program main c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Demonstration program for the DLSOIBT package. c This is the version of 14 June 2001. c c This version is in double precision. c c This program solves a semi-discretized form of the following system c Of three PDEs (each similar to a Burgers equation): c c u(i) = -(u(1)+u(2)+u(3)) u(i) + eta(i) u(i) (i=1,2,3), c t x xx c c on the interval -1 .le. x .le. 1, and with time t .ge. 0. c The diffusion coefficients are eta(*) = .1, .02, .01. c The boundary conditions are u(i) = 0 at x = -1 and x = 1 for all i. c The initial profile for each u(i) is a square wave: c u(i) = 0 on 1/2 .lt. abs(x) .le. 1 c u(i) = amp(i)/2 on abs(x) = 1/2 c u(i) = amp(i) on 0 .le. abs(x) .lt. 1/2 c where the amplitudes are amp(*) = .2, .3, .5. c c A simplified Galerkin treatment of the spatial variable x is used, c with piecewise linear basis functions on a uniform mesh of 100 c intervals. The result is a system of ODEs in the discrete values c u(i,k) approximating u(i) (i=1,2,3) at the interior points c (k = 1,...,99). The ODEs are: c c . . . c (u(i,k-1) + 4 u(i,k) + u(i,k+1))/6 = c c -(1/6dx) (c(k-1)dul(i) + 2c(k)(dul(i)+dur(i)) + c(k+1)dur(i)) c c + (eta(i)/dx**2) (dur(i) - dul(i)) (i=1,2,3, k=1,...,99), c c where c c(j) = u(1,j)+u(2,j)+u(3,j), dx = .02 = the interval size, c dul(i) = u(i,k) - u(i,k-1), dur(i) = u(i,k+1) - u(i,k). c Terms involving boundary values (subscripts 0 or 100) are dropped c from the equations for k = 1 and k = 99 above. c c The problem is run for each of the 4 values of mf, and for two values c of the tolerances. Output is taken at t = .1, .2, .3, .4. c Output is on unit lout, set to 6 in a data statement below. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- external res, addabt, jacbt integer ncomp, nip, nm1 integer i, io, istate, itol, iwork, jtol, lout, liw, lrw, 1 meth, miter, mf, neq, nerr, nint, nout double precision eodsq, r6d double precision abermx, atol, dx, errfac, eta, hun, one, 1 rtol, rwork, six, t, tinit, tlast, tout, tols, two, y, ydoti dimension eta(3), y(297), ydoti(297), tout(4), tols(2) dimension rwork(7447), iwork(317) c Pass problem parameters in the common block par. common /par/ r6d, eodsq(3), ncomp, nip, nm1 c c Set problem parameters and run parameters data eta/0.1d0,0.02d0,0.01d0/, tinit/0.0d0/, tlast/0.4d0/ data one/1.0d0/, two/2.0d0/, six/6.0d0/, hun/100.0d0/ data tout/.10d0,.20d0,.30d0,.40d0/ data lout/6/, nout/4/, lrw/7447/, liw/317/ data itol/1/, tols/1.0d-3, 1.0d-6/ c c Set mesh parameters nint, dxc etc. nint = 100 ncomp = 3 dx = two/nint r6d = one/(six*dx) do 10 i = 1,ncomp 10 eodsq(i) = eta(i)/dx**2 nip = nint - 1 neq = ncomp*nip nm1 = nip - 1 iwork(1) = ncomp iwork(2) = nip c nerr = 0 c c Set the initial conditions (for output purposes only). call setic (nint, ncomp, y) c write (lout,1000) write (lout,1100) (eta(i),i=1,ncomp), tinit, tlast, nint, 1 ncomp, nip, neq write (lout,1200) call edit (y, ncomp, nip, lout) c c The jtol loop is over error tolerances. do 200 jtol = 1,2 rtol = tols(jtol) atol = rtol c c The meth/miter loops cover 4 values of method flag mf. do 100 meth = 1,2 do 100 miter = 1,2 mf = 10*meth + miter c c Set the initial conditions. call setic (nint, ncomp, y) t = tinit istate = 0 c write (lout,1500) rtol, atol, mf c c Loop over output times for each case do 80 io = 1,nout c call dlsoibt (res, addabt,jacbt, neq, y, ydoti, t, tout(io), 1 itol,rtol,atol, 1, istate, 0, rwork,lrw,iwork,liw, mf) c write (lout,2000) t, rwork(11), iwork(14), iwork(11) if (io .eq. nout) call edit (y, ncomp, nip, lout) c c If istate is not 2 on return, print message and go to next case. if (istate .ne. 2) then write (lout,4000) mf, t, istate nerr = nerr + 1 go to 100 endif c 80 continue c c Print final statistics. write (lout,3000) mf, iwork(11), iwork(12), iwork(13), 1 iwork(17), iwork(18) c c Estimate final error and print result. call maxerr (y, ncomp, nip, abermx) errfac = abermx/tols(jtol) if (errfac .lt. hun) then write (lout,5000) errfac else write (lout,5100) errfac nerr = nerr + 1 endif 100 continue 200 continue c write (lout,6000) nerr stop c 1000 format(/20x,' Demonstration Problem for DLSOIBT'// 1 10x,'Galerkin method solution of system of 3 PDEs:'// 2 10x,' u(i) = -(u(1)+u(2)+u(3)) u(i) + eta(i) u(i)', 3 5x,'(i=1,2,3)',/16x,'t',27x,'x',16x,'xx'// 4 10x,'x interval is -1 to 1, zero boundary conditions'/ 5 10x,'x discretized using piecewise linear basis functions') 1100 format(/10x,'Fixed parameters are as follows:'/ 1 13x,'Diffusion coefficients are eta =',3d10.2/ 2 13x,'t0 = ',d12.5/13x,'tlast = ',d12.5/ 3 13x,'Uniform mesh, number of intervals =',i4/ 4 13x,'Block size mb =',i2/13x,'Number of blocks nb =',i4/ 5 13x,'ODE system size neq =',i5//) c 1200 format(/'Initial profiles:'/) c 1500 format(////90('*')//'Run with rtol =',d9.1,' atol =',d9.1, 1 ' mf =',i3///) c 2000 format(' At time t =',d12.5,' current h =',d12.5, 1 ' current order =',i2,' current nst =',i5/) c 3000 format(//'Final statistics for mf = ',i2,':', 1 i5,' steps,',i6,' res,',i6,' jacobians,'/ 2 30x, 'rwork size =',i6,', iwork size =',i6) c 4000 format(//20x,'Final time reached for mf = ',i2, 1 ' was t = ',d12.5/25x,'at which istate = ',i2//) 5000 format('Final output is correct to within ',d9.2, 1 ' times local error tolerance. ') 5100 format('Final output is wrong by ',d9.2, 1 ' times local error tolerance.') 6000 format(//90('*')//'Run completed: ',i3,' errors encountered') c c end of main program for the DLSOIBT demonstration problem end subroutine setic (nint, mb, y) c This routine loads the y array with initial data based on a c square wave profile for each of the mb PDE variables. c integer nint, mb, i, k, nip, n14, n34 double precision y, amp, half, zero dimension y(mb,*), amp(3) data zero/0.0d0/, half/0.5d0/, amp/0.2d0,0.3d0,0.5d0/ c nip = nint - 1 n14 = nint/4 n34 = 3*n14 c do 15 k = 1,n14-1 do 10 i = 1,mb 10 y(i,k) = zero 15 continue c do 20 i = 1,mb 20 y(i,n14) = half*amp(i) c do 35 k = n14+1,n34-1 do 30 i = 1,mb 30 y(i,k) = amp(i) 35 continue c do 40 i = 1,mb 40 y(i,n34) = half*amp(i) c do 55 k = n34+1,nip do 50 i = 1,mb 50 y(i,k) = zero 55 continue c return c end of subroutine setic end subroutine res (n, t, y, v, r, ires) c This subroutine computes the residual vector c r = g(t,y) - A(t,y)*v c using routines gfun and subav. c If ires = -1, only g(t,y) is returned in r, since A(t,y) does c not depend on y. c No changes need to be made to this routine if nip is changed. c integer ires, n, ncomp, nip, nm1 double precision t, y, v, r, r6d, eodsq dimension y(n), v(n), r(n) common /par/ r6d, eodsq(3), ncomp, nip, nm1 c call gfun (t, y, r, ncomp) if (ires .eq. -1) return c call subav (r, v, ncomp) c return c end of subroutine res end subroutine gfun (t, y, g, mb) c This subroutine computes the right-hand side function g(y,t). c It uses r6d = 1/(6*dx), eodsq(*) = eta(*)/dx**2, nip, c and nm1 = nip - 1 from the Common block par. c integer mb, ncomp, nip, nm1, i, k double precision t, y, g, r6d, eodsq, cc, cl, cr, dli, dri, two dimension g(mb,*), y(mb,*) common /par/ r6d, eodsq(3), ncomp, nip, nm1 data two/2.0d0/ c c left-most interior point (k = 1) cc = y(1,1) + y(2,1) + y(3,1) cr = y(1,2) + y(2,2) + y(3,2) do 10 i = 1,mb dri = y(i,2) - y(i,1) g(i,1) = -r6d*(two*cc*y(i,2) + cr*dri) 1 + eodsq(i)*(dri - y(i,1)) 10 continue c c interior points k = 2 to nip-1 do 20 k = 2,nm1 cl = y(1,k-1) + y(2,k-1) + y(3,k-1) cc = y(1,k) + y(2,k) + y(3,k) cr = y(1,k+1) + y(2,k+1) + y(3,k+1) do 15 i = 1,mb dli = y(i,k) - y(i,k-1) dri = y(i,k+1) - y(i,k) g(i,k) = -r6d*(cl*dli + two*cc*(dli + dri) + cr*dri) 1 + eodsq(i)*(dri - dli) 15 continue 20 continue c c right-most interior point (k = nip) cl = y(1,nm1) + y(2,nm1) + y(3,nm1) cc = y(1,nip) + y(2,nip) + y(3,nip) do 30 i = 1,mb dli = y(i,nip) - y(i,nm1) g(i,nip) = -r6d*(cl*dli - two*cc*y(i,nm1)) 1 - eodsq(i)*(y(i,nip) + dli) 30 continue c return c end of subroutine gfun end subroutine subav (r, v, mb) c This routine subtracts the matrix a time the vector v from r, c in order to form the residual vector, stored in r. c integer mb, ncomp, nip, nm1, i, k double precision r, v, r6d, eodsq, aa1, aa4, four, one, six dimension r(mb,*), v(mb,*) common /par/ r6d, eodsq(3), ncomp, nip, nm1 data one /1.0d0/, four /4.0d0/, six /6.0d0/ c aa1 = one/six aa4 = four/six c do 10 i = 1,mb 10 r(i,1) = r(i,1) - (aa4*v(i,1) + aa1*v(i,2)) c do 20 k = 2,nm1 do 15 i = 1,mb 15 r(i,k) = r(i,k) - (aa1*v(i,k-1) + aa4*v(i,k) + aa1*v(i,k+1)) 20 continue c do 30 i = 1,mb 30 r(i,nip) = r(i,nip) - (aa1*v(i,nm1) + aa4*v(i,nip)) c return c end of subroutine subav end subroutine addabt (n, t, y, mb, nb, pa, pb, pc) c This subroutine computes the elements of the matrix A, c and adds them to pa, pb, and pc in the appropriate manner. c The matrix A is tridiagonal, of order n, with c nonzero elements (reading across) of 1/6, 4/6, 1/6. c integer n, mb, nb, i, k double precision pa, pb, pc, t, y, aa1, aa4, four, one, six dimension y(mb,nb),pa(mb,mb,nb),pb(mb,mb,nb),pc(mb,mb,nb) data one/1.0d0/, four/4.0d0/, six/6.0d0/ c aa1 = one/six aa4 = four/six do 50 k = 1,nb do 10 i = 1,mb 10 pa(i,i,k) = pa(i,i,k) + aa4 if (k .ne. nb) then do 20 i = 1,mb 20 pb(i,i,k) = pb(i,i,k) + aa1 endif if (k .ne. 1) then do 30 i = 1,mb 30 pc(i,i,k) = pc(i,i,k) + aa1 endif 50 continue c return c end of subroutine addabt end subroutine jacbt (n, t, y, s, mb, nb, pa, pb, pc) c This subroutine computes the Jacobian dg/dy = d(g-A*s)/dy c which has block-tridiagonal structure. The main, upper, and c lower diagonals are stored in pa, pb, and pc, respectively. c integer n, mb, nb, ncomp, nip, nm1, i, j, k double precision t, y, s, pa, pb, pc, r6d, eodsq, cc, cl, cr, 1 dlj, drj, paij, pbij, pcij, terma, termb, termc, two dimension y(mb,nb),s(n),pa(mb,mb,nb),pb(mb,mb,nb),pc(mb,mb,nb) common /par/ r6d, eodsq(3), ncomp, nip, nm1 data two/2.0d0/ c c left-most interior point (k = 1) cc = y(1,1) + y(2,1) + y(3,1) cr = y(1,2) + y(2,2) + y(3,2) terma = r6d*cr termb = -r6d*(two*cc + cr) do 20 j = 1,mb drj = y(j,2) - y(j,1) paij = -r6d*two*y(j,2) pbij = -r6d*drj do 10 i = 1,mb pa(i,j,1) = paij 10 pb(i,j,1) = pbij pa(j,j,1) = pa(j,j,1) + terma - two*eodsq(j) pb(j,j,1) = pb(j,j,1) + termb + eodsq(j) 20 continue c c interior points k = 2 to nip-1 do 50 k = 2,nm1 cl = y(1,k-1) + y(2,k-1) + y(3,k-1) cc = y(1,k) + y(2,k) + y(3,k) cr = y(1,k+1) + y(2,k+1) + y(3,k+1) terma = r6d*(cr - cl) termb = -r6d*(two*cc + cr) termc = r6d*(two*cc + cl) do 40 j = 1,mb dlj = y(j,k) - y(j,k-1) drj = y(j,k+1) - y(j,k) paij = -r6d*two*(dlj + drj) pbij = -r6d*drj pcij = -r6d*dlj do 30 i = 1,mb pa(i,j,k) = paij pb(i,j,k) = pbij 30 pc(i,j,k) = pcij pa(j,j,k) = pa(j,j,k) + terma - two*eodsq(j) pb(j,j,k) = pb(j,j,k) + termb + eodsq(j) pc(j,j,k) = pc(j,j,k) + termc + eodsq(j) 40 continue 50 continue c c right-most interior point (k = nip) cl = y(1,nm1) + y(2,nm1) + y(3,nm1) cc = y(1,nip) + y(2,nip) + y(3,nip) terma = -r6d*cl termc = r6d*(two*cc + cl) do 70 j = 1,mb dlj = y(j,nip) - y(j,nm1) paij = r6d*two*y(j,nm1) pcij = -r6d*dlj do 60 i = 1,mb pa(i,j,nip) = paij 60 pc(i,j,nip) = pcij pa(j,j,nip) = pa(j,j,nip) + terma - two*eodsq(j) pc(j,j,nip) = pc(j,j,nip) + termc + eodsq(j) 70 continue c return c end of subroutine jacbt end subroutine edit (y, mb, nip, lout) c This routine prints output. For each of the mb PDE components, the c values at the nip points are printed. All output is on unit lout. c integer mb, nip, lout, i, k double precision y dimension y(mb,nip) c do 10 i = 1,mb 10 write (lout,20) i, (y(i,k),k=1,nip) c 20 format(' Values of PDE component i =',i3/15(7d12.4/)) c return c end of subroutine edit end subroutine maxerr (y, mb, nb, abermx) c This routine computes the maximum absolute error in the y array, c as a computed solution at t = 0.4, using data-loaded values for c accurate answers (from running with much smaller tolerances). c integer mb, nb, k double precision y, abermx, ae1, ae2, ae3, u1, u2, u3, zero, 1 u1a, u1b, u1c, u1d, u1e, u1f, u1g, 2 u2a, u2b, u2c, u2d, u2e, u2f, u2g, 3 u3a, u3b, u3c, u3d, u3e, u3f, u3g dimension y(mb,nb), u1(99), u2(99), u3(99) dimension u1a(16),u1b(16),u1c(16),u1d(16),u1e(16),u1f(16),u1g(3), 2 u2a(16),u2b(16),u2c(16),u2d(16),u2e(16),u2f(16),u2g(3), 3 u3a(16),u3b(16),u3c(16),u3d(16),u3e(16),u3f(16),u3g(3) equivalence (u1a(1),u1(1)), (u1b(1),u1(17)), 1 (u1c(1),u1(33)), (u1d(1),u1(49)), (u1e(1),u1(65)), 1 (u1f(1),u1(81)), (u1g(1),u1(97)) equivalence (u2a(1),u2(1)), (u2b(1),u2(17)), 1 (u2c(1),u2(33)), (u2d(1),u2(49)), (u2e(1),u2(65)), 1 (u2f(1),u2(81)), (u2g(1),u2(97)) equivalence (u3a(1),u3(1)), (u3b(1),u3(17)), 1 (u3c(1),u3(33)), (u3d(1),u3(49)), (u3e(1),u3(65)), 1 (u3f(1),u3(81)), (u3g(1),u3(97)) c data u1a / 1 1.70956682d-03, 3.43398445d-03, 5.18783349d-03, 6.98515842d-03, 1 8.83921016d-03, 1.07622016d-02, 1.27650806d-02, 1.48573251d-02, 1 1.70467655d-02, 1.93394396d-02, 2.17394852d-02, 2.42490773d-02, 1 2.68684152d-02, 2.95957660d-02, 3.24275691d-02, 3.53586054d-02/ data u1b / 1 3.83822285d-02, 4.14906520d-02, 4.46752791d-02, 4.79270545d-02, 1 5.12368132d-02, 5.45956048d-02, 5.79949684d-02, 6.14271460d-02, 1 6.48852271d-02, 6.83632267d-02, 7.18561029d-02, 7.53597274d-02, 1 7.88708192d-02, 8.23868545d-02, 8.59059616d-02, 8.94268082d-02/ data u1c / 1 9.29484864d-02, 9.64703968d-02, 9.99921344d-02, 1.03513375d-01, 1 1.07033760d-01, 1.10552783d-01, 1.14069668d-01, 1.17583246d-01, 1 1.21091827d-01, 1.24593066d-01, 1.28083828d-01, 1.31560049d-01, 1 1.35016617d-01, 1.38447256d-01, 1.41844451d-01, 1.45199401d-01/ data u1d / 1 1.48502033d-01, 1.51741065d-01, 1.54904135d-01, 1.57977973d-01, 1 1.60948623d-01, 1.63801670d-01, 1.66522463d-01, 1.69096305d-01, 1 1.71508595d-01, 1.73744902d-01, 1.75790974d-01, 1.77632682d-01, 1 1.79255895d-01, 1.80646319d-01, 1.81789276d-01, 1.82669470d-01/ data u1e / 1 1.83270725d-01, 1.83575716d-01, 1.83565712d-01, 1.83220322d-01, 1 1.82517279d-01, 1.81432251d-01, 1.79938706d-01, 1.78007835d-01, 1 1.75608540d-01, 1.72707519d-01, 1.69269456d-01, 1.65257378d-01, 1 1.60633244d-01, 1.55358941d-01, 1.49398029d-01, 1.42718981d-01/ data u1f / 1 1.35301474d-01, 1.27148627d-01, 1.18308730d-01, 1.08905085d-01, 1 9.91559295d-02, 8.93515884d-02, 7.97824293d-02, 7.06663514d-02, 1 6.21244732d-02, 5.41994827d-02, 4.68848207d-02, 4.01465202d-02, 1 3.39357642d-02, 2.81954415d-02, 2.28635569d-02, 1.78750916d-02/ data u1g / 1.31630892d-02, 8.65933391d-03, 4.29480447d-03/ data u2a / 1 7.17416019d-06, 1.70782645d-05, 3.31245126d-05, 6.01588363d-05, 1 1.05339286d-04, 1.79174771d-04, 2.96719122d-04, 4.78862606d-04, 1 7.53598916d-04, 1.15707860d-03, 1.73420412d-03, 2.53849668d-03, 1 3.63099110d-03, 5.07800919d-03, 6.94782549d-03, 9.30645443d-03/ data u2b / 1 1.22130079d-02, 1.57152366d-02, 1.98459102d-02, 2.46205841d-02, 1 3.00370492d-02, 3.60764461d-02, 4.27057301d-02, 4.98809820d-02, 1 5.75510102d-02, 6.56607602d-02, 7.41541974d-02, 8.29764928d-02, 1 9.20754824d-02, 1.01402468d-01, 1.10912474d-01, 1.20564094d-01/ data u2c / 1 1.30319039d-01, 1.40141489d-01, 1.49997326d-01, 1.59853293d-01, 1 1.69676126d-01, 1.79431680d-01, 1.89084097d-01, 1.98595037d-01, 1 2.07923034d-01, 2.17023055d-01, 2.25846345d-01, 2.34340694d-01, 1 2.42451240d-01, 2.50121934d-01, 2.57297724d-01, 2.63927433d-01/ data u2d / 1 2.69967170d-01, 2.75383917d-01, 2.80158840d-01, 2.84289739d-01, 1 2.87792167d-01, 2.90698875d-01, 2.93057586d-01, 2.94927384d-01, 1 2.96374262d-01, 2.97466488d-01, 2.98270390d-01, 2.98847025d-01, 1 2.99249945d-01, 2.99524080d-01, 2.99705593d-01, 2.99822450d-01/ data u2e / 1 2.99895431d-01, 2.99939301d-01, 2.99963931d-01, 2.99975129d-01, 1 2.99974996d-01, 2.99961526d-01, 2.99927041d-01, 2.99854809d-01, 1 2.99712769d-01, 2.99442742d-01, 2.98942676d-01, 2.98038511d-01, 1 2.96441259d-01, 2.93684573d-01, 2.89040478d-01, 2.81421884d-01/ data u2f / 1 2.69315148d-01, 2.50874185d-01, 2.24457680d-01, 1.89885662d-01, 1 1.49894358d-01, 1.09927672d-01, 7.54041273d-02, 4.90259517d-02, 1 3.06080023d-02, 1.85165524d-02, 1.09104125d-02, 6.27726960d-03, 1 3.53002680d-03, 1.94049735d-03, 1.04218859d-03, 5.45964314d-04/ data u2g / 2.77379128d-04, 1.33343739d-04, 5.32660444d-05/ data u3a / 1 1.86765383d-10, 1.96772458d-09, 1.19111389d-08, 5.54964761d-08, 1 2.18340713d-07, 7.55899524d-07, 2.35604385d-06, 6.70801745d-06, 1 1.76224112d-05, 4.30351929d-05, 9.82592148d-05, 2.10736217d-04, 1 4.26209304d-04, 8.15657041d-04, 1.48160943d-03, 2.56186555d-03/ data u3b / 1 4.22851247d-03, 6.68078970d-03, 1.01317466d-02, 1.47903961d-02, 1 2.08424987d-02, 2.84336008d-02, 3.76573037d-02, 4.85502549d-02, 1 6.10936693d-02, 7.52198901d-02, 9.08218891d-02, 1.07763660d-01, 1 1.25889931d-01, 1.45034247d-01, 1.65025016d-01, 1.85689556d-01/ data u3c / 1 2.06856371d-01, 2.28356037d-01, 2.50021072d-01, 2.71685149d-01, 1 2.93181998d-01, 3.14344301d-01, 3.35002907d-01, 3.54986687d-01, 1 3.74123404d-01, 3.92241969d-01, 4.09176451d-01, 4.24772089d-01, 1 4.38893320d-01, 4.51433444d-01, 4.62324969d-01, 4.71549073d-01/ data u3d / 1 4.79142163d-01, 4.85197409d-01, 4.89859810d-01, 4.93314543d-01, 1 4.95770115d-01, 4.97439231d-01, 4.98520996d-01, 4.99187563d-01, 1 4.99576941d-01, 4.99791928d-01, 4.99903753d-01, 4.99958343d-01, 1 4.99983239d-01, 4.99993785d-01, 4.99997902d-01, 4.99999367d-01/ data u3e / 1 4.99999835d-01, 4.99999965d-01, 4.99999995d-01, 5.00000000d-01, 1 5.00000000d-01, 4.99999997d-01, 4.99999976d-01, 4.99999863d-01, 1 4.99999315d-01, 4.99996914d-01, 4.99987300d-01, 4.99951740d-01, 1 4.99829328d-01, 4.99435130d-01, 4.98245007d-01, 4.94883400d-01/ data u3f / 1 4.86081966d-01, 4.65174923d-01, 4.21856650d-01, 3.47885738d-01, 1 2.49649938d-01, 1.51648615d-01, 7.80173239d-02, 3.47983164d-02, 1 1.38686441d-02, 5.05765688d-03, 1.71052539d-03, 5.38966324d-04, 1 1.57923694d-04, 4.27352191d-05, 1.05512005d-05, 2.33068621d-06/ data u3g / 4.45404604d-07, 6.88336884d-08, 7.23875975d-09/ data zero/0.0d0/ c abermx = zero do 10 k = 1,99 ae1 = abs(y(1,k) - u1(k)) ae2 = abs(y(2,k) - u2(k)) ae3 = abs(y(3,k) - u3(k)) abermx = max(abermx, ae1, ae2, ae3) 10 continue c return c end of subroutine maxerr end