C C CS2TST C 11/20/98 C C This program computes interpolation errors using the C scattered data package CSHEP2D for each of ten test C functions and a 33 by 33 uniform grid of interpolation C points in the unit square. C C This program uses Subroutines TESTDT and TSTFN1 from C ACM Algorithm SURVEY to generate a node set and and the C test function values. C INTEGER NMAX, NRMAX, NI PARAMETER (NMAX=100, NRMAX=10, NI=33) C C Array storage: C DOUBLE PRECISION X(NMAX), Y(NMAX), W(NMAX), RW(NMAX), . A(9,NMAX), P(NI), FT(NI,NI) INTEGER LCELL(NRMAX,NRMAX), LNEXT(NMAX) C DOUBLE PRECISION DEL, DUM, DX, DY, ERMAX, ERMEAN, PW, . RMAX, SSA, SSE, SSM, SUM, XMIN, YMIN DOUBLE PRECISION CS2VAL INTEGER I, IER, J, K, KF, KFF, KFL, KS, . N, NC, NFUN, NP, NR, NSET, NW, NWMAX C C Data: C C NSET = Number of node sets. C NFUN = Number of test functions. C DATA NSET/5/, NFUN/10/ C C Input format: C 100 FORMAT (I2) C C Get a user-specified node set number KS. C 1 WRITE (*,110) NSET 110 FORMAT (///13X,'CS2TST: CSHEP2D Test Program'// . 5X,'Specify a node set number in the range 1', . ' to ',I2,':'/) READ (*,100,ERR=1,END=999) KS IF (KS .LT. 1 .OR. KS .GT. NSET) GO TO 1 write ( *, * ) ' KS = ', ks C C Copy N and the nodal coordinates for node set KS. C CALL TESTDT (KS, N,X,Y) IF (N .LT. 10 .OR. N .GT. NMAX) GO TO 20 C C Allow the user to specify a range of function numbers. C WRITE (*,120) NFUN 120 FORMAT (//5X,'Specify the first test function ', . '(1 to ',I2,'):'/) READ (*,100,ERR=1) KFF IF (KFF .LT. 1 .OR. KFF .GT. NFUN) GO TO 1 write ( *, * ) ' KFF = ', kff WRITE (*,130) KFF, NFUN 130 FORMAT (//5X,'Specify the last test function (', . I2,' to ',I2,'):'/) READ (*,100,ERR=1) KFL IF (KFL .LT. KFF .OR. KFL .GT. NFUN) GO TO 1 write ( *, * ) ' KFL = ', kfl NFUN = KFL-KFF+1 C C Input NC, NW, and NR from the console. C NWMAX = MIN(40,N-1) 2 WRITE (*,140) N 140 FORMAT (//5X,'N =',I4//5X, . 'Specify the number of nodes NC for the ', . 'least squares fits.'/5X,'NC = 17 is ', . 'recommended. NC GE 9.' ) READ (*,100,ERR=2) NC IF (NC .LT. 9 .OR. NC .GT. NWMAX) GO TO 2 write ( *, * ) ' NC = ', nc C 3 WRITE (*,150) 150 FORMAT (///5X,'Specify the number of nodes NW for ', . 'the weights. NW = 30 is'/5X,'recommended. ', . ' 1 LE NW LE MIN(40,N-1).' ) READ (*,100,ERR=2) NW IF (1 .GT. NW .OR. NW .GT. NWMAX) GO TO 3 write ( *, * ) ' NW = ', nw C 4 WRITE (*,160) NRMAX 160 FORMAT (///5X,'Specify the number of rows and column', . 's NR in the uniform grid'/5X,'of cells used', . ' to locate nearest neighbors. NR = Sqrt(N/', . '3) is'/5X,'recommended. 1 LE NR LE ',I2,'.') READ (*,100,ERR=3) NR IF (NR .LT. 1 .OR. NR .GT. NRMAX) GO TO 4 write ( *, * ) ' NR = ', nr C C Set up uniform grid points. C DEL = 1./DBLE(NI-1) DO 5 I = 1,NI P(I) = DBLE(I-1)*DEL 5 CONTINUE C C Initialize the average SSE/SSM value to zero. C SSA = 0. C C Print a heading and loop on test functions. C WRITE (*,200) KS, N, NI, NC, NW, NR DO 11 KF = KFF,KFL C C Compute true function values at the nodes. C DO 6 K = 1,N CALL TSTFN1 (KF,X(K),Y(K),0, W(K),DUM,DUM) 6 CONTINUE C C Compute true function values FT on the uniform grid, and C accumulate the sum of values SUM and sum of squared C values SSM. C SUM = 0. SSM = 0. DO 8 I = 1,NI DO 7 J = 1,NI CALL TSTFN1 (KF,P(I),P(J),0, FT(I,J),DUM,DUM) SUM = SUM + FT(I,J) SSM = SSM + FT(I,J)**2 7 CONTINUE 8 CONTINUE C C Compute the sum of squared deviations from the mean SSM. C SSM = SSM - SUM*SUM/DBLE(NI*NI) C C Compute parameters A and RW defining the interpolant. C CALL CSHEP2 (N,X,Y,W,NC,NW,NR, LCELL,LNEXT,XMIN, . YMIN,DX,DY,RMAX,RW,A,IER) IF (IER .NE. 0) GO TO 21 C C Compute interpolation errors. C ERMEAN = 0. ERMAX = 0. SSE = 0. DO 10 I = 1,NI DO 9 J = 1,NI PW = CS2VAL (P(I),P(J),N,X,Y,W,NR,LCELL,LNEXT, . XMIN,YMIN,DX,DY,RMAX,RW,A) - . FT(I,J) ERMEAN = ERMEAN + ABS(PW) ERMAX = MAX(ERMAX,ABS(PW)) SSE = SSE + PW*PW 9 CONTINUE 10 CONTINUE NP = NI*NI ERMEAN = ERMEAN/DBLE(NP) SSE = SSE/SSM SSA = SSA + SSE WRITE (*,210) KF, ERMAX, ERMEAN, SSE 11 CONTINUE C C Print the average SSE/SSM value (averaged over the test C functions). C WRITE (*,220) SSA/DBLE(NFUN) go to 1 C C N is outside its valid range. C 20 WRITE (*,500) N, NMAX STOP C C Error in CSHEP2. C 21 IF (IER .EQ. 2) WRITE (*,510) IF (IER .EQ. 3) WRITE (*,520) STOP c c End of file. c 999 continue write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'END OF FILE.' stop C C Print formats: C 200 FORMAT (30X,'CS2TST Output:'// . 1X,16X,'CSHEP2D Interpolation Errors for ', . 'N nodes and an'/ . 1X,6X,'NI by NI Uniform Grid of Interpolation', . 'ion Points in the Unit Square'//1X, . 6X,'Node set ',I2,4X,'N =',I4,4X,'NI = ',I2, . 4X,'NC = ',I2,4X,'NW = ',I2,4X,'NR = ',I2/// . 1X,16X,'Function',4X,'Max Error',4X, . 'Mean Error',4X,'SSE/SSM'/) 210 FORMAT (1X,19X,I2,9X,F7.4,6X,F8.5,2X,F9.6) 220 FORMAT (//1X,11X,'Average SSE/SSM over the test ', . 'functions = ',F9.6) C C Error message formats: C 500 FORMAT (///1X,10X,'*** Error in data -- N = ',I4, . ', Maximum value =',I4,' ***') 510 FORMAT (///1X,14X,'*** Error in CSHEP2 -- duplicate ', . 'nodes encountered ***') 520 FORMAT (///1X,14X,'*** Error in CSHEP2 -- all nodes ', . 'are collinear ***') END