function d1mach ( i ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc D1MACH returns double precision real machine-dependent constants. c c Discussion: c c D1MACH can be used to obtain machine-dependent parameters c for the local machine environment. It is a function c with one input argument, and can be called as follows: c c D = D1MACH ( I ) c c where I=1,...,5. The output value of D above is c determined by the input value of I:. c c D1MACH ( 1) = B^(EMIN-1), the smallest positive magnitude. c D1MACH ( 2) = B^EMAX*(1 - B^(-T)), the largest magnitude. c D1MACH ( 3) = B^(-T), the smallest relative spacing. c D1MACH ( 4) = B^(1-T), the largest relative spacing. c D1MACH ( 5) = LOG10(B) c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c c Modified: c c 25 April 2007 c c Author: c c Original FORTRAN77 version by Phyllis Fox, Andrew Hall, Norman Schryer. c This FORTRAN77 version by John Burkardt. c c Reference: c c Phyllis Fox, Andrew Hall, Norman Schryer, c Algorithm 528: c Framework for a Portable Library, c ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, c Volume 4, Number 2, June 1978, page 176-188. c c Parameters: c c Input, integer I, the index of the desired constant. c c Output, double precision D1MACH, the value of the constant. c implicit none double precision d1mach integer i if ( i < 1 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'D1MACH - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' The input argument I is out of bounds.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Legal values satisfy 1 <= I <= 5.' write ( *, '(a,i12)' ) ' I = ', i d1mach = 0.0D+00 stop else if ( i == 1 ) then d1mach = 4.450147717014403D-308 else if ( i == 2 ) then d1mach = 8.988465674311579D+307 else if ( i == 3 ) then d1mach = 1.110223024625157D-016 else if ( i == 4 ) then d1mach = 2.220446049250313D-016 else if ( i == 5 ) then d1mach = 0.301029995663981D+000 else if ( 5 < i ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'D1MACH - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' The input argument I is out of bounds.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Legal values satisfy 1 <= I <= 5.' write ( *, '(a,i12)' ) ' I = ', i d1mach = 0.0D+00 stop end if return end subroutine dabmod(n,ncapmd,mcap,deps,irout,da,db,dxir,dxii,is, + dalpha,dbeta,ncapd,kountd,ierrd,dbe,dx,dw,de, + dp0,dp1,dp2) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DABMOD ??? c c Modified: c c 08 November 2012 c c Author: c c Walter Gautschi c c Reference: c c Walter Gautschi, c Algorithm 793: GQRAT, Gauss Quadrature for Rational Functions, c ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, c Volume 25, Number 2, pages 213-239, June 1999. c c Parameters: c implicit none double precision deps integer ierrd,irout,kountd,mcap,n,ncapd,ncapmd c .. c .. array arguments .. the upper bounds dxii, dxir and is are all c mcap, but this doesn't work in fortran 77 c if mcap = 0. double precision da(ncapmd),dalpha(n),db(ncapmd),dbe(n),dbeta(n), + de(ncapmd),dp0(ncapmd),dp1(ncapmd),dp2(ncapmd), + dw(ncapmd),dx(ncapmd),dxii(*),dxir(*) integer is(*) double precision depsm,dp integer ied,ierrgd,imu,incap,k,mu c .. c .. external functions .. double precision d1mach external d1mach c .. c .. external subroutines .. external dgauss,dlancz,dsti c .. c .. intrinsic functions .. intrinsic abs c .. integer i1mach, nout nout = i1mach(2) ierrd = 0 depsm = d1mach(3) incap = 1 do k = 1,n dalpha(k) = da(k) dbeta(k) = db(k) end do if ( then kountd = -1 do k = 1,n dbeta(k) = 0.d0 end do ncapd = (2*n-1)/2 30 continue do k = 1,n dbe(k) = dbeta(k) end do kountd = kountd + 1 if ( incap = 2** (kountd/5)*n ncapd = ncapd + incap if ( then ierrd = ncapmd return end if call dgauss(ncapd,da,db,depsm,dx,dw,ierrgd,de) if ( then write (nout,fmt=9000) ierrgd ierrd = 1 return end if do 60 k = 1,ncapd dp = 1.d0 imu = 0 do 50 mu = 1,mcap if (imu.eq.0) then if (dxii(mu).eq.0.d0) then dp = ((1.d0+dxir(mu)*dx(k))**is(mu))*dp else dp = (((1.d0+dxir(mu)*dx(k))**2+ + (dxii(mu)*dx(k))**2)**is(mu))*dp imu = 1 end if else imu = 0 end if 50 continue dw(k) = dw(k)/dp c dw(k)=dsqrt(1.d0+.5d0*theta*dx(k))*dw(k)/dp 60 continue if (irout.eq.1) then call dsti(n,ncapd,dx,dw,dalpha,dbeta,ied,dp0,dp1,dp2) if ( then ierrd = 2 return end if else call dlancz(n,ncapd,dx,dw,dalpha,dbeta,ied,dp0,dp1) if ( then ierrd = 2 return end if end if do k = 1,n if (abs(dbeta(k)-dbe(k)).gt.deps*dbeta(k)) then go to 30 end if end do end if return 9000 format (1x,'ierrgd in dgauss=',i5) end subroutine dgauss(n,dalpha,dbeta,deps,dzero,dweigh,ierr,de) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DGAUSS ??? c c Modified: c c 08 November 2012 c c Author: c c Walter Gautschi c c Reference: c c Walter Gautschi, c Algorithm 793: GQRAT, Gauss Quadrature for Rational Functions, c ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, c Volume 25, Number 2, pages 213-239, June 1999. c c Parameters: c implicit none double precision deps integer ierr,n double precision dalpha(n),dbeta(n),de(n),dweigh(n),dzero(n) double precision db,dc,df,dg,dp,dr,ds integer i,ii,j,k,l,m,mml intrinsic abs,sign,sqrt if ( then ierr = -1 return end if ierr = 0 dzero(1) = dalpha(1) if (dbeta(1).lt.0.d0) then ierr = -2 return end if dweigh(1) = dbeta(1) if (n.eq.1) return dweigh(1) = 1.d0 de(n) = 0.d0 do k = 2,n dzero(k) = dalpha(k) if (dbeta(k).lt.0.d0) then ierr = -2 return end if de(k-1) = sqrt(dbeta(k)) dweigh(k) = 0.d0 end do do 80 l = 1,n j = 0 20 do 30 m = l,n if (m.eq.n) go to 40 if (abs(de(m)).le.deps* (abs(dzero(m))+abs(dzero(m+ + 1)))) go to 40 30 continue 40 dp = dzero(l) if (m.eq.l) go to 80 if (j.eq.30) go to 120 j = j + 1 dg = (dzero(l+1)-dp)/ (2.d0*de(l)) dr = sqrt(dg*dg+1.d0) dg = dzero(m) - dp + de(l)/ (dg+sign(dr,dg)) ds = 1.d0 dc = 1.d0 dp = 0.d0 mml = m - l do 70 ii = 1,mml i = m - ii df = ds*de(i) db = dc*de(i) if (abs(df).lt.abs(dg)) go to 50 dc = dg/df dr = sqrt(dc*dc+1.d0) de(i+1) = df*dr ds = 1.d0/dr dc = dc*ds go to 60 50 ds = df/dg dr = sqrt(ds*ds+1.d0) de(i+1) = dg*dr dc = 1.d0/dr ds = ds*dc 60 dg = dzero(i+1) - dp dr = (dzero(i)-dg)*ds + 2.d0*dc*db dp = ds*dr dzero(i+1) = dg + dp dg = dc*dr - db df = dweigh(i+1) dweigh(i+1) = ds*dweigh(i) + dc*df dweigh(i) = dc*dweigh(i) - ds*df 70 continue dzero(l) = dzero(l) - dp de(l) = dg de(m) = 0.d0 go to 20 80 continue do 100 ii = 2,n i = ii - 1 k = i dp = dzero(i) do 90 j = ii,n if (dzero(j).ge.dp) go to 90 k = j dp = dzero(j) 90 continue if (k.eq.i) go to 100 dzero(k) = dzero(i) dzero(i) = dp dp = dweigh(i) dweigh(i) = dweigh(k) dweigh(k) = dp 100 continue do 110 k = 1,n dweigh(k) = dbeta(1)*dweigh(k)*dweigh(k) 110 continue return 120 ierr = l return end subroutine dgchrs(n,iopt,da,db,dx,dhp,dhn,dalpha,dbeta,ierrd) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DGCHRS ??? c c Modified: c c 08 November 2012 c c Author: c c Walter Gautschi c c Reference: c c Walter Gautschi, c Algorithm 793: GQRAT, Gauss Quadrature for Rational Functions, c ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, c Volume 25, Number 2, pages 213-239, June 1999. c c Parameters: c implicit none double precision dhn,dhp,dx integer ierrd,iopt,n c .. c .. array arguments .. double precision da(n),dalpha(n),db(n),dbeta(n) c .. c .. local scalars .. double precision de,deh,dq,dqh integer k c .. ierrd = 0 if (iopt.eq.1) then dalpha(1) = dx - db(1)/dhp dbeta(1) = -dhp dq = -db(1)/dhp do k = 2,n de = da(k-1) - dx - dq dbeta(k) = dq*de dq = db(k)/de dalpha(k) = dq + de + dx end do else if (iopt.eq.2) then dalpha(1) = dx* (dhp+dhn)/ (dhp-dhn) dbeta(1) = - (dhp-dhn)/ (2.d0*dx) dq = -db(1)/dhp dqh = -dhp/dbeta(1) de = 0.d0 do 20 k = 2,n deh = dq + de + 2.d0*dx - dqh dbeta(k) = dqh*deh de = da(k-1) - dx - dq dqh = dq*de/deh dalpha(k) = dqh + deh - dx dq = db(k)/de 20 continue else ierrd = 1 end if return end subroutine dgqrat(n,mcap,dalpha,dbeta,dxir,dxii,is,dzg,dwg,dconst, + ierrd,de) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DGQRAT ??? c c Modified: c c 08 November 2012 c c Author: c c Walter Gautschi c c Reference: c c Walter Gautschi, c Algorithm 793: GQRAT, Gauss Quadrature for Rational Functions, c ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, c Volume 25, Number 2, pages 213-239, June 1999. c c Parameters: c implicit none double precision dconst integer ierrd,mcap,n c .. c .. array arguments .. the upper bounds dxii, dxir and is are all c mcap, but this doesn't work in fortran 77 c if mcap = 0. double precision dalpha(n+1),dbeta(n+1),de(n),dwg(n),dxii(*), + dxir(*),dzg(n) integer is(*) c .. c .. local scalars .. double precision depsm,dp integer ierrgd,imu,k,mu c .. c .. external functions .. double precision d1mach external d1mach c .. c .. external subroutines .. external dgauss c .. c .. intrinsic functions .. intrinsic dble c .. integer i1mach, nout nout = i1mach(2) ierrd = 0 depsm = d1mach(3) call dgauss(n,dalpha,dbeta,depsm,dzg,dwg,ierrgd,de) if ( then write (nout,fmt=9000) ierrgd ierrd = 1 return end if dconst = dbeta(1) do 20 k = 1,n dconst = dbeta(k+1)*dconst/dble(2*k* (2*k-1)) if ( then dp = 1.d0 imu = 0 do 10 mu = 1,mcap if (imu.eq.0) then if (dxii(mu).eq.0.d0) then dp = ((1.d0+dxir(mu)*dzg(k))**is(mu))*dp else dp = (((1.d0+dxir(mu)*dzg(k))**2+ + (dxii(mu)*dzg(k))**2)**is(mu))*dp imu = 1 end if else imu = 0 end if 10 continue dwg(k) = dp*dwg(k) end if 20 continue return 9000 format (1x,'ierrgd in dgauss=',i5) end subroutine dknum(n,nu0,numax,dx,dy,deps,da,db,drhor,drhoi,nu,ierr, + droldr,droldi) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DKNUM ??? c c Modified: c c 08 November 2012 c c Author: c c Walter Gautschi c c Reference: c c Walter Gautschi, c Algorithm 793: GQRAT, Gauss Quadrature for Rational Functions, c ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, c Volume 25, Number 2, pages 213-239, June 1999. c c Parameters: c implicit none c c The arrays drhor,drhoi,droldr,droldi are assumed to have c dimension n+1. c double precision deps,dx,dy integer ierr,n,nu,nu0,numax c .. c .. array arguments .. double precision da(numax),db(numax),drhoi(*),drhor(*),droldi(*), + droldr(*) c .. c .. local scalars .. double precision dden,dri,drr,dt integer j,j1,k,np1 c .. ierr = 0 np1 = n + 1 if ( then ierr = nu0 return end if if ( nu0 = np1 nu = nu0 - 5 do k = 1,np1 drhor(k) = 0.d0 drhoi(k) = 0.d0 end do 20 continue nu = nu + 5 if ( then ierr = numax go to 60 end if do 30 k = 1,np1 droldr(k) = drhor(k) droldi(k) = drhoi(k) 30 continue drr = 0.d0 dri = 0.d0 do 40 j = 1,nu j1 = nu - j + 1 dden = (dx-da(j1)-drr)**2 + (dy-dri)**2 drr = db(j1)* (dx-da(j1)-drr)/dden dri = -db(j1)* (dy-dri)/dden if (j1.le.np1) then drhor(j1) = drr drhoi(j1) = dri end if 40 continue do 50 k = 1,np1 if ((drhor(k)-droldr(k))**2+ (drhoi(k)-droldi(k))** + deps* (drhor(k)**2+drhoi(k)**2)) go to 20 50 continue 60 continue do k = 2, np1 dt = drhor(k)*drhor(k-1) - drhoi(k)*drhoi(k-1) drhoi(k) = drhor(k)*drhoi(k-1) + drhoi(k)*drhor(k-1) drhor(k) = dt end do return end subroutine dlancz(n,ncap,dx,dw,dalpha,dbeta,ierr,dp0,dp1) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DLANCZ ??? c c Modified: c c 08 November 2012 c c Author: c c Walter Gautschi c c Reference: c c Walter Gautschi, c Algorithm 793: GQRAT, Gauss Quadrature for Rational Functions, c ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, c Volume 25, Number 2, pages 213-239, June 1999. c c Parameters: c implicit none integer ierr,n,ncap c .. c .. array arguments .. double precision dalpha(n),dbeta(n),dp0(ncap),dp1(ncap),dw(ncap), + dx(ncap) c .. c .. local scalars .. double precision dgam,dpi,drho,dsig,dt,dtk,dtmp,dtsig,dxlam integer i,k c .. if (n.le.0 .or. then ierr = 1 return else ierr = 0 end if do 10 i = 1,ncap dp0(i) = dx(i) dp1(i) = 0.d0 10 continue dp1(1) = dw(1) do 30 i = 1,ncap - 1 dpi = dw(i+1) dgam = 1.d0 dsig = 0.d0 dt = 0.d0 dxlam = dx(i+1) do 20 k = 1,i + 1 drho = dp1(k) + dpi dtmp = dgam*drho dtsig = dsig if (drho.le.0.d0) then dgam = 1.d0 dsig = 0.d0 else dgam = dp1(k)/drho dsig = dpi/drho end if dtk = dsig* (dp0(k)-dxlam) - dgam*dt dp0(k) = dp0(k) - (dtk-dt) dt = dtk if (dsig.le.0.d0) then dpi = dtsig*dp1(k) else dpi = (dt**2)/dsig end if dtsig = dsig dp1(k) = dtmp 20 continue 30 continue do k = 1,n dalpha(k) = dp0(k) dbeta(k) = dp1(k) end do return end subroutine drecur(n,ipoly,dal,dbe,da,db,iderr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DRECUR ??? c c Modified: c c 08 November 2012 c c Author: c c Walter Gautschi c c Reference: c c Walter Gautschi, c Algorithm 793: GQRAT, Gauss Quadrature for Rational Functions, c ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, c Volume 25, Number 2, pages 213-239, June 1999. c c Parameters: c implicit none double precision dal,dbe integer iderr,ipoly,n c .. c .. array arguments .. double precision da(n),db(n) c .. c .. local scalars .. double precision dal2,dalpbe,dbe2,dkm1,dlmach,dt integer k c .. c .. external functions .. double precision d1mach,dgamma,dlga external d1mach,dgamma,dlga c .. c .. intrinsic functions .. intrinsic atan,dble,exp,log,sqrt if ( then iderr = 3 return end if dlmach = log(d1mach(2)) iderr = 0 do k = 1,n da(k) = 0.d0 end do if (ipoly.eq.1) then db(1) = 2.d0 if (n.eq.1) return do 20 k = 2,n dkm1 = dble(k-1) db(k) = 1.d0/ (4.d0-1.d0/ (dkm1*dkm1)) 20 continue return else if (ipoly.eq.2) then da(1) = .5d0 db(1) = 1.d0 if (n.eq.1) return do 30 k = 2,n da(k) = .5d0 dkm1 = dble(k-1) db(k) = .25d0/ (4.d0-1.d0/ (dkm1*dkm1)) 30 continue return else if (ipoly.eq.3) then db(1) = 4.d0*atan(1.d0) if (n.eq.1) return db(2) = .5d0 if (n.eq.2) return do 40 k = 3,n db(k) = .25d0 40 continue return else if (ipoly.eq.4) then db(1) = 2.d0*atan(1.d0) if (n.eq.1) return do 50 k = 2,n db(k) = .25d0 50 continue return else if (ipoly.eq.5) then db(1) = 4.d0*atan(1.d0) da(1) = .5d0 if (n.eq.1) return do 60 k = 2,n db(k) = .25d0 60 continue return else if (ipoly.eq.6) then if (dal.le.-1.d0 .or. dbe.le.-1.d0) then iderr = 1 return else dalpbe = dal + dbe da(1) = (dbe-dal)/ (dalpbe+2.d0) dt = (dalpbe+1.d0)*log(2.d0) + dlga(dal+1.d0) + + dlga(dbe+1.d0) - dlga(dalpbe+2.d0) if ( then iderr = 2 db(1) = d1mach(2) else db(1) = exp(dt) end if if (n.eq.1) return dal2 = dal*dal dbe2 = dbe*dbe da(2) = (dbe2-dal2)/ ((dalpbe+2.d0)* (dalpbe+4.d0)) db(2) = 4.d0* (dal+1.d0)* (dbe+1.d0)/ + ((dalpbe+3.d0)* (dalpbe+2.d0)**2) if (n.eq.2) return do 70 k = 3,n dkm1 = dble(k-1) da(k) = .25d0* (dbe2-dal2)/ + (dkm1*dkm1* (1.d0+.5d0*dalpbe/dkm1)* + (1.d0+.5d0* (dalpbe+2.d0)/dkm1)) db(k) = .25d0* (1.d0+dal/dkm1)* (1.d0+dbe/dkm1)* + (1.d0+dalpbe/dkm1)/ ((1.d0+.5d0* (dalpbe+ + 1.d0)/dkm1)* (1.d0+.5d0* (dalpbe-1.d0)/dkm1)* + (1.d0+.5d0*dalpbe/dkm1)**2) 70 continue return end if else if (ipoly.eq.7) then if (dal.le.-1.d0) then iderr = 1 return else da(1) = dal + 1.d0 db(1) = dgamma(dal+1.d0,iderr) if (iderr.eq.2) db(1) = d1mach(2) if (n.eq.1) return do 80 k = 2,n dkm1 = dble(k-1) da(k) = 2.d0*dkm1 + dal + 1.d0 db(k) = dkm1* (dkm1+dal) 80 continue return end if else if (ipoly.eq.8) then db(1) = sqrt(4.d0*atan(1.d0)) if (n.eq.1) return do 90 k = 2,n db(k) = .5d0*dble(k-1) 90 continue return else iderr = 4 end if return end function dlga(dx) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DLGA evaluates the logarithm of the Gamma function. c c Modified: c c 08 November 2012 c c Author: c c Walter Gautschi c c Reference: c c Walter Gautschi, c Algorithm 793: GQRAT, Gauss Quadrature for Rational Functions, c ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, c Volume 25, Number 2, pages 213-239, June 1999. c c Parameters: c implicit none double precision dlga double precision dx double precision dc,dp,ds,dt,dy real dprec,y,y0 integer i c .. c .. local arrays .. double precision dbden(8),dbnum(8) c .. c .. external functions .. double precision d1mach external d1mach c .. c .. intrinsic functions .. intrinsic atan,exp,log,log10,real C .. C .. Data statements .. c c This routine evaluates the logarithm of the gamma function by a c combination of recurrence and asymptotic approximation. c c The entries in the next data statement are the numerators and c denominators, respectively, of the quantities B[16]/(16*15), c B[14]/(14*13),..., B[2]/(2*1), where B[2n] are the Bernoulli c numbers. c data dbnum/-3.617d3,1.d0,-6.91d2,1.d0,-1.d0,1.d0,-1.d0,1.d0/, + dbden/1.224d5,1.56d2,3.6036d5,1.188d3,1.68d3,1.26d3,3.6d2, + 1.2d1/ C .. c c The quantity dprec in the next statement is the number of decimal c digits carried in double-precision floating-point arithmetic. c dprec = -log10(real(d1mach(3))) dc = .5d0*log(8.d0*atan(1.d0)) dp = 1.d0 dy = dx y = real(dy) c c The quantity y0 below is the threshold value beyond which asymptotic c evaluation gives sufficient accuracy; see Eq. 6.1.42 in M. Abramowitz c and I.A. Stegun,Handbook of Mathematical Functions''. The constants c are .12118868... = ln(10)/19 and .05390522... = ln(|B[20]|/190)/19. c y0 = exp(.121189*dprec+.053905) 10 if ( go to 20 dp = dy*dp dy = dy + 1.d0 y = real(dy) go to 10 20 dt = 1.d0/ (dy*dy) c c the right-hand side of the next assignment statement is b[18]/(18*17). c ds = 4.3867d4/2.44188d5 do i = 1,8 ds = dt*ds + dbnum(i)/dbden(i) end do dlga = (dy-.5d0)*log(dy) - dy + dc + ds/dy - log(dp) return end function dgamma(dx,iderr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DGAMMA evaluates the gamma function. c c Modified: c c 08 November 2012 c c Author: c c Walter Gautschi c c Reference: c c Walter Gautschi, c Algorithm 793: GQRAT, Gauss Quadrature for Rational Functions, c ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, c Volume 25, Number 2, pages 213-239, June 1999. c c Parameters: c c This evaluates the gamma function for real positive dx, using the c function subroutine dlga. c implicit none double precision dgamma double precision dx integer iderr c .. c .. local scalars .. double precision dlmach,dt c .. c .. external functions .. double precision d1mach,dlga external d1mach,dlga c .. c .. intrinsic functions .. intrinsic exp,log c .. dlmach = log(d1mach(2)) iderr = 0 dt = dlga(dx) if ( then iderr = 2 dgamma = d1mach(2) return else dgamma = exp(dt) return end if end subroutine dsti(n,ncap,dx,dw,dalpha,dbeta,ierr,dp0,dp1,dp2) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DSTI ??? c c Modified: c c 08 November 2012 c c Author: c c Walter Gautschi c c Reference: c c Walter Gautschi, c Algorithm 793: GQRAT, Gauss Quadrature for Rational Functions, c ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, c Volume 25, Number 2, pages 213-239, June 1999. c c Parameters: c implicit none integer ierr,n,ncap c .. c .. array arguments .. double precision dalpha(n),dbeta(n),dp0(ncap),dp1(ncap),dp2(ncap), + dw(ncap),dx(ncap) c .. c .. local scalars .. double precision dhuge,dsum0,dsum1,dsum2,dt,dtiny integer k,m,nm1 c .. c .. external functions .. double precision d1mach external d1mach c .. c .. intrinsic functions .. intrinsic abs c .. dtiny = 10.d0*d1mach(1) dhuge = .1d0*d1mach(2) ierr = 0 if (n.le.0 .or. then ierr = 1 return end if nm1 = n - 1 dsum0 = 0.d0 dsum1 = 0.d0 do 10 m = 1,ncap dsum0 = dsum0 + dw(m) dsum1 = dsum1 + dw(m)*dx(m) 10 continue dalpha(1) = dsum1/dsum0 dbeta(1) = dsum0 if (n.eq.1) return do m = 1,ncap dp1(m) = 0.d0 dp2(m) = 1.d0 end do do 40 k = 1,nm1 dsum1 = 0.d0 dsum2 = 0.d0 do 30 m = 1,ncap if (dw(m).eq.0.d0) go to 30 dp0(m) = dp1(m) dp1(m) = dp2(m) dp2(m) = (dx(m)-dalpha(k))*dp1(m) - dbeta(k)*dp0(m) if (abs(dp2(m)).gt.dhuge .or. abs(dsum2).gt.dhuge) then ierr = k return end if dt = dw(m)*dp2(m)*dp2(m) dsum1 = dsum1 + dt dsum2 = dsum2 + dt*dx(m) 30 continue if (abs(dsum1).lt.dtiny) then ierr = -k return end if dalpha(k+1) = dsum2/dsum1 dbeta(k+1) = dsum1/dsum0 dsum0 = dsum1 40 continue return end function i1mach ( i ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc I1MACH returns integer machine dependent constants. c c Discussion: c c Input/output unit numbers. c c I1MACH(1) = the standard input unit. c I1MACH(2) = the standard output unit. c I1MACH(3) = the standard punch unit. c I1MACH(4) = the standard error message unit. c c Words. c c I1MACH(5) = the number of bits per integer storage unit. c I1MACH(6) = the number of characters per integer storage unit. c c Integers. c c Assume integers are represented in the S digit base A form: c c Sign * (X(S-1)*A^(S-1) + ... + X(1)*A + X(0)) c c where 0 <= X(1:S-1) < A. c c I1MACH(7) = A, the base. c I1MACH(8) = S, the number of base A digits. c I1MACH(9) = A^S-1, the largest integer. c c Floating point numbers c c Assume floating point numbers are represented in the T digit c base B form: c c Sign * (B^E) * ((X(1)/B) + ... + (X(T)/B^T) ) c c where 0 <= X(I) < B for I=1 to T, 0 < X(1) and EMIN <= E <= EMAX. c c I1MACH(10) = B, the base. c c Single precision c c I1MACH(11) = T, the number of base B digits. c I1MACH(12) = EMIN, the smallest exponent E. c I1MACH(13) = EMAX, the largest exponent E. c c Double precision c c I1MACH(14) = T, the number of base B digits. c I1MACH(15) = EMIN, the smallest exponent E. c I1MACH(16) = EMAX, the largest exponent E. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c c Modified: c c 25 April 2007 c c Author: c c Original FORTRAN77 version by Phyllis Fox, Andrew Hall, Norman Schryer. c This FORTRAN77 version by John Burkardt. c c Reference: c c Phyllis Fox, Andrew Hall, Norman Schryer, c Algorithm 528, c Framework for a Portable Library, c ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, c Volume 4, Number 2, June 1978, page 176-188. c c Parameters: c c Input, integer I, chooses the parameter to be returned. c 1 <= I <= 16. c c Output, integer I1MACH, the value of the chosen parameter. c implicit none integer i integer i1mach if ( i < 1 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'I1MACH - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' The input argument I is out of bounds.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Legal values satisfy 1 <= I <= 16.' write ( *, '(a,i12)' ) ' I = ', i i1mach = 0 stop else if ( i == 1 ) then i1mach = 5 else if ( i == 2 ) then i1mach = 6 else if ( i == 3 ) then i1mach = 7 else if ( i == 4 ) then i1mach = 6 else if ( i == 5 ) then i1mach = 32 else if ( i == 6 ) then i1mach = 4 else if ( i == 7 ) then i1mach = 2 else if ( i == 8 ) then i1mach = 31 else if ( i == 9 ) then i1mach = 2147483647 else if ( i == 10 ) then i1mach = 2 else if ( i == 11 ) then i1mach = 24 else if ( i == 12 ) then i1mach = -125 else if ( i == 13 ) then i1mach = 128 else if ( i == 14 ) then i1mach = 53 else if ( i == 15 ) then i1mach = -1021 else if ( i == 16 ) then i1mach = 1024 else if ( 16 < i ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'I1MACH - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' The input argument I is out of bounds.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Legal values satisfy 1 <= I <= 16.' write ( *, '(a,i12)' ) ' I = ', i i1mach = 0 stop end if return end FUNCTION NU0HER(N,Z,EPS) c*********************************************************************72 c cc NU0HER ??? c c Modified: c c 08 November 2012 c c Author: c c Walter Gautschi c c Reference: c c Walter Gautschi, c Algorithm 793: GQRAT, Gauss Quadrature for Rational Functions, c ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, c Volume 25, Number 2, pages 213-239, June 1999. c c Parameters: c c This is an auxiliary function routine providing a starting backward c recurrence index for the Hermite measure that can be used in place c of nu0 in the routines knum and dknum. c implicit none integer nu0her complex z real eps integer n intrinsic abs,aimag,log,real,sqrt nu0her = 2.* (sqrt(.5*real(n+1))+.25*log(1./eps)/abs(aimag(z)))**2 return end function nu0jac(n,z,eps) c*********************************************************************72 c cc NU0JAC ??? c c Modified: c c 08 November 2012 c c Author: c c Walter Gautschi c c Reference: c c Walter Gautschi, c Algorithm 793: GQRAT, Gauss Quadrature for Rational Functions, c ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, c Volume 25, Number 2, pages 213-239, June 1999. c c Parameters: c c This is an auxiliary function routine providing a starting backward c recurrence index for the Jacobi measure that can be used in place c of nu0 in the routines knum and dknum. c implicit none integer nu0jac complex z real eps integer n c .. c .. local scalars .. real angle,pi,r,x,x2,y,y2 c .. c .. intrinsic functions .. intrinsic abs,aimag,atan,cos,log,real,sin,sqrt c .. pi = 4.*atan(1.) x = real(z) y = abs(aimag(z)) if ( then if ( angle = .5* (2.*pi+atan(y/ (x-1.))+ + atan(y/ (x+1.))) if (x.eq.-1.) angle = .5* (1.5*pi-atan(.5*y)) if ( angle = .5* (pi+atan(y/ (x-1.))+atan(y/ (x+1.))) else if (x.eq.1.) angle = .5* (.5*pi+atan(.5*y)) if ( angle = .5* (atan(y/ (x-1.))+atan(y/ (x+1.))) end if x2 = x*x y2 = y*y r = ((x2-y2-1.)**2+4.*x2*y2)**.25 r = sqrt((x+r*cos(angle))**2+ (y+r*sin(angle))**2) nu0jac = real(n+1) + .5*log(1./eps)/log(r) return end function nu0lag(n,z,al,eps) c*********************************************************************72 c cc NU0LAG ??? c c Modified: c c 08 November 2012 c c Author: c c Walter Gautschi c c Reference: c c Walter Gautschi, c Algorithm 793: GQRAT, Gauss Quadrature for Rational Functions, c ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, c Volume 25, Number 2, pages 213-239, June 1999. c c Parameters: c c This is an auxiliary function routine providing a starting backward c recurrence index for the Laguerre measure that can be used in place c of nu0 in the routines knum and dknum. c implicit none integer nu0lag complex z real al,eps integer n c .. c .. local scalars .. real phi,pi,x,y c .. c .. intrinsic functions .. intrinsic aimag,atan,cos,log,real,sqrt c .. pi = 4.*atan(1.) x = real(z) y = aimag(z) phi = .5*pi if ( phi = 1.5*pi if (x.eq.0.) go to 10 phi = atan(y/x) if ( .and. go to 10 phi = phi + pi if ( go to 10 phi = phi + pi 10 nu0lag = (sqrt(real(n+1)+.5* (al+1.))+ + log(1./eps)/ (4.* (x*x+y*y)**.25*cos(.5* (phi-pi))))**2 - + .5* (al+1.) return end subroutine timestamp ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TIMESTAMP prints out the current YMDHMS date as a timestamp. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c c Modified: c c 12 January 2007 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c c Parameters: c c None c implicit none character * ( 8 ) ampm integer d character * ( 8 ) date integer h integer m integer mm character * ( 9 ) month(12) integer n integer s character * ( 10 ) time integer y save month data month / & 'January ', 'February ', 'March ', 'April ', & 'May ', 'June ', 'July ', 'August ', & 'September', 'October ', 'November ', 'December ' / call date_and_time ( date, time ) read ( date, '(i4,i2,i2)' ) y, m, d read ( time, '(i2,i2,i2,1x,i3)' ) h, n, s, mm if ( h .lt. 12 ) then ampm = 'AM' else if ( h .eq. 12 ) then if ( n .eq. 0 .and. s .eq. 0 ) then ampm = 'Noon' else ampm = 'PM' end if else h = h - 12 if ( h .lt. 12 ) then ampm = 'PM' else if ( h .eq. 12 ) then if ( n .eq. 0 .and. s .eq. 0 ) then ampm = 'Midnight' else ampm = 'AM' end if end if end if write ( *, & '(i2,1x,a,1x,i4,2x,i2,a1,i2.2,a1,i2.2,a1,i3.3,1x,a)' ) & d, month(m), y, h, ':', n, ':', s, '.', mm, ampm return end