program main c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Demonstration program for the DLSODES package. c This is the version of 14 June 2001. c c This version is in double precision. c c The package is used for each of the relevant values of mf to solve c the problem ydot = A * y, where A is the 9 by 9 sparse matrix c c -4 1 1 c 1 -4 1 1 c 1 -4 1 c -4 1 1 c A = 1 -4 1 1 c 1 -4 1 c -4 1 c 1 -4 1 c 1 -4 c c The initial conditions are y(0) = (1, 2, 3, ..., 9). c Output is printed at t = 1, 2, and 3. c Each case is solved first with nominal (large) values of lrw and liw, c and then with values given by lenrw and leniw (optional outputs) c on the first run, as a check on these computed work array lengths. c If the errors are too large, or other difficulty occurs, c a warning message is printed. c All output is on unit lout, which is data-loaded to 6 below. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- external fdem, jdem integer i, ia, igrid, iopt, iout, irun, istate, itask, itol, 1 iwork, j, ja, k, l, leniw, lenrw, liw, lout, lrw, 2 m, meth, mf, miter, moss, neq, nerr, nfe, nfea, 3 ngp, nje, nlu, nnz, nout, nqu, nst, nzl, nzu double precision atol, erm, ero, hu, rtol, rwork, t, tout, y dimension y(9), ia(10), ja(50), iwork(90), rwork(1000) equivalence (ia(1),iwork(31)), (ja(1),iwork(41)) data lout/6/ c c Write heading and set fixed parameters. write(lout,10) 10 format(/'Demonstration problem for the DLSODES package'//) nerr = 0 igrid = 3 neq = igrid**2 t = 0.0d0 itol = 1 rtol = 0.0d0 atol = 1.0d-5 itask = 1 iopt = 0 do 20 i = 1,neq 20 y(i) = i ia(1) = 1 k = 1 do 60 m = 1,igrid do 50 l = 1,igrid j = l + (m - 1)*igrid if (m .gt. 1) then ja(k) = j - igrid k = k + 1 endif 30 if (l .gt. 1) then ja(k) = j - 1 k = k + 1 endif 35 ja(k) = j k = k + 1 if (l .lt. igrid) then ja(k) = j + 1 k = k + 1 endif 40 ia(j+1) = k 50 continue 60 continue write (lout,80)neq,t,rtol,atol,(y(i),i=1,neq) 80 format(' neq =',i4,5x,'t0 =',f4.1,5x,'rtol =',d12.3,5x, 1 'atol =',d12.3//' Initial y vector = ',9f5.1) c c Loop over all relevant values of mf. do 193 moss = 0,2 do 192 meth = 1,2 do 191 miter = 0,3 if ( (miter.eq.0 .or. miter.eq.3) .and. go to 191 mf = 100*moss + 10*meth + miter write (lout,100) 100 format(//80('*')) c First run: nominal work array lengths, 3 output points. irun = 1 lrw = 1000 liw = 90 nout = 3 110 continue write (lout,120)mf,lrw,liw 120 format(//'Run with mf =',i4,'.',5x, 1 'Input work lengths lrw, liw =',2i6/) do 125 i = 1,neq 125 y(i) = i t = 0.0d0 tout = 1.0d0 istate = 1 ero = 0.0d0 c Loop over output points. Do output and accuracy check at each. do 170 iout = 1,nout call dlsodes (fdem, neq, y, t, tout, itol, rtol, atol, itask, 1 istate, iopt, rwork, lrw, iwork, liw, jdem, mf) nst = iwork(11) hu = rwork(11) nqu = iwork(14) call edit (y, iout, erm) write(lout,140)t,nst,hu,nqu,erm,(y(i),i=1,neq) 140 format('At t =',f5.1,3x,'nst =',i4,3x,'hu =',d12.3,3x, 1 'nqu =',i3,3x,' max. err. =',d11.3/ 2 ' y array = ',4d15.6/5d15.6) if (istate .lt. 0) go to 175 erm = erm/atol ero = max(ero,erm) if (erm .gt. 100.0d0) then write (lout,150) 150 format(//' Warning: error exceeds 100 * tolerance'//) nerr = nerr + 1 endif tout = tout + 1.0d0 170 continue 175 continue if (istate .lt. 0) nerr = nerr + 1 if (irun .eq. 2) go to 191 c Print final statistics (first run only) nst = iwork(11) nfe = iwork(12) nje = iwork(13) lenrw = iwork(17) leniw = iwork(18) nnz = iwork(19) ngp = iwork(20) nlu = iwork(21) nzl = iwork(25) nzu = iwork(26) nfea = nfe if (miter .eq. 2) nfea = nfe - ngp*nje if (miter .eq. 3) nfea = nfe - nje write (lout,180) lenrw,leniw,nst,nfe,nfea,nje,ero 180 format(/'Final statistics for this run:'/ 1 ' rwork size =',i4,' iwork size =',i4/ 2 ' number of steps =',i5/ 3 ' number of f-s =',i5/ 4 ' (excluding J-s) =',i5/ 5 ' number of J-s =',i5/ 6 ' error overrun =',d10.2) if (miter .eq. 1 .or. miter .eq. 2) 1 write (lout,185)nnz,ngp,nlu,nzl,nzu 185 format(' number of nonzeros in J = ',i5/ 1 ' number of J index groups =',i5/ 2 ' number of LU decomp-s =',i5/ 3 ' nonzeros in strict lower factor =',i5/ 4 ' nonzeros in strict upper factor =',i5) if (istate .lt. 0) go to 191 if (miter .eq. 1 .or. miter .eq. 2) 1 call ssout (neq, rwork(21), iwork, lout) c Return for second run: minimal work array lengths, 1 output point. irun = irun + 1 lrw = lenrw liw = leniw nout = 1 go to 110 191 continue 192 continue 193 continue c write (lout,100) write (lout,200) nerr 200 format(//'Number of errors encountered =',i3) stop end subroutine fdem (neq, t, y, ydot) integer neq, i, igrid, j, l, m double precision t, y, ydot dimension y(neq), ydot(neq) data igrid/3/ do 5 i = 1,neq 5 ydot(i) = 0.0d0 do 20 m = 1,igrid do 10 l = 1,igrid j = l + (m - 1)*igrid if (m .ne. 1) ydot(j-igrid) = ydot(j-igrid) + y(j) if (l .ne. 1) ydot(j-1) = ydot(j-1) + y(j) ydot(j) = ydot(j) - 4.0d0*y(j) if (l .ne. igrid) ydot(j+1) = ydot(j+1) + y(j) 10 continue 20 continue return end subroutine jdem (neq, t, y, j, ia, ja, pdj) integer neq, j, ia, ja, igrid, l, m double precision t, y, pdj dimension y(neq), ia(*), ja(*), pdj(neq) data igrid/3/ m = (j - 1)/igrid + 1 l = j - (m - 1)*igrid pdj(j) = -4.0d0 if (m .ne. 1) pdj(j-igrid) = 1.0d0 if (l .ne. 1) pdj(j-1) = 1.0d0 if (l .ne. igrid) pdj(j+1) = 1.0d0 return end subroutine edit (y, iout, erm) integer iout, i, neq double precision y, erm, er, yex dimension y(*),yex(9,3) data neq /9/ data yex /6.687279d-01, 9.901910d-01, 7.603061d-01, 1 8.077979d-01, 1.170226e+00, 8.810605d-01, 5.013331d-01, 2 7.201389d-01, 5.379644d-01, 1.340488d-01, 1.917157d-01, 3 1.374034d-01, 1.007882d-01, 1.437868d-01, 1.028010d-01, 4 3.844343d-02, 5.477593d-02, 3.911435d-02, 1.929166d-02, 5 2.735444d-02, 1.939611d-02, 1.055981d-02, 1.496753d-02, 6 1.060897d-02, 2.913689d-03, 4.128975d-03, 2.925977d-03/ erm = 0.0d0 do 10 i = 1,neq er = abs(y(i) - yex(i,iout)) 10 erm = max(erm,er) return end subroutine ssout (neq, iwk, iwork, lout) integer neq, iwk, iwork, lout integer i, i1, i2, ipian, ipjan, nnz dimension iwk(*), iwork(*) ipian = iwork(23) ipjan = iwork(24) nnz = iwork(19) i1 = ipian i2 = i1 + neq write (lout,10)(iwk(i),i=i1,i2) 10 format(/' structure descriptor array ian ='/(20i4)) i1 = ipjan i2 = i1 + nnz - 1 write (lout,20)(iwk(i),i=i1,i2) 20 format(/' structure descriptor array jan ='/(20i4)) return end