applied at a node on a fixed wall. ! ! 'P' The continuity equation. ! 'PB' The condition P = 0 applied at (XMAX,YMAX). ! ! IBUMP ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IBUMP. ! ! IBUMP determines where isoparametric elements will be used. ! ! 0, no isoparametric elements will be used. ! Midside nodes of nonisoparametric elements above the ! bump will be recomputed so that the sides are straight. ! ! 1, isoparametric elements will be used only for the ! elements which directly impinge on the bump. ! Midside nodes of nonisoparametric elements above the ! bump will be recomputed so that the sides are straight. ! ! 2, isoparametric elements will be used for all elements ! which are above the bump. All nodes above the bump ! will be equally spaced in the Y direction. ! ! 3, isoparametric elements will be used for all elements. ! All nodes above the bump will be equally spaced in ! the Y direction. ! ! INDX ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX(3,NP). ! ! INDX(I,J) contains, for each node J, the index of U, V and P at ! that node, or 0 or a negative value. ! ! If K = INDX(I,J) is positive, then the value of the degree ! of freedom is stored in the solution vector entry GFL(K), ! and an equation will be generated to determine its value. ! ! If INDX(I,J) is not positive, then no equation is ! generated to determine for variable I at node J, either because ! the variable is specified in some other way, or because ! (in the case of pressure), there is no coefficient associated ! with that node. ! ! ISOTRI ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) ISOTRI(NELEM). ! ! 0, the element is NOT isoparametric. ! ! 1, the element is isoparametric. ! ! MAXNFL ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNFL. ! MAXNFL is the maximum number of equations that ! the program can handle. ! ! NELEM ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM. ! NELEM is the number of elements. ! ! NEQNFL ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NEQNFL. ! NEQNFL is the number of finite element equations used ! to define the horizontal and vertical velocities and the ! pressure. ! ! NODE ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(6,NELEM). ! NODE contains the numbers of the nodes that make up each element. ! Element number I is associated with nodes NODE(1,I) through NODE(6,I). ! ! NP ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP. ! NP is the number of nodes. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NX. ! NX controls the spacing of nodes and elements in ! the X direction. There are 2*NX-1 nodes along various ! lines in the X direction. ! Roughly speaking, NX (or 2*NX) is the number of elements along ! a line in the X direction. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NY. ! NY controls the spacing of nodes and elements in ! the Y direction. There are 2*NY-1 nodes along various ! lines in the Y direction. ! Roughly speaking, NY (or 2*NY) is the number of elements along ! a line in the Y direction. ! ! Input, character ( len = 20 ) REGION. ! REGION specifies the flow region. ! 'cavity', a driven cavity, 1 unit on each side, open on ! the top with a tangential velocity specification there. ! 'cavity2', a driven cavity, 1 unit on each side, open on ! the top and bottom, with tangential velocity specifications ! there. ! 'channel', a channel, 10 units long by 3 high, inflow on ! the left, outflow on the right, with a bump on the bottom. ! 'step', a channel, 12 units long by 3 high, inflow on the ! left, outflow on the right, with a step on the bottom. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XBL. ! The X coordinate of the left corner of the bump. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XBR. ! The X coordinate of the right corner of the bump. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XRANGE. ! The total width of the region. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! character ( len = 2 ) eqn(maxnfl) integer ( kind = 4 ) ibump integer ( kind = 4 ) icol integer ( kind = 4 ) icol2 integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) ip integer ( kind = 4 ) irow integer ( kind = 4 ) irow2 integer ( kind = 4 ) isotri(nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) jcol integer ( kind = 4 ) jrow logical s_eqi integer ( kind = 4 ) nbleft integer ( kind = 4 ) nbrite integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) nx integer ( kind = 4 ) ny character ( len = 20 ) region real ( kind = 8 ) xbl real ( kind = 8 ) xbr real ( kind = 8 ) xrange real ( kind = 8 ) ybr real ( kind = 8 ) yrange ! ! For the channel problem only, compute the global node numbers that will be ! assigned to the beginning and ending of the bump. These numbers are ! only used to determine which elements are isoparametric. ! if ( s_eqi ( region,'channel')) then nbleft = nint(xbl*(2*nx-2)/xrange)+1 nbrite = nint(xbr*(2*nx-2)/xrange)+1 end if ! ! For the step problem only, determine the horizontal and vertical ! mesh lines that will pass through the point (XBR,YBR). Here, we are ! assuming the step is vertical, and nonnegative! ! if ( s_eqi ( region,'step')) then jcol = 2*nint(xbr*(nx-1)/xrange)+1 jrow = 2*nint(ybr*(ny-1)/yrange)+1 end if ! ! Consider each of the NP nodes, which logically lie in an MX by MY ! rectangular array. A pair of new elements must be generated every ! time we reach a node that lies in an odd row and column, (except for ! the top row, and last column, of course). At every node, we ! will have to decide how many equations to generate. ! ielem = 0 neqnfl = 0 do ip = 1,np ! ! Determine the row and column of this node, and also whether each ! of these quantities is odd or even. ! icol = ((ip-1)/(2*ny-1))+1 irow = mod((ip-1),2*ny-1)+1 icol2 = mod(icol,2) irow2 = mod(irow,2) ! ! If both the row and the column are odd, and we're not in the last ! column or top row, then we can define two new triangular elements ! based at the node. ! ! Given the following arrangement of nodes, for instance: ! ! 05 10 15 20 25 ! 04 09 14 19 24 ! 03 08 13 18 23 ! 02 07 12 17 22 ! 01 06 11 16 21 ! ! when we arrive at node 13, we will define ! ! element 7: (25, 13, 15, 19, 14, 20) ! element 8: (13, 25, 23, 19, 24, 18) ! if ( (irow2 == 1.and.icol2.eq.1).and. & (icol /= 2*nx-1).and.(*ny-1)) then ielem = ielem+1 node(1,ielem) = ip+2*(2*ny-1)+2 node(2,ielem) = ip node(3,ielem) = ip+2 node(4,ielem) = ip+(2*ny-1)+1 node(5,ielem) = ip+1 node(6,ielem) = ip+(2*ny-1)+2 ! ! Determine if the elements are isoparametric. ! if ( s_eqi ( region,'cavity')) then isotri(ielem) = 0 else if ( s_eqi ( region,'cavity2')) then isotri(ielem) = 0 else if ( s_eqi ( region,'channel')) then if ( ibump == 0) then if ( nbleft <= icol .and. icol < nbrite) then isotri(ielem) = 1 else isotri(ielem) = 0 end if else if ( ibump == 1) then if ( nbleft <= icol .and. icol < nbrite ) then isotri(ielem) = 1 else isotri(ielem) = 0 end if else if ( ibump == 2) then if ( nbleft <= icol .and. icol < nbrite ) then isotri(ielem) = 2 else isotri(ielem) = 0 end if else isotri(ielem) = 2 end if else if ( s_eqi ( region,'step')) then isotri(ielem) = 0 end if ielem = ielem+1 node(1,ielem) = ip node(2,ielem) = ip+2*(2*ny-1)+2 node(3,ielem) = ip+2*(2*ny-1) node(4,ielem) = ip+(2*ny-1)+1 node(5,ielem) = ip+2*(2*ny-1)+1 node(6,ielem) = ip+(2*ny-1) if ( s_eqi ( region,'cavity')) then isotri(ielem) = 0 else if ( s_eqi ( region,'cavity2')) then isotri(ielem) = 0 else if ( s_eqi ( region,'channel')) then if ( ibump == 0) then if ( nbleft <= icol .and. icol < nbrite ) then isotri(ielem) = 1 else isotri(ielem) = 0 end if else if ( ibump == 1) then if ( irow == 1 .and. nbleft <= icol .and. icol < nbrite ) then isotri(ielem) = 2 else if ( nbleft <= icol .and. icol < nbrite ) then isotri(ielem) = 1 else isotri(ielem) = 0 end if else if ( ibump == 2) then if ( nbleft <= icol .and. icol < nbrite ) then isotri(ielem) = 2 else isotri(ielem) = 0 end if else isotri(ielem) = 2 end if else if ( s_eqi ( region,'step')) then isotri(ielem) = 0 end if end if if ( maxnfl < neqnfl+2 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SetNod - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Too many unknowns!' write ( *, * ) ' Processing node IP = ',ip write ( *, * ) ' The maximum allowed is MAXNFL = ',maxnfl write ( *, * ) ' This problem requires NEQNFL = ',neqnfl+2 stop end if ! ! Now determine what equations to associate with this node. ! ! CAVITY: ! if ( s_eqi ( region,'cavity')) then ! ! Top row: ! if ( irow == 2*ny-1) then neqnfl = neqnfl+1 indx(1,ip) = neqnfl eqn(neqnfl) = 'UI' neqnfl = neqnfl+1 indx(2,ip) = neqnfl eqn(neqnfl) = 'VI' ! ! Left, right, or bottom: ! else if ( icol == 1.or.icol.eq.2*nx-1.or.irow.eq.1) then neqnfl = neqnfl+1 indx(1,ip) = neqnfl eqn(neqnfl) = 'UW' neqnfl = neqnfl+1 indx(2,ip) = neqnfl eqn(neqnfl) = 'VW' ! ! Interior: ! else neqnfl = neqnfl+1 indx(1,ip) = neqnfl eqn(neqnfl) = 'U' neqnfl = neqnfl+1 indx(2,ip) = neqnfl eqn(neqnfl) = 'V' end if ! ! CAVITY2: ! else if ( s_eqi ( region,'cavity2')) then ! ! Top or bottome row: ! if ( irow == 1.or.irow.eq.2*ny-1) then neqnfl = neqnfl+1 indx(1,ip) = neqnfl eqn(neqnfl) = 'UI' neqnfl = neqnfl+1 indx(2,ip) = neqnfl eqn(neqnfl) = 'VI' ! ! Left or right side: ! else if ( icol == 1.or.icol.eq.2*nx-1) then neqnfl = neqnfl+1 indx(1,ip) = neqnfl eqn(neqnfl) = 'UW' neqnfl = neqnfl+1 indx(2,ip) = neqnfl eqn(neqnfl) = 'VW' ! ! Interior: ! else neqnfl = neqnfl+1 indx(1,ip) = neqnfl eqn(neqnfl) = 'U' neqnfl = neqnfl+1 indx(2,ip) = neqnfl eqn(neqnfl) = 'V' end if ! ! CHANNEL: ! else if ( s_eqi ( region,'channel')) then ! ! The node lies on the left hand inflow boundary. ! The horizontal and vertical velocities are specified. ! if ( icol == 1 .and. 1 < irow .and. irow < 2*ny-1) then neqnfl = neqnfl+1 indx(1,ip) = neqnfl eqn(neqnfl) = 'UI' neqnfl = neqnfl+1 indx(2,ip) = neqnfl eqn(neqnfl) = 'VI' ! ! The node lies on the right hand boundary. ! The horizontal velocity is an unknown, the vertical velocity is zero. ! else if ( icol == 2*nx-1.and.1 < irow.and.irow < 2*ny-1) then neqnfl = neqnfl+1 indx(1,ip) = neqnfl eqn(neqnfl) = 'U' neqnfl = neqnfl+1 indx(2,ip) = neqnfl eqn(neqnfl) = 'VW' ! ! The node lies on the moving bump surface. ! The horizontal and vertical velocities are zero. ! else if ( irow == 1 .and. nbleft < icol .and. icol < nbrite ) then neqnfl = neqnfl+1 indx(1,ip) = neqnfl eqn(neqnfl) = 'UB' neqnfl = neqnfl+1 indx(2,ip) = neqnfl eqn(neqnfl) = 'VB' ! ! The node lies on a fixed wall. ! The horizontal and vertical velocities are zero. ! else if ( icol == 1 .or. icol .eq. 2*nx-1 .or. & (irow == 1 .and. icol <= nbleft).or. & (irow == 1 .and. nbrite <= icol ) .or. irow .eq. 2*ny-1) then neqnfl = neqnfl+1 indx(1,ip) = neqnfl eqn(neqnfl) = 'UW' neqnfl = neqnfl+1 indx(2,ip) = neqnfl eqn(neqnfl) = 'VW' ! ! The node is a normal interior node. ! The horizontal and vertical velocities are unknown. ! else neqnfl = neqnfl+1 indx(1,ip) = neqnfl eqn(neqnfl) = 'U' neqnfl = neqnfl+1 indx(2,ip) = neqnfl eqn(neqnfl) = 'V' end if ! ! STEP: ! ! The node lies on the left hand inflow boundary. ! The horizontal and vertical velocities are specified. ! else if ( s_eqi ( region,'step')) then if ( icol == 1.and.1 < irow.and.irow < 2*ny-1) then neqnfl = neqnfl+1 indx(1,ip) = neqnfl eqn(neqnfl) = 'UI' neqnfl = neqnfl+1 indx(2,ip) = neqnfl eqn(neqnfl) = 'VI' ! ! The node lies on the right hand boundary, above the JROW row. ! The horizontal velocity is an unknown, the vertical velocity is zero. ! else if ( icol == 2*nx-1.and.jrow < irow.and.irow < 2*ny-1) then neqnfl = neqnfl+1 indx(1,ip) = neqnfl eqn(neqnfl) = 'U' neqnfl = neqnfl+1 indx(2,ip) = neqnfl eqn(neqnfl) = 'VW' ! ! The node lies on a fixed wall or step. ! The horizontal and vertical velocities are zero. ! else if ( & (irow == 1 .and. icol <= jcol ) .or. & (irow <= jrow .and. icol == jcol ) .or. & (irow == jrow .and. jcol <= icol ).or. & (irow == 2*ny-1) ) then neqnfl = neqnfl+1 indx(1,ip) = neqnfl eqn(neqnfl) = 'UW' neqnfl = neqnfl+1 indx(2,ip) = neqnfl eqn(neqnfl) = 'VW' ! ! The node lies in the "dead" zone. ! else if ( irow < jrow .and. jcol < icol ) then neqnfl = neqnfl+1 indx(1,ip) = neqnfl eqn(neqnfl) = 'U0' neqnfl = neqnfl+1 indx(2,ip) = neqnfl eqn(neqnfl) = 'V0' ! ! The node is a normal interior node. ! The horizontal and vertical velocities are unknown. ! else neqnfl = neqnfl+1 indx(1,ip) = neqnfl eqn(neqnfl) = 'U' neqnfl = neqnfl+1 indx(2,ip) = neqnfl eqn(neqnfl) = 'V' end if end if ! ! On nodes in an odd row and column, add a pressure equation. ! if ( irow2 == 1.and.icol2 == 1) then neqnfl = neqnfl+1 if ( maxnfl < neqnfl ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SetNod - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Too many unknowns!' write ( *, * ) ' Processing node IP = ',ip write ( *, * ) ' The maximum allowed is MAXNFL = ',maxnfl write ( *, * ) ' This problem requires NEQNFL = ',neqnfl stop end if indx(3,ip) = neqnfl eqn(neqnfl) = 'P' if ( s_eqi ( region,'step')) then if ( irow < jrow .and. jcol < icol ) then eqn(neqnfl) = 'P0' end if end if else indx(3,ip) = 0 end if end do ! ! The last equation, which is guaranteed to be a pressure equation, ! is replaced by a pressure boundary condition, associated with ! an unknown. (Even though we know this pressure will be zero). ! eqn(neqnfl) = 'PB' return end subroutine setpfl(area,etaq,isotri,nelem,node,np,phifl,xc,xquad,xsiq,yc,yquad) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! SETPFL evaluates and saves the basis functions at all quadrature points. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The basis functions are precomputed and saved in this way for efficiency. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 07 October 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! AREA Input, real ( kind = 8 ) AREA(3,NELEM). ! ! AREA contains the area of each element. These values are ! needed when computed the integrals associated with the ! finite element method. ! ! For runs in which the region is allowed to change from ! step to step, AREA must be recalculated at each step. ! ! ETAQ Input, real ( kind = 8 ) ETAQ(3). ! The "Eta" coordinates of the quadrature points. ! ! ISOTRI Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ISOTRI(NELEM). ! ! 0, the element is NOT isoparametric. The six node ! triangle has straight sides. ! ! 1, the element is isoparametric. The six node triangle ! has curved sides. Many computations involving such an ! element must be computed by using a reference triangle, ! and evaluating the jacobian of a transformation between ! that triangle and the element. ! ! NELEM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(6,NELEM), contains the numbers ! of the nodes that make up each element. Element number ! I is associated with nodes NODE(1,I) through NODE(6,I). ! ! NP Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! PHIFL Output, real ( kind = 8 ) PHIFL(3,6,10,NELEM). ! ! PHIFL contains the value of a finite element basis function, its ! derivative, or other information, evaluated at the quadrature ! points. ! ! The meaning of the entry PHIFL(I,J,K,L) is as follows. ! For the quadrature point I, and basis function J, in element L, ! PHIFL(I,J,K,L) represents the value of: ! ! K = 1, W, the finite element basis function for velocities; ! K = 2, dWdX, the X derivative of W; ! K = 3, dWdY, the Y derivative of W; ! K = 4, Q, the finite element basis function for pressures; ! K = 5, dQdX, the X derivative of Q; ! K = 6, dQdY, the Y derivative of Q; ! K = 7, dXsidX, the X derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->XSI; ! K = 8, dXsidY, the Y derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->XSI; ! K = 9, dEtadX, the X derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->ETA; ! K = 10, dEtadY, the Y derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->ETA; ! ! In particular, PHIFL(I,J,K,L) is the value of the quadratic ! basis function W associated with local node J in element L, ! evaluated at quadrature point I. ! ! Note that PHIFL(I,J,K,L) = 0 whenever J=4, 5, or 6 and K=4, 5, or 6, ! since there are only three linear basis functions. ! ! XC Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XC(NP), contains the X coordinates ! of the nodes. ! ! XQUAD Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XQUAD(3,NELEM), contains the ! X coordinates of the quadrature points in a given element. ! ! XSIQ Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XSIQ(3). ! The "Xsi" coordinates of the quadrature points. ! ! YC Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YC(NP), contains the Y coordinates ! of the nodes. ! ! YQUAD Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YQUAD(3,NELEM), contains the ! Y coordinates of the quadrature points in a given element. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! real ( kind = 8 ) area(3,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) det real ( kind = 8 ) detadx real ( kind = 8 ) detady real ( kind = 8 ) dqdx real ( kind = 8 ) dqdy real ( kind = 8 ) dwdx real ( kind = 8 ) dwdy real ( kind = 8 ) dxsidx real ( kind = 8 ) dxsidy real ( kind = 8 ) eta real ( kind = 8 ) etaq(3) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) iq integer ( kind = 4 ) isotri(nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) phifl(3,6,10,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) q real ( kind = 8 ) w real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xquad(3,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) xq real ( kind = 8 ) xsi real ( kind = 8 ) xsiq(3) real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yquad(3,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) yq ! ! Consider a particular element, ! and a particular quadrature point (XQ,YQ) in that element. ! ! Compute, at (XQ,YQ), the local values of the jacobian matrix ! and its determinant. ! ! Adjust the AREA array ! do ielem = 1, nelem do i = 1, 3 xq = xquad(i,ielem) yq = yquad(i,ielem) if ( isotri(ielem) == 2) then eta = etaq(i) xsi = xsiq(i) call trans(det,detadx,detady,dxsidx,dxsidy,eta,ielem, & nelem,node,np,xc,xsi,yc) area(i,ielem) = det*area(i,ielem) else eta = 0.0D+00 xsi = 0.0D+00 end if ! ! Now consider each of the basis functions associated with a ! node in the given element. ! do iq = 1,6 ! ! If the element is NOT isoparametric, compute the basis values ! directly. ! ! For isoparametric elements, use the reference triangle method. ! if ( isotri(ielem) == 0.or.isotri(ielem) == 1) then call bsp(q,dqdx,dqdy,ielem,iq,nelem,node,np,xc,xq,yc,yq) call qbf(ielem,iq,w,dwdx,dwdy,nelem,node,np,xc,xq,yc,yq) dxsidx = 1.0D+00 dxsidy = 0.0D+00 detadx = 0.0D+00 detady = 1.0D+00 else call refqbf(w,dwdx,dwdy,detadx,detady,dxsidx,dxsidy,eta,iq,xsi) call refbsp(q,dqdx,dqdy,detadx,detady,dxsidx,dxsidy,eta,iq,xsi) end if ! ! Store the values into PHIFL. ! phifl(i,iq,1,ielem) = w phifl(i,iq,2,ielem) = dwdx phifl(i,iq,3,ielem) = dwdy phifl(i,iq,4,ielem) = q phifl(i,iq,5,ielem) = dqdx phifl(i,iq,6,ielem) = dqdy phifl(i,iq,7,ielem) = dxsidx phifl(i,iq,8,ielem) = dxsidy phifl(i,iq,9,ielem) = detadx phifl(i,iq,10,ielem) = detady end do end do end do return end subroutine setprb(eqn,indx,maxcofrb,maxelm,maxnfl,nelem,neqnfl, & ncofrb,node,np,phifl,phirb,rb) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! SETPRB evaluates the reduced basis functions at each quadrature point. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The routine is given: ! ! GFLRB, the full solution at which the reduced basis was generated; ! PHIFL, the value of the finite element basis functions ! at each quadrature point, ! RB, the reduced basis vectors; ! ! and computes: ! ! PHIRB, the value of the reduced basis functions at each quadrature ! point, for each reduced basis vector. ! ! Note that the PHIFL contains the values of the finite element basis ! functions at each quadrature point, and so we can compute ANY possible ! finite element solution by "multiplying" PHIFL by a choice of coefficients ! GFL. ! ! What we are essentially doing is picking particular choices of ! coefficients, namely the columns of the RB array, and computing the ! resulting values of U, V, and P at each quadrature point in each element. ! Later, a linear combination of reduced basis vectors can be evaluated ! easily at any quadrature point simply by "multiplying" the reduced ! basis coefficients by the entries of PHIRB that tell us the values ! of the basis functions associated with each reduced basis vector. ! ! Note that although the finite element basis functions are the same ! for the U and V velocities, this is NOT true in the reduced basis. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 11 July 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! INDX Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX(3,NP). ! ! INDX(I,J) contains, for each node J, the global index of U, ! V and P at that node, or 0 or a negative value. The global ! index of U, V, or P is the index of the coefficient vector ! that contains the value of the finite element coefficient ! associated with the corresponding basis function at the ! given node. ! ! If K = INDX(I,J) is positive, then the value of the degree ! of freedom is stored in the solution vector entry GFL(K), ! and an equation will be generated to determine its value. ! ! If INDX(I,J) is not positive, then no equation is ! generated to determine for variable I at node J, either because ! the variable is specified in some other way, or because ! (in the case of pressure), there is no coefficient associated ! with that node. ! ! MAXNFL Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNFL. ! MAXNFL is the maximum number of equations or coefficients allowed ! for the full system. MAXNFL must be used instead of NEQNFL as ! the leading dimension of certain multi-dimensional arrays. ! ! NELEM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! NCOFRB Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCOFRB. ! NCOFRB is the number of equations in the reduced system, ! and also the number of reduced basis coefficients ! which need to be determined by those equations. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(6,MAXELM) or NODE(6,NELEM). ! ! NODE(I,J) contains, for an element J, the global index of ! the node whose local number in J is I. ! ! The local ordering of the nodes is suggested by this diagram: ! ! Global nodes Elements NODE ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 ! 74 84 94 3-6-1 2 Left element = (94,72,74,83,73,84) ! | / /| ! 73 83 93 5 4 4 5 Right element = (72,94,92,83,93,82) ! |/ / | ! 72 82 92 2 1-6-3 ! ! NP Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP. ! NP is the number of nodes used to define the finite element mesh. ! Typically, the mesh is generated as a rectangular array, with ! an odd number of nodes in the horizontal and vertical directions. ! The formula for NP is NP = (2*NX-1)*(2*NY-1). ! ! PHIFL Input, real ( kind = 8 ) PHIFL(3,6,10,NELEM). ! ! PHIFL contains the value of a finite element basis function, its ! derivative, or other information, evaluated at the quadrature ! points. ! ! The meaning of the entry PHIFL(I,J,K,L) is as follows. ! For the quadrature point I, and basis function J, in element L, ! PHIFL(I,J,K,L) represents the value of: ! ! K = 1, W, the finite element basis function for velocities; ! K = 2, dWdX, the X derivative of W; ! K = 3, dWdY, the Y derivative of W; ! K = 4, Q, the finite element basis function for pressures; ! K = 5, dQdX, the X derivative of Q; ! K = 6, dQdY, the Y derivative of Q; ! K = 7, dXsidX, the X derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->XSI; ! K = 8, dXsidY, the Y derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->XSI; ! K = 9, dEtadX, the X derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->ETA; ! K = 10, dEtadY, the Y derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->ETA; ! ! In particular, PHIFL(I,J,K,L) is the value of the quadratic ! basis function W associated with local node J in element L, ! evaluated at quadrature point I. ! ! Note that PHIFL(I,J,K,L) = 0 whenever J=4, 5, or 6 and K=4, 5, or 6, ! since there are only three linear basis functions. ! ! PHIRB Output, real ( kind = 8 ) PHIRB(3,NCOFRB,15,NELEM). ! PHIRB contains the values of a finite element basis function ! or its X or Y derivative, in a given element, at a given ! quadrature point, for a particular reduced basis function. ! ! For PHIRB(I,J,K,L), index J refers to the reduced basis ! basis functions, for J = 0 to NCOFRB. ! ! The meaning of the K index of PHIRB(I,J,K,L) is as follows: ! ! For the quadrature point I, and reduced basis function J, ! in element L, PHIRB(I,J,K,L) represents the value of: ! ! K = 1, WUrb, the finite element U velocity basis function; ! K = 2, dWUrbdX, the X derivative of WUrb; ! K = 3, dWUrbdY, the Y derivative of WUrb; ! K = 4, WVrb, the finite element V velocity basis function; ! K = 5, dWVrbdX, the X derivative of WVrb; ! K = 6, dWVrbdY, the Y derivative of WVrb; ! K = 7, Q, the finite element pressure basis function. ! K = 8, dQrbdX, the X derivative of Qrb; ! K = 9, dQrbdY, the Y derivative of Qrb. ! K = 10, WU0rb, same as WUrb, with zero BC. ! K = 11, dWU0rbdX, same as dWUrbdX, with zero BC. ! K = 12, dWU0rbdY, same as dWUrbdY, with zero BC. ! K = 13, WV0rb, same as WVrb, with zero BC. ! K = 14, dWV0rbdX, same as dWVrbdX, with zero BC. ! K = 15, dWV0rbdY, same as dWVrbdY, with zero BC. ! ! RB Input, real ( kind = 8 ) rb(maxnfl,ncofrb). ! RB is the NEQNFL by NCOFRB array of reduced basis vectors. ! ! RB is generated by computing a finite element solution GFL, ! which is saved for later reference as "GFLRB". ! GFLRB is copied into the first column of RB. ! Then, we compute the first NCOFRB derivatives of GFLRB with ! respect to a parameter. The first derivative ! is stored in column 1 of RB, and so on. Then we orthogonalize ! the columns of RB. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxcofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) maxelm integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! real ( kind = 8 ) dqdx real ( kind = 8 ) dqdy real ( kind = 8 ) dqrbdx real ( kind = 8 ) dqrbdy real ( kind = 8 ) dwdx real ( kind = 8 ) dwdy real ( kind = 8 ) dwu0rbdx real ( kind = 8 ) dwu0rbdy real ( kind = 8 ) dwurbdx real ( kind = 8 ) dwurbdy real ( kind = 8 ) dwv0rbdx real ( kind = 8 ) dwv0rbdy real ( kind = 8 ) dwvrbdx real ( kind = 8 ) dwvrbdy character ( len = 2 ) eqn(neqnfl) integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) ieqnrb integer ( kind = 4 ) iglob integer ( kind = 4 ) ilocal integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) iquad logical s_eqi integer ( kind = 4 ) nglob integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) phifl(3,6,10,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) phirb(3,maxcofrb,15,maxelm) real ( kind = 8 ) q real ( kind = 8 ) qrb real ( kind = 8 ) rb(maxnfl,ncofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) w real ( kind = 8 ) wu0rb real ( kind = 8 ) wurb real ( kind = 8 ) wv0rb real ( kind = 8 ) wvrb ! ! Consider element IELEM... ! do ielem = 1,nelem ! ! ...and quadrature point IQUAD in element IELEM... ! do iquad = 1,3 ! ! ...and reduced basis function IEQNRB, evaluated at ! quadrature point IQUAD in element IELEM. ! do ieqnrb = 1,ncofrb wurb = 0.0D+00 dwurbdx = 0.0D+00 dwurbdy = 0.0D+00 wvrb = 0.0D+00 dwvrbdx = 0.0D+00 dwvrbdy = 0.0D+00 qrb = 0.0D+00 dqrbdx = 0.0D+00 dqrbdy = 0.0D+00 wu0rb = 0.0D+00 dwu0rbdx = 0.0D+00 dwu0rbdy = 0.0D+00 wv0rb = 0.0D+00 dwv0rbdx = 0.0D+00 dwv0rbdy = 0.0D+00 ! ! Now add up the U, V, or P finite element coefficients, weighted by the ! values of the finite element basis functions or derivatives, at the ! quadrature point. ! do ilocal = 1,6 w = phifl(iquad,ilocal,1,ielem) dwdx = phifl(iquad,ilocal,2,ielem) dwdy = phifl(iquad,ilocal,3,ielem) q = phifl(iquad,ilocal,4,ielem) dqdx = phifl(iquad,ilocal,5,ielem) dqdy = phifl(iquad,ilocal,6,ielem) nglob = node(ilocal,ielem) iglob = indx(1,nglob) wurb = wurb +rb(iglob,ieqnrb)*w dwurbdx = dwurbdx+rb(iglob,ieqnrb)*dwdx dwurbdy = dwurbdy+rb(iglob,ieqnrb)*dwdy if ( s_eqi ( eqn(iglob),'u')) then wu0rb = wu0rb +rb(iglob,ieqnrb)*w dwu0rbdx = dwu0rbdx+rb(iglob,ieqnrb)*dwdx dwu0rbdy = dwu0rbdy+rb(iglob,ieqnrb)*dwdy end if iglob = indx(2,nglob) wvrb = wvrb +rb(iglob,ieqnrb)*w dwvrbdx = dwvrbdx+rb(iglob,ieqnrb)*dwdx dwvrbdy = dwvrbdy+rb(iglob,ieqnrb)*dwdy if ( s_eqi ( eqn(iglob),'v')) then wv0rb = wv0rb +rb(iglob,ieqnrb)*w dwv0rbdx = dwv0rbdx+rb(iglob,ieqnrb)*dwdx dwv0rbdy = dwv0rbdy+rb(iglob,ieqnrb)*dwdy end if iglob = indx(3,nglob) if ( 0 < iglob ) then qrb = qrb +rb(iglob,ieqnrb)*q dqrbdx = dqrbdx+rb(iglob,ieqnrb)*dqdx dqrbdy = dqrbdy+rb(iglob,ieqnrb)*dqdy end if end do ! ! Save the values of the finite element basis functions associated ! with the given reduced basis vector. ! phirb(iquad,ieqnrb,1,ielem) = wurb phirb(iquad,ieqnrb,2,ielem) = dwurbdx phirb(iquad,ieqnrb,3,ielem) = dwurbdy phirb(iquad,ieqnrb,4,ielem) = wvrb phirb(iquad,ieqnrb,5,ielem) = dwvrbdx phirb(iquad,ieqnrb,6,ielem) = dwvrbdy phirb(iquad,ieqnrb,7,ielem) = qrb phirb(iquad,ieqnrb,8,ielem) = dqrbdx phirb(iquad,ieqnrb,9,ielem) = dqrbdy phirb(iquad,ieqnrb,10,ielem) = wu0rb phirb(iquad,ieqnrb,11,ielem) = dwu0rbdx phirb(iquad,ieqnrb,12,ielem) = dwu0rbdy phirb(iquad,ieqnrb,13,ielem) = wv0rb phirb(iquad,ieqnrb,14,ielem) = dwv0rbdx phirb(iquad,ieqnrb,15,ielem) = dwv0rbdy end do end do end do return end subroutine setq3(area,etaq,isotri,nelem,node,np,wquad,xc,xquad,xsiq,yc,yquad) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! SETQ3 sets the abscissas and weights for a three point quadrature ! rule on a triangle. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 07 October 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! AREA Output, real ( kind = 8 ) AREA(3,NELEM). ! ! ETAQ Input, real ( kind = 8 ) ETAQ(3). ! The "Eta" coordinates of the quadrature points. ! ! ISOTRI Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ISOTRI(NELEM). ! ! 0, the element is NOT isoparametric, and the nodes never move. ! That means that the quadrature points are only computed once. ! ! 1, the element is NOT isoparametric, but the nodes may move. ! Quadrature point locations must be updated on each step. ! This could occur for elements above, but not touching, the bump. ! ! 2, the element is isoparametric. ! ! NELEM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(6,NELEM). ! ! NODE(I,J) contains, for an element J, the global node index of ! the element node whose local number is I. ! ! The local ordering of the nodes is suggested by this diagram: ! ! 2 ! /| ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1-6-3 ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes used to define the ! finite element mesh. NP = (2*NX-1)*(2*NY-1). ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) WQUAD(3), the weights for Gaussian ! quadrature. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XC(NP). ! The X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! XQUAD Output, real ( kind = 8 ) XQUAD(3,NELEM). ! The X coordinates of the quadrature points for ! each element. ! ! XSIQ Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XSIQ(3). ! The "Xsi" coordinates of the quadrature points. ! ! YC Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YC(NP). ! The Y coordinates of the nodes. ! ! YQUAD Output, real ( kind = 8 ) YQUAD(3,NELEM). ! The Y coordinates of the quadrature points for ! each element. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! real ( kind = 8 ) area(3,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) eta real ( kind = 8 ) etaq(3) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) ip1 integer ( kind = 4 ) ip2 integer ( kind = 4 ) ip3 integer ( kind = 4 ) iquad integer ( kind = 4 ) isotri(nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) wquad(3) real ( kind = 8 ) x real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xquad(3,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) xsi real ( kind = 8 ) xsiq(3) real ( kind = 8 ) y real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yquad(3,nelem) ! ! Set the weights. ! do i = 1,3 wquad(i) = 1.0D+00 / 6.0D+00 end do ! ! Set the quadrature points in the reference element. ! xsiq(1) = 0.5D+00 etaq(1) = 0.5D+00 xsiq(2) = 1.0D+00 etaq(2) = 0.5D+00 xsiq(3) = 0.5D+00 etaq(3) = 0.0D+00 ! ! Set the X, Y coordinates of quadrature points for each element. ! do ielem = 1,nelem do i = 1,3 xsi = xsiq(i) eta = etaq(i) call xofxsi(eta,ielem,nelem,node,np,x,xc,xsi,y,yc) xquad(i,ielem) = x yquad(i,ielem) = y end do ! ! We only calculate true areas for nonisoparametric elements. ! ip1 = node(1,ielem) ip2 = node(2,ielem) ip3 = node(3,ielem) do iquad = 1,3 if ( isotri(ielem) == 0.or.isotri(ielem).eq.1) then area(iquad,ielem) = wquad(iquad)*abs( & (yc(ip1)+yc(ip2))*(xc(ip2)-xc(ip1)) & +(yc(ip2)+yc(ip3))*(xc(ip3)-xc(ip2)) & +(yc(ip3)+yc(ip1))*(xc(ip1)-xc(ip3)) ) else area(iquad,ielem) = wquad(iquad) end if end do end do return end subroutine setxy(gridx,gridy,ibs,np,nparb,nx,ny,region,splbmp, & taubmp,xbl,xbr,xc,xrange,ybl,ybr,yc,yrange) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! SETXY sets the X and Y coordinates of the nodes. ! ! SETXY assumes that the nodes are numbered ! in "stacks", starting with the least X and Y coordinates, ! then fixing X and running through all values of Y, then ! increasing X to the next value and running through all ! values of Y, and so on. For example: ! ! 5 10 15 ! 4 9 14 ! 3 8 13 ! 2 7 12 ! 1 6 11 ! ! SETXY allows a certain number of schemes for computing the ! grid in the X and Y directions, aside from uniform spacing. ! However, SETXY forces the nodes in "even" rows to have the ! Y coordinates that are the average of the nodes above and ! below, and nodes in "even" columns to have the X coordinates ! that are the average of the nodes left and right of them. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 07 October 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! GRIDX ! Input, character ( len = 20 ) GRIDX. ! GRIDX tells how the finite element nodes should be layed out ! in the X direction. ! 'uniform' makes them equally spaced. ! 'cos' uses the COS function to cluster them near edges. ! 'sqrtsin' uses the SQRT(SIN()) function. ! ! GRIDY ! Input, character ( len = 20 ) GRIDY. ! GRIDY tells how the finite element nodes should be layed out ! in the Y direction. ! 'uniform' makes them equally spaced. ! 'cos' uses the COS function to cluster them near edges. ! 'sqrtsin' uses the SQRT(SIN()) function. ! ! IBS ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IBS. ! IBS is the bump shape option. ! 0, piecewise constant function. ! 1, piecewise linear function. ! 2, piecewise quadratic function. ! ! NP ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! NPARB ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARB. ! ! The number of parameters associated with the position and ! shape of the bump. ! ! Note that if NPARB = 0, the bump is replaced by a flat wall. ! ! NX ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NX. ! ! NX controls the spacing of nodes and elements in ! the X direction. There are 2*NX-1 nodes along various ! lines in the X direction. ! ! Roughly speaking, NX (or 2*NX) is the number of elements along ! a line in the X direction. ! ! NY ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NY. ! ! NY controls the spacing of nodes and elements in ! the Y direction. There are 2*NY-1 nodes along various ! lines in the Y direction. ! ! Roughly speaking, NY (or 2*NY) is the number of elements along ! a line in the Y direction. ! ! REGION ! Input, character ( len = 20 ) REGION. ! REGION specifies the flow region. ! ! 'cavity', a driven cavity, 1 unit on each side, open on ! the top with a tangential velocity specification there. ! ! 'cavity2', a driven cavity, 1 unit on each side, open on ! the top and bottom with tangential velocity specifications there. ! ! 'channel', a channel, 10 units long by 3 high, inflow on ! the left, outflow on the right, with a bump on the bottom. ! ! 'step', a channel, 12 units long by 3 high, inflow on the ! left, outflow on the right, with a step on the bottom. ! ! SPLBMP ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) SPLBMP(NPARB+2). ! ! SPLBMP contains the spline coefficients for the bump. ! ! TAUBMP ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) TAUBMP(NPARB+2). ! ! TAUBMP contains the location of the spline abscissas for ! the bump. There are NPARB+2 of them, because the end values ! of the spline are constrained to have particular values. ! ! XBL ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XBL. ! XBL is the X coordinate of the left corner ! of the bump. ! ! XBR ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XBR. ! XBR is the X coordinate of the right corner ! of the bump. ! ! XC ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) XC(NP). ! XC is the X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! YBL ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YBL. ! YBL is the Y coordinate of the left corner of the bump. ! ! YBR ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YBR. ! YBR is the Y coordinate of the right corner of the bump. ! ! YC ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) YC(NP). ! YC is the Y coordinates of the nodes. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) nparb integer ( kind = 4 ) nx integer ( kind = 4 ) ny ! character ( len = 20 ) gridx character ( len = 20 ) gridy integer ( kind = 4 ) ibs integer ( kind = 4 ) icol integer ( kind = 4 ) ihi integer ( kind = 4 ) ilo integer ( kind = 4 ) ip integer ( kind = 4 ) ipe integer ( kind = 4 ) ipn integer ( kind = 4 ) ips integer ( kind = 4 ) ipw integer ( kind = 4 ) irow integer ( kind = 4 ) jcol integer ( kind = 4 ) jrow logical s_eqi character ( len = 20 ) region real ( kind = 8 ) splbmp(nparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) taubmp(nparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) x real ( kind = 8 ) xbl real ( kind = 8 ) xbr real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xhi real ( kind = 8 ) xlo real ( kind = 8 ) xrange real ( kind = 8 ) y real ( kind = 8 ) ybl real ( kind = 8 ) ybot real ( kind = 8 ) ybr real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yhi real ( kind = 8 ) ylo real ( kind = 8 ) yrange ! ip = 0 ! ! For the step problem only, ! set the odd row and column of the corner of the step. ! if ( s_eqi ( region,'step')) then jcol = 2*nint(xbr*(nx-1)/xrange)+1 jrow = 2*nint(ybr*(ny-1)/yrange)+1 end if ! ! Consider each column of the region. ! do icol = 1,2*nx-1 if ( s_eqi ( region,'cavity').or.s_eqi ( region,'cavity2')) then ilo = 1 ihi = 2*nx-1 xlo = 0.0D+00 xhi = xrange call grid(gridx,icol,ihi,ilo,x,xhi,xlo) else if ( s_eqi ( region,'channel')) then ilo = 1 ihi = 2*nx-1 xlo = 0.0D+00 xhi = xrange call grid(gridx,icol,ihi,ilo,x,xhi,xlo) if ( abs(x-xbl)*(2*nx-2) <= 0.5) then x = xbl else if ( abs(x-xbr)*(2*nx-2) <= 0.5) then x = xbr end if else if ( s_eqi ( region,'step')) then if ( icol < jcol) then ilo = 1 ihi = jcol xlo = 0.0D+00 xhi = xbr call grid(gridx,icol,ihi,ilo,x,xhi,xlo) else if ( icol == jcol) then x = xbr else if ( jcol < icol ) then ilo = jcol ihi = 2*nx-1 xlo = xbr xhi = xrange call grid(gridx,icol,ihi,ilo,x,xhi,xlo) end if end if ! ! Consider each row of the region. ! do irow = 1,2*ny-1 ip = ip+1 if ( s_eqi ( region,'cavity').or.s_eqi ( region,'cavity2')) then ilo = 1 ihi = 2*ny-1 ylo = 0.0D+00 yhi = yrange call grid(gridy,irow,ihi,ilo,y,yhi,ylo) else if ( s_eqi ( region,'channel')) then if ( x <= xbl) then ybot = ybl else if ( xbl <= x .and. x <= xbr ) then if ( ibs == 0) then call pcval(nparb+1,x,taubmp,ybot,splbmp) else if ( ibs == 1) then call plval(nparb+2,x,taubmp,ybot,splbmp) else if ( ibs == 2) then call pqval(nparb+2,x,taubmp,ybot,splbmp) end if else ybot = ybr end if ilo = 1 ihi = 2*ny-1 ylo = ybot yhi = yrange call grid(gridy,irow,ihi,ilo,y,yhi,ylo) else if ( s_eqi ( region,'step')) then if ( irow < jrow) then ilo = 1 ihi = jrow ylo = 0.0D+00 yhi = ybr call grid(gridy,irow,ihi,ilo,y,yhi,ylo) else if ( irow == jrow) then y = ybr else if ( jrow < irow ) then ilo = jrow ihi = 2*ny-1 ylo = ybr yhi = yrange call grid(gridy,irow,ihi,ilo,y,yhi,ylo) end if end if xc(ip) = x yc(ip) = y end do end do ! ! Average the X coordinates of all nodes that lie in even columns. ! do irow = 1,2*ny-1 do icol = 2,2*nx-2,2 ip = (icol-1)*(2*ny-1)+irow ipw = ip-(2*ny-1) ipe = ip+(2*ny-1) xc(ip) = 0.5D+00 *(xc(ipe)+xc(ipw)) end do end do ! ! Average the Y coordinates of all nodes that lie in even rows. ! do irow = 2,2*ny-2,2 do icol = 1,2*nx-1 ip = (icol-1)*(2*ny-1)+irow ipn = ip+1 ips = ip-1 yc(ip) = 0.5D+00 *(yc(ipn)+yc(ips)) end do end do return end subroutine step(ibs,ibump,ifs,iopt,maxopt,maxpar,nbcrb,npar,nparb,nparf, & npe,nx,ny,par,region,reynld,tolnew,tolopt,tolsim,wateb,watep,wateu, & watev,xbl,xbr,xprof,xrange,ybl,ybr,yrange) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! STEP sets up a forward facing step problem. ! ! Reference: ! ! Janet Peterson, ! The Reduced Basis Method for Incompressible Viscous Flow Calculations, ! SIAM Journal of Scientific and Statistical Computing, ! Volume 10, Number 4, pages 777-786, July 1989. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 07 October 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! IBS ! integer ( kind = 4 ) IBS. ! IBS is the bump shape option. ! 0, piecewise constant function. ! 1, piecewise linear function. ! 2, piecewise quadratic function. ! ! IBUMP ! integer ( kind = 4 ) IBUMP. ! IBUMP determines where isoparametric elements will be used. ! ! 0, no isoparametric elements will be used. ! The Y coordinates of midside nodes of elements above the ! bump will be recomputed so that the sides are straight. ! ! 1, isoparametric elements will be used only for the ! elements which directly impinge on the bump. ! Midside nodes of nonisoparametric elements above the ! bump will be recomputed so that the sides are straight. ! ! 2, isoparametric elements will be used for all elements ! which are above the bump. All nodes above the bump ! will be equally spaced in the Y direction. ! ! 3, isoparametric elements will be used for all elements. ! All nodes above the bump will be equally spaced in ! the Y direction. ! ! IFS ! integer ( kind = 4 ) IFS. ! IFS is the inflow shape option. ! 0, piecewise constant function. ! 1, piecewise linear function. ! 2, piecewise quadratic function. ! ! IOPT ! integer ( kind = 4 ) IOPT(MAXPAR). ! IOPT is used during an optimization. For each parameter I, ! the meaning of IOPT(I) is: ! 0, the parameter value must remain fixed; ! 1, the parameter value may be varied. ! ! MAXOPT ! integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXOPT. ! MAXOPT is the maximum number of optimization steps. ! ! MAXPAR ! integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXPAR. ! MAXPAR is the maximum number of parameters allowed. ! MAXPAR = MAXPARF + MAXPARB + 1. ! ! NBCRB ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NBCRB. ! NBCRB is the number of independent boundary condition ! vectors used for the reduced basis. NBCRB is normally ! at least 1, and must be no more than MAXBCRB. ! ! NPAR ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NPAR. ! NPAR is the number of parameters. ! NPAR = NPARF + NPARB + 1. ! The parameters control the shape and strength of the inflow, ! the shape of the bump, and the value of the Reynolds number. ! ! NPARB ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARB. ! NPARB is the number of parameters associated with the position and ! shape of the bump. ! ! Note that if NPARB = 0, the bump is replaced by a flat wall. ! ! NPARF ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARF. ! NPARF is the number of parameters associated with the ! inflow. NPARF must be at least 1. ! ! NPE ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NPE. ! NPE is the number of nodes per element. ! ! NX ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NX. ! NX controls the spacing of nodes and elements in ! the X direction. There are 2*NX-1 nodes along various ! lines in the X direction. ! ! The number of elements along a line in the X direction is ! NX-1 (or 2*(NX-1) to make a full rectangular strip). ! ! NY ! integer ( kind = 4 ) NY. ! NY controls the spacing of nodes and elements in ! the Y direction. There are 2*NY-1 nodes along various ! lines in the Y direction. ! ! The number of elements along a line in the Y direction is ! NY-1 (or 2*(NY-1) to make a full vertical strip). ! ! PAR ! real ( kind = 8 ) PAR(NPAR). ! PAR contains the values of the problem parameters. ! ! PAR(1:NPARF) = inflow controls. ! PAR(NPARF+1:NPARF+NPARB) = bump controls. ! PAR(NPARF+NPARB+1) = the REYNLD parameter. ! ! REGION ! character ( len = 20 ) REGION. ! REGION specifies the flow region. ! ! 'cavity', a driven cavity, 1 unit on each side, open on ! the top with a tangential velocity specification there. ! ! 'channel', a channel, 10 units long by 3 high, inflow on ! the left, outflow on the right, with a bump on the bottom. ! ! 'step', a channel, 12 units long by 3 high, inflow on the ! left, outflow on the right, with a step on the bottom. ! ! REYNLD ! real ( kind = 8 ) REYNLD. ! REYNLD is the current value of the Reynolds number. ! Normally, REYNLD is stored as PARA(NPARF+NPARB+1). ! ! TOLNEW ! real ( kind = 8 ) TOLNEW. ! TOLNEW is the convergence tolerance for the Newton iteration. ! ! TOLOPT ! real ( kind = 8 ) TOLOPT. ! TOLOPT is the convergence tolerance for the optimization. ! ! TOLSIM ! real ( kind = 8 ) TOLSIM. ! TOLSIM is the convergence tolerance for the Picard iteration. ! ! WATEB ! real ( kind = 8 ) WATEB. ! WATEB is the multiplier of the bump control cost used ! when computing the total cost. ! ! WATEP, ! WATEU, ! WATEV ! real ( kind = 8 ) WATEP, WATEU, WATEV. ! ! WATEP, WATEU and WATEV are weights used in computing the ! cost function based on the costs of the flow discrepancy. ! ! XBL ! real ( kind = 8 ) XBL. ! XBL is the X coordinate of the left corner of the bump. ! ! XBR ! real ( kind = 8 ) XBR. ! XBR is the X coordinate of the right corner of the bump. ! ! XPROF ! real ( kind = 8 ) XPROF. ! XPROF is the X coordinate at which the profile is measured. ! XPROF should be a grid value! ! ! XRANGE ! real ( kind = 8 ) XRANGE. ! XRANGE is the total width of the region. ! ! YBL ! real ( kind = 8 ) YBL. ! YBL is the Y coordinate of the left corner of the bump. ! ! YBR ! real ( kind = 8 ) YBR. ! YBR is the Y coordinate of the right corner of the bump. ! ! YRANGE ! real ( kind = 8 ) YRANGE. ! YRANGE is the total height of the region. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxpar ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ibs integer ( kind = 4 ) ibump integer ( kind = 4 ) ifs integer ( kind = 4 ) iopt(maxpar) integer ( kind = 4 ) maxopt integer ( kind = 4 ) nbcrb integer ( kind = 4 ) npar integer ( kind = 4 ) nparb integer ( kind = 4 ) nparf integer ( kind = 4 ) npe integer ( kind = 4 ) nx integer ( kind = 4 ) ny real ( kind = 8 ) par(maxpar) character ( len = 20 ) region real ( kind = 8 ) reynld real ( kind = 8 ) tolnew real ( kind = 8 ) tolopt real ( kind = 8 ) tolsim real ( kind = 8 ) wateb real ( kind = 8 ) watep real ( kind = 8 ) wateu real ( kind = 8 ) watev real ( kind = 8 ) xbl real ( kind = 8 ) xbr real ( kind = 8 ) xprof real ( kind = 8 ) xrange real ( kind = 8 ) ybl real ( kind = 8 ) ybr real ( kind = 8 ) yrange ! ibs = 0 ibump = 0 ! ! The inflow is to be a (piecewise) quadratic function. ! ifs = 2 maxopt = 10 nbcrb = 1 nparb = 0 ! ! There is only one unknown coefficient for the inflow function, ! so there is only one "piece". ! nparf = 1 npe = 6 ! ! Peterson used a nonuniform mesh with NX = 70 and NY=35! ! nx = 11 ny = 4 region = 'step' tolnew = 0.0000000001D+00 tolopt = 0.000000001D+00 tolsim = 0.0000000001D+00 wateb = 0.0D+00 wateu = 1.0D+00 watev = 1.0D+00 watep = 0.0D+00 xbl = 4.0D+00 xbr = 4.0D+00 xprof = 3.0D+00 xrange = 12.0D+00 ybl = 1.0D+00 ybr = 1.0D+00 yrange = 3.0D+00 ! ! Set things that depend on other things. ! npar = nparf+nparb+1 do i = 1,nparf iopt(i) = 0 end do do i = nparf+1,nparf+nparb iopt(i) = 0 end do iopt(nparf+nparb+1) = 1 ! ! The inflow parameter should be 1 to match Peterson's paper. ! par(1) = 1.0D+00 ! ! The REYNLD parameter may be varied. Here, it is arbitrarily ! set to 1. Peterson worked with values up to 1500. ! reynld = 1.0D+00 par(2) = reynld return end subroutine target(cost0,gfl,gfltar,indx,maxnfl,maxny,maxparb, & neqnfl,np,npar,nparb,nprof,ny,par,partar,splbmp, & taubmp,wateb,watep,wateu,watev,xbl,xbr,ybl,ybr,yc) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! TARGET is called to save the current parameters and solution ! as the "target solution". ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 08 August 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! COST0 Output, real ( kind = 8 ) COST0. ! COST0 is the cost of the solution with PAR = GFL=0. ! ! GFL Input, real ( kind = 8 ) GFL(NEQNFL). ! GFL contains the current solution estimate for the full problem, ! containing the pressure and velocity coefficients. ! The vector INDX must be used to index this data. ! ! GFLTAR Output, real ( kind = 8 ) GFLTAR(NEQNFL). ! GFLTAR is a target solution, used to generate data that defines ! the cost functional. The corresponding parameters are PARTAR. ! ! INDX Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX(3,NP). ! INDX(I,J) contains, for each node J, the global index of U, ! V and P at that node, or 0 or a negative value. The global ! index of U, V, or P is the index of the coefficient vector ! that contains the value of the finite element coefficient ! associated with the corresponding basis function at the ! given node. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNFL, the maximum number of equations in the ! full system. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXNY. ! MAXNY is the maximum size of NY that the program can handle. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXPARB. ! The maximum number of bump parameters allowed. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NEQNFL, the number of finite element equations ! used to define the horizontal and vertical velocities and the pressure. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes used to define the ! finite element mesh. NP = (2*NX-1)*(2*NY-1). ! ! NPAR Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPAR. ! The number of parameters. NPAR = NPARF + NPARB + 1. ! The parameters control the shape of the inflow, ! the shape of the bump obstacle, and the strength of the ! flow. ! ! NPARB Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARB. ! ! The number of parameters associated with the position and ! shape of the bump. ! ! Note that if NPARB = 0, the bump is replaced by a flat wall. ! ! NPARF Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPARF. ! ! NPARF is the number of parameters associated with the ! inflow. NPARF must be at least 1. ! ! NY Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NY, the number of nodes in each column. ! ! PAR Input, real ( kind = 8 ) PAR(NPAR). ! ! PAR is the current set of parameter values, including the ! Reynolds parameter, the flow parameters, and the bump parameters. ! ! PARTAR Output, real ( kind = 8 ) PARTAR(NPAR). ! PARTAR is the value of the parameters that generated the ! target solution contained in GFLTAR. ! ! SPLBMP Input, real ( kind = 8 ) SPLBMP(NPARB+2). ! SPLBMP contains the spline coefficients for the bump. ! ! TAUBMP Input, real ( kind = 8 ) TAUBMP(NPARB+2). ! TAUBMP contains the location of the spline abscissas for ! the bump. There are NPARB+2 of them, because the end values ! of the spline are constrained to have particular values. ! ! WATEB Input, real ( kind = 8 ) WATEB. ! WATEB is the multiplier of the bump control cost used ! when computing the total cost. ! ! WATEP, ! WATEU, ! WATEV Input, real ( kind = 8 ) WATEP, WATEU, WATEV. ! WATEP, WATEU and WATEV are weights used in computing the ! cost function based on the costs of the flow discrepancy. ! ! XBL Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XBL. ! XBL is the X coordinate of the left corner of the bump. ! ! XBR Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XBR. ! XBR is the X coordinate of the right corner of the bump. ! ! YBL Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YBL. ! The Y coordinate of the left corner of the bump. ! ! YBR Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YBR. ! YBR is the Y coordinate of the right corner of the bump. ! ! YC Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YC(NP). ! YC contains the Y coordinates of the nodes. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) maxny integer ( kind = 4 ) maxparb integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) npar ! ! Set parameters that are dependent on parameters that are dependent ! on parameters. ! real ( kind = 8 ) cost real ( kind = 8 ) cost0 real ( kind = 8 ) costb real ( kind = 8 ) costp real ( kind = 8 ) costu real ( kind = 8 ) costv real ( kind = 8 ) gfl(maxnfl) real ( kind = 8 ) gfltar(maxnfl) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) nparb integer ( kind = 4 ) nprof(2*maxny-1) integer ( kind = 4 ) ny real ( kind = 8 ) par(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) partar(npar) real ( kind = 8 ) splbmp(maxparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) taubmp(maxparb+2) real ( kind = 8 ) wateb real ( kind = 8 ) watep real ( kind = 8 ) wateu real ( kind = 8 ) watev real ( kind = 8 ) xbl real ( kind = 8 ) xbr real ( kind = 8 ) ybl real ( kind = 8 ) ybr real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) ! do i = 1,npar partar(i) = 0.0D+00 end do do i = 1,neqnfl gfltar(i) = 0.0D+00 end do call getcst(cost,costb,costp,costu,costv,gfl,gfltar, & indx,neqnfl,np,nparb,nprof,ny,splbmp, & taubmp,wateb,watep,wateu,watev,xbl,xbr,ybl,ybr,yc) cost0 = cost write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) '"Cost" of target GFLTAR versus zero GFL:',cost0 do i = 1,npar partar(i) = par(i) end do do i = 1,neqnfl gfltar(i) = gfl(i) end do return end subroutine timestamp ( ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! TIMESTAMP prints the current YMDHMS date as a time stamp. ! ! Example: ! ! 31 May 2001 9:45:54.872 AM ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 18 May 2013 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! None ! implicit none character ( len = 8 ) ampm integer ( kind = 4 ) d integer ( kind = 4 ) h integer ( kind = 4 ) m integer ( kind = 4 ) mm character ( len = 9 ), parameter, dimension(12) :: month = (/ & 'January ', 'February ', 'March ', 'April ', & 'May ', 'June ', 'July ', 'August ', & 'September', 'October ', 'November ', 'December ' /) integer ( kind = 4 ) n integer ( kind = 4 ) s integer ( kind = 4 ) values(8) integer ( kind = 4 ) y call date_and_time ( values = values ) y = values(1) m = values(2) d = values(3) h = values(5) n = values(6) s = values(7) mm = values(8) if ( h < 12 ) then ampm = 'AM' else if ( h == 12 ) then if ( n == 0 .and. s == 0 ) then ampm = 'Noon' else ampm = 'PM' end if else h = h - 12 if ( h < 12 ) then ampm = 'PM' else if ( h == 12 ) then if ( n == 0 .and. s == 0 ) then ampm = 'Midnight' else ampm = 'AM' end if end if end if write ( *, '(i2,1x,a,1x,i4,2x,i2,a1,i2.2,a1,i2.2,a1,i3.3,1x,a)' ) & d, trim ( month(m) ), y, h, ':', n, ':', s, '.', mm, trim ( ampm ) return end subroutine trans(det,detadx,detady,dxsidx,dxsidy,eta,ielem, & nelem,node,np,xc,xsi,yc) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! TRANS calculates the biquadratic transformation which maps the ! reference element in (XSI,ETA) space into a particular ! isoparametric element in (X,Y) space. ! ! We know everything about the isoparametric element once we ! specify the location of its six nodes. ! ! TRANS computes the entries of the jacobian of the transformation ! and the determinant of the jacobian. Essentially, the jacobian ! records the relationship between derivatives with respect to XSI ! and ETA and a point in the reference element, and derivatives ! with respect to X and Y of the same function as defined in the ! isoparametric element. ! ! The four entries of the jacobian are symbolically named DETADX, ! DETADY, DXSIDX and DXSIDY, and we know that the jacobian gives ! us the following relation between derivatives with respect to ! XSI and ETA, and derivatives with respect to X and Y: ! ! d F(X,Y)/dX (d XSI/dX d ETA/dX ) ( d F(XSI, ETA)/d XSI ) ! d F(X,Y)/dY = (d XSI/dY d ETA/dY ) * ( d F(XSI, ETA)/d ETA ) ! ! Here is a graph of the (XSI, ETA) reference triangle we will ! use. ! ! ^ ! | ! 1 + 2 ! | /| ! ETA | 4 5 ! | / | ! 0 + 1-6-3 ! | ! +----+---+---> ! 0 1 ! ! XSI ! ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 07 October 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! DET Output, real ( kind = 8 ) DET, the determinant of the jacobian ! of the transformation between the reference and isoparametric ! elements. ! ! DETADX, ! DETADY Output, real ( kind = 8 ) DETADX, DETADY, the partial ! derivative d ETA/d X and d ETA/d Y at (XSI,ETA). ! ! DXSIDX, ! DXSIDY Output, real ( kind = 8 ) DXSIDX, DXSIDY, the partial ! derivative d XSI/d X and d XSI/d Y at (XSI,ETA). ! ! ETA Input, real ( kind = 8 ) ETA, the ETA coordinate of the point. ! ! IELEM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IELEM, the number of the isoparametric ! element we are examining. ! ! NELEM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(6,NELEM), contains the numbers ! of the nodes that make up each element. Element number ! I is associated with nodes NODE(1,I) through NODE(6,I). ! ! NP Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! XC Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XC(NP), the X coordinates of the ! nodes. ! ! XSI Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XSI, the XSI coordinate of the point. ! ! YC Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YC(NP), the Y coordinates of the ! nodes. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! real ( kind = 8 ) a1 real ( kind = 8 ) a2 real ( kind = 8 ) b1 real ( kind = 8 ) b2 real ( kind = 8 ) c1 real ( kind = 8 ) c2 real ( kind = 8 ) d1 real ( kind = 8 ) d2 real ( kind = 8 ) det real ( kind = 8 ) detadx real ( kind = 8 ) detady real ( kind = 8 ) dxdeta real ( kind = 8 ) dxdxsi real ( kind = 8 ) dxsidx real ( kind = 8 ) dxsidy real ( kind = 8 ) dydeta real ( kind = 8 ) dydxsi real ( kind = 8 ) e1 real ( kind = 8 ) e2 real ( kind = 8 ) eta real ( kind = 8 ) f1 real ( kind = 8 ) f2 integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) x real ( kind = 8 ) xn(6) real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xsi real ( kind = 8 ) y real ( kind = 8 ) yn(6) real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) ! ! Pick off the X, Y coordinates of the nodes and store them ! in two short lists. ! do i = 1,6 xn(i) = xc(node(i,ielem)) yn(i) = yc(node(i,ielem)) end do ! ! Set the coefficients in the transformation ! ! (XSI,ETA) --> (X,Y). ! ! The mapping has the form: ! ! X(XSI,ETA) = A1 * XSI**2 + B1 * XSI*ETA + C1 * ETA**2 ! + D1 * XSI + E1 * ETA + F1 ! ! Y(XSI,ETA) = A2 * XSI**2 + B2 * XSI*ETA + C2 * ETA**2 ! + D2 * XSI + E2 * ETA + F2 ! a1 = 2.0D+00 *xn(1)+2.0D+00 *xn(3)-4.0D+00 *xn(6) b1 = -4.0D+00 *xn(3)-4.0D+00 *xn(4)+4.0D+00 *xn(5)+4.0D+00 *xn(6) c1 = 2.0D+00 *xn(2)+2.0D+00 *xn(3)-4.0D+00 *xn(5) d1 = -3.0D+00 *xn(1) -xn(3)+4.0D+00 *xn(6) e1 = -xn(2) +xn(3)+4.0D+00 *xn(4)-4.0D+00 *xn(6) f1 = xn(1) a2 = 2.0D+00 *yn(1)+2.0D+00 *yn(3)-4.0D+00 *yn(6) b2 = -4.0D+00 *yn(3)-4.0D+00 *yn(4)+4.0D+00 *yn(5)+4.0D+00 *yn(6) c2 = 2.0D+00 *yn(2)+2.0D+00 *yn(3)-4.0D+00 *yn(5) d2 = -3.0D+00 *yn(1) -yn(3)+4.0D+00 *yn(6) e2 = -yn(2) +yn(3)+4.0D+00 *yn(4)-4.0D+00 *yn(6) f2 = yn(1) ! ! Compute the partial derivatives at the point (XSI,ETA). ! This is the jacobian matrix ! ! J: (XSI,ETA) --> (X,Y). ! dxdxsi = 2.0D+00 *a1*xsi + b1*eta + d1 dxdeta = b1*xsi + 2.0D+00 *c1*eta + e1 dydxsi = 2.0D+00 *a2*xsi + b2*eta + d2 dydeta = b2*xsi + 2.0D+00 *c2*eta + e2 ! ! Compute the determinant of the jacobian matrix: ! ! J: (XSI,ETA) --> (X,Y) ! det = dxdxsi*dydeta-dxdeta*dydxsi ! ! Watch out for a zero determinant. ! if ( det == 0.0D+00 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'Trans - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' The jacobian J: (XSI,ETA) --> (X,Y) is singular!' write ( *, * ) ' This occurred for element number ',ielem write ( *, * ) ' Local coordinates XSI,ETA = ',xsi,eta x = a1*xsi**2+b1*xsi*eta+c1*eta**2+d1*xsi+e1*eta+f1 y = a2*xsi**2+b2*xsi*eta+c2*eta**2+d2*xsi+e2*eta+f2 write ( *, * ) ' Global coordinates X,Y = ',x,y write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' The X, Y nodes were:' write ( *, * ) ' ' do i = 1,6 write ( *, * ) xn(i),yn(i) end do stop end if ! ! Compute ! ! d ETA/d X, d ETA/d Y, d XSI/d X, d XSI/d Y ! ! by inverting the jacobian matrix ! ! J: (XSI,ETA) --> (X,Y) ! ! to get the jacobian matrix ! ! J: (X,Y) --> (XSI,ETA). ! ! This uses the simple fact that the inverse of ! ! (a b) ! (c d) ! ! is ! ! 1/(ad-bc) * ( d -b) ! (-c a) ! dxsidx = dydeta/det dxsidy = -dxdeta/det detadx = -dydxsi/det detady = dxdxsi/det return end subroutine uvpfl(detadx,detady,dpdx,dpdy,dudx,dudy,dvdx,dvdy, & dxsidx,dxsidy,eta,gfl,ielem,indx,isotri,nelem,neqnfl,node, & np,p,u,v,xc,xq,xsi,yc,yq) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! UVPFL evaluates the velocities and pressure, and their X and Y ! derivatives at an arbitrary point in a given element, given ! the finite element coefficients that represent this data. ! ! If the element is not isoparametric, then UVPFL requires the ! physical X and Y coordinates of the point. ! ! If the element is isoparametric, UVPFL requires the XSI, ETA ! coordinates of the point. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 07 October 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! DETADX, ! DETADY Input, real ( kind = 8 ) DETADX, DETADY, the partial derivative ! d ETA/d X and d ETA/d Y at (XSI,ETA). ! ! DPDX, ! DPDY Output, real ( kind = 8 ) DPDX, DPDY, the partial derivatives ! of P with respect to X and Y. ! ! DUDX, ! DUDY Output, real ( kind = 8 ) DUDX, DUDY, the partial derivatives ! of U with respect to X and Y. ! ! DVDX, ! DVDY Output, real ( kind = 8 ) DVDX, DVDY, the partial derivatives ! of V with respect to X and Y. ! ! DXSIDX, ! DXSIDY Input, real ( kind = 8 ) DXSIDX, DXSIDY, the partial derivative ! d XSI/d X and d XSI/d Y at (XSI,ETA). ! ! ETA Input, real ( kind = 8 ) ETA, the ETA coordinate of the point, ! needed only if the element is isoparametric. ! ! GFL Input, real ( kind = 8 ) GFL(NEQNFL). ! ! GFL is the computed solution vector, in which are stored ! pressures and velocities. ! ! IELEM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IELEM, the element in which the point lies ! at which the quantities are desired. ! ! INDX Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX(3,NP). ! ! INDX(I,J) contains, for each node J, the index of U, V and P at ! that node, or 0 or a negative value. ! ! If K = INDX(I,J) is positive, then the value of the degree ! of freedom is stored in the solution vector entry GFL(K), ! and an equation will be generated to determine its value. ! ! If INDX(I,J) is not positive, then no equation is ! generated to determine for variable I at node J, either because ! the variable is specified in some other way, or because ! (in the case of pressure), there is no coefficient associated ! with that node. ! ! ISOTRI Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ISOTRI(NELEM). ! ! 0, the element is NOT isoparametric, and the nodes never move. ! That means that the quadrature points are only computed once. ! ! 1, the element is NOT isoparametric, but the nodes may move. ! Quadrature point locations must be updated on each step. ! This could occur for elements above, but not touching, the bump. ! ! 2, the element is isoparametric. ! ! NELEM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NEQNFL, the number of equations in the full ! system. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(6,MAXELM). ! ! NODE(I,J) contains, for an element J, the global node index of ! the element node whose local number is I. ! ! The local ordering of the nodes is suggested by this diagram: ! ! 2 ! /| ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1-6-3 ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes used to define the ! finite element mesh. NP = (2*NX-1)*(2*NY-1). ! ! P Output, real ( kind = 8 ) P, the pressure. ! ! U Output, real ( kind = 8 ) U, the horizontal velocity. ! ! V Output, real ( kind = 8 ) V, the vertical velocity. ! ! XC Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XC(NP), the X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! XQ Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XQ, the X coordinate of the point. ! ! XSI Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XSI, the XSI coordinate of the point, ! needed only if the element is isoparametric. ! ! YC Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YC(NP), the Y coordinates of the nodes. ! ! YQ Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YQ, the Y coordinate of the point. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! real ( kind = 8 ) coef real ( kind = 8 ) detadx real ( kind = 8 ) detady real ( kind = 8 ) dpdx real ( kind = 8 ) dpdy real ( kind = 8 ) dqdx real ( kind = 8 ) dqdy real ( kind = 8 ) dudx real ( kind = 8 ) dudy real ( kind = 8 ) dvdx real ( kind = 8 ) dvdy real ( kind = 8 ) dwdx real ( kind = 8 ) dwdy real ( kind = 8 ) dxsidx real ( kind = 8 ) dxsidy real ( kind = 8 ) eta real ( kind = 8 ) gfl(neqnfl) integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) ip integer ( kind = 4 ) iq integer ( kind = 4 ) isotri(nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) iun integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) p real ( kind = 8 ) q real ( kind = 8 ) u real ( kind = 8 ) v real ( kind = 8 ) w real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xq real ( kind = 8 ) xsi real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yq ! p = 0.0D+00 u = 0.0D+00 v = 0.0D+00 dpdx = 0.0D+00 dpdy = 0.0D+00 dudx = 0.0D+00 dudy = 0.0D+00 dvdx = 0.0D+00 dvdy = 0.0D+00 do iq = 1,6 ! ! Evaluate the basis functions W and Q, and their derivatives ! DQDX, DQDY, DWDX, DWDY at XQ, YQ. ! if ( isotri(ielem) == 0.or.isotri(ielem).eq.1) then call qbf(ielem,iq,w,dwdx,dwdy,nelem,node,np,xc,xq,yc,yq) call bsp(q,dqdx,dqdy,ielem,iq,nelem,node,np,xc,xq,yc,yq) else call refqbf(w,dwdx,dwdy,detadx,detady,dxsidx,dxsidy,eta,iq,xsi) call refbsp(q,dqdx,dqdy,detadx,detady,dxsidx,dxsidy,eta,iq,xsi) end if ! ! Compute the coefficients at the node at XP, YP. ! ip = node(iq,ielem) iun = indx(1,ip) coef = gfl(iun) u = u+coef*w dudx = dudx+coef*dwdx dudy = dudy+coef*dwdy iun = indx(2,ip) coef = gfl(iun) v = v+coef*w dvdx = dvdx+coef*dwdx dvdy = dvdy+coef*dwdy iun = indx(3,ip) if ( 0 < iun ) then coef = gfl(iun) p = p+coef*q dpdx = dpdx+coef*dqdx dpdy = dpdy+coef*dqdy end if end do return end subroutine uvpnrm(gfl,indx,neqnfl,np,pnorm,uvnorm) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! UVPNRM returns the "norm" of the solution. Here, the norm of ! a solution GFL = (U,V,P) is defined as two numbers, the maximum ! velocity magnitude at a node, and the maximum pressure at a node. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 07 October 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! GFL Input, real ( kind = 8 ) GFL(NEQNFL). ! ! GFL is the current solution vector, in which are stored ! the finite element coefficients that define the velocity ! and pressure functions, U, V and P. ! ! INDX Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX(3,NP). ! ! INDX(I,J) contains, for each node J, the index of U, V and P at ! that node, or 0 or a negative value. ! ! If K = INDX(I,J) is positive, then the value of the degree ! of freedom is stored in the solution vector entry GFL(K), ! and an equation will be generated to determine its value. ! ! If INDX(I,J) is not positive, then no equation is ! generated to determine for variable I at node J, either because ! the variable is specified in some other way, or because ! (in the case of pressure), there is no coefficient associated ! with that node. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NEQNFL, the number of finite element equations ! used to define the horizontal and vertical velocities and the pressure. ! ! NP Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! PNORM Output, real ( kind = 8 ) PNORM, the maximum absolute value ! pressure coefficient. ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) UVNORM, the maximum velocity magnitude. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) np real ( kind = 8 ) gfl(neqnfl) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) real ( kind = 8 ) p real ( kind = 8 ) pnorm real ( kind = 8 ) u real ( kind = 8 ) uvnorm real ( kind = 8 ) v uvnorm = 0.0D+00 pnorm = 0.0D+00 do i = 1,np u = gfl(indx(1,i)) v = gfl(indx(2,i)) uvnorm = max(uvnorm,sqrt(u**2+v**2)) if ( 0 < indx(3,i) ) then p = gfl(indx(3,i)) pnorm = max(pnorm,abs(p)) end if end do return end subroutine uvpqfl(dpdx,dpdy,dudx,dudy,dvdx,dvdy,gfl,ielem,indx, & iquad,nelem,neqnfl,node,np,p,phifl,u,v) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! UVPQFL evaluates the velocities and pressure, and their X and Y ! derivatives, at a quadrature point in a given element, given ! the finite element coefficients, and the value of the basis functions ! and their X and Y derivatives at each quadrature point. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 07 October 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! DPDX, ! DPDY Output, real ( kind = 8 ) DPDX, DPDY, the derivatives of the ! pressure function with respect to X and Y. ! ! DUDX, ! DUDY Output, real ( kind = 8 ) DUDX, DUDY, the derivatives of the ! horizontal velocity function with respect to X and Y. ! ! DVDX, ! DVDY Output, real ( kind = 8 ) DVDX, DVDY, the derivatives of the ! vertical velocity function with respect to X and Y. ! ! GFL Input, real ( kind = 8 ) GFL(NEQNFL), the current solution ! estimate for the full problem. ! ! IELEM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IELEM, the element in which the quadrature ! point lies. ! ! INDX Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX(3,NP). ! ! INDX(I,J) contains, for each node J, the index of U, V and P at ! that node, or 0 or a negative value. ! ! If K = INDX(I,J) is positive, then the value of the degree ! of freedom is stored in the solution vector entry GFL(K), ! and an equation will be generated to determine its value. ! ! If INDX(I,J) is not positive, then no equation is ! generated to determine for variable I at node J, either because ! the variable is specified in some other way, or because ! (in the case of pressure), there is no coefficient associated ! with that node. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IQUAD, the local index of the quadrature point. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NEQNFL, the number of equations in the full ! system. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(6,MAXELM). ! NODE(I,J) contains, for an element J, the global node index of ! the element node whose local number is I. ! The local ordering of the nodes is suggested by this diagram: ! ! 2 ! /| ! 4 5 ! / | ! 1-6-3 ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes used to define the ! finite element mesh. NP = (2*NX-1)*(2*NY-1). ! ! Output, real ( kind = 8 ) P, the value of the pressure. ! ! PHIFL Input, real ( kind = 8 ) PHIFL(3,6,10,NELEM). ! ! PHIFL contains the value of a finite element basis function, its ! derivative, or other information, evaluated at the quadrature ! points. ! ! The meaning of the entry PHIFL(I,J,K,L) is as follows. ! For the quadrature point I, and basis function J, in element L, ! PHIFL(I,J,K,L) represents the value of: ! ! K = 1, W, the finite element basis function for velocities; ! K = 2, dWdX, the X derivative of W; ! K = 3, dWdY, the Y derivative of W; ! K = 4, Q, the finite element basis function for pressures; ! K = 5, dQdX, the X derivative of Q; ! K = 6, dQdY, the Y derivative of Q; ! K = 7, dXsidX, the X derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->XSI; ! K = 8, dXsidY, the Y derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->XSI; ! K = 9, dEtadX, the X derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->ETA; ! K = 10, dEtadY, the Y derivative of the mapping (X,Y)->ETA; ! ! In particular, PHIFL(I,J,K,L) is the value of the quadratic ! basis function W associated with local node J in element L, ! evaluated at quadrature point I. ! ! Note that PHIFL(I,J,K,L) = 0 whenever J=4, 5, or 6 and K=4, 5, or 6, ! since there are only three linear basis functions. ! ! U Output, real ( kind = 8 ) U, the value of the horizontal ! velocity. ! ! V Output, real ( kind = 8 ) V, the value of the vertical ! velocity. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) np real ( kind = 8 ) coef real ( kind = 8 ) dpdx real ( kind = 8 ) dpdy real ( kind = 8 ) dqdx real ( kind = 8 ) dqdy real ( kind = 8 ) dudx real ( kind = 8 ) dudy real ( kind = 8 ) dvdx real ( kind = 8 ) dvdy real ( kind = 8 ) dwdx real ( kind = 8 ) dwdy real ( kind = 8 ) gfl(neqnfl) integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) ip integer ( kind = 4 ) iq integer ( kind = 4 ) iquad integer ( kind = 4 ) iun integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) p real ( kind = 8 ) phifl(3,6,10,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) q real ( kind = 8 ) u real ( kind = 8 ) v real ( kind = 8 ) w ! ! Start all the functions at zero. ! p = 0.0D+00 u = 0.0D+00 v = 0.0D+00 dpdx = 0.0D+00 dpdy = 0.0D+00 dudx = 0.0D+00 dudy = 0.0D+00 dvdx = 0.0D+00 dvdy = 0.0D+00 ! ! Now each of these functions is represented as the sum of ! coefficients times basis functions. In this particular ! element, at this particular quadrature point, we know that ! exactly 6 basis functions are nonzero. So if ! we simply look up the values of the basis functions (and ! their X and Y derivatives), and multiply by the appropriate ! coefficients, we can evaluate the functions. ! ! W, DWDX and DWDY represent the value of a quadratic basis ! function and its X and Y derivative. ! ! Q, DQDX and DQDY represent the value of a linear basis ! function and its X and Y derivatives. ! do iq = 1,6 w = phifl(iquad,iq,1,ielem) dwdx = phifl(iquad,iq,2,ielem) dwdy = phifl(iquad,iq,3,ielem) q = phifl(iquad,iq,4,ielem) dqdx = phifl(iquad,iq,5,ielem) dqdy = phifl(iquad,iq,6,ielem) ! ! Now that we have the basis function values, we need to look ! up the coefficient COEF that multiplies the basis function. ! ip = node(iq,ielem) iun = indx(1,ip) coef = gfl(iun) u = u+coef*w dudx = dudx+coef*dwdx dudy = dudy+coef*dwdy iun = indx(2,ip) coef = gfl(iun) v = v+coef*w dvdx = dvdx+coef*dwdx dvdy = dvdy+coef*dwdy iun = indx(3,ip) if ( 0 < iun ) then coef = gfl(iun) p = p+coef*q dpdx = dpdx+coef*dqdx dpdy = dpdy+coef*dqdy end if end do return end subroutine uvpqrb(dprbdx,dprbdy,durbdx,durbdy,dvrbdx,dvrbdy,grb, & ielem,iquad,maxcofrb,maxelm,ncofrb,phirb,prb,urb,vrb) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! UVPQRB evaluates reduced basis state variables at a quadrature point. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The routine is given: ! ! GRB, the reduced basis coefficients, ! PHIRB, the reduced basis functions and derivatives evaluated ! at the quadrature points, ! IELEM, a particular element, and ! IQUAD, a particular quadrature point in that element. ! ! and computes: ! ! URB, VRB, PRB, the state variables evaluated at that quadrature point, ! the X and Y derivatives of these quantities. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 July 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! DPRBDX, ! DPRBDY Output, real ( kind = 8 ) DPRBDX, DPRBDY, the derivatives of the ! pressure function with respect to X and Y. ! ! DURBDX, ! DURBDY Output, real ( kind = 8 ) DURBDX, DURBDY, the derivatives of the ! horizontal velocity function with respect to X and Y. ! ! DVRBDX, ! DVRBDY Output, real ( kind = 8 ) DVRBDX, DVRBDY, the derivatives of the ! vertical velocity function with respect to X and Y. ! ! GRB Input, real ( kind = 8 ) GRB(NCOFRB), the current solution ! estimate for the reduced problem. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IELEM, the element in which the quadrature ! point lies. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IQUAD, the local index of the quadrature point. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCOFRB, the number of equations in the reduced ! system. ! ! PRB Output, real ( kind = 8 ) PRB, the value of the pressure. ! ! PHIRB Input, real ( kind = 8 ) PHIRB(3,NCOFRB,15,NELEM). ! PHIRB contains the values of a finite element basis function ! or its X or Y derivative, in a given element, at a given ! quadrature point, for a particular reduced basis function. ! ! For PHIRB(I,J,K,L), index J refers to the reduced basis ! basis functions, for J = 0 to NCOFRB. ! ! The meaning of the K index of PHIRB(I,J,K,L) is as follows: ! ! For the quadrature point I, and reduced basis function J, ! in element L, PHIRB(I,J,K,L) represents the value of: ! ! K = 1, WUrb, the finite element U velocity basis function; ! K = 2, dWUrbdX, the X derivative of WUrb; ! K = 3, dWUrbdY, the Y derivative of WUrb; ! K = 4, WVrb, the finite element V velocity basis function; ! K = 5, dWVrbdX, the X derivative of WVrb; ! K = 6, dWVrbdY, the Y derivative of WVrb; ! K = 7, Q, the finite element pressure basis function. ! K = 8, dQrbdX, the X derivative of Qrb; ! K = 9, dQrbdY, the Y derivative of Qrb. ! K = 10, WU0rb, same as WUrb, with zero BC. ! K = 11, dWU0rbdX, same as dWUrbdX, with zero BC. ! K = 12, dWU0rbdY, same as dWUrbdY, with zero BC. ! K = 13, WV0rb, same as WVrb, with zero BC. ! K = 14, dWV0rbdX, same as dWVrbdX, with zero BC. ! K = 15, dWV0rbdY, same as dWVrbdY, with zero BC. ! ! URB Output, real ( kind = 8 ) URB, the value of the horizontal ! velocity. ! ! VRB Output, real ( kind = 8 ) VRB, the value of the vertical ! velocity. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxcofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) maxelm integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb ! real ( kind = 8 ) coef real ( kind = 8 ) dprbdx real ( kind = 8 ) dprbdy real ( kind = 8 ) dqrbdx real ( kind = 8 ) dqrbdy real ( kind = 8 ) durbdx real ( kind = 8 ) durbdy real ( kind = 8 ) dvrbdx real ( kind = 8 ) dvrbdy real ( kind = 8 ) dwurbdx real ( kind = 8 ) dwurbdy real ( kind = 8 ) dwvrbdx real ( kind = 8 ) dwvrbdy real ( kind = 8 ) grb(ncofrb) integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) ieqnrb integer ( kind = 4 ) iquad real ( kind = 8 ) prb real ( kind = 8 ) phirb(3,maxcofrb,15,maxelm) real ( kind = 8 ) qrb real ( kind = 8 ) urb real ( kind = 8 ) vrb real ( kind = 8 ) wurb real ( kind = 8 ) wvrb ! ! Start all the function values at 0. ! urb = 0.0D+00 durbdx = 0.0D+00 durbdy = 0.0D+00 vrb = 0.0D+00 dvrbdx = 0.0D+00 dvrbdy = 0.0D+00 prb = 0.0D+00 dprbdx = 0.0D+00 dprbdy = 0.0D+00 ! ! Now each of these functions is represented as the sum of ! coefficients times the reduced basis vectors. So if ! we simply look up the values of the reduced basis functions (and ! their X and Y derivatives), and multiply by the appropriate ! coefficients, we can evaluate the functions. ! ! WURB, DWURBDX and DWURBDY represent the value of a quadratic basis ! function and its X and Y derivative. ! ! WVRB, DWVRBDX and DWVRBDY represent the value of a quadratic basis ! function and its X and Y derivative. ! ! QRB, DQRBDX and DQRBDY represent the value of a linear basis ! function and its X and Y derivatives. ! ! See routine SETPRB, where these values are loaded into PHIRB. ! do ieqnrb = 1,ncofrb wurb = phirb(iquad,ieqnrb,1,ielem) dwurbdx = phirb(iquad,ieqnrb,2,ielem) dwurbdy = phirb(iquad,ieqnrb,3,ielem) wvrb = phirb(iquad,ieqnrb,4,ielem) dwvrbdx = phirb(iquad,ieqnrb,5,ielem) dwvrbdy = phirb(iquad,ieqnrb,6,ielem) qrb = phirb(iquad,ieqnrb,7,ielem) dqrbdx = phirb(iquad,ieqnrb,8,ielem) dqrbdy = phirb(iquad,ieqnrb,9,ielem) coef = grb(ieqnrb) urb = urb+coef*wurb durbdx = durbdx+coef*dwurbdx durbdy = durbdy+coef*dwurbdy vrb = vrb+coef*wvrb dvrbdx = dvrbdx+coef*dwvrbdx dvrbdy = dvrbdy+coef*dwvrbdy prb = prb+coef*qrb dprbdx = dprbdx+coef*dqrbdx dprbdy = dprbdy+coef*dqrbdy end do return end subroutine wrdis(disfil,eqn,indx,isotri,maxcofrb,maxnfl,ncofrb,nelem, & neqnfl,node,np,npar,npe,nprof,nx,ny,p,par,senfl,u,v,xc,xprof,yc) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! WRDIS writes information to a file which can be used to create ! graphics images. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 07 October 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxcofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) maxnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) ncofrb integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) neqnfl integer ( kind = 4 ) np integer ( kind = 4 ) npar integer ( kind = 4 ) ny ! character ( len = 2 ) ctemp character ( len = 30 ) disfil character ( len = 2 ) eqn(neqnfl) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) icheck integer ( kind = 4 ) igunit integer ( kind = 4 ) ihor integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(3,np) integer ( kind = 4 ) iprs integer ( kind = 4 ) isen integer ( kind = 4 ) isotri(nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) iver integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) integer ( kind = 4 ) npe integer ( kind = 4 ) nprof(2*ny-1) integer ( kind = 4 ) nsen integer ( kind = 4 ) nx real ( kind = 8 ) p(np) real ( kind = 8 ) par(npar) real rtemp real ( kind = 8 ) senfl(maxnfl,maxcofrb) real ( kind = 8 ) u(np) real ( kind = 8 ) v(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xprof real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) ! ! Delete any old copy of the file. ! igunit = 11 open(unit = igunit,file=disfil,status='unknown', & form = 'formatted',access='sequential') nsen = ncofrb ! ! Number of elements, nodes, parameters, ! elements in the X direction, elements in the Y direction. ! write(igunit,*)nelem write(igunit,*)np write(igunit,*)npar write(igunit,*)npe write(igunit,*)nsen write(igunit,*)nx write(igunit,*)ny ! ! Pressures, P. ! do i = 1,np write(igunit,*)p(i) end do ! ! Horizontal velocities, U. ! do i = 1,np write(igunit,*)u(i) end do ! ! Vertical velocities, V ! do i = 1,np write(igunit,*)v(i) end do ! ! Indicator of element type (isoparametric or not). ! do i = 1,nelem write(igunit,*)isotri(i) end do ! ! Nodes that make up each element. ! do i = 1,npe do j = 1,nelem write(igunit,*)node(i,j) end do end do ! ! Indices of the nodes along the profile line. ! do i = 1,2*ny-1 write(igunit,*)nprof(i) end do ! ! Parameters. ! do i = 1,npar write(igunit,*)par(i) end do ! ! Pressure sensitivities, dP/dpar ! do isen = 1,nsen do i = 1,np iprs = indx(3,i) rtemp = 0.0D+00 if ( 0 < iprs ) then rtemp = sngl(senfl(iprs,isen)) end if write(igunit,*)rtemp end do ! ! Horizontal velocity sensitivities, dU/dpar ! do i = 1,np ihor = indx(1,i) write(igunit,*)senfl(ihor,isen) end do ! ! Vertical velocity sensitivities, dV/dpar ! do i = 1,np iver = indx(2,i) write(igunit,*)senfl(iver,isen) end do end do ! ! X coordinates of nodes. ! do i = 1,np write(igunit,*)xc(i) end do ! ! X coordinate of profile line. ! write(igunit,*)xprof ! ! Y coordinates of nodes. ! do i = 1,np write(igunit,*)yc(i) end do ! ! Nodal equation types. ! do i = 1,np ihor = indx(1,i) iver = indx(2,i) iprs = indx(3,i) if ( iprs <= 0) then ctemp = ' ' else ctemp = eqn(iprs) end if write(igunit,'(3a2)')eqn(ihor),eqn(iver),ctemp end do ! ! Write a check at the end. ! icheck = 1953 write(igunit,*)icheck close(unit = igunit) return end subroutine wrtec(nelem,node,np,p,tecfil,u,v,xc,yc) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! WRTEC writes data suitable for plotting by TECPLOT. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 14 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! NELEM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(6,MAXELM) or NODE(6,NELEM). ! ! NODE(I,J) contains, for an element J, the global index of ! the node whose local number in J is I. ! ! The local ordering of the nodes is suggested by this diagram: ! ! Global nodes Elements NODE ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 ! 74 84 94 3-6-1 2 Left element = (94,72,74,83,73,84) ! | / /| ! 73 83 93 5 4 4 5 Right element = (72,94,92,83,93,82) ! |/ / | ! 72 82 92 2 1-6-3 ! ! NP Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! P Input, real P(NP), the pressure. ! ! U Input, real U(NP), the horizontal velocity. ! ! V Input, real V(NP), the vertical velocity. ! ! XC Input, real XC(NP), the X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! YC Input, real YC(NP), the Y coordinates of the nodes. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) p(np) character ( len = 30 ) tecfil real ( kind = 8 ) u(np) real ( kind = 8 ) v(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) ! ! Delete any old copy of the TECPLOT data file. ! open(unit = 10,file=tecfil,status='old',err=10) write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'WRTEC - Note:' write ( *, * ) ' Deleting an old copy of the TECPLOT data file.' close(unit = 10,status='delete') 10 continue open(unit = 10,file=tecfil,status='unknown') write(10,*)'Title = ','"ARBY data"' write(10,*)'Variables = "X","Y","P","U","V"' write(10,*)'Zone N = ',np,', E=',4*nelem,', F=FEPOINT, ET=TRIANGLE' ! ! Write out the data at each node. ! do i = 1,np write(10,'(5g15.6)')xc(i),yc(i),p(i),u(i),v(i) end do ! ! Write out the data that defines the elements. ! Each 6 node quadratic element must be described as 4 linear elements. ! do i = 1,nelem write(10,'(3i6)')node(1,i),node(4,i),node(6,i) write(10,'(3i6)')node(2,i),node(5,i),node(4,i) write(10,'(3i6)')node(3,i),node(6,i),node(5,i) write(10,'(3i6)')node(4,i),node(5,i),node(6,i) end do close(unit = 10) return end subroutine xofxsi(eta,ielem,nelem,node,np,x,xc,xsi,y,yc) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! XOFXSI is given the XSI, ETA coordinates of a point in an ! isoparametric element and determines its X, Y coordinates. ! ! Here is a graph of the (XSI, ETA) reference triangle we will use. ! ! ^ ! | ! 1 + 2 ! | /| ! ETA | 4 5 ! | / | ! 0 + 1-6-3 ! | ! +----+---+---> ! 0 1 ! ! XSI ! ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 07 October 1996 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! ETA Input, real ( kind = 8 ) ETA, the ETA coordinate of the point. ! ! IELEM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IELEM, the number of the isoparametric ! element we are examining. ! ! NELEM Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NELEM, the number of elements. ! ! NODE Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODE(6,nelem), contains the numbers ! of the nodes that make up each element. Element number ! I is associated with nodes NODE(1,I) through NODE(6,I). ! ! NP Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NP, the number of nodes. ! ! X Output, real ( kind = 8 ) X, the X coordinate of the point. ! ! XC Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XC(NP), the X coordinates of the ! nodes. ! ! XSI Input, real ( kind = 8 ) XSI, the XSI coordinate of the point. ! ! Y Output, real ( kind = 8 ) Y, the Y coordinate of the point. ! ! YC Input, real ( kind = 8 ) YC(NP), the Y coordinates of the ! nodes. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) nelem integer ( kind = 4 ) np real ( kind = 8 ) a1 real ( kind = 8 ) a2 real ( kind = 8 ) b1 real ( kind = 8 ) b2 real ( kind = 8 ) c1 real ( kind = 8 ) c2 real ( kind = 8 ) d1 real ( kind = 8 ) d2 real ( kind = 8 ) e1 real ( kind = 8 ) e2 real ( kind = 8 ) eta real ( kind = 8 ) f1 real ( kind = 8 ) f2 integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ielem integer ( kind = 4 ) node(6,nelem) real ( kind = 8 ) x real ( kind = 8 ) xn(6) real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xsi real ( kind = 8 ) y real ( kind = 8 ) yn(6) real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) ! ! Pick off the X, Y coordinates of the nodes and store them ! in two short lists. ! do i = 1,6 xn(i) = xc(node(i,ielem)) yn(i) = yc(node(i,ielem)) end do ! ! Set the coefficients in the transformation ! ! (XSI,ETA) --> (X,Y). ! ! The mapping has the form: ! ! X(ETA,XSI) = A1 * XSI**2 + B1 * XSI*ETA + C1 * ETA**2 ! + D1 * XSI + E1 * ETA + F1 ! ! Y(ETA,XSI) = A2 * XSI**2 + B2 * XSI*ETA + C2 * ETA**2 ! + D2 * XSI + E2 * ETA + F2 ! a1 = 2.0D+00 *xn(1)+2.0D+00 *xn(3)-4.0D+00 *xn(6) b1 = -4.0D+00 *xn(3)-4.0D+00 *xn(4)+4.0D+00 *xn(5)+4.0D+00 *xn(6) c1 = 2.0D+00 *xn(2)+2.0D+00 *xn(3)-4.0D+00 *xn(5) d1 = -3.0D+00 *xn(1) -xn(3)+4.0D+00 *xn(6) e1 = -xn(2) +xn(3)+4.0D+00 *xn(4)-4.0D+00 *xn(6) f1 = xn(1) a2 = 2.0D+00 *yn(1)+2.0D+00 *yn(3)-4.0D+00 *yn(6) b2 = -4.0D+00 *yn(3)-4.0D+00 *yn(4)+4.0D+00 *yn(5)+4.0D+00 *yn(6) c2 = 2.0D+00 *yn(2)+2.0D+00 *yn(3)-4.0D+00 *yn(5) d2 = -3.0D+00 *yn(1) -yn(3)+4.0D+00 *yn(6) e2 = -yn(2) +yn(3)+4.0D+00 *yn(4)-4.0D+00 *yn(6) f2 = yn(1) x = a1*xsi**2 + b1*xsi*eta + c1*eta**2 + d1*xsi + e1*eta + f1 y = a2*xsi**2 + b2*xsi*eta + c2*eta**2 + d2*xsi + e2*eta + f2 return end function dasum(n,dx,incx) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DASUM takes the sum of the absolute values of the entries of ! a vector. ! real ( kind = 8 ) dasum real ( kind = 8 ) dtemp real ( kind = 8 ) dx(*) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) incx integer ( kind = 4 ) m integer ( kind = 4 ) n ! if ( n <= 0) then dasum = 0.0d0 return end if if ( incx <= 0) then dasum = 0.0d0 return else if ( incx /= 1) then dtemp = 0.0d0 do i = 1,n*incx,incx dtemp = dtemp+abs(dx(i)) end do else m = mod(n,6) dtemp = 0.0d0 do i = 1,m dtemp = dtemp+abs(dx(i)) end do do i = m+1,n,6 dtemp = dtemp+abs(dx(i))+abs(dx(i+1))+abs(dx(i+2)) & +abs(dx(i+3))+abs(dx(i+4))+abs(dx(i+5)) end do end if dasum = dtemp return end subroutine daxpy(n,da,dx,incx,dy,incy) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DAXPY adds a multiple of one vector to another. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) incx integer ( kind = 4 ) incy integer ( kind = 4 ) ix integer ( kind = 4 ) iy integer ( kind = 4 ) m integer ( kind = 4 ) n real ( kind = 8 ) da real ( kind = 8 ) dx(*) real ( kind = 8 ) dy(*) ! if ( n <= 0)return if ( da == 0.0D+00 )return if ( incx == 1.and.incy == 1)go to 20 ix = 1 iy = 1 if ( incx < 0)ix = (-n+1)*incx + 1 if ( incy < 0)iy = (-n+1)*incy + 1 do i = 1,n dy(iy) = dy(iy) + da*dx(ix) ix = ix + incx iy = iy + incy end do return 20 m = mod(n,4) do i = 1,m dy(i) = dy(i) + da*dx(i) end do do i = m+1,n,4 dy(i) = dy(i) + da*dx(i) dy(i + 1) = dy(i + 1) + da*dx(i + 1) dy(i + 2) = dy(i + 2) + da*dx(i + 2) dy(i + 3) = dy(i + 3) + da*dx(i + 3) end do return end subroutine dcopy(n,dx,incx,dy,incy) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DCOPY copies a vector X to a vector Y. ! ! N Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) N, the number of entries to copy. ! ! DX Input, real ( kind = 8 ) DX(*), the vector to be copied. ! ! INCX Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) INCX, the increment between successive ! entries of DX. ! ! DY Output, real ( kind = 8 ) DY(*), the vector to be copied. ! ! INCY Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) INCY, the increment between successive ! entries of DY. ! implicit none ! real ( kind = 8 ) dx(*) real ( kind = 8 ) dy(*) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) incx integer ( kind = 4 ) incy integer ( kind = 4 ) ix integer ( kind = 4 ) iy integer ( kind = 4 ) m integer ( kind = 4 ) n ! if ( n <= 0)return if ( incx == 1.and.incy == 1) then m = mod(n,7) do i = 1,m dy(i) = dx(i) end do do i = m+1,n,7 dy(i) = dx(i) dy(i + 1) = dx(i + 1) dy(i + 2) = dx(i + 2) dy(i + 3) = dx(i + 3) dy(i + 4) = dx(i + 4) dy(i + 5) = dx(i + 5) dy(i + 6) = dx(i + 6) end do else if ( incx < 0) then ix = (-n+1)*incx + 1 else ix = 1 end if if ( incy < 0) then iy = (-n+1)*incy + 1 else iy = 1 end if do i = 1,n dy(iy) = dx(ix) ix = ix + incx iy = iy + incy end do end if return end function ddot(n,dx,incx,dy,incy) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DDOT forms the dot product of two vectors. ! real ( kind = 8 ) ddot real ( kind = 8 ) dtemp real ( kind = 8 ) dx(*) real ( kind = 8 ) dy(*) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) incx integer ( kind = 4 ) incy integer ( kind = 4 ) ix integer ( kind = 4 ) iy integer ( kind = 4 ) m integer ( kind = 4 ) n ! ddot = 0.0d0 dtemp = 0.0d0 if ( n <= 0)return if ( incx == 1.and.incy == 1)go to 20 if ( incx < 0) then ix = (-n+1)*incx + 1 else ix = 1 end if if ( incy < 0) then iy = (-n+1)*incy + 1 else iy = 1 end if do i = 1,n dtemp = dtemp + dx(ix)*dy(iy) ix = ix + incx iy = iy + incy end do ddot = dtemp return ! 20 m = mod(n,5) do i = 1,m dtemp = dtemp + dx(i)*dy(i) end do do i = m+1,n,5 dtemp = dtemp + dx(i)*dy(i) + dx(i + 1)*dy(i + 1) + & dx(i + 2)*dy(i + 2) + dx(i + 3)*dy(i + 3) + dx(i + 4)*dy(i + 4) end do ddot = dtemp return end subroutine dgbtf2(m,n,kl,ku,ab,ldab,ipiv,info) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DGBTF2 ??? ! integer ( kind = 4 ) info, kl, ku, ldab, m, n ! .. ! .. Array Arguments .. integer ( kind = 4 ) ipiv( * ) real ( kind = 8 ) ab( ldab, * ) ! ! DGBTF2 computes an LU factorization of a real m-by-n band matrix A ! using partial pivoting with row interchanges. ! ! This is the unblocked version of the algorithm, calling Level 2 BLAS. ! ! Arguments ! ! M (input) integer ! The number of rows of the matrix A. ! ! N (input) integer ! The number of columns of the matrix A. ! ! KL (input) integer ! The number of subdiagonals within the band of A. ! ! KU (input) integer ! The number of superdiagonals within the band of A. ! ! AB (input/output) real ( kind = 8 ) array, dimension (LDAB,N) ! On entry, the matrix A in band storage, in rows KL+1 to ! 2*KL+KU+1; rows 1 to KL of the array need not be set. ! The j-th column of A is stored in the j-th column of the ! array AB as follows: ! AB(kl+ku+1+i-j,j) = A(i,j) for max(1,j-ku)<=i<=min(m,j+kl) ! ! On exit, details of the factorization: U is stored as an ! upper triangular band matrix with KL+KU superdiagonals in ! rows 1 to KL+KU+1, and the multipliers used during the ! factorization are stored in rows KL+KU+2 to 2*KL+KU+1. ! See below for further details. ! ! LDAB (input) integer ! The leading dimension of the array AB. 2*KL+KU+1 <= LDAB. ! ! IPIV (output) integer array, dimension (min(M,N)) ! The pivot indices; for 1 <= i <= min(M,N), row i of the ! matrix was interchanged with row IPIV(i). ! ! INFO (output) integer ! = 0: successful exit ! < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value ! > 0: if INFO = +i, U(i,i) is exactly zero. The factorization ! has been completed, but the factor U is exactly ! singular, and division by zero will occur if it is used ! to solve a system of equations. ! ! Further Details ! ! The band storage scheme is illustrated by the following example, when ! M = N = 6, KL = 2, KU = 1: ! ! On entry: On exit: ! ! * * * + + + * * * u14 u25 u36 ! * * + + + + * * u13 u24 u35 u46 ! * a12 a23 a34 a45 a56 * u12 u23 u34 u45 u56 ! a11 a22 a33 a44 a55 a66 u11 u22 u33 u44 u55 u66 ! a21 a32 a43 a54 a65 * m21 m32 m43 m54 m65 * ! a31 a42 a53 a64 * * m31 m42 m53 m64 * * ! ! Array elements marked * are not used by the routine; elements marked ! + need not be set on entry, but are required by the routine to store ! elements of U, because of fill-in resulting from the row ! interchanges. ! real ( kind = 8 ) one, zero parameter ( one = 1.0d+0, zero = 0.0d+0 ) integer ( kind = 4 ) i, j, jp, ju, km, kv integer ( kind = 4 ) idamax ! ! KV is the number of superdiagonals in the factor U, allowing for ! fill-in. ! kv = ku + kl ! ! Test the input parameters. ! info = 0 if ( m < 0 ) then info = -1 else if ( n < 0 ) then info = -2 else if ( kl < 0 ) then info = -3 else if ( ku < 0 ) then info = -4 else if ( ldab < kl+kv+1 ) then info = -6 end if if ( info /= 0 ) then call xerbla( 'dgbtf2', -info ) return end if if ( m == 0 .or. n == 0 ) then return end if ! ! Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting ! ! Set fill-in elements in columns KU+2 to KV to zero. ! do j = ku + 2, min( kv, n ) do i = kv - j + 2, kl ab( i, j ) = zero end do end do ! ! JU is the index of the last column affected by the current stage ! of the factorization. ! ju = 1 ! do j = 1, min( m, n ) ! ! Set fill-in elements in column J+KV to zero. ! if ( j+kv <= n ) then do i = 1, kl ab( i, j+kv ) = zero end do end if ! ! Find pivot and test for singularity. KM is the number of ! subdiagonal elements in the current column. ! km = min( kl, m-j ) jp = idamax( km+1, ab( kv+1, j ), 1 ) ipiv( j ) = jp + j - 1 if ( ab( kv+jp, j ) /= zero ) then ju = max( ju, min( j+ku+jp-1, n ) ) ! ! Apply interchange to columns J to JU. ! if ( jp /= 1 ) then call dswap( ju-j+1, ab( kv+jp, j ), ldab-1, ab( kv+1, j ), ldab-1 ) end if if ( 0 < km ) then ! ! Compute multipliers. ! call dscal( km, one / ab( kv+1, j ), ab( kv+2, j ), 1 ) ! ! Update trailing submatrix within the band. ! if ( j < ju ) then call dger( km, ju-j, -one, ab( kv+2, j ), 1, & ab( kv, j+1 ), ldab-1, ab( kv+1, j+1 ), ldab-1 ) end if end if else ! ! If pivot is zero, set INFO to the index of the pivot ! unless a zero pivot has already been found. ! if ( info == 0 ) then info = j end if end if end do return end subroutine dgbtrf(m,n,kl,ku,ab,ldab,ipiv,info) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DGBTRF ??? ! integer ( kind = 4 ) info, kl, ku, ldab, m, n ! .. ! .. Array Arguments .. integer ( kind = 4 ) ipiv( * ) real ( kind = 8 ) ab( ldab, * ) ! ! DGBTRF computes an LU factorization of a real m-by-n band matrix A ! using partial pivoting with row interchanges. ! ! This is the blocked version of the algorithm, calling Level 3 BLAS. ! ! Arguments ! ! M (input) integer ! The number of rows of the matrix A. ! ! N (input) integer ! The number of columns of the matrix A. ! ! KL (input) integer ! The number of subdiagonals within the band of A. ! ! KU (input) integer ! The number of superdiagonals within the band of A. ! ! AB (input/output) real ( kind = 8 ) array, dimension (LDAB,N) ! On entry, the matrix A in band storage, in rows KL+1 to ! 2*KL+KU+1; rows 1 to KL of the array need not be set. ! The j-th column of A is stored in the j-th column of the ! array AB as follows: ! AB(kl+ku+1+i-j,j) = A(i,j) for max(1,j-ku)<=i<=min(m,j+kl) ! ! On exit, details of the factorization: U is stored as an ! upper triangular band matrix with KL+KU superdiagonals in ! rows 1 to KL+KU+1, and the multipliers used during the ! factorization are stored in rows KL+KU+2 to 2*KL+KU+1. ! See below for further details. ! ! LDAB (input) integer ! The leading dimension of the array AB. 2*KL+KU+1 <= LDAB. ! ! IPIV (output) integer array, dimension (min(M,N)) ! The pivot indices; for 1 <= i <= min(M,N), row i of the ! matrix was interchanged with row IPIV(i). ! ! INFO (output) integer ! = 0: successful exit ! < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value ! > 0: if INFO = +i, U(i,i) is exactly zero. The factorization ! has been completed, but the factor U is exactly ! singular, and division by zero will occur if it is used ! to solve a system of equations. ! ! Further Details ! ! The band storage scheme is illustrated by the following example, when ! M = N = 6, KL = 2, KU = 1: ! ! On entry: On exit: ! ! * * * + + + * * * u14 u25 u36 ! * * + + + + * * u13 u24 u35 u46 ! * a12 a23 a34 a45 a56 * u12 u23 u34 u45 u56 ! a11 a22 a33 a44 a55 a66 u11 u22 u33 u44 u55 u66 ! a21 a32 a43 a54 a65 * m21 m32 m43 m54 m65 * ! a31 a42 a53 a64 * * m31 m42 m53 m64 * * ! ! Array elements marked * are not used by the routine; elements marked ! + need not be set on entry, but are required by the routine to store ! elements of U because of fill-in resulting from the row interchanges. ! real ( kind = 8 ) one, zero parameter ( one = 1.0d+0, zero = 0.0d+0 ) integer ( kind = 4 ) nbmax, ldwork parameter ( nbmax = 64, ldwork = nbmax+1 ) ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i, i2, i3, ii, ip, j, j2, j3, jb, jj, jm, jp integer ( kind = 4 ) ju, k2, km, kv, nb, nw real ( kind = 8 ) temp real ( kind = 8 ) work13( ldwork, nbmax ) real ( kind = 8 ) work31( ldwork, nbmax ) ! integer ( kind = 4 ) idamax, ilaenv external idamax, ilaenv ! ! KV is the number of superdiagonals in the factor U, allowing for ! fill-in ! kv = ku + kl ! ! Test the input parameters. ! info = 0 if ( m < 0 ) then info = -1 else if ( n < 0 ) then info = -2 else if ( kl < 0 ) then info = -3 else if ( ku < 0 ) then info = -4 else if ( ldab < kl+kv+1 ) then info = -6 end if if ( info /= 0 ) then call xerbla( 'dgbtrf', -info ) return end if ! ! Quick return if possible ! if ( m == 0 .or. n.eq.0D+00 ) then return end if ! ! Determine the block size for this environment ! nb = ilaenv( 1, 'dgbtrf', ' ', m, n, kl, ku ) ! ! The block size must not exceed the limit set by the size of the ! local arrays WORK13 and WORK31. ! nb = min( nb, nbmax ) if ( nb <= 1 .or. kl < nb ) then ! ! Use unblocked code ! call dgbtf2( m, n, kl, ku, ab, ldab, ipiv, info ) else ! ! Use blocked code ! ! Zero the superdiagonal elements of the work array WORK13 ! do j = 1, nb do i = 1, j - 1 work13( i, j ) = zero end do end do ! ! Zero the subdiagonal elements of the work array WORK31 ! do j = 1, nb do i = j + 1, nb work31( i, j ) = zero end do end do ! ! Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting ! ! Set fill-in elements in columns KU+2 to KV to zero ! do j = ku + 2, min( kv, n ) do i = kv - j + 2, kl ab( i, j ) = zero end do end do ! ! JU is the index of the last column affected by the current ! stage of the factorization ! ju = 1 ! do 180 j = 1, min( m, n ), nb jb = min( nb, min( m, n )-j+1 ) ! ! The active part of the matrix is partitioned ! ! A11 A12 A13 ! A21 A22 A23 ! A31 A32 A33 ! ! Here A11, A21 and A31 denote the current block of JB columns ! which is about to be factorized. The number of rows in the ! partitioning are JB, I2, I3 respectively, and the numbers ! of columns are JB, J2, J3. The superdiagonal elements of A13 ! and the subdiagonal elements of A31 lie outside the band. ! i2 = min( kl-jb, m-j-jb+1 ) i3 = min( jb, m-j-kl+1 ) ! ! J2 and J3 are computed after JU has been updated. ! ! Factorize the current block of JB columns ! do 80 jj = j, j + jb - 1 ! ! Set fill-in elements in column JJ+KV to zero ! if ( jj+kv <= n ) then do i = 1, kl ab( i, jj+kv ) = zero end do end if ! ! Find pivot and test for singularity. KM is the number of ! subdiagonal elements in the current column. ! km = min( kl, m-jj ) jp = idamax( km+1, ab( kv+1, jj ), 1 ) ipiv( jj ) = jp + jj - j if ( ab( kv+jp, jj ) /= zero ) then ju = max( ju, min( jj+ku+jp-1, n ) ) if ( jp /= 1 ) then ! ! Apply interchange to columns J to J+JB-1 ! if ( jp+jj-1 < j+kl ) then call dswap( jb, ab( kv+1+jj-j, j ), ldab-1, & ab( kv+jp+jj-j, j ), ldab-1 ) else ! ! The interchange affects columns J to JJ-1 of A31 ! which are stored in the work array WORK31 ! call dswap( jj-j, ab( kv+1+jj-j, j ), ldab-1, & work31( jp+jj-j-kl, 1 ), ldwork ) call dswap( j+jb-jj, ab( kv+1, jj ), ldab-1, & ab( kv+jp, jj ), ldab-1 ) end if end if ! ! Compute multipliers ! call dscal( km, one / ab( kv+1, jj ), ab( kv+2, jj ), 1 ) ! ! Update trailing submatrix within the band and within ! the current block. JM is the index of the last column ! which needs to be updated. ! jm = min( ju, j+jb-1 ) if ( jj < jm ) then call dger( km, jm-jj, -one, ab( kv+2, jj ), 1, & ab( kv, jj+1 ), ldab-1, & ab( kv+1, jj+1 ), ldab-1 ) end if else ! ! If pivot is zero, set INFO to the index of the pivot ! unless a zero pivot has already been found. ! if ( info == 0 ) then info = jj end if end if ! ! Copy current column of A31 into the work array WORK31 ! nw = min( jj-j+1, i3 ) if ( 0 < nw ) then call dcopy( nw, ab( kv+kl+1-jj+j, jj ), 1, & work31( 1, jj-j+1 ), 1 ) end if 80 continue if ( j+jb <= n ) then ! ! Apply the row interchanges to the other blocks. ! j2 = min( ju-j+1, kv ) - jb j3 = max( 0, ju-j-kv+1 ) ! ! Use DLASWP to apply the row interchanges to A12, A22, and A32. ! call dlaswp( j2, ab( kv+1-jb, j+jb ), ldab-1, 1, jb, ipiv( j ), 1 ) ! ! Adjust the pivot indices. ! do 90 i = j, j + jb - 1 ipiv( i ) = ipiv( i ) + j - 1 90 continue ! ! Apply the row interchanges to A13, A23, and A33 ! columnwise. ! k2 = j - 1 + jb + j2 do 110 i = 1, j3 jj = k2 + i do 100 ii = j + i - 1, j + jb - 1 ip = ipiv( ii ) if ( ip /= ii ) then temp = ab( kv+1+ii-jj, jj ) ab( kv+1+ii-jj, jj ) = ab( kv+1+ip-jj, jj ) ab( kv+1+ip-jj, jj ) = temp end if 100 continue 110 continue ! ! Update the relevant part of the trailing submatrix ! if ( 0 < j2 ) then ! ! Update A12 ! call dtrsm( 'left', 'lower', 'no transpose', 'unit', & jb, j2, one, ab( kv+1, j ), ldab-1, & ab( kv+1-jb, j+jb ), ldab-1 ) ! if ( 0 < i2 ) then ! ! Update A22 ! call dgemm( 'no transpose', 'no transpose', i2, j2, & jb, -one, ab( kv+1+jb, j ), ldab-1, & ab( kv+1-jb, j+jb ), ldab-1, one, & ab( kv+1, j+jb ), ldab-1 ) end if ! if ( 0 < i3 ) then ! ! Update A32 ! call dgemm( 'no transpose', 'no transpose', i3, j2, & jb, -one, work31, ldwork, & ab( kv+1-jb, j+jb ), ldab-1, one, & ab( kv+kl+1-jb, j+jb ), ldab-1 ) end if end if ! if ( 0 < j3 ) then ! ! Copy the lower triangle of A13 into the work array ! WORK13 ! do jj = 1, j3 do ii = jj, jb work13( ii, jj ) = ab( ii-jj+1, jj+j+kv-1 ) end do end do ! ! Update A13 in the work array ! call dtrsm( 'left', 'lower', 'no transpose', 'unit', & jb, j3, one, ab( kv+1, j ), ldab-1, & work13, ldwork ) ! if ( 0 < i2 ) then ! ! Update A23 ! call dgemm( 'no transpose', 'no transpose', i2, j3, & jb, -one, ab( kv+1+jb, j ), ldab-1, & work13, ldwork, one, ab( 1+jb, j+kv ), ldab-1 ) end if if ( 0 < i3 ) then ! ! Update A33 ! call dgemm( 'no transpose', 'no transpose', i3, j3, & jb, -one, work31, ldwork, work13, & ldwork, one, ab( 1+kl, j+kv ), ldab-1 ) end if ! ! Copy the lower triangle of A13 back into place ! do jj = 1, j3 do ii = jj, jb ab( ii-jj+1, jj+j+kv-1 ) = work13( ii, jj ) end do end do end if else ! ! Adjust the pivot indices. ! do i = j, j + jb - 1 ipiv( i ) = ipiv( i ) + j - 1 end do end if ! ! Partially undo the interchanges in the current block to ! restore the upper triangular form of A31 and copy the upper ! triangle of A31 back into place ! do 170 jj = j + jb - 1, j, -1 jp = ipiv( jj ) - jj + 1 if ( jp /= 1 ) then ! ! Apply interchange to columns J to JJ-1 ! if ( jp+jj-1 < j+kl ) then ! ! The interchange does not affect A31 ! call dswap( jj-j, ab( kv+1+jj-j, j ), ldab-1, & ab( kv+jp+jj-j, j ), ldab-1 ) else ! ! The interchange does affect A31 ! call dswap( jj-j, ab( kv+1+jj-j, j ), ldab-1, & work31( jp+jj-j-kl, 1 ), ldwork ) end if end if ! ! Copy the current column of A31 back into place ! nw = min( i3, jj-j+1 ) if ( 0 < nw ) then call dcopy( nw, work31( 1, jj-j+1 ), 1, & ab( kv+kl+1-jj+j, jj ), 1 ) end if 170 continue 180 continue end if return end subroutine dgbtrs(trans,n,kl,ku,nrhs,ab,ldab,ipiv,b,ldb,info) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DGBTRS ??? ! character trans integer ( kind = 4 ) info, kl, ku, ldab, ldb, n, nrhs ! integer ( kind = 4 ) ipiv( * ) real ( kind = 8 ) ab( ldab, * ), b( ldb, * ) ! .. ! DGBTRS solves a system of linear equations ! A * X = B or A' * X = B ! with a general band matrix A using the LU factorization computed ! by DGBTRF. ! ! Arguments ! ! TRANS (input) character*1 ! Specifies the form of the system of equations. ! = 'N': A * X = B (No transpose) ! = 'T': A'* X = B (Transpose) ! = 'C': A'* X = B (Conjugate transpose = Transpose) ! ! N (input) integer ! The order of the matrix A. ! ! KL (input) integer ! The number of subdiagonals within the band of A. ! ! KU (input) integer ! The number of superdiagonals within the band of A. ! ! NRHS (input) integer ! The number of right hand sides, i.e., the number of columns ! of the matrix B. ! ! AB (input) real ( kind = 8 ) array, dimension (LDAB,N) ! Details of the LU factorization of the band matrix A, as ! computed by DGBTRF. U is stored as an upper triangular band ! matrix with KL+KU superdiagonals in rows 1 to KL+KU+1, and ! the multipliers used during the factorization are stored in ! rows KL+KU+2 to 2*KL+KU+1. ! ! LDAB (input) integer ! The leading dimension of the array AB. 2*KL+KU+1 <= LDAB. ! ! IPIV (input) integer array, dimension (N) ! The pivot indices; for 1 <= i <= N, row i of the matrix was ! interchanged with row IPIV(i). ! ! B (input/output) real ( kind = 8 ) array, dimension (LDB,NRHS) ! On entry, the right hand side vectors B for the system of ! linear equations. ! On exit, the solution vectors, X. ! ! LDB (input) integer ! The leading dimension of the array B. LDB >= max(1,N). ! ! INFO (output) integer ! = 0: successful exit ! < 0: if INFO = -k, the k-th argument had an illegal value ! real ( kind = 8 ) one parameter ( one = 1.0d+0 ) ! logical lnoti, notran integer ( kind = 4 ) i, j, kd, l, lm logical lsame ! ! Test the input parameters. ! info = 0 notran = lsame( trans, 'n' ) if ( .not.notran .and. .not.lsame( trans, 't' ) .and. & .not. lsame( trans, 'c' ) ) then info = -1 else if ( n < 0 ) then info = -2 else if ( kl < 0 ) then info = -3 else if ( ku < 0 ) then info = -4 else if ( nrhs < 0 ) then info = -5 else if ( ldab < ( 2*kl+ku+1 ) ) then info = -7 else if ( ldb < max( 1, n ) ) then info = -10 end if if ( info /= 0 ) then call xerbla( 'dgbtrs', -info ) return end if ! ! Quick return if possible ! if ( n == 0 .or. nrhs == 0 ) then return end if kd = ku + kl + 1 lnoti = ( 0 < kl ) if ( notran ) then ! ! Solve A*X = B. ! ! Solve L*X = B, overwriting B with X. ! ! L is represented as a product of permutations and unit lower ! triangular matrices L = P(1) * L(1) * ... * P(n-1) * L(n-1), ! where each transformation L(i) is a rank-one modification of ! the identity matrix. ! if ( lnoti ) then do j = 1, n - 1 lm = min( kl, n-j ) l = ipiv( j ) if ( l /= j ) then call dswap( nrhs, b( l, 1 ), ldb, b( j, 1 ), ldb ) end if call dger( lm, nrhs, -one, ab( kd+1, j ), 1, b( j, 1 ), & ldb, b( j+1, 1 ), ldb ) end do end if do i = 1, nrhs ! ! Solve U*X = B, overwriting B with X. ! call dtbsv( 'upper', 'no transpose', 'non-unit', n, kl+ku, & ab, ldab, b( 1, i ), 1 ) end do else ! ! Solve A'*X = B. ! do i = 1, nrhs ! ! Solve U'*X = B, overwriting B with X. ! call dtbsv( 'upper', 'transpose', 'non-unit', n, kl+ku, ab, & ldab, b( 1, i ), 1 ) end do ! ! Solve L'*X = B, overwriting B with X. ! if ( lnoti ) then do j = n - 1, 1, -1 lm = min( kl, n-j ) call dgemv( 'transpose', lm, nrhs, -one, b( j+1, 1 ), & ldb, ab( kd+1, j ), 1, one, b( j, 1 ), ldb ) l = ipiv( j ) if ( l /= j ) then call dswap( nrhs, b( l, 1 ), ldb, b( j, 1 ), ldb ) end if end do end if end if return end subroutine dgemm(transa, transb, m, n, k, alpha, a, lda, b, ldb, beta, c, ldc ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DGEMM ??? ! character TRANSA, TRANSB integer ( kind = 4 ) M, N, K, LDA, LDB, LDC real ( kind = 8 ) ALPHA, BETA real ( kind = 8 ) A( LDA, * ), B( LDB, * ), C( LDC, * ) ! ! DGEMM performs one of the matrix-matrix operations ! ! C : = alpha*op( A )*op( B ) + beta*C, ! ! where op( X ) is one of ! ! op( X ) = X or op( X ) = X', ! ! alpha and beta are scalars, and A, B and C are matrices, with op( A ) ! an m by k matrix, op( B ) a k by n matrix and C an m by n matrix. ! ! Parameters ! ! TRANSA - character*1. ! On entry, TRANSA specifies the form of op( A ) to be used in ! the matrix multiplication as follows: ! ! TRANSA = 'N' or 'n', op( A ) = A. ! ! TRANSA = 'T' or 't', op( A ) = A'. ! ! TRANSA = 'C' or 'c', op( A ) = A'. ! ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! TRANSB - character*1. ! On entry, TRANSB specifies the form of op( B ) to be used in ! the matrix multiplication as follows: ! ! TRANSB = 'N' or 'n', op( B ) = B. ! ! TRANSB = 'T' or 't', op( B ) = B'. ! ! TRANSB = 'C' or 'c', op( B ) = B'. ! ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! M - integer. ! On entry, M specifies the number of rows of the matrix ! op( A ) and of the matrix C. M must be at least zero. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! N - integer. ! On entry, N specifies the number of columns of the matrix ! op( B ) and the number of columns of the matrix C. N must be ! at least zero. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! K - integer. ! On entry, K specifies the number of columns of the matrix ! op( A ) and the number of rows of the matrix op( B ). K must ! be at least zero. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! ALPHA - real ( kind = 8 ). ! On entry, ALPHA specifies the scalar alpha. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! A - real ( kind = 8 ) array of DIMENSION ( LDA, ka ), where ka is ! k when TRANSA = 'N' or 'n', and is m otherwise. ! Before entry with TRANSA = 'N' or 'n', the leading m by k ! part of the array A must contain the matrix A, otherwise ! the leading k by m part of the array A must contain the ! matrix A. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! LDA - integer. ! On entry, LDA specifies the first dimension of A as declared ! in the calling (sub) program. When TRANSA = 'N' or 'n' then ! LDA must be at least max( 1, m ), otherwise LDA must be at ! least max( 1, k ). ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! B - real ( kind = 8 ) array of DIMENSION ( LDB, kb ), where kb is ! n when TRANSB = 'N' or 'n', and is k otherwise. ! Before entry with TRANSB = 'N' or 'n', the leading k by n ! part of the array B must contain the matrix B, otherwise ! the leading n by k part of the array B must contain the ! matrix B. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! LDB - integer. ! On entry, LDB specifies the first dimension of B as declared ! in the calling (sub) program. When TRANSB = 'N' or 'n' then ! LDB must be at least max( 1, k ), otherwise LDB must be at ! least max( 1, n ). ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! BETA - real ( kind = 8 ). ! On entry, BETA specifies the scalar beta. When BETA is ! supplied as zero then C need not be set on input. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! C - real ( kind = 8 ) array of DIMENSION ( LDC, n ). ! Before entry, the leading m by n part of the array C must ! contain the matrix C, except when beta is zero, in which ! case C need not be set on entry. ! On exit, the array C is overwritten by the m by n matrix ! ( alpha*op( A )*op( B ) + beta*C ). ! ! LDC - integer. ! On entry, LDC specifies the first dimension of C as declared ! in the calling (sub) program. LDC must be at least ! max( 1, m ). ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! logical LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME ! .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL XERBLA logical NOTA, NOTB integer ( kind = 4 ) I, INFO, J, L, NROWA, NROWB real ( kind = 8 ) TEMP ! .. Parameters .. real ( kind = 8 ) ONE , zero PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, zero = 0.0D+0 ) ! ! Set NOTA and NOTB as true if A and B respectively are not ! transposed and set NROWA and NROWB as the number of rows ! and columns of A and the number of rows of B respectively. ! NOTA = LSAME( TRANSA, 'N' ) NOTB = LSAME( TRANSB, 'N' ) if ( NOTA ) then NROWA = M else NROWA = K end if if ( NOTB ) then NROWB = K else NROWB = N end if ! ! Test the input parameters. ! INFO = 0 if ( ( .NOT. NOTA ) .and. & ( .NOT.LSAME( TRANSA, 'C' ) ) .and. & ( .NOT.LSAME( TRANSA, 'T' ) ) ) then INFO = 1 else if ( ( .NOT.NOTB ).and. & ( .NOT.LSAME( TRANSB, 'C' ) ).and. & ( .NOT.LSAME( TRANSB, 'T' ) ) ) then INFO = 2 else if ( M < 0 ) then INFO = 3 else if ( N < 0 ) then INFO = 4 else if ( K < 0 ) then INFO = 5 else if ( LDA < MAX( 1, NROWA ) ) then INFO = 8 else if ( LDB < MAX( 1, NROWB ) ) then INFO = 10 else if ( LDC < MAX( 1, M ) ) then INFO = 13 end if if ( INFO.NE.0D+00 ) then CALL XERBLA( 'DGEMM ', INFO ) return end if ! ! Quick return if possible. ! if ( ( M == 0 ).OR.( N == 0 ).OR. & ( ( ( ALPHA == zero ).OR.( K == 0 ) ).and.( BETA == ONE ) ) ) then return end if ! ! And if alpha == zero. ! if ( ALPHA == zero ) then if ( BETA == zero ) then DO 20, J = 1, N DO 10, I = 1, M C( I, J ) = zero 10 continue 20 continue else DO 40, J = 1, N DO 30, I = 1, M C( I, J ) = BETA*C( I, J ) 30 continue 40 continue end if return end if ! ! Start the operations. ! if ( NOTB ) then if ( NOTA ) then ! ! Form C : = alpha*A*B + beta*C. ! DO 90, J = 1, N if ( BETA == zero ) then DO 50, I = 1, M C( I, J ) = zero 50 continue else if ( BETA.NE.ONE ) then DO 60, I = 1, M C( I, J ) = BETA*C( I, J ) 60 continue end if DO 80, L = 1, K if ( B( L, J ) ) then TEMP = ALPHA*B( L, J ) DO 70, I = 1, M C( I, J ) = C( I, J ) + TEMP*A( I, L ) 70 continue end if 80 continue 90 continue else ! ! Form C : = alpha*A'*B + beta*C ! DO 120, J = 1, N DO 110, I = 1, M TEMP = zero DO 100, L = 1, K TEMP = TEMP + A( L, I )*B( L, J ) 100 continue if ( BETA == zero ) then C( I, J ) = ALPHA*TEMP else C( I, J ) = ALPHA*TEMP + BETA*C( I, J ) end if 110 continue 120 continue end if else if ( NOTA ) then ! ! Form C : = alpha*A*B' + beta*C ! DO 170, J = 1, N if ( BETA == zero ) then DO 130, I = 1, M C( I, J ) = zero 130 continue else if ( BETA.NE.ONE ) then DO 140, I = 1, M C( I, J ) = BETA*C( I, J ) 140 continue end if DO 160, L = 1, K if ( B( J, L ) ) then TEMP = ALPHA*B( J, L ) DO 150, I = 1, M C( I, J ) = C( I, J ) + TEMP*A( I, L ) 150 continue end if 160 continue 170 continue else ! ! Form C : = alpha*A'*B' + beta*C ! DO J = 1, N DO I = 1, M TEMP = zero DO L = 1, K TEMP = TEMP + A( L, I )*B( J, L ) end do if ( BETA == zero ) then C( I, J ) = ALPHA*TEMP else C( I, J ) = ALPHA*TEMP + BETA*C( I, J ) end if end do end do end if end if return end subroutine dgemv( trans, m, n, alpha, a, lda, x, incx, beta, y, incy ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DGEMV ??? ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) ALPHA, BETA integer ( kind = 4 ) INCX, INCY, LDA, M, N character TRANS real ( kind = 8 ) A( LDA, * ), X( * ), Y( * ) ! ! DGEMV performs one of the matrix-vector operations ! ! y : = alpha*A*x + beta*y, or y := alpha*A'*x + beta*y, ! ! where alpha and beta are scalars, x and y are vectors and A is an ! m by n matrix. ! ! Parameters ! ! TRANS - character*1. ! On entry, TRANS specifies the operation to be performed as ! follows: ! ! TRANS = 'N' or 'n' y := alpha*A*x + beta*y. ! ! TRANS = 'T' or 't' y := alpha*A'*x + beta*y. ! ! TRANS = 'C' or 'c' y := alpha*A'*x + beta*y. ! ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! M - integer. ! On entry, M specifies the number of rows of the matrix A. ! M must be at least zero. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! N - integer. ! On entry, N specifies the number of columns of the matrix A. ! N must be at least zero. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! ALPHA - real ( kind = 8 ). ! On entry, ALPHA specifies the scalar alpha. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! A - real ( kind = 8 ) array of DIMENSION ( LDA, n ). ! Before entry, the leading m by n part of the array A must ! contain the matrix of coefficients. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! LDA - integer. ! On entry, LDA specifies the first dimension of A as declared ! in the calling (sub) program. LDA must be at least ! max( 1, m ). ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! X - real ( kind = 8 ) array of DIMENSION at least ! ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ) when TRANS = 'N' or 'n' ! and at least ! ( 1 + ( m - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ) otherwise. ! Before entry, the incremented array X must contain the ! vector x. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! INCX - integer. ! On entry, INCX specifies the increment for the elements of ! X. INCX must not be zero. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! BETA - real ( kind = 8 ). ! On entry, BETA specifies the scalar beta. When BETA is ! supplied as zero then Y need not be set on input. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! Y - real ( kind = 8 ) array of DIMENSION at least ! ( 1 + ( m - 1 )*abs( INCY ) ) when TRANS = 'N' or 'n' ! and at least ! ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCY ) ) otherwise. ! Before entry with BETA non-zero, the incremented array Y ! must contain the vector y. On exit, Y is overwritten by the ! updated vector y. ! ! INCY - integer. ! On entry, INCY specifies the increment for the elements of ! Y. INCY must not be zero. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! .. Parameters .. real ( kind = 8 ) ONE , zero PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, zero = 0.0D+0 ) ! .. Local Scalars .. real ( kind = 8 ) TEMP integer ( kind = 4 ) I, INFO, IX, IY, J, JX, JY, KX, KY, LENX, LENY ! .. External Functions .. logical LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME ! .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL XERBLA ! ! Test the input parameters. ! INFO = 0 IF ( .NOT.LSAME( TRANS, 'N' ).and. & .NOT.LSAME( TRANS, 'T' ).and. & .NOT.LSAME( TRANS, 'C' ) ) then INFO = 1 else if ( M < 0 ) then INFO = 2 else if ( N < 0 ) then INFO = 3 else if ( LDA < MAX( 1, M ) ) then INFO = 6 else if ( INCX == 0 ) then INFO = 8 else if ( INCY == 0 ) then INFO = 11 end if if ( INFO.NE.0D+00 ) then CALL XERBLA( 'DGEMV ', INFO ) return end if if ( ( M == 0 ).OR.( N == 0 ).OR. & ( ( ALPHA == zero ).and.( BETA == ONE ) ) ) then return end if ! ! Set LENX and LENY, the lengths of the vectors x and y, and set ! up the start points in X and Y. ! if ( LSAME( TRANS, 'N' ) ) then LENX = N LENY = M else LENX = M LENY = N end if if ( 0 < INCX ) then KX = 1 else KX = 1 - ( LENX - 1 )*INCX end if if ( 0 < INCY ) then KY = 1 else KY = 1 - ( LENY - 1 )*INCY end if ! ! Start the operations. In this version the elements of A are ! accessed sequentially with one pass through A. ! ! First form y : = beta*y. ! if ( BETA.NE.ONE ) then if ( INCY == 1 ) then if ( BETA == zero ) then DO I = 1, LENY Y( I ) = zero end do else DO 20, I = 1, LENY Y( I ) = BETA*Y( I ) 20 continue end if else IY = KY if ( BETA == zero ) then DO 30, I = 1, LENY Y( IY ) = zero IY = IY + INCY 30 continue else DO 40, I = 1, LENY Y( IY ) = BETA*Y( IY ) IY = IY + INCY 40 continue end if end if end if if ( ALPHA == zero ) then return end if if ( LSAME( TRANS, 'N' ) ) then ! ! Form y : = alpha*A*x + y. ! JX = KX if ( INCY == 1 ) then DO 60, J = 1, N if ( X( JX ) ) then TEMP = ALPHA*X( JX ) DO 50, I = 1, M Y( I ) = Y( I ) + TEMP*A( I, J ) 50 continue end if JX = JX + INCX 60 continue else DO 80, J = 1, N if ( X( JX ) ) then TEMP = ALPHA*X( JX ) IY = KY DO 70, I = 1, M Y( IY ) = Y( IY ) + TEMP*A( I, J ) IY = IY + INCY 70 continue end if JX = JX + INCX 80 continue end if else ! ! Form y : = alpha*A'*x + y. ! JY = KY if ( INCX == 1 ) then DO 100, J = 1, N TEMP = zero DO 90, I = 1, M TEMP = TEMP + A( I, J )*X( I ) 90 continue Y( JY ) = Y( JY ) + ALPHA*TEMP JY = JY + INCY 100 continue else DO 120, J = 1, N TEMP = zero IX = KX DO I = 1, M TEMP = TEMP + A( I, J )*X( IX ) IX = IX + INCX end do Y( JY ) = Y( JY ) + ALPHA*TEMP JY = JY + INCY 120 continue end if end if return end subroutine dgeqr2(m,n,a,lda,tau,work,info) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DGEQR2 computes a QR factorization of a real m by n matrix A: ! A = Q * R. ! ! Arguments ! ! M (input) integer ! The number of rows of the matrix A. ! ! N (input) integer ! The number of columns of the matrix A. ! ! A (input/output) real ( kind = 8 ) array, dimension (LDA,N) ! On entry, the m by n matrix A. ! On exit, the elements on and above the diagonal of the array ! contain the min(m,n) by n upper trapezoidal matrix R (R is ! upper triangular if m >= n); the elements below the diagonal, ! with the array TAU, represent the orthogonal matrix Q as a ! product of elementary reflectors (see Further Details). ! ! LDA (input) integer ! The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,M). ! ! TAU (output) real ( kind = 8 ) array, dimension (min(M,N)) ! The scalar factors of the elementary reflectors (see Further ! Details). ! ! WORK (workspace) real ( kind = 8 ) array, dimension (N) ! ! INFO (output) integer ! = 0: successful exit ! < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value ! ! Further Details ! ! The matrix Q is represented as a product of elementary reflectors ! ! Q = H(1) H(2) . . . H(k), where k = min(m,n). ! ! Each H(i) has the form ! ! H(i) = I - tau * v * v' ! ! where tau is a real scalar, and v is a real vector with ! v(1:i-1) = 0 and v(i) = 1; v(i+1:m) is stored on exit in A(i+1:m,i), ! and tau in TAU(i). ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) one parameter ( one = 1.0D+0 ) ! integer ( kind = 4 ) lda integer ( kind = 4 ) n ! real ( kind = 8 ) a(lda,n) real ( kind = 8 ) aii integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) info integer ( kind = 4 ) k integer ( kind = 4 ) m real ( kind = 8 ) tau(*) real ( kind = 8 ) work(n) EXTERNAL DLARF, DLARFG, XERBLA ! ! Test the input arguments ! info = 0 if ( m < 0) then info = -1 else if ( n < 0) then info = -2 else if ( LDA < MAX( 1, M ) ) then INFO = -4 end if if ( info /= 0 ) then CALL XERBLA( 'DGEQR2', -INFO ) return end if k = MIN( M, N ) ! ! Generate elementary reflector H(i) to annihilate A(i+1:m,i) ! DO I = 1, K call dlarfg(m-i+1,a(i,i),a(min(i+1, m),i),1,tau(i)) ! ! Apply H(i) to A(i:m,i+1:n) from the left ! if ( i < n) then aii = a( i,i ) a( i,i ) = one call dlarf( 'Left', M-I+1, N-I, A( I, I ), 1, TAU( I ), & A( I, I+1 ), LDA, WORK ) A( I, I ) = AII end if end do return end subroutine dgeqrf( m, n, a, lda, tau, work, lwork, info ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DGEQRF computes a QR factorization of a real M-by-N matrix A: ! A = Q * R. ! ! Arguments ! ! M (input) integer ! The number of rows of the matrix A. ! ! N (input) integer ! The number of columns of the matrix A. ! ! A (input/output) real ( kind = 8 ) array, dimension (LDA,N) ! On entry, the M-by-N matrix A. ! On exit, the elements on and above the diagonal of the array ! contain the min(M,N)-by-N upper trapezoidal matrix R (R is ! upper triangular if m >= n); the elements below the diagonal, ! with the array TAU, represent the orthogonal matrix Q as a ! product of min(m,n) elementary reflectors (see Further ! Details). ! ! LDA (input) integer ! The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,M). ! ! TAU (output) real ( kind = 8 ) array, dimension (min(M,N)) ! The scalar factors of the elementary reflectors (see Further ! Details). ! ! WORK (workspace/output) real ( kind = 8 ) array, dimension (LWORK) ! On exit, if INFO = 0, WORK(1) returns the optimal LWORK. ! ! LWORK (input) integer ! The dimension of the array WORK. LWORK >= max(1,N). ! For optimum performance LWORK >= N*NB, where NB is ! the optimal blocksize. ! ! INFO (output) integer ! = 0: successful exit ! < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value ! ! Further Details ! ! The matrix Q is represented as a product of elementary reflectors ! ! Q = H(1) H(2) . . . H(k), where k = min(m,n). ! ! Each H(i) has the form ! ! H(i) = I - tau * v * v' ! ! where tau is a real scalar, and v is a real vector with ! v(1:i-1) = 0 and v(i) = 1; v(i+1:m) is stored on exit in A(i+1:m,i), ! and tau in TAU(i). ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) lda integer ( kind = 4 ) lwork integer ( kind = 4 ) m integer ( kind = 4 ) n ! real ( kind = 8 ) a(lda,n) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ib integer ( kind = 4 ) iinfo integer ( kind = 4 ) ilaenv integer ( kind = 4 ) info integer ( kind = 4 ) iws integer ( kind = 4 ) k integer ( kind = 4 ) ldwork integer ( kind = 4 ) nb integer ( kind = 4 ) nbmin integer ( kind = 4 ) nx real ( kind = 8 ) tau(min(m,n)) real ( kind = 8 ) work(lwork) ! EXTERNAL DGEQR2, DLARFB, DLARFT, XERBLA EXTERNAL ILAENV ! ! Test the input arguments ! info = 0 if ( M < 0 ) then INFO = -1 else if ( N < 0 ) then INFO = -2 else if ( LDA < MAX( 1, M ) ) then INFO = -4 else if ( LWORK < MAX( 1, N ) ) then INFO = -7 end if if ( INFO.NE.0D+00 ) then CALL XERBLA( 'DGEQRF', -INFO ) return end if ! ! Quick return if possible ! K = MIN( M, N ) if ( K == 0 ) then WORK( 1 ) = 1 return end if ! ! Determine the block size. ! NB = ILAENV( 1, 'DGEQRF', ' ', M, N, -1, -1 ) nbmin = 2 NX = 0 IWS = N ! ! Determine when to cross over from blocked to unblocked code. ! if ( NB > 1 .and. NB < K ) then NX = MAX( 0, ILAENV( 3, 'DGEQRF', ' ', M, N, -1, -1 ) ) ! ! Determine if workspace is large enough for blocked code. ! if ( nx < k) then LDWORK = N IWS = LDWORK*NB ! ! Not enough workspace to use optimal NB: reduce NB and ! determine the minimum value of NB. ! if ( LWORK < IWS ) then NB = LWORK / LDWORK NBMIN = MAX(2,ILAENV( 2,'DGEQRF',' ', M, N, -1,-1)) end if end if end if ! ! Use blocked code initially ! if ( nb >= nbmin.and.nb < k.and.nx < k) then do i = 1, k - nx, nb ib = min( k-i+1, nb ) ! ! Compute the QR factorization of the current block A(i:m,i:i+ib-1) ! call dgeqr2(m-i+1,ib,a(i,i),lda,tau(i),work,iinfo) ! ! Form the triangular factor of the block reflector ! H = H(i) H(i+1) . . . H(i+ib-1) ! if ( i+ib <= n) then call dlarft( 'Forward', 'Columnwise', M-I+1, IB, & a( i,i ), lda, tau( i ), work, ldwork ) ! ! Apply H' to A(i:m,i+ib:n) from the left ! call dlarfb( 'Left', 'Transpose', 'Forward', & 'Columnwise', m-i+1, n-i-ib+1, ib, & a( i,i ), lda, work, ldwork, a( i,i+ib ), & lda, work( ib+1 ), ldwork ) end if end do else i = 1 end if ! ! Use unblocked code to factor the last or only block. ! if ( i <= k) then call dgeqr2(m-i+1,n-i+1,a(i,i),lda,tau(i),work,iinfo) end if work(1) = iws return end subroutine dger( m, n, alpha, x, incx, y, incy, a, lda ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DGER ??? ! real ( kind = 8 ) ALPHA integer ( kind = 4 ) INCX, INCY, LDA, M, N real ( kind = 8 ) A( LDA, * ), X( * ), Y( * ) ! ! DGER performs the rank 1 operation ! ! A : = alpha*x*y' + A, ! ! where alpha is a scalar, x is an m element vector, y is an n element ! vector and A is an m by n matrix. ! ! Parameters ! ! M - integer. ! On entry, M specifies the number of rows of the matrix A. ! M must be at least zero. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! N - integer. ! On entry, N specifies the number of columns of the matrix A. ! N must be at least zero. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! ALPHA - real ( kind = 8 ). ! On entry, ALPHA specifies the scalar alpha. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! X - real ( kind = 8 ) array of dimension at least ! ( 1 + ( m - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ). ! Before entry, the incremented array X must contain the m ! element vector x. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! INCX - integer. ! On entry, INCX specifies the increment for the elements of ! X. INCX must not be zero. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! Y - real ( kind = 8 ) array of dimension at least ! ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCY ) ). ! Before entry, the incremented array Y must contain the n ! element vector y. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! INCY - integer. ! On entry, INCY specifies the increment for the elements of ! Y. INCY must not be zero. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! A - real ( kind = 8 ) array of DIMENSION ( LDA, n ). ! Before entry, the leading m by n part of the array A must ! contain the matrix of coefficients. On exit, A is ! overwritten by the updated matrix. ! ! LDA - integer. ! On entry, LDA specifies the first dimension of A as declared ! in the calling (sub) program. LDA must be at least ! max( 1, m ). ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! .. Parameters .. real ( kind = 8 ) zero PARAMETER ( zero = 0.0D+0 ) ! .. Local Scalars .. real ( kind = 8 ) TEMP integer ( kind = 4 ) I, INFO, IX, J, JY, KX ! .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL XERBLA ! ! ! Test the input parameters. ! INFO = 0 IF ( M < 0 ) then INFO = 1 else if ( N < 0 ) then INFO = 2 write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'DGER - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Input value of N was less than 0.' write ( *, * ) ' N = ',n else if ( incx == 0 ) then INFO = 5 else if ( INCY == 0 ) then INFO = 7 else if ( LDA < MAX( 1, M ) ) then INFO = 9 end if if ( INFO.NE.0D+00 ) then CALL XERBLA( 'DGER ', INFO ) return end if if ( ( M == 0 ).OR.( N == 0 ).OR.( ALPHA == zero ) ) then return end if ! ! Start the operations. In this version the elements of A are ! accessed sequentially with one pass through A. ! if ( INCY > 0 ) then JY = 1 else JY = 1 - ( N - 1 )*INCY end if if ( INCX == 1 ) then DO 20, J = 1, N if ( Y( JY ) ) then TEMP = ALPHA*Y( JY ) DO 10, I = 1, M A( I, J ) = A( I, J ) + X( I )*TEMP 10 continue end if JY = JY + INCY 20 continue else if ( INCX > 0 ) then KX = 1 else KX = 1 - ( M - 1 )*INCX end if DO 40, J = 1, N if ( Y( JY ) ) then TEMP = ALPHA*Y( JY ) IX = KX DO I = 1, M A( I, J ) = A( I, J ) + X( IX )*TEMP IX = IX + INCX end do end if JY = JY + INCY 40 continue end if return end subroutine dgetf2(m,n,a,lda,ipiv,info) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DGETF2 ??? ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) INFO, LDA, M, N integer ( kind = 4 ) IPIV( * ) real ( kind = 8 ) A( LDA, * ) ! ! DGETF2 computes an LU factorization of a general m-by-n matrix A ! using partial pivoting with row interchanges. ! ! The factorization has the form ! A = P * L * U ! where P is a permutation matrix, L is lower triangular with unit ! diagonal elements (lower trapezoidal if m > n), and U is upper ! triangular (upper trapezoidal if m < n). ! ! This is the right-looking Level 2 BLAS version of the algorithm. ! ! Arguments ! ! M (input) integer ! The number of rows of the matrix A. M >= 0. ! ! N (input) integer ! The number of columns of the matrix A. N >= 0. ! ! A (input/output) real ( kind = 8 ) array, dimension (LDA,N) ! On entry, the m by n matrix to be factored. ! On exit, the factors L and U from the factorization ! A = P*L*U; the unit diagonal elements of L are not stored. ! ! LDA (input) integer ! The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,M). ! ! IPIV (output) integer array, dimension (min(M,N)) ! The pivot indices; for 1 <= i <= min(M,N), row i of the ! matrix was interchanged with row IPIV(i). ! ! INFO (output) integer ! = 0: successful exit ! < 0: if INFO = -k, the k-th argument had an illegal value ! > 0: if INFO = k, U(k,k) is exactly zero. The factorization ! has been completed, but the factor U is exactly ! singular, and division by zero will occur if it is used ! to solve a system of equations. ! real ( kind = 8 ) ONE, zero PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, zero = 0.0D+0 ) ! integer ( kind = 4 ) J, JP ! .. ! .. External Functions .. integer ( kind = 4 ) IDAMAX EXTERNAL IDAMAX ! .. ! .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DGER, DSCAL, DSWAP, XERBLA ! .. ! .. Intrinsic Functions .. ! ! Test the input parameters. ! INFO = 0 if ( M < 0 ) then INFO = -1 else if ( N < 0 ) then INFO = -2 else if ( LDA < MAX( 1, M ) ) then INFO = -4 end if if ( INFO.NE.0D+00 ) then CALL XERBLA( 'DGETF2', -INFO ) return end if if ( M == 0 .OR. N == 0 ) then return end if ! DO 10 J = 1, MIN( M, N ) ! ! Find pivot and test for singularity. ! JP = J - 1 + IDAMAX( M-J+1, A( J, J ), 1 ) IPIV( J ) = JP if ( A( JP, J ) ) then ! ! Apply the interchange to columns 1:N. ! if ( JP.NE.J ) then CALL DSWAP( N, A( J, 1 ), LDA, A( JP, 1 ), LDA ) end if ! ! Compute elements J+1:M of J-th column. ! if ( J < M ) then CALL DSCAL( M-J, ONE / A( J, J ), A( J+1, J ), 1 ) end if else if ( INFO == 0 ) then INFO = J end if if ( J < MIN( M, N ) ) then ! ! Update trailing submatrix. ! call dger( M-J, N-J, -ONE, A( J+1, J ), 1, A( J, J+1 ), LDA, & A( J+1, J+1 ), LDA ) end if 10 continue return end subroutine dgetrf( M, N, A, LDA, IPIV, INFO ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DGETRF ??? ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) INFO, LDA, M, N integer ( kind = 4 ) IPIV( * ) real ( kind = 8 ) A( LDA, * ) ! ! DGETRF computes an LU factorization of a general M-by-N matrix A ! using partial pivoting with row interchanges. ! ! The factorization has the form ! A = P * L * U ! where P is a permutation matrix, L is lower triangular with unit ! diagonal elements (lower trapezoidal if m > n), and U is upper ! triangular (upper trapezoidal if m < n). ! ! This is the right-looking Level 3 BLAS version of the algorithm. ! ! Arguments ! ! M (input) integer ! The number of rows of the matrix A. M >= 0. ! ! N (input) integer ! The number of columns of the matrix A. N >= 0. ! ! A (input/output) real ( kind = 8 ) array, dimension (LDA,N) ! On entry, the M-by-N matrix to be factored. ! On exit, the factors L and U from the factorization ! A = P*L*U; the unit diagonal elements of L are not stored. ! ! LDA (input) integer ! The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,M). ! ! IPIV (output) integer array, dimension (min(M,N)) ! The pivot indices; for 1 <= i <= min(M,N), row i of the ! matrix was interchanged with row IPIV(i). ! ! INFO (output) integer ! = 0: successful exit ! < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value ! > 0: if INFO = i, U(i,i) is exactly zero. The factorization ! has been completed, but the factor U is exactly ! singular, and division by zero will occur if it is used ! to solve a system of equations. ! real ( kind = 8 ) ONE PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0 ) ! .. ! .. Local Scalars .. integer ( kind = 4 ) I, IINFO, J, JB, NB ! .. ! .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DGEMM, DGETF2, DLASWP, DTRSM, XERBLA ! .. ! .. External Functions .. integer ( kind = 4 ) ILAENV EXTERNAL ILAENV ! ! Test the input parameters. ! INFO = 0 if ( M < 0 ) then INFO = -1 else if ( N < 0 ) then INFO = -2 else if ( LDA < MAX( 1, M ) ) then INFO = -4 end if if ( INFO.NE.0D+00 ) then CALL XERBLA( 'DGETRF', -INFO ) return end if if ( M == 0 .OR. N == 0 ) then return end if ! ! Determine the block size for this environment. ! NB = ILAENV( 1, 'DGETRF', ' ', M, N, -1, -1 ) if ( NB <= 1 .OR. NB >= MIN( M, N ) ) then ! ! Use unblocked code. ! CALL DGETF2( M, N, A, LDA, IPIV, INFO ) else ! ! Use blocked code. ! DO 20 J = 1, MIN( M, N ), NB JB = MIN( MIN( M, N )-J+1, NB ) ! ! Factor diagonal and subdiagonal blocks and test for exact ! singularity. ! CALL DGETF2( M-J+1, JB, A( J, J ), LDA, IPIV( J ), IINFO ) ! ! Adjust INFO and the pivot indices. ! if ( INFO == 0 .and. IINFO > 0 ) then INFO = IINFO + J - 1 end if DO I = J, MIN( M, J+JB-1 ) IPIV( I ) = J - 1 + IPIV( I ) end do ! ! Apply interchanges to columns 1:J-1. ! CALL DLASWP( J-1, A, LDA, J, J+JB-1, IPIV, 1 ) if ( J+JB <= N ) then ! ! Apply interchanges to columns J+JB:N. ! CALL DLASWP( N-J-JB+1, A( 1, J+JB ), LDA, J, J+JB-1, IPIV, 1 ) ! ! Compute block row of U. ! CALL DTRSM( 'Left', 'Lower', 'No transpose', 'Unit', JB,& N-J-JB+1, ONE, A( J, J ), LDA, A( J, J+JB ), LDA ) if ( J+JB <= M ) then ! ! Update trailing submatrix. ! CALL DGEMM( 'No transpose', 'No transpose', M-J-JB+1, & N-J-JB+1, JB, -ONE, A( J+JB, J ), LDA, & A( J, J+JB ), LDA, ONE, A( J+JB, J+JB ), LDA ) end if end if 20 continue end if return end subroutine dgetrs( TRANS, N, NRHS, A, LDA, IPIV, B, LDB, INFO ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DGETRS ??? ! character TRANS integer ( kind = 4 ) INFO, LDA, LDB, N, NRHS integer ( kind = 4 ) IPIV( * ) real ( kind = 8 ) A( LDA, * ), B( LDB, * ) ! ! DGETRS solves a system of linear equations ! A * X = B or A' * X = B ! with a general N-by-N matrix A using the LU factorization computed ! by DGETRF. ! ! Arguments ! ! TRANS (input) character*1 ! Specifies the form of the system of equations: ! = 'N': A * X = B (No transpose) ! = 'T': A'* X = B (Transpose) ! = 'C': A'* X = B (Conjugate transpose = Transpose) ! ! N (input) integer ! The order of the matrix A. N >= 0. ! ! NRHS (input) integer ! The number of right hand sides, i.e., the number of columns ! of the matrix B. NRHS >= 0. ! ! A (input) real ( kind = 8 ) array, dimension (LDA,N) ! The factors L and U from the factorization A = P*L*U ! as computed by DGETRF. ! ! LDA (input) integer ! The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,N). ! ! IPIV (input) integer array, dimension (N) ! The pivot indices from DGETRF; for 1<=i<=N, row i of the ! matrix was interchanged with row IPIV(i). ! ! B (input/output) real ( kind = 8 ) array, dimension (LDB,NRHS) ! On entry, the right hand side matrix B. ! On exit, the solution matrix X. ! ! LDB (input) integer ! The leading dimension of the array B. LDB >= max(1,N). ! ! INFO (output) integer ! = 0: successful exit ! < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value ! real ( kind = 8 ) ONE PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0 ) ! .. ! .. Local Scalars .. logical NOTRAN ! .. ! .. External Functions .. logical LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME ! .. ! .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DLASWP, DTRSM, XERBLA ! ! Test the input parameters. ! INFO = 0 NOTRAN = LSAME( TRANS, 'N' ) if ( .NOT.NOTRAN .and. .NOT.LSAME( TRANS, 'T' ) .AND. .NOT. & LSAME( TRANS, 'C' ) ) then INFO = -1 else if ( N < 0 ) then INFO = -2 else if ( NRHS < 0 ) then INFO = -3 else if ( LDA < MAX( 1, N ) ) then INFO = -5 else if ( LDB < MAX( 1, N ) ) then INFO = -8 end if if ( INFO.NE.0D+00 ) then CALL XERBLA( 'DGETRS', -INFO ) return end if ! ! Quick return if possible ! if ( N == 0 .OR. NRHS == 0 ) then return end if if ( NOTRAN ) then ! ! Solve A * X = B. ! ! Apply row interchanges to the right hand sides. ! CALL DLASWP( NRHS, B, LDB, 1, N, IPIV, 1 ) ! ! Solve L*X = B, overwriting B with X. ! CALL DTRSM( 'Left', 'Lower', 'No transpose', 'Unit', N, NRHS, & ONE, A, LDA, B, LDB ) ! ! Solve U*X = B, overwriting B with X. ! CALL DTRSM( 'Left', 'Upper', 'No transpose', 'Non-unit', N, & NRHS, ONE, A, LDA, B, LDB ) else ! ! Solve A' * X = B. ! ! Solve U'*X = B, overwriting B with X. ! CALL DTRSM( 'Left', 'Upper', 'Transpose', 'Non-unit', N, NRHS, & ONE, A, LDA, B, LDB ) ! ! Solve L'*X = B, overwriting B with X. ! CALL DTRSM( 'Left', 'Lower', 'Transpose', 'Unit', N, NRHS, ONE, & A, LDA, B, LDB ) ! ! Apply row interchanges to the solution vectors. ! CALL DLASWP( NRHS, B, LDB, 1, N, IPIV, -1 ) end if return end function dlapy2( x, y ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DLAPY2 returns sqrt(x**2+y**2), avoiding overflow. ! ! ! Arguments ! ! X (input) real ( kind = 8 ) ! Y (input) real ( kind = 8 ) ! X and Y specify the values x and y. ! real ( kind = 8 ) dlapy2 real ( kind = 8 ) X, Y real ( kind = 8 ) zero PARAMETER ( zero = 0.0D0 ) real ( kind = 8 ) ONE PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D0 ) real ( kind = 8 ) W, XABS, YABS, Z ! XABS = ABS( X ) YABS = ABS( Y ) W = MAX( XABS, YABS ) Z = MIN( XABS, YABS ) if ( Z == 0.0D+00 ) then DLAPY2 = W else DLAPY2 = W*SQRT( ONE+( Z / W )**2 ) end if return end subroutine dlarf( side, m, n, v, incv, tau, c, ldc, work ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DLARF ??? ! character SIDE integer ( kind = 4 ) INCV, LDC, M, N real ( kind = 8 ) TAU real ( kind = 8 ) C( LDC, * ), V( * ), WORK( * ) ! ! ! DLARF applies a real elementary reflector H to a real m by n matrix ! C, from either the left or the right. H is represented in the form ! ! H = I - tau * v * v' ! ! where tau is a real scalar and v is a real vector. ! ! If tau = 0, then H is taken to be the unit matrix. ! ! Arguments ! ! SIDE (input) character*1 ! = 'L': form H * C ! = 'R': form C * H ! ! M (input) integer ! The number of rows of the matrix C. ! ! N (input) integer ! The number of columns of the matrix C. ! ! V (input) real ( kind = 8 ) array, dimension ! (1 + (M-1)*abs(INCV)) if SIDE = 'L' ! or (1 + (N-1)*abs(INCV)) if SIDE = 'R' ! The vector v in the representation of H. V is not used if ! TAU = 0. ! ! INCV (input) integer ! The increment between elements of v. INCV <> 0. ! ! TAU (input) real ( kind = 8 ) ! The value tau in the representation of H. ! ! C (input/output) real ( kind = 8 ) array, dimension (LDC,N) ! On entry, the m by n matrix C. ! On exit, C is overwritten by the matrix H * C if SIDE = 'L', ! or C * H if SIDE = 'R'. ! ! LDC (input) integer ! The leading dimension of the array C. LDC >= max(1,M). ! ! WORK (workspace) real ( kind = 8 ) array, dimension ! (N) if SIDE = 'L' ! or (M) if SIDE = 'R' ! ! ! .. Parameters .. real ( kind = 8 ) ONE, zero PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, zero = 0.0D+0 ) ! .. ! .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DGEMV, DGER ! .. ! .. External Functions .. logical LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME ! if ( LSAME( SIDE, 'L' ) ) then ! ! Form H * C ! if ( TAU /= 0.0D+00 ) then ! ! w : = C' * v ! CALL DGEMV( 'Transpose', M, N, ONE, C, LDC, V, INCV, zero, WORK, 1 ) ! ! C : = C - v * w' ! CALL DGER( M, N, -TAU, V, INCV, WORK, 1, C, LDC ) end if else ! ! Form C * H ! if ( TAU /= 0.0D+00 ) then ! ! w : = C * v ! CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', M, N, ONE, C, LDC, V, INCV, zero, WORK, 1 ) ! ! C : = C - w * v' ! CALL DGER( M, N, -TAU, WORK, 1, V, INCV, C, LDC ) end if end if return end subroutine dlarfb( side, trans, direct, storev, m, n, k, v, ldv, & t, ldt, c, ldc, work, ldwork ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DLARFB ??? ! character DIRECT, SIDE, STOREV, TRANS integer ( kind = 4 ) K, LDC, LDT, LDV, LDWORK, M, N real ( kind = 8 ) C( LDC, * ), T( LDT, * ), V( LDV, * ) real ( kind = 8 ) WORK( LDWORK, * ) ! ! DLARFB applies a real block reflector H or its transpose H' to a ! real m by n matrix C, from either the left or the right. ! ! Arguments ! ! SIDE (input) character*1 ! = 'L': apply H or H' from the Left ! = 'R': apply H or H' from the Right ! ! TRANS (input) character*1 ! = 'N': apply H (No transpose) ! = 'T': apply H' (Transpose) ! ! DIRECT (input) character*1 ! Indicates how H is formed from a product of elementary ! reflectors ! = 'F': H = H(1) H(2) . . . H(k) (Forward) ! = 'B': H = H(k) . . . H(2) H(1) (Backward) ! ! STOREV (input) character*1 ! Indicates how the vectors which define the elementary ! reflectors are stored: ! = 'C': Columnwise ! = 'R': Rowwise ! ! M (input) integer ! The number of rows of the matrix C. ! ! N (input) integer ! The number of columns of the matrix C. ! ! K (input) integer ! The order of the matrix T ( = the number of elementary ! reflectors whose product defines the block reflector). ! ! V (input) real ( kind = 8 ) array, dimension ! (LDV,K) if STOREV = 'C' ! (LDV,M) if STOREV = 'R' and SIDE = 'L' ! (LDV,N) if STOREV = 'R' and SIDE = 'R' ! The matrix V. See further details. ! ! LDV (input) integer ! The leading dimension of the array V. ! If STOREV = 'C' and SIDE = 'L', LDV >= max(1,M); ! if STOREV = 'C' and SIDE = 'R', LDV >= max(1,N); ! if STOREV = 'R', LDV >= K. ! ! T (input) real ( kind = 8 ) array, dimension (LDT,K) ! The triangular k by k matrix T in the representation of the ! block reflector. ! ! LDT (input) integer ! The leading dimension of the array T. LDT >= K. ! ! C (input/output) real ( kind = 8 ) array, dimension (LDC,N) ! On entry, the m by n matrix C. ! On exit, C is overwritten by H*C or H'*C or C*H or C*H'. ! ! LDC (input) integer ! The leading dimension of the array C. LDA >= max(1,M). ! ! WORK (workspace) real ( kind = 8 ) array, dimension (LDWORK,K) ! ! LDWORK (input) integer ! The leading dimension of the array WORK. ! If SIDE = 'L', LDWORK >= max(1,N); ! if SIDE = 'R', LDWORK >= max(1,M). ! real ( kind = 8 ) ONE PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0 ) ! .. ! .. Local Scalars .. character TRANST integer ( kind = 4 ) I, J ! logical LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME ! EXTERNAL DCOPY, DGEMM, DTRMM ! ! Quick return if possible ! if ( M <= 0 .OR. N <= 0 ) then return end if if ( LSAME( TRANS, 'N' ) ) then TRANST = 'T' else TRANST = 'N' end if if ( LSAME( STOREV, 'C' ) ) then ! if ( LSAME( DIRECT, 'F' ) ) then ! ! Let V = ( V1 ) (first K rows) ! ( V2 ) ! where V1 is unit lower triangular. ! if ( LSAME( SIDE, 'L' ) ) then ! ! Form H * C or H' * C where C = ( C1 ) ! ( C2 ) ! ! W : = C' * V = (C1'*V1 + C2'*V2) (stored in WORK) ! ! W : = C1' ! DO J = 1, K CALL DCOPY( N, C( J, 1 ), LDC, WORK( 1, J ), 1 ) end do ! ! W : = W * V1 ! CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', 'No transpose', 'Unit', N, & K, ONE, V, LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) if ( M > K ) then ! ! W : = W + C2'*V2 ! CALL DGEMM( 'Transpose', 'No transpose', N, K, M-K, & ONE, C( K+1, 1 ), LDC, V( K+1, 1 ), LDV, & ONE, WORK, LDWORK ) end if ! ! W : = W * T' or W * T ! CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', TRANST, 'Non-unit', N, K, & ONE, T, LDT, WORK, LDWORK ) ! ! C : = C - V * W' ! if ( M > K ) then ! ! C2 : = C2 - V2 * W' ! CALL DGEMM( 'No transpose', 'Transpose', M-K, N, K, & -ONE, V( K+1, 1 ), LDV, WORK, LDWORK, ONE, C( K+1, 1 ), LDC ) end if ! ! W : = W * V1' ! CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', 'Transpose', 'Unit', N, K, & ONE, V, LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) ! ! C1 : = C1 - W' ! DO J = 1, K DO I = 1, N C( J, I ) = C( J, I ) - WORK( I, J ) end do end do else if ( LSAME( SIDE, 'R' ) ) then ! ! Form C * H or C * H' where C = ( C1 C2 ) ! ! W : = C * V = (C1*V1 + C2*V2) (stored in WORK) ! ! W : = C1 ! DO J = 1, K CALL DCOPY( M, C( 1, J ), 1, WORK( 1, J ), 1 ) end do ! ! W : = W * V1 ! CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', 'No transpose', 'Unit', M, & K, ONE, V, LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) if ( N > K ) then ! ! W : = W + C2 * V2 ! CALL DGEMM( 'No transpose', 'No transpose', M, K, N-K, & ONE, C( 1, K+1 ), LDC, V( K+1, 1 ), LDV, & ONE, WORK, LDWORK ) end if ! ! W : = W * T or W * T' ! CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', TRANS, 'Non-unit', M, K, & ONE, T, LDT, WORK, LDWORK ) ! ! C : = C - W * V' ! if ( N > K ) then ! ! C2 : = C2 - W * V2' ! CALL DGEMM( 'No transpose', 'Transpose', M, N-K, K, & -ONE, WORK, LDWORK, V( K+1, 1 ), LDV, ONE, & C( 1, K+1 ), LDC ) end if ! ! W : = W * V1' ! CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', 'Transpose', 'Unit', M, K, & ONE, V, LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) ! ! C1 : = C1 - W ! DO J = 1, K DO I = 1, M C( I, J ) = C( I, J ) - WORK( I, J ) end do end do end if else ! ! Let V = ( V1 ) ! ( V2 ) (last K rows) ! where V2 is unit upper triangular. ! if ( LSAME( SIDE, 'L' ) ) then ! ! Form H * C or H' * C where C = ( C1 ) ! ( C2 ) ! ! W : = C' * V = (C1'*V1 + C2'*V2) (stored in WORK) ! ! W : = C2' ! DO J = 1, K CALL DCOPY( N, C( M-K+J, 1 ), LDC, WORK( 1, J ), 1 ) end do ! ! W : = W * V2 ! CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', 'No transpose', 'Unit', N, & K, ONE, V( M-K+1, 1 ), LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) if ( M > K ) then ! ! W : = W + C1'*V1 ! CALL DGEMM( 'Transpose', 'No transpose', N, K, M-K, & ONE, C, LDC, V, LDV, ONE, WORK, LDWORK ) end if ! ! W : = W * T' or W * T ! CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', TRANST, 'Non-unit', N, K, & ONE, T, LDT, WORK, LDWORK ) ! ! C : = C - V * W' ! if ( M > K ) then ! ! C1 : = C1 - V1 * W' ! CALL DGEMM( 'No transpose', 'Transpose', M-K, N, K, & -ONE, V, LDV, WORK, LDWORK, ONE, C, LDC ) end if ! ! W : = W * V2' ! CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', 'Transpose', 'Unit', N, K, & ONE, V( M-K+1, 1 ), LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) ! ! C2 : = C2 - W' ! DO 90 J = 1, K DO 80 I = 1, N C( M-K+J, I ) = C( M-K+J, I ) - WORK( I, J ) 80 continue 90 continue ! else if ( LSAME( SIDE, 'R' ) ) then ! ! Form C * H or C * H' where C = ( C1 C2 ) ! ! W : = C * V = (C1*V1 + C2*V2) (stored in WORK) ! ! W : = C2 ! DO J = 1, K CALL DCOPY( M, C( 1, N-K+J ), 1, WORK( 1, J ), 1 ) end do ! ! W : = W * V2 ! CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', 'No transpose', 'Unit', M, & K, ONE, V( N-K+1, 1 ), LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) if ( N > K ) then ! ! W : = W + C1 * V1 ! CALL DGEMM( 'No transpose', 'No transpose', M, K, N-K, & ONE, C, LDC, V, LDV, ONE, WORK, LDWORK ) end if ! ! W : = W * T or W * T' ! CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', TRANS, 'Non-unit', M, K, & ONE, T, LDT, WORK, LDWORK ) ! ! C : = C - W * V' ! if ( N > K ) then ! ! C1 : = C1 - W * V1' ! CALL DGEMM( 'No transpose', 'Transpose', M, N-K, K, & -ONE, WORK, LDWORK, V, LDV, ONE, C, LDC ) end if ! ! W : = W * V2' ! CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', 'Transpose', 'Unit', M, K, & ONE, V( N-K+1, 1 ), LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) ! ! C2 : = C2 - W ! DO 120 J = 1, K DO 110 I = 1, M C( I, N-K+J ) = C( I, N-K+J ) - WORK( I, J ) 110 continue 120 continue end if end if ! else if ( LSAME( STOREV, 'R' ) ) then ! if ( LSAME( DIRECT, 'F' ) ) then ! ! Let V = ( V1 V2 ) (V1: first K columns) ! where V1 is unit upper triangular. ! if ( LSAME( SIDE, 'L' ) ) then ! ! Form H * C or H' * C where C = ( C1 ) ! ( C2 ) ! ! W : = C' * V' = (C1'*V1' + C2'*V2') (stored in WORK) ! ! W : = C1' ! DO 130 J = 1, K CALL DCOPY( N, C( J, 1 ), LDC, WORK( 1, J ), 1 ) 130 continue ! ! W : = W * V1' ! CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', 'Transpose', 'Unit', N, K, & ONE, V, LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) if ( M > K ) then ! ! W : = W + C2'*V2' ! CALL DGEMM( 'Transpose', 'Transpose', N, K, M-K, ONE, & C( K+1, 1 ), LDC, V( 1, K+1 ), LDV, ONE, WORK, LDWORK ) end if ! ! W : = W * T' or W * T ! CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', TRANST, 'Non-unit', N, K, & ONE, T, LDT, WORK, LDWORK ) ! ! C : = C - V' * W' ! if ( M > K ) then ! ! C2 : = C2 - V2' * W' ! CALL DGEMM( 'Transpose', 'Transpose', M-K, N, K, -ONE, & V( 1, K+1 ), LDV, WORK, LDWORK, ONE, C( K+1, 1 ), LDC ) end if ! ! W : = W * V1 ! CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', 'No transpose', 'Unit', N, & K, ONE, V, LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) ! ! C1 : = C1 - W' ! DO 150 J = 1, K DO 140 I = 1, N C( J, I ) = C( J, I ) - WORK( I, J ) 140 continue 150 continue ! else if ( LSAME( SIDE, 'R' ) ) then ! ! Form C * H or C * H' where C = ( C1 C2 ) ! ! W : = C * V' = (C1*V1' + C2*V2') (stored in WORK) ! ! W : = C1 ! DO J = 1, K CALL DCOPY( M, C( 1, J ), 1, WORK( 1, J ), 1 ) end do ! ! W : = W * V1' ! CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', 'Transpose', 'Unit', M, K, & ONE, V, LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) if ( N > K ) then ! ! W : = W + C2 * V2' ! CALL DGEMM( 'No transpose', 'Transpose', M, K, N-K, & ONE, C( 1, K+1 ), LDC, V( 1, K+1 ), LDV, ONE, WORK, LDWORK ) end if ! ! W : = W * T or W * T' ! CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', TRANS, 'Non-unit', M, K, & ONE, T, LDT, WORK, LDWORK ) ! ! C : = C - W * V ! if ( N > K ) then ! ! C2 : = C2 - W * V2 ! CALL DGEMM( 'No transpose', 'No transpose', M, N-K, K, & -ONE, WORK, LDWORK, V( 1, K+1 ), LDV, ONE, C( 1, K+1 ), LDC ) end if ! ! W : = W * V1 ! CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', 'No transpose', 'Unit', M, & K, ONE, V, LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) ! ! C1 : = C1 - W ! DO J = 1, K DO I = 1, M C( I, J ) = C( I, J ) - WORK( I, J ) end do end do end if else ! ! Let V = ( V1 V2 ) (V2: last K columns) ! where V2 is unit lower triangular. ! if ( LSAME( SIDE, 'L' ) ) then ! ! Form H * C or H' * C where C = ( C1 ) ! ( C2 ) ! ! W : = C' * V' = (C1'*V1' + C2'*V2') (stored in WORK) ! ! W : = C2' ! DO 190 J = 1, K CALL DCOPY( N, C( M-K+J, 1 ), LDC, WORK( 1, J ), 1 ) 190 continue ! ! W : = W * V2' ! CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', 'Transpose', 'Unit', N, K, & ONE, V( 1, M-K+1 ), LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) if ( M > K ) then ! ! W : = W + C1'*V1' ! CALL DGEMM( 'Transpose', 'Transpose', N, K, M-K, ONE, & C, LDC, V, LDV, ONE, WORK, LDWORK ) end if ! ! W : = W * T' or W * T ! CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', TRANST, 'Non-unit', N, K, & ONE, T, LDT, WORK, LDWORK ) ! ! C : = C - V' * W' ! if ( M > K ) then ! ! C1 : = C1 - V1' * W' ! CALL DGEMM( 'Transpose', 'Transpose', M-K, N, K, -ONE, & V, LDV, WORK, LDWORK, ONE, C, LDC ) end if ! ! W : = W * V2 ! CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', 'No transpose', 'Unit', N, & K, ONE, V( 1, M-K+1 ), LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) ! ! C2 : = C2 - W' ! DO J = 1, K DO I = 1, N C( M-K+J, I ) = C( M-K+J, I ) - WORK( I, J ) end do end do else if ( LSAME( SIDE, 'R' ) ) then ! ! Form C * H or C * H' where C = ( C1 C2 ) ! ! W : = C * V' = (C1*V1' + C2*V2') (stored in WORK) ! ! W : = C2 ! DO J = 1, K CALL DCOPY( M, C( 1, N-K+J ), 1, WORK( 1, J ), 1 ) end do ! ! W : = W * V2' ! CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', 'Transpose', 'Unit', M, K, & ONE, V( 1, N-K+1 ), LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) if ( N > K ) then ! ! W : = W + C1 * V1' ! CALL DGEMM( 'No transpose', 'Transpose', M, K, N-K, & ONE, C, LDC, V, LDV, ONE, WORK, LDWORK ) end if ! ! W : = W * T or W * T' ! CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', TRANS, 'Non-unit', M, K, & ONE, T, LDT, WORK, LDWORK ) ! ! C : = C - W * V ! if ( N > K ) then ! ! C1 : = C1 - W * V1 ! CALL DGEMM( 'No transpose', 'No transpose', M, N-K, K, & -ONE, WORK, LDWORK, V, LDV, ONE, C, LDC ) end if ! ! W : = W * V2 ! CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', 'No transpose', 'Unit', M, & K, ONE, V( 1, N-K+1 ), LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) ! ! C1 : = C1 - W ! DO J = 1, K DO I = 1, M C( I, N-K+J ) = C( I, N-K+J ) - WORK( I, J ) end do end do end if end if end if return end subroutine dlarft( direct, storev, n, k, v, ldv, tau, t, ldt ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DLARFT ??? ! character DIRECT, STOREV integer ( kind = 4 ) K, LDT, LDV, N real ( kind = 8 ) T( LDT, * ), TAU( * ), V( LDV, * ) ! ! DLARFT forms the triangular factor T of a real block reflector H ! of order n, which is defined as a product of k elementary reflectors. ! ! If DIRECT = 'F', H = H(1) H(2) . . . H(k) and T is upper triangular; ! ! If DIRECT = 'B', H = H(k) . . . H(2) H(1) and T is lower triangular. ! ! If STOREV = 'C', the vector which defines the elementary reflector ! H(i) is stored in the i-th column of the array V, and ! ! H = I - V * T * V' ! ! If STOREV = 'R', the vector which defines the elementary reflector ! H(i) is stored in the i-th row of the array V, and ! ! H = I - V' * T * V ! ! Arguments ! ! DIRECT (input) character*1 ! Specifies the order in which the elementary reflectors are ! multiplied to form the block reflector: ! = 'F': H = H(1) H(2) . . . H(k) (Forward) ! = 'B': H = H(k) . . . H(2) H(1) (Backward) ! ! STOREV (input) character*1 ! Specifies how the vectors which define the elementary ! reflectors are stored (see also Further Details): ! = 'C': columnwise ! = 'R': rowwise ! ! N (input) integer ! The order of the block reflector H. N >= 0. ! ! K (input) integer ! The order of the triangular factor T ( = the number of ! elementary reflectors). K >= 1. ! ! V (input/output) real ( kind = 8 ) array, dimension ! (LDV,K) if STOREV = 'C' ! (LDV,N) if STOREV = 'R' ! The matrix V. See further details. ! ! LDV (input) integer ! The leading dimension of the array V. ! If STOREV = 'C', LDV >= max(1,N); if STOREV = 'R', LDV >= K. ! ! TAU (input) real ( kind = 8 ) array, dimension (K) ! TAU(i) must contain the scalar factor of the elementary ! reflector H(i). ! ! T (output) real ( kind = 8 ) array, dimension (LDT,K) ! The k by k triangular factor T of the block reflector. ! If DIRECT = 'F', T is upper triangular; if DIRECT = 'B', T is ! lower triangular. The rest of the array is not used. ! ! LDT (input) integer ! The leading dimension of the array T. LDT >= K. ! ! Further Details ! ! The shape of the matrix V and the storage of the vectors which define ! the H(i) is best illustrated by the following example with n = 5 and ! k = 3. The elements equal to 1 are not stored; the corresponding ! array elements are modified but restored on exit. The rest of the ! array is not used. ! ! DIRECT = 'F' and STOREV = 'C': DIRECT = 'F' and STOREV = 'R': ! ! V = ( 1 ) V = ( 1 v1 v1 v1 v1 ) ! ( v1 1 ) ( 1 v2 v2 v2 ) ! ( v1 v2 1 ) ( 1 v3 v3 ) ! ( v1 v2 v3 ) ! ( v1 v2 v3 ) ! ! DIRECT = 'B' and STOREV = 'C': DIRECT = 'B' and STOREV = 'R': ! ! V = ( v1 v2 v3 ) V = ( v1 v1 1 ) ! ( v1 v2 v3 ) ( v2 v2 v2 1 ) ! ( 1 v2 v3 ) ( v3 v3 v3 v3 1 ) ! ( 1 v3 ) ! ( 1 ) ! real ( kind = 8 ) ONE, zero PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, zero = 0.0D+0 ) ! integer ( kind = 4 ) I, J real ( kind = 8 ) VII ! .. ! .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DGEMV, DTRMV ! .. ! .. External Functions .. logical LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME ! if ( N == 0 ) then return end if if ( LSAME( DIRECT, 'F' ) ) then DO 20 I = 1, K if ( TAU( I ) == zero ) then ! ! H(i) = I ! DO J = 1, I T( J, I ) = zero end do else ! ! general case ! VII = V( I, I ) V( I, I ) = ONE if ( LSAME( STOREV, 'C' ) ) then ! ! T(1:i-1,i) : = - tau(i) * V(i:n,1:i-1)' * V(i:n,i) ! CALL DGEMV( 'Transpose', N-I+1, I-1, -TAU( I ), & V( I, 1 ), LDV, V( I, I ), 1, zero, T( 1, I ), 1 ) else ! ! T(1:i-1,i) : = - tau(i) * V(1:i-1,i:n) * V(i,i:n)' ! CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', I-1, N-I+1, -TAU( I ), & V( 1, I ), LDV, V( I, I ), LDV, zero, T( 1, I ), 1 ) end if V( I, I ) = VII ! ! T(1:i-1,i) : = T(1:i-1,1:i-1) * T(1:i-1,i) ! CALL DTRMV( 'Upper', 'No transpose', 'Non-unit', I-1, T, & LDT, T( 1, I ), 1 ) T( I, I ) = TAU( I ) end if 20 continue else DO 40 I = K, 1, -1 if ( TAU( I ) == zero ) then ! ! H(i) = I ! DO J = I, K T( J, I ) = zero end do else ! ! general case ! if ( I < K ) then if ( LSAME( STOREV, 'C' ) ) then VII = V( N-K+I, I ) V( N-K+I, I ) = ONE ! ! T(i+1:k,i) : = ! - tau(i) * V(1:n-k+i,i+1:k)' * V(1:n-k+i,i) ! CALL DGEMV( 'Transpose', N-K+I, K-I, -TAU( I ), & V( 1, I+1 ), LDV, V( 1, I ), 1, zero, & T( I+1, I ), 1 ) V( N-K+I, I ) = VII else VII = V( I, N-K+I ) V( I, N-K+I ) = ONE ! ! T(i+1:k,i) : = ! - tau(i) * V(i+1:k,1:n-k+i) * V(i,1:n-k+i)' ! CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', K-I, N-K+I, -TAU( I ), & V( I+1, 1 ), LDV, V( I, 1 ), LDV, zero, T( I+1, I ), 1 ) V( I, N-K+I ) = VII end if ! ! T(i+1:k,i) : = T(i+1:k,i+1:k) * T(i+1:k,i) ! CALL DTRMV( 'Lower', 'No transpose', 'Non-unit', K-I, & T( I+1, I+1 ), LDT, T( I+1, I ), 1 ) end if T( I, I ) = TAU( I ) end if 40 continue end if return end subroutine dlaswp(n,a,lda,k1,k2,ipiv,incx) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DLASWP ??? ! integer ( kind = 4 ) incx, k1, k2, lda, n integer ( kind = 4 ) ipiv( * ) real ( kind = 8 ) a( lda, * ) ! ! DLASWP performs a series of row interchanges on the matrix A. ! One row interchange is initiated for each of rows K1 through K2 of A. ! ! Arguments ! ! N (input) integer ! The number of columns of the matrix A. ! ! A (input/output) real ( kind = 8 ) array, dimension (LDA,N) ! On entry, the matrix of column dimension N to which the row ! interchanges will be applied. ! On exit, the permuted matrix. ! ! LDA (input) integer ! The leading dimension of the array A. ! ! K1 (input) integer ! The first element of IPIV for which a row interchange will ! be done. ! ! K2 (input) integer ! The last element of IPIV for which a row interchange will ! be done. ! ! IPIV (input) integer array, dimension (M*abs(INCX)) ! The vector of pivot indices. Only the elements in positions ! K1 through K2 of IPIV are accessed. ! IPIV(K) = L implies rows K and L are to be interchanged. ! ! INCX (input) integer ! The increment between successive values of IPIV. If IPIV ! is negative, the pivots are applied in reverse order. ! ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i, ip, ix ! external dswap ! ! Interchange row I with row IPIV(I) for each of rows K1 through K2. ! if ( incx == 0 ) then return end if if ( incx > 0 ) then ix = k1 else ix = 1 + ( 1-k2 )*incx end if if ( incx == 1 ) then do i = k1, k2 ip = ipiv( i ) if ( ip /= i ) then call dswap( n, a( i, 1 ), lda, a( ip, 1 ), lda ) end if end do else if ( incx > 1 ) then do i = k1, k2 ip = ipiv( ix ) if ( ip /= i ) then call dswap( n, a( i, 1 ), lda, a( ip, 1 ), lda ) end if ix = ix + incx end do else if ( incx < 0 ) then do 30 i = k2, k1, -1 ip = ipiv( ix ) if ( ip /= i ) then call dswap( n, a( i, 1 ), lda, a( ip, 1 ), lda ) end if ix = ix + incx 30 continue end if return end function dnrm2 ( n, x, incx ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DNRM2 returns the euclidean norm of a vector. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) ONE , zero PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, zero = 0.0D+0 ) ! integer ( kind = 4 ) INCX, N real ( kind = 8 ) X( * ) real ( kind = 8 ) dnrm2 integer ( kind = 4 ) IX real ( kind = 8 ) ABSXI, NORM, SCALE, SSQ ! if ( N < 1 .OR. INCX.LT.1 ) then NORM = zero else if ( N == 1 ) then NORM = ABS( X( 1 ) ) else SCALE = zero SSQ = ONE DO IX = 1, 1 + ( N - 1 )*INCX, INCX if ( X( IX ) /= zero ) then ABSXI = ABS( X( IX ) ) if ( SCALE < ABSXI ) then SSQ = ONE + SSQ*( SCALE/ABSXI )**2 SCALE = ABSXI else SSQ = SSQ + ( ABSXI/SCALE )**2 end if end if end do NORM = SCALE * SQRT( SSQ ) end if DNRM2 = NORM return end subroutine dorg2r( m, n, k, a, lda, tau, work, info ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DORG2R ??? ! integer ( kind = 4 ) INFO, K, LDA, M, N real ( kind = 8 ) A( LDA, * ), TAU( * ), WORK( * ) ! ! DORG2R generates an m by n real matrix Q with orthonormal columns, ! which is defined as the first n columns of a product of k elementary ! reflectors of order m ! ! Q = H(1) H(2) . . . H(k) ! ! as returned by DGEQRF. ! ! Arguments ! ! M (input) integer ! The number of rows of the matrix Q. M >= 0. ! ! N (input) integer ! The number of columns of the matrix Q. M >= N >= 0. ! ! K (input) integer ! The number of elementary reflectors whose product defines the ! matrix Q. N >= K >= 0. ! ! A (input/output) real ( kind = 8 ) array, dimension (LDA,N) ! On entry, the i-th column must contain the vector which ! defines the elementary reflector H(i), for i = 1,2,...,k, as ! returned by DGEQRF in the first k columns of its array ! argument A. ! On exit, the m-by-n matrix Q. ! ! LDA (input) integer ! The first dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,M). ! ! TAU (input) real ( kind = 8 ) array, dimension (K) ! TAU(i) must contain the scalar factor of the elementary ! reflector H(i), as returned by DGEQRF. ! ! WORK (workspace) real ( kind = 8 ) array, dimension (N) ! ! INFO (output) integer ! = 0: successful exit ! < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument has an illegal value ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) ONE, zero PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, zero = 0.0D+0 ) ! .. ! .. Local Scalars .. integer ( kind = 4 ) I, J, L ! .. ! .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DLARF, DSCAL, XERBLA ! .. ! .. Intrinsic Functions .. ! ! Test the input arguments ! INFO = 0 if ( M < 0 ) then INFO = -1 else if ( N < 0 .OR. N > M ) then INFO = -2 else if ( K < 0 .OR. K > N ) then INFO = -3 else if ( LDA < MAX( 1, M ) ) then INFO = -5 end if if ( INFO.NE.0D+00 ) then CALL XERBLA( 'DORG2R', -INFO ) return end if ! ! Quick return if possible ! if ( N <= 0 ) then return end if ! ! Initialise columns k+1:n to columns of the unit matrix ! DO 20 J = K + 1, N DO L = 1, M A( L, J ) = zero end do A( J, J ) = ONE 20 continue ! DO 40 I = K, 1, -1 ! ! Apply H(i) to A(i:m,i:n) from the left ! if ( I < N ) then A( I, I ) = ONE CALL DLARF( 'Left', M-I+1, N-I, A( I, I ), 1, TAU( I ), & A( I, I+1 ), LDA, WORK ) end if if ( I < M ) then CALL DSCAL( M-I, -TAU( I ), A( I+1, I ), 1 ) end if A( I, I ) = ONE - TAU( I ) ! ! Set A(1:i-1,i) to zero ! DO 30 L = 1, I - 1 A( L, I ) = zero 30 continue 40 continue return end subroutine dorgqr( m, n, k, a, lda, tau, work, lwork, info ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DORGQR ??? ! integer ( kind = 4 ) INFO, K, LDA, LWORK, M, N real ( kind = 8 ) A( LDA, * ), TAU( * ), WORK( LWORK ) ! ! DORGQR generates an M-by-N real matrix Q with orthonormal columns, ! which is defined as the first N columns of a product of K elementary ! reflectors of order M ! ! Q = H(1) H(2) . . . H(k) ! ! as returned by DGEQRF. ! ! Arguments ! ! M (input) integer ! The number of rows of the matrix Q. M >= 0. ! ! N (input) integer ! The number of columns of the matrix Q. M >= N >= 0. ! ! K (input) integer ! The number of elementary reflectors whose product defines the ! matrix Q. N >= K >= 0. ! ! A (input/output) real ( kind = 8 ) array, dimension (LDA,N) ! On entry, the i-th column must contain the vector which ! defines the elementary reflector H(i), for i = 1,2,...,k, as ! returned by DGEQRF in the first k columns of its array ! argument A. ! On exit, the M-by-N matrix Q. ! ! LDA (input) integer ! The first dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,M). ! ! TAU (input) real ( kind = 8 ) array, dimension (K) ! TAU(i) must contain the scalar factor of the elementary ! reflector H(i), as returned by DGEQRF. ! ! WORK (workspace/output) real ( kind = 8 ) array, dimension (LWORK) ! On exit, if INFO = 0, WORK(1) returns the optimal LWORK. ! ! LWORK (input) integer ! The dimension of the array WORK. LWORK >= max(1,N). ! For optimum performance LWORK >= N*NB, where NB is the ! optimal blocksize. ! ! INFO (output) integer ! = 0: successful exit ! < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument has an illegal value ! real ( kind = 8 ) zero PARAMETER ( zero = 0.0D+0 ) ! integer ( kind = 4 ) I, IB, IINFO, IWS, J, KI, KK, L, LDWORK, NB integer ( kind = 4 ) NBMIN, NX ! .. ! .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DLARFB, DLARFT, DORG2R, XERBLA ! .. ! .. Intrinsic Functions .. integer ( kind = 4 ) ILAENV EXTERNAL ILAENV ! ! Test the input arguments ! INFO = 0 if ( M < 0 ) then INFO = -1 else if ( N < 0 .OR. N > M ) then INFO = -2 else if ( K < 0 .OR. K > N ) then INFO = -3 else if ( LDA < MAX( 1, M ) ) then INFO = -5 else if ( LWORK < MAX( 1, N ) ) then INFO = -8 end if if ( INFO.NE.0D+00 ) then CALL XERBLA( 'DORGQR', -INFO ) return end if ! ! Quick return if possible ! if ( N <= 0 ) then WORK( 1 ) = 1 return end if ! ! Determine the block size. ! NB = ILAENV( 1, 'DORGQR', ' ', M, N, K, -1 ) NBMIN = 2 NX = 0 IWS = N if ( NB > 1 .and. NB < K ) then ! ! Determine when to cross over from blocked to unblocked code. ! NX = MAX( 0, ILAENV( 3, 'DORGQR', ' ', M, N, K, -1 ) ) if ( NX < K ) then ! ! Determine if workspace is large enough for blocked code. ! LDWORK = N IWS = LDWORK*NB if ( LWORK < IWS ) then ! ! Not enough workspace to use optimal NB: reduce NB and ! determine the minimum value of NB. ! NB = LWORK / LDWORK NBMIN = MAX( 2, ILAENV( 2, 'DORGQR', ' ', M, N, K, -1 ) ) end if end if end if ! if ( NB >= NBMIN .and. NB < K .AND. NX.LT.K ) then ! ! Use blocked code after the last block. ! The first kk columns are handled by the block method. ! KI = ( ( K-NX-1 ) / NB )*NB KK = MIN( K, KI+NB ) ! ! Set A(1:kk,kk+1:n) to zero. ! DO 20 J = KK + 1, N DO 10 I = 1, KK A( I, J ) = zero 10 continue 20 continue else KK = 0 end if ! ! Use unblocked code for the last or only block. ! if ( KK < N ) then CALL DORG2R( M-KK, N-KK, K-KK, A( KK+1, KK+1 ), LDA, & TAU( KK+1 ), WORK, IINFO ) end if if ( KK > 0 ) then ! ! Use blocked code ! DO 50 I = KI + 1, 1, -NB IB = MIN( NB, K-I+1 ) if ( I+IB <= N ) then ! ! Form the triangular factor of the block reflector ! H = H(i) H(i+1) . . . H(i+ib-1) ! CALL DLARFT( 'Forward', 'Columnwise', M-I+1, IB, & A( I, I ), LDA, TAU( I ), WORK, LDWORK ) ! ! Apply H to A(i:m,i+ib:n) from the left ! CALL DLARFB( 'Left', 'No transpose', 'Forward', & 'Columnwise', M-I+1, N-I-IB+1, IB, & A( I, I ), LDA, WORK, LDWORK, A( I, I+IB ), & LDA, WORK( IB+1 ), LDWORK ) end if ! ! Apply H to rows i:m of current block ! CALL DORG2R( M-I+1, IB, IB, A( I, I ), LDA, TAU( I ), WORK, IINFO ) ! ! Set rows 1:i-1 of current block to zero ! DO 40 J = I, I + IB - 1 DO L = 1, I - 1 A( L, J ) = zero end do 40 continue 50 continue end if WORK( 1 ) = IWS return end subroutine dscal ( n, da, dx, incx ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DSCAL scales a vector by a constant. ! uses unrolled loops for increment equal to one. ! jack dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78. ! modified 3/93 to return if incx <= 0. ! modified 12/3/93, array(1) declarations changed to array(*) ! real ( kind = 8 ) da,dx(*) integer ( kind = 4 ) i,incx,m,n,nincx ! if ( n <= 0 .or. incx <= 0 )return if ( incx == 1)go to 20 ! ! code for increment not equal to 1 ! nincx = n*incx do i = 1,nincx,incx dx(i) = da*dx(i) end do return ! ! code for increment equal to 1 ! ! ! clean-up loop ! 20 continue m = mod(n,5) if ( m == 0 ) go to 40 dx(1:m) = da*dx(1:m) if ( n < 5 ) return 40 continue do i = m+1,n,5 dx(i) = da*dx(i) dx(i + 1) = da*dx(i + 1) dx(i + 2) = da*dx(i + 2) dx(i + 3) = da*dx(i + 3) dx(i + 4) = da*dx(i + 4) end do return end subroutine dswap ( n, x, incx, y, incy ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DSWAP interchanges two vectors. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 08 April 1999 ! ! Reference: ! ! Lawson, Hanson, Kincaid, Krogh, ! Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms for Fortran Usage, ! Algorithm 539, ! ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, ! Volume 5, Number 3, September 1979, pages 308-323. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) N, the number of entries in the vectors. ! ! Input/output, real ( kind = 8 ) X(*), one of the vectors to swap. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) INCX, the increment between successive ! entries of X. ! ! Input/output, real ( kind = 8 ) Y(*), one of the vectors to swap. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) INCY, the increment between successive ! elements of Y. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) incx integer ( kind = 4 ) incy integer ( kind = 4 ) ix integer ( kind = 4 ) iy integer ( kind = 4 ) m integer ( kind = 4 ) n real ( kind = 8 ) temp real ( kind = 8 ) x(*) real ( kind = 8 ) y(*) ! if ( n <= 0 ) then else if ( incx == 1 .and. incy == 1 ) then m = mod ( n, 3 ) do i = 1, m temp = x(i) x(i) = y(i) y(i) = temp end do do i = m+1, n, 3 temp = x(i) x(i) = y(i) y(i) = temp temp = x(i+1) x(i+1) = y(i+1) y(i+1) = temp temp = x(i+2) x(i+2) = y(i+2) y(i+2) = temp end do else if ( incx >= 0 ) then ix = 1 else ix = ( - n + 1 ) * incx + 1 end if if ( incy >= 0 ) then iy = 1 else iy = ( - n + 1 ) * incy + 1 end if do i = 1, n temp = x(ix) x(ix) = y(iy) y(iy) = temp ix = ix + incx iy = iy + incy end do end if return end subroutine dtbsv(uplo,trans,diag,n,k,a,lda,x,incx) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DTBSV ??? ! integer ( kind = 4 ) incx, k, lda, n character diag, trans, uplo real ( kind = 8 ) a( lda, * ), x( * ) ! ! DTBSV solves one of the systems of equations ! ! A*x = b, or A'*x = b, ! ! where b and x are n element vectors and A is an n by n unit, or ! non-unit, upper or lower triangular band matrix, with ( k + 1 ) ! diagonals. ! ! No test for singularity or near-singularity is included in this ! routine. Such tests must be performed before calling this routine. ! ! Parameters ! ! UPLO - character*1. ! On entry, UPLO specifies whether the matrix is an upper or ! lower triangular matrix as follows: ! ! UPLO = 'U' or 'u' A is an upper triangular matrix. ! ! UPLO = 'L' or 'l' A is a lower triangular matrix. ! ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! TRANS - character*1. ! On entry, TRANS specifies the equations to be solved as ! follows: ! ! TRANS = 'N' or 'n' A*x = b. ! ! TRANS = 'T' or 't' A'*x = b. ! ! TRANS = 'C' or 'c' A'*x = b. ! ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! DIAG - character*1. ! On entry, DIAG specifies whether or not A is unit ! triangular as follows: ! ! DIAG = 'U' or 'u' A is assumed to be unit triangular. ! ! DIAG = 'N' or 'n' A is not assumed to be unit ! triangular. ! ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! N - integer. ! On entry, N specifies the order of the matrix A. ! N must be at least zero. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! K - integer. ! On entry with UPLO = 'U' or 'u', K specifies the number of ! super-diagonals of the matrix A. ! On entry with UPLO = 'L' or 'l', K specifies the number of ! sub-diagonals of the matrix A. ! K must satisfy 0 <= K. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! A - real ( kind = 8 ) array of DIMENSION ( LDA, n ). ! Before entry with UPLO = 'U' or 'u', the leading ( k + 1 ) ! by n part of the array A must contain the upper triangular ! band part of the matrix of coefficients, supplied column by ! column, with the leading diagonal of the matrix in row ! ( k + 1 ) of the array, the first super-diagonal starting at ! position 2 in row k, and so on. The top left k by k triangle ! of the array A is not referenced. ! The following program segment will transfer an upper ! triangular band matrix from conventional full matrix storage ! to band storage: ! ! DO 20, J = 1, N ! M = K + 1 - J ! DO 10, I = MAX( 1, J - K ), J ! A( M + I, J ) = matrix( I, J ) ! 10 continue ! 20 continue ! ! Before entry with UPLO = 'L' or 'l', the leading ( k + 1 ) ! by n part of the array A must contain the lower triangular ! band part of the matrix of coefficients, supplied column by ! column, with the leading diagonal of the matrix in row 1 of ! the array, the first sub-diagonal starting at position 1 in ! row 2, and so on. The bottom right k by k triangle of the ! array A is not referenced. ! The following program segment will transfer a lower ! triangular band matrix from conventional full matrix storage ! to band storage: ! ! DO 20, J = 1, N ! M = 1 - J ! DO 10, I = J, MIN( N, J + K ) ! A( M + I, J ) = matrix( I, J ) ! 10 continue ! 20 continue ! ! Note that when DIAG = 'U' or 'u' the elements of the array A ! corresponding to the diagonal elements of the matrix are not ! referenced, but are assumed to be unity. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! LDA - integer. ! On entry, LDA specifies the first dimension of A as declared ! in the calling (sub) program. LDA must be at least ! ( k + 1 ). ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! X - real ( kind = 8 ) array of dimension at least ! ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ). ! Before entry, the incremented array X must contain the n ! element right-hand side vector b. On exit, X is overwritten ! with the solution vector x. ! ! INCX - integer. ! On entry, INCX specifies the increment for the elements of ! X. INCX must not be zero. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! .. Parameters .. real ( kind = 8 ) zero parameter ( zero = 0.0d+0 ) ! .. Local Scalars .. real ( kind = 8 ) temp integer ( kind = 4 ) i, info, ix, j, jx, kplus1, kx, l logical nounit logical lsame ! ! Test the input parameters. ! info = 0 if ( .not.lsame( uplo , 'u' ).and. & .not.lsame( uplo , 'l' ) ) then info = 1 else if ( .not.lsame( trans, 'n' ).and. & .not.lsame( trans, 't' ).and. & .not.lsame( trans, 'c' ) ) then info = 2 else if ( .not.lsame( diag , 'u' ).and. & .not.lsame( diag , 'n' ) ) then info = 3 else if ( n < 0 ) then info = 4 else if ( k < 0 ) then info = 5 else if ( lda < ( k + 1 ) ) then info = 7 else if ( incx == 0 ) then info = 9 end if if ( info /= 0 ) then call xerbla( 'dtbsv ', info ) return end if ! ! Quick return if possible. ! if ( n == 0 ) then return end if nounit = lsame( diag, 'n' ) ! ! Set up the start point in X if the increment is not unity. This ! will be ( N - 1 )*INCX too small for descending loops. ! if ( incx <= 0 ) then kx = 1 - ( n - 1 )*incx else if ( incx /= 1 ) then kx = 1 end if ! ! Start the operations. In this version the elements of A are ! accessed by sequentially with one pass through A. ! if ( lsame( trans, 'n' ) ) then ! ! Form x : = inv( A )*x. ! if ( lsame( uplo, 'u' ) ) then kplus1 = k + 1 if ( incx == 1 ) then do 20, j = n, 1, -1 if ( x( j ) /= zero ) then l = kplus1 - j if ( nounit ) then x( j ) = x( j )/a( kplus1, j ) end if temp = x( j ) do 10, i = j - 1, max( 1, j - k ), -1 x( i ) = x( i ) - temp*a( l + i, j ) 10 continue end if 20 continue else kx = kx + ( n - 1 )*incx jx = kx do 40, j = n, 1, -1 kx = kx - incx if ( x( jx ) /= zero ) then ix = kx l = kplus1 - j if ( nounit ) then x( jx ) = x( jx )/a( kplus1, j ) end if temp = x( jx ) do 30, i = j - 1, max( 1, j - k ), -1 x( ix ) = x( ix ) - temp*a( l + i, j ) ix = ix - incx 30 continue end if jx = jx - incx 40 continue end if else if ( incx == 1 ) then do 60, j = 1, n if ( x( j ) /= zero ) then l = 1 - j if ( nounit ) then x( j ) = x( j )/a( 1, j ) end if temp = x( j ) do 50, i = j + 1, min( n, j + k ) x( i ) = x( i ) - temp*a( l + i, j ) 50 continue end if 60 continue else jx = kx do 80, j = 1, n kx = kx + incx if ( x( jx ) /= zero ) then ix = kx l = 1 - j if ( nounit ) then x( jx ) = x( jx )/a( 1, j ) end if temp = x( jx ) do 70, i = j + 1, min( n, j + k ) x( ix ) = x( ix ) - temp*a( l + i, j ) ix = ix + incx 70 continue end if jx = jx + incx 80 continue end if end if else ! ! Form x : = inv( A')*x. ! if ( lsame( uplo, 'u' ) ) then kplus1 = k + 1 if ( incx == 1 ) then do 100, j = 1, n temp = x( j ) l = kplus1 - j do 90, i = max( 1, j - k ), j - 1 temp = temp - a( l + i, j )*x( i ) 90 continue if ( nounit ) then temp = temp/a( kplus1, j ) end if x( j ) = temp 100 continue else jx = kx do 120, j = 1, n temp = x( jx ) ix = kx l = kplus1 - j do 110, i = max( 1, j - k ), j - 1 temp = temp - a( l + i, j )*x( ix ) ix = ix + incx 110 continue if ( nounit ) then temp = temp/a( kplus1, j ) end if x( jx ) = temp jx = jx + incx if ( j > k ) then kx = kx + incx end if 120 continue end if else if ( incx == 1 ) then do 140, j = n, 1, -1 temp = x( j ) l = 1 - j do 130, i = min( n, j + k ), j + 1, -1 temp = temp - a( l + i, j )*x( i ) 130 continue if ( nounit ) then temp = temp/a( 1, j ) end if x( j ) = temp 140 continue else kx = kx + ( n - 1 )*incx jx = kx do 160, j = n, 1, -1 temp = x( jx ) ix = kx l = 1 - j do 150, i = min( n, j + k ), j + 1, -1 temp = temp - a( l + i, j )*x( ix ) ix = ix - incx 150 continue if ( nounit ) then temp = temp/a( 1, j ) end if x( jx ) = temp jx = jx - incx if ( ( n - j ) >= k ) then kx = kx - incx end if 160 continue end if end if end if return end subroutine dtrmm(side, uplo, transa, diag, m, n, alpha, a, lda, b, ldb ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DTRMM ??? ! ! character SIDE, UPLO, TRANSA, DIAG integer ( kind = 4 ) M, N, LDA, LDB real ( kind = 8 ) ALPHA real ( kind = 8 ) A( LDA, * ), B( LDB, * ) ! ! DTRMM performs one of the matrix-matrix operations ! ! B : = alpha*op( A )*B, or B := alpha*B*op( A ), ! ! where alpha is a scalar, B is an m by n matrix, A is a unit, or ! non-unit, upper or lower triangular matrix and op( A ) is one of ! ! op( A ) = A or op( A ) = A'. ! ! Parameters ! ! SIDE - character*1. ! On entry, SIDE specifies whether op( A ) multiplies B from ! the left or right as follows: ! ! SIDE = 'L' or 'l' B := alpha*op( A )*B. ! ! SIDE = 'R' or 'r' B := alpha*B*op( A ). ! ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! UPLO - character*1. ! On entry, UPLO specifies whether the matrix A is an upper or ! lower triangular matrix as follows: ! ! UPLO = 'U' or 'u' A is an upper triangular matrix. ! ! UPLO = 'L' or 'l' A is a lower triangular matrix. ! ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! TRANSA - character*1. ! On entry, TRANSA specifies the form of op( A ) to be used in ! the matrix multiplication as follows: ! ! TRANSA = 'N' or 'n' op( A ) = A. ! ! TRANSA = 'T' or 't' op( A ) = A'. ! ! TRANSA = 'C' or 'c' op( A ) = A'. ! ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! DIAG - character*1. ! On entry, DIAG specifies whether or not A is unit triangular ! as follows: ! ! DIAG = 'U' or 'u' A is assumed to be unit triangular. ! ! DIAG = 'N' or 'n' A is not assumed to be unit ! triangular. ! ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! M - integer. ! On entry, M specifies the number of rows of B. M must be at ! least zero. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! N - integer. ! On entry, N specifies the number of columns of B. N must be ! at least zero. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! ALPHA - real ( kind = 8 ). ! On entry, ALPHA specifies the scalar alpha. When alpha is ! zero then A is not referenced and B need not be set before ! entry. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! A - real ( kind = 8 ) array of DIMENSION ( LDA, k ), where k is m ! when SIDE = 'L' or 'l' and is n when SIDE = 'R' or 'r'. ! Before entry with UPLO = 'U' or 'u', the leading k by k ! upper triangular part of the array A must contain the upper ! triangular matrix and the strictly lower triangular part of ! A is not referenced. ! Before entry with UPLO = 'L' or 'l', the leading k by k ! lower triangular part of the array A must contain the lower ! triangular matrix and the strictly upper triangular part of ! A is not referenced. ! Note that when DIAG = 'U' or 'u', the diagonal elements of ! A are not referenced either, but are assumed to be unity. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! LDA - integer. ! On entry, LDA specifies the first dimension of A as declared ! in the calling (sub) program. When SIDE = 'L' or 'l' then ! LDA must be at least max( 1, m ), when SIDE = 'R' or 'r' ! then LDA must be at least max( 1, n ). ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! B - real ( kind = 8 ) array of DIMENSION ( LDB, n ). ! Before entry, the leading m by n part of the array B must ! contain the matrix B, and on exit is overwritten by the ! transformed matrix. ! ! LDB - integer. ! On entry, LDB specifies the first dimension of B as declared ! in the calling (sub) program. LDB must be at least ! max( 1, m ). ! Unchanged on exit. ! logical LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME ! EXTERNAL XERBLA ! logical LSIDE, NOUNIT, UPPER integer ( kind = 4 ) I, INFO, J, K, NROWA real ( kind = 8 ) TEMP ! real ( kind = 8 ) ONE , zero PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, zero = 0.0D+0 ) ! .. ! .. Executable Statements .. ! ! Test the input parameters. ! LSIDE = LSAME( SIDE , 'L' ) if ( LSIDE ) then NROWA = M else NROWA = N end if NOUNIT = LSAME( DIAG , 'N' ) UPPER = LSAME( UPLO , 'U' ) ! INFO = 0 if ( ( .NOT.LSIDE ).and. & ( .NOT.LSAME( SIDE , 'R' ) ) ) then INFO = 1 else if ( ( .NOT.UPPER ).and. & ( .NOT.LSAME( UPLO , 'L' ) ) ) then INFO = 2 else if ( ( .NOT.LSAME( TRANSA, 'N' ) ).and. & ( .NOT.LSAME( TRANSA, 'T' ) ).and. & ( .NOT.LSAME( TRANSA, 'C' ) ) ) then INFO = 3 else if ( ( .NOT.LSAME( DIAG , 'U' ) ).and. & ( .NOT.LSAME( DIAG , 'N' ) ) ) then INFO = 4 else if ( M < 0 ) then INFO = 5 else if ( N < 0 ) then INFO = 6 else if ( LDA < MAX( 1, NROWA ) ) then INFO = 9 else if ( LDB < MAX( 1, M ) ) then INFO = 11 end if if ( INFO.NE.0D+00 ) then CALL XERBLA( 'DTRMM ', INFO ) return end if ! ! Quick return if possible. ! if ( N == 0 ) then return end if ! ! And when alpha == zero. ! if ( ALPHA == zero ) then DO 20, J = 1, N DO 10, I = 1, M B( I, J ) = zero 10 continue 20 continue return end if ! ! Start the operations. ! if ( LSIDE ) then if ( LSAME( TRANSA, 'N' ) ) then ! ! Form B : = alpha*A*B. ! if ( UPPER ) then DO 50, J = 1, N DO 40, K = 1, M if ( B( K, J ) ) then TEMP = ALPHA*B( K, J ) DO I = 1, K - 1 B( I, J ) = B( I, J ) + TEMP*A( I, K ) end do if ( NOUNIT ) then TEMP = TEMP*A( K, K ) end if B( K, J ) = TEMP end if 40 continue 50 continue else DO 80, J = 1, N DO 70 K = M, 1, -1 if ( B( K, J ) ) then TEMP = ALPHA*B( K, J ) B( K, J ) = TEMP if ( NOUNIT ) then B( K, J ) = B( K, J )*A( K, K ) end if DO 60, I = K + 1, M B( I, J ) = B( I, J ) + TEMP*A( I, K ) 60 continue end if 70 continue 80 continue end if else ! ! Form B : = alpha*B*A'. ! if ( UPPER ) then DO 110, J = 1, N DO 100, I = M, 1, -1 TEMP = B( I, J ) if ( NOUNIT ) then TEMP = TEMP*A( I, I ) end if DO 90, K = 1, I - 1 TEMP = TEMP + A( K, I )*B( K, J ) 90 continue B( I, J ) = ALPHA*TEMP 100 continue 110 continue else DO 140, J = 1, N DO 130, I = 1, M TEMP = B( I, J ) if ( NOUNIT ) then TEMP = TEMP*A( I, I ) end if DO 120, K = I + 1, M TEMP = TEMP + A( K, I )*B( K, J ) 120 continue B( I, J ) = ALPHA*TEMP 130 continue 140 continue end if end if else if ( LSAME( TRANSA, 'N' ) ) then ! ! Form B : = alpha*B*A. ! if ( UPPER ) then DO 180, J = N, 1, -1 TEMP = ALPHA if ( NOUNIT ) then TEMP = TEMP*A( J, J ) end if DO 150, I = 1, M B( I, J ) = TEMP*B( I, J ) 150 continue DO 170, K = 1, J - 1 if ( A( K, J ) ) then TEMP = ALPHA*A( K, J ) DO 160, I = 1, M B( I, J ) = B( I, J ) + TEMP*B( I, K ) 160 continue end if 170 continue 180 continue else DO 220, J = 1, N TEMP = ALPHA if ( NOUNIT ) then TEMP = TEMP*A( J, J ) end if DO 190, I = 1, M B( I, J ) = TEMP*B( I, J ) 190 continue DO 210, K = J + 1, N if ( A( K, J ) ) then TEMP = ALPHA*A( K, J ) DO 200, I = 1, M B( I, J ) = B( I, J ) + TEMP*B( I, K ) 200 continue end if 210 continue 220 continue end if else ! ! Form B : = alpha*B*A'. ! if ( UPPER ) then DO 260, K = 1, N DO 240, J = 1, K - 1 if ( A( J, K ) ) then TEMP = ALPHA*A( J, K ) DO 230, I = 1, M B( I, J ) = B( I, J ) + TEMP*B( I, K ) 230 continue end if 240 continue TEMP = ALPHA if ( NOUNIT ) then TEMP = TEMP*A( K, K ) end if if ( TEMP.NE.ONE ) then DO 250, I = 1, M B( I, K ) = TEMP*B( I, K ) 250 continue end if 260 continue else DO 300, K = N, 1, -1 DO 280, J = K + 1, N if ( A( J, K ) ) then TEMP = ALPHA*A( J, K ) DO 270, I = 1, M B( I, J ) = B( I, J ) + TEMP*B( I, K ) 270 continue end if 280 continue TEMP = ALPHA if ( NOUNIT ) then TEMP = TEMP*A( K, K ) end if if ( TEMP.NE.ONE ) then DO 290, I = 1, M B( I, K ) = TEMP*B( I, K ) 290 continue end if 300 continue end if end if end if return end subroutine dtrmv(uplo, trans, diag, n, a, lda, x, incx ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DTRMV ??? ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) INCX, LDA, N character DIAG, TRANS, UPLO real ( kind = 8 ) A( LDA, * ), X( * ) ! ! DTRMV performs one of the matrix-vector operations ! ! x : = A*x, or x := A'*x, ! ! where x is an n element vector and A is an n by n unit, or non-unit, ! upper or lower triangular matrix. ! ! Parameters ! ! UPLO - character*1. ! On entry, UPLO specifies whether the matrix is an upper or ! lower triangular matrix as follows: ! ! UPLO = 'U' or 'u' A is an upper triangular matrix. ! ! UPLO = 'L' or 'l' A is a lower triangular matrix. ! ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! TRANS - character*1. ! On entry, TRANS specifies the operation to be performed as ! follows: ! ! TRANS = 'N' or 'n' x := A*x. ! ! TRANS = 'T' or 't' x := A'*x. ! ! TRANS = 'C' or 'c' x := A'*x. ! ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! DIAG - character*1. ! On entry, DIAG specifies whether or not A is unit ! triangular as follows: ! ! DIAG = 'U' or 'u' A is assumed to be unit triangular. ! ! DIAG = 'N' or 'n' A is not assumed to be unit ! triangular. ! ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! N - integer. ! On entry, N specifies the order of the matrix A. ! N must be at least zero. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! A - real ( kind = 8 ) array of DIMENSION ( LDA, n ). ! Before entry with UPLO = 'U' or 'u', the leading n by n ! upper triangular part of the array A must contain the upper ! triangular matrix and the strictly lower triangular part of ! A is not referenced. ! Before entry with UPLO = 'L' or 'l', the leading n by n ! lower triangular part of the array A must contain the lower ! triangular matrix and the strictly upper triangular part of ! A is not referenced. ! Note that when DIAG = 'U' or 'u', the diagonal elements of ! A are not referenced either, but are assumed to be unity. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! LDA - integer. ! On entry, LDA specifies the first dimension of A as declared ! in the calling (sub) program. LDA must be at least ! max( 1, n ). ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! X - real ( kind = 8 ) array of dimension at least ! ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ). ! Before entry, the incremented array X must contain the n ! element vector x. On exit, X is overwritten with the ! tranformed vector x. ! ! INCX - integer. ! On entry, INCX specifies the increment for the elements of ! X. INCX must not be zero. ! Unchanged on exit. ! real ( kind = 8 ) zero PARAMETER ( zero = 0.0D+0 ) ! .. Local Scalars .. real ( kind = 8 ) TEMP integer ( kind = 4 ) I, INFO, IX, J, JX, KX logical NOUNIT ! .. External Functions .. logical LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME ! .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL XERBLA ! .. Intrinsic Functions .. ! ! Test the input parameters. ! INFO = 0 IF ( .NOT.LSAME( UPLO , 'U' ).and. & .NOT.LSAME( UPLO , 'L' ) ) then INFO = 1 else if ( .NOT.LSAME( TRANS, 'N' ).and. & .NOT.LSAME( TRANS, 'T' ).and. & .NOT.LSAME( TRANS, 'C' ) ) then INFO = 2 else if ( .NOT.LSAME( DIAG , 'U' ).and. & .NOT.LSAME( DIAG , 'N' ) ) then INFO = 3 else if ( N < 0 ) then INFO = 4 else if ( LDA < MAX( 1, N ) ) then INFO = 6 else if ( INCX == 0 ) then INFO = 8 end if if ( INFO.NE.0D+00 ) then CALL XERBLA( 'DTRMV ', INFO ) return end if if ( N == 0 ) then return end if NOUNIT = LSAME( DIAG, 'N' ) ! ! Set up the start point in X if the increment is not unity. This ! will be ( N - 1 )*INCX too small for descending loops. ! if ( INCX <= 0 ) then KX = 1 - ( N - 1 )*INCX else if ( INCX.NE.1 ) then KX = 1 end if ! ! Start the operations. In this version the elements of A are ! accessed sequentially with one pass through A. ! if ( LSAME( TRANS, 'N' ) ) then ! ! Form x : = A*x. ! if ( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) then if ( INCX == 1 ) then DO 20, J = 1, N if ( X( J ) ) then TEMP = X( J ) DO 10, I = 1, J - 1 X( I ) = X( I ) + TEMP*A( I, J ) 10 continue if ( NOUNIT ) then X( J ) = X( J )*A( J, J ) end if end if 20 continue else JX = KX DO 40, J = 1, N if ( X( JX ) ) then TEMP = X( JX ) IX = KX DO 30, I = 1, J - 1 X( IX ) = X( IX ) + TEMP*A( I, J ) IX = IX + INCX 30 continue if ( NOUNIT ) then X( JX ) = X( JX )*A( J, J ) end if end if JX = JX + INCX 40 continue end if else if ( INCX == 1 ) then DO 60, J = N, 1, -1 if ( X( J ) ) then TEMP = X( J ) DO 50, I = N, J + 1, -1 X( I ) = X( I ) + TEMP*A( I, J ) 50 continue if ( NOUNIT ) then X( J ) = X( J )*A( J, J ) end if end if 60 continue else KX = KX + ( N - 1 )*INCX JX = KX DO 80, J = N, 1, -1 if ( X( JX ) ) then TEMP = X( JX ) IX = KX DO 70, I = N, J + 1, -1 X( IX ) = X( IX ) + TEMP*A( I, J ) IX = IX - INCX 70 continue if ( NOUNIT ) then X( JX ) = X( JX )*A( J, J ) end if end if JX = JX - INCX 80 continue end if end if else ! ! Form x : = A'*x. ! if ( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) then if ( INCX == 1 ) then DO 100, J = N, 1, -1 TEMP = X( J ) if ( NOUNIT ) then TEMP = TEMP*A( J, J ) end if DO 90, I = J - 1, 1, -1 TEMP = TEMP + A( I, J )*X( I ) 90 continue X( J ) = TEMP 100 continue else JX = KX + ( N - 1 )*INCX DO 120, J = N, 1, -1 TEMP = X( JX ) IX = JX if ( NOUNIT ) then TEMP = TEMP*A( J, J ) end if DO 110, I = J - 1, 1, -1 IX = IX - INCX TEMP = TEMP + A( I, J )*X( IX ) 110 continue X( JX ) = TEMP JX = JX - INCX 120 continue end if else if ( INCX == 1 ) then DO J = 1, N TEMP = X( J ) if ( NOUNIT ) then TEMP = TEMP*A( J, J ) end if DO I = J + 1, N TEMP = TEMP + A( I, J )*X( I ) end do X( J ) = TEMP end do else JX = KX DO 160, J = 1, N TEMP = X( JX ) IX = JX if ( NOUNIT ) then TEMP = TEMP*A( J, J ) end if DO 150, I = J + 1, N IX = IX + INCX TEMP = TEMP + A( I, J )*X( IX ) 150 continue X( JX ) = TEMP JX = JX + INCX 160 continue end if end if end if return end subroutine dtrsm(side,uplo,transa,diag,m,n,alpha,a,lda,b,ldb) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DTRSM ??? ! character side, uplo, transa, diag integer ( kind = 4 ) m, n, lda, ldb real ( kind = 8 ) alpha real ( kind = 8 ) a( lda, * ), b( ldb, * ) ! ! DTRSM solves one of the matrix equations ! ! op( A )*X = alpha*B, or X*op( A ) = alpha*B, ! ! where alpha is a scalar, X and B are m by n matrices, A is a unit, or ! non-unit, upper or lower triangular matrix and op( A ) is one of ! ! op( A ) = A or op( A ) = A'. ! ! The matrix X is overwritten on B. ! ! Parameters ! ! SIDE - character*1. ! On entry, SIDE specifies whether op( A ) appears on the left ! or right of X as follows: ! ! SIDE = 'L' or 'l' op( A )*X = alpha*B. ! ! SIDE = 'R' or 'r' X*op( A ) = alpha*B. ! ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! UPLO - character*1. ! On entry, UPLO specifies whether the matrix A is an upper or ! lower triangular matrix as follows: ! ! UPLO = 'U' or 'u' A is an upper triangular matrix. ! ! UPLO = 'L' or 'l' A is a lower triangular matrix. ! ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! TRANSA - character*1. ! On entry, TRANSA specifies the form of op( A ) to be used in ! the matrix multiplication as follows: ! ! TRANSA = 'N' or 'n' op( A ) = A. ! ! TRANSA = 'T' or 't' op( A ) = A'. ! ! TRANSA = 'C' or 'c' op( A ) = A'. ! ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! DIAG - character*1. ! On entry, DIAG specifies whether or not A is unit triangular ! as follows: ! ! DIAG = 'U' or 'u' A is assumed to be unit triangular. ! ! DIAG = 'N' or 'n' A is not assumed to be unit ! triangular. ! ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! M - integer. ! On entry, M specifies the number of rows of B. M must be at ! least zero. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! N - integer. ! On entry, N specifies the number of columns of B. N must be ! at least zero. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! ALPHA - real ( kind = 8 ). ! On entry, ALPHA specifies the scalar alpha. When alpha is ! zero then A is not referenced and B need not be set before ! entry. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! A - real ( kind = 8 ) array of DIMENSION ( LDA, k ), where k is m ! when SIDE = 'L' or 'l' and is n when SIDE = 'R' or 'r'. ! Before entry with UPLO = 'U' or 'u', the leading k by k ! upper triangular part of the array A must contain the upper ! triangular matrix and the strictly lower triangular part of ! A is not referenced. ! Before entry with UPLO = 'L' or 'l', the leading k by k ! lower triangular part of the array A must contain the lower ! triangular matrix and the strictly upper triangular part of ! A is not referenced. ! Note that when DIAG = 'U' or 'u', the diagonal elements of ! A are not referenced either, but are assumed to be unity. ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! LDA - integer. ! On entry, LDA specifies the first dimension of A as declared ! in the calling (sub) program. When SIDE = 'L' or 'l' then ! LDA must be at least max( 1, m ), when SIDE = 'R' or 'r' ! then LDA must be at least max( 1, n ). ! Unchanged on exit. ! ! B - real ( kind = 8 ) array of DIMENSION ( LDB, n ). ! Before entry, the leading m by n part of the array B must ! contain the right-hand side matrix B, and on exit is ! overwritten by the solution matrix X. ! ! LDB - integer. ! On entry, LDB specifies the first dimension of B as declared ! in the calling (sub) program. LDB must be at least ! max( 1, m ). ! Unchanged on exit. ! logical lsame external lsame external xerbla logical lside, nounit, upper integer ( kind = 4 ) i, info, j, k, nrowa real ( kind = 8 ) temp ! .. Parameters .. real ( kind = 8 ) one , zero parameter ( one = 1.0d+0, zero = 0.0d+0 ) ! ! Test the input parameters. ! lside = lsame( side , 'l' ) if ( lside ) then nrowa = m else nrowa = n end if nounit = lsame( diag , 'n' ) upper = lsame( uplo , 'u' ) ! info = 0 if ( ( .not.lside ).and. & ( .not.lsame( side , 'r' ) ) ) then info = 1 else if ( ( .not.upper ).and. & ( .not.lsame( uplo , 'l' ) ) ) then info = 2 else if ( ( .not.lsame( transa, 'n' ) ).and. & ( .not.lsame( transa, 't' ) ).and. & ( .not.lsame( transa, 'c' ) ) ) then info = 3 else if ( ( .not.lsame( diag , 'u' ) ).and. & ( .not.lsame( diag , 'n' ) ) ) then info = 4 else if ( m < 0 ) then info = 5 else if ( n < 0 ) then info = 6 else if ( lda < max( 1, nrowa ) ) then info = 9 else if ( ldb < max( 1, m ) ) then info = 11 end if if ( info /= 0 ) then call xerbla( 'dtrsm ', info ) return end if if ( n == 0 ) then return end if ! ! And when alpha == zero. ! if ( alpha == zero ) then do 20, j = 1, n do 10, i = 1, m b( i, j ) = zero 10 continue 20 continue return end if ! ! Start the operations. ! if ( lside ) then if ( lsame( transa, 'n' ) ) then ! ! Form B : = alpha*inv( A )*B. ! if ( upper ) then do 60, j = 1, n if ( alpha /= one ) then do 30, i = 1, m b( i, j ) = alpha*b( i, j ) 30 continue end if do 50, k = m, 1, -1 if ( b( k, j ) /= zero ) then if ( nounit ) then b( k, j ) = b( k, j )/a( k, k ) end if do 40, i = 1, k - 1 b( i, j ) = b( i, j ) - b( k, j )*a( i, k ) 40 continue end if 50 continue 60 continue else do 100, j = 1, n if ( alpha /= one ) then do i = 1, m b( i, j ) = alpha*b( i, j ) end do end if do 90 k = 1, m if ( b( k, j ) /= zero ) then if ( nounit ) then b( k, j ) = b( k, j )/a( k, k ) end if do i = k + 1, m b( i, j ) = b( i, j ) - b( k, j )*a( i, k ) end do end if 90 continue 100 continue end if else ! ! Form B : = alpha*inv( A' )*B. ! if ( upper ) then do 130, j = 1, n do 120, i = 1, m temp = alpha*b( i, j ) do 110, k = 1, i - 1 temp = temp - a( k, i )*b( k, j ) 110 continue if ( nounit ) then temp = temp/a( i, i ) end if b( i, j ) = temp 120 continue 130 continue else do 160, j = 1, n do 150, i = m, 1, -1 temp = alpha*b( i, j ) do 140, k = i + 1, m temp = temp - a( k, i )*b( k, j ) 140 continue if ( nounit ) then temp = temp/a( i, i ) end if b( i, j ) = temp 150 continue 160 continue end if end if else if ( lsame( transa, 'n' ) ) then ! ! Form B : = alpha*B*inv( A ). ! if ( upper ) then do 210, j = 1, n if ( alpha /= one ) then do 170, i = 1, m b( i, j ) = alpha*b( i, j ) 170 continue end if do 190, k = 1, j - 1 if ( a( k, j ) /= zero ) then do 180, i = 1, m b( i, j ) = b( i, j ) - a( k, j )*b( i, k ) 180 continue end if 190 continue if ( nounit ) then temp = one/a( j, j ) do i = 1, m b( i, j ) = temp*b( i, j ) end do end if 210 continue else do 260, j = n, 1, -1 if ( alpha /= one ) then do i = 1, m b( i, j ) = alpha*b( i, j ) end do end if do 240, k = j + 1, n if ( a( k, j ) /= zero ) then do 230, i = 1, m b( i, j ) = b( i, j ) - a( k, j )*b( i, k ) 230 continue end if 240 continue if ( nounit ) then temp = one/a( j, j ) do 250, i = 1, m b( i, j ) = temp*b( i, j ) 250 continue end if 260 continue end if else ! ! Form B : = alpha*B*inv( A' ). ! if ( upper ) then do 310, k = n, 1, -1 if ( nounit ) then temp = one/a( k, k ) do 270, i = 1, m b( i, k ) = temp*b( i, k ) 270 continue end if do 290, j = 1, k - 1 if ( a( j, k ) /= zero ) then temp = a( j, k ) do 280, i = 1, m b( i, j ) = b( i, j ) - temp*b( i, k ) 280 continue end if 290 continue if ( alpha /= one ) then do 300, i = 1, m b( i, k ) = alpha*b( i, k ) 300 continue end if 310 continue else do 360, k = 1, n if ( nounit ) then temp = one/a( k, k ) do 320, i = 1, m b( i, k ) = temp*b( i, k ) 320 continue end if do 340, j = k + 1, n if ( a( j, k ) /= zero ) then temp = a( j, k ) do 330, i = 1, m b( i, j ) = b( i, j ) - temp*b( i, k ) 330 continue end if 340 continue if ( alpha /= one ) then do 350, i = 1, m b( i, k ) = alpha*b( i, k ) 350 continue end if 360 continue end if end if end if ! return end function idamax(n,dx,incx) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! IDAMAX FINDS THE INDEX OF ELEMENT HAVING MAX. ABSOLUTE VALUE. ! real ( kind = 8 ) dmax real ( kind = 8 ) dx(*) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) idamax integer ( kind = 4 ) incx integer ( kind = 4 ) ix integer ( kind = 4 ) n ! idamax = 0 if ( n < 1 ) return idamax = 1 if ( n == 1)return if ( incx == 1)go to 20 ! ix = 1 dmax = abs(dx(1)) ix = ix + incx do i = 2,n if ( abs(dx(ix)) > dmax) then idamax = i dmax = abs(dx(ix)) ix = ix + incx end if end do return ! 20 dmax = abs(dx(1)) do i = 2,n if ( abs(dx(i)) > dmax) then idamax = i dmax = abs(dx(i)) end if end do return end function ilaenv( ispec, name, opts, n1, n2, n3, n4 ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! ILAENV ??? ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) ilaenv character*( * ) NAME, OPTS integer ( kind = 4 ) ISPEC, N1, N2, N3, N4 ! ! ILAENV is called from the LAPACK routines to choose problem-dependent ! parameters for the local environment. See ISPEC for a description of ! the parameters. ! ! This version provides a set of parameters which should give good, ! but not optimal, performance on many of the currently available ! computers. Users are encouraged to modify this subroutine to set ! the tuning parameters for their particular machine using the option ! and problem size information in the arguments. ! ! This routine will not function correctly if it is converted to all ! lower case. Converting it to all upper case is allowed. ! ! Arguments ! ! ISPEC (input) integer ! Specifies the parameter to be returned as the value of ! ILAENV. ! = 1: the optimal blocksize; if this value is 1, an unblocked ! algorithm will give the best performance. ! = 2: the minimum block size for which the block routine ! should be used; if the usable block size is less than ! this value, an unblocked routine should be used. ! = 3: the crossover point (in a block routine, for N less ! than this value, an unblocked routine should be used) ! = 4: the number of shifts, used in the nonsymmetric ! eigenvalue routines ! = 5: the minimum column dimension for blocking to be used; ! rectangular blocks must have dimension at least k by m, ! where k is given by ILAENV(2,...) and m by ILAENV(5,...) ! = 6: the crossover point for the SVD (when reducing an m by n ! matrix to bidiagonal form, if max(m,n)/min(m,n) exceeds ! this value, a QR factorization is used first to reduce ! the matrix to a triangular form.) ! = 7: the number of processors ! = 8: the crossover point for the multishift QR and QZ methods ! for nonsymmetric eigenvalue problems. ! ! NAME (input) character*(*) ! The name of the calling subroutine, in either upper case or ! lower case. ! ! OPTS (input) character*(*) ! The character options to the subroutine NAME, concatenated ! into a single character string. For example, UPLO = 'U', ! TRANS = 'T', and DIAG = 'N' for a triangular routine would ! be specified as OPTS = 'UTN'. ! ! N1 (input) integer ! N2 (input) integer ! N3 (input) integer ! N4 (input) integer ! Problem dimensions for the subroutine NAME; these may not all ! be required. ! ! (ILAENV) (output) integer ! >= 0: the value of the parameter specified by ISPEC ! < 0: if ILAENV = -k, the k-th argument had an illegal value. ! ! Further Details ! ! The following conventions have been used when calling ILAENV from the ! LAPACK routines: ! 1) OPTS is a concatenation of all of the character options to ! subroutine NAME, in the same order that they appear in the ! argument list for NAME, even if they are not used in determining ! the value of the parameter specified by ISPEC. ! 2) The problem dimensions N1, N2, N3, N4 are specified in the order ! that they appear in the argument list for NAME. N1 is used ! first, N2 second, and so on, and unused problem dimensions are ! passed a value of -1. ! 3) The parameter value returned by ILAENV is checked for validity in ! the calling subroutine. For example, ILAENV is used to retrieve ! the optimal blocksize for STRTRI as follows: ! ! NB = ILAENV( 1, 'STRTRI', UPLO // DIAG, N, -1, -1, -1 ) ! if ( NB <= 1 ) NB = MAX( 1, N ) ! ! .. Local Scalars .. logical CNAME, SNAME character C1 character ( len = 2 ) C2, C4 character ( len = 3 ) C3 character ( len = 6 ) SUBNAM integer ( kind = 4 ) I, IC, IZ, NB, NBMIN, NX ! .. ! .. Intrinsic Functions .. ! go to ( 100, 100, 100, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800 ) ISPEC ! ! Invalid value for ISPEC ! ILAENV = -1 return ! 100 continue ! ! Convert NAME to upper case if the first character is lower case. ! ILAENV = 1 SUBNAM = NAME IC = ICHAR( SUBNAM( 1:1 ) ) IZ = ICHAR( 'Z' ) if ( IZ == 90 .OR. IZ == 122 ) then ! ! ASCII character set ! if ( IC >= 97 .and. IC <= 122 ) then SUBNAM( 1:1 ) = CHAR( IC-32 ) DO 10 I = 2, 6 IC = ICHAR( SUBNAM( I:I ) ) if ( IC >= 97 .and. IC <= 122 ) then SUBNAM( I:I ) = CHAR( IC-32 ) end if 10 continue end if ! else if ( IZ == 233 .OR. IZ == 169 ) then ! ! EBCDIC character set ! if ( ( IC >= 129 .and. IC <= 137 ) .OR. & ( IC >= 145 .and. IC <= 153 ) .OR. & ( IC >= 162 .and. IC <= 169 ) ) then SUBNAM( 1:1 ) = CHAR( IC+64 ) DO 20 I = 2, 6 IC = ICHAR( SUBNAM( I:I ) ) if ( ( IC >= 129 .and. IC <= 137 ) .OR. & ( IC >= 145 .and. IC <= 153 ) .OR. & ( IC >= 162 .and. IC <= 169 ) ) then SUBNAM( I:I ) = CHAR( IC+64 ) end if 20 continue end if ! else if ( IZ == 218 .OR. IZ == 250 ) then ! ! Prime machines: ASCII+128 ! if ( IC >= 225 .and. IC <= 250 ) then SUBNAM( 1:1 ) = CHAR( IC-32 ) DO 30 I = 2, 6 IC = ICHAR( SUBNAM( I:I ) ) if ( IC >= 225 .and. IC <= 250 ) then SUBNAM( I:I ) = CHAR( IC-32 ) end if 30 continue end if end if ! C1 = SUBNAM( 1:1 ) SNAME = C1 == 'S' .OR. C1 == 'D' CNAME = C1 == 'C' .OR. C1 == 'Z' if ( .NOT.( CNAME .OR. SNAME ) ) then return end if C2 = SUBNAM( 2:3 ) C3 = SUBNAM( 4:6 ) C4 = C3( 2:3 ) ! go to ( 110, 200, 300 ) ISPEC ! 110 continue ! ! ISPEC = 1: block size ! ! In these examples, separate code is provided for setting NB for ! real and complex. We assume that NB will take the same value in ! single or real ( kind = 8 ). ! NB = 1 ! if ( C2 == 'GE' ) then if ( C3 == 'TRF' ) then if ( SNAME ) then NB = 64 else NB = 64 end if else if ( C3 == 'QRF' .OR. C3 == 'RQF' .OR. C3 == 'LQF' .OR. & C3 == 'QLF' ) then if ( SNAME ) then NB = 32 else NB = 32 end if else if ( C3 == 'HRD' ) then if ( SNAME ) then NB = 32 else NB = 32 end if else if ( C3 == 'BRD' ) then if ( SNAME ) then NB = 32 else NB = 32 end if else if ( C3 == 'TRI' ) then if ( SNAME ) then NB = 64 else NB = 64 end if end if else if ( C2 == 'PO' ) then if ( C3 == 'TRF' ) then if ( SNAME ) then NB = 64 else NB = 64 end if end if else if ( C2 == 'SY' ) then if ( C3 == 'TRF' ) then if ( SNAME ) then NB = 64 else NB = 64 end if else if ( SNAME .and. C3 == 'TRD' ) then NB = 1 else if ( SNAME .and. C3 == 'GST' ) then NB = 64 end if else if ( CNAME .and. C2 == 'HE' ) then if ( C3 == 'TRF' ) then NB = 64 else if ( C3 == 'TRD' ) then NB = 1 else if ( C3 == 'GST' ) then NB = 64 end if else if ( SNAME .and. C2 == 'OR' ) then if ( C3( 1:1 ) == 'G' ) then if ( C4 == 'QR' .OR. C4 == 'RQ' .OR. C4 == 'LQ' .OR. & C4 == 'QL' .OR. C4 == 'HR' .OR. C4 == 'TR' .OR. & C4 == 'BR' ) then NB = 32 end if else if ( C3( 1:1 ) == 'M' ) then if ( C4 == 'QR' .OR. C4 == 'RQ' .OR. C4 == 'LQ' .OR. & C4 == 'QL' .OR. C4 == 'HR' .OR. C4 == 'TR' .OR. & C4 == 'BR' ) then NB = 32 end if end if else if ( CNAME .and. C2 == 'UN' ) then if ( C3( 1:1 ) == 'G' ) then if ( C4 == 'QR' .OR. C4 == 'RQ' .OR. C4 == 'LQ' .OR. & C4 == 'QL' .OR. C4 == 'HR' .OR. C4 == 'TR' .OR. & C4 == 'BR' ) then NB = 32 end if else if ( C3( 1:1 ) == 'M' ) then if ( C4 == 'QR' .OR. C4 == 'RQ' .OR. C4 == 'LQ' .OR. & C4 == 'QL' .OR. C4 == 'HR' .OR. C4 == 'TR' .OR. & C4 == 'BR' ) then NB = 32 end if end if else if ( C2 == 'GB' ) then if ( C3 == 'TRF' ) then if ( SNAME ) then if ( N4 <= 64 ) then NB = 1 else NB = 32 end if else if ( N4 <= 64 ) then NB = 1 else NB = 32 end if end if end if else if ( C2 == 'PB' ) then if ( C3 == 'TRF' ) then if ( SNAME ) then if ( N2 <= 64 ) then NB = 1 else NB = 32 end if else if ( N2 <= 64 ) then NB = 1 else NB = 32 end if end if end if else if ( C2 == 'TR' ) then if ( C3 == 'TRI' ) then if ( SNAME ) then NB = 64 else NB = 64 end if end if else if ( C2 == 'LA' ) then if ( C3 == 'UUM' ) then if ( SNAME ) then NB = 64 else NB = 64 end if end if else if ( SNAME .and. C2 == 'ST' ) then if ( C3 == 'EBZ' ) then NB = 1 end if end if ILAENV = NB return ! 200 continue ! ! ISPEC = 2: minimum block size ! NBMIN = 2 if ( C2 == 'GE' ) then if ( C3 == 'QRF' .OR. C3 == 'RQF' .OR. C3 == 'LQF' .OR. C3 == 'QLF' ) then if ( SNAME ) then NBMIN = 2 else NBMIN = 2 end if else if ( C3 == 'HRD' ) then if ( SNAME ) then NBMIN = 2 else NBMIN = 2 end if else if ( C3 == 'BRD' ) then if ( SNAME ) then NBMIN = 2 else NBMIN = 2 end if else if ( C3 == 'TRI' ) then if ( SNAME ) then NBMIN = 2 else NBMIN = 2 end if end if else if ( C2 == 'SY' ) then if ( C3 == 'TRF' ) then if ( SNAME ) then NBMIN = 8 else NBMIN = 8 end if else if ( SNAME .and. C3 == 'TRD' ) then NBMIN = 2 end if else if ( CNAME .and. C2 == 'HE' ) then if ( C3 == 'TRD' ) then NBMIN = 2 end if else if ( SNAME .and. C2 == 'OR' ) then if ( C3( 1:1 ) == 'G' ) then if ( C4 == 'QR' .OR. C4 == 'RQ' .OR. C4 == 'LQ' .OR. & C4 == 'QL' .OR. C4 == 'HR' .OR. C4 == 'TR' .OR. & C4 == 'BR' ) then NBMIN = 2 end if else if ( C3( 1:1 ) == 'M' ) then if ( C4 == 'QR' .OR. C4 == 'RQ' .OR. C4 == 'LQ' .OR. & C4 == 'QL' .OR. C4 == 'HR' .OR. C4 == 'TR' .OR. & C4 == 'BR' ) then NBMIN = 2 end if end if else if ( CNAME .and. C2 == 'UN' ) then if ( C3( 1:1 ) == 'G' ) then if ( C4 == 'QR' .OR. C4 == 'RQ' .OR. C4 == 'LQ' .OR. & C4 == 'QL' .OR. C4 == 'HR' .OR. C4 == 'TR' .OR. & C4 == 'BR' ) then NBMIN = 2 end if else if ( C3( 1:1 ) == 'M' ) then if ( C4 == 'QR' .OR. C4 == 'RQ' .OR. C4 == 'LQ' .OR. & C4 == 'QL' .OR. C4 == 'HR' .OR. C4 == 'TR' .OR. & C4 == 'BR' ) then NBMIN = 2 end if end if end if ILAENV = NBMIN return ! 300 continue ! ! ISPEC = 3: crossover point ! NX = 0 if ( C2 == 'GE' ) then if ( C3 == 'QRF' .OR. C3 == 'RQF' .OR. C3 == 'LQF' .OR. C3 == 'QLF' ) then if ( SNAME ) then NX = 128 else NX = 128 end if else if ( C3 == 'HRD' ) then if ( SNAME ) then NX = 128 else NX = 128 end if else if ( C3 == 'BRD' ) then if ( SNAME ) then NX = 128 else NX = 128 end if end if else if ( C2 == 'SY' ) then if ( SNAME .and. C3 == 'TRD' ) then NX = 1 end if else if ( CNAME .and. C2 == 'HE' ) then if ( C3 == 'TRD' ) then NX = 1 end if else if ( SNAME .and. C2 == 'OR' ) then if ( C3( 1:1 ) == 'G' ) then if ( C4 == 'QR' .OR. C4 == 'RQ' .OR. C4 == 'LQ' .OR. & C4 == 'QL' .OR. C4 == 'HR' .OR. C4 == 'TR' .OR. & C4 == 'BR' ) then NX = 128 end if end if else if ( CNAME .and. C2 == 'UN' ) then if ( C3( 1:1 ) == 'G' ) then if ( C4 == 'QR' .OR. C4 == 'RQ' .OR. C4 == 'LQ' .OR. & C4 == 'QL' .OR. C4 == 'HR' .OR. C4 == 'TR' .OR. & C4 == 'BR' ) then NX = 128 end if end if end if ILAENV = NX return ! 400 continue ! ! ISPEC = 4: number of shifts (used by xHSEQR) ! ILAENV = 6 return ! 500 continue ! ! ISPEC = 5: minimum column dimension (not used) ! ILAENV = 2 return ! 600 continue ! ! ISPEC = 6: crossover point for SVD (used by xGELSS and xGESVD) ! ILAENV = INT( real( MIN( N1, N2 ) )*1.6E0 ) return ! 700 continue ! ! ISPEC = 7: number of processors (not used) ! ILAENV = 1 return ! 800 continue ! ! ISPEC = 8: crossover point for multishift (used by xHSEQR) ! ILAENV = 50 return end function lsame( ca, cb ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! LSAME ??? ! character CA, CB logical lsame ! .. ! ! Purpose ! ! LSAME returns .TRUE. if CA is the same letter as CB regardless of ! case. ! ! Arguments ! ! CA (input) character*1 ! CB (input) character*1 ! CA and CB specify the single characters to be compared. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) INTA, INTB, ZCODE ! ! Test if the characters are equal ! LSAME = CA == CB if ( LSAME ) then return end if ! ! Now test for equivalence if both characters are alphabetic. ! ZCODE = ICHAR( 'Z' ) ! ! Use 'Z' rather than 'A' so that ASCII can be detected on Prime ! machines, on which ICHAR returns a value with bit 8 set. ! ICHAR('A') on Prime machines returns 193 which is the same as ! ICHAR('A') on an EBCDIC machine. ! INTA = ICHAR( CA ) INTB = ICHAR( CB ) ! if ( ZCODE == 90 .OR. ZCODE == 122 ) then ! ! ASCII is assumed - ZCODE is the ASCII code of either lower or ! upper case 'Z'. ! if ( INTA >= 97 .and. INTA <= 122 ) INTA = INTA - 32 if ( INTB >= 97 .and. INTB <= 122 ) INTB = INTB - 32 ! else if ( ZCODE == 233 .OR. ZCODE == 169 ) then ! ! EBCDIC is assumed - ZCODE is the EBCDIC code of either lower or ! upper case 'Z'. ! if ( INTA >= 129 .and. INTA <= 137 .OR. & INTA >= 145 .and. INTA <= 153 .OR. & INTA >= 162 .and. INTA <= 169 ) INTA = INTA + 64 if ( INTB >= 129 .and. INTB <= 137 .OR. & INTB >= 145 .and. INTB <= 153 .OR. & INTB >= 162 .and. INTB <= 169 ) INTB = INTB + 64 ! else if ( ZCODE == 218 .OR. ZCODE == 250 ) then ! ! ASCII is assumed, on Prime machines - ZCODE is the ASCII code ! plus 128 of either lower or upper case 'Z'. ! if ( INTA >= 225 .and. INTA <= 250 ) INTA = INTA - 32 if ( INTB >= 225 .and. INTB <= 250 ) INTB = INTB - 32 end if LSAME = INTA == INTB return end subroutine xerbla(srname,info) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! XERBLA is an error handler for the LAPACK routines. ! ! It is called by an LAPACK routine if an input parameter has an ! invalid value. A message is printed and execution stops. ! ! Installers may consider modifying the STOP statement in order to ! call system-specific exception-handling facilities. ! ! Arguments ! ! SRNAME (input) character*6 ! The name of the routine which called XERBLA. ! ! INFO (input) integer ! The position of the invalid parameter in the parameter list ! of the calling routine. ! character ( len = 6 ) SRNAME integer ( kind = 4 ) INFO ! WRITE( *, FMT = 9999 )SRNAME, INFO STOP 9999 FORMAT( ' ** On entry to ', A6, ' parameter number ', I2, ' had ', & 'an illegal value' ) end function dlamch ( CMACH ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DLAMCH ??? ! character CMACH ! ! dlamch determines real ( kind = 8 ) machine parameters. ! ! Arguments ! ! CMACH (input) character ! Specifies the value to be returned by dlamch: ! = 'E' or 'e', dlamch := eps ! = 'S' or 's , dlamch := sfmin ! = 'B' or 'b', dlamch := base ! = 'P' or 'p', dlamch := eps*base ! = 'N' or 'n', dlamch := t ! = 'R' or 'r', dlamch := rnd ! = 'M' or 'm', dlamch := emin ! = 'U' or 'u', dlamch := rmin ! = 'L' or 'l', dlamch := emax ! = 'O' or 'o', dlamch := rmax ! ! where ! ! eps = relative machine precision ! sfmin = safe minimum, such that 1/sfmin does not overflow ! base = base of the machine ! prec = eps*base ! t = number of (base) digits in the mantissa ! rnd = 1.0D+00 when rounding occurs in addition, 0.0D+00 otherwise ! emin = minimum exponent before (gradual) underflow ! rmin = underflow threshold - base**(emin-1) ! emax = largest exponent before overflow ! rmax = overflow threshold - (base**emax)*(1-eps) ! real ( kind = 8 ) ONE, ZERO PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, ZERO = 0.0D+0 ) ! real ( kind = 8 ) dlamch logical FIRST, LRND integer ( kind = 4 ) BETA, IMAX, IMIN, IT real ( kind = 8 ) BASE, EMAX, EMIN, EPS, PREC, RMACH, RMAX, RMIN real ( kind = 8 ) RND, SFMIN, SMALL, T ! .. ! .. External Functions .. logical LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME ! .. ! .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL dlamc2 ! .. ! .. Save statement .. SAVE FIRST, EPS, SFMIN, BASE, T, RND, EMIN, RMIN save EMAX, RMAX, PREC ! .. ! .. Data statements .. DATA FIRST / .TRUE. / ! if ( FIRST ) THEN FIRST = .FALSE. CALL dlamc2( BETA, IT, LRND, EPS, IMIN, RMIN, IMAX, RMAX ) BASE = BETA T = IT if ( LRND ) THEN RND = ONE EPS = ( BASE**( 1-IT ) ) / 2 else RND = ZERO EPS = BASE**( 1-IT ) END IF PREC = EPS*BASE EMIN = IMIN EMAX = IMAX SFMIN = RMIN SMALL = ONE / RMAX if ( SMALL >= SFMIN ) THEN ! ! Use SMALL plus a bit, to avoid the possibility of rounding ! causing overflow when computing 1/sfmin. ! SFMIN = SMALL*( ONE+EPS ) END IF END IF ! if ( LSAME( CMACH, 'E' ) ) THEN RMACH = EPS else if ( LSAME( CMACH, 'S' ) ) THEN RMACH = SFMIN else if ( LSAME( CMACH, 'B' ) ) THEN RMACH = BASE else if ( LSAME( CMACH, 'P' ) ) THEN RMACH = PREC else if ( LSAME( CMACH, 'N' ) ) THEN RMACH = T else if ( LSAME( CMACH, 'R' ) ) THEN RMACH = RND else if ( LSAME( CMACH, 'M' ) ) THEN RMACH = EMIN else if ( LSAME( CMACH, 'U' ) ) THEN RMACH = RMIN else if ( LSAME( CMACH, 'L' ) ) THEN RMACH = EMAX else if ( LSAME( CMACH, 'O' ) ) THEN RMACH = RMAX END IF dlamch = RMACH RETURN end subroutine dlamc1( BETA, T, RND, IEEE1 ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DLAMC1 ??? ! logical IEEE1, RND integer ( kind = 4 ) BETA, T ! ! dlamc1 determines the machine parameters given by BETA, T, RND, and ! IEEE1. ! ! Arguments ! ! BETA (output) integer ! The base of the machine. ! ! T (output) integer ! The number of ( BETA ) digits in the mantissa. ! ! RND (output) logical ! Specifies whether proper rounding ( RND = .TRUE. ) or ! chopping ( RND = .FALSE. ) occurs in addition. This may not ! be a reliable guide to the way in which the machine performs ! its arithmetic. ! ! IEEE1 (output) logical ! Specifies whether rounding appears to be done in the IEEE ! 'round to nearest' style. ! ! Further Details ! ! The routine is based on the routine ENVRON by Malcolm and ! incorporates suggestions by Gentleman and Marovich. See ! ! Malcolm M. A. (1972) Algorithms to reveal properties of ! floating-point arithmetic. Comms. of the ACM, 15, 949-951. ! ! Gentleman W. M. and Marovich S. B. (1974) More on algorithms ! that reveal properties of floating point arithmetic units. ! Comms. of the ACM, 17, 276-277. ! ! .. Local Scalars .. logical FIRST, LIEEE1, LRND integer ( kind = 4 ) LBETA, LT real ( kind = 8 ) A, B, C, F, ONE, QTR, SAVEC, T1, T2 ! .. ! .. External Functions .. real ( kind = 8 ) dlamc3 EXTERNAL dlamc3 ! .. ! .. Save statement .. SAVE FIRST, LIEEE1, LBETA, LRND, LT ! .. ! .. Data statements .. DATA FIRST / .TRUE. / ! .. ! .. Executable Statements .. ! if ( FIRST ) THEN FIRST = .FALSE. ONE = 1 ! ! LBETA, LIEEE1, LT and LRND are the local values of BETA, ! IEEE1, T and RND. ! ! Throughout this routine we use the function dlamc3 to ensure ! that relevant values are stored and not held in registers, or ! are not affected by optimizers. ! ! Compute a = 2.0D+00 **m with the smallest positive integer m such ! that ! ! fl( a + 1.0D+00 ) = a. ! A = 1 C = 1 do while ( C == ONE ) A = 2*A C = dlamc3( A, ONE ) C = dlamc3( C, -A ) end do ! ! Now compute b = 2.0D+00 **m with the smallest positive integer m ! such that ! ! fl( a + b ) > a. ! B = 1 C = dlamc3( A, B ) do while ( c == a ) B = 2*B C = dlamc3( A, B ) end do ! ! Now compute the base. a and c are neighbouring floating point ! numbers in the interval ( beta**t, beta**( t + 1 ) ) and so ! their difference is beta. Adding 0.25 to c is to ensure that it ! is truncated to beta and not ( beta - 1 ). ! QTR = ONE / 4 SAVEC = C C = dlamc3( C, -A ) LBETA = C + QTR ! ! Now determine whether rounding or chopping occurs, by adding a ! bit less than beta/2 and a bit more than beta/2 to a. ! B = LBETA F = dlamc3( B / 2, -B / 100 ) C = dlamc3( F, A ) if ( C == A ) THEN LRND = .TRUE. else LRND = .FALSE. END IF F = dlamc3( B / 2, B / 100 ) C = dlamc3( F, A ) if ( ( LRND ) .AND. ( C == A ) ) then LRND = .FALSE. end if ! ! Try and decide whether rounding is done in the IEEE 'round to ! nearest' style. B/2 is half a unit in the last place of the two ! numbers A and SAVEC. Furthermore, A is even, i.e. has last bit ! zero, and SAVEC is odd. Thus adding B/2 to A should not change ! A, but adding B/2 to SAVEC should change SAVEC. ! T1 = dlamc3( B / 2, A ) T2 = dlamc3( B / 2, SAVEC ) LIEEE1 = ( T1 == A ) .AND. ( T2 > SAVEC ) .AND. LRND ! ! Now find the mantissa, t. It should be the integer part of ! log to the base beta of a, however it is safer to determine t ! by powering. So we find t as the smallest positive integer for ! which ! ! fl( beta**t + 1.0D+00 ) = 1.0. ! LT = 0 A = 1 C = 1 do while ( C == ONE ) LT = LT + 1 A = A*LBETA C = dlamc3( A, ONE ) C = dlamc3( C, -A ) end do END IF BETA = LBETA T = LT RND = LRND IEEE1 = LIEEE1 RETURN end subroutine dlamc2( BETA, T, RND, EPS, EMIN, RMIN, EMAX, RMAX ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DLAMC2 ??? ! logical RND integer ( kind = 4 ) BETA, EMAX, EMIN, T real ( kind = 8 ) EPS, RMAX, RMIN ! ! dlamc2 determines the machine parameters specified in its argument ! list. ! ! Arguments ! ! BETA (output) integer ! The base of the machine. ! ! T (output) integer ! The number of ( BETA ) digits in the mantissa. ! ! RND (output) logical ! Specifies whether proper rounding ( RND = .TRUE. ) or ! chopping ( RND = .FALSE. ) occurs in addition. This may not ! be a reliable guide to the way in which the machine performs ! its arithmetic. ! ! EPS (output) real ( kind = 8 ) ! The smallest positive number such that ! ! fl( 1.0D+00 - EPS ) < 1.0, ! ! where fl denotes the computed value. ! ! EMIN (output) integer ! The minimum exponent before (gradual) underflow occurs. ! ! RMIN (output) real ( kind = 8 ) ! The smallest normalized number for the machine, given by ! BASE**( EMIN - 1 ), where BASE is the floating point value ! of BETA. ! ! EMAX (output) integer ! The maximum exponent before overflow occurs. ! ! RMAX (output) real ( kind = 8 ) ! The largest positive number for the machine, given by ! BASE**EMAX * ( 1 - EPS ), where BASE is the floating point ! value of BETA. ! ! Further Details ! ! The computation of EPS is based on a routine PARANOIA by ! W. Kahan of the University of California at Berkeley. ! logical FIRST, IEEE, IWARN, LIEEE1, LRND integer ( kind = 4 ) GNMIN, GPMIN, I, LBETA, LEMAX, LEMIN, LT integer ( kind = 4 ) NGNMIN, NGPMIN real ( kind = 8 ) A, B, C, HALF, LEPS, LRMAX, LRMIN, ONE, RBASE real ( kind = 8 ) SIXTH, SMALL, THIRD, TWO, ZERO ! .. ! .. External Functions .. real ( kind = 8 ) dlamc3 EXTERNAL dlamc3 ! .. ! .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL dlamc1, DLAMC4, DLAMC5 ! SAVE FIRST, IWARN, LBETA, LEMAX, LEMIN, LEPS, LRMAX save LRMIN, LT ! .. ! .. Data statements .. DATA FIRST / .TRUE. / , IWARN / .FALSE. / ! .. ! .. Executable Statements .. ! if ( FIRST ) THEN FIRST = .FALSE. ZERO = 0 ONE = 1 TWO = 2 ! ! LBETA, LT, LRND, LEPS, LEMIN and LRMIN are the local values of ! BETA, T, RND, EPS, EMIN and RMIN. ! ! Throughout this routine we use the function dlamc3 to ensure ! that relevant values are stored and not held in registers, or ! are not affected by optimizers. ! ! dlamc1 returns the parameters LBETA, LT, LRND and LIEEE1. ! CALL dlamc1( LBETA, LT, LRND, LIEEE1 ) ! ! Start to find EPS. ! B = LBETA A = B**( -LT ) LEPS = A ! ! Try some tricks to see whether or not this is the correct EPS. ! B = TWO / 3 HALF = ONE / 2 SIXTH = dlamc3( B, -HALF ) THIRD = dlamc3( SIXTH, SIXTH ) B = dlamc3( THIRD, -HALF ) B = dlamc3( B, SIXTH ) B = ABS( B ) if ( B < LEPS ) then B = LEPS end if LEPS = 1 do WHILE( ( LEPS > B ).AND.( B > ZERO ) ) LEPS = B C = dlamc3( HALF*LEPS, ( TWO**5 )*( LEPS**2 ) ) C = dlamc3( HALF, -C ) B = dlamc3( HALF, C ) C = dlamc3( HALF, -B ) B = dlamc3( HALF, C ) end do if ( A < LEPS ) then LEPS = A end if ! ! Computation of EPS complete. ! ! Now find EMIN. Let A = + or - 1, and + or - (1 + BASE**(-3)). ! Keep dividing A by BETA until (gradual) underflow occurs. This ! is detected when we cannot recover the previous A. ! RBASE = ONE / LBETA SMALL = ONE DO I = 1, 3 SMALL = dlamc3( SMALL*RBASE, ZERO ) end do A = dlamc3( ONE, SMALL ) CALL dlamc4( NGPMIN, ONE, LBETA ) CALL dlamc4( NGNMIN, -ONE, LBETA ) CALL dlamc4( GPMIN, A, LBETA ) CALL dlamc4( GNMIN, -A, LBETA ) IEEE = .FALSE. ! if ( ( NGPMIN == NGNMIN ) .AND. ( GPMIN == GNMIN ) ) THEN if ( NGPMIN == GPMIN ) THEN LEMIN = NGPMIN ! ( Non twos-complement machines, no gradual underflow; ! e.g., VAX ) else if ( ( GPMIN-NGPMIN ) == 3 ) THEN LEMIN = NGPMIN - 1 + LT IEEE = .TRUE. ! ( Non twos-complement machines, with gradual underflow; ! e.g., IEEE standard followers ) else LEMIN = MIN( NGPMIN, GPMIN ) ! ( A guess; no known machine ) IWARN = .TRUE. END IF ! else if ( ( NGPMIN == GPMIN ) .AND. ( NGNMIN == GNMIN ) ) THEN if ( ABS( NGPMIN-NGNMIN ) == 1 ) THEN LEMIN = MAX( NGPMIN, NGNMIN ) ! ( Twos-complement machines, no gradual underflow; ! e.g., CYBER 205 ) else LEMIN = MIN( NGPMIN, NGNMIN ) ! ( A guess; no known machine ) IWARN = .TRUE. END IF else if ( ( ABS( NGPMIN-NGNMIN ) == 1 ) .AND.( GPMIN == GNMIN ) ) THEN if ( ( GPMIN-MIN( NGPMIN, NGNMIN ) ) == 3 ) THEN LEMIN = MAX( NGPMIN, NGNMIN ) - 1 + LT ! ( Twos-complement machines with gradual underflow; ! no known machine ) else LEMIN = MIN( NGPMIN, NGNMIN ) ! ( A guess; no known machine ) IWARN = .TRUE. END IF ! else LEMIN = MIN( NGPMIN, NGNMIN, GPMIN, GNMIN ) ! ( A guess; no known machine ) IWARN = .TRUE. END IF !** ! Comment out this if block if EMIN is ok if ( IWARN ) THEN FIRST = .TRUE. WRITE( 6, FMT = 9999 )LEMIN END IF !** ! ! Assume IEEE arithmetic if we found denormalised numbers above, ! or if arithmetic seems to round in the IEEE style, determined ! in routine dlamc1. A true IEEE machine should have both things ! true; however, faulty machines may have one or the other. ! IEEE = IEEE .OR. LIEEE1 ! ! Compute RMIN by successive division by BETA. We could compute ! RMIN as BASE**( EMIN - 1 ), but some machines underflow during ! this computation. ! LRMIN = 1 DO 30 I = 1, 1 - LEMIN LRMIN = dlamc3( LRMIN*RBASE, ZERO ) 30 CONTINUE ! ! Finally, call dlamc5 to compute EMAX and RMAX. ! CALL dlamc5( LBETA, LT, LEMIN, IEEE, LEMAX, LRMAX ) END IF ! BETA = LBETA T = LT RND = LRND EPS = LEPS EMIN = LEMIN RMIN = LRMIN EMAX = LEMAX RMAX = LRMAX ! RETURN 9999 FORMAT( / / ' WARNING. The value EMIN may be incorrect:-', & ' EMIN = ', I8, / & ' If, after inspection, the value EMIN looks', & ' acceptable please comment out ', & / ' the IF block as marked within the code of routine', & ' dlamc2,', / ' otherwise supply EMIN explicitly.', / ) end function dlamc3( A, B ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DLAMC3 is intended to force A and B to be stored prior to doing ! the addition of A and B , for use in situations where optimizers ! might hold one of these in a register. ! ! Arguments ! ! A, B (input) real ( kind = 8 ) ! The values A and B. ! real ( kind = 8 ) A, B real ( kind = 8 ) dlamc3 ! dlamc3 = A + B RETURN end subroutine dlamc4( EMIN, START, BASE ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DLAMC4 ??? ! integer ( kind = 4 ) BASE, EMIN real ( kind = 8 ) START ! ! dlamc4 is a service routine for DLAMC2. ! ! Arguments ! ! EMIN (output) EMIN ! The minimum exponent before (gradual) underflow, computed by ! setting A = START and dividing by BASE until the previous A ! can not be recovered. ! ! START (input) real ( kind = 8 ) ! The starting point for determining EMIN. ! ! BASE (input) integer ! The base of the machine. ! integer ( kind = 4 ) I real ( kind = 8 ) A, B1, B2, C1, C2, D1, D2, ONE, RBASE, ZERO ! .. ! .. External Functions .. real ( kind = 8 ) dlamc3 EXTERNAL dlamc3 ! .. ! .. Executable Statements .. ! A = START ONE = 1 RBASE = ONE / BASE ZERO = 0 EMIN = 1 B1 = dlamc3( A*RBASE, ZERO ) C1 = A C2 = A D1 = A D2 = A 10 CONTINUE if ( ( C1 == A ) .AND. ( C2 == A ) .AND. ( D1 == A ) .AND.( D2 == A ) ) THEN EMIN = EMIN - 1 A = B1 B1 = dlamc3( A / BASE, ZERO ) C1 = dlamc3( B1*BASE, ZERO ) D1 = ZERO DO I = 1, BASE D1 = D1 + B1 end do B2 = dlamc3( A*RBASE, ZERO ) C2 = dlamc3( B2 / RBASE, ZERO ) D2 = ZERO DO I = 1, BASE D2 = D2 + B2 end do GO TO 10 END IF !+ END WHILE ! RETURN end subroutine dlamc5( BETA, P, EMIN, IEEE, EMAX, RMAX ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DLAMC5 ??? ! logical IEEE integer ( kind = 4 ) BETA, EMAX, EMIN, P real ( kind = 8 ) RMAX ! ! dlamc5 attempts to compute RMAX, the largest machine floating-point ! number, without overflow. It assumes that EMAX + abs(EMIN) sum ! approximately to a power of 2. It will fail on machines where this ! assumption does not hold, for example, the Cyber 205 (EMIN = -28625, ! EMAX = 28718). It will also fail if the value supplied for EMIN is ! too large (i.e. too close to zero), probably with overflow. ! ! Arguments ! ! BETA (input) integer ! The base of floating-point arithmetic. ! ! P (input) integer ! The number of base BETA digits in the mantissa of a ! floating-point value. ! ! EMIN (input) integer ! The minimum exponent before (gradual) underflow. ! ! IEEE (input) logical ! A logical flag specifying whether or not the arithmetic ! system is thought to comply with the IEEE standard. ! ! EMAX (output) integer ! The largest exponent before overflow ! ! RMAX (output) real ( kind = 8 ) ! The largest machine floating-point number. ! ! .. Parameters .. real ( kind = 8 ) ZERO, ONE PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D0, ONE = 1.0D0 ) ! .. ! .. Local Scalars .. integer ( kind = 4 ) EXBITS, EXPSUM, I, LEXP, NBITS, TRY, UEXP real ( kind = 8 ) OLDY, RECBAS, Y, Z ! .. ! .. External Functions .. real ( kind = 8 ) dlamc3 EXTERNAL dlamc3 ! .. ! .. Intrinsic Functions .. ! ! First compute LEXP and UEXP, two powers of 2 that bound ! abs(EMIN). We then assume that EMAX + abs(EMIN) will sum ! approximately to the bound that is closest to abs(EMIN). ! (EMAX is the exponent of the required number RMAX). ! LEXP = 1 EXBITS = 1 10 CONTINUE TRY = LEXP*2 if ( TRY <= ( -EMIN ) ) THEN LEXP = TRY EXBITS = EXBITS + 1 GO TO 10 END IF if ( LEXP == -EMIN ) THEN UEXP = LEXP else UEXP = TRY EXBITS = EXBITS + 1 END IF ! ! Now -LEXP is less than or equal to EMIN, and -UEXP is greater ! than or equal to EMIN. EXBITS is the number of bits needed to ! store the exponent. ! if ( ( UEXP+EMIN ) > ( -LEXP-EMIN ) ) THEN EXPSUM = 2*LEXP else EXPSUM = 2*UEXP END IF ! ! EXPSUM is the exponent range, approximately equal to ! EMAX - EMIN + 1 . ! EMAX = EXPSUM + EMIN - 1 NBITS = 1 + EXBITS + P ! ! NBITS is the total number of bits needed to store a ! floating-point number. ! if ( ( MOD( NBITS, 2 ) == 1 ) .AND. ( BETA == 2 ) ) THEN ! ! Either there are an odd number of bits used to store a ! floating-point number, which is unlikely, or some bits are ! not used in the representation of numbers, which is possible, ! (e.g. Cray machines) or the mantissa has an implicit bit, ! (e.g. IEEE machines, Dec Vax machines), which is perhaps the ! most likely. We have to assume the last alternative. ! If this is true, then we need to reduce EMAX by one because ! there must be some way of representing zero in an implicit-bit ! system. On machines like Cray, we are reducing EMAX by one ! unnecessarily. ! EMAX = EMAX - 1 END IF ! if ( IEEE ) THEN ! ! Assume we are on an IEEE machine which reserves one exponent ! for infinity and NaN. ! EMAX = EMAX - 1 END IF ! ! Now create RMAX, the largest machine number, which should ! be equal to (1.0D+00 - BETA**(-P)) * BETA**EMAX . ! ! First compute 1.0D+00 - BETA**(-P), being careful that the ! result is less than 1.0D+00 . ! RECBAS = ONE / BETA Z = BETA - ONE Y = ZERO DO 20 I = 1, P Z = Z*RECBAS if ( Y < ONE ) then OLDY = Y end if Y = dlamc3( Y, Z ) 20 CONTINUE if ( Y >= ONE ) then Y = OLDY end if ! ! Now multiply by BETA**EMAX to get RMAX. ! DO 30 I = 1, EMAX Y = dlamc3( Y*BETA, ZERO ) 30 CONTINUE RMAX = Y RETURN end subroutine dlarfg(n,alpha,x,incx,tau) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DLARFG ??? ! ! ! DLARFG generates a real elementary reflector H of order n, such ! that ! ! H * ( alpha ) = ( beta ), H' * H = I. ! ( x ) ( 0 ) ! ! where alpha and beta are scalars, and x is an (n-1)-element real ! vector. H is represented in the form ! ! H = I - tau * ( 1 ) * ( 1 v' ) , ! ( v ) ! ! where tau is a real scalar and v is a real (n-1)-element ! vector. ! ! If the elements of x are all zero, then tau = 0 and H is taken to be ! the unit matrix. ! ! Otherwise 1 <= tau <= 2. ! ! Arguments ! ! N (input) integer ! The order of the elementary reflector. ! ! ALPHA (input/output) real ( kind = 8 ) ! On entry, the value alpha. ! On exit, it is overwritten with the value beta. ! ! X (input/output) real ( kind = 8 ) array, dimension ! (1+(N-2)*abs(INCX)) ! On entry, the vector x. ! On exit, it is overwritten with the vector v. ! ! INCX (input) integer ! The increment between elements of X. INCX > 0. ! ! TAU (output) real ( kind = 8 ) ! The value tau. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) one real ( kind = 8 ) zero parameter (one = 1.0d0) parameter (zero = 0.0d0) ! real ( kind = 8 ) alpha real ( kind = 8 ) beta real ( kind = 8 ) dlamch real ( kind = 8 ) dlapy2 real ( kind = 8 ) dnrm2 integer ( kind = 4 ) incx integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) knt integer ( kind = 4 ) n real ( kind = 8 ) rsafmn real ( kind = 8 ) safmin real ( kind = 8 ) tau real ( kind = 8 ) x(*) real ( kind = 8 ) xnorm ! if ( n <= 1) then TAU = zero return end if ! XNORM = DNRM2( N-1, X, INCX ) ! if ( XNORM == zero ) then ! ! H = I ! TAU = zero else ! ! general case ! BETA = -SIGN( DLAPY2( ALPHA, XNORM ), ALPHA ) SAFMIN = DLAMCH( 'S' ) / DLAMCH( 'E' ) ! ! XNORM, BETA may be inaccurate; scale X and recompute them ! if ( ABS( BETA ) < SAFMIN ) then RSAFMN = ONE / SAFMIN KNT = 0 10 continue knt = knt + 1 call DSCAL( N-1, RSAFMN, X, INCX ) BETA = BETA*RSAFMN ALPHA = ALPHA*RSAFMN if ( ABS( BETA ) < SAFMIN ) go to 10 ! ! New BETA is at most 1, at least SAFMIN ! XNORM = DNRM2( N-1, X, INCX ) BETA = -SIGN( DLAPY2( ALPHA, XNORM ), ALPHA ) TAU = ( BETA-ALPHA ) / BETA CALL DSCAL( N-1, ONE / ( ALPHA-BETA ), X, INCX ) ! ! If ALPHA is subnormal, it may lose relative accuracy ! ALPHA = BETA DO J = 1, KNT ALPHA = ALPHA*SAFMIN end do else TAU = ( BETA-ALPHA ) / BETA CALL DSCAL( N-1, ONE / ( ALPHA-BETA ), X, INCX ) ALPHA = BETA end if end if return end