c SPARSKIT.F 03 December 1991 c subroutine amask (nrow,ncol,a,ja,ia,jmask,imask, * c,jc,ic,iw,nzmax,ierr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc AMASK extracts a sparse matrix from a masked input matrix. c c Discussion: c c AMASK extracts a sparse matrix from the input matrix c by looking at positions defined by the mask jmask, imask c c the algorithm is in place: c, jc, ic can be the same as c a, ja, ia in which cas the code will overwrite the matrix c c on a, ja, ia c c On entry: c c nrow = integer. row dimension of input matrix c ncol = integer. Column dimension of input matrix. c c a, c ja, c ia = matrix in Compressed Sparse Row format c c jmask, c imask = matrix defining mask (pattern only) stored in compressed c sparse row format. c c nzmax = length of arrays c and jc. see ierr. c c On return: c c c a, ja, ia and jmask, imask are unchanged. c c c c jc, c ic = the output matrix in Compressed Sparse Row format. c c ierr = integer. serving as error message.c c ierr = 1 means normal return c ierr .gt. 1 means that amask stopped when processing c row number ierr, because there was not enough space in c c, jc according to the value of nzmax. c c work arrays: c c iw = logical work array of length ncol. c double precision a(*),c(*) integer ia(nrow+1),ja(*),jc(*),ic(nrow+1),jmask(*),imask(nrow+1) logical iw(ncol) ierr = 0 len = 0 do 1 j=1, ncol iw(j) = .false. 1 continue c c unpack the mask for row ii in iw c do ii=1, nrow c c save pointer in order to be able to do things in place c do k=imask(ii), imask(ii+1)-1 iw(jmask(k)) = .true. end do c c add umasked elemnts of row ii c k1 = ia(ii) k2 = ia(ii+1)-1 ic(ii) = len+1 do k=k1,k2 j = ja(k) if (iw(j)) then len = len+1 if (len .gt. nzmax) then ierr = ii return end if jc(len) = j c(len) = a(k) end if end do do k=imask(ii), imask(ii+1)-1 iw(jmask(k)) = .false. end do end do ic(nrow+1)=len+1 return end subroutine amub (nrow,ncol,job,a,ja,ia,b,jb,ib, * c,jc,ic,nzmax,iw,ierr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc AMUB performs the matrix product C = A * B. c c on entry: c c nrow = integer. The row dimension of A c ncol = integer. The column dimension of A c job = integer. Job indicator. When job = 0, only the structure c (i.e. the arrays jc, ic) is computed and the c real values are ignored. c c a, c ja, c ia = Matrix A in compressed sparse row format. c c b, c jb, c ib = Matrix B in compressed sparse row format. c c nzmax = integer. The length of the arrays c and jc. c amub will stop if the result matrix C has a number c of elements that exceeds exceeds nzmax. See ierr. c c on return: c c c, c jc, c ic = resulting matrix C in compressed sparse row sparse format. c c ierr = integer. serving as error message. c ierr = 0 means normal return, c ierr .gt. 0 means that amub stopped while computing the c i-th row of C with i=ierr, because the number c of elements in C exceeds nzmax. c c work arrays: c c iw = integer work array of length equal to the number of c columns in A. c Notes: c c The column dimension of B is not needed. c double precision a(*), b(*), c(*) integer ja(*),jb(*),jc(*),ia(nrow+1),ib(ncol+1), * ic(ncol+1),iw(ncol) double precision scal logical values values = (job .ne. 0) len = 0 ic(1) = 1 ierr = 0 c c Initialize array iw. c do j=1, ncol iw(j) = 0 end do do 500 ii=1, nrow c row i do 200 ka=ia(ii), ia(ii+1)-1 if (values) scal = a(ka) jj = ja(ka) do 100 kb=ib(jj),ib(jj+1)-1 jcol = jb(kb) jpos = iw(jcol) if (jpos .eq. 0) then len = len+1 if (len .gt. nzmax) then ierr = ii return end if jc(len) = jcol iw(jcol)= len if (values) c(len) = scal*b(kb) else if (values) c(jpos) = c(jpos) + scal*b(kb) end if 100 continue 200 continue do 201 k=ic(ii), len iw(jc(k)) = 0 201 continue ic(ii+1) = len+1 500 continue return end subroutine amubdg(nrow,ncol,ncolb,ja,ia,jb,ib,ndegr,nnz,iw) c*********************************************************************72 c cc AMUBDG gets the number of nonzero elements in each row of A * B. c c on entry: c c nrow = integer. row dimension of matrix A c ncol = integer. column dimension of matrix A = row dimension of c matrix B. c ncolb = integer. the colum dimension of the matrix B. c c ja, ia= row structure of input matrix A: ja = column indices of c the nonzero elements of A stored by rows. c ia = pointer to beginning of each row in ja. c c jb, ib= row structure of input matrix B: jb = column indices of c the nonzero elements of A stored by rows. c ib = pointer to beginning of each row in jb. c c on return: c c ndegr = integer array of length nrow containing the degrees (i.e., c the number of nonzeros in each row of the matrix A * B c c nnz = total number of nonzero elements found in A * B c c work arrays: c c iw = integer work array of length ncolb. c integer ja(*),jb(*),ia(nrow+1),ib(ncol+1),ndegr(nrow),iw(ncolb) do 1 k=1, ncolb iw(k) = 0 1 continue do 2 k=1, nrow ndegr(k) = 0 2 continue c c method used: Transp(A) * A = sum [over i=1, nrow] a(i)^T a(i) c where a(i) = i-th row of A. We must be careful not to add the c elements already accounted for. c c do 7 ii=1,nrow c c for each row of A c ldg = 0 c c end-of-linked list c last = -1 do 6 j = ia(ii),ia(ii+1)-1 c c row number to be added: c jr = ja(j) do 5 k=ib(jr),ib(jr+1)-1 jc = jb(k) if (iw(jc) .eq. 0) then c c add one element to the linked list c ldg = ldg + 1 iw(jc) = last last = jc end if 5 continue 6 continue ndegr(ii) = ldg c c reset iw to zero c do 61 k=1,ldg j = iw(last) iw(last) = 0 last = j 61 continue 7 continue nnz = 0 do 8 ii=1, nrow nnz = nnz+ndegr(ii) 8 continue return end subroutine amudia (nrow,job, a, ja, ia, diag, b, jb, ib) c*********************************************************************72 c cc AMUDIA performs the matrix by matrix product B = A * Diag (in place) c c on entry: c c nrow = integer. The row dimension of A c c job = integer. job indicator. Job=0 means get array b only c job = 1 means get b, and the integer arrays ib, jb. c c a, c ja, c ia = Matrix A in compressed sparse row format. c c diag = diagonal matrix stored as a vector dig(1:n) c c on return: c c c b, c jb, c ib = resulting matrix B in compressed sparse row sparse format. c c Notes: c c 1) The column dimension of A is not needed. c 2) algorithm in place (B can take the place of A). c double precision a(*), b(*), diag(nrow) integer ja(*),jb(*), ia(nrow+1),ib(nrow+1) do 1 ii=1,nrow c c scale each element c k1 = ia(ii) k2 = ia(ii+1)-1 do 2 k=k1, k2 b(k) = a(k)*diag(ja(k)) 2 continue 1 continue if (job .eq. 0) return ib(1) = ia(1) do 3 ii=1, nrow ib(ii) = ia(ii) do 31 k=ia(ii),ia(ii+1)-1 jb(k) = ja(k) 31 continue 3 continue return end subroutine amux(n, x, y, a,ja,ia) c*********************************************************************72 c cc AMUX multiplies a CSR matrix A times a vector. c c multiplies a matrix by a vector using the dot product form c Matrix A is stored in compressed sparse row storage. c c on entry: c c n = row dimension of A c x = double precision array of length equal to the column dimension of c the A matrix. c a, ja, c ia = input matrix in compressed sparse row format. c c on return: c c y = double precision array of length n, containing the product y=Ax c double precision x(*), y(*), a(*) integer n, ja(*), ia(*) double precision t integer i, k do 100 i = 1,n c c compute the inner product of row i with vector x c t = 0.0 do 99 k=ia(i), ia(i+1)-1 t = t + a(k)*x(ja(k)) 99 continue c c store result in y(i) c y(i) = t 100 continue return end subroutine amuxd (n,x,y,diag,ndiag,idiag,ioff) c*********************************************************************72 c cc AMUXD multiplies a DIA matrix times a vector. c c multiplies a matrix by a vector when the original matrix is stored c in the diagonal storage format. c c on entry: c c n = row dimension of A c x = double precision array of length equal to the column dimension of c the A matrix. c ndiag = integer. The first dimension of array adiag as declared in c the calling program. c idiag = integer. The number of diagonals in the matrix. c diag = double precision array containing the diagonals stored of A. c idiag = number of diagonals in matrix. c diag = double precision array of size (ndiag x idiag) containing the diagonals c c ioff = integer array of length idiag, containing the offsets of the c diagonals of the matrix: c diag(i,k) contains the element a(i,i+ioff(k)) of the matrix. c c on return: c c y = double precision array of length n, containing the product y=A*x c integer n, ndiag, idiag, ioff(idiag) double precision x(n), y(n), diag(ndiag,idiag) integer j, k, io, i1, i2 do 1 j=1, n y(j) = 0.0 1 continue do 10 j=1, idiag io = ioff(j) i1 = max0(1,1-io) i2 = min0(n,n-io) do 9 k=i1, i2 y(k) = y(k)+diag(k,j)*x(k+io) 9 continue 10 continue return end subroutine amuxe(n,x,y,na,ncol,a,ja) c*********************************************************************72 c cc AMUXE multiplies an ELL matrix times a vector. c c multiplies a matrix by a vector when the original matrix is stored c in the ellpack-itpack sparse format. c c on entry: c c n = row dimension of A c x = double precision array of length equal to the column dimension of c the A matrix. c na = integer. The first dimension of arrays a and ja c as declared by the calling program. c ncol = integer. The number of active columns in array a. c (i.e., the number of generalized diagonals in matrix.) c a, ja = the real and integer arrays of the itpack format c (a(i,k),k=1,ncol contains the elements of row i in matrix c ja(i,k),k=1,ncol contains their column numbers) c c on return: c c y = double precision array of length n, containing the product y=y=A*x c INTEGER N,NA double precision x(n), y(n), a(na,*) integer ncol, ja(na,*) integer i, j do 1 i=1, n y(i) = 0.0 1 continue do 10 j=1,ncol do 25 i = 1,n y(i) = y(i)+a(i,j)*x(ja(i,j)) 25 continue 10 continue return end subroutine amuxj (n, x, y, jdiag, a, ja, ia) c*********************************************************************72 c cc AMUXJ multiplies a JAD matrix times a vector. c c multiplies a matrix by a vector when the original matrix is stored c in the jagged diagonal storage format. c c on entry: c c n = row dimension of A c x = double precision array of length equal to the column dimension of c the A matrix. c jdiag = integer. The number of jadded-diagonals in the data-structure. c a = double precision array containing the jadded diagonals of A stored c in succession (in decreasing lengths) c j = integer array containing the colum indices of the c corresponding elements in a. c ia = integer array containing the lengths of the jagged diagonals c c on return: c c y = double precision array of length n, containing the product y=A*x c c Note: c c Permutation related to the JAD format is not performed. c this can be done by: c call permvec (n,y,y,iperm) c after the call to amuxj, where iperm is the permutation produced c by csrjad. c integer n, jdiag, ja(*), ia(*) double precision x(n), y(n), a(*) integer i, ii, k1, len, j do 1 i=1, n y(i) = 0.0 1 continue do 70 ii=1, jdiag k1 = ia(ii)-1 len = ia(ii+1)-k1-1 do 60 j=1,len y(j)= y(j)+a(k1+j)*x(ja(k1+j)) 60 continue 70 continue return end subroutine aplb (nrow,ncol,job,a,ja,ia,b,jb,ib, * c,jc,ic,nzmax,iw,ierr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc APLB performs the CSR matrix sum C = A + B. c c on entry: c c nrow = integer. The row dimension of A and B c ncol = integer. The column dimension of A and B. c job = integer. Job indicator. When job = 0, only the structure c (i.e. the arrays jc, ic) is computed and the c real values are ignored. c c a, c ja, c ia = Matrix A in compressed sparse row format. c c b, c jb, c ib = Matrix B in compressed sparse row format. c c nzmax = integer. The length of the arrays c and jc. c amub will stop if the result matrix C has a number c of elements that exceeds exceeds nzmax. See ierr. c c on return: c c c, c jc, c ic = resulting matrix C in compressed sparse row sparse format. c c ierr = integer. serving as error message. c ierr = 0 means normal return, c ierr .gt. 0 means that amub stopped while computing the c i-th row of C with i=ierr, because the number c of elements in C exceeds nzmax. c c work arrays: c c iw = integer work array of length equal to the number of c columns in A. c double precision a(*), b(*), c(*) integer ja(*),jb(*),jc(*),ia(nrow+1),ib(nrow+1),ic(nrow+1), * iw(ncol) logical values values = (job .ne. 0) ierr = 0 len = 0 ic(1) = 1 do 1 j=1, ncol iw(j) = 0 1 continue do 500 ii=1, nrow c row i do 200 ka=ia(ii), ia(ii+1)-1 len = len+1 jcol = ja(ka) if (len .gt. nzmax) goto 999 jc(len) = jcol if (values) c(len) = a(ka) iw(jcol)= len 200 continue do 300 kb=ib(ii),ib(ii+1)-1 jcol = jb(kb) jpos = iw(jcol) if (jpos .eq. 0) then len = len+1 if (len .gt. nzmax) goto 999 jc(len) = jcol if (values) c(len) = b(kb) iw(jcol)= len else if (values) c(jpos) = c(jpos) + b(kb) end if 300 continue do 301 k=ic(ii), len iw(jc(k)) = 0 301 continue ic(ii+1) = len+1 500 continue return 999 ierr = ii return end subroutine aplb1(nrow,ncol,job,a,ja,ia,b,jb,ib,c,jc,ic,nzmax,ierr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc APLB1 performs the sum C = A + B for sorted CSR matrices. c c the difference with aplb is that the resulting matrix is such that c the elements of each row are sorted with increasing column indices in c each row, provided the original matrices are sorted in the same way. c c on entry: c c nrow = integer. The row dimension of A and B c ncol = integer. The column dimension of A and B. c job = integer. Job indicator. When job = 0, only the structure c (i.e. the arrays jc, ic) is computed and the c real values are ignored. c c a, c ja, c ia = Matrix A in compressed sparse row format with entries sorted c c b, c jb, c ib = Matrix B in compressed sparse row format with entries sorted c ascendly in each row c c nzmax = integer. The length of the arrays c and jc. c amub will stop if the result matrix C has a number c of elements that exceeds exceeds nzmax. See ierr. c c on return: c c c, c jc, c ic = resulting matrix C in compressed sparse row sparse format c with entries sorted ascendly in each row. c c ierr = integer. serving as error message. c ierr = 0 means normal return, c ierr .gt. 0 means that amub stopped while computing the c i-th row of C with i=ierr, because the number c of elements in C exceeds nzmax. c c Notes: c c this will not work if any of the two input matrices is not sorted c double precision a(*), b(*), c(*) integer ja(*),jb(*),jc(*),ia(nrow+1),ib(nrow+1),ic(nrow+1) logical values values = (job .ne. 0) ierr = 0 kc = 1 ic(1) = kc do 6 i=1, nrow ka = ia(i) kb = ib(i) kamax = ia(i+1)-1 kbmax = ib(i+1)-1 5 continue if (ka .le. kamax) then j1 = ja(ka) else j1 = ncol+1 end if if (kb .le. kbmax) then j2 = jb(kb) else j2 = ncol+1 end if c c three cases c if (j1 .eq. j2) then if (values) c(kc) = a(ka)+b(kb) jc(kc) = j1 ka = ka+1 kb = kb+1 kc = kc+1 else if (j1 .lt. j2) then jc(kc) = j1 if (values) c(kc) = a(ka) ka = ka+1 kc = kc+1 else if (j1 .gt. j2) then jc(kc) = j2 if (values) c(kc) = b(kb) kb = kb+1 kc = kc+1 end if if (kc .gt. nzmax) goto 999 if (ka .le. kamax .or. kb .le. kbmax) goto 5 ic(i+1) = kc 6 continue return 999 ierr = i return end subroutine aplbdg (nrow,ncol,ja,ia,jb,ib,ndegr,nnz,iw) integer ja(*),jb(*),ia(nrow+1),ib(nrow+1),iw(ncol),ndegr(nrow) c*********************************************************************72 c cc APLBDG gets the number of nonzero elements in each row of A + B. c c on entry: c c nrow = integer. The row dimension of A and B c ncol = integer. The column dimension of A and B. c c a, c ja, c ia = Matrix A in compressed sparse row format. c c b, c jb, c ib = Matrix B in compressed sparse row format. c c on return: c c ndegr = integer array of length nrow containing the degrees (i.e., c the number of nonzeros in each row of the matrix A + B. c c nnz = total number of nonzero elements found in A * B c c work arrays: c c iw = integer work array of length equal to ncol. c do 1 k=1, ncol iw(k) = 0 1 continue do 2 k=1, nrow ndegr(k) = 0 2 continue do 7 ii=1,nrow ldg = 0 c c end-of-linked list c last = -1 c c row of A c do 5 j = ia(ii),ia(ii+1)-1 jr = ja(j) c c add element to the linked list c ldg = ldg + 1 iw(jr) = last last = jr 5 continue c c row of B c do 6 j=ib(ii),ib(ii+1)-1 jc = jb(j) if (iw(jc) .eq. 0) then c c add one element to the linked list c ldg = ldg + 1 iw(jc) = last last = jc end if 6 continue c done with row ii. ndegr(ii) = ldg c c reset iw to zero c do 61 k=1,ldg j = iw(last) iw(last) = 0 last = j 61 continue 7 continue c nnz = 0 do 8 ii=1, nrow nnz = nnz+ndegr(ii) 8 continue return end subroutine apldia (nrow, job, a, ja, ia, diag, b, jb, ib, iw) c*********************************************************************72 c cc APLDIA adds a diagonal matrix to a general sparse matrix: B = A + Diag. c c on entry: c c nrow = integer. The row dimension of A c c job = integer. job indicator. Job=0 means get array b only c (i.e. assume that a has already been copied into array b, c or that algorithm is used in place. ) For all practical c puposes enter job=0 for an in-place call and job=1 otherwise. c c Note: in case there are missing diagonal elements in A, c then the option job =0 will be ignored, since the algorithm c must modify the data structure (i.e. jb, ib) in this c situation. c c a, c ja, c ia = Matrix A in compressed sparse row format. c c diag = diagonal matrix stored as a vector dig(1:n) c c on return: c c c b, c jb, c ib = resulting matrix B in compressed sparse row sparse format. c c c iw = integer work array of length n. On return iw will c contain the positions of the diagonal entries in the c output matrix. (i.e., a(iw(k)), ja(iw(k)), k=1,...n, c are the values/column indices of the diagonal elements c of the output matrix. ). c c Notes: c c 1) The column dimension of A is not needed. c 2) algorithm in place (b, jb, ib, can be the same as c a, ja, ia, on entry). See comments for parameter job. c c coded by Y. Saad. Latest version July, 19, 1990 c double precision a(*), b(*), diag(nrow) integer ja(*),jb(*), ia(nrow+1),ib(nrow+1), iw(*) logical test c c copy integer arrays into b's data structure if required c if (job .ne. 0) then nnz = ia(nrow+1)-1 do 2 k=1, nnz jb(k) = ja(k) 2 continue do 3 k=1, nrow+1 ib(k) = ia(k) 3 continue end if c c get positions of diagonal elements in data structure. c call diapos (nrow,ja,ia,iw) c c count number of holes in diagonal and add diag(*) elements to c valid diagonal entries. c icount = 0 do 1 j=1, nrow if (iw(j) .eq. 0) then icount = icount+1 else b(iw(j)) = a(iw(j)) + diag(j) end if 1 continue c c if no diagonal elements to insert return c if (icount .eq. 0) return c c shift the nonzero elements if needed, to allow for created c diagonal elements. c ko = ib(nrow+1)+icount c c copy rows backward c do 5 ii=nrow, 1, -1 c c go through row ii c k1 = ib(ii) k2 = ib(ii+1)-1 ib(ii+1) = ko test = (iw(ii) .eq. 0) do 4 k = k2,k1,-1 j = jb(k) if (test .and. (j .lt. ii)) then test = .false. ko = ko - 1 b(ko) = diag(ii) jb(ko) = ii iw(ii) = ko end if ko = ko-1 b(ko) = a(k) jb(ko) = j 4 continue c diagonal element has not been added yet. if (test) then ko = ko-1 b(ko) = diag(ii) jb(ko) = ii iw(ii) = ko end if 5 continue ib(1) = ko return end subroutine aplsb (nrow,ncol,a,ja,ia,s,b,jb,ib, * c,jc,ic,nzmax,iw,ierr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc APLSB performs the matrix linear combination C = A + s * B. c c on entry: c c nrow = integer. The row dimension of A c ncol = integer. The column dimension of A c c a, c ja, c ia = Matrix A in compressed sparse row format. c c s = real. scalar factor for B. c c b, c jb, c ib = Matrix B in compressed sparse row format. c c nzmax = integer. The length of the arrays c and jc. c amub will stop if the result matrix C has a number c of elements that exceeds exceeds nzmax. See ierr. c c on return: c c c, c jc, c ic = resulting matrix C in compressed sparse row sparse format. c c ierr = integer. serving as error message. c ierr = 0 means normal return, c ierr .gt. 0 means that amub stopped while computing the c i-th row of C with i=ierr, because the number c of elements in C exceeds nzmax. c c work arrays: c c iw = integer work array of length equal to the number of c columns in A. c double precision a(*),b(*),c(*),s integer ja(*),jb(*),jc(*),ia(nrow+1),ib(nrow+1), * ic(nrow+1),iw(ncol) ierr = 0 len = 0 ic(1) = 1 do 1 j=1, ncol iw(j) = 0 1 continue do 500 ii=1, nrow c row i do 200 ka=ia(ii), ia(ii+1)-1 len = len+1 jcol = ja(ka) if (len .gt. nzmax) goto 999 jc(len) = jcol c(len) = a(ka) iw(jcol)= len 200 continue do 300 kb=ib(ii),ib(ii+1)-1 jcol = jb(kb) jpos = iw(jcol) if (jpos .eq. 0) then len = len+1 if (len .gt. nzmax) goto 999 jc(len) = jcol c(len) = s*b(kb) iw(jcol)= len else c(jpos) = c(jpos) + s*b(kb) end if 300 continue do 301 k=ic(ii), len iw(jc(k)) = 0 301 continue ic(ii+1) = len+1 500 continue return 999 ierr = ii return end subroutine aplsb1 (nrow,ncol,a,ja,ia,s,b,jb,ib,c,jc,ic, * nzmax,ierr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc APLSB1 performs the operation C = A + s * B for sorted CSR matrices. c c the difference with aplsb is that the resulting matrix is such that c the elements of each row are sorted with increasing column indices in c each row, provided the original matrices are sorted in the same way. c c on entry: c c nrow = integer. The row dimension of A and B c ncol = integer. The column dimension of A and B. c c a, c ja, c ia = Matrix A in compressed sparse row format with entries sorted c c s = real. scalar factor for B. c c b, c jb, c ib = Matrix B in compressed sparse row format with entries sorted c ascendly in each row c c nzmax = integer. The length of the arrays c and jc. c amub will stop if the result matrix C has a number c of elements that exceeds exceeds nzmax. See ierr. c c on return: c c c, c jc, c ic = resulting matrix C in compressed sparse row sparse format c with entries sorted ascendly in each row. c c ierr = integer. serving as error message. c ierr = 0 means normal return, c ierr .gt. 0 means that amub stopped while computing the c i-th row of C with i=ierr, because the number c of elements in C exceeds nzmax. c c Notes: c c this will not work if any of the two input matrices is not sorted c double precision a(*), b(*), c(*), s integer ja(*),jb(*),jc(*),ia(nrow+1),ib(nrow+1),ic(nrow+1) ierr = 0 kc = 1 ic(1) = kc do 6 i=1, nrow ka = ia(i) kb = ib(i) kamax = ia(i+1)-1 kbmax = ib(i+1)-1 5 continue if (ka .le. kamax) then j1 = ja(ka) else j1 = ncol+1 end if if (kb .le. kbmax) then j2 = jb(kb) else j2 = ncol+1 end if c c three cases c if (j1 .eq. j2) then c(kc) = a(ka)+s*b(kb) jc(kc) = j1 ka = ka+1 kb = kb+1 kc = kc+1 else if (j1 .lt. j2) then jc(kc) = j1 c(kc) = a(ka) ka = ka+1 kc = kc+1 else if (j1 .gt. j2) then jc(kc) = j2 c(kc) = s*b(kb) kb = kb+1 kc = kc+1 end if if (kc .gt. nzmax) goto 999 if (ka .le. kamax .or. kb .le. kbmax) goto 5 ic(i+1) = kc 6 continue return 999 ierr = i return end subroutine aplsbt(nrow,ncol,a,ja,ia,s,b,jb,ib, * c,jc,ic,nzmax,iw,ierr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc APLSBT performs the matrix sum C = A + B'. c c on entry: c c nrow = integer. The row dimension of A and transp(B) c ncol = integer. The column dimension of A. Also the row c dimension of B. c c a, c ja, c ia = Matrix A in compressed sparse row format. c c s = real. scalar factor for B. c c c b, c jb, c ib = Matrix B in compressed sparse row format. c c nzmax = integer. The length of the arrays c, jc, and ic. c amub will stop if the result matrix C has a number c of elements that exceeds exceeds nzmax. See ierr. c c on return: c c c, c jc, c ic = resulting matrix C in compressed sparse row format. c c ierr = integer. serving as error message. c ierr = 0 means normal return. c ierr = -1 means that nzmax was .lt. either the number of c nonzero elements of A or the number of nonzero elements in B. c ierr .gt. 0 means that amub stopped while computing the c i-th row of C with i=ierr, because the number c of elements in C exceeds nzmax. c c work arrays: c c iw = integer work array of length equal to the number of c columns in A. c c Notes: c It is important to note that here all of three arrays c, ic, c and jc are assumed to be of length nnz(c). This is because c the matrix is internally converted in coordinate format. c double precision a(*), b(*), c(*), s integer ja(*),jb(*),jc(*),ia(nrow+1),ib(ncol+1),ic(*), * iw(ncol) ierr = 0 do 1 j=1, ncol iw(j) = 0 1 continue nnza = ia(nrow+1)-1 nnzb = ib(ncol+1)-1 len = nnzb if (nzmax .lt. nnzb .or. nzmax .lt. nnza) then ierr = -1 return end if c c trasnpose matrix b into c c ljob = 1 ipos = 1 call csrcsc (ncol,ljob,ipos,b,jb,ib,c,jc,ic) do 2 k=1,len 2 c(k) = c(k)*s c c main loop. add rows from ii = 1 to nrow. c do 500 ii=1, nrow c iw is used as a system to recognize whether there c was a nonzero element in c. do 200 k = ic(ii),ic(ii+1)-1 iw(jc(k)) = k 200 continue c do 300 ka = ia(ii), ia(ii+1)-1 jcol = ja(ka) jpos = iw(jcol) if (jpos .eq. 0) then c c if fill-in append in coordinate format to matrix. c len = len+1 if (len .gt. nzmax) goto 999 jc(len) = jcol ic(len) = ii c(len) = a(ka) else c else do addition. c(jpos) = c(jpos) + a(ka) end if 300 continue do 301 k=ic(ii), ic(ii+1)-1 iw(jc(k)) = 0 301 continue 500 continue c c convert matrix without fill-ins into coordinate format c ljob = 3 call csrcoo (nrow,ljob,nnzb,c,jc,ic,nnzb,c,ic,jc,ierr) if (ierr .ne. 0) ierr = -ierr c convert the whole thing back to csr format. ljob = 1 call coicsr (nrow,len,1,c,jc,ic,iw) return 999 ierr = ii return end subroutine aplsca (nrow, a, ja, ia, scal,iw) c*********************************************************************72 c cc APLSCA adds a scalar to the diagonal entries of a sparse matrix A :=A + s I c c on entry: c c nrow = integer. The row dimension of A c c a, c ja, c ia = Matrix A in compressed sparse row format. c c scal = real. scalar to add to the diagonal entries. c c on return: c c c a, c ja, c ia = matrix A with diagonal elements shifted (or created). c c iw = integer work array of length n. On return iw will c contain the positions of the diagonal entries in the c output matrix. (i.e., a(iw(k)), ja(iw(k)), k=1,...n, c are the values/column indices of the diagonal elements c of the output matrix. ). c c Notes: c c The column dimension of A is not needed. c important: the matrix a may be expanded slightly to allow for c additions of nonzero elements to previously nonexisting diagonals. c The is no checking as to whether there is enough space appended c to the arrays a and ja. if not sure allow for n additional c elemnts. c coded by Y. Saad. Latest version July, 19, 1990 c double precision a(*), scal integer ja(*), ia(nrow+1),iw(*) logical test call diapos (nrow,ja,ia,iw) icount = 0 do 1 j=1, nrow if (iw(j) .eq. 0) then icount = icount+1 else a(iw(j)) = a(iw(j)) + scal end if 1 continue c c if no diagonal elements to insert in data structure return. c if (icount .eq. 0) return c c shift the nonzero elements if needed, to allow for created c diagonal elements. c ko = ia(nrow+1)+icount c c copy rows backward c do 5 ii=nrow, 1, -1 c c go through row ii c k1 = ia(ii) k2 = ia(ii+1)-1 ia(ii+1) = ko test = (iw(ii) .eq. 0) do 4 k = k2,k1,-1 j = ja(k) if (test .and. (j .lt. ii)) then test = .false. ko = ko - 1 a(ko) = scal ja(ko) = ii iw(ii) = ko end if ko = ko-1 a(ko) = a(k) ja(ko) = j 4 continue c diagonal element has not been added yet. if (test) then ko = ko-1 a(ko) = scal ja(ko) = ii iw(ii) = ko end if 5 continue ia(1) = ko return end subroutine apmbt (nrow,ncol,job,a,ja,ia,b,jb,ib, * c,jc,ic,nzmax,iw,ierr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc APMBT performs the matrix sum C = A + B' or C = A - B'. c c on entry: c c nrow = integer. The row dimension of A and transp(B) c ncol = integer. The column dimension of A. Also the row c dimension of B. c c job = integer. if job = -1, apmbt will compute C= A - transp(B) c (structure + values) c if (job .eq. 1) it will compute C=A+transp(A) c (structure+ values) c if (job .eq. 0) it will compute the structure of c C= A+/-transp(B) only (ignoring all real values). c any other value of job will be treated as job=1 c a, c ja, c ia = Matrix A in compressed sparse row format. c c b, c jb, c ib = Matrix B in compressed sparse row format. c c nzmax = integer. The length of the arrays c, jc, and ic. c amub will stop if the result matrix C has a number c of elements that exceeds exceeds nzmax. See ierr. c c on return: c c c, c jc, c ic = resulting matrix C in compressed sparse row format. c c ierr = integer. serving as error message. c ierr = 0 means normal return. c ierr = -1 means that nzmax was .lt. either the number of c nonzero elements of A or the number of nonzero elements in B. c ierr .gt. 0 means that amub stopped while computing the c i-th row of C with i=ierr, because the number c of elements in C exceeds nzmax. c c work arrays: c c iw = integer work array of length equal to the number of c columns in A. c c Notes: c It is important to note that here all of three arrays c, ic, c and jc are assumed to be of length nnz(c). This is because c the matrix is internally converted in coordinate format. c double precision a(*), b(*), c(*) integer ja(*),jb(*),jc(*),ia(nrow+1),ib(ncol+1),ic(*), * iw(ncol) logical values values = (job .ne. 0) ierr = 0 do 1 j=1, ncol iw(j) = 0 1 continue nnza = ia(nrow+1)-1 nnzb = ib(ncol+1)-1 len = nnzb if (nzmax .lt. nnzb .or. nzmax .lt. nnza) then ierr = -1 return end if c c trasnpose matrix b into c c ljob = 0 if (values) ljob = 1 ipos = 1 call csrcsc (ncol,ljob,ipos,b,jb,ib,c,jc,ic) if (job .eq. -1) then do 2 k=1,len c(k) = -c(k) 2 continue end if c c main loop c do 500 ii=1, nrow do 200 k = ic(ii),ic(ii+1)-1 iw(jc(k)) = k 200 continue do 300 ka = ia(ii), ia(ii+1)-1 jcol = ja(ka) jpos = iw(jcol) if (jpos .eq. 0) then c c if fill-in append in coordinate format to matrix. c len = len+1 if (len .gt. nzmax) goto 999 jc(len) = jcol ic(len) = ii if (values) c(len) = a(ka) else c else do addition. if (values) c(jpos) = c(jpos) + a(ka) end if 300 continue do 301 k=ic(ii), ic(ii+1)-1 iw(jc(k)) = 0 301 continue 500 continue c c convert first part of matrix (without fill-ins) into coo format c ljob = 2 if (values) ljob = 3 call csrcoo (nrow,ljob,nnzb,c,jc,ic,nnzb,c,ic,jc,ierr) if (ierr .ne. 0) ierr = -ierr c convert the whole thing back to csr format. ljob = 0 if (values) ljob = 1 call coicsr (nrow,len,ljob,c,jc,ic,iw) return 999 ierr = ii return end subroutine assmb1 (u,nu,a,ja,ia,fu,f,nx,nelx,ijk,nodcode, * node,iwk,jwk) c*********************************************************************72 c cc ASSMB1 assembles a finite element matrix in the CSR format. c c u = unassembled matrix u(na,node,node) c nu = 1-st dimension of u c a,ja,ia= assembled matrix on output c fu = unassembled right hand side c f = right hand side (global load vector) assembled c nx = number of nodes at input c nelx = number of elements at input c ijk = connectivity matrix: for node k, ijk(*,k) point to the c nodes of element k. c node = total number of nodal points in each element c c nodcode= boundary information list for each node with the c following meaning: c nodcode(i) = 0 --> node i is internal c nodcode(i) = 1 --> node i is a boundary but not a corner point c nodcode(i) = 2 --> node i is a corner point (corner points c c x,y = double precision arrays containing the $x$ and $y$ coordinates c resp. of the nodes. c K11, K22, and K12 at that element. c iwk,jwk = two integer work arrays. c ierr = error message integer . c ierr = 0 --> normal return c ierr = 1 --> negative area encountered (due to bad c numbering of nodes of an element- see c message printed in unit iout). not used.. c iout = output unit (not used here). c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) double precision u(nu,node,node),a(*),fu(node,*),f(*) integer ja(*),ia(*),ijk(node,*),iwk(*),jwk(*),nodcode(*) c max number of nonzeros per row allowed = 200 c c initialize c do 100 i=1,nx f(i) = 0.0 100 continue c c initialize pointer arrays. c do 5 k=1,nx+1 ia(k) = 1 jwk(k) = 0 5 continue do 6 k=1,nelx do 59 j=1,node knod = ijk(j,k) ia(knod) = ia(knod) + 1 59 continue 6 continue do 7 k=1, nx if (nodcode(k) .ge.1 ) ia(k)=ia(k)+1 7 continue ksav = ia(1) ia(1) = 1 do 101 j=2, nx+1 ksavn = ia(j) ia(j) = ia(j-1) + ksav iwk(j-1) = ia(j-1)-1 ksav = ksavn 101 continue c c main loop c do 102 nel=1, nelx c c get nodal points c do 120 ka=1, node ii = ijk(ka,nel) f(ii) = f(ii) + fu(ka,nel) c c unpack row into jwk1 c irowst = ia(ii) ilast = iwk(ii) do 109 k=irowst,ilast jwk(ja(k)) = k 109 continue do 108 kb = 1,node c c column number = jj c jj = ijk(kb,nel) k = jwk(jj) if (k .eq. 0) then ilast = ilast+1 jwk(jj) = ilast ja(ilast) = jj a(ilast) = u(nel,ka,kb) else a(k) = a(k) + u(nel,ka,kb) end if 108 continue c refresh jwk do 119 k=irowst,ilast jwk(ja(k)) = 0 119 continue iwk(ii) = ilast 120 continue 102 continue return end subroutine assmbo (nx,nelx,node,ijk,nodcode,x,y, * a,ja,ia,f,iwk,jwk,ierr,xyk) c*********************************************************************72 c cc ASSMBO assembles a finite element matrix. c c c a,ja,ia= assembled matrix on output c f = right hand side (global load vector) c nx = number of nodes at input c nelx = number of elements at input c ijk = connectivity matrix: for node k, ijk(*,k) point to the c nodes of element k. c node = total number of nodal points in each element c c nodcode= boundary information list for each node with the c following meaning: c nodcode(i) = 0 --> node i is internal c nodcode(i) = 1 --> node i is a boundary but not a corner point c nodcode(i) = 2 --> node i is a corner point (corner points c c mp = group material number for each element. c c x,y = double precision arrays containing the $x$ and $y$ coordinates c resp. of the nodes. c iwk,jwk = two integer work arrays. c ierr = error message integer . c ierr = 0 --> normal return c ierr = 1 --> negative area encountered (due to bad c numbering of nodes of an element- see c message printed in unit iout ). c iout = output unit (not used here). c c xyk = routine defining the material properties at each c element. Form: c call xyk(nel,xyke,x,y,ijk,node) with on return c xyke = material constant matrices. c for each element nel, xyke(1,nel),xyke(2,nel) c and xyke(3,nel) represent the constants c K11, K22, and K12 at that element. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension a(1),ijk(node,1),x(1),y(1),f(1),ske(3,3),fe(3), * xe(3),ye(3),xyke(2,2),iwk(1),jwk(1) integer ia(1), ja(1), nodcode(1) external xyk c max number of nonzeros allowed = 200 c c initialize c do 100 i=1,nx 100 f(i) = 0.0 c initialize pointer arrays. do 5 k=1,nx+1 ia(k) = 1 jwk(k) = 0 5 continue do 6 k=1,nelx do 59 j=1,node knod = ijk(j,k) 59 ia(knod) = ia(knod) + 1 6 continue do 7 k=1, nx if (nodcode(k) .ge.1 ) ia(k)=ia(k)+1 7 continue ksav = ia(1) ia(1) = 1 do 101 j=2, nx+1 ksavn = ia(j) ia(j) = ia(j-1) + ksav iwk(j-1) = ia(j-1)-1 101 ksav = ksavn c c main loop c do 102 nel=1, nelx c c get coordinates of nodal points c do 104 i=1, node j = ijk(i,nel) xe(i) = x(j) ye(i) = y(j) 104 continue c c compute determinant c det=xe(2)*(ye(3)-ye(1))+xe(3)*(ye(1)-ye(2))+xe(1)*(ye(2)-ye(3)) c c set material properties c call xyk(nel,xyke,x,y,ijk,node) c c construct element stiffness matrix c ierr = 0 call estif3(nel,ske,fe,det,xe,ye,xyke,ierr) if (ierr .ne. 0) return c c assemble: add element stiffness matrix to global matrix c do 120 ka=1, node ii = ijk(ka,nel) f(ii) = f(ii) + fe(ka) c c unpack row into jwk1 c irowst = ia(ii) ilast = iwk(ii) do 109 k=irowst,ilast jwk(ja(k)) = k 109 continue c do 108 kb = 1,node c c column number = jj c jj = ijk(kb,nel) k = jwk(jj) if (k .eq. 0) then ilast = ilast+1 jwk(jj) = ilast ja(ilast) = jj a(ilast) = ske(ka,kb) else a(k) = a(k) + ske(ka,kb) end if 108 continue c refresh jwk do 119 k=irowst,ilast jwk(ja(k)) = 0 119 continue iwk(ii) = ilast 120 continue c 102 continue return end subroutine atmux (n, x, y, a, ja, ia) c*********************************************************************72 c cc ATMUX computes A' * x for a CSR matrix A. c c multiplies the transpose of a matrix by a vector when the original c matrix is stored in compressed sparse row storage. Can also be c viewed as the product of a matrix by a vector when the original c matrix is stored in the compressed sparse column format. c c on entry: c c n = row dimension of A c x = double precision array of length equal to the column dimension of c the A matrix. c a, ja, c ia = input matrix in compressed sparse row format. c c on return: c c y = double precision array of length n, containing the product y=transp(A)*x c c double precision x(*), y(*), a(*) integer n, ia(*), ja(*) integer i, k c c zero out output vector c do 1 i=1,n y(i) = 0.0 1 continue c c loop over the rows c do 100 i = 1,n do 99 k=ia(i), ia(i+1)-1 y(ja(k)) = y(ja(k)) + x(i)*a(k) 99 continue 100 continue return end subroutine blkchk (nrow,ja,ia,nblk,imsg) c*********************************************************************72 c cc BLKCHK checks whether the input matrix is a block matrix. c c BLKCHK checks whether the input matrix is a block c matrix with block size of nblk. A block matrix is one which is c comprised of small square dense blocks. If there are zero c elements within the square blocks and the data structure c takes them into account then blkchk may fail to find the c correct block size. c c on entry c c nrow = integer equal to the row dimension of the matrix. c ja = integer array containing the column indices of the entries c nonzero entries of the matrix stored by row. c ia = integer array of length nrow + 1 containing the pointers c beginning of each row in array ja. c c nblk = integer containing the value of nblk to be checked. c c on return c c c imsg = integer containing a message with the following meaning. c imsg = 0 means that the output value of nblk is a correct c block size. nblk .lt. 0 means nblk not correct c block size. c imsg = -1 : nblk does not divide nrow c imsg = -2 : a starting element in a row is at wrong position c (j .ne. mult*nblk +1 ) c imsg = -3 : nblk does divide a row length - c imsg = -4 : an element is isolated outside a block or c two rows in same group have different lengths c c Y. Saad, Sep. 21 1989 c c integer ia(nrow+1),ja(*) c c first part of code will find candidate block sizes. c this is not guaranteed to work . so a check is done at the end c the criterion used here is a simple one: c scan rows and determine groups of rows that have the same length c and such that the first column number and the last column number c are identical. c imsg = 0 if (nblk .le. 1) return nr = nrow/nblk if (nr*nblk .ne. nrow) goto 101 c main loop irow = 1 do 20 ii=1, nr c i1= starting position for group of nblk rows in original matrix i1 = ia(irow) j2 = i1 c lena = length of each row in that group in the original matrix lena = ia(irow+1)-i1 c len = length of each block-row in that group in the output matrix len = lena/nblk if (len* nblk .ne. lena) goto 103 c c for each row c do 6 i = 1, nblk irow = irow + 1 if (ia(irow)-ia(irow-1) .ne. lena ) goto 104 c c for each block c do 7 k=0, len-1 jstart = ja(i1+nblk*k)-1 if ( (jstart/nblk)*nblk .ne. jstart) goto 102 c c for each column c do 5 j=1, nblk if (jstart+j .ne. ja(j2) ) goto 104 j2 = j2+1 5 continue 7 continue 6 continue 20 continue c went through all loops successfully: return 101 imsg = -1 return 102 imsg = -2 return 103 imsg = -3 return 104 imsg = -4 return end subroutine blkfnd (nrow,ja,ia,nblk) c*********************************************************************72 c cc BLKFND determines the block structure of a matrix. c c This routine attemptps to determine whether or not the input c matrix has a block structure and finds the blocks size c if it does. A block matrix is one which is c comprised of small square dense blocks. If there are zero c elements within the square blocks and the original data structure c takes these zeros into account then blkchk may fail to find the c correct block size. c c on entry c c nrow = integer equal to the row dimension of the matrix. c ja = integer array containing the column indices of the entries c nonzero entries of the matrix stored by row. c ia = integer array of length nrow + 1 containing the pointers c beginning of each row in array ja. c c nblk = integer containing the assumed value of nblk if job = 0 c c on return c c nblk = integer containing the value found for nblk when job = 1. c if imsg .ne. 0 this value is meaningless however. c c c Y. Saad, Sep. 21 1989 c c integer ia(nrow+1),ja(*) c c first part of code will find candidate block sizes. c criterion used here is a simple one: scan rows and determine groups c of rows that have the same length and such that the first column c number and the last column number are identical. c minlen = ia(2)-ia(1) irow = 1 do 1 i=2,nrow len = ia(i+1)-ia(i) if (len .lt. minlen) then minlen = len irow = i end if 1 continue c c candidates are all dividers of minlen c nblk = 1 if (minlen .le. 1) return do 99 iblk = minlen, 1, -1 if (mod(minlen,iblk) .ne. 0) goto 99 len = ia(2) - ia(1) len0 = len jfirst = ja(1) jlast = ja(ia(2)-1) do 10 jrow = irow+1,irow+nblk-1 i1 = ia(jrow) i2 = ia(jrow+1)-1 len = i2+1-i1 jf = ja(i1) jl = ja(i2) if (len .ne. len0 .or. jf .ne. jfirst .or. * jl .ne. jlast) goto 99 10 continue c c check for this candidate c call blkchk (nrow,ja,ia,iblk,imsg) if (imsg .eq. 0) then c c block size found c nblk = iblk return end if 99 continue end subroutine bndcsr (n,abd,nabd,lowd,ml,mu,a,ja,ia,len,ierr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc BNDCSR converts Banded Linpack format to Compressed Sparse Row format. c c Banded (Linpack ) format to Compressed Sparse Row format. c c on entry: c c n = integer,the actual row dimension of the matrix. c c nabd = first dimension of array abd. c c abd = double precision array containing the values of the matrix stored in c banded form. The j-th column of abd contains the elements c of the j-th column of the original matrix,comprised in the c band ( i in (j-ml,j+mu) ) with the lowest diagonal located c in row lowd (see below). c c lowd = integer. this should be set to the row number in abd where c the lowest diagonal (leftmost) of A is located. c lowd should be s.t. ( 1 .le. lowd .le. nabd). c The routines dgbco, ... of linpack use lowd=2*ml+mu+1. c c ml = integer. equal to the bandwidth of the strict lower part of A c mu = integer. equal to the bandwidth of the strict upper part of A c thus the total bandwidth of A is ml+mu+1. c if ml+mu+1 is found to be larger than nabd then an error c message is set. see ierr. c c len = integer. length of arrays a and ja. bndcsr will stop if the c length of the arrays a and ja is insufficient to store the c matrix. see ierr. c c on return: c c a, c ja, c ia = input matrix stored in compressed sparse row format. c c lowd = if on entry lowd was zero then lowd is reset to the default c value ml+mu+l. c c ierr = integer. used for error message output. c ierr .eq. 0 :means normal return c ierr .eq. -1 : means invalid value for lowd. c ierr .gt. 0 : means that there was not enough storage in a and ja c for storing the ourput matrix. The process ran out of space c (as indicated by len) while trying to fill row number ierr. c This should give an idea of much more storage might be required. c Moreover, the first irow-1 rows are correctly filled. c c notes: the values in abd found to be equal to zero c (actual test: if (abd(...) .eq. 0.0) are removed. c The resulting may not be identical to a csr matrix c originally transformed to a bnd format. c double precision a(*),abd(nabd,*), t integer ia(n+1),ja(*) ierr = 0 if (lowd .gt. nabd .or. lowd .le. 0) then ierr = -1 return end if ko = 1 ia(1) = 1 do 30 irow=1,n i = lowd do 20 j=irow-ml,irow+mu if (j .le. 0 ) goto 19 if (j .gt. n) goto 21 t = abd(i,j) if (t .eq. 0.0) goto 19 if (ko .gt. len) then ierr = irow return end if a(ko) = t ja(ko) = j ko = ko+1 19 i = i-1 20 continue c end for row irow 21 ia(irow+1) = ko 30 continue return end subroutine bound (nx,nelx,ijk,nodcode,node,nint,iperm, * x,y,wk,iwk) c*********************************************************************72 c cc BOUND counts the number of boundary points. c c this routine counts the number of boundary points and c reorders the points in such a way that the boundary nodes c are last. c c nx, nelx, ijk, nodcode, node: see other routines c nint = on return the number of points on the boundary c iperm = permutation array from old orderin to new ordering, c iwk = reverse permutation array or return. c wk = double precision work array c On return c x, y, nodecode, are permuted c ijk is updated according to new oerdering. c nint = number of interior points. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension ijk(node,1),x(1),y(1),wk(1),iwk(1),iperm(1), * nodcode(1) c max number of nonzeros allowed = 200 c put all boundary points at the end, backwards nint = 1 nbound = nx do 1 j=1, nx if (nodcode(j) .eq. 0) then iperm(nint) = j nint = nint+1 else iperm(nbound) = j nbound = nbound-1 end if 1 continue nint = nint-1 c c permute x's c do 2 k=1, nx wk(k) = x(k) 2 continue do 3 k=1,nx x(k) = wk(iperm(k)) 3 continue c c permute the y's c do 4 k=1, nx wk(k) = y(k) 4 continue do 5 k=1, nx y(k) = wk(iperm(k)) 5 continue c c permute the boundary information c do 6 k=1, nx iwk(k) = nodcode(k) 6 continue do 7 k=1,nx nodcode(k) = iwk(iperm(k)) 7 continue c c get reverse permutation c do 8 k=1, nx iwk(iperm(k)) = k 8 continue c c update the elements connectivity matrix c do 10 nel = 1, nelx do 9 j=1, node knod = ijk(j,nel) ijk(j,nel) = iwk(knod) 9 continue 10 continue return end subroutine bsort2 (w, ind, n, ncut) c*********************************************************************72 c cc BSORT2 returns the NCUT largest elements of an array, using bubble sort. c c simple bubble sort for getting the ncut largest c elements in modulus, in array w. ind is sorted accordingly. c (Ought to be replaced by a more efficient sort especially c if ncut is not that small). c integer n, ncut, ind(*) double precision w(*) logical test integer i, j, iswp double precision wswp i = 1 1 test = .false. do 2 j = n-1,i,-1 if (abs(w(j+1)) .gt. abs(w(j)) ) then c swap. wswp = w(j) w(j) = w(j+1) w(j+1) = wswp c c reorder original ind array accordingly. c iswp = ind(j) ind(j) = ind(j+1) ind(j+1) = iswp c set indicator that sequence is still unsorted-- test = .true. end if 2 continue i = i+ 1 if (test .and. i .le. ncut) goto 1 return end subroutine bsrcsr (n, nblk, na, a, ja, ia, ao, jao, iao) c*********************************************************************72 c cc BSRCSR converts Block Sparse Row to Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) format. c c this routine converts a matrix stored in block-reduced c a, ja, ia format to the general sparse row a, ja, ia format. c A matrix that has a block structure is a matrix whose entries c are blocks of the same size nblk (e.g. 3 x 3). Then it is often c preferred to work with the reduced graph of the matrix, i.e., c Instead of storing one element at a time one can store the whole c block. In this storage scheme a row of the array a will c hold the nblk**2 entries of a block. c c on entry: c c n = integer, the actual row dimension of the matrix. c nblk = integer equal to the dimension of each block. c nblk must divide n. c na = first dimension of array a as declared in calling program c a = double precision array containing the values of the matrix. For details c on the format see below. Each row of a contains the nblk x nblk c block matrix unpacked column-wise (this allows the user to c declare the array a as a(na,nblk,nblk) on entry if desired). c the block rows are stored in sequence just as for the compressed c sparse row format. c ja = integer array of length n/nblk. ja(k) contains the column index c of the leading element, i.e., the element (1,1) of the block c that is held in the row a(k,*) of the value array. c ia = integer array of length n/nblk+1. ia(i) points to the beginning c of block row number i in the arrays a and ja. c c on return: c c ao, jao, c iao = matrix stored in compressed sparse row format. c c Notes: this code is not in place. c c c general picture: (nblk = 2) c --- A --- --- JA -- -- IA -- c A= x x x x 1st block in block row 1 x x c x x x x 2-nd block in block row 1 x c . . . . . c x x x x last block in block row 1 x c ------- --- c x x x x 1st block in block row 2 x x c x x x x 2-nd block in block row 2 x c . . . . x c x x x x last block in block row 2 x c ------- --- c ....... ... . c ------- --- c x x x x 1st block in block row n/nblk x x c x x x x 2-nd block in block row n/nblk x c . . . . x c x x x x last block in block row n/nblk x c ------- --- c end + 1 x c c c example with nblk = 2: c c c 1 2 0 0 3 4 c 5 6 0 0 7 8 c 0 0 9 10 11 12 c 0 0 13 14 15 16 c 17 18 0 0 0 0 c 22 23 0 0 0 0 c THEN: c c ---- A ---- -- JA -- -- IA -- c c 1 5 2 6 Block row 1 (2 block matrices) | 1 <--- | 1 c 3 7 4 8 | 5 | c ------------ | -- | c 9 13 10 14 block row 2 (2 block matrices) | 3 <--- | 3 c 11 15 12 16 | 5 | c ------------ | -- | c 17 22 18 23 Block row 3 (1 block matrix) | 1 <--- | 5 c ------------ | -- | c end+1 <--- | 6 c c JA = 1 5 | 3 5 | 1 column numbers of (1,1) entries of blocks c IA = 1 3 5 6 pointers to beginnings of BLOCK-rows c c c get ia, ja data structure for output matrix c double precision a(na,*), ao(*) integer ia(*), ja(*), jao(*), iao(n+1) nr = n/nblk do 1 k=1,n+1 iao(k) = 0 1 continue irow = 0 krow = 1 do 2 ii=1, nr c nr is the dimension of the reduced matrix. i1 = ia(ii) i2 = ia(ii+1)-1 c create nblk rows for each k do 23 i=1,nblk do 21 k=i1, i2 jst = ja(k)-1 do 22 j=1,nblk ij = (j-1)*nblk + i ao(krow) = a(k,ij) jao(krow) = jst+j krow = krow+1 22 continue 21 continue iao(irow+i) = krow 23 continue irow = irow + nblk 2 continue do 3 jj=1,n j = n-jj+1 iao(j+1)=iao(j) 3 continue iao(1) = 1 return end subroutine bsten (nx,ny,nz,kx,ky,kz,nfree,stencil,h) c*********************************************************************72 c cc BSTEN calculates block stencil values. c c This routine calculates the correct block-stencil values for c centered difference discretization of the elliptic operator c (block version of stencil) c c L u = delx( a delx u ) + dely ( b dely u) + delz ( c delz u ) + c d delx ( u ) + e dely (u) + f delz( u ) + g u c c For 2-D problems the discretization formula that is used is: c c h**2 * Lu == a(i+1/2,j)*{u(i+1,j) - u(i,j)} + c a(i-1/2,j)*{u(i-1,j) - u(i,j)} + c b(i,j+1/2)*{u(i,j+1) - u(i,j)} + c b(i,j-1/2)*{u(i,j-1) - u(i,j)} + c (h/2)*d(i,j)*{u(i+1,j) - u(i-1,j)} + c (h/2)*e(i,j)*{u(i,j+1) - u(i,j-1)} + c (h/2)*e(i,j)*{u(i,j+1) - u(i,j-1)} + c (h**2)*g(i,j)*u(i,j) c c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) double precision stencil(7,*) double precision cntr(225), coeff(225),h, hhalf, x, y, z if (nfree .gt. 15) then WRITE(*,*)'BSTEN - FATAL ERROR' WRITE(*,*)' Input value of NFREE is greater than 15.' STOP end if nfree2 = nfree*nfree do 200 k=1, nfree2 cntr(k) = 0.0 do 199 i=1,7 stencil(i,k) = 0.0 199 continue 200 continue hhalf = h*0.5 h2 = h*h x = h*dble(kx) y = h*dble(ky) z = h*dble(kz) c differentiation wrt x: call afunbl(nfree,x+hhalf,y,z,coeff) do 1 k=1, nfree2 stencil(3,k) = stencil(3,k) + coeff(k) cntr(k) = cntr(k) + coeff(k) 1 continue call afunbl(nfree,x-hhalf,y,z,coeff) do 2 k=1, nfree2 stencil(2,k) = stencil(2,k) + coeff(k) cntr(k) = cntr(k) + coeff(k) 2 continue call dfunbl(nfree,x,y,z,coeff) do 3 k=1, nfree2 stencil(3,k) = stencil(3,k) + coeff(k)*hhalf stencil(2,k) = stencil(2,k) - coeff(k)*hhalf 3 continue if (ny .le. 1) goto 99 c c differentiation wrt y: c call bfunbl(nfree,x,y+hhalf,z,coeff) do 4 k=1,nfree2 stencil(5,k) = stencil(5,k) + coeff(k) cntr(k) = cntr(k) + coeff(k) 4 continue c call bfunbl(nfree,x,y-hhalf,z,coeff) do 5 k=1, nfree2 stencil(4,k) = stencil(4,k) + coeff(k) cntr(k) = cntr(k) + coeff(k) 5 continue c call efunbl(nfree,x,y,z,coeff) do 6 k=1, nfree2 stencil(5,k) = stencil(5,k) + coeff(k)*hhalf stencil(4,k) = stencil(4,k) - coeff(k)*hhalf 6 continue if (nz .le. 1) goto 99 c c differentiation wrt z: c call cfunbl(nfree,x,y,z+hhalf,coeff) do 7 k=1, nfree2 stencil(7,k) = stencil(7,k) + coeff(k) cntr(k) = cntr(k) + coeff(k) 7 continue c call cfunbl(nfree,x,y,z-hhalf,coeff) do 8 k=1, nfree2 stencil(6,k) = stencil(6,k) + coeff(k) cntr(k) = cntr(k) + coeff(k) 8 continue c call ffunbl(nfree,x,y,z,coeff) do 9 k=1, nfree2 stencil(7,k) = stencil(7,k) + coeff(k)*hhalf stencil(6,k) = stencil(6,k) - coeff(k)*hhalf 9 continue c c discretization of product by g: c 99 call gfunbl(nfree,x,y,z,coeff) do 10 k=1, nfree2 stencil(1,k) = h2*coeff(k) - cntr(k) 10 continue c return end subroutine checkref(nx,nelx,ijk,node,nodcode, * nbound, nxnew,nelxnew) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CHECKREF returns the expected number of new nodes and elements. c c returns the expected the new number of nodes and c elemnts if refall is applied to current grid once. c c nx = number of nodes at input c nelx = number of elements at input c ijk = connectivity matrix: for node k, ijk(*,k) point to the c nodes of element k. c nbound = number of boundary points on entry - enter zero if c unknown c c nodcode= boundary information list for each node with the c following meaning: c nodcode(i) = 0 --> node i is internal c nodcode(i) = 1 --> node i is a boundary but not a corner point c nodcode(i) = 2 --> node i is a corner point. c c nxnew = new number of nodes if refall were to be applied c nelxnew = same for nelx. c integer ijk(node,1),nodcode(nx) nelxnew = nelx*4 c c count the number of boundary nodes c if (nbound .ne. 0) goto 2 do 1 j=1, nx if (nodcode(j) .ge. 1) nbound = nbound+1 1 continue c number of edges=[3*(number of elmts) + number of bound nodes ]/ 2 2 continue nxnew = nx + (3*nelx+nbound)/2 nbound = 2*nbound return end subroutine chkelmt (nx, x, y, nelx, ijk, node) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CHKELMT checks the labeling within each element and reorders if necessary. c c CHKELMT checks the labeling within each element and reorders c the nodes if they are not correctly ordered. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension ijk(node,1),x(1),y(1) do 1 nel =1, nelx det = x(ijk(2,nel))*(y(ijk(3,nel))-y(ijk(1,nel)))+ * x(ijk(3,nel))*(y(ijk(1,nel))-y(ijk(2,nel)))+ * x(ijk(1,nel))*(y(ijk(2,nel))-y(ijk(3,nel))) c c if determinant negative exchange last two nodes of elements. c if (det .lt. 0.0) then j = ijk(2,nel) ijk(2,nel) = ijk(3,nel) ijk(3,nel) = j end if 1 continue return end subroutine cnrms (nrow, nrm, a, ja, ia, diag) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CNRMS gets the norms of each column of A. c c gets the norms of each column of A. (choice of three norms) c c on entry: c c nrow = integer. The row dimension of A c c nrm = integer. norm indicator. nrm = 1, means 1-norm, nrm =2 c means the 2-nrm, nrm = 0 means max norm c c a, c ja, c ia = Matrix A in compressed sparse row format. c c on return: c c c diag = double precision vector of length nrow containing the norms c double precision a(*), diag(nrow) integer ja(*), ia(nrow+1) do 10 k=1, nrow diag(k) = 0.0 10 continue do 1 ii=1,nrow k1 = ia(ii) k2 = ia(ii+1)-1 do 2 k=k1, k2 j = ja(k) c update the norm of each column if (nrm .eq. 0) then diag(j) = max(diag(j),abs(a(k) ) ) elseif (nrm .eq. 1) then diag(j) = diag(j) + abs(a(k) ) else diag(j) = diag(j)+a(k)**2 end if 2 continue 1 continue if (nrm .ne. 2) return do 3 k=1, nrow diag(k) = sqrt(diag(k)) 3 continue return end subroutine coicsr (n,nnz,job,a,ja,ia,iwk) c*********************************************************************72 c cc COICSR converts COO to CSR in place. c c IN-PLACE coo-csr conversion routine. c c COICSR converts a matrix stored in coordinate format into c the csr format. The conversion is done in place in that the arrays c a,ja,ia of the result are overwritten onto the original arrays. c c on entry: c c n = integer. row dimension of A. c nnz = integer. number of nonzero elements in A. c job = integer. Job indicator. when job=1, the real values in a are c filled. Otherwise a is not touched and the structure of the c array only (i.e. ja, ia) is obtained. c a = double precision array of size nnz (number of nonzero elements in A) c containing the nonzero elements c ja = integer array of length nnz containing the column positions c of the corresponding elements in a. c ia = integer array of length nnz containing the row positions c of the corresponding elements in a. c iwk = integer work array of length n. c on return: c c a c ja c ia = contains the compressed sparse row data structure for the c resulting matrix. c Note: c c the entries of the output matrix are not sorted (the column c indices in each are not in increasing order) use coocsr c if you want them sorted. c c Coded by Y. Saad, Sep. 26 1989 c integer ia(nnz),ja(nnz),iwk(n) double precision a(*) double precision t,tnext logical values values = (job .eq. 1) c c find pointer array for resulting matrix. c do 35 i=1,n+1 iwk(i) = 0 35 continue do 4 k=1,nnz i = ia(k) iwk(i+1) = iwk(i+1)+1 4 continue iwk(1) = 1 do 44 i=2,n iwk(i) = iwk(i-1) + iwk(i) 44 continue c c loop for a cycle in chasing process. c init = 1 k = 0 5 if (values) t = a(init) i = ia(init) j = ja(init) ia(init) = -1 6 k = k+1 c c current row number is i. determine where to go. c ipos = iwk(i) c c save the chased element. c if (values) tnext = a(ipos) inext = ia(ipos) jnext = ja(ipos) c c then occupy its location. c if (values) a(ipos) = t ja(ipos) = j c c update pointer information for next element to come in row i. c iwk(i) = ipos+1 c c determine next element to be chased, c if (ia(ipos) .lt. 0) goto 65 t = tnext i = inext j = jnext ia(ipos) = -1 if (k .lt. nnz) goto 6 goto 70 65 init = init+1 if (init .gt. nnz) goto 70 if (ia(init) .lt. 0) goto 65 c c restart chasing. c goto 5 70 do 80 i=1,n ia(i+1) = iwk(i) 80 continue ia(1) = 1 return end subroutine coocsr(nrow,nnz,a,ir,jc,ao,jao,iao) c*********************************************************************72 c cc COOCSR converts COO to CSR. c c converts a matrix that is stored in coordinate format c a, ir, jc into a row general sparse ao, jao, iao format. c c on entry: c c nrow = dimension of the matrix c nnz = number of nonzero elements in matrix c a, c ir, c jc = matrix in coordinate format. a(k), ir(k), jc(k) store the nnz c nonzero elements of the matrix with a(k) = actual real value of c the elements, ir(k) = its row number and jc(k) = its column c number. The order of the elements is arbitrary. c c on return: c c ir is destroyed c c ao, jao, iao = matrix in general sparse matrix format with ao c continung the real values, jao containing the column indices, c and iao being the pointer to the beginning of the row, c in arrays ao, jao. c c Notes: c This routine is NOT in place. See coicsr c double precision a(*),ao(*),x integer ir(*),jc(*),jao(*),iao(*) do 1 k=1,nrow+1 iao(k) = 0 1 continue c determine row-lengths. do 2 k=1, nnz iao(ir(k)) = iao(ir(k))+1 2 continue c starting position of each row. k = 1 do 3 j=1,nrow+1 k0 = iao(j) iao(j) = k k = k+k0 3 continue c go through the structure once more. Fill in output matrix. do 4 k=1, nnz i = ir(k) j = jc(k) x = a(k) iad = iao(i) ao(iad) = x jao(iad) = j iao(i) = iad+1 4 continue c shift back iao do 5 j=nrow,1,-1 iao(j+1) = iao(j) 5 continue iao(1) = 1 return end subroutine cooell(n,nnz,a,ja,ia,ac,jac,nac,ner,ncmax,ierr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc COOELL converts coordinate format to Ellpack/Itpack format. c c DATE WRITTEN: June 4, 1989. c c PURPOSE c c COOELL takes a sparse matrix in coordinate format and c converts it into the Ellpack-Itpack storage. c c Example: c c ( 11 0 13 0 0 0 ) c | 21 22 0 24 0 0 | c | 0 32 33 0 35 0 | c A = | 0 0 43 44 0 46 | c | 51 0 0 54 55 0 | c ( 61 62 0 0 65 66 ) c c Coordinate storage scheme: c c A = (11,22,33,44,55,66,13,21,24,32,35,43,46,51,54,61,62,65) c IA = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6 ) c JA = ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 3, 1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 2, 5) c c Ellpack-Itpack storage scheme: c c ( 11 13 0 0 ) ( 1 3 * * ) c | 22 21 24 0 | | 2 1 4 * | c AC = | 33 32 35 0 | JAC = | 3 2 5 * | c | 44 43 46 0 | | 4 3 6 * | c | 55 51 54 0 | | 5 1 4 * | c ( 66 61 62 65 ) ( 6 1 2 5 ) c c Note: * means that you can store values from 1 to 6 (1 to n, where c n is the order of the matrix) in that position in the array. c c Contributed by: c c Ernest E. Rothman c Cornell Thoery Center/Cornell National Supercomputer Facility c e-mail address: BITNET: EER@CORNELLF.BITNET c INTERNET: eer@cornellf.tn.cornell.edu c c checked and modified 04/13/90 Y.Saad. c c REFERENCES c c Kincaid, D. R.; Oppe, T. C.; Respess, J. R.; Young, D. M. 1984. c ITPACKV 2C User's Guide, CNA-191. Center for Numerical Analysis, c University of Texas at Austin. c c "Engineering and Scientific Subroutine Library; Guide and c Reference; Release 3 (SC23-0184-3). Pp. 79-86. c c INPUT PARAMETERS c c N - Integer. The size of the square matrix. c c NNZ - Integer. Must be greater than or equal to the number of c nonzero elements in the sparse matrix. Dimension of A, IA c and JA. c c NCA - Integer. First dimension of output arrays ca and jac. c c A(NNZ) - Real array. c Stored entries of the sparse matrix A. c NNZ is the number of nonzeros. c c IA(NNZ) - Integer array. c Pointers to specify rows for the stored nonzero entries c in A. c c JA(NNZ) - Integer array. c Pointers to specify columns for the stored nonzero c entries in A. c c NER - Integer. Must be set greater than or equal to the maximum c number of nonzeros in any row of the sparse matrix. c c OUTPUT PARAMETERS c c AC(NAC,*) - Real array. c Stored entries of the sparse matrix A in compressed c storage mode. c c JAC(NAC,*) - Integer array. c Contains the column numbers of the sparse matrix c elements stored in the corresponding positions in c array AC. c c NCMAX - Integer. Equals the maximum number of nonzeros in any c row of the sparse matrix. c c IERR - Error parameter is returned as zero on successful c execution of the subroutin x x x x x x c * * 13 24 35 46 c * 12 23 34 45 56 resulting abd matrix in banded c 11 22 33 44 55 66 format c row lowd--> 21 32 43 54 65 * c c * = not used c double precision a(*),abd(nabd,n) integer ia(n+1),ja(*) c c first determine ml and mu. c ierr = 0 if (job .eq. 1) call getbwd(n,a,ja,ia,ml,mu) m = ml+mu+1 if (lowd .eq. 0) lowd = m if (m .gt. lowd) ierr = -2 if (lowd .gt. nabd .or. lowd .lt. 0) ierr = -1 if (ierr .lt. 0) return do 15 i=1,m ii = lowd -i+1 do 10 j=1,n abd(ii,j) = 0.0 10 continue 15 continue mdiag = lowd-ml do 30 i=1,n do 20 k=ia(i),ia(i+1)-1 j = ja(k) abd(i-j+mdiag,j) = a(k) 20 continue 30 continue return end subroutine csrbsr (n,nblk,na,a,ja,ia,ao,jao,iao) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CSRBSR converts Compressed Sparse Row to Block Sparse Row. c c CSRBSR does the reverse of bsrcsr. It converts c a matrix stored in a general compressed a, ja, ia format into a c a block reduced matrix a(*,*),ja(*),ia(*) format. The code c assumes that the original matrix is indeed a block format c and that the elements are ordered in such a way that their c column numbers are increasing. (This can be achieved c by transposing a, ja, ia twice, putting the resulting matrix c into a, ja, ia). c c See routine bsrcsr for more details on data structure for blocked c matrices. The input matrix is a, ja, ia (in compressed format) and c the output matrix is the matrix ao, jao, iao in block-reduced c format. c c on entry: c c n = integer, the actual row dimension of the matrix. c nblk = integer equal to the dimension of each block. c nblk must divide n. c na = first dimension of array a as declared in calling program c c a, ja, c ia = input matrix stored in compressed sparse row format. c c on return: c c ao = double precision array containing the values of the matrix. For details c on the format see below. Each row of a contains the nblk x nblk c block matrix unpacked column-wise (this allows the user to c declare the array a as a(na,nblk,nblk) on entry if desired). c the block rows are stored in sequence just as for the compressed c sparse row format. c jao = integer array of length n/nblk. ja(k) contains the column index c of the leading element, i.e., the element (1,1) of the block c that is held in the row a(k,*) of the value array. c iao = integer array of length n/nblk+1. ia(i) points to the beginning c of block row number i in the arrays a and ja. c c Notes: c 1) this code is not in place. c 2) see routine bsrcsr for details on data sctructure for c block sparse row format. c 3) The routine assumes that the input matrix has been c sorted in such a way that the column indices are always c in increasing order for the same row. c for all k "in the SAME ROW." c 4) THERE IS NO CHECKING AS TO WHETHER the input is correct. c it is recommended to use the routine blchk to check c if the matrix is a block-matrix before calling csrbsr. c double precision a(*),ao(na,*) integer ia(n+1),ja(*),jao(*),iao(*) c c nr is the dimension of the reduced matrix. c nr = n/nblk iao(1) = 1 ibrow = 1 irow = 1 c main loop do 2 ii=1, nr c i1= starting position for group of nblk rows in original matrix i1 = ia(irow) c lena = length of each row in that group in the original matrix lena = ia(irow+1)-i1 c len = length of each block-row in that group in the output matrix len = lena/nblk k1 = iao(ibrow) c copy the real values of A c for each block do 7 k=0, len-1 c store column positions of the (1,1) elements of each block jao(k1+k) = ja(i1+nblk*k) c for each column do 5 j=1, nblk j1 = (j-1)*nblk j2 = i1+k*nblk+j-1 c for each row do 6 i = 1, nblk ao(k1+k,j1+i) = a(j2+(i-1)*lena) 6 continue 5 continue 7 continue c done with a whole block row. now update iao(*), ibrow and irow iao(ibrow+1) = iao(ibrow)+len ibrow = ibrow + 1 irow = irow + nblk 2 continue return end subroutine csrcoo (nrow,job,nzmax,a,ja,ia,nnz,ao,ir,jc,ierr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CSRCOO converts Compressed Sparse Row to Coordinate format. c c converts a matrix that is stored in coordinate format c a, ir, jc into a row general sparse ao, jao, iao format. c c on entry: c c nrow = dimension of the matrix. c job = integer serving as a job indicator. c if job = 1 fill in only the array ir, ignore jc, and ao. c if job = 2 fill in ir, and jc but not ao c if job = 3 fill in everything. c The reason why these options are provided is that on return c ao and jc are the same as a, ja. So when job = 3, a and ja are c simply copied into ao, jc. When job=2, only jc and ir are c returned. With job=1 only the array ir is returned. Moreover, c the algorithm is in place: c call csrcoo (nrow,1,nzmax,a,ja,ia,nnz,a,ia,ja,ierr) c will write the output matrix in coordinate format on a, ja,ia. c (Important: note the order in the output arrays a, ja, ia. ) c i.e., ao can be the same as a, ir can be the same as ia c and jc can be the same as ja. c c a, c ja, c ia = matrix in compressed sparse row format. c nzmax = length of space available in ao, ir, jc. c the code will stop immediatly if the number of c nonzero elements found in input matrix exceeds nzmax. c c on return: c c ao, ir, jc = matrix in coordinate format. c c nnz = number of nonzero elements in matrix. c ierr = integer error indicator. c ierr .eq. 0 means normal retur c ierr .eq. 1 means that the the code stopped c because there was no space in ao, ir, jc c (according to the value of nzmax). c double precision a(*),ao(*) integer ir(*),jc(*),ja(*),ia(*) ierr = 0 nnz = ia(nrow+1)-1 if (nnz .gt. nzmax) then ierr = 1 return end if goto (3,2,1) job 1 do 10 k=1,nnz ao(k) = a(k) 10 continue 2 do 11 k=1,nnz jc(k) = ja(k) 11 continue c copy backward to allow 3 do 13 i=nrow,1,-1 k1 = ia(i+1)-1 k2 = ia(i) do 12 k=k1,k2,-1 ir(k) = i 12 continue 13 continue return end subroutine csrcsc(n,job,ipos,a,ja,ia,ao,jao,iao) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CSRCSC converts Compressed Sparse Row to Compressed Sparse Column. c c (transposition operation) Not in place. c c on entry: c c n = dimension of A. c job = integer to indicate whether or not to fill the values of the c matrix ao or only the pattern (ia, and ja). Enter 1 for yes. c ipos = starting position in ao, jao of the transposed matrix. c the iao array takes this into account (thus iao(1) is set to ipos.) c Note: this may be useful if one needs to append the data structure c of the transpose to that of A. In this case use c call csrcsc (n,1,n+2,a,ja,ia,a,ja,ia(n+2)) c for any other normal usage, enter ipos=1. c a = double precision array of length nnz (nnz=number of nonzero elements in input c matrix) containing the nonzero elements. c ja = integer array of length nnz containing the column positions c of the corresponding elements in a. c ia = integer of size n+1. ia(k) contains the position in a, ja of c the beginning of the k-th row. c c on return: c c output arguments: c ao = double precision array of size nzz containing the "a" part of the transpose c jao = integer array of size nnz containing the column indices. c iao = integer array of size n+1 containing the "ia" index array of c the transpose. c integer ia(n+1),iao(n+1),ja(*),jao(*) double precision a(*),ao(*) c c compute lengths of rows of transp(A) do 1 i=1,n+1 iao(i) = 0 1 continue do 3 i=1, n do 2 k=ia(i), ia(i+1)-1 j = ja(k)+1 iao(j) = iao(j)+1 2 continue 3 continue c compute pointers from lengths iao(1) = ipos do 4 i=1,n iao(i+1) = iao(i) + iao(i+1) 4 continue c now do the actual copying do 6 i=1,n do 62 k=ia(i),ia(i+1)-1 j = ja(k) next = iao(j) if (job .eq. 1) ao(next) = a(k) jao(next) = i iao(j) = next+1 62 continue 6 continue c reshift iao and leave do 7 i=n,1,-1 iao(i+1) = iao(i) 7 continue iao(1) = ipos end subroutine csrdia (n,idiag,job,a,ja,ia,ndiag, * diag,ioff,ao,jao,iao,ind) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CSRDIA converts Compressed Sparse Row to diagonal format. c c CSRDIA extracts idiag diagonals from the input matrix a, c a, ia, and puts the rest of the matrix in the output matrix ao, c jao, iao. The diagonals to be extracted depend on the value of job c (see below for details.) In the first case, the diagonals to be c extracted are simply identified by their offsets provided in ioff c by the caller. In the second case, the code internally determines c the idiag most significant diagonals, i.e., those diagonals of the c matrix which have the largest number of nonzero elements, and c extracts them. c c on entry: c c n = dimension of the matrix a. c idiag = integer equal to the number of diagonals to be extracted. c Note: on return idiag may be modified. c a, ja, c ia = matrix stored in a, ja, ia, format c job = integer. serves as a job indicator. Job is better thought c of as a two-digit number job=xy. If the first (x) digit c is one on entry then the diagonals to be extracted are c internally determined. In this case csrdia exctracts the c idiag most important diagonals, i.e. those having the largest c number on nonzero elements. If the first digit is zero c then csrdia assumes that ioff(*) contains the offsets c of the diagonals to be extracted. there is no verification c that ioff(*) contains valid entries. c The second (y) digit of job determines whether or not c the remainder of the matrix is to be written on ao,jao,iao. c If it is zero then ao, jao, iao is not filled, i.e., c the diagonals are found and put in array diag and the rest is c is discarded. if it is one, ao, jao, iao contains matrix c of the remaining elements. c Thus: c job= 0 means do not select diagonals internally (pick those c defined by ioff) and do not fill ao,jao,iao c job= 1 means do not select diagonals internally c and fill ao,jao,iao c job=10 means select diagonals internally c and do not fill ao,jao,iao c job=11 means select diagonals internally c and fill ao,jao,iao c c ndiag = integer equal to the first dimension of array diag. c c on return: c c c idiag = number of diagonals found. This may be smaller than its value c on entry. c diag = double precision array of size (ndiag x idiag) containing the diagonals c of A on return c c ioff = integer array of length idiag, containing the offsets of the c diagonals to be extracted. c ao, jao c iao = remainder of the matrix in a, ja, ia format. c work arrays: c c ind = integer array of length 2*n-1 used as integer work space. c needed only when job.ge.10 i.e., in case the diagonals are to c be selected internally. c c Notes: c c 1) The algorithm is in place: ao, jao, iao can be overwritten on c a, ja, ia if desired c 2) When the code is required to select the diagonals (job .ge. 10) c the selection of the diagonals is done from left to right c as a result if several diagonals have the same weight (number c of nonzero elemnts) the leftmost one is selected first. c double precision diag(ndiag,idiag), a(*), ao(*) integer ia(*), ind(*), ja(*), jao(*), iao(*), ioff(*) job1 = job/10 job2 = job-job1*10 if (job1 .eq. 0) goto 50 n2 = n+n-1 call infdia(n,ja,ia,ind,idum) c determine diagonals to accept. c ii = 0 4 ii=ii+1 jmax = 0 do 41 k=1, n2 j = ind(k) if (j .le. jmax) goto 41 i = k jmax = j 41 continue if (jmax .le. 0) then ii = ii-1 goto 42 end if ioff(ii) = i-n ind(i) = - jmax if (ii .lt. idiag) goto 4 42 idiag = ii c initialize diago to zero 50 continue do 55 j=1,idiag do 54 i=1,n diag(i,j) = 0.0 54 continue 55 continue ko = 1 c c extract diagonals and accumulate remaining matrix. c do 6 i=1, n do 51 k=ia(i),ia(i+1)-1 j = ja(k) do 52 l=1,idiag if (j-i .ne. ioff(l)) goto 52 diag(i,l) = a(k) goto 51 52 continue c append element not in any diagonal to ao,jao,iao if (job2 .eq. 0) goto 51 ao(ko) = a(k) jao(ko) = j ko = ko+1 51 continue if (job2 .ne. 0 ) ind(i+1) = ko 6 continue if (job2 .eq. 0) return c finish with iao iao(1) = 1 do 7 i=2,n+1 iao(i) = ind(i) 7 continue return end subroutine csrdns(nrow,ncol,a,ja,ia,dns,ndns,ierr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CSRDNS converts Compressed Sparse Row to Dense format. c c converts a row-stored sparse matrix into a densely stored one c c On entry: c c c nrow = row-dimension of a c ncol = column dimension of a c a, c ja, c ia = input matrix in compressed sparse row format. c (a=value array, ja=column array, ia=pointer array) c dns = array where to store dense matrix c ndns = first dimension of array dns c c on return: c c dns = the sparse matrix a, ja, ia has been stored in dns(ndns,*) c c ierr = integer error indicator. c ierr .eq. 0 means normal return c ierr .eq. i means that the code has stopped when processing c row number i, because it found a column number .gt. ncol. c double precision dns(ndns,*),a(*) integer ja(*),ia(*) ierr = 0 do 1 i=1, nrow do 2 j=1,ncol dns(i,j) = 0.0 2 continue 1 continue do 4 i=1,nrow do 3 k=ia(i),ia(i+1)-1 j = ja(k) if (j .gt. ncol) then ierr = i return end if dns(i,j) = a(k) 3 continue 4 continue return end subroutine csrell (nrow,a,ja,ia,maxcol,coef,jcoef,ncoef, * ndiag,ierr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CSRELL converts Compressed Sparse Row to Ellpack/Itpack format. c c on entry: c c nrow = row dimension of the matrix A. c c a, c ia, c ja = input matrix in compressed sparse row format. c c ncoef = first dimension of arrays coef, and jcoef. c c maxcol = integer equal to the number of columns available in coef. c c on return: c c coef = double precision array containing the values of the matrix A in c itpack-ellpack format. c jcoef = integer array containing the column indices of coef(i,j) c in A. c ndiag = number of active 'diagonals' found. c c ierr = error message. 0 = correct return. If ierr .ne. 0 on c return this means that the number of diagonals found c (ndiag) exceeds maxcol. c integer ia(nrow+1), ja(*), jcoef(ncoef,1) double precision a(*), coef(ncoef,1) c c first determine the length of each row of lower-part-of(A) ierr = 0 ndiag = 0 do 3 i=1, nrow k = ia(i+1)-ia(i) ndiag = max0(ndiag,k) 3 continue c check whether sufficient columns are available. if (ndiag .gt. maxcol) then ierr = 1 return end if c c fill coef with zero elements and jcoef with row numbers. c do 4 j=1,ndiag do 41 i=1,nrow coef(i,j) = 0.0 jcoef(i,j) = i 41 continue 4 continue c c copy elements row by row. c do 6 i=1, nrow k1 = ia(i) k2 = ia(i+1)-1 do 5 k=k1,k2 coef(i,k-k1+1) = a(k) jcoef(i,k-k1+1) = ja(k) 5 continue 6 continue return end subroutine csrjad (nrow, a, ja, ia, idiag, iperm, ao, jao, iao) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CSRJAD converts Compressed Sparse Row to Jagged Diagonal storage. c c CSRJAG converts matrix stored in the compressed sparse c row format to the jagged diagonal format. The data structure c for the JAD (Jagged Diagonal storage) is as follows. The rows of c the matrix are (implicitly) permuted so that their lengths are in c decreasing order. The real entries ao(*) and their column indices c jao(*) are stored in succession. The number of such diagonals is idiag. c the lengths of each of these diagonals is stored in iao(*). c For more details see [E. Anderson and Y. Saad, c ``Solving sparse triangular systems on parallel computers'' in c Inter. J. of High Speed Computing, Vol 1, pp. 73-96 (1989).] c or [Y. Saad, ``Krylov Subspace Methods on Supercomputers'' c SIAM J. on Stat. Scient. Comput., volume 10, pp. 1200-1232 (1989).] c c on entry: c c nrow = row dimension of the matrix A. c c a, c ia, c ja = input matrix in compressed sparse row format. c c on return: c c c idiag = integer. The number of jagged diagonals in the matrix. c c iperm = integer array of length nrow containing the permutation c of the rows that leads to a decreasing order of the c number of nonzero elements. c c ao = double precision array containing the values of the matrix A in c jagged diagonal storage. The j-diagonals are stored c in ao in sequence. c c jao = integer array containing the column indices of the c entries in ao. c c iao = integer array containing pointers to the beginning c of each j-diagonal in ao, jao. iao is also used as c a work array and it should be of length n at least. c integer ja(*), jao(*), ia(nrow+1), iperm(nrow), iao(nrow) double precision a(*), ao(*) c c define initial iperm and get lengths of each row c jao is used a work vector to store tehse lengths c idiag = 0 ilo = nrow do 10 j=1, nrow iperm(j) = j len = ia(j+1) - ia(j) ilo = min(ilo,len) idiag = max(idiag,len) jao(j) = len 10 continue c c call sorter to get permutation. use iao as work array. c call dcsort (jao, nrow, iao, iperm, ilo, idiag) c c define output data structure. first lengths of j-diagonals c do 20 j=1, nrow iao(j) = 0 20 continue do 40 k=1, nrow len = jao(iperm(k)) do 30 i=1,len iao(i) = iao(i)+1 30 continue 40 continue c c get the output matrix itself c k1 = 1 k0 = k1 do 60 jj=1, idiag len = iao(jj) do 50 k=1,len i = ia(iperm(k))+jj-1 ao(k1) = a(i) jao(k1) = ja(i) k1 = k1+1 50 continue iao(jj) = k0 k0 = k1 60 continue iao(idiag+1) = k1 return end subroutine csrlnk (n,a,ja,ia,link) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CSRLNK converts Compressed Sparse Row to Linked storage format. c c CSRLNK translates a matrix stored in compressed sparse c row into one with a linked list storage format. Only the link c array needs to be obtained since the arrays a, ja, and ia may c be unchanged and have carry the same meaning for the output matrix. c in other words a, ja, ia, link ia the output linked list data c structure with a, ja, ia being the same. c c Coded by Y. Saad, Feb 21, 1991. c c c on entry: c c n = integer equal to the dimension of A. c c a = double precision array of size nna containing the nonzero elements c ja = integer array of size nnz containing the column positions c of the corresponding elements in a. c ia = integer of size n+1 containing the pointers to the beginning c of each row. ia(k) contains the position in a, ja of the c beginning of the k-th row. c c on return: c c a, ja, ia are not changed. c c a = nonzero elements. c ja = column positions. c ia = points to the first row of matrix in structure. c link = integer array of size containing the linked list information. c link(k) points to the next element of the row after element c ao(k), jcol(k). if link(k) = 0, then there is no next element, c i.e., ao(k), jcol(k) is the last element of the current row. c double precision a(*) integer n, ja(*), ia(n+1), link(*) integer i, k c c loop through all rows c do 100 i =1, n do 99 k=ia(i), ia(i+1)-2 link(k) = k+1 99 continue link(ia(i+1)-1) = 0 100 continue return end subroutine csrmsr (n,a,ja,ia,ao,jao,wk,iwk) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CSRMSR converts Compressed Sparse Row to Modified Sparse Row. c c converts a general sparse matrix a, ja, ia into c a compressed matrix using a separated diagonal (referred to as c the bell-labs format as it is used by bell labs semi conductor c group. We refer to it here as the modified sparse row format. c Note: this has been coded in such a way that one can overwrite c the output matrix onto the input matrix if desired by a call of c the form c c call csrmsr (n, a, ja, ia, a, ja, wk,iwk) c c In case ao, jao, are different from a, ja, then one can c use ao, jao as the work arrays in the calling sequence: c c call csrmsr (n, a, ja, ia, ao, jao, ao,jao) c c c c on entry : c c a, ja, ia = matrix in csr format. note that the c algorithm is in place: ao, jao can be the same c as a, ja, in which case it will be overwritten on it c upon return. c c on return : c c ao, jao = sparse matrix in modified sparse row storage format: c + ao(1:n) contains the diagonal of the matrix. c + ao(n+2:nnz) contains the nondiagonal elements of the c matrix, stored rowwise. c + jao(n+2:nnz) : their column indices c + jao(1:n+1) contains the pointer array for the nondiagonal c elements in ao(n+1:nnz) and jao(n+2:nnz). c i.e., for i .le. n+1 jao(i) points to beginning of row i c in arrays ao, jao. c here nnz = number of nonzero elements+1 c work arrays: c c wk = real work array of length n c iwk = integer work array of length n+1 c c notes: c c Algorithm is in place. i.e. both: c c call csrmsr (n, a, ja, ia, ao, jao, ao,jao) c (in which ao, jao, are different from a, ja) c and c call csrmsr (n, a, ja, ia, a, ja, wk,iwk) c (in which wk, jwk, are different from a, ja) c are OK. c c coded by Y. Saad Sep. 1989. Rechecked Feb 27, 1990. c double precision a(*),ao(*),wk(n) integer ia(n+1),ja(*),jao(*),iwk(n+1) icount = 0 c c store away diagonal elements and count nonzero diagonal elements. c do 1 i=1,n wk(i) = 0.0 iwk(i+1) = ia(i+1)-ia(i) do 2 k=ia(i),ia(i+1)-1 if (ja(k) .eq. i) then wk(i) = a(k) icount = icount + 1 iwk(i+1) = iwk(i+1)-1 end if 2 continue 1 continue c c compute total length c iptr = n + ia(n+1) - icount c c copy backwards (to avoid collisions) c do 500 ii=n,1,-1 do 100 k=ia(ii+1)-1,ia(ii),-1 j = ja(k) if (j .ne. ii) then ao(iptr) = a(k) jao(iptr) = j iptr = iptr-1 end if 100 continue 500 continue c c compute pointer values and copy wk(*) c jao(1) = n+2 do 600 i=1,n ao(i) = wk(i) jao(i+1) = jao(i)+iwk(i+1) 600 continue return end subroutine csrncf ( nrow, a, ja, ia, maxnz, nonz, coef, jcoef, & ierr ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CSRNCF converts CSR to NSPCG NCF format. c c Discussion: c c This routine converts a matrix stored in the general A, JA, IA c compressed sparse row format into the Nonsymmetric Coordinate Format c used as storage format 5 by NSPCG. c c Modified: c c 25 October 2008 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c c Parameters: c c Input, integer NROW, the row dimension of the matrix A. c c Input, real A(*), integer JA(*), IA(NROW+1), the matrix, stored in c compressed sparse row format. c c Input, integer MAXNZ, the maximum number of nonzeros allowed for c in the storage of COEF and JCOEF. c c Output, integer NONZ, the actual number of nonzeros encountered. c c Output, real COEF(MAXNZ), the values of the matrix A in NCF format. c c Output, integer JCOEF(MAXNZ,2), the row and column indices of each c entry in COEF. c c Output, integer IERR, an error flag. c 0 = correct return. c nonzero means that MAXNZ < NONZ. c implicit none integer maxnz integer nrow double precision a(*) double precision coef(maxnz) integer i integer ia(nrow+1) integer ierr integer j integer ja(*) integer jcoef(maxnz,2) integer k integer k1 integer k2 integer nonz ierr = 0 c c Initialize COEF and JCOEF. c do i = 1, maxnz coef(i) = 0.0D+00 end do do j = 1, 2 do i = 1, maxnz jcoef(i,j) = 0 end do end do c c The first N entries are reserved for the diagonals. c do i = 1, nrow jcoef(i,1:2) = i end do nonz = nrow if ( maxnz .lt. nonz ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'CSRNCF - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' MAXNZ < NONZ.' ierr = 1 return end if do i = 1, nrow k1 = ia(i) k2 = ia(i+1) - 1 do k = k1, k2 if ( ja(k) .eq. i ) then coef(i) = coef(i) + a(k) else if ( 0.0D+00 .ne. a(k) ) then nonz = nonz + 1 if ( maxnz .lt. nonz ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'CSRNCF - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' MAXNZ < NONZ.' ierr = 1 return end if coef(nonz) = a(k) jcoef(nonz,1) = i jcoef(nonz,2) = ja(k) end if end do end do return end subroutine csrssk(n,imod,a,ja,ia,asky,isky,nzmax,ierr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CSRSSK converts Compressed Sparse Row to Symmetric Skyline Format. c c CSRSSK translates a compressed sparse row or a symmetric c sparse row format into a symmetric skyline format. c the input matrix can be in either compressed sparse row or the c symmetric sparse row format. The output matrix is in a symmetric c skyline format: a double precision array containing the (active portions) of the c rows in sequence and a pointer to the beginning of each row. c c This module is NOT in place. c c Coded by Y. Saad, Oct 5, 1989. Revised Feb. 18, 1991. c c on entry: c c n = integer equal to the dimension of A. c imod = integer indicating the variant of skyline format wanted: c imod = 0 means the pointer isky points to the `zeroth' c element of the row, i.e., to the position of the diagonal c element of previous row (for i=1, isky(1)= 0) c imod = 1 means that itpr points to the beginning of the row. c imod = 2 means that isky points to the end of the row (diagonal c element) c c a = double precision array of size nna containing the nonzero elements c ja = integer array of size nnz containing the column positions c of the corresponding elements in a. c ia = integer of size n+1. ia(k) contains the position in a, ja of c the beginning of the k-th row. c nzmax = integer. must be set to the number of available locations c in the output array asky. c c on return: c c c asky = double precision array containing the values of the matrix stored in skyline c format. asky contains the sequence of active rows from c i=1, to n, an active row being the row of elemnts of c the matrix contained between the leftmost nonzero element c and the diagonal element. c isky = integer array of size n+1 containing the pointer array to c each row. The meaning of isky depends on the input value of c imod (see above). c ierr = integer. Error message. If the length of the c output array asky exceeds nzmax. ierr returns the minimum value c needed for nzmax. otherwise ierr=0 (normal return). c c Notes: c 1) This module is NOT in place. c 2) even when imod = 2, length of isky is n+1, not n. c c c first determine individial bandwidths and pointers. c INTEGER NZMAX double precision a(*),asky(nzmax) integer n, imod, ierr, ia(n+1), isky(n+1), ja(*) c ierr = 0 isky(1) = 0 do 3 i=1,n ml = 0 do 31 k=ia(i),ia(i+1)-1 ml = max(ml,i-ja(k)+1) 31 continue isky(i+1) = isky(i)+ml 3 continue c c test if there is enough space asky to do the copying. c nnz = isky(n+1) if (nnz .gt. nzmax) then ierr = nnz return end if c c fill asky with zeros. c do 1 k=1, nnz asky(k) = 0.0 1 continue c c copy nonzero elements. c do 4 i=1,n kend = isky(i+1) do 41 k=ia(i),ia(i+1)-1 j = ja(k) if (j .le. i) asky(kend+j-i) = a(k) 41 continue 4 continue c c modify pointer according to imod if necessary. c if (imod .eq. 0) return if (imod .eq. 1) then do 50 k=1, n+1 isky(k) = isky(k)+1 50 continue end if if (imod .eq. 2) then do 60 k=1, n isky(k) = isky(k+1) 60 continue end if return end subroutine csrssr (nrow,a,ja,ia,nzmax,ao,jao,iao,ierr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CSRSSR converts Compressed Sparse Row to Symmetric Sparse Row. c c CSRSSR extracts the lower triangular part of a matrix. c It can used as a means for converting a symmetric matrix for c which all the entries are stored in sparse format into one c in which only the lower part is stored. The routine is in place in c that the output matrix ao, jao, iao can be overwritten on c the input matrix a, ja, ia if desired. Csrssr has been coded to c put the diagonal elements of the matrix in the last position in c each row (i.e. in position ao(ia(i+1)-1 of ao and jao) c c On entry c c nrow = dimension of the matrix a. c a, ja, c ia = matrix stored in compressed row sparse format c c nzmax = length of arrays ao, and jao. c c On return: c c ao, jao, c iao = lower part of input matrix (a,ja,ia) stored in compressed sparse c row format format. c c ierr = integer error indicator. c ierr .eq. 0 means normal return c ierr .eq. i means that the code has stopped when processing c row number i, because there is not enough space in ao, jao c (according to the value of nzmax) c double precision a(*), ao(*), t integer ia(*), ja(*), iao(*), jao(*) ierr = 0 ko = 0 do 7 i=1, nrow kold = ko kdiag = 0 do 71 k = ia(i), ia(i+1) -1 if (ja(k) .gt. i) goto 71 ko = ko+1 if (ko .gt. nzmax) then ierr = i return end if ao(ko) = a(k) jao(ko) = ja(k) if (ja(k) .eq. i) kdiag = ko 71 continue if (kdiag .eq. 0 .or. kdiag .eq. ko) goto 72 c c exchange c t = ao(kdiag) ao(kdiag) = ao(ko) ao(ko) = t k = jao(kdiag) jao(kdiag) = jao(ko) jao(ko) = k 72 iao(i) = kold+1 7 continue c redefine iao(n+1) iao(nrow+1) = ko+1 return end subroutine daxpy ( n, da, dx, incx, dy, incy ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DAXPY computes constant times a vector plus a vector. c c Discussion: c c This routine uses double precision real arithmetic. c c This routine uses unrolled loops for increments equal to one. c c Modified: c c 08 July 2007 c c Author: c c Jack Dongarra c c Reference: c c Jack Dongarra, Jim Bunch, Cleve Moler, Pete Stewart, c LINPACK User's Guide, c SIAM, 1979, c ISBN13: 978-0-898711-72-1, c LC: QA214.L56. c c Charles Lawson, Richard Hanson, David Kincaid, Fred Krogh, c Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms for FORTRAN usage, c ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, c Volume 5, Number 3, pages 308-323, 1979. c c Parameters: c c Input, integer N, the number of elements in DX and DY. c c Input, double precision DA, the multiplier of DX. c c Input, double precision DX(*), the first vector. c c Input, integer INCX, the increment between successive entries of DX. c c Input/output, double precision DY(*), the second vector. c On output, DY(*) has been replaced by DY(*) + DA * DX(*). c c Input, integer INCY, the increment between successive entries of DY. c implicit none double precision da double precision dx(*) double precision dy(*) integer i integer incx integer incy integer ix integer iy integer m integer n if ( n .le. 0 ) then return end if if ( da .eq. 0.0d0 ) then return end if if(incx.eq.1.and.incy.eq.1)go to 20 c c code for unequal increments or equal increments c not equal to 1 c ix = 1 iy = 1 if(incx.lt.0)ix = (-n+1)*incx + 1 if(incy.lt.0)iy = (-n+1)*incy + 1 do i = 1,n dy(iy) = dy(iy) + da*dx(ix) ix = ix + incx iy = iy + incy end do return c c code for both increments equal to 1 c c c clean-up loop c 20 m = mod(n,4) if( m .eq. 0 ) go to 40 do i = 1,m dy(i) = dy(i) + da*dx(i) end do if( n .lt. 4 ) return 40 continue do i = m + 1, n, 4 dy(i) = dy(i) + da*dx(i) dy(i + 1) = dy(i + 1) + da*dx(i + 1) dy(i + 2) = dy(i + 2) + da*dx(i + 2) dy(i + 3) = dy(i + 3) + da*dx(i + 3) end do return end subroutine dcn(AR,IA,JA,N,NE,IC,NN,IERR) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DCN generates sparse square matrices of type D(N,C). c c PURPOSE c c DCN generates sparse (square) matrices of the type c D(N,C). This type of matrix has the following characteristics: c 1's in the diagonal, three bands at the distance C above the c diagonal (and reappearing cyclicly under it), and a 10 x 10 c triangle of elements in the upper right hand corner. c Different software libraries require different storage schemes. c This routine generates the matrix in the storage by c indices mode. c c c Note: If A is the sparse matrix of type D(N,C), then c c min|A(i,j)| = 1, max|A(i,j)| = max(1000,N + 1) c c c c CONTRIBUTOR: Ernest E. Rothman c Cornell Theory Center/Cornell National Supercomputer c Facility. c e-mail address: BITNET: eer@cornellf c INTERNET: eer@cornellf.tn.cornell.edu c c c REFERENCE c c 1) Zlatev, Zahari; Schaumburg, Kjeld; Wasniewski, Jerzy; c "A Testing Scheme for Subroutines Solving Large Linear Problems", c Computers and Chemistry, Vol. 5, No. 2-3, pp. 91-100, 1981. c 2) Osterby, Ole and Zletev, Zahari; c "Direct Methods for Sparse Matrices"; c Springer-Verlag 1983. c c c c INPUT PARAMETERS c c N - Integer. The size of the square matrix. c N > 13 must be specified. c c NN - Integer. The dimension of integer arrays IA and JA and c double precision array AR. Must be at least NE. c c IC - Integer. The sparsity pattern can be changed by means of this c parameter. 0 < IC < N-12 must be specified. c c c OUTPUT PARAMETERS c c NE - Integer. The number of nonzero elements in the sparse matrix c of the type D(N,C). NE = 4*N + 55. c c AR(NN) - Real array. (Double precision) c Stored entries of a sparse matrix to be generated by this c routine. c NN is greater then or equal to, NE, the number of c nonzeros including a mandatory diagonal entry for c each row. Entries are stored by indices. c c IA(NN) - Integer array. c Pointers to specify rows for the stored nonzero entries c in AR. c c JA(NN) - Integer array. c Pointers to specify columns for the stored nonzero entries c in AR. c c IERR - Error parameter is returned as zero on successful c execution of the routine. c Error diagnostics are given by means of positive values c of this parameter as follows: c IERR = 1 - N is out of range. c IERR = 2 - IC is out of range. c IERR = 3 - NN is out of range. c c c double precision ar(nn) integer ia(nn), ja(nn), ierr ierr = 0 c c c check the input parameters: c if(n.le.13)then ierr = 1 return end if if(ic .le. 0 .or. ic .ge. n-12)then ierr = 2 return end if ne = 4*n+55 if(nn.lt.ne)then ierr = 3 return end if c c Begin to generate the nonzero elements as well as the row and column c pointers: c do 20 i=1,n ar(i) = 1.0 ia(i) = i ja(i) = i 20 continue ilast = n do 30 i=1,n-ic it = ilast + i ar(it) = 1.0 + dble(i) ia(it) = i ja(it) = i+ic 30 continue ilast = ilast + n-ic do 40 i=1,n-ic-1 it = ilast + i ar(it) = -dble(i) ia(it) = i ja(it) = i+ic+1 40 continue ilast = ilast + n-ic-1 do 50 i=1,n-ic-2 it = ilast + i ar(it) = 16.0 ia(it) = i ja(it) = i+ic+2 50 continue ilast = ilast + n-ic-2 icount = 0 do 70 j=1,10 do 60 i=1,11-j icount = icount + 1 it = ilast + icount ar(it) = 100.0 * dble(j) ia(it) = i ja(it) = n-11+i+j 60 continue 70 continue icount = 0 ilast = 55 + ilast do 80 i=n-ic+1,n icount = icount + 1 it = ilast + icount ar(it) = 1.0 + dble(i) ia(it) = i ja(it) = i-n+ic 80 continue ilast = ilast + ic icount = 0 do 90 i=n-ic,n icount = icount + 1 it = ilast + icount ar(it) = -dble(i) ia(it) = i ja(it) = i-n+ic+1 90 continue ilast = ilast + ic + 1 icount = 0 do 100 i=n-ic-1,n icount = icount + 1 it = ilast + icount ar(it) = 16.0 ia(it) = i ja(it) = i-n+ic+2 100 continue c ilast = ilast + ic + 2 c if(ilast.ne.4*n+55) then c write(*,*)' ilast equal to ', ilast c write(*,*)' ILAST, the number of nonzeros, should = ', 4*n + 55 c stop c end if c return end subroutine dcsort(ival, n, icnt, index, ilo, ihi) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DCSORT computes a sorting permutation for a vector. c c Specifications for arguments: c c This routine computes a permutation which, when applied to the c input vector ival, sorts the integers in ival in descending c order. The permutation is represented by the vector index. The c permuted ival can be interpreted as follows: c ival(index(i-1)) .ge. ival(index(i)) .ge. ival(index(i+1)) c c A specialized sort, the distribution counting sort, is used c which takes advantage of the knowledge that c 1) The values are in the (small) range [ ilo, ihi ] c 2) Values are likely to be repeated often c c contributed to SPARSKIT by Mike Heroux. (Cray Research) c c Usage: c c call dcsort( ival, n, icnt, index, ilo, ihi ) c c Arguments: c c ival integer array (input) c On entry, ia is an n dimensional array that contains c the values to be sorted. ival is unchanged on exit. c c n integer (input) c On entry, n is the number of elements in ival and index. c c icnt integer (work) c On entry, is an integer work vector of length c (ihi - ilo + 1). c c index integer array (output) c On exit, index is an n-length integer vector containing c the permutation which sorts the vector ival. c c ilo integer (input) c On entry, ilo is .le. to the minimum value in ival. c c ihi integer (input) c On entry, ihi is .ge. to the maximum value in ival. c c Remarks: c c The permutation is NOT applied to the vector ival. c c Author: c c Michael Heroux c Sandra Carney c Mathematical Software Research Group c Cray Research, Inc. c c References: c Knuth, Donald E., "The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3: c Sorting and Searching," Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, c 1973, pp. 78-79. c c Revision history: c 05/09/90: Original implementation. A variation of the c Distribution Counting Sort recommended by c Sandra Carney. (Mike Heroux) c c integer n, ilo, ihi, ival(n), icnt(ilo:ihi), index(n) integer i, j, ivalj do i = ilo, ihi icnt(i) = 0 end do do i = 1, n icnt(ival(i)) = icnt(ival(i)) + 1 end do do i = ihi-1,ilo,-1 icnt(i) = icnt(i) + icnt(i+1) end do do j = n, 1, -1 ivalj = ival(j) index(icnt(ivalj)) = j icnt(ivalj) = icnt(ivalj) - 1 end do return end function ddot ( n, dx, incx, dy, incy ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DDOT forms the dot product of two vectors. c c Discussion: c c This routine uses double precision real arithmetic. c c This routine uses unrolled loops for increments equal to one. c c Modified: c c 07 July 2007 c c Author: c c Jack Dongarra c c Reference: c c Jack Dongarra, Jim Bunch, Cleve Moler, Pete Stewart, c LINPACK User's Guide, c SIAM, 1979, c ISBN13: 978-0-898711-72-1, c LC: QA214.L56. c c Charles Lawson, Richard Hanson, David Kincaid, Fred Krogh, c Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms for FORTRAN usage, c ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, c Volume 5, Number 3, pages 308-323, 1979. c c Parameters: c c Input, integer N, the number of entries in the vectors. c c Input, double precision DX(*), the first vector. c c Input, integer INCX, the increment between successive entries in DX. c c Input, double precision DY(*), the second vector. c c Input, integer INCY, the increment between successive entries in DY. c c Output, double precision DDOT, the sum of the product of the c corresponding entries of DX and DY. c implicit none double precision ddot double precision dx(*),dy(*),dtemp integer i,incx,incy,ix,iy,m,n ddot = 0.0d0 dtemp = 0.0d0 if(n.le.0)return if(incx.eq.1.and.incy.eq.1)go to 20 c c code for unequal increments or equal increments not equal to 1 c ix = 1 iy = 1 if(incx.lt.0)ix = (-n+1)*incx + 1 if(incy.lt.0)iy = (-n+1)*incy + 1 do i = 1,n dtemp = dtemp + dx(ix)*dy(iy) ix = ix + incx iy = iy + incy end do ddot = dtemp return c c code for both increments equal to 1 c c c clean-up loop c 20 m = mod(n,5) if( m .eq. 0 ) go to 40 do i = 1,m dtemp = dtemp + dx(i)*dy(i) end do if( n .lt. 5 ) go to 60 40 continue do i = m+1, n, 5 dtemp = dtemp + dx(i)*dy(i) + dx(i + 1)*dy(i + 1) + & dx(i + 2)*dy(i + 2) + dx(i + 3)*dy(i + 3) + dx(i + 4)*dy(i + 4) end do 60 ddot = dtemp return end subroutine diacsr (n,job,idiag,diag,ndiag,ioff,a,ja,ia) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DIACSR converts diagonal format to compressed sparse row. c c DIACSR extracts the idiag most important diagonals from the c input matrix a, ja, ia, i.e, those diagonals of the matrix which have c the largest number of nonzero elements. If requested (see job), c the rest of the matrix is put in a the output matrix ao, jao, iao c c on entry: c c n = integer. dimension of the matrix a. c job = integer. job indicator with the following meaning. c if (job .eq. 0) then check for each entry in diag c whether this entry is zero. If it is then do not include c in the output matrix. Note that the test is a test for c an exact arithmetic zero. Be sure that the zeros are c actual zeros otherwise this would not c work. c c idiag = integer equal to the number of diagonals to be extracted. c Note: on return idiag may be modified. c c diag = double precision array of size (ndiag x idiag) containing the diagonals c of A on return. c c ndiag = integer equal to the first dimension of array diag. c c ioff = integer array of length idiag, containing the offsets of the c diagonals to be extracted. c c on return: c c a, c ja, c ia = matrix stored in a, ja, ia, format c c Note: c the arrays a and ja should be of length n*idiag. c double precision diag(ndiag,idiag), a(*), t integer ia(*), ja(*), ioff(*) ia(1) = 1 ko = 1 do 80 i=1, n do 70 jj = 1, idiag j = i+ioff(jj) if (j .lt. 1 .or. j .gt. n) goto 70 t = diag(i,jj) if (job .eq. 0 .and. t .eq. 0.0) goto 70 a(ko) = t ja(ko) = j ko = ko+1 70 continue ia(i+1) = ko 80 continue return end subroutine diamua (nrow,job, a, ja, ia, diag, b, jb, ib) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DIAMUA performs the matrix by matrix product B = Diag * A. c c on entry: c c nrow = integer. The row dimension of A c c job = integer. job indicator. Job=0 means get array b only c job = 1 means get b, and the integer arrays ib, jb. c c a, c ja, c ia = Matrix A in compressed sparse row format. c c diag = diagonal matrix stored as a vector dig(1:n) c c on return: c c c b, c jb, c ib = resulting matrix B in compressed sparse row sparse format. c c Notes: c c 1) The column dimension of A is not needed. c 2) algorithm in place (B can take the place of A). c in this case use job=0. c double precision a(*), b(*), diag(nrow), scal integer ja(*),jb(*), ia(nrow+1),ib(nrow+1) do 1 ii=1,nrow c c normalize each row c k1 = ia(ii) k2 = ia(ii+1)-1 scal = diag(ii) do 2 k=k1, k2 b(k) = a(k)*scal 2 continue 1 continue if (job .eq. 0) return ib(1) = ia(1) do 3 ii=1, nrow ib(ii) = ia(ii) do 31 k=ia(ii),ia(ii+1)-1 jb(k) = ja(k) 31 continue 3 continue return end subroutine diapos (n,ja,ia,idiag) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DIAPOS returns the positions of the diagonal elements of a sparse matrix. c c on entry: c c c n = integer. row dimension of the matrix a. c a,ja, c ia = matrix stored compressed sparse row format. a array skipped. c c on return: c c idiag = integer array of length n. The i-th entry of idiag c points to the diagonal element a(i,i) in the arrays c a, ja. (i.e., a(idiag(i)) = element A(i,i) of matrix A) c if no diagonal element is found the entry is set to 0. c c Y. Saad, March, 1990 c integer ia(n+1), ja(*), idiag(n) do 1 i=1, n idiag(i) = 0 1 continue c c sweep through data structure. c do 6 i=1,n do 51 k= ia(i),ia(i+1) -1 if (ja(k) .eq. i) idiag(i) = k 51 continue 6 continue return end subroutine dinfo1(n,iout,a,ja,ia,valued, * title,key,type,ao,jao,iao) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DINFO1 computes and prints matrix statistics. c c SPARSKIT: ELEMENTARY INFORMATION ROUTINE. c c info1 obtains a number of statistics on a sparse matrix and writes c it into the output unit iout. The matrix is assumed c to be stored in the compressed sparse COLUMN format sparse a, ja, ia c c Modified Nov 1, 1989. 1) Assumes A is stored in column c format. 2) Takes symmetry into account, i.e., handles Harwell-Boeing c matrices correctly. c *** (Because of the recent modification the words row and c column may be mixed-up at occasions... to be checked... c c bug-fix July 25: 'upper' 'lower' mixed up in formats 108-107. c c On entry : c c n = integer. column dimension of matrix c iout = integer. unit number where the information it to be output. c a = double precision array containing the nonzero elements of the matrix c the elements are stored by columns in order c (i.e. column i comes before column i+1, but the elements c within each column can be disordered). c ja = integer array containing the row indices of elements in a c ia = integer array containing of length n+1 containing the c pointers to the beginning of the columns in arrays a and ja. c It is assumed that ia(*) = 1 and ia(n+1) = nzz+1. c c valued= logical equal to .true. if values are provided and .false. c if only the pattern of the matrix is provided. (in that c case a(*) and ao(*) are dummy arrays. c c title = a 72-character title describing the matrix c NOTE: The first character in title is ignored (it is often c a one). c c key = an 8-character key for the matrix c type = a 3-character string to describe the type of the matrix. c see harwell/Boeing documentation for more details on the c above three parameters. c c on return c c 1) elementary statistics on the matrix is written on output unit c iout. See below for detailed explanation of typical output. c 2) the entries of a, ja, ia are sorted. c c c c ao = double precision array of length nnz used as work array. c jao = integer work array of length max(2*n+1,nnz) c iao = integer work array of length n+1 c c Note : title, key, type are the same paramaters as those c used for Harwell-Bowing matrices. c c Output description: c c *** The following info needs to be updated. c c + A header containing the Title, key, type of the matrix and, if values c are not provided a message to that effect. c c * SYMMETRIC STRUCTURE MEDIEVAL RUSSIAN TOWNS c * Key = RUSSIANT , Type = SSA c * No values provided - Information of pattern only c c c + dimension n, number of nonzero elements nnz, average number of c nonzero elements per column, standard deviation for this average. c + if the matrix is upper or lower triangular a message to that effect c is printed. Also the number of nonzeros in the strict upper c (lower) parts and the main diagonal are printed. c + weight of longest column. This is the largest number of nonzero c elements in a column encountered. Similarly for weight of c largest/smallest row. c + lower dandwidth as defined by c ml = max ( i-j, / all a(i,j).ne. 0 ) c + upper bandwidth as defined by c mu = max ( j-i, / all a(i,j).ne. 0 ) c NOTE that ml or mu can be negative. ml .lt. 0 would mean c that A is confined to the strict upper part above the diagonal c number -ml. Similarly for mu. c c + maximun bandwidth as defined by c Max ( Max [ j ; a(i,j) .ne. 0 ] - Min [ j ; a(i,j) .ne. 0 ] ) c i c + average bandwidth = average over all columns of the widths each column. c c + If there are zero columns /or rows a message is printed c giving the number of such columns/rows. c c + matching elements in A and transp(A) :this counts the number of c positions (i,j) such that if a(i,j) .ne. 0 then a(j,i) .ne. 0. c if this number is equal to nnz then the matrix is symmetric. c + Relative symmetry match : this is the ratio of the previous integer c over nnz. If this ratio is equal to one then the matrix has a c symmetric structure. c c + average distance of a given element from the diagonal, standard dev. c the distance of a(i,j) is defined as iabs(j-i). c c + Frobenious norm of A c Frobenious norm of 0.5*(A + transp(A)) c Frobenious norm of 0.5*(A - transp(A)) c these numbers provide information on the degree of symmetry c of the matrix. If the norm of the nonsymmetric part is c zero then the matrix is symmetric. c c + 90% of matrix is in the band of width k, means that c by moving away and in a symmetric manner from the main c diagonal you would have to include exactly k diagonals c (k is always odd), in order to include 90% of the nonzero c elements of A. The same thing is then for 80%. c c + The total number of nonvoid diagonals, i.e., among the c 2n-1 diagonals of the matrix which have at least one nonxero c element. c c + Most important diagonals. The code selects a number of k c (k .le. 10) diagonals that are the most important ones, i.e. c that have the largest number of nonzero elements. Any diagonal c that has fewer than 1% of the nonzero elements of A is dropped. c the numbers printed are the offsets with respect to the c main diagonal, going from left tp right. c Thus 0 means the main diagonal -1 means the subdiagonal, and c +10 means the 10th upper diagonal. c + The accumulated percentages in the next line represent the c percentage of the nonzero elements represented by the diagonals c up the current one put together. c Thus: c * The 10 most important diagonals are (offsets) : c * 0 1 2 24 21 4 23 22 20 19 c * The accumulated percentages they represent are : c * 40.4 68.1 77.7 80.9 84.0 86.2 87.2 88.3 89.4 90.4 c c shows the offsets of the most important diagonals and c 40.4 represent ratio of the number of nonzero elements in the c diagonal zero (main diagonal) over the total number of nonzero c elements. the second number indicates that the diagonal 0 and the c diagonal 1 together hold 68.1% of the matrix, etc.. c c + Block structure: c if the matrix has a block structure then the block size is found c and printed. Otherwise the info1 will say that the matrix c does not have a block structure. Note that block structure has c a very specific meaning here. the matrix has a block structure c if it consists of square blocks that are dense. even if there c are zero elements in the blocks they should be represented c otherwise it would be possible to determine the block size. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) double precision a(*),ao(*) integer ja(*),ia(n+1),jao(*),iao(n+1) character title*72,key*8,type*3 logical valued PARAMETER (IPAR1=1) double precision dcount(20),amx integer ioff(20) character*61 tmpst logical sym write (iout,99) write (iout,97) title(2:72), key, type 97 format(2x,' * ',a71,' *'/, * 2x,' *',20x,'Key = ',a8,' , Type = ',a3,25x,' *') if (.not. valued) write (iout,98) 98 format(2x,' * No values provided - Information on pattern only', * 23x,' *') nnz = ia(n+1)-ia(1) sym = (type(2:2) .eq. 'S') write (iout, 99) write(iout, 100) n, nnz c first average and standard deviation av = dble(nnz)/dble(n) c av will be coorrected later. if (sym) av = 2.0*av-1.0 job = 0 if (valued) job = 1 ipos = 1 call csrcsc(n, job, ipos, a, ja, ia, ao, jao, iao) call csrcsc(n, job, ipos, ao, jao, iao, a, ja, ia) c bandwidth iband = 0 c number of nonzero elements in lower part nupper = 0 c number of nonzero elements in diagonal ndiag = 0 c distance of an element from diagonal. dist = 0.0 c number of diagonally dominant columns nddomc = 0 c number of diagonally dominant rows nddomr = 0 c max length of rows nzmaxc = 0 c min length of column nzminc = n c max length of rows nzmaxr = 0 c min length of rows nzminr = n c number of zero columns nzcol = 0 c number of zero column nzrow = 0 c lower and upper band ml = -n mu = -n c average bandwidth bndav = 0.0 c standard deviation for average nonzero elements -- st = 0.0 c dianrm = Frobenius norm of the diagonal (used only in symmetric case) dianrm = 0.0 c nskyu = skyline storage for upper part nskyu = 0 c nskyl = skyline storage for lower part nskyl = 0 c c computing max bandwith, max number of nonzero elements per column c min nonzero elements per column, column and col. diagonal dominance c occurences, average distance of an element from diagonal, number of c elemnts in lower and upper parts, ... c do 3 i=1,n j0 = ia(i) j1 = ia(i+1) - 1 j0r = iao(i) j1r = iao(i+1)-1 c c bandwidth info: c jminc = ja(j0) jmaxc = ja(j1) jminr = jao(j0r) if (sym) jminc = jminr c nskyl = nskyl + i-jminr + 1 nskyu = nskyu + i-jminc + 1 c ml = max0(ml,i-jminc) mu = max0(mu,jmaxc-i) iband = max0(iband,jmaxc-jminc+1) bndav = bndav+dble( jmaxc-jminc+1) c max min number of nonzero elements per column . lenr = j1r+1-j0r if (lenr .le. 0) nzrow = nzrow+1 nzmaxr = max0(nzmaxr,lenr) nzminr = min0(nzminr,lenr) c indiag = nonzero diagonal element indicator indiag = 0 do 31 k=j0, j1 j=ja(k) if (j .lt. i) nupper = nupper+1 if (j .eq. i) indiag = 1 dist = dist + dble(iabs(j-i) ) 31 continue ndiag = ndiag + indiag c max/ min number of nonzero elements per column -- lenc = j1+1-j0 if (sym) lenc = lenc + lenr - indiag if (lenc .le. 0) nzcol = nzcol +1 nzmaxc = max0(nzmaxc,lenc) nzminc = min0(nzminc,lenc) st = st + (dble(lenc) - av)**2 c diagonal dominance c if (valued) then dsumc = 0.0 aii = 0.0 do 32 k=j0,j1 j = ja(k) if (j .eq. i) aii = abs(a(k)) dsumc = dsumc + abs(a(k)) 32 continue dianrm = dianrm + aii*aii dsumr = 0.0 do 33 k=iao(i), iao(i+1)-1 33 dsumr = dsumr+abs(ao(k)) if (sym) then if (dsumr+dsumc .le. 3.0*aii) nddomc = nddomc + 1 else if (dsumc .le. 2.0*aii) nddomc = nddomc + 1 if (dsumr .le. 2.0*aii) nddomr = nddomr+1 end if end if 3 continue if (sym) nddomr = nddomc nlower = nnz-nupper-ndiag c write bandwidth info dist = dist/dble(nnz) c c if ndiag.ne.n then we should correct av and std in symmetric case c if ((sym) .and. ndiag .ne. n) then eps = dble(ndiag-n)/dble(n) av = av + eps st = st-eps*eps end if st = sqrt( st / dble(n) ) bndav = bndav/dble(n) c write out info if (sym) nupper = nlower write(iout, 101) av, st if (nlower .eq. 0 ) write(iout, 105) 1 if (nupper .eq. 0) write(iout, 106) write(iout, 107) nlower write(iout, 108) nupper write(iout, 109) ndiag c write(iout, 1020) nzmaxc, nzminc if (.not. sym) write(iout, 1021) nzmaxc, nzminc c if (nzcol .ne. 0) write(iout,116) nzcol if (nzrow .ne. 0) write(iout,115) nzrow c c normalize various results of above loop c ddomr = dble(nddomc)/ dble(n) ddomc = dble(nddomr)/ dble(n) c c symmetry and near symmetry - Frobenius norms c st = 0.0 tan = 0.0 tas = 0.0 std = 0.0 imatch = 0 c c main loop for symmetry detection and frobenius norms. c do 6 i=1,n k1 = ia(i) k2 = iao(i) k1max = ia(i+1) - 1 k2max = iao(i+1) - 1 do 61 k=k1, k1max std=std+(dist-dble(iabs(ja(k)-i)))**2 61 continue if (sym) goto 6 5 if (k1 .gt. k1max .or. k2 .gt. k2max) goto 6 j1 = ja(k1) j2 = jao(k2) if (j1 .ne. j2 ) goto 51 imatch = imatch + 1 if (valued) then tas = tas + (a(k1)+ao(k2))**2 tan = tan + (a(k1)-ao(k2))**2 st = st+a(k1)**2 end if 51 k1 = k1+1 k2 = k2+1 if (j1 .lt. j2) k2 = k2 - 1 if (j1. gt. j2) k1 = k1 - 1 goto 5 6 continue if (sym) imatch = nnz av = dble(imatch)/dble(nnz) std = sqrt(std/ dble(nnz)) c max abs value in a if (valued) then amx = 0.0 ta = 0.0 do 7 k=1, nnz ta = ta+a(k)**2 amx = amax1(amx, abs(a(k)) ) 7 continue if (sym) then ta = sqrt( 2.0*ta - dianrm ) tas = ta tan = 0.0 else st = ta-st tas = 0.5*sqrt(tas + st) tan = 0.5*sqrt(tan + st) ta = sqrt(ta) end if end if write (iout,103) imatch, av, dist, std write(iout,96) if (valued) then write(iout,104) ta, tas, tan, amx, ddomr, ddomc write (iout,96) end if c c bandedness- main diagonals c n2 = n+n-1 do 8 i=1, n2 jao(i) = 0 8 continue do 9 i=1, n k1 = ia(i) k2 = ia(i+1) -1 do 91 k=k1, k2 j = ja(k) jao(n+i-j) = jao(n+i-j) +1 91 continue 9 continue iacc = jao(n) jb1 = 0 jb2 = 0 j = 0 92 j = j+1 iacc = iacc + jao(n+j)+ jao(n-j) if (iacc*100 .le. nnz*80) jb1 = jb1+1 93 if (iacc*100 .le. nnz*90) then jb2 = jb2+1 goto 92 end if c write bandwidth information . c write(iout,117) ml, mu, iband, bndav nsky = nskyl+nskyu-n if (sym) nsky = nskyl write(iout,1175) nsky write (iout,112) 2*jb2+1, 2*jb1+1 c c count the number of nonzero diagonals. nzdiag = 0 do 42 i=1, n2 if (jao(i) .ne. 0) nzdiag=nzdiag+1 42 continue ndiag = 10 ndiag = min0(n2,ndiag) itot = 0 ii = 0 idiag = 0 c sort diagonals by decreasing order of weights. 40 jmax = 0 i = 1 do 41 k=1, n2 j = jao(k) if (j .lt. jmax) goto 41 i = k jmax = j 41 continue c permute c save offsets and accumulated count if diagonal is acceptable c (if it has at least ipar1*nnz/100 nonzero elements) c quite if no more acceptable diagonals -- c if (jmax*100 .lt. ipar1*nnz) goto 4 ii = ii+1 ioff(ii) = i-n jao(i) = - jmax itot = itot + jmax dcount(ii) = dble(100*itot)/dble(nnz) if (ii .lt. ndiag) goto 40 4 continue ndiag = ii c c t = dble (icount) / dble (nnz) c write in internat file tmpst first. write (iout,118) nzdiag write (tmpst,'(10i6)') (ioff(j),j=1,ndiag) write (iout,110) ndiag,tmpst write (tmpst,'(10f6.1)')(dcount(j), j=1,ndiag) write (iout,111) tmpst write (iout, 96) c jump to next page -- optional // c write (iout,'(1h1)') c c determine block size if matrix is a block matrix.. c call blkfnd (n, ja, ia, nblk) if (nblk .le. 1) then write(iout,113) else write(iout,114) nblk end if write (iout,96) c c done. Next define all the formats c 99 format (2x,38(2h *)) 96 format (6x,' *',65(1h-),'*') 100 format( * 6x,' * Dimension N = ', * i10,' *'/ * 6x,' * Number of nonzero elements = ', * i10,' *') 101 format( * 6x,' * Average number of nonzero elements/Column = ', * f10.4,' *'/ * 6x,' * Standard deviation for above average = ', * f10.4,' *') 1020 format( * 6x,' * Weight of longest column = ', * i10,' *'/ * 6x,' * Weight of shortest column = ', * i10,' *') 1021 format( * 6x,' * Weight of longest row = ', * i10,' *'/ * 6x,' * Weight of shortest row = ', * i10,' *') 117 format( * 6x,' * Lower bandwidth (max: i-j, a(i,j) .ne. 0) = ', * i10,' *'/ * 6x,' * Upper bandwidth (max: j-i, a(i,j) .ne. 0) = ', * i10,' *'/ * 6x,' * Maximum Bandwidth = ', * i10,' *'/ * 6x,' * Average Bandwidth = ', * e10.3,' *') 1175 format( * 6x,' * Number of nonzeros in skyline storage = ', * i10,' *') 103 format( * 6x,' * Matching elements in symmetry = ', * i10,' *'/ * 6x,' * Relative Symmetry Match (symmetry=1) = ', * f10.4,' *'/ * 6x,' * Average distance of a(i,j) from diag. = ', * e10.3,' *'/ * 6x,' * Standard deviation for above average = ', * e10.3,' *') 104 format( * 6x,' * Frobenius norm of A = ', * e10.3,' *'/ * 6x,' * Frobenius norm of symmetric part = ', * e10.3,' *'/ * 6x,' * Frobenius norm of nonsymmetric part = ', * e10.3,' *'/ * 6x,' * Maximum element in A = ', * e10.3,' *'/ * 6x,' * Percentage of weakly diagonally dominant rows = ', * e10.3,' *'/ * 6x,' * Percentage of weakly diagonally dominant columns = ', * e10.3,' *') 105 format( * 6x,' * The matrix is lower triangular ... ',21x,' *') 106 format( * 6x,' * The matrix is upper triangular ... ',21x,' *') 107 format( * 6x,' * Nonzero elements in strict lower part = ', * i10,' *') 108 format( * 6x,' * Nonzero elements in strict upper part = ', * i10,' *') 109 format( * 6x,' * Nonzero elements in main diagonal = ', * i10,' *') 110 format(6x,' * The ', i2, ' most important', * ' diagonals are (offsets) : ',10x,' *',/, * 6x,' *',a61,3x,' *') 111 format(6x,' * The accumulated percentages they represent are ', * ' : ', 10x,' *',/, * 6x,' *',a61,3x,' *') c 111 format( c * 6x,' * They constitute the following % of A = ', c * f8.1,' % *') 112 format( * 6x,' * 90% of matrix is in the band of width = ', * i10,' *',/, * 6x,' * 80% of matrix is in the band of width = ', * i10,' *') 113 format( * 6x,' * The matrix does not have a block structure ',19x, * ' *') 114 format( * 6x,' * Block structure found with block size = ', * i10,' *') 115 format( * 6x ' * There are zero rows. Number of such rows = ', * i10,' *') 116 format( * 6x ' * There are zero columns. Number of such columns = ', * i10,' *') 118 format( * 6x ' * The total number of nonvoid diagonals is = ', * i10,' *') RETURN end subroutine diric (nx,nint,a,ja,ia, f) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DIRIC accounts for Dirichlet boundary conditions. c c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension a(*),ia(*),ja(*),f(*) c call extract from UNARY call submat (nx,1,1,nint,1,nint,a,ja,ia,nr,nc,a,ja,ia) return END subroutine dlauny(x,y,nodes,elmnts,nemax,nelmnt) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DLAUNY is a simple, nonoptimal Delaunay triangulation code. c c code written by P.K. Sweby c c Performs a Delaunay triangularisation of a region given a set c of mesh points. c X,Y :- 1D arrays holding coordinates of mesh points. c dimensioned AT LEAST NODES+3. c NODES :- number of mesh points. c ELMNTS :- INTEGER array, dimensioned NEMAX x 3, which on exit c contains the index of global nodes associated with c each element. c NELMNT :- on exit contains the number of elements in the c triangularisation. c c P.K.Sweby c IMPLICIT double precision (A-H,O-Z) INTEGER ELMNTS DIMENSION X(NODES),Y(NODES),ELMNTS(NEMAX,3) PI=4.0*ATAN(1.0) c c Calculate artificial nodes NODES+i i=1,2,3,4 and construct first c two (artificial) elements. c XMIN=X(1) XMAX=X(1) YMIN=Y(1) YMAX=Y(1) DO 10 I=2,NODES XMIN=MIN(XMIN,X(I)) XMAX=MAX(XMAX,X(I)) YMIN=MIN(YMIN,Y(I)) YMAX=MAX(YMAX,Y(I)) 10 CONTINUE DX=XMAX-XMIN DY=YMAX-YMIN XL=XMIN-4.0*DX XR=XMAX+4.0*DX YL=YMIN-4.0*DY YR=YMAX+4.0*DY X(NODES+1)=XL Y(NODES+1)=YL X(NODES+2)=XL Y(NODES+2)=YR X(NODES+3)=XR Y(NODES+3)=YR X(NODES+4)=XR Y(NODES+4)=YL ELMNTS(1,1)=NODES+1 ELMNTS(1,2)=NODES+2 ELMNTS(1,3)=NODES+3 ELMNTS(2,1)=NODES+3 ELMNTS(2,2)=NODES+4 ELMNTS(2,3)=NODES+1 NELMNT=2 DO 90 IN=1,NODES c c Add one mesh point at a time and remesh locally if necessary c NDEL=0 NEWEL=0 DO 40 IE=1,NELMNT c c Is point IN insided circumcircle of element IE ? c I1=ELMNTS(IE,1) I2=ELMNTS(IE,2) I3=ELMNTS(IE,3) X2=X(I2)-X(I1) X3=X(I3)-X(I1) Y2=Y(I2)-Y(I1) Y3=Y(I3)-Y(I1) Z=(X2*(X2-X3)+Y2*(Y2-Y3))/(Y2*X3-Y3*X2) CX=0.5*(X3-Z*Y3) CY=0.5*(Y3+Z*X3) R2=CX**2+CY**2 RN2=((X(IN)-X(I1)-CX)**2+(Y(IN)-Y(I1)-CY)**2) IF(RN2.GT.R2)GOTO 40 c c Yes it is inside,create new elements and mark old for deletion. c DO 30 J=1,3 DO 20 K=1,3 ELMNTS(NELMNT+NEWEL+J,K)=ELMNTS(IE,K) 20 CONTINUE ELMNTS(NELMNT+NEWEL+J,J)=IN 30 CONTINUE NEWEL=NEWEL+3 ELMNTS(IE,1)=0 NDEL=NDEL+1 40 CONTINUE c c If IN was inside circumcircle of more than 1 element then will c have created 2 identical new elements: delete them both. c IF(NDEL.GT.1)THEN DO 60 IE=NELMNT+1,NELMNT+NEWEL-1 DO 60 JE=IE+1,NELMNT+NEWEL MATCH=0 DO 50 K=1,3 DO 50 L=1,3 IF(ELMNTS(IE,K).EQ.ELMNTS(JE,L))MATCH=MATCH+1 50 CONTINUE IF(MATCH.EQ.3)THEN ELMNTS(IE,1)=0 ELMNTS(JE,1)=0 NDEL=NDEL+2 end if 60 CONTINUE end if c c Delete any elements c NN=NELMNT+NEWEL IE=1 70 CONTINUE IF(ELMNTS(IE,1).EQ.0)THEN DO 80 J=IE,NN-1 DO 80 K=1,3 ELMNTS(J,K)=ELMNTS(J+1,K) 80 CONTINUE NN=NN-1 IE=IE-1 end if IE=IE+1 IF(IE.LE.NN)GOTO 70 NELMNT=NN 90 CONTINUE c c Finally remove elements containing artificial nodes c IE=1 100 CONTINUE NART=0 DO 110 L=1,3 IF(ELMNTS(IE,L).GT.NODES)NART=NART+1 110 CONTINUE IF(NART.GT.0)THEN DO 120 J=IE,NN-1 DO 120 K=1,3 ELMNTS(J,K)=ELMNTS(J+1,K) 120 CONTINUE NELMNT=NELMNT-1 IE=IE-1 end if IE=IE+1 IF(IE.LE.NELMNT)GOTO 100 RETURN END subroutine dnscsr(nrow,ncol,nzmax,dns,ndns,a,ja,ia,ierr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DNSCSR converts Dense to Compressed Row Sparse format. c c converts a densely stored matrix into a row orientied c compactly sparse matrix. ( reverse of csrdns ) c Note: this routine does not check whether an element c is small. It considers that a(i,j) is zero if it is exactly c equal to zero: see test below. c c on entry: c c c nrow = row-dimension of a c ncol = column dimension of a c nzmax = maximum number of nonzero elements allowed. This c should be set to be the lengths of the arrays a and ja. c dns = input nrow x ncol (dense) matrix. c ndns = first dimension of dns. c c on return: c c c a, ja, ia = value, column, pointer arrays for output matrix c c ierr = integer error indicator: c ierr .eq. 0 means normal retur c ierr .eq. i means that the the code stopped while c processing row number i, because there was no space left in c a, and ja (as defined by parameter nzmax). c double precision dns(ndns,*),a(*) integer ia(*),ja(*) ierr = 0 next = 1 ia(1) = 1 do 4 i=1,nrow do 3 j=1, ncol if (dns(i,j) .eq. 0.0) goto 3 if (next .gt. nzmax) then ierr = i return end if ja(next) = j a(next) = dns(i,j) next = next+1 3 continue ia(i+1) = next 4 continue return end subroutine dperm (nrow,a,ja,ia,ao,jao,iao,perm,qperm,job) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DPERM permutes the rows and columns of a matrix stored in CSR format. c c This routine permutes the rows and columns of a matrix stored in CSR c format. i.e., it computes P A Q, where P, Q are permutation matrices. c P maps row i into row perm(i) and Q maps column j into column qperm(j): c a(i,j) becomes a(perm(i),qperm(j)) in new matrix c In the particular case where Q is the transpose of P (symmetric c permutation of A) then qperm is not needed. c note that qperm should be of length ncol (number of columns) but this c is not checked. c c Y. Saad, Sep. 21 1989 / recoded Jan. 28 1991. c c on entry: c c n = dimension of the matrix c a, ja, c ia = input matrix in a, ja, ia format c perm = integer array of length n containing the permutation arrays c for the rows: perm(i) is the destination of row i in the c permuted matrix -- also the destination of column i in case c permutation is symmetric (job .le. 2) c c qperm = same thing for the columns. This should be provided only c if job=3 or job=4, i.e., only in the case of a nonsymmetric c permutation of rows and columns. Otherwise qperm is a dummy c c job = integer indicating the work to be done: c * job = 1,2 permutation is symmetric Ao :== P * A * transp(P) c job = 1 permute a, ja, ia into ao, jao, iao c job = 2 permute matrix ignoring real values. c * job = 3,4 permutation is non-symmetric Ao :== P * A * Q c job = 3 permute a, ja, ia into ao, jao, iao c job = 4 permute matrix ignoring real values. c c on return: c c ao, jao, iao = input matrix in a, ja, ia format c c in case job .eq. 2 or job .eq. 4, a and ao are never referred to c and can be dummy arguments. c Notes: c c 1) algorithm is in place c 2) column indices may not be sorted on return even though they may be c on entry. c integer nrow,ja(*),ia(nrow+1),jao(*),iao(nrow+1),perm(nrow), + qperm(*),job double precision a(*),ao(*) integer locjob, mod c c locjob indicates whether or not real values must be copied. c locjob = mod(job,2) c c permute rows first c call rperm (nrow,a,ja,ia,ao,jao,iao,perm,locjob) c c then permute columns c locjob = 0 if (job .le. 2) then call cperm (nrow,ao,jao,iao,ao,jao,iao,perm,locjob) else call cperm (nrow,ao,jao,iao,ao,jao,iao,qperm,locjob) end if return end subroutine dscaldg (n,a,ja,ia,diag,job) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DSCALDG scales rows by a diagonal factor. c c scales rows by diag where diag is either given (job=0) c or to be computed: c job = 1 ,scale row i by by +/- max |a(i,j) | and put inverse of c scaling factor in diag(i),where +/- is the sign of a(i,i). c job = 2 scale by 2-norm of each row.. c if diag(i) = 0,then diag(i) is replaced by one c (no scaling).. c c Y. Saad, Sep. 21 1989 c double precision a(*), diag(*),t integer ia(*),ja(*) goto (12,11,10) job+1 10 do 110 j=1,n k1= ia(j) k2 = ia(j+1)-1 t = 0.0 do 111 k = k1,k2 111 t = t+a(k)*a(k) 110 diag(j) = sqrt(t) goto 12 11 continue call retmx (n,a,ja,ia,diag) 12 do 1 j=1,n if (diag(j) .ne. 0.0) then diag(j) = 1.0/diag(j) else diag(j) = 1.0 end if 1 continue do 2 i=1,n t = diag(i) do 21 k=ia(i),ia(i+1) -1 a(k) = a(k)*t 21 continue 2 continue return end subroutine dump(n,a,ja,ia,iout) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DUMP writes the matrix to a file. c c writes the matrix in a file, one row at a time in a nice readable c format. This is a simple routine which is useful for debugging. c c on entry: c c n = integer = size of matrix c a, c ja, c ia = matrix in CSR format c iout = output unit number. c c on return: c c the output file iout will have written in it the matrix in c one of two possible formats (depending on the max number of c elements per row. the values are output with only two digits c of accuracy (D9.2). c integer ia(*),ja(*) double precision a(*) c c select mode horizontal or vertical c maxr = 0 do 1 i=1, n maxr = max0(maxr,ia(i+1)-ia(i)) 1 continue if (maxr .le. 8) then c c able to one row across line c do 2 i=1, n write(iout,100) i k1=ia(i) k2 = ia(i+1)-1 write (iout,101) (ja(k),k=k1,k2) write (iout,102) (a(k),k=k1,k2) 2 continue else c c unable to one row across line. do three items at a time across line. c do 3 i=1, n write(iout,200) i k1=ia(i) k2 = ia(i+1)-1 write (iout,201) (ja(k),a(k),k=k1,k2) 3 continue end if 100 format(1X,35(1h-),' row',i3,1x,35(1h-) ) 101 format(' col:',8(i5,6h :)) 102 format(' val:',8(E9.2,2h :) ) 200 format(1h ,31(1h-),' row',i3,1x,31(1h-),/ * 3(' columns : values *') ) 201 format(3(1h ,i5,6h : ,D9.2,3h *) ) return end subroutine dvperm (n, x, perm) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DVPERM performs an in-place permutation of a double precision vector. c c this subroutine performs an in-place permutation of a double precision vector x c according to the permutation array perm(*), i.e., on return, c the vector x satisfies, c c x(perm(j)) :== x(j), j=1,2,.., n c c c on entry: c c n = length of vector x. c perm = integer array of length n containing the permutation array. c x = input vector c c on return: c c x = vector x permuted according to x(perm(*)) := x(*) c c c Y. Saad, Sep. 21 1989 c integer n, perm(n) double precision x(n) double precision tmp, tmp1 init = 1 tmp = x(init) ii = perm(init) perm(init)= -perm(init) k = 0 c c loop c 6 k = k+1 c c save the chased element -- c tmp1 = x(ii) x(ii) = tmp next = perm(ii) if (next .lt. 0 ) goto 65 c c test for end c if (k .gt. n) goto 101 tmp = tmp1 perm(ii) = - perm(ii) ii = next c c end loop c goto 6 c c reinitilaize cycle -- c 65 init = init+1 if (init .gt. n) goto 101 if (perm(init) .lt. 0) goto 65 tmp = x(init) ii = perm(init) perm(init)=-perm(init) goto 6 101 continue do 200 j=1, n perm(j) = -perm(j) 200 continue return end subroutine ecn(N,IC,NE,IA,JA,AR,NN,IERR) c*********************************************************************72 c cc ECN generates sparse (square) matrices of the type E(N,C). c c PURPOSE c c The subroutine generates sparse (square) matrices of the type c E(N,C). This type of matrix has the following characteristics: c Symmetric, positive-definite, N x N matrices with 4 in the diagonal c and -1 in the two sidediagonal and in the two bands at the distance c C from the diagonal. These matrices are similar to matrices obtained c from using the five-point formula in the discretization of the c elliptic PDE. c c c Note: If A is the sparse matrix of type E(N,C), then c c min|A(i,j)| = 1, max|A(i,j)| = 4 c c c CONTRIBUTOR: Ernest E. Rothman c Cornell Theory Center/Cornell National Supercomputer c Facility. c e-mail address: BITNET: eer@cornellf c INTERNET: eer@cornellf.tn.cornell.edu c c REFERENCE c c 1) Zlatev, Zahari; Schaumburg, Kjeld; Wasniewski, Jerzy; c "A Testing Scheme for Subroutines Solving Large Linear Problems", c Computers and Chemistry, Vol. 5, No. 2-3, pp. 91-100, 1981. c 2) Osterby, Ole and Zletev, Zahari; c "Direct Methods for Sparse Matrices"; c Springer-Verlag 1983. c c c INPUT PARAMETERS c c N - Integer. The size of the square matrix. c N > 2 must be specified. c c NN - Integer. The dimension of integer arrays IA and JA and c double precision array AR. Must be at least NE. c c NN - Integer. The dimension of integer array JA. Must be at least c NE. c c IC - Integer. The sparsity pattern can be changed by means of this c parameter. 1 < IC < N must be specified. c c c c OUTPUT PARAMETERS c c NE - Integer. The number of nonzero elements in the sparse matrix c of the type E(N,C). NE = 5*N - 2*IC - 2 . c c AR(NN) - Real array. c Stored entries of the sparse matrix A. c NE is the number of nonzeros including a mandatory c diagonal entry for each row. c c IA(NN) - Integer array.(Double precision) c Pointers to specify rows for the stored nonzero entries c in AR. c c JA(NN) - Integer array. c Pointers to specify columns for the stored nonzero entries c in AR. c c IERR - Error parameter is returned as zero on successful c execution of the subroutine. c Error diagnostics are given by means of positive values c of this parameter as follows: c IERR = 1 - N is out of range. c IERR = 2 - IC is out of range. c IERR = 3 - NN is out of range. c double precision ar(nn) integer ia(nn), ja(nn), n, ne, ierr ierr = 0 c c check the input parameters: c if(n.le.2)then ierr = 1 return end if if(ic.le.1.or.ic.ge.n)then ierr = 2 return end if ne = 5*n-2*ic-2 if(nn.lt.ne)then ierr = 3 return end if c c Begin to generate the nonzero elements as well as the row and column c pointers: c do 20 i=1,n ar(i) = 4.0 ia(i) = i ja(i) = i 20 continue ilast = n do 30 i=1,n-1 it = ilast + i ar(it) = -1.0 ia(it) = i+1 ja(it) = i 30 continue ilast = ilast + n - 1 do 40 i=1,n-1 it = ilast + i ar(it) = -1.0 ia(it) = i ja(it) = i+1 40 continue ilast = ilast + n-1 do 50 i=1,n-ic it = ilast + i ar(it) = -1.0 ia(it) = i+ic ja(it) = i 50 continue ilast = ilast + n-ic do 60 I=1,n-ic it = ilast + i ar(it) = -1.0 ia(it) = i ja(it) = i+ic 60 continue c ilast = ilast + n-ic c if(ilast.ne.5*n-2*ic-2) then c write(*,*)' ilast equal to ', ilast c write(*,*)' ILAST, the no. of nonzeros, should = ', 5*n-2*ic-2 c stop c end if c return end subroutine ellcsr(nrow,coef,jcoef,ncoef,ndiag,a,ja,ia,nzmax,ierr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc ELLCSR converts Ellpack/Itpack to Compressed Sparse Row. c c this subroutine converts a matrix stored in ellpack-itpack format c coef-jcoef into the compressed sparse row format. It actually checks c whether an entry in the input matrix is a nonzero element before c putting it in the output matrix. The test does not account for small c values but only for exact zeros. c c on entry: c c c nrow = row dimension of the matrix A. c coef = array containing the values of the matrix A in ellpack format. c jcoef = integer arraycontains the column indices of coef(i,j) in A. c ncoef = first dimension of arrays coef, and jcoef. c ndiag = number of active columns in coef, jcoef. c c ndiag = on entry the number of columns made available in coef. c c on return: c c a, ia, c ja = matrix in a, ia, ja format where. c c nzmax = size of arrays a and ja. ellcsr will abort if the storage c provided in a, ja is not sufficient to store A. See ierr. c c ierr = integer. serves are output error message. c ierr = 0 means normal return. c ierr = 1 means that there is not enough space in c a and ja to store output matrix. c integer ia(nrow+1), ja(*), jcoef(ncoef,1) double precision a(*), coef(ncoef,1) c c first determine the length of each row of lower-part-of(A) ierr = 0 c check whether sufficient columns are available. c c copy elements row by row. kpos = 1 do 6 i=1, nrow do 5 k=1,ndiag if (coef(i,k) .ne. 0.0) then if (kpos .gt. nzmax) then ierr = kpos return end if a(kpos) = coef(i,k) ja(kpos) = jcoef(i,k) kpos = kpos+1 end if 5 continue ia(i+1) = kpos 6 continue return end subroutine estif3(nel,ske,fe,det,xe,ye,xyke,ierr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc ESTIF3 constructs an element stiffness matrix using 3 node triangles. c c constructs the element stiffness matrix using 3-node triangular elements c arguments: c nel = element number c ske = element stiffness matrix c fe = element load vector c det = 2*area of the triangle c xy, ye= coordinates of the three nodal points in an element. c xyke = material constants (kxx, kxy, kyx, kyy) c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension ske(3,3), fe(3), xe(3), ye(3), dn(3,2),xyke(2,2) c c initialize c area = 0.5*det do 200 i=1,3 fe(i) = 0.0 do 200 j=1,3 ske(i,j) = 0.0 200 continue c c get first gradient of shape function c call gradi3(nel,xe,ye,dn,det,ierr) if (ierr .ne. 0) return do 100 i=1,3 do 100 j=1,3 t = 0.0 do 102 k=1,2 do 102 l=1,2 102 t = t+xyke(k,l)*dn(i,k)*dn(j,l) 100 ske(i,j) = t*area return end subroutine exphes (n,m,dt,eps,u,w,job,z,wkc,beta,errst,hh,ih, * x, y, indic,ierr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc EXPHES computes the Arnoldi basis. c c this subroutine computes the Arnoldi basis and the corresponding c coeffcient vector in the approximation c c w ::= beta Vm ym c where ym = exp(- Hm *dt) * e1 c c to the vector exp(-A dt) w where A is an arbitary matrix and c w is a given input vector. In case job = 0 the arnoldi basis c is recomputed. Otherwise the c code assumes assumes that u(*) contains an already computed c arnoldi basis and computes only the y-vector (which is stored in v(*)) c c en entry: c c n = dimension of matrix c c m = dimension of Krylov subspace (= degree of polynomial c approximation to the exponential used. ) c c dt = scalar by which to multiply matrix. Can be viewed c as a time step. dt must be positive [to be fixed]. c c eps = scalar indicating the relative error tolerated for the result. c the code will try to compute an answer such that c norm2(exactanswer-approximation) / norm2(w) .le. eps c c u = work array of size n*(m+1) to contain the Arnoldi basis c c w = double precision array of length n = input vector to which exp(-A) is c to be applied. c c y = duble precision work array of size (m+1) c wkc = double complex work array of size (m+1) c c job = integer. job indicator. If job .lt. 0 then the Arnoldi c basis is recomputed. If job .gt. 0 then it is assumed c that the user wants to use a previously computed Krylov c subspace but a different dt. Thus the Arnoldi basis and c the Hessenberg matrix Hm are not recomputed. c In that case the user should not modify the values of beta c and the matrices hh and u(n,*) when recalling phipro. c job = -1 : recompute basis and get an initial estimate for c time step dt to be used. c job = 0 : recompute basis and do not alter dt. c job = 1 : do not recompute arnoldi basis. c c hh = work array of size size at least (m+1)*m c c ih = first dimension of hh as declared in the calling program. c ih must be .ge. m. c c entries specific to the matrix c c diagonal storage is used : c a(n,ndiag) is a rectangular array with a(*,k) containing the c the diagonal offset by ioff(k) (negative or positive or zero) c i.e., c a(i,jdiag) contains the element A(i,i+ioff(jdiag)) in the c usual dense storage scheme. c c a = matrix in diagonal storage form c ioff = offsets of diagonals c ndiag = number of diagonals. c c on return: c c w2 = resulting vector w2 = exp(-A *dt) * w c beta = real equal to the 2-norm of w. Needed if exppro will c be recalled with the same Krylov subspace and a different c dt. c errst = rough estimates of the 2-norm of the error. c hh = work array of dimension at least (m+1) x m c parameter (ndmx=20) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) double precision hh(ih,ih), u(n,*), w(*),z(m+1), errst,x(*), y(*) double precision alp0 double complex alp(ndmx+1), rd(ndmx+1),wkc(ih) save c use degree 14 chebyshev all the time if (indic .ge. 3) goto 60 c c input fraction expansion of rational function c ldg= 7 alp0 = 0.183216998528140087E-11 alp(1)=( 0.557503973136501826E+02,-0.204295038779771857E+03) rd(1)=(-0.562314417475317895E+01, 0.119406921611247440E+01) alp(2)=(-0.938666838877006739E+02, 0.912874896775456363E+02) rd(2)=(-0.508934679728216110E+01, 0.358882439228376881E+01) alp(3)=( 0.469965415550370835E+02,-0.116167609985818103E+02) rd(3)=(-0.399337136365302569E+01, 0.600483209099604664E+01) alp(4)=(-0.961424200626061065E+01,-0.264195613880262669E+01) rd(4)=(-0.226978543095856366E+01, 0.846173881758693369E+01) alp(5)=( 0.752722063978321642E+00, 0.670367365566377770E+00) rd(5)=( 0.208756929753827868E+00, 0.109912615662209418E+02) alp(6)=(-0.188781253158648576E-01,-0.343696176445802414E-01) rd(6)=( 0.370327340957595652E+01, 0.136563731924991884E+02) alp(7)=( 0.143086431411801849E-03, 0.287221133228814096E-03) rd(7)=( 0.889777151877331107E+01, 0.166309842834712071E+02) c c if job .gt. 0 skip arnoldi process: c if (job .gt. 0) goto 2 c c normalize vector w and put in first column of u -- c beta = sqrt( ddot (n,w,1,w,1)) if (beta .eq. 0.0) then ierr = -1 indic = 1 return end if t = 1.0/beta do 25 j=1, n u(j,1) = w(j)*t 25 continue c Arnoldi loop i1 = 1 58 i = i1 i1 = i + 1 do 59 k=1, n x(k) = u(k,i) 59 continue indic = 3 return 60 continue do 61 k=1, n u(k,i1) = y(k) 61 continue i0 =1 c c switch for Lanczos version c c i0 = max0(1, i-1) call mgsr (n, i0, i1, u, hh(1,i)) fnorm = fnorm + ddot(i1, hh(1,i),1, hh(1,i),1) if (hh(i1,i) .eq. 0.0) m = i if (i .lt. m) goto 58 c done with arnoldi loop rm = dble(m) fnorm = sqrt( fnorm / rm ) c get : beta*e1 into z m1 = m+1 do 4 i=1,m1 hh(i,m1) = 0.0 4 continue c compute initial dt when job .lt. if (job .ge. 0) goto 2 c c t = eps / beta c t = eps do 41 k=1, m-1 t = t*(1.0 - dble(m-k)/rm ) 41 continue t = 2.0*rm* (t**(1.0/rm) ) / fnorm c dt = min(dt,t) t = min(abs(dt),t) dt = sign(t, dt) 2 continue z(1) = beta do 3 k=2, m1 z(k) = 0.0 3 continue c c get : exp(H) * beta*e1 c call hes(ldg,m1,hh,ih,dt,z,rd,alp,alp0,wkc) c error estimate errst = abs(z(m1)) indic = 2 return end subroutine exppro(n, m, eps, tn, u, w, x, y, indic, ierr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc EXPPRO computes an approximation to the vector c c w := exp( - A * tn ) * w c c where A is an arbitary matrix and w is a given input vector c uses a dynamic estimation of internal time advancement (dt) c c THIS IS A REVERSE COMMUNICATION IMPLEMENTATION. c c USAGE: (see also comments on indic below). c c c indic = 0 c 1 continue c call exppro (n, m, eps, tn, u, w, x, y, indic) c if (indic .eq. 1) goto 2 <-- indic .eq.1 means job is finished c call matvec(n, x, y) <--- user's matrix-vec. product c with x = input vector, and c y = result = A * x. c goto 1 c 2 continue c ..... c c en entry: c c n = dimension of matrix c c m = dimension of Krylov subspace (= degree of polynomial c approximation to the exponential used. ) c c eps = scalar indicating the relative error tolerated for the result. c the code will try to compute an answer such that c norm2(exactanswer-approximation) / norm2(w) .le. eps c c tn = scalar by which to multiply matrix. (may be .lt. 0) c the code will compute an approximation to exp(- tn * A) w c and overwrite the result onto w. c c u = work array of size n*(m+1) (used to hold the Arnoldi basis ) c c w = double precision array of length n = input vector to which exp(-A) is c to be applied. this is also an output argument c c x, y = two double precision work vectors of length at least n each. c see indic for usage. c c indic = integer used as indicator for the reverse communication. c in the first call enter indic = 0. See below for more. c c on return: c c w = contains the resulting vector exp(-A * tn ) * w when c exppro has finished (see indic) c c indic = indicator for the reverse communication protocole. c * INDIC .eq. 1 means that exppro has finished and w contains the c result. c * INDIC .gt. 1 , means that exppro has not finished and that c it is requesting another matrix vector product before c continuing. The user must compute Ax where A is the matrix c and x is the vector provided by exppro, and return the c result in y. Then exppro must be called again without c changing any other argument. typically this must be c implemented in a loop with exppro being called as long c indic is returned with a value .ne. 1. c c ierr = error indicator. c ierr = 1 means phipro was called with indic=1 (not allowed) c ierr = -1 means that the input is zero the solution has been c unchanged. c c NOTES: im should not exceed 60 in this version (see ih0 below) c c written by Y. Saad -- version feb, 1991. c c For reference see fololowing papers : c (1) E. Gallopoulos and Y. Saad: Efficient solution of parabolic c equations by Krylov approximation methods. RIACS technical c report 90-14. c (2) Y.Saad: Analysis of some Krylov subspace approximations to the c matrix exponential operator. RIACS Tech report. 90-14 c integer n, m, indic, ierr double precision eps, tn, u(*), w(n), x(*), y(*) parameter (ih0=60) double precision hh(ih0,ih0) double precision z(ih0),errst, tcur, told, dtl, beta, red double complex wkc(ih0) save c c indic = 3 means passing through only with result of y= Ax to exphes c indic = 2 means exphes has finished its job c indic = 1 means exppro has finished its job (real end)/ c ierr = 0 if (indic .eq. 3) goto 101 if (indic .eq. 1) then ierr = 1 return end if ih = ih0 m = min(m,ih0) tcur = 0.0 dtl = tn-tcur job = -1 c outer loop 100 continue c c call exponential propagator c told = tcur 101 continue c if (told + dtl .gt. tn) dtl = tn-told call exphes (n,m,dtl,eps,u,w,job,z,wkc,beta,errst,hh,ih, * x,y,indic,ierr) if (ierr .ne. 0) return if (indic .ge. 3) return tcur = told + dtl c c relative error c errst = errst / beta if ((errst .le. eps) .and. ( (errst .gt. eps/100.0) .or. * (tcur .eq. tn))) goto 102 c c use approximation : [ new err ] = fact**m * [cur. error] c red = (0.5*eps / errst)**(1.0 /dble(m) ) dtl = dtl*red if (abs(told+dtl) .gt. abs(tn) ) dtl = tn-told job = 1 goto 101 102 continue call project(n,m,u,z,w) job = 0 dtl = min(dtl, tn-tcur) if (abs(tcur+dtl) .gt. abs(tn)) dtl = tn-tcur if (abs(tcur) .lt. abs(tn)) goto 100 indic = 1 return end subroutine expprod(n, m, eps, tn, u, w, x, y, a, ioff, ndiag) c*********************************************************************72 c cc EXPPROD computes an approximation to the vector c c w := exp( - A * tn ) * w c c for matrices stored in diagonal (DIA) format. c c this routine constitutes an interface for the routine exppro for c matrices stored in diagonal (DIA) format. c c ARGUMENTS c c see exppro for meaning of parameters n, m, eps, tn, u, w, x, y. c c a, ioff, and ndiag are the arguments of the matrix: c c a(n,ndiag) = a rectangular array with a(*,k) containing the diagonal c offset by ioff(k) (negative or positive or zero), i.e., c a(i,jdiag) contains the element A(i,i+ioff(jdiag)) in c the usual dense storage scheme. c c ioff = integer array containing the offsets of the ndiag diagonals c ndiag = integer. the number of diagonals. c c double precision a(*), u(*), w(n), x(n), y(n), tn integer ioff(ndiag) indic = 0 101 continue call exppro (n, m, eps, tn, u, w, x, y, indic,ierr) if (indic .eq. 1) goto 102 c c matrix vector-product for diagonal storage -- c call oped(n, x, y, a, ioff, ndiag) goto 101 102 continue return end subroutine extbdg (n,a,ja,ia,bdiag,nblk,ao,jao,iao) c*********************************************************************72 c cc EXTBDG extracts the main diagonal blocks of a matrix. c c this subroutine extracts the main diagonal blocks of a c matrix stored in compressed sparse row format and puts the result c into the array bdiag and the remainder in ao,jao,iao. c c on entry: c c n = integer. The row dimension of the matrix a. c a, c ja, c ia = matrix stored in csr format c nblk = dimension of each diagonal block. The diagonal blocks are c stored in compressed format rowwise,i.e.,we store in c succession the i nonzeros of the i-th row after those of c row number i-1.. c c on return: c c bdiag = double precision array of size (n x nblk) containing the diagonal c blocks of A on return c ao, c jao, c iao = remainder of the matrix stored in csr format. c c Y. Saad, Sep. 21 1989 c c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) double precision bdiag(*),a(*),ao(*) integer ia(*),ja(*),jao(*),iao(*) m = 1 + (n-1)/nblk c this version is sequential -- there is a more parallel version c that goes through the structure twice .... ltr = ((nblk-1)*nblk)/2 l = m * ltr do 1 i=1,l bdiag(i) = 0.0 1 continue ko = 0 kb = 1 iao(1) = 1 do 11 jj = 1,m j1 = (jj-1)*nblk+1 j2 = min0 (n,j1+nblk-1) do 12 j=j1,j2 do 13 i=ia(j),ia(j+1) -1 k = ja(i) if (k .lt. j1) then ko = ko+1 ao(ko) = a(i) jao(ko) = k else if (k .lt. j) then c kb = (jj-1)*ltr+((j-j1)*(j-j1-1))/2+k-j1+1 c bdiag(kb) = a(i) bdiag(kb+k-j1) = a(i) end if 13 continue kb = kb + j-j1 iao(j+1) = ko+1 12 continue 11 continue return end subroutine filter(n,job,drptol,a,ja,ia,b,jb,ib,len,ierr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc FILTER copies a matrix, dropping small elements. c c This module removes any elements whose absolute value c is small from an input matrix A and puts the resulting c matrix in B. The input parameter job selects a definition c of small. c c on entry: c c n = integer. row dimension of matrix c job = integer. used to determine strategy chosen by caller to c drop elements from matrix A. c job = 1 c Elements whose absolute value is less than the c drop tolerance are removed. c job = 2 c Elements whose absolute value is less than the c product of the drop tolerance and the Euclidean c norm of the row are removed. c job = 3 c Elements whose absolute value is less that the c product of the drop tolerance and the largest c element in the row are removed. c c drptol = real. drop tolerance used for dropping strategy. c a c ja c ia = input matrix in compressed sparse format c len = integer. the amount of space in arrays a and ja. c c on return: c c b c jb c ib = resulting matrix in compressed sparse format. c c ierr = integer. containing error message. c ierr .eq. 0 indicates normal return c ierr .gt. 0 indicates that there is'nt enough c space is a and ja to store the resulting matrix. c ierr then contains the row number where filter stopped. c note: c This module is in place. (b,jb,ib can ne the same as c a, ja, ia in which case the result will be overwritten). c c contributed by David Day, Sep 19, 1989. c c double precision a(*),b(*),drptol integer ja(*),jb(*),ia(*),ib(*),n,job,len,ierr double precision norm,loctol integer index,row,k,k1,k2 index = 1 do 10 row= 1,n k1 = ia(row) k2 = ia(row+1) - 1 ib(row) = index goto (100,200,300) job 100 norm = 1.0 goto 400 200 norm = 0.0 do 22 k = k1,k2 norm = norm + a(k) * a(k) 22 continue norm = sqrt(norm) goto 400 300 norm = 0.0 do 23 k = k1,k2 if( abs(a(k)) .gt. norm) then norm = abs(a(k)) end if 23 continue 400 loctol = drptol * norm do 30 k = k1,k2 if( abs(a(k)) .gt. loctol)then if (index .gt. len) then ierr = row return end if b(index) = a(k) jb(index) = ja(k) index = index + 1 end if 30 continue 10 continue ib(n+1) = index return end subroutine gen57bl(nx,ny,nz,nfree,na,n,a,ja,ia,iau,stencil) c*********************************************************************72 c cc GEN57BL computes the sparse matrix for an elliptic operator. c c This subroutine computes the sparse matrix in compressed c format for the elliptic operator c c L u = delx( a . delx u ) + dely ( b . dely u) + delz ( c . delz u ) + c delx ( d . u ) + dely (e . u) + delz( f . u ) + g . u c c Here u is a vector of nfree components and each of the functions c a, b, c, d, e, f, g is an (nfree x nfree) matrix depending of c the coordinate (x,y,z). c with Dirichlet Boundary conditions, on a rectangular 1-D, c 2-D or 3-D grid using centered difference schemes. c c The functions a, b, ..., g are known through the c subroutines afunbl, bfunbl, ..., gfunbl. (user supplied) . c c uses natural ordering, first x direction, then y, then z c mesh size h is uniform and determined by grid points c in the x-direction. c c parameters: c c nx = number of points in x direction c ny = number of points in y direction c nz = number of points in z direction c nfree = number of degrees of freedom per point c n = dimension of matrix (output) c na = first dimension of array a as declared in calling c program. Must be .ge. nfree**2 c c a, ja, ia = resulting matrix in row-sparse block-reduced format c a(1:nfree**2, j ) contains a nonzero block. c ja(j) contains the column number of (1,1) entry of the block. c c iau = integer*n containing the position of the diagonal element c in the a, ja, ia structure c c stencil = work array of size (7,nfree**2), used to store c local stencils. c c c stencil (1:7,*) has the following meaning: c c center point = stencil(1) c west point = stencil(2) c east point = stencil(3) c south point = stencil(4) c north point = stencil(5) c front point = stencil(6) c back point = stencil(7) c c c st(5) c | c | c | c | .st(7) c | . c | . c st(2) ----------- st(1) ---------- st(3) c . | c . | c . | c st(6) | c | c | c st(4) c c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) integer ja(*),ia(*),iau(*) double precision a(na,1), stencil(7,1) h = 1.0/dble(nx+1) kx = 1 ky = nx kz = nx*ny nfree2 = nfree*nfree iedge = 1 node = 1 do 100 iz = 1,nz do 90 iy = 1,ny do 80 ix = 1,nx ia(node) = iedge call bsten(nx,ny,nz,ix,iy,iz,nfree,stencil,h) c west if (ix.gt.1) then ja(iedge)=node-kx do 4 k=1,nfree2 a(iedge,k) = stencil(2,k) 4 continue iedge=iedge + 1 end if c south if (iy.gt.1) then ja(iedge)=node-ky do 5 k=1,nfree2 a(iedge,k) = stencil(4,k) 5 continue iedge=iedge + 1 end if c front plane if (iz.gt.1) then ja(iedge)=node-kz do 6 k=1,nfree2 a(iedge,k) = stencil(6,k) 6 continue iedge=iedge + 1 end if c center node ja(iedge) = node iau(node) = iedge do 7 k=1,nfree2 a(iedge,k) = stencil(1,k) 7 continue iedge = iedge + 1 c -- upper part c east if (ix.lt.nx) then ja(iedge)=node+kx do 8 k=1,nfree2 a(iedge,k) = stencil(3,k) 8 continue iedge=iedge + 1 end if c north if (iy.lt.ny) then ja(iedge)=node+ky do 9 k=1,nfree2 a(iedge,k) = stencil(5,k) 9 continue iedge=iedge + 1 end if c back plane if (iz.lt.nz) then ja(iedge)=node+kz do 10 k=1,nfree2 a(iedge,k) = stencil(7,k) 10 continue iedge=iedge + 1 end if c next node node=node+1 80 continue 90 continue 100 continue c change numbering of nodes so that each ja(k) will contain the c actual column number in the original matrix of entry (1,1) of each c block (k). do 101 k=1,iedge-1 ja(k) = (ja(k)-1)*nfree+1 101 continue n = (node-1)*nfree ia(node)=iedge return end subroutine gen57pt(nx,ny,nz,a,ja,ia,iau,stencil) c*********************************************************************72 c cc GEN57PT computes the compressed sparse matrix for an elliptic operator. c c L u = delx( a delx u ) + dely ( b dely u) + delz ( c delz u ) + c d delx ( u ) + e dely (u) + f delz( u ) + g u c c with Dirichlet Boundary conditions, on a rectangular 1-D, c 2-D or 3-D grid using centered difference schemes. c c The functions a, b, ..., g are known through the c subroutines afun, bfun, ..., gfun. c note that to obtain the correct matrix, any function that is not c needed should be set to zero. For example for two-dimensional c problems, nz should be set to 1 and the functions cfun and ffun c should be zero functions. c c uses natural ordering, first x direction, then y, then z c mesh size h is uniform and determined by grid points c in the x-direction. c c parameters: c c nx = number of points in x direction c ny = number of points in y direction c nz = number of points in z direction c c a, ja, ia = resulting matrix in row-sparse format c c iau = integer*n containing the poisition of the diagonal element c in the a, ja, ia structure c c stencil = work array of size 7, used to store local stencils. c c c stencil [1:7] has the following meaning: c c center point = stencil(1) c west point = stencil(2) c east point = stencil(3) c south point = stencil(4) c north point = stencil(5) c front point = stencil(6) c back point = stencil(7) c c c st(5) c | c | c | c | .st(7) c | . c | . c st(2) ----------- st(1) ---------- st(3) c . | c . | c . | c st(6) | c | c | c st(4) c c integer ja(*),ia(*),iau(*) double precision a(*), stencil(*), h h = 1.0/dble(nx+1) kx = 1 ky = nx kz = nx*ny iedge = 1 node = 1 do 100 iz = 1,nz do 90 iy = 1,ny do 80 ix = 1,nx ia(node) = iedge call getsten(nx,ny,nz,ix,iy,iz,stencil,h) c west if (ix.gt.1) then ja(iedge)=node-kx a(iedge) = stencil(2) iedge=iedge + 1 end if c south if (iy.gt.1) then ja(iedge)=node-ky a(iedge) = stencil(4) iedge=iedge + 1 end if c front plane if (iz.gt.1) then ja(iedge)=node-kz a(iedge) = stencil(6) iedge=iedge + 1 end if c center node ja(iedge) = node iau(node) = iedge a(iedge) = stencil(1) iedge = iedge + 1 c -- upper part c east if (ix.lt.nx) then ja(iedge)=node+kx a(iedge) = stencil(3) iedge=iedge + 1 end if c north if (iy.lt.ny) then ja(iedge)=node+ky a(iedge) = stencil(5) iedge=iedge + 1 end if c back plane if (iz.lt.nz) then ja(iedge)=node+kz a(iedge) = stencil(7) iedge=iedge + 1 end if c next node node=node+1 80 continue 90 continue 100 continue ia(node)=iedge return end subroutine genfea (nx,nelx,node,job,x,y,ijk,nodcode,fs,nint, * a,ja,ia,f,iwk,jwk,ierr,xyk) c*********************************************************************72 c cc GENFEA generates finite element matrices for heat conduction problems. c c - Div ( K(x,y) Grad u ) = f c u = 0 on boundary c c (with Dirichlet boundary conditions). The matrix is returned c assembled in compressed sparse row format. See genfeu for c matrices in unassembled form. The user must provide the grid, c (coordinates x, y and connectivity matrix ijk) as well as some c information on the nodes (nodcode) and the material properties c (the function K(x,y) above) in the form of a subroutine xyk. c c c c on entry: c c nx = integer . the number of nodes in the grid . c nelx = integer . the number of elements in the grid. c node = integer = the number of nodes per element (should be c set to three in this version). also the first dimension c of ijk c job = integer. If job=0, it is assumed that there is no heat c source (i.e. fs = 0) and the right hand side c produced will therefore be a zero vector. c If job = 1 on entry then the contributions from the c heat source in each element are taken into account. c c x, y = two double precision arrays containing the coordinates of the nodes. c c ijk = an integer array containing the connectivity matrix. c ijk(i,nel), i=1,2,..node, is the list of the nodes c constituting the element nel, ans listed in c counter clockwise order. c c nodcode = an integer array containing the boundary information for c each node with the following meaning. c nodcode(i) = 0 --> node i is internal c nodcode(i) = 1 --> node i is a boundary but not a corner point c nodcode(i) = 2 --> node i is a corner node. [This node and the c corresponmding element are discarded.] c c fs = double precision array of length nelx on entry containing the heat c source for each element (job = 1 only) c c xyk = subroutine defining the material properties at each c element. Form: c call xyk(nel,xyke,x,y,ijk,node) with on return c xyke = material constant matrices. c for each element nel, xyke(1,nel),xyke(2,nel) c and xyke(3,nel) represent the constants c K11, K22, and K12 at that element. c c on return c c nint = integer. The number of active (nonboundary) nodes. Also c equal to the dimension of the assembled matrix. c c a, ja, ia = assembled matrix in compressed sparse row format. c c f = double precision array containing the right hand for the linears c system to solve. c c ierr = integer. Error message. If (ierr .ne. 0) on return c it means that one of the elements has a negative or zero c area probably because of a bad ordering of the nodes c (see ijk above). Use the subroutine chkelmt to reorder c the nodes properly if necessary. c iwk, jwk = two integer work arrays of length nx each. c double precision a(*),x(*),y(*),f(*),fs(*) integer ijk(node,*), nodcode(*),ia(*),ja(*),iwk(*),jwk(*) external xyk ierr = 0 c c take into boundary conditions to remove boundary nodes. c call bound (nx,nelx,ijk,nodcode,node,nint,jwk, * x,y,f,iwk) c c assemble the matrix c call assmbo (nx,nelx,node,ijk,nodcode,x,y, * a,ja,ia,f,iwk,jwk,ierr,xyk) c c if applicable (job .eq. 1) get heat source function c indic = 1 if (job .eq. 1) * call hsourc (indic,nx,nelx,node,x,y,ijk,fs,f) c c call diric for Dirichlet conditions c call diric(nx,nint,a,ja,ia,f) c done return end subroutine genfeu (nx,nelx,node,job,x,y,ijk,nodcode,fs,nint, * a,na,f,iwk,jwk,ierr,xyk) c*********************************************************************72 c cc GENFEU generates finite element matrices for heat conduction problems. c c - Div ( K(x,y) Grad u ) = f c u = 0 on boundary c c (with Dirichlet boundary conditions). The matrix is returned c in unassembled form. The user must provide the grid, c (coordinates x, y and connectivity matrix ijk) as well as some c information on the nodes (nodcode) and the material properties c (the function K(x,y) above) in the form of a subroutine xyk. c c c c on entry: c c c nx = integer . the number of nodes in the grid . c nelx = integer . the number of elements in the grid. c node = integer = the number of nodes per element (should be c set to three in this version). also the first dimension c of ijk c job = integer. If job=0, it is assumed that there is no heat c source (i.e. fs = 0) and the right hand side c produced will therefore be a zero vector. c If job = 1 on entry then the contributions from the c heat source in each element are taken into account. c c na = integer. The first dimension of the array a. c a is declared as an array of dimension a(na,node,node). c c x, y = two double precision arrays containing the coordinates of the nodes. c c ijk = an integer array containing the connectivity matrix. c ijk(i,nel), i=1,2,..node, is the list of the nodes c constituting the element nel, ans listed in c counter clockwise order. c c xyk = subroutine defining the material properties at each c element. Form: c call xyk(nel,xyke,x,y,ijk,node) with on return c xyke = material constant matrices. c for each element nel, xyke(1,nel),xyke(2,nel) c and xyke(3,nel) represent the constants c K11, K22, and K12 at that element. c c nodcode = an integer array containing the boundary information for c each node with the following meaning. c nodcode(i) = 0 --> node i is internal c nodcode(i) = 1 --> node i is a boundary but not a corner point c nodcode(i) = 2 --> node i is a corner node. [This node and the c corresponmding element are discarded.] c c fs = double precision array of length nelx on entry containing the heat c source for each element (job = 1 only) c c on return c c nint = integer. The number of active (nonboundary) nodes. Also c equal to the dimension of the assembled matrix. c c a = matrix in unassembled form. a(nel,*,*) contains the c element matrix for element nel. c c f = double precision array containing the right hand for the linears c system to solve, in assembled form. c c ierr = integer. Error message. If (ierr .ne. 0) on return c it means that one of the elements has a negative or zero c area probably because of a bad ordering of the nodes c (see ijk above). Use the subroutine chkelmt to reorder c the nodes properly if necessary. c iwk, jwk = two integer work arrays of length nx each. c double precision a(na,node,node),x(*),y(*),f(*), fs(*) integer ijk(node,*), nodcode(*),iwk(*),jwk(*) external xyk ierr = 0 c c take boundary conditions into account to move boundary nodes to c the end. c call bound (nx,nelx,ijk,nodcode,node,nint,jwk, * x,y,f,iwk) c c assemble the matrix c call unassbl (a,na,f,nx,nelx,ijk,nodcode, * node,x,y,ierr,xyk) c c if applicable (job .eq. 1) get heat source function c indic = 0 if (job .eq. 1) then call hsourc (indic,nx,nelx,node,x,y,ijk,fs,f) end if return end subroutine getbwd(n,a,ja,ia,ml,mu) c*********************************************************************72 c cc GETBWD gets the bandwidth of lower part and upper part of A. c c Discussion: c c This routine does not assume that A is sorted. c c on entry: c c n = integer = the row dimension of the matrix c a, ja, c ia = matrix in compressed sparse row format. c c on return: c c ml = integer. The bandwidth of the strict lower part of A c mu = integer. The bandwidth of the strict upper part of A c c Notes: c ===== ml and mu are allowed to be negative or return. This may be c useful since it will tell us whether a band is confined c in the strict upper/lower triangular part. c indeed the definitions of ml and mu are c c ml = max ( (i-j) s.t. a(i,j) .ne. 0 ) c mu = max ( (j-i) s.t. a(i,j) .ne. 0 ) c c Y. Saad, Sep. 21 1989 c c double precision a(*) integer ja(*),ia(n+1),ml,mu,ldist,i,k ml = - n mu = - n do 3 i=1,n do 31 k=ia(i),ia(i+1)-1 ldist = i-ja(k) ml = max(ml,ldist) mu = max(mu,-ldist) 31 continue 3 continue return end subroutine getdia (nrow,ncol,job,a,ja,ia,len,diag,idiag,ioff) c*********************************************************************72 c cc GETDIA extracts a given diagonal from a matrix stored in CSR format. c c this subroutine extracts a given diagonal from a matrix stored in CSR c format. The output matrix may be transformed with the diagonal removed c from it if desired (as indicated by job.) c c Our definition of a diagonal of matrix is a vector of length nrow c (always) which contains the elements in rows 1 to nrow of c the matrix that are contained in the diagonal offset by ioff c with respect to the main diagonal. If the diagonal element c falls outside the matrix then it is defined as a zero entry. c Thus the proper definition of diag(*) with offset ioff is c c diag(k) = a(k,ioff+k) k=1,2,...,nrow c with elements falling outside the matrix being defined as zero. c c on entry: c c c nrow = integer. The row dimension of the matrix A. c ncol = integer. The column dimension of the matrix A. c job = integer. Job indicator. If job = 0 then c the matrix a, ja, ia, is not altered on return. c if job.ne.1 then getdia will remove the entries c collected in diag from the original matrix. c This is done in place. c c a,ja, c ia = matrix stored in compressed sparse row a,ja,ia,format c ioff = integer,containing the offset of the wanted diagonal c the diagonal extracted is the one corresponding to the c entries a(i,j) with j-i = ioff. c thus ioff = 0 means the main diagonal c c on return: c c len = number of nonzero elements found in diag. c (len .le. min(nrow,ncol-ioff)-max(1,1-ioff) + 1 ) c c diag = double precision array of length nrow containing the wanted diagonal. c diag contains the diagonal (a(i,j),j-i = ioff ) as defined c above. c c idiag = integer array of length len, containing the poisitions c in the original arrays a and ja of the diagonal elements c collected in diag. A zero entry in idiag(i) means that c there was no entry found in row i belonging to the diagonal. c c a, ja, c ia = if job .ne. 0 the matrix is unchanged. otherwise the nonzero c diagonal entries collected in diag are removed from the c matrix. the structure is modified since the diagonal elements c are removed from a,ja,ia. Thus, the returned matrix will c have len fewer elements if the diagonal is full. c c Y. Saad, Sep. 21 1989 - modified and tested May 9, 1990. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) double precision diag(*),a(*) integer nrow, ncol, job, len, ia(*), ja(*), idiag(*) integer istart, max, iend, i, kold, k, kdiag, ko istart = max(0,-ioff) iend = min0(nrow,ncol-ioff) len = 0 do 1 i=1,nrow idiag(i) = 0 diag(i) = 0.0 1 continue c c extract diagonal elements c do 6 i=istart+1, iend do 51 k= ia(i),ia(i+1) -1 if (ja(k)-i .eq. ioff) then diag(i)= a(k) idiag(i) = k len = len+1 goto 6 end if 51 continue 6 continue if (job .eq. 0 .or. len .eq.0) return c c rewind the structure c ko = 0 do 7 i=istart+1,iend kold = ko kdiag = idiag(i) if (kdiag .eq. 0) goto 7 do 71 k= ia(i), ia(i+1)-1 if (ja(k) .eq. kdiag) goto 71 ko = ko+1 a(ko) = a(k) ja(ko) = ja(k) 71 continue ia(i) = kold+1 7 continue c c redefine ia(nrow+1) c ia(nrow+1) = ko+1 return end function getelm (i,j,a,ja,ia,iadd,sorted) c*********************************************************************72 c cc GETELM returns the element A(I,J) of a CSR matrix A. c c Purpose: c c This function returns the element a(i,j) of a matrix A, c for any pair (i,j). The matrix is assumed to be stored c in Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) format. GETELM Performs a c binary search in the case where it is known that the elements c are sorted so that the column indices are in increasing order. c Also returns (in iadd) the address of the element a(i,j) in c arrays A and JA when the search is successsful (zero if not). c c First contributed by Noel Nachtigal (MIT). c Recoded Jan. 20, 1991, by Y. Saad [In particular c added handling of the non-sorted case + the IADD output] c c Parameters: c c On entry: c c I = the row index of the element sought (input). c J = the column index of the element sought (input). c A = the matrix A in compressed sparse row format (input). c JA = the array of column indices (input). c IA = the array of pointers to the rows' data (input). c SORTED = logical indicating whether the matrix is knonw to c have its column indices sorted in increasing order c (sorted=.true.) or not (sorted=.false.). c (input). c On return: c c GETELM = value of a(i,j). c IADD = address of element a(i,j) in arrays a, ja if found, c zero if not found. (output) c c Note: the inputs I and J are not checked for validity. c c Noel M. Nachtigal October 28, 1990 -- Youcef Saad Jan 20, 1991. c INTEGER I, IA(*), IADD, J, JA(*) double precision A(*) double precision getelm LOGICAL SORTED INTEGER IBEG, IEND, IMID, K c c Initialization c IADD = 0 GETELM = 0.0 IBEG = IA(I) IEND = IA(I+1)-1 c c case where matrix is not necessarily sorted c IF (.NOT. SORTED) THEN c c scan the row - exit as soon as a(i,j) is found c DO 5 K=IBEG, IEND IF (JA(K) .EQ. J) THEN IADD = K GOTO 20 end if 5 CONTINUE c c end unsorted case. begin sorted case c ELSE c c begin binary search. Compute the middle index. c 10 IMID = ( IBEG + IEND ) / 2 c c test if found c IF (JA(IMID).EQ.J) THEN IADD = IMID GOTO 20 end if IF (IBEG .GE. IEND) GOTO 20 c c else Update the interval bounds. c IF (JA(IMID).GT.J) THEN IEND = IMID -1 ELSE IBEG = IMID +1 end if GOTO 10 c c end both cases c end if 20 IF (IADD .NE. 0) GETELM = A(IADD) RETURN END subroutine getl (n,a,ja,ia,ao,jao,iao) c*********************************************************************72 c cc GETL extracts the lower triangular part of a matrix. c c This routine extracts the lower triangular part of a matrix c and writes the result ao, jao, iao. The routine is in place in c that ao, jao, iao can be the same as a, ja, ia if desired. c c on input: c c n = dimension of the matrix a. c a, ja, c ia = matrix stored in compressed sparse row format. c On return: c ao, jao, c iao = lower triangular matrix (lower part of a) c stored in a, ja, ia, format c note: the diagonal element is the last element in each row. c i.e. in a(ia(i+1)-1 ) c ao, jao, iao may be the same as a, ja, ia on entry -- in which case c getl will overwrite the result on a, ja, ia. c integer n, ia(*), ja(*), iao(*), jao(*) double precision a(*), ao(*) double precision t integer ko, kold, kdiag, k, i c c inititialize ko (pointer for output matrix) c ko = 0 do 7 i=1, n kold = ko kdiag = 0 do 71 k = ia(i), ia(i+1) -1 if (ja(k) .gt. i) goto 71 ko = ko+1 ao(ko) = a(k) jao(ko) = ja(k) if (ja(k) .eq. i) kdiag = ko 71 continue if (kdiag .eq. 0 .or. kdiag .eq. ko) goto 72 c c exchange c t = ao(kdiag) ao(kdiag) = ao(ko) ao(ko) = t k = jao(kdiag) jao(kdiag) = jao(ko) jao(ko) = k 72 iao(i) = kold+1 7 continue c redefine iao(n+1) iao(n+1) = ko+1 return end subroutine getsten(nx,ny,nz,kx,ky,kz,stencil,h) c*********************************************************************72 c cc GETSTEN calculates the stencil for centered elliptic discretization. c c This subroutine calculates the correct stencil values for c centered difference discretization of the elliptic operator c c L u = delx( a delx u ) + dely ( b dely u) + delz ( c delz u ) + c delx ( d u ) + dely (e u) + delz( f u ) + g u c c For 2-D problems the discretization formula that is used is: c c h**2 * Lu == a(i+1/2,j)*{u(i+1,j) - u(i,j)} + c a(i-1/2,j)*{u(i-1,j) - u(i,j)} + c b(i,j+1/2)*{u(i,j+1) - u(i,j)} + c b(i,j-1/2)*{u(i,j-1) - u(i,j)} + c (h/2)*d(i,j)*{u(i+1,j) - u(i-1,j)} + c (h/2)*e(i,j)*{u(i,j+1) - u(i,j-1)} + c (h/2)*e(i,j)*{u(i,j+1) - u(i,j-1)} + c (h**2)*g(i,j)*u(i,j) c double precision stencil(*), h, hhalf,cntr, afun, bfun, cfun, dfun, * efun, ffun, gfun, x, y, z, coeff do k=1,7 stencil(k) = 0.0 end do hhalf = h*0.5 x = h*dble(kx) y = h*dble(ky) z = h*dble(kz) cntr = 0.0 c differentiation wrt x: coeff = afun(x+hhalf,y,z) stencil(3) = stencil(3) + coeff cntr = cntr + coeff coeff = afun(x-hhalf,y,z) stencil(2) = stencil(2) + coeff cntr = cntr + coeff coeff = dfun(x,y,z)*hhalf stencil(3) = stencil(3) + coeff stencil(2) = stencil(2) - coeff if (ny .le. 1) goto 99 c c differentiation wrt y: c coeff = bfun(x,y+hhalf,z) stencil(5) = stencil(5) + coeff cntr = cntr + coeff coeff = bfun(x,y-hhalf,z) stencil(4) = stencil(4) + coeff cntr = cntr + coeff coeff = efun(x,y,z)*hhalf stencil(5) = stencil(5) + coeff stencil(4) = stencil(4) - coeff if (nz .le. 1) goto 99 c c differentiation wrt z: c coeff = cfun(x,y,z+hhalf) stencil(7) = stencil(7) + coeff cntr = cntr + coeff coeff = cfun(x,y,z-hhalf) stencil(6) = stencil(6) + coeff cntr = cntr + coeff coeff = ffun(x,y,z)*hhalf stencil(7) = stencil(7) + coeff stencil(6) = stencil(6) - coeff c c discretization of product by g: c 99 coeff = gfun(x,y,z) stencil(1) = h*h*coeff - cntr return end subroutine getu (n,a,ja,ia,ao,jao,iao) c*********************************************************************72 c cc GETU extracts the upper triangular part of a matrix. c c This routine extracts the upper triangular part of a matrix c and writes the result ao, jao, iao. The routine is in place in c that ao, jao, iao can be the same as a, ja, ia if desired. c c on input: c c n = dimension of the matrix a. c a, ja, c ia = matrix stored in a, ja, ia, format c On return: c ao, jao, c iao = upper triangular matrix (upper part of a) c stored in compressed sparse row format c note: the diagonal element is the last element in each row. c i.e. in a(ia(i+1)-1 ) c ao, jao, iao may be the same as a, ja, ia on entry -- in which case c getu will overwrite the result on a, ja, ia. c integer n, ia(*), ja(*), iao(*), jao(*) double precision a(*), ao(*) double precision t integer ko, k, i, kdiag, kfirst ko = 0 do 7 i=1, n kfirst = ko+1 kdiag = 0 do 71 k = ia(i), ia(i+1) -1 if (ja(k) .lt. i) goto 71 ko = ko+1 ao(ko) = a(k) jao(ko) = ja(k) if (ja(k) .eq. i) kdiag = ko 71 continue if (kdiag .eq. 0 .or. kdiag .eq. kfirst) goto 72 c exchange t = ao(kdiag) ao(kdiag) = ao(kfirst) ao(kfirst) = t k = jao(kdiag) jao(kdiag) = jao(kfirst) jao(kfirst) = k 72 iao(i) = kfirst 7 continue c redefine iao(n+1) iao(n+1) = ko+1 return end subroutine gradi3(nel, xe, ye, dn, det,ierr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc GRADI3 constructs the first derivative of the shape functions. c c arguments: c nel = element nuumber c xy, ye= coordinates of the three nodal points in an element. c dn = gradients (1-st derivatives) of the shape functions. c area = area of the triangle c c PARAMETER (TOL=1.0E-17) c dimension xe(3), ye(3), dn(3,2) c c compute area c ierr = 0 if (det .le. TOL) goto 100 c dn(1,1) = (ye(2)-ye(3))/det dn(2,1) = (ye(3)-ye(1))/det dn(3,1) = (ye(1)-ye(2))/det dn(1,2) = (xe(3)-xe(2))/det dn(2,2) = (xe(1)-xe(3))/det dn(3,2) = (xe(2)-xe(1))/det c return c 100 continue ierr = 3 c write(iout,*) ' ** Error-negative area encountered at elmt: ' c write(iout,*) nel,(xe(i),ye(i),i=1,3) return end subroutine hes (ndg,m,hh,ih,dt,y,root,coef,coef0,w2) c*********************************************************************72 c cc HES computes exp ( H dt) * y where H = Hessenberg matrix (hh) c c ndg = number of poles as determined by getrat c m = dimension of hessenberg matrix c hh = hessenberg matrix (real) c ih = first dimenbsion of hh c dt = scaling factor used for hh (see (1)) c y = double precision vector. on return exp(H dt ) y is computed c and overwritten on y. c root = poles of the rational approximation to exp as c computed by getrat c coef, c coef0 = coefficients of partial fraction expansion c c exp(t) ~ coef0 + sum Real [ coef(i) / (t - root(i) ] c i=1,ndg c c valid for double precision real t. c coef0 is double precision, coef(*) is a double complex array. c parameter (mmax=70) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) double precision hh(ih,*), y(*) double complex hloc(mmax+1,mmax), coef(*),root(*),w2(*),t,zpiv double precision yloc(mmax) c c loop associated with the poles. c do 10 j=1,m yloc(j) = y(j) y(j) = y(j)*coef0 10 continue do 8 ii = 1, ndg c c copy Hessenberg matrix into temporary c do 2 j=1, m do 1 i=1, j+1 hloc(i,j) = CMPLX( dt*hh(i,j) ) 1 continue hloc(j,j) = hloc(j,j) - root(ii) w2(j) = CMPLX(yloc(j)) 2 continue c c forward solve c do 4 i=2,m zpiv = hloc(i,i-1) / hloc(i-1,i-1) do 3 j=i,m hloc(i,j) = hloc(i,j) - zpiv*hloc(i-1,j) 3 continue w2(i) = w2(i) - zpiv*w2(i-1) 4 continue c c backward solve c do 6 i=m,1,-1 t=w2(i) do 5 j=i+1,m t = t-hloc(i,j)*w2(j) 5 continue w2(i) = t/hloc(i,i) 6 continue c c accumulate result in y. c do 7 i=1,m y(i) = y(i) + coef(ii) * w2(i) 7 continue 8 continue return end subroutine hsourc (indic,nx,nelx,node,x,y,ijk,fs,f) c*********************************************************************72 c cc HSOURC assembles the load vector F from element contributions in FS. c c generates the load vector f in assembled form from the c the element contributions fs. c indic = indicates if f is to be assembled (1) or not (zero) c note: f(*) not initilazed. because might use values from boundary c conditions. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) double precision x(*),y(*),fs(*),f(*),xe(3),ye(3),det,areao3 integer ijk(node,*) jnod = 0 do 130 nel = 1,nelx c c get coordinates of nodal points c do 104 i=1, node j = ijk(i,nel) xe(i) = x(j) ye(i) = y(j) 104 continue c c compute determinant c det=xe(2)*(ye(3)-ye(1))+xe(3)*(ye(1)-ye(2))+xe(1)*(ye(2)-ye(3)) c area3 = area/3 areao3 = det/6.0 c c contributions to nodes in the element c if (indic .eq. 0) then do 115 ka=1,node jnod = jnod+1 f(jnod) = fs(nel)*areao3 115 continue else do 120 ka=1, node ii = ijk(ka,nel) f(ii) = f(ii) + fs(nel)*areao3 120 continue end if 130 continue return end subroutine ilu0(n, a, ja, ia, alu, jlu, ju, iw, ierr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc ILU0 is an ILU(0) preconditioner. c c Note that this has been coded in such a way that it can be used c with pgmres. Normally, since the data structure of a, ja, ia is c the same as that of a, ja, ia, savings can be made. In fact with c some definitions (not correct for general sparse matrices) all we c need in addition to a, ja, ia is an additional diagonal. c Ilu0 is not recommended for serious problems. It is only provided c here for comparison purposes. c c on entry: c c n = dimension of matrix c a, ja, c ia = original matrix in compressed sparse row storage. c c on return: c c alu,jlu = matrix stored in Modified Sparse Row (MSR) format containing c the L and U factors together. The diagonal (stored in c alu(1:n) ) is inverted. Each i-th row of the alu,jlu matrix c contains the i-th row of L (excluding the diagonal entry=1) c followed by the i-th row of U. c c ju = pointer to the diagonal elements in alu, jlu. c c ierr = integer indicating error code on return c ierr = 0 --> normal return c ierr = k --> code encountered a zero pivot at step k. c work arrays: c c iw = integer work array of length n. c c IMPORTANT c c it is assumed that the the elements in the input matrix are stored c in such a way that in each row the lower part comes first and c then the upper part. To get the correct ILU factorization, it is c also necessary to have the elements of L sorted by increasing c column number. It may therefore be necessary to sort the c elements of a, ja, ia prior to calling ilu0. This can be c achieved by transposing the matrix twice using csrcsc. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) double precision a(*), alu(*) integer ja(*), ia(*), ju(*), jlu(*), iw(*) ju0 = n+2 jlu(1) = ju0 c c initialize work vector to zero's c do 31 i=1, n iw(i) = 0 31 continue c c main loop c do 500 ii = 1, n js = ju0 c c generating row number ii of L and U. c do 100 j=ia(ii),ia(ii+1)-1 c c copy row ii of a, ja, ia into row ii of alu, jlu (L/U) matrix. c jcol = ja(j) if (jcol .eq. ii) then alu(ii) = a(j) iw(jcol) = ii ju(ii) = ju0 else alu(ju0) = a(j) jlu(ju0) = ja(j) iw(jcol) = ju0 ju0 = ju0+1 end if 100 continue jlu(ii+1) = ju0 jf = ju0-1 jm = ju(ii)-1 c c exit if diagonal element is reached. c do 150 j=js, jm jrow = jlu(j) tl = alu(j)*alu(jrow) alu(j) = tl c c perform linear combination c do 140 jj = ju(jrow), jlu(jrow+1)-1 jw = iw(jlu(jj)) if (jw .ne. 0) alu(jw) = alu(jw) - tl*alu(jj) 140 continue 150 continue c c invert and store diagonal element. c if (alu(ii) .eq. 0.0) goto 600 alu(ii) = 1.0/alu(ii) c c reset pointer iw to zero c iw(ii) = 0 do 201 i = js, jf 201 iw(jlu(i)) = 0 500 continue ierr = 0 return c c zero pivot : c 600 ierr = ii return end subroutine ilut (n,a,ja,ia,lfil,tol,alu,jlu,ju,iwk, * wu,wl,jr,jwl,jwu,ierr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc ILUT is an ILUT preconditioner. c c incomplete LU factorization with dual truncation mechanism c VERSION 2 : sorting done for both L and U. c c c coded by Youcef Saad May, 5, 1990. c Dual drop-off strategy works as follows. c c 1) Theresholding in L and U as set by tol. Any element whose size c is less than some tolerance (relative to the norm of current c row in u) is dropped. c c 2) Keeping only the largest lenl0+lfil elements in L and the c largest lenu0+lfil elements in U, where lenl0=initial number c of nonzero elements in a given row of lower part of A c and lenlu0 is similarly defined. c c Flexibility: one can use tol=0 to get a strategy based on keeping the c largest elements in each row of L and U. Taking tol .ne. 0 but lfil=n c will give the usual threshold strategy (however, fill-in is then c impredictible). c c* c PARAMETERS c c on entry: c c n = integer. The dimension of the matrix A. c c a,ja,ia = matrix stored in Compressed Sparse Row format. c c lfil = integer. The fill-in parameter. Each row of L and c each row of U will have a maximum of lfil elements c in addition to the original number of nonzero elements. c Thus storage can be determined beforehand. c lfil must be .ge. 0. c c iwk = integer. The minimum length of arrays alu and jlu c c On return: c c c alu,jlu = matrix stored in Modified Sparse Row (MSR) format containing c the L and U factors together. The diagonal (stored in c alu(1:n) ) is inverted. Each i-th row of the alu,jlu matrix c contains the i-th row of L (excluding the diagonal entry=1) c followed by the i-th row of U. c c ju = integer array of length n containing the pointers to c the beginning of each row of U in the matrix alu,jlu. c c ierr = integer. Error message with the following meaning. c ierr = 0 --> successful return. c ierr .gt. 0 --> zero pivot encountered at step number ierr. c ierr = -1 --> Error. input matrix may be wrong. c (The elimination process has generated a c row in L or U whose length is .gt. n.) c ierr = -2 --> The matrix L overflows the array al. c ierr = -3 --> The matrix U overflows the array alu. c ierr = -4 --> Illegal value for lfil. c ierr = -5 --> zero pivot encountered. c c work arrays: c c jr,jwu,jwl = integer work arrays of length n. c wu, wl = double precision work arrays of length n+1, and n resp. c c Notes: c c A must have all nonzero diagonal elements. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) INTEGER N double precision a(*), alu(*), wu(n), wl(n), tol integer ja(*),ia(n+1),jlu(*),ju(n),jr(n), jwu(n), * jwl(n), lfil, iwk, ierr if (lfil .lt. 0) goto 998 c c initialize ju0 (points to next element to be added to alu,jlu) c and pointer. c ju0 = n+2 jlu(1) = ju0 c c integer double pointer array. c do 1 j=1, n jr(j) = 0 1 continue c c beginning of main loop. c do 500 ii = 1, n j1 = ia(ii) j2 = ia(ii+1) - 1 lenu = 0 lenl = 0 tnorm = 0.0 do 501 k=j1,j2 tnorm = tnorm+abs(a(k)) 501 continue tnorm = tnorm/dble(j2-j1+1) c c unpack L-part and U-part of row of A in arrays wl, wu -- c do 170 j = j1, j2 k = ja(j) t = a(j) if (abs(t) .lt. tol*tnorm) goto 170 if (k .lt. ii) then lenl = lenl+1 jwl(lenl) = k wl(lenl) = t jr(k) = lenl else lenu = lenu+1 jwu(lenu) = k wu(lenu) = t jr(k) = lenu end if 170 continue c tnorm = 0.0 c do 171 k=j1,j2 c tnorm = tnorm + abs(a(k)) c 171 continue c c tnorm = tnorm/dble(j2-j1+1) lenl0 = lenl lenu0 = lenu jj = 0 nl = 0 c c eliminate previous rows c 150 jj = jj+1 if (jj .gt. lenl) goto 160 c c in order to do the elimination in the correct order we need to c exchange the current row number with the one that has c smallest column number, among jj,jj+1,...,lenl. c jrow = jwl(jj) k = jj c c determine smallest column index c do 151 j=jj+1,lenl if (jwl(j) .lt. jrow) then jrow = jwl(j) k = j end if 151 continue c c exchange in jwl c j = jwl(jj) jwl(jj) = jrow jwl(k) = j c c exchange in jr c jr(jrow) = jj jr(j) = k c c exchange in wl c s = wl(k) wl(k) = wl(jj) wl(jj) = s c if (jrow .ge. ii) goto 160 c get the multiplier for row to be eliminated: jrow fact = wl(jj)*alu(jrow) jr(jrow) = 0 if (abs(fact)*wu(n+2-jrow) .le. tol*tnorm) goto 150 c c combine current row and row jrow c do 203 k = ju(jrow), jlu(jrow+1)-1 s = fact*alu(k) j = jlu(k) jpos = jr(j) c c if fill-in element and small disregard: c if (abs(s) .lt. tol*tnorm .and. jpos .eq. 0) goto 203 if (j .ge. ii) then c c dealing with upper part. c if (jpos .eq. 0) then c this is a fill-in element lenu = lenu+1 if (lenu .gt. n) goto 995 jwu(lenu) = j jr(j) = lenu wu(lenu) = - s else c no fill-in element -- wu(jpos) = wu(jpos) - s end if else c c dealing with lower part. c if (jpos .eq. 0) then c this is a fill-in element lenl = lenl+1 if (lenl .gt. n) goto 995 jwl(lenl) = j jr(j) = lenl wl(lenl) = - s else c no fill-in element -- wl(jpos) = wl(jpos) - s end if end if 203 continue nl = nl+1 wl(nl) = fact jwl(nl) = jrow goto 150 c c update l-matrix c 160 len = min0(nl,lenl0+lfil) call bsort2 (wl,jwl,nl,len) c do 204 k=1, len if (ju0 .gt. iwk) goto 996 alu(ju0) = wl(k) jlu(ju0) = jwl(k) ju0 = ju0+1 204 continue c c save pointer to beginning of row ii of U c ju(ii) = ju0 c c reset double-pointer jr to zero (L-part - except first c jj-1 elements which have already been reset) c do 306 k= jj, lenl jr(jwl(k)) = 0 306 continue c c c be sure that the diagonal element is first in w, jw c idiag = 0 idiag = jr(ii) if (idiag .eq. 0) goto 900 if (idiag .ne. 1) then s = wu(1) wu(j) = wu(idiag) wu(idiag) = s j = jwu(1) jwu(1) = jwu(idiag) jwu(idiag) = j end if len = min0(lenu,lenu0+lfil) call bsort2 (wu(2), jwu(2), lenu-1,len) c c update u-matrix c t = 0.0 do 302 k=2, len if (ju0 .gt. iwk) goto 997 jlu(ju0) = jwu(k) alu(ju0) = wu(k) t = t+ abs(wu(k) ) ju0 = ju0+1 302 continue c c save norm in wu (backwards). Norm is in fact average abs value c wu(n+2-ii) = t / dble(len+1) c c store inverse of diagonal element of u c if (wu(1) .eq. 0.0) goto 999 alu(ii) = 1.0/ wu(1) c c update pointer to beginning of next row of U. c jlu(ii+1) = ju0 c c reset double-pointer jr to zero (U-part) c do 308 k=1, lenu jr(jwu(k)) = 0 308 continue c c end main loop c 500 continue ierr = 0 return c c zero pivot : c 900 ierr = ii return c c incomprehensible error. Matrix must be wrong. c 995 ierr = -1 return c c insufficient storage in L. c 996 ierr = -2 return c c insufficient storage in U. c 997 ierr = -3 return c c illegal lfil entered. c 998 ierr = -4 return c c zero pivot encountered c 999 ierr = -5 return end subroutine infdia (n,ja,ia,ind,idiag) c*********************************************************************72 c cc INFDIA obtains information on the diagonals of A. c c this subroutine finds the lengths of each of the 2*n-1 diagonals of A c it also outputs the number of nonzero diagonals found. c c on entry: c c n = dimension of the matrix a. c c a, not needed here. c ja, c ia = matrix stored in csr format c c on return: c c c idiag = integer. number of nonzero diagonals found. c c ind = integer array of length at least 2*n-1. The k-th entry in c ind contains the number of nonzero elements in the diagonal c number k, the numbering beeing from the lowermost diagonal c (bottom-left). In other words ind(k) = length of diagonal c whose offset wrt the main diagonal is = - n + k. c c Y. Saad, Sep. 21 1989 c integer ia(*), ind(*), ja(*) n2= n+n-1 do 1 i=1,n2 ind(i) = 0 1 continue do 3 i=1, n do 2 k=ia(i),ia(i+1)-1 j = ja(k) ind(n+j-i) = ind(n+j-i) +1 2 continue 3 continue c count the nonzero ones. idiag = 0 do 41 k=1, n2 if (ind(k) .ne. 0) idiag = idiag+1 41 continue return end subroutine ivperm (n, ix, perm) c*********************************************************************72 c cc IVPERM performs an in-place permutation of an integer vector. c c this subroutine performs an in-place permutation of an integer vector c ix according to the permutation array perm(*), i.e., on return, c the vector x satisfies, c c ix(perm(j)) :== ix(j), j=1,2,.., n c c on entry: c c n = length of vector x. c perm = integer array of length n containing the permutation array. c ix = input vector c c on return: c c ix = vector x permuted according to ix(perm(*)) := ix(*) c c c Y. Saad, Sep. 21 1989 c integer n, perm(n), ix(n) integer tmp, tmp1 init = 1 tmp = ix(init) ii = perm(init) perm(init)= -perm(init) k = 0 c c loop c 6 k = k+1 c c save the chased element -- c tmp1 = ix(ii) ix(ii) = tmp next = perm(ii) if (next .lt. 0 ) goto 65 c c test for end c if (k .gt. n) goto 101 tmp = tmp1 perm(ii) = - perm(ii) ii = next c c end loop c goto 6 c c reinitilaize cycle -- c 65 init = init+1 if (init .gt. n) goto 101 if (perm(init) .lt. 0) goto 65 tmp = ix(init) ii = perm(init) perm(init)=-perm(init) goto 6 101 continue do 200 j=1, n perm(j) = -perm(j) 200 continue return end subroutine jadcsr (nrow, idiag, a, ja, ia, iperm, ao, jao, iao) c*********************************************************************72 c cc JADSCR converts Jagged Diagonal Storage to Compressed Sparse Row. c c this subroutine converts a matrix stored in the jagged diagonal format c to the compressed sparse row format. c c on entry: c c nrow = integer. the row dimension of the matrix A. c c idiag = integer. The number of jagged diagonals in the data c structure a, ja, ia. c c a, c ja, c ia = input matrix in jagged diagonal format. c c iperm = permutation of the rows used to obtain the JAD ordering. c c on return: c c c ao, jao, c iao = matrix in CSR format. c c determine first the pointers for output matrix. Go through the c structure once: c integer ja(*), jao(*), ia(idiag+1), iperm(nrow), iao(nrow+1) double precision a(*), ao(*) do 137 j=1,nrow jao(j) = 0 137 continue c c compute the lengths of each row of output matrix c do 140 i=1, idiag len = ia(i+1)-ia(i) do 138 k=1,len jao(iperm(k)) = jao(iperm(k))+1 138 continue 140 continue c c remember to permute c kpos = 1 iao(1) = 1 do 141 i=1, nrow kpos = kpos+jao(i) iao(i+1) = kpos 141 continue c c copy elemnts one at a time. c do 200 jj = 1, idiag k1 = ia(jj)-1 len = ia(jj+1)-k1-1 do 160 k=1,len kpos = iao(iperm(k)) ao(kpos) = a(k1+k) jao(kpos) = ja(k1+k) iao(iperm(k)) = kpos+1 160 continue 200 continue c c rewind pointers c do 5 j=nrow,1,-1 iao(j+1) = iao(j) 5 continue iao(1) = 1 return end subroutine ldsol (n,x,y,al,jal) c*********************************************************************72 c cc LDSOL solves L * x = y, for L a triangular matrix in MSR format. c c solves a (non-unit) lower triangular system by standard (sequential) c forward elimination - matrix stored in MSR format c with diagonal elements already inverted (otherwise do inversion, c al(1:n) = 1.0/al(1:n), before calling ldsol). c c On entry: c c n = integer. dimension of problem. c y = double precision array containg the right hand side. c c al, c jal, = Lower triangular matrix stored in Modified Sparse Row c format. c c On return: c c x = The solution of L x = y . c integer n, jal(*) double precision x(n), y(n), al(*) integer k, j double precision t x(1) = y(1)*al(1) do 150 k = 2, n t = y(k) do 100 j = jal(k), jal(k+1)-1 t = t - al(j)*x(jal(j)) 100 continue x(k) = al(k)*t 150 continue return end subroutine ldsolc (n,x,y,al,jal) c*********************************************************************72 c cc LDSOLC solves L*x = y; L = nonunit Low. Triang. MSC format c c solves a (non-unit) lower triangular system by standard (sequential) c forward elimination - matrix stored in Modified Sparse Column format c with diagonal elements already inverted (otherwise do inversion, c al(1:n) = 1.0/al(1:n), before calling ldsol). c c c On entry: c c n = integer. dimension of problem. c y = double precision array containg the right hand side. c c al, c jal, c ial, = Lower triangular matrix stored in Modified Sparse Column c format. c c On return: c c x = The solution of L x = y . c integer n, jal(*) double precision x(n), y(n), al(*) integer k, j double precision t do 140 k=1,n x(k) = y(k) 140 continue do 150 k = 1, n x(k) = x(k)*al(k) t = x(k) do 100 j = jal(k), jal(k+1)-1 x(jal(j)) = x(jal(j)) - t*al(j) 100 continue 150 continue c return end subroutine ldsoll (n,x,y,al,jal,nlev,lev,ilev) c*********************************************************************72 c cc LDSOLL solves L*x = y; L = triangular. c c On entry: c c n = integer. dimension of problem. c y = double precision array containg the right hand side. c c al, c jal, = Lower triangular matrix stored in Modified Sparse Row c format. c nlev = number of levels in matrix c lev = integer array of length n, containing the permutation c that defines the levels in the level scheduling ordering. c ilev = pointer to beginning of levels in lev. c the numbers lev(i) to lev(i+1)-1 contain the row numbers c that belong to level number i, in the level shcheduling c ordering. c c On return: c c x = The solution of L x = y . integer n, nlev, jal(*), ilev(nlev+1), lev(n) double precision x(n), y(n), al(*) integer ii, jrow, i double precision t c c outer loop goes through the levels. (SEQUENTIAL loop) c do 150 ii=1, nlev c c next loop executes within the same level. PARALLEL loop c do 100 i=ilev(ii), ilev(ii+1)-1 jrow = lev(i) c c compute inner product of row jrow with x c t = y(jrow) do 130 k=jal(jrow), jal(jrow+1)-1 t = t - al(k)*x(jal(k)) 130 continue x(jrow) = t*al(jrow) 100 continue 150 continue return end subroutine levels (n, jal, ial, nlev, lev, ilev, levnum) c*********************************************************************72 c cc LEVELS gets the level structure of a lower triangular matrix. c c levels gets the level structure of a lower triangular matrix c for level scheduling in the parallel solution of triangular systems c strict lower matrices (e.g. unit) as well matrices with their main c diagonal are accepted. c c on entry: c c n = integer. The row dimension of the matrix c jal, ial = c c on return: c c nlev = integer. number of levels found c lev = integer array of length n containing the level c scheduling permutation. c ilev = integer array. pointer to beginning of levels in lev. c the numbers lev(i) to lev(i+1)-1 contain the row numbers c that belong to level number i, in the level scheduling c ordering. The equations of the same level can be solved c in parallel, once those of all the previous levels have c been solved. c work arrays: c c levnum = integer array of length n (containing the level numbers c of each unknown on return) integer jal(*),ial(*), levnum(*), ilev(*), lev(*) do 10 i = 1, n levnum(i) = 0 10 continue c c compute level of each node -- c nlev = 0 do 20 i = 1, n levi = 0 do 15 j = ial(i), ial(i+1) - 1 levi = max (levi, levnum(jal(j))) 15 continue levi = levi+1 levnum(i) = levi nlev = max(nlev,levi) 20 continue c set data structure. do 21 j=1, nlev+1 ilev(j) = 0 21 continue c count number of elements in each level. do 22 j=1, n i = levnum(j)+1 ilev(i) = ilev(i)+1 22 continue c set up pointer for each level. ilev(1) = 1 do 23 j=1, nlev ilev(j+1) = ilev(j)+ilev(j+1) 23 continue c determine elements of each level. do 30 j=1,n i = levnum(j) lev(ilev(i)) = j ilev(i) = ilev(i)+1 30 continue c reset pointers backwards do 35 j=nlev, 1, -1 ilev(j+1) = ilev(j) 35 continue return end subroutine lnkcsr (n, a, jcol, istart, link, ao, jao, iao) c*********************************************************************72 c cc LNKCSR converts linked list storage to Compressed Sparse Row format. c c this subroutine translates a matrix stored in linked list storage c format into the compressed sparse row format. c c Coded by Y. Saad, Feb 21, 1991. c c c on entry: c c n = integer equal to the dimension of A. c c a = double precision array of size nna containing the nonzero elements c jcol = integer array of size nnz containing the column positions c of the corresponding elements in a. c istart= integer array of size n poiting to the beginning of the rows. c istart(i) contains the position of the first element of c row i in data structure. (a, jcol, link). c if a row is empty istart(i) must be zero. c link = integer array of size nnz containing the links in the linked c list data structure. link(k) points to the next element c of the row after element ao(k), jcol(k). if link(k) = 0, c then there is no next element, i.e., ao(k), jcol(k) is c the last element of the current row. c c on return: c c ao, jao, iao = matrix stored in csr format: c c ao = double precision array containing the values of the nonzero elements of c the matrix stored row-wise. c jao = integer array of size nnz containing the column indices. c iao = integer array of size n+1 containing the pointers array to the c beginning of each row. iao(i) is the address in ao,jao of c first element of row i. c c NZMAX is not provided in the calling sequence, so the following line c had to be commented out. c c double precision a(*), ao(nzmax) double precision A(*), AO(*) integer n, jcol(*), istart(n), link(*), jao(*), iao(*) integer irow, ipos, next c c first determine individual bandwidths and pointers. c ipos = 1 iao(1) = ipos c c loop through all rows c do 100 irow =1, n c c unroll i-th row. c next = istart(irow) 10 if (next .eq. 0) goto 99 jao(ipos) = jcol(next) ao(ipos) = a(next) ipos = ipos+1 next = link(next) goto 10 99 iao(irow+1) = ipos 100 continue c return end subroutine lsol (n,x,y,al,jal,ial) c*********************************************************************72 c cc LSOL solves L*x = y ; L = lower unit triang. / CSR format c c solves a unit lower triangular system by standard (sequential ) c forward elimination - matrix stored in CSR format. c c On entry: c c n = integer. dimension of problem. c y = double precision array containg the right side. c c al, c jal, c ial, = Lower triangular matrix stored in compressed sparse row c format. c c On return: c c x = The solution of L x = y. c integer n, jal(*),ial(n+1) double precision x(n), y(n), al(*) integer k, j double precision t x(1) = y(1) do 150 k = 2, n t = y(k) do 100 j = ial(k), ial(k+1)-1 t = t-al(j)*x(jal(j)) 100 continue x(k) = t 150 continue return end subroutine lsolc (n,x,y,al,jal,ial) c*********************************************************************72 c cc LSOLC solves L*x = y where L = unit lower triang. CSC format c c solves a unit lower triangular system by standard (sequential ) c forward elimination - matrix stored in CSC format. c c On entry: c c n = integer. dimension of problem. c y = double precision array containg the right side. c c al, c jal, c ial, = Lower triangular matrix stored in compressed sparse column c format. c c On return: c c x = The solution of L x = y. c integer n, jal(*),ial(*) double precision x(n), y(n), al(*) integer k, j double precision t do 140 k=1,n x(k) = y(k) 140 continue do 150 k = 1, n-1 t = x(k) do 100 j = ial(k), ial(k+1)-1 x(jal(j)) = x(jal(j)) - t*al(j) 100 continue 150 continue c return end subroutine lusol0 (n, y, x, alu, jlu, ju) c*********************************************************************72 c cc LUSOL0 performs forward and backward solves for LU matrix produced by ILUT. c c performs a forward followed by a backward solve c for LU matrix as produced by ILUT c INTEGER N double precision x(n), y(n), alu(*) integer jlu(*), ju(*) integer i,k c c forward solve c do 40 i = 1, n x(i) = y(i) do 41 k=jlu(i),ju(i)-1 x(i) = x(i) - alu(k)* x(jlu(k)) 41 continue 40 continue c c backward solve. c do 90 i = n, 1, -1 do 91 k=ju(i),jlu(i+1)-1 x(i) = x(i) - alu(k)*x(jlu(k)) 91 continue x(i) = alu(i)*x(i) 90 continue return end subroutine markgen (m, n, a, ja, ia) c*********************************************************************72 c cc MARKGEN is a matrix generator for a Markov random walk on a triang. grid c c this subroutine generates a test matrix that models a random c walk on a triangular grid. This test example was used by c G. W. Stewart ["{SRRIT} - a FORTRAN subroutine to calculate the c dominant invariant subspaces of a real matrix", c Tech. report. TR-514, University of Maryland (1978).] and in a few c papers on eigenvalue problems by Y. Saad [see e.g. LAA, vol. 34, c pp. 269-295 (1980) ]. These matrices provide reasonably easy c test problems for eigenvalue algorithms. The transpose of the c matrix is stochastic and so it is known that one is an exact c eigenvalue. One seeks the eigenvector of the transpose associated c with the eigenvalue unity. The problem is to calculate the c steady state probability distribution of the system, which is c the eigevector associated with the eigenvalue one and scaled in c such a way that the sum all the components is equal to one. c c parameters c c on entry : c c m = integer. number of points in each direction. c c on return: c c n = integer. The dimension of the matrix. (In fact n is known c to be equal to (m(m+1))/2 ) c a, c ja, c ia = the matrix stored in CSR format. c c c Notes: 1) the code will actually compute the transpose of the c stochastic matrix that contains the transition probibilities. c 2) It should also be possible to have a matrix generator c with an additional parameter (basically redefining `half' below c to be another parameter and changing the rest accordingly, but c this is not as simple as it sounds). This is not likely to provide c any more interesting matrices. c double precision a(*), cst, pd, pu, half integer ja(*), ia(*) c cst = 0.5/dble(m-1) c c ix counts the grid point (natural ordering used), i.e., c the row number of the matrix. c ix = 0 jax = 1 ia(1) = jax c c sweep y coordinates c do 20 i=1,m jmax = m-i+1 c c sweep x coordinates c do 10 j=1,jmax ix = ix + 1 if (j .eq. jmax) goto 2 pd = cst*dble(i+j-1) c c north c a(jax) = pd if (i.eq. 1) a(jax) = a(jax)+pd ja(jax) = ix + 1 jax = jax+1 c east a(jax) = pd if (j .eq. 1) a(jax) = a(jax)+pd ja(jax) = ix + jmax jax = jax+1 c south 2 pu = 0.5 - cst*dble(i+j-3) if ( j .gt. 1) then a(jax) = pu ja(jax) = ix-1 jax = jax+1 end if c west if ( i .gt. 1) then a(jax) = pu ja(jax) = ix - jmax - 1 jax = jax+1 end if ia(ix+1) = jax 10 continue 20 continue n = ix return end subroutine matrf2(M,N,C,INDEX,ALPHA,NN,NZ,A,SNR,RNR,FEJLM) c*********************************************************************72 c cc MATRF2 generates sparse (rectangular or square) matrices. c c PURPOSE c c The subroutine generates sparse (rectangular or square) matrices. c The dimensions of the matrix and the average number of nonzero c elements per row can be specified by the user. Moreover, the user c can also change the sparsity pattern and the condition number of the c matrix. The non-zero elements of the desired matrix will be c accumulated (in an arbitrary order) in the first NZ positions of c array A. The column and the row numbers of the non-zero element c stored in A(I), I=1,...,NZ, will be found in SNR(I) and RNR(I), c respectively. The matrix generated by this subroutine is of the c class F(M,N,C,R,ALPHA) (see reference). c c Note: If A is the sparse matrix of type F(M,N,C,R,ALPHA), then c c min|A(i,j)| = 1/ALPHA, c c max|A(i,j)| = max(INDEX*N - N,10*ALPHA). c c c CONTRIBUTOR: Ernest E. Rothman c Cornell Theory Center/Cornell National Supercomputer c Facility. c e-mail address: BITNET: eer@cornellf c INTERNET: eer@cornellf.tn.cornell.edu c c minor modifications by Y. Saad. April 26, 1990. c c Note: This subroutine has been copied from the following reference. c The allowable array sizes have been changed. c c REFERENCE: Zlatev, Zahari; Schaumburg, Kjeld; Wasniewski, Jerzy; c "A testing Scheme for Subroutines Solving Large Linear Problems", c Computers and Chemistry, Vol. 5, No. 2-3, pp. 91-100, 1981. c c c INPUT PARAMETERS c c M - Integer. The number of rows in the desired matrix. c N < M+1 < 9000001 must be specified. c c N - Integer. The number of columns in the desired matrix. c 21 < N < 9000001 must be specified. c c C - Integer. The sparsity pattern can be changed by means of this c parameter. 10 < C < N-10 must be specified. c c INDEX - Integer. The average number of non-zero elements per row in c the matrix will be equal to INDEX. c 1 < INDEX < N-C-8 must be specified. c c ALPHA - Real. The condition number of the matrix can be changed c BY THIS PARAMETER. ALPHA > 0.0 MUST BE SPECIFIED. c If ALPHA is approximately equal to 1.0 then the generated c matrix is well-conditioned. Large values of ALPHA will c usually produce ill-conditioned matrices. Note that no c round-off errors during the computations in this subroutine c are made if ALPHA = 2**I (where I is an arbitrary integer c which produces numbers in the machine range). c c NN - Integer. The length of arrays A, RNR, and SNR (see below). c INDEX*M+109 < NN < 9000001 must be specified. c c c OUTPUT PARAMETERS c c NZ - Integer. The number of non-zero elements in the matrix. c c A(NN) - Real array. The non-zero elements of the matrix generated c are accumulated in the first NZ locations of array A. c c SNR(NN) - INTEGER array. The column number of the non-zero element c kept in A(I), I=1,...NZ, is stored in SNR(I). c c RNR(NN) - Integer array. The row number of the non-zero element c kept in A(I), I=1,...NZ, is stored in RNR(I). c c FEJLM - Integer. FEJLM=0 indicates that the call is successful. c Error diagnostics are given by means of positive values of c this parameter as follows: c FEJLM = 1 - N is out of range. c FEJLM = 2 - M is out of range. c FEJLM = 3 - C is out of range. c FEJLM = 4 - INDEX is out of range. c FEJLM = 5 - NN is out of range. c FEJLM = 7 - ALPHA is out of range. c c c c double precision A, ALPHA, ALPHA1 INTEGER M, N, NZ, C, NN, FEJLM, M1, NZ1, RR1, RR2, RR3, K INTEGER M2, N2 INTEGER SNR, RNR DIMENSION A(NN), SNR(NN), RNR(NN) M1 = M FEJLM = 0 NZ1 = INDEX*M + 110 K = 1 ALPHA1 = ALPHA INDEX1 = INDEX - 1 c c Check the parameters. c IF(N.GE.22) GO TO 1 2 FEJLM = 1 RETURN 1 IF(N.GT.9000000) GO TO 2 IF(M.GE.N) GO TO 3 4 FEJLM = 2 RETURN 3 IF(M.GT.9000000) GO TO 4 IF(C.LT.11)GO TO 6 IF(N-C.GE.11)GO TO 5 6 FEJLM = 3 RETURN 5 IF(INDEX.LT.1) GO TO 12 IF(N-C-INDEX.GE.9)GO TO 13 12 FEJLM = 4 13 IF(NN.GE.NZ1)GO TO 7 8 FEJLM = 5 RETURN 7 IF(NN.GT.9000000)GO TO 8 IF(ALPHA.GT.0.0)GO TO 9 FEJLM = 6 RETURN 9 CONTINUE c c End of the error check. Begin to generate the non-zero elements of c the required matrix. c DO 20 I=1,N A(I) = 1.0 SNR(I) = I 20 RNR(I) = I NZ = N J1 = 1 IF(INDEX1.EQ.0) GO TO 81 DO 21 J = 1,INDEX1 J1 = -J1 DO 22 I=1,N A(NZ+I) = dble ( J1 * J * I ) IF(I+C+J-1.LE.N)SNR(NZ+I) = I + C + J - 1 IF(I+C+J-1.GT.N)SNR(NZ+I) = C + I + J - 1 - N 22 RNR(NZ + I) = I 21 NZ = NZ + N 81 RR1 = 10 RR2 = NZ RR3 = 1 25 CONTINUE DO 26 I=1,RR1 A(RR2 + I) = ALPHA* dble ( I ) SNR(RR2+I) = N - RR1 + I RNR(RR2+I) = RR3 26 CONTINUE IF(RR1.EQ.1) GO TO 27 RR2 = RR2 + RR1 RR1 = RR1 - 1 RR3 = RR3 + 1 GO TO 25 27 NZ = NZ + 55 29 M1 = M1 - N ALPHA = 1.0/ALPHA IF(M1.LE.0) GO TO 28 N2 = K*N IF(M1.GE.N)M2 = N IF(M1.LT.N)M2 = M1 DO 30 I=1,M2 A(NZ+I) = ALPHA* dble ( K + 1 ) SNR(NZ + I) = I 30 RNR(NZ + I) = N2 + I NZ = NZ + M2 IF(INDEX1.EQ.0) GO TO 82 J1 = 1 DO 41 J = 1,INDEX1 J1 = -J1 DO 42 I = 1,M2 A(NZ+I) = ALPHA* dble (J*J1)*( dble ((K+1)*I)+1.0) IF(I+C+J-1.LE.N)SNR(NZ+I) = I + C + J - 1 IF(I+C+J-1.GT.N)SNR(NZ+I) = C + I + J - 1 - N 42 RNR(NZ + I) = N2 + I 41 NZ = NZ +M2 82 K = K + 1 GO TO 29 28 CONTINUE ALPHA = 1.0/ALPHA1 RR1 = 1 RR2 = NZ 35 CONTINUE DO 36 I = 1,RR1 A(RR2+I) = ALPHA* dble (RR1+1-I) SNR(RR2+I) = I RNR(RR2+I) = N - 10 + RR1 36 CONTINUE IF(RR1.EQ.10) GO TO 34 RR2 = RR2 + RR1 RR1 = RR1 + 1 GO TO 35 34 NZ = NZ + 55 ALPHA = ALPHA1 RETURN END subroutine mgsr (n, i0, i1, ss, r) c*********************************************************************72 c cc MGSR is a modified Gram - Schmidt with partial reorthogonalization. c c modified gram - schmidt with partial reortho. the vector ss(*,i1) is c orthogonalized against the first i vectors of ss (which are already c orthogonal). the coefficients of the orthogonalization are returned in c the array r c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) double precision ss(n,1), r(1), hinorm, tet, ddot, t, sqrt do 53 j=1, i1 r(j) = 0.0 53 continue i = i1-1 it = 0 54 hinorm = 0.0 it = it +1 if (i .eq. 0) goto 56 c do 55 j=i0, i t = ddot(n, ss(1,j),1,ss(1,i1),1) hinorm = hinorm + t**2 r(j) = r(j) + t call daxpy(n,-t,ss(1,j),1,ss(1,i1),1) 55 continue t = ddot(n, ss(1,i1), 1, ss(1,i1), 1) 56 continue c c test for reorthogonalization see daniel et. al. c two reorthogonalization allowed. c if (t*10.0 .le. hinorm .and. it .lt. 2) goto 54 t =sqrt(t) r(i1)= t if (t .eq. 0.0) return t = 1.0/t do 57 k=1,n ss(k,i1) = ss(k,i1)*t 57 continue return end subroutine milu0 (n, a, ja, ia, alu, jlu, ju, iw, ierr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc MILU0 is a simple milu(0) preconditioner. c c Note that this has been coded in such a way that it can be used c with pgmres. Normally, since the data structure of a, ja, ia is c the same as that of a, ja, ia, savings can be made. In fact with c some definitions (not correct for general sparse matrices) all we c need in addition to a, ja, ia is an additional diagonal. c Ilu0 is not recommended for serious problems. It is only provided c here for comparison purposes. c c on entry: c c n = dimension of matrix c a, ja, c ia = original matrix in compressed sparse row storage. c c on return: c c alu,jlu = matrix stored in Modified Sparse Row (MSR) format containing c the L and U factors together. The diagonal (stored in c alu(1:n) ) is inverted. Each i-th row of the alu,jlu matrix c contains the i-th row of L (excluding the diagonal entry=1) c followed by the i-th row of U. c c ju = pointer to the diagonal elements in alu, jlu. c c ierr = integer indicating error code on return c ierr = 0 --> normal return c ierr = k --> code encountered a zero pivot at step k. c work arrays: c c iw = integer work array of length n. c c Note (IMPORTANT): c c it is assumed that the the elements in the input matrix are ordered c in such a way that in each row the lower part comes first and c then the upper part. To get the correct ILU factorization, it is c also necessary to have the elements of L ordered by increasing c column number. It may therefore be necessary to sort the c elements of a, ja, ia prior to calling milu0. This can be c achieved by transposing the matrix twice using csrcsc. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) double precision a(*), alu(*) integer ja(*), ia(*), ju(*), jlu(*), iw(*) ju0 = n+2 jlu(1) = ju0 c initialize work vector to zero's do 31 i=1, n 31 iw(i) = 0 c c MAIN LOOP c do 500 ii = 1, n js = ju0 c c generating row number ii or L and U. c do 100 j=ia(ii),ia(ii+1)-1 c c copy row ii of a, ja, ia into row ii of alu, jlu (L/U) matrix. c jcol = ja(j) if (jcol .eq. ii) then alu(ii) = a(j) iw(jcol) = ii ju(ii) = ju0 else alu(ju0) = a(j) jlu(ju0) = ja(j) iw(jcol) = ju0 ju0 = ju0+1 end if 100 continue jlu(ii+1) = ju0 jf = ju0-1 jm = ju(ii)-1 c s accumulates fill-in values s = 0.0 do 150 j=js, jm jrow = jlu(j) tl = alu(j)*alu(jrow) alu(j) = tl c perform linear combination do 140 jj = ju(jrow), jlu(jrow+1)-1 jw = iw(jlu(jj)) if (jw .ne. 0) then alu(jw) = alu(jw) - tl*alu(jj) else s = s + tl*alu(jj) end if 140 continue 150 continue c invert and store diagonal element. alu(ii) = alu(ii)-s if (alu(ii) .eq. 0.0) goto 600 alu(ii) = 1.0/alu(ii) c reset pointer iw to zero iw(ii) = 0 do 201 i = js, jf 201 iw(jlu(i)) = 0 500 continue ierr = 0 return c zero pivot : 600 ierr = ii return end subroutine msrcsr (n,a,ja,ao,jao,iao,wk) c*********************************************************************72 c cc MSRCSR converts Modified Sparse Row to Compressed Sparse Row. c c converts a compressed matrix using a separated diagonal c (modified sparse row format) in the Compressed Sparse Row c format. c does not check for zero elements in the diagonal. c c c on entry : c c n = row dimension of matrix c ao, jao = sparse matrix in msr sparse storage format c see routine csrmsr for details c c on return : c c a, ja, ia = matrix in csr format. note that the c algorithm is in place: ao, jao can be the same c as a, ja, in which case it will be overwritten on it c upon return. c c here nnz = number of nonzero elements+1 c work arrays: c c wk = ouble precision work array of length n c c notes: c In place algorithm (see a, ja, ia). c double precision a(*),ao(*),wk(n) integer ja(*),jao(*),iao(n+1) logical added do 1 i=1,n wk(i) = a(i) 1 continue iao(1) = 1 iptr = 1 do 500 ii=1,n added = .false. idiag = iptr + (ja(ii+1)-ja(ii)) do 100 k=ja(ii),ja(ii+1)-1 j = ja(k) if (j .lt. ii) then ao(iptr) = a(k) jao(iptr) = j iptr = iptr+1 elseif (added) then ao(iptr) = a(k) jao(iptr) = j iptr = iptr+1 else c add diag element - only reserve a position for it. idiag = iptr iptr = iptr+1 added = .true. c then other element ao(iptr) = a(k) jao(iptr) = j iptr = iptr+1 end if 100 continue ao(idiag) = wk(ii) jao(idiag) = ii if (.not. added) iptr = iptr+1 iao(ii+1) = iptr 500 continue return end subroutine ope (n, x, y, a, ja, ia) c*********************************************************************72 c cc OPE sparse matrix * vector multiplication c INTEGER N double precision x(n), y(n), a(*) integer k1, k2, ja(*), ia(n+1) do 100 i=1,n k1 = ia(i) k2 = ia(i+1) -1 y(i) = 0.0 do 99 k=k1, k2 99 y(i) = y(i) + a(k) * x(ja(k)) 100 continue return end subroutine pgmres(n, im, rhs, sol, vv, eps, maxits, iout, * aa, ja, ia, alu, jlu, ju, ierr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc PGMRES is an ILUT - Preconditioned GMRES solver. c c *** ILUT - Preconditioned GMRES *** c c* c This is a simple version of the ILUT preconditioned GMRES algorithm. c The ILUT preconditioner uses a dual strategy for dropping elements c instead of the usual level of-fill-in approach. See details in ILUT c subroutine documentation. PGMRES uses the L and U matrices generated c from the subroutine ILUT to precondition the GMRES algorithm. c The preconditioning is applied to the right. The stopping criterion c utilized is based simply on reducing the residual norm by epsilon. c This preconditioning is more reliable than ilu0 but requires more c storage. It seems to be much less prone to difficulties related to c strong nonsymmetries in the matrix. We recommend using a nonzero tol c (tol=.005 or .001 usually give good results) in ILUT. Use a large c lfil whenever possible (e.g. lfil = 5 to 10). The higher lfil the c more reliable the code is. Efficiency may also be much improved. c Note that lfil=n and tol=0.0 in ILUT will yield the same factors as c Gaussian elimination without pivoting. c c ILU(0) and MILU(0) are also provided for comparison purposes c USAGE: first call ILUT or ILU0 or MILU0 to set up preconditioner and c then call pgmres. c c Coded by Y. Saad - This version dated May, 7, 1990. c* c parameters c c on entry: c c c n == integer. The dimension of the matrix. c im == size of krylov subspace: should not exceed 50 in this c version (can be reset by changing parameter command for c kmax below) c rhs == double precision vector of length n containing the right hand side. c Destroyed on return. c sol == double precision vector of length n containing an initial guess to the c solution on input. approximate solution on output c eps == tolerance for stopping criterion. process is stopped c as soon as ( ||.|| is the euclidean norm): c || current residual||/||initial residual|| <= eps c maxits== maximum number of iterations allowed c iout == output unit number number for printing intermediate results c if (iout .le. 0) nothing is printed out. c c aa, ja, c ia == the input matrix in compressed sparse row format: c aa(1:nnz) = nonzero elements of A stored row-wise in order c ja(1:nnz) = corresponding column indices. c ia(1:n+1) = pointer to beginning of each row in aa and ja. c here nnz = number of nonzero elements in A = ia(n+1)-ia(1) c c alu,jlu== A matrix stored in Modified Sparse Row format containing c the L and U factors, as computed by subroutine ilut. c c ju == integer array of length n containing the pointers to c the beginning of each row of U in alu, jlu as computed c by subroutine ILUT. c c on return: c c sol == contains an approximate solution (upon successful return). c ierr == integer. Error message with the following meaning. c ierr = 0 --> successful return. c ierr = 1 --> convergence not achieved in itmax iterations. c ierr =-1 --> the initial guess seems to be the exact c solution (initial residual computed was zero) c c c c work arrays: c c vv == work array of length n x (im+1) (used to store the Arnoli c basis) c c subroutines called : c ope : matrix by vector multiplication delivers y=ax, given x c lusol0 : combined forward and backward solves (Preconditioning ope.) c BLAS2 routines. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) integer n, im, maxits, iout, ierr, ja(*), ia(n+1), jlu(*), ju(n) double precision vv(n,*), rhs(n), sol(n), aa(*), alu(*), eps parameter (kmax=50) PARAMETER (EPSMAC=1.0E-16) c double precision hh(kmax+1,kmax), c(kmax), s(kmax), rs(kmax+1),t c c arnoldi size should not exceed kmax=50 in this version.. c to reset modify paramter kmax accordingly. c n1 = n + 1 its = 0 c c outer loop starts here.. c compute initial residual vector call ope (n, sol, vv, aa, ja, ia) do 21 j=1,n vv(j,1) = rhs(j) - vv(j,1) 21 continue 20 ro = sqrt( ddot(n, vv, 1, vv, 1) ) if (iout .gt. 0 .and. its .eq. 0) * write(iout, 199) its, ro if (ro .eq. 0.0) goto 999 t = 1.0/ ro do 210 j=1, n vv(j,1) = vv(j,1)*t 210 continue if (its .eq. 0) eps1=eps*ro c ** initialize 1-st term of rhs of hessenberg system.. rs(1) = ro i = 0 4 i=i+1 its = its + 1 i1 = i + 1 call lusol0 (n, vv(1,i), rhs, alu, jlu, ju) call ope (n, rhs, vv(1,i1), aa, ja, ia) c c modified gram - schmidt... c do 55 j=1, i t = ddot(n, vv(1,j),1,vv(1,i1),1) hh(j,i) = t call daxpy(n, -t, vv(1,j), 1, vv(1,i1), 1) 55 continue t = sqrt(ddot(n, vv(1,i1), 1, vv(1,i1), 1)) hh(i1,i) = t if ( t .eq. 0.0) goto 58 t = 1.0/t do 57 k=1,n vv(k,i1) = vv(k,i1)*t 57 continue c c done with modified gram schimd and arnoldi step.. c now update factorization of hh c 58 if (i .eq. 1) goto 121 c c perform previous transformations on i-th column of h c do 66 k=2,i k1 = k-1 t = hh(k1,i) hh(k1,i) = c(k1)*t + s(k1)*hh(k,i) hh(k,i) = -s(k1)*t + c(k1)*hh(k,i) 66 continue 121 gam = sqrt(hh(i,i)**2 + hh(i1,i)**2) c c if gamma is zero then any small value will do... c will affect only residual estimate c if (gam .eq. 0.0) gam = epsmac c c get next plane rotation c c(i) = hh(i,i)/gam s(i) = hh(i1,i)/gam rs(i1) = -s(i)*rs(i) rs(i) = c(i)*rs(i) c c detrermine residual norm and test for convergence- c hh(i,i) = c(i)*hh(i,i) + s(i)*hh(i1,i) ro = abs(rs(i1)) 131 format(1h ,2e14.4) if (iout .gt. 0) * write(iout, 199) its, ro if (i .lt. im .and. (ro .gt. eps1)) goto 4 c c now compute solution. first solve upper triangular system. c rs(i) = rs(i)/hh(i,i) do 30 ii=2,i k=i-ii+1 k1 = k+1 t=rs(k) do 40 j=k1,i t = t-hh(k,j)*rs(j) 40 continue rs(k) = t/hh(k,k) 30 continue c c form linear combination of v(*,i)'s to get solution c t = rs(1) do 15 k=1, n rhs(k) = vv(k,1)*t 15 continue do 16 j=2, i t = rs(j) do 161 k=1, n rhs(k) = rhs(k)+t*vv(k,j) 161 continue 16 continue c c call preconditioner. c call lusol0 (n, rhs, rhs, alu, jlu, ju) do 17 k=1, n sol(k) = sol(k) + rhs(k) 17 continue c c restart outer loop when necessary c if (ro .le. eps1) goto 990 if (its .gt. maxits) goto 991 c c else compute residual vector and continue.. c do 24 j=1,i jj = i1-j+1 rs(jj-1) = -s(jj-1)*rs(jj) rs(jj) = c(jj-1)*rs(jj) 24 continue do 25 j=1,i1 t = rs(j) if (j .eq. 1) t = t-1.0 call daxpy (n, t, vv(1,j), 1, vv, 1) 25 continue 199 format(' its =', i4, ' res. norm =', G14.6) c restart outer loop. goto 20 990 ierr = 0 return 991 ierr = 1 return 999 continue ierr = -1 return end subroutine pltmt (nrow,ncol,mode,ja,ia,title,key,type, 1 job, iounit) c*********************************************************************72 c cc PLTMT creates a 'pic' plot of a matrix. c c this subroutine creates a 'pic' file for plotting the pattern of c a sparse matrix stored in general sparse format. It is not intended c to be a means of plotting large matrices (It is very inefficient). c It is however useful for small matrices and can be used for example c for inserting matrix plots in a text. The size of the plot can be c 7in x 7in or 5 in x 5in .. There is also an option for writing a c 3-line header in troff (see description of parameter job). c Author: Youcef Saad - Date: Sept., 1989 c See SPARSKIT/UNSUPP/ for a version of this to produce a post-script c file. c c nrow = number of rows in matrix c c ncol = number of columns in matrix c c mode = integer indicating whether the matrix is stored c row-wise (mode = 0) or column-wise (mode=1) c c ja = column indices of nonzero elements when matrix is c stored rowise. Row indices if stores column-wise. c ia = integer array of containing the pointers to the c beginning of the columns in arrays a, ja. c c title = character*71 = title of matrix test ( character a*71 ). c key = character*8 = key of matrix c type = character*3 = type of matrix. c c job = this integer parameter allows to set a few minor c options. First it tells pltmt whether or not to c reduce the plot. The standard size of 7in is then c replaced by a 5in plot. It also tells pltmt whether or c not to append to the pic file a few 'troff' lines that c produce a centered caption includingg the title, key and c types as well as the size and number of nonzero elements. c job = 0 : do not reduce and do not make caption. c job = 1 : reduce and do not make caption. c job = 10 : do not reduce and make caption c job = 11 : reduce and make caption. c (i.e. trailing digit for reduction, leading digit for caption) c c iounit = logical unit number where to write the matrix into. c c example of usage . c c In the fortran code: c a) read a Harwell/Boeing matrix c call readmt (.....) c iout = 13 c b) generate pic file: c call pltmt (nrow,ncol,mode,ja,ia,title,key,type,iout) c stop c c Then in a unix environment plot the matrix by the command c c pic FOR013.DAT | troff -me | lpr -Ppsx c c notes: 1) Plots square as well as rectangular matrices. c (however not as much tested with rectangular matrices.) c 2) the dot-size is adapted according to the size of the c matrix. c 3) This is not meant at all as a way of plotting large c matrices. The pic file generaled will have one line for c each nonzero element. It is only meant for use in c such things as document poreparations etc.. c 4) The caption written will print the 71 character long c title. This may not be centered correctly if the c title has trailing blanks (a problem with Troff). c if you want the title centered then you can center c the string in title before calling pltmt. c integer ja(*), ia(*) character key*8,title*72,type*3 double precision x, y n = ncol if (mode .eq. 0) n = nrow nnz = ia(n+1) - ia(1) maxdim = max0 (nrow, ncol) xnrow = dble(nrow) xncol = dble(ncol) ptsize = 0.08 hscale = (7.0 -2.0*ptsize)/dble(maxdim-1) vscale = hscale xwid = ptsize + dble(ncol-1)*hscale + ptsize xht = ptsize + dble(nrow-1)*vscale + ptsize xshift = (7.0-xwid)/2.0 yshift = (7.0-xht)/2.0 if (mod(job,10) .eq. 1) then write (iounit,88) else write (iounit,89) end if 88 format('.PS 5in',/,'.po 1.8i') 89 format('.PS',/,'.po 0.7i') write(iounit,90) 90 format('box invisible wid 7.0 ht 7.0 with .sw at (0.0,0.0) ') write(iounit,91) xwid, xht, xshift, yshift 91 format('box wid ',f5.2,' ht ',f5.2, * ' with .sw at (',f5.2,',',f5.2,')' ) c c shift points slightly to account for size of dot , etc.. c tiny = 0.03 if (mod(job,10) .eq. 1) tiny = 0.05 xshift = xshift + ptsize - tiny yshift = yshift + ptsize + tiny ips = 8 if (maxdim .le. 500) ips = 10 if (maxdim .le. 300) ips = 12 if (maxdim .le. 100) ips = 16 if (maxdim .lt. 50) ips = 24 write(iounit,92) ips 92 format('.ps ',i2) c c plottingloop c do 1 ii=1, n istart = ia(ii) ilast = ia(ii+1)-1 if (mode .ne. 0) then x = dble(ii-1) do 2 k=istart, ilast y = xnrow-dble(ja(k)) write(iounit,128) xshift+x*hscale, yshift+y*vscale 2 continue else y = xnrow - dble(ii) do 3 k=istart, ilast x = dble(ja(k)-1) write(iounit,128) xshift+x*hscale, yshift+y*vscale 3 continue end if 1 continue 128 format(7h"." at ,f6.3,',',f6.3,8h ljust ) write (iounit, 129) 129 format('.PE') c quit if caption not desired. if ( (job/10) .ne. 1) return write(iounit,127) key, type, title write(iounit,130) nrow,ncol,nnz 127 format('.sp 4'/'.ll 7i'/'.ps 12'/'.po 0.7i'/'.ce 3'/, * 'Matrix: ',a8,', Type: ',a3,/,a72) 130 format('Dimension: ',i4,' x ',i4,', Nonzero elements: ',i5) return end subroutine pltmtps (nrow,ncol,mode,ja,ia,title,key,type, 1 job, iounit) c*********************************************************************72 c cc PLTMTPS creates a PostScript plot of a sparse matrix. c c this subroutine creates a 'PS' file for plotting the pattern of c a sparse matrix stored in general sparse format. It can be used c for inserting matrix plots in a text. The size of the plot can be c 7in x 7in or 5 in x 5in .. c c Adapted from pltmt in module INOUT by Paul Frederickson. March, 1990 c + slight modifications by Y. Saad. c c nrow = number of rows in matrix c c ncol = number of columns in matrix c c mode = integer indicating whether the matrix is stored c row-wise (mode = 0) or column-wise (mode=1) c c ja = column indices of nonzero elements when matrix is c stored rowise. Row indices if stores column-wise. c ia = integer array of containing the pointers to the c beginning of the columns in arrays a, ja. c c title = character*72 = title of matrix test ( character a*72 ). c key = character*8 = key of matrix c type = character*3 = type of matrix. c c job = integer. tells pltmt whether or not to reduce the plot. c if enabled then the standard size of 7in will be c replaced by a 5in plot. c job = 0 : do not reduce c job = 1 : reduce plot to 5 inches. c c iounit = logical unit number where to write the matrix into. c c notes: 1) Plots square as well as rectangular matrices. c 2) Does not writer a caption yet. c 3) No bounding box put in yet c integer ja(*), ia(*) character key*8,title*72,type*3 double precision x, y, delta n = ncol if (mode .eq. 0) n = nrow nnz = ia(n+1) - ia(1) maxdim = max0 (nrow, ncol) m = 1 + maxdim c keep this test as in old pltmt (for future changes). if (mod(job,10) .eq. 1) then delta = 72*5.0/(2.0+maxdim) else delta = 72*7.0/(2.0+maxdim) end if write(iounit,*)'%!PS' write(iounit,*)' gsave 50 50 translate' write(iounit,*) delta, delta, ' scale' write(iounit,*) ' 0.25 setlinewidth' if (mod(job,10) .eq. 1) then write (iounit,*) ' 23 55 translate' else write (iounit,*) ' 2 35 translate' end if write(iounit,*) ' newpath' write(iounit,*) 0,0,' moveto' write(iounit,*) m,0,' lineto' write(iounit,*) m,m,' lineto' write(iounit,*) 0,m,' lineto' write(iounit,*) ' closepath stroke' write(iounit,*) ' 1 1 translate' write(iounit,*) ' 0.5 setlinewidth' write(iounit,*) ' /p {moveto 0 -.25 rmoveto ' write(iounit,*) ' 0 .50 rlineto stroke} def' c c plotting loop c do 1 ii=1, n istart = ia(ii) ilast = ia(ii+1)-1 if (mode .ne. 0) then do 2 k=istart, ilast write(iounit,*) ii-1, nrow-ja(k), ' p' 2 continue else c y = xnrow - dble(ii) do 3 k=istart, ilast c x = dble(ja(k)-1) write(iounit,*) ja(k)-1, nrow-ii, ' p' 3 continue end if 1 continue write(iounit,*)' showpage grestore' c c quit if caption not desired. c if ( (job/10) .ne. 1) return c c write(iounit,127) key, type, title c write(iounit,130) nrow,ncol,nnz c 127 format('.sp 4'/'.ll 7i'/'.ps 12'/'.po 0.7i'/'.ce 3'/, c * 'Matrix: ',a8,', Type: ',a3,/,a71) 130 format('Dimension: ',i4,' x ',i4', Nonzero elements: ',i5) return end subroutine project(n,m,u,v,w) c*********************************************************************72 c cc PROJECT computes the matrix-vector product w = U * v. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) double precision u(n,*),v(*),w(*) do k=1,n w(k) = 0.0 end do do j=1,m do k=1,n w(k) = w(k) + v(j) * u(k,j) end do end do return end subroutine prtmt (nrow,ncol,a,ja,ia,rhs,guesol,title,key,type, 1 ifmt,job,iounit) c*********************************************************************72 c cc PRTMT writes a matrix in Harwell-Boeing format into a file. c c writes a matrix in Harwell-Boeing format into a file. c assumes that the matrix is stored in COMPRESSED SPARSE COLUMN FORMAT. c some limited functionality for right hand sides. c Author: Youcef Saad - Date: Sept., 1989 - updated Oct. 31, 1989 to c cope with new format. c c on entry: c c nrow = number of rows in matrix c ncol = number of columns in matrix c a = double precision array containing the values of the matrix stored c columnwise c ja = integer array of the same length as a containing the row indices c of the corresponding matrix elements of array a. c ia = integer array of containing the pointers to the beginning of c the columns in arrays a, ja. c rhs = double precision array containing the right hand side (s) and optionally c the associated initial guesses and/or exact solutions c in this order. See also guesol for details. the vector rhs will c be used only if job .gt. 2 (see below). Only full storage for c the right hand sides is supported. c c guesol = a 2-character string indicating whether an initial guess c (1-st character) and / or the exact solution (2-nd) c character) is provided with the right hand side. c if the first character of guesol is 'G' it means that an c an intial guess is provided for each right hand sides. c These are assumed to be appended to the right hand sides in c the array rhs. c if the second character of guesol is 'X' it means that an c exact solution is provided for each right hand side. c These are assumed to be appended to the right hand sides c and the initial guesses (if any) in the array rhs. c c title = character*71 = title of matrix test ( character a*71 ). c key = character*8 = key of matrix c type = charatcer*3 = type of matrix. c c ifmt = integer specifying the format chosen for the real values c to be output (i.e., for a, and for rhs-guess-sol if c applicable). the meaning of ifmt is as follows. c * if (ifmt .lt. 100) then the E descriptor is used, c format Ed.m, in which the length (m) of the mantissa is c precisely the integer ifmt (and d = ifmt+6) c * if (ifmt .gt. 100) then prtmt will use the c F- descriptor (format Fd.m) in which the length of the c mantissa (m) is the integer mod(ifmt,100) and the length c of the integer part is k=ifmt/100 (and d = k+m+2) c Thus ifmt= 4 means E10.4 +.xxxxD+ee while c ifmt=104 means F7.4 +x.xxxx c ifmt=205 means F9.5 +xx.xxxxx c Note: formats for ja, and ia are internally computed. c c job = integer to indicate whether matrix values and c a right hand side is available to be written c job = 1 write srtucture only, i.e., the arrays ja and ia. c job = 2 write matrix including values, i.e., a, ja, ia c job = 3 write matrix and one right hand side: a,ja,ia,rhs. c job = nrhs+2 write matrix and nrhs successive right hand sides c Note that there cannot be any right hand side if the matrix c has no values. Also the initial guess and exact solutions when c provided are for each right hand side. For example if nrhs=2 c and guesol='GX' there are 6 vectors to write. c c c iounit = logical unit number where to write the matrix into. c c on return: c c the matrix a, ja, ia will be written in output unit iounit c in the Harwell-Boeing format. Noe of the inputs is modofied. c c Notes: 1) This code attempts to pack as many elements as possible per c 80-character line. c 2) this code attempts to avoid as much as possible to put c blanks in the formats that are written in the 4-line header c (This is done for purely esthetical reasons since blanks c are ignored in format descriptors.) c 3) sparse formats for righr hand sides and guesses not c suported. c character title*72,key*8,type*3,ptrfmt*16,indfmt*16,valfmt*20, * guesol*2, rhstyp*3 integer totcrd, ptrcrd, indcrd, valcrd, rhscrd, nrow, ncol, 1 nnz, nrhs, len, nperli integer ja(*), ia(*) double precision a(*),rhs(*) c c compute pointer format c nnz = ia(ncol+1) -1 len = int ( dlog10(0.1+dble(nnz+1))) + 1 nperli = 80/len ptrcrd = ncol/nperli + 1 if (len .gt. 9) then assign 101 to ix else assign 100 to ix end if write (ptrfmt,ix) nperli,len 100 format(1h(,i2,1HI,i1,1h) ) 101 format(1h(,i2,1HI,i2,1h) ) c c compute ROW index format c len = int ( dlog10(0.1+dble(nrow) )) + 1 nperli = min0(80/len,nnz) indcrd = (nnz-1)/nperli+1 write (indfmt,100) nperli,len c c compute values and rhs format (using the same for both) c valcrd = 0 rhscrd = 0 c quit this part if no values provided. if (job .le. 1) goto 20 if (ifmt .ge. 100) then ihead = ifmt/100 ifmt = ifmt-100*ihead len = ihead+ifmt+2 nperli = 80/len if (len .le. 9 ) then assign 102 to ix elseif (ifmt .le. 9) then assign 103 to ix else assign 104 to ix end if write(valfmt,ix) nperli,len,ifmt 102 format(1h(,i2,1hF,i1,1h.,i1,1h) ) 103 format(1h(,i2,1hF,i2,1h.,i1,1h) ) 104 format(1h(,i2,1hF,i2,1h.,i2,1h) ) else len = ifmt + 6 nperli = 80/len c try to minimize the blanks in the format strings. if (nperli .le. 9) then if (len .le. 9 ) then assign 105 to ix elseif (ifmt .le. 9) then assign 106 to ix else assign 107 to ix end if else if (len .le. 9 ) then assign 108 to ix elseif (ifmt .le. 9) then assign 109 to ix else assign 110 to ix end if end if write(valfmt,ix) nperli,len,ifmt 105 format(1h(,i1,1hE,i1,1h.,i1,1h) ) 106 format(1h(,i1,1hE,i2,1h.,i1,1h) ) 107 format(1h(,i1,1hE,i2,1h.,i2,1h) ) 108 format(1h(,i2,1hE,i1,1h.,i1,1h) ) 109 format(1h(,i2,1hE,i2,1h.,i1,1h) ) 110 format(1h(,i2,1hE,i2,1h.,i2,1h) ) end if valcrd = (nnz-1)/nperli+1 nrhs = job -2 if (nrhs .ge. 1) then i = (nrhs*nrow-1)/nperli+1 rhscrd = i if (guesol(1:1) .eq. 'G') rhscrd = rhscrd+i if (guesol(2:2) .eq. 'X') rhscrd = rhscrd+i rhstyp = 'F'//guesol end if 20 continue c totcrd = ptrcrd+indcrd+valcrd+rhscrd c write 4-line or five line header write(iounit,10) title,key,totcrd,ptrcrd,indcrd,valcrd, 1 rhscrd,type,nrow,ncol,nnz,nrhs,ptrfmt,indfmt,valfmt,valfmt c if (nrhs .ge. 1) write (iounit,11) rhstyp, nrhs 10 format (a72, a8 / 5i14 / a3, 11x, 4i14 / 2a16, 2a20) 11 format(A3,11x,i4) c write(iounit,ptrfmt) (ia (i), i = 1, ncol+1) write(iounit,indfmt) (ja (i), i = 1, nnz) if (job .le. 1) return write(iounit,valfmt) (a(i), i = 1, nnz) if (job .le. 2) return len = nrow*nrhs next = 1 iend = len write(iounit,valfmt) (rhs(i), i = next, iend) c c write initial guesses if available c if (guesol(1:1) .eq. 'G') then next = next+len iend = iend+ len write(iounit,valfmt) (rhs(i), i = next, iend) end if c c write exact solutions if available c if (guesol(2:2) .eq. 'X')then next = next+len iend = iend+ len write(iounit,valfmt) (rhs(i), i = next, iend) end if return end subroutine readmt (nmax,nzmax,job,iounit,a,ja,ia,rhs,nrhs, * guesol,nrow,ncol,nnz,title,key,type,ierr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc READMT reads a Harwell/Boeing sparse matrix file. c c this subroutine reads a boeing/harwell matrix. handles right hand c sides in full format only (no sparse right hand sides). c Author: Youcef Saad - Date: Sept., 1989 c updated Oct 31, 1989. c c on entry: c c nmax = max column dimension allowed for matrix. The array ia should c be of length at least ncol+1 (see below) if job.gt.0 c nzmax = max number of nonzeros elements allowed. the arrays a, c and ja should be of length equal to nnz (see below) if these c arrays are to be read (see job). c c job = integer to indicate what is to be read. (note: job is an c input and output parameter, it can be modified on return) c job = 0 read the values of ncol, nrow, nnz title, key, c type and return. matrix is not read and arrays c a, ja, ia, rhs are not touched. c job = 1 read srtucture only, i.e., the arrays ja and ia. c job = 2 read matrix including values, i.e., a, ja, ia c job = 3 read matrix and right hand sides: a,ja,ia,rhs. c rhs may contain initial guesses and exact c solutions appended to the actual right hand sides. c this will be indicated by the output parameter c guesol [see below]. c c nrhs = integer. nrhs is an input as well as ouput parameter. c at input nrhs contains the total length of the array rhs. c See also ierr and nrhs in output parameters. c c iounit = logical unit number where to read the matrix from. c c on return: c c job = on return job may be modified to the highest job it could c do: if job=2 on entry but no matrix values are available it c is reset to job=1 on return. Similarly of job=3 but no rhs c is provided then it is rest to job=2 or job=1 depending on c whether or not matrix values are provided. c Note that no error message is triggered (i.e. ierr = 0 c on return in these cases. It is therefore important to c compare the values of job on entry and return ). c c a = the a matrix in the a, ia, ja (column) storage format c ja = row number of element a(i,j) in array a. c ia = pointer array. ia(i) points to the beginning of column i. c c rhs = double precision array of size nrow + 1 if available (see job) c c nrhs = integer containing the number of right hand sides found c each right hand side may be accompanied with an intial guess c and also the exact solution. c c guesol = a 2-character string indicating whether an initial guess c (1-st character) and / or the exact solution (2-nd c character) is provided with the right hand side. c if the first character of guesol is 'G' it means that an c an intial guess is provided for each right hand side. c These are appended to the right hand sides in the array rhs. c if the second character of guesol is 'X' it means that an c exact solution is provided for each right hand side. c These are appended to the right hand sides c and the initial guesses (if any) in the array rhs. c c nrow = number of rows in matrix c ncol = number of columns in matrix c nnz = number of nonzero elements in A. This info is returned c even if there is not enough space in a, ja, ia, in order c to determine the minimum storage needed. c c title = character*72 = title of matrix test ( character a*72). c key = character*8 = key of matrix c type = charatcer*3 = type of matrix. c for meaning of title, key and type refer to documentation c Harwell/Boeing matrices. c c ierr = integer used for error messages c * ierr = 0 means that the matrix has been read normally. c * ierr = 1 means that the array matrix could no be read c because ncol+1 .gt. nmax c * ierr = 2 means that the array matrix could no be read c because nnz .gt. nzmax c * ierr = 3 means that the array matrix could no be read c because both (ncol+1 .gt. nmax) and (nnz .gt. nzmax ) c * ierr = 4 means that the right hand side (s) initial c guesse (s) and exact solution (s) could not be c read because they are stored in sparse format (not handled c by this routine ...) c * ierr = 5 means that the right hand sides, initial guesses c and exact solutions could not be read because the length of c rhs as specified by the input value of nrhs is not c insufficient to store them. The rest of the matrix may have c been read normally. c c Notes: c c 1) The file inout must be open (and possibly rewound if necessary) c prior to calling readmt. c 2) Refer to the documentation on the Harwell-Boeing formats c for details on the format assumed by readmt. c We summarize the format here for convenience. c c a) all lines in inout are assumed to be 80 character long. c b) the file consists of a header followed by the block of the c column start pointers followed by the block of the c row indices, followed by the block of the real values and c finally the numerical values of the right hand side if a c right hand side is supplied. c c) the file starts by a header which contains four lines if no c right hand side is supplied and five lines otherwise. c * first line contains the title (72 characters long) followed by c the 8-character identifier (name of the matrix, called key) c [ A72,A8 ] c * second line contains the number of lines for each c of the following data blocks (4 of them) and the total number c of lines excluding the header. c [5i4] c * the third line contains a three character string identifying c the type of matrices as they are referenced in the Harwell c Boeing documentation [e.g., rua, rsa,..] and the number of c rows, columns, nonzero entries. c [A3,11X,4I14] c * The fourth line contains the variable fortran format c for the following data blocks. c [2A16,2A20] c * The fifth line is only present if right hand sides are c supplied. It consists of three one character-strings containing c the storage format for the right hand sides c ('F'= full,'M'=sparse=same as matrix), an initial guess c indicator ('G' for yes), an exact solution indicator c ('X' for yes), followed by the number of right hand sides c and then the number of row indices. c [A3,11X,2I14] c d) The three following blocks follow the header as described c above. c e) In case the right hand side are in sparse formats then c the fourth block uses the same storage format as for the matrix c to describe the NRHS right hand sides provided, with a column c being replaced by a right hand side. c character title*72, key*8, type*3, ptrfmt*16, indfmt*16, 1 valfmt*20, rhsfmt*20, rhstyp*3, guesol*2 integer totcrd, ptrcrd, indcrd, valcrd, rhscrd, nrow, ncol, 1 nnz, neltvl, nrhs, nmax, nzmax integer ia (nmax+1), ja (nzmax) double precision a(nzmax), rhs(*) lenrhs = nrhs c read(iounit,2010,end=10)title,key read(iounit,2011,end=10)totcrd,ptrcrd,indcrd,valcrd,rhscrd read(iounit,2012,end=10)type,nrow,ncol,nnz,neltvl read(iounit,2013,end=10)ptrfmt,indfmt,valfmt,rhsfmt 2010 format(a72,a8) 2011 format(5i14) 2012 format(a3,11x,4i14) 2013 format(2a16, 2a20) c if (rhscrd .gt. 0) read (iounit,2014,end=10) rhstyp, nrhs 2014 format (a3,11x,i4) c c anything else to read ? c if (job .le. 0) return ierr = 0 c check whether matrix is readable. n = ncol if (ncol .gt. nmax) ierr = 1 if (nnz .gt. nzmax) ierr = ierr + 2 if (ierr .ne. 0) return c read pointer and row numbers. read (iounit,ptrfmt,end=10) (ia (i), i = 1, n+1) read (iounit,indfmt,end=10) (ja (i), i = 1, nnz) c reading values of matrix if required.... if (job .le. 1) return c and if available. if (valcrd .le. 0) then job = 1 return end if read (iounit,valfmt,end=10) (a(i), i = 1, nnz) c reading rhs if required if (job .le. 2) return c and if available if ( rhscrd .le. 0) then job = 2 return end if c c read right hand side. c if (rhstyp(1:1) .eq. 'M') then ierr = 4 return end if guesol = rhstyp(2:3) nvec = 1 if (guesol(1:1) .eq. 'G') nvec=nvec+1 if (guesol(2:2) .eq. 'X') nvec=nvec+1 len = nrhs*nrow if (len*nvec .gt. lenrhs) then ierr = 5 return end if c c read right hand sides c next = 1 iend = len read(iounit,rhsfmt,end=10) (rhs(i), i = next, iend) c c read initial guesses if available c if (guesol(1:1) .eq. 'G') then next = next+len iend = iend+ len read(iounit,valfmt,end=10) (rhs(i), i = next, iend) end if c c read exact solutions if available c if (guesol(2:2) .eq. 'X')then next = next+len iend = iend+ len read(iounit,valfmt,end=10) (rhs(i), i = next, iend) end if c return 10 continue WRITE(*,*)' ' WRITE(*,*)'READMT - Fatal error.' WRITE(*,*)' End of file while reading information!' WRITE(*,*)' Results are unreliable!' return end subroutine refall(nx, nelx,ijk,node,ndeg,x,y, * ichild,iparnts,nodcode,nxmax,nelmax,ierr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc REFALL refines a finite element grid using triangular elements. c c REFALL refines a finite element grid using triangular elements. c uses mid points to refine all the elements of the grid. c c nx = number of nodes at input c nelx = number of elements at input c ijk = connectivity matrix: for node k, ijk(*,k) point to the c nodes of element k. c ndeg = first dimension of array ichild which is at least as large c as the max degree of each node c x,y = double precision arrays containing the x(*) and y(*) coordinates c resp. of the nodes. c ichild= list of the children of a node: ichild(1,k) stores c the position in ichild(*,k) of the last child so far. c (local use) c iparnts= list of the 2 parents of each node. c (local use) c nodcode= boundary information list for each node with the c following meaning: c nodcode(i) = 0 --> node i is internal c nodcode(i) = 1 --> node i is a boundary but not a corner point c nodcode(i) = 2 --> node i is a corner point. c corner elements are used only to generate the grid by refinement c since they do not correspond to real elements. c nxmax = maximum number of nodes allowed. If during the algorithm c the number of nodes being created exceeds nxmax then c refall quits without modifying the (x,y) xoordinates c and nx, nelx. ijk is modified. Also ierr is set to 1. c nelmax = same as above for number of elements allowed. See ierr.. c ierr = error message: c 0 --> normal return c 1 --> refall quit because nxmax was exceeded. c 2 --> refall quit because nelmax was exceeded. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) integer ichild(ndeg,1),iparnts(2,nx),ijk(node,1),nodcode(nx) integer midnode(10),inod(10) double precision x(1),y(1) c c inilitialize lists of children and parents -- c data structure is as follows c ichild(1,k) stores the position of last child of node k so far in list c ichild(j,k) , j .ge. 2 = list of children of node k. c iparnts(1,k) and iparnts(2,k) are the two parents of node k. c c do a first check : if (nx .ge. nxmax) goto 800 if (nelx .ge. nelmax) goto 900 c initialize do 1 k=1,nx do 2 j=2,ndeg ichild(j,k) = 0 2 continue ichild(1,k) = 1 iparnts(1,k)= 0 iparnts(2,k)= 0 1 continue c initialize nelxnew and nxnew nelxnew = nelx nxnew = nx ierr = 0 c c main loop: scan all elements c c do 100 nel = nelx,1,-1 do 100 nel = 1, nelx c note : interesting question which order is best for parallelism? c alternative order: do 100 nel = nelx, 1, -1 c c unpack nodes of element do 101 i=1,node inod(i) = ijk(i,nel) c convention: node after last node = first node. inod(node+i) = inod(i) midnode(i) = 0 101 continue c c for each new potential node determine if it has already been c numbered. a potential node is the middle of any two nodes .. c do 80 ii=1,node k1 = inod(ii) k2 = inod(ii+1) c test for current pair : last = ichild(1,k1) do 21 k=2,last jchild = ichild(k,k1) ipar1 = iparnts(1,jchild) ipar2 = iparnts(2,jchild) if( (ipar1 .eq. k1 .and. ipar2 .eq. k2) .or. * (ipar2 .eq. k1 .and. ipar1 .eq. k2)) then c node has already been created and numbered .... midnode(ii) = jchild c therefore it must be an internal node nodcode(jchild) = 0 c and no new node to create. goto 80 end if 21 continue c c else create a new node c nxnew = nxnew + 1 if (nxnew .gt. nxmax) goto 800 x(nxnew) = (x(k1) + x(k2))*0.5 y(nxnew) = (y(k1) + y(k2))*0.5 midnode(ii) = nxnew c c update nodcode information -- normally min0(nodcode(k1),nodcode(k2)) c nodcode(nxnew) = min0(1,nodcode(k1),nodcode(k2)) c c update parents and children's lists c iparnts(1,nxnew) = k1 iparnts(2,nxnew) = k2 c last = last+1 ichild(last,k1) = nxnew ichild(1,k1) = last last = ichild(1,k2)+1 ichild(last,k2) = nxnew ichild(1,k2) = last c 80 continue c c replace current element by new one c do 81 i=1,node jnod = midnode(i) ijk(i,nel) = jnod 81 continue c create new elements do 82 ii=1, node nelxnew = nelxnew+1 if (nelxnew .gt. nelmax) goto 900 ijk(1,nelxnew) = inod(ii) k = ii do 82 jj=2,node ijk(jj,nelxnew) = midnode(k) k = k+2 if (k .gt. node) k = k-node 82 continue c done ! 100 continue nx = nxnew nelx = nelxnew return 800 ierr = 1 return 900 ierr = 2 return end subroutine retmx(n,a,ja,ia,dd) c*********************************************************************72 c cc RETMX returns in dd(*) the max absolute value of elements in row *. c c RETMX returns in dd(*) the max absolute value of elements in row *. c used for scaling purposes. superseded by rnrms . c c on entry: c n = dimension of A c a,ja,ia c = matrix stored in compressed sparse row format c dd = double precision array of length n. On output,entry dd(i) contains c the element of row i that has the largest absolute value. c Moreover the sign of dd is modified such that it is the c same as that of the diagonal element in row i. c c Y. Saad, Sep. 21 1989 c c double precision a(*),dd(*) integer n,ia(*),ja(*) integer k2, i, k1, k double precision t, t1, t2 c c initialize c k2 = 1 do 11 i=1,n k1 = k2 k2 = ia(i+1) - 1 t = 0.0 do 101 k=k1,k2 t1 = abs(a(k)) if (t1 .gt. t) t = t1 if (ja(k) .eq. i)then if(a(k).lt.0.0)then t2=-1.0 elseif(a(k).eq.0.0)then t2=0.0 else t2=1.0 end if end if 101 continue dd(i) = t2*t c we do not invert diag here.. 11 continue return end subroutine rnrms(nrow, nrm, a, ja, ia, diag) c*********************************************************************72 c cc RNRMS gets the norms of each row of A. (choice of three norms) c c on entry: c c nrow = integer. The row dimension of A c c nrm = integer. norm indicator. nrm = 1, means 1-norm, nrm =2 c means the 2-nrm, nrm = 0 means max norm c c a, c ja, c ia = Matrix A in compressed sparse row format. c c on return: c c c diag = double precision vector of length nrow containing the norms c c double precision a(*), diag(nrow), scal integer ja(*), ia(nrow+1) c do 1 ii=1,nrow c c compute the norm if each element. c scal = 0.0 k1 = ia(ii) k2 = ia(ii+1)-1 if (nrm .eq. 0) then do 2 k=k1, k2 scal = max(scal,abs(a(k) ) ) 2 continue elseif (nrm .eq. 1) then do 3 k=k1, k2 scal = scal + abs(a(k) ) 3 continue else do 4 k=k1, k2 scal = scal+a(k)**2 4 continue end if if (nrm .eq. 2) scal = sqrt(scal) diag(ii) = scal 1 continue return end subroutine rperm (nrow,a,ja,ia,ao,jao,iao,perm,job) c*********************************************************************72 c cc RPERM permutes the rows of a matrix in CSR format. c c rperm computes B = P A where P is a permutation matrix. c the permutation P is defined through the array perm: for each j, c perm(j) represents the destination row number of row number j. c Youcef Saad -- recoded Jan 28, 1991. c c on entry: c c n = dimension of the matrix c a, ja, ia = input matrix in csr format c perm = integer array of length nrow containing the permutation arrays c for the rows: perm(i) is the destination of row i in the c permuted matrix. c ---> a(i,j) in the original matrix becomes a(perm(i),j) c in the output matrix. c c job = integer indicating the work to be done: c job = 1 permute a, ja, ia into ao, jao, iao c (including the copying of real values ao and c the array iao). c job .ne. 1 : ignore real values. c (in which case arrays a and ao are not needed nor c used). c c c on return: c c ao, jao, iao = input matrix in a, ja, ia format c note : c if (job.ne.1) then the arrays a and ao are not used. c c Y. Saad, May 2, 1990 c c integer nrow,ja(*),ia(nrow+1),jao(*),iao(nrow+1),perm(nrow),job double precision a(*),ao(*) c logical values values = (job .eq. 1) c c determine pointers for output matix. c do j=1,nrow i = perm(j) iao(i+1) = ia(j+1) - ia(j) end do c c get pointers from lengths c iao(1) = 1 do 51 j=1,nrow iao(j+1)=iao(j+1)+iao(j) 51 continue c c copying c do 100 ii=1,nrow c c old row = ii -- new row = iperm(ii) -- ko = new pointer c ko = iao(perm(ii)) do 60 k=ia(ii), ia(ii+1)-1 jao(ko) = ja(k) if (values) ao(ko) = a(k) ko = ko+1 60 continue 100 continue c return end subroutine rscal(nrow, job, nrm, a, ja, ia, diag, b, jb, ib) c*********************************************************************72 c cc RSCAL normalizes the rows of A. c c scales the rows of A such that their norms are one on return c 3 choices of norms: 1-norm, 2-norm, max-norm. c c on entry: c c nrow = integer. The row dimension of A c c job = integer. job indicator. Job=0 means get array b only c job = 1 means get b, and the integer arrays ib, jb. c c nrm = integer. norm indicator. nrm = 1, means 1-norm, nrm =2 c means the 2-nrm, nrm = 0 means max norm c c a, c ja, c ia = Matrix A in compressed sparse row format. c c on return: c c c diag = diagonal matrix stored as a vector containing the matrix c by which the rows have been scaled, i.e., on return c we have B = Diag*A. c c b, c jb, c ib = resulting matrix B in compressed sparse row sparse format. c c Notes: c c 1) The column dimension of A is not needed. c 2) algorithm in place (B can take the place of A). c double precision a(*), b(*), diag(nrow) integer ja(*),jb(*), ia(nrow+1),ib(nrow+1) call rnrms (nrow,nrm,a,ja,ia,diag) do j=1, nrow diag(j) = 1.0/diag(j) end do call diamua(nrow,job,a,ja,ia,diag,b,jb,ib) return end subroutine sskssr (n,imod,asky,isky,ao,jao,iao,nzmax,ierr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc SSKSSR converts Symmetric Skyline Format to Symmetric Sparse Row format. c c tests for exact zeros in skyline matrix (and ignores them in c output matrix). In place routine (a, isky :: ao, iao) c c this subroutine translates a symmetric skyline format into a c symmetric sparse row format. Each element is tested to see if it is c a zero element. Only the actual nonzero elements are retained. Note c that the test used is simple and does take into account the smallness c of a value. the subroutine filter (see unary module) can be used c for this purpose. c c Coded by Y. Saad, Oct 5, 1989. Revised Feb 18, 1991./ c c on entry: c c n = integer equal to the dimension of A. c imod = integer indicating the variant of skyline format used: c imod = 0 means the pointer iao points to the `zeroth' c element of the row, i.e., to the position of the diagonal c element of previous row (for i=1, iao(1)= 0) c imod = 1 means that itpr points to the beginning of the row. c imod = 2 means that iao points to the end of the row c (diagonal element) c asky = double precision array containing the values of the matrix. asky contains c the sequence of active rows from i=1, to n, an active row c being the row of elemnts of the matrix contained between the c leftmost nonzero element and the diagonal element. c isky = integer array of size n+1 containing the pointer array to c each row. isky (k) contains the address of the beginning of the c k-th active row in the array asky. c nzmax = integer. equal to the number of available locations in the c output array ao. c c on return: c c ao = double precision array of size nna containing the nonzero elements c jao = integer array of size nnz containing the column positions c of the corresponding elements in a. c iao = integer of size n+1. iao(k) contains the position in a, ja of c the beginning of the k-th row. c ierr = integer. Serving as error message. If the length of the c output arrays ao, jao exceeds nzmax then ierr returns c the row number where the algorithm stopped: rows c i, to ierr-1 have been processed succesfully. c ierr = 0 means normal return. c ierr = -1 : illegal value for imod c Notes: c c This module is in place: ao and iao can be the same as asky, and isky. c INTEGER NZMAX double precision asky(*),ao(nzmax) integer n, imod,ierr, isky(n+1),iao(n+1),jao(nzmax) integer next, kend, kstart, i, j ierr = 0 c c check for validity of imod c if (imod.ne.0 .and. imod.ne.1 .and. imod .ne. 2) then ierr =-1 return end if c c next = pointer to next available position in output matrix c kend = pointer to end of current row in skyline matrix. c next = 1 c c set kend = start position -1 in skyline matrix. c kend = 0 if (imod .eq. 1) kend = isky(1)-1 if (imod .eq. 0) kend = isky(1) c c loop through all rows c do 50 i=1,n c c save value of pointer to ith row in output matrix c iao(i) = next c c get beginnning and end of skyline row c kstart = kend+1 if (imod .eq. 0) kend = isky(i+1) if (imod .eq. 1) kend = isky(i+1)-1 if (imod .eq. 2) kend = isky(i) c c copy element into output matrix unless it is a zero element. c do 40 k=kstart,kend if (asky(k) .eq. 0.0) goto 40 j = i-(kend-k) jao(next) = j ao(next) = asky(k) next=next+1 if (next .gt. nzmax+1) then ierr = i return end if 40 continue 50 continue iao(n+1) = next return end subroutine ssrcsr (nrow,a,ja,ia,nzmax,ao,jao,iao,indu,ierr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc SSRCSR converts Symmetric Sparse Row to (regular) Compressed Sparse Row. c c this subroutine converts a symmetric matrix in which only the lower c part is stored in compressed sparse row format, i.e., c a matrix stored in symmetric sparse format, into a fully stored matrix c i.e., a matrix where both the lower and upper parts are stored in c compressed sparse row format. the algorithm is in place (i.e. result c may be overwritten onto the input matrix a, ja, ia ). c the output matrix delivered by ssrcsr is such that each row starts with c the elements of the lower part followed by those of the upper part. c c on entry: c c c nrow = row dimension of inout matrix c a, c ia, c ja = matrix in compressed sparse row format. This is assumed to be c a lower triangular matrix. c c nzmax = size of arrays ao and jao. ssrcsr will abort if the storage c provided in a, ja is not sufficient to store A. See ierr. c c on return: c c ao, iao, c jao = output matrix in compressed sparse row format. The resulting c matrix is symmetric and is equal to A+A**T - D, if c A is the original lower triangular matrix. ao, jao, iao, c can be the same as a, ja, ia in the calling sequence. c c indu = integer array of length nrow+1. If the input matrix is such c that the last element in each row is its diagonal element then c on return, indu will contain the pointers to the diagonal c element in each row of the output matrix. Otherwise used as c work array. c ierr = integer. Serving as error message. If the length of the arrays c ao, jao exceeds nzmax, ierr returns the minimum value c needed for nzmax. otherwise ierr=0 (normal return). c integer ia(nrow+1),iao(nrow+1),ja(*),jao(nzmax),indu(nrow+1) double precision a(*),ao(nzmax) ierr = 0 do 1 i=1,nrow+1 indu(i) = 0 1 continue c c compute number of elements in each row of strict upper part. c put result in indu(i+1) for row i. c do 3 i=1, nrow do 2 k=ia(i),ia(i+1)-1 j = ja(k) if (j .lt. i) indu(j+1) = indu(j+1)+1 2 continue 3 continue c c find addresses of first elements of ouput matrix. result in indu c indu(1) = 1 do 4 i=1,nrow lenrow = ia(i+1)-ia(i) indu(i+1) = indu(i) + indu(i+1) + lenrow 4 continue c enough storage in a, ja ? c nnz = indu(nrow+1)-1 if (nnz .gt. nzmax) then ierr = nnz return end if c c now copy lower part (backwards). c kosav = indu(nrow+1) do 6 i=nrow,1,-1 klast = ia(i+1)-1 kfirst = ia(i) iao(i+1) = kosav ko = indu(i) kosav = ko do 5 k = kfirst, klast ao(ko) = a(k) jao(ko) = ja(k) ko = ko+1 5 continue indu(i) = ko 6 continue iao(1) = 1 c c now copy upper part. Go through the structure of ao, jao, iao c that has already been copied (lower part). indu(i) is the address c of the next free location in row i for ao, jao. c do 8 i=1,nrow c i-th row is now in ao, jao, iao structure: lower half part do 9 k=iao(i), iao(i+1)-1 j = jao(k) if (j .ge. i) goto 8 ipos = indu(j) ao(ipos) = ao(k) jao(ipos) = i indu(j) = indu(j) + 1 9 continue 8 continue return end subroutine submat (n,job,i1,i2,j1,j2,a,ja,ia,nr,nc,ao,jao,iao) c*********************************************************************72 c cc SUBMAT extracts the submatrix A(i1:i2,j1:j2). c c extracts the submatrix A(i1:i2,j1:j2) and puts the result in c matrix ao,iao,jao c In place: ao,jao,iao may be the same as a,ja,ia. c c on input c c n = row dimension of the matrix c i1,i2 = two integers with i2 .ge. i1 indicating the range of rows to be c extracted. c j1,j2 = two integers with j2 .ge. j1 indicating the range of columns c to be extracted. c * There is no checking whether the input values for i1, i2, j1, c j2 are between 1 and n. c a, c ja, c ia = matrix in compressed sparse row format. c c job = job indicator: if job .ne. 1 then the real values in a are NOT c extracted, only the column indices (i.e. data structure) are. c otherwise values as well as column indices are extracted... c c on output c c nr = number of rows of submatrix c nc = number of columns of submatrix c * if either of nr or nc is nonpositive the code will quit. c c ao, c jao,iao = extracted matrix in general sparse format with jao containing c the column indices,and iao being the pointer to the beginning c of the row,in arrays a,ja. c c Y. Saad, Sep. 21 1989 c c integer n,job,i1,i2,j1,j2,nr,nc,ia(*),ja(*),jao(*),iao(*) double precision a(*),ao(*) nr = i2-i1+1 nc = j2-j1+1 c if ( nr .le. 0 .or. nc .le. 0) return c klen = 0 c c simple procedure that proceeds row-wise... c do 100 i = 1,nr ii = i1+i-1 k1 = ia(ii) k2 = ia(ii+1)-1 iao(i) = klen+1 do k=k1,k2 j = ja(k) if (j .ge. j1 .and. j .le. j2) then klen = klen+1 if (job .eq. 1) ao(klen) = a(k) jao(klen) =j end if end do 100 continue iao(nr+1) = klen+1 return end subroutine timestamp ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TIMESTAMP prints out the current YMDHMS date as a timestamp. c c Discussion: c c This FORTRAN77 version is made available for cases where the c FORTRAN90 version cannot be used. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c c Modified: c c 12 January 2007 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c c Parameters: c c None c implicit none character * ( 8 ) ampm integer d character * ( 8 ) date integer h integer m integer mm character * ( 9 ) month(12) integer n integer s character * ( 10 ) time integer y save month data month / & 'January ', 'February ', 'March ', 'April ', & 'May ', 'June ', 'July ', 'August ', & 'September', 'October ', 'November ', 'December ' / call date_and_time ( date, time ) read ( date, '(i4,i2,i2)' ) y, m, d read ( time, '(i2,i2,i2,1x,i3)' ) h, n, s, mm if ( h .lt. 12 ) then ampm = 'AM' else if ( h .eq. 12 ) then if ( n .eq. 0 .and. s .eq. 0 ) then ampm = 'Noon' else ampm = 'PM' end if else h = h - 12 if ( h .lt. 12 ) then ampm = 'PM' else if ( h .eq. 12 ) then if ( n .eq. 0 .and. s .eq. 0 ) then ampm = 'Midnight' else ampm = 'AM' end if end if end if write ( *, & '(i2,1x,a,1x,i4,2x,i2,a1,i2.2,a1,i2.2,a1,i3.3,1x,a)' ) & d, month(m), y, h, ':', n, ':', s, '.', mm, ampm return end subroutine transp(nrow,ncol,a,ja,ia,iwk,ierr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TRANSP carries out in-place transposition routine. c c this subroutine transposes a matrix stored in compressed sparse row c format. the transposition is done in place in that the arrays a,ja,ia c of the transpose are overwritten onto the original arrays. c c on entry: c c nrow = integer. The row dimension of A. c ncol = integer. The column dimension of A. c a = double precision array of size nnz (number of nonzero elements in A). c containing the nonzero elements c ja = integer array of length nnz containing the column positions c of the corresponding elements in a. c ia = integer of size n+1, where n = max(nrow,ncol). On entry c ia(k) contains the position in a,ja of the beginning of c the k-th row. c c iwk = integer work array of same length as ja. c c on return: c c c ncol = actual row dimension of the transpose of the input matrix. c Note that this may be .le. the input value for ncol, in c case some of the last columns of the input matrix are zero c columns. In the case where the actual number of rows found c in transp(A) exceeds the input value of ncol, transp will c return without completing the transposition. see ierr. c a, c ja, c ia = contains the transposed matrix in compressed sparse c row format. The row dimension of a, ja, ia is now ncol. c c ierr = integer. error message. If the number of rows for the c transposed matrix exceeds the input value of ncol, c then ierr is set to that number and transp quits. c Otherwise ierr is set to 0 (normal return). c c Note: c 1) If you do not need the transposition to be done in place c it is preferrable to use the conversion routine csrcsc c (see conversion routines in formats). c 2) the entries of the output matrix are not sorted (the column c indices in each are not in increasing order) use csrcsc c if you want them sorted. c c Y. Saad, Sep. 21 1989 c c modified Oct. 11, 1989. c c integer nrow, ncol, ia(*), ja(*), iwk(*), ierr double precision a(*) double precision t, t1 ierr = 0 nnz = ia(nrow+1)-1 c c determine column dimension c jcol = 0 do k=1, nnz jcol = max(jcol,ja(k)) end do if (jcol .gt. ncol) then ierr = jcol return end if c c convert to coordinate format. use iwk for row indices. c ncol = jcol c do 3 i=1,nrow do 2 k=ia(i),ia(i+1)-1 iwk(k) = i 2 continue 3 continue c find pointer array for transpose. do 35 i=1,ncol+1 ia(i) = 0 35 continue do 4 k=1,nnz i = ja(k) ia(i+1) = ia(i+1)+1 4 continue ia(1) = 1 do i=1,ncol ia(i+1) = ia(i) + ia(i+1) end do c c loop for a cycle in chasing process. c init = 1 k = 0 5 t = a(init) i = ja(init) j = iwk(init) iwk(init) = -1 6 k = k+1 c c current row number is i. determine where to go. c l = ia(i) c c save the chased element. c t1 = a(l) inext = ja(l) c c then occupy its location. c a(l) = t ja(l) = j c c update pointer information for next element to be put in row i. c ia(i) = l+1 c c determine next element to be chased c if (iwk(l) .lt. 0) goto 65 t = t1 i = inext j = iwk(l) iwk(l) = -1 if (k .lt. nnz) goto 6 goto 70 65 init = init+1 if (init .gt. nnz) goto 70 if (iwk(init) .lt. 0) goto 65 c c restart chasing c goto 5 70 continue do 80 i=ncol,1,-1 ia(i+1) = ia(i) 80 continue ia(1) = 1 return end subroutine udsol (n,x,y,au,jau) c*********************************************************************72 c cc UDSOL solves U*x = y; U = upper triangular in MSR format c c solves a non-unit upper triangular matrix by standard (sequential ) c backward elimination - matrix stored in MSR format. c with diagonal elements already inverted (otherwise do inversion, c au(1:n) = 1.0/au(1:n), before calling). c c On entry: c c n = integer. dimension of problem. c y = double precision array containg the right side. c c au, c jau, = Lower triangular matrix stored in modified sparse row c format. c c On return: c c x = The solution of U x = y . c integer n, jau(*) double precision x(n), y(n),au(*) integer k, j double precision t x(n) = y(n)*au(n) do k = n-1,1,-1 t = y(k) do j = jau(k), jau(k+1)-1 t = t - au(j)*x(jau(j)) end do x(k) = au(k)*t end do return end subroutine udsolc (n,x,y,au,jau) c*********************************************************************72 c cc UDSOLC solves U * x = y, for upper triangular U in MSC format. c c solves a (non-unit) upper triangular system by standard (sequential) c forward elimination - matrix stored in Modified Sparse Column format c with diagonal elements already inverted (otherwise do inversion, c auuuul(1:n) = 1.0/au(1:n), before calling ldsol). c c c On entry: c c n = integer. dimension of problem. c y = double precision array containg the right hand side. c c au, c jau, = Upper triangular matrix stored in Modified Sparse Column c format. c c On return: c c x = The solution of U x = y . c integer n, jau(*) double precision x(n), y(n), au(*) integer k, j double precision t do k=1,n x(k) = y(k) end do do 150 k = n,1,-1 x(k) = x(k)*au(k) t = x(k) do 100 j = jau(k), jau(k+1)-1 x(jau(j)) = x(jau(j)) - t*au(j) 100 continue 150 continue c return end subroutine unassbl (a,na,f,nx,nelx,ijk,nodcode, * node,x,y,ierr,xyk) c*********************************************************************72 c cc UNASSBL ? c c a = un-assembled matrix on output c na = 1-st dimension of a. a(na,node,node) c c f = right hand side (global load vector) in un-assembled form c nx = number of nodes at input c nelx = number of elements at input c ijk = connectivity matrix: for node k, ijk(*,k) point to the c nodes of element k. c node = total number of nodal points in each element c also second dimension of a. c c nodcode= boundary information list for each node with the c following meaning: c nodcode(i) = 0 --> node i is internal c nodcode(i) = 1 --> node i is a boundary but not a corner point c nodcode(i) = 2 --> node i is a corner point (corner points c c x,y = double precision arrays containing the $x$ and $y$ coordinates c resp. of the nodes. c K11, K22, and K12 at that element. c ierr = error message integer . c ierr = 0 --> normal return c ierr = 1 --> negative area encountered (due to bad c numbering of nodes of an element- c message printed in unit iout). c iout = output unit (not used here). c c xyk = subroutine defining the material properties at each c element. Form: c call xyk(nel,xyke,x,y,ijk,node) c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension a(na,node,node),ijk(node,1),x(1),y(1),f(node,1), * ske(3,3),fe(3),xe(3),ye(3),xyke(2,2) integer nodcode(1) external xyk c max number of nonzeros allowed = 200 c c initialize c do i=1, node do j=1, nx f(i,j) = 0.0 end do end do c c main loop c do 102 nel=1, nelx c c get coordinetes of nodal points c do 104 i=1, node j = ijk(i,nel) xe(i) = x(j) ye(i) = y(j) 104 continue c c compute determinant c det=xe(2)*(ye(3)-ye(1))+xe(3)*(ye(1)-ye(2))+xe(1)*(ye(2)-ye(3)) c print *, 'nel', nel, ' det = ' , del c c set material properties c call xyk(nel,xyke,x,y,ijk,node) c c construct element stiffness matrix c ierr = 0 call estif3(nel,ske,fe,det,xe,ye,xyke,ierr) if (ierr .ne. 0) return c write (8,'(9f8.4)') ((ske(i,j),j=1,3),i=1,3) c assemble: add element stiffness matrix to global matrix c do 120 ka=1, node f(ka,nel) = fe(ka) do 108 kb = 1,node a(nel,ka,kb) = ske(ka,kb) 108 continue 120 continue 102 continue return end subroutine usol (n,x,y,au,jau,iau) c*********************************************************************72 c cc USOL solves U x = y U = unit upper triangular. c c solves a unit upper triangular system by standard (sequential ) c backward elimination - matrix stored in CSR format. c c c On entry: c c n = integer. dimension of problem. c y = double precision array containg the right side. c c au, c jau, c iau, = Lower triangular matrix stored in compressed sparse row c format. c c On return: c c x = The solution of U x = y . c integer n, jau(*),iau(n+1) double precision x(n), y(n), au(*) integer k, j double precision t x(n) = y(n) do 150 k = n-1,1,-1 t = y(k) do 100 j = iau(k), iau(k+1)-1 t = t - au(j)*x(jau(j)) 100 continue x(k) = t 150 continue return end subroutine usolc (n,x,y,au,jau,iau) c*********************************************************************72 c cc USOLC solves U * x = y for unit upper triangular U in CSC format. c c solves a unit upper triangular system by standard (sequential ) c forward elimination - matrix stored in CSC format. c c c On entry: c c n = integer. dimension of problem. c y = double precision array containg the right side. c c au, c jau, c iau, = Uower triangular matrix stored in compressed sparse column c format. c c On return: c c x = The solution of U x = y. c double precision x(*), y(*), au(*) integer n, jau(*),iau(*) integer k, j double precision t c do 140 k=1,n x(k) = y(k) 140 continue do 150 k = n,1,-1 t = x(k) do 100 j = iau(k), iau(k+1)-1 x(jau(j)) = x(jau(j)) - t*au(j) 100 continue 150 continue return end