program main c*********************************************************************72 c cc MAIN is the main program for PITCON66_PRB7. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c c Modified: c c 22 August 2011 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c c Reference: c c Ivo Babuska, Werner Rheinboldt, c Reliable Error Estimations and Mesh Adaptation for the Finite c Element Method, c in International Conference on Computational Methods c in Nonlinear Mechanics, c edited by John Oden, c Elsevier, 1980, c ISBN: 0444853820, c LC: QA808.I57. c c John Oden, c Finite Elements of Nonlinear Continua, c Dover, 2006, c ISBN: 0486449734, c LC: QA808.2.O33. c c c The general problem to be solved is the two point boundary value problem: c c -D/DX PHI(X,U,DU/DX,T) + PSI(X,U,DU/DX,T) = 0, c c U(X=0)=U0, U(X=1)=U1. c c The particular problem solved here has the form: c c U'' + T*SIN(U+U**2+U**3)=0 c c U(0)=U(1)=0.0 c c U is approximated by dividing the interval into NINT subintervals, c and using the NPOLYS Legendre functions of orders 0 through NPOLYS-1 c on each subinterval. The NINT*NPOLYS coefficients of these basis c functions form the representation of U. c c Moreover, there are NINT*NPOLYS finite element equations set up, c of the form c c INTEGRAL(Subinterval I) -PHI(X,U,U',T)*PL'(J) + PSI(X,U,U',T)*PL(J) = 0 c c There is a complication however, in that Lagrange multipliers are c used to enforce continuity of the solution U at the interface c nodes between neighboring subintervals. These conditions create c new variables, and new equations, and even modify the above standard c finite element equations. c c Options: c c ICHOOZ=1 Piecewise linear, 1 continuity condition c ICHOOZ=2 Piecewise cubic, 1 continuity condition c ICHOOZ=3 Piecewise cubic, 2 continuity conditions c ICHOOZ=4 Piecewise quintic, 1 continuity condition c ICHOOZ=5 Piecewise quintic, 2 continuity conditions c ICHOOZ=6 Piecewise quintic, 3 continuity conditions c c All options use 8 intervals. c implicit none integer liw integer lrw integer mint integer mvar integer ngauss parameter (ngauss=8) integer maxpol parameter (maxpol=10) parameter (mint=8) parameter (mvar=mint*6+2+(mint-1)*3) parameter (liw=mvar+29) parameter (lrw=29+(6+mvar)*mvar) external bval external denslv external fp0011 external fx0011 external init external pitcon external uval intrinsic mod double precision bcone double precision bczero double precision dbcodt double precision dbczdt double precision fpar(1) double precision gcoef double precision gpoint integer i integer ichooz integer ierror integer ihold integer ii integer ipar(1) integer iskip integer iwork(liw) character name*12 integer nbcz integer nbco integer ndrv integer nint integer npolys integer nvar integer nvary integer nvarz double precision pl double precision pld double precision rwork(lrw) double precision theta double precision u double precision uprym double precision xg double precision xl double precision xr(mvar) double precision xrr save /intmem/ save /relmem/ common /intmem/ npolys,ndrv,nvary,nvarz,nbcz,nbco,nint common /relmem/ bczero(8),dbczdt(8),bcone(8),dbcodt(8), & pl(8),pld(8),gcoef(8),gpoint(8),theta(10,10) c c Zero out work arrays c do i=1,liw iwork(i)=0 enddo do i=1,lrw rwork(i)=0.0 enddo c c Initialize COMMON arrays c call init(gcoef,gpoint,maxpol,ngauss,theta) c c Set number of variables c ichooz=1 nint=8 if(ichooz.eq.1)npolys=2 if(ichooz.eq.2.or.ichooz.eq.3)npolys=4 if(ichooz.eq.4.or.ichooz.eq.5.or.ichooz.eq.6)npolys=6 nvary=nint*npolys nbcz=1 if(ichooz.eq.1.or.ichooz.eq.2.or.ichooz.eq.4)ndrv=1 if(ichooz.eq.3.or.ichooz.eq.5)ndrv=2 if(ichooz.eq.6)ndrv=3 nbco=1 nvarz=nbcz+(nint-1)*ndrv+nbco nvar=nvary+nvarz+1 c c Starting point c do i=1,nvar xr(i)=0.0 enddo c c We perturb the zero solution, by setting the 5-th coefficient c to some nonzero value. We will then also require that the program c find an exact solution by correcting this starting point, but c without altering the 5-th coefficient, thus guaranteeing that the c solution is not all zero. c ihold=5 xr(ihold)=0.001 c c IWORK(1)=0 ; This is a startup c IWORK(2)=IHOLD ; Use index IHOLD for first parameter c IWORK(3)=0 ; Program may choose index c IWORK(4)=0 ; Update jacobian every newton step c IWORK(5)=0 ; Seek no target values. c IWORK(6)=NVAR ; Seek limit points in index NVAR c IWORK(7)=1 ; Moderate amount of output c IWORK(9)=0 ; Use user's jacobian routine c c IWORK(17)=20 ; (Unusual setting) Increase the allowed number of Newton c iterations to 20. c iwork(1)=0 iwork(2)=ihold iwork(3)=0 iwork(4)=0 iwork(5)=0 iwork(6)=nvar iwork(7)=2 iwork(9)=0 iwork(17)=20 c c RWORK(1)=0.0001 ; Absolute error tolerance c RWORK(2)=0.0001 ; Relative error tolerance c RWORK(3)=0.5 ; Minimum stepsize c RWORK(4)=0.5 ; Maximum stepsize c RWORK(5)=0.25 ; Starting stepsize c RWORK(6)=1.0 ; Starting direction c RWORK(7)=0.0 ; Target value c rwork(1)=0.0001 rwork(2)=0.0001 rwork(3)=0.001 rwork(4)=0.5 rwork(5)=0.25 rwork(6)=1.0 rwork(7)=0.0 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' call timestamp ( ) write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'PCPRB7' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' FORTRAN77 version' write(*,*)' PITCON sample program' write(*,*)' The materially nonlinear problem.' write(*,*)' ' if(ichooz.eq.1)then write(*,*)'Piecewise linears' elseif(ichooz.eq.2.or.ichooz.eq.3)then write(*,*)'Piecewise cubics' else write(*,*)'Piecewise quintics.' endif if(ichooz.eq.6)then write(*,*)'3 continuity conditions at breakpoints' elseif(ichooz.eq.5.or.ichooz.eq.3)then write(*,*)'2 continuity conditions at breakpoints' else write(*,*)'1 continuity condition at breakpoints.' endif write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Step Type of point Lambda' write(*,*)' ' i=0 name='Start point ' write(*,'(1x,i3,2x,a12,2x,3g14.6)')i,name,xr(nvar) c c Take another step. c do i=1,30 call pitcon(fp0011,fpar,fx0011,ierror,ipar,iwork,liw, & nvar,rwork,lrw,xr,denslv) if(iwork(1).eq.1)then name='corrected ' elseif(iwork(1).eq.2)then name='continuation ' elseif(iwork(1).eq.3)then name='target point ' elseif(iwork(1).eq.4)then name='limit point ' elseif(iwork(1).lt.0)then name='jacobian ' endif write(*,'(1x,i3,2x,a12,2x,3g14.6)')i,name,xr(nvar) c c Print out shape of rod every 5 steps c if(mod(i,5).eq.0)then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Current rod coordinates:' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'X, U(X), U''(X)' write(*,*)' ' do ii=1,nint xl=(ii-1)/real(nint) xrr=(ii)/real(nint) iskip=(ii-1)*npolys xg=0.5*(xl+xrr) call bval(npolys,pl,pld,xg,xl,xrr) call uval(npolys,pl,pld,xg,u,uprym,xr,iskip) write(*,'(1x,3g14.6)')xg,u,uprym enddo write(*,*)' ' endif if(iwork(1).eq.3)go to 60 if( write(*,*)'Iteration halted, IERROR=',ierror go to 60 endif enddo 60 continue write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Jacobians ',iwork(19) write(*,*)'Factorizations ',iwork(20) write(*,*)'Solves ',iwork(21) write(*,*)'Functions ',iwork(22) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' call timestamp ( ) stop end subroutine init(gcoef,gpoint,maxpol,ngauss,theta) c*********************************************************************72 c cc INIT initializes the values of the COMMON block variables. c c Discussion: c c GCOEF, GPOINT, and THETA are the 8 point Gauss integration c coefficients and abscissas, and the value and derivatives of the Legendre c polynomials at 1. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c implicit none integer maxpol integer ngauss double precision gcoef(ngauss) double precision gpoint(ngauss) integer i integer j double precision theta(maxpol,maxpol) gcoef(1)=.1012285363D+00 gcoef(2)=.2223810345D+00 gcoef(3)=.3137066459D+00 gcoef(4)=.3626837834D+00 gcoef(5)=.3626837834D+00 gcoef(6)=.3137066459D+00 gcoef(7)=.2223810345D+00 gcoef(8)=.1012285363D+00 gpoint(1)= .9602898565D+00 gpoint(2)= .7966664774D+00 gpoint(3)= .5255324099D+00 gpoint(4)= .1834346425D+00 gpoint(5)=-.1834346425D+00 gpoint(6)=-.5255324099D+00 gpoint(7)=-.7966664774D+00 gpoint(8)=-.9602898565D+00 c c THETA(I,J) is derivative (I-1) of Legendre polynomial (J-1) at X=1. c do j=1,maxpol theta(1,j)=1.0 do i=2,maxpol theta(i,j)=(j+i-2)*(j-i+1)*theta(i-1,j)/(2*i-2) enddo enddo return end subroutine fx0011(nvar,fpar,ipar,x,fx,ierror) c*********************************************************************72 c cc FX0011 evaluates the nonlinear function which constrains the shape of the rod. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c implicit none external bounds external bval external fval external uval integer nvar double precision bcone double precision bczero double precision dbcodt double precision dbczdt double precision dtdx double precision dtdxl double precision dtdxr double precision fpar(*) double precision fx(nvar) double precision gcoef double precision gpoint double precision h2i double precision h2il double precision h2ir integer i integer ieqn integer ierror integer indx integer ipar(*) integer iskip integer ivar integer j integer k integer khi integer l integer lhil integer lhir integer nbcz integer nbco integer ncl integer ncr integer ndrv integer ndsum integer neqn integer nint integer nodes integer npolys integer npsum integer nvary integer nvarz double precision phi double precision phipt double precision phipu double precision phipup double precision pl double precision pld double precision psi double precision psipt double precision psipu double precision psipup double precision s double precision tcon double precision term double precision terml double precision termr double precision theta double precision u double precision uprym double precision x(nvar) double precision xc double precision xg double precision xl double precision xr save /intmem/ save /relmem/ common /intmem/ npolys,ndrv,nvary,nvarz,nbcz,nbco,nint common /relmem/ bczero(8),dbczdt(8),bcone(8),dbcodt(8), & pl(8),pld(8),gcoef(8),gpoint(8),theta(10,10) c c Zero out FX c tcon=x(nvar) call bounds neqn=nvar-1 do j=1,neqn fx(j)=0.0 enddo c c 1. Set up the terms (A*Y) involving the bivariate form. c c For each interval I: c do 40 i=1,nint xl=(i-1)/real(nint) xr=(i)/real(nint) iskip=(i-1)*npolys c c For each Gauss point J, evaluate the integrand. c do 30 j=1,8 xg=xl+(gpoint(j)+1.0)*(xr-xl)/2.0 call bval(npolys,pl,pld,xg,xl,xr) call uval(npolys,pl,pld,xg,u,uprym,x,iskip) call fval(xg,u,uprym,tcon,phi,phipu,phipup,phipt, * psi,psipu,psipup,psipt) c c L PROJECT ONTO EACH TEST FUNCTION PL(L) AND PLD(L) c ieqn=iskip do l=1,npolys ieqn=ieqn+1 term=gcoef(j)*(xr-xl)*(psi*pl(l)+phi*pld(l))/2.0 fx(ieqn)=fx(ieqn)+term enddo 30 continue 40 continue c c 2. ADD THE TERMS INVOLVING THE CONTINUITY OF THE TEST FUNCTIONS c WHICH ARE THE TERMS B*Z IN F=A*Y + B*Z c ncl=nvary ncr=nvary+nbcz c c I FOR EACH INTERVAL c do 110 i=1,nint xl=(i-1)/real(nint) xr=(i)/real(nint) dtdx=2.0/(xr-xl) c c J FOR THE POLYNOMIALS USED IN APPROXIMATING EACH U, c COUNT CONDITIONS AT LEFT ENDPOINT, LHIL, AND AT RIGHT, LHIR c IF WE ARE IN THE FIRST OR LAST INTERVAL, ONE OF c THESE WILL BE BOUNDARY CONDITIONS c lhil=ndrv lhir=ndrv if (i.eq.1) lhil=nbcz if (i.eq.nint) lhir=nbco if (lhil.le.0.and.lhir.le.0) go to 100 c c K FOR EACH TEST FUNCTION PL(K) c do 90 k=1,npolys terml=0.0 termr=0.0 s=(-1.0)**(k+1) ieqn=(i-1)*npolys+k c c L FOR DERIVATIVES 0 THRU NBCZ SPECIFIED AT 0.0 TO BE ZERO c OR DERIVATIVES 0 THRU NDRV SPECIFIED TO BE CONTINUOUS c AT INTERIOR NODES c OR DERIVATIVES 0 THRU NBCO SPECIFIED AT 1.0 TO BE ZERO c h2i=1.0 do l=1,lhil s=-s indx=ncl+l terml=terml+s*h2i*theta(l,k)*x(indx) h2i=h2i*dtdx enddo h2i=1.0 do l=1,lhir indx=ncr+l termr=termr+h2i*theta(l,k)*x(indx) h2i=h2i*dtdx enddo fx(ieqn)=fx(ieqn)+terml+termr 90 continue if ( ncl=ncl+lhil if ( ncr=ncr+lhir 100 continue 110 continue c c 3. CREATE THE TERMS FOR THE U FUNCTIONS AND THEIR DERIVATIVES c THE MATRIX TERMS ( C*Y ) c ONE EQUATION IS GENERATED FOR COMPONENT AND CONDITION c npsum=0 dtdxr=0.0 dtdxl=0.0 c c I FOR EACH NODE c ndsum=nvary nodes=nint+1 do 210 i=1,nodes if ( xl=(i-2)/real(nint) xc=(i-1)/real(nint) if ( xr=(i)/real(nint) if ( dtdxl=2.0/(xc-xl) if ( dtdxr=2.0/(xr-xc) h2il=1.0 h2ir=1.0 c c K FOR DERIVATIVES 0 THRU NBCZ SPECIFIED AT 0.0 c OR DERIVATIVES 0 THRU NDRV SPECIFIED TO BE CONTINUOUS c AT INTERIOR NODES c OR DERIVATIVES 0 THRU NBCO SPECIFIED AT 1.0 c khi=ndrv if (i.eq.1) khi=nbcz if (i.eq.nodes) khi=nbco if (khi.le.0) go to 190 do 180 k=1,khi s=(-1.0)**(k+1) c c L SET UP THE TERM FROM THE LEFT HAND INTERVAL c terml=0.0 if ( go to 120 terml=bczero(k) go to 140 120 do 130 l=1,npolys ivar=npsum+l-npolys terml=terml+x(ivar)*h2il*theta(k,l) 130 continue c c L SET UP THE TERM FROM THE RIGHT HAND INTERVAL c 140 if ( go to 150 termr=-bcone(k) go to 170 150 termr=0.0 do 160 l=1,npolys ivar=npsum+l s=-s termr=termr+s*x(ivar)*h2ir*theta(k,l) 160 continue 170 ieqn=ndsum+k fx(ieqn)=terml+termr h2il=h2il*dtdxl h2ir=h2ir*dtdxr 180 continue ndsum=ndsum+khi 190 npsum=npsum+npolys 200 continue 210 continue return end subroutine fp0011(nvar,fpar,ipar,x,fprime,ierror) c*********************************************************************72 c cc FP0011 evaluates the jacobian matrix. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c implicit none external bounds external bval external fval external uval integer nvar double precision bcone double precision bczero double precision dbcodt double precision dbczdt double precision dtdx double precision fpar(*) double precision fprime(nvar,nvar) double precision gcoef double precision gpoint double precision h2i integer i integer ieqn integer ierror integer ipar(*) integer iskip integer ivar integer j integer k integer khil integer khir integer l integer lhil integer lhir integer n integer nbcz integer nbco integer ncl integer ncr integer ndrv integer nint integer npolys integer npsum integer nvary integer nvarz double precision phi double precision phipt double precision phipu double precision phipup double precision pl double precision pld double precision psi double precision psipt double precision psipu double precision psipup double precision s double precision sum double precision tcon double precision term double precision term1 double precision term2 double precision term3 double precision term4 double precision theta double precision u double precision uprym double precision x(nvar) double precision xg double precision xl double precision xr save /intmem/ save /relmem/ common /intmem/ npolys,ndrv,nvary,nvarz,nbcz,nbco,nint common /relmem/ bczero(8),dbczdt(8),bcone(8),dbcodt(8), & pl(8),pld(8),gcoef(8),gpoint(8),theta(10,10) c c ZERO OUT THE MATRIX c tcon=x(nvar) call bounds do 20 i=1,nvar do 10 j=1,nvar fprime(i,j)=0.0 10 continue 20 continue c c 1. SET UP THE TERMS FROM THE BIVARIATE FORM (A*Y ) c c I FOR EACH INTERVAL (XL,XR) c do 80 i=1,nint xl=(i-1)/real(nint) xr=(i)/real(nint) iskip=(i-1)*npolys c c J FOR EACH GAUSS POINT XG IN THE INTERVAL c NOTE THAT THE LEGENDRE POLYNOMIALS AND DERIVATIVES ARE SET UP c BY THE CALL TO VALUE c do 70 j=1,8 xg=xl+0.5*(xr-xl)*(gpoint(j)+1.0) call bval(npolys,pl,pld,xg,xl,xr) call uval(npolys,pl,pld,xg,u,uprym,x,iskip) call fval(xg,u,uprym,tcon,phi,phipu,phipup,phipt, * psi,psipu,psipup,psipt) c c L FOR EACH LEGENDRE POLYNOMIAL COEFFICIENT c ieqn=iskip do 50 l=1,npolys ieqn=ieqn+1 term=gcoef(j)*0.5*(xr-xl)*(psipt*pl(l)+phipt*pld(l)) fprime(ieqn,nvar)=fprime(ieqn,nvar)+term c c N FOR EACH Y-COEFFICIENT OF A U c do 30 n=1,npolys ivar=npolys*(i-1)+n term1=psipu*pl(n)*pl(l) term2=psipup*pld(n)*pl(l) term3=phipu*pl(n)*pld(l) term4=phipup*pld(n)*pld(l) sum=term1+term2+term3+term4 fprime(ieqn,ivar)=fprime(ieqn,ivar)+ * gcoef(j)*0.5*(xr-xl)*sum 30 continue 50 continue 70 continue 80 continue c c 2. ADD THE TERMS INVOLVING THE CONTINUITY OF THE TEST FUNCTIONS c WHICH ARE THE TERMS B*Z IN F=A*Y+B*Z c c c I FOR EACH INTERVAL, c do 150 i=1,nint ncl=nvary if ( ncl=nvary+nbcz+(i-2)*ndrv ncr=nvary+nbcz+(i-1)*ndrv xl=(i-1)/real(nint) xr=(i)/real(nint) dtdx=2.0/(xr-xl) c c J FOR THE POLYNOMIALS USED IN APPROXIMATING EACH U, c COUNT CONDITIONS AT LEFT ENDPOINT, LHIL, AND AT RIGHT, LHIR c IF WE ARE IN THE FIRST OR LAST INTERVAL, ONE OF c THESE WILL BE BOUNDARY CONDITIONS c lhil=ndrv lhir=ndrv if (i.eq.1) lhil=nbcz if (i.eq.nint) lhir=nbco if (lhil.le.0.and.lhir.le.0) go to 130 c c K FOR EACH TEST FUNCTION PL(K) c do 120 k=1,npolys s=(-1.0)**(k+1) ieqn=(i-1)*npolys+k c c L FOR DERIVATIVES 0 THRU NBCZ SPECIFIED AT 0.0 TO BE ZERO c OR DERIVATIVES 0 THRU NDRV SPECIFIED TO BE CONTINUOUS c AT INTERIOR NODES c OR DERIVATIVES 0 THRU NBCO SPECIFIED AT 1.0 TO BE ZERO c c EVALUATE CONTRIBUTION FROM LEFT ENDPOINT c h2i=1.0 do 90 l=1,lhil s=-s ivar=ncl+l fprime(ieqn,ivar)=s*h2i*theta(l,k) h2i=h2i*dtdx 90 continue c c EVALUATE CONTRIBUTION FROM RIGHT ENDPOINT c h2i=1.0 do 110 l=1,lhir ivar=ncr+l fprime(ieqn,ivar)=h2i*theta(l,k) h2i=h2i*dtdx 110 continue 120 continue if ( ncl=ncl+lhil if ( ncr=ncr+lhir 130 continue 140 continue 150 continue c c 3. CREATE THE TERMS FOR THE U FUNCTIONS AND THEIR DERIVATIVES c THE MATRIX TERMS ( C*Y ) c ONE EQUATION IS GENERATED FOR COMPONENT AND CONDITION c c c I FOR EACH INTERVAL c do 230 i=1,nint ncl=nvary if ( ncl=nvary+nbcz+(i-2)*ndrv ncr=nvary+nbcz+(i-1)*ndrv npsum=(i-1)*npolys xl=(i-1)/real(nint) xr=(i)/real(nint) dtdx=2.0/(xr-xl) h2i=1.0 c c K FOR DERIVATIVES 0 THRU NBCZ SPECIFIED AT 0.0 c OR DERIVATIVES 0 THRU NDRV SPECIFIED TO BE CONTINUOUS c AT INTERIOR NODES c OR DERIVATIVES 0 THRU NBCO SPECIFIED AT 1.0 c khil=ndrv if (i.eq.1) khil=nbcz do 170 k=1,khil ieqn=ncl+k c c L SET UP THE TERM FROM THE LEFT HAND ENDPOINT c if (i.eq.1) fprime(ieqn,nvar)=dbczdt(k) s=(-1.0)**(k+1) do 160 l=1,npolys ivar=npsum+l s=-s fprime(ieqn,ivar)=s*h2i*theta(k,l) 160 continue h2i=h2i*dtdx 170 continue ncl=ncl+khil h2i=1.0 khir=ndrv if (i.eq.nint) khir=nbco do 200 k=1,khir ieqn=ncr+k fprime(ieqn,nvar)=0.0 if (i.eq.nint) fprime(ieqn,nvar)=-dbcodt(k) do 190 l=1,npolys ivar=npsum+l fprime(ieqn,ivar)=h2i*theta(k,l) 190 continue h2i=h2i*dtdx 200 continue ncr=ncr+khir npsum=npsum+npolys 230 continue return end subroutine bval(npolys,pl,pld,xg,xl,xr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc BVAL evaluates Legendre polynomials and derivatives. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c implicit none double precision a integer i integer npolys double precision pl(8) double precision pld(8) double precision t double precision xg double precision xl double precision xr t=-1.0+2.0*(xg-xl)/(xr-xl) pl(1)=1.0 pld(1)=0.0 pl(2)=t pld(2)=1.0 a=0.0 do 10 i=3,8 a=a+1.0 pl(i)=((a+a+1.0)*t*pl(i-1)-a*pl(i-2))/(a+1.0) pld(i)=((a+a+1.0)*(t*pld(i-1)+pl(i-1))-a*pld(i-2))/(a+1.0) 10 continue do 30 i=1,8 pld(i)=2.0*pld(i)/(xr-xl) 30 continue return end subroutine uval(npolys,pl,pld,xg,u,uprym,x,iskip) c*********************************************************************72 c cc UVAL evaluates the solution U and its spatial derivative UPRYM. c c The routine sums the coefficients times the polynomial values. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c implicit none integer npolys integer indx integer iskip integer j double precision pl(npolys) double precision pld(npolys) double precision u double precision uprym double precision x(*) double precision xg u=0.0 uprym=0.0 do j=1,npolys indx=iskip+j u=u+x(indx)*pl(j) uprym=uprym+x(indx)*pld(j) enddo return end subroutine fval(xg,u,uprym,tcon,phi,phipu,phipup,phipt, * psi,psipu,psipup,psipt) c*********************************************************************72 c cc FVAL is an auxilliary function. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c implicit none intrinsic cos intrinsic sin double precision phi double precision phipu double precision phipup double precision phipt double precision psi double precision psipu double precision psipup double precision psipt double precision tcon double precision u double precision uprym double precision xg phi=-uprym phipu=0.0 phipup=-1.0 phipt=0.0 psi=tcon*sin(u*(1.0+u*(1.0+u))) psipu=tcon*(1.0+u*(2.0+3.0*u))*cos(u*(1.0+u*(1.0+u))) psipup=0.0 psipt=sin(u*(1.0+u*(1.0+u))) return end subroutine bounds c*********************************************************************72 c cc BOUNDS sets boundary values for the materially nonlinear problem. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c implicit none double precision bcone double precision bczero double precision dbcodt double precision dbczdt double precision gcoef double precision gpoint double precision pl double precision pld double precision theta save /relmem/ common /relmem/ bczero(8),dbczdt(8),bcone(8),dbcodt(8), & pl(8),pld(8),gcoef(8),gpoint(8),theta(10,10) bcone(1)=0.0 bczero(1)=0.0 dbcodt(1)=0.0 dbczdt(1)=0.0 return end