program main c*********************************************************************72 c cc MAIN is the main program for TCELL_MASS. c c Discussion: c c TCELL_MASS generates mass matrices for the TCELL problem. c c The finite element model uses piecewise continuous quadratic basis c functions on a mesh of 6-node triangles. c c Input files: c c ELENODE.DAT, created by TCELL.F, contains the number of nodes and elements, c the node coordinates, and the node indices that form each element. c c GEN_001.TXT through GEN_008.TXT. c c UP1ST.DAT, the steady state flow solution for ALPHA = 1. c c UP3ST.DAT, the steady state flow solution for ALPHA = 3. c c Output files: c c INIT.OUT c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c c Modified: c c 30 January 2004 c c Author: c c Hyung-Chun Lee, c Department of Mathematics c Ajou University, Korea c implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) parameter(ncvtb= 8) parameter(ncvtb2= ncvtb+2) integer nx parameter (nx=41) integer ny parameter (ny=41) integer me parameter (me=2*(nx-1)*(ny-1)) integer mn parameter (mn=(2*nx-1)*(2*ny-1)) integer mn2 parameter (mn2=2*mn) double precision ak0(ncvtb) double precision area(me) double precision ffck(ncvtb) double precision ffl2(ncvtb,ncvtb) double precision ffnk(ncvtb) double precision fgra(ncvtb,ncvtb) double precision g(mn2,ncvtb2) integer indx(mn) integer node(me,6) double precision qklm(ncvtb,ncvtb,ncvtb) double precision rkl(ncvtb,ncvtb) double precision we(13) double precision xe(me,13) double precision xn(mn) double precision ye(me,13) double precision yn(mn) call timestamp ( ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TCELL_MASS:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' FORTRAN77 version' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Compute mass matrix and other ODE' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' coefficients for a finite element solution' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' of the Navier Stokes equations in a TCELL' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' region.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,i8)' ) ' Maximum number of elements = ', me write ( *, '(a,i8)' ) ' Maximum number of nodes = ', mn nln = 6 xlngth = 1.0D+00 ylngth = 1.0D+00 c c Read the number of nodes and elements, the node coordinates, and the node indices c that form each element. c call grid_read ( me, mn, xn, yn, area, node, ne, nn ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,i6)' ) ' Number of nodes = ', nn write ( *, '(a,i6)' ) ' Number of elements = ', ne call quad13(we,xe,ye,xn,yn,node,ne,me) c c Read in the basis vectors and steady state ALPHA=3 solution. c do igen = 1, ncvtb + 1 if (igen.eq.1) then open ( unit = 1, file = 'gen_001.txt', status='old') else if (igen.eq.2) then open ( unit = 1, file = 'gen_002.txt', status='old') else if (igen.eq.3) then open ( unit = 1, file = 'gen_003.txt', status='old') else if (igen.eq.4) then open ( unit = 1, file = 'gen_004.txt', status='old') else if (igen.eq.5) then open ( unit = 1, file = 'gen_005.txt', status='old') else if (igen.eq.6) then open ( unit = 1, file = 'gen_006.txt', status='old') else if (igen.eq.7) then open ( unit = 1, file = 'gen_007.txt', status='old') else if (igen.eq.8) then open ( unit = 1, file = 'gen_008.txt', status='old') else if (igen.eq.9) then open ( unit = 1, file = 'up3st.dat', status='old') end if do ic = 1, nn read ( 1, * ) uu,vv g(ic,igen) = uu g(ic+nn,igen) = vv end do close ( unit = 1 ) end do c c Read the steady state ALPHA = 1 solution and subtract 1/3 of the c ALPHA = 3 solution. c open ( unit = 1, file = 'up1st.dat', status = 'old' ) do ic = 1, nn read(1,*) uu,vv g(ic,ncvtb2)=uu-1.0D+00/3.0D+00*g(ic,ncvtb+1) g(ic+nn,ncvtb2)=vv-1.0D+00/3.0D+00*g(ic+nn,ncvtb+1) end do close ( unit = 1 ) c c Compute ? and write it out. c write(*,*) 'Compute (Phi_k,v(0)-beta(0)*v_r)' open ( unit = 1, file = 'init.out', status = 'unknown' ) do i = 1, ncvtb temp1=0.0D+00 temp2=0.0D+00 call assem1(g,xn,yn,xe,ye,we,area,node,temp1,temp2, & ne,nln,me,mn2,nn,ncvtb,ncvtb+2,i) ak0(i)=temp1 end do write(1,63) (ak0(i),i=1,ncvtb) close ( unit = 1 ) c c Compute (Phi_i,Phi_j) and (Phi_i',Phi_j') c write(*,*) 'Compute (Phi_i,Phi_j) and (Grad(Phi_i),Grad(Phi_j))' do i = 1, ncvtb do j = 1, ncvtb temp1=0.0D+00 temp2=0.0D+00 call assem1(g,xn,yn,xe,ye,we,area,node,temp1,temp2, & ne,nln,me,mn2,nn,ncvtb,i,j) ffl2(i,j)=temp1 fgra(i,j)=temp2 end do end do write(*,*) ffl2(1,1),ffl2(1,2),ffl2(1,3) write(*,*) ffl2(2,1),ffl2(2,2),ffl2(2,3) write(*,*) fgra(1,1),fgra(1,2),fgra(1,3) write(*,*) fgra(2,1),fgra(2,2),fgra(2,3) c if(ffl2(1,1).ne.1.D+00) stop write(*,*) 'Compute (Phi_i,v_r)' do i = 1, ncvtb temp1=0.0D+00 temp2=0.0D+00 call assem1(g,xn,yn,xe,ye,we,area,node,temp1,temp2, & ne,nln,me,mn2,nn,ncvtb,i,ncvtb+1) ffnk(i)=temp1 end do write(*,*) 'Compute Q_klm' do i = 1, ncvtb do j = 1, ncvtb do k = 1, ncvtb temp=0.0D+00 call assem2(g,xn,yn,xe,ye,we,area,node,temp, & ne,nln,me,mn2,nn,ncvtb,i,j,k) qklm(i,j,k)=temp end do write(*,*) i,j end do end do c c Compute R_kl c write(*,*) 'Compute R_kl first' kk=ncvtb+1 do i = 1, ncvtb do j = 1, ncvtb temp=0.0D+00 call assem2(g,xn,yn,xe,ye,we,area,node,temp, & ne,nln,me,mn2,nn,ncvtb,i,j,kk) rkl(i,j)=temp write(*,*) i,j end do end do write(*,*) 'Compute R_kl second' do i = 1, ncvtb do j = 1, ncvtb temp=0.0D+00 call assem2(g,xn,yn,xe,ye,we,area,node,temp, & ne,nln,me,mn2,nn,ncvtb,i,kk,j) rkl(i,j)=rkl(i,j)+temp write(*,*) i,j end do end do c c Compute C_k c write(*,*) 'compute C_k' do i = 1, ncvtb temp=0.0D+00 call assem2(g,xn,yn,xe,ye,we,area,node,temp, & ne,nln,me,mn2,nn,ncvtb,i,kk,kk) ffck(i)=temp end do c c Writing result c open ( unit = 1, file = 'matrix.out', status = 'unknown' ) do i = 1, ncvtb write(1,63) (ffl2(i,j),j=1,ncvtb) end do do i = 1, ncvtb write(1,63) (fgra(i,j),j=1,ncvtb) end do do i = 1, ncvtb do j = 1, ncvtb write(1,63) (qklm(i,j,k),k=1,ncvtb) end do end do write(1,63) (ffnk(i), i=1,ncvtb) do i = 1, ncvtb write(1,63) (rkl(i,j),j=1,ncvtb) end do write(1,63) (ffck(i),i=1,ncvtb) close ( unit = 1 ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TCELL_MASS:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Normal end of execution.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' call timestamp ( ) stop 61 format(4g15.5) 62 format(g15.5) 63 format(16g25.15) end subroutine assem1(g,xn,yn,xe,ye,we,area,node,temp1,temp2, & ne,nln,me,mn2,nn,ncvtb,ncvt1,ncvt2) c*********************************************************************72 c cc ASSEM1 determines the initial value of the coefficient vector. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c c Modified: c c 30 January 2004 c c Author: c c Hyung-Chun Lee Ph.D c Department of Mathematics c Ajou University, Korea c c Parameters: c implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) double precision area(*) double precision g(mn2,*) integer node(me,*) double precision we(*) double precision xe(me,*) double precision xn(*) double precision ye(me,*) double precision yn(*) do ie = 1, ne do iq = 1, 13 x=xe(ie,iq) y=ye(ie,iq) ar=area(ie)*we(iq) do iln = 1, nln in=node(ie,iln) call qbf(bb,bx,by,x,y,ie,iln,xn,yn,node,me) do jln = 1, nln jn=node(ie,jln) call qbf(bbb,bbx,bby,x,y,ie,jln,xn,yn,node,me) aij=bb*g(in,ncvt1)*bbb*g(jn,ncvt2) & +bb*g(in+nn,ncvt1)*bbb*g(jn+nn,ncvt2) bij=bx*g(in,ncvt1)*bbx*g(jn,ncvt2) & +by*g(in,ncvt1)*bby*g(jn,ncvt2) & +bx*g(in+nn,ncvt1)*bbx*g(jn+nn,ncvt2) & +by*g(in+nn,ncvt1)*bby*g(jn+nn,ncvt2) temp1=temp1+aij*ar temp2=temp2+bij*ar end do end do end do end do return end subroutine assem2(g,xn,yn,xe,ye,we,area,node,temp, & ne,nln,me,mn2,nn,ncvtb,ncvt1,ncvt2,ncvt3) c*********************************************************************72 c cc ASSEM2 determines the mass matrix and other coefficients in the ODE. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c c Modified: c c 30 January 2004 c c Author: c c Hyung-Chun Lee Ph.D c Department of Mathematics c Ajou University, Korea c c Parameters: c implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) double precision area(*) double precision g(mn2,*) integer node(me,*) double precision we(*) double precision xe(me,*) double precision xn(*) double precision ye(me,*) double precision yn(*) c c Evaluate c do ie = 1, ne do iq = 1, 13 x=xe(ie,iq) y=ye(ie,iq) ar=area(ie)*we(iq) do iln = 1, nln in=node(ie,iln) call qbf(bb,bx,by,x,y,ie,iln,xn,yn,node,me) do jln = 1, nln jn=node(ie,jln) call qbf(bbb,bbx,bby,x,y,ie,jln,xn,yn,node,me) do kln = 1, nln kn=node(ie,kln) call qbf(bbbb,bbbx,bbby,x,y,ie,kln,xn,yn,node,me) cij=bb*g(in,ncvt1)*bbb*g(jn,ncvt2)*bbbx*g(kn,ncvt3) & +bb*g(in,ncvt1)*bbb*g(jn+nn,ncvt2)*bbby*g(kn,ncvt3) & +bb*g(in+nn,ncvt1)*bbb*g(jn,ncvt2)*bbbx*g(kn+nn,ncvt3) & +bb*g(in+nn,ncvt1)*bbb*g(jn+nn,ncvt2)*bbby*g(kn+nn,ncvt3) temp=temp+cij*ar end do end do end do end do end do return end subroutine grid_read ( me, mn, xn, yn, area, node, ne, nn) c*********************************************************************72 c cc GRID_READ reads the node and element information and computes element areas. c c Discussion: c c The routine reads a file named "ELENODE.DAT". c c The first line of this file contains NN and NE, the number of nodes c and the number of elements. c c Each of the next NN lines lists a node index, and an X and Y coordinate. c c Each of the next NE lines lists an element index, and the six nodes c that make up that element, in a particular order. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c c Modified: c c 30 January 2004 c c Author: c c Hyung-Chun Lee Ph.D c Department of Mathematics c Ajou University, Korea c c Parameters: c c Input, integer ME, the maximum number of elements. c c Input, integer MN, the maximum number of nodes. c c Output, double precision XN(NN), YN(NN), the coordinates of the nodes. c c Output, double precision AREA(NE), the area of each element. c c Output, integer NODE(ME,6), the indices of the nodes that comprise each element. c c Output, integer NE, the number of elements. c c Output, integer NN, the number of nodes. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) integer me integer mn double precision area(me) integer ne integer nn integer node(me,6) double precision xn(mn) double precision yn(mn) open ( unit = 1, file = 'elenode.dat', status = 'old' ) c c Read the data c read ( 1, * ) nn, ne do i = 1, nn read ( 1, * ) ii, xn(i), yn(i) end do do it = 1, ne read ( 1, '(7i6)' ) itt, ( node(it,i), i = 1, 6 ) end do close ( unit = 1 ) do ie = 1, ne i1=node(ie,1) i2=node(ie,2) i3=node(ie,3) x1=xn(i1) x2=xn(i2) x3=xn(i3) y1=yn(i1) y2=yn(i2) y3=yn(i3) area(ie)=0.5D+00*dabs(y1*(x2-x3)+y2*(x3-x1)+y3*(x1-x2)) end do return end subroutine qbf ( bb, bx, by, x, y, ie, iln, xn, yn, node, me ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc QBF evaluates the quadratic basic functions. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c c Modified: c c 30 January 2004 c c Author: c c Hyung-Chun Lee Ph.D c Department of Mathematics c Ajou University, Korea c c Parameters: c c Output, double precision BB, BX, BY, the value of the basis function, c and its X and Y derivatives, associated with the given element, and evaluated c at the given point. c c Input, double precision X, Y, the coordinates of the point where the evaluation c is to take place. c c Input, integer IE, the index of the element within which the evaluation point lies. c c Input, integer ILN, the index, between 1 and 6, of the basis function. This is also c the local index of the associated node in the (6 node) triangular element. c c Input, double precision XN(*), YN(*), the coordinates of all nodes. c c Input, integer NODE(ME,6), lists the nodes that form each element. c c Input, integer ME, the maximum number of elements. c implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) double precision bb double precision bx double precision by integer node(me,*) double precision xn(*) double precision yn(*) in1=1+mod(iln-1,3) in2=mod(in1,3)+1 in3=mod(in1+1,3)+1 i1=node(ie,in1) i2=node(ie,in2) i3=node(ie,in3) x1=xn(i1) x2=xn(i2) x3=xn(i3) y1=yn(i1) y2=yn(i2) y3=yn(i3) d=(x2-x1)*(y3-y1)-(x3-x1)*(y2-y1) if ( d == 0.0D+00 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'QBF - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Determinant value D = 0.' write ( *, '(a,i6)' ) ' Element number = ', ie write ( *, '(a,i6,2g14.6)' ) ' I1, X1, Y1 = ', i1, x1, y1 write ( *, '(a,i6,2g14.6)' ) ' I2, X2, Y2 = ', i2, x2, y2 write ( *, '(a,i6,2g14.6)' ) ' I3, X3, Y3 = ', i3, x3, y3 stop end if t=1.0D+00+((y2-y3)*(x-x1)+(x3-x2)*(y-y1))/d if ( iln .le. 3 ) then bb=t*(2.0D+00*t-1.0D+00) bx=(y2-y3)*(4.0D+00*t-1.0D+00)/d by=(x3-x2)*(4.0D+00*t-1.0D+00)/d else j1=i2 j2=i3 j3=i1 a1=xn(j1) a2=xn(j2) a3=xn(j3) b1=yn(j1) b2=yn(j2) b3=yn(j3) c=(a2-a1)*(b3-b1)-(a3-a1)*(b2-b1) s=1.0D+00+((b2-b3)*(x-a1)+(a3-a2)*(y-b1))/c bb=4.0D+00*s*t bx=4.0D+00*(t*(b2-b3)/c+s*(y2-y3)/d) by=4.0D+00*(t*(a3-a2)/c+s*(x3-x2)/d) end if return end subroutine quad13 ( we, xe, ye, xn, yn, node, ne, me ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc QUAD13 sets the nodes and weights for 13 point Gauss quadrature. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c c Modified: c c 30 January 2004 c c Author: c c Hyung-Chun Lee Ph.D c Department of Mathematics c Ajou University, Korea c c Parameters: c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) integer node(me,*) double precision we(*) double precision xe(me,*) double precision xn(*) double precision ye(me,*) double precision yn(*) do i = 1, 3 we(i)=0.175615257433204D+00 ii=i+3 we(ii)=0.053347235608839D+00 ii=i+6 iii=ii+3 we(ii)=0.077113760890257D+00 we(iii)=we(ii) end do we(13)=-0.14957004446767D+00 z1=0.479308067841923D+00 z2=0.260345966079038D+00 z3=0.869739794195568D+00 z4=0.065130102902216D+00 z5=0.638444188569809D+00 z6=0.312865496004875D+00 z7=0.048690315425316D+00 do ie = 1, ne i1=node(ie,1) i2=node(ie,2) i3=node(ie,3) x1=xn(i1) x2=xn(i2) x3=xn(i3) y1=yn(i1) y2=yn(i2) y3=yn(i3) xe(ie,1)=z1*x1+z2*x2+z2*x3 ye(ie,1)=z1*y1+z2*y2+z2*y3 xe(ie,2)=z2*x1+z1*x2+z2*x3 ye(ie,2)=z2*y1+z1*y2+z2*y3 xe(ie,3)=z2*x1+z2*x2+z1*x3 ye(ie,3)=z2*y1+z2*y2+z1*y3 xe(ie,4)=z3*x1+z4*x2+z4*x3 ye(ie,4)=z3*y1+z4*y2+z4*y3 xe(ie,5)=z4*x1+z3*x2+z4*x3 ye(ie,5)=z4*y1+z3*y2+z4*y3 xe(ie,6)=z4*x1+z4*x2+z3*x3 ye(ie,6)=z4*y1+z4*y2+z3*y3 xe(ie,7)=z5*x1+z6*x2+z7*x3 ye(ie,7)=z5*y1+z6*y2+z7*y3 xe(ie,8)=z5*x1+z7*x2+z6*x3 ye(ie,8)=z5*y1+z7*y2+z6*y3 xe(ie,9)=z6*x1+z5*x2+z7*x3 ye(ie,9)=z6*y1+z5*y2+z7*y3 xe(ie,10)=z6*x1+z7*x2+z5*x3 ye(ie,10)=z6*y1+z7*y2+z5*y3 xe(ie,11)=z7*x1+z5*x2+z6*x3 ye(ie,11)=z7*y1+z5*y2+z6*y3 xe(ie,12)=z7*x1+z6*x2+z5*x3 ye(ie,12)=z7*y1+z6*y2+z5*y3 xe(ie,13)=(x1+x2+x3)/3.0D+00 ye(ie,13)=(y1+y2+y3)/3.0D+00 end do return end subroutine timestamp ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TIMESTAMP prints out the current YMDHMS date as a timestamp. c c Discussion: c c This FORTRAN77 version is made available for cases where the c FORTRAN90 version cannot be used. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c c Modified: c c 12 January 2007 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c c Parameters: c c None c implicit none character * ( 8 ) ampm integer d character * ( 8 ) date integer h integer m integer mm character * ( 9 ) month(12) integer n integer s character * ( 10 ) time integer y save month data month / & 'January ', 'February ', 'March ', 'April ', & 'May ', 'June ', 'July ', 'August ', & 'September', 'October ', 'November ', 'December ' / call date_and_time ( date, time ) read ( date, '(i4,i2,i2)' ) y, m, d read ( time, '(i2,i2,i2,1x,i3)' ) h, n, s, mm if ( h .lt. 12 ) then ampm = 'AM' else if ( h .eq. 12 ) then if ( n .eq. 0 .and. s .eq. 0 ) then ampm = 'Noon' else ampm = 'PM' end if else h = h - 12 if ( h .lt. 12 ) then ampm = 'PM' else if ( h .eq. 12 ) then if ( n .eq. 0 .and. s .eq. 0 ) then ampm = 'Midnight' else ampm = 'AM' end if end if end if write ( *, & '(i2,1x,a,1x,i4,2x,i2,a1,i2.2,a1,i2.2,a1,i3.3,1x,a)' ) & d, month(m), y, h, ':', n, ':', s, '.', mm, ampm return end