28 July 2010 8:22:08.808 PM POINT_MERGE_PRB FORTRAN77 version Test routines in the POINT_MERGE library. TEST01 To count the unique columns in an R8COL, we call POINT_UNIQUE_COUNT, POINT_RADIAL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with random center) POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with zero tolerance) M = 3 N = 10 SEED = 123456789 Matrix with N_UNIQUE unique columns: Row 1 2 3 Col 1: 0.257578 0.109957 0.438290E-01 2: 0.218418 0.956318 0.829509 3: 0.218418 0.956318 0.829509 4: 0.183837E-02 0.897504 0.350752 5: 0.218418 0.956318 0.829509 6: 0.945448E-01 0.136169E-01 0.859097 7: 0.401306 0.754673 0.797287 8: 0.633966 0.617272E-01 0.449539 9: 0.561695 0.415307 0.661187E-01 10: 0.183837E-02 0.897504 0.350752 N_UNIQUE = 7 POINT_UNIQUE_COUNT = 7 POINT_RADIAL_UNIQUE_COUNT = 7 POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT = 7 TEST01 To count the unique columns in an R8COL, we call POINT_UNIQUE_COUNT, POINT_RADIAL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with random center) POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with zero tolerance) M = 4 N = 20 SEED = 987654321 Matrix with N_UNIQUE unique columns: Row 1 2 3 4 Col 1: 0.697926 0.422287E-01 0.736996 0.698300 2: 0.220377 0.875302 0.207099 0.710515 3: 0.205385 0.899631 0.952443E-01 0.770561 4: 0.220377 0.875302 0.207099 0.710515 5: 0.697926 0.422287E-01 0.736996 0.698300 6: 0.205385 0.899631 0.952443E-01 0.770561 7: 0.220377 0.875302 0.207099 0.710515 8: 0.747417 0.834381 0.436522 0.621415 9: 0.251803 0.575308E-01 0.920553 0.737443 10: 0.117362 0.499583 0.484024 0.989437 11: 0.818277 0.779166 0.441582 0.672432 12: 0.689138 0.348537 0.859450 0.782009 13: 0.327093 0.447774 0.729419 0.353082 14: 0.630149 0.907734 0.285621 0.434027 15: 0.818277 0.779166 0.441582 0.672432 16: 0.689138 0.348537 0.859450 0.782009 17: 0.464300 0.483962 0.945337 0.271059 18: 0.747417 0.834381 0.436522 0.621415 19: 0.697926 0.422287E-01 0.736996 0.698300 20: 0.630149 0.907734 0.285621 0.434027 N_UNIQUE = 11 POINT_UNIQUE_COUNT = 11 POINT_RADIAL_UNIQUE_COUNT = 11 POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT = 11 TEST02 To count the unique columns in an R8COL, we call POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with random center) POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with zero tolerance) M = 3 N = 10 TOL = 0.100000E-04 SEED = 123456789 Matrix with N_UNIQUE unique columns: Row 1 2 3 Col 1: 0.257578 0.109957 0.438290E-01 2: 0.218418 0.956318 0.829509 3: 0.218418 0.956318 0.829509 4: 0.183837E-02 0.897504 0.350752 5: 0.218418 0.956318 0.829509 6: 0.945448E-01 0.136169E-01 0.859097 7: 0.401306 0.754673 0.797287 8: 0.633966 0.617272E-01 0.449539 9: 0.561695 0.415307 0.661187E-01 10: 0.183837E-02 0.897504 0.350752 Blurred matrix: Row 1 2 3 Col 1: 0.257582 0.109959 0.438299E-01 2: 0.218423 0.956320 0.829510 3: 0.218421 0.956320 0.829513 4: 0.184055E-02 0.897505 0.350757 5: 0.218419 0.956319 0.829514 6: 0.945485E-01 0.136172E-01 0.859100 7: 0.401307 0.754677 0.797290 8: 0.633967 0.617309E-01 0.449542 9: 0.561698 0.415309 0.661224E-01 10: 0.184210E-02 0.897504 0.350756 N_UNIQUE = 7 POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT = 7 POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT = 7 TEST02 To count the unique columns in an R8COL, we call POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with random center) POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with zero tolerance) M = 4 N = 20 TOL = 0.100000E-04 SEED = 987654321 Matrix with N_UNIQUE unique columns: Row 1 2 3 4 Col 1: 0.697926 0.422287E-01 0.736996 0.698300 2: 0.220377 0.875302 0.207099 0.710515 3: 0.205385 0.899631 0.952443E-01 0.770561 4: 0.220377 0.875302 0.207099 0.710515 5: 0.697926 0.422287E-01 0.736996 0.698300 6: 0.205385 0.899631 0.952443E-01 0.770561 7: 0.220377 0.875302 0.207099 0.710515 8: 0.747417 0.834381 0.436522 0.621415 9: 0.251803 0.575308E-01 0.920553 0.737443 10: 0.117362 0.499583 0.484024 0.989437 11: 0.818277 0.779166 0.441582 0.672432 12: 0.689138 0.348537 0.859450 0.782009 13: 0.327093 0.447774 0.729419 0.353082 14: 0.630149 0.907734 0.285621 0.434027 15: 0.818277 0.779166 0.441582 0.672432 16: 0.689138 0.348537 0.859450 0.782009 17: 0.464300 0.483962 0.945337 0.271059 18: 0.747417 0.834381 0.436522 0.621415 19: 0.697926 0.422287E-01 0.736996 0.698300 20: 0.630149 0.907734 0.285621 0.434027 Blurred matrix: Row 1 2 3 4 Col 1: 0.697927 0.422306E-01 0.737001 0.698302 2: 0.220380 0.875304 0.207101 0.710517 3: 0.205388 0.899634 0.952444E-01 0.770562 4: 0.220380 0.875305 0.207101 0.710518 5: 0.697929 0.422311E-01 0.736997 0.698303 6: 0.205388 0.899634 0.952454E-01 0.770563 7: 0.220378 0.875305 0.207103 0.710516 8: 0.747420 0.834384 0.436523 0.621417 9: 0.251803 0.575329E-01 0.920555 0.737447 10: 0.117365 0.499587 0.484024 0.989437 11: 0.818279 0.779169 0.441586 0.672432 12: 0.689141 0.348540 0.859453 0.782009 13: 0.327095 0.447776 0.729422 0.353085 14: 0.630149 0.907735 0.285625 0.434031 15: 0.818279 0.779167 0.441587 0.672433 16: 0.689139 0.348539 0.859455 0.782010 17: 0.464301 0.483964 0.945340 0.271061 18: 0.747419 0.834383 0.436523 0.621418 19: 0.697927 0.422289E-01 0.737000 0.698303 20: 0.630151 0.907737 0.285624 0.434028 N_UNIQUE = 11 POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT = 11 POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT = 11 TEST03 To count the unique columns in an R8COL, we call POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with random center) POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with zero tolerance) M = 3 N = 100 TOL = 0.100000E-04 SEED = 123456789 N_UNIQUE = 50 POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT = 50 CPU_TIME = 0.112000E-03 POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT = 50 CPU_TIME = 0.288000E-03 TEST03 To count the unique columns in an R8COL, we call POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with random center) POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with zero tolerance) M = 3 N = 1000 TOL = 0.100000E-04 SEED = 123456789 N_UNIQUE = 500 POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT = 500 CPU_TIME = 0.350200E-02 POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT = 500 CPU_TIME = 0.273080E-01 TEST03 To count the unique columns in an R8COL, we call POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with random center) POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with zero tolerance) M = 3 N = 10000 TOL = 0.100000E-04 SEED = 123456789 N_UNIQUE = 5000 POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT = 5000 CPU_TIME = 0.266060 POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT = 5000 CPU_TIME = 2.76983 TEST04 To index the unique columns in an R8COL, we call POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with random center) POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with zero tolerance) M = 3 N = 10 TOL = 0.100000E-04 SEED = 123456789 Matrix with N_UNIQUE unique columns: Row 1 2 3 Col 1: 0.257578 0.109957 0.438290E-01 2: 0.218418 0.956318 0.829509 3: 0.218418 0.956318 0.829509 4: 0.183837E-02 0.897504 0.350752 5: 0.218418 0.956318 0.829509 6: 0.945448E-01 0.136169E-01 0.859097 7: 0.401306 0.754673 0.797287 8: 0.633966 0.617272E-01 0.449539 9: 0.561695 0.415307 0.661187E-01 10: 0.183837E-02 0.897504 0.350752 Blurred matrix: Row 1 2 3 Col 1: 0.257582 0.109959 0.438299E-01 2: 0.218423 0.956320 0.829510 3: 0.218421 0.956320 0.829513 4: 0.184055E-02 0.897505 0.350757 5: 0.218419 0.956319 0.829514 6: 0.945485E-01 0.136172E-01 0.859100 7: 0.401307 0.754677 0.797290 8: 0.633967 0.617309E-01 0.449542 9: 0.561698 0.415309 0.661224E-01 10: 0.184210E-02 0.897504 0.350756 N_UNIQUE = 7 POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_INDEX Unique_num = 7 UNDX: 1: 10 2: 7 3: 2 4: 9 5: 1 6: 8 7: 6 XDNU: 1: 5 2: 3 3: 3 4: 1 5: 3 6: 7 7: 2 8: 6 9: 4 10: 1 List of nonunique points P(J), represented by point with index I(J). J, P(J) I(J), P(I(J)) || P(J) - P(I(J)) || (should be <= TOL.) 3 0.218421 0.956320 0.829513 2 0.218423 0.956320 0.829510 0.2614E-05 4 0.184055E-02 0.897505 0.350757 10 0.184210E-02 0.897504 0.350756 0.2175E-05 5 0.218419 0.956319 0.829514 2 0.218423 0.956320 0.829510 0.5174E-05 POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_INDEX Unique_num = 7 List of nonunique points P(J), represented by point with index I(J). J, P(J) I(J), P(I(J)) || P(J) - P(I(J)) || (should be <= TOL.) 3 0.218421 0.956320 0.829513 2 0.218423 0.956320 0.829510 0.2614E-05 5 0.218419 0.956319 0.829514 2 0.218423 0.956320 0.829510 0.5174E-05 10 0.184210E-02 0.897504 0.350756 4 0.184055E-02 0.897505 0.350757 0.2175E-05 TEST04 To index the unique columns in an R8COL, we call POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with random center) POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with zero tolerance) M = 4 N = 20 TOL = 0.100000E-04 SEED = 987654321 Matrix with N_UNIQUE unique columns: Row 1 2 3 4 Col 1: 0.697926 0.422287E-01 0.736996 0.698300 2: 0.220377 0.875302 0.207099 0.710515 3: 0.205385 0.899631 0.952443E-01 0.770561 4: 0.220377 0.875302 0.207099 0.710515 5: 0.697926 0.422287E-01 0.736996 0.698300 6: 0.205385 0.899631 0.952443E-01 0.770561 7: 0.220377 0.875302 0.207099 0.710515 8: 0.747417 0.834381 0.436522 0.621415 9: 0.251803 0.575308E-01 0.920553 0.737443 10: 0.117362 0.499583 0.484024 0.989437 11: 0.818277 0.779166 0.441582 0.672432 12: 0.689138 0.348537 0.859450 0.782009 13: 0.327093 0.447774 0.729419 0.353082 14: 0.630149 0.907734 0.285621 0.434027 15: 0.818277 0.779166 0.441582 0.672432 16: 0.689138 0.348537 0.859450 0.782009 17: 0.464300 0.483962 0.945337 0.271059 18: 0.747417 0.834381 0.436522 0.621415 19: 0.697926 0.422287E-01 0.736996 0.698300 20: 0.630149 0.907734 0.285621 0.434027 Blurred matrix: Row 1 2 3 4 Col 1: 0.697927 0.422306E-01 0.737001 0.698302 2: 0.220380 0.875304 0.207101 0.710517 3: 0.205388 0.899634 0.952444E-01 0.770562 4: 0.220380 0.875305 0.207101 0.710518 5: 0.697929 0.422311E-01 0.736997 0.698303 6: 0.205388 0.899634 0.952454E-01 0.770563 7: 0.220378 0.875305 0.207103 0.710516 8: 0.747420 0.834384 0.436523 0.621417 9: 0.251803 0.575329E-01 0.920555 0.737447 10: 0.117365 0.499587 0.484024 0.989437 11: 0.818279 0.779169 0.441586 0.672432 12: 0.689141 0.348540 0.859453 0.782009 13: 0.327095 0.447776 0.729422 0.353085 14: 0.630149 0.907735 0.285625 0.434031 15: 0.818279 0.779167 0.441587 0.672433 16: 0.689139 0.348539 0.859455 0.782010 17: 0.464301 0.483964 0.945340 0.271061 18: 0.747419 0.834383 0.436523 0.621418 19: 0.697927 0.422289E-01 0.737000 0.698303 20: 0.630151 0.907737 0.285624 0.434028 N_UNIQUE = 11 POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_INDEX Unique_num = 11 UNDX: 1: 18 2: 15 3: 13 4: 14 5: 2 6: 12 7: 10 8: 3 9: 17 10: 5 11: 9 XDNU: 1: 10 2: 5 3: 8 4: 5 5: 10 6: 8 7: 5 8: 1 9: 11 10: 7 11: 2 12: 6 13: 3 14: 4 15: 2 16: 6 17: 9 18: 1 19: 10 20: 4 List of nonunique points P(J), represented by point with index I(J). J, P(J) I(J), P(I(J)) || P(J) - P(I(J)) || (should be <= TOL.) 1 0.697927 0.422306E-01 0.737001 0.698302 5 0.697929 0.422311E-01 0.736997 0.698303 0.4199E-05 4 0.220380 0.875305 0.207101 0.710518 2 0.220380 0.875304 0.207101 0.710517 0.7477E-06 6 0.205388 0.899634 0.952454E-01 0.770563 3 0.205388 0.899634 0.952444E-01 0.770562 0.1415E-05 7 0.220378 0.875305 0.207103 0.710516 2 0.220380 0.875304 0.207101 0.710517 0.3383E-05 8 0.747420 0.834384 0.436523 0.621417 18 0.747419 0.834383 0.436523 0.621418 0.1288E-05 11 0.818279 0.779169 0.441586 0.672432 15 0.818279 0.779167 0.441587 0.672433 0.2300E-05 16 0.689139 0.348539 0.859455 0.782010 12 0.689141 0.348540 0.859453 0.782009 0.3127E-05 19 0.697927 0.422289E-01 0.737000 0.698303 5 0.697929 0.422311E-01 0.736997 0.698303 0.3905E-05 20 0.630151 0.907737 0.285624 0.434028 14 0.630149 0.907735 0.285625 0.434031 0.3931E-05 POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_INDEX Unique_num = 11 List of nonunique points P(J), represented by point with index I(J). J, P(J) I(J), P(I(J)) || P(J) - P(I(J)) || (should be <= TOL.) 4 0.220380 0.875305 0.207101 0.710518 2 0.220380 0.875304 0.207101 0.710517 0.7477E-06 5 0.697929 0.422311E-01 0.736997 0.698303 1 0.697927 0.422306E-01 0.737001 0.698302 0.4199E-05 6 0.205388 0.899634 0.952454E-01 0.770563 3 0.205388 0.899634 0.952444E-01 0.770562 0.1415E-05 7 0.220378 0.875305 0.207103 0.710516 2 0.220380 0.875304 0.207101 0.710517 0.3383E-05 15 0.818279 0.779167 0.441587 0.672433 11 0.818279 0.779169 0.441586 0.672432 0.2300E-05 16 0.689139 0.348539 0.859455 0.782010 12 0.689141 0.348540 0.859453 0.782009 0.3127E-05 18 0.747419 0.834383 0.436523 0.621418 8 0.747420 0.834384 0.436523 0.621417 0.1288E-05 19 0.697927 0.422289E-01 0.737000 0.698303 1 0.697927 0.422306E-01 0.737001 0.698302 0.2392E-05 20 0.630151 0.907737 0.285624 0.434028 14 0.630149 0.907735 0.285625 0.434031 0.3931E-05 TEST05 We time the computations in TEST04, calling POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with random center) POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with zero tolerance) M = 3 N = 100 TOL = 0.100000E-04 SEED = 123456789 N_UNIQUE = 50 POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_INDEX Unique_num = 50 Time = 0.870000E-04 POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_INDEX Unique_num = 50 Time = 0.309000E-03 TEST05 We time the computations in TEST04, calling POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with random center) POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with zero tolerance) M = 3 N = 1000 TOL = 0.100000E-04 SEED = 123456789 N_UNIQUE = 500 POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_INDEX Unique_num = 500 Time = 0.975000E-03 POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_INDEX Unique_num = 500 Time = 0.266650E-01 TEST05 We time the computations in TEST04, calling POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with random center) POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with zero tolerance) M = 3 N = 10000 TOL = 0.100000E-04 SEED = 123456789 N_UNIQUE = 5000 POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_INDEX Unique_num = 5000 Time = 0.127660E-01 POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_INDEX Unique_num = 5000 Time = 2.70510 POINT_MERGE_PRB Normal end of execution. 28 July 2010 8:22:14.743 PM